
索尼SONY WM-GX788 walkman Manual说明书

索尼SONY WM-GX788 walkman Manual说明书

“WALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation to represent Headphone Stereo products.
is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
The validity of the CE marking is restricted to only those countries where it is legally enforced, mainly in the countries EEA (European Economic Area). CE 标志的有效性,仅限于那些有法律限制的国家,主要在 EEA(欧洲经济 区)国家。
Prepare a dry battery (not supplied) or the rechargeable battery (supplied).
Dry Battery A
Attach the supplied battery case, and then insert one R6 (size AA) battery with correct polarity.
Do not use the unit while charging. Remove the unit from the charging stand when using it. – If you operate the unit while
charging, the battery will not be charged. – If you operate the unit while charging, it may cause malfunction. – Do not place the unit on the charging stand without the rechargeable battery. Otherwise, it may cause malfunction.



索引 ....................................... 37
本说明书介绍如何使用 CD 播放机。有关附带的 SonicStage 软件,请参阅“安装/操作指南”。
视文本和字符的类型而定,SonicStage 上显示的 文本在设备上可能无法正确显示。这是因为: - 所连接播放机的限制。 - 播放机没有正确工作。 本说明书主要介绍了遥控器上的控制键。 视您使用本播放机的地区而定,遥控器上所显示 的指示可能与操作说明书中列出的那些图示可能 稍有不同。 ATRAC3plus 是 Sony 公司的商标。 “WALKMAN”是 Sony Corporation 注册的商标, 代表 Headphone Stereo 产品。 是 Sony Corporation 的商标。
MPEG-1 Layer3 MPEG-2 Layer3 MPEG-2.5 Layer3 32 - 320 kbps 8 - 160 kbps 8 - 160 kbps
32/44.1/48 kHz 16/22.05/23 kHz 8/11.025/12 kHz
本 CD 播放机符合 ID3 标记格式的 1.0/1.1/2.2/2.3/2.4 版。ID3 标记是一 种用于向 MP3 文件添加某些信息(曲目名称、唱片名称、艺术家姓名等)的格 式。本 CD 播放机最多可以显示 64 个字符的 ID3 标记信息。
• 若有任何固体或液体掉进 CD 播放机 内,请立即断开所有电源,并经合格的 专业技术人员检查后方可再行使用。 • 切勿将任何外物放在 DC IN 3 V(外部 电源输入)插孔内。
交通安全 请不要在驾驶、骑车或操作任何机动车辆 时使用耳机。否则,可能引发交通事故, 而且,这在某些地区属违法行为。另外, 在行走,尤其是通过十字路口时,将耳机 音量调得过高也可能产生危险。在具有潜 在危险的情况下,您应小心谨慎地使用或 停止使用播放机。 保护听力 避免以高音量使用耳机。听力专家建议不 要连续、高音量、长时间地使用播放机。 如果您出现了耳鸣现象,请调低音量或停 止使用播放机。 顾及他人 将音量保持适中,以便您既可以听到外界 的声音,又可以照顾到周围的人。



触觉点 颈带 耳塞 耳机部分 HUF(随机)/ S PLAYLISTS钮
4 按照画面指示进行操作。
安装程序完成后,电脑桌面上会出现HelpGuide标记(快 捷方式)。
VOL +*1/-钮

端子 OPR(工作)指示灯 电源锁定开关 (电源)钮 /钮 RESET钮 钮*1
如何安装随附软件 如何使用 “WALKMAN”
1 使用USB底座(提供)将Walkman连接到运行的
2 在电脑上进行以下选择。
©2013 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia 2012/12 数码音频播放器 使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并请妥善保管
4 将颈带悬挂在耳朵后面。 5 将耳机部分放入耳朵中。 6 调节Walkman至感觉舒适为止。
说明 佩戴装有调节带的Walkman后,请将调节带调节到感觉舒适的位 置。
按(向后)或(向 前)钮。
如果游泳时Walkman从耳朵中掉落,请使用游泳镜的带子固定调节 带。
(提供)上。即使没有正确连接也会开始 充电(OPR指示灯以红色点亮),但有可 能是电脑未识别Walkman。在这种情况 下,请从USB底座(提供)上取下 Walkman,然后再次安装到USB底座(提 供)上。 剩余电池电量低或不足。 对电池充电。首次使用Walkman时,或 者长时间未使用Walkman时,即使充电 已经开始(OPR指示灯以红色点亮), 也可能需要几分钟才能被电脑识别。查 看Walkman与电脑相连约5分钟后能否被 电脑识别。 电脑正在运行一个非传送时使用的软件。 断开USB底座(提供)的连接,等待几 分钟后再重新连接。如果该问题仍然存 在,请断开USB底座(提供)的连接, 重新启动电脑,然后再重新连接USB底 座(提供)。 将Windows Media Player 11或更高版本 安装到Windows电脑上之后,安装随附软 件。有关Windows Media Player的详情, 请参阅以下网站: /

SONY Stereo headset DR-270DP 立体声耳机 说明书

SONY Stereo headset DR-270DP 立体声耳机 说明书
区港南 1-7-1 总经销商 : 索尼(中国)有
限公司 地址 : 中国北京市朝阳
区东三环北路霞 光里 18 号佳程大 厦 A 座 25 层 原产地 : 泰国 出版日期 : 2009 年 3 月
超小可折式設計,方便攜帶 及存放。
樹脂材質的柔軟舒壓耳機軟 墊,佩戴舒適。
高敏感度內建麥克風及插頭 座設計,舒適使用耳機。
-35 dB(0 dB = 1 V/Pa) 有效频率范围: 20 – 20000 Hz
< 附件 >
* IEC = 国际电工委员会 设计和规格如有变更,恕不另 行通知。
注意不要在大音量情况下使 用耳机。否则,由于麦克风 拾取耳机单元的较响声音, 您可能会听到声音反馈(啸 叫声)。
:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/ T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。
×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超 出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。
To headphone jack (black)
3# ⥯᳃⸈#ᄋ⦋#⧇⸈#ᄋ⤛#ཌཌ#
ʾ၇#ʸ#㞧☧ཋ#⥯ᜏᮨ#㤯ᠧ⒖ ⪏#立⧴㢴ᘓᘯ1 ◬⯴᨜ᅀ#㋜ᵥᥘ一#⪊។#ᤙ⪈#ᚸ Ⲵ⻈ᅀ#⅜☝㪘ᆰᗘ#ἈⲴ㖬ᶜ㤰#ᅐ ᤄẼ#ⶰⵕ㪘ᵤᾴ#㪘᨜Ⱘ⫴+SF,⮀# 㪨ᐘ#ⵜስᥜ#◬⯩#♤῅♜Ẽ#ㅸⶰ 㪘⬬#⸼⠭⠜⭤1
Ẳⱞ㕖ᵆ㣚#㧶᳖ዢ#⇞ᇪ㩂ጚ +㧶᳖ዢ#ᳲ➎㞢+Soxj#Uhvw,# ቖⵚ,
连接至麦克风 插孔(粉红色)/ 連接至麥克風 插孔(粉紅色)






3、SHUFFLE 按键功能:正常开机播放是蓝灯闪,短按功能键(就是左边的小圆按键)是单曲循环---红灯闪,再短按一次是红灯和蓝灯交替闪---随机播放,再短按第三次回到蓝灯闪---顺序播放,长按是切换文件夹,如果没有文件夹就还是播放当前歌曲。














digital walkman Manual(1)说明书

digital walkman Manual(1)说明书

Page 1
如 MP1、MP2、MP3、WMA 等音樂格式。
●FM 身歷聲收音機
強大自動搜索電臺或手動搜索電臺功能,可存儲 40 個(每個制式 20 個)不同頻率的電臺,讓您輕鬆收 聽電臺節目。
●FM 內錄功能
‧選擇調台模式: 撥動 Last/Next 鍵可以向前或者向後順序收聽已保存的電臺。
‧選擇全自動搜台: 全自動搜台將會自動搜索全頻道(87.5M~~108M),並且把搜索到的電臺自動保存
●搜索級別 總共分為 8 個等級,等級越高,自動搜索對信號強度要求越高。
●保存電臺 可以把手動搜到的頻道按順序保存起來,“普通頻段”和“日本頻段”可以各自最多保存 20 個台
Page 8
5.撥動 Next 鍵選擇,短按 Mode 鍵確認 選擇:
λ 各種音效(EQ):
(自然效果,Natural) (搖滾效果,Rock) (流行效果,Pop) (古典效果,Classical) (柔和效果,Soft) (爵士效果,Jazz) (重低音,DBB)
3.短按 Mode 鍵進入錄音模式
錄音模式: 4.短按 Play 鍵就開始錄音
5..短按 Play 鍵就暫停錄音。(時間閃爍)
6.短按 Play 鍵就繼續錄音。
6.長按按 Play 鍵就停止錄音
錄製的聲音存儲在“錄音停止子功能表/主盤目錄"中設定的當前目錄裏。 如果顯示幕上顯示“空間滿",代表沒有空間記錄新的錄音檔案,請刪除其他的檔案以釋放空間。 如果顯示幕上顯示“目錄已滿",代表本目錄已經有 99 個錄音檔案,請換一個目錄。

索尼WALKMAN W播音器说明书

索尼WALKMAN W播音器说明书

PlayStation™ Certified^ • Radio (FM radio with RDS) • YouTube™^
3.5 mm audio jack (CTIA) • Bluetooth™ 4.0 wireless technology • DLNA Certified® • NFC • Screen Mirroring • USB High speed 2.0 support • Xperia Link™ • Wi-Fi®
Xperia™ M specifications
Black • White
Size: 124 x 62 x 9.3 mm • Weight: 115 grams Operating system: Google™ Android™ 4.1 (Jelly Bean) Processor: 1 GHz Qualcomm MSM8227 dual-core
Facts and features may vary depending on local variant. Operational times are affected by network preferences, type of SIM card, connected accessories and various activities e.g. playing games. Kit contents and colour options may differ from market to market. The full range of accessories may not be available in every market. Icons are for illustrative purposes only. Sony, make.believe, WALKMAN, WALKMAN W logo, Sony Entertainment Network, PlayMemories Online, Exmor RS and xLoud are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. Xperia and TrackID are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Mobile Communications AB. Android, Google Chrome, Google Play, Google Maps and Google Mail are trademarks of Google Inc. Snapdragon is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. Facebook is a trademark or registered trademark of Facebook Inc. PlayStation is a trademark or registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. All terms are subject to change without prior notice. Additional information regarding trademarks may be located on our website at: /global-en/legal/trademarks-and-copyright/. Sony Mobile Communications AB, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden.

SONY E-Series Walkman MP3播放器详细说明说明书

SONY E-Series Walkman MP3播放器详细说明说明书

The Sony® E-Series Walkman® MP3 Player delivers up to 50 hours1 ofmusic –with video and photo playback plus FM radio just to sweeten thedeal. With delicious colors, Windows® drag and drop functionality anddigitally restorative Sony® Clear Audio Technologies, the E-Series is blingto the ears and eyes.Bullets• Digital music, video & photo player with FM radio• 2” QVGA (320x240) high-brightness, color LCD• Rechargeable battery with up to 50 hours audio playback1• Easy content transfer with Media Go™ for Windows®• Exclusive Sony® Clear Audio Technologies enhances sound• Synchronized Lyric Feature• Built-in Voice Recording• 5 User Configurable Playlists with Song Bookmarking• Create Channels with SensMe™ feature• Language Learning Function• Alarm and timer function• Compact design with 16 GB internal memory2• EX Headphones and USB cable includedFeaturesTake your entertainment with youThe compact design of the Sony® NWZ-E460 series Walkman® MP3 Player allows you enjoy your favorite audio and video files, look at personal photos or simply listen to the built in FM radio. Lightning-fast LCD displayThe 2" QVGA (320x240) high-brightness screen, color LCD provides fast, rich viewing of photos, videos, and album artwork.Rechargeable battery built-inThe built-in lithium ion battery provides up to 50 hours of audio playback or 10 hours of video playback per charge.1Easy Content TransferThe Media Go™ application for Windows® allows you to transfer your favorite music, videos, playlists, and photos to your Walkman® easily. You can drag and drop the data from iTunes® for Windows, Windows Media Player or Windows Explorer.Solid soundExclusive Sony® Clear Audio Technologies - Clear Stereo, Clear Bass Audio Technologies and Digital Sound Enhancement Engine - restore the clarity and depth of digitally compressed music. Synchronized Lyric FeatureLoad .lrc lyric files for your favorite songs and set the lyrics to scroll by in sync to the music.Built-in Voice RecordingThe integrated microphone and adjustable bit rate makes the voice recording function easy to use.Bookmarking with Multiple PlaylistsUsers can bookmark songs and add them to 5 configurable playlists.SpecificationsCreate Channels with SensMe™ featureSensMe™ tone analysis keeps your music in tune with your mood. SensMe software application automatically groups your music into channels based on beats-per-minute, making listening and managing your content even simpler.Language Learning FunctionLearning a new language is made easier thanks to the adjustable playback speed control, A-B repeat and rewind functions.Keep track of timeThe NWZ-E460 Walkman® player has a built in clock function with alarm and sleep timer.Big Storage CapacityStreamlined for portability, the NWZ-E464 can store hours of music, videos and personal photos thanks to the internal 16 GB memory 2.Open, charge and listenEverything you needs is in the box including USB cable and soft hybrid silicone EX headphones.1. Actual battery life will vary based on product settings, usage patterns and environmental conditions.2. 1 GB equals 1 billion bytes, a portion of which is used for data management functions.© 2011 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Sony, Walkman, SensMe and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. iTunes is a trademarkof Apple Inc . All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Updated: October 28, 2011。

SONY NE730说明书

SONY NE730说明书

本 CD 播放机可以播放的光盘类型
音频 CD:
CD-DA 格式 CD CD-DA(Compact Disc Digital Audio,光盘数 码音频)是用于音频 CD 的录制标准。
以 ATRAC 格式录制的压缩音频数据 CD-R/CD-RW* ATRAC 是用于表示 Sony Corporation 音频编解码技术 ATRAC3、ATRAC3plus 和 ATRAC Advanced Lossless** 的一般术语。ATRAC3 和 ATRAC3plus 具有较 高质量的压缩率,而 ATRAC Advanced Lossless** 则具有无数据损失的压缩 率,它们结合在一起可提供非常多样的播放速率。
音频 CD、 MP3 文件
用此 CD 播放机播放这些歌曲。
使用一张原创 CD,您可以随身携带大量的歌曲。
• 需要具有可以访问互联网的适当系统环境。有关详情,请参阅计算 机的说明手册。 • 有关如何安装 SonicStage 和制作 ATRAC CD 的说明,请访问指 定的 SonicStage 下载站点并了解相关信息。此外,也可以查阅 SonicStage 帮助章节。
* 在一张 CD(唱片)的总播放时间估计为 60 分钟并且用 48 kbps 的速度以 ATRAC 格式刻录在 700 MB CD-R/CD-RW 上时。
对于所购机型随附 SonicStage (CD-ROM) 的客户 • 可以从随附的 CD-ROM 安装 SonicStage。 • 请参阅随附的“安装/操作指南”,了解如何安装 SonicStage 及如何制作 ATRAC CD。
• 若有任何固体或液体掉进 CD 播放机


如何安装捆绑软件 如何使用 “WALKMAN”
使用USB连接线(提供)将“WALKMAN”连接到 运行的电脑。
USB连接线(1) 耳塞(S、L尺寸)(成套提供) 购买时安装的是M尺寸的耳塞。 快速入门指南(本手册)(1) 有关防水规格的说明(1) 软件 软件存储在“WALKMAN”的内置闪存中并包括以下项目: Content Transfer WALKMAN Guide 用户手册等 有关如何安装软件的详情,请参阅“如何安装捆绑软件(含用户手册)”。
打开电源并将 “WALKMAN” 放在耳朵中。
1 2 3 4 5
查看“WALKMAN”的左侧()和右侧 ()部件。 将位于右侧()部分的POWER开关滑至 ON位置打开“WALKMAN”。 将颈带悬挂在耳朵后面。 将耳机部分放入耳朵中。 调节“WALKMAN”至感觉舒适为止。
执行 [Setup.exe] 后,电脑桌面上会出现WALKMAN Guide快捷方 式。 在“WALKMAN”与电脑相连的情况下,捆绑软件安装完成时, Content Transfer会自动启动。
中国大陆地区的用户 使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并请妥善保管 数码音频播放器
*1 Content Transfer支持从iTunes 9.0到“WALKMAN”的数据传送。


索尼爱立信Live with Walkman系列开机指南翻译程序分析说明书

索尼爱立信Live with Walkman系列开机指南翻译程序分析说明书

Journal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-48AN ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATING PROCEDURES ON SONY ERICSSON LIVE WITH WALKMAN SERIES STARTUP GUIDENaufal Purnama Satriadi************************.id*Graduated in January 2014 from English Education Study Program of Indonesia University ofEducationAbstract: The present research entitled Analysis of Translating Procedures on Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Series Startup Guide aims at analyzing the translation procedures and determining the translation quality of Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide. A qualitative descriptive method was employed to analyze the data by referring to two theories of translating procedures proposed by Newmark (1988) and Vinay & Darbelnet (2000) and a number of theories of quality of translation: Barnwell (1980, in Larson 1984), Larson (1984), etc. The result of data analysis shows that there are six translation procedures found in the text: Borrowing or Transference (54 itemsor 27%), Calque or Through Translation (12 items or 6%), Literal or Word for Word Translation (31 items or 15.5%), Transposition (42 items or 21%), Adaptation or Naturalization (43 items or 21.5%), and Reduction (18 items or 9%). Moreover, the data analysis result also reveals that the quality of translation is good based on the percentages of acceptable translation (94%) and unacceptable translation (6%). In the words level there are 76 acceptable items and 10 unacceptable items. Next, in the phrases level there are 60 acceptable items and 2 unacceptable items. Then, in the sentences level there are 52 acceptable items and no unacceptable items. Furthermore, the total acceptable items in the text are 188 items (76 words, 60 phrases, and 52 sentences) or 94 % from 200 items and for the unacceptable items there are 12 items (10 words, 2 phrases, and 0 sentences) or 6% from 200 items.Keywords: Translation procedures, Translation qualityNaufal Purnama SatriadiAn Analysis of Translating Procedures on Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Series Startup Guide IntroductionNowadays, translation has an important role especially for people in Indonesia. This is owing to the fact that only little information is available in Bahasa Indonesia. That is, a great deal of information is mostly presented in foreign languages, particularly in English (Choliludin, 2005, p.1). In many places in Indonesia, one can find many text books, journals, news articles, movies, and advertisements are addressed in English. This situation may become a barrier for someone who wants to get information from English texts.Based on the descriptions above, translation plays a crucial role for people to get information which is written in English. Regarding this, Weber (1984, p.3) says that translation is the process of transposition of a text written in a source language into a target language, which in this case is from English into Indonesian.Literature Review∙Definition of TranslationDefinitions of translation have been proposed by a number of translation experts. Regarding this, it is defined by Newmark (1988) that translation is “the process of rendering the meaning of a text into another language in a way that the author intended the text” (Newmark, 1998, p. 5). In addition, Bell (1991) states that translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in a second language (1991, p. 6).∙Translation ProceduresIt has been proposed by a number of translation theorists that a translator needs to use translation procedures translating a text (Newmark, 1988). In what follow is some procedures proposed by some translation theorists:1.Word-for-word translation,2.Transference or Borrowing,3.Calque or Through Translation,4.Transposition or Shift,5.Modulation,6.Equivalence,7.Naturalization,8.Cultural Equivalent,9.Functional Equivalent,10.Descriptive Equivalent,11.Synonymy,12.Recognized Translation,13.Translation Label,pensation,Journal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-4815.Reduction and Expansion,16.Paraphrase,17.Couplets,18.Notes, Additions, Glosses.∙Criteria of a Good Translation Barnwell (1980) in Larson (1984) proposed that there are 3 main aspects ofa good translation:1.Accuracy2.Clarity3.NaturalnessThose 3 main aspects would be applied in this research in order to find out the translation quality of Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide.Methodology∙DesignThe research employed qualitative descriptive method as the research methodology. This is because the researcher analyzed the data descriptively and the presentation of the result was in a form of explanation of words which would be supported by data presented in the form of tables. With regard to the description above, it is indicated by Fraenkel and Wallen (2012, p.426) that a study that investigates the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials is frequently refer to as qualitative research Fraenkel and Wallen (2012, p.426).∙SampleIn conducting descriptive research, as suggested by Fraenkel and Wallen (1993) a researcher must at least have sample with a minimum number of 100 (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1993, p.83).The current research used 200 samples to be analyzed.∙Data CollectionThere were some steps in collecting the data:1.The researcher presented and listedthe translation of Sony EricssonLive with Walkman Startup Guide.In this step, the researcher countedall sentences in the manual bookand then selected 200 sentences tobe analyzed.2.The researcher read and learnedboth the English version and theIndonesian version of the selectedsentences. In this step, theresearcher analyzed the sentencesin order to find out the translationprocedure used in every selectedsentence.3.The researcher sought the relevanttheories related to translationprocedures and translation qualityfrom some books, literatures, andinternet sources.∙Data AnalysisAfter the data were collected, the data were analyzed to find the answers to the research questions. Furthermore, the collected data was analyzed by using the following steps:1.Juxtaposing the English versionand Indonesian version to checkthe translation2.Identifying and classifying thetranslation procedures accordingto their types, based on thetheoretical foundations that areproposed by some experts, whichhave been mentioned in chaptertwo.3.Calculating the total number andpercentage of each procedure tofind out the amount of eachprocedure based on the followingformula:x 100%P = Number of percentageF = Frequency of translation procedureN = Number of whole sample4.Judging the quality of thetranslation based on some theoriesdescribed in chapter two by usingthe same formula with the thirdstep. This step is supported bysome experts in determining thequality of translation.5.Drawing conclusionData Presentation and Discussion∙Translation Procedures in Sony Ericsson Live with WalkmanStartup GuideIn the end of the research, there were six translation procedures found in the text.Table 1 Percentages of the translation procedures in Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup GuideJournal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-48The table above shows the numerical data of the translation procedures that were employed in Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide. Based on this finding, it is very obvious that the procedures mostly used in the text, from the highest to the lowest percentages are borrowing/transference(56 items or 28%), adaptation/naturalization(42 items or 21%), transposition (42 items or 21%), literal/word for word (32 items or 16%), reduction(16 items or 8%), and Calque/through-translation(12 items or 6%).∙BorrowingThe first procedure is borrowing/transference. Borrowing of transference is a process of transferring the SL (Source Language) into the TL (Target Language) in which the words ofthe text become “loan words” because there is no change of form when transferring SL text into the TL (Vinay and Darbelnet, 2000). Some examples of borrowing found in the data analysis are presented in the following table:Table 2 Examples of Borrowing orTransference Translation ProcedureAll the SL words in the table above are not lexicalized into TL. They were transferred without changing the original forms because they had no equivalent meaning in the TL. That is, the words “headset”, “walkman”, ”sensor”, ”google”, “android market”, “nokia”, “symbian S60”, “IPhone”, “PC”, “ITunes”are easy to understand by the reader.∙AdaptationThe second translation procedure mostly found in translating the text is adaptation or Naturalization translation procedure. Adaptation or Naturalization is the procedure that succeeds, transfers, and adapts the SL word first to normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL (Newmark, 1988). The examples of adaptation procedure investigated in the text are presented in the following table:Table 3 Examples of Adaptation or Naturalization Translation ProcedureThe examples in the table above were categorized as adaptation or naturalizationtranslationprocedurebecause all of them had been adapted to normal pronunciation and morphology of the TL. That is, most of Indonesian use those words in many occasions in their daily activities such as at work, at school, etc. The TL has almost the same sense of words with the SL; the translation resembles the SL form, so the meaning is delivered well. This case is relevant to the theory proposed by Newmark (1998, p.82).TranspositionThe next translation procedure that was found in the Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide is transposition .Transposition or Shift is a translation procedure that is proposed by Catford (1965) and Vinay and Darbelnet (2000). They assert that this is a kind oftranslation procedure which involves a change in the grammar from the SL to the TL. In what follows are some examples of transposition procedure:Table 4 Examples of Transpositiontranslation ProcedureIt can be seen clearly that there were changes position in the examples above. The translator chose transposition to translate those sentences in order to produce acceptable translations. With regard to this, if the translator applied word for word translation to translate the words, the meaning would be awkward. For example, if the phrase “step by step instructions” was translated “petunjuk langkah demi langkah” the translation was more acceptable and understandable than “langkah demi langkah petunjuk” in which the phrase “langkah de mi langkah petunjuk” was translated using word for wordtranslationprocedure.Thisexplanation goes with the theory suggested by Catford (1965) and Newmark (1988)whostatethatJournal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-48transposition involves a change in the grammar from the SL to the TL.∙LiteralAnother translation procedure found in Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide was literal translation or word-for-word translation. This kind of translation procedure is considered as the easiest or the most effortless translation procedure (Fawcet, 1997, p.36). Regarding this, it is said that the TL was translated one-by-one and literally by their most common meanings, they also have no changes in their form (Newmark, 1998, p.45). The examples are presented in the following table: Table 5 Examples of Literal or Word-for-Word Translation ProcedureThe examples in the table above were categorized as literal or word-for-word translation because the translator translated completely all of the words so that the meaning was identical to the SL. This is relevant to the theory proposed by Newmark (1998) who stated that literal translation transfers SL text to the nearest equivalence of the TL text, meaning that this is also referred to as word for word translation.∙ReductionReduction is the omission of information considered to be unnecessary or unlikely to make sense to the target-language reader. It is in line with what Newmark (1988, p. 90) andFawcet (1997, p. 47) in which reduction is used to make simplicity in creating meaning. In this text, the amount of this procedure reached 16 items or 8%. Here are the examples of reduction translation procedure found in the manual translation:Table 6 Examples of ReductionTranslation ProcedureThe sentences above indicate omissions. In the examples above, the preposition “to” in all sentences, the word “your” in the sentence “to change your home screen wallpaper”, and the word “a” in the sentence “to end a call” w erenot translated. The translator might do it to omit unimportant parts. It is on the contrary to the expansion translation procedure because in the expansion translation procedure the text needs an addition to produce a clear translation i.e. the meaning seem sensible, as declared by Barnwell (1980 as cited in Larson 1984), and Nida and Taber (1982).∙CalqueThrough-translation is the literal translation of phrase or idiom (Newmark, 1988, p.46). Besides, Vinay and Darbelnet (2000) in Munday (2001) has another term for this translation procedure. Their term is known as calque. In this text, calque or through-translation was used in order to translate phrases or common collocations. Here are the examples of reduction translation procedure found in the manual translation:Table 7 Examples of Calque or Through-Translation Procedureabove were categorized as calque or through-translation translation procedure because they were common collocations. This is consistent with what Newmark (1998) and Vinay and Darbelnet (1995, in Munday, 2001) declare that through translation or calque is used to translate common collocations.∙Translation Quality in Sony Ericsson Live with WalkmanStartup GuideBased on data analysis, the frequency of acceptable translations reached 188 items or 94%. Meanwhile, the unacceptable translations were only 12 items or 6%. It proves that overall the translation quality of Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide was good or acceptable.Founded on the table 4.10, in the words column there are 76 acceptable items and 10 unacceptable items. Next, in the phrases column there were more acceptable items (60 items from 62 items) than unacceptable items (2 items from 62 items). Then, in the sentences column there are 52 items and no unacceptable items. Furthermore, the total acceptable items in the text are 188 items (76 words, 60 phrases, and 52 sentences) or 94 % from 200 items and for the unacceptable items there are 12 items (10 words, 2 phrases, and 0 sentence) or 6% from 200 items.Journal of English and Education 2014, 2(1), 39-48ConclusionsBased on the findings and discussion presented in the previous chapter, the research actually had reached its aims. Based on the result of data analysis, two points can be concluded. There are the conclusion of translation procedure and the translation quality of Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman Startup Guide. Firstly, for the translation procedures the researcher found several translation procedures applied by the translator. The findings, sorting from the highest to the lowest percentage are as follows: borrowing/transference(54 items or 27%), adaptation/naturalization (43 items or 21.5%), transposition(42 items or 21%), literal/word-for-word (31 items or 15.5%), reduction(18 items or 9%), and Calque/through-translation (12 items or 6%).Founded on the data analysis, the result showed that the translation quality of the text was good. From the samples, there were 94% or 188 items which were acceptable or had a good quality of translation and the rest were unacceptable (6% or 12 items). This result is supported by Barnwell (1980) in Larson (1984). In the words there are 76 acceptable items and 10 unacceptable items. Next, in the phrases there were more acceptable items (60 items from 62 items) than unacceptable items (2 items from 62 items). Then, in the sentences there are 52 items and no unacceptable items. Furthermore, the total acceptable items in the text are 188 items (76 words, 60 phrases, and 52 sentences) or 94 % from 200 items and for the unacceptable items there are 12 items (10 words, 2 phrases, and 0 sentence) or 6% from 200 items.ReferencesBell, R. T. (1991). Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice.London: Longman.Catford, J. C. (1965). A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: OxfordUniversity Press.Choliludin.( 2005). The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation.Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc. Fawcett.P. (1997). Translation and Language Linguistic TheoriesExplained. Manchester: St. JeromePublishing.)Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. G.(1993).How To Design EvaluateResearch in Education-SecondEdition. Singapore: Mc. Graw HillBook Co.Fraenkell, J. R, &Wallen N. E.(2012).How to Design andEvaluate Research in Education(Eight Ed.). New York: Mc. Graw-Hill International Edition. Larson, M. L. (1984). Meaning-Based Translation. New York: Universityof America.Munday, J. (2001). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories andApplications. London and NewYork: Routledge.Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. London: Prentice HallInternational.Nida, E. A. and Taber, Charles R. (1982).The Theory and Practice ofherlands: E. J.Brill, Leiden.Vinay, J, & Darbelnet, J. (2000). A Methodology for Translation.London: Routledge Weber, W. K. (1984). Training Translation and ConferenceInterpreters. New Jersey: PrenticeHall Regents.。

Sony NWZ-W263可穿戴无线MP3播放器说明书

Sony NWZ-W263可穿戴无线MP3播放器说明书

Perfect for indoor or outdoor training, the wireless one-piece W-SeriesMP3Player’s unique spiral form design comfortably stays put and out of theway while you work out. No more tangled headphones. A moisture-resistant seal keeps sweat out, while you enjoy true-to-life, deep basssound. So you can reach your personal best.Bullets• One-piece wearable music player for wire-free workouts• Water-resistant3 design holds up during intense workouts• Drag & drop from iTunes® (PC) or Windows® Media Player• Compact design with 4 GB internal memory2• 3-min quick charge = up to 60-min of battery life1• Easy navigation of songs & folders• Enjoy playlist compatibility (PC) & shuffle mode• Crystal clear sound and deep bass• ZAPPIN™ search plays about 4 or 15-second music clips• USB cable, holder and S/M/L ear-buds includedFeaturesWearable and Wire-freeThis one-piece music player’s unique band comfortably floats on the back of your neck, allowing you to be wire-free, hands-free, and without distraction whether you’re at the gym or outdoors working out.Water-resistant3The water resistant design is IPx5 rated and holds up to intense workouts.Drag, drop and goWith a Walkman player, you are never tied to just one music service. Just drag and drop MP3s from iTunes® for Windows®, Windows® Media Player or Internet Explorer® and enjoy. Now that’s freedom.Storage CapacityThe NWZ-W263 series can store hours of music thanks to the internal 4 GB memory2.Quick charge batteryUse the included USB cable to get up to 60 minutes of use on just 3 minutes of charge1. With an impressive total battery life of up to 8 hours on a full charge1, the NWZ-W263 is ready when you are.Navigate your song libraryGetting around in your music is simple with the rocker switch. A quick tap changes songs and a tap and hold changes folders while in all play mode. In playlist mode a quick tap changes songs and a tap and hold changes the playlist.Playlist compatibleCreate your favorite playlists in iTunes® for Windows® or Windows Media Player and drag them to the Walkman® player. Use shuffle mode to mix it up.High Quality SoundExclusive Sony Clear Audio Technologies – Clear Stereo and Clear Bass Audio Technologies for deeper, richer sound.Music to match your paceSpecificationsFind the perfect music for the moment using the ZAPPIN™ search feature, allowing you to easily navigate through your song collection by playing back main melodies.1. Actual battery life may vary based on product settings, usage patterns and environmental conditions. Battery capacity decreases over time and use.2. 1 GB equals 1 billion bytes, a portion of which is used for data management functions.3. Water-resistant certified to the IPX5 standard.© 2011 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, Walkman, ZAPPIN, and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. iTunes is a trademark of Apple Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Updated: September 16, 2011。

NWZ-W252BLK W-Series Walkman 运动无线耳机说明书

NWZ-W252BLK W-Series Walkman 运动无线耳机说明书

Workout without wiresThis one-piece music player’s unique spiral form comfortably floatson the back of your neck, allowing you to be hands-free, cord-free, and without distraction whether you’re at the gym or outdoors working out. The built-in sound-isolating, 13.5mm EX headphones can be adjusted for fit with three included pairs of earbuds.Water-resistant2Water resistant design holds up during intense workouts.2Drag, drop and goEasily load your music by dragging and dropping music files fromiTunes , Windows Media Player, or Windows Explorer.® ® ®Simple navigation of your song libraryGetting around in your music is simple with the Jog Lever™ feature. A quick flip changes songs and a flip and hold changes folders while in all play mode. In playlist mode a quick flip changes songs and a flip and hold changes the playlist.Quick charge batteryUse the included USB cable to get up to a 90 minute charge in just 3 minutes. With an impressive total battery life of up to 11 hours , the W252 is ready when you are. 1 1 Music to match your paceFind the perfect music for the moment using the ZAPPIN™ search feature, allowing you to easily navigate through your song collection by playing back main melodies. Use the Jog Dial™ key to scroll and select your ideal track without the need for buttons.Sony Electronics Inc. • 16530 Via Esprillo • S an Diego, CA 92127 • 1.800.222.7669 • w Last Updated: 03/08/2011Please visit the Dealer Source for current information at/dealersourceFeaturesWorkout without wires This one-piece music player’s uniquespiral form comfortably floats on the back of your neck, allowing you to be hands-free, cord-free, and withoutdistraction whether you’re at the gym or outdoors working out. The built-in sound-isolating, 13.5mm EX headphones can be adjusted for fit with three included pairs of earbuds.Water-resistant Water resistant design holds up during intense workouts.2 2 Drag, drop and go Easily load your music by dragging and dropping music files from iTunes , Windows Media Player, or Windows Explorer.® ® ® Simple navigation of your song library Getting around in your music is simple with the Jog Lever™ feature. A quick flipchanges songs and a flip and hold changes folders while in all play mode. In playlist mode a quick flip changes songs and a flip and hold changes the playlist.Quick charge battery Use the included USB cable to get up to 90 minute charge in just 3 minutes. With an impressive total battery life of up to 11 hours, the W252 is ready when you are.1 1 Music to match your pace Find the perfect music for the moment using the ZAPPIN™ search feature, allowing you to easily navigate through your song collection by playing back main melodies. Use the Jog Dial™ key to scroll and select your ideal track without the need for buttons.SpecificationsGeneralMusic Storage Capacity (Approx): 1.68 GB (1,812,660,224 bytes)AudioAVLS: AVLS Volume Limit ON/OFFFormat(s) Supported: MP3/ AAC/ WMA (DRM)/ WMT Capable Frequency Response: 20 - 20,000Hz (when playing back data file, single signal measurement) Audio Power Output: 5 + 5mWAudio FeaturesPlay Mode: Normal / Shuffle / ZAPPIN™ (Short or Long)Convenience FeaturesMultiple Language Display: NoHardwareHeadphone Type: Closed, dynamic 13.5mm, dome type System Requirements: Computer:IBM PC/AT or compatible computer preinstalled with the following Windows operating systems:- Windows® XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2 or later) - Windows® XP Professional (Service Pack 2 or later) - Windows Vista® Home Basic (Service Pack 1) - Windows Vista® Home Premium (Service Pack 1) - Windows Vista® Business (Service Pack 1) - Windows Vista® Ultimate (Service Pack 1) Not supporting 64 bit version OS.Operating ConditionsOperating Temperature: 41 'F to 95 'F (5 'C to 35 'C)PowerBattery Indicator: LED Battery Life Indicator (Green/Orange/Red)Power Type: Built-in Rechargeable Li-ion BatteryBattery Life (Approx): Music: 11 hrs. (MP3 128kbps)Battery Charging (Approx): USB-based:Approx. 1.5 Hrs (full charge), Approx. 3 Minutes (approx. 90 minutes playback)Inputs and OutputsHeadphone Output(s): Cord Free DesignUSB Port(s): USB mini-B connecter Hi-Speed USB(USB 2.0 compliant)MemoryMemory Size: 2GBUser Memory Capacity (Approx.): 1.68 GB 1,812,660,224 bytesDimensionsWeight: Approx. 43g (Approx. 1.6 oz)Supplied AccessoriesEarbuds (S/M/L) Supplied in pairs.Operation Guide (1)USB cable (1)Holder (1)Notes on Water Resistant Specifications (1)UPC Code: 027*********1. Actual battery life may vary based on product settings, usage patterns and environmental conditions.2. Not to be immersed or come into continuous contact with water.© 2010 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sony, Walkman, ZAPPIN, Jog Lever and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony. Windows is atrademark of Microsoft Corporation. iTunes is a trademark of Apple Inc. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measures are approximate and may vary.1。

Sony 数字收音机手册说明书

Sony 数字收音机手册说明书

Music System BT 產品說明恭喜您購買了 Music System BT 藍牙 CD 播放機!我們相信這是現今市場上難得一見的高音質 CD 播放機,透過藍牙無線技術您還可以將手機音樂無線傳輸到 Music System BT 上。

對於您迫切希望使用新收音機的心情,我們非常理解,但在開始使用之前,請務必仔細閱讀本說明書內容與安全說明;若有任何疑問,請隨時聯繫您的經銷商或 Tivoli Audio。


再次感謝您選擇 Tivoli Audio,希望 Music System BT 能為您帶來快樂愉悅的音樂體驗!5SNOOZE / MUTE 貪睡 / 靜音(機器上方):當鬧鐘響起時按下此按鈕可使鬧鐘靜音 7 分鐘,螢幕顯示倒數計時剩餘的貪睡時間。




6.7,8,9,0:除了 1-6 按鈕外,還可使用這些按鈕直接選擇 CD 曲目;輸入第一個數字後於兩秒內輸入第二位數字即可。

遙控器上 1-6 按鈕可切換喜好電台。

使用上 / 下箭頭按鈕可控制音量,左 / 右箭頭(CD 曲目)按鈕控制 FM / AM 調頻電台。


若遙控器需要更換電池請使用 3V 鋰電池 #CR2025,安裝時正極面向遙控器底部。

目錄按住 Music System BT 上的音量旋鈕,或按住遙控器上的 MENU 按鍵,進入主選單。


1.AUTO SCAN 自動掃描(AUX 與 藍牙目錄無此選項):按下選擇按鈕並使用☐❑箭頭與選擇鍵啟動或關閉自動掃描。



索尼SONY WM-GX808 walkman Manual说明书

索尼SONY WM-GX808 walkman Manual说明书
不能进行充电了。 – 充电中,您如果操作机器,便可能
引起故障。 – 别把没有安装充电式电池的机器装
放在充电座上。否则便可引起故 障。
“ ”在显示窗中闪烁时,即 请更换电池或给电池充电。
Sony 碱电池 LR6 (SG)**
MIC 录音
播放中按 Bx 一 次。
重绕*Biblioteka 停止中移向 –/REW。从头播放另一 停止中移向 FF/+ 面(跳越倒绕 并保持 2 秒以上。 功能)
从头播放同一 停止中移向 –/REW 面(重绕自动 并保持 2 秒以上。 播放功能)

换播放另一面 播放中按 Y•REPEAT
从头播放下一首曲子/接下 9 首 曲子 (AMS*)
在遥控器上:播放中微调杆移 向 FF/+ 一次或多次。
在主机上:播放中按 FF/CUE 一次或多次。
从头播放当前曲子/前面 8 首曲 子 (AMS*)
在遥控器上:播放中微调杆移 向 –/REW 一次或多次。
在主机上:播放中按 REW/ REVIEW 一次或多次。
1 在放音中按 Y• REPEAT 键 2 秒钟以上标记 A 点。 “A-”将闪烁于主机的显示窗 中。
2 再按一下 Y• REPEAT 键标 记 B 点。 “A-B”将闪烁,录音带被快速卷 绕到 A 点。随后“REP”出现 于显示窗中,反复播放所指定的 部分。
在遥控器上 1 在放音中快速按两下 Bx 标记 A


Walkman未与电脑相连。 Walkman未播放音乐。
说明 如果Walkman让您感觉不舒适,请更换耳塞。请参阅“耳塞的安装 方法”。
双击 [Setup.exe] 将随附软件安装到 Windows电脑时, [Setup.exe] 不执 行且“属性”窗口 打开。 在播放歌曲期间, 下一首歌曲突然开 始播放。
如何安装随附软件 如何使用 “WALKMAN”
1 使用USB底座(提供)将Walkman连接到运行的
2 在电脑上进行以下选择。
©2013 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia 2012/12 数码音频播放器 使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并请妥善保管
即使因格式化Walkman内置闪存而删除了 [Setup.exe] 文件,也可 通过以下步骤将随附软件安装在另一台电脑上。将 [Setup.exe] 文件和 [Install] 文件夹从电脑的 [Backup] 文件夹复制到 Walkman。然后,将Walkman连接到要安装软件的另一台电脑上,按 照上述步骤从步骤2开始操作。 [Backup] 文件夹位于: C:\Program Files*1\Sony\WALKMAN Guide\NWZ-W270\Backup *1 视电脑操作系统而定,可能会显示 [Program Files(x86)]。
800 mA 锂电池用户不可自行更换,如电池损坏需要更换,请联系专业人 员。 也可以连接适用本型号的Sony USB充电交流电源适配器(另购)对 电池进行充电。 关于售后服务的提示: 在产品出现性能故障需修理时,索尼公司有权视情况单方决定仅为 用户提供更换式修理服务,即直接通过为用户更换质量合格的产品 的方式进行修理,而不再采取其他修理方式。 关于软件与数据的提示: 对各种原因引起的用户自己的软件或数据的损坏/丢失等,索尼不承 担赔偿、恢复、修理及其他任何责任。 详情敬请查阅产品包装中的保修卡。


• The LCD display may become hard to see or slow down when using the unit at high temperatures (above 40˚C/104°F) or at low temperatures (below 0˚C/ 32°F). At room temperature, the display will return to its normal operating condition.
it may cause malfunction. – Do not place the unit on the charging
stand without the rechargeable battery. Otherwise, it may cause malfunction.
Notes on the AC power adaptor • Use only the supplied AC power
• If the unit has not been used for long, set it in the playback mode to warm up for a few minutes before you start using again.
On the remote control
Use the supplied remote control only with this unit.
On charging
• The supplied charging stand can be used only with this unit. No other model can be charged using this stand.



IndexAccessoriesInstallation................................... 95ACCESSORY(Ignition Key Position).............. 46AddingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 128Brake Fluid................................ 130Clutch Fluid............................... 131Engine Coolant......................... 123Engine Oil.................................. 119Manual Transmission Fluid... 129Power Steering Fluid .............. 132Windshield Washer fluid......... 127Additional Safety Information..... 15Door Locks.................................. 15Driving with Pets ....................... 16Seat-back Position..................... 15Storing Cargo Safely ................. 16Additives, Engine Oil.................. 120AdjustmentsMirrors......................................... 55Seats.............................................. 50Steering Wheel (41)Airbag (SRS).................................... 11Air Cleaner.................................... 133Air Conditioning............................. 66Maintenance.............................. 141Usage............................................ 66Air Outlets (Vents)......................... 64Air Pressure, Tires ...................... 142Alcohol and Drugs.......................... 23Alcohol in Gasoline ........................ 88Antifreeze...................................... 123Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)Description................................ 188Indicator Light...................32, 108Operation................................... 108Anti-theft Steering ColumnLock.............................................. 46Appearance Care.......................... 155Ashtrays........................................... 60Audio System.................................. 71Automatic. Speed Control............. 42Automatic Transmission............ 102Capacity, Fluid.......................... 186Checking Fluid Level.............. 128Shifting....................................... 102Shift Lever Positions............... 102Shift Lock Release. (105)BatteryCharging System Light............. 31Jump Starting............................ 171Maintenance.............................. 136Specifications............................ 187Before Driving................................ 87Belts, Seat.......................................... 4Body Repair................................... 161BrakesAnti-lock System (ABS).......... 107Break-in, New Linings.............. 88Fluid............................................ 130Light, Burned-out.................... 148Parking......................................... 57System Light............................... 31Wear Indicators........................ 106Brakes, ABSDescription................................ 188Operation................................... 108System Indicator................32, 108Braking System............................ 106Break-in, New Car . (88)CONTINUEDIndexBrightness Control,Instruments................................. 38Brights, Headlights........................ 37Bulb ReplacementBack-up Lights (151)Brake Lights .....................150,151Front Parking Lights .............. 149Front Side Marker Lights...... 149Headlights................................. 148High-mount Brake Light........ 151License Plate Lights................ 152Rear Side Marker Lights........ 150Specifications............................ 187Turn Signal Lights .................. 149Bulbs, Halogen (148)Cables, Jump Starting With ....... 172Capacities Chart........................... 186Carbon Monoxide Hazard ............ 24Cargo, Loading............................... 96Cassette PlayerCare............................................... 85Operation...............................75, 82CAUTION, Explanation of (ii)Certification Label....................... 184Chains............................................. 147Change OilHow to........................................ 121When to...................................... 113Changing a Flat Tire................... 165Changing Engine Coolant........... 124Charging System Light.........31, 176Check Engine Light..............32, 177CheckingAutomatic TransmissionFluid........................................ 128Battery Condition..................... 136Brake Fluid................................ 130Clutch Fluid............................... 131Engine Belts.............................. 142Engine Coolant......................... 123Engine Oil.................................. 119Fuses........................................... 179Manual Transmission Fluid... 129Power Steering Fluid .............. 132Checklist, Before Driving............. 98Child Safety..................................... 17Cigarette Lighter........................... 60Cleaner, Air.. (133)CleaningExterior...................................... 156Interior ....................................... 159Seat Belts................................... 159Vinyl............................................159CLEAN Light................................. 85Clock, Setting the........................... 58Clutch Fluid................................... 131CO in the Exhaust........................ 190Cold Weather, Starting in........... 100Compact Spare.............................. 164Console Compartment................... 59Consumer Information................ 195Controls, Instruments and............ 27CoolantAdding........................................ 123Checking.................................... 123Proper Solution......................... 123Temperature Gauge.................. 35Corrosion Protection................... 160Crankcase Emission ControlSystem........................................ 190Cruise Control Operation.............. 42Cup Holder....................................... 59Customer Relations Office.........195IndexDANGER, Explanation of.............. ii Dashboard........................................ 28Daytime Running Lights.............. 37Dead Battery, What to Do........... 171Defects, Reporting Safety ............ 25Defogger, Rear Window ............... 40Defrosting the Windows............... 70DEXRON® II AutomaticTransmission Fluid.................. 128Dimensions.................................... 186Dimming the Headlights .............. 37DipstickAutomatic Transmission........ 128Engine Oil.................................. 119Directional Signals......................... 38Disabled, Towing Your Car If ... 182Disc Brake Wear Indicators....... 106Disposal of Used Oil..................... 122DoorsLocking and Unlocking............ 47Power Door Locks ..................... 47DOT Tire Quality Grading......... 145Downshifting, 5-speed ManualTransmission (101)Driving (97)Economy...................................... 94In Bad Weather......................... 108In Foreign Countries.. (89)Economy, Fuel................................ 94Emergencies on the Road........... 163Battery, Jump Starting............ 171Changing a Flat Tire............... 165Charging System Light........... 176Check Engine Light................. 177Checking the Fuses................. 180Low Oil Pressure Light........... 175Malfunction IndicatorLamp....................................... 177Manually Closing Moonroof .. 178Overheated Engine.................. 173Emergency Brake.......................... 57Emergency Flashers...................... 40Emission Controls........................ 190EngineBelts............................................ 142Check Light........................32, 177Coolant Temperature Gauge (35)Malfunction IndicatorLamp.................................32, 177Oil Pressure Light..............31, 175Oil, What Kind to Use ............. 120Overheating............................... 174Specifications............................ 186Ethanol in Gasoline........................ 88Evaporative EmissionControls...................................... 190Exhaust Fumes............................... 24Expectant Mothers, Use ofSeat Belts by................................ 10Exterior, Cleaning the.. (156)Fabric, Cleaning........................... 159Fan, Interior.................................... 66Fan, Radiator.................................. 26Features, Comfort andConvenience................................ 63Filling the Fuel Tank.................... 90FiltersFuel (134)Oil (121)CONTINUEDIndexFirst Gear, Shifting...................... 1015-speed Manual TransmissionChecking Fluid Level.............. 1295-speed Manual Transmission,Shifting the................................ 101Flashers, Hazard Warning ........... 40Flat Tire, Changing a.................. 165FluidsAutomatic Transmission........ 128Brake.......................................... 130Clutch ......................................... 131Manual Transmission.............. 129Power Steering......................... 132Windshield Washer.................. 127FM Stereo RadioReception............................... 72, 78Folding Rear Seat........................... 51Foreign Countries, Driving in...... 89Four-way Flashers......................... 40Front End, Towing by Emergency Wrecker...................................... 182Fuel................................................... 88Fill Door and Cap ....................... 90Filter........................................... 134Gauge............................................ 35Octane Requirement.. (88)Oxygenated................................. 88Tank, Filling the ........................ 90Fuses, Checking the .. (179)Gas Mileage, Improving................ 94Gasohol.............................................88Gasoline............................................ 88Filter........................................... 134Gauge............................................35Octane Requirement................. 88Tank, Filling the ........................ 90Gas Station Procedures................. 90GaugesEngine Coolant Temperature.. 35Fuel............................................... 35Gearshift Lever PositionsAutomatic Transmission........ 1025-speed Manual Transmission ..................................................101Glass Cleaning.............................. 160Glove Box . (57)Halogen Headlight Bulbs............ 148Hazard Warning Flashers ............ 40HeadlightsDaytime Running Lights.......... 37High Beam Indicator................. 33High Beams, Turning on.......... 37Low Beams, Turning on........... 37Reminder Chime........................ 37Replacing Halogen Bulbs ....... 148Turning on................................... 37Heating and Cooling...................... 64High Altitude, Starting at.......... 100High-Low Beam Switch ............... 37Hood, Opening the.......................... 91Horn.................................................. 45Hot Coolant, Warning about...... 123Hydraulic Clutch.......................... 131Hydroplaning . (109)Identification Number,Vehicle ....................................... 184If Your Car Has to be Towed.....182IndexIgnitionKeys..............................................45Switch........................................... 46Timing Control System........... 191Indicator Lights, InstrumentPanel.............................................29Infant Restraint.............................. 19Inflation, Proper Tire .................. 143Inside Mirror................................... 55Inspection, Tire............................. 142Instrument Panel............................ 28Instrument Panel Brightness....... 38Interior Cleaning.......................... 159Interior Lights................................ 61Introduction. (i)Jacking up the Car....................... 166Jack, Tire....................................... 165Jump Starting.. (171)Keys (45)Label, Certification...................... 184Lane Change, Signaling................ 38Lap/Shoulder Belts.......................... 6Lap Belt.............................................. 6Leaking of Exhaust into Car ....... 24Lighter, Cigarette.......................... 60LightsBulb Replacement.................... 148Indicator....................................... 29Parking......................................... 37Turn Signal................................. 38Loading Cargo................................ 96LOCK (Ignition Key Position)..... 46LocksAnti-theft Steering Column..... 46Fuel Fill Door.............................. 90Glove Box.................................... 57Power Door.................................. 47Trunk ........................................... 48Low Coolant Level....................... 123Lower Gear, Downshifting to a. 101Low Oil Pressure Light.........31, 175Lubricant Specifications Chart. 186Luggage. (96)Maintenance................................... 111Periodic Items..............................117Record................................. 115-116Schedule.............................. 113-114Malfunction IndicatorLamp.....................................32, 177Manual Transmission.................. 101Manual Transmission Fluid....... 129Maximum Shift Speeds............... 102Meters, Gauges............................... 34Methanol in Gasoline..................... 89Mirrors, Adjusting......................... 55Moonroof ......................................... 54Closing Manually..................... 178Operation. (54)Neutral Gear Position ................. 104New Vehicle Break-in................... 88Normal Shift Speeds.................... 101NOTICE, Explanation of................ ii Numbers, Identification.. (184)CONTINUED。

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