General Introduction of Newspaper Reading (英美报刊选读)
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Reading Exercises
Passage 1
Kerry Blasts Bush Iraq “mistake”
Democrat presidential hopeful John Kerry has accused President Bush of failing to do enough to get the world support needed to win peace in Iraq. In a weekly radio address to Democrats Mr. Kerry said the Bush administration has to change its strategy in Iraq. This month has seen a surge of violence and kidnappings of foreigners in Iraq, including an American soldier. Jordan’s King Abdullah has said the presence of US troops in Iraq has led to great animosity in the Arab. The King, in the US for talks with Mr. Bush, said the feeling “being felt toward the United States around the region and around the world is not a healthy one.” “Stubborn”
2. Enable the learners to enhance their reading ability by providing authentic English learning material.
The Significance of Newspaper Reading
3. Broaden the readers’ horizon, being the major access to world news.
American major papers
Free Press Chicago Sun-Times New York Daily News Boston Globe Dalas Morning News San Francisco Chronicle 《自由新闻报 》 《芝加哥太阳时报 》 《纽约每日新闻 》 《波士顿环球报 》 《达拉斯晨报 》 《旧金山纪事报 》
Brief Introduction of American and British newspapers and magazines
美国和英国的日报总数约两千多家, 各种期刊为五千余种,其中绝大多数 是地方性和专业性报刊,全国性大报 和杂志为数并不多。下面介绍在美英 国内若干有影响的报刊。
American major papers
Newspaper contents &Sections
News Features Sports Business Editorial/OP-Ed Classifieds Science and Technology Life Health Entertainment
专题报道版/特写 体育版 财经版 社论版/专栏版 分类广告版 科技版 生活版 医疗保健版 娱乐版
American major news magazines
Time Newsweek Reader’s Digest Fortune Business Week Far Eastern Review 《时代》周刊 《新闻周刊》 《读者文摘》 《财富》杂志 《商业周刊 》 《远东经济评论》
American major news magazines
British major newspapers
The Times Financial Times The Guardian The Telegraph Daily Express Daily Mail Daily Star Morning Star The Sun 《泰晤士报》 《金融时报》 《卫报》 《每日电讯报》 《每日快报》 《每日邮报》 《每日明星报》 《晨星报》 《太阳报》
Now, watch a CNN video clip for relaxation
Major News Agencies
Major provider of news for newspapers, radios and TV stations
A.P. ( Associated Press) UPI( United Press International) Reuters(Reuter’s News Agency) PA(Press Association) DPA AFP ANSA
Newspaper contents &Sections
一般而言,英美报刊常见的新闻报道中有以下这几 方面读者感兴趣的内容: 1. 政治与政府 (politics and government) 2. 灾难 (disasters) 3. 犯罪与诉讼 (crime and courts) 4. 商业 (business) 5. 罢工、示威游行及纠纷 (strikes, demonstrates and disputes) 6. 战争和恐怖主义活动 (war and terrorism) 7. 环境 (environment) 8. 名人 (famous people) 9. 体育 (sports) 10. 娱乐 (entertainments)
Learning Aim
The Basic Layout of English Newspapers
General Features of News English
Different Styles of News Articles
The Significance of Biblioteka Baiduewspaper Reading
The New York Times The Washington Post Los Angeles Times USA Today The Wall Street Journal
《纽约时报》 《华盛顿邮报》 《洛杉矶时报》 《今日美国报》 《华尔街日报》 The Christian Science 《基督教科学箴言报》 Monitor International Herald Tribune 《国际先驱论坛报》
British newspapers
英国报刊发行与美国不尽相同,国内外财团控制的大报业集团的 报纸占全英发行量的90%,这些大集团以往又都是集中在伦敦市 中心的报业中心“舰队街”(Fleet Street)。因此,Fleet Street 常用来借喻伦敦或英国“报界”或“新闻界”。现在为了改善发 行和促进在海外销售,有的已移往伦敦其他地区或城市,甚至海 外,如《卫报》就在德国发行国际版,而《金融时报》就直接在 德国、美国和日本等国印刷发行。英国报纸按风格和内容分为 quality /popular /mid-market papers, “质量类”报纸是严肃性大 开张(broadsheet)的全国性日报,有很高的编辑水平,读者对 象是受过较高教育的上层和中产阶级人士。Daily Express《每日 快报》、Daily Mail《每日邮报》、Daily Mirror《每日镜报》、 Daily Star《每日明星报》、The Sun《太阳报》都是“通俗类” 小报,消息不如quality papers 那样严肃可靠,往往追求轰动效应。 如《太阳报》就以刊登英国王室成员和政界人士的桃色新闻和美 女照片而“著称”。其发行量居首位。读者基本是工人阶级和中 产阶级。“中间市场类”指介于这两者之间的报纸。
Reading Exercises
Meanwhile, Mr. Kerry called for a new UN-backed mission to help rebuild Iraq, with a Nato security force under US command keeping order. The president may not want to admit mistakes, but his choices in Iraq have so far produced a tragedy of errors,” he said. “Staying the course does not mean stubbornly holding to the wrong course.” In the address, taped in Pittsburgh, on Friday, he added: “The failure of the administration to internationalize the conflict has lost us time, momentum and credibility and made America less safe.” (According to) the BBC’s Jannat Jalil, in Washington, this is an attempt by John Kerry, just seven months before an election that’s too close to call, to show how he would deal with the mounting violence and casualties in Iraq.
(美国)美联社 (美国)合众社 (英国)路透社 (英国)报纸联合社 (德国)德新社 (法国)法新社 (意大利)安莎社
Major News Agencies
西方报纸、电台和电视等新闻,许多都是由通讯社提供的。下面介绍 的是英美四大通讯社。 1. AP (abbrev. Associated Press) (美国) 美联社,成立于1848年, 总部设在纽约市。1976年就已有1,181家美国日报和约3,462家广播 电台和电视台接受该社提供的新闻服务,现在它是世界最大的通讯社。 2. UPI (abbrev. United Press International) (美国)合众国际社,成立 于1907年,它开创了一些重要的新闻报道业务,如它于1925年开办了 新闻图片等服务。在20世纪70年代末,该社就为100多个国家的4, 503家客户服务。它有250多个分社向外提供新闻。 3. Reuters (abbrev. Reuter’s News Agency) (英国)路透社,1851年 由路透(Paul Julius Reuter)创建,总部设在伦敦。它是一家商业性通讯 社。20世纪60年代以来,它播发经其压缩的来自诸如中国等国的新闻 报道,美国也有几十家报纸定购该社的新闻。现在其业务已遍及全球 150多个国家。该社拥有91个国家14,800名职员,1,800名记者, 138个分社。 4. PA (abbrev. Press Association) (英国)报纸联合社,它通过该社的 新闻(PA News)、体育(PA Sport)和数据设计(PA Data Design)这 三家公司而成为英国的全国新闻社,为报纸、广播电台和电视台提供全 方位的新闻和信息服务。
British major news magazines
Weekly News The Spectator Tribune Punch Finance Private Eye Listener New Statesman and Society 《每周新闻》 《旁观者》 《论坛》 《笨拙》 《金融》周刊 《私探》双周刊 《听众》 《新政治家和社会》
U.S.News and World Report《美国新闻与世界报道 》 《史密斯森学会》杂志 Smithsonian 《明星》 Star Family Circle 《家族》月刊 《美国军团》 American Legion People Weekly 《人民周刊》 National Geographic 《国家地理》杂志
The Significance of Newspaper Reading
4. Good helper for the learners to improve their writing skill, due to the expert use of various writing techniques like personification, irony etc. in features .
1. Good learning Resources for English learners for the rich vocabulary, which includes various idioms, common sayings and diverse phrases.
The Significance of Newspaper Reading