
以下是整理的雅思⼝语考试的常见话题,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语考试的常见话题 1、Why do many people like swimming? Swimming has been recognized as an aerobic exercise which is good for building your aerobic system. Swimming is physically demanding but it won't give you strong muscle but beautiful figure. 2、What do you think are the benefits of swimming? I feel swimming is quite necessary to learn not only as a way of exercise but also as a life-saving skill. Clearly, swimming is an all-round exercise to keep us in good shape. And in some special cases, people who know how to swim would be more likely to survive. Also you can't forget how much fun you can get from swimming itself. So swimming is definitely something deserves learning. 3、How do children learn to swim? For children, there are mainly two ways to learn swimming. One is attending some swimming course and the other is instructed by parents. Formal classes would be more professional but you need to pay extra money. However, learning from family cost you almost nothing and the time is rather flexible as well. 4、Do you prefer to swim in the sea or in a swimming pool? If I had to choose, I'd favor swimming in a swimming pool because it is safer in the swimming pool but there are many uncertain factors in the sea. The swimming pool is much smaller and not so complex. Besides, there is at least one professional safety guard at the pool in case of any emergency. 5、Do you think it's good to have compulsory swimming lessons for children? I think it should be taught in schools as part of the PE curriculum. Especially for kids in those island regions, it is important for kids to have basic swimming skills. When they find themselves in an emergency it can make a difference.2.雅思⼝语考试没听清考官问题的回答 1.Would you say that again? 你能再说⼀遍吗? 2. Would you speak more slowly? 你能再说慢⼀点吗? 3. Could you speak up a little? 你能在⼤声⼀点吗? 4. Would you speak more clearly? 你能再说清楚⼀点吗? 5. Would you explain more for me? 可以为我解释⼀遍吗? 6. Please speak a little louder. 请讲⼤声⼀点。

例如:Where are you from?(你来自哪?)Why are you studying English?(为什么学英语呀?)Have you visited any English speaking countries?(去过说英语的国家吗?)Do you play any sports?(你参与什么运动吗?)建议:这个时候,你应当给考官一个比较全面的回答,这是给对方留下第一好印象的时刻。
Where are you from?Im from Shanghai in China. Its the largest city in China.Its a modern city but with a lot of history and a lovely place to live. 我来自中国上海(到这不能停),上海是中国最大的城市,是一座现代化的大城市,历史也很悠久,是一个特别适合居住的地方。
Why are you preparing for the IELTS exam?Because I need it for my studies. Ive been offered a place at a university in England to study on an MBA but I need to show my level of English is good enough.为了学习(到这不能停),我已经被英国一家高校的MBA录用了,但是我需要证明自己的语言水平足够好。

75个雅思口语考试题目雅思口语900句话题1 自己考试常见提问:1.What are your interests?2.What are your strong points?3.What are your weak points?4.Can you tell me something about your personality?5.How do you get along well with your friends?考试必备句子:1.My interests are manifold, including jogging, reading and playing computer games.2.I enjoy reading books in my leisure time.3.I’m fond of sports and especially like playing badminton.4.My hobby of climbing mountains keeps me fit and close to nature.5.Collecting stamps educates me in a variety of ways.6.I’m diligent, modest and kind-hearted.7.I’m always ready to help people in need.8.Sensible of my shortcomings, I always try to overcome it.9.Being timid is my greatest shortcoming.10.I’m an outgoing girl who likes to make friends with people.11.Being easy-going, I’m able to get along well with most of the people I know.12.With a strong determination to succeed, I make steady progress in my studies.注释:1. leisure time 闲暇时间2. people in need 需要帮助的人3. (be) sensible of 意识到,知道话题2 家庭考试常见提问:1.What is your father? Describe his personality.2.What is your mother? Describe her personality.3.Are you satisfied with your family life?4.Parents are the best teachers to children, do you agree?5.Describe your family activities in your family.考试必备句子:1.My father is from a working-class background.2.My father works hard to support the family.3.My father is the backbone of my family.4.My family is a two-career family with both my parents working.5.The decision power of family affairs is in the hand of my mother.6.I have no say in family affairs.7.My mother queens it over the whole family.8.We have a family gathering every month.9.Children learn their first lesson from their parents.10.Whenever I feel frustrated or sad, I turn to myfamily for comfort.11.A harmonious family is important for thegrowth of children.12.Family is the basic unit of society.注释:1. decision power 决定权,决策权2. have no say 没有发言权3. queen it over 统治话题3 朋友考试常见提问:1.Do you often spend time with your friends?2.How important is friendship to you?3.Do your friends have similar hobbies and interests to yours?4.How do you make friends?5.What kind of friends are true friends?考试必备句子:1.I treasure the friendship of a friend in need.2. A true friend will always be there when you need a shoulder to lean on.3.The only way to have a friend is to be one.4.For me, friendship is one of the most valuable possessions in the world.5.The traditional Chinese believe that a gentleman should be able to die for his friends.6.To build up friendships needs the efforts on both sides.7.People like to make friends with those who have similar interests.8.Pouring our troubles to friends is a good way of easing off pressure.9. A true friend will not stand by when you are introuble.10.In friendship, loyalty may be the mostimportant thing.11.Friendship is a comfy situation like home.12.Friendship is an inner relationship combiningtrust, support, communication, loyalty andunderstanding.注释:1. valuable possessions 有价值的财富2. stand by 袖手旁观3. comfy 舒适的话题4 同学考试常见提问:1.Tell me about one of your classmates.2.What is his / her appearance?3.What is his / her personality?4.What do you think of him / her?5.Do you have a good relationship with that student?考试必备句子:1.I always pour my troubles to her.2.I adore her delicate skin.3.Being tender and understanding, she is like a sister to us.4.We have much memorable time together.5.We share our sorrows and happiness together.6.We are birds of a feather.7.Our friendship is built upon a solid base.8.I know her inside and out.9. A bosom friend is one to whom you could tell all your secrets.10.Her personality is exactly the same as mine.11.He gets along well with every one in our class.12.We have known each other since we were inkindergarten.注释:1.adore 欣赏2.birds of a feather 性情相近3.inside and out 彻底话题 5 孩子考试常见提问:1.Describe a child that you know.2.What is his / her appearance?3.What is his / her personality?4.What is the general character of children?5.What do you think of the child?考试必背句子:1.She is a spoiled child.2.Nowadays children are under more pressure of competition.3.Today’s children enjoy a higher level of material life.4.My niece is a lovely child with shinny eyes and tiny feet.5.She is so adorable that I want to kiss her flowery face.6.He is a little emperor of the family.7.We should train children’s practical skills.8.In double-career families children are often neglected.9.Peter and his family live in the flat above mine.10.He is tall for his age.11.My nephew wears a very warm smile on his facewhen he is happy.12.He is strong-willed and usually finds out ways toget what he wants.注释:1. pressure of competition 竞争的压力2. adorable 可爱的3. wear a very warm smile 面带灿烂的笑容话题 6 同事考试常见提问:1.What is his / her appearance?2.What is his / her personality?3.What do you think of him / her?4.Do you have a good relationship with that colleague?5.Do you like to work with that person?考试必备句子:1.He always brags about his achievements.2.He is so careless that no one wants to work with him.3.You should not say bad words about your colleague behind their back.4.Mutual respect is vital in establishing relationship with others.5.The relationship among colleagues is more complicated than the campus relationship.6.He is the soul of the team.7. A competent colleague sometimes poses threat to you.8.The members of our office get along like a family.9.He is younger than his age, but he is quite professional.10.My colleague T odd is much of a friend and he isready to help me any time.11.A good colleague is supposed to be efficient andcooperative.12.Working in a project is a good practice of teamspirit.注释:1. brag about 吹牛2. behind their back 在他们背后3. pose threat 构成威胁话题7 名人常见考试提问:1.Tell me something about a famous person that you like.2.Why do you like him / her?3.Why is he / she famous?4.What do you think of idol worship?5.Are you influenced by this person?考试必备句子:1.Premier Zhou Enlai is the person I admire most.2.Nowadays many young people consider TV stars as their role models.3.The young actress achieves international fame with only one movie.4.It is immoral to probe into people’s privacy even if they are not famous.5.We should learn from the shining points of the stars while being cautious against theirshortcomings.6.I admire Chairman Mao for what he has done for the Chinese people.7.He is not only successful in the IT field, but also active in the charity drive.8.Kaifu Li has written a book named Be The Best Yourself, which is popular among youngpeople.9.He is my idol both in my study and life.10.I like the songs of this singer, particularly theirlyrics.11.Every successful man must have had a lot offailures before he becomes a star.12.Every dog can be successful.注释:1. role model 榜样2. probe into 刺探,调查3. charity drive 慈善事业话题8. 邻居考试常见提问:1.Do you think it’s important to have a good neighbor?2.How do you get along with your neighbors?3.How should we deal with the relationship with neighbors?4.What’s the difference between a neighbor and a friend?5.What qualities do you think a good neighbor should have?考试必备句子:1.The relationship between neighbors in rural areas is closer than that in cities.2.We Chinese always say that a near neighborhood is better than a distant relative.3.My neighbor often brings over some delicious food she makes.4.Sometimes the noise on the other side of the house makes it difficult for us to fall asleep.5.Neighbors need more understanding between them.6.I am always careful not to make big noises at night.7. A good neighbor is better than a brother in the next village.8.It’s better to keep on good terms with our neighbors.9.When problems occur, neighbors should try to understand each other.10. A good neighbor is supposed to be helpful andconsiderate.11.I pay visits to my neighbors almost every day.12.It is our duty to give a hand to our neighborswhen they need.注释:1.rural area 边远地区,农村2.keep on good terms 保持友好关系3.give a hand 帮忙话题9 老人考试常见提问:1.How should we treat old people?2.What do you think of old people?3.What are the general characteristics of old people?4.What role do old people play in the family?5.What do you think the old people should do to spend the rest of their life?考试必备句子:1.Respecting old people is a long-standing tradition of China.2.China has entered the aging society period.3.Old people sometimes behave like children.4.The rich life experiences and wisdom of elderly people area treasure.5.Aging is an unavoidable natural process.6.In my family old people are honored.7.When people grow old, sometimes they turn to be irritable and stubborn.8.Many young people neglect their duties to the old ones in the family.9.Different people should be more understanding to each other.10.In China old people often shoulder theresponsibility of taking care of the babies.11.Old people pass down tradition to the youngergeneration.12.Many old people today are even moreopen-minded than the young.注释:1.long-standing 长久存在的2.irritable 易怒的3.open-minded 思想开放的话题10 老师考试常见提问:1.Tell me something about a teacher who has taught you.2.What’s special about him / her?3.In what ways are you influenced by him / her?4.What are the most important qualifications to be a good teacher?5.What do you think of the Chinese tradition of respecting teachers?考试必备句子:1. A teacher should teacher not only knowledge but also morals.2.Patience is an important quality required of a teacher.3.He is very much devoted to the cause of education.4.He treats us as if we were his own children.5.Teaching is an honorable profession.6.My parents are my first teachers.7.The school shall create a stimulating atmosphere to attract great teachers.8.As the science develops teachers should improve their teaching methods to satisfy therequirement of the modern society.9.Teacher should motivate students to be creative.10. A good teacher shall encourage rather thansimply preach.11.Teachers are required to learn something aboutpsychology.12.All students should be treated equally.注释:1. stimulating atmosphere 挑战性环境2. teaching methods 教学方法3. preach 说教话题11 领导人考试常见提问:1.What are the most important qualifications to be a leader?2.Who is the leader that you adore most?3.Where does he / she work?4.Why do you like that leader?5.What would you do if you are a leader?考试必备句子:1. A good leader is always working hard like a horse.2.As the CEO of this company, he is under much pressure.3.I like those leaders who are friendly and easy-going among his employees.4.Good leaders are close to their employees.5.Rules and regulations are the best way to standardize a company.6.Since he is the leader, he is supposed to take the lead.7.If I were the leader, I would be on equal terms with my employees.8. A professional leader is always ready to take challenges and risks.9.He is responsible to make important decisions and budgets for the company.10.He is an expert on finance and good atinterpreting the government policies.11.A sales manager is supposed to sell service andproducts to potential customers.12.She is playing a role of a manager and a role of amother at the same time.注释:1. work hard like a horse 像马一样辛勤工作2. take challenges and risks 迎接挑战和风险3. make budgets 做预算话题12 书籍考试常见提问:1.Do you like reading books?2.What kind of books do you like to read?3.What kind of book is a good book in your opinion?4.Do you read for pleasure or for information?5.Do you buy books to read or borrow them from libraries?考试必备句子:1. A good book should not only have in interesting plot, but also a significant theme.2.Books are beyond my interest.3.Recently I have been reading a book written by Mark Twain.4.I often poke along in secondhand bookstores in search of interesting used books.5.I prefer romantic stories to realistic novels.6.Nowadays the market is full slipshod books churned out ina few days.7.Novels on great heroes are popular in China.8.People have different tastes for books.9.You can find all kinds of books on the Internet for free.10.I read romantic novels in my spare time forpleasure.11.We should resist pirated books to protect theinterests of the authors.12.In order to borrow books from the schoollibrary, I applied for a reading card.注释:1. beyond my interest 我对某物不感兴趣2. poke along 闲逛3. churn out 粗制滥造话题13 衣服考试常见提问:1.What kind of clothes do you like?2.How do you get information about fashion?3.What’s the difference between the clothes at present and ten years ago?4.What are the most fashionable clothes in China nowadays?考试必备句子:1.I always wore hand-me-downs when I was a little girl.2.I like baggy pants because they are comfortable.3.I do not like skintight clothes.4.I admire the fashionable clothes on fashion magazines, butI won’t wear them.5.Clothes demonstrated on fashion shows are not intended for everyday use.6.Different occasions require you to wear different clothes.7.You should wear formal clothes on important occasions to be polite.8.Young people are keen for fashion.9.Nowadays people have more choices for clothes than ten years ago.10.China is a great manufacturer and exporter ofclothes.11.Clothes made of cotton are healthier than thosemade of synthetic materials.12.Old people are more conservative about what towear .注释:1. hand-me-downs 兄姐穿后接着弟妹穿的旧衣服2. baggy pants 灯笼裤3. skintight 紧身的话题14 计算机考试常见提问:1.How often do you use a computer?2.In what way do you use a computer?3.How “computer literate” are you?4.How much have computers changed your life?5.What do you gain from using a computer?考试必备句子:1.Our life is made more convenient because of the invention of computers./doc/942719250.html,puter provides people with different sorts of entertainment, such as listening to music and watching films.3.It is said that radiation of the computer screen is harmful to our health.4.Many young people indulge themselves in surfing on the Internet and neglect theirstudies.5.Pregnant women should not sit in front of a computer too long.6.I am a computer novice.7.For me, computer is a means of study and entertainment./doc/942719250.html,puter viruses can cause a lot of damage.9.Many people are obsessed with playing computer games and neglect their studies./doc/942719250.html,puter can be a two-edged sword./doc/942719250.html,puter is a problem while it bringsconvenience to people./doc/942719250.html,puter has received more and more socialattention from all walks of life.注释:1. novice 新手2. be obsessed with 着迷3. two-edged sword 双刃剑话题15 烹饪与食物考试常见提问:1.Who cook in your family?2.Do you cook at home?3.How do you learn cooking?4.What kind of food culture do you have in your country?5.Do you like the food in your country?考试必备句子:1.China is a country with a splendid catering culture.2.There are eight major cuisines in China.3.Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.4.Roast Beijing duck is a famous specialty in Beijing.5.I like Cantonese food because it’s light in flavor.6.My mother has excellent culinary skills.7.I learn cooking from my mother and cookery books.8.I often watch cooking programs on TV to learn cooking.9.My father is a gourmet.10.My mother always experiments on new dishes.11.Food in restaurants always has too much MSG.12.My mother is health-conscious and preparesfood with little MSG and salt.注释:1. gourmet 美食家2. MSG 味精monosodium glutamateis (short for MSG)3. health-conscious 注重营养和健康的话题16 金钱考试常见提问:1.How important is money to you?2.What is your attitude towards money?3.If you have one million Yuan, what will you do with it?4.Do you think different generations have different opinions about money?5.Do you tend to save money or spend money?考试必备句子:1.Money is not the thing that I am after.2.We should not let riches govern us.3.The young people tend to be loose with their money.4.Many young people borrow from Peter to pay Paul.5.Time is often compared to money for its preciousness.6.Many low income families can not make their ends meet.7.Old people are often thrifty in money.8.You obtain money in a right way and use it thriftily.9.“Money talks” could not be applied to everysituation.10.Thrifty is one of the traditional virtues ofChinese people.11.Money is often where all the trouble starts.12.We should cultivate children’s capa bility ofdealing with their money.注释:1.riches 财富2.be loose with one’s money 大手大脚花钱3.borrow from Peter to pay Paul 寅吃卯粮(拆东墙补西墙)话题17 信或卡片考试常见提问:1.Who send the card or letter to you?2.Why is it sent to you?3.Do you like sending e-mails to others?4.Do you often send letters by mail?5.Do you send letters to others for business or personal reasons?考试常见提问:1.Modern science and technology brings a huge impact on people’s way ofcommunication.2.Letters are gradually giving way to e-mails.3.E-mails are faster and almost cost free.4.Traditional cards and letters are not environment-friendly as they are made of paper.5.Sometimes writing a letter is more polite and more formal.6.After receiving a gift, it is thoughtful to write a thank-younote.7.Old people tend to love the sensation of traditional letters.8.Young people today prefer to call rather than write letters.9.Whenever I receive a letter from a friend I feel happy.10.Most of us have been harassed by junk mails.11. A letter written in pen can express the feelings much more deeply than an e-mail.12.E-cards are much more popular for its convenience and sending speed.注释:1.give way to 被…所取代2.environment-friendly 有利于环境保护的3.junk mail 垃圾邮件话题18 礼物1.Describe a gift that is important to you.2.On what occasions do you send gifts to others?3.What kind of gifts do you send to others?4.How do Chinese people see gifts?5.What kind of gifts do Chinese people value most?考试必备句子:1.We send gifts to each other on important occasions.2.Sending gifts is a way of expressing your gratitude to some person.3.Gifts represent our best wishes.4.When people are choosing gifts, they tend to be influenced by advertisements.5.In my opinion, the giver’s sincerity is more important than the price of the gift.6.We tend to send nutritious food to old people as gifts.7.Take account of the personal preference of the receiverwhen choosing a gift.8.Show your gratitude when receiving a gift.9.We Chinese people do not open the gift on the spot when receiving it.10.In China when people say the gift is worthnothing they are just trying to be modest.11.I value handmade gifts more than expensive gifts bought from big stores.12.Gifts can not buy friendship.注释:1. nutritious food 营养品2. take account of 考虑3. on the spot 当场话题19 手工艺品考试常见句子:1.Describe a handicraft that you made yourself.2.What’s the difference between handicrafts and products made by the machine?3.What are the handicrafts famous in China?4.Do you think it’s necessary to learn the skills to make handicrafts?5.What handicrafts have you collected?考试必备句子:1.Handicrafts are sold at many tourist sites as souvenirs.2.Handicrafts are more time-consuming and delicate than those made by machines.3.Many people in rural areas make handicrafts as a source of income.4.The skills to make handicrafts such as paper cutting are national treasure.5.The skills to make some handicrafts are to be lost.6.Refined handicrafts are welcomed by foreign guests.7.The local government should take some measures to protect some handicraft-makingskills.8.Many handicraft skills are only passed to male descents of the family.9.Handicrafts are more ethical that can help you understand the culture there.10.Handicrafts sometimes are unique so that they’re of great value.11.Products made by the machine can never take the place of handicrafts.12.Some products made by the machine look almost the same as handicrafts, whichbecome hard for us to tell.注释:1. time-consuming 耗费时间的2. ethical 有民族特色的3. take the place of 取代,代替话题20 日记考试常见提问:1.Do you often write diaries? Why or why not?2.What is your diary about?3.Where do you write your journal?4.Do you have a blog? Do you want more people to read your blog?5.What do you have to pay attention to when you are publishing your diary online?考试必备句子:1.Writing and keeping a diary is a good habit.2.I often note down what I did, what I saw and what I thought every day.3.I don’t write journals in my notebook, but online.4.You have to be careful not to let out your privacy in your journal.5.I have a blog of my own and publish my journals online.6.Writing journals online is a trend among young people, even celebrities.7.I don’t mind how many people are reading my journals every day.8.Diaries or journals can be taken as a collection of my past stories.9.Writing can make us think and keep a clear mind.10.I am too busy to write diaries because myrhythm of life is fast.11.Writing is a necessary and useful skill toeveryone in the modern world.12.You will find out yourself and see the worldclearly if you write and think.注释:1. note down 记录下来2. publish my journals 发布日志3. find out yourself 发现自我话题21 机器人考试常见提问:1.What can robots do?2.Do you think robots can replace human beings?3.Do you prefer to communicate with animals or robots?4.What impacts will robots have on human society?5.Do you think in future robots will be a good assistant in our family?考试必备句子:1.Robots can help us do some household chores in future.2.Robots have no feelings and they only accept predesigned orders.3.Robots can be used in some dangerous and poisonous working conditions.4.Robots work more efficiently than human beings.5.It is amazing that robots can understand our orders.6.If robots are widely used, we human beings will have more time to relax.7.As far as I’m concerned, robots will be widely used in factories in future.8.Robots with artificial intelligence can decide to do something by themselves.9.Some robots can do what we can’t do.10.In future, all those repetitive things will be doneby robots.11.No matter how, the robots will no take the placeof our brains.12.The robot DEEP BLUE designed by IBM isan expert on chess.注释:1.household chores 家庭琐事2.predesigned orders 预先设计好的指令3.DEEP BLUE 深蓝(IBM设计)话题22 收藏考试常见提问:1.Do you like collecting things?2.What kind of things do you collect?3.Why do you collect things?4.What kind of things do people usually collect?5.What can people gain from collecting things?考试必备句子:1.Collecting stamps is my hobby.2.I do not collect stamps to gain money.3.Stamp collecting is full of fun, relaxing and inexpensive.4.Some people collect ancient coins by way of investment.5.In the process of collecting, I learn a lot of knowledge abouta variety of subjects.6.Many people make a living from collecting and disposing items.7.As you build up a collection, it is necessary that you have skills of identifying, selecting,evaluating, classifying items.8.People collect almost everything, including books, stamps, coins, fossils, etc.9.Some people are keen on collecting grotesque items such as human bones.10.People collect things either for fun or for money11.I’m obsessed with collecting pictures of TVstars.12.Collecting can be a gateway of understandingChina’s folk culture.注释:1.by way of 作为2.make a living 谋生3.be keen on 喜欢话题23 颜色1.What color do you like most? Why?2.Do you think color can describe personality?3.What are the special meanings of colors?4.Do you think colors have different meanings for different people?5.What special meanings do colors have in your country?考试必备句子:1.Many people believe different colors have different powers.2.Colors can influence our emotions, actions and how we respond to people.3.Different colors have different symbolic meanings and different effects on people.4.What color you like to some extent reflects what kind of person you are.5.Warm colors such as red and orange make people feel confident, active and happy.6.Cold colors such as blue and purple represent peace, meditation and calmness.7.People who like warm colors tend to be optimists.8.People who like cold colors are probably shy and quiet.9.White symbolizes purity and cleanness.10.I would like to decorate my room in orangecolor because it looks warm.11.Red is a sign of happiness in Chinese Culture.注释:1.have effects on 对…有影响2.decorate 装饰,装修3. a sign of …的象征话题24 文化娱乐1.Do you often go to the theatre / the opera / concerts / exhibitions?2.Tell me a little about the last time you went to a cultural event.3.Do you think such events are important in people’s lives?4.What kind of cultural events do people like to go in your country?5.Are such cultural events expensive?考试必备句子:1.Physical culture is one kind of the human culture as a whole and also a very special kind.2.Physical culture characterized with “Olympic Spirit” has been accepted by the people ofthe whole world.3.China’s culture has never stopped developing throughout history.4.China’s culture has enriched itself through mutual exchange in the world.5.In recent years, Beijing opera has attempted numerous reforms in response to saggingaudience numbers.6.Beijing opera arouse in the late 18th century and became fully developed and recognizedby the mid 19th century./doc/942719250.html,st month I went to Chinese National Grand Theatre to see a play called Thunderstorm.8.We can relax ourselves in KTV thoroughly.9.Sometimes we can go to an amusement park to relieve thepressure.10.Movie Season is my favorite holiday because Iwould have a lot of films to enjoy.11.It is a great time for us to gather with ourfriends and relax.12.It is free to all citizens, but always you can seetoo many people and you’ve got to wait in a long queue.注释:1.Beijing opera 京戏2.amusement park 游乐园3.relieve the pressure 释放压力话题25. 电影考试常见提问:1.What kind of films do you like to watch?2.Are these kinds of films popular in your country?3.Which was the best film you ever saw?4.What are the features of the type of film that you like most?5.Who is your favorite actor / actress?考试必备句子:1.I watch a good old film every weekend.2.That movie is a real tear-jerker.3.It is a movie that shouldn’t be missed.4. A great movie can sometimes be a big flop at the box office.5. A good movie should cater to public taste.6.Many young people worship heroes in films as idols.7.Parents should not let their children watch films with raw language.8.Adventure films are my favorite.9.Hong Kong kung fu films enjoy international reputation.。

以下是一些常见的雅思口语问题和相关的口语模板:1.个人陈述部分常见问题:-请你介绍一下自己模板回答:My name is [你的姓名], and I am from [你的国家]. Currently, I am [你的职业/学生身份]. In my free time, I enjoy [你的兴趣爱好]. I decided to take the IELTS exam because [你的原因].-你最喜欢的科目是什么?模板回答:My favorite subject is [科目名]. I find it fascinating because [原因]. I enjoy learning about [科目中的一个方面] because [原因]. It helps me to [你的学习目标].-你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?模板回答:My favorite TV show is [电视节目名]. I like it because [原因]. The characters are [形容词], and the storyline is [形容词]. It is entertaining and keeps me engaged.2.对话部分常见问题:-对话1:与考官的个人对话-请问你的名字是什么?模板回答:My name is [你的姓名].-你的家乡是哪里?模板回答:I am from [你的家乡]. It is located in [家乡所在地区/国家]. It is a [形容词] place with [一些描述特点].-你的家乡是一个怎样的地方?模板回答:My hometown is a [形容词] place. It is knownfor [一些特点]. The people are [形容词] and welcoming, andthe food is [形容词]. I love the atmosphere of my hometown.-对话2:与考官的对话-你认为追求成功重要吗?模板回答:I believe that pursuing success is important.It motivates us to work hard and achieve our goals. However,it is also important to define what success means to us individually.-你认为教育的重要性如何?模板回答:I believe that education is extremely important. It provides us with knowledge and skills that are essentialfor personal growth and development. It also opens up opportunities and improves our career prospects.3.话题讨论部分常见问题:-你认为旅行的好处是什么?模板回答:I believe that traveling has numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows us to experience different cultures and broadens our perspectives. Secondly, it helps us to relax and de-stress. Lastly, it provides us with valuable memories and experiences that we can cherish for a lifetime.-你认为宠物对人们的生活有什么影响?模板回答:I think pets have a positive impact on people's lives. They provide companionship and unconditional love. Additionally, taking care of a pet teaches responsibility and empathy. Pets can also help reduce stress and improve mental health.-你认为社交媒体对人们的生活有何影响?模板回答:I believe that social media has both positive and negative effects on people's lives. On one hand, it allows us to connect with others and share our thoughts andexperiences. It also provides a platform for learning and staying updated. On the other hand, excessive use of social media can be addictive and harmful to mental health.总结:在雅思口语考试中,准备一些常见问题的模板回答可以帮助考生更好地准备口语考试。

雅思口语常见问题回答范例1.Tell me about yourself.I come from Enshi, a small city in Hubei province. I belong to the Tujia ethnic group. Enshi is located in the southeastern corner of Hubei province, and it’s famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers.2.What’s your favorite hobby?I really enjoy reading books, especially those about history and culture. I also like doing volunteer work for my community, because it allows me to give back to my community and help others.3.What’s your favorite food?My favorite food is姊妹团子”, a type of small dumpling that’s very popular in Hubei province. They’re made with a thin wrapper and a filling of pork and vegetables, and they’re delicious!4.What’s your favorite color?My favorite color is blue, because it represents trust and stability. I usually wear blue clothes when I need to feel confident and peaceful.5.What’s your favorite book?One of my favorite books is “Jane Eyre”by Charlotte Bronte. I love the story of the protagonist’sstruggle to overcome her inner demons and find true love. It’s a beautiful and moving novel.6.What’s your favorite movie?One of my favorite movies is “Forrest Gump”by Tom Hanks. I love the story of an idiot savant who goes on a journey of self-discovery and accidental fame. It’s a hilarious and heartwarming movie.7.What’s your favorite music?My favorite music is Chinese traditional music, because it has a unique beauty and depth that’s different from other types of music. I also like listening to jazz and blues, because they have a unique, mellow sound.。

1.个人信息类问题:Could you tell me your full name, please?What's your nationality?How old are you?Where do you live?What's your occupation?2.兴趣爱好类问题:Do you have any hobbies?What are your favorite sports?How often do you do sports?What music do you like?3.学习类问题:Are you studying or working?What subject do you study?Why did you choose this subject?How do you study for exams?4.日常生活类问题:What's your favorite food?1How often do you cook?What's your daily routine like?How do you spend your weekends?5.工作与职业类问题:What's your job?What do you like most about your job?What challenges do you face at work?How do you plan your career?6.未来计划与目标类问题:What are your future plans?Do you want to travel? Where?What are your long-term goals?How do you plan to achieve your goals?7.观点与态度类问题:What do you think of [topic]?Agree or disagree: [statement]How important is [topic] to you?What would you do if [scenario]?这些只是考试中一些常见固定提问问题。

雅思口语前考官说的话在雅思口语考试中,考官可能会说以下一些常见的话题和问题: 1. 介绍自己,请你自我介绍一下。
2. 家庭,请你谈谈你的家庭。
3. 喜好和爱好,你有什么爱好?你可以谈论你喜欢的活动、运动、音乐、电影、书籍等等。
4. 旅行,你喜欢旅行吗?你去过哪些地方?你可以分享你喜欢旅行的原因,以及你曾经去过的国家、城市或景点的经历和感受。
5. 教育,你的学习经历和学校生活。
6. 工作,你的工作经验和职业规划。
7. 社交媒体,你使用社交媒体吗?你觉得它对人们有什么影响?你可以谈论你使用的社交媒体平台,以及社交媒体在人们生活中的作用和影响。
8. 健康和运动,你如何保持健康?你喜欢什么样的运动?你可以分享你的健康习惯,包括饮食、锻炼和休息等方面的内容,以及你喜欢的运动项目。
9. 环境保护,你认为环境保护的重要性是什么?你可以谈论环境保护对人类和地球的意义,以及个人应该如何参与到环境保护中。
10. 社会问题,你认为社会上存在哪些问题?你有什么建议来解决这些问题?你可以谈论一些社会问题,如贫困、失业、教育不平等等,并提出你自己的观点和解决方案。


雅思口语考试问题精华之全英文版PART 1<1> JOB>>Are you working or studying?>>Can you describe your daily work?>>Are you satisfied with your current job?>>Do you want to change your job?>>What do you think of your future job?<2> SHOPPING>>What places do you often go shopping?>>What things do you often buy?<3> HOUSEWORK>>Who do major housework in your family?>>Do you do housework in your home? What housework do you like to do? >>What are the changes of status of family members in Chinese families? >>What kind of housework do you think it is the most important?>>What benefits can we get from the improvement of technology?<4> FOOD>>What foods do you like or dislike?>>What food can you cook?>>What are the differences betweenshavingsmeals at home and going to restaurant?>>What is your favorite restaurant? Why?<5> INDUSTRY>>Can you outline the industries in China?>>What is major industry of China?>>What technologies is China lack of?<6> ANIMAL>>Do Chinese like or dislike animal? Why?>>How to preserve the animals?>>What animals can people see in China?>>What is the most famous animal in China?>>What is the role of animal in China? What should animal be use as?<7> SPARE TIME>>What do people do in their spare time? What do you like to do?>>Do you think spare time is important to you? Why?<8> MOVIE>>Do you like watching films?>>What kind of movies do like?>>What are the difference between watching films on TV and going to cinema? >>Do you like to see a film alone or with your friends? Why?>>How do think of the future of movie?<9> TRANSPORT>>What's your favorite transport?>>What are advantages and disadvantages of the different transports? >>Do transports cause pollution?>>How to improve the traffic of cities?<10> CHILDHOOD>>Can you describe your childhood briefly?>>Where do you play? Play what?>>What is the most memorable thing in your childhood?>>What is your favorite story in your childhood?<11> HOMETOWN*>>Where is your hometown? What do you like/dislike your hometown?<12> HOBBY*>>What's your hobby? Why?<13> HOLIDAY*>>What kinds of legal holidays are there in China?>>How do you arrange your holidays?>>What activities do you do to relax in your spare time?<14> FESTIVAL*>>Which festival is important for the Chinese people?>>How do Chinese celebrate the festivals?<15> FAMILY**>>What do you think of the increase of divorce rate and single-parent household?PART 2 & PART 3<1> TV PROGRAMDescribe your favorite TV program.What is it? Which channel?.When andswheresdo you watch it?.What kind of it? What's it talk about?.And explain why you like it?>>What are the differences between day programs and evening programs? >>What are the TV program's effect on the children and the elderly? >>What are the differences of TV programs between now and past?>>What are the improvements on TV program in China?>>What is the situation of cinemas in China?>>How do you think that many people buy DVD and watch at home instead of going to the cinema?<2> SPORTS STARDescribe a sports star.Who she/he is.What sports he/she play.Why you like this star>>Do your friends like him?>>What are the benefits from sports?>>Do people around you like sports?>>What sport do they like?>>Do you think it is rational that sportsmen get high salary?>>Can sports star earn money through commercial advertising?>>What are differences of view on sport between men and women?>>Can you have a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Beijing's holding 2008 Olympic Games?<3> SUCCESSDescribe an important/recent success in your life.When /where/what about it.How do you make it.Why it is important for you>>How can you get to success?>> What are the essential conditions /qualifications of success?>>Why people must have a future goal?>>What is the effect of goal?>>What is people's goal nowadays?>>What is your aim of life?<4> CHILDDescribe a child you are familiar with.His or her name.Age, appearance.Hobby and explain why you like him/her>>Which are happier, children nowadays or the ones 20 years ago?>>What do you think of adolescent education in China?>>What are the effects of pressures exerted by teachers and parents? >>How do think of educational mode of elementary school in China? Are there any problems?>>What is the proper educational mode?>>What are the improvements in educational mode in China?>>What do you like to play when you were young, for example, when you were 10?>>What are the differences between Chinese children and foreign children? >>What are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?>>What do you think of the problem the problem the parents overindulge their children?<5> FRIENDDescribe your best friend..how you knew each other.How you became friends.How you spend time together.Explain why he/she is your best friend>> What is the difference in requirements for making friends between now and in your childhood?>>What's the most important thing between friends?>>Is it more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up than before?<6> FAVORITE SONGDescribe your favorite music/song.Name.What it is about.Why you like it>> How about the music's development of China?>>What is the difference between native music and foreign music?<7> TOYDescribe a toy for children.What it is.Who gave you?.Why you like it>>What are the differences in toys between now and past?>>What are the differences of toys between boys like and girls like? >>What role do toys play in the process of children's growth?>>What are the factors that influence adolescent?>>What are parent's attitudes toward too early love affairs of their child?>>What are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?>>Is there any relation between toy and education?<8> PARKDescribe your favorite park or garden.Where.How often.What kind of people like it.Why you like it>>What are the effect of parks on people's life?>>What are advantages and disadvantages of private garden?>>To what the purpose people want to possess a private garden?>>Do you think we need much more parks?>>Is it convenient to go outing?<9> HOUSEDescribe your ideal house or department.Where it is.Outside/inside? surrounding?.Why you like it>>Where do you live?swheresdo you want to live?>>Do you live in city or countryside? Tell about advantages and disadvantages from both areas.>>Do private space become smaller? How to solve/settle it?>>Are there many people live in high buildings and large mansions? >>What is the difference between old house and modern house? Which one do you prefer? Why? What is the advantage of the one that you exclude? >>How do government settle the problem of houses in danger? What's your opinion?>>What kind of house is popular?>>What are the good houses that majority believe?>>Why people like big house?>>Why should we preserve the old building?<10> EXCITING PERIODDescribe an exciting period in your life.When is it.What did you do during that time.Who are the friends you made in that time.Why it is exciting>>What is the legal age of Chinese people?>>What is the purpose of legal age? Why?>>May the legal age change?>>What can people do when they reach legal age?>>What do you do when you were at university?>>What do old people concern about?>>Who would look after them when people get old?>>When does the early education usually begin in your country? What is the advantage and disadvantage of beginning education at this age? Why?<11> FOUR SEASONSDescribe the features of four seasons in you country.What the seasons are.Features.What people do in each season?.Which season you like best?>> With the alternation of seasons, are there any changes in wearing clothes?>> What differences are there in architectural style between north and south considering the differences in season and climate?>> What differences are there in life style between people from south and the ones from north, For instance, Beijing and Nanjing?>> Is there any change of climate in the past 20 years?>> What do you think of the environment in the future?>>What is the cause of disasters? What are effects of disasters? Can we solve it?>>What should government do to prevent disasters? Such as flood.>>What do you think of the climate of China?>>Can you describe the bad weather you met?>>What is your favorite season? Why?>>Which season do Chinese like best?>>What is green house effect?<12> EQUIPMENTDescribe a piece of equipment you think it is useful.What it is.How it is used.Advantages and disadvantages>>Will today's technology/electric apparatus still be in use (popular) 50 years later?>>What differences in purposes of use are there between the young and the old?>>Are there any differences in attitudes about technology between men and women? What are those?>>Do the young people nowadays rely/depend too much on technology? >>How does technology influence people? Does it make life better? >>Do you think the development of science and technology would bring people much more convenience? In what aspects does it show? Can you imagine what aspect it is?>>What are the advantages and disadvantages of new technologiy?>>Are there any people around you who don't accept new technology?<13> TRIPDescribe a exciting trip you made.When did you take it?.How did you get there? By what transport?.Introduce that trip. What did you see there?.Who do you with?.Explain why you liked it.>>What transports are available for Chinese people's trip?>>What is the difference between traveling by single and traveling in a group?>>What are defects of tourism?>>Why many people come to China? Are there any advantages and disadvantages?>>Why many people go abroad for a trip? What are advantages and disadvantages?>>What your opinion about the prospect of tourism in China?>>What kind of people go to China for trips? Why?<14> BOOK / STORYDescribe a book/story you read before.Name.When.What influence it brings to you>>What kind of libraries do you often go to?>>What facilities are there in the library?>>What improvement do you think that we should make?>>Where do you like to read, in the library or at home?>>Do every village and city have libraries>>Do majority of people read for study or entertainment?>>Do you like reading novels?>>Some writings can be handed down as classics. What requirements do they must fulfill to make these achievements? / What are the preconditions to be classic?>>What is your ideal library?<15> NORMAL COMMODITYDescribe a normal commodity in Chinese family?.What it is.How it is used.Advantages and disadvantagesNote: This topic is si milar to the “EQUIPMENT” topic>>What are advantages and disadvantages of high technology?<16> HOLIDAYNote: For this topic, you can combine the “HOLIDAY” of PART 1 and the “TRIP” topic to answer it.OTHERNote: There are some questions about international relations in PART 3. >>With competition between countries, how to reinforce the cooperation between countries?>>Can you describe one of your country's success? What are the native effects and international effects of your country's success?>>What is your goal of life?>>What country do you want to go to?。

口语Part 1题库是用于雅思口语考试的常见问题集合,主要用于考察考生的基本信息、兴趣爱好、家庭、工作和学习等方面的情况。
以下是一些常见的口语Part 1题库问题:
1. Can you tell me your full name?
2. Where are you from?
3. Do you work or are you a student?
4. What do you like to do in your free time?
5. Do you have any hobbies or interests?
6. Can you tell me about your family?
7. What is your favorite holiday and how do you usually celebrate it?
8. What is your favorite type of food?
9. Have you ever traveled abroad? If so, where did you go and what did you do there?
10. Can you describe your hometown or where you
currently live?

雅思口语问题汇总(一)Written by MazhaolinPart 1姓名(NAME)①、w hat’s your (full) name? 你叫什么名字?Keys:My English name is Tina (我的英文名字叫TINA)②、What can I call you? 你叫什么名字?Keys:oh,call me wangjian would be fine.(叫我王建就行)③、wha t’s the meaning of your Chinese name?(你的名字有什么特殊含义吗?)Keys:Actually, it means bright and success also full of well-blessing(实际上,它代表聪明与成功,并充满了祝福的含义。
)④、Do Chinese people like changing their names?(中国人喜欢改名吗?)Keys:No,we don’t. because we are traditional,and in Chinese culture ,changing name is a big event. (不,不喜欢;因为我们比较传统,在中国的文化习俗里,改名字是一件很大的事情。
)⑤、what kind of people like changing their names in China?(什么样的人在中国喜欢改名字?)Keys:As far as I am concernd,only people in entertainment field would like to change their names to make themselves more famous.(在我看来,只有娱乐界的人才会想改名字使自己更出名。
)⑥、Have you ever changed your name? why or why not?(你曾经改过名字吗?)Keys: No,never ,My name sounds ok ,and there is no need for me to change it. Besides,it is too complicated to change a name in China.We have to go to the police station and change all our relevant documents.(不,从未改过,我的名字听起来很好,对我来说,没必要去改。

1. What's your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning?3. Where were you e from?4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?5. What is the main crop in your hometown?6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?8. What is the climate like in your hometown?9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?11. What is people's favorite food in your region?12. How do you make dumplings?13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.19. How long have you lived in Beijing?20. What is the weather like in Beijing?21. How do you pare the climate in Beijing withthat in your hometown?22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ?23. Which is the worst place you've been to China?24. Which is the best place you've been to China?25. What places in Beijing should a foreignervisit? Why?26. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solve。


1.雅思口语考试的常见问答Q: 口语考试中哪部分最重要?A: 从时间分配的角度看,3个部分同样重要.由于考官对考生3个部分的总体表现进行评估,因此每个部分对最后的成绩都很重要.但是,由于第2,3阶段的问题更具挑战性,因此考官更看重这两个阶段.此外,给考官一个好的印象很重要,你必须记住"好的开始是成功的一半"Q: 如何获知口试的相关信息?A: 笔试完后,考生可在考场外的指定公告栏上,看到自己的口试时间和地点.考生按姓氏的拼音字母A~Z划分考场Q: 考试时间是固定的吗?A: 不一定,按规定,11~14分钟为正常考试时间,除第2部分考生准备考生准备卡片内容的时间一分钟是严格控制外,考官有权根据情况做合理调整. 短于10分钟或超过14分钟都会出现Q: 是否英式发音比美式发音更受欢迎?A: IELTS虽来源于英国和澳大利亚,但出题委员会一直强调并自豪于其"国际性".不管是英式还是美式,只要说的标准流利,都能受到考官青睐Q: 为什么会有台录音机?A: 因为当你对成绩有异议时,录音就是很好的凭证,可用于重新评分Q: 考试时我离考官有多远,讲话时需要手势吗?A: 你坐在考官对面,中间隔着一张桌子,用正常音量,考官可清晰听见你说话,但适当的手势能缓解紧张情绪并加强交流效果,尤其是遇到表达困难时,轻微点头动作起减压作用.注意肢体语言不宜过多,给人喧宾夺主的印象.真诚,自然的目光交流很重要,这往往是考官对你印象的关键.Q: 我应该语速快一些,多说一些还是说慢一些,少说一些?A: 语速快慢不是关键问题,流利才是最重要的,没有断断续续和重复,即使语速慢些,也没太大影响.Q: 如果我听不懂考官的问题该怎么办?可以猜吗?A: 你可以猜,风险是你可能会误解问题.让考官重复一次或稍做解释比假装明白却答错好.(考官只会重复一次)2.雅思口语考试指南雅思口语考试评分是由考生的考试全程的表现获得的。

20个最常见的雅思口语话题1. Do you think the government is doing enough to prevent road accidents?2. As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport?3. How do you see yourself in ten years" time?4. Have you ever thought to have your own business?5. What business do you hope to have?6. Do you know about any policies about opening a business abroad?7. What are your plans for your future?8. Why do you think there are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other countries?9. Is it good for China that so many people are going to other countries?10. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABC?11. What will you do if you are ill abroad?12. Do you know what to do in case of emergency?13. What will do if you cannot find a job in ABC?14. Why do you want to immigrate to ABC?15. What will you do after the IELTS test?16. What will do if you fail the IELTS test?17. What"s your dream job?18. How long have you been learning English?19. What troubles you most at the moment?20. Does your family support your decision on going ABC? What help do they offer?第一招:减少描述,增加议论纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe,如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often go to(地点题),Describe a family event(事件题)。

雅思口语之常见英文问题类型及其示例一、个人信息类问题:Could you tell me your full name, please?Where are you from?What's your occupation?How old are you?二、家庭与日常生活类问题:Do you live with your family?What's your favorite meal to cook?How do you usually spend your weekends?What's your favorite hobby?三、学习与工作类问题:What subjects did you study at school?1How do you find learning English?What's your favorite subject and why?What's your job and what does it involve?四、兴趣爱好与休闲活动类问题:What's your favorite sport?Do you like to travel? Where have you been?What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?How do you spend your free time?五、观点与态度类问题:Do you agree that everyone should learn a foreign language? What's your opinion on climate change?Do you think technology has made our lives better or worse? What's the most important thing in life, in your opinion?六、描述类问题:2Describe a place you have visited that you found interesting.Describe a person who has influenced you.Describe a book you have read that you found inspiring.Describe a time when you were happy.七、解决问题类问题:How would you solve the problem of traffic congestion in your city?What measures would you take to reduce pollution?How can we encourage more people to recycle?八、抽象与推理类问题:What do you think is the meaning of life?How important is education for personal development?What qualities make a good leader?考生应当在备考过程中熟悉这些问题类型,并练习如何在短时间内组织语言、清晰地表达观点、使用适当的词汇和语法。

雅思口语考试常见话题及回答雅思口语考试常见话题及回答如下:1.What’s your name?My name is Lily, but my friends usually call me Lee. It’s a lot easier and more casual! I love how names can reflect personality.2.Where are you from?I’m from Shanghai, a city known for its vibrant culture and amazing food. I love the energy of the city! It feels like there’s always something new to discover.3.Do you work or study?I’m currently studying psychology at university. I find human behavior fascinating and want to help people. It's a field that really makesa difference in people's lives.4.Why did you choose that subject?I chose psychology because I want to understand how people think and feel. It’s rewarding to help others improve their mental health. I believe mental well-being is crucial for a fulfilling life.5.What do you like to do in your free time?In my free time, I love painting. It’s a great way to relax and express my creativity. Sometimes, I even take my sketchbook to the park for inspiration!6.Do you enjoy reading?Absolutely! I enjoy mystery novels; they really keep me on the edge of my seat. There’s something thrilling about trying to solve the puzzle before the end.7.How often do you exercise?I try to exercise about four times a week. Whether it’s jogging or yoga, it really helps me feel good. It’s a great way to boost my mood and energy levels.8.What kind of music do you like?I love pop music, especially artists like Taylor Swift. Her songs are so catchy and relatable! Music is my go-to for lifting my spirits during tough days.9.Have you ever traveled abroad?Yes, I went to Japan last year. The food and culture were incredible, and I had such a great time exploring! I can’t wait to visit more countries in the future.10.What’s your favorite holiday?My favorite holiday is Chinese New Year. It’s all about family, delicious food, and beautiful decorations! The traditions really bring everyone closer together.11.How do you usually celebrate your birthday?I usually have a small party with close friends and family. We eat cake and play games; it’s always fun! I love making memories on my special day.12.What’s your favorite food?I absolutely love sushi! It’s fresh and delicious, and I can eat it every day. Each piece feels like a little work of art.113.Do you cook often?I cook a few times a week, trying out new recip es. It’s satisfying to create something tasty! Plus, it’s healthier than ordering takeout all the time.14.What’s your favorite movie?My favorite movie is “Inception.” I love how it makes you think and challenges your perception of reality. Every time I watch it, I discover something new.15.Do you prefer watching movies at home or in the cinema?I prefer watching movies at home. It’s cozy, and I can snack whenever I want! Plus, I can pause if Ineed a break.16.What’s a recent movie you watched?I recently watched “The Secret Garden.” It was beautifully made, and I loved the message of hope. The visuals were stunning and really transported me.17.Do you like to go shopping?I enjoy shopping, especially for clothes. It’s fun to find new outfits that make me feel good. I love experimenting with different styles!18.How often do you use the internet?I’m on the internet every day, mainly for studying and connecting with friends. It’s a big part of my life. It’s amazing how connected we can be nowadays.19.What do you do to relax?I like listening to music to unwind. It really helps me forget about my worries for a while. Sometimes, I also meditate to clear my mind.20.Do you have any pets?Yes, I have a cat named Whiskers. He’s so playful and always makes me laugh! He definitely brings a lot of joy into my life.21.What’s your dream job?My dream job is to be a clinical psychologist. I want to help people navigate their mental health challenges. It’s important work that I feel passionate about.22.How do you stay motivated?I stay motivated by setting small, achievable goals. It’s satisfying to see my progress! Celebrating those small wins keeps me inspired.23.Do you enjoy socializing?Yes, I love spending time with friends. It’s always nice to catch up and have fun together. Good company makes everything better!24.What’s your favorite season?I love spring because everything blooms, and theweather is perfect for outdoor activities. It feels like a fresh start after winter! 25.How do you usually spend your weekends?I spend my weekends hanging out with frien ds or catching up on my favorite shows. It’s a great way to relax and recharge for the week ahead.26.What’s a hobby you’d like to try?I’d love to try photography. Capturing beautiful moments sounds exciting and creative! It would be great to share my perspective through images.27.Do you play any sports?I play badminton occasionally. It’s a fun way to stay active and socialize. Plus, it’s always exciting to compete with friends!28.How important is it to have friends?Having friends is really important to me. They provide support and make life more enjoyable! Good friends are like family you choose for yourself.29.What’s your favorite place in your city?My favorite place in Shanghai is the Bund. The view of the skyline at night is just breathtaking! I could sit there for hours just soaking it all in.30.How often do you spend time with your family?I try to spend time with my family every weekend. It’s nice to bond over meals and catch up. Family time is something I cherish deeply.。

Part 1:最常见的雅思口语题型多对一谈话 One-on-one interview)问题类型:考官就一个主题与考生进行一对一的谈话,谈话时间一般为2-3分钟。
示例句型:考官:Do you enjoy English classes?你:Yes, I do.考官:Why do you enjoy English classes?你:Because English classes help me improve my listening and speaking skills.Part 2:最常见的雅思口语题型两人小组讨论 Two-person group discussion)问题类型:考官将考生分成两人小组,并就一个主题展开讨论,讨论时间一般为2-3分钟。
示例句型:考官:What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?你:The advantages of globalization are that it can bring more trade opportunities and economic development for all. But it also has some disadvantages, such as environmental pollution and cultural differences.Part 3:独立口语 Independent Speaking)问题类型:考官给考生一个话题,考生根据自己的兴趣、经历或观点进行2分钟左右的个人演讲,之后考官对考生的演讲进行提问或与考生进行互动。
示例句型:考官:What are the differences between personal hobbies and professional careers?你:Personal hobbies can help me relax and de-stress. But professional careers require me to have a strong focus and work ethic.Part 4:配对口语 Paired Interview)问题类型:考官将考生分成两人一组,并提供一个话题,两人根据这个话题进行配对讨论,讨论时间一般为2-3分钟。
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雅思口语常见问题雅思口语考试常见问题86.Whatis the most popular sport in your country?87.Whatare the sporting facilities like in youruniversity/Beijing?88.Whatdo you know about Qigong? Do you believe inQigong?89.Whatdo you do in your spare time?90.Doyou often read newspapers? If not, why ones do you read?91.Whatdo you think of puter?92.Doyou think puter has changed our life so much?93.Doyou often go to the cinema/theatre?94.Whatkind of films do you like best?95.Doyou often watch TV? What is your favoriteprogram?96.Doyou think watching TV too much is a waste oftime?97.Whatkind of music do you enjoy?98.Whois your favorite film star? Will you describe him/her to me?99.Doyou enjoy travelling?100.Wherehave you been travelling to? Which place interested you most?.Doyou smoking?102.Doyou think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to besolved? If so, why? 103.What do you know about XXX?104.Whatproblem do you think you will have in XXX?105.Howwill you overe the difficulties?106.Doyou think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intendedstudy program in XXX? 107.What difficulties do you think you’ll encounter in your studies in XXX ?108.Canyou imagine what life inBritain/Canada/Australia/London, etc.wouldbelike? 109.Howwill you fare in Britain/Canada/Australia,etc.withoutyour family?110.Whatdo you intend to study?111.Whichuniversity are you going to study at?112.Whydid you choose this university?113.Whereare you going to study in XXX?114.Whatare you plans in XXX?115.Whatis your research proposal all about?116.Whatdo you hope for most from your study abroad?117.Will your study abroad help your job prospects after e back to China?118.Shouldyou study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.119.Whatkind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and theXX? 120.Howwill your study in Britain benefit your work in China when you e backto China? 121.Whatdo you intend to do after you finishstudying?122.Whatwill be your main problem when you are study in a foreign country?123.Whatproblem can you foresee in the future when you e back to China?124.Willthere be any adjustment problems in your life when you e back toChina? If so, what are they? 125.Will you have to make any changes in your work/life when you e back toChina? 126.Doyou think there will be a gap between your knowledge gained in China andthe level of knowledge you are going to encounter on arrival? If so, what will it be?127.Whatdo you think of the future of China keeps an open policy?128.Whatdo you regard as the most significant events in your country’s recenthistory?129.Arethere any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they?130.Whatdo you especially want to do in Canada?131.Howdo you like your life in ******* University?132.What do you think of the training in the university?133.In what way do you think university training is helpful or falls short?134.Whataspect of English do you find the mostdifficult?135.Doyou find American English easier to understand than Britain English?136.Whatsports are played in your country?137.Couldyou describe the traditional architecture of your country?138.Whatrole dose religion play in everyday life in your country?139.Whatwould you regard as the most significant events in your country’s recent history?140.Howaware do you think people are nowadays about environmental issues?141.Couldyou tell me why you chose to study at the university of ****?142.Whatrole dose tourism play in your country’s economy?143.Howserious is unemployment in your country?144.Inyour opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?145.Whatdo you think have been the most important changes in your field over thepast 5 years? 146.Whatare you going to major in ?147.Areyou going to do your own cooking when you are at university?148.Somelocal students feel that overseas students get preferential treatment.Whatisyour opinion? 149.Doyou think you will be able to cope with the English-language demands of yourintended program? 150.What do you think are the main causes of roadaccidents?151.Doyou think the government is doing enough to prevent road accidents?152.As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport?153.How do you see yourself in ten years’ time?154.Haveyou ever thought to have your own business?155.Whatbusiness do you hope to have?156.Doyou know about any policies about opening a business abroad?157.Whatare your plans for your future?158.Whydo you think there are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other countries?159.Isit good for China that so many people are going to other countries?160.Willyour life change a lot after you immigrate toXXX?161.Whatwill you do if you are ill abroad?162.Doyou know what to do in case of emergency?163.Whatwill do if you cannot find a job in XXX?164.Whydo you want to immigrate to XXX?165.Whatwill you do after the IELTS test?166.Whatwill do if you fail the IELTS test?167.Howlong have you been learning English?168.Whattroubles you most at the moment?169.Does your family support your decision on going XXX? What help do they offer?。