起重机毕业设计毕业论文摘要本文主要介绍了桥式起重机的整体设计理论和设计过程其中重点设计了桥式起重机的起升机构和运行机构主要包括桥式起重机小车运行机构的整体设计及传动机构的布置起升机构的计算小车运行机构计算还有起升机构卷筒组的设计计算和吊钩组的设计计算还有轴承的选择联轴器的选择电动机的选择减速器的选择和校核关键词桥式起重机起重机小车卷筒吊钩AbstractThis article mainly introduced the entire design theory and design process of bridge-type hoist cranewhich focused on the design of the bridge crane hoisting mechanism and operation of institutionsIncluding major bridge crane car running in the overall design and layout of the transmission mechanismthe lifting bodiesagencies calculate car runningSince there are groups or institutions reel and hook the design and calculation of the design groupand the choice of bear and couplingthe choice of motorthe choice and checking of reducerKey words bridge-type hoist cranecrane trolleyreelhook目录摘要IAbstract II第1章绪论 111 课题背景 112 起重机的发展史 113 垃圾搬运起重机的发展背景及现状 114 起重机的发展趋势 2com 大型化和专用化 2com 模块化和组合化 3com 轻型化和多样化 3com 自动化和智能化 4com 成套化和系统化 5com 新型化和实用化 5com 垃圾搬运起重机设计的主要工作 6 第2章桥式垃圾搬运起重机的概况 721 桥式垃圾搬运起重机的功用 722 桥式垃圾搬运起重机的结构 7 com 升起结构 7com 起重机运行机构 7com 桥架的金属结构 8com 垃圾抓斗 823 垃圾搬运起重机作为非标特种起重机具有的特点 924 本章小结 9第3章起升小车的设计 1031 起升机构计算 10com 钢丝绳 10com 电动机 12com 减速器 13com 制动器 15com 联轴器 16com 起制动时间验算 17com 卷筒 19com 钢丝绳在卷筒上的固定 2132 运行机构计算 22com 运行阻力的计算 23com 电动机的选择 24com 减速器的选择 27com 制动器的选择 28com 联轴器的选择 28com 运行打滑验算 2933 本章小结 30第4章大车运行机构的设计 3241 运行阻力的计算 32com 摩擦阻力Fm 32com 坡道阻力Fp 33com 风阻力Fw 3342 电动机的选择 33com 电动机的静功率 33com 电动机初选 33com 电动机的过载校验 34com 电动机的发热校验 35com 起动时间与起动平均加速度验算 35 43 减速器的选择 36com 减速器的传动比 36com 标准减速器的选用 3644 制动器的选择 3645 联轴器的选择 3746 运行打滑计算 38com 起动时按下式验算 38com 制动时按下式验算 3847 本章小结 39第5章主动轴及车轮的设计计算 4051 轴的概述 40com 轴的用途 40com 轴设计的主要内容 40com 轴的材料 4052轴的设计及其校核 40com 拟定轴上零件的装配方案 40 com 轴的强度计算 4153 小车驱动机构主动轴的设计 4254 车轮的计算 44com 车轮踏面疲劳计算载荷 44 com 车轮踏面疲劳计算 4455 本章小结 46第6章主梁的设计计算 4761 作用于主梁上的载荷 4762 计算载荷及其组合 4763 主梁的强度计算 4864 主梁的刚度计算 5165 疲劳计算 5266 本章小结 52结论 53致谢 54参考文献 55附录1 56附录2 60第1章绪论11 课题背景在德国美国日本及芬兰等发达国家半自动和全自动控制的垃圾抓斗起重机已经形成系列产品广泛应用于垃圾焚烧工程国外提供垃圾搬运起重机的厂商主要有芬兰KONE德国DEMAG美国PH法国REEL等公司种类分为手动半自动及全自动控制等3个等级单机日处理垃圾量从250~3000t而我国在环保产品生产及环保技术开发等领域仍以常规技术通用产品占主导地位与国外技术之间存在的巨大差距单机处理垃圾量则只有250-1500td在我国坚持走可持续发展道路的方针越来越注视环境保护的大前提下已经远远不能满足国内环保产业的发展要求相信在不久的将来垃圾搬运起重机会随着国内垃圾焚烧发电厂的蓬勃发展而迅速占有广大的环保产业市场12 起重机的发展史中国古代灌溉农田用的桔是臂架型起重机的雏形14世纪西欧出现了人力和畜力驱动的转动臂架型起重机19世纪前期出现了桥式起重机起重机的重要磨损件如轴齿轮和吊具等开始采用金属材料制造并开始采用水力驱动19世纪后期蒸汽驱动的起重机逐渐取代了水力驱动的起重机20世纪20年代开始由于电气工业和内燃机工业迅速发展以电动机或内燃机为动力装置的各种起重机基本形成13垃圾搬运起重机的发展背景及现状作为特种专用型起重机的一种垃圾搬运起重机的产生和发展必定符合其新兴的环境背景由于各国工业的迅猛发展城市人口剧增使大量的工业垃圾和生活垃圾成为地球公害面对垃圾滥成灾的现实世界各国的视线已从如何控制和销毁垃圾转变为着手科学地处理利用垃圾将垃圾列为维持经济持续发展的第二资源向垃圾要资源要能源要效益从生态环境角度看垃圾虽然是一种污染源从资源角度看它却是地球上唯一在增长的资源一种潜在的资源经科学家计算垃圾中的2次能源物质有机可燃物含热量多热值高每燃烧2t垃圾可获得相当于燃烧1t煤的热量而且垃圾焚烧处理后的灰渣呈中性无气味不会引发2次污染且体积减少90%重量减少75%以上明显减容减量如果措施得当利用1 t垃圾可获得约300~400kW的电力生产能力抓斗桥式垃圾搬运起重机作为一种专用型起重机将伴随着全球对环境保护观念的深入和环保产业的迅猛发展而得到广泛的应用并且正向着半自动化和全自动化的更加先进的方向发展14起重机的发展趋势com 大型化和专用化由于工业生产规模的不断扩大生产效率日益提高以及产品生产过程中物料装卸搬运费用所占比例逐渐增加促使大型或高速起重机的需求量不断增长起重量越来越大工作速度越来越高并对能耗和可靠性提出更高的要求起重机已成为自动化生产流程中的重要环节起重机不但要容易操作容易维护而且安全性要好可靠性要高要求具有优异的耐久性无故障性维修性和使用经济性目前世界上最大的浮游起重机起重量达6500t最大的履带起重机起重量达3000t最大的桥式起重机起重量为1200t集装箱岸边装卸桥小车的最大运行速度已达350mmin堆垛起重机最大运行速度是240mmin垃圾处理用起重机的起升速度达100mmin工业生产方式和用户需求的多样性使专用起重机的市场不断扩大品种也不断更新以特有的功能满足特殊的需要发挥出最佳的效用例如冶金核电造纸垃圾处理的专用起重机防爆防腐绝缘起重机和铁路船舶集装箱专用起重机的功能不断增加性能不断提高适应性比以往更强德国德马格公司研制出一种飞机维修保养的专用起重机在国际市场打开了销路这种起重机安装在房屋结构上跨度大起升高度大可过跨停车精度高在起重小车下面安装有多节伸缩导管与飞机维修平台相连并可作360度旋转通过大车和小车的位移导管的升降与旋转可使维修平台到达飞机的任一部位进行飞机的维护和修理极为快捷方便com和组合化用模块化设计代替传统的整机设计方法将起重机上功能基本相同的构件部件和零件制成有多种用途有相同联接要素和可互换的标准模块通过不同模块的相互组合形成不同类型和规格的起重机对起重机进行改进只需针对某几个模块设计新型起重机只需选用不同模块重新进行组合可使单件小批量生产的起重机改换成具有相当批量的模块生产实现高效率的专业化生产企业的生产组织也可由产品管理变为模块管理达到改善整机性能降低制造成本提高通用化程度用较少规格数的零部件组成多品种多规格的系列产品充分满足用户需求目前德国英国法国美国和日本的著名起重机公司都已采用起重机模块化设计并取得了显著的效益德国德马格公司的标准起重机系列改用模块化设计后比单件设计的设计费用下降12生产成本下降45经济效益十分可观德国德马格公司还开发了一种KBK柔性组合式悬挂起重机起重机的钢结构由冷轧型轨组合而成起重机运行线路可沿生产工艺流程任意布置可有叉道转弯过跨变轨距所有部件都可实现大批量生产再根据用户的不同需求和具体物料搬运路线在短时间内将各种部件组合搭配即成这种起重机组合性非常好操作方便能充分利用空间运行成本低有手动自动多种形式还能组成悬挂系统单梁悬挂起重机双梁悬挂起重机悬臂起重机轻型门式起重机及手动堆垛起重机甚至能组成大型自动化物料搬运系统com 轻型化和多样化有相当批量的起重机是在通用的场合使用工作并不很繁重这类起重机批量大用途广考虑综合效益要求起重机尽量降低外形高度简化结构减小自重和轮压也可使整个建筑物高度下降建筑结构轻型化降低造价因此电动葫芦桥式起重机和梁式起重机会有更快的发展并将大部分取代中小吨位的一般用途桥式起重机德国德马格公司经过几十年的开发和创新已形成了一个轻型组合式的标准起重机系列起重量为1-63吨工作级别为A1-A7整个系列由工字形和箱型单梁悬挂箱形单梁角形小车箱形单梁和箱形双梁等多个品种组成主梁与端梁相接以及起重小车的布置有多种型式可适合不同建筑物及不同起吊高度的要求根据用户需要每种规格起重机都有三种单速及三种双速供任意选择还可以选用变频调速操纵方式有地面手电门自行移动手电门随小车移动手电门固定无线遥控司机室固定司机室随小车移动司机室自行移动等七种选择大车及小车的供电有电缆小车导电DVS系统两种方式如此多的选择项通过不同的组合可搭配成百上千种起重机充分满足用户不同的需求这种起重机的另一最大优点是轻型化自重轻轮压轻外形尺寸高度小可大大降低厂房建筑物的建造成本同时也可减小起重机的运行功率和运行成本与通用产品相比较起重量为10t跨度225m通用双梁桥式起重机自重是24t起重机轨面以上高度1876mm起重机宽度5980mm 德马格起重机的自重只有87t重量轻了176起重机轨面以上高度为920mm降低了104起重机宽度为2980mm外形尺寸减少了100com 自动化和智能化起重机的更新和发展在很大程度上取决于电气传动与控制的改进将机械技术和电子技术相结合将先进的计算机技术微电子技术电力电子技术光缆技术液压技术模糊控制技术应用到机械的驱动和控制系统实现起重机的自动化和智能化大型高效起重机的新一代电气控制装置已发展为全电子数字化控制系统主要由全数字化控制驱动装置可编程序控制器故障诊断及数据管理系统数字化操纵给定检测等设备组成变压变频调速射频数据通讯故障自诊监控吊具防摇的模糊控制激光查找起吊物重心近场感应防碰撞技术现场总线载波通讯及控制无接触供电及三维条形码技术等将广泛得到应用使起重机具有更高的柔性以适合多批次少批量的柔性生产模式提高单机综合自动化水平重点开发以微处理机为核心的高性能电气传动装置使起重机具有优良的调速和静动特性可进行操作的自动控制自动显示与记录起重机运行的自动保护与自动检测特殊场合的远距离遥控等以适应自动化生产的需要例如采用激光装置查找起吊物的重心位置在取物装置上装有超声波传感器引导取物装置自动抓取货物吊具自动防摇系统能在运行速度200m/min加速度05m2/s的情况下很快使起吊物摇摆振幅减至几个毫米起重机可通过磁场变换器或激光达到高精度定位起重机上安装近场感应系统可避免起重机之间的互相碰撞起重机上还安装了微机自诊断监控系统该系统能提供大部分常规维护检查内容如齿轮箱油温油位车轮轴承温度起重机的载荷应力和振动情况制动器摩擦衬片的寿命及温度状况等com 成套化和系统化在起重机单机自动化的基础上通过计算机把各种起重运输机械组成一个物料搬运集成系统通过中央控制室的控制与生产设备有机结合与生产系统协调配合这类起重机自动化程度高具有信息处理功能可将传感器检测出来的各种信息实施存储运算逻辑判断变换等处理加工进而向执行机构发出控制指令这类起重机还具有较好的信息输入输出接口实现信息全部准确可靠地在整个物料搬运集成系统中的传输起重机通过系统集成能形成不同机种的最佳匹配和组合取长补短发挥最佳效用目前重点发展的有工厂生产搬运自动化系统柔性加工制造系统商业货物配送集散系统集装箱装卸搬运系统交通运输和邮电部门行包货物的自动分拣与搬运系统等例如生产工程机械的美国卡特皮勒公司金属结构厂购置了一条以桥式起重机为主的物料自动搬运系统用于钢板的喷丸处理切割和入库的自动装卸搬运作业比原先采用单机操作工作效率提高了65日本东芝浜川崎工厂用全自动桥式起重机组成的物料输送系统来搬运柔性加工线上的夹具和工件为机床运送毛坯或将加工好的零件送到下一工序或仓库这些在空间移动的起重机搬运系统代替了过去通常使用的自动导向搬运车使车间的地面面积得到充分利用com 新型化和实用化结构方面采用薄壁型材和异形钢减少结构的拼接焊缝提高抗疲劳性能采用各种高强度低合金钢新材料提高承载能力改善受力条件减轻自重和增加外形美观桥式起重机的桥架结构型式大多采用箱形四梁结构主梁与端梁采用高强度螺栓联接便于运输与安装在机构方面进一步开发新型传动零部件简化机构三合一运行机构是当今世界轻中级起重机运行机构的主流将电动机减速器和制动器合为一体具有结构紧凑轻巧美观拆装方便调整简单运行平稳配套范围大等优点国外已广泛应用到各种起重机运行机构上为使中小吨位的起重小车结构尽量简化同时降低起重机的尺寸高度减小轮压国外已大量采用电动葫芦作为起升机构为了减轻自重提高承载能力改善加工制造条件增加产品成品率零部件尽量采用以焊代铸如减速器壳体卷简滑轮等都用焊接结构减速器齿轮都采用硬齿面以减轻自重减小体积提高承载能力增加使用寿命液压推杆盘式制动器的应用范围也越来越大此外各机构采用的电动机都向高转速发展从而减小电机基座号减轻重量与减小外形尺寸并可配用制动力矩小的制动器在电控方面开发性能好成本低可靠性高的调速系统和电控系统发展半自动和全自动操纵采用机电仪液一体化技术提高使用性能和可靠性增加起重机的功能今后会更加注重起重机的安全性研制新型安全保护装置重视司机的工作条件应用人体工程学设计司机室降低司机的劳动强度德国近年为解决起重机吊钩的防摆控制开发了模糊逻辑电路的控制技术用神经信息和模糊技术来寻找开始加速的最佳时刻将有经验司机防摆实际操作的数据输入系统实现最优控制模糊控制方式能确定实施自动工作的控制指令将人们主观上的模糊量通过模糊集合进行数字化定量再利用计算机实现像熟练司机一样的自如操作取得了更高的效率和安全性模糊控制作为新的控制方法已引人注目com 垃圾搬运起重机设计的主要工作本次设计针对小车的起升机构及运行机构桥架运行机构的部件进行选型设计校核了小车运行机构的主动车轮组和卷筒确定选用了主梁截面尺寸通过一系列的设计不仅有效得减轻了起重机的自重更使起重机的结构简洁可靠驱动机构达到同步起升重物高速平稳第2章桥式垃圾搬运起重机的概况21桥式垃圾搬运起重机的功用桥式起重机是桥架在高架轨道上运行的一种桥架型起重机又称天车桥式起重机的桥架沿铺设在两侧高架上的轨道纵向运行起重小车沿铺设在桥架上的轨道横向运行构成一矩形的工作范围就可以充分利用桥架下面的空间吊运物料不受地面设备的阻碍垃圾搬运起重机是用于城市生活垃圾焚烧发电厂垃圾处理的特种抓斗桥式起重机是城市生活垃圾焚烧厂垃圾供料系统的核心设备位于垃圾贮存坑的上方主要承担垃圾的投料搬运搅拌取物和称量工作22 桥式垃圾搬运起重机的结构垃圾搬运起重机一般由起重小车桥架运行机构桥架金属结构组成起重小车又由起升机构小车运行机构和小车架三部分组成com 升起结构为起升机构包括电动机制动器减速器卷筒和滑轮组电动机通过减速器带动卷筒转动使钢丝绳绕上卷筒或从卷筒放下以升降重物小车架是支托和安装起升机构和小车运行机构等部件的机架通常为焊接结构起重机运行机构的驱动方式可分为两大类一类为集中驱动即用一台电动机带动长传动轴驱动两边的主动车轮另一类为分别驱动即两边的主动车轮各用一台电动机驱动中小型桥式起重机较多采用制动器减速器和电动机组合成一体的三合一驱动方式大起重量的普通桥式起重机为便于安装和调整驱动装置常采用万向联轴器com 起重机运行机构起重机运行机构一般只用四个主动和从动车轮如果起重量很大常用增加车轮的办法来降低轮压当车轮超过四个时必须采用铰接均衡车架装置使起重机的载荷均匀地分布在各车轮上com 桥架的金属结构桥架的金属结构由主粱和端粱组成分为单主粱桥架和双粱桥架两类单主粱桥架由单根主粱和位于跨度两边的端粱组成双粱桥架由两根主粱和端粱组成主粱与端粱刚性连接端粱两端装有车轮用以支承桥架在高架上运行主粱上焊有轨道供起重小车运行桥架主粱的结构类型较多比较典型的有箱形结构四桁架结构和空腹桁架结构箱形结构又可分为正轨箱形双粱偏轨箱形双粱偏轨箱形单主粱等几种正轨箱形双粱是广泛采用的一种基本形式主粱由上下翼缘板和两侧的垂直腹板组成小车钢轨布置在上翼缘板的中心线上它的结构简单制造方便适于成批生产但自重较大偏轨箱形双粱和偏轨箱形单主粱的截面都是由上下翼缘板和不等厚的主副腹板组成小车钢轨布置在主腹板上方箱体内的短加劲板可以省去其中偏轨箱形单主粱是由一根宽翼缘箱形主粱代替两根主粱自重较小但制造较复杂四桁架式结构由四片平面桁架组合成封闭型空间结构在上水平桁架表面一般铺有走台板自重轻刚度大但与其他结构相比外形尺寸大制造较复杂疲劳强度较低已较少生产空腹桁架结构类似偏轨箱形主粱由四片钢板组成一封闭结构除主腹板为实腹工字形粱外其余三片钢板上按照设计要求切割成许多窗口形成一个无斜杆的空腹桁架在上下水平桁架表面铺有走台板起重机运行机构及电气设备装在桥架内部自重较轻整体刚度大这在中国是较为广泛采用的一种型式com 垃圾抓斗垃圾抓斗是垃圾焚烧场供料系统核心设备垃圾搬运起重机的辅助设备它负责给垃圾焚烧炉供料并承担搬运搅拌贮坑中垃圾的作业等其充分利用垃圾贮坑的容量使坑内垃圾充分发酵且成分均匀抓斗的工作环境恶劣工作负荷繁重维护保养困难易发生故障一旦抓斗出现故障影响垃圾焚烧炉的供料将造成垃圾焚烧场的停运甚至可能造成城市生活垃圾收集清运系统的混乱正确选择垃圾的抓斗非常重要垃圾抓斗从结构形式上分为蚌壳式和爪瓣式从驱动方式上分为机械式和液压式爪式液压抓斗为多瓣结构靠液压缸直接驱动爪瓣实现开闭动作切取容积大抓取力大防摆性好对不均匀斜面垃圾效果好应用广泛起重机上小车无需增加驱动抓斗机构小车体积小灵活四吊点六瓣液压抓斗带有自动开启闭合及倾斜控制系统由上海起帆·佩纳公司供货采用德国PEINER技术制造液压中心从德国进口并采用380V交流电压驱动液压缸位于抓斗外侧便于检修且每个液压缸上都安装防尘罩抓斗供电采用与起升卷筒同步传动的电缆卷筒布置在小车上称量系统进行实时的动态称量具有超载报警计量和统计打印功能称量传感器安装在小车钢丝绳卷筒轴承底座下方23 垃圾搬运起重机作为非标特种起重机具有的特点1工作环境恶劣温度高湿度大灰尘多气体腐蚀性强2工作载荷繁重年平均工作时间8000h满载率高工作频繁3维护保养困难工作环境恶劣垃圾腐烂的多种有害气体增加了工作难度4可靠性要求高如起重机出现故障无法及时弥补将影响焚烧炉进料造成垃圾焚烧场瘫痪24 本章小结本章简要介绍了垃圾搬运起重机的结构形态功用和特点等概况垃圾搬运起重机作为非标特种桥式起重机具有所有桥式起重机的共性和技术条件要求同时。
毕业设计中英文翻译Crane history, classification and prospects起重机发展史、分类及前景Concept Crane (Crane) is a kind of lifting, Is a for loop Intermittent motion machinery. A work cycle, including: Extract plant extract to the items from the institute, Then move to the designated location lowered the level of items Then, the reverse movement, Back to extract device in situ for the next cycle.Usually by the crane hoisting mechanism (the items up and down movement), Operating agencies (the lifting movement), Luffing and slewing mechanism (the articles for the horizontal movement), Coupled with the metal body Power plant, Control and manipulation of a combination of the necessary auxiliary equipment. Type In the bridge used in the construction crane, According to its structure and properties of different Can be divided into light and small lifting equipment, Bridge type crane and jib type crane three categories. Small-sized lifting equipment such as: Jack, Gourd, Winch and so on. Such as the type of crane girder bridge cranes, Gantry cranes.Type of crane boom, such as fixed slewing cranes, Towercrane, Crane, Tires, Crawler cranes.Within a certain range to enhance the vertical and horizontal multi-action heavy lifting crane. Also known as the crane. Are material handlingmachinery. Crane's work is characterized by intermittent exercise to do, That is expected to take a work cycle, Migration, Unloading the corresponding body is alternately moves the work. Prototype crane Ancient Chinese irrigation of farmland is used orange prototype type cranes. The 14th century, Western Europe, human and animal-driven emergence of the rotation type cranes. Early 19th century, There bridge crane; Important wear parts such as crane shaft Spreader and other gear and began to use metal materials, and introducing the hydraulic drive. The late 19th century, Gradually replaced steam-driven crane crane with hydraulic drive. 20th century, 20's, the electrical industry and the rapid industrial development of internal combustion engines, To motor or internal combustion power plant basically formed of various cranes.Cranes include hoisting mechanism, Run institutions, Luffing, Slewing mechanism and metal structure. Crane hoisting mechanism is the basic working body Mostly formed by the hanging system and winch, Also lift heavy objects through the hydraulic system. Operating agencies to adjust the vertical or horizontal transport heavy cranes working position, Generally by the motor, Reducer, Brake and wheel components. Luffing jib crane in only with, the When looked up and boom amplitude and Bent over when the rate increases, Points amplitude balance both amplitude and non-equilibrium. Slewing mechanism for rotating the arm, By the drive and the rotary bearing device composition. Crane metal structure is the skeleton, Main bearing parts such as bridge, Arm and the door frame structure or for the box truss structure, but also for web structure, Some are available as supporting steel beams. Crane according to the structure of the different classification:Crane beam 1 Beam crane. Over a rectangular space in its operations, Used for workshops, Warehouse, Open yard loading and unloading of goods, etc., A beam crane, Crane, Gantrycranes, Crane, Carrying bridges.① beam crane: Beam cranes including single girder overhead crane and double girder overhead craneSingle girder overhead crane girder bridge of the word to use more steel or steel type and steel composite section. Crab often hand chain hoist, Hoist electric hoist or lifting mechanism as assembled parts.Supported by bridge type and the hanging of two. The former bridge crane beam along the orbit vehicles; The latter suspension bridge along the roof of the plant under the crane track. Single girder overhead crane points manually, Electric two. Manual single girder overhead crane operating speed of the lower body, Starting weight is also smaller, But their quality is small, Facilitate the organization of production, Low cost, When the power handling capacity fornon-small, Speed and productivity for less demanding applications.Manual Single-girder overhead crane with manual monorail car as a running car, Hand pull hoist as the lifting body Bridge from the main beam and side beams formed. Generally use the single main beam I-beam, End beam is bent shape with a steel or welded steel plate.Electric single girder overhead crane speed, Higher productivity than manual, From the weight as well. Electric single girder overhead crane by the bridge, Traveling mechanism, Electric hoist and electrical equipment components.② bridge crane:Overhead bridge crane is a bridge in the orbit of a bridge crane, Also known as the crane. The bridge crane lay along the elevated track in the vertical sides of runs Lifting trolley along the track laid on the bridge on the horizontal run The scope of work constitutes a rectangular, Can take full advantage of the space under the lifting bridge materials Ground equipment is not hindered.Bridge crane is widely used in indoor and outdoor storage, Plant, Pier and open storage yard, etc.. Overhead crane bridge crane can be divided into ordinary, simple beam bridge crane and metallurgical three special crane.General bridge crane lifting trolley generally, Bridge run institutions, Bridge the metal structures. Crab and the hoisting mechanism, Car run institutions and small frame of three parts.Lifting mechanism including motors, Brakes, Reducer, Reels and pulleys. Motor through reducer, Driven drum rotation, The rope around the drum or from the reel down, To lift heavy objects. Is supporting for small frame and installation of lifting the car to run institutions, agencies and chassis components, Usually welded structure.2 Cantilever crane (jib crane)Cantilever crane with high column, Wall, Three forms of balance crane.① is a cantilever crane cantilever column can be fixed around the column base fixed on the rotary, Column with the transfer or rigid cantilever, Together within the base support in the vertical center line of rotation relative to the columns and cantilever formed by the cantilever crane. It applies from the weight of small, Operating range of services to round or fan of the occasion. Generally used for machine tools and handling the workpiece chucking.Pillar jib cranes to use more electric chain hoist for lifting mechanism and operation of institutions, Less use of wire rope hoist and chain hoists. Rotation and horizontal movement to use more manual work, Only from the weight of the larger When using electric.② wall crane is secured to the wall on the cantilever crane, Or you can along the wall or other support structure on an elevated track running on the cantilever crane.Line where the wall using a crane to span a larger Large workshop building height or warehouse, Close to the wall near the lifting operation at the more frequent the most suitable. Multi-wall line and the top of the crane or bridge crane beam with the use of Near the wall at the service in a rectangular space, Responsible for the lifting of light and small objects, Large bridge crane from the beam or commitment.③ balance crane balance known as hoists, It is the principle of the use offour-bar linkage to balance the weight load and form a balanced system, Spreader using a variety of flexible and can easily load being lifted in the three-dimensional space. Balance crane lightweight and flexible, Is an ideal lifting small items of lifting equipment, Is widely used in factory floor machine loading and unloading, Process between Automatic line Production line of the workpiece, Sand box lifting, Parts assembly, And thestation, Terminals, Warehouse various occasions Crane organizationsdrive Can be divided into two main categories: One for focus driver That is driven by an electric motor on both sides of the active long-wheel shaft drive; The other for each driver, That is active on both sides of each wheel driven by an electric motor. In More frequent use of small crane brake, Gear and motor combined into one of the "triple play" Drive, From the weight of a large bridge crane for the general ease of installation and adjustment, Universal coupling drive is often used. Structure crane (crane) run institutions generally take the initiative and driven by four wheels, If the effect is very heavy, Commonly used methods to increase the wheel to reduce wheel pressure. When more than four wheels when Must be balanced with articulated frame device The crane's load evenly distributed throughout the wheel.Bridge's metal structure from the main beam and side beams composedof Divided into single-and dual-beam bridge girder bridge types. Single-girder bridge by a single span both sides of the main beam and in the end beam composition Double-beam bridge consists of two main beams and side beams formed.The main beam and side beams rigidly connected End beam at both ends with wheels, To support the elevated bridge in the running. The main beam welded track, For lifting the car running. Bridge girder type of structure more typical of a box structure, Four truss truss structure and fasting.Box structure can be divided into two-track box beams, Partial double-rail box beam, Partial rail box, such as several single main beam. Double-track box beam is widely used as a basic form From the main beam on Under both sides of the vertical flange and web components, Car rail arranged in the center of the flange on the line Its structure is simple, The convenience, Suitable for mass production, However, larger self.Partial double-rail box rail box beam and partial cross section of a single main beam are made on the Ranging from under the flange and web thickness of the main and auxiliary components, Arranged in the main web of rail carabove Cabinets can save short-stiffeners, One side rail box is a single main beam box girder flange width instead of two main beams, Weightless However, more complex manufacturing. Four from the four truss structure to form closed space plane truss structure Truss in the horizontal surface is paved walkway panels, light weight, Stiffness, But compared with other structures, Size large, Create more complex Lower fatigue strength, Have less production.Partial fasting truss structure similar to the rail box girder, Plate by the four form a closed structure, In addition to the main web is a real belly-section beams,the The remaining three pieces of steel plate cut into many windows in accordance with design requirements, The formation of a non-fasting truss diagonals, In the last, The surface of a horizontal truss walkway lined with boards, Crane agencies and electrical equipment installed in the bridge house, Lighter weight, Overall stiffness, This is a more widely used in China as a type.General bridge crane mainly electrically driven, Control room is usually the driver, There are remote control. From the weight of up to five hundred tons, Span of up to 60 meters.Simple beam bridge crane, also known as beam cranes, The structure and composition similar to ordinary bridge crane, Starting weight, Span and the pace of work are small.Bridge girder or other beam by beam and plate steel, consisting of a simple beam, Hand pull or electric hoist as the lifting hoist coupled with easy trolley car, the car is generally I-beam's bottom flange on the run. Bridge can be run along the elevated track, Can also be elevated along the suspension in the followingorbit This is called hanging beam crane cranes.Metallurgy crane in the steel production process to participate in a particular process operation, The basic structure and general overhead crane similar tothe However, lifting a small car is also equipped with a special working body or device. The cranes feature is the use of frequent Bad conditions High-level work. There are five types.Simple beam bridge crane type Casting crane Casting crane: For lifting hot metal into the mixer, Steel-making furnaces and the molten steel into a continuous ingot lifting equipment or ingot molds used. Master Sheng car lifting barrels, Sheng, deputy car to flip bucket and other auxiliary work.Tongs crane: Use tongs to heat ingot vertically lifted onto a soaking pit furnace, Or put it out into the car shipped spindles.Off ingot crane: Ingot from the ingot mold used in the extrusionforce. Small car off the tablets have a special device, Way off the ingot ingot mold according to the shape of the set: Some off the tablet press and hold the ingot rod Crane Yongxiang, Ingot mold with tongs lift; Some press and hold the ingot mold with tongs, Ingot with a small clamp lift.Charging crane: Added to the charge in the open hearth. Column with the bottom of the main car pick rod, And to stir it into the furnace hopper. The main column can turn around the vertical axis, Pick the rod can swing up and down and rotating. Vice-car heaters and other auxiliary operations for the repair.Forged Crane: Cooperation with the hydraulic press for forging a large workpiece. Special hook to hang the main car turned feeder, To support and flip the workpiece; Vice-car to lift the workpiece.Gantry cranes: bridge set the level of support legs form two gantry crane shape of a bridge. The crane on the ground orbit Mainly used in open storageyard, Dock, Power plants, Ports and railway stations and other places cargo handling and installation. Gantry crane hoisting mechanism, Car run institutions and bridge structures Basically the same with the bridge crane. The span, Crane bodies were driven mostly by way of To prevent the crane have skewing increased running resistance Even accidents. Gantry crane lifting trolley running on the bridge, Some crab is a type cranes. Bridge on both sides of the legs are generally rigid legs; Span of more than 30 meters, Side of the rigid legs often, While the other side of the bridge connection through the ball joints and flexible legs, The door frame to become statically determinate system, This prevents the outer lateral thrust loads caused by the additional stress Can also compensate for temperature deformation of vertical bridge gantry cranes wind area, to prevent thedecline in the strong wind lines or overturned, With wind instrument and with the operating agencies of the crane rail clamp interlock. Both ends of bridge can be no cantilever; Can also be one end or both ends of the cantilever cantilever, To extend the operating range. One end of a half bridge leg gantry crane, The other end without legs, Run directly on the high bench. Gantry cranes are divided into 4 types.① General gantry crane: The most versatile cranes, Can move into a variety of items and bulk materials, From the weight of 100 tons, a span of 4 to 35 meters. Common with the gantry crane grab a high-level work.② Hydropower Station Gantry Crane: mainly used for lifting and opening and closing gates, but also for the installation. 80 to 500 tons lifting capacity, small span, 8 to 16 meters; Lower lifting speed for 1 to 5 m / min. The lifting cranes, though not always, But once the work is very heavy use, So to improve the appropriate level.③ shipbuilding gantry crane: Berth assembly for the hull, Standing with two crab: There are two main hook one, Flange of the bridge on theorbit; Another has a main hook and a Vice-hook, In the bottom flange of the rail bridge run To flip and hoisting a large hull blocks. Weight is generally from 100 to 1500 tons; Span of 185 meters; Lifting speed of 2 to 15 m /min, There are 0.1 ~ 0.5 m / min micro speed.④ container gantry crane: For the container terminal. Trailer Bridge to Quay container carrying containers unloaded from the ship transported to the yard or the rear, by the stacking container gantry crane loading up or directly away, you can speed up the bridge or other crane container carrying turnover. Can be stacked high 3 to 4 layers 6 row wide container yard, General tire type, it also uses rail style. Container gantry cranes and container cross-car comparison The span and height of door frame on both sides of the larger. To meet the transportationneeds of the port, The higher level work crane. Lifting speed of 8 to 10 m / min; Across the span of the container needed to determine the number of rows, maximum of 60 meters corresponding to 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet long container from the weight of approximately 20 tons, 25 tons and 30 tons.④ carrying bridgeIncrease the span of the development by the gantry crane from a bridgecrane, Also known as the loading bridge. For open storage yard, Port and railway cargo terminals and other places. General delivery of large gantry crane bridge and a similar structure. Features are: ① mainly for handling large quantities of bulk materials; ② span, Generally more than 30meters, Some 170 meters; ③ jobs frequently, Highproductivity, Generally 500 to 1,500 tons / When Working speed is high, Lifting speed of 60 to 70 m / Points, Car speed is 100 ~ 350 m / Points, High-level work; ④ run institutions only carry the bridge to adjust the working position, Non-work institutions. When the span is large, The bridge of the bridge carrying on a rigid support legs and a flexible support legs. Bridge with two legs can be bolted connection; Connection with the flexible legs can also be ball joints or column joints, Relative to the flexible legs can have a range of skew bridge.Formed by the truss girder bridge, Crab in its winding rod or bottom chord of the track. Some cars with rotary boom, The equivalent of a run on the bridge type cranes.Container wharf in the port carrying the bridge is running, Is a special structure of large cranes, Dedicated to the ship's container handling work. Both sides of the generally rigid legs, The formation of a solid door frame, Bridge bearing fused with the door frame on the upper frame. With a container spreader (see cross-car) the car to run on the bridge. Long cantilever extending toward thesea is usually to pitch in. Non-operational state, Cantilever can be lifted at 80 °~ 85 °Elevation Department To carry over the bridge to the highest point on the ship. Operations cantilever flat. Also some cantilever is fixed.2. Double girder bridge craneDouble girder bridge crane from the straight track, Cranegirder, Crab, Power transmission systems and electrical controlsystem, Particularly suited to large hanging from the weight of the plane and large range of material handling.3 Type cranes. And over in the round ground operations, Used foropen-air loading and unloading and installation, etc., A crane, Floating cranes, Mast crane Wall line of cranes and deck cranes.4 Tower crane. Generally used in the site, Lifting supplies.5 Portal crane. Oh, generally used for the port. In addition, Cranes can also drive, Type of work, Mobility and use of such classification.Crane according to the different installation methods can be divided into:1 Truck Crane Truck CraneWill be installed in the general or special crane chassis of low disk performance is equivalent to the total weight of the truck the same vehicle, Meet the technical requirements for road vehicles, Thus the various types of road passage. Such cranes typically available on Off the two control rooms, Operations must be extended leg stable.Weight range from large, From 8 tons to 1,000 tons, Axle chassis number From 2 to 10. Is the largest output, The most widely used type of crane.2 Tire CraneLifting part of the pneumatic tire installed on a special cranechassis. Combined with an engine on and off, Speed is generally not more than 30KM / H, Vehicle width is wider, It is not appropriate long-distance driving on the highway. With no legs and hoists, traveling hoists features For the freight yard, Terminals, Move away from the site and other places with limited lifting operation.3 Off-road tire cranes are 70 developed a crane, Its function and tire hoist crane similar to Can also be carried out without legs and hoists, traveling hoists.The difference is the chassis structure and chassis by the unique structure brings improved driving performance. The engines are mounted on the crane chassis, the chassis has two axles and four large diameter off-road tire pattern. Four wheels are driving wheels and steering wheel, When the muddy uneven transfer station site, the Four wheels is transmitted power, The four-wheel drive, To improve through the muddy ground and uneven road ability. When the flat surface moving at a rapid pace, Front axle or rear axle with only two wheels driven To reduce energy consumption. Random file at the crane, Expressed by 4 × 4 wheel drive, 4 × 2, said four axles with two wheels in the wheel. The model for small venue work. Can achieve a continuous stepless variable speed, Resistance mutations in the case of the road will not turn off the engine, Thus a great convenience to the driver's operation. The off-road tires can be a performance extension of the crane, and Powerful and flexible tire crane.4 All Terrain CraneIs an off-road crane truck crane and both the characteristics of high performance products. It can not only transfer as fast as cranes, Long-distance travel, but also to meet in the narrow and bumpy or muddy field on the work request, The driving speed, Multi-bridge driver All-wheel steering, Three turnaround mode,ground clearance large High-climbing ability, No need for features such as lifting legs, Is a very promising product. But the price is higher, On the use and maintenance require a higher level.5 CraneA specific task to complete the development of special crane. For example: The implementation of tactical and technical safeguards to mechanized use, Off-road vehicles or armored personnel carriers mounted on the crane wheel rescue vehicle; To deal with road traffic accidents Wrecker, etc. Fall into this category.Crane Job Type: Refers to how busy the crane and load the parameters of degree of change.Busy work degree Crane for Means the total time in a year, The actual number of hours of crane operation and the ratio of total number of hours; Of institutions, Refers to an institution operating hours within a year and the ratio of total number of hours. In a working cycle of the crane, Agencies operating time percentage of Called the agency's duty cycle, By JC said.Degree of load changes, Designed by a crane rated capacity in actual operation, The load of the lifting crane is often less than the ratedcapacity. The degree of this change in load from the weight of the utilization factor k said. k = crane weight from the average of the actual year / crane's rated capacity.According cranes busy loading level and degree of change, Usually the type of cranes are: Light level, Intermediate, Heavy and Extra Heavy Grade 4 level.Cranes and lifting the types of work are two different concepts, Lifting capacity, May not be re-grade, From the weight of small, Not necessarilylight level. Such as hydropower capacity by the crane's lifting hundreds oftons, But the opportunity is rarely used, Only in the installation ofunits, When using the repair crew, Rest of the time stop there, So, although from very heavy, But still is light level. Another example is the use of the station yard gantry cranes, Although not from the weight, But the work is very busy Are heavy duty type of work.Crane safety performance of the types of work and has a very close relationship. Starting weight, Span The same crane lifting height, If the work of different types, In the design manufacture, Safety factor is not taken by the same That is, parts and components model, Size, Specifications vary. Such as wire rope, brake as a result of different types, Different safety factor (light-level security coefficient is small, Heavy duty safety factor) , The selected model is not the same. Then, as is the 10t bridge crane, For the intermediate type of work (JC = 25%) The lifting motor power N = 16KW, As for the heavy duty type of work (JC = 40%) Lifting motor power compared to N = 23. 5KW.From the above we can see that If the light level work crane type used in heavy duty type of work place Cranes will often faulty, Of safe production. Therefore, security checks, Crane should pay attention to the type of work and working conditions must be consistent.Crane characteristic curve: the carrying capacity of the crane structure, Boom lifting capacity and stability against overturning three whole envelope curve.Practice double girder bridge crane2.33. 1 Work agoa. On the brakes, Hook, Steel wire rope and safety devices and other components required by point inspection card check Abnormalphenomena Should be excluded.b. The operator must be sure to go when no one Taiwan, or track, Can close the main power supply. When the power circuit breaker or a sign on the lock when The people concerned should be removed before the original closing the main power supply. Crane safety devices which In order to ensure safe and reliable lifting operation, Crane with a better safety devices To accidental circumstances, Protects the device or to remind the operator attention To play a security role.1. Hydraulic system, the relief valve: Inhibit the abnormal high pressureloop, To prevent damage to hydraulic pumps and motors, And to prevent overload in the state.2. Luffing crane safety devices: When the unexpected incident occurs, Boom luffing cylinder high-pressure hose or loop or cut off when the pipeburst, Balancing valve in the hydraulic circuit to work, Lock chamber from the fuel tank of the work under the oil The boom will not fall To ensure job security.3. Telescopic crane safety devices: When the unexpected incidentoccurs, Telescopic boom cylinder high-pressure hose or loop or cut off when the pipe burst, Balancing valve in the hydraulic circuit to work, Lock chamber from the fuel tank of the work under the oil Retracted to hang on their own, To ensure job security.4. Height limit device: Rose from under hook height, Touch the limit hammer, Open limit switch, "over around" indicator light is bright, At the same time cut off the hook lifting, Boom out, V to the other movements the crane operation and ensure safety. Then as long as the manipulation of hookdrop Boom boom retracted or looked up (ie safe side operation) so thehandle, Lift the constraints that limit a heavy hammer, Returned to normal operation. For special occasions, If still needs to be over around the operation ofmicro, Press the release button on the meter box, The role of time limit will be lifted, But this time the operation must be very careful, In case something happensSo.5. Outrigger locking device: When the unexpected incident occurs, Leading to the leg vertical cylinder high-pressure hose or pipe rupture or cutting, Two-way hydraulic system hydraulic lock cylinder block to block the two legs of the pressureoil chamber, Indented or throw the legs, To ensure the safety of lifting operations.6. From the weight indicator: From the weight indicator set in the basic arm of the co-lateral side (right side of the control room), Control room operator can sit clearly observed, Can accurately indicate the condition of the crane, and the corresponding elevation to allow the rated capacity crane.7. Lifting characteristics table: In the control room set up under the siding on the front side, The table lists the various working range of arm length and rated under the weight and lifting height To operation inspection. Liftingoperations, Must not exceed the values specified in the table. In order to ensure safe and reliable lifting operation, Crane with a better safety devices To accidental circumstances, Protect or warn the operating personnel in mechanical, To play a security role.Lifting according to their functions and structural features of Can be divided into the following four categories.I. Small-sized lifting equipmentLight lifting equipment is characterized by a smalllight, Compact Movements are simple, Operating range projection of a point, Line-based. Light, Small lifting equipment, generally only one elevator, It only。
关键词:变幅机构;旋转机构;变频器调速;塔式起重机ABSTRACTThe crane in the advantages.Key words: Change; Rotation; Converter Governor; Tower Crane目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 起重机的发展简介 (1)1.2 塔式起重机的现状 (2)1.3 课题研究的意义 (3)2 塔式起重机的构造与工作原理 (4)2.1 起升机构 (5)2.1.1 起升机构概述 (5)2.1.2 起升机构的典型传动简图 (5)2.2 旋转机构 (6)2.2.1 旋转机构概述 (6)2.2.2 旋转机构的典型传动简图 (7)2.3 变幅机构 (8)2.3.1 变幅机构概述 (8)2.3.2 运行小车式变幅机构的典型传动简图 (8)3 变频调速原理 (10)3.1 三相异步电动机的工作原理 (10)3.2 三相异步电动机的调速方法 (13)3.2.1 电动机的调速方式选择 (13)3.2.2 电动机的能量关系 (13)3.2.3 电动机变频调速的特点 (15)3.4 变频器变频原理 (17)3.4.1 变频调速原理 (17)3.4.2 变频器的类别 (18)3.4.3 变频器的额定值和频率指标 (18)3.4.4 变频器主电路 (20)3.5 SPWM(正弦脉宽调制) (23)3.6 能耗电路计算 (24)3.6.1 制动电流的近似估算 (24)3.6.2 制动电阻的计算 (24)4 可编程控制器的结构和工作原理 (26)4.1 PLC的基本结构 (26)4.1.1 中央处理器(CPU) (26)4.1.2 储存器 (26)4.1.3 输入/输出单元 (27)4.1.4 电源部分 (31)4.1.5 编程器 (31)4.2 PLC的工作原理 (32)4.2.1 输入采样阶段 (33)4.2.2 程序执行阶段 (33)4.2.3 输出刷新阶段 (33)4.3 PLC的主要性能指标 (33)4.3.1 输入/输出点数(I/O点数) (34)4.3.2 储存容量 (34)4.3.3扫描速度 (34)4.3.4指令条数 (34)4.3.5内部寄存器 (35)4.3.6功能模块 (35)4.4 PLC的编程语言 (35)4.4.1 梯形图编程语言 (35)4.4.2 指令语句编程语言 (37)4.4.3 功能块图编程语言 (38)5 回转与变幅机构电气设计 (40)5.1 旋转机构电气原理图 (40)5.2 变幅机构电气原理图 (43)5.3 变频器型号选择与内部主要参数设定 (43)5.4 PLC的型号选择 (46)5.4.1 PLC的I/O端子分配 (47)5.4.2 PLC程序设计 (49)5.5 起重机各重要器件的型号选择 (50)5.5.1 电动机型号选型 (50)5.5.2 减速箱型号选型 (51)5.5.3 行程开关型号选型 (53)5.5.4 其他辅助装置选型 (53)结论 (56)致谢 (57)参考文献 (58)附录A (59)附录B .......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
附录附录A外文文献原文Tailgate lifting device structure and designLifting Gear steeplechase and design of the structure of the lifting mechanism is relatively traditional, the tail plate lifting mechanism using only a single fuel tank, so that the hydraulic system of the pipe is simple, convenient control and high reliability of the hydraulic system, and and ease of installation. The above analysis and calculation of the institutions such as the structure and properties of the mathematical relationship between parameters. To promote inter-related with the sleeve of the friction and wear, the sleeve guide groove angle and flip angle and a high degree of adaptability, such as lifting will be subject to further research and the analysis of the structure of hair.Lifting Gear steeplechase vehicle movements in foreign countries as the rear door (end plate), its installed in the car named after the tail. In this paper, according to national standards call a lifting gear steeplechase. Steeplechase a lifting device installed on the van in the carriage of goods, not only to demonstrate its proprietary water-resistant dust-proof function, but also in the loading and unloading of goods mechanization achieved.1 .steeplechase development Lifting GearLifting Gear steeplechase development, largely in foreign countries can be divided into four periods. The first generation of products in the 30's at the end of this century, characterized mainly lifting cylinder, and the steeplechase manually turned on, from or about the quality of 500kg, steeplechase (also known as loading platforms) touchdown angle 9 ° ~ 10 °. At present, this product in South-East Asia, Japan still in use, 90 years, is still the United States by the new development. Second-generation products in the early 50's the European market, in the first generation of products based on the increase of turnover to close the fuel tank. Lift and flip the fuel tank by two to achieve independence. The most common is a type 4 tank, but also of the double. Lifting the quality of more than 500 kg, platform loading touchdown angle 10 °, flip action control based on the experience of the operator. The products are mainly used in the Americas and Southeast Asia.Third-generation products in the 70's at the end of the European market is the second generation of products based on the increase in the fuel tank of the fifth. Only the fuel tank of the hydraulic system in the relative positions of the main effect of memory function, so that touchdown to loading platform, off the flip action is no longer controlled by the operator by the hydraulic control system itself, so that the process is relatively smooth take-off and landing and security. Touchdown angle is generally 8 ° ~ 10 °. If it doubles as a car door, and a result of increased platform size, angle may also be less than 8 °. At present these products to Europe and America in general. Fourth-generation products during the early 90s, and its hydraulic system and function of principles with the third-generation products, only an increase of the fuel tank the size of memory, so memory and increase the scope of action. It is different from the third generation of the product lies in the loading platform to increase its special structure, from one body to two activities connected to the platform after the touchdown, not only can automatically flip, but there is a sinking action to achieve the touchdown angle 6 °, even in 6 below. At present, the products in the Netherlands, Yugoslavia and China has applied for a utility model patent. The domestic market has been stereotyped. From the performance, security, reliability results, the fourth-generation products will be gradually replaced the second and third generation products. The first generation of products, because of its simple structure, light weight, although the technical content, but with the advantages of easy maintenance, etc., in developing countries will still have a certain market. Lifting Gear steeplechase development in China only a few things more than a decade. The former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in 1985 imported from Japan with a number of lifting devices steeplechase van. Since then, by the Special Purpose Vehicle Institute of Hanyang, Hubei auto parts plant and Communication Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Machinery Factory Mingshui three cooperation made the research and development, which lasted more than two years, due to various reasons can not be put into use. In early 1988, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Communications Machinery Factory Mingshui technical staff, continue to develop. Post Office in Beijing to help the strong, thanks to the efforts of the past four years, increasing product quality stabilized. Early use of domestic products as a driving force for car engines. To achieve in 1992 a car battery as the driving force of the hydraulic pump station. After 1992, lifting gear steeplechase van due to the development of domestic and began to develop, the skill level is gradually close to theinternational. According to the current understanding of the situation, the domestic production steeplechase of the enterprises, including Lifting Gear Mingshui, such as posts and telecommunications equipment factory at least five, the product structure have a single-cylinder, four-cylinder, five-cylinder and the early 90's and the latest U.S. technology-based The five-cylinder technology. Although the product mix in the form, the international four-generation products are produced in China, but its development is still in its infancy. The expansion of the domestic market, but also the need for inter-and opportunities. Speaking time may not last long, from the varieties of speaking, a short period of time will still exist a variety of forms, but in the end may be the single-cylinder and five-cylinder products.2.steeplechase of the basic principles of lifting gearLifting Gear steeplechase varieties are numerous, but the basic fundamental tenets of the original but it is the same, that is, parallel four-bar linkage of the practical application of the principle of parallel move, it is two sets of parallel four-bar linkage, sub-put longeron on both sides of car, synchronous movements, while the DCE is the above mentioned loading platform (steeplechase). Design, the following three issues to be resolved: BC under the driving force for rotation; BC under the role of rotational dynamics and the role of the form of points; CD under the C-point after touchdown, there must be a rotation around the point D moves to E end of touchdown to facilitate loading and unloading of goods.3.Power SystemSteeplechase early in the development of lifting devices for the automotive engine through the oil pump driven from power-driven devices. Working hours as a result of the need to idle the engine running, is now seldom used. At present, the basic use of micro-driven hydraulic pump station, a car battery for power source. Micro-pump station has the basic components of DC motors (with the car battery voltage to match), control valves, gear pumps, combination valve (overflow, cutting one-way), and the fuel tank, electric start switch, control switch and so on. According to different vehicle battery voltage, DC motors are 12 V, 24 V are two different power according to the weight since there are 018 kW, 110 kW, 112 kW, 115 kW, 2 kW, 3 kW and so on. Gear pump according to the number of tanks (mainly hydraulic flow) and the hydraulic system pressure to choose, there is displacement 1 ml, 112 ml, 116 ml, 210 ml, 215 ml, 410 ml wide range of specifications, the maximumoutput pressure gear pump up to 25M Pa. Hydraulic Pump Station has been the international product quality is stable, less quality of domestic products, mainly the quality of the solenoid valve or volume too large, however.4.The form and the role of driving force transmission pointBoth rely on power through the pressure of hydraulic oil system from the fuel tank to the BC transmission poles. Fuel tanks and installation of the number of different positions, and to take the DC bar the difference in the rotation, the power transmission lines are also different. a1 cylinder on the front. Hinge for a long shaft B, the two parallel four-bar linkage mounted on the shaft at both ends, a shaft connected to the middle arm, then the fuel tank of the piston rod end of the fuel tank on the other side of the fixed bracket on the transmission of po wer as follows: oil tumbler cylinder → → BC rod shaft, the working process in Figure 2. b1 on the rear cylinder. The fuel tank 24 is located in the middle of linkage, the two four-bar linkage in the middle of the BC bar with fixed beams together, the middle beam connecting rod and the fuel tank, fuel tank connected to the other side with the stent. c1 four-cylinder and five-cylinder type. Five-cylinder structure of the memory of the fifth hydraulic cylinder is a cylinder in the hydraulic circuit, the loading platform to participate in only touchdown after the reversal platform action, without reference platform for take-off and landing, and its basic structure with the same four-cylinder. Four-cylinder under the structure of the fuel tank of BC, which is different from the distinction between single-cylinder.5. CD under the rotationCD of the rotation pole, four-cylinder with five-cylinder fuel tank of the type of contraction depend on the realization of single-cylinder rear-mounted on, CD can not be achieved under rotation (but can be reversed to achieve at the highest position, because the structure of more complex, and I shall not introduce) ; for the single-cylinder front-on, based on the structural changes under BC achievable. The actual design, AD is also required under certain technical processing to meet the requirements. In addition, note that, D CE articulated only in the D point, the other type for the D, C two hinged.6.steeplechase lifting device to determine the technical parametersLifting Gear steeplechase main technical parameters: Rated lifting the quality of travel movements, take-off and landing speed, shot size, platform size, operating voltage and power motor, gear pump row weight (rated output flow), control valves, the type andquantity of and the fuel tank of the bore and stroke, rated working pressure. Under normal circumstances, the beginning of the design parameters are known to width and height from the floor, battery voltage and capacity, beam spacing and beam auto height and size of rear overhang. Known parameters are the fundamental basis for design.附录B外文文献中文翻译栏板起重装置的结构与设计相对传统的举升机构,该尾板举升机构只采用了单油缸,使液压系统的管路简单,控制方便,液压系统的可靠性高,且安装方便。
起重机中英⽂对照外⽂翻译⽂献中英⽂对照外⽂翻译(⽂档含英⽂原⽂和中⽂翻译)Control of Tower Cranes WithDouble-Pendulum Payload DynamicsAbstract:The usefulness of cranes is limited because the payload is supported by an overhead suspension cable that allows oscilation to occur during crane motion. Under certain conditions, the payload dynamics may introduce an additional oscillatory mode that creates a double pendulum. This paper presents an analysis of this effect on tower cranes. This paper also reviews a command generation technique to suppress the oscillatory dynamics with robustness to frequency changes. Experimental results are presented to verify that the proposed method can improve the ability of crane operators to drive a double-pendulum tower crane. The performance improvements occurred during both local and teleoperated control.Key words:Crane , input shaping , tower crane oscillation , vibrationI. INTRODUCTIONThe study of crane dynamics and advanced control methods has received significant attention. Cranes can roughly be divided into three categories based upontheir primary dynamic properties and the coordinate system that most naturally describes the location of the suspension cable connection point. The first category, bridge cranes, operate in Cartesian space, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The trolley moves along a bridge, whose motion is perpendicular to that of the trolley. Bridge cranes that can travel on a mobile base are often called gantry cranes. Bridge cranes are common in factories, warehouses, and shipyards.The second major category of cranes is boom cranes, such as the one sketched in Fig. 1(b). Boom cranes are best described in spherical coordinates, where a boom rotates aboutaxes both perpendicular and parallel to the ground. In Fig. 1(b), ψis the rotation aboutthe vertical, Z-axis, and θis the rotation about the horizontal, Y -axis. The payload is supported from a suspension cable at the end of the boom. Boom cranes are often placed on a mobile base that allows them to change their workspace.The third major category of cranes is tower cranes, like the one sketched in Fig. 1(c). These are most naturally described by cylindrical coordinates. A horizontal jib arm rotates around a vertical tower. The payload is supported by a cable from the trolley, which moves radially along the jib arm. Tower cranes are commonly used in the construction of multistory buildings and have the advantage of having a small footprint-to-workspace ratio. Primary disadvantages of tower and boom cranes, from a control design viewpoint, are the nonlinear dynamics due to the rotational nature of the cranes, in addition to the less intuitive natural coordinate systems.A common characteristic among all cranes is that the pay- load is supported via an overhead suspension cable. While this provides the hoisting functionality of the crane, it also presents several challenges, the primary of which is payload oscillation. Motion of the crane will often lead to large payload oscillations. These payload oscillations have many detrimental effects including degrading payload positioning accuracy, increasing task completion time, and decreasing safety. A large research effort has been directed at reducing oscillations. An overview of these efforts in crane control, concentrating mainly on feedback methods, is provided in [1]. Some researchers have proposed smooth commands to reduce excitation of system flexible modes [2]–[5]. Crane control methods based on command shaping are reviewed in [6]. Many researchers have focused on feedback methods, which necessitate the addition necessitate the addition of sensors to the crane and can prove difficult to use in conjunction with human operators. For example, some quayside cranes have been equipped with sophisticated feedback control systems to dampen payload sway. However, the motions induced by the computer control annoyed some of the human operators. As a result, the human operators disabled the feedback controllers. Given that the vast majority of cranes are driven by human operators and will never be equipped with computer-based feedback, feedback methods are not considered in this paper.Input shaping [7], [8] is one control method that dramatically reduces payload oscillation by intelligently shaping the commands generated by human operators [9], [10]. Using rough estimates of system natural frequencies and damping ratios, a series of impulses, called the input shaper, is designed. The convolution of the input shaper and the original command is then used to drive the system. This process is demonstrated with atwo-impulse input shaper and a step command in Fig. 2. Note that the rise time of the command is increased by the duration of the input shaper. This small increase in the rise time isnormally on the order of 0.5–1 periods of the dominant vibration mode.Fig. 1. Sketches of (a) bridge crane, (b) boom crane, (c) and tower crane.Fig. 2. Input-shaping process.Input shaping has been successfully implemented on many vibratory systems including bridge [11]–[13], tower [14]–[16], and boom [17], [18] cranes, coordinate measurement machines[19]–[21], robotic arms [8], [22], [23], demining robots [24], and micro-milling machines [25].Most input-shaping techniques are based upon linear system theory. However, some research efforts have examined the extension of input shaping to nonlinear systems [26], [14]. Input shapers that are effective despite system nonlinearities have been developed. These include input shapers for nonlinear actuator dynamics, friction, and dynamic nonlinearities [14], [27]–[31]. One method of dealing with nonlinearities is the use of adaptive or learning input shapers [32]–[34].Despite these efforts, the simplest and most common way to address system nonlinearities is to utilize a robust input shaper [35]. An input shaper that is more robust to changes in system parameters will generally be more robust to system nonlinearities that manifest themselves as changes in the linearized frequencies. In addition to designing robust shapers, input shapers can also be designed to suppress multiple modes of vibration [36]–[38].In Section II, the mobile tower crane used during experimental tests for this paper is presented. In Section III, planar and 3-D models of a tower crane are examined to highlight important dynamic effects. Section IV presents a method to design multimode input shapers with specified levels of robustness. InSection V, these methods are implemented on a tower crane with double-pendulum payload dynamics. Finally, in Section VI, the effect of the robust shapers on human operator performance is presented for both local and teleoperated control.II. MOBILE TOWER CRANEThe mobile tower crane, shown in Fig. 3, has teleoperation capabilities that allow it to be operated in real-time from anywhere in the world via the Internet [15]. The tower portion of the crane, shown in Fig. 3(a), is approximately 2 m tall with a 1 m jib arm. It is actuated by Siemens synchronous, AC servomotors. The jib is capable of 340°rotation about the tower. The trolley moves radially along the jib via a lead screw, and a hoisting motor controls the suspension cable length. Motor encoders are used for PD feedback control of trolley motion in the slewing and radial directions. A Siemens digital camera is mounted to the trolley and records the swing deflection of the hook at a sampling rate of 50 Hz [15].The measurement resolution of the camera depends on the suspension cable length. For the cable lengths used in this research, the resolution is approximately 0.08°. This is equivalent to a 1.4 mm hook displacement at a cable length of 1 m. In this work, the camera is not used for feedback control of the payload oscillation. The experimental results presented in this paper utilize encoder data to describe jib and trolley position and camera data to measure the deflection angles of the hook. Base mobility is provided by DC motors with omnidirectional wheels attached to each support leg, as shown in Fig. 3(b). The base is under PD control using two HiBot SH2-based microcontrollers, with feedback from motor-shaft-mounted encoders. The mobile base was kept stationary during all experiments presented in this paper. Therefore, the mobile tower crane operated as a standard tower crane.Table I summarizes the performance characteristics of the tower crane. It should be noted that most of these limits areenforced via software and are not the physical limitations of the system. These limitations are enforced to more closely match theoperational parameters of full-sized tower cranes.Fig. 3. Mobile, portable tower crane, (a) mobile tower crane, (b) mobile crane base.TABLE I MOBILE TOWER CRANE PERFORMANCE LIMITSFig. 4 Sketch of tower crane with a double-pendulum dynamics.III. TOWER CRANE MODELFig.4 shows a sketch of a tower crane with a double-pendulum payload configuration. The jib rotates by an angle around the vertical axis Z parallelto the tower column. The trolley moves radially along the jib; its position along the jib is described by r . The suspension cable length from the trolley to the hook is represented by an inflexible, massless cable of variable length 1l . The payload is connected to the hook via an inflexible, massless cable of length 2l . Both the hook and the payload are represented as point masses having masses h m and p m , respectively.The angles describing the position of the hook are shown in Fig. 5(a). The angle φrepresents a deflection in the radial direction, along the jib. The angle χ represents a tangential deflection, perpendicular to the jib. In Fig. 5(a), φ is in the plane of the page, and χ lies in a plane out of the page. The angles describing the payload position are shown in Fig. 5(b). Notice that these angles are defined relative to a line from the trolley to the hook. If there is no deflection of the hook, then the angleγ describes radial deflections, along the jib, and the angle α represents deflections perpendicular to the jib, in the tangential direction. The equations of motion for this model were derived using a commercial dynamics package, but they are too complex to show in their entirety here, as they are each over a page in length.To give some insight into the double-pendulum model, the position of the hook and payload within the Newtonian frame XYZ are written as —h q and —p q , respectivelyWhere -I , -J and -K are unit vectors in the X , Y , and Z directions. The Lagrangian may then be written asFig. 5. (a) Angles describing hook motion. (b) Angles describing payload motion.Fig. 6. Experimental and simulated responses of radial motion.(a) Hook responses (φ) for m 48.01=l ,(b) Hook responses for m 28.11=lThe motion of the trolley can be represented in terms of the system inputs. The position of the trolley —tr q in the Newtonian frame is described byThis position, or its derivatives, can be used as the input to any number of models of a spherical double-pendulum. More detailed discussion of the dynamics of spherical double pendulums can be found in [39]–[42].The addition of the second mass and resulting double-pendulum dramatically increases the complexity of the equations of motion beyond the more commonly used single-pendulum tower model [1], [16], [43]–[46]. This fact can been seen in the Lagrangian. In (3), the terms in the square brackets represent those that remain for the single-pendulum model; no —p q terms appear. This significantly reduces the complexity of the equations because —p q is a function of the inputs and all four angles shown in Fig. 5.It should be reiterated that such a complex dynamic model is not used to design the input-shaping controllers presented in later sections. The model was developed as a vehicle to evaluate the proposed control method over a variety of operating conditions and demonstrate its effectiveness. The controller is designed using a much simpler, planar model.A. Experimental V erification of the ModelThe full, nonlinear equations of motion were experimentally verified using several test cases. Fig.6 shows two cases involving only radial motion. The trolley was driven at maximum velocity for a distance of 0.30 m, with 2l =0.45m .The payload mass p m for both cases was 0.15 kg and the hook mass h m was approximately 0.105 kg. The two cases shown in Fig. 6 present extremes of suspension cable lengths 1l . In Fig. 6(a), 1l is 0.48 m , close to the minimum length that can be measured by the overhead camera. At this length, the double-pendulum effect is immediately noticeable. One can see that the experimental and simulated responses closely match. In Fig. 6(b), 1l is 1.28 m, the maximum length possible while keeping the payload from hitting the ground. At this length, the second mode of oscillation has much less effect on the response. The model closely matches the experimental response for this case as well. The responses for a linearized, planar model, which will be developed in Section III-B, are also shown in Fig. 6. The responses from this planar model closely match both the experimental results and the responses of the full, nonlinear model for both suspension cable lengths.Fig. 7. Hook responses to 20°jib rotation:(a) φ (radial) response;(b) χ (tangential) response.Fig. 8. Hook responses to 90°jib rotation:φ(radial) response;(b) χ(tangential) response.(a)If the trolley position is held constant and the jib is rotated, then the rotational and centripetal accelerations cause oscillation in both the radial and tangential directions. This can be seen in the simulation responses from the full nonlinear model in Figs. 7 and 8. In Fig. 7, the trolley is held at a fixed position of r = 0.75 m, while the jib is rotated 20°. This relatively small rotation only slightly excites oscillation in the radial direction, as shown in Fig. 7(a). The vibratory dynamics are dominated byoscillations in the tangential direction, χ, as shown in Fig. 7(b). If, however, a large angular displacement of the jib occurs, then significant oscillation will occur in both the radial and tangential directions, as shown in Fig. 8. In this case, the trolley was fixed at r = 0.75 m and the jib was rotated 90°. Figs. 7 and 8 show that the experimental responses closely match those predicted by the model for these rotational motions. Part of the deviation in Fig. 8(b) can be attributed to the unevenness of the floor on which the crane sits. After the 90°jib rotation the hook and payload oscillate about a slightly different equilibrium point, as measured by the overhead camera.Fig.9.Planardouble-pendulummodel.B.Dynamic AnalysisIf the motion of the tower crane is limited to trolley motion, like the responses shown in Fig. 6, then the model may be simplified to that shown in Fig. 9. This model simplifies the analysis of the system dynamics and provides simple estimates of the two natural frequencies of the double pendulum. These estimates will be used to develop input shapers for the double-pendulum tower crane.The crane is moved by applying a force )(t u to the trolley. A cable of length 1l hangs below the trolley and supports a hook, of mass h m , to which the payload is attached using rigging cables. The rigging and payload are modeled as a second cable, of length 2l and point mass p m . Assuming that the cable and rigging lengths do not change during the motion, the linearized equations of motion, assuming zero initial conditions, arewhere φ and γ describe the angles of the two pendulums, R is the ratio of the payload mass to the hook mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.The linearized frequencies of the double-pendulum dynamics modeled in (5) are [47]Where Note that the frequencies depend on the two cable lengths and the mass ratio.Fig. 10. Variation of first and second mode frequencies when m l l 8.121=+.。
附录外文文献原文:The Introduction of cranesA crane is defined as a mechanism for lifting and lowering loads with a hoisting mechanism Shapiro, 1991. Cranes are the most useful and versatile piece of equipment on a vast majority of construction projects. They vary widely in configuration, capacity, mode of operation, intensity of utilization and cost. On a large project, a contractor may have an assortment of cranes for different purposes. Small mobile hydraulic cranes may be used for unloading materials from trucks and for small concrete placement operations, while larger crawler and tower cranes may be used for the erection and removal of forms, the installation of steel reinforcement, the placement of concrete, and the erection of structural steel and precast concrete beams.On many construction sites a crane is needed to lift loads such as concrete skips, reinforcement, and formwork. As the lifting needs of the construction industry have increased and diversified, a large number of general and special purpose cranes have been designed and manufactured. These cranes fall into two categories, those employed in industry and those employed in construction. The most common types of cranes used in construction are mobile, tower, and derrick cranes.1.Mobile cranesA mobile crane is a crane capable of moving under its own power without being restricted to predetermined travel. Mobility is provided by mounting or integrating the crane with trucks or all terrain carriers or rough terrain carriers or by providing crawlers. Truck-mounted cranes have the advantage of being able to move under their own power to the construction site. Additionally, mobile cranes can move about the site, and are often able to do the work of several stationary units.Mobile cranes are used for loading, mounting, carrying large loads and for work performed in the presence of obstacles of various kinds such as power lines and similar technological installations. The essential difficulty is here the swinging of the payload which occurs during working motion and also after the work is completed. This applies particularly to the slewing motion of the crane chassis, for which relatively large angular accelerations and negative accelerations of the chassis are characteristic. Inertia forces together with the centrifugal force and the Carioles force cause the payload to swing as a spherical pendulum. Proper control of the slewing motion of the crane serving to transport a payload to the defined point with simultaneous minimization of the swings when theworking motion is finished plays an important role in the model.Modern mobile cranes include the drive and the control systems. Control systems send the feedback signals from the mechanical structure to the drive systems. In general, they are closed chain mechanisms with flexible members [1].Rotation, load and boom hoisting are fundamental motions the mobile crane. During transfer of the load as well as at the end of the motion process, the motor drive forces, the structure inertia forces, the wind forces and the load inertia forces can result in substantial, undesired oscillations in crane. The structure inertia forces and the load inertia forces can be evaluated with numerical methods, such as the finite element method. However, the drive forces are difficult to describe. During start-up and breaking the output forces of the drive system significantly fluctuate. To reduce the speed variations during start-up and braking the controlled motor must produce torque other than constant [2,3], which in turn affects the performance of the crane.Modern mobile cranes that have been built till today have oft a maximal lifting capacity of 3000 tons and incorporate long booms. Crane structure and drive system must be safe, functionary and as light as possible. For economic and time reasons it is impossible to build prototypes for great cranes. Therefore, it is desirable to determinate the crane dynamic responses with the theoretical calculation.Several published articles on the dynamic responses of mobile crane are available in the open literature. In the mid-seventies Peeken et al. [4] have studied the dynamic forces of a mobile crane during rotation of the boom, using very few degrees of freedom for the dynamic equations and very simply spring-mass system for the crane structure. Later Maczynski et al. [5] studied the load swing of a mobile crane with a four mass-model for the crane structure. Posiadala et al. [6] have researched the lifted load motion with consideration for the change of rotating, booming and load hoisting. However, only the kinematics were studied. Later the influence of the flexibility of the support system on the load motion was investigated by the same author [7]. Recently, Kilicaslan et al. [1] have studied the characteristics of a mobile crane using a flexible multibody dynamics approach. Towarek [16] has concentrated the influence of flexible soil foundation on the dynamic stability of the boom crane. The drive forces, however, in all of those studies were presented by using so called the metho d of ……kinematics forcing‟‟ [6] with assumed velocities or accelerations. In practice this assumption could not comply with the motion during start-up and braking.A detailed and accurate model of a mobile crane can be achieved with the finite element method. Using non-linear finite element theory Gunthner and Kleeberger [9] studied the dynamic responses of lattice mobile cranes. About 2754 beam elements and 80 truss elements were used for modeling of the lattice-boom structure. On this basis a efficient software for mobile crane calculation––NODYA has been developed. However, the influences of the drive systems must be determined by measuring on hoisting of the load[10], or rotating of the crane [11]. This is neither efficient nor convenient for computer simulation of arbitrary crane motions.Studies on the problem of control for the dynamic response of rotary crane are also available. Sato et al. [14], derived a control law so that the transfer a load to a desired position will take place that at the end of the transfer of the swing of the load decays as soon as possible. Gustafsson [15] described a feedback control system for a rotary crane to move a cargo without oscillations and correctly align the cargo at the final position. However, only rigid bodies and elastic joint between the boom and the jib in those studies were considered. The dynamic response of the crane, for this reason, will be global.To improve this situation, a new method for dynamic calculation of mobile cranes will be presented in this paper. In this method, the flexible multibody model of the steel structure will be coupled with the model of the drive systems. In that way the elastic deformation, the rigid body motion of the structure and the dynamic behavior of the drive system can be determined with one integrated model. In this paper this method will be called ……complete dynamic calculation for driven “mechanism”.On the basis of flexible multibody theory and the Lagrangian equations, the system equations for complete dynamic calculation will be established. The drive- and control system will be described as differential equations. The complete system leads to a non-linear system of differential equations. The calculation method has been realized for a hydraulic mobile crane. In addition to the structural elements, the mathematical modeling of hydraulic drive- and control systems is decried. The simulations of crane rotations for arbitrary working conditions will be carried out. As result, a more exact representation of dynamic behavior not only for the crane structure, but also for the drive system will be achieved. Based on the results of these simulations the influences of the accelerations, velocities during start-up and braking of crane motions will be discussed.2.Tower cranesThe tower crane is a crane with a fixed vertical mast that is topped by a rotating boom and equipped with a winch for hoisting and lowering loads (Dickie, 990). Tower cranes are designed for situations which require operation in congested areas. Congestion may arise from the nature of the site or from the nature of the construction project. There is no limitation to the height of a high-rise building that can be constructed with a tower crane. The very high line speeds, up to 304.8 mrmin, available with some models yield good production rates at any height. They provide a considerable horizontal working radius, yet require a small work space on the ground (Chalabi, 1989). Some machines can also operate in winds of up to 72.4 km/h, which is far above mobile crane wind limits.The tower cranes are more economical only for longer term construction operations and higher lifting frequencies. This is because of the fairly extensive planning needed for installation, together with the transportation, erection and dismantling costs.3. Derrick cranesA derrick is a device for raising, lowering, and/or moving loads laterally. The simplest form of the derrick is called a Chicago boom and is usually installed by being mounted to building columns or frames during or after construction (Shapiro and Shapiro, 1991).This derrick arrangement. (i.e., Chicago boom) becomes a guy derrick when it is mounted to a mast and a stiff leg derrick when it is fixed to a frame.The selection of cranes is a central element of the life cycle of the project. Cranes must be selected to satisfy the requirements of the job. An appropriately selected crane contributes to the efficiency, timeliness, and profitability of the project. If the correct crane selection and configuration is not made, cost and safety implications might be created (Hanna, 1994). Decision to select a particular crane depends on many input parameters such as site conditions, cost, safety, and their variability. Many of these parameters are qualitative, and subjective judgments implicit in these terms cannot be directly incorporated into the classical decision making process. One way of selecting crane is achieved using fuzzy logic approach.Cranes are not merely the largest, the most conspicuous, and the most representative equipment of construction sites but also, at various stages of the project, a real “bottleneck” that slows the pace of the construction process. Although the crane can be found standing idle in many instances, yet once it is involved in a particular task ,it becomes an indispensable link in the activity chain, forcing at least two crews(in the loading and the unloading zones) to wait for the service. As analyzed in previous publications [6-8] it is feasible to automate (or, rather, semi-automate) crane navigation in order to achieve higher productivity, better economy, and safe operation. It is necessary to focus on the technical aspects of the conversion of existing crane into large semi-automatic manipulators. By mainly external devices mounted on the crane, it becomes capable of learning, memorizing, and autonomously navigation to reprogrammed targets or through prêt aught paths.The following sections describe various facets of crane automation:First, the necessary components and their technical characteristics are reviewed, along with some selection criteria. These are followed by installation and integration of the new components into an existing crane. Next, the Man –Machine –Interface (MMI) is presented with the different modes of operation it provides. Finally, the highlights of a set of controlled tests are reported followed by conclusions and recommendations.Manual versus automatic operation: The three major degrees of freedom of common tower cranes are illustrated in the picture. In some cases , the crane is mounted on tracks , which provide a fourth degree of freedom , while in other cases the tower is “telescope” or extendable , and /or the “jib” can be raised to a diagonal position. Since these additional degrees of freedom are not used routinely during normal operation but rather are fixed in a certain position for long periods (days or weeks), they are not included in the routineautomatic mode of operation, although their position must be “known” to the control system.外文文献中文翻译:起重机介绍起重机是用来举升机构、抬起或放下货物的器械。
本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文题目:使用智能液压缸增加起重机的稳定性学院:机电学院专业:机械设计制造及其自动化学生:XXX学号:1234567890指导教师:XXX完成时间:2017年3月12日From:Hitchcox, Alan. Smart cylinders stabilize cranes[J]. Hydraulics & Pneumatics; Cleveland (Sep 12, 2013): n/a.Smart cylinders stabilize cranesHitchcox, Alan.ASM International, Penton Media, OTP Industrial Solutions(formerly Ohio Transmission & Pump Co)Abstract:It's not unusual for cranes to reach 100 ft or more into the air at major construction sites. Traditionally, cranes are transported to a work area and assembled on-site. More recently, as truck-mounted cranes bee bigger and more powerful, they have found favor because they are quicker to set up than traditional cranes. Truck-mounted cranes have a telescoping hydraulic boom mounted on mercial truck chassis. Their portability and lower setup costs have led to their widespread use at construction and utility sites around the world. But as loads get heavier and lifting distances bee higher, designers of truck-mounted cranes must provide the stability to ensure that safety remains the top priority.Truck-mounted cranes use outrigger systems to ensure stable operation. The outriggers extend from the main body of the truck and contact the ground several feet away from the truck. This distributes the crane's load over a much larger area, thereby increasing stability. Manitowoc pany Inc., Manitowoc, Wis., takes this a step further by using smart cylinders in the A-frame outrigger systems of its National Crane line of truck-mounted cranes. The crane's hydraulic system is driven from a power takeoff on the truck's transmission. The crane operator then runs all crane functions through a series of lever-operated valves at a control station.The ELA is an externally mounted LDT that uses Hall-effect technology to sense the location of a magnet embedded in the cylinder's piston through the cylinder's carbon steel barrel. A microprocessor then assigns an analog voltage to the magnet's corresponding absolute position. For example, when the cylinder is fully retracted; the voltage may be 0.55 V. As the cylinder extends, the voltage gradually increases until 4.5 V is reached at full extension.Accuracy of the transducer is typically +-0.5 mm (0.02 in.) - more than adequate for most mobile equipment. That position is then sent to the ECM and pared to the known maximum horizontal extension. After this, an indication is given to the operator about the outrigger state. The position update happens within milliseconds.Full TextIt's not unusual for cranes to reach 100 ft or more into the air at major construction sites. Traditionally, cranes are transported to a work area and assembled on-site. More recently, as truck-mounted cranes bee bigger and more powerful, they have found favor because they are quicker to set up than traditional cranes. Truck-mounted cranes have a telescoping hydraulic boom mounted on mercial truck chassis. Their portability and lower setup costs have led to their widespread use at construction and utility sites around the world. But as loads get heavier and lifting distances bee higher, designers of truck-mounted cranes must provide the stability to ensure that safety remains the top priority.Truck-mounted cranes use outrigger systems to ensure stable operation. The outriggers extend from the main body of the truck and contact the ground several feet away from the truck. This distributes the crane's load over a much larger area, thereby increasing stability. Manitowoc pany Inc., Manitowoc, Wis., takes this a step further by using smart cylinders in the A-frame outrigger systems of its National Crane line of truck-mounted cranes. The crane's hydraulic system is driven from a power takeoff on the truck's transmission. The crane operator then runs all crane functions through a series of lever-operated valves at a control station.An important function for lifting, moving, and lowering heavy loads is to ensure that outrigger beams are properly positioned. The outriggers are attached to the truck frame and are extended downward by hydraulic cylinders at an angle to create an A-frame structure that is wider at its base than at the top. This provides a stable framework to level and support the loaded and extended crane.Adding smarts to outriggersFor the past several years, National Crane has added outrigger-monitoring systems (OMSs) to its cranes. With the OMS, operators monitor the horizontal extension of the crane's outriggers at a control station. The OMS used with A-frame model cranes includes an ELA position-sensing linear-displacement transducer (LDT) from Rota Engineering, Dallas, anelectronic control module (ECM), and bicolor indication LEDs at each station.The ELA is an externally mounted LDT that uses Hall-effect technology to sense the location of a magnet embedded in the cylinder's piston through the cylinder's carbon steel barrel. A microprocessor then assigns an analog voltage to the magnet's corresponding absolute position. For example, when the cylinder is fully retracted; the voltage may be 0.55 V. As the cylinder extends, the voltage gradually increases until 4.5 V is reached at full extension. Accuracy of the transducer is typically +-0.5 mm (0.02 in.) - more than adequate for most mobile equipment. That position is then sent to the ECM and pared to the known maximum horizontal extension. After this, an indication is given to the operator about the outrigger state. The position update happens within milliseconds.Mark Hoffman, of Rota Engineering, pointed out that because mobile equipment has a human operator, position feedback from cylinders generally only needs to be within hundredths of an inch. Put simply, he says that magnetostrictive LDTs are overkill for most mobile-equipment applications. He suggests that an LDT with slightly less precision, but substantially lower cost, would enable designers to provide cylinder position feedback more often - not just for the most critical applications that justify high cost.Simple electronic displayThe electronic control module on the A-frame units serves only to monitor the position of the outriggers and provide feedback to the operator. As the analog voltage from the ELA transducer is read into the ECM, it sends a signal to a set of bicolor LEDs - one set per operator's station. The indications available are:Red for system error (sensor out of range, electrical short, etc.).Blinking red to indicate the operator is not at a valid working position as directed by the operation manual.Green to inform the operator that full horizontal extension has been acplished. The ECM can be configured through the use of a service tool to also help diagnose any issues related to the OMS.Made for mobileDesigned for use with mobile equipment, the ELA transducer matches this application well because of several physical and intrinsic attributes. The most important of these is the ability to mount the sensor along the exterior of the hydraulic outrigger-cylinder barrel. Although thecylinder gains added functionality, in many cases it retains the same form and fit as the original cylinder; the smart cylinder is essentially a drop-in replacement. The envelope in which the cylinder is mounted does not change. Only additional harnessing and the ECM are added - plus there are minor physical changes to the rear stabilizers.The cylinder bores used in A-frame outriggers range from 3 to 4.5 in. Strokes may be as long as of 66.9 in., depending on lifting capacity. According to Hoffman added, "Eliminating the expense of gun-drilling the piston rod and machining the end cap reduces the cost of creating this smart cylinder. The cylinder's structural integrity remains the same, and it is easier to assemble, install, and service than cylinders with magnetostrictive sensors."Other positive attributes: the Hall-effect sensor is noncontact for long service life, its temperature rating is high, it performs well in high shock and vibration applications, and its aluminum housing resists damage from impact and corrosion. The external transducer can be replaced in the field without difficulty.Cylinders can be supplied with magnets already fitted, so that if the stroke-sensing function is required later, the transducer can easily be added. The magnet assembly for the EL transducer is designed to match the bore of the cylinder. A slot is milled into the piston to acmodate the magnet assembly. Service life is not a factor because the magnet assembly is made of the same quality as piston-wear rings.A different kind of linear sensorModel ELA linear-displacement transducers (LDTs) use Hall-effect technology and mount externally to mobile hydraulic cylinders. Unlike other types of in-cylinder LDTs, they can be used in double-ended cylinders. They can also be used effectively in steering and long-stroke cylinders, where gun drilling can bee cost prohibitive and are easily field replaceable.Hall-effect LDTs can be manufactured for strokes exceeding 50 ft and for use 20,000 ft below the surface of the ocean and other demanding environments.Hall-effect technologyLDTs from Rota Engineering use a microprocessor that transmits and receives signals from Hall-effect chips mounted to a printed-circuit board. The circuit board is contained within a stainless-steel or aluminum housing, depending on application requirements. A piston-mounted magnet causes a voltage drop when it passes over the Hall-effect chip. The microprocessor calculates the position of the Hall-effect chip and correlates the voltage drop toa proportional voltage, current, PWM, or CANbus output.Hoffman explains, "Hall-effect sensors do not have as high a resolution as magnetostrictive sensors, which can achieve resolution measured in ten-thousandths of an inch. Hall-effect LDTs, however, generally have resolution of 0.012 to 0.020 in. The tighter resolution of magnetostrictive LDTs is needed for many process applications, such as a rolling mill. Most of the time, though, 0.020-in. resolution is more than sufficient for mobile hydraulic applications."An additional benefit of the Hall-effect technology is small size. In most instances, the pin-to-pin dimension of a cylinder need not be increased to acmodate a Hall-effect LDT. Also, the surface-mount technology tolerates high levels of vibration, and potting can provide additional vibration resistance.For more information, contact Rota Engineering at (972) 359-1041, or visit .rota-eng.. For information on Manitowoc's truck-mounted cranes and other products, visit .manitowoc.译自:希契科克斯,艾伦. 使用智能液压缸增加起重机的稳定性[J]. 液压与气动技术;克利夫兰(2013年9月12日):n/a使用智能液压缸增加起重机的稳定性希契科克斯,艾伦ASM国际片通媒体,OTP工业解决方案(以前俄亥俄州传输和泵)摘要:在大型的建筑工地上起重机将重物举至空中100英尺及以上的情况并不罕见。
本科毕业设计 (论文)BZD5型柱式悬臂起重机设计Design of BZD5 Column Rotary BeamCrane学院:机械工程学院专业班级:机械设计制造及其自动化机械104 学生姓名:学号:指导教师:2014年6月毕业设计(论文)中文摘要毕业设计(论文)外文摘要目录1 绪论 (1)2 悬臂起重机的设计计划与方案论证 (3)悬臂起重机工作原理 (3)各种机构方案论证 (3)3 起升机构设计 (9)钢丝绳的选取 (9)滑轮的计算及选取 (9)卷筒的计算及选择 (10)钢丝绳尾端在卷筒上的固定方式 (12)关于电动机的选择 (13)选择电动葫芦型号 (13)变幅机构的设计 (14)4 回转驱动装置的设计计算 (15)计算回转力矩 (15)选择电动机 (16)齿轮的设计 (16)键的选择与校核 (21)5 起重机金属结构强度计算 (23)立柱计算 (23)地脚连接螺钉的选择与校核 (25)悬臂梁的设计与相关计算 (27)悬臂挠度 (28)结论 (32)致谢 (33)参考文献 (34)1绪论立柱式悬臂起重机是近年发展起来的中小型起重装备,无论是室内室外更或是各种装卸平台,立柱式悬臂起重机随处可见,方便快捷,省时省力。
附录外文文献原文:The Introduction of cranesA crane is defined as a mechanism for lifting and lowering loads with a hoisting mechanism Shapiro, 1991. Cranes are the most useful and versatile piece of equipment on a vast majority of construction projects. They vary widely in configuration, capacity, mode of operation, intensity of utilization and cost. On a large project, a contractor may have an assortment of cranes for different purposes. Small mobile hydraulic cranes may be used for unloading materials from trucks and for small concrete placement operations, while larger crawler and tower cranes may be used for the erection and removal of forms, the installation of steel reinforcement, the placement of concrete, and the erection of structural steel and precast concrete beams.On many construction sites a crane is needed to lift loads such as concrete skips, reinforcement, and formwork. As the lifting needs of the construction industry have increased and diversified, a large number of general and special purpose cranes have been designed and manufactured. These cranes fall into two categories, those employed in industry and those employed in construction. The most common types of cranes used in construction are mobile, tower, and derrick cranes.1.Mobile cranesA mobile crane is a crane capable of moving under its own power without being restricted to predetermined travel. Mobility is provided by mounting or integrating the crane with trucks or all terrain carriers or rough terrain carriers or by providing crawlers. Truck-mounted cranes have the advantage of being able to move under their own power to the construction site. Additionally, mobile cranes can move about the site, and are often able to do the work of several stationary units.Mobile cranes are used for loading, mounting, carrying large loads and for work performed in the presence of obstacles of various kinds such as power lines and similar technological installations. The essential difficulty is here the swinging of the payload which occurs during working motion and also after the work is completed. This applies particularly to the slewing motion of the crane chassis, for which relatively large angular accelerations and negative accelerations of the chassis are characteristic. Inertia forces together with the centrifugal force and the Carioles force cause the payload to swing as a spherical pendulum. Proper control of the slewing motion of the crane serving to transport a payload to the defined point with simultaneous minimization of the swings when theworking motion is finished plays an important role in the model.Modern mobile cranes include the drive and the control systems. Control systems send the feedback signals from the mechanical structure to the drive systems. In general, they are closed chain mechanisms with flexible members [1].Rotation, load and boom hoisting are fundamental motions the mobile crane. During transfer of the load as well as at the end of the motion process, the motor drive forces, the structure inertia forces, the wind forces and the load inertia forces can result in substantial, undesired oscillations in crane. The structure inertia forces and the load inertia forces can be evaluated with numerical methods, such as the finite element method. However, the drive forces are difficult to describe. During start-up and breaking the output forces of the drive system significantly fluctuate. To reduce the speed variations during start-up and braking the controlled motor must produce torque other than constant [2,3], which in turn affects the performance of the crane.Modern mobile cranes that have been built till today have oft a maximal lifting capacity of 3000 tons and incorporate long booms. Crane structure and drive system must be safe, functionary and as light as possible. For economic and time reasons it is impossible to build prototypes for great cranes. Therefore, it is desirable to determinate the crane dynamic responses with the theoretical calculation.Several published articles on the dynamic responses of mobile crane are available in the open literature. In the mid-seventies Peeken et al. [4] have studied the dynamic forces of a mobile crane during rotation of the boom, using very few degrees of freedom for the dynamic equations and very simply spring-mass system for the crane structure. Later Maczynski et al. [5] studied the load swing of a mobile crane with a four mass-model for the crane structure. Posiadala et al. [6] have researched the lifted load motion with consideration for the change of rotating, booming and load hoisting. However, only the kinematics were studied. Later the influence of the flexibility of the support system on the load motion was investigated by the same author [7]. Recently, Kilicaslan et al. [1] have studied the characteristics of a mobile crane using a flexible multibody dynamics approach. Towarek [16] has concentrated the influence of flexible soil foundation on the dynamic stability of the boom crane. The drive forces, however, in all of those studies were presented by using so called the method of ‘‘kinematics forcing’’ [6] with a ssumed velocities or accelerations. In practice this assumption could not comply with the motion during start-up and braking.A detailed and accurate model of a mobile crane can be achieved with the finite element method. Using non-linear finite element theory Gunthner and Kleeberger [9] studied the dynamic responses of lattice mobile cranes. About 2754 beam elements and 80 truss elements were used for modeling of the lattice-boom structure. On this basis a efficient software for mobile crane calculation––NODYA has been developed. However, theinfluences of the drive systems must be determined by measuring on hoisting of the load [10], or rotating of the crane [11]. This is neither efficient nor convenient for computer simulation of arbitrary crane motions.Studies on the problem of control for the dynamic response of rotary crane are also available. Sato et al. [14], derived a control law so that the transfer a load to a desired position will take place that at the end of the transfer of the swing of the load decays as soon as possible. Gustafsson [15] described a feedback control system for a rotary crane to move a cargo without oscillations and correctly align the cargo at the final position. However, only rigid bodies and elastic joint between the boom and the jib in those studies were considered. The dynamic response of the crane, for this reason, will be global.To improve this situation, a new method for dynamic calculation of mobile cranes will be presented in this paper. In this method, the flexible multibody model of the steel structure will be coupled with the model of the drive systems. In that way the elastic deformation, the rigid body motion of the structure and the dynamic behavior of the drive system can be determined with one integrated model. In this paper this method will be called ‘‘complete dynamic calculation for driven“mechanism”.On the basis of flexible multibody theory and the Lagrangian equations, the system equations for complete dynamic calculation will be established. The drive- and control system will be described as differential equations. The complete system leads to a non-linear system of differential equations. The calculation method has been realized for a hydraulic mobile crane. In addition to the structural elements, the mathematical modeling of hydraulic drive- and control systems is decried. The simulations of crane rotations for arbitrary working conditions will be carried out. As result, a more exact representation of dynamic behavior not only for the crane structure, but also for the drive system will be achieved. Based on the results of these simulations the influences of the accelerations, velocities during start-up and braking of crane motions will be discussed.2.Tower cranesThe tower crane is a crane with a fixed vertical mast that is topped by a rotating boom and equipped with a winch for hoisting and lowering loads (Dickie, 990). Tower cranes are designed for situations which require operation in congested areas. Congestion may arise from the nature of the site or from the nature of the construction project. There is no limitation to the height of a high-rise building that can be constructed with a tower crane. The very high line speeds, up to 304.8 mrmin, available with some models yield good production rates at any height. They provide a considerable horizontal working radius, yet require a small work space on the ground (Chalabi, 1989). Some machines can also operate in winds of up to 72.4 km/h, which is far above mobile crane wind limits.The tower cranes are more economical only for longer term construction operations and higher lifting frequencies. This is because of the fairly extensive planning needed forinstallation, together with the transportation, erection and dismantling costs.3. Derrick cranesA derrick is a device for raising, lowering, and/or moving loads laterally. The simplest form of the derrick is called a Chicago boom and is usually installed by being mounted to building columns or frames during or after construction (Shapiro and Shapiro, 1991).This derrick arrangement. (i.e., Chicago boom) becomes a guy derrick when it is mounted to a mast and a stiff leg derrick when it is fixed to a frame.The selection of cranes is a central element of the life cycle of the project. Cranes must be selected to satisfy the requirements of the job. An appropriately selected crane contributes to the efficiency, timeliness, and profitability of the project. If the correct crane selection and configuration is not made, cost and safety implications might be created (Hanna, 1994). Decision to select a particular crane depends on many input parameters such as site conditions, cost, safety, and their variability. Many of these parameters are qualitative, and subjective judgments implicit in these terms cannot be directly incorporated into the classical decision making process. One way of selecting crane is achieved using fuzzy logic approach.Cranes are not merely the largest, the most conspicuous, and the most representative equipment of construction sites but also, at various stages of the project, a real “bottleneck” that slows the pace of the construction process. Although the crane can be found standing idle in many instances, yet once it is involved in a particular task ,it becomes an indispensable link in the activity chain, forcing at least two crews(in the loading and the unloading zones) to wait for the service. As analyzed in previous publications [6-8] it is feasible to automate (or, rather, semi-automate) crane navigation in order to achieve higher productivity, better economy, and safe operation. It is necessary to focus on the technical aspects of the conversion of existing crane into large semi-automatic manipulators. By mainly external devices mounted on the crane, it becomes capable of learning, memorizing, and autonomously navigation to reprogrammed targets or through prêt aught paths.The following sections describe various facets of crane automation:First, the necessary components and their technical characteristics are reviewed, along with some selection criteria. These are followed by installation and integration of the new components into an existing crane. Next, the Man –Machine –Interface (MMI) is presented with the different modes of operation it provides. Finally, the highlights of a set of controlled tests are reported followed by conclusions and recommendations.Manual versus automatic operation: The three major degrees of freedom of common tower cranes are illustrated in the picture. In some cases , the crane is mounted on tracks , which provi de a fourth degree of freedom , while in other cases the tower is “telescope” or extendable , and /or the “jib” can be raised to a diagonal position. Since these additionaldegrees of freedom are not used routinely during normal operation but rather are fixed in a certain position for long periods (days or weeks), they are not included in the routine automatic mode of operation, although their position must be “known” to the control system.外文文献中文翻译:起重机介绍起重机是用来举升机构、抬起或放下货物的器械。
Characteristics and DevelopmentalTendency of Modern CranesWith rapid development of modern science and technology, magnification of industrial production scale and improvement of automation level, application of cranes is becoming widespread and its function is obvious. Meanwhile, requirements for cranes are more and more strict. Especially, the widespread use of electronic computer technology spurs lots of subject-crossing advanced design approaches and accelerates the improvement of modern manufacturing and detecting technology. Fierce competition in international market becomes more dependent on the competition of technology. All of these impel technological functions of cranes into a brand-new developmental stage. Cranes are facing a tremendous transformation.Our country is entering global international competitive market at an unprecedented rate and crane manufacture is confronted with a new situation where opportunities and challenges coexist. Thus, it is crucial for cranes to develop and innovate constantly. I want to make a brief explanation about characteristics and developmental tendency of modern cranes with examples, based on new theories, technology and trend of cranes at home and overseas.1.Make the key products large, high speed, endured and specializedBecause of continuous expansion of industrial production scale, increasingly improvement of production efficiency and rising proportion of money spending on loading and unloading and transporting materials in the process of production, required amount of large or high-speed cranes is increasing. Lifting quantities become larger, working speed becomes higher and requirements of energy-consuming and reliability become stricter. Cranes have already become a critical link in the process of automation production. Cranes should be easy to use, maintain and operate and have high security, less troubles and long average time between failures. The central issue in international market production competition is reliability, and many companies abroad have drawn up inter-controlled standard of reliability. The most important for us to catch up with and surpass world advanced level of crane’s function is to improve reliability, to make cranes durable, less troubles, maintainable and economic to be used.At the moment, the biggest floating crane in the world weighs 6500t, chain crane 3000t and bridge crane 1200t.Diversity of industrial mode of production and customers’need makes crane market expanding and products renewing constantly to satisfy special needs with specific functions and bring its best usefulness into play. Functions of various kinds of cranes are improving. DEMAG ERGOTECH has developed a crane special for aircraft maintenance, which has made its own way into international market. This crane is great in length and lifting height and has accurate halt. When a flexible maintenance platform fixed under lifting cart, it can reach every part of the aircraft. With the fast development of nuclear power stations in the world, cranes which are special for them achieve corresponding development. For example, annular bridge crane in reactors’space, working under radiative circumstances, is used to lift dangerous load such as top cover of pressure container and components in reactors. It requires high reliability, high security, the ability to determine location accurately and automatically and transfer goods to a lower level, as well as various kinds of protection and particular security devices.2. Make series of production modularized, combined, standardized and practicalMost cranes are produced by series and batch, thus use of systematic multi-objections entire optimization to design series of cranes has already become the key point in development. Through rational matching of series main parameter, its functions can be improved, manufacturing cost can be reduced, and degree of general purpose can be raised. Use less specification spare parts to compose series production with multi-species and multi-specifications. And thus, the requirements of customers can be fully satisfied.By using modularized design instead of conservative entire design, we can make components with similar functions into standard modules which have various uses, similar connective key factors and are interchangeable. Through combination of different modules, we can make different kinds and specifications of cranes. There are only several modules involved when it comes to crane improvement. To design a new style of crane, all that you do is to choose different modules to recompose. Because of improvement in degree of general purpose, single products with small serial production can transform into module production of pretty great batches. As a result, we can achieve specialization production with high efficiency and cut manufacturing cost. It can satisfy marketing demands and increase competitive capacity by composing cranes of various series and specifications using less modularized forms.Bridge crane produced by DEMAG ERGOTECH considered carefully modularization and combination. It makes inter-parameter of series, entirety, mechanism and components matched with each other. The distribution of capacity obtains most economic and suitable effects. To make the main components of lifting mechanism reaches its largest general purpose, the method that the result of lifting weights multiplying lifting speed is a constant has been used. There are more specifications derived through changes of pulley multiplying power. Series of 5-125t bridge cranes only need four basic lifting carts even with various working ranks. Module series of standard wheel cases, which are produced by the company, have various groups of linking holes which can choose different drive unit to form platform carts. They can also combine with metal construction components to be used as running machine of various kinds of cranes; its wheels have several forms of surfaces to be chosen. Because of no basic distance limit and flexible combination, they are widely used. The company’s series of end bridge standard modules have commercialized. It resorts to frictional cycle and high intensity bolt link which improves interchange and accuracy of sizes and reduces machining of connecting covers. It can connect to each main beam quickly and effectively. There are two kinds of end beam modules; one is suitable for single beam and the other is for double beams. According to length and weights, end beam style can be decided.3. Make productions for general purposes small, light, simple and diversifiedThere are quite a number of cranes used in general workshop and storehouse, and thus they have light work and the requirement is not very strict. How to improve application of these cranes and to cut manufacturing cost is critical to win in the marketing competition. Considering comprehensive benefit, the need to decrease the height of cranes as low as possible, to simplify the constructions and to reduce weights and wheel pressure can also decrease structure’s height, lighten structure composition and reduce cost of producing and maintenance. So there will be fast development of electric calabash bridge and light beam cranes, and bridge cranes for general purposes will be replaced by them.The needs of customers advance diversity of cranes. Series parameter scale of cranes expanding and functions enlarging, product of one machine for several useswill obtain further development to increase capacity of dealing with emergencies. The proportion of using wireless remote control under normal conditions will increase.DEMAG ERGOTECH has formed standard crane series of light combinations after long period explosion and innovation. The whole series compose of various productions such as combination “工” style single beam, hanging case single beam, horn cart case single beam and case double beams. There are altogether fifteen forms of connection between main beam and end beam. This is suitable for needs of different structure and lifting goods. Each specification of crane has three single speeds and three double speeds to be chosen. There are seven operating ways. In addition, different electric conduction pattern and different electric control pattern can match hundreds and thousands of cranes through different combinations to fully satisfy different needs of customers. Another advantage of the crane is that they are light. Compared to productions at home, its lifting weight is 32t and length 25.5m compared to 46.4t------weight of double beams cranes in our country, 28.3t------ electric calabash bridge cranes. Weight of DEMAG electric calabash bridge crane is only 18.5, which is lighter than domestic productions by 60 percent and 35percent respectively.现代起重机的特征和发展趋向随着现代科学技术的迅速发展,工业生产规模的扩大和自动化程度的提高,起重机在现代化生产过程中应用越来越广,作用愈来愈大,对起重机的要求也越来越高。
The Use and History of CraneEvery time we see a crane in action we remains without words, these machines are sometimes really huge, taking up tons of material hundreds of meters in height. We watch with amazement and a bit of terror, thinking about what would happen if the load comes off or if the movement of the crane was wrong. It is a really fascinating system, surprising both adults and children. These are especially tower cranes, but in reality there are plenty of types and they are in use for centuries. The cranes are formed by one or more machines used to create a mechanical advantage and thus move large loads. Cranes are equipped with a winder, a wire rope or chain and sheaves that can be used both to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally. It uses one or more simple machines to create mechanical advantage and thus move loads beyond the normal capability of a human. Cranes are commonly employed in the transport industry for the loading and unloading of freight, in the construction industry for the movement of materials and in the manufacturing industry for the assembling of heavy equipment.1. OverviewThe first construction cranes were invented by the Ancient Greeks and were powered by men or beasts of burden, such as donkeys. These cranes were used forthe construction of tall buildings. Larger cranes were later developed, employing the use of human treadwheels, permitting the lifting of heavier weights. In the High Middle Ages, harbor cranes were introduced to load and unload ships and assist with their construction –some were built into stone towers for extra strength and stability. The earliest cranes were constructed from wood, but cast iron and steel took over with the coming of the Industrial Revolution.For many centuries, power was supplied by the physical exertion of men or animals, although hoists in watermills and windmills could be driven by the harnessed natural power. The first 'mechanical' power was provided by steam engines, the earliest steam crane being introduced in the 18th or 19th century, with many remaining in use well into the late 20th century. Modern cranes usually use internal combustion engines or electric motors and hydraulic systems to provide a much greater lifting capability than was previously possible, although manual cranes are still utilized where the provision of power would be uneconomic.Cranes exist in an enormous variety of forms –each tailored to a specific use. Sizes range from the smallest jib cranes, used inside workshops, to the tallest tower cranes, used for constructing high buildings. For a while, mini - cranes are also used for constructing high buildings, in order tofacilitate constructions by reaching tight spaces. Finally, we can find larger floating cranes, generally used to build oil rigs and salvage sunken ships. This article also covers lifting machines that do not strictly fit the above definition of a crane, but are generally known as cranes, such as stacker cranes and loader cranes.2. HistoryAncient GreeceThe crane for lifting heavy loads was invented by the Ancient Greeks in the late 6th century BC. The archaeological record shows that no later than c.515 BC distinctive cuttings for both lifting tongs and lewis irons begin to appear on stone blocks of Greek temples. Since these holes point at the use of a lifting device, and since they are to be found either above the center of gravity of the block, or in pairs equidistant from a point over the center of gravity, they are regarded by archaeologists as the positive evidence required for the existence of the crane.The introduction of the winch and pulley hoist soon lead to a widespread replacement of ramps as the main means of vertical motion. For the next two hundred years, Greek building sites witnessed a sharp drop in the weights handled, as the new lifting technique made the use of several smaller stones more practical than of fewer larger ones. In contrast to the archaic period with its tendency to ever-increasing block sizes, Greek temples of theclassical age like the Parthenon invariably featured stone blocks weighing less than 15-20 tons. Also, the practice of erecting large monolithic columns was practically abandoned in favor of using several column drums.Although the exact circumstances of the shift from the ramp to the crane technology remain unclear, it has been argued that the volatile social and political conditions of Greece were more suitable to the employment of small, professional construction teams than of large bodies of unskilled labor, making the crane more preferable to the Greek polis than the more labor-intensive ramp which had been the norm in the autocratic societies of Egypt or Assyria.The first unequivocal literary evidence for the existence of the compound pulley system appears in the Mechanical Problems (Mech. 18, 853a32-853b13> attributed to Aristotle (384-322 BC>, but perhaps composed at a slightly later date. Around the same time, block sizes at Greek temples began to match their archaic predecessors again, indicating that the more sophisticated compound pulley must have found its way to Greek construction sites by then.Ancient RomeThe heyday of the crane in ancient times came during the Roman Empire, when construction activity soared and buildings reached enormous dimensions. The Romans adopted the Greek crane and developed it further. We are relatively well informed about theirlifting techniques, thanks to rather lengthy accounts by the engineers Vitruvius (De Architectura 10.2, 1-10> and Heron of Alexandria (Mechanica 3.2-5>. There are also two surviving reliefs of Roman treadwheel cranes, with the Haterii tombstone from the late first century AD being particularly detailed.The simplest Roman crane, the Trispastos, consisted of a single-beam jib, a winch, a rope, and a block containing three pulleys. Having thus a mechanical advantage of 3:1, it has been calculated that a single man working the winch could raise 150 kg (3 pulleys x 50 kg = 150>, assuming that 50 kg represent the maximum effort a man can exert over a longer time period. Heavier crane types featured five pulleys (Pentaspastos> or, in case of the largest one, a set of three by five pulleys (Polyspastos> and came with two, three or four masts, depending on the maximum load. The Polyspastos, when worked by four men at both sides of the winch, could already lift 3000 kg (3 ropes x 5 pulleys x 4 men x 50 kg = 3000 kg>. In case the winch was replaced by a treadwheel, the maximum load even doubled to 6000 kg at only half the crew, since the treadwheel possesses a much bigger mechanical advantage due to its larger diameter. This meant that, in comparison to the construction of the Egyptian Pyramids, where about 50 men were needed to move a 2.5 ton stone block up the ramp (50 kg per person>, the lifting capability ofthe Roman Polyspastos proved to be 60 times higher (3000 kg per person>.However, numerous extant Roman buildings which feature much heavier stone blocks than those handled by the Polyspastos indicate that the overall lifting capability of the Romans went far beyond that of any single crane. At the temple of Jupiter at Baalbek, for instance, the architrave blocks weigh up to 60 tons each, and one corner cornice block even over 100 tons, all of them raised to a height of about 19 m. In Rome, the capital block of Trajan's Column weighs 53.3 tons, which had to be lifted to a height of about 34 m (see construction of Trajan's Column>.It is assumed that Roman engineers lifted these extraordinary weights by two measures (see picture below for comparable Renaissance technique>: First, as suggested by Heron, a lifting tower was set up, whose four masts were arranged in the shape of a quadrangle with parallel sides, not unlike a siege tower, but with the column in the middle of the structure (Mechanica 3.5>. Second, a multitude of capstans were placed on the ground around the tower, for, although having a lower leverage ratio than treadwheels, capstans could be set up in higher numbers and run by more men (and, moreover, by draught animals>. This use of multiple capstans is also described by Ammianus Marcellinus (17.4.15> in connection with the lifting of the Lateranense obelisk in the Circus Maximus (ca. 357 AD>. Themaximum lifting capability of a single capstan can be established by the number of lewis iron holes bored into the monolith. In case of the Baalbek architrave blocks, which weigh between 55 and 60 tons, eight extant holes suggest an allowance of 7.5 ton per lewis iron, that is per capstan. Lifting such heavy weights in a concerted action required a great amount of coordination between the work groups applying the force to the capstans.Middle AgesDuring the High Middle Ages, the treadwheel crane was reintroduced on a large scale after the technology had fallen into disuse in western Europe with the demise of the Western Roman Empire. The earliest reference to a treadwheel (magna rota> reappears in archival literature in France about 1225, followed by an illuminated depiction in a manuscript of probably also French origin dating to 1240. In navigation, the earliest uses of harbor cranes are documented for Utrecht in 1244, Antwerp in 1263, Brugge in 1288 and Hamburg in 1291, while in England the treadwheel is not recorded before 1331.Generally, vertical transport could be done more safely and inexpensively by cranes than by customary methods. Typical areas of application were harbors, mines, and, in particular, building sites where the treadwheel crane played a pivotal role in the construction of the lofty Gothic cathedrals. Nevertheless, both archival and pictorial sources ofthe time suggest that newly introduced machines like treadwheels or wheelbarrows did not completely replace more labor-intensive methods like ladders, hods and handbarrows. Rather, old and new machinery continued to coexist on medieval construction sites and harbors.Apart from treadwheels, medieval depictions also show cranes to be powered manually by windlasses with radiating spokes, cranks and by the 15th century also by windlasses shaped like a ship's wheel. To smooth out irregularities of impulse and get over 'dead-spots' in the lifting process flywheels are known to be in use as early as 1123.The exact process by which the treadwheel crane was reintroduced is not recorded, although its return to construction sites has undoubtedly to be viewed in close connection with the simultaneous rise of Gothic architecture. The reappearance of the treadwheel crane may have resulted from a technological development of the windlass from which the treadwheel structurally and mechanically evolved. Alternatively, the medieval treadwheel may represent a deliberate reinvention of its Roman counterpart drawn from Vitruvius' De architectura which was available in many monastic libraries. Its reintroduction may have been inspired, as well, by the observation of the labor-saving qualities of the waterwheel with which early treadwheels shared many structural similarities.Structure and placementThe medieval treadwheel was a large wooden wheel turning around a central shaft with a treadway wide enough for two workers walking side by side. While the earlier 'compass-arm' wheel had spokes directly driven into the central shaft, the more advanced 'clasp-arm' type featured arms arranged as chords to the wheel rim, giving the possibility of using a thinner shaft and providing thus a greater mechanical advantage.Contrary to a popularly held belief, cranes on medieval building sites were neither placed on the extremely lightweight scaffolding used at the time nor on the thin walls of the Gothic churches which were incapable of supporting the weight of both hoisting machine and load. Rather, cranes were placed in the initial stages of construction on the ground, often within the building. When a new floor was completed, and massive tie beams of the roof connected the walls, the crane was dismantled and reassembled on the roof beams from where it was moved from bay to bay during construction of the vaults. Thus, the crane ‘grew’ and ‘wandered’ with the building with the result that today all extant construction cranes in England are found in church towers above the vaulting and below the roof, where they remained after building construction for bringing material for repairs aloft.Less frequently, medieval illuminations also show cranes mounted on the outside of walls with the stand of the machine secured to putlogs.Mechanics and operationIn contrast to modern cranes, medieval cranes and hoists - much like their counterparts in Greece and Rome - were primarily capable of a vertical lift, and not used to move loads for a considerable distance horizontally as well. Accordingly, lifting work was organized at the workplace in a different way than today. In building construction, for example, it is assumed that the crane lifted the stone blocks either from the bottom directly into place, or from a place opposite the centre of the wall from where it could deliver the blocks for two teams working at each end of the wall. Additionally, the crane master who usually gave orders at the treadwheel workers from outside the crane was able to manipulate the movement laterally by a small rope attached to the load. Slewing cranes which allowed a rotation of the load and were thus particularly suited for dockside work appeared as early as 1340. While ashlar blocks were directly lifted by sling, lewis or devil's clamp (German Teufelskralle>, other objects were placed before in containers like pallets, baskets, wooden boxes or barrels.It is noteworthy that medieval cranes rarely featured ratchets or brakes to forestall the load from running backward. This curious absence isexplained by the high friction force exercised by medieval treadwheels which normally prevented the wheel from accelerating beyond control.Harbor usageAccording to the "present state of knowledge" unknown in antiquity, stationary harbor cranes are considered a new development of the Middle Ages. The typical harbor crane was a pivoting structure equipped with double treadwheels. These cranes were placed docksides for the loading and unloading of cargo where they replaced or complemented older lifting methods like see-saws, winches and yards.Two different types of harbor cranes can be identified with a varying geographical distribution: While gantry cranes which pivoted on a central vertical axle were commonly found at the Flemish and Dutch coastside, German sea and inland harbors typically featured tower cranes where the windlass and treadwheels were situated in a solid tower with only jib arm and roof rotating. Interestingly, dockside cranes were not adopted in the Mediterranean region and the highly developed Italian ports where authorities continued to rely on the more labor-intensive method of unloading goods by ramps beyond the Middle Ages.Unlike construction cranes where the work speed was determined by the relatively slow progress of the masons, harbor cranes usually featured double treadwheels to speed up loading. The two treadwheelswhose diameter is estimated to be 4 m or larger were attached to each side of the axle and rotated together. Today, according to one survey, fifteen treadwheel harbor cranes from pre-industrial times are still extant throughout Europe.[28] Beside these stationary cranes, floating cranes which could be flexibly deployed in the whole port basin came into use by the 14th century.RenaissanceA lifting tower similar to that of the ancient Romans was used to great effect by the Renaissance architect Domenico Fontana in 1586 to relocate the 361 t heavy Vatican obelisk in Rome. From his report, it becomes obvious that the coordination of the lift between the various pulling teams required a considerable amount of concentration and discipline, since, if the force was not applied evenly, the excessive stress on the ropes would make them rupture.Early modern ageCranes were used domestically in the 17th and 18th century. The chimney or fireplace crane was used to swing pots and kettles over the fire and the height was adjusted by a trammel.3. Mechanical principlesThere are two major considerations in the design of cranes. The first is that the crane must be able to lift a load of a specified weight and the second is that the crane must remain stable and not toppleover when the load is lifted and moved to another location.Lifting capacityCranes illustrate the use of one or more simple machines to create mechanical advantage.•The lever. A balance crane contains a horizontal beam (the lever> pivoted about a point called the fulcrum. The principle of the lever allows a heavy load attached to the shorter end of the beam to be lifted by a smaller force applied in the opposite direction to the longer end of the beam. The ratio of the load's weight to the applied force is equal to the ratio of the lengths of the longer arm and the shorter arm, and is called the mechanical advantage.•The pulley. A jib crane contains a tilted strut (the jib> that supports a fixed pulley block.Cables are wrapped multiple times round the fixed block and round another block attached to the load. When the free end of the cable is pulled by hand or by a winding machine, the pulley system delivers a force to the load that is equal to the applied force multiplied by the number of lengths of cable passing between the two blocks. This number is the mechanical advantage.•The hydraulic cylinder. This can be used directly to lift the load or indirectly to move the jib or beam that carries another lifting device.Cranes, like all machines, obey the principle of conservation of energy. This means that the energy delivered to the load cannot exceed the energy put into the machine. For example, if a pulley system multiplies the applied force by ten, then the load moves only one tenth as far as the applied force. Since energy is proportional to force multiplied by distance, the output energy is kept roughly equal to the input energy (in practice slightly less, because some energy is lost to friction and other inefficiencies>.StabilityFor stability, the sum of all moments about any point such as the base of the crane must equate to zero. In practice, the magnitude of load that is permitted to be lifted (called the "rated load" in the US> is some value less than the load that will cause the crane to tip (providing a safety margin>.Under US standards for mobile cranes, the stability-limited rated load for a crawler crane is 75% of the tipping load. The stability-limited rated load for a mobile crane supported on outriggers is 85% of the tipping load. These requirements, along with additional safety-related aspects of crane design, are established by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in the volume ASME B30.5-2007 Mobile and Locomotive Cranes.Standards for cranes mounted on ships or offshore platforms are somewhat stricter because of thedynamic load on the crane due to vessel motion. Additionally, the stability of the vessel or platform must be considered.For stationary pedestal or kingpost mounted cranes, the moment created by the boom, jib, and load is resisted by the pedestal base or kingpost. Stress within the base must be less than the yield stress of the material or the crane will fail.4. Types of the cranesMobileMain article: Mobile craneThe most basic type of mobile crane consists of a truss or telescopic boom mounted on a mobile platform - be it on road, rail or water.FixedExchanging mobility for the ability to carry greater loads and reach greater heights due to increased stability, these types of cranes are characterized that they, or at least their main structure does not move during the period of use. However, many can still be assembled and disassembled.5. Overhead CranesUseThe most common overhead crane use is in the steel industry. Every step of steel, until it leaves a factory as a finished product, the steel is handled by an overhead crane. Raw materials are poured into a furnace by crane, hot steel is stored for cooling by an overhead crane, the finished coils are lifted andloaded onto trucks and trains by overhead crane, and the fabricator or stamper uses an overhead crane to handle the steel in his factory. The automobile industry uses overhead cranes for handling of raw materials. Smaller workstation cranes handle lighter loads in a work-area, such as CNC mill or saw.HistoryAlton Shaw, of the Shaw Crane Company, is credited with the first overhead crane, in 1874. Alliance Machine, now defunct, holds an AISE citation for one of the earliest cranes as well. This crane was in service until approximately 1980, and is now in a museum in Birmingham, Alabama. Over the years important innovations, such as the Weston load brake (which is now rare> and the wire rope hoist (which is still popular>, have come and gone. The original hoist contained components mated together in what is now called the built-up style hoist. These built up hoists are used for heavy-duty applications such as steel coil handling and for users desiring long life and better durability. They also provide for easier maintenance. Now many hoists are package hoists, built as one unit in a single housing, generally designed for ten-year life or less.Notable cranes and dates•1874: Alton Shaw develops t he first overhead crane.•1938: Yale introduces the Cable-King hoist.•1944: Shepard-Niles supplies a hoist for lifting atomic bombs for testing in New Mexico.•1969: Power Electronics International, Inc. developed the overhead hoist variable speed drive. •1983: The world's biggest overhead crane from Bardella Company starts its operation at Itaipu dam Hydro Power Plant Brazil.•1997: Industry giant P&H files for chapter eleven bankruptcy. Later renamed Morris Material Handling but still using the P&H tradename, they again went bankrupt.•1998: Dearborn Crane supplies two 500-ton capacity overhead cranes to Verson Press of Chicago. The cranes were never used due to Verson's bankruptcy.。
英文原文:Fatigue life prediction of the metalwork of a travelling gantrycraneV.A. KopnovAbstractIntrinsic fatigue curves are applied to a fatigue life prediction problem of the metalwork of a traveling gantry crane. A crane, used in the forest industry, was studied in working conditions at a log yard, an strain measurements were made. For the calculations of the number of loading cycles, the rain flow cycle counting technique is used. The operations of a sample of such cranes were observed for a year for the average number of operation cycles to be obtained. The fatigue failure analysis has shown that failures some elements are systematic in nature and cannot be explained by random causes.卯1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Key words: Cranes; Fatigue assessment; Strain gauging1. IntroductionFatigue failures of elements of the metalwork of traveling gantry cranes LT62B are observed frequently in operation. Failures as fatigue cracks initiate and propagate in welded joints of the crane bridge and supports in three-four years. Such cranes are used in the forest industry at log yards for transferring full-length and sawn logs to road trains, having a load-fitting capacity of 32 tons. More than 1000 cranes of this type work at the enterprises of the Russian forest industry. The problem was stated to find the weakest elements limiting the cranes' fives, predict their fatigue behavior, and give recommendations to the manufacturers for enhancing the fives of the cranes.2. Analysis of the crane operationFor the analysis, a traveling gantry crane LT62B installed at log yard in the Yekaterinburg region was chosen. The crane serves two saw mills, creates a log store, and transfers logs to or out of road trains. A road passes along the log store. The saw mills are installed so that the reception sites are under the crane span. A schematic view of the crane is shown in Fig. 1.1350-6307/99/$一see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.PII: S 1 3 5 0一6307(98) 00041一7A series of assumptions may be made after examining the work of cranes:·if the monthly removal of logs from the forest exceeds the processing rate, i.e. there is a creation of a log store, the craneexpects work, being above the centre of a formed pile with the grab lowered on the pile stack;·when processing exceeds the log removal from the forest, the crane expects work above an operational pile close to the saw mill with the grab lowered on the pile;·the store of logs varies; the height of the piles is considered to be a maximum;·the store variation takes place from the side opposite to the saw mill;·the total volume of a processed load is on the average k=1.4 times more than the total volume of removal because of additional transfers.2.1. Removal intensityIt is known that the removal intensity for one year is irregular and cannot be considered as a stationary process. The study of the character of non-stationary flow of road trains at 23 enterprises Sverdlesprom for five years has shown that the monthly removal intensity even for one enterprise essentially varies from year to year. This is explained by the complex of various systematic and random effects which exert an influence on removal: weather conditions, conditions of roads and lorry fleet, etc. All wood brought to the log store should, however, be processed within one year. Therefore, the less possibility of removing wood in the season between spring and autumn, the more intensively the wood removal should be performed in winter. While in winter the removal intensity exceeds the processing considerably, in summer, in most cases, the more full-length logs are processed than are taken out.From the analysis of 118 realizations of removal values observed for one year, it is possible to evaluate the relative removal intensity g(t) as percentages of the annual load turnover. The removal data fisted in Table 1 is considered asexpected values for any crane, which can be applied to the estimation of fatigue life, and, particularly, for an inspected crane with which strain measurement was carried out (see later). It would be possible for each crane to take advantage of its load turnover per one month, but to establish these data without special statistical investigation is difficult. Besides, to solve the problem of life prediction a knowledge of future loads is required, which we take as expected values on cranes with similar operation conditions.The distribution of removal value Q(t) per month performed by the relative intensity q(t) is written aswhere Q is the annual load turnover of a log store, A is the maximal designed store of logs in percent of Q. Substituting the value Q, which for the inspected crane equals 400,000 m3 per year, and A=10%, the volumes of loads transferred by the crane are obtained, which are listed in Table 2, with the total volume being 560,000 m3 for one year using K,.2.2. Number of loading blocksThe set of operations such as clamping, hoisting, transferring, lowering, and getting rid of a load can be considered as one operation cycle (loading block) of the crane. As a result to investigations, the operation time of a cycle can be modeled by the normal variable with mean equal to 11.5 min and standard deviation to 1.5 min. unfortunately, this characteristic cannot be simply used for the definition of the number of operation cycles for any work period as the local processing is extremely irregular. Using a total operation time of the crane and evaluations of cycle durations, it is easy to make large errors and increase the number of cycles compared with the real one. Therefore, it is preferred to act as follows.The volume of a unit load can be modeled by a random variable with a distribution function(t) having mean22 m3 and standard deviation 6;一3 m3, with the nominal volume of one pack being 25 m3. Then, knowing the total volume of a processed load for a month or year, it is possible to determine distribution parameters of the number of operation cyclesfor these periods to take advantage of the methods of renewal theory [1].According to these methods, a random renewal process as shown in Fig. 2 is considered, where the random volume of loads forms a flow of renewals:In renewal theory, realizations of random:,,,having a distribution function F-(t), are understoodas moments of recovery of failed units or request receipts. The value of a processed load:,,after}th operation is adopted here as the renewal moment.<t﹜. The function F-(t) is defined recurrently,Let F(t)=P﹛nLet v(t) be the number of operation cycles for a transferred volume t. In practice, the total volume of a transferred load t is essentially greater than a unit load, and it is useful therefore totake advantage of asymptotic properties of the renewal process. As follows from an appropriatelimit renewal theorem, the random number of cycles v required to transfer the large volume t hasthe normal distribution asymptotically with mean and variance.without dependence on the form of the distribution function月t) of a unit load (the restriction isimposed only on nonlattice of the distribution).Equation (4) using Table 2 for each averaged operation month,function of number of load cycles with parameters m,. and 6,., which normal distribution in Table 3. Figure 3 shows the average numbers of cycles with 95 % confidence intervals. The values of these parametersfor a year are accordingly 12,719 and 420 cycles.3. Strain measurementsIn order to reveal the most loaded elements of the metalwork and to determine a range of stresses, static strain measurements were carried out beforehand. Vertical loading was applied by hoisting measured loads, and skew loading was formed with a tractor winch equipped with a dynamometer. The allocation schemes of the bonded strain gauges are shown in Figs 4 and 5. As was expected, the largest tension stresses in the bridge take place in the bottom chord of the truss (gauge 11-45 MPa). The top chord of the truss is subjected to the largest compression stresses.The local bending stresses caused by the pressure of wheels of the crane trolleys are added to the stresses of the bridge and the load weights. These stresses result in the bottom chord of the I一beambeing less compressed than the top one (gauge 17-75 and 10-20 MPa). The other elements of the bridge are less loaded with stresses not exceeding the absolute value 45 MPa. The elements connecting the support with the bridge of the crane are loaded also irregularly. The largest compression stresses take place in the carrying angles of the interior panel; the maximum stresses reach h0 MPa (gauges 8 and 9). The largest tension stresses in the diaphragms and angles of the exterior panel reach 45 MPa (causes 1 and hl.The elements of the crane bridge are subjected, in genera maximum stresses and respond weakly to skew loads. The suhand, are subjected mainly to skew loads.1, to vertical loads pports of the crane gmmg rise to on the otherThe loading of the metalwork of such a crane, transferring full-length logs, differs from that ofa crane used for general purposes. At first, it involves the load compliance of log packs because ofprogressive detachment from the base. Therefore, the loading increases rather slowly and smoothly.The second characteristic property is the low probability of hoisting with picking up. This is conditioned by the presence of the grab, which means that the fall of the rope from the spreader block is not permitted; the load should always be balanced. The possibility of slack being sufficient to accelerate an electric drive to nominal revolutions is therefore minimal. Thus, the forest traveling gantry cranes are subjected to smaller dynamic stresses than in analogous cranes for general purposes with the same hoisting speed. Usually, when acceleration is smooth, the detachment of a load from the base occurs in 3.5-4.5 s after switching on an electric drive. Significant oscillations of the metalwork are not observed in this case, and stresses smoothly reach maximum values.When a high acceleration with the greatest possible clearance in the joint between spreader andgrab takes place, the tension of the ropes happens 1 s after switching the electric drive on, theclearance in the joint taking up. The revolutions of the electric motors reach the nominal value inO.}r0.7 s. The detachment of a load from the base, from the moment of switching electric motorson to the moment of full pull in the ropes takes 3-3.5 s, the tensions in ropes increasing smoothlyto maximum. The stresses in the metalwork of the bridge and supports grow up to maximumvalues in 1-2 s and oscillate about an average within 3.5%.When a rigid load is lifted, the accelerated velocity of loading in the rope hanger and metalworkis practically the same as in case of fast hoisting of a log pack. The metalwork oscillations are characterized by twoharmonic processes with periods 0.6 and 2 s, which have been obtained from spectral analysis. The worst case of loading ensues from summation of loading amplitudes so that the maximum excess of dynamic loading above static can be 13-14%.Braking a load, when it is lowered, induces significant oscillation of stress in the metalwork, which can be }r7% of static loading. Moving over rail joints of 3} mm height misalignment induces only insignificant stresses. In operation, there are possible cases when loads originating from various types of loading combine. The greatest load is the case when the maximum loads from braking of a load when lowering coincide with braking of the trolley with poorly adjusted brakes.4. Fatigue loading analysisStrain measurement at test points, disposed as shown in Figs 4 and 5, was carried out during the work of the crane and a representative number of stress oscillograms was obtained. Since a common operation cycle duration of the crane has a sufficient scatter with average value } 11.5min, to reduce these oscillograms uniformly a filtration was implemented to these signals, and all repeated values, i.e. while the construction was not subjected to dynamic loading and only static loading occurred, were rejected. Three characteristic stress oscillograms (gauge 11) are shown inFig. 6 where the interior sequence of loading for an operation cycle is visible. At first, stressesincrease to maximum values when a load is hoisted. After that a load is transferred to the necessary location and stresses oscillate due to the irregular crane movement on rails and over rail joints resulting mostly in skew loads. The lowering of the load causes the decrease of loading and forms half of a basic loading cycle.4.1. Analysis of loading process amplitudesTwo terms now should be separated: loading cycle and loading block. The first denotes one distinct oscillation of stresses (closed loop), and the second is for the set of loading cycles during an operation cycle. The rain flow cycle counting method given in Ref. [2] was taken advantage of to carry out the fatigue hysteretic loop analysis for the three weakest elements: (1) angle of the bottom chord(gauge 11), (2) I-beam of the top chord (gauge 17), (3) angle of the support (gauge 8). Statistical evaluation of sample cycle amplitudes by means of the Waybill distribution for these elements has given estimated parameters fisted in Table 4. It should be noted that the histograms of cycle amplitude with nonzero averages were reduced afterwards to equivalent histograms with zero averages.4.2. Numbers of loading cyclesDuring the rain flow cycle counting procedure, the calculation of number of loading cycles for the loading block was also carried out. While processing the oscillograms of one type, a sample number of loading cycles for one block is obtained consisting of integers with minimum and maximum observed values: 24 and 46. The random number of loading cycles vibe can be describedby the Poisson distribution with parameter =34.Average numbers of loading blocks via months were obtained earlier, so it is possible to find the appropriate characteristics not only for loading blocks per month, but also for the total number of loading cycles per month or year if the central limit theorem is taken advantage of. Firstly, it is known from probability theory that the addition of k independent Poisson variables gives also a random variable with the Poisson distribution with parameter k},. On the other hand, the Poisson distribution can be well approximated by the normal distribution with average}, and variation },. Secondly, the central limit theorem, roughly speaking, states that the distribution of a large number of terms, independent of the initial distribution asymptotically tends to normal. If the initial distribution of each independent term has a normal distribution, then the average and standard deviation of the total number of loading cycles for one year are equal to 423,096 and 650 accordingly. The values of k are taken as constant averages from Table 3.5. Stress concentration factors and element enduranceThe elements of the crane are jointed by semi-automatic gas welding without preliminary edge preparation and consequent machining. For the inspected elements 1 and 3 having circumferential and edge welds of angles with gusset plates, the effective stress concentration factor for fatigue is given by calculation methods [3], kf=2.}r2.9, coinciding with estimates given in the current Russian norm for fatigue of welded elements [4], kf=2.9.The elements of the crane metalwork are made of alloyed steel 09G2S having an endurance limit of 120 MPa and a yield strength of 350 MPa. Then the average values of the endurance limits of the inspected elements 1 and 3 are ES 一l=41 MPa. The variation coefficient is taken as 0.1, and the corresponding standard deviation is 6S-、一4.1 MPa.The inspected element 2 is an I-beam pierced by holes for attaching rails to the top flange. The rather large local stresses caused by local bending also promote fatigue damage accumulation. According to tables from [4], the effective stress concentration factor is accepted as kf=1.8, which gives an average value of the endurance limit as ES 一l=h7 Map. Using the same variation coiffing dent th e stand arid d emit ion is 1s σ-=6.7 MPa.An average S-N curve, recommended in [4], has the form:with the inflexion point No=5·106 and the slope m=4.5 for elements 1 and 3 and m=5.5 for element 2.The possible values of the element endurance limits presented above overlap the ranges of load amplitude with nonzero probability, which means that these elements are subjected to fatigue damage accumulation. Then it is possible to conclude that fatigue calculations for the elements are necessary as well as fatigue fife prediction.6. Life predictionThe study has that some elements of the metalwork are subject to fatigue damage accumulation.To predict fives we shall take advantage of intrinsic fatigue curves, which are detailed in [5]and [6].Following the theory of intrinsic fatigue curves, we get lognormal life distribution densities for the inspected elements. The fife averages and standard deviations are fisted in Table 5. The lognormal fife distribution densities are shown in Fig.7. It is seen from this table that the least fife is for element 3. Recollecting that an average number of load blocks for a year is equal to 12,719, it is clear that the average service fife of the crane before fatigue cracks appear in the welded elements is sufficient: the fife is 8.5 years for element 1, 11.5 years for element 2, and h years for element 3. However, the probability of failure of these elements within three-four years is not small and is in the range 0.09-0.22. These probabilities cannot be neglected, and services of design and maintenance should make efforts to extend the fife of the metalwork without permitting crack initiation and propagation.7. ConclusionsThe analysis of the crane loading has shown that some elements of the metalwork are subjectedto large dynamic loads, which causes fatigue damage accumulation followed by fatigue failures.The procedure of fatigue hfe prediction proposed in this paper involves tour parts:(1) Analysis of the operation in practice and determination of the loading blocks for some period.(2) Rainflow cycle counting techniques for the calculation of loading cycles for a period of standard operation.(3) Selection of appropriate fatigue data for material.(4) Fatigue fife calculations using the intrinsic fatigue curves approach.The results of this investigation have been confirmed by the cases observed in practice, and the manufacturers have taken a decision about strengthening the fixed elements to extend their fatigue lives.References[1] Feller W. An introduction to probabilistic theory and its applications, vol. 2. 3rd ed. Wiley, 1970.[2] Rychlik I. International Journal of Fatigue 1987;9:119.[3] Piskunov V(i. Finite elements analysis of cranes metalwork. Moscow: Mashinostroyenie, 1991 (in Russian).[4] MU RD 50-694-90. Reliability engineering. Probabilistic methods of calculations for fatigue of welded metalworks.Moscow: (iosstandard, 1990 (in Russian).[5] Kopnov VA. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures 1993;16:1041.[6] Kopnov VA. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 1997;26:169.中文翻译龙门式起重机金属材料的疲劳强度预测v.a.科普诺夫摘要内在的疲劳曲线应用到龙门式起重机金属材料的疲劳寿命预测问题。
起重机 毕业设计
![起重机 毕业设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c21a852749d7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de8007ee.png)
现根据起重机的新理论、新技术和新动向 1.1起重机的特点和发展趋势现根据起重机的新理论、新技术和新动向结合实例和发展趋势。
1.1.1大型化和专用化由于工业生产规模的不断扩大最大的浮游起重机起重量达6500t3000t重机起重量为1200t350m/min机最大运行速度是240m/min100m/min 。
与通用产品相比10t22.5m24t1876mm5980mm; 德马格起重机的自重只有8.7t176%面以上高度为920mm104%2980mm100%。
、重庆科技学院学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文`学院机械与动力工程学院专业班级机设普08级-04 ¥学生姓名杜再勇学号 07译文要求1.外文翻译必须使用签字笔,手工工整书写,或用A4纸打印。
…/(译自:Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and ControlMay 2008,034504-1,双梁桥式起重机扭振的输入型控制技术 William Singhose Dooroo Kim Michael Kenison Sugar Land佐治亚理工学院伍德拉夫学校机械工程学院振幅大对于起重机的安全和正常运行具有很大的影响。
附录APortal powerChina’s rapid economic growth in the past decade has resulted in a big increase in freight traffic through the country’s seaports . Old ports are being expanded and new ports built to handle the large growth in container and bulk cargo traffic all along the Chinese coastline.China’s port expansion programme has provided a strong boost to the domestic port equipment industry, which has enjoyed a strong increase in demand for port cranes of various types, including container cranes and portal cranes along with bulk cargo handling equipment.State-run China Harbour Engineering (group) Corporation Ltd, established under the ruling State Council, is China’s largest supplier of port cranes and bulk cargo handling equipment. The organization controls both Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co Ltd (ZPMC),the world’s largest manufacturer of quayside container cranes, and Shanghai Port Machinery Plant (SPMP), which specializes in the manufacturer of portal cranes and other cranes used in ports along with dry bulk cargo handling equipment.SPMP’s main market is China, although the company is looking to expand its overseas sales. Although less well known than its associate ZPMC, SPMP also operates large manufacturing facilities, and is due to move part of its production shortly to Changxing Island near Shanghai where ZPMC already operates a large container crane fabrication plant.Portal and other harbour cranes are SPMP’s major production item. During the past two years, the corporation has won contracts for 145 portal cranes from port authorities throughout China, both from new ports under construction and ports undergoing expansion.In recent years, SPMP has also supplied portal cranes to the United States, Iraq,and Myanmar.The port Rangoon of Myanmar in has purchased a 47m,40t portalcrane while BIW of the United States has purchased three cranes-15t,150t, and 300t portal cranes. Elsewhere, SPMP has supplied 12 portal cranes to several ports in Iraq since the end of the Saddam regime.In China, SPMP’s recent major orders for portal cranes include eight 40t, 45m radius cranes for Tianjin Overseas Mineral Terminal, while Yan Tai Port Bureau in Guangdong in southern China has purchased six 40t, 45m radius cranes. Other large orders include seven 10t, 25m radius cranes for Zhenjiang Port Group and an order of 1025t, 33m radius cranes from Fangcheng Port Bureau, while the Yingkou Port Group has ordered 1325t,35m radius cranes along with two 40t, 44m radius port cranes.MANY CRANES BUILT TO ORDERSPMP also supplies other cranes used in ports and harbours, many of which are built to order for clients. Quayside container cranes have been supplied to a number of foreign clients including Bangkok Port in Thailand, Kaohsiung Port in Taiwan, and Port of Vancouver in Canada. In China, SPMP has supplied quayside container cranes to Shanghai Port, Tianjin Port, Yin Kou Port, Yan Tai Port and others. The company also supplies rubber-tyred container gantry cranes to domestic and overseas clients. Customers for other cranes used in ports include Guangzhou Port in Guangdong, which purchased a 25t floating crane while Zhonggang Port has bought two double trolley 125/63t gantry cranes, along with a700t overhead crane, In 2003 Zhonggang Port awarded a contract to SPMP for a 2,600t floating crane, whichi is the largest crane the company has made in recent years.Other customers include Zhongyuan Nanytong Shipyard of Jiangsu Province has purchased two 300t goliath cranes for use in its shipyard, while Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipyard uses two of SPMP’s 600t goliath cranes for its shipbuilding operations. SPMP has two factories. The Shanghai plant employs 2,000 workers while a factory in Jiangsu Province employs 1,500 workers. The combined total of 3,500 workers includes 800 technical and management staff involved in designing, developing, and building portal and other cranes along with dry bulk cargo loading and unloading equipment.Currently, SPMP is preparing to vacat e its Shanghai factory site as the company’s existing plot of land is part of a riverside area earmarked by the Shanghai Expo in 2010. SPMP’s Shanghai factory will close at the end of 2006, and move to a new site on nearby Changxing Island.“The new factory will be much bigger than the present plant,” Li said. “Phase 1 will be ready for us when we move at the end of 2006.”In addition to moving the Shanghai factory to a new site, SPMP expects future business operation with ZPMC.Officials at China Harbour Engineering (Group) Corporation are understood to have told SPMP of plants for SPMP and ZPMC to co-operate more in bidding for projects in future. Both companies are expected to retain their individual manufacturing capability, however, with precise details of future co-operation still some way from being finalised.Meanwhile, SPMP associate company ZPMC is strengthening its position as the world’s largest manufacturer of ship-to-shore container cranes, supplying slightly more than half the annual international container crane market. In addition to operating four crane production complexes for its crane manufacturing and other businesses.ZPMC’s full range of products includes quayside container cranes, rubber-tyred gantry cranes, bulk material ship loaders and unloaders, bucket-wheel stackers and reclaimers, portal cranes, floating cranes, and engineering vessels. The company has also diversified into manufacturing other large steel structures including large steel bridges.ZPMC EXPANDING PRODUCTIONZPMC’s c ranes and other products are in use at over 150 shipping terminals in 37 countries and regions worldwide. By the end of December 2005, ZPMC had supplied 705 quayside container cranes, and had orders in hand to deliver another 128 quayside container cranes in 2006. In addition, at the end of 2005 ZPMC had delivered 1,148 rubber-tyred gantry cranes to customers worldwide and had orders in hand to deliver 308 rubber-tyred gantry cranes to customers in 2006.ZPMC is expanding production facilities in expectation that the volume of orders will grow in future. The company owns four crane production complexes in Shanghai and the surrounding area at Jiangyin, Changzhou, Zhangjiang and Changxing Island. The Changxing production site, which was completed in 2001, covers one million sq m, and has a 3.5km coastline. The facility is capable of manufacturing 160 quayside ship-to-shore container cranes each year along with 300 rubber-tyred gantry cranes and 200,000 metric tons of large steel bridge structures.Plans call for a futher 3 million sq m of land to be reclaimed at Changxing, which ZPMC will develop to become its largest production centre.Korea looks inwardIn a fragmented global port crane industry, Korean manufacturers are being forced to look for more business in their domestic marketsSouth Korea’s container crane and port crane equipment manufacturing industry has become more focused on the domestic market in recent years as manufacturers have faced tough price competition from ZPMC of China in major foreign markets. The problem is the same as that faced by other port crane manufacturers around the world, none of which account for more than about an 8% share of the world container crane market.As well as ZPMC, competition from European and Japanese equipment suppliers is also strong, both for quayside container cranes and for rubber-tyred gantry crane contracts. While South Korean firms-including Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries, Doosan Heavy Industries, and Hanjin Heavy Industries – continue to bid for international contracts, winning large orders has become increasingly rare. Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co Ltd is believed to be the only South Korean port crane maker to have won a large container crane contract during the past few years, with most orders booker by Korean manufacturers being for less than10 crane units.Doosan recently completed delivery of a 42-unit rubber-tyred gantry crane (RTGC) order to the Port of Singapore Authority PSN that was awarded in 2004. Including a recent contract. Doosan has received orders to supply the Port of Singapore with a total of 120 RTGCs since 1997. The recent batch of RTGCs is designed for increased safety. Esch of the RTGCs is fitted with 16 wheels instead of the usual eight.“We have supplied container cranes locally and overseas. Most projects are one or two units, but Singapore has been 120 units,” commented a source in Doosan Heavy Industries’ material handling equipment division. “Container cranes ca n lift one or two containers depending on the client, but the twin spreader design is normal now. Our biggest contract before was with Pusan Port for over 10 container cranes.”BUILDING POWER PLANTSDoosan Heavy Industries’ major activities include the design and construction of power plants. Apart from supplying protection equipment, Doosan also manufactures turbines and generator sets. Doosan has a large castings and forging division. Other major activities include the construction of desalination plants in the Middle East.Container port handling equipment is produced by Doosan’s material handling equipment division, which supplies coal handling equipment and bulk cargo handling facilities for other industries.Port of Singapore Authority is the largest customer for RTGCs. Other recent clients include Southern Gateway Terminals in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Korea Express in the Port of Pusan.Doosan also supplies ship to shore container cranes. Recent quayside gantry crane clients include Jakarta Container Terminal in Indonesia, Jawaharlal Nehru Port near Mumbai in India, and Frazer Terminal in Vancouver.“Prospects for our port crane sales are not bright. ZPMC is dominating the world market due to price,” the source commented. “We are looking for p rojects not invoving ZPMC as they are not concerned with all projects. We got contracts inSingapore in 2004 and 2005. We had no success anywhere else, but we are still bidding on various tenders.”Doosan is expected to be one of the bidders for container cranes to be installed in South Korea’s planned Kwangyang Bay Port expansion. The company’s R&D division is involved developing new automated controls that will be required for quayside container cranes installed in the port expansion.“Container crane s are well developed in technical terms. There is nothing else to develop except for automation,” the source said. “We are developing more automated controls, but the new features are not commercialized yet.Our government has a plan for Kwangyang Bay 3-2 terminal project, which they announced will be developed as an automated terminal. We have to adapt to this. The tender has been postponed for about six years. We expect the project will be tendered again in 2007 or 2008.”South Korea’s other container crane manufacturers also are expected to bid for the Kwangyang Bay project, which is likely to be awarded to a local supplier. Hyundal Samho Heavy Industries will be among the bidders having recently commissioned five automated rail mounted gantry cranes (RMGCs) also known as automated transfer cranes at Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT) .The terminal has become the first terminal in Korea to install automated cranes, which are in service at new berths four and five .The cranes stack nine-wide between a 28.5m rail gauge, and have dual cantilevers covering two road lanes . Stack height is 1 over 6 by 9ft 6in high and operational speeds are 150m/min for the gantry , 120m/min for the trolley and 75-80m/min for the empty hoist .Among other recent orders that Hyundai has won is a contract for four quayside container cranes from Hutchison Port Holdings and one for Uam Port. Competition from ZPMC remains the main challenge in winning overseas contracts according to Hyund ai Heavy Industries sales manager Lee Yong Tae : “ We are trying to get more projects , but ZPMC has a very low price . We will try to cut our price but we think it will lead to a bad situation in future . ”“ if customers think that quality is important then we are ok , but if they just think about price we cannot win the project . We have experience of building cranes to lift one or two containers .We buy the main crane controls system from ABB and then use a Korean fabricator .”附录B港口起重机中国经济在过去的高速增长已经大幅增加了本国港口货流量,以至于不断扩大老港口以及不断修建新的港口以应对快速增长的集装箱业务以及大宗货物的流通。
翻译:译文1: 随车液压起重机的轨迹控制问题描述这项方案是根据如图1所示的多自由度随车液压起重机控制问题提出来的。
方案内容现以一台如图2所示的HMF 680-4型随车液压起重机来分析这些问题。
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二○一三届毕业设计外文翻译学院:工程机械学院专业:机械设计制造及其自动化姓名:赵国超学号:2504090516指导教师:陈新轩完成时间:2013 年 3 月 27 日Type of Cranes起重机的类型Cranes can be classified into four kinds, namely, (a) overhead traveling crane; (b) jib crane; (c) bridge or gantry crane; and (d) cantilever crane.起重机可分为四类:高架移动起重机、动臂起重机、桥式或门式起重机、悬臂吊车。
Overhead traveling crane. Consists of a girder and a trolley. The girder is supported at each end on trucks capable of traveling on elevated fixed tracks. The trolley is equipped with hoisting and other mechanism, capable of traversing from end to end of such girder. The girder and associated end carriages are known as the bridge.高架移动起重机由横梁和空中吊运装置组成。
Such cranes vary in lifting capacity from about 2 tons to 400 tons, and in span from 20 ft to 150 ft,or more. Depending on the purpose for which it is to be used, the crane can be operated either from a cabin fixed to the bridge or the trolley, or from the ground. When two trolleys are furnished, these may run on a common tracks arranged side-by-side or one above the other so that each trolley can traverse the entire span.这些的起重机囊括了起重量从2吨到400吨,跨度从20英尺到150英尺的各种类型。
Jib crane动臂起重机Consists of an inclined member, or jib, capable of suspending a load at its outer end. The jib is supported by a rope or other member attached to a vertical mast of frame. The out reach of the jib can be constant or variable, and the crane as a whole may be either fixed or movable.动臂起重机有能在它的外侧提升重物的倾斜动臂。
Included in this kind are: mobile and caterpillar cranes, builders tower cranes, wharf cranes, and movable cranes mounted on high pedestals, gantries, pontoons and barges.这一类的起重机包括:移动和履带起重机,建筑商,码头起重机、塔式起重机和可移动的安装在高台子,井架,浮筒和驳船上的起重机。
Lifting capacities vary from 1/2 ton to 300 tons or more, and outreaches from a few feet to 150 ft. Cranes required for handling heavy machinery and equipment in shipyards and at ports are frequently mounted on pontoons.起重能力不同从1/2吨到300吨不等,动臂可伸展范围从几英尺到150英尺。
Bridge or gantry crane.桥式起重机Bridge or gantry crane. Consists of a bridge girder, connected at near both endsto upright members, which may be fixed or arranged to travel on a fixed track, and the load is suspended from a trolley or crane, capable or traversing from end to end of the bridge.桥式起重机的横梁通过道轨连接在垂直支架,可以在固定的道轨上移动。
Cranes of this kind have lifting capacities varying from end to end of the bridge. When used in general and bulk-storage yards, the tracks may be of broad or narrow gauge. The tipping moment of the loaded crane is kept within proper limits by a counterweight which is moved along an independent track on the bridge above the trolley.这类起重机能提升桥覆盖范围的所有重物。
Cantilever crane.悬臂起重机Cantilever crane. Consists of horizontal and vertical members the former, known as the cantilever, being fixed to or totating in a horizontal plane about the axis of the vertical member. On the cantilever is formed a track which supports a movable trolley from which the load is suspended.悬臂起重机由水平的横梁和垂直的支架组成。
The mechanism for hoisting and traversing is usually mountedon a rear extension of the cantilever. Although such cranes may be fixed or movable, those of large capacity are usually fixed. Lifting capacities, height of lift and outreach vary between wide limits. When used for the fitting out of ships, light loads are handled by an auxiliary hoist which may be mounted on a jib crane arranged to travel on track. The main lifting mechanism usually consists of two winches which can be operated independently or in concert. A typical fitting-out crane may be of 250 tons capacity with a total outreach of 180 ft and a lifting height of 200 ft.提升和滑移的机构常安装在悬臂的后方。
Wharf Cranes码头吊车A wharf crane is any crane located on a wharf or pier, and particularly adapted to the transfer of cargo between the wharf or pier and the hold ofthe vessel alongside; it is also called a cargo crane, although the latter term is more general, as it comprises also parts of the cargo-handling gear of a vessel. Owing to the varying spacing of vessel hatchways, the wharf crane in most cases must be capableof movement along the wharf, and hence is generally mounted ona runway. Other requirements are sufficient horizontal reach to cover the hatchway,sufficient length of host to raise the load from the bottom of the hold to a point entirely clear of the vessel, and rapidity and economy on operation.任何安置在码头上的起重机都可成为码头起重机,特别是指那些用于码头与船舶间货物移运的起重机,它也可以称为货物起重机,(货物起重机的含义广泛),因为它属于船舶货物起重机械的一部分。