
PA-圆头尖脚螺丝PB-圆头平脚螺丝PT-圆头介脚螺丝BA—大头尖脚螺丝BT-平脚介脚螺丝KA-平头尖脚螺丝KB-平头平脚螺丝KT-平头介脚螺丝PWA/ WA--带介子尖脚螺丝PWB /WB--带介子平脚螺丝PWT/ WT-带介子介脚螺丝PM--圆头机牙螺丝KM--平头平脚机牙螺丝自攻类:♦圆头自攻螺丝PA♦圆头平尾自攻螺丝PB♦圆头割尾自攻螺丝PT♦圆头带介自攻螺丝PWA♦圆头带介平尾自攻PWB♦圆头带介割尾自攻PWT♦沉头自攻螺丝KA♦沉头平尾自攻螺丝KB♦沉头割尾自攻螺丝KT♦半沉头自攻螺丝0A♦大头自攻螺丝BA♦大头平尾自攻螺丝BB♦大扁头自攻螺丝TA♦大扁头平尾自攻螺丝TB♦大扁头割尾自攻螺丝TT♦薄头自攻螺丝CA♦薄头平尾自攻螺丝CB♦杯头内六角自攻HA♦干壁钉/墙板钉/纤维钉机丝类:::♦圆头机牙螺丝PM♦圆头带介机牙螺丝PWM♦大扁头机牙螺丝TM♦沉头机牙螺丝KM♦半沉头机牙螺丝0M♦大头机牙螺丝BM♦薄头机牙螺丝CM♦杯头机牙螺栓HM一般常用规格如下:a.Flat:平头(锁入后,顶部与工作件齐平)b.Oval:色拉头c.Rou nd:圆头d.Pan:圆扁头e.Truss:大圆扁头f.Hex :六角头.A-5: Finish Code/ 外观处理.一般常用规格如下:a.Z: Zi ne-Plated:镀锌b.Ni: Ni-Plated:镀镍c.Tin-Plated:镀锡d.Zine Plated / Green Iridite:镀锌绿膜处理.e.Radia nt Plated:镀五彩f.Passivate:抗氧化处理.g.Alodial Fi nish:无外观处理螺丝要知道三部分,头部、牙形、还有颜色。
头部有(P形、B、T、F、I、R、0、V、还有外六角)牙形有(TP2 TP2害U尾、PTR BTP TP1、M、STR CTP颜色有(镀镍、彩锌、白锌、兰锌、锌黑、镀络、染黑、墨绿、深红、青铜、红铜)常用的是前面的7 种。

根据不同的特性和用途,螺钉可以分为以下几类:1.1 机械螺钉机械螺钉主要用于连接和固定机械工件。
1.2 自攻螺钉自攻螺钉主要用于木材和塑料制品的连接,具有自钻孔的功能。
1.3 螺纹钢筋螺纹钢筋是一种具有螺纹的钢筋,常用于建筑、桥梁和隧道等工程结构的加固。
螺钉的牌号命名规则因厂商和国家而异,一般包括以下几个方面:2.1 材料螺钉的材料是指螺钉制造所使用的金属材料。
2.2 目标使用环境和特性根据螺钉的使用环境和特性需求,牌号中可能会包含一些特殊的标识。
2.3 结构类型螺钉的结构类型指的是螺钉的形状、头部类型和螺纹类型等。
2.4 规格尺寸螺钉的规格尺寸是指螺钉的直径、长度和螺纹规格等。
2.5 执行标准为了保证螺钉的质量和安全性,制定了一系列的执行标准。
Pan Head Self-Tapping Screw:表示平头自攻螺钉。

国标代号对应螺丝名称GB9074系列的国标:GB/T 9074.21-1988 十字槽凹穴六角头自攻螺钉和大垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.1-2002 螺栓或螺钉和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.10-1988 十字槽半沉头螺钉和锥形锁紧垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.11-1988 十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.12-1988 十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.13-1988 十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.14-1988 六角头螺栓和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.15-1988 六角头螺栓和弹簧垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.16-1988 六角头螺栓和外锯齿锁紧垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.17-1988 六角头螺栓、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.18-2002 自攻螺钉和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.19-1988 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉和大垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.2-1988 十字槽盘头螺钉和外锯齿锁紧垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.20-1988 十字槽凹穴六角头自攻螺钉和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.22-1988 六角头自攻螺钉和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.23-1988 六角头自攻螺钉和大垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.24-1988 组合件用平垫圈GB/T 9074.25-1988 组合件用大垫圈GB/T 9074.26-1988 组合件用弹簧垫圈GB/T 9074.27-1988 组合件用外锯齿锁紧垫圈GB/T 9074.28-1988 组合件用锥形锁紧垫圈GB/T 9074.29-1988 自攻螺钉组合件用平垫圈GB/T 9074.3-1988 十字槽盘头螺钉和弹簧垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.30-1988 自攻螺钉组合件用大垫圈GB/T 9074.4-1988 十字槽盘头螺钉、弹簧垫圈和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.5-1988 十字槽小盘头螺钉和平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.6-1988 十字槽小盘头螺钉和大垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.7-1988 十字槽小盘头螺钉和弹簧垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.8-1988 十字槽小盘头螺钉、弹簧垫圈及平垫圈组合件GB/T 9074.9-1988 十字槽沉头螺钉和锥形锁紧垫圈组合件GB 9074.1-1988 十字槽盘头螺钉和平垫圈组合件GB 9074.18-1988 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉和平垫圈组合件。

(完美版)螺纹的分类及牌号命名规则一、螺纹的分类螺纹根据其用途和形状可以分为以下几类:1. 普通螺纹:用于一般连接或固定作用的螺纹,一般采用60度等腰三角形的螺纹形状。
2. 特殊螺纹:根据具体需要设计的一些特殊形状的螺纹,如矩形螺纹、圆锥螺纹等。
3. 丝扣螺纹:用于螺纹芯棒和套筒之间的连接,常见的有内丝扣和外丝扣。
二、牌号命名规则螺纹的牌号命名规则通常由以下几个方面组成:1. 材料编号:标识螺纹所采用的材料,如Q235、45#等。
2. 螺纹类型:指明螺纹的具体类型,如普通螺纹、特殊螺纹等。
3. 螺距和牙型:描述螺纹的螺距和牙型,如螺距是1.5mm、牙型为等腰三角形等。
4. 螺纹尺寸:指明螺纹的直径和长度,如直径为10mm、长度为50mm等。
5. 表面处理:表示螺纹的表面处理方式,如镀锌、镀镍等。

常用螺丝头型、槽型、牙型图岗山头(B头)平头(K头)C头含华司台阶圆头含华丝(PWM)六角含华司(HWM)外六角头梅花一字槽圆头(P头)梅花一字槽美国P头O头盘圆含华司伞头含华司(TWM)T头伞头含华司尖尾(TWA)圆头含华司一字梅花槽圆头三角牙(STP)十字槽加减槽一字槽内三角槽内六角槽梅花一字槽A牙B牙M牙STB牙ST牙B牙B双牙T牙MACHINE SCREWSDescription MATERIAL SIZESPan Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x1/8 thru 1/4-20x4Round Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel6-32x2 thru 1/4—20x4Truss Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel6-32 thru 1/4—20Flat HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru 1/2-13Undercut Flat HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2—56x1/8 thru 3/8—16Flat Head100°Phillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x1-1/2Fillister Head Phillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2—56x1/8 thru 5/16-18x2Oval HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x1/4 thru 1/4—20x3Pan HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2—56x1/8 thru 3/8-16x3Round HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2—56x1/4 thru 3/8—16Truss HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x3/16 thru3/8-16x2-1/4Indented Hex Washer HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru 1/4-20x1Binding Undercut Slotted Head Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x1-1/4Flat HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru 1/2-13x6Undercut Flat HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8—16x1/2Fillister Head Slotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2—56x1/8 thru3/8—16x1—1/4Oval HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x1/4 thru 1/4—20x2Pan HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru 3/8—16x3Round HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru 1/2—13x6Truss HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x1/4 thru 1/2—13IndentedHex HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x1/4 thru 3/8-16IndentedHex Head Unslotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x1/4 thru 3/8—16IndentedHex WasherSlotted Grounding Screw GreenZincPlatedSteel10—32x3/8 and 10-32x1/2IndentedHex WasherSlotted Grounding ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8—16x2—1/2Indented Hex WasherSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x1/4 thru3/8—16x2—1/2Indented Hex Washer Unslotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru 3/8—16x2Flat Head Torx® Drive Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4—40x1/4 thru 1/4—20x2Pan Head Torx® Drive Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2—56x3/16 thru1/4—20x2Pan HeadPhillipsShakeproof®Square Cone®Washer Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x1/4 thru 10—32x3/4Pan HeadPhillips Split Lock Washer Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4—40x1/4 thru 1/4-20Pan HeadPhillips External Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x3/16 thru1/4—20x1-1/4Pan HeadPhillips Internal Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating23—56x1/8 thru 1/4-20x1Pan HeadSlotted External Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x3/16 thru1/4-20x1-1/4Pan HeadSlotted Internal Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x1/4 thru 10-32x1Flat HeadPhillips Machine Screw BlackOxidePlatedSteel2—56x1/8 thru 1/4-20x2Pan HeadPhillips Machine Screw BlackOxidePlatedSteel2—56x1/8 thru 1/4—20x2Types of Screw HeadsPAN HEAD: Recommended for new designs to replaceround, truss and binding heads. Provides a low largediameter head, but with characteristically high outeredge along the-outer periphery of the head where drivingaction is most effective for high tightening ’torques。

PA--圆头尖脚螺丝PB--圆头平脚螺丝PT--圆头介脚螺丝BA—大头尖脚螺丝BT--平脚介脚螺丝KA--平头尖脚螺丝KB--平头平脚螺丝KT--平头介脚螺丝PWA/ WA--带介子尖脚螺丝PWB /WB--带介子平脚螺丝PWT/ WT--带介子介脚螺丝PM--圆头机牙螺丝KM--平头平脚机牙螺丝数字:代表螺栓强度等级也就是表示的螺栓的内在机械性能。
字母: 代表厂家代码还有一个单独空出的数字表示这个螺丝外径的大小,如数字10,则表示这个螺丝的外径为10mm。
常用规格:M2.0*0.40(2.0指的是螺丝牙峰外径)M2.6*0.45 M3.0*0.50 M3.5*0.60 M4.0*0.70 M6.0*1.00#4-40 #6-32 #8-321、螺丝根据螺丝型式分为:机械牙、机械牙+耐落、自攻牙2、螺丝根据头型分为:P头(Pan Head)、B头(blinding head)、V头(Brazier Head)、R头(Round Head)、T头(Truss Head)、O头(Raised Countersunk Head)、C头(Cup Head)、F头(Flat Head)、I头(Special Thin Head)、喇叭头(Trumpet Head)、H头(Hexagon Head)、IP头(Pan Head Jcis)3、根据头穴可分为十字槽、十一槽、一字槽、梅花槽、内六角槽、米字槽4、螺丝颜色:黑色(镀镍)、镀黑锌、银白、五彩色、金属银白色。

L=01.40200L=20Fra bibliotek0220

1. 国际标准商品和服务描述分类(HS编码):膨胀螺丝在HS编码中属于其他螺栓、螺钉和螺纹的金属制品(包括膨胀螺丝),编码为7318.15.90。
2. 国内标准码:通过数字和特殊符号组合表示膨胀螺栓的相关参数,如长度、直径等。
3. 应用领域码:不同应用领域可能会出现不同编码方式,如建筑领域、机械领域等。
1. 建筑膨胀螺丝:根据膨胀螺丝在建筑领域的应用,可以分为墙板用膨胀螺丝和梁板用膨胀螺丝等。
2. 机械膨胀螺丝:根据膨胀螺丝在机械领域的应用,可以分为固定式膨胀螺丝和悬挂式膨胀螺丝等。

1. GB/T 5782 ——定制带头螺栓。
2. GB/T 5783 ——钢制螺纹插销。
3. GB/T 5784 ——螺纹插销。
4. GB/T ——高强度螺栓。
5. GB/T ——短头螺栓。
6. GB/T ——长头螺栓。
1. 使用M表示直径,后面跟着直径的尺寸,例如M10表示直径为10mm。
2. 使用L表示长度,后面跟着螺栓的长度,例如L50表示长度为50mm。
3. 使用S表示不锈钢,C表示碳钢。
4. 使用数字表示等级,例如8表示级。
5. 使用B表示镀锌。

螺丝的型号叫法简称PA: 圆头自攻KA: 沉头自攻PWA: 圆头带介自攻PM: 圆头机丝PWM: 圆头带介机丝KM: 沉头机丝PT: 圆头冼尾自攻(平嘴)BT: 冼尾大头自攻(平嘴)长度:(毫米单位)沉头的为总长度计算,圆头的不加头部位置。
螺丝规格定义与认识一. 螺纹种类:A: 三角螺纹 ( 60 度 ) : 结合/ 锁紧B: 管用三角螺纹 ( 55 度 ): 结合/ 锁紧C: 梯形螺纹 ( 30 or 29 度) : 动力传动D: 方螺纹 ( 90 度) : 动力传动二. 常用螺丝种类:A: Machine Screw: 机械螺丝B: Tapping Screw: 自攻螺丝 (分使用于金属与使用于塑料二种)B-1: Sheet Metal Tapping Screw. (铁板牙自攻螺丝)B-2: Plastic Tapping Screw. ( 塑料用, 自攻螺丝)C: Wooden Screw : 木工螺丝D: Drywall Screw : 水泥墙螺丝三. 常见螺丝材质:a.Low Carbon Steel :低碳钢b. SS-304 : Stainless Steel 304 不锈钢304c. SS-302: Stainless Steel 302 : 不锈钢302 结构韧性较好d. Aluminum 5052 :铝合金 5052d. Brass: 黄铜e. Bronze: 青铜f. UNS C11000 Copper: 锑铜四. 常见螺丝规格与标示:A: 公制螺丝B: 美规螺丝C: 英制螺丝A: 公制机械螺丝: MetricEx: M3 x 6 – P P B : M3 机械螺丝, 6mm 长, 十字, 圆扁头, 镀黑. Finish Code: 外观处理规格Head Code: 头部外型Thread Code螺丝型号 Drive Code: 头部剖沟,特征型号Length Code: 螺丝长度 (mm)A-1: Thread Code: 螺丝型号公制螺丝直接以螺丝外径标示螺丝型号,如M3 即螺丝外径为3.00mm.; M4 即螺丝外径为4.00mm.Metric Thread Size x Pitch:Note: 公制螺丝于螺丝型号后方,有时会注明螺丝牙距.如M3x0.5 , M4x0.70, M5x0.8 , M6x1.但因为标准规范, 通常不提.A-2: Length Code: 螺丝长度:公制螺丝, 直接标示螺丝长度, 单位为mm.螺丝之总长度标示, 只计算头部以下之长度, 不含头部高度. 但平头螺丝例外, 其螺丝之总长度标示含头部高度.A-3: Drive Code/ 头部剖沟,特征.一般常用规格如下:a.Slotted: 一字 ( Minus )b. Phillips: 十字 ( Plus )c. Phil-Slot: 一字/十字d. Hex Scoket: 内六角e. One Way: 单向 (只可锁入,不可退出)A-4: Head Code/ 头部外型.一般常用规格如下:a. Flat: 平头 (锁入后,顶部与工作件齐平)b. Oval: 色拉头c. Round: 圆头d. Pan: 圆扁头e. Truss: 大圆扁头f. Hex : 六角头.A-5: Finish Code/ 外观处理.一般常用规格如下:a.Z: Zine-Plated: 镀锌b. Ni: Ni-Plated: 镀镍c. Tin-Plated: 镀锡d. Zine Plated / Green Iridite: 镀锌绿膜处理.e. Radiant Plated: 镀五彩f. Passivate: 抗氧化处理.g. Alodial Finish: 无外观处理公制自攻螺丝 :于品名后方直接标示 Tapping Type.Ex: M3 x 6 –PPB, Tapping Type:M3 自攻螺丝, 6mm 长, 十字, 圆扁头, 镀黑.一般以产品别或标示, 再判断为Sheet Metal 或塑料部品使用.B: 美规螺丝.a.一般以番号标示, 如 #2-56, #4-40, #6-32, #8-32, #10-24…etc.b.或以英制外径表示,如0.086-56, 0.112-40 , 0.138-32 , 0.164-32 , 0.190-24…etc. Ex: 632 – 8 – P P B:Finish Code: 外观处理规格Head Code: 头部外型Drive Code: 头部剖沟,特征型号Length Code: 螺丝长度Thread Code: 螺丝型号B-1: Thread Code: 螺丝型号一般常用规格如下:a. #2-56 (0.086-56): 2 番 56 牙b #4-40 (0.112-40) : 4 番40 牙c. #6-32 (0.138-32) : 6 番32 牙d. #8-32 (0.164-32) : 8 番 32 牙e. #10-24 (0.190-24): 10 番 24 牙***牙为每吋之牙数.***B-2: Length Code: 螺丝长度研发设计千人群(电子+结构) 在这里,iiiiiiii实现资源共享,人脉扩张期待你加盟,共创辉煌,群号77942644 234526070美规螺丝长度须经换算, 才是公制mm 尺寸.换算公式: (Length Code / 32) x 25.40 = 公制长度mmB-3, B-4,B-5 : 标示方式与公制相同.C: 英制螺丝:C-1: Thread Code:标示皆将分母为8, 再直接称分子之番号.Ex: 1/8 x 0.50 –PPB: 1 分牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 5/16 x 0.50 –PPB = 2.5/8 x 0.50-PPB : 2 分半牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 5/32 x 0.50 –PPB =1.25/8 x 0.50-PPB: 1 分2 厘半螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 1/4 x 0.50-PPB= 2/8 x 0.50-PPB: 2 分牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPB注: 有时会标示粗牙或细牙.UNF: 细牙 :电子业较常用.UNC:粗牙 : 重机械结构较常用.Ex: 3/8 x 0.50 ,UNF –PPB: 3 分细牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPB.C-2: Length Code:为英吋标示, 须乘以25.40 换算为mm.用扣规量,与公制牙型吻合是公制螺纹,与英制螺纹吻合是英制螺纹。

螺丝的型号叫法简称PA: 圆头自攻KA: 沉头自攻PWA: 圆头带介自攻PM: 圆头机丝PWM: 圆头带介机丝KM: 沉头机丝PT: 圆头冼尾自攻(平嘴)BT: 冼尾大头自攻(平嘴)长度:(毫米单位)沉头的为总长度计算,圆头的不加头部位置。
螺丝规格定义与认识一. 螺纹种类:A: 三角螺纹( 60 度) : 结合/ 锁紧B: 管用三角螺纹( 55 度): 结合/ 锁紧C: 梯形螺纹( 30 or 29 度) : 动力传动D: 方螺纹( 90 度) : 动力传动二. 常用螺丝种类:A: Machine Screw: 机械螺丝B: Tapping Screw: 自攻螺丝(分使用于金属与使用于塑料二种)B-1: Sheet Metal Tapping Screw. (铁板牙自攻螺丝)B-2: Plastic Tapping Screw. ( 塑料用, 自攻螺丝)C: Wooden Screw : 木工螺丝D: Drywall Screw : 水泥墙螺丝三. 常见螺丝材质:a.Low Carbon Steel :低碳钢b. SS-304 : Stainless Steel 304 不锈钢304c. SS-302: Stainless Steel 302 : 不锈钢302 结构韧性较好d. Aluminum 5052 :铝合金5052d. Brass: 黄铜e. Bronze: 青铜f. UNS C11000 Copper: 锑铜四. 常见螺丝规格与标示:A: 公制螺丝B: 美规螺丝C: 英制螺丝A: 公制机械螺丝: MetricEx: M3 x 6 – P P B : M3 机械螺丝, 6mm 长, 十字, 圆扁头, 镀黑. Finish Code: 外观处理规格Head Code: 头部外型Thread Code螺丝型号Drive Code: 头部剖沟,特征型号Length Code: 螺丝长度(mm)A-1: Thread Code: 螺丝型号公制螺丝直接以螺丝外径标示螺丝型号,如M3 即螺丝外径为3.00mm.; M4 即螺丝外径为4.00mm. Metric Thread Size x Pitch:Note: 公制螺丝于螺丝型号后方,有时会注明螺丝牙距.如M3x0.5 , M4x0.70, M5x0.8 , M6x1.但因为标准规范, 通常不提.A-2: Length Code: 螺丝长度:公制螺丝, 直接标示螺丝长度, 单位为mm.螺丝之总长度标示, 只计算头部以下之长度, 不含头部高度. 但平头螺丝例外, 其螺丝之总长度标示含头部高度.A-3: Drive Code/ 头部剖沟,特征.一般常用规格如下:a. Slotted: 一字( Minus )b. Phillips: 十字( Plus )c. Phil-Slot: 一字/十字d. Hex Scoket: 内六角e. One Way: 单向(只可锁入,不可退出)A-4: Head Code/ 头部外型.一般常用规格如下:a. Flat: 平头(锁入后,顶部与工作件齐平)b. Oval: 色拉头c. Round: 圆头d. Pan: 圆扁头e. Truss: 大圆扁头f. Hex : 六角头.A-5: Finish Code/ 外观处理.一般常用规格如下:a. Z: Zine-Plated: 镀锌b. Ni: Ni-Plated: 镀镍c. Tin-Plated: 镀锡d. Zine Plated / Green Iridite: 镀锌绿膜处理.e. Radiant Plated: 镀五彩f. Passivate: 抗氧化处理.g. Alodial Finish: 无外观处理公制自攻螺丝:于品名后方直接标示Tapping Type.Ex: M3 x 6 –PPB, Tapping Type:M3 自攻螺丝, 6mm 长, 十字, 圆扁头, 镀黑.一般以产品别或标示, 再判断为Sheet Metal 或塑料部品使用. B: 美规螺丝.a.一般以番号标示, 如#2-56, #4-40, #6-32, #8-32, #10-24…etc.b.或以英制外径表示,如0.086-56, 0.112-40 , 0.138-32 , 0.164-32 , 0.190-24…etc.Ex: 632 – 8 – P P B:Finish Code: 外观处理规格Head Code: 头部外型Drive Code: 头部剖沟,特征型号Length Code: 螺丝长度Thread Code: 螺丝型号B-1: Thread Code: 螺丝型号一般常用规格如下:a. #2-56 (0.086-56): 2 番56 牙b #4-40 (0.112-40) : 4 番40 牙c. #6-32 (0.138-32) : 6 番32 牙d. #8-32 (0.164-32) : 8 番32 牙e. #10-24 (0.190-24): 10 番24 牙***牙为每吋之牙数.***B-2: Length Code: 螺丝长度研发设计千人群(电子+结构) 在这里,iiiiiiii实现资源共享,人脉扩张期待你加盟,共创辉煌,群号229369157 229369157美规螺丝长度须经换算, 才是公制mm 尺寸.换算公式: (Length Code / 32) x 25.40 = 公制长度mmB-3, B-4,B-5 : 标示方式与公制相同.C: 英制螺丝:C-1: Thread Code:标示皆将分母为8, 再直接称分子之番号.Ex: 1/8 x 0.50 –PPB: 1 分牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 5/16 x 0.50 –PPB = 2.5/8 x 0.50-PPB : 2 分半牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 5/32 x 0.50 –PPB =1.25/8 x 0.50-PPB: 1 分2 厘半螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 1/4 x 0.50-PPB= 2/8 x 0.50-PPB: 2 分牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPB注: 有时会标示粗牙或细牙.UNF: 细牙:电子业较常用.UNC:粗牙: 重机械结构较常用.Ex: 3/8 x 0.50 ,UNF –PPB: 3 分细牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPB.C-2: Length Code:为英吋标示, 须乘以25.40 换算为mm.用扣规量,与公制牙型吻合是公制螺纹,与英制螺纹吻合是英制螺纹。

螺丝的型号叫法简称PA: 圆头自攻KA: 沉头自攻PWA: 圆头带介自攻PM: 圆头机丝PWM: 圆头带介机丝KM: 沉头机丝PT: 圆头冼尾自攻(平嘴)BT: 冼尾大头自攻(平嘴)长度:(毫米单位)沉头的为总长度计算,圆头的不加头部位置。
螺丝规格定义与认识一. 螺纹种类:A: 三角螺纹( 60 度) : 结合/ 锁紧B: 管用三角螺纹( 55 度): 结合/ 锁紧C: 梯形螺纹( 30 or 29 度) : 动力传动D: 方螺纹( 90 度) : 动力传动二. 常用螺丝种类:A: Machine Screw: 机械螺丝B: Tapping Screw: 自攻螺丝(分使用于金属与使用于塑料二种)B-1: Sheet Metal Tapping Screw. (铁板牙自攻螺丝)B-2: Plastic Tapping Screw. ( 塑料用, 自攻螺丝)C: Wooden Screw : 木工螺丝D: Drywall Screw : 水泥墙螺丝三. 常见螺丝材质:a.Low Carbon Steel :低碳钢b. SS-304 : Stainless Steel 304 不锈钢304c. SS-302: Stainless Steel 302 : 不锈钢302 结构韧性较好d. Aluminum 5052 :铝合金5052d. Brass: 黄铜e. Bronze: 青铜f. UNS C11000 Copper: 锑铜四. 常见螺丝规格与标示:A: 公制螺丝B: 美规螺丝C: 英制螺丝A: 公制机械螺丝: MetricEx: M3 x 6 – P P B : M3 机械螺丝, 6mm 长, 十字, 圆扁头, 镀黑. Finish Code: 外观处理规格Head Code: 头部外型Thread Code螺丝型号Drive Code: 头部剖沟,特征型号Length Code: 螺丝长度(mm)A-1: Thread Code: 螺丝型号公制螺丝直接以螺丝外径标示螺丝型号,如M3 即螺丝外径为3.00mm.; M4 即螺丝外径为4.00mm. Metric Thread Size x Pitch:Note: 公制螺丝于螺丝型号后方,有时会注明螺丝牙距.如M3x0.5 , M4x0.70, M5x0.8 , M6x1.但因为标准规范, 通常不提.A-2: Length Code: 螺丝长度:公制螺丝, 直接标示螺丝长度, 单位为mm.螺丝之总长度标示, 只计算头部以下之长度, 不含头部高度. 但平头螺丝例外, 其螺丝之总长度标示含头部高度.A-3: Drive Code/ 头部剖沟,特征.一般常用规格如下:a. Slotted: 一字( Minus )b. Phillips: 十字( Plus )c. Phil-Slot: 一字/十字d. Hex Scoket: 内六角e. One Way: 单向(只可锁入,不可退出)A-4: Head Code/ 头部外型.一般常用规格如下:a. Flat: 平头(锁入后,顶部与工作件齐平)b. Oval: 色拉头c. Round: 圆头d. Pan: 圆扁头e. Truss: 大圆扁头f. Hex : 六角头.A-5: Finish Code/ 外观处理.一般常用规格如下:a. Z: Zine-Plated: 镀锌b. Ni: Ni-Plated: 镀镍c. Tin-Plated: 镀锡d. Zine Plated / Green Iridite: 镀锌绿膜处理.e. Radiant Plated: 镀五彩f. Passivate: 抗氧化处理.g. Alodial Finish: 无外观处理公制自攻螺丝:于品名后方直接标示Tapping Type.Ex: M3 x 6 –PPB, Tapping Type:M3 自攻螺丝, 6mm 长, 十字, 圆扁头, 镀黑.一般以产品别或标示, 再判断为Sheet Metal 或塑料部品使用. B: 美规螺丝.a.一般以番号标示, 如#2-56, #4-40, #6-32, #8-32, #10-24…etc.b.或以英制外径表示,如0.086-56, 0.112-40 , 0.138-32 , 0.164-32 , 0.190-24…etc. Ex: 632 – 8 – P P B:Finish Code: 外观处理规格Head Code: 头部外型Drive Code: 头部剖沟,特征型号Length Code: 螺丝长度Thread Code: 螺丝型号B-1: Thread Code: 螺丝型号一般常用规格如下:a. #2-56 (0.086-56): 2 番56 牙b #4-40 (0.112-40) : 4 番40 牙c. #6-32 (0.138-32) : 6 番32 牙d. #8-32 (0.164-32) : 8 番32 牙e. #10-24 (0.190-24): 10 番24 牙***牙为每吋之牙数.***B-2: Length Code: 螺丝长度研发设计千人群(电子+结构) 在这里,iiiiiiii实现资源共享,人脉扩张期待你加盟,共创辉煌,群号229369157 229369157美规螺丝长度须经换算, 才是公制mm 尺寸.换算公式: (Length Code / 32) x 25.40 = 公制长度mmB-3, B-4,B-5 : 标示方式与公制相同.C: 英制螺丝:C-1: Thread Code:标示皆将分母为8, 再直接称分子之番号.Ex: 1/8 x 0.50 –PPB: 1 分牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 5/16 x 0.50 –PPB = 2.5/8 x 0.50-PPB : 2 分半牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 5/32 x 0.50 –PPB =1.25/8 x 0.50-PPB: 1 分2 厘半螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPBEx: 1/4 x 0.50-PPB= 2/8 x 0.50-PPB: 2 分牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPB注: 有时会标示粗牙或细牙.UNF: 细牙:电子业较常用.UNC:粗牙: 重机械结构较常用.Ex: 3/8 x 0.50 ,UNF –PPB: 3 分细牙螺丝x 0.50” 长, PPB.C-2: Length Code:为英吋标示, 须乘以25.40 换算为mm.用扣规量,与公制牙型吻合是公制螺纹,与英制螺纹吻合是英制螺纹。

1 标准(常用的是德标和美标)GB (国标)ISO(国际标准)DIN (德制)JIS (日标)ANSI /ASME (American National Standards Institute – ANSI;American Society Of Mechanical Engineers – ASME)(美标)BS (英制)IFI =Industrial Fastener Institute是美国工业紧固件协会的标准BA (英制)2 螺纹M. MF (公制牙)UNC.(美制粗牙)UNF (美制细牙)UNEF (美制超细牙)B.S.W. 标准惠氏粗牙系列,一般用途圆柱螺纹(英制牙)B.S.F. 标准惠氏细牙系列,一般用途圆柱螺纹(英制牙)fine pitch thread 细牙full thread 全螺纹3 螺丝头型IHH=ind hex head 锯六角头PH=phillips 十字槽Pan 圆头(盘头)Oval 半沉头H.W.H.. 六角小法兰H.W.F. 六角大法兰CSK 沙拉头(沉头)Large wafer 大扁平头Bugle 喇叭头Truss 盘头带垫Pozi 米制槽Serra-tion 垫下带花Flower Head 开花头6-bobes recess 内梅花Cup head杯头4 常见紧固件名称split washer弹簧垫片(一般厂家会管washer叫“华司”)flat washer平垫片[1]Self tapping screw自攻螺丝Self drilling screw自钻螺丝drywall screw 干墙螺丝/干壁螺丝/墙用螺丝high low screw高低牙螺丝collated screw链带螺丝Concrete screw 水泥螺丝Tri-lobular thread screw三角螺丝kep nut 锁紧螺母acorn nut 盖形螺母wing washer 翼型垫片eye bolt 吊环螺栓(也叫环首螺栓,其实这个叫法很多,大概是不同地区的缘故)Piston bolt 活塞螺钉Winding bolt 线圈螺钉Hexagon head bolts 六角头螺栓Hexagon flange bolts 六角法兰螺栓Carriage bolt 马车螺栓Square head bolt方头螺栓Flat countersink square neck bolts 沉头方颈螺栓Flat counter sunk nib bolts 沉头带榫螺栓Cross recessed pan head tapping screws 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉(如果在图纸上看到标注# 2或# 20等,是指该螺丝的头部适合2号或者20号的螺丝起子)5 表面处理方式兰锌ZU黒锌ZB彩锌ZC白锌ZI氧化黑色BL亮镍EN亮铬CRBO=black oxide 氧化发黑(如果仅仅标注black,是指做染黑处理)Zinc plated 镀锌cementation 渗碳nylon patch耐落(刚看到的时候是直接按照字面翻译的“尼龙片”,拿给经理看的时候经理对照图纸看了半天跟我说你你去查下耐落的英文,果然---)6 其它图纸上可能出现的标注螺纹大径:Major Diam中径:Pitch diam底径:Minor diam通止规:Go/No go gage机械性能:mechanical and physical propertiesunified thread 统一英制螺纹Lustrate hydrogen after galvanizing to avoid hydrogen embrittlement 镀后去氢,防止氢脆Case carburization 表面渗碳With across flats 对边With across corners 对角Radius of fillet:头下圆角Transition thread length 过度螺纹Wrenching height 扳拧高度Rockwell 铬氏硬度Vickers 维氏硬度Brinell 布氏硬度Metallography microscope 金相显微镜Salt spray device 盐雾试验箱Tensile testing machine 拉力试验机Cold forming 冷打Hot forging 红镦P C 8 = property class 8 机械性能8级原材料:Raw material球化退火:Annealing冷拔:Drawing冷镦:Forming机加工:Machining螺纹成型:Roll Threading热处理:heat-treatment表面处理:finish去氢:Lustrating hydrogen检验:Inspection包装:Packing入库:Stocking车床:lathe磨制:grinding红打:hot forging冲压:punching7 海关编码73181500 螺栓73181600 螺帽73182100 垫圈73181100方头螺钉73182300铆钉73181400自攻螺钉73182400 销及开尾销国外常用英制螺纹的代号、名称和标准号标记代号名称(或用途) 国别标准号备注B.S.W. 标准惠氏粗牙系列,一般用途圆柱螺纹英国标准BS84 牙型角为55°的英制螺纹B.S.F. 标准惠氏细牙系列,一般用途圆柱螺纹Whit.S 附加的惠氏可选择系列,一般用途圆柱螺纹Whit 惠氏牙型的非标准螺纹UN 恒定螺距系列的统一螺纹美国标准ANSIB1.1 标准牙型(牙底是平的或随意倒圆的)的内、外螺纹UNC 粗牙系列的统一螺纹UNF 细牙系列的统一螺纹UNEF 超细牙系列的统一螺纹UNS①特殊系列的统一螺纹UNR 圆弧牙底恒定螺距系列的统一螺纹圆弧牙底的UNR、UNRC、UNRF、UNREF、UNRS只用于外螺纹而没有内螺纹UNRC 圆弧牙底粗牙系列统一螺纹UNRF 圆弧牙底细牙系列统一螺纹UNREF 圆弧牙底超细牙系列统一螺纹UNRS 圆弧牙底特殊系列统一螺纹NPT②一般用途的锥管螺纹美国标准ANSIB1.20.1牙型角为60°的英制管螺纹NPSC 管接头用直管螺纹NPTR 导杆连接用锥管螺纹NPSM 机械连接用直管螺纹NPSL 锁紧螺母用直管螺纹NPSH 软管连接用直管螺纹NPTF 干密封标准型锥管螺纹美国标准ANSIB1.20.3 Ⅰ型PTF-SAE SHORT 干密封短型锥管螺纹Ⅱ型NPSF 干密封标准型燃油用直管内螺纹Ⅲ型NPS1 干密封标准型一般用直管内螺纹Ⅳ型ACME③一般用途的梯形螺纹美国标准ANSIB1.5牙型角为29°的英制传动螺纹①尺寸和公差使用与标准系列相同的公式计算的标准系列之外的所有直径与螺距组合。

常用螺丝头型、槽型、牙型图岗山头(B头)平头(K头)C头含华司台阶圆头含华丝(PWM)六角含华司(HWM)外六角头梅花一字槽圆头(P头)梅花一字槽美国P头O头盘圆含华司伞头含华司(TWM)T头伞头含华司尖尾(TWA)圆头含华司一字梅花槽圆头三角牙(STP)十字槽加减槽一字槽内三角槽内六角槽梅花一字槽A牙B牙M牙STB牙ST牙B牙B双牙T牙MACHINE SCREWSDescription MATERIAL SIZESPan Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/8 thru1/4-20x4Round Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel6-32x2 thru1/4-20x4Truss Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel6-32 thru 1/4-20Flat HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/2-13UndercutFlat HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16Flat Head100°Phillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x1-1/2Fillister Head Phillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru5/16-18x2Oval HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20x3Pan HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16x3Round HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/4 thru3/8-16Truss HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x3/16 thru3/8-16x2-1/4Indented Hex Washer HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20x1Binding Undercut Slotted Head Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x1-1/4Flat HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/2-13x6UndercutFlat HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16x1/2Fillister Head Slotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16x1-1/4Oval HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20x2Pan HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16x3Round HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/2-13x6Truss HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/2-13IndentedHex HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16IndentedHex HeadUnslotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16IndentedHex WasherSlotted Grounding ScrewGreenZincPlatedSteel10-32x3/8 and10-32x1/2IndentedHex WasherSlotted Grounding ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16x2-1/2Indented Hex WasherSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16x2-1/2Indented Hex WasherUnslotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16x2Flat Head Torx® Drive Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20x2Pan Head Torx® Drive Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x3/16 thru1/4-20x2Pan HeadPhillips Shakeproof®Square Cone® Washer Sems MachineScrew Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x1/4 thru10-32x3/4Pan HeadPhillips Split LockWasher Sems MachineScrew Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20Pan HeadPhillips External Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x3/16 thru1/4-20x1-1/4Pan HeadPhillips Internal Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteel23-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x1Baked After PlatingPan HeadSlotted External Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x3/16 thru1/4-20x1-1/4Pan HeadSlotted Internal Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x1/4 thru10-32x1Flat HeadPhillips Machine ScrewBlackOxidePlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x2Pan HeadPhillips Machine ScrewBlackOxidePlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x2Types of Screw HeadsPAN HEAD: Recommended for newdesigns to replace round, truss and bindingheads. Provides a low large diameter head, butwith characteristically high outer edge alongthe-outer periphery of the head where drivingaction is most effective for high tightening'torques. Slightly different head contour wheresupplied with recessed head.FLAT HEAD: Supplied to standarddimensions with an 80' to 82' angle to be usedwhere finished surfaces require a flush fasteningunit. The countersunk portion offers goodcentering possibilities.ROUND HEAD: Not recommended for newdesign (see pan head). This head was the mostuniversally used design in the past.OVAL HEAD: Fully specified as "ovalcountersunk", this head is identical to thestandard flat head. but possesses. in addition, arounded, neat appearing upper surface forattractiveness of design.FILLISTER HEAD: The-standard oval fillister head has a smaller diameter than the round head. but is higher with a correspondingly deeper slot. The smaller diameter head increases the pressure applied on the smaller area and can be assembled close to flanges and raised surfaces. Headed in counter bored dies to Insure concentricity, they may be used successfully in counter bored holes. BINDING HEAD (Straight Side): Most generally used in electrical and radio work because of its identifying undercut beneath the head, which binds and eliminates fraying of stranded wire. Offers an attractively designed, medium-low head with ordinarily sufficient bearing surface. 'Not ordinarily recommended as a Phillips Recessed head-see Pan Head for better functional design.TRUSS HEAD: Also known as oven head, stove head, and oval binding head. A low, neat appearing, large diameter head having excellent design qualities, and as illustrated can be used to cover larger diameter clearance holes in sheet metal when additional play In assembly tolerance is required. Suggest pan head as a substitute.HOLT HEAD (PATENTED): Provides the perfect tamper-proof assembly. Theft-proof-decorative, yet inexpensive. Special drivers available for field removal or power driven assembly machines.ONE-WAY HEAD: This ingenious, tamper-proof type of head, once assembled cannot be removed. yet is driven with a standard screw driver. Manufactured with amazing economy in productive quantities, this, simple design can frequently solve costly assembly problem.PHILIPS FINISHING WASHER HEAD: Designed as a neat appearance product for the electronic and appliance trade with all threaded styles.WASHER HEAD: This design has the finished appearance of a conventional round head plus washer and was originality created to provide extra large bearing surface under the head. The modern "truss" head (carried in stock) normally answers this purpose. When a. larger diameter is required this washer head is recommended.FLAT AND OVAL HEADS (UNDERCUTI: This Is the standard flat or oval head SO' to 82' countersunk screw which has the lower one-third of the countersunk portion removed to facilitate production of extremely short lengths. As Illustrated, it will fit a standard counterbored hole and Is particularly adaptable to flush assemblies in thin stock.FLAT HEAD (100' COUNTERSUNK): This special flat head screw has been developed for applications requiring flush surfaces, and is recommended for use In soft materials. to distribute pressure over a larger and less angular surface. Very well adapted for use with thin aluminum, soft plastics, etc.SQUARE SHOULDER SCREWS:An adaptation of the standard carriage boltdesign.Possesses a truss head on a square shankwhich resists rotation when located or, driveninto place. This square shoulder may also bestaked Into place as a permanent fastener. Agreat many varieties in all screw diameters areavailable in productive quantities.Flat Head styles take full advantage of theself-centering feature of the countersunk portionand provide a smooth, flush outer surface.Type "T" (Overlug) For applicationsrequiring smooth, finished outer surfaces. Undersurface of head is designed for perfect electrodecontact.INDENTED HEXAGON: An inexpensivewrench head fastener made to standardhexagon head dimensions. The hex Iscompletely cold upset in a counterbored die andpossesses an Identifying depression In the topsurface of the head.INDENTED HEXAGON WASHERHEAD: Produced in the same manner as thestandard Indented hexagon head but with awasher section at the base of the head to protectthe finish of the assembly from wrenchdisfigurement.ACORN HEAD (FULL UNDERCUTI: Avery neat appearing trim screw for applianceapplication-excellent wrench surfaces.HEXAGON HEAD (TRIMMED): This isthe standard type of wrench-applied hexagonhead, characterized by clean, sharp cornerstrimmed to close tolerances. Recommended forgeneral applications. It Is available In allstandard patterns and In all thread diameters.HEAD STYLES (WELDING SCREWS):The welding screw has been developed toprovide a strong permanent threaded fastenerwhich becomes an Integral part of the assembly.It utilizes the principle of projection welding bymeans of multiple lugs applied to various headsurfaces.Type "U" (Underlug) for general application.Assembles easily into pre-located holes and fullyutilizes head strength. Top surfaces of headdesigned for efficient welding anode contact. STAINLESS STEEL WASHERSDESCRIPTION MATERIAL SIZESStandard Flat Washers18-8StainlessSteel1/4 thru1.0Standard Flat Washers316StainlessSteel1/4 thru1.0Fender Washers18-8StainlessSteel#10x11/16thru1/2x2Machine Screw Washers18-8StainlessSteel#2 thru#10Medium Split Lock Washers18-8StainlessSteel#2 thru1.00External ToothLock Washers410StainlessSteel#4 thru3/8Internal ToothLock Washers410StainlessSteel#2 thru3/8METRIC NUTSDIN SPEC CLASS MATERIAL SIZES934Class6Style1Zinc Plated Steel Nut*M2 &M3934Class8Style1Zinc Plated Steel Nut*M4thruM20934Class10Style1Zinc Plated Steel NutM6thruM20934Class10Plain Steel NutM6thruM20985Class8Zinc Plated SteelNylon Insert Lock NutM3thruM20* M4 and smaller nuts do not require class marking。

国标螺丝字母代号及标准国标螺丝字母代号:例:4 X 10 PA A H C (+)①②③④⑤⑥⑦①螺丝牙径②螺丝长度③螺丝头型B:球面圆柱头;C:圆柱头;F(K):沉头:H:六角头;HW:六角头带垫圈;O:半沉头P:平元头;R:半元头;PW:平元头带垫圈;T:大扁头;V:蘑菇头;④螺丝牙型A:自攻尖尾(日标第1种)疏;AB:自攻尖尾(日标第4种)密;B:自攻平尾(日标第2种)疏C:自攻平尾(日标第3种)密;P:双牙丝;HL:高低牙;U:玻璃牙纹;T:自攻平尾切脚AT:自攻丝尖尾切脚;M:机械牙;BBT:B型三角牙;CCT:C型三角牙;PTT:P型三角牙;STT:S型三角牙;⑤热处理H:有热处理;N:没热处理;⑥表面处理Zn:白锌;C:彩锌;B:蓝锌;F:黑锌;O:氧化黑;Ni:镍;Cu:青铜;Br:红铜;P:磷化⑦备注(+):十字槽;(-):一字槽;(△):TR三角槽;(□):SQS内方插口;(T):菊花槽;(HS):内六角;(PZ):米字槽;(+-):+-槽;(Y):Y型槽;(H):工字槽;(L):止退花齿;(WIF):单活动平垫圈;(WIT):单活动外齿垫圈;(W2SF):双活动平弹垫圈;(W=6mm):垫圈外径等于6mm;(SUS):不锈钢;(Cu):黄铜;(Br):红铜;(8.8):8.8级螺钉;(10.9):10.9级螺钉;(12.9):12.9级螺钉;(R):其它注释⑧螺丝代号⑨螺丝头型分类图解:CHESS(C)棋子头BINDING(B)球面中柱头PAN(P)平圆头TRUSS(T)大扁头FLAT(K)平/沉头圆头HEXAGON(H)HEXAGON CAP(C)SQUARE(SQ)OVL(O)PANSLOTTED(-)PHILLOPS十字槽SQUARE内方插口HEXAGON内六角SOLID(SD)SLOTTED&SQUARETORQ-SET TAMPER TOXR SLOTTED&PHILIP TRIANGLE H DRIVE(H)HEXAGON TORX(TX)11螺丝牙型分类图解:TYPE A POINT TYPE AB POINT TYPE AB POINT TYPE T POINT TYPE SS TYPE J POINT TYPE HL POINT TYPE C POINT TYPE W MACHINE TYPE U POINT TYPE Y POINT。
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常用螺丝头型、槽型、牙型图岗山头(B头)平头(K头)C头含华司台阶圆头含华丝(PWM)六角含华司(HWM)外六角头梅花一字槽圆头(P头)梅花一字槽美国P头O头盘圆含华司伞头含华司(TWM)T头伞头含华司尖尾(TWA)圆头含华司一字梅花槽圆头三角牙(STP)十字槽加减槽一字槽内三角槽内六角槽梅花一字槽A牙B牙M牙STB牙ST牙B牙B双牙T牙MACHINE SCREWSDescription MATERIAL SIZESPan Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/8 thru1/4-20x4Round Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel6-32x2 thru1/4-20x4Truss Head Combination Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel6-32 thru 1/4-20Flat HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/2-13UndercutFlat HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16Flat Head100°Phillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x1-1/2Fillister Head Phillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru5/16-18x2Oval HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20x3Pan HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16x3Round HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/4 thru3/8-16Truss HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x3/16 thru3/8-16x2-1/4Indented Hex Washer HeadPhillips Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20x1Binding Undercut Slotted Head Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x1-1/4Flat HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/2-13x6UndercutFlat HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16x1/2Fillister Head Slotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16x1-1/4Oval HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20x2Pan HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru3/8-16x3Round HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/2-13x6Truss HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/2-13IndentedHex HeadSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16IndentedHex HeadUnslotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16IndentedHex WasherSlotted Grounding ScrewGreenZincPlatedSteel10-32x3/8 and10-32x1/2IndentedHex WasherSlotted Grounding ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16x2-1/2Indented Hex WasherSlotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16x2-1/2Indented Hex WasherUnslotted Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru3/8-16x2Flat Head Torx® Drive Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20x2Pan Head Torx® Drive Machine ScrewZincPlatedSteel2-56x3/16 thru1/4-20x2Pan HeadPhillips Shakeproof®Square Cone® Washer Sems MachineScrew Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x1/4 thru10-32x3/4Pan HeadPhillips Split LockWasher Sems MachineScrew Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x1/4 thru1/4-20Pan HeadPhillips External Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x3/16 thru1/4-20x1-1/4Pan HeadPhillips Internal Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteel23-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x1Baked After PlatingPan HeadSlotted External Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x3/16 thru1/4-20x1-1/4Pan HeadSlotted Internal Sems Machine Screw Screw isZincPlatedSteelBakedAfterPlating4-40x1/4 thru10-32x1Flat HeadPhillips Machine ScrewBlackOxidePlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x2Pan HeadPhillips Machine ScrewBlackOxidePlatedSteel2-56x1/8 thru1/4-20x2Types of Screw HeadsPAN HEAD: Recommended for newdesigns to replace round, truss and bindingheads. Provides a low large diameter head, butwith characteristically high outer edge alongthe-outer periphery of the head where drivingaction is most effective for high tightening'torques. Slightly different head contour wheresupplied with recessed head.FLAT HEAD: Supplied to standarddimensions with an 80' to 82' angle to be usedwhere finished surfaces require a flush fasteningunit. The countersunk portion offers goodcentering possibilities.ROUND HEAD: Not recommended for newdesign (see pan head). This head was the mostuniversally used design in the past.OVAL HEAD: Fully specified as "ovalcountersunk", this head is identical to thestandard flat head. but possesses. in addition, arounded, neat appearing upper surface forattractiveness of design.FILLISTER HEAD: The-standard oval fillister head has a smaller diameter than the round head. but is higher with a correspondingly deeper slot. The smaller diameter head increases the pressure applied on the smaller area and can be assembled close to flanges and raised surfaces. Headed in counter bored dies to Insure concentricity, they may be used successfully in counter bored holes. BINDING HEAD (Straight Side): Most generally used in electrical and radio work because of its identifying undercut beneath the head, which binds and eliminates fraying of stranded wire. Offers an attractively designed, medium-low head with ordinarily sufficient bearing surface. 'Not ordinarily recommended as a Phillips Recessed head-see Pan Head for better functional design.TRUSS HEAD: Also known as oven head, stove head, and oval binding head. A low, neat appearing, large diameter head having excellent design qualities, and as illustrated can be used to cover larger diameter clearance holes in sheet metal when additional play In assembly tolerance is required. Suggest pan head as a substitute.HOLT HEAD (PATENTED): Provides the perfect tamper-proof assembly. Theft-proof-decorative, yet inexpensive. Special drivers available for field removal or power driven assembly machines.ONE-WAY HEAD: This ingenious, tamper-proof type of head, once assembled cannot be removed. yet is driven with a standard screw driver. Manufactured with amazing economy in productive quantities, this, simple design can frequently solve costly assembly problem.PHILIPS FINISHING WASHER HEAD: Designed as a neat appearance product for the electronic and appliance trade with all threaded styles.WASHER HEAD: This design has the finished appearance of a conventional round head plus washer and was originality created to provide extra large bearing surface under the head. The modern "truss" head (carried in stock) normally answers this purpose. When a. larger diameter is required this washer head is recommended.FLAT AND OVAL HEADS (UNDERCUTI: This Is the standard flat or oval head SO' to 82' countersunk screw which has the lower one-third of the countersunk portion removed to facilitate production of extremely short lengths. As Illustrated, it will fit a standard counterbored hole and Is particularly adaptable to flush assemblies in thin stock.FLAT HEAD (100' COUNTERSUNK): This special flat head screw has been developed for applications requiring flush surfaces, and is recommended for use In soft materials. to distribute pressure over a larger and less angular surface. Very well adapted for use with thin aluminum, soft plastics, etc.SQUARE SHOULDER SCREWS:An adaptation of the standard carriage boltdesign.Possesses a truss head on a square shankwhich resists rotation when located or, driveninto place. This square shoulder may also bestaked Into place as a permanent fastener. Agreat many varieties in all screw diameters areavailable in productive quantities.Flat Head styles take full advantage of theself-centering feature of the countersunk portionand provide a smooth, flush outer surface.Type "T" (Overlug) For applicationsrequiring smooth, finished outer surfaces. Undersurface of head is designed for perfect electrodecontact.INDENTED HEXAGON: An inexpensivewrench head fastener made to standardhexagon head dimensions. The hex Iscompletely cold upset in a counterbored die andpossesses an Identifying depression In the topsurface of the head.INDENTED HEXAGON WASHERHEAD: Produced in the same manner as thestandard Indented hexagon head but with awasher section at the base of the head to protectthe finish of the assembly from wrenchdisfigurement.ACORN HEAD (FULL UNDERCUTI: Avery neat appearing trim screw for applianceapplication-excellent wrench surfaces.HEXAGON HEAD (TRIMMED): This isthe standard type of wrench-applied hexagonhead, characterized by clean, sharp cornerstrimmed to close tolerances. Recommended forgeneral applications. It Is available In allstandard patterns and In all thread diameters.HEAD STYLES (WELDING SCREWS):The welding screw has been developed toprovide a strong permanent threaded fastenerwhich becomes an Integral part of the assembly.It utilizes the principle of projection welding bymeans of multiple lugs applied to various headsurfaces.Type "U" (Underlug) for general application.Assembles easily into pre-located holes and fullyutilizes head strength. Top surfaces of headdesigned for efficient welding anode contact. STAINLESS STEEL WASHERSDESCRIPTION MATERIAL SIZESStandard Flat Washers18-8StainlessSteel1/4 thru1.0Standard Flat Washers316StainlessSteel1/4 thru1.0Fender Washers18-8StainlessSteel#10x11/16thru1/2x2Machine Screw Washers18-8StainlessSteel#2 thru#10Medium Split Lock Washers18-8StainlessSteel#2 thru1.00External ToothLock Washers410StainlessSteel#4 thru3/8Internal ToothLock Washers410StainlessSteel#2 thru3/8METRIC NUTSDIN SPEC CLASS MATERIAL SIZES934Class6Style1Zinc Plated Steel Nut*M2 &M3934Class8Style1Zinc Plated Steel Nut*M4thruM20934Class10Style1Zinc Plated Steel NutM6thruM20934Class10Plain Steel NutM6thruM20985Class8Zinc Plated SteelNylon Insert Lock NutM3thruM20* M4 and smaller nuts do not require class marking。