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Unit 110.Let's have a race. 我们一起去吃饭吧

1.Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。Good idea! 好主意!

Nice to see you, too 我也很高兴见到你。11.Who are you? 你是谁?

2.This is my new friend, Amy. 这是我的我朋友,艾米。I'm the Easter Bunny. 我是复活节兔子。

3.Where are you from? 你来自哪里呢12.Guess! 你猜!

I'm from America.

我来自美国。Unit 4

4.Good morning, boys and girls. 早上好,男孩女孩们。1.Do you like pears? 你喜欢梨子吗?

We have a new friend today. 我们今天有一个新朋友。 Yes, I do.\ No, I don't. 是的,我喜欢。\ 不,我不喜欢。

Good morning 早上好

Good afternoon. 下午好2.Have some juice. 来点饮料。

5.Good evening. 晚上好 Thanks. 谢谢!

7.Goodbye.\ See you. 拜拜\ 再见。3.What about…? 什么怎么样、

8.Watch out!\ Look out! 小心! Oh, I like him very much! 我非常喜欢他。

e in, please. 请进!4.Hmm…It tastes good! 嗯,它很好吃!

10.I'm sorry. 我很抱歉。5.Can I have an apple, please? 请你给我一个苹果好吗?

It's OK. 很好 Certainly! 当然可以!

11.Wait a minute.\ Wait a moment. 稍等一会儿。6.Have some more? 还要吗

12. Have some tea, Mom.妈妈,来杯茶。 Yes, please.\ No, thank you. 好,谢谢。\ 不用了,谢谢。

Thanks. 谢谢。7.I want some…我想要一些。。。

12.Happy Women's Day! Miss White!

怀特小姐,妇女节快乐。8.No way! 没门!

Thank you! 谢谢!9.I'm full.\ I'm hungry. 我饱了。\ 我饿了

14.Boy or Girl? 男孩还是女孩、10.Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。

15.Hi! My name is…

嗨,我的名字是。。。。Unit 5

Unit 2 1.Where is my plane? 我的飞机模型在哪里?

1.Well done! 做得很好! It's on the desk. 在桌子上。

e on! 加油!2 Excuse me. Can I use your pencil? 打扰一下,我能用以你的铅笔吗?

3.Who's that man\boy? 那个男人\男孩是谁? No problem. 没问题。

He's …他是。。。。3.Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

4.Who's this woman\girl? 这个女人\女孩是谁? Yes!\ No!

准备好了!\ 没准备好!

She's…她是。。。4.Where are you? 你在哪?

5.Let's watch TV. 我们一起去看电视吧。 Haha! I'm behind you. 哈哈,我在你后面。

Great! 5. Are you in the toy box?


6.Really? 真的吗?6.I can't find you. 我找不到你。

7.Wow, how funny! 喔,真有趣!7.Happy Children's Day! 儿童节快乐!

8.Is she your sister? 她是你姐姐吗? Thank you! 谢谢!

Yes.\ No, my mom. 是。\ 不,她是我妈妈。8.This is for you! 这个给你!

9.What a big fish!

好大一条鱼啊!Unit 6

10.She's beautiful. 她真漂亮。1.Look at the elephant. 看这头大象。

Unit 3 They're so cute。它们真可爱。

1.How many kites can you see? 你可以看到几个风筝啊? How lovely! 真可爱!

I can see 12. 我可以看到12个。 It's so big! 他真大!

2.Let's fly a kite! 我们一起去放风筝吧。2.The giraffe is tall. 长颈鹿很高。

OK! The deer is short.


3.How many crayons do you have? 你有多少支蜡笔啊?3.The monkey has a long tail. 猴子有一条长尾巴。

I have 16. 我有16支。4.I have big eyes and small ears. 我有一双大眼睛和一对小耳朵。

4.Line up! 排队!

5.You're tall. I'm short. 你很高,我很爱。

5.Count from 1 to 15. 从1数到15. You're right. 你说的对。

6.Look at my new crayons! 看我的新蜡笔!6.I have a rabbit. 我有一只兔子。

Oh, how nice! 真漂亮!It has long ears. 它有一对长耳朵。

7.Open it and see. 打开看看。7.How many animals do you know? 你知道多少种动物啊?

8.That's right. 这很好。 I know all the animals. 我知道所有的动物。

9.Wow, so many apples! 喔,好多苹果啊!8.Oops! 哎呦!
