Omega-欧米茄海马系列海洋宇宙腕表 与您一同探寻水下世界






除此之外,在1999年由英国制表大师佐治· 丹尼尔(George Daniels)研制的革命性同轴机芯,亦成为20世纪机械手表界的最重要发明之一。












在太空,超霸专业系列不单是唯一在月球上被佩戴的手表,更曾协助拯救太阳神13号的航天员,获太空总署颁发的[史诺比奖](Snoopy Award)。










在“欧米茄手表世界”里,有陪伴人类征空的超霸专业系列——第一块也是唯一一块“一步登月”的“月球表”(Moon Watch);成为廿一届奥林匹克运动会的指定时计,获得无数准确时计及最佳设计的奖项。



由路易士·勃兰特始创于1848 年,欧米茄手表标志着制表历史上的光辉成就,傲视同侪。

产品早于1892 年,欧米茄手表推出全球第一块打簧手表,两年后,即1894年,生产了举世闻名的欧米茄手表19令机芯,这一机芯的制造融汇了当时革命性的先进技术,以其数项出色的功能,如以表冠调校时间,逐正式品牌命名为欧米茄手表,令到欧米茄手表成为当时瑞士首屈一指的制表厂商。




1889年 LOUIS BRANDT&GILS公司于1880年迁往比尔市后,成为瑞士最大的制表商,雇员600人同,每年腕表产量达10万枚。

1894年 LOUIS BRANDT&GILS公司发明创新的“欧米茄手表19令机芯,之后公司以欧米茄手表为名。






















如何确定我购买的是正宗欧米茄腕表?遵循如下步骤可以确定您购买的是正宗欧米茄腕表:- 只在欧米茄指定经销商处购买欧米茄腕表。

- 申请一张信用卡大小的保修卡,完整填写8位系列编号、手表编号以及经销商的完整姓名和地址。

- 如果您想确定腕表是否正宗,请携同欧米茄腕表及保修卡到指定的维修中心,让我们的维修服务员确定您购买的是否为正宗欧米茄腕表。


















1949年 1952年 1955年 1957年 1960年 1961年 1965年 1968年
欧米茄研创全球第一台先进的终点摄影装置。 欧米加星座系列天文台表面世,瞬间成为品牌顶级系列,同年并推出 世界首创为运动比赛而设的石英电子计时器OTR。 世界第一款自动上链女装腕表面世,欧米茄LAKYMATIC。 欧米茄第一款超霸计时表面世。 欧米茄推出首款海马碟飞表,其后于1967年推出碟飞系列。 欧米茄追踪纪录仪OMEGASCOPE面世,可在荧幕上显示运动员比赛的计 时结果。 美国国家宇航局严格测试多个钟表 品牌后,最后选定欧米茄超霸专 业计时表为太空任务的指定腕表。 推出KYNAMIOC腕表,是欧米茄腕表系列中最畅销的系列。 7月21日,欧米茄超霸专业计时表成为第一只由宇航员配戴登月的腕 表,伴随人类在地球的卫星上跳出历史性第一步,令举世震撼。 欧米茄荣获美国国家宇航局颁发“史诺比奖“表彰超霸专业计时表在 阿波罗13号太空计划中发挥斗争作用,化解危机。 欧米茄推出全球首创的海洋系列天文台表,每月计时误差低至1秒, 其表现比普通石英腕表优胜十倍。
摄影——名为“ 鹰眼”
的超卓科技引进为今年的 大会计时仪器,起用欧米 茄于92年奥运会首次采用 的“Scan-OVision”,用 电眼扫描终点,即使在微 弱的光线底下,依然能以 每秒钟万分之五的速度捕 捉以高速移动的影象,精 确无误。此外,自1982 年 起,被全世界多个现代化 体育馆及起用的巨型电子 计分屏幕,欧米茄便是此 项装置的“发明者”。本 世纪初,欧米茄不单是奥 运会的指定计时,同时亦 为多个大型国际体坛盛事 如田径、游泳、高尔夫、 帆船及赛车等担任大会指 定计时。








海马系列家族庞大,有海马300腕表、海洋宇宙600米腕表、AQUA TERRA 150米腕表、300米潜水表、BULLHEAD牛头表、PLOPROF1200米潜水表。






1970年欧米茄推出海马专业600米潜水表,称为“PloProf (意为专业潜水)”,这款腕表开始面对专业潜水的排氦问题;1971年品牌推出的海马专业1000米潜水表,刷新了欧米茄深潜记录,品牌在2009年复刻了该款表,并命名为PloProf 1200米潜水表。

欧米茄Omega 超霸系列 蓝宝石水晶镜面日历防水 男士机械表 3210.50.00

欧米茄Omega 超霸系列 蓝宝石水晶镜面日历防水 男士机械表 3210.50.00

欧米茄Omega 超霸系列蓝宝石水晶镜面/日历/防水男士机械表3210.50.00


在,它仍是世界上唯一一只曾登陆月球的手表,亦是美国太空总署(NASA) 及苏联 (现称俄罗斯) 太空总署航天员升空计划的指定时计,迈克尔.舒马赫不愧为欧米茄超霸系列的名人大使,他在赛车场上所向披靡的表现,正如超霸系列腕表一样,当仁不让,无以伦比。

品牌 : 欧米茄 OMEGA 型号 : 3210.50.00
产地 : 瑞士
款式 : 男款
机芯 : Omega 1164 自动
动力储存 : 44小时表面 : 圆弧形防反光、抗磨损蓝宝石水晶镜面
表壳 : 精钢表壳
表盘 : 黑色
防水深度 : 100米/330 英尺
尺码 : 40毫米
表带 : 精钢表链
包装 : 手表包装盒、相关文件、说明书、保修卡。



















Omega 产品说明书.pdf_1719178992.496101

Omega 产品说明书.pdf_1719178992.496101

***********************Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc.Headquarters: Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only)Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only)Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only)Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwideThe information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.CONTENTS1. Introduction (1)1.1 Specification (1)1.2 ModelNumber (2)2. Operation (2)2.1 Principle (3)2.2 Precautions (4)3. Installation (5)Piping (5)3.1 General3.2 Strainers/Filters (7)and Installation Kits (7)Straighteners3.3 Flow4. Maintenance (8)4.1 General (8)Procedures (8)4.2 Cleaning4.2.1 Chemical Cleaning (8)Cleaning (8)4.2.2 Steam4.3 PickupCoil Testing (10)Shooting (11)4.4 TroubleAppendix A: DrawingTypical Assembly Sanitary Flowmeter with Installation Kit (12)1.IntroductionThe following information is provided for the proper installation and maintenance of your instrument.1.1 SpecificationsLinearity: ± 0.5% of reading over linear flow rangeRepeatability:± 0.1% of readingFlow Range: 0.35 to 650 gpmTemperature Range: -450 °F to +450 °F w/ Standard MAG coilSignal Output: 10 mVrms or greater into 10K ohm load at minimum flow rate.Materials of Construction: 316/316L Dual Rated Stainless Steel Rotor 17.4 PH SSRetaining Ring 15.7 MO PH SSBearings: Hard Carbon Composite Surface Finish: 32 micro inch finish End Fitting: Tri-Grip® Sanitary Type-1-1.2 Model NumberLinear FlowRangeWater Model No.FittingsLPM GPMMaxPressureDrop(psid)Lengthmm(in)NominalK-factorPulses/GalWeightkg(lb)FTB-401A 11/2″ TRI 1.32 to13.20.35 to3.53.090.4(3.56)15,000 3 lbsFTB-402A 11/2″ TRI 2.84 to28.40.75 to7.55.090.4(3.56)8,900 3 lbsFTB-403A 11/2″ TRI 4.73 to361.25 to9.55.290.4(3.56)5,800 3 lbsFTB-404A 11/2″ TRI 6.62 to611.75 to163.090.4(3.56)5,200 3 lbsFTB-405A 11/2″ TRI 9.5 to1102.5 to295.082.5(3.25)2,200 3 lbsFTB-406A 11/2″ TRI 15 to2274 to 60 5.190.4(3.56)840 3 lbsFTB-407A 11/2″ TRI 23 to3526 to 93 4.3116.5(4.59)400 4 lbsFTB-408A 11/2″ TRI 30 to4928 to 130 3.0116.5(4.59)230 4 lbsFTB-409A 2″ TRI 57 to85215 to2253.3154(6.06)120 7 lbsFTB-410A 21/2″ TRI 95 to151425 to4004.0254(10)97 8 lbsFTB-411A 3″ TRI 151 to246040 to6504.0254(10)45 12 lbsNote: Operating pressure is limited by the TRI fitting.-2-2.Operation2.1 PrincipleThe turbine flow sensor consists of a rotor assembly which is supported on a shaft held in place by triple tube clusters and secured with locking nuts within the flowmeter housing.The rotor is free to spin on a self lubricated ceramic ball bearing. A magnetic type pickup coil is attached on the exterior of the flowmeter housing.A low mass rotor design allows for rapid dynamic response. The deflector cones eliminate downstream thrust on the rotor and allows for dynamic positioning of the rotor between deflector cones.The dynamic positioning of the low mass rotor provides wider rangeability and longer bearing life than that of conventional turbine flowmeters. Integral flow straightening tubes minimize the effects of upstream flow turbulence.As the liquid flows through the flowmeter the rotor spins at rate proportional to the volumetric liquid flowrate.Each rotor blade passing through the pickup coil generates an electrical pulse. The frequency of the pulses is proportional to flowrate. The summation of pulses represents total amount of liquid volume passed through the meter.The number of pulses generated per unit of volume is called the calibration factor or K-Factor. This calibration factor is used to calculate flowrate and total amount of flow.Material Selection and ConstructionThe housing is made of 316 stainless steel. The rotor is made of 17.4 pH stainless steel. Bearings are composite hard carbon, FDA approved.-3-Flowmeter CalibrationsThe standard calibration provided with an Omega turbine flowmeter consists of a 10-point water calibration that is traceable to NIST. Based on this water calibration, we derive an average k-factor for water for the flowmeter.The uncertainty of this calibration is typically 0.1%.The K-factor on turbine flowmeters used on liquid service is NOT density dependent.2.2 Precautions♦Do not drop the meter. Dropping the meter may result in damage to the meter housing and/or internals.♦Do not operate the meter at flowrates greater than the maximum flowrate marked on the meter. Operating at flowrates greater than the maximum flowrate may over-spin the meter. Over-spinning may result in damage to the meter.CAUTION:Avoid over-spinning the meter. Over-spinning the meter may result in damage to the meter internals and lead to meterfailure.-4-3.InstallationCAUTION:Turbine meter has to be installed with pickup coil pointing down (see Appendix A) to ensure proper cleanability.Inspect all packages for any indications of damage which may have occurred during shipment.Verify that all meter parts or auxiliary components have arrived with the shipment. Refer to the packing list/invoice for a detailed list of items included in the shipment.3.1 General PipingIt is required to install meter with a minimum straight run of pipe approximately 10 pipe diameters ahead of the inlet and 5 pipe diameters following the outlet to avoid any effect of fluid swirls.The meter housing is marked by a flow direction arrow and the inlet is marked ‘IN’ and the outlet is marked ‘OUT’. The meter must be installed in the piping in the correct orientation to ensure the most accurate operation.Install meter with adequate distance and isolation from electric motors, transformers, welding equipment and solenoids to avoid any electromagnetic interference from ambient electrical field.When it is expected that flow will be intermittent, the meter should not be mounted at a low point in the piping system. Solids which settle or congeal in the meter may affect meter performance.-5-Blocking and Bypass valves should be installed if it is necessary to do preventive maintenance on the flowmeter without shutting down the flow system. The Bypass valve can be opened before the Blocking valves are closed allowing the flow to continue while removing the turbine flowmeter for service.IMPORTANT: All flow lines should be purged prior to installing the meter. To prevent possible damage to the meter, install themeter ONLY in flow lines that are clean and free of debris. Upon initial start-up of the system a spool piece should be installed in place of the flowmeter so that purging of the system can be performed to remove all particle debris which could cause damage to the meter internals. In applications where meter flushing is required after meter service, care should be taken as to not over-spin the meter, as severe meter damage may occur.CAUTION:Avoid over-spinning the meter. Over-spinning the meter may result in damage to the meter internals and lead to meterfailure.-6--7-To maintain an accurate flow measurement it is necessary to maintain a downstream pressure sufficient to prevent flashing/cavitation. Flashing of the liquid will result in an indication of flow significantly higher than the actual flow. In order to eliminate this condition adequate downstream pressure must be maintained. The minimum required downstream pressure may be calculated using the following equation:Downstream pressure may be maintained by a downstream valve that provides the necessary downstream pressure to prevent flashing/cavitation in the metering run.3.2 Strainers/FiltersTurbine flowmeters are designed for use in a clean fluid service. However, the service fluid may carry some particulate material which would need to be removed before reaching the flowmeter. Under these conditions a strainer/filter may be required to reduce the potential hazard of fouling or damage that may be caused by foreign matter.METER SIZEMESH SIZEPARTICLE SIZE(Maximum)¼” to ½”100 .0055 5/8” to 1¼”70 .008 1½” to 3”40.015If a strainer/filter is required in the system, it should be located upstream of the flowmeter taking care that the proper minimum distance is kept between the strainer and flowmeter.3.3 Flow Straighteners and Installation KitsProper application of the Omega FTB-400A Series Flowmeter requires a minimum inlet straight pipe run of 10 pipe diameters and a minimum outlet straight pipe run of 5 pipe diameters.Installation kits for the Omega FTB-400A Series Flowmeter consist of two lengths of appropriate tubing cut to a length appropriate for the upstream and downstream straight pipe run with appropriate end fittings. Flow straightening sections may be provided within the installation kit. ()()essure xVapor essureDrop x essure Minimum Pr 25.1Pr 2Pr +=4.MaintenanceProcedures4.1 CleaningThe Omega FTB-400A Series flowmeters have been designed to allow for cleaning by commercially accepted practices. These include removing the flowmeter from the line for cleaning in an approved fluid, flushing the line with an approved cleaning solution, and steam cleaning. With all cleaning methods, care must be taken to not over-spin the meter, as severe meter damage may occur.CAUTION:Avoid over-spinning the meter. Over-spinning the meter may result in damage to the meter internals and lead to meterfailure.4.2.1 ChemicalCleaningThe flowmeters may be chemically cleaned using an approved cleaning solution by removing the meter from the service line and using a bath or by flushing the meter in place.The hard carbon composite bearing designs used have been tested and found to be compatible with the following CIP fluids manufactured by Klenzade; Mandate, AC-300, AC-101, Principle, and XY-12.Following the cleaning operation, the cleaning solution should be flushed from the meter and/or service line with potable water to remove the chemically active cleaning solution.Care should be taken to ensure that flowrates occurring during chemical cleaning do not exceed the flow capacity of the flowmeter.4.2.2Steam CleaningSteam cleaning is only recommended for meters with hard carbon composite bearings.The steam flow velocity during the cleaning should not exceed 1/3 of the maximum liquid flow capacity of the flowmeter.-8-Steam Cleaning Rates at Various Steam PressuresMeter Size 50 psigPPH175 psigPPH1100 psigPPH1125 psigPPH1VelocityFPS2RateGPM31/4 1.25 1.70 2.25 2.50 1.72 1.05 3/8 2.70 3.67 4.75 5.39 3.68 2.25 1/2 3.50 4.73 6.14 7.00 4.74 2.90 5/8 5.78 7.82 10.20 11.50 5.02 4.80 3/4 10.50 14.20 18.40 20.90 6.32 8.701 21.70 29.40 38.10 43.10 7.35 18.001¼ 33.70 45.70 59.30 67.10 7.32 28.00 1½ 47.00 63.60 82.50 93.50 7.08 39.002 81.30 110.10 142.80 162.00 6.89 67.502½ 144.60 196.00 254.00 288.00 7.84 120.003 235.00 318.00 412.60 467.00 8.85 195.00 NOTES1.PPH = Pounds Per Hour2.The velocity is expressed for a line size equal to the inlet bore of the flowmeter.3.The apparent GPM is provided since many applications have a flow rate indicatorwhich can be used to set a safe flow rate during the steam cleaning cycle.-9--10-4.3 Pickup Coil TestingTesting the MAG and MCP (RF) coils consists of measuring theresistance with an ohmmeter. Resistance measurements are to be madeonly when there is no flow through the meter.1. Measure the resistance between pin A and pin B. The resistanceshould be approximately as listed in the following table of somecommon coils.2. The resistance from any pin to the case should be greater than 1Mohm.COIL *DC RESISTANCE (Ohms) MC2PAHT15.0 ±10% MCP3A11.5 ±10% PC13-74G1800 ±10% PC13-74S1850 ±15% PC24-45G1350 ±10% PC24-45S1850 ±15% PC28-13G120 ±20% PC28-14G 180 ±20%If either resistance measurement fails, replace the pickup coil. Firmlyseat the new coil in the flowmeter and tighten the locking nut.*For specific coils not listed contact the HFC Customer Service Department for theapproximate resistance readings.4.4 TroubleShootingRefer to the following troubleshooting guide for assistance with possible meter malfunctions:TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Fluid will not flow ▪Meter clogged. Clean meter.through the meter ▪Line to meterblocked.Clean line to meter.Reduced flow through the meter ▪Meter partiallyclogged.Clean meter.▪Line to meterpartially blocked.Clean line to meter.Meter readings inaccurate ▪Fluid flowrate isnot within meterflow range.See “Specifications” formin and max flowrates.▪Meter drag due toimproperinstallationReplace internals.-11-DRAWINGTypical Assembly Sanitary Flowmeter with Installation Kit-12-WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. T his ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). T he assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2016 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at SMTEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesM U Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorM U Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers & Strain GagesM U Load Cells & Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsM U Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Data Logging SystemsM U Wireless Sensors, Transmitters, & ReceiversM U Signal ConditionersM U Data Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge & Strip HeatersM U Immersion & Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering & Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps & TubingM U Air, Soil & Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentM U pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM2124/0617。




英文名omega,代表符号“Ω”,由路易士·勃兰特始创于1848 年,欧米茄标志着制表历史上的光辉成就,傲视同侪。




英文名omega,代表符号“Ω”,由路易士·勃兰特始创于1848 年,欧米茄标志着制表历史上的光辉成就,傲视同侪。






1848年,瑞士联邦诞生,路易·勃兰特(Louis Brandt)与拉夏德芬(La Chau__de-Fonds)开始手表装嵌工作。








星座95和 我的选择” 星座 和“我的选择”
那是星座95系列的早期表款,自推出之日起,这个系列就成为了全世 界欧米茄拥趸最钟爱的表款之一。 随着时光的流逝,辛迪-克劳馥为星座95系列所拍摄的广告最终发展为欧 米茄“我的选择”主题广告系列:举世闻名的欧米茄名人大使的形象位 于品牌海报或平面广告之上,旁边是欧米茄星座95系列的腕表图像,一 行简洁的文字直入主题:“我的选择”。 1995年是星座系列又一个具有里程碑意义的年份。这一年,欧米茄开始 与其名人大使展开合作。作为其中的重要一员,超级名模辛迪·克劳馥与 欧米茄腕表专家一道参与到设计甄选工作之中,星座系列也由此成为众 所周知的“辛迪-克劳馥的选择”。

全新款式,不锈钢表壳,直径44.25毫米,黑色表 盘上配漆化白色指针,对称设计的两个小表盘,可 同时显示12小时计时、60分钟计时和秒钟,装配欧 米茄同轴9300/9301计时机芯(三层式同轴擒纵装 置、硅游丝摆轮),黑色皮带。 像欧米茄这样,在几年时间内连续推出 8500/8501、8601/8611、8520/8521、9300/9301 共4 款量产机芯( 全部使用新型的同轴擒纵系统) 的公司,已经不是凤毛麟角的概念,而是绝无仅有 了。
欧米茄同轴9300/9301机芯在之前已有描述,但依然值得我们在此再度介绍 一番。这款计时腕表搭载同轴擒纵系统和无卡度游丝摆轮,历经漫长岁月仍可拥 有精准可靠的完美走时。不仅如此,机芯另搭载有硅材质游丝,因此此腕表可享 受长达4年的售后服务保证。 表盘上带有两个小表盘,而非常见于超霸表款之上的三个小表盘。这是因为 位于3时位置的小表盘同时拥有12小时计时和60分钟计时两个功能。这一创新使 得读取计时时间更加方便与直观。 超霸欧米茄同轴计时表另有光芒闪耀的18K橙金搭配黑色陶瓷表盘表款和典 雅的950铂金搭配黑色珐琅表盘可供选择。这两款腕表均带有18K金小时刻度和 指针。 作为伟大的超霸腕表家族的全新成员,超霸欧米茄同轴计时表必将广受欢迎。 超霸表爱好者中,相当一大部分人士既青睐于标志性计时表款的非凡传统,又渴 望全世界最为出色的量产机械腕表机芯,而凭借表壳采用的不同金属材质、极具 创新内涵的机芯以及“超霸”这一传奇名称,超霸欧米茄同轴计时表必将在这群 追随者中引起强烈反响。

Omega Seawatch 300M 产品说明书

Omega Seawatch 300M 产品说明书

USA:One Omega Drive, P.O. Box 4047ISO 9001 Certified Stamford, CT 06907-0047TEL: (203) 359-1660FAX: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************Canada:976 BergarLaval (Quebec) H7L 5A1TEL: (514) 856-6928FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:*************For immediate technical or application assistance:USA and Canada:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGACustomer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BESTEngineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHENTELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGAMexico TEL: (001)800-TC-OMEGA FAX: (001) 203-359-7807En Espa–ol: (001) 203-359-7803e-mail:**************.mxServicing Europe:Benelux:Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen, The NetherlandsTEL: +31 (0)20 6418405FAX: +31 (0)20 6434643Toll Free in Benelux: 0800 0993344e-mail:************Czech Republic:RudŽ arm‡dy 1868, 733 01 Karvin‡ 8TEL: +420 (0)69 6311899FAX: +420 (0)69 6311114e-mail:***************France:9, rue Denis Papin, 78190 TrappesTEL: +33 (0)130 621 400FAX: +33 (0)130 699 120Toll Free in France: 0800406342e-mail:****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392 Deckenpfronn, GermanyTEL: +49 (0)7056 9398-0FAX: +49 (0)7056 9398-29Toll Free in Germany: 0800 TC-OMEGAe-mail:*****************United Kingdom:One Omega DriveISO 9002 Certified River Bend Technology CentreNorthbank, IrlamManchester M44 5EX United KingdomTEL: +44 (0)161 777 6611FAX: +44 (0)161 777 6622Toll Free in the UK: 0800 488 488e-mail:**************.ukIt is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient connected applications.1.General Information and Features22.Applicable Standards33.Installation and Removal44.Input and Output Connections85.Specifications95.1PS Type Labeling5.2Size & Weight5.3Mounting5.4Temperature Ranges5.5Input Range5.6Input Current Surge Protection5.7Output V oltage5.8Output Current5.9Output Ripple5.10Temperature Derating5.11Power-on Indicator5.12Short-circuit and overload protection5.13Wire Connections6.Derating Graph127.Block Diagram128.Dimensions Drawing139.Safety Considerations14The compact DRN power supplies are designed to supply well-regulated 21.5volt DC power to sensors, signal conditioners, data acquisition systems and high level logic equipment.Significant DRN features include:¥4kV tested isolation, primary to output ¥VDE-style patented shrouded double-bobbin design ¥PET polyester bobbins, UL 94VO flammability rating ¥Glass-filled polycarbonate case, UL 94VO ¥Recessed live parts and connector screws ¥Either 32mm or 35mm DIN rail mounting ¥Jumper-select 230V/50Hz or 115V/60Hz input ¥Wide input voltage tolerances ¥6kA protective varistor input shunt ¥Input AC spike rejection with LC filters ¥LED power-on lamp ¥Output derating only above 50 degrees C ¥Overtemperature protection ¥Short circuit protection without fuses ¥Low-ripple, well-regulated linear designFeatures2.1 Input Voltage TolerancesExceeds IEC 38 range2.2 Input / Output Isolation4KV rms 60Hz 1 minute test630V conductor spacing, IEC 348Exceeds VDE551 / IEC 742 separation spacing Exceeds VDE106 protective separation Exceeds VDE 160 clearance distances Exceeds VDE160 creepage distances2.3 Protective ClassesIEC 529:IPÐ20VDE 106 Part 1:Class II2.4 Flammability Ratings Transformer:UL 94VOCase:UL 94VOThe DRN power supplies are heavyenough to cause damage and or injuryif dropped during installation. Assurefirm rail mounting before releasing gripon the unit.If a rail assembly is to be transported,then disconnection, dismounting andseparate packing of the power supply isrecommended.For units that must be shipped installedon the rail, additional bracing to resisttransportation shocks is recommended.Do not attempt to install or connect to the power supply when the mains are energized.Warning!To change voltage jumpers:1.Remove cover from case by carefully prying up two side tabs using a screwdriver. Remove two screws from bottom of case. Slide unit out of case.2.Locate the main board assembly and position it in front of you the same way as shown in Figure3.1 on the following page.3.On the main board, locate the transformer jumpers W1, W2, and W3near the transformer T1.If your power requirement is 115Vac,jumpers W1 and W2 should beinstalled. (Do not install W3.)If your power requirement is 230Vac,jumper W3 should be installed. (Do not install W1 or W2.)Warning!Figure 3.1 Ñ Main Board Power Jumpers115VAC JUMPER WIRINGW1W3W2230VAC JUMPER WIRING W2W3W1Figure 3.2 Ñ 35mm "Top Hat"Installation:Hook in the module with the mounting rail guide on the top edge of the mounting rail and lower it to lock it into position.Removal:Release the spring catch with a screwdriver whileraising the module to disengage it.installationremovalFigure 4.1 Ñ Front Panel Connection Labels shown without regulator cover5.1PS Type LabelingDRNÐPSÐ750, where 750 equals mA rating.DRNÐPSÐ7505.2Size & WeightHeight: 2.76"(70mm)Width: 2.95"(75mm)Depth: 5.95"(151mm)Weight: 2.0 lbs.(0.9 kg)5.3Mounting35mm "top hat" DIN EN 500225.4Temperature RangesOperating Temperature Ranges-20 to 60 degrees C Storage Temperature Ranges-40 to 95 degrees C5.5Input Range115 or 230V, 49Ð61HzDRNÐPSÐ750±10%5.6Input Current Surge Protection6kA/275V Varistor5.7Output Voltage21.5V ±2% - IR, where I = output current amperes and R = 0.3½5.8Output CurrentDRNÐPSÐ7500Ð750mA5.9Output RippleLess than 10mV pp5.10Temperature DeratingNone below 50 degrees CDRNÐPSÐ750,15mA per degree C above 50¡C5.11Power-on IndicatorFront Panel red LED lamp5.12Short-circuit and overload protectionDRNÐPSÐ750foldback current limiting with automatic hightemperature shutdownno fuses required5.13Wire ConnectionsScrew down wire clamps, AWG 12 to 26 (ferrules recommended for stranded wire).Figure 6.1 Ñ Derating GraphFigure 7.1 Ñ Block Diagram75mA50DRN-PS-750¡C Ambient0100080060040020060453525155-5I max.Figure 8.1 Ñ DimensionsSPACED AS SHOWN.POWER SUPPLY WITH[151.1]5.95 2.762.953.15TWO SCREWS FASTEN RAIL UNDER MAX[70.0][75.0][80.0]Unpacking &InspectionUnpack the instrument and inspect for obvious shipping damage. Do not attempt to operatethe unit if damage is found.This instrument is a panel mount device protected in accordance with Class I of EN 61010(115/230 AC power connections). Installation of this instrument should be done by Qualified personnel. In order to ensure safe operation, the following instructions should be followed.This instrument has no power-on switch. An external switch or circuit-breaker shall be included in the building installation as a disconnecting device. It shall be marked to indicate this function, and it shall be in close proximity to the equipment within easy reach of the operator. The switch or circuit-breaker shall not interrupt the Protective Conductor (Earth wire), and it shall meet the relevant requirements of IEC 947Ð1 and IEC 947-3 (International Electrotechnical Commission). The switch shall not be incorporated in the mains supply cord.Furthermore, to provide protection against excessive energy being drawn from the mains supply in case of a fault in the equipment, an overcurrent protection device shall be installed.¥The Protective Conductor must be connected for safety reasons. Check that the power cable has the proper Earth wire, and it is properly connected. It is not safe to operate this unit without the Protective Conductor Terminal connected.¥Do not exceed voltage rating on the label located on the top of the instrument housing.¥Always disconnect power before changing signal and power connections.¥Do not use this instrument on a work bench without its case for safety reasons.¥Do not operate this instrument in flammable or explosive atmospheres.¥Do not expose this instrument to rain or moisture.EMC Considerations¥Whenever EMC is an issue, always use shielded cables.¥Never run signal and power wires in the same conduit.¥Use signal wire connections with twisted-pair cables.¥Install Ferrite Bead(s) on signal wires close to the instrument if EMC problems persist.This device is marked with the international Caution symbol. It is important to read this manual before installing or commissioning this device as it contains important informationrelating to Safety and EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility).NoteNoteDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGAÕS CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number under which the product was PURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS,consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P.O. number to cover the COSTof the repair,2.Model and serial number of product, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.OMEGAÕs policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 1999 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.PATENT NOTICE:This product is covered by one or more of the following patents: U.S. Pat. No. Des. 336,895;5,274,577 / Canada 2052599; 2052600 / Italy 1249456; 1250938 / France Brevet No. 91 12756 / Spain 2039150;Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGAÉOf Course!TEMPERATUREⅪߜThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes,Connectors, Panels & AssembliesⅪߜWire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorⅪߜCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesⅪߜRecorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsⅪߜInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEⅪߜTransducers & Strain GaugesⅪߜLoad Cells & Pressure GaugesⅪߜDisplacement TransducersⅪߜInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELⅪߜRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersⅪߜAir Velocity IndicatorsⅪߜTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsⅪߜTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYⅪߜpH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesⅪߜBenchtop/Laboratory MetersⅪߜControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsⅪߜIndustrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONⅪߜData Acquisition & Engineering SoftwareⅪߜCommunications-Based Acquisition SystemsⅪߜPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & CompatiblesⅪߜDatalogging SystemsⅪߜRecorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSⅪߜHeating CableⅪߜCartridge & Strip HeatersⅪߜImmersion & Band HeatersⅪߜFlexible HeatersⅪߜLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLⅪߜMetering & Control InstrumentationⅪߜRefractometersⅪߜPumps & TubingⅪߜAir, Soil & Water MonitorsⅪߜIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentⅪߜ。



【手表名称】OMEGA欧米茄手表男表2513.30.00【手表简介】OMEGA欧米茄手表男表2513.30.00【上市日期】2010年4月15日【手表品牌】欧米茄男表【手表型号】2513.30.00 【市场价格】¥38,000.00详细说明2513.30.00 OMEGA欧米茄美洲杯帆船赛限量男表2513.30.00·机芯类型:自动机械表·表带类型:钢OMEGA 第32届美洲杯帆船赛纪念版机械男表2513.30生産国瑞士性别男装尺寸直径42mm×厚16mm表壳素材永不生锈精钢表带素材永不生锈精钢镜面素材永不磨损蓝宝石水晶镜面表盘盤色白色机芯 Omega 3602自动上链计时机芯,配备帆船赛倒数计时装置。



动力储存:44 小时腕周最大20cm重量 190g針数 3針防水性 150米防水付属品原装表盒、说明书、国際保修卡专柜售价38000、三眼小针【手表名称】欧米茄表星座机械表OMEGA天文台男表【手表简介】1102.10.00欧米茄表星座系列自动机械表OMEGA男表天文台表18K金表【上市日期】2010年4月15日【手表品牌】欧米茄男表【手表型号】1102.10.00 【市场价格】¥103,400.00详细说明欧米茄表星座系列自动机械手表产品名称:欧米茄星座系列天文台表18K黄金表壳与18K黃金表链款所属品牌:欧米茄Omega型号:1102.10.00表壳:18K黄金表壳表带:18K黃金表链功能:计时日历机芯:Omega 1120自动上链天文台机芯口径:35.5 mm介绍:机芯:Omega 1120 自动上链天文台机芯,镀铹表面。

动力储存:44 小时水晶表面圆弧形抗磨损蓝宝石水晶镜面,內部经防反光处理表壳及表盘18k黄金表壳香槟色表盘防水功能防水深度:50 米(167 英尺)厚度10.3mm欧米茄表星座系列。

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