小学英语1——10数字教学精品PPT课件 图文

hat telephone number should we dial(拨) 2.If(如果) you are in danger(身处险境)... ...
What telephone number should we dial(拨) 3.If(如果) you breaking out of fire(发生火灾)
Let’s enjoy the song
THE NUMBERS (数 字 1~ 10)
Let’s have fun !!! (让我们一起快乐的学习吧)
12 3 4 5 One two three four five
1、老师报数,相应号码的同学就 举手。 2、按照老师的口令,从小到大或 者从大到小报数。 3、拍手游戏“我们组最快”
... ...
, let’s sing !
(大家很聪明,学的很快, 现在,让我们唱起来吧)
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她这 叫归家 吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过;还 说身体 不好, 好人又 怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍着 我啥事 儿了, 跟着瞎 起哄, 爱咋咋 吧…… ”他说 是不挂 念,心 里别扭 着。九 点过半 ,仍无 若的消 息,他 心神不 宁……“ 又喝了 ?不要 命了?昨 晚的事 情过眼 就忘… …可怜 的亦冰 ,这些 年真够 难为他 的…… ”他待 要给若 发信息 ,问她 是不是 还在外 面,她 给他发 来信息 ,说她 到家了 ,要他 放心… …他悬 着的心 算是告 一段落 地放下 来,也 该洗洗 睡了… … 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶? 怎么回 事儿?这 么晚了 ,误碰 ……不 对…… 不管怎 样,打 过去问 问。” 于是他 就把电 话打过 去,电 话通着 ,没人 接听, 他心犯 狐疑, 一连又 打了七 、八个 过去… …“莫 非他与 若在一 起…… 绝不是 误碰… …”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打……“ 她俩一 定在一 起…… 发生了 什么? 不行, 得去找 她……” 他毫无 迟疑, 起身穿 上衣服 ……“ 今晚一 定要见 着她… …”一种 不安袭 击着他 。他想 给亦冰 打电话 ,问若 在不在 家,又 一想先 别大惊 小怪的 ,过去 看看若 的车是 否在家 再做道 理。他 匆匆离 家,走 的时候 连屋里 的灯也 没顾得 关…… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“车 上一定 有人… …”他 心里一 惊,因 为杨巍 家就在 这儿附 近。“ 莫非若 的车… …”车速 太快, 他急点 刹车, 错车的 一刹凝 眸望去 ,正是 若的车 ,前排 影影绰 绰的两 个人影 ,他脑 袋嗡地 一声, 竟至于 狠踩了 一脚油 门,那 车轰的 一声穿 窜出去 多远… …待他 回过神 来,赶 忙把车 停靠在 路边, 深呼吸 ……

1到10的英语教案Title: Teaching English Numbers 1-10Level: BeginnerObjective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize, say and write numbers 1-10 in English.Introduction (15 minutes)1. Warm-up activity: Greet the students and engage them in a conversation about numbers. Ask questions like: "What is your favorite number?" "Can you count from 1 to 10?" "Why do we need to know numbers?" Encourage students to respond and share their thoughts.2. Display flashcards of numbers 1-10 on the board or use a PowerPoint presentation. Ask students to identify each number and practice saying them together as a class.Presentation (20 minutes)1. Introduce each number individually, starting with number 1. Use visuals such as pictures or flashcards to help students associate the written number with its pronunciation.- Ask students to practice saying the number 1 and the word "apple" in unison.- Repeat the process for numbers 2-10, using different visuals for each number (e.g., two bananas, three balls, etc.).1. Hand out worksheets with various activities to practice numbers 1-10. Some suggested activities are:- Fill in the missing numbers on a number line or grid.- Match the number with the correct number of objects (e.g., draw a line connecting the number 3 to three pictures of dogs).- Count and write the number of objects shown.- Circle the correct number word to match the given number.2. Monitor the students' progress and provide assistance when needed. Encourage peer collaboration and offer praise for their efforts.Extra Activities (15 minutes)1. Sing a counting song: Teach students a popular counting song like "Ten Little Indians" or "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe." Sing the song together as a class and encourage students to count along with the song.2. Play a game of "Guess the Number": Write a number on the board without showing it to the class. Give students clues about the number, such as "It is an odd number" or "It is bigger than 5." Students raise their hands and try to guess the number. The student who guesses correctly gets a chance to give clues for the next round.1. Review the numbers 1-10 with a quick quiz or a group discussion. Ask questions like "What is the number after 4?" or "What is double the number 6?". Give positive feedback and acknowledge students' progress throughout the lesson.Note: Adjust the lesson duration and activities as needed based on the students' abilities and attention span. Provide extra support for struggling learners and challenge more advanced students with additional activities or higher-level questions.。

英语数字1到10教学教案Title: Teaching English Numbers from 1 to 10Level: BeginnerObjective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and say numbers from 1 to 10 in English.Materials:- Flashcards with numbers 1 to 10- Whiteboard and markers- Worksheets with number exercisesWarm-up (10 minutes):1. Greet students and elicit their names using numbers. For example, ask the first student "What is your name?" and when they answer, say "Hello, [student's name], you are number one!" Repeat with other students using different numbers.Introduction (10 minutes):1. Display the flashcards with numbers 1 to 10 on the board and introduce each number by saying the word and showing the corresponding flashcard.2. Repeat the pronunciation of each number several times and ask the students to repeat after you, emphasizing correct pronunciation. Practice (20 minutes):1. Divide the students into pairs and distribute the worksheets with number exercises.2. Instruct the students to write the corresponding number next to the picture of objects or animals displayed in each exercise. Walk around the class to provide assistance if needed.3. After completing the exercises, have the pairs check their answers together.Drilling (10 minutes):1. Stand in front of the class and hold up a flashcard. Say the number out loud and ask the students to repeat after you.2. Continue the drilling exercise with different flashcards, gradually increasing the speed of presentation.3. To make this activity more interactive, randomly point to a student and ask them to say the number represented by the flashcard.Review (10 minutes):1. Write the numbers from 1 to 10 on the whiteboard randomly and mix them up.2. Ask students to come to the board individually and circle the correct number when you say it out loud.3. Vary the challenge by saying the number as a word or showing a flashcard and asking students to write the corresponding number next to it.Wrap-up (10 minutes):1. Play a game of "Number Race" where you divide the class into two teams.2. One member from each team comes to the board and you call out a number.3. The students race to write the corresponding number on the board correctly.4. The team with the fastest correct answer earns a point.5. Repeat the process with different members from each team untilall students have had a chance to participate.6. Declare the winning team and congratulate them. Homework:1. Assign a worksheet with numbers 1 to 10 for the students to complete at home.2. Encourage them to practice saying the numbers out loud. Note: Adapt the timing and activities as necessary based on the class level and student progress.。



英语1到10数字英语本上正确书写范文Numbers 1 to 10 are the building blocks of mathematics and language. They are essential for counting, measuring, and communicating about quantities. In this essay, we will explore how these numbers are correctly written in English.The number 1 is spelled as "one." This is the simplest number, representing a single unit. It is often used to emphasize uniqueness or exclusivity. For example, "I am the one who will make a difference."The number 2 is spelled as "two." This number represents a pair or a couple of items. It is commonly used in everyday language to refer to a small quantity. For instance, "I have two apples in my bag."The number 3 is spelled as "three." It signifies a small group or set of three items. It is often associated with balance, harmony, and completeness. For example, "The trilogy consists of three books."The number 4 is spelled as "four." It is used to denote a medium-sized quantity. It is also related to stability, structure, and organization. For instance, "There are four seasons in a year."that is frequently used in everyday conversations. It signifies halfway or halfway point. For example, "I'll be there in five minutes."The number 6 is spelled as "six." It is related to balance, harmony, and cooperation. It is often used in reference to a group of six people or objects. For instance, "There are six members in the band."The number 7 is spelled as "seven." It is considered a lucky number in many cultures. It is associated with mystery, magic, and spiritual awakening. For example, "The seven wonders of the world are an incredible feat of human achievement."The number 8 is spelled as "eight." It is a symmetrical number that represents infinity and eternity. It is often used to symbolize abundance and prosperity. For instance, "The lucky number eight is believed to bring good fortune."The number 9 is spelled as "nine." It is considered a sacred number in many religions and spiritual traditions. It signifies completion, fulfillment, and wholeness. For example, "The Nine Noble Virtues are principles of ethics and honor."that marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It is often used to represent perfection, order, and unity. For example, "The top ten list features the best movies of the year."In conclusion, numbers 1 to 10 are fundamental to our understanding of mathematics and language. They are essential for counting, measuring, and communicating about quantities. By correctly writing these numbers in English, we can effectively convey information and ideas. Let us continue to appreciate the significance of these numbers in our daily lives.。

1到10英语的读法,英语数字1第1~第10:first、second、third、fourth、fifth、sixth、seventh、eighth、ninth、tenth英语数字一到十的读法请看下方具体内容:1、数字一:单词:one,音标:英[wʌn]2、数字二:单词:two,音标:英 [tu:]3、数字三:单词:three,音标:英[θri:]4、数字四:单词:four,音标:英 [fɔ:(r)]5、数字五:单词:five,音标:英 [faɪv]6、数字六:单词:six,音标英:[sɪks]7、数字七:单词:seven,音标英:[ˈsevn]8、数字八:单词:eight,音标英:[eɪt]9、数字九:单词:nine,音标英:[naɪn]10、数字十:单词:ten,音标英:[ten]英语数字一到十的读法请看下方具体内容:1、数字一:单词:one,音标:英[wʌn]2、数字二:单词:two,音标:英 [tu:]3、数字三:单词:three,音标:英[θri:]4、数字四:单词:four,音标:英 [fɔ:(r)]5、数字五:单词:five,音标:英 [faɪv]6、数字六:单词:six,音标英:[sɪks]7、数字七:单词:seven,音标英:[ˈsevn]8、数字八:单词:eight,音标英:[eɪt]9、数字九:单词:nine,音标英:[naɪn]10、数字十:单词:ten,音标英:[ten]扩展资料:基础词的用法:1、基数词的复数形式表示非常多的数目:在这样的情况下,表示单位的基数词(hundred, thousand, million, billion)不可以在词尾加-s。

英语1到10数字英语本上正确书写范文Title: Writing Numbers 1-10 Correctly in EnglishWriting numbers correctly is essential for clear communication in English. In this guide, we will focus on how to write numbers 1 to 10 correctly in English.1. OneWhen writing the number 1 in English, it is spelled as "one." It is used to represent a single unit or quantity.2. TwoThe number 2 is spelled as "two" in English. It represents the quantity or amount of two items.3. ThreeThree is how the number 3 is spelled in English. It is used to indicate a quantity of three items.4. FourThe correct spelling for the number 4 in English is "four." It represents a quantity of four items.5. FiveThe number 5 is spelled as "five" in English. It is used to represent a quantity of five items.6. SixTo write the number 6 correctly in English, it is spelled as "six." It represents a quantity of six items.7. SevenSeven is how the number 7 is spelled in English. It represents a quantity of seven items.8. EightThe correct spelling for the number 8 in English is "eight." It is used to indicate a quantity of eight items.9. NineThe number 9 is spelled as "nine" in English. It represents a quantity of nine items.10. TenTo write the number 10 correctly in English, it is spelled as "ten." It represents a quantity of ten items.In conclusion, writing numbers 1 to 10 correctly in English is essential for clear communication. By following this guide, youcan ensure that you are using the correct spelling for each number. Practice writing these numbers regularly to improve your English writing skills.。

1至10的英语单词歌Sure! Here's a song that includes English words for numbers 1 to 10:(Verse 1)。
One, two, buckle my shoe,。
Three, four, knock at the door,。
Five, six, pick up sticks,。
Seven, eight, lay them straight,。
Nine, ten, a big fat hen.(Chorus)。
Counting numbers, one to ten,。
From the start until the end,。
Numbers are our special friends. (Verse 2)。
One, two, tie my shoe,。
Three, four, shut the door,。
Five, six, play with sticks,。
Seven, eight, don't be late,。
Nine, ten, count again.(Chorus)。
Counting numbers, one to ten,。
From the start until the end,。
Numbers are our special friends.(Bridge)。
Let's count together, hand in hand,。
Learning numbers, it's so grand,。
With each digit, we understand,。
Mathematics, we command.(Chorus)。
Counting numbers, one to ten,。
Learning English, again and again,。
From the start until the end,。