



表的 《 知 识 发 展 报 告 》中 明 确 提 出 , 在 全 球 知 识 爆 炸
的今 天 , 各 国应 缩 小 知 识 差 距 , 否 则 穷 国 将 被 更 远 地 抛 在 后 头 。人 力 资 本 理 论 的 兴 起 , 也 大 大刺 激 了许
多 国家 特别是 发 展 中国家 的教育 投 资和发 展 。根据
高 等教 育 系统 的 多元 化
以 美 国加 州 高等 教 育 系统 为 例
吕 杰 ,杜 瑞 军 2
( 1 . 中央财经大学 会计学 院 , 北京 1 0 0 0 8 1 ; 2 . 北京师范大学 高教所 , 北京 1 0 0 8 7 5 )
摘要 : 文章 分析 了自高等教育进入 大众化阶段之 后 , 知识 经济 、 社会 发展 等促进 了高等教 育 系统 多元化 的发 展 变化 , 并 以
人 力资 本理 论 , 教育 不是 消费性 事业 , 对生 产来 说也 是 一种 投 资 , 也 是一种 资 本 , 而 且人 力资本 增 长速度 比一 般 物 质 资 本 增 长 快 , 人 力 资本 的增 长 是 现代 经 济 的最鲜 明 的特 点 。根 据他 们 的推 算 , 初 级 教 育 收 益率 为 3 5 % ; 中级 教 育 收 益 率 为 1 0 %, 高 等 教 育 的 收益 率 为 1 l % , 教育 的平 均收 益率 为 1 7 . 3 % 。据 此 推算 , 国民总收入增长 部分 中的 3 3 % 是 得 益 于 教
美 国加 州 高等 教 育 系统 为例 对 高等 教 育 系统 多元 化 的发 展 做 了梳 理 与 分 析 。
关键词 : 高等教育 系统 ; 多元化 ; 美国加 州高等教育 系统
中 图分 类 号 : G 6 4 9 文献 标 志 码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 3— 2 6 1 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 6— 0 0 7 2— 0 4



美国教育史学家喀 布莱也 曾说过 : 联邦政 府给 予
教育的多种补助中 , 似乎没有别的补助像拔地兴建农工 学
收稿日期 : 2004- 03- 10 基金项目 : 南通 十五 教育科学规划课题 ( 编号 : KC01165) 作者简介 : 刘建芳 ( 1959- ) , 女 , 南通师范学院法政经管系副教授 主要从事美国教育史研究。
美国师范教育中还特别重视在职教师的培 训 , 教师在普 通 教育、 主教科目知识与专业科目知识和理论方面都需要 不 断加强与更新 , 提高教学水平。
三、 高等教育管理的多元化
美国属于高度民主、 多 元系统、 多 种权 力中心 并存 的 国家。美国高等教育 , 除了 在纵向 层次 , 横 向所属 上表 现 其多样化的特征之外 , 在管理方面也充分表现出多元化 的 特征。主要在 于一 是 , 在联 邦 政府 部门 没 有设 高等 教 育 部 , 高等教育事务由州政府及地方政府分散管理。州一 级 政府予以主要的宏 观管理 , 宏观 控制少 , 分 权管理 的特 征 非常明显 , 这一点 私立学 院更 加突出 。私立 院校 完全 由 自己的董事会负责 , 经费收入主要来自学生的学费和其 它 费用、 个人或机构的捐资、 捐物 , 以及契约性服务。从而 也
一、 多样化 、 多层次的办学体制
1 殖民地时期建立的 大学和学 院 : 美国独 立之前 , 整 个殖民时代 的 高等 教育 完全 是宗 主国 英 国教 育的 移 植。 以 1636 年哈佛学院 的建立为代表的九所 私立大学 和学院 都沿袭的是英国大学和学院的组织管理模式 , 学校 完全是 私立的 , 主要控制在教会手中 , 在培养目标上 , 主要 是培养 不同宗教教派的教士。但随着宗教派别的日趋多样化 , 商 业经济的发展 , 大学和学院也为世俗社会培养政治 和经济 发展所需的官员和专业人员。 2 州立大学和学院 : 独立后 的美国 , 在 殖民地时 期私 立大学和学院的发展基础上 , 创立公立的 国家大学 。开 国元勋华盛顿曾说过 要把筹办普遍传播知识的组 织机构 当作头等重要的目标 。到南北战争 开始前 , 全国 27 个州 已有 25 个州有了州立大学。州立大学 坚持面向现 实贯彻 学以致用的办学方针 , 使高等教育走向世俗化 。杰 佛逊在 1818 年确定佛 吉尼 亚大 学校 址、 课程 计划 和 政策 的报 告 中 , 提出高等教育的目标是 : 造就国家繁荣和个人 幸福是 依赖政治家、 立法家、 法官 发展 我们 青年人 的推 理能



美国教育体系利弊英文作文英文:As a student who has experienced both the Chinese and American education systems, I can confidently say that both systems have their own advantages and disadvantages.The American education system is known for itsflexibility and emphasis on critical thinking. In the United States, students have the freedom to choose their own courses and design their own academic path. This allows for a more personalized and diverse learning experience. Additionally, American schools place a strong emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Teachers encourage students to think independently and creatively, which helps to foster a sense of innovation and adaptability.On the other hand, the American education system also has its drawbacks. One of the biggest issues is the cost ofeducation. Higher education in the United States is notoriously expensive, and many students graduate with crippling student loan debt. This financial burden canlimit opportunities and create stress for students. Furthermore, the emphasis on standardized testing andgrades can lead to a competitive and high-pressure environment, which may not be conducive to a healthylearning experience for all students.中文:作为一个既经历过中国教育体系又经历过美国教育体系的学生,我可以自信地说,两种体系都有各自的优点和缺点。

美国的教育 英语作文

美国的教育 英语作文






















高 教 探 索
20 0 9年第 6期
Hi h r Edu a i n pl r to g e c to Ex o a i n
即使有这样必然性基础的存在 ,美国高校学生的多
样性 发展还 是经历 了一个 曲折 的过程 。

高等教育多样性是美国高等教育的重要特征之 也是美 国人引以为豪 的高等教育的一大特色。
16 年美 国内战结束后 .从法律上获得了解放 85
的 黑人 在社 会 地位 和 教育 机 会等 方 面并 没有 取 得 与
美 国这样 一 个种 族歧 视 根 深 蒂 固的 国家 ,没 有 、也
资金来源多样性等等 。学生多样性是高等教育多样 性 的主要 表 现之 一 。学 生 的多 样性 主要 体 现 在学 生 种族 、性别 、年龄 、社会 背景 等方 面 的多样 性 。本
文基 于学 生 多样 性 的视 角 ,对 美 国高 等教 育 发展 代
( )招 生 中实行 “ 一 配额 制 ” ,影 响 了美 国 高等 教 育 的平 等和公 正
为改善这一状况 ,最终消除就业和教育 等领域 的种族 和性别 歧视 , 16 95年 9月 2 4日,林 登 ・ 约翰 逊总统签署了著名 的第 126 4 号行政命令[ 1 4 1 ,即肯定 性 行动计 划 (fr t eA tnPorm ( 有人 译 Afmai ci rga ) 也 i v o 作 《 平等权力法案》 《 、 反歧视法案》 。它主要以配 ) 额制和校车制的形式分别在就业和教育领域得以实



The role of multiculturalism in social developmentIntroductionNowadays multiculturalism plays a more significant part in the development of society as the trend of globalization, therefore our group made a research about the role of multiculturalism in social development.Under this background, we gathered some reference materials from Xinhua a b stract and Chinese spring and autumn.Research ObjectivesWe were supposed to inquire into the function of the multiculturalism in social development from undergraduates’ views through the investigation so that we can justify our topic.Data CollectionAs a thesis, I think, it ought to have a data that we can make a complete analysis. So our group took great pains to do this research through the internet, books and a questionnaire survey which we designed eight refined questions. Finally, we had an interview to some students being rich in knowledge for the sake of fulfilling a penetrative thesis.FindingsI took into consideration all aspects of the problems and then thought out the importance of multiculturalism. From the result of the questionnaire survey, I found out that forty five percent of people held the view that multiculturalism prompts the cooperation among countries as twenty five of them thought otherwise. When it comes to the flourishing industry of film in USA, the majority of people took second look at the matter from a wider standpoint so that they considered multiculturalism as the most important factor .From ninety percent of people’s view ,absorbing advanced culture makes a immense contribution to Chinese policy of reform and opening-up .As for what has caused the economy of USA developing so fast, people mostly regarded drawing on the experience of advanced culture as the most important factor .According to the majority of people ,it came to an agreement that the conflicts of different cultures caused the Middle East War as well as the divergence of cultures was the cause to Soviet Union’s breakup .From most people’s point of view ,multiculturalism plays a important role in social development.DiscussionThrough the data our group collected, There is no doubt that multiculturalism has a considerable influence to social economy, politics, military affairs and so on. From the question one we can see, only 45% people chose A, which proves that multiculturalism doesn’t plant into the heart of people. A number of people have not been aware of the large influence of multiculturalism in social development. In addition, some people also considered that multiculturalism can enhance the cultural quality of demos who have a profound thought. What's more, a few people deemed that it is important that multiculturalism should be propitious to promote a harmonious society. At the same time, many people were firmlyconvinced that science and technology must be improved by multiculturalism. Believe it or not, I'm sure that our country will achieve a complete reform and opening-up through accepting multiculturalism.ConclusionOn all accounts, multiculturalism was advantageous to give impetus to the progress of society throughout history, it could expedite the metabolism (新陈代谢)of society as well. Looking forward to the future, I believe that everything will be nice. So it is high time that we should spare no efforts to take in multiculturalism and to be a man being seized of the quality of multiculturalism.541 words in all References1.Yao jie hou (2007). Xinhua a b stract. The Trans-Culture contact and the world civilization progress together, 23, 113-115.2.Dan Zeng (2007).Xinhua abstract, Culture and culture of the productive forces, 17, 108-112.3.Du Guang(2010). Chinese spring and autumn. The goal of China's reform, 8, 8-14.。



本科毕业论文美国高等教育的多元化学生姓名:学生学号: 200320207149院(系):外国语学院年级专业: 2003级英语本科5班指导教师:二〇〇七年五月摘要美国高等教育的多元化闻名于世,这种多元化的现象表现在许多方面,如:高等教育体系多元化;管理多元化;招生标准多元化;学生群体多元化;学位结构多元化;课堂教学多元化;实践教学活动多元化;资金来源多元化;服务职能多元化。


关键词多元化,社会文化,高等教育AbstractThe multiplicity of American higher education is well-known at home and abroad. This thesis mainly concerns about the multiplicity of American higher education. The multiplicity can be noted in American higher education system, such as the management of American colleges, the standard of students enrolment, the groups of students, the degrees in American colleges, the classroom activities, the teaching practice, the financial sources, and the functions of service. The cultural background for the multiplicity of American higher education will be analyzed. The permissiveness of American society is the soil to produce the multiplicity of American higher education. The superiority of American higher education is embodied in it’s multiplicity and the American higher education is based on its cultural background. The multiplicity vitalizes American higher education, from which we can learn how to develop the multiplicity of higher education with Chinese characteristics under market economy.Key WordsMultiplicity; social culture; higher education目录摘要 (Ⅰ)Abstract (Ⅱ)绪论 (1)一、美国高等教育的多元化 (2)(一)高等教育体系多元化 (2)(二)管理多元化 (3)1、权力分散管理 (3)2、自由与自治程度高 (3)(三)招生标准多元化 (4)(四)学生群体多元化 (4)(五)学位结构多元化 (4)(六)课堂教学多元化 (5)(七)实践教学多元化 (5)(八)资金来源多元化 (5)(九)服务职能多元化 (5)二、美国社会的宽容文化 (6)(一)善于学习、借鉴和创新的美国 (6)(二)多元文化兼收并蓄 (7)(三)宽容文化的产生 (7)(四)宽容文化的隐患 (9)(五)宽容文化与美国高等教育之间的关系 (9)结论 (10)参考文献 (12)致谢 (13)绪论知识的爆炸和激增正在重新塑造我们这个星球,世界上的大学和学院对知识的增长起着很大的促进作用。



美国高等教育现状英语作文The United States has long been regarded as a global leader in higher education, attracting students from around the world with its prestigious universities and diverse educational opportunities. However, the current state of American higher education is facing a number of challenges that threaten to undermine its position of dominance. From rising costs and student debt to concerns about the relevance and quality of the education being provided, the higher education system in the US is at a critical juncture.One of the most significant issues facing American higher education is the rapidly increasing cost of tuition and fees. Over the past few decades, the cost of attending a four-year public university has more than doubled, while the cost of a private four-year institution has increased by an even greater margin. This has led to a significant rise in student debt, with the average undergraduate leaving college with over $30,000 in loans. This debt burden not only places a significant financial strain on students and their families, but it also has far-reaching consequences for the economy as a whole, as graduates are often forced to delay major life decisions such as buying a home orstarting a family.In addition to the rising costs, there are also concerns about the value and relevance of the education being provided by many American universities. Critics argue that too many students are graduating with degrees that do not translate into meaningful employment opportunities, leading to a disconnect between the skills and knowledge acquired in college and the needs of the modern workforce. This has led to a growing skepticism about the value of a college education, with some questioning whether the significant investment of time and money is truly worth it.Another challenge facing American higher education is the issue of access and equity. While the US has a diverse system of higher education, with a wide range of institutions catering to different student populations, there are significant disparities in terms of who is able to access and succeed in these institutions. Students from low-income backgrounds, racial and ethnic minorities, and first-generation college students often face significant barriers to entry and completion, with lower graduation rates and higher levels of student debt.This lack of equity in higher education has far-reaching consequences for the country as a whole, as it perpetuates social and economic inequalities and limits the pool of talented individuals whoare able to contribute to the nation's prosperity. Addressing these issues of access and equity will require a concerted effort from policymakers, educational institutions, and the broader community to ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed.Despite these challenges, there are also many bright spots and areas of innovation within the American higher education system. Many universities are experimenting with new teaching methods and curricular approaches that aim to better prepare students for the demands of the 21st-century workforce. Additionally, there is a growing focus on the importance of experiential learning, with more institutions offering internships, co-op programs, and other hands-on learning opportunities.Furthermore, the rise of online and distance learning has opened up new avenues for education, making it more accessible to students who may not have the ability to attend a traditional brick-and-mortar institution. This has the potential to democratize higher education and provide more individuals with the opportunity to pursue a college degree.In conclusion, the current state of American higher education is a complex and multifaceted issue, with both significant challenges and areas of promise. While the rising costs, concerns about relevance and quality, and issues of access and equity present significanthurdles, there are also many innovative efforts underway to address these problems and ensure that the US higher education system remains a global leader. Ultimately, the success of American higher education will depend on the ability of policymakers, educational institutions, and the broader community to work together to address these pressing issues and ensure that the promise of a college education remains within reach for all.。



















American Higher EducationKey words: higher education campus lifeSummary: education plays an important role in country’s development and has been drawn more attention. Aiming at American higher education, I make a brief introduction. Something about the education system of American higher education, reflecting on its characteristics, and more about the campus life.Education plays an important role in the development of a country and has been a sign of comprehensive strength. Due to the differences of political, economic, culture and other aspects, every country’s education system has its own characteristics, which can be more easily reflected by higher education. The following is a brief description of the American higher education.Americans attach great importance to education. Now there are about 3,300 high schools and 12 million students of the United States. Some schools are public and others are private. The difference is the manner in which the schools are supported and controlled. Public schools are supported by taxes and in charge of local government. They are not influenced by religion. Students in different religions can stay in one classroom and study, so there is no discrimination. Private schools are not in charge of government. It is independently funded, connecting with religious groups, and most of them are in charge of the Roman Catholic Church.Students can get higher education in college or university. College refers to the school where high school graduates can be admitted and learn knowledge. Compared to university, college is smaller in scale and not so professional. But in some certain aspects, college is also good. While university is relatively large in scale and is more comprehensive and complex. Usually, a university has several colleges, where students can learn some professional knowledge or skills. In general, a university is made up of science and engineering college and liberal arts college. Both of them have some branches, such as building, machine, information technology, language, economy and so on. After a student choosing his major, he will be a student of onecollege to learn professional knowledge. In universities, students not only take the necessary courses, but also to do some research in the field they major in. There are some famous universities, such as Harvard, Y ale, and Stanford University. With better facilities, more research, more teachers, and more branches of subjects, the famous universities develop more talents and make much progress in science and technology.In America, there is community college, two-year college, state college, institute of technology and so on. In a four-year university, there are four grades: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. In the first two years, students are taught basic courses, such as English, science, foreign, languages and social science. And later, they will learn something about their major and do some practice or research.What’s the American campus life like?Classroom Atmosphere. Every teacher has his own teaching style and the style is not fixed. Generally speaking, the classroom atmosphere is relax and active. Students are encouraged to talk, express their opinions, and do some actions to show their ideas. In the class, students are more creative and cooperative with students and teachers. Their interests and passion about one problem or question can be greatly improved. American higher education also carries out credit system. Students can decide when and which subject to learn, only to follow the flowchart of your major. When starting school in the first year, students receive a flowchart,something about the courses they must take and the lowest score they have to earn. But every term a student must get determinate score. Thus in one class students maybe from different majors and different grades. Also the classroom is not fixed. Sometimes there are 100 students in a class, which is crowed.Sometimes teachers may not rely on the textbook and they are student-centered. They care more about the creativity development and independent thinking of students. Such teaching style and classroom atmosphere is helpful for improving the ability and personal skills. Students are not required to memorize, listen, or write, they can acquire knowledge solidly. Meanwhile, they will be impressed by the way to solve the problem and the way of thinking.The Accommodation. In most universities, students can choose to live oncampus or live off campus. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Live on campus is convenient and fast to go to the classroom or library. Y ou can meet with students and communicate with each other more easily. Second, talking about the problems of study and life is a good way to develop friendship. Third, living on campus can be relatively cheap, so you can save money and time. But the space of the dormitory is limited, so you may feel not free.Live off campus. Y ou can choose to live with a family, but you have to do something yourself. In fact, it is a good way to practice yourself to be independent. Y ou can learn something about the local customs from the family and improve your ability to communicate with others. Obviously, it takes more time to go to school and clean house, so you should do things quickly and efficiently. Personally I think living off campus may be good for us, especially for a international student. Y ou can not only practice your speaking English, but also have a better understanding of the local culture.The library. Every university has its own library. It can be the best place to study and read some books you interested in. Usually, the library has a large collection of different kinds of books. In addition, many courses require students to read books and look up magazines or though the Internet to get the information they need. There is online library with all the information about the books. With the help of computers, it is much faster and convenient to find materials and books. Sometimes, students don’t have to go to the library, just through the online research, they can ge t the information, search the book they want to borrow and check the deadline of the books they have borrowed. Library has been a good place to study and research for the environment is quiet and comfortable.Homework. College students also have homework. The amounts and kind vary with the subject and teacher. After some chapters of lessons, students will receive homework to practice and solidify the knowledge. In some class, they are asked to do some activities, such as role play, finding resources or discussion. There is no fixed pattern. Meanwhile, the way teachers to check their homework may be through the Internet, in class, or do some program.Extracurricular activities. There are all kinds of extracurricular activities about college students. Sports activities are not only good for students’ health, but also improve friendship with each other. For example, football match is a common activity, which can enhance teamwork spirit. There are many clubs in universities aiming at developing student’s interes t and enrich their life. Other literature and art organization also attracted many students. It is not required to reach high level, but can adjust the atmosphere, let the students relax and have a good time during their leisure time. There is student union in college school. Student who are interested in and have the ability can have a try to do a job. In fact, it is a good way to improve one’s ability. Other social public welfare activities, such as helping the old and unable, blood donation, and other fo rms of activities is to improve students’ conscious of helping the person in need and doing what we can do to protect the world. On weekends, party is a choice for many students. It can take place in dormitory, off campus or other places to enjoy a happy time. The party maybe not formal, but the atmosphere is very high. As we all know, the tuition of American higher school is very high, some students choose to find a job in their part time to earn money for the expense.After the four-year study, students can get the Bachelor Degree. Off all the higher school graduates, many choose to continue studying for master and doctor degree. In order to be admitted by a good university, students must work hard and hard, because there are many students want to apply for the famous university. Some choose to find a job. It is not easy to find a suitable job. They have to do much practice and take part in many activities in school and in the part time to improve themselves. No matter working or studying, graduates will be faced with great challenge.For many students, university is the place where they improve their independence and ability, preparing for the social life. As people say, university is a small society, you will learn to deal with problems you may meet in the future. A wide variety of knowledge are available and students can also enjoy the campus life. To some extent, university is a window through which students can know more about the life and broaden their view of the world.Reference:美国文化与社会American culture and society 王恩铭编上海外语教育出版社2009.7英语国家社会与文化Exploring-English-speaking Countries梅仁毅主编外语教学与研究出版社2010.8美国文化教程胡敏编世界知识出版社2000.8美国大学校园英语与文化American Campus English and Culture 赵勇鄢波编清华大学出版社2005.9美国社会与文化吴斐编武汉大学出版社2003。














美育发展多元化人才作文英文回答:The cultivation of diversified talents in aesthetic education is of great significance to the comprehensive development of individuals and the prosperity of national culture. A multifaceted approach to aesthetic education nurtures critical thinking, creativity, cultural appreciation, and problem-solving skills, preparing individuals to navigate the complexities of the modern world.Ensuring equal access to aesthetic education opportunities is crucial to fostering inclusivity and empowering individuals from all backgrounds. By providing diverse platforms for artistic expression and engagement,we can break down barriers, promote self-expression, and cultivate a sense of belonging among all members of society.Incorporating a variety of artistic disciplines intothe educational curriculum enriches learning experiencesand caters to the diverse interests and talents of students. It allows them to explore different forms of art, identify their passions, and develop their artistic capabilities.Furthermore, integrating aesthetic education into other subject areas can foster interdisciplinary connections and enhance critical thinking. Art can serve as a powerful tool for understanding history, literature, science, and other fields, fostering a more holistic and nuanced understanding of the world.Collaboration between schools, arts organizations, and cultural institutions can create a vibrant ecosystem for aesthetic education. This collaboration provides students with opportunities to engage with professional artists, attend performances, and participate in hands-on workshops.By recognizing and valuing diverse artistic traditions and cultural perspectives, aesthetic education contributesto the preservation and celebration of cultural heritage.It fosters an appreciation for the richness and diversityof human expression and promotes mutual respect and understanding among cultures.In summary, the cultivation of diversified talents in aesthetic education empowers individuals with essential skills, fosters inclusivity, enriches learning experiences, promotes interdisciplinary thinking, strengthens community partnerships, and preserves cultural heritage. Investing in aesthetic education is an investment in the future of our society, ensuring that all individuals have the opportunity to develop their artistic potential and contribute to a vibrant and culturally rich world.中文回答:美育多元化人才的培养对于个人的全面发展和国家文化的繁荣有着重大的意义。



中美高等教育差异英语作文As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinionsor feelings. However, I can provide some information and differences between higher education in China and theUnited States.In terms of education system, the American higher education system is more flexible and diverse compared to the Chinese system. American students have more freedom to choose their courses and majors, as well as the opportunity to switch majors or universities. The Chinese system, onthe other hand, is more structured and rigid, with students following a set curriculum and taking exams to advance to the next level.In terms of teaching methods, the American system emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and active participation in the classroom. Professors encourage students to speak up and share their opinions, and group discussions and projects are common. In contrast, the Chinese system is more focused on lectures and memorization, with less emphasis on independent thinking and classroom participation.Another major difference is the cost of education. In the United States, higher education can be very expensive, with tuition fees and living expenses adding up to tens of thousands of dollars per year. In China, tuition is relatively low, but competition for admission to top universities can be fierce, leading to a high-pressure academic environment.Overall, both systems have their strengths and weaknesses, and it ultimately depends on the individual student's goals and preferences.。



关于美国多元文化的英语作文The United States is a tapestry woven from the threads of countless cultures. Each thread represents a unique heritage, adding to the vibrant pattern of American society.The diversity in America is not just a collection of different ethnicities; it's a celebration of varied traditions, languages, and cuisines. From the rich flavors of Mexican tacos to the aromatic spices of Indian curries, the culinary landscape is a testament to this cultural mosaic.Education plays a pivotal role in embracing and understanding the multicultural fabric of the nation. Schools are where children from all backgrounds come together, learning not only from books but from each other, fostering a sense of unity in diversity.The arts are a vibrant expression of America's multiculturalism. From the rhythmic beats of African drums to the melodic tunes of Irish fiddles, music transcends language barriers, connecting people through the universal language of rhythm and melody.The workplace is another melting pot where the American dream is shared and pursued by people of all backgrounds. The exchange of ideas and collaboration in professional settings is a powerful demonstration of how diversity can drive innovation and success.In the realm of sports, the American spirit of competition and teamwork is reflected in the diversity of its athletes. From the NBA to the NFL, players from various ethnic backgrounds come together to represent their teams and the nation.The political landscape of America is also a reflection of its multiculturalism. The representation of diverse voices in government ensures that the needs and perspectives of all communities are considered in the decision-making process.Despite the challenges that come with cultural differences, the American spirit is one of inclusivity and acceptance. It is this spirit that allows the nation tothrive as a beacon of hope and opportunity for people fromall walks of life.In conclusion, the multiculturalism of the United States is its greatest strength. It is the foundation upon which the nation stands, a symbol of unity in diversity that enriches the lives of its citizens and shapes its global identity.。





Higher Education in America There is evidence that even incomplete university study gives a person better career prospects than none at all. So, it is accepted that the benefits of a university career are useful. All this effort in America’s higher education is very expensive. Some of the costs come from fees and benefactions, particularly towards research, but most have to be paid from public funds. Parents favor big expenditures on higher education; a wider public opinion favors them for idealistic and cultural reasons, and because of the supposed value of education as an investment by society. The first universities were developed by private charitable organizations. The private universities are still very important, and most of the best-known institutions, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton, are private. Most of the principal state universities have between 10, 000 and 30, 000 students, and some have increased rapidly in the past few years. Private universities and colleges are generally smaller, and although they are more numerous than public institutions they have a smaller total number of students than those in public institutions. The private colleges vary very much in standards and reputation, from the world-famous and select to the cranky and the obscure①. The best known of all is Harvard. There are also many junior colleges to which students may be admitted at the end of their high school career, providing only the first two years of university work. For the most part Americans think that there’s some advantage in attending one of the better-known private institutions, in spite of the higher cost, rather than a state university. However, testate universities are becoming increasingly important, and some of them, particularly in the Midwest have a reputation practically equal to that of the private ones. Almost every state by now has several university institutions directly under the authority of the state government. [308 words] ⾏⽂点评 ⽂章开篇就指出接受教育总是颇有好处的,为后⽂作了⼀个很好的铺垫。



教育多样化的英语作文Diversification of Education。

Education is the foundation of a nation's development. In recent years, the concept of diversification of education has gradually emerged, which means that education should not only focus on academic knowledge, but also on the cultivation of students' comprehensive abilities, including practical skills, creativity, and social responsibility. This essay will discuss the importance of diversification of education and the ways to achieve it.Firstly, diversification of education is essential for students' personal development. In traditional education, students are often required to memorize knowledge and take exams, which may limit their creativity and practical ability. However, through diversified education, students can learn a variety of skills that are not only useful in their future careers but also beneficial for their personal growth. For example, they can learn how to communicateeffectively, how to solve problems, and how to work in a team.Secondly, diversification of education can help to promote social equality. In the past, education was often limited to a small group of people who had access to resources and opportunities. However, with the development of diversified education, more people can have the chance to acquire knowledge and skills, regardless of their backgrounds. This can help to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor and promote social harmony.Thirdly, diversification of education can better meet the needs of the society. With the rapid development of technology and economy, the demand for talent is changing. Therefore, the education system needs to adjust accordingly and provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge for the future. For example, students can learn about artificial intelligence, big data, and other emerging technologies, which can help them to adapt to the changing job market.To achieve the goal of diversification of education, there are several ways that can be taken. Firstly, schools can provide more practical courses and activities, such as internships, volunteer work, and entrepreneurship programs. This can help students to apply what they have learned in real-life situations and enhance their practical ability. Secondly, schools can encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and art. This can help to develop their creativity and social skills. Thirdly, schools can adopt a more flexible and personalized curriculum, which can cater to the different needs and interests of students.In conclusion, diversification of education is a necessary trend in the modern world. It can help to promote students' personal development, social equality, and meet the needs of the society. To achieve this goal, schoolsneed to provide more practical courses and activities, encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities, and adopt a more flexible and personalized curriculum.。







第二章:英语教育的多元化2.1 多元化的定义多元化指的是在一定范围内有多种不同的元素或特点。


2.2 多元化的挑战英语教育的多元化面临着一系列挑战。




第三章:英语教育的公平性3.1 公平性的定义公平性指的是在一定的条件下,每个人都能享有相同的机会和待遇。


3.2 公平性的挑战英语教育的公平性面临着一系列挑战。




第四章:英语教育的多元化与公平性研究现状4.1 多元化与公平性的关系多元化与公平性是相互关联的。



4.2 研究现状目前,国内外有许多关于英语教育的多元化与公平性的研究。



第五章:解决英语教育的多元化与公平性问题的措施5.1 政策支持政府应加大对英语教育的投入,确保教育资源的合理分配,提高教师的培训和素质。
























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本科毕业论文美国高等教育的多元化学生姓名:学生学号: 200320207149院(系):外国语学院年级专业: 2003级英语本科5班指导教师:二〇〇七年五月摘要美国高等教育的多元化闻名于世,这种多元化的现象表现在许多方面,如:高等教育体系多元化;管理多元化;招生标准多元化;学生群体多元化;学位结构多元化;课堂教学多元化;实践教学活动多元化;资金来源多元化;服务职能多元化。


关键词多元化,社会文化,高等教育AbstractThe multiplicity of American higher education is well-known at home and abroad. This thesis mainly concerns about the multiplicity of American higher education. The multiplicity can be noted in American higher education system, such as the management of American colleges, the standard of students enrolment, the groups of students, the degrees in American colleges, the classroom activities, the teaching practice, the financial sources, and the functions of service. The cultural background for the multiplicity of American higher education will be analyzed. The permissiveness of American society is the soil to produce the multiplicity of American higher education. The superiority of American higher education is embodied in it’s multiplicity and the American higher education is based on its cultural background. The multiplicity vitalizes American higher education, from which we can learn how to develop the multiplicity of higher education with Chinese characteristics under market economy.Key WordsMultiplicity; social culture; higher education目录摘要 (Ⅰ)Abstract (Ⅱ)绪论 (1)一、美国高等教育的多元化 (2)(一)高等教育体系多元化 (2)(二)管理多元化 (3)1、权力分散管理 (3)2、自由与自治程度高 (3)(三)招生标准多元化 (4)(四)学生群体多元化 (4)(五)学位结构多元化 (4)(六)课堂教学多元化 (5)(七)实践教学多元化 (5)(八)资金来源多元化 (5)(九)服务职能多元化 (5)二、美国社会的宽容文化 (6)(一)善于学习、借鉴和创新的美国 (6)(二)多元文化兼收并蓄 (7)(三)宽容文化的产生 (7)(四)宽容文化的隐患 (9)(五)宽容文化与美国高等教育之间的关系 (9)结论 (10)参考文献 (12)致谢 (13)绪论知识的爆炸和激增正在重新塑造我们这个星球,世界上的大学和学院对知识的增长起着很大的促进作用。








美国哈佛大学校长博克(Derek Bok)在《美国高等教育》一书中对高等教育的目标进行了阐述,其中第三条是“至少掌握一门外语,理解不同文化和不同价值,具有宽容性格”。

被誉为“当代美国高等教育改革设计师”的克拉克(Clark Kerr)提出“多元化巨型大学”来形容当时美国一些大型大学。





”(Clark,79) 他的比喻说,纽曼心目中的大学只是一个居住僧侣的“村庄”,弗莱克斯纳的大学只是一个“城镇”,而当代的大学则是一个变化无穷的“城市”。

































