被喻为“世界上最动听的歌曲”—— 拯救世界(Heal the world) (非常适合英语初学者学唱)
拯救世界1991年收录在dangerous( Michael Jackson演唱歌曲)专辑中.是为 了全世界的儿童成立了一个儿童基金会, michael为这些孩子写了这首动听的歌。 2003年Michael获得诺贝尔和平奖提名,这 是他继1998年后第2次获得该奖项的提名, 以奖励他孜孜不倦的慈善事业和通过音乐 的方式促进世界和平所取得的成就。被喻 为“世界上最动听的歌曲”。
迈克尔·杰克逊( Michael Jackson,1958年8月 29日-2009年6月25日),出生 于美国印第安纳州加里市,美 国歌手、词曲创作人、舞蹈家 、表演家、慈善家、音乐家、 人道主义者、和平主义者、慈 善机个地方, 我知道那里充满了爱。 这个地方会比明天更灿烂。 如果你真的努力过, 你会发觉不必哭泣。 在这个地方, 你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。
到那个地方的方法很多, 如果你真心关怀生者, 营造一些空间。 创造一个更美好的地方... 拯救这世界, 让它变得更好, 为你、为我,为了全人类。
谢谢 !
三 个 法 五 幅 文 人 画 有 5 个 特 和 屈 辱 感 他 前 往 瑞 典 发 送 的 发 送 到 法 国 俄 国 个 儿 而 后 七 日 后 教 屠 夫 汉 文 条 件 虽 然 公 司 的 营 业 日 的 分 公 司 问 题 与 入 口 化 工 集 团 具 体 如 何 退 还 退 伙 公 司 股 份 的 七 月 五 日 合 同
欧美金曲赏析 - 《Heal The World》
Heal The World在你心中有一片净土,我知道,那是爱之国度。
——题记欧美金曲素来听得不多,可是迈克尔·杰克逊的《Heal The World》绝对是为我私爱的一首。
Heal the world 歌词(带翻译)知识讲解
Heal the world作者: Michael Jackson作曲 : Michael Jackson---Monologue--- ---独白---Think about, um, the generations, and their,沉思往昔潮生潮灭人事更迭Say we wonna make it a better place for our children, 我们时常提及希望为孩子们缔造幸福美满的家园And our children's children 以及薪火相传的下一代So that they, they know what is a better world for them 使得他们知晓美好的世界仅为他们而生And think they can make it a better place以让他们确信自身亦能创造愈加美好的天地----------------------------------------------------- There's a place in your heart 在你内心存在一片净土And I know that it is love 我明了这片净土充满了爱And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow这片净土所散发的光芒愈发灿烂And if you really try. 倘若你真的锲而不舍地尝试You'll find there's no need to cry你会发觉不必为此哭泣In this place you'll feel 在这片净土上There's no hurt or sorrow 你感受不到灼痛与纷扰There are ways to get there 抵达这片净土的方式灿若繁星If you care enough for the living 倘使你真心关怀生者Make a little space 为彼此创造些许空间Make a better place 缔造一个愈加美好的天地Heal the world 治愈这个满目疮痍的世界Make it a better place 使其愈发美好For you and for me 为你,亦为我And the entire human race 更为全人类There are people dying 不断有人奄奄一息If you care enough for the living 倘若你由衷关心生灵Make it a better place 那就营造一个愈发美好的天地For you and for me 因你,亦因我If you want to know why 若是你知晓这一切的缘由There's love that cannot lie 皆因爱不曾欺骗Love is strong 坚不可摧的爱It only cares of joyful giving 爱皆是不求回报的付出If we try we shall see 倘若尝试分享自己的爱,我们皆会明了In this bliss we cannot feel 在爱的福祉Fear or dread 丝毫感受不到忌惮与畏惧We stop existing and start living 我们不仅只因生存,更因生活Then it feels that always 使爱长存Love's enough for us growing 爱令我们不断成长Make a better world 缔造更佳世界Make a better world 创建怡然地球Heal the world 治愈世界Make it a better place 缔造更佳世界For you and for me 为你,亦为我And the entire human race 皆为全人类There are people dying 时常有人濒临死亡If you care enough for the living 倘若你真心关怀生者Make a better place for you and for me 因你,亦因我创造一个愈发美好的天地And the dream we were conceived in 我们怀揣梦想Will reveal a joyful face 让我们描绘绽放的笑容And the world we once believed in 我们曾经信赖的地球Will shine again in grace 将重绽风采Then why do we keep strangling life 那为何我们还要自相残杀Wound this earth, crucify its soul 破坏地球,生灵涂炭Though it's plain to see 显而易见,视而不见This world is heavenly be god's glow 这世界沐浴着上帝的荣光We could fly so high 使得我们可以展翅翱翔Let our spirits never die 薪火相传,生生不息In my heart I feel you are all my brothers 在我心中你们皆是我的兄弟Create a world with no fear 创造一个无畏的地球Together we cry happy tears 我们眼眶中流淌着喜悦的泪水We see the nations turn their swords into pylowshares看到许多国家铸剑为犁We could really get there 我们迫切需要前往那片心中的净土If you cared enough for the living 倘若你由衷关心生灵Make a little space 那就营造些许空间To make a better place 创建更佳天地Heal the world 治愈地球Make it a better place 创造愈佳寰宇For you and for me 为你,亦为我And the entire human race 更为了全人类There are people dying 时常有生灵消逝If you care enough for the living 倘若你真心关怀生灵Make a better place for you and for me 因你,亦因我创造一个愈发美好的天地(反复三遍,每次升一个调)There are people dying 不断有人奄奄一息If you care enough for the living 如果你由衷关怀生命Make a better place for you and for me 为你,亦为我创造一个更佳的世界(反复两遍,每次升一个调)You and for me 只因你,我You and for me 为了你,我You and for me 只因你,我You and for me 为了你,我。
仁爱 —《Heal the World》《Tell me why》教案
《Heal the World》《Tell me why》欣赏课教案授课老师:遂城第二初级中学陆春花教学目标:1.通过学习,唤起学生爱护、关怀和帮助他人的仁爱之心,树立正确的情感态度与价值观,并重视人文关怀。
“AMANI”是和平的意思;“ NAKUPENDA NAKUPENDA WEWE”就是“我们爱你”“TUNE TAKE WE WE”是“我们需要你”的意思。
导入新课:就在Beyond乐队创作这首和平之歌的同时,迈克尔.杰克逊也在1991年为自己的同名慈善组织创作了一首充满仁爱呼唤世界和平的歌曲《Heal the World》希望通过慈善募捐,改善那些饱受战火和硝烟困扰的第三世界国家儿童的生活。
(二)观看迈克尔.杰克逊演唱《Heal the World》的视频并提问学生观看次视频的感想。
(三)再次聆听迈克尔.杰克逊演唱《Heal the World》回答以下问题。
提问:1.这首歌由几个乐段组成?(ABC三个乐段组成)2.这首歌曲表达的感情是怎样的?(表达了人们渴望爱及对世界和平的向往,希望世界充满温暖和关爱)3.聆听后你心里感受又是怎么样的?(为那些饱受战火和硝烟摧残的第三世界国家儿童生活的担忧,真诚呼唤让战争远离,让世界充满关爱与和平)(四)欣赏完这首由迈克尔.杰克逊演唱的充满温暖和关怀并被誉为世界上最动听的歌之一的《Heal the World》后让我们再一起来欣赏另一首由年仅十岁的天籁童声Declan Galbraith以清纯完美的声音演绎的充满忧郁而愤怒的呐喊与呼唤--《Tell me why》播放音乐视频提出疑问:1.视频中的演唱者他的情绪是怎么样的?( 疑惑忧郁愤怒呐喊…)2.你觉得他的演唱方式和他身后的图片是想向我表达怎样的感情?(对战争所产生的困惑与无奈,希望和平、快乐与富足)(五)再次聆听歌曲《Tell me why》回答问题提问:1.演唱者连续使用呐喊式的“Tell me why”是想表达什么?(人们对战争、贫穷、饥饿,人与自然、人与人之间冷漠关系的种种困惑,充满忧郁而愤怒的呐喊与呼唤,希望人类和平、友爱、富足的心声)2.它与《Heal the World》所表达的情感是否有相同之处?(都是充满仁爱之情,希望世界和平,人类生活美好)(六)拓展:观看图片学唱《Amani》部分乐句,用歌声唱出希望和平的心声。
2 You Are Not Alone是一首很经典的歌曲。这是美国音乐史上唯一一首一上榜就居首位的歌曲,并且在英国音乐榜上也夺得了冠军,发行于1995年。
3 1985年,迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂纳尔·里奇共同非洲饥民而义卖的唱片《天下一家》(We Are The World),震撼了亿万人的心,风靡全球。
1 被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”拯救世界(Heal the world)是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,这是一首关于儿童、地球、爱心的优秀作品。1991年Heal The World 是为了配合杰克逊自己的同名慈善组织所作,收录在专辑《dangerous》中。当时是为了全世界的儿童,成立了一个“儿童基金会”,Michael为这些孩子写了这首动听的歌。词曲都是由迈克尔·杰克逊一手包办的。歌曲一开头,便是孩子们的嬉笑声、哭声……这也许是让我们从歌曲中体会到童真的可贵和重要性。迈克尔·杰克逊唱出了发自内心的心声。若你用心去聆听,就能体会歌曲当中流露出的情感。他的声音似乎来自另一空间,纯洁而又充满童真。正是这样,他用这纯洁的歌声洗净了每颗心,挖掘了人心的善良。
4 “Beat It”是迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)最具标志性的歌曲,几乎每场演唱会迈克尔·杰克逊都会表演这首歌曲,在当年的美国单曲榜和英国单曲榜上《Beat It》都获得了冠军。
5 《They don’t really care about us》(没有人真正关心我们),反应了尖锐的社会现实,特别是美国平等的制度下实际并不平等的社会现状,没有人真正关心底层人民的事实,该曲的MTV涉及当时国际众多的政治暴力事件镜头,几乎在全球遭禁播,其中也包括中国和美国。这首歌的节奏强烈,很能激发共鸣,歌词尖锐而深刻。同时应该看到,和他的其他作品一样,受限于他生长的环境和对社会认知状态,歌词中不乏粗口和戏谑;他的充满热血的经典舞蹈动作,也不乏粗俗的性隐喻和狂野的暴力崇拜。该MV(监狱版)多次被禁播。
heal the world
人用 心纯 的洁 善的 良歌 声 洗 净 了 每 颗心 灵 ︐ 挖掘 了
迈克尔•杰克逊于1992年成立了“拯救世界”基金会,共为20个国家的许多儿童提供了支 持和援助。2003年,Michael获得诺贝尔和平奖提名,这是他继1998年后第2次获得该奖项 的提名,以奖励他孜孜不倦的慈善事业和通过音乐的方式促进世界和平所取得的成就。
目 录
2 3 4
歌曲简介 歌手简介 创作背景 歌曲欣赏
heal the world
原 唱:迈克尔·杰克逊 填 词:迈克尔·杰克逊 谱 曲:迈克尔·杰克逊 编 曲:迈克尔·杰克逊 所属专辑:《Dangerous》 创作时间:1991年 发行时间:1992年11月23日 音乐风格: R&B 唱片公司:Epic唱片
Michael Jackson
1958年08月29日在美国印第安 纳州加里市出生,美国歌手、舞 蹈家、表演家、慈善家、音乐家、 人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善 机构创办人。
Michael Jackson
杰克逊是家族的第八个孩子,他在 1964年作为杰克逊五人组的成员和他 的兄弟一起在职业音乐舞台上初次登 台,1968年乐队与当地的一家唱片公 司合作出版了第一张唱片《Big Boy》。1971年12月,发行了个人 首支单曲《Got to be there》,标 志着其个人独唱生涯的开始。 1982年12月,杰克逊音乐生涯最畅 销的专辑《Thriller》发行。
Michael Jackson
1987年9月,杰克逊展开个人首次 全球巡演。通过舞台和视频的表演, 杰克逊普及了一些像机械舞和太空 步等舞蹈技个格莱美奖和26个全美音乐奖。在 他单飞生涯中,他拥有13支美国冠 军单曲。2000年吉尼斯世界纪录大 全里认证他资助过39个慈善机构。
十首最好听的英文歌曲1、《Forever young》抒情大人物拿破仑》一部很好的电影。
片中有一首插曲是我很喜欢的《Forever Young》。
很多人都应该听过《Forever Young:摇滚童话》中那群孩子唱的版本,可是有多少个人知道原唱是来自德国的电子乐队Alphaville,起码我之前就不知道。
Alphaville在80‘s并没有取得巨大的成功,但他们的这首《Forever Young》却成为那个时代的经典,而且依然被传遍着。
2、《Forever young》抒情大人物拿破仑》一部很好的电影。
片中有一首插曲是我很喜欢的《Forever Young》。
很多人都应该听过《Forever Young:摇滚童话》中那群孩子唱的版本,可是有多少个人知道原唱是来自德国的电子乐队Alphaville,起码我之前就不知道。
Alphaville在80‘s并没有取得巨大的成功,但他们的这首《Forever Young》却成为那个时代的经典,而且依然被传遍着。
3、《Never Had A Dream Come True》推荐,经典,抒情这是一个至今为止在同一年内获最多音乐奖项的MTV,它是2001年"S CLUB 7"为英国的BBC,"孩子们的呼救"活动,而出版的一首单曲,同年无可预料之中,MTV一连在世界上夺得24个音乐奖项,仅对于MTV来说,这是史无前例的,之后这首歌也红了半边天,在全世界上先后有十几位歌手翻唱成不同语言。
世界上最动听的歌The Best Songs Of The World CD1 歌词
01北极星Northern Star-梅勒妮MelanieThey tried to catch a falling starThinking that she had gone too farShe did but kept it hidden wellUntil she cracked and then she fellIf all the history is trueShe's gonna end up just like youYou made it to the other sideBut tell me who will be my guide?They build you up So they can tear you downTrust the ocean You'll never drownWho is next? Who's gonna steal your crown? You'll see I have learned my lesson wellThe truth is out there I can tellDon't look back and don't give in to their liesAnd goodbyes Northern StarFulfil a longing in your heart. And we will never be apart And if they dare to question youJust tell them that our love is trueThey buy your dreams so they can sell you soulIs it any wonder we've lost control?Feelings come Feelings goI have learned my lesson wellThe truth is out there I can tellDon't look back and don't succumb to their liesAnd goodbyes. Live your life without regretDon't be someone who they forgetWhen you're lost reach out for meAnd you'll see She's not far Northern StarI have learned my lesson wellThe truth is out there I can tellDon't look back and don't succumb to their liesAnd goodbyes. Live your life without regretDon't be someone who they forgetWhen you're lost reach out for meAnd you'll see. She's not far. Northern Star02 I Want It That Way-后街男孩Back Street BoysYeah-eh-heahYou are, my fire, The one, desireBelieve, when I say, I want it that wayBut we, are two worlds apart,Can't reach to your heart, When you say, That I want it that wayTell me why, Ain't nothin' but a heartache,Tell me why, Ain't nothin' but a mistake,Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that wayAm I, your fire? Your one, desire, desire, it's too late,But I want it that wayTell me why, Ain't nothin' but a heartache,Tell me why, Ain't nothin' but a mistake,Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that wayNow I can see that we've fallen apart,From the way that it used to be, Yeah,No matter the distance, I want you to know, That deep down inside of me... You are, my fire, The one, desire,You are, my fire, The one, desireYou are (You are, You are, You are...)Don't wanna hear you say,Ain't nothin' but a heartache,Ain't nothin' but a mistake, (Don't wanna hear you say),I never wanna hear you say,I want it that wayTell me why, Ain't nothin' but a heartache,Tell me why, Ain't nothin' but a mistake,Tell me why, (Don't wanna hear you say),I never wanna hear you say,I want it that wayTell me why...Ain't nothin' but a heartache,Ain't nothin' but a mistake,Tell me why,(Don't wanna hear you say),I never wanna hear you say,I want it that wayTell me why...I never wanna hear you say,(never wanna hear you say it),I want it that wayCause I want it that way03. 我心永恒My Heart Will Go On Every night in my dreamsI see you, I feel you,That is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go on Near, far, wherever you areI believe that the heart does go on Once more you open the doorAnd you're here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we're oneLove was when I loved youOne true time I hold toIn my life we'll always go onNear, far, wherever you areI believe that the heart does go on Once more you open the doorAnd you're here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onThere is some love that will not go away You're here, there's nothing I fear,And I know that my heart will go on We'll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on04. 再看你一眼Against All Odds-菲尔-柯林斯Phil Collins How can I just let you walk awayjust let you leave without a tracewhen I stand here talking every breath with youyou're the only one who really knew me at allhow can you just walk away from mewhen all I can do is watch you leave'cause we shared the laughter and the painand even shared the tearsyou're the only one who really knew me at allso take a look at me nowwho has just an empty spaceand there's nothing left here to remind mejust a memory of your facewell take a look at me nowthere's just empty spaceand you comin'back to me is against the oddsand that's what I've got to faceI wish I could just make you turn aroundturn around and see me crythere's so much I need to say to youso many reasons whyyou're the only one who really knew me at allwell take a look at me nowthere's just an empty spacebut to wait for you is all I can doand that's what I've got to facetake a good look at me now ..wootake a good look at me nowand you comin'back to me is against all oddsis the chance I've gotta taketake a look at me now05. No Scrubs by TLCA scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me And is also known as a busterAlways talkin' about what he wantsAnd just sits on his broke assSo (no)I don't want your number (no)I don't want to give you mine and (no)I don't want to meet you nowhere (no)I don't want none of your time and (no) [Chorus:]I don't want no scrubA scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hanging out the passenger sideOf his best friend's rideTrying to holler at meI don't want no scrubA scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me Hanging out the passenger sideOf his best friend's rideTrying to holler at meBut a scrub is checkin' meBut his game is kinda weakAnd I know that he cannot approach meCuz I'm lookin' like class and he's lookin' like trash Can't get wit' no deadbeat assSo (no)I don't want your number (no)I don't want to give you mine and (no)I don't want to meet you nowhere (no)I don't want none of your time (no)If you don't have a car and you're walkingOh yes son I'm talking to youIf you live at home wit' your mommaOh yes son I'm talking to you (baby)If you have a shorty but you don't show loveOh yes son I'm talking to youWanna get with me with no moneyOh no I don't want no (oh)No scrubNo scrub (no no)No scrub (no no no no no)No scrub (no no)No06拯救世界Heal The World-迈克尔杰克逊Michael Jackson There's a place in your heart And I know that it is loveAnd this place could be Much brighter than tomorrowAnd if you really try .You'll find there's no need to cryIn this place you'll feel There's no hurt or sorrowThere are ways to get thereIf you care enough for the livingMake a little space Make a better place...Heal the world Make it a better placeFor you and for me and the entire human raceThere are people dyingIf you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for meIf you want to know why There's a love that cannot lieLove is strong It only cares of joyful givingIf we try We shall see In this bliss We cannot feel fear or dread We stop existing And start livingThen it feels that always Love's enough for us growingSo make a better world Make a better world...Heal the world Make it a better placeFor you and for me and the entire human raceThere are people dyingIf you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for meAnd the dream we were conceived inWill reveal a joyful faceAnd the world we once believed inWill shine again in graceThen why do we keep strangling lifeWound this earthCrucify its soulThough it's plain to seeThis world is heavenly be God's glowWe could fly so highLet our spirits never dieIn my heart I feel you are all my brothersCreate a world with no fearTogether we’ll cry happy tearsSee the nations turn their swords into plowsharesHeal the world Make it a better placeFor you and for me and the entire human raceThere are people dying If you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for meYou and for me You and for me You and for me07.What A Girl Wants克莉絲汀(Christina Aguilera)What a girl wants, what a girl needs. Whatever makes me happy and sets you free... What a girl wants, what a girl needs. Whatever keeps me in your armsI wanna thank you for giving me time to breatheLike a rock, you waited so patiently, while I got it togetherWhile I figured it out I only looked, but I never touched'Cause in my heart was a picture of us.Holding hands, making plans And lucky for me, you understandWhat a girl wants, what a girl needs Whatever makes me happy and sets you free... And I'm thanking you for knowing exactlyWhat a girl wants, what a girl needs. Whatever keeps me in your armsAnd I'm thanking you for being there for meA weaker man might have walked away.But you had faith strong enough to move Over and understand while I got it together While I figured it out They say, 'If you love something, let it goIf it comes back, it's yours; that's how you know.'It's for keeps, yeah, it's for sure. And you're ready and willing to give me more What a girl wants, what a girl needs. Whatever makes me happy and sets you free And I'm thanking you for knowing exactlyWhat a girl wants, what a girl needs. Whatever keeps me in your armsAnd I'm thanking you for being there for meSomebody sensitive and toughSomebody there when the going gets roughEvery night he'll be giving his loveTo just one girl, one girl, oneSomebody cool but real tender tooSomebody, baby, just like youCan keep me hanging around withThe one who always knewAnd I'm thanking you For being there for meWhat a girl wants, what a girl needs. Whatever makes me happy and sets you free... And I'm thanking you for knowing exactlyWhat a girl wants, what a girl needsWhatever keeps me in your armsAnd I'm thanking you for being there for meWhat a girl wants, what a girl needsWhatever makes me happy and sets you freeAnd I'm thanking you for knowing exactlyWhat a girl wants, what a girl needsWhatever keeps me in your armsAnd I'm thanking you for being there for meAnd I'm thanking you for knowing exactly...And I'm thanking you for being there for me...08.Crybaby-玛莉雅.凯莉Mariah CareyWhen I think of our untimely endAnd everything we could have beenI cry, baby I cryOk so it's 5 am and I still can't sleepI took some medicine But it's not workingSomeone's clinging to me And it's bittersweet'Cause he's head over heels But it ain't that deepI finally changed my number Got a different pagerThen last Saturday Your cousin called to say you're Tryin' to reach me Probably because you see that I'm with someone newLate at night like a little childWandering around alone in my new friend's homeOn my tippy toesSo that he won't know I still cry baby Over you and meSipping Bailey's CreamBy the stereo Trying to find reliefOn the radio I'm suppressing the tearsBut they start to flow 'Cause the next song I hearIs a song I wrote When we first got togetherEarly that September I can't bear to listenSo I might as well driftIn the kitchen Pour another glass or twoAnd try to forget youLate at night like a littie childWandering around alone in my new friend's homeOn my tippy toesSo that he won't knowI still cry babyOver you and meSNOOP'S VERSELate at night like a little childWandering around alone in my new friend's homeOn my tippy toesSo that he won't knowI still cry babyOver you and me09.Un-Break My Heart歌手:Toni BraxtonDon't leave me in all this painDon't leave me out in the rainCome back and bring back my smileCome and take these tears awayI need your arms to hold me nowThe nights are so unkindBring back those nights when I held you beside me Un-break my heartSay you'll love me againUndo this hurt you causedWhen you walked out the doorAnd walked outta my lifeUn-cry these tearsI cried so many nightsUn-break my heartMy heartTake back that sad word good-byeBring back the joy to my lifeDon't leave me here with these tearsCome and kiss this pain awayI can't forget the day you leftTime is so unkindAnd life is so cruel without you here beside me10. I Try---Macy Gray -Games, changes and fearsWhen will they go from here When will they stopI believe that faith has brought us hereAnd we should be together, babe But we're notI play it off, but I'm dreaming of youI'll keep my cool, but I'm feigningI try to say goodbye and I choke Try to walk away and I stumbleThough I try to hide it, it's clearMy world crumbles when you are not nearGoodbye and I choke I try to walk away and I stumbleThough I try to hide it, it's clearMy world crumbles when you are not nearI may appear to be free But I'm just a prisoner of your loveAnd I may seem all right and smile when you leaveBut my smiles are just a front Just a front, heyI play it off, but I'm dreaming of youI'll keep my cool, but I'm feigningI try to say goodbye and I choke Try to walk away and I stumbleThough I try to hide it, it's clearMy world crumbles when you are not nearGoodbye and I choke I try to walk away and I stumbleThough I try to hide it, it's clearMy world crumbles when you are not nearHere is my confession May I be your possessionBoy, I need your touchYour love kisses and suchWith all my might I tryBut this I can't deny DenyI play it off, but I'm dreaming of you(but I'm dreaming of you babe)I'll keep my cool, but I'm feigningI try to say goodbye and I choke (yeah)Try to walk away and I stumbleThough I try to hide, it's clearMy world crumbles when you are not there (when you are not near aahh) Goodbye and I choke (yeah, yeah, yeah)I try to walk away and I stumble (hey, hey, hey)Though I try to hide it, it's clear (sick of love)My world crumbles when you are not near (your love, kisses and)Goodbye and I choke (I'm choking) I try to walk away and I stumbleThough I try to hide it, it's clearMy world crumbles when you are not near (when you are not there, yeah, yeah yeah) Yeah, yeah..11. "Words" by Boyzone Smile, an everlasting smileA smile can bring you near to me Don't ever let me find you gone Cause that would bring a tear to me This world has lost it's gloryLets start a brand new storyNow my loveYou think that I don't even meanA single word I say...It's only wordsAnd words are all I haveTo take your heart awayTalk, in everlasting wordsAnd dedicate them all, to meAnd I will give you all my lifeI'm here if you should call to me You think that I don't even meana single word I say... [Chorus, repeat]Da da da da da da daDa da da da da da da daDa da da da da da da daDa da da da da da da daThis world has lost it's gloryLet's start a brand new story Now, my loveYou think that I don't even meana single word I say...[Repeat chorus twice]12. I Will Always Love You-惠妮•休斯顿Whitney Houston If I should stayI would only be in your wayso I'll go, but i knowI'll think of you every step of the wayand I will always love youI will always love youyou, my darling youbitter sweet memoriesthat is all I'm taking with meso goodbye, please don't crywe both know I'm not what you needand i will always love youI will always love youI hope life treats you kindand I hope you have all you dreamed offand I wish to you joy and happinessbut above all this I wish to you loveand I will always love youalways love you always love youI will always love youI will always love youI will always love you。
Heal the world歌词
Heal The WorldMichael Jackson被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”拯救世界(Heal the world)是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,十分优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和欢乐的地球家园。
导语:Child:Think about the generations and say we wanna make it a better place for our children and our children's children,so that they,they,they know it's a better world for them.Think,think make a better place.(沉思那潮生潮灭,世代更迭说吧,说我们想要想要为孩子们和他们的子孙营造更美好的家园让他们明了,他们活在一个较过去更加美好的世界从而让他们坚信,他们也可以营造一个愈加美好的世界。
)There’s a place in your heart ( 在你心中有一片净土,)And I know that it is love (我知道那就是爱。
)And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow(这个地方会比明天更灿烂。
)And if you really try (如果你真的努力过,)You’ll find there’s no need to cry (你会发觉不必哭泣。
)In this place you’ll feel (在这个地方,)There’s no hur t or sorrow (你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。
)There are ways to get there ( 到那个地方的方法很多,)If you care enough for the living (如果你真心关怀生者,)Make a little space ( 营造一些空间。
heal the world
• He has the great ideal of heal the world. • He has a unity and eliminate war global aspirations of the people. • In Neverland dreamy implementation. • Ever may become never The MichaelJacksond memory will be changed into a forever in a short thing in life only memories. • In any case, this is the twenty years of the most memorable one English pop. • • • • • 医治世界的宏大理想, 全球人民团结和消灭战争的伟大愿望, 在如梦如幻的neverland实现, ever或许真成了never, 唯有记忆里对MichaelJacksond的缅怀会在短暂 人生中变为一件forever的事情。 • 无论如何,这是二十年来最值得记住的一首英文 pop了。
• • • • • • • •
上榜情况; 英国: #2 美国: #27 德国: #3 法国:#5 意大利: #8 澳大利亚: #20 The highest ranked the song is second, and the biggest in five weeks. "Heal The World" in the song list 75 in total for 15 weeks, selling over 400000 copies for gold record certification. This is the MJ since 9 years ago, the single "Thriller" in the singles chart in 75 after spending 18 weeks in the presence of the longest list ".
(如果你真的觉得why so serious,那么久把它们当成纯音乐吧。
《Amani》Amani Nakupenda Nakupenda We WeAmani Nakupenda Nakupenda We We他主宰世上一切他的歌唱出爱他的真理遍布这地球他怎么一去不返他可否会感到烽烟掩盖天空与未来无助与冰冻的眼睛流泪看天际带悲愤是控诉战争到最后伤痛是儿童我向世界呼叫Amani Nakupenda Nakupenda We WeTuna Taka We WeAmani Nakupenda Nakupenda We We天空可见飞鸟惊慌展翅飞舞穿梭天际只想觅自由心千亿颗爱心碎今天一切厄困仿佛真理消失在地球无助与冰冻的眼睛流泪看天际带悲愤是控诉战争到最后伤痛是儿童我向世界呼叫Amani Nakupenda Nakupenda We WeTuna Taka We WeAmani Nakupenda Nakupenda We We权力与拥有的斗争愚昧与偏见的争斗若这里战争到最后怎会是和平再次再次呼叫Amani Nakupenda Nakupenda We WeTuna Taka We We约翰·列侬在1969年创作《Give Peace a Chance》,针对越战的和平反战歌曲.做此曲时,正值美越战事最炽烈的阶段,他通过音乐全心全意的支持和平。
列侬与妻子在歌声中唱到:每个人都在谈论手袋主义,蓬乱主义,拖拉主义,癫狂主义,戏弄主义,紧随主义这个主义,那个主义难道它是最重要的?我们要在说的是给和平一个机会吧!《Give Peace a Chance》Ev'rybody's talking about每个人都在谈论Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism手袋主义,蓬乱主义,拖拉主义,癫狂主义,戏弄主义,紧随主义This-ism, that-ism这个主义,那个主义Isn’t it the most难道它是最重要的?All we are saying is give peace a chance我们要在说的是给和平一个机会吧All we are saying is give peace a chance我们要说的是给和平一个机会吧Ev'rybody's talking about所有人都在谈论Ministers, Sinisters, Banisters and canisters,首相,小人,楼梯扶栏,筒筒罐罐Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Pop eyes,主教,钓鱼,法师和枪眼And bye bye, bye byes.还有再见,不重要的事情All we are saying is give peace a chance我们要说的是给和平一个机会吧All we are saying is give peace a chance我们要说的是给和平一个机会吧Let me tell you now让我告诉你吧Ev'rybody's talking about所有人都在谈论Revolution, Evolution, Mastication, Flagelolation, Regulations.革命,进化,咀嚼,鞭打,规则Integrations, Meditations, United Nations, Congratulations完整,冥想,联合国,贺词All we are saying is give peace a chance我们要说的是给和平一个机会吧All we are saying is give peace a chance我们要说的是给和平一个机会吧Oh L et’s stick to it噢让我们继续吧Ev'rybody's talking about所有人都在谈论John and Yoko, Timmy Leary, Rosemary, Tommy smothers, Bob Dylan,约翰,优子,蒂米利阿里,露丝玛丽,汤米斯玛德斯,鲍博迪伦Tommy Cooper, Derek Tayor, Norman Mailer, Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna,汤米库珀,德勒克泰勒,诺曼麦勒,艾伦吉斯博格,哈而克里什那,Hare Krishna哈而克里什那All we are saying is give peace a chance我们要说的是给和平一个机会吧All we are saying is give peace a chance我们要说的是给和平一个机会吧英国10岁小男孩Declan Galbraith唱到:每天我都在问自己做为一个人我该做些什么我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是硝烟的世界?歌声如此震慑人心,作为大人更应该反思。
heal the world(英文歌词,中英对照)
We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel you are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
If we try we shall see
倘若尝试分享自己的爱, 我们皆会明了
In this bliss we cannot feel fear or dread
因为有爱 我们丝毫感受 不到忌惮与畏惧
We stop existing and start living
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place
For you and for me
《Heal the World》课件
《Heal the World》是已故流行曲之王迈克尔〃杰克逊 的专辑《 Dangerous 》中的一首歌曲,创作于 1991 年。 杰克逊生前曾表示该曲是他最自豪的作品之一。 《Heal the world》是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,相当 优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远 离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱, 让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处 充满了温暖和关怀的世界,让孩子们可以自由的欢笑, 让世界充满爱。
迈 克 尔 〃 杰 克 逊 ( 1958.8.29 - 2009.6.25 ) 全 名 迈 克 尔 〃 约 瑟 夫〃杰克逊,简称MJ。是Байду номын сангаас名在世 界各地都极具影响力与知名度的音 乐家、舞蹈家、表演家、慈善家, 被誉为流行音乐之王。魔幻般的舞 步更是被无数的明星效仿,历史上 能够真正被世纪的人们所铭记的最 受欢迎和最多支持者的艺人,他与 猫王和披头士被公认为是流行乐史 上齐名并列的最伟大的三组歌手, 被吉尼斯世界纪录认定为是“世界 上最成功的艺术家”。
Heal the world 迈克尔杰克逊 拯救世界
– Crucify its soul 扼杀它的灵魂 Though it’s plain to see 虽然这很容易 明白 This world is heavenly be God’s glow 这世界天生就是上帝的荣光 We could fly so high 我们可以在天空 高高飞翔 Let our spirits never die 让我们的精神 不灭 In my heart I feel you are all my brothers 在我心中你们都是我的兄弟 Create a world with no fear 共同创造 一个没有恐惧的世界 Together we’ll cry happy tears 我们一 起流下喜悦的泪水 See the nations turn their swords into plowshares 看到许多国家把刀剑变成 了犁耙 We could really get there 我们真能达 到那里 If you care enough for the living 如果 你真心关怀生命 Make a little space 营造一些空间 To make a better place 创造一个更美 好的地方 Heal the world 拯救这世界
Love’s enough for us growing 爱让我们不断成长 Make a better world 创造一个更美好的世界 Make a better world 创造一个更美好的世界 Heal the world 拯救这世界 Make it a better place 让它变得美好 For you and for me and the entire human race 为你 为我 为了全人类 There are people dying 不断有人死去 If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生命 Make a better place for you and for me 为你 为我 创造一个更美好的世界 And the dream we were conceived in 我们心中的梦想 Will reveal a joyful face 将绽放出笑脸 And the world we once believed in 我们曾经信赖的世界 Will shine again in grace 会再次闪烁祥和的光芒 Then why do we keep strangling life 那么为何我们仍在扼杀生命 Wound this earth 伤害地球
heal the word简介
Heal the world是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,十分优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和关怀的世界,让孩子们可以自由的欢笑,让世界充满爱。
96年4月,“Heal The World基金会/世界儿童年会”的儿童大使参加在乔治亚州亚特兰大市举行的“儿童为先:全球论坛”,美国前总统Jimmy Cart er、Rosalyn Cart er、“Cart er中心”、“救助儿童特遣队组织”主持了会议,该会议同时由洛克菲勒基金会、Annie E. Casey基金会、世界银行、Heal T he World基金会联合赞助主办,将来自100个国家的360名代表齐聚一堂共同商讨怎样提高儿童生活质量的战略议题。
1996年4月,“Heal The World基金会/世界儿童年会”的大使参加了在华盛顿特区举行的“青年之光”会议,寻求更多合作关系以共同呼吁建立一个有着健康环境根基的社会。
歌词导语:Child:Think about the generations and say that we wanna make it a better place for our children and our children's children,so that they know it's a better world for them.We think,think make a better place.(沉思那潮生潮灭,世代更迭说吧说我们想要想要为孩子们和他们的子孙营造更美好的家园让他们明了,他们活在一个较过去更加美好的世界从而让他们坚信,他们也可以营造一个愈加美好的世界。
迈克尔杰克逊被誉为流行音乐之王(King of Pop)。
Heal the world;这曲被许多人成为MJ公益性歌曲三部曲之一,更被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”Heal the world是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,歌词说到:沉思那潮生潮灭,世代更迭说吧说我们想要想要为孩子们和他们的子孙营造更美好的家园让他们明了,他们活在一个较过去更加美好的世界从而让他们坚信,他们也可以营造一个愈加美好的世界。
被誉为“世界上最动听的歌曲”拯救世界(Heal the world)是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,十分优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和欢乐。
1991年创作,Heal The World 是为了配合流行之王-迈克尔杰克逊自己的同名慈善组织所作一开头一个孩子的声音说道:沉思那潮生潮灭,世代更迭说吧说我们想要想要为孩子们和他们的子孙营造更美好的家园让他们明了,他们活在一个较过去更加美好的世界从而让他们坚信,他们也可以营造一个愈加美好的世界。
michael jackson 的<heal the world>2001年作为单碟发行,名为《HIStory: Greatest Hits Vol. 1》这张专辑中.当时是为了全世界的儿童,成立了一个"儿童基金会",michael为这些孩子写了这首动听的歌.2003年,Michael获得诺贝尔和平奖提名,这是他继1998年后第2次获得该奖项的提名,以奖励他孜孜不倦的慈善事业和通过音乐的方式促进世界和平所取得的成就.You Are Not Alone是流行音乐之王迈克尔·杰克逊于1995年发行的专辑『History 』中的第二支的单曲,该曲发行首周就夺得了冠军宝座,成为美国音乐史上第—首一上榜就位居首位的歌曲,并且在欧洲各国音乐榜上也夺得了冠军,该曲直到今日仍旧十分大受欢迎,被普遍认为是michael jackson最杰出的作品之一。
十首经典英文励志歌曲1. 《try try》——Jason Mraz2. 《i believe i can fly 》——R. Kelly3. 《just stand up》——15位当红女歌手4. 《hero》——:Mariah Carey5. 《life is cool》——Sweetbox6. 《i could be the one》——Donna7. 《feel good》——Gorillaz8. 《this is me》——黛米·洛瓦托9. 《Bad day》——丹尼尔·波特10. 《breakaway》——Kelly Clarkson好听的英文励志歌曲榜单1、like u like- Aggro Santos (新歌热门推荐)2、Taylor Swift-back to december (新歌热门推荐)3、Lady Antebellum-Need You Now (今年获得五项格莱美大奖)4、(Miyamura Yuko)-it's only the fairy tale(极力推荐)5、Justin Bieber-Baby (去年大热单曲)6、Eminem&rihanna-love the way you lie (去年大热单曲)7、Ke$ha-TiK ToK (去年大热单曲)8、Jodie Connor – Now Or Never (新歌热门推荐)9、Jennifer Lopez-On the Floor (新歌热门推荐本周美榜第8)10、written in the stars-Tinie Tempah&Eric Turner (新歌热门推荐)11、stereo love-Edward Maya&Vika Jigulina (新歌热门推荐)12、Tinie Tempah&Ellie goulding-wonderman (新歌热门推荐)13、britney spears(布兰妮)-Till The World Ends (新歌热门推荐)14、Avril Lavigne-What The Hell (新歌热门推荐)15、Jessie J-Price Tag (新歌热门推荐本周英榜第1)16、Katy Perry-ET (新歌热门推荐本周英榜第1)17、Nelly-Just A Dream18、who says-selena gomez (新歌热门推荐)19、Katy Perry-Teenage Dream20、Taylor Swift-Mine21、martin solveig&dragonette-hello (新歌热门推荐)22、Mike Posner-Bow Chicka Wow Wow (新歌热门推荐)23、Enrique Iglesias-Tonight (新歌热门推荐)24、Enrique Iglesias Ft. Pitbull-I Like it25、Cheryl Cole-the flood (新歌热门推荐)26、Aalexandra Burke-the silence (新歌热门推荐)27、Christina Perri-Jar Of Hearts (新歌热门推荐)充满正能量的英文励志歌曲1、Numb / Encore -- Linkin Park;Jay-Z“兴奋了,这歌久听不腻。
• 时常出现在脑子里的图像,是秋天的干草 温暖的气味夹杂着野花的芬芳,被萧索的 秋风挟裹着,掠过大地和田野,掠过即将 封冻的河流和永远叹息的大海,一个孤独 的男人,独自唱着忧伤的歌,消失在天地 之间。歌曲的主人是一个被情人抛弃的男 人。尽管歌词充满诗意和微妙的情调,但 在中世纪时期只能算是民歌,而不可能是 贵族的作品。那个年代,贵族和骑士们只 能远远地对一个女人在心里暗暗爱慕,而 那样的倾情几乎是不可能得到回响的。
• “阿根廷,别为我哭泣”(Don‘t Cry for Me, Argentina)是1996年电影《贝隆夫人》(Evita)的 主题曲。该片由歌坛天后麦当娜(Madonna)和 安东尼奥.班德拉斯(Antonio Banderas)主演, 描写的是阿根廷的第一夫人——艾薇塔的悲欢离 合、大起大落、享尽荣华富贵,也尝遍心酸坎坷 的一生:她出生贫寒,但对未来充满憧憬,但在 那个时代,经过不懈的努力,具有美丽容颜的她 很快在一个摄影师的镜头下成名,从此辗转在富 人和官员中,直到她遇到贝隆上校——一个声望 上升的军官,她才脱颖而出,成为耀眼的政治明 星。
• 这首歌曲,无论你听不听得懂他们究 竟在唱些具体的什么,也不看那个相 拥做陶的电影画面,但那种如老唱片 悠然旋转的沉醉感却肯定还是能打动 你的心,正义兄弟的演唱忽而平静如 水、忽而如泣如诉、忽而山呼海啸、 忽而声嘶力竭,在感情随兴的起伏中 完成了绝世的经典。
don t cry for me argentina
• 时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首 曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚 如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中 夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难 道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善 感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现, 鸳梦重温
Scarborough Fair
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Heal The World
被喻为“世界上最动听的歌曲”拯救世界(Heal the world)是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,十分优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和欢乐。
1991年创作,Heal The World 是为了配合杰克逊自己的同名慈善组织所作
Michael Jackson 的<heal the world> ,大概是1991年收录在他dangerous这张专辑中。
当时是为了全世界的儿童,成立了一个"儿童基金会",Michael 为这些孩子写了这首动听的歌。
关于:Heal The World
1996年2月,“Heal The World基金会/世界儿童年会”的一名墨西哥籍的儿童大使向联合国第二届环境预备委员会提交了一份创建可持续发展环境的模本建议。
1996年4月,“Heal The World基金会/世界儿童年会”的儿童大使参加在乔治亚州亚特兰大市举行的“儿童为先:全球论坛”,美国前总统Jimmy Carter、Rosalyn Carter、“Carter中心”、“救助儿童特遣队组织”主持了会议,该会议同时由洛克菲勒基金会、Annie E. Casey基金会、世界银行、Heal The World基金会联合赞助主办,来自100个国家的360名代表齐聚一堂共同商讨怎样提高儿童生活质量的战略议题。
1996年4月,“Heal The World基金会/世界儿童年会”的大使参加了在华盛顿特区举行的“青年之光”会议,寻求更多合作关系以共同呼吁建立一个有着健康环境根基的社会。
You and for me (为你为我) You and for me (为你为我)。