



A Austauschbar可替换通过零件下一行AB Airbag安全气囊ABE Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis普通操作许可证ABS Anti-Blockiersystem防抱死系统AC Air Conditioning空调器ACC Adaptive Cruise Control自适应定速控制ACEA Association des Constructeurs Européens 结构工程师协会ACM Accessory Control Menu备件操作面板ACSM Advanced Crash- and Safety Management 被动安全性ADB Aktive Differential Bremse主动差速制动器ADS Adaptive Drosselklappen-Steuerung自适应节气门控制系统AE Austauschbar/Entfallen更换/ 取消标记AEGS Autarke Elektronische Getriebesteuerung自给自足的电子变速箱控制系统AFS Active front steering D SteeringAGD Ansaugger?schd?mpfer进气消音器AGM Absorbing Glas Material铅-无纺布蓄电池AGR Abgasrückführung废气再循环AGS Adaptive Getriebesteuerung自适应变速箱控制系统AHK Anh?ngerkupplung挂车挂钩AHL Adaptive Head Light自适应转向大灯AHM Anh?nger-Modul电子模块AHPS Advanced Head Protection System扩展型安全气囊系统AK Ausgelagerter Kühler清空的水箱AKF Aktiv-Kohle-Filter活性碳过滤器AKKS Automatische Kühlklappensteuerung冷却风门控制AKL Adaptives Kurvenlicht自适应转向大灯AKS Anpress-Kraft-Steuerung (Wischer)压紧力控制(刮水器) ALC Adaptive Light Control自适应转向大灯AM Amplituden-Modulation调制程序AMB Ambientes Licht车照明灯AMOeK Ausgelagerter Motor?lkühler热量管理APM Auxiliary Power Module 辅助功率电子装置ARI Autoradio-Info-System交通无线电ARS Aktive Rollstabilisierung侧倾补偿ASA Aussensternangriff螺栓技术ASC Automatische-Stabilit?ts-Control自动稳定控制ASC+T ASC plus Traktionshilfe ASC + 牵引力辅助系统ASD Active Sound Design音色设置AT Austauschteil翻新件ATC Active torque control分动器名称ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid规格用于齿轮油AUC Automatische Umluft Control自动车空气循环控制AVM Automatischer Video-Multiplexer 驾驶员辅助系统AW Arbeitswert工时单位AWE Abweichungserlaubnis误差许可B Breite宽度BC Bordcomputer旅程电脑BCU Battery Change Unit DC 变压器BDC Body Domain Controller主控制单元BEV battery powered electric vehicle蓄电池驱动的电动车BF Beifahrer前座乘客侧BFA Beifahrerairbag前乘客安全气囊BFD Brake Force Display制动力显示器BKS Bremsenkühlschacht制动冷却通道BMS-CII BMW-Motorsteuerung C-Motor发动机管理BMS-E BMW Motorsteuerung E-Motor发动机管理BMS-K BMW Motorsteuerung K-Motor发动机管理BPS BMW Premium Selection BMW Premium Selection (Marketing) BR Babyracer BobbycarBSD bit-serielle Datenschnittstelle 二氧化碳措施BT Bildtafel图表BTE Bild-Text-Einheit图像带零件使用信息BVA Bremsverschleiss-Anzeige制动摩擦片磨损显示BVM Beh?lterverpackungsmenge容器包装数量Bi-Xenon Abblend- und Fernlicht近光和远光灯CAK Crash Aktive Kopfstütze碰撞主动式头枕CAN Datenleitung-Bordelektronik数据导线车载电子装置CAS Car Access System便捷上车功能CBC Cornering Brake Control转弯制动控制系统CBU Completely built up部件围本地已补充CCC Car Communication Computer Car Communication Computer CD Compact Disc光盘CF Compact Flash存储卡规格CFK Kohlefaserverst?rkter Kunststoff 碳纤维CHAMP Central Headunit Multimedia Plattform??y????CIC Car Infotainment Computer Communication CenterCID Central Information Display中央信息显示器(CID)CIM Chassis Integration Module控制单元转向柱CIS Capacitive Interior Sensing座位占用识别装置CKD Completely Knocked Down完全分解的车辆CL Comfort Line Comfort LineCOP Central Ordering Process 中央订购流程CSC Cell Supervision Circuit电池监控电子装置CSIC Carbon fiber reinforc. Silikon Carbide Carbon 瓷制动系统CTM Cabrio-Top-Modul电子模块CVM Cabrio-Verdeck-Modul控制单元CVT Continuously Variable Transmission自动变速箱CoC Certificate of Conformity EG 合格证书D Durchmesser直径D1Xenon-Licht氙气灯DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting数字收音机DBC Dynamic Brake Control动态制动控制DC Direct Current直流电DC/DC Gleichspannungswandler转换器DDC Dynamic Damping Control半主动式底盘DDE Digitale Diesel Elektronik数字式柴油发动机电子伺控系统DFBS Dieselfehlbetankungsschutz防止错误的油箱加油DFK Doppel-Flachfederkontakt插接系统DIN Deutsche Industrienorm德国工业标准DKG Doppelkupplungsgetriebe变速箱M3DME Digitale Motor Elektronik数字式发动机电子伺控系统DOT Department of Transportation美国交通部DPC Dynamik Performance Control驱动扭矩分配DPF Dieselpartikelfilter炭烟微粒过滤器DS Dichtungssatz密封组件DSC Dynamische Stabilit?ts Control动态稳定控制DSP Digital Sound Processing数码音响处理器DTC Dynamische Traktions Control防滑调节装置DVD Digital Versatile Disc数字化多功能光盘DVG Deutsche Vergaser Gesellschaft制造商DWA Diebstahlwarnanlage防盗报警系统DXC Dynamic X Control四轮驱动汽车上的动态行驶调节E Entfallen取消(不再提供)E-Masch.E-Maschine电动机EAS Electronic Active Steering ???????EBA Einbauanleitung安装说明EC Elektrochrom电致变光技术ECE Economic Commission for Europe特殊的目录版本EDC Electronic Damper Control电子减震控制装置EDH Elektrischer Durchlauferhitzer加热器EG-BE Europ. Gesamt-Betriebserlaubnis EU 使用许可证EH Elektro-Hydraulisch电动液压控制EKK Elektrischer Klimakompressor压缩机EKMV Elektr. K?ltemittelverdichter空气调节装置EKP Elektrische Kraftstoffpumpe燃油泵ELA Einzelleiter Abdichtung防潮插头ELV Elektrische Lenks?ulenverriegelung电动转向柱锁EMA-AE Elektr, Motorantrieb-Antriebseinheit电动驱动单元EMCD Electro-Magnetic Control Device悬挂离合器EME Elektromaschinen-Elektronik电动马达混合动力车辆EMF Elektromechanische Feststellbremse电动机械式驻车制动器EML Elektronische Motorleistungs Regelung发动机功率电子控制系统EMV Elektromagnetische Vertr?glichkeit抗干扰滤波器EPB Elektrische Parkbremse电动驻车制动器EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory存储芯片(控制单元) EPS Electronic Power Steering电动支持的转向系ESA Electronic Suspension Adjustment电子减震器调节ESD Electrostatic Discharge静电放电ESG Einscheibensicherheitsglas安全玻璃ESL Einschichtlackierung油漆ETC Electronic Toll Collection高速公路费用记录ETK Elektronischer Teilekatalog计算机管理零件目录EU2Europ?ische Abgasnorm 2欧洲废气排放标准2EU3Europ?ische Abgasnorm 3欧洲废气排放标准3EU4Europ?ische Abgasnorm 4欧洲废气排放标准4EU5Europ?ische Abgasnorm 5欧洲废气排放标准5EU6Europ?ische Abgasnorm 6欧洲废气排放标准6EVO Evolution进一步发展EWB Extended Wheel Base加长型EWP Elektrische Wasserpumpe电动水泵EWS Elektronische Wegfahrsperre电子防驶离装置FAKRA Normenausschuss Kraftfahrzeuge车辆专业技术标准委员会FBAS Farbbild-Austast Sychronsignal彩色画面信号FBD Fernbedienung遥控器FBM Functional Bookmarks可设置的功能按钮FCD Floating Car Data实时交通引导系统FCKW Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff -->R12氯氟烃FDC Fahrdynamik Control驱动系统FEM Front Electronic Module控制单元FG Funktionsgruppe功能组FG ->Ab Fahrgestellnummer底盘FGS Fussg?ngerschutz行人碰撞保护装置FH Fensterheber车窗升降机FLA Fernlichtassistent驾驶员辅助系统FM Frequenz-Modulation调制程序FPM Fluorpolymer-Kautschuk弹性体FRM Fussraum Modul车身功能控制单元FRU Flat Rate Unit工时单位FSC Freischaltcode启用代码FU Frisch-/Umluft出风口FZD Funktionszentrum Dach车身控制单元Funk Funkfernbedienung后视镜功能GAL utst?rkeregelung根据车速音量自动调节GHAS Geregelte Hinterachssperre 差速锁GM Grundmodul基本模块(GM)GOeK Getriebe?lkühler变速箱油冷却器GPS Global Positioning System导航系统GSM Global System for Mobile Communication 通信系统GTO Gate Turn Off车库开门器GWS Gangwahlschaltung自动H2Wasserstoff氢气HA Hinterachse后桥HAG Hinterachsgetriebe后驱动桥HC Heading Control辅助系统HD Heavy Duty恶劣的工作条件HDC Hill-Descent-Control下坡行驶辅助HDP Hochdruckpumpe直接喷射系统HF Hochfrequenz高频HFM Heissfilm-Luftmassenmesser空气质量计HG Hauptgruppe总成分组HOD Handsoffdetection控制单元HP High Performance High PerformanceHPS Head Protection Sytem安全气囊系统HS Handschaltung Hand switchHSD High Speed Data 快速数据传输HSG H?r-Sprech-Ger?t对话装置HSR Hinterachs-Schr?glaufregelung 底盘HSS H?henstandssensor用于大灯光线水平调整HU-B Headunit basic继任型号CICHU-H Headunit high继任型号CICHUD Head-Up Display位于头上方的显示器HV High Voltage高压系统HVS Hochvoltspeicher高压储能器HWS Hinweisschild SchildIübersetzungsverh?ltnis齿轮齿数比I-ABS Integral ABS防抱死系统IBOC In Band On Channel数字收音机美规IBS Intelligenter Batteriesensor蓄电池管理系统ICAM Integrierte Kamera摄像系统ICM Integrated Chassis Management 控制单元ICOM Integrated Comminication Optical Module Integrated Comminication Optical Module ICS Indoor communication system Indoor communication system (Marketing)IHKA Integrierte Heiz-Klima-Automatik集成的冷暖自动空调IHKAF Integrierte Heiz-Klima-Automatik + MF集成的冷暖自动空调+ MFIHKR Integrierte Heiz-Klima-Regelung集成的冷暖空调器调节IHKRF Integrierte Heiz-Klima-Automatik + MF集成的冷暖自动空调+ MFIHR Integrierte Heizungs-Regelung集成式暖风器控制IHRF Integrierte Heizungs-Regelung plus MF集成式暖风器控制正极MFIKT Informations-/Kommunikationstechnologie Information/communications technologyIMIB Integrated Measurement Interface Box 测量系统ISPAIMS Instant Mobility System瞬时机动性系统ISA Innensternangriff螺栓技术ISIS Integrated Service Information Server EPC 和保养数据硬件基础ISO Isolationsüberwachung绝缘监控ISPA Integrated Service Processes Application修理厂计划系统ITS Inflatable Tubular Structure头部安全气囊IWT Innerer W?rmetauscher 热量管理Indi.Individual个性化JCW John Cooper Works JCWJPT Junior Power Timer插头接点系统KA Klimaanlage空调器KAFAS Kamerabasierende Fahrerassistenzsysteme 驾驶员辅助系统KAT Katalysator废气触媒转换器KB Kraftbegrenzer安全带系统KBA Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt联邦车辆局KBB Kabelbaum电线束KG Kurbelgeh?use曲轴箱KKB Komplettkabelbaum整套导线束KLE Komfort Lade Elektronik控制单元KM Kühlmittel冷却液KSK Kundenspezifischer Kabelbaum客户专用电线束KW Kilowatt千瓦KaFAS Kamerabasierende Fahrerassistenzsysteme 辅助系统Kompass Digitale Kompassanzeige后视镜功能L L?nge长度LAZ Lagerzeit存放时间LBV Lehnenbreitenverstellung靠背宽度调整动态LCI Life Cycle Impulse改型LCPA LIN-Controlled Power Amplifier功率放大器LDM L?ngsdynamik-Management 四轮驱动汽车上的动态行驶调节LED Light Emitting Diode发光二极管LH Left Hand Left sideLHD Left-Hand-Drive 左座驾驶型LHT Left Hand Traffic左侧行驶LIM Lade-Interface-Modul充电模块LIN Local Interconnection Network控制单元联网LMR Leichtmetallrad轻质合金轮辋LOM Licht-Optik-Modul蓄电池监控LRR Long Range Radar雷达系统LSC Leichtbauweise-Stahl-Compact轻型结构LSK Laststrom-Kontakt插接系统LTE Long Term Evolution移动无线电标准LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signal快速数据传输LVM Lagerverpackungsmenge仓库包装数量LWL Lichtwellenleiter光缆LWR Leuchtweitenregulierung大灯光线水平调整M Manuelles Getriebe手动变速箱MAK Modular Automobil Kontakt插接系统MAM Mindestabnahmemenge最小定购量MASK Multimedia Audio System Kontroller多媒体音频系统控制器MCON Multicontakt插接系统MCP Multi Contact Point插接系统MDK Miniatur Doppelflachfeder Kontakt插头接点系统MF Mikrofilter微尘滤清器MFL Multifunktionslenkrad多功能方向盘MFS Multifunktions-Sitz 饰MFT Multifunktionstr?ger架梁MID Multi Information Display多功能信息显示器MLK Mini Lamellen Kontakt触点插接系统MMC Multimediachanger DVD 转换匣MOST Media Oriented System Transport 总线系统MOeK Motor?lkühler发动机油冷却器MPQ Micro-Power-Quadlock插接系统MPV Multiple Purpose Vehicle多功能轿车MQS Micro-Quadlock-System插接系统MSA Motor-Start/Stop-Automatik二氧化碳措施MTB Mountainbike山地车MTF Multi-Transmission-Fluid Langzeit-Getriebe?lMULF de-/Freisprecheinrichtung充电设备/ 免提通话设备MüModellüberarbeitung改型NAFTA North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement 自由贸易区美国、加拿大和墨西哥NAS North American Standard美国解决方案AHKNBG Next Bike Generation新一代车架NBK Nytril-Butadien-Kautschuk弹性体NFC Near Field Communication无线通信技术NOX Stickoxid废气NSD Nachschalld?mpfer后消音器NSL Nebelschlussleuchte车辆照明系统NSW Nebelscheinwerfer车辆照明系统NVC Night Vision Camera夜视照相机NoS No Stock部件未集中安置OBD On-Board-Diagnose诊断系统OC3Occupancy mat座椅座垫OCS Outdoor communication system Outdoor communication system (Marketing) OGW Onboard-Diagnostic-Gateway诊断接口PAV/PAX Pneu Acrosach Vertical轮胎防爆胎辅圈PCA Passive Car Access便捷上车功能PCM Phase change materials FunktionsmaterialPD Paris-Dakar汽车拉力赛PDC Park Distance Control泊车辅助系统PDM Power Distribution Module供电PEB Power Electonic Box 功率电子装置PEU Power Electronics Unit总成分电器及主电线束PGS Passive Go Steuerger?t 驾驶员识别系统PI Produktinformation产品信息PK Power Kit动力工具包PLATO Planungstool备件计划工具PLCD PermanentmagnetLinearContactlessDisplace传感器怠速识别PM Partikelmass质量相关的颗粒极限值PMA Parkman?ver-Assistent驾驶员辅助系统POI Points of Interest兴趣点PPS Paint Preparation System一次性混合烧杯油漆PT-Schr.Markenname攻螺纹螺栓用于塑料PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient热敏电阻PTO Power take off分动器名称PTS Pressure Tube Sensor压力软管传感器PTT push to talk 语音输入QL Quer- und L?ngsdynamik 动态行驶调节QMV Quermomentverteiler后驱动桥R Rechtslenker右座驾驶型R12FCKW-haltiges K?ltemittel含氟氯化碳的制冷剂R134A FCKW-freies K?ltemittel不含氟氯化碳的制冷剂RAL Reichsauschuss für Lieferbedingungen颜色标准RDC Reifen-Druck-Control轮胎压力监控RDME Range Extender DME 发动机电子系统REXRDS Raddrehzahlsensor车轮转速传感器REM Remote Equipment Module控制单元REMA Reversibler Elektromotorischer Aufroller自动收卷器REME Range Extender E-Motor Elektronik电动马达电子装置REP Reparatursatz修理套件REX Range Extender 增程装置RFK Rückfahrkamera倒车摄像机RFT Run Flat Technologie轮胎带紧急运行系统RH Right Hand Right sideRHD Right-Hand-Drive右座驾驶型RHT Retractable Hardtop硬车顶(可收放式)RKLE Rundumkennleuchte旋转式标志灯RLS Regen-/Lichtsensor照明ROC Roll Over Control 翻车保护ROZ Research-Oktanzahl燃油等级RPA Reifen-Pannen-Anzeige轮胎失压显示RPS Rapaid Preparation System一次性混合烧杯油漆RS Regensensor RegensensorRSC Runflat System Component 轮胎带紧急运行系统RSE Rear Seat Entertainment加装套件后座区视听设备RSI Rear Seat Infotainment加装套件后座区视听设备RTTI Real-Time Traffic Information 远程信息处理系统RTTM Real-Time Tracking Modul 远程信息处理系统RWS Richtwinkelsatz车身矫直系统RZV Ruhende Zündspannungsverteilung单独的点火线圈RoW Rest of World如非ECESA Sonderausstattung特殊装备SAF Synthetic Axle Fluid后驱动桥用油SAF.Semiaktives Fahrwerk动态行驶调节SAP SIM Access Profile传输协议蓝牙SAS SA-Steuerger?t集成控制单元SAV Sports Activity Vehicle Sports Activity VehicleSAW Shielded access to Wireless LAN Shielded Access to Wireless LAN SAZ Sonderausstattung Zubeh?r接近批量生产的备件SBA Sensotronic Brake Actuation用于混合动力车的制动系统SBK Sicherheitsbatterieklemme蓄电池接线柱SBT Service-Information BMW Technik维修信息技术SCA Soft-Close-Automatik自动软关闭装置SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction废气净化氮氧化物SDARS Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service卫星接收SDB Sicherheitsdatenblatt安全数据单SG Steuerger?t控制单元SGS Sitzintegriertes Gurtsystem座椅集成式安全带系统SI Service-Information服务信息SIP Schulungs- und Informationsprogramm培训自学程序SKR Sommerkomplettrad夏季完整车轮SLE Speicher Lade Elektronik控制单元混合动力车辆SLI Speed Limit Info驾驶员辅助系统SLK Sensor Lamellen Kontakt触点插接系统SLP Stromlaufplan电路图SLS Sekund?rluftsystem二次空气系统SMB Subminiatur Version B插接系统天线导线SME Speicher Management Elektronik控制单元蓄能器管理SMG Sequenzielles Manuelles Getriebe自动换档控制的手动变速箱SML Seitenmarkierungsleuchte示宽灯SOP Start of Produktion批量使用开始SPEG Smart Power Electronics Gateway 车身功能控制单元SPnM Sitz Pneumatik Modul控制单元座椅舒适功能SRA Scheinwerferreinigungsanlage大灯清洗装置SRD Supply and Replenishment Dealership部件补给系统SRP Service-Reparatur-Pakete售后服务维修附件包SRR Short Range Radar雷达系统SRS Safety Restraint System / Airbag安全制动系统/ 安全气囊SRT Sun Reflective Technology红外线反射皮革SSG Sonnenschutzglas茶色玻璃SSR Sonnenschutzrollo遮阳卷帘SST Start Stop Taste车辆起动STV Sitztiefenverstellung座椅深度调整SW Schlüsselweite扳手开口度SZ Sonderzubeh?r特殊附件SZL Schaltzentrum Lenks?ule开关中心转向柱SZT Schaltzentrum Türe控制单元Stg.Steuerger?t控制单元TCB Telematics Communication Box控制单元TCU Telematics Control Unit电子信息系统控制单元TFL Tagfahrleuchten车辆照明系统TI Technische Information技术信息TIS Technisches Informations System技术信息系统TLC Time to Line Crossing驾驶员辅助系统TLEV Transitional Low Emission Vehicle许可等级低废气值TLL Teilelebenslauf零件寿命周期TMC Traffic Message Channel交通无线电TPA Telematik Plattform. Accessory远程信息处理平台附件TRSV Top Rear Side View控制单元TTS Target tracking system Ziele-VerfolgungssystemTüV Technischer überwachungs Verein制造商证明UBS Unterbodenschutz底部保护层UCX Unit Charging Extension控制单元充电ACDCUERSSüberrollschutz翻车保护UG Untergruppe分总成ULF Universelle Lade- u. Freisprecheinricht.通用充电和免提通话设备UPE Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung不具有约束效力的建议价格USB Universal Serial Bus通用PC 接口USIS Ultraschall Innenraumschutz车防盗监控传感器VA Vorderachse前桥VDC Vertical Dynamic Control 行走机构技术VDP Vertikaldynamikplattform四轮驱动汽车上的动态行驶调节VF Verkehrsfunk交通无线电VGSG VerteilerGetriebeSteuerGer?t控制单元VHT Versenkbares Hardtop硬车顶(可收放式)VICS Vehicle Information&Communication System车辆信息系统VIN Vehicle Identification Number底盘VMS Vehicle Management System控制单元BEVVOC Volatile Organic Compounds挥发性有机溶剂.VSG Vehicle Sound Generator发动机噪声模拟VVM Vorverpackungsmenge预包装数量VVT Variabler Ventiltrieb可调式阀门控制WAPU Wasserpumpe水泵WBA Warnblinkanlage闪烁报警装置WEBA Werkstatt-Einbauanleitung关于ASAP 的安装说明WKR Winterkomplettrad整套冬用轮胎WP Winterpaket特殊装备S4T9AWSA Wechselsprechanlage双向通话装置ZBE Zentrales Bedienelement iDrive ControllerZE Beidseitig austauschbar/Entfallen更换/ 取消标记ZFE Zentrale Fahrzeug-Elektronik控制单元ZGM Zentrales Gateway Modul网关模块ZKE Zentrale Karrosserie-Elektronik车身功能控制单元ZKW Zizala Karl Wien供货商照明系统ZSG Zweischeibensicherheitsglas安全玻璃ZV Zentralverriegelung中控锁ZWSL Zweischichtlackierung油漆gHAS geregelte Hinterachssperre差速锁.。



ABB智能定位器TZIDC说明书中文正式版ABB TZID-C智能定位器安装及操作说明书※气动连接·使用与定位器气源端口处标识的标准接口连接气源·连接定位器的输出与气动执行器的气缸※电气连接根据下列接线端子图以及设计要求进行相应的配线(一般只需+11,-12,+31,-32)※调试步骤1.接通气源,检查减压阀后压力是否符合执行器的铭牌参数要求(定位器的最大供气压力为7BAR,但实际供气压力必须参考执行器所容许的最大气源压力);2.接通4---20mA输入信号。









冷凝泵组两台电机工作方式为一用一备,当一台泵坏时另一台泵自动投入。说明1.3478119121056TIB1-63D6U1SA12252119SBJ2冷凝泵电机控制原理图29KT131KM2KM2KT227HRJ2SBJ1971715SE2KT23SE111SB1SEJ223SB2KM1SEJ1KM2KM1KM15KT1HR24KH213HRJ1HR12KH1N套套套个套套套个单位个套停机按钮SEJ1.SEJ2热继电器运行指示灯停机按钮时间继电器运行指示灯转换开关交流接触器KH1.KH2KM1.KM2符号.HRJ1.HRJ2HR1.HR2SE1.SE2KT1.KT2SA名 称启动按钮启动按钮SASBJ1.SBJ2SB1.SB2转换开关接点图绿色NSJ-CC382JS7-1A ~220VLW5-15.D0724/3型号及规格见系统图见系统图LA18-22XD7-220XD7-220红色红色绿色SCM-21HSVR12-PRT红色红色LW5-15.D0724/3191175321210864219117531210864自动2#手动备用1#自动1#机旁操作箱机旁操作箱机旁操作箱低压配电屏集中控制台集中控制台集中控制台集中控制台低压配电屏低压配电屏安装地点2数量222212222备用2#,高度不限交流接触器和热继电器种类繁多,请厂家给与选型由于可能还要实现远控图中所标的可卸端子均要引入端子排坏时另一台泵自动投入。KT2KT1KM12.2KW1M4.8A说明3.低压配电柜取来电源TIB1-63D6BCU576SE1一用二备二用一备11手动SA23离心泵电机控制原理图3123KM2SB225230230厚度27KM2KT24HR2KM2KH2911711KM1SB15KM113HR1KT1KM12KH1N531221数量HR1.HR2红色XD7-220运行指示灯套请厂家带为选择请厂家带为选择LW5-15.D0724/3热继电器转换开关交流接触器名 称KM1.KM2符号.SAKH1.KH2设 备 材 料 表型号及规格个单位套个LA18-22JS7-1A ~220VSVR12-PRT转换开关11启动按钮停机按钮时间继电器SB1.SB2SE1.SE2KT1.KT29101287红色绿色接点图SA套套个10128机旁操作箱机旁操作箱机旁操作箱机旁操作箱安装地点22机旁操作箱机旁操作箱机旁操作箱22465231LW5-15.D0724/34622#动自备用1#手动用备2#自动1#编辑部:ivpinfo@本图纸由浩辰ICAD软件提供技术支持网易 电气 中国电气行业网络家园;因为专业,所以完美网易 NETEASE ==QQ:447255935Email:xingxinsucai@ TEL:星欣设计图库QQ:396271936



c5cDv Oe c xrn n NL i|fxrn|f`2s k^._Q7Q k^._Q_?h S.k B5r2D X L]w.o O/s k_Q[xrnp_Q\]?h S O r L MW_C B s Z]w.o O/Q k_Q_s K R r Rs r R T x w`<Xc`n NL P,^|fX b`<|fbd b;R+r v`<p F|f]K r7K E`<|f_X b L s`||fh b L s`|]e b L s|f pU_e]x}X+j`||f_~c`|_ _g`<+K R Z d J_]K q;R+r v Oe Oe 6K jX GA i y3S Z<:;B a d Y ]_Q d p U B |I-r _E M C `<+r v D`5e E M z}^c D ;R o}^b E M L s D ;R `|_E M`5.C T x w+r v D O /`5e _o}^c E M L s D ;R `|_E M`5.C T x w+r v D O /`5e _E M L s `|L []E M`57a ^^iii Y _L s `|D wv 7wpp D [u L [+|0b B baa U [E M _Z d J e7E M P 8X 0a ^^baa ;0X 7w Uu,^a Q_E M O c L dgaa Y _;0r D X 7S 2O c|f _E M 3c Ldgaa Y _;0n D X 7S 23c|f _E M ,^P 8d r 0b ^^bca Y _O /zzy `|D }0I E M P 8d r v T _8jc Y E M _=0^^Z d J e Z d J e?,^|f LO /_u Q +r v D C j 0E M [Nl :X 0\2C P 8,^LO /]xrn `S 2_+E M ykux AIL [7b^^ii c b _?\p F ykux |f D L <_+E M ykux I e L [7b^^ii c b _?\p F ykux |f D L <_q M E M X 7xX G D k{a _L w|f Uq M E M X _p F =d x ^f p U ?_p FC I x E M r`DE M X 7xX G `D k{a ^f N p U ?_B a ?i I z N _3=~13E M d X _g 0B a d xd N p UZ K R Ix w _Q _B d Y a ]C p F r v p U D _Q =H B y|v j u _;0S 2g *B a ga Y G I n N_H B y|v _Q _;0C IZ E ]r`S 2E ]P -D _Q ]cR_Q d Y J ]Z |B Ix w _Q _|q `8X [I x E M r \V O L s L s s L P 89O c L [3c L [_=`<C j f Q [Nl :AI I e q a,^d r`<+r v`K r`K E D p F|-?K r K K E`<L]y x`<h[a~p F l\K m\n L P e u |f0xrn 28=.,^s W D ;R ?Z y 2.k xrn nP M|f U f *n N g =6=v h Z .k T n |s W ;R r j D L [o =?.67s =MD v h :;g ,^v 7+r v |=.N A W g nP M|f :B k{a d Y |AL ?nP M W g :?nP M W g L ?k{E dI ?i ?CnP M k cL ?k{E d E Z :CnP M W g 1v `?;0-Q K 9K c 5}[`<?xrn D L [o =^I p UZ {K 9-Q U x D d X d N U H I 3_nP M|f DD xrn L [o d +|C I x w E ]_Q `p U _2<bnP M _Q ]?E ]X [z}\C {|vb _QL W g n N e u L U q X D `8_Q _nP M W g C E M X [z}\D ha Y L |P W g ]C IZ r E ]`z E _M r W g nP M|f ]?,^v p r O /=],^b V D 6d d+f I [H U @_`||f`|t e ,^`|7z 8.|f ]O <72x w`|_`|U 0V K v XkX g J `|_b _Q +C h b L s _Q `p F ]?Y 6v O V L tlk N u K ?+r v O V L zlk N u _`|+|p F h b L s _Q ]Z y J L s pU _Q p F n Nl :_?+r v O KY 6v O V ?]K `|7wv]L w X `|wvX R k -Q K 9=b f l :_+r v V O L s?+r v V O L ?L w|f O 68.`|7wv_L w|ff ]i|+r v U eT O ]Z ;g 0a V K v `|Bd \v _E M _Q D K C I c w E ]r`_V O L s|f U W ,^b V M V ^Q o D ;R ?C E ]?tlk |f L ];0,^G+D ;R U @r|?`5e ]tlk |f d 7|:?E M X 7L ?1v X7L ?;,v `|?;0CL U L [e ;R S 2p U?t w k V Y 6v V O ?tlk `|L s :D|f C I c w E M r D o}^b ?o}^c U`p F :;0tlk `|S 2p F `|?tlk a Q d ^K R :tlk D E ]`5C ^^;0,^W W D 6^.Q L ?tlk X.E sJ ??e uX ,^C 7tlk `|N u :?,^v D ,^XC B L ]`|N u _|Ix]}0tlk `|7wv @+r v T G K V O :,^v +o=V K v g J ?j f V K v g J ?F >m 6+o=Y 6v ?61v >K 4O g 4K V O :L w tlk `||f C 7D `|;0O /tlk `|7L s |f ^f O /:x =tlk `|7wv]U 03+r v V |E u D ]t d ^f n N l :]w n +r v g ~?_Lb }0\v d K 9-Q =B 7|_4CK R;0,^v C?g L [H 4C ]t d N K R |3_?[H`<;RG 3+r v D `<`5L ]?[H`<;Rs 3+r v D `<`5L ]d ?i _d ?i _d ?i _?`<+r vS 2;gK V O ]CnP M W g r []w n B k{a f Y |AL ]nP M }[_Yx F }0I ?;,v 2<b a Q ,^;R ?s `x b [^6,^|f \]?x}X I e L Y 6]B x b U [^6,^|f \]?x}X I s L 61_?wv`wpp ,^7P 8,^L ?L ]|f U P ^D :>CLb }0I xrn L [o d I r ^*],7C xrn ,^L xrn D L [o d U B J ,^G+z MD _^6,^|f 7^6,^|f~d ~I c r E v -:^6,^|f 7^6,^|f R k Q 2E ]?;0E ^??+f I [H t J :[;0Y 6v E ]7^6|f ?Q O ;Rs ?>;,v C U d 8w wv ?Z -t J @:C ;,v N u L .S W 0^6,^|f B ^6,^|f K ^6,^|f B ^6,^|fD hE :<b ,^|f ^+f C?g L *L N u ?,7\+p 2x b |f :{q D `8X U Y 6|f _|f;0|f ?g ?~10a s x V K v c 5,^W g I c w E ]XD ;R ?Ak B a e u :E ]R v D L [7RH D +5;A -:C I x w E ]r`:?/@,^G+R k f *8w =MD ;R ],^G+w W 8*Qxu ];07|U ];R wI [H I e _CLb }0I ];0h E ]IZw E ]X P 83E ]X s ];R I .kAI ],.]A i x w ]g |-U D Z |-7z}c ;g ][IZ E ]X.P z}s \w f z 2\D ,^Fe D ;R ?_|f U W ;RD AIL [7I e L [D s x?;0p U E ]X ,^C =MD j u ?,^W W LE ]L [C 5kx|?5kx 03y ^E M ;RD AI 7I e ?y yE M d ~-b_;0C IZ E ]r`DS 27|]C I x E ]r`d ^I K R _C IZ E ]r`d7|]O /L w|f _?p U E M XC =M ,^j uL K VK |=?ykux |f d N u :;A -rR ]?C =M j u I p U E M X ]t +|s x I ;]K s x |P h UD I ;_,^I e ;R d ~|A -W@L [^f P^O /|f D I e L [T _\;0S 2p F yux D p F |-?|f d ^f C I x w E ]r`|M :G+r u~q,^g mG A D~q,^g m/J U6x g MD_C A x R G+}K e Y|=~q|P_~q U0A R G+u N]?A R G+[|c5=G A d.6_r1s Z X e6Cs8X daa36U e_r1s Z X ca36_~q^C7^C-[ltwms\t P M jW R I x w^C-.6D L<]kms d N Y<_H Y M j.:M UA x R G+f N X G A Z+d E]`50^^\V M j|I o a W R^C jP-~*P-H.^<~*K D CK D C|A D HO|A D HO^<.6<O j^C`.6D RH e:[R`^C\~q^CP-g=X_`E]X jH Y j^C j^C j[s R\^C j[s R\^C^C?/?/H YH YH Y\V M\V M1v X D^<d x,:ME M X.6P-1v`E M Xg Z Q o1v X L j d xY A=N+j_1v X71v X7LLE M X D^<E M X7L。



诸如 B $ C 法, 衰减曲 !"# 参数自整定算法很多, 线法, 专家系统法等, 但鉴于目前市场上流行的程序温 控仪大都以 D’E& 为 F!G, 资源有限, 运算能力弱, 因此 在程序温控仪中实现的 !"# 参数自整定算法必须计算 量少, 辨识简单; 另一方面, 由于加热炉控制系统没有 负的输入, 温度一旦超调, 只能靠自然冷却达到设定的 工作温度点。因此, 以 *H?IJK 提出的极限环法为基 础, 结合加热炉的特点, 提出了只要对现有的程序温控 仪增加少量程序就能增加 !"# 自整定功能的算法。 >>> 算法原理 算法的原理图如图 % 所示。
简单加热炉控制系统 图% 极限环法的原理图
要选择合适的 !"# 参数, 首先要对 !"# 参数进行 整定。目前程序温控仪的 !"# 参数整定大多是通过人 工操作进行的, 它需要有经验的技术人员根据被控对 象的阶跃响应曲线, 通过大量试验及试凑的方法来确 定控制对象的 !"# 参数。这种做法既费时费力, 又难 于进行推广, 而且一旦现场缺少这样的技术人员, 就容 易对生产造成不利的影响; 更重要的是, 控制对象的特 性会随着工作温度点和时间的变化而变化, 为了满足 控制效果, 程序温控仪的参数也必须作相应的调整。
先读出设定值 ’(, 根据 ’( 计算出 )’(; 然后实时 采样温度值, 找出 ! ! ,! * 和 !+ 点, 由算法求出 (,-
收稿日期: !//" M %" M *+。 第一作者秦文虎, 男, +% 岁, !//! 年毕业于东南大学, !//N 年获硕士学 位, 讲师。主要从事过程控制、 计算机监控领域的研究。


1-安装地点FU符号审 定设 总设 计制 图审 核KA1NKA2HLKM0207KMS1FU090LCS3AR01S205AS03AS机旁控制柜HLKA1中继柜 ARKA2应答驱动DCSDIDON3335KMKA2AR备妥COM1DI31KA1型号及规格电磁阀控制原理图熔断器RT18-32/6名 称项目名称工程名称日期比例图 名1备 注数量电气通用图TD125图号XDJ3-22/40 AC220VJZG62P/L AC220VJZG62P/L AC220VLAYK-3YGR信号灯机旁按钮盒中间继电器中间继电器1红 色111330501070931COM1二次端子0709备 注随设备带直流信号变换器电动执行机构控制站安装位置机旁名 称符 号TGZIKM5VS-AA-R型 号DKJ规 格数量115121413768111091432ZIKNL33413143电动阀门控制原理图审 定设 总审 核制 图设 计项目名称工程名称图 名日期比例电气通用图TD126图号24VDC4~20mADC DCSDCSDODOQF零线相线TG4547AC220VNL2729引至电磁阀NXPEAQFL21KMLNU64TA2PA6361KHKHTA1PEA62MVWL13FU3L12KM1L3NL2L1L11QFFU1FU2PEWVUMKMKHPA4341ATANL3L2L1L11QF控制柜控制柜M5VS-AA-RRT18-32/6JZG62P/L AC220VLTCE-5A-L3/TJZG62P/L AC220VRT18-32/242L20-A □/5A42L20-V 0~450VJZC3—22dMXDJ3-22/40 AC220V型号及规格RT18-32/10电动机控制原理图5557L12日期设 计比例引自收尘器控制箱07KA1NHLKM设 总审 定制

施耐德电气 TZ4 TZN4 双PID温度控制器 使用手册说明书

施耐德电气 TZ4 TZN4 双PID温度控制器 使用手册说明书

Dual PID Control Temperature ControllerFeatures● Dual PID auto tuning function:High-speed response of PID control to reach to thedesired value fast, low-speed of response of PID control to minimize the overshoot even though response is a little bit slow.● High display accuracy: ±0.3% (by F .S. value of each input)● 2-step auto tuning control function ● M ulti-input function(13 kinds of multi-input selection function):Temperature sensor, voltage and current selection function.● Various sub output function:Includes in LBA, SBA, 7 kinds of alarm output and 4 kinds of alarm option function, PV transmission output (DC4-20mA), RS485 communication output ● Display the decimal point for analog input※ T he unit cannot be configured with any random combination from the above ordering information. Please refer to ' Specifications' for possible configurations. ※1: 11-pin sockets (PG-11, PS-11(N)) are sold separately.Comprehensive Device Management Program (DAQMaster)●DAQMaster is comprehensive device management program for convenient management of parameters and multiple device data monitoring.●Visit our website () to download user manual and comprehensive device management program.< DAQMaster screen >< Computer specification for using software >Item Minimum requirementsSystemIBM PC compatible computer with Intel Pentium Ⅲ or above Operating system Microsoft Windows 98/NT/XP/Vista/7/8/10Memory 256MB or moreHard disk More than 1GB of free hard disk space VGA 1024×768 or higher resolution display OthersRS-232 serial port (9-pin), USB portTZ4SPTZN4STZ4STTZ4M1A 1aSV2 IN Max.5VDC TC250VAC 1A 1a250㎂PV OUT DC4-20mATCTCTC※RTD: DPt100Ω (3-wire type), JPt100Ω (3-wire type)※TC (Thermocouple): K(CA), J(IC), R(PR), E(CR), T(CC), S(PR), N(NN), W(TT)※In case of analog input, please use TC (Thermocouple) terminal and be careful about polarity.TZ4SPTZ4STTZN4STZ4MDimensions(unit: mm)TZN4HTZ4LTZN4L(unit: mm)(unit: mm)Panel cut-out dimensionsSizeSeriesAB C D TZ4SP , TZ4ST, TZN4S Min. 55Min. 6245 045 0TZ4M Min. 74Min. 9168 068 0TZN4M Min. 91Min. 9168 068 0TZ4W, TZN4W Min. 112Min. 5092 045 0TZ4H, TZN4H Min. 50Min. 10245 092 0TZ4L, TZN4LMin. 98Min. 10692 092 0Temperature range (Temperature range ( KCaH-148KCaL Not supported JIcH32JIcL Not supported R PR32ECrH32ECrL Not supported TCcH-328TCcL Not supported S PR32NN32U TT32JPtH32JPtL-199.9DPtH32DPtL-199.9A--1-1999 to 9999A--2(display range will vary depending on the decimal point.) A--3Unit Description1. P resent value (PV) display (red):RUN mode: displays the current value (PV) Setting mode: displays parameters 2. S et value (SV) display (green):RUN mode: displays the set value (SV)Setting mode: displays parameter setting values3. SV2 operation indicator : turns ON when SV2 is operating4. Auto-tuning indicator : turns ON when auto-tuning5. Control output operation indicator : t urns ON when control output is ON. Does not operate when the control outputis current output.6. E vent output indicator : t urns ON when the according event output is ON.※The Event 2 output indicator does not operate in TZ4SP .7. Mode key : enter parameter group, return to RUN mode, switch parameters, save setting values8. Auto-tuning key : hold the key for 3 sec to start auto-tuning. Hold the key for 5 sec while auto-tuning to stop auto-tuning.9. Setting keysSV Setting13247※When changing the previous SV of 0℃ to 170℃,Configuring Input TypePlease configure the internal switches before supplying power. After supplying power, configure the input type [IN-T ] in parameter group 2 according to the input type.● Detaching the casePress the front case then pull the case to detach the case from the body.Configure the internal switches as input type.)key-Switch fields, , key-Change valueshe dotted line parameters may not appear depending on the model orEU-1, EU-2] is set to AL-0, LBA, SBA.※O nly appears in modelsthat support RS485communicationOFF UnlockON Lock parameter 2※R un auto-tuning during initial setup of the temperature controller.※I f the thermal characteristics of the control target devicehas changed after extended usage, re-run auto-tuning.Mode Name DescriptionAL-A Standard alarm Alarm output turns ON upon alarm condition, and alarm output turns OFF when condition is cleared.AL-B Alarm latch Alarm output turns ON and maintains ON upon alarm condition.AL-C StandbysequenceThe first alarm condition is ignored. It will operate as standard alarm from the second alarm condition. If it is underalarm condition when power is supplied, it will ignore the condition and operate as standard alarm from the nextalarm condition.AL-D Alarm latchand standbysequenceIt will operate as both alarm latch and standby sequence upon alarm condition. If it is under alarm condition whenpower is supplied, it will ignore the condition and operate as alarm latch from the next alarm condition.Alarm (event)Alarm output can be configured by combining alarm operation and alarm options. Set the alarm operation in event 1/2 [EU1, EU2] of parameter group 2, and set the alarm options in alarm option [AL-T ].H: Alarm output hysteresis[AHYS ]2) Alarm options4) Loop break Alarm (LBA)Diagnose control loop and transmit alarm output through temperature change of control target. During heating(cooling) control, the alarm output turns ON if the PV does not rise/drop by a specific amount (approx. 2℃) during LBA monitoring period [LBA ] while control output amount is at 100%(0%).※ I f the thermal response of the control target is slow, the LBA monitoring period [LBA ] of parameter group 1 should be set longer. ※ L BA only operates when the control output amount is 100%(0%) so it cannot be used in current output models.※ I f the alarm output turns ON after the sensor has been disconnected, the alarm output will not turn OFF even after reconnecting the sensor. To disengage the alarm output, the temperature controller power must be reset.3) Sensor break alarmAlarm output turns ON when sensor is not connected or loses its connection during temperature control. Sensordisconnection can be tested by connecting buzzers or other devices to the alarm output contact. Sensor break alarm output operates through EV1 OUT or EV2 OUT contacts. Alarm output is disengaged after resetting the power.Communication command and blockFormat of command and response① Start codeIt indicates the first of Block STX → [02H], in case of response, ACK will be added.② Address codeThis code is master system can discern TZ/TZN Series and able to set within range of 01 to 99. (BCD ASCII)③ Header codeIt indicates command as 2 alphabets as below.RX (Read request) → R [52H], X [58H]RD (Read response) → R [52H], D [44H]WX (Write request) → W [57H], R [58H]WD (Write response) → W [57H], D [44H]④ Text: It indicates the detail contents of command/ response. (see command)⑤ END code: It indicates the end of Block. ETX → [03H]⑥ BCC: It indicates XOR operating value from the first to ETX of the protocol as abbreviation of TZ/TZN.Communication command● Read [RX] of measurement/setting value: address 01, command RX mand (master)① CommandSTX 01RXPETX FSC StartAddressCommand headP:Process value S:Setting valueEndBCC② Application: address (01), header code (RX), process value (P)STX 01R X P 0ETX FSC 0230315258503003BCC● Write [WX] of setting value: address 01, command WX mand (master)① CommandSTX1WXSSymbol 103102101100ETX FSCStart Address Commandhead S:Setting valueSpace/-103102101100End BCC② Application: In case of writing address (01), headingcoad (WX), setting value (S) +123.STX 01W X S 0Symbol 103102101100ETX FSC 02303157585330203031323303BCCResponse● Read of process/Setting value1. In case of receiving normal process value:The data is transmitted adding ACK [60H].(In case process value is +123.4)A C K S T X 01R DP0Symbol 103102101100Decimal pointE T XF S C NULL A C KS T X01R D PSpace12341E T X B C C N U LL 060230315244503020313233343103B C C002. In case process value is -100A C KS T X1RDP-01E T XB C C N U L L 06023031524450302D 303130303003B C C00※It is responded with 1 byte sized NULL (00H) at the end of response frame (next BCC 16).● Write of setting valueIn case setting value is -100A C K S T X 01WDSSymbol 103102101100E T XF S C A C K S T X 01W D S 0-0100E T X B C C 06023031574453302D 3031303003B C C● Others: In case of no response of ACK① When the address is not the same after receiving STX.② When receiving buffer overflow is occurred.③ When the baud rate or others communication setting value are not the same.● When there are no ACK response① Check the status of lines② Check the communication condition (setting value)③ When assuming the problem is due to noise, try to operate communication 3 times more until recovery.④ When occurred communication failure frequently, please adjust the communicating speed.。

Eaton Magnum DS低压开关室自动转换与智能控制包说明书

Eaton Magnum DS低压开关室自动转换与智能控制包说明书

Intelligent designs in simplified packagesIncrease uptime and simplify switchgear design by specify-ing one of Eaton’s pre-engineered automatic transfer and intelligent control packages for Magnum DS low voltage switchgear. The packages are designed with features to meet typical customer applications while still maintaining the flexibility to meet specific requirements. The packages are available on front and rear access in standard and arc-resistant designs. Classified by the interface, the automatic transfer and intelligent control packages are as follows:•Eaton ATC-900 controller•Eaton programmable logic controller (PLC)with Eaton touch screen •Power Xpert TdashboardMagnum DS T low voltage switchgear Automatic transfer and intelligent controlEaton ATC-900 controllerMain-Main, Main-Generator or Generator-GeneratorThis controller can be utilized for transfer in a lineup with Main-Main, Main-Generator or Generator-Generator application (no tie breaker present). This option will include selector switches for Auto/Manual as well as Generator Start/Stop/Exercise.Include the optional 7" human-machine interface (HMI) remote annunciator controller (RAC), a color touch-screen display for an easy-to-use interface to monitor and control up to eight ATC-900 controllers. The remote annunciator supports serial RS-485 Modbus T RTU and Modbus TCP/IP natively and can connect to ethernet via a serial to ethernet gateway.Control pushbuttons•Go-to-emergency/cancel go-to-emergency •Start/stop engine test •Alarm silence •Bypass timers •Manual retransferStatus indicators•S1/S2 available •S1/S2 preferred •S1/S2 connected•S1/S2 status (under-/overvoltage, under-/overfrequency, etc.)•Emergency inhibit •Lockout/monitor mode •Closed on emergency •Go-to-emergency active •Engine test active •Transfer in progress •Source 1 voltage metering •Source 2 voltage metering•Load voltage metering (includes current if direct current-current transformer (DCT) module is installed)•Waiting for manual retransfer •History of eventsFor detailed information on the features of the ATC-900 and the remote annunciator, refer to documentation, TD140001EN and IB140012EN .2EATON Magnum DS low voltage switchgear—automatic transfer and intelligent controlIn terface f rom the Remote Annunciator Controller (RAC)ATC-900 controller displayEaton PLC with Eaton touch screenThe Eaton PLC and Eaton touch screen can provide automaticmain-tie-main transfer to increase uptime and efficiency. The desired sequence of operation can be selected with the following features:• Open and closed retransfer•Customer selectable retransfer (PLC program will have both open and closed)• Select to trip via HMI • Preferred source selection•Basic generator control (start signal, cool down timer, 81 O/Urelays, run/auto/switch)Eaton programmable logic controllerEaton XP-503 panel PCAutomatic main-tie-main transfer sequence of operation Open transition•Loss of power at main breaker #1 (52-1)• Voltage device detects loss of normal voltage• Adjustable time delay (default 5s, settable range 1–60s)• Main breaker 52-1 opens• Adjustable time delay (default 2s, settable range 1–10s)•Tie breaker 52-T closes•Loss of power at main breaker #2 (52-2)• Voltage device detects loss of normal voltage• Adjustable time delay (default 5s, settable range 1–60s)• Main breaker 52-2 opens• Adjustable time delay (default 2s, settable range 1–10s)•Tie breaker 52-T closes•Loss of power at main breaker #1 (52-1) and main breaker #2 (52-2)•No action is taken•Return of power at main breaker #1 (52-1) after loss of power at main breaker #1 (52-1)• Voltage device detects normal voltage• Adjustable time delay (default 10s, settable range 1–300s)• Tie breaker 52-T opens• Adjustable time delay (default 2s, settable range 1–10s)•Main breaker 52-1 closes•Return of power at main breaker #2 (52-2) after loss of power at main breaker #2 (52-2)•Voltage device detects normal voltage• Adjustable time delay (default 10s, settable range 1–300s)• Tie breaker 52-T opens• Adjustable time delay (default 2s, settable range 1–10s)•Main breaker 52-2 closesOptional closed transition—return to normal (follows same sequence as open transition for 1–3)•Return of power at main breaker #1 (52-1) after loss of power at main breaker #1 (52-1)• Voltage device detects normal voltage• Adjustable time delay (default 10s, settable range 1–300s)• Device 25 verifies synchronism • Main breaker 52-1 closes•Adjustable time delay (default 2s, settable range 1–10s)•Tie breaker 52-T opens•Return of power at main breaker #2 (52-2) after loss of power at main breaker #2 (52-2)• Voltage device detects normal voltage• Adjustable time delay (default 10s, settable range 1–300s)• Device 25 verifies synchronism • Main breaker 52-2 closes• Adjustable time delay (default 2s, settable range 1–10s)•Tie breaker 52-T opensSystem requirements3EATON Magnum DS low voltage switchgear—automatic transfer and intelligent controlPower Xpert dashboardThe Power Xpert dashboard provides a view of intelligent devices installed in a switchgear assembly. It allows continuous monitoring and control of various parameters.The dashboard can be integral to the switchgear assemblyor remotely mounted offering a monitoring and control option outside the arc flash zone.Features:•Remotely open/close circuit breakers through control mode •Initiate a transfer scheme in a main-tie-main switchgearfor uninterrupted power supply•Ability to configure/monitor alarms for various devices •Provides a rich interface to monitor parameters of all devicesand study the trends of those parametersOne line view•The one line view shows the lineup of all the configured devices with their top five parameters in the widget; it graphically repre-sents the power flow between various configured devices•Clicking on a widget provides the top 16 parameters of the device; this again is programmable•Clicking on the more button in the top parameter’s sidebar opens the device details page•Device details page allows user to customize the top parameters, alarms, trends, etc.•The navigator at the bottom can be used to move between various sections of the lineup•The timeline is highlighted if any alarm is active Elevation view•The elevation view shows a physical front view of the switchgear lineup with the status of breakers and buses•Any alarm or fault causes the corresponding compartmentto be highlighted•The navigator shows the visible portion of the lineup; clickingon a widget provides the top 16 parameters of the device Control feature•Control mode allows user to open/close breakers remotely; control mode can be entered from one line or elevation view•For breakers equipped with remote operation via communication, users can enable the Arcflash Reduction Maintenance System™and see a visual indication on screen symbolized by blue hatchedbus lines4EATON Magnum DS low voltage switchgear—automatic transfer and intelligent controlTimeline view• Clicking on an alarm opens the sidebar as follows; the alarm can be acknowledged by clicking the tab• Clicking on view alarm details opens the alarm details page; this page lists the alarm information, such as: time of occurrence, value of occurrence and all the instances of the same alarm T ransfer view•The dashboard allows user to configure how a transfer will take place in case of a power failure•User can set the transfer to be automatic or manual; this typeof transition can be configured as open/closedDocs view•Docs from the menu list the support documents provided with the switchgear; one can navigate between various documents using the right arrow at bottom•On entering the edit mode, more documents can be added under switchgear or manualsectionsSystem requirements5EATON Magnum DS low voltage switchgear—automatic transfer and intelligent controlEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2015 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. PA019005EN / BC-227July 2015Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.。


200 42.20% 42.20% 2.00% 0.20% MEDIUM INACTIVE NV_SAVE 4MA 20MA DIRECT(4 mA对应0%阀 HIGH_CUR DIRECT
P2.3 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 P2.8 P3.0 P3.1
P3.3 P4.0 P4.1 P4.2
P5.1 P5.2 P5.3 P5.4 P5.5 P5.6 P5.7 P6.0 P6.1 P6.2
P6.4 P6.5 P6.6 P7.0 P7.1 P7.2
CTCLOCKW(全关即反馈杆 逆时针方向
退出大运行操作级 NV_SAVE
第一位置信号设置点 0.00%
第二位置信号设置点 100.00%
高于或低于第一位置 信号时有效
高于或低于第二位置 信号时有效


Do not disassemble or modify the unit. Failure​to​follow​this​instruction​may​result​in​electric​shock​or​fire. Caution 2 1. When connecting the power input and relay output, use AWG 20(0.50mm ) cable or over and tighten the terminal screw with a tightening torque of 1.0N . m. When connecting the sensor input and communication cable without dedicated cable, use AWG 28~16 cable and tighten the terminal screw with a tightening torque of 1.0N . m. Failure​to​follow​this​instruction​may​result​in​fire​or​malfunction​due​to​contact​failure. 2. Use the unit within the rated specifications. Failure​to​follow​this​instruction​may​result​in​fire​or​product​damage.​ 3. Use dry cloth to clean the unit, and do not use water or organic solvent. Failure​to​follow​this​instruction​may​result​in​electric​shock​or​fire. 4. Do not use the unit in the place where flammable/explosive/corrosive gas, humidity, direct sunlight, radiant heat, vibration, impact, or salinity may be present. Failure​to​follow​this​instruction​may​result​in​fire​or​explosion. 5. Keep metal chip, dust, and wire residue from flowing into the unit.




电气连接端子编号功能作用+11 -12 总线连接器端子+41 -42 低位信号输出端子(选配)+51 -52 高位信号输出端子(选配)TZIDC-110为Profibus PA总线,两线制总线供电,工作电流为10.5mA,供电电压为9.0V-32V之间,传播数率为31.25Kbit/s;TZIDC-120为FF总线,两线制总线供电,工作电流为11.5mA,供电电压为9.0V-32V之间,传播数率为31.25Kbit/s;控制级功能及转换方式:控制级分类功能屏幕显示总线控制级合用于现场总线控制操作[ REMOTE ]运行操作级合用于初次调试及平常旳检查和现场手动开关操作[ 1.x ](x为1、2、3)参数配置级合用于初次调试中旳参数设置及自动整定[ P x.x ]( P为参数PARAMETER首字母) 控制级转换方式目前控制级目旳控制级转换方式总线控制级运行操作级按住MODE键+ENTER键并保持3秒运行操作菜单:操作模式中旳 1.1用于远程控制时检查远程控制指令和现场温度来测试定位器与否可以正常远程控制,操作模式中旳1.2和1.3都为手动模式,区别是1.2用于检查比例显示旳反馈值,而1.3专用于检测定位器反馈杆实际运行范围与否超过传感器旳最大检测范围,以便校正反馈杆旳连接,获得最佳旳控制效果。



定位器信息显示及文字描述:SIMUL 仿真程序通过外部设备启动CALC_ERR 真实性检查发生错误定位器错误代码表代码显示内容描述处理措施ERROR10 电源电压开路或过低超过20毫秒检查电源和配线ERROR11 电源电压减少至最低电压值如下检查电源和配线ERROR12 执行机构位置超过传感器检测范围检查传感器和执行机构连接角度ERROR20 EEPROM无法存取数据重启后仍无法存取数据,需返厂修理ERROR21 处理测量值时,指针发生错误设备重启后错误仍存在,需返厂修理ERROR22 处理表格数据时,指针发生错误设备重启后错误仍存在,需返厂修理ERROR23 检查配置数据和校验时发生错误设备重启后错误仍存在,需返厂修理ERROR24 定位器内存数据错误设备重启后错误仍存在,需返厂修理ERROR50-- ERROR99 定位器内部错误设备重启后错误仍存在,需返厂修理主板跳线配置(仅合用于TZIDC-120)跳线1为仿真跳线正常调试默认设置为:,此位置为严禁仿真。

TZ4SP TZN4S系列温度控制器说明书

TZ4SP TZN4S系列温度控制器说明书




※RTD(铂电阻温度传感器):DPt 100Ω(3-线型),JPt 100Ω(3-线型)输入双重PID自整定温度控制器※模拟输入使用T.C端子,并注意极性※T.C(热电偶):K,J,R,E,T,S,W,N面板开孔尺寸面板开孔尺寸支架输出(PV传送输出)主输出TZN/TZ系列双重PID自整定温度控制器(单位:mm)面板开孔尺寸面板开孔尺寸面板开孔尺寸由于TZ4SP使用了TZ4ST相同的标识面板,即使有EV2输出信号灯也不能工作。












我们提供:• 方案• • •动及动力总成解决方案马达控制设备命令和控制设备终端保护产品自动化和驱动产品134MOEM 市场综合样本目录2马达和线路控制设备伊顿拥有超过百年的接触器研发和制造经验,为用户提供至3185A 的线路控制解决方案,并提供不同系列的产品以满足用户的的多种要求Xstart 系列接触器:全球化的产品,提供包括UL 在内的主流认证,最高达3185安培(AC-1)的产品:• 独特的CT 型励磁机构,功耗更小;• 115A 以上集成电子线路板,降低功耗同时工作电压幅度更宽;• 580A 以上真空灭弧,应对严苛使用环境,业界最长预期寿命;• 提供本地化的XstartC 系列(认证情况请咨询当地销售办事处)。

D 系列接触器:本地化的产品,提供最高到500A 的高效控制和保护方案,应用于泵、风机、压缩机等场合,提供功能全面的辅助触点和宽幅的控制线圈电压选项。

• 齐全的线圈控制电压,185A 以上更提供交直流通用产品;• 全系列内置辅助触点• 百万次以上电气寿命• 使用温度-20 °C ~ +55 °CE 系列接触器:全球最小的电磁接触器之一,有效地利用空间,可靠性增强,材料使用更高效。

E 系列接触器额定值可至AC-3, 95A@400V ,最高工作电压高达660V ,体积小巧,却提供强大的性能。

• 百万次以上电气寿命• 690V 绝缘额定值• 最多可加装6个辅助触点模块• 常用交流控制电压及直流24VDC 线圈1马达控制设备目录电机控制产品 xStart C 接触器式继电器DILA..C 接触器DILM..C 过载继电器ZB..C电动机保护断路器PKZMC 电机控制产品 D 系列接触器 XTCD 热过载继电器 XTOD 电气行业解决方案 Eline 控制继电器 XTRG 接触器 XTCG热过载继电器 XTOD/XTOG电机控制产品 xStart C电机控制产品 D 系列电气行业解决方案Eline1接触器式继电器DILA..C目录系统概览 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .本体DILA..C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .辅助触点模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .操作电压 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .特性曲线,触点行程图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4极触点多种组合约定发热电流(I th )16A 交流与直流操作的产品尺寸相同直流操作的产品内置浪涌抑制器••••接触器式继电器DILA..C35791112131911接触器式继电器DILA..C说明121接触器式继电器DILA..C系统概览31接触器式继电器DILA..C系统概览4系统概览本体AC 或DC 操作电磁系统AC DC 可以扩展到8对触点反向互锁触点模块化系统螺钉连接和卡装手指接触防护螺钉端子第5页起抑制电路用于直流操作接触器式继电器的保护电路(所有直流型均内置)用于交流操作接触器式继电器的保护电路第32页起辅助触点模块23, 42或4极反向互锁触点第7页起124 – 400V, 50, 60, 50/60 Hz0.8 – 1.1 × U c 24 VA/3.4 VA 24 – 220 V DC0.8 – 1.1 × U c 于24 V :0.7 – 1.3 × U c 无附加辅助触点模块环境温度+40°C 3W/3W1接触器式继电器DILA..C本体5接线方式:螺钉端子触点N/O = 常开N/C = 常闭带反向互锁触点的本体额定工作电流AC – 15220 V230 V240 VI e约定发热电流,敞开,于60°CI th代码序号触点序号380 V400 V415 VI e1本体DILAC-XHI(V)...DILAC-XHI(V)...DILAC-XHI(V)...DILA-40C(220-230V50Hz)114842DILA-31C(220-230V50Hz)114852DILA-22C(220-230V50Hz)114862DILA-40C(24VDC)114847DILA-31C(24VDC)114857DILA-22C(24VDC)1148671件1件1件可以组合辅助触点模块标准包装说明AC 操作型号订货号操作电压220-230V50HzDC 操作型号订货号操作电压24VDC附件1 抑制器2 辅助触点模块操作电压页数32711触点编号,符合EN 50011线圈端子标记,符合EN 50005直流操作的接触器式继电器具有一个内置的保护电路。



TEC 温控-PID 参数可自动校正调整温控器TEC-10A一 、特性描述TEC-10A 是一款高功率密度的TEC 温度控制器,额定工作负载5A ,峰值电流可达10A 。



二 、控制器指标1、输 入:DC12V~13V2、输 出:-12V 到+12V3、额定电流:6A4、控制温度范围:-55°~125°5、控制器主板尺寸:64mm*40mm6、定位孔尺寸:M3图2 TEC 控制主板尺寸及接口定义三、 接线图TEC-10A 接线端子为6芯连接器,如下图图3所示。

接线时首先连接电源线和DS18B20,并且将GND 端和DS18B20的GND 端接到一起,等到接通电源后,最后接入TEC 。

接线时,保证12V 电源线界面大于0.5mm*mm 。






图4 正确接线示意图四、操作流程调试TEC控制器,需要将TEC控制器调试器通过排线和主控制板连接,显示屏幕显示如下图图5所示波形。

图5 调试器液晶显示屏操作步骤:第一步:温度设置。


Thermo King 电子控制器指南说明书

Thermo King 电子控制器指南说明书
Sobrecalentamiento del módulo de control. Si el problema persiste cuando se reinicia la unidad, póngase en contacto con su concesionario de servicio.
Fallo de software. Póngase en contacto con su concesionario de servicio.
Error de lectura de la temperatura del aire de retorno del compartimento de carga remoto (circuito abierto o con un cortocircuito). Póngase en contacto con su concesionario de servicio.
3. También puede solicitar una copia impresa de todos estos documentos al representante de su concesionario de Thermo King.
Controlador en cabina de las unidades de transmisión directa
Borrado de las alarmas
En primer lugar, debe corregirse la condición de alarma en la unidad. Tras borrar la condición de alarma, pulse y suelte la tecla SELECCIÓN para eliminar los códigos de ALARMA existentes. Aparecerá la pantalla estándar una vez que se hayan borrado los códigos de ALARMA.
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EV-1设定报警输出的偏差温度 设定范围在每一个传感器的使用范围内。 EV-2设定报警输出的偏差温度 设定范围在每一个传感器的使用范围内。
光纤传感器 门传感器/ 区域传感器 接近开关
报警滞后值 比例带 积分时间
报警输出的ON/OFF的滞后温度可以从1到100℃之间设定 (小数点型为:0.1~100.0℃)※只针对温度报警输出显示。
旋转编码器 配线/配件
温度控制器 功率控制器 计数器
主输出 电流
电压/电流 面板表
转速/线速 脉冲表
主输出 电流
辅助输出 传送输出
步进电机/ 驱动器/ 运动控制器
输出 输出
输入 以下
电源 阻性负载 (PV传送输出)
主输出 电流
输出 输出 输入 以下
输出 输出 输入
主输出 阻性负载
输出 PV传送输出
电流 负载以下
主输出 电流
输出 输出 输入
主输出 阻性负载
开关电源 步进电机/ 驱动器/ 运动控制器 触摸屏

AC电源型 电源
允许电压范围 消耗功率 显示类型
100-240VAC 50/60Hz 24VAC 50/60Hz/24-48VDC
额定电源的90~110% 6VA 以下(AC/DC电源型→AC:8VA以下,DC:7W以下)
光纤传感器 门传感器/ 区域传感器 接近开关
面板开孔尺寸 74以上
功率控制器 计数器
面板开孔尺寸 50以上
(单位:mm) 电压/电流
转速/线速 脉冲表
面板开孔尺寸 112以上
(单位:mm) 步进电机/ 驱动器/ 运动控制器 触摸屏
设定完成后,按 模式。
运行 按 键3秒,模式将进入以下图组。
SV-2设定 AL1报警温度 AL2报警温度 断线报警
TZ4M→ PV:W9.8×H14.2mm
SV:W8×H10mm TZN4M→
TZ4H→ W3.8×H7.6mm
控制周期 滞后值 输入误差校正 手动复位 RAMP上升 RAMP下降
设定控制比例周期从1~120秒 使用SSR输出的情况下设定比例周期尽量短(例:2秒)※当P为0.0时不显示。(ON/OFF控制)
设定滞后从1~100℃(小数点型:0.1~100.0℃) 当ON/OFF控制功能时使用。
纠正传感器的误差从 -49~50℃ (小数点型:-50.0~50.0℃)
输出 PV传送输出
主输出 电流
面板开孔尺寸 55以上
面板开孔尺寸 91以上
面板开孔尺寸 55以上
0~3600秒 0~3600秒 1~120秒
0.5秒 1~999秒 1~99分钟内Ramp Up,Ramp Down 2000VAC 50/60Hz 1分钟 10~55Hz,振幅0.75mm,X,Y,Z各方向2小时 机械:最大10,000,000次,电气:100,000次以上(250VAC 3A 阻性负载) 机械:最大20,000,000次,电气:300,000次以上(250VAC 1A 阻性负载) 100MΩ以上(500VDC) 方波模拟器产生干扰(脉宽1μs)±2KV 大约10年(使用易失性半导体存储器) -10~50℃(未结冰状态) -20~60℃(未结冰状态) 35~85%RH
在运行状态改变设定值的情况下,按 键,SV值在个位的位置闪烁。

EVENT2指示输出 设定键的程序

设定比例值从0.0~100.0% 如果P值为0.0,就变成ON/OFF控制方式。
设定积分时间0~3600秒 如果I值为“0”,没有积分功能。※当P为0.0时不显示(ON/OFF控制)
旋转编码器 配线/配件 温度控制器
设定微分时间0~3600秒 如果D值为“0”,没有微分功能。※当P为0.0时不显示(0N/OFF控制)
设定手动复位值从0.0~100.0% 只有在比例控制时使用,PID中没有。
可设定RAMP上升的时间为1~99分钟 当参数组2中选择RAMP功能的时候才显示。
可设定RAMP下降的时间为1~99分钟 当参数组2选择RAMP功能的时候才显示。
这个功能时锁定设定值 选择后数据不能改变了。

TZ4SP:约136g 量 TZN4S:约150g
TZ4W:约270g TZN4W:约259g
低电压型仅限于TZ4SP,TZ4ST,TZ4L,TZN4M系列。 上述重量不包含包装盒。
※RTD(铂电阻温度传感器):DPt 100Ω(3-线型),JPt 100Ω(3-线型) ※T.C(热电偶):K,J,R,E,T,S,W,N ※模拟输入使用T.C端子,并注意极性
PID控制 加热/制冷
Event2 报警模式 自整定 模式
(高限位) (低限位) 小数点
温度传 感器模式
设定传 设定传 输地址 输速度
Ramp 功能
中继输出 中继输出 (低限位) (高限位)
输入传感器,可选19种类型。 Event1:可选9种。 Event2:可选9种。 报警输出:可选4种。 自调整,选择tun1或tun2。 PID:可选PIDF或PIDS。 可选加热或制冷功能。 温度单位:℃或℉。 设定高限位scale值(包括模拟输入)。
电源 辅助输出
位数 系列
继电器输出 SSR驱动电压输出 电流输出(DC4-20mA) 24VAC/24-48VDC通用 100-240VAC 50/60Hz
Event1输出 Event1输出 Event1+Event2输出 Event1+PV传送输出(DC4-20mA)
电压/电流 面板表 转速/线速 脉冲表
开关电源 步进电机/ 驱动器/ 运动控制器 触摸屏
运行 按
传感器类型 Event1
输入 以下
主输出 阻性负载
主输出 电流
光纤传感器 门传感器/ 区域传感器 接近开关
输出 输出 传感器
输入 以下 传感器
输入 以下
主输出 阻性负载
输出 传送输出
输入 以下
主输出 阻性负载
输出 传送输出
主输出 阻性负载
主输出 电流
TZN4H→ PV:W7.8×H11mm SV:W5.8×H8mm
PV:W9.8×H14.2mm SV:W8×H10mm