综合教程4 Unit5课后练习答案

see3 Rewrite the sentences using see .1 In 1987 there was a major stock market crash.1987 saw a major stock market crash.2 The early 1980s was a period of steady economic growth.The early 1980s saw a period of steady economic growth.3 Long hair made a brief return in the 1990s.The 1990s saw a brief return to long hair.4 On the first day of the sales there were hundreds of people queuing in the streets.The first day of the sales saw hundreds of people queuing in the streets.5 There was great techno logical change during our grandparents‘ generation.Our grandparents‘ generation saw a great technological change.turn out to be4 Rewrite the sentences using turn out to be .1 I thought the ring was made of gold, but in the end it proved to be silver.I thought the ring was made of gold, but it turned out to be silver.2 She looked like my cousin, but she was actually a complete stranger.She looked like my cousin, but she turned out to be a complete stranger.3 The house needed a lot of work doing on it, but it proved to be a good investment.The house needed a lot of work doing on it, but it turned out to be a good investment.4 I saw smoke rising from the building, but it was a false alarm.I saw smoke rising from the building, but it turned out to be a false alarm.5 I didn‘t want to move to England, but in the end it proved to be a wise decision.I didn‘t want to move to England, but it turned out to be a wise decision.collocations5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1hint A hint can be something you say to show your feelings without saying directly what they are, a small amount of something, or a piece of advice.(a) If someone has a hint of a smile on their face, what do you see?You see just a small sign of a smile but not a proper smile.(b) What helpful hints would you give someone starting their own business?I‘d suggest that they need to have a clear focus on what the business is about and exactly how it will work, eg the person should identify a niche in the market that the new business can fill.(c) If you drop a hint about what you would like for your birthday, do you ask for it directly?No, of course not! You just find a way to join in with a normal conversation and say something about what you would like.2range This word can mean a number of things of the same general type, the distance or limits of something, or to move freely.(a) What can you find in a shop which stocks a wide range of products?You can find products of all kinds, a good variety of them.(b) What would be the best thing to do if you were within range of someone with a gun?Run quickly away out of range if there is time; if not, take shelter.(c) Which is the biggest mountain range in China?Well, the Himalayas are the highest, but the Tian Shan or Kunlun mountain ranges are longer.(d) What have hens which lay free-range eggs been able to do?They have been able to run and walk around freely, compared to hens which are kept in small cagesor containers.3 reflect This word can mean to be a sign of a situation, or to think carefully about something.(a) Whose image is reflected if you look in a mirror?Your own image is reflected back to you when you look in a mirror.(b) Do you believe that the state of the economy can be reflected in the height of hemlines?I wouldn‘t have believed it before I read the passage, but I believe it now!(c) Do you ever reflect on the mistakes you make in English?Yes, I do try to reflect on them because I know such reflection is a good way to improve my English.4 rise This word can mean an increase in number, amount or value, or the achievement of success or power.(a) Why was there a sharp rise in unemployment in the West in the 1930s?The sharp rise in unemployment was due to the stock market crash and the financial crisis.(b) What do you know about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire?I know that over several hundred years the Roman Empire expanded, but after a time it then declined over a long period. There‘s a famous book called The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. (c) Do you live in a high-rise block of flats?I know that a lot of people in cities in China do live in large apartment blocks which have many floors, maybe 15 or 20 or more, but I live in a flat in a much smaller house of just three floors.(d) What are the different factors which give rise to new fashions?Fashion designers produce innovations and new styles. There are changes in the economic situation so that people may spend more or less on clothes; also new materials and colours become available,and people get different ideas about what to wear when they travel to other places or watch filmsand TV.6 Translate the paragraph into Chinese.Sometimes the hemline indicator, as it‘s called, can even precede and predict a change in the mood of the stock market long before it actually happens. In September 2007, at the New York fashion shows, which were displaying their styles for spring 2008, the trend was for much longer dresses and skirts, many to mid-calf or even down to the ankles. Some people felt this showed that the hemline indicator was no longer reliable, and that designers no longer dictated what people would wear. During the London and New York fashion shows in September 2008, hemlines continued to drop. But sure enough, in the fall of 2008, the stock market indexes fell dramatically when the banking crisis hit the US, Europe and then the rest of the world. Hemlines were no longer following the stock market – they were showing the way and indicating future economic trends.有时候,所谓的裙摆指标甚至能事先早早就预告股市的变化。

新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 5 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•stigma•animated•decidedly•etiquette•linguistic•entrusted•eloquent•availability•undermine•intellectual1.The poet gave an incredibly eloquentspeech and brought many people to tears.Your answer Correct answer eloquent eloquent2.What's the proper etiquetterequired for eating dinner with a prince?Your answer Correct answer etiquette etiquette3.My daughter shows a(n) intellectualcuriosity not usual for someone so young.Your answer Correct answer intellectual intellectual4.I like the debate team at school because we always have such animatedconversations.Your answer Correct answer animated animated5.What's your availabilityto go fishing next weekend?Your answer Correct answeravailability availability6.Her brother was entrustedwith their father's fortune after he passed away. Your answer Correct answer entrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n)stigmaconnected to her skin color.Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8.Don't question my decisions and underminemy authority in front of the other employees!Your answer Correct answer undermine undermine9.It's obvious that Kevin has amazing linguisticabilities since he's fluent in sixlanguages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10.The final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) decidedlyunfair competition.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlySection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____.a. applicantb. championc. nomineed. spectator12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____ children at once.a. multiplyb. doublec. individuald. multiple13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office will be your main point ofcontact.a. counterpartb. supervisorc. subordinated. employee14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by.a. principleb. principalc. standardd. irrelevant15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy.a. highbrowb. unemotionalc. scandalousd. unintended16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salary considerably.a. therebyc. standbyd. passerby17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _____.a. discriminateb. discriminationc. discriminatoryd. discriminator18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurt someone.a. peacefulb. hostilec. ambivalentd. apathetic19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene?a. motivateb. motivatorc. motivationd. motive20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault.a. portendb. attendc. contendSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.She entrusted me withmanaging the entire staff this week.Your answer Correct answer with with22.They managed to catch the opposing player offguard and score a goal.Your answer Correct answer off off23.Tony has been described asboth a lover and a hater.Your answer Correct answer as as24.Other thanthe occasional cup of tea, I never drink caffeine.Your answer Correct answerthan than25.I think it goes withoutsaying that I want to go to college.Your answer Correct answer without without26.Diane wrote an article to the effect thatmen and women were equal in all respects.Your answer Correct answer that that27.Let's rake overthe suspect's answers and see if we can find some clues.Your answer Correct answerover over28.Please fill outthese forms and have a seat; someone will be with you shortly.Your answer Correct answerout out29.Remember to take yard work intoaccount when you figure how much free time youhave this weekend.Your answer Correct answerinto into30.It's not a good idea to make sarcastic comments aboutyour previous boss during a jobinterview.Your answer Correct answerabout aboutPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It's very interesting that so many world cultures are (31)patriarchal, or based on thesuperiority of the father or husband. Why do you think this is so? There are a(n)(32)myriadof explanations, but many of them can be traced back to the basic(33)masculinestereotypes: strength, power, and dominance. Throughout history andaround the world, men have overpowered women due to their physical qualities.Yet how can we explain the handful of cultures that are actually (34)matriarchal, orbased on the superiority of the mother or wife? No one can (35)presumeto know theprecise reason for why they developed differently, but it is interesting to theorize. One particularly(36)revealingfact is that most of these cultures have a strong agricultural tradition and,hence, a strong female role in society.One of the major tenets of the (37)feminismmovement is that modern womenshould not be restricted by traditional roles and their subservient status in society. Women should notbelieve that their gender automatically (38)disqualifiesthem for the same rights andprivileges that men enjoy."Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall offthe edge." This anonymous (39)quoteperfectly captures the essence of the modernfeminist movement. Elevating the female gender to be completely equal with men should be the(40)singularcause of everyone everywhere.Your answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singularPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Language not only allows us to communicate our thoughts and ideas to others but also helps us understand the world and how others think. Words and ideas convey much more than the basic information we use them for. Our choice of words, examples, context, and grammatical structure all contribute to forming a picture of ourselves and our world view. However, language is not a neutral vehicle in the representation of reality, and the mere existence of non-sexist and feminist terms does not guarantee their usage.Many of the words and ideas we use in everyday speech are overtly coded with sexist or gendered understandings which distract from their true intent. The only way to truly create a neutral language is to eliminate all of the sexist, feminist, gender-encoded terms and replace them with new ones. However, even this is not a guarantee that the words will be used in the intended manner or even that the cultural understandings which are attached to the non-neutral terms will be changed. Sexist use of language can not, very feasibly, be changed simply through the replacement of certain words or terms. With the samecultural understanding in place, the new terms will only be appropriated to mean or signify the same thingas the old ones. There is inherent sexism in language.Language and cultural understanding are connected and have a reciprocating relationship. Anotherimplied sexist use of language is the tendency to refer to inanimate objects in English (with no grammatical gender) as gendered. This is seen in references to boats, planes, or cars as feminine. Perhaps the mostwidely-used example of this is the idea of Mother Nature. Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued, exploited, and admired. Our concepts of gender and the relation ofthose concepts to reality are reflected in our choice of words and referents.Language and our use of it are almost entirely entrenched in our understanding of the world.Therefore, commonly held beliefs about gender and the differences between men and women are reflectedin language use. When gender neutral or feminine terms are introduced into a society still dominated bymen, their intended neutrality is thwarted in actual usage. Indeed, if man equals human (linguistically and culturally), then man will always be the standard against which woman is measured.41. Which of the following would make the best title for this passage?A. The Neutrality of Language: Why Uninteresting Language is Sometimes BetterB. Language as a Mirror: How Our Words Reflect What We ThinkC. Gendered Language: How English Sets a Perfect ExampleD. The Culture of Language: Why We Think the Way We Do42. After reading this passage, what can you infer about the nature of language?A. The interpretation of language is largely a matter of semantics.B. There is tenuous connection between language and culture.C. Very few words have cultural and sexual connotations.D. Language is the primary vehicle people use to express cultural understanding.43. "Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued,exploited, and admired." This statement establishes a _____ to use language in a particular way.A. motiveB. stigmaC. myriadD. standard44. Which paragraph introduces a discussion of the sexist use of language?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Much of the language we use is sexist.B. Language allows us to communicate our thoughts.C. Language and culture are directly related.D. Many inanimate objects are given genders in speech.。

Unit5答案⼤学英语综合教程4Unit 5 Fame and SuccessI. Listen and Respond1. Focusing on the Main Ideas1) It’s mainly about how to set goals in one’s life.2) This is because they all have clear goals. They know what they want in life and they go after it.3) They are: a) decide what you want; b) make clear your values; c) write them down; and d) take action.4) According to the passage, one should have written goals, careful choices, clear commitments and daily persistence if he or she wants to be successful.2. Zooming In on the Details1) athletes2) inspiring3) accident4) priorities5) independence6) intentions7) specific8) marriage9) extraordinary10) persistent11) sketches12) commitmentsII. Text A---Discovering the Main Ieas1.1) In this essay, the author talks about the issue of fame. The main idea is that most people want fame because fame can bring them celebrity, high regard, admiration, etc. However, the author emphasizes that there are few people who can really capture fame and that fame is usually short-lived. Fame can affect and sometimes even destroy one’s life.2) The author takes an objective attitude towards fame with an emphasis on its negative side. He believes that fame rewards one with money, power and popularity, but it may also enslave him and destroy his life.3) According to the author, to stay famous, an artist has to perform in the style that the public wants and enjoys, no matter how bored he is of performing in the same style year after year. Any attempt to change the style may result in the loss of his popularity among his fans.4) To find excuses for the failures, people tend to claim that they are too sensitive, they are not interested in money, they are not interested in the power that fame brings and they are not interested in the loss of privacey it demands, etc.5) According to the author, people chase fame because they want to demonstrate excellence in some field; to gain the admiration and love of many others; to be the one everyone talks about; to show family and friends that they are more than their family and friends thought they were.6) Probably not. According to the author, fame takes “the you out of you”, which means that oncea person becomes famous, he must be what the public thinks he is, not what he really is or couldbe. Fame enslaves him with what the public wants, instead of helping him maintain and develop his own identity or his true self.2.Part Paragraph(s) Main IdeaOne 1-2 Fame enslaves the person who pursues it because once he becomes fam ous, he will not only attract the public’s attention, but also has to workand live in line with the public’s expectations. He then becomes the slaveof his own success.Two 3-4 For those who look for fame, failure is not necessarily a bad thing, especially for those who fail to perform well enough, because people tendto be more tolerant towards and sympathetic with them.Three 5 Though fame brings disadvantages to those who achieve it, people still seek fame for various reasons.Four 6 It is better to take a critical attitude towards fame.III. Text A---Reading Between the Lines1.According to the author, fame and the public attention that comes with it can destroy one’stalent. Once you become famous, it is not you but the public that controls your fate. You have to work and live in line with the public expectations.2.Artists are no longer the master of themselves. In order to meet the public demands, they haveto perform in the same style year after year, no matter how bored they become.3.Fame often affects how performers see their own talent and skills. It is easy for them tobelieve that they are as perfect as what the media describe. They may indulge themselves in that illusion and lose their own judgment about themselves.4.Once you become famous, your opponents will pay more attention to you and they will seekevery opportunity to challenge or even attack you. You will also be exposed to the limelight and the media may keep an eye on whatever you are doing.IV. Text B---Checking Your V ocabulary1.2) d 3) g 4) a 5) c 6) h 7) b 8) f2.1) (n.) a first university degree in any of several subjects(n.) an unmarried man2) (n.) the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority onone’s way of life or behaviour(n.) too much freedom in behaviour, taken without permission and sometimes regarded as rude 3) (n.) the point of highest activity, quality or achievement(vi.) reach a highest point4) (n.) a very strong feeling of excitement or joy(vt.) cause to fell a sudden strong feeling of excitement or joy5) (n.) the amount of money that is available to a family to spend(vt.) bring (the lips) together in little folds6) (ad.) in the way that is typical of power that is uncontrolled and used without considering thewishes of others(ad.) in the way that is decided by or based on chance or personal opinion rather than facts or reason; randomly7) (vt.) make (sth.) certain to happen or be gained; ensure(vt.) tell firmly and with confidence, esp. with the aim of removing doubt; promise8) (n.) the management of money, esp. of large amounts of money by governments, companies, orlarge organizations(vt.) provide an esp. large amount of money for (a public activity or organization, business, etc.)V. Text B---Checking Your Comprehension1. NFinancial wealth, in fact, is a shallow measure of success. If we accept dollars as our standard, then “money is the measure of the man,” and what could be more foolish than that? (Para. 4) Such success cannot be measured in monetary terms. (Para.10)2. Y…wealth is ill-measured by using mere dollars: … (Para. 3)What about a life well-lived? What about a family closely bound by love? Who could be wealthier than a man or woman whose calling provides benefits to mankind, or to fellow citizens, or even toa community or neighborhood? (Para. 4)3. Y… that fame is ill-measured by public notoriety; … (Para. 3)4. N… and that power is ill-measured solely by control over others. (Para. 3)5. NPerhaps the famed economist Joseph Schumpeter can help. Ambitious people are driven, he suggested, by “the joy of creating, of getting things done, of simply exercising one’s energy and ingenuity; and by the will to conquer, the impulse to fight, to succeed for the sake, not of the fruits of success”--- i.e. wealth, fame, and power--- “but of success itself.” (Para. 9)6. YSource sentences: Such success cannot be measured in monetary terms, nor in terms of the amount of power one may exercise over others, nor in the illusory fame of inevitably short-lived public notice. But it can be measured in our contributions to building a better world, in helping our fellow man, in bringing up children who themselves become loving human beings and good citizens. (Para. 10)VI. Text B---Optional Classroom Activities(The following explanations are provided only for references)1)As long as you have confidence in yourself, and hold the belief that anything is possible, youare already on your way to success.2)If you always close your eyes to possibilities, you will attempt nothing and accomplishnothing. Such a pessimistic attitude can never make a successful person.3)Successful people know their goals and would waste no time in pursuing them. If you believewhat you are doing now would lead you to success, the 10 million dollars might speed you up on your way to success but would not change what you are doing now.4)Education and talent are important factors in achieving success, but they can never take theplace of perseverance. On your way to success, the biggest obstacle is not the lack of education or talent, but the lack of persistence and determination in what you are doing.Education and talent may help you to achieve success, yet only persistence and determination can give you the will power to stick to your goal and to overcome difficulties.5)The only answer is as much as it takes.VII. Enhance Your Language Awareness1.1) fortune2) dull3) chased4) launched5) finance6) reputation7) liberty8) publicity9) sufficiently10) sympathy11) target12) educate13) commerce14) alike15) bored16) audiences17) regard18) assure2.1) thrown out2) and so on3) for dear life4) dedicate himself to5) was tired of6) turn away7) hang on8) for the sake ofVIII. Increasing Your Word Power1.Back-formation Original word Back-formation Original word automate automation housekeep housekeeperbabysit babysitter mass-produce mass-productionbook-keep book-keeping self-destruct self-destructiondry-clean dry-cleaning window-shop window-shoppingedit editor wordprocess wordprocessor 2.1) reached / secured2) achieved / attained3) attained / reached4) reach / secure5) achieved / realized / fulfilled6) fulfill / meet / satisfy3.2) competitive3) same4) momentary5) specific6) sufficient7) cruel8) humble9) famous10) reasonableIX. Grammar Review1.1) (real) subject (真正的主语)2) object to the verb “make” (动词“make”的宾语)3) predicate (谓语)4) attribute modifying “opportunity” (定语---修饰“opportunity”)5) object complement (宾语补⾜语)6) adverbial of purpose (⽬的状语)7) adverbial of result (结果状语)8) predicative (表语)9) attribute modifying “person” (定语---修饰“person”)10) independent element (独⽴主格结构)2.1) To become a famous writer2) to take traveler’s checks3) to employ a young engineer4) take the machine apart5) To understand the situation completely6) to rise higher in position7) to find that the train had left 10 minutes before8) to apply for a known job opening9) to make trouble10) To be more exactX. Cloze1) chase2) reputation3) dedicate4) reward5) sufficiently6) measured7) assure8) Momentary9) celebrity10) target11) frank12) liberty13) illusory14) regardXI. Translation1.1) He attempted to save the enterprise which was on the verge of collapse but failed.2) The president has announced that he will not seek re-election at the end of his first term.3) The young teacher is skilled at motivating his students to study hard.4) She loves giving parties and does so whenever she can find an excuse.5) I’m afraid that you’ll have to compete with at least fifty people for an administrative post in this company.6) To be frank, I don’t think you stand a good chance of getting promoted even if you are loyal to the company.7) It was obvious that his speech aroused the sympathy of the audience for the victims of the earthquake.8) Though he has repeatedly assured me of his ability to promote our company’s products, I’ll give him another interview before hiring him.9) The company’s investment ended in failure due to the wrong strategic decisions of the general manager and so the board of directors decided to throw him out.10) I know you are tired but try to hang on a little bit longer. We will reach the peak in half an hour.2.Many people want to be famous because fame can bring them both honor and respect from the public. In most cases, fame can also help them gain wealth. But, after all, very few people can really become famous while most people, including most artists, are unlikely to become famous.It is true that some failure for some people at certain times in their lives does motivate them to strive even harder so as to achieve final success. For example, Thomas Edison, the famous American inventor, had tried hundreds of materials before he finally found the suitable fuse for the electric bulb. However, unfortunately, for most people failure is the end of their struggle.Therefore, in my opinion, success is one thing and fame is another. As long as you have tried your best, you’re already successful whether y ou are famous or not.XII. Theme-Related WritingA Sample Essay:Fame--- Good or EvilFame has always been pursued by many people for the advantages it brings about. Fame can assure one of a high social status, high regard, great admiration, etc. Fame can also bring one wealth as a celebrity has more chances to earn big money. Besides, the applauses and flowers from the fans may boost one’s self-confidence and increase one’s sense of fulfillment.However, fame can ruin one’s life, too. It deprives one of his privacy. As a public figure, he is often chased by fans and journalists, and his private life never escapes the media’s attention or public curiosity. Fame also places one under great pressure. He has to work in line with public expectations and thus becomes the slave of his own success.So fame is a double-edged sword. I don’t seek fame and I don’t envy those who are famous. I highly appreciate what the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow says about fame: “The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.”。

Unit 5Text ATextoganization 1.Parts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras 1 It is no easy to judge people, for they aren’t always whatthey appear to bePart Two Paras 2-3 Kind and gentle, Edward Burton, a wealthy merchant,appeared as if he could not bear to hurt a fly.Part Three Paras 4-51 History of globalization and its recent trends and futureprospectssections Paragraphs Main Ideassection One Paras 4-16 What Edward knew about Lennysection Two Paras 17-31 How Edward responded to Lenny’s requestsection Three Paras 32-51 How Edward, a “kind” gentleman, handled a friend indesperate need of helpVocabularyI1) In a way 2) in accordance 3) vacancy 4) in good condition 5) transparent 6) rub 7) spicy 8) hitherto9) with (a) bad grace 10) instinct 11) pawned 12) current2.1) turned up 2) will stick to 3) brought back 4)go about5) driving at 6) put away 7) over 8) took aback3.1) has a very weak constitution --- she may not be able to survive the operation.2) was taken aback by the insurance company’s rejection of my compensation claim3) was something of a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.4) needs trimming/ to be trimmed ---it’s getting too long.5) are often seceptive4.1) Oddly enough /went broke /wrinkled / he had gone all to pieces2) definite / is capable of /her vanity3) too mild / sipping / strokeII. Usage1. Except for2. except that3. except4. except when5. except to6. except what7. except where8. except thatIII.vocabulary spellingAmE BrE AmE BrEapartment flat favorable favourablecan tin paralyze paralysecandy sweets labor labourelevator lift meter metrefaculty staff (of a university) catalog cataloguefirst floor ground floor leveling levellinggas, gasoline petrol theater theatremail post defense defencerailroad railway plow ploughpants trousers program programmesubway tube, underground practic e (v.) practisecorn maize characterize characterisestore shop tire tyre (on a car)Comprehensive exercisesI.Cloze1.1. insane2. current3. candid4. capable5. was taken aback6. in good condition7. constitution8. go all to pieces9. gone broke 10. vacancy 11. mild 12. deceptive2.1. suspected2. pleading3. confirmed4. stunned5. lucrative6. jewellery7. wealthy8. urge9. spell 10. arrested II.Translation1.1)I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he issomething of an adventurer.2)He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.3)The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.4)Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only afew turned up.5)The teacher’s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed theway Mike perceived the society and himself.2. 课后翻译For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel. He insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.。
新融合大学英语综合教程4-Unit 5 答案

KeysUnit 5Part I Pre-readingSection B Listening Practice1. adventures2. passport3. adjustment4. alternative5. destinations6. confusingPart II Active Reading: Cultural ConflictsTask One1. C2. B3. D4. B5. CPart III Language FocusTask One1. roar2. prominent3. recoiled4. loomed5. insane6. boost7. outrages8. trigger9. alternately 10. switchTask Two1. I would bet all I have that he learned his lesson about gambling.2. She was indignant that her voice was neglected in work.3. Hopefully, I could switch myself from the legal profession to the business side of things.4. The majority of the local residents are still struggling to be compliant with environmental regulations.5. The public accuse the retail giant of exploiting its workers and discriminating against female employees.6. In winter, we slithered down the slope covered with snow.Part IV Chinese & Foreign Culture IntroductionTask OneDragons are commonly used as auspicious sign; it is one of the most typical of the Chinese nation’s traditional culture. Dragons are deeply rooted in Chinese culture, so the Chinese often consider themselves as "the descendants of the dragon". In Chinese culture, dragons are generous and wise. They are closely connected with the ancient royal family. Dragon culture also exists in the Western world. However, dragons have different reputation in western culture. The Western dragons are evil animals from hell. They usually have wings and can send out fire from their mouths.Task Two不同文化对私人空间和身体接触有不同的期望。

新标准大学英语综合教程4 Unit test 5 答案Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete the sentences using the correct words in the box.•stigma•animated•decidedly•etiquette•linguistic•entrusted•eloquent•availability•undermine•intellectual1.The poet gave an incredibly eloquentspeech and brought many people to tears.Your answer Correct answer eloquent eloquent2.What's the proper etiquetterequired for eating dinner with a prince?Your answer Correct answer etiquette etiquette3.My daughter shows a(n) intellectualcuriosity not usual for someone so young.Your answer Correct answer intellectual intellectual4.I like the debate team at school because we always have such animatedconversations.Your answer Correct answer animated animated5.What's your availabilityto go fishing next weekend?Your answer Correct answeravailability availability6.Her brother was entrustedwith their father's fortune after he passed away. Your answer Correct answer entrusted entrusted7. Sadly, my grandmother went through much of her life feeling like there was a(n)stigmaconnected to her skin color.Your answer Correct answerstigma stigma8.Don't question my decisions and underminemy authority in front of the other employees!Your answer Correct answer undermine undermine9.It's obvious that Kevin has amazing linguisticabilities since he's fluent in sixlanguages!Your answer Correct answerlinguistic linguistic10.The final score of the game was 20-3, making it a(n) decidedlyunfair competition.Your answer Correct answerdecidedly decidedlySection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Even if I don't win the award, it's still an honor to be a(n) _____.a. applicantb. championc. nomineed. spectator12. I see parents of twins and triplets and I can't imagine having _____ children at once.a. multiplyb. doublec. individuald. multiple13. I'm one of two vice-presidents, and my _____ at the other office will be your main point ofcontact.a. counterpartb. supervisorc. subordinated. employee14. "Always be kind" is the _____ rule I expect my employees to live by.a. principleb. principalc. standardd. irrelevant15. His time in office was marked by _____ affairs and controversy.a. highbrowb. unemotionalc. scandalousd. unintended16. I became a partner in the law firm, _____ increasing my salary considerably.a. therebyb. herebyc. standbyd. passerby17. Choosing not to hire someone based on their race or sex is a textbook example of _____.a. discriminateb. discriminationc. discriminatoryd. discriminator18. Tony gets _____ if he drinks too much, and he's liable to hurt someone.a. peacefulb. hostilec. ambivalentd. apathetic19. What was the suspect's _____ to kill Gene?a. motivateb. motivatorc. motivationd. motive20. After all these years, I still _____ that it wasn't my fault.a. portendb. attendc. contendd. pretendSection C: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.21.She entrusted me withmanaging the entire staff this week.Your answer Correct answer with with22.They managed to catch the opposing player offguard and score a goal.Your answer Correct answer off off23.Tony has been described asboth a lover and a hater.Your answer Correct answer as as24.Other thanthe occasional cup of tea, I never drink caffeine.Your answer Correct answerthan than25.I think it goes withoutsaying that I want to go to college.Your answer Correct answer without without26.Diane wrote an article to the effect thatmen and women were equal in all respects.Your answer Correct answer that that27.Let's rake overthe suspect's answers and see if we can find some clues.Your answer Correct answerover over28.Please fill outthese forms and have a seat; someone will be with you shortly.Your answer Correct answerout out29.Remember to take yard work intoaccount when you figure how much free time youhave this weekend.Your answer Correct answerinto into30.It's not a good idea to make sarcastic comments aboutyour previous boss during a jobinterview.Your answer Correct answerabout aboutPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It's very interesting that so many world cultures are (31)patriarchal, or based on thesuperiority of the father or husband. Why do you think this is so? There are a(n)(32)myriadof explanations, but many of them can be traced back to the basic(33)masculinestereotypes: strength, power, and dominance. Throughout history andaround the world, men have overpowered women due to their physical qualities.Yet how can we explain the handful of cultures that are actually (34)matriarchal, orbased on the superiority of the mother or wife? No one can (35)presumeto know theprecise reason for why they developed differently, but it is interesting to theorize. One particularly(36)revealingfact is that most of these cultures have a strong agricultural tradition and,hence, a strong female role in society.One of the major tenets of the (37)feminismmovement is that modern womenshould not be restricted by traditional roles and their subservient status in society. Women should notbelieve that their gender automatically (38)disqualifiesthem for the same rights andprivileges that men enjoy."Women have been taught that, for us, the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall offthe edge." This anonymous (39)quoteperfectly captures the essence of the modernfeminist movement. Elevating the female gender to be completely equal with men should be the(40)singularcause of everyone everywhere.Your answer Correct answer(31) patriarchal patriarchal(32) myriad myriad(33) masculine masculine(34) matriarchal matriarchal(35) presume presume(36) revealing revealing(37) feminism feminism(38) disqualifies disqualifies(39) quote quote(40) singular singularPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Language not only allows us to communicate our thoughts and ideas to others but also helps us understand the world and how others think. Words and ideas convey much more than the basic information we use them for. Our choice of words, examples, context, and grammatical structure all contribute to forming a picture of ourselves and our world view. However, language is not a neutral vehicle in the representation of reality, and the mere existence of non-sexist and feminist terms does not guarantee their usage.Many of the words and ideas we use in everyday speech are overtly coded with sexist or gendered understandings which distract from their true intent. The only way to truly create a neutral language is to eliminate all of the sexist, feminist, gender-encoded terms and replace them with new ones. However, even this is not a guarantee that the words will be used in the intended manner or even that the cultural understandings which are attached to the non-neutral terms will be changed. Sexist use of language can not, very feasibly, be changed simply through the replacement of certain words or terms. With the samecultural understanding in place, the new terms will only be appropriated to mean or signify the same thingas the old ones. There is inherent sexism in language.Language and cultural understanding are connected and have a reciprocating relationship. Anotherimplied sexist use of language is the tendency to refer to inanimate objects in English (with no grammatical gender) as gendered. This is seen in references to boats, planes, or cars as feminine. Perhaps the mostwidely-used example of this is the idea of Mother Nature. Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued, exploited, and admired. Our concepts of gender and the relation ofthose concepts to reality are reflected in our choice of words and referents.Language and our use of it are almost entirely entrenched in our understanding of the world.Therefore, commonly held beliefs about gender and the differences between men and women are reflectedin language use. When gender neutral or feminine terms are introduced into a society still dominated bymen, their intended neutrality is thwarted in actual usage. Indeed, if man equals human (linguistically and culturally), then man will always be the standard against which woman is measured.41. Which of the following would make the best title for this passage?A. The Neutrality of Language: Why Uninteresting Language is Sometimes BetterB. Language as a Mirror: How Our Words Reflect What We ThinkC. Gendered Language: How English Sets a Perfect ExampleD. The Culture of Language: Why We Think the Way We Do42. After reading this passage, what can you infer about the nature of language?A. The interpretation of language is largely a matter of semantics.B. There is tenuous connection between language and culture.C. Very few words have cultural and sexual connotations.D. Language is the primary vehicle people use to express cultural understanding.43. "Historically, men have treated nature as they treat women—as something to be subdued,exploited, and admired." This statement establishes a _____ to use language in a particular way.A. motiveB. stigmaC. myriadD. standard44. Which paragraph introduces a discussion of the sexist use of language?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 3.D. Paragraph 4.45. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Much of the language we use is sexist.B. Language allows us to communicate our thoughts.C. Language and culture are directly related.D. Many inanimate objects are given genders in speech.历史老照片不能说的秘密慈禧军阀明末清初文革晚清on on28.My ankle is still sore, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit out this game.Your answer Correct answeroutout29.The spare bedroom doubles asmy home office.Your answer Correct answerasas30.The presidents talked about, amongother things, the peace treaty between theircountries.Your answer Correct answeramongamongPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.It is truly (31)shabbythat people nowadays don't know nearly enough aboutancient civilizations. In the Western world, the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome gave rise to the popular idea of (32)democracythat is central to many modern governments. Democraticgovernments sometimes are derided as a(n) (33)fallacyin today's world—manypeople don't feel as if they truly have a meaningful voice. However, there were cities (particularly in Greece) where the democratic ideal was born and every citizen truly had a powerful voice.Remarkably, we know this is the case because many documents have survived. Histo rians can verify their (34)mightby dating the paper, so we can (35)unhesitatinglydeclare that they are legitimate. Linguists are able to (36)decipherthe ancientlanguages used in the documents, and we are therefore able to benefit from the wis dom inscribed on those pages. In addition, researchers can use (37) archaeologyto uncover the physicalremains of ancient villages. We have discovered that homes were a uniform size and most people lived as relative equals.I find it truly (38)lamentableto hear people say that there's nothing we can learn fromhistory. Even if only a small (39)fragmentof the wisdom of ancient Greece survived untiltoday, we would be better off. Indeed, it is an amazing thing to realize that our (40) destinyas a people, our future, depends on our knowledge and understanding ofour past.Your answer Correct answer (31) shabby lamentable (32) democracy d emocracy (33) fallacy fallacy (34) might authenticity (35) unhesitatingly unhesitatingly (36) decipher decipher (37) archaeology archaeology (38) lamentable offensive (39) fragment fragment (40)destinydestinyPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Museums, as places of cultural significance, find their roots in the classical world. Anc ient Greece and Rome constructed and valued "museums," though they were largely centers of philosophical thought, rather than repositories of valuable objects. Neverth eless, the ancient world still had public collections of objects which resembled the mo dern concept of a museum. Greek temples and Roman forums often displayed gold a nd silver offerings, sculptures, and paintings.During the 15th century, the modern concept of museums came into fashion in Euro pe. During the following few centuries, museums such as the Ashmolean Museum, th e Vatican museums, the British Museum, and the Louvre were founded and opened. The first modern museums began as private collections of wealthy individuals who a massed extensive collections and then exhibited them for public viewing. The moder n museum has been described as "a product of Renaissance humanism, eighteenth-century enlightenment, and nineteenth-century democracy." These first museums were, however, rarely accessible to the pu blic beyond the upper classes.Until the 18th century, museums were chiefly concerned with collecting the beautiful and the curious, and this was often done for personal interests. During the 19th and 20th centuries, however, museums and cultural institutions proliferated throughout E urope and the United States. It was during this intense period of proliferation that th e concept of the museum as something more than just a storehouse for invaluable tr easures was developed. Museums began to dedicate themselves to collection, conser vation, preservation, and research. Natural history, science, and art museums becam e scholarly centers of academic research and thought. Once museums and other cult ural institutions became public, exhibition became a much more predominant concer n. Preexisting museum goals ., collection, conservation, and preservation) suddenly b ecame the means to procure interesting and desirable exhibitions.Museums in the United States developed slowly. Charles Wilson Peale founded his na tural history museum in the late 18th century in Philadelphia, and he is considered th e first great American museum director. In 1846, James Smithson made a bequest to the United States "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge" which led to the dev elopment of the Smithsonian Institution. The United States finally made itsmark on the development of the modern museum in 1870 with the founding of the A merican Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Throughout the 20th century, museums and other cultural institutions began to focus on education. American museums, especial ly, are devoted to public education in their specific areas of expertise. Many such organizations have also transformed themselves into cultural centers with performing art s, music, and film presentations.41. Which of the following museums was the first to open?A. Metropolitan Museum of Art.B. Smithsonian Institution.C. British Museum.D. Peale's Natural History Museum.42. With which of the following statements would the author of this passage NOT ag ree?A. Museums in the classical world were very similar to museums in the 19th century .B. The modern museum developed over several hundred years.C. Modern museums have many priorities other than collecting.D. The earliest museums were only accessible to the wealthy.43. According to this passage, the modern concept of museums dates back to _____ .A. the classical worldB. the 15th centuryC. the 18th centuryD. the 20th century44. This passage is best described as _____.A. a first-person memoirB. a dramatic dialogueC. a persuasive essayD. a historical survey45. Modern museums tend to focus on all of the following EXCEPT _____.A. conservationB. philosophical thoughtC. preservationD. educationts, music, and film presentations.。
新世纪大学英语4(第二版)综合教程第4册Unit5 答案2

Electronic Teaching PortfolioBook FourUnit Five: LifestylesPart I Get StartedSection A Discussion▇Work in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions.1.What kind of lifestyle do you live now?2.Do you believe in the saying “a penny saved is a penny earned”?3.What are some of the things that come to your mind when we talk about healthy lifestyles?Make a list of healthy lifestyles and share your answers with your group members.▇Answers for reference:1. A sample answer:2.As a university student, I live a simple and plain life. I get up early in the morning and thenattend classes. In the late afternoon I play basketball or football. If I do not have classes during the day, I usually go to the library to do some reading or go to the computer center to search for some information related to my studies. In the evening I review or preview my lessons either in the classroom or in the dormitory. During weekends I sometimes go shopping or go to a movie with my classmates.3. A possible answer:4.Yes. This saying tells us that saving money is as good as earning it. Saving is not only a goodhabit but also an important step on the way to financial well-being, both in the short term and in the long run. In the short term, it gives us an emergency cushion in the event that an unforeseen, large and urgent expense arises. In the long term, a consistent pattern of saving can enable us to accomplish our financial goals, such as financing a college education, a home purchase, or a retirement. So we should be thrifty and don’t spend money on things we don’t really need.5. A sample answer:Section B Quotes▇Study the following quotes about lifestyles and discuss in pairs what you can learn from them.Jack Kerouac⊙Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.— Jack KerouacInterpretation:Trends and fads come and go quickly, and popular opinions of the day may not represent ever-lasting truth. Those who wish to accomplish something extraordinary must not be slavish to trends and fads or popular beliefs. Instead, they should break away from the “following the herd”mentality and be extraordinarily innovative.About Jack Kerouac (1922-1969): a US writer who was a leading figure of the1950s Beat Generation. His most famous novel is On the Road (《在路上》), which describes the adventures of two friends as they travel across the United States.Margaret Mead⊙We are living beyond our means. As a people we have developed a lifestyle that is draining the earth of its priceless and irreplaceable resources without regard for the future of our children and people all around the world.— Margaret MeadInterpretation:In this quote, Margaret Mead rightly points out that the American way of life has given rise to a wasteful society and that it is doing a lot of harm to the earth and hence to mankind as a whole. If we do not make changes in our lifestyles today, our children are doomed to suffer from lack of irreplaceable resources in the future.About Margaret Mead (1901-1978): a US anthropologist, who studied the ways in which parentson the islands of Samoa, Bali, and New Guineas taught their children. She also tried to discover whether males and females are born with the differences in behaviour that they show, or whether they lean to behave differently as they grow up in a particular society.Charlie Chaplin⊙The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury.— Charlie ChaplinInterpretation:In this quote, Chaplin points out the danger of seeking luxuries. Luxuries are not necessities. Many people work hard to seek luxuries in life — they purchase luxury goods and services and always long for possessions that they do not necessarily need. In doing so, they have gradually become slaves to those luxuries. They may feel “abundance” for a while but they can never enjoy ever-lasting happiness, and their souls can never be uplifted. Moreover, those who are used to luxuries may live beyond their means and get into debt, and debt robs a man of his self-respect. Indeed, it is sad to see a person indulge in luxuries and possessions.About Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977): a British actor and director who worked mainly in the US in humorous silent films during the 1920s. He usually appeared as a humorous character who had a small moustache, a bowler hat, and a walking stick, and who walked in a funny way with the backs of his feet together and his toes pointing out to the sides.Samuel Johnson⊙Without frugality none can be rich, and with it very few would be poor.— Samuel JohnsonInterpretation:Here Samuel Johnson advises us to be thrifty or economical with the use of our resources. Frugality is a virtue while extravagance is a sin. One can never become rich if one lives a spendthrift lifestyle, but anyone can feel that he is rich enough if he or she carefully manages his or her money and other resources.About Samuel Johnson (1709-1784): a British critic and dictionary writer. He is famous for his Dictionary of the English Language(1755), the first comprehensive dictionary of the Englishlanguage ever published. He was considered an excellent conversationalist (善于辞令的人). His intelligent, amusing, and interesting words are still widely quoted today.Section C Watching and DiscussionConfessions of a Shopaholic is a 2009 American romantic comedy film based on the Shopaholic series of novels by Sophie Kinsella.Watch the following video clip “Confessions of a Shopaholic” and do the tasks that follow:插入视频片段:“Confessions of a Shopaholic.wmv”1.What makes shopping a beautiful experience, according to Rebecca?the sheen of silk draped across a mannequin;.the smell of new Italian leather shoes;t he rush you feel when you swipe your card. And it’s approved. And it all belongs to you;t he joy you feel when you’ve bought something, and it’s just you and the shopping…2.What do you think of shopaholics? (Open.)Script:Confessions of a Shopaholic-Keep comin’ back, OK? Give him some support. Keep comin’ back.-Which store?-Rebecca, why don’t you share your story.-Um ... Hello, everybody. Uh, I’m Rebecca Bloomwood.-Hi, Rebecca.-I just actually came here as a favor to a friend. Uh, I mean, I like shopping. Is there anything so wrong with that? I mean, stores are put there to enjoy. Uh, the experience is enjoyable.Well, more than enjoyable. It’s ... It’s beautiful. The sheen of silk draped across a mannequin.Oh, the smell of new Italian leather shoes.-Italian leather shoes, that’s the best.-Oh ... The rush you feel when you swipe your card. And it’s approved. And it all belongs to you!-OK, Rebecca. Thank you for sharing.-The joy you feel when you’ve bought something, and it’s just you and the shopping.-You and shopping.-Ryuichi!-All you have to do is hand over a little card.-Yes!-Pull it together!-Isn’t that the best feeling in the world?-Yeah.-Don’t you wanna shout it from the mountaintops?-That’s real talk.-And you feel so ... confident and alive ...-And happy?-And happy!-And warm.-And warm!-What’s going on here?-I need to buy a new bag. I have to impress Alette Naylor.-You should get a watch to go with that bag.-Oh, there’s a sale at Catherine Malandrino.-You’re like my soul sister.-Don’t let her ...-I have to go. Good luck, everybody.-Do they have shoes?-You sit down.-My will is strong. My wallet is closed. I do not want to shop.Part II Listen and RespondSection A Word BankSection B Task One: Focusing on the Main Ideas▇Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the information contained in the listening passage.1. What is the main idea of the passage?A) Living a fashionable life.B) Living an extravagant life.C) Living a frugal life.D) Living a free life.2. What will people have if they take control of their lives?A) They will have a stressful life style.B) They will have more money in their daily life.C) They will enjoy a lot of luxuries.D) They will have more peace of mind.3. What kind of life will people live if they choose to live a frugal life?A) They will live a fulfilling life without possessing much.B) They will live a simple and peaceful life.C) They will have little money and live in debt.D) They will have nothing and live poor and cheap.4. Which of the following is not an example of being frugal according to the speaker?A) Turning off the tap water immediately after use.B) Keeping all windows closed when the air conditioning is on.C) Taking one’s own plastic bags when going shopping.D) Switching off the lights before leaving the room.5. What does the speaker strongly advise us to do?A) To keep up with trends and fads.B) Do not follow trends and fads.C) To deny ourselves “frugal freedom”.D) To have a great way of life.▇Key:1 C2 D3 A4 C5 BSection C Task Two: Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the passage again and fill in the missing words according to what you have heard.Living a frugal life does not mean having nothing or living poor and cheap. Neither does it mean denying oneself the 1 ________ of life. A frugal lifestyle simply means that you have the 2________ to live a happy and fulfilling life without possessing a lot. Much of the 3 ________ from being extravagant to being 4________ is within the mind. For example, before you leave your room, remember to turn off the light; keep all windows and outside doors closed when the air 5 ________ is on; turn off the 6________ water immediately after use; when you go shopping, use your 7 ________ to save money on certain things for something else you need or want. In short, living a frugal 8 ________ means that you don’t have to “keep up with the Joneses.”We should always remember that it is easier to spend less than it is to make more. It is easier to be frugal than to free oneself from 9 ________ stress. So, let us be frugal and live within our 10 ________. It is a great way of life.▇Answers for reference:Living a frugal life does not mean having nothing or living poor and cheap. Neither does it mean denying oneself the luxuries of life. A frugal lifestyle simply means that you have the intelligence to live a happy and fulfilling life without possessing a lot. Much of the transition from being extravagant to being frugal is within the mind. For example, before you leave your room, remember to turn off the light; keep all windows and outside doors closed when the air conditioning is on; turn off the tap water immediately after use; when you go shopping, use your brain to save money on certain things for something else you need or want. In short, living a frugal lifestyle means that you don’t have to “keep up with the Joneses.”We should always remember that it is easier to spend less than it is to make more. It iseasier to be frugal than to free oneself from financial stress. So, let us be frugal and live within our means. It is a great way of life.Script:Living a Frugal LifePeople who live a frugal lifestyle often live with less stress. This is because they know how to take control of their money and, therefore, they have more control over their lives in general. And if you have more control of your life, you are likely to have more peace of mind. With that peace of mind comes what may be called “frugal freedom”, namely, freedom from debt, freedom from envy, freedom from shame, fr eedom from worry, and freedom from loss of one’s identity.Living a frugal life does not mean having nothing or living poor and cheap. Neither does it mean denying oneself the luxuries of life. A frugal lifestyle simply means that you have the intelligence to live a happy and fulfilling life without possessing a lot. Much of the transition from being extravagant to being frugal is within the mind. For example, before you leave your room, remember to turn off the light; keep all windows and outside doors closed when the air conditioning is on; turn off the tap water immediately after use; when you go shopping, use your brain to save money on certain things for something else you need or want. In short, living a frugal lifestyle means that you don’t have to “keep up with the Joneses”and that you do not have to follow trends and fads.We should always remember that it is easier to spend less than it is to make more. It is easier to be frugal than to free oneself from financial stress. So, let us be frugal and live within our means. It is a great way of life.Part III Read and ExploreText ASection A Discovering the Main IdeasExercise 1: Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1) Why did Sara and Michael decide to “strip down to bare happiness”?2) How did the couple “strip down” their lives?3) How did the couple feel about their new lifestyle?4) What is the “yearning feeling” that Sara mentions in Para. 10?5) How was the author affected by her interview with the couple?▇Answers for reference:1)I think there are two reasons why Sara and Michael decided to “strip down” their lives tobare essentials. On the one hand, they wanted to build up a world of their own where they could enjoy family life, social life and balance work and play all at the same time consistently.On the other hand, they were fed up with the old consumption habits and came to realize that they could still live a happy and self-fulfilling life on less money.2)The couple “stripped down” their lives in many ways. The major sacrifices they made were:They traded two-full time careers for two part-time freelance jobs.They moved to a small but comfortable energy-efficient house they designed themselves.They spent money only on bare necessities and things that did not make wasteful use of the earth’s resources.They constantly gave away what they did not really need and economized on what they had.They cut down their expenses of work in a commuter age. They did not own an extra car, and they gave up business suits, business luncheons and dinners; and they took care of the baby themselves and could save considerably from home cooking, thrift shops and do-it-yourself projects.3) They did not feel deprived at all. As Sara said, it was not deprivation but simplification. Theyfelt happy and satisfied with their frugal and simple lifestyle. They had a strong sense of self-fulfillment.4) I think the “yearning feeling” Sara talks about refers to the strong desire for possessing moreand more material things. Consumerism — the idea or belief that buying as many goods as possible is desirable for a person or society — is an important part of the American culture and it gives rise to this “yearning feeling”, which has led to the emergence of such socially sanctioned problems as impulse buying, brandname loyalty, irrational consumption of the earth’s resources and the mentality of following trends and fads.5) The author was deeply affected by the interview. On the one hand, she seemed to admireSara and Michael for their courage to turn their lifestyle around and she expressed her opinions approvingly. On the other hand, she felt it was difficult to resist the temptation of purchasing things on impulse as we can see from her shopping experience with her daughter that night. She came to the conclusion that most Americans could not find the resolve and courage to lead a simple lifestyle owing to the strong and deeply-rooted influence of consumerism.Exercise 2: Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Part Para(s)。

新世纪大学英语综合教程4 Unit 5 课后习题答案Checking Your VocabularyWord Detective:A/(1)e (2)d (3)g (4)a (5)c (6)h (7)b (8)f Working with Words and Expression:A/(1)fortune (2)dull (3)chased (4)launched (5)finance (6)reputation (7)liberty (8)publicity (9)sufficiently (10)sympathy (11)target (12)educate (13)commerce (14)alike (15)bored (16)audiences (17)regard (18)assureB/(1)thrown out (2)and so on (3)for dear life (4)dedicate himself to (5) was tired of (6)turn away (7)hang on (8)for the sake of Increasing your word power:A/automation housekeeper babysitter mass-productionbook-keeping self-destruction dry-cleaning window-shopping editor wordprocessorB/1.reached/secured 2.achieved/attained 3.attained/reached4.reach/secure5.achieved/realized/fulfilled6.fulfill/meet/satisfyC/1.dull petitive 3.same 4.momentary 5.specific6.sufficient7.cruel8.humble9.famous 10.reasonable Grammar Review:A/1.(real)subject 2.object to the verb "make" 3.predicate 4.attribute modifying "opportunity" 5.object complement 6.adverbial of purpose 7.adverbial of result 8.predicative 9.attribute modifying"person"10.independent elementB/1.To become a famous writer 2.to take traveler's checks 3.to employ a young engineer 4.take the machine apart 5.To understand the situation completely 6.to rise higher in position 7.to find that the train had left 10 minutes before 8.to apply for a known job opening 9.to make trouble 10.To be more exactCloze:1.chase 2.reputation 3.dedicate 4.reward 5.sufficiently 6.measured 7.assure 8.Momentary 9.celebrity 10.target 11.frank 12.liberty 13.illusory 14.regardTranslation:1.He attempted to save the enterprise which was on the verge of collapse but failed.2.The president has announced that he will not seek re-election at the end of his first term.3.The young teacher is skilled at motivating his students to study hard.4.She loves giving parties and does so whenever she can find an excuse.5.I'm afraid that you'll have to compete with at least fifty people for an administrative post in this company.6.To be frank,I don't think you stand a good chance of getting promoted even if you are loyal to the company.7.It was obvious that his speech aroused the sympathy of the audience for the victims of the earthquake.8.Though he has repeatedly assured me of his ability to promote our company's produce,I'll give him another interview before hiring him.9.The company's investment ended in failure due to the wrong strategic of the general manager and so the board of directors decided to throw him out.10.I know you are tired but try to hang on a little bit longer.We will reach the peak in half an hour.。
新通用大学英语综合教程第四册听力及答案 Unit 5

Unit 5 CommunityUnit Goals1. Politely ask someone not to do something2. Complain about public conduct3. Discuss social responsibility4. Identify and discuss urban problems5. Write about public healthLesson 1Lead-inOn-the-S treet Interviews: I enjoy living in the city because …A. Circle the letter of the best choice to complete each statement.1.b2.c.3.a4.b5.cB. Answer the questions, using information from the video.1. Emma2. Natalie3. Jessica4. Natalie5. Emma6. ChrisVideo ScriptInterviewer: Do you live right in the city or are you in a suburb?Jessica: I used to live in the suburbs with my parents until I was seventeen years old. And then, as I thought I have to grow up, I moved into the city, and I lived in the center.Interviewer: So which do you prefer?Jessica: That is difficult because both sites have their, like, advantages. In the city you are around your friends, and it is much easier to, yeah, to go out and to meet people, and you are at home in ten minutes because you can walk. And if you live in the suburbs, it is more quiet and yeah, you are more in the countryside, and more in the nature with the, yeah with your family, so it is like …I wouldn’t say one is better than the other one. It has … both sites is very good, so I like both. Chris: I think most people in the city are there because of work, a lot of the times, so a lot of people are rushing, and they have got deadlines and appointments to meet. So they can come across as a bit more rude than perhaps people in the suburbs who have less pressures on them, it seems to me. But I think once you get talking to people in the city, when they have got time, they are just as nice as anyone else.Interviewer: Tell me where you live.Emma: I live in the city. Where I live is kind of quiet, but it depends on the time of the day, and sometimes there is like a little restaurant in the area, and people tend to go there. So sometimes you hear when people are coming out when it is really late, but it is not noisy all the time. It is OK; It is a medium kind of sound there. There is lots of children there ---families, a lot of families.Different cultures, hard-working people. It is a very nice community. It is very clean, which is kind of different from the city because the city is kind of messy, but they maintain it, and they keep it very nice. So lots of stores, shopping, a little family theater area where kids can go watch shows with their family. So it is a very nice area … I enjoy living in the city because I get, it is quick access to, like, food or, you know, you don’t have to travel in a car or go down an hour or two to the mall. I mean, you can just walk up to any store and get an outfit and you are gone. Like, it doesn’t take a lot of work to go somewhere.Natalie: I live in the city, and I really enjoy living in the city because it is very busy, and there is always something to do. It gets a bit too busy sometimes, and so you …it is nice to take vacations. But I like living in the city because there is always bars to go to, there is restaurants, there is plenty to do. The commute to work is very short --- it only takes me about twenty minutes to get to work by public transportation. And, yeah, I really like it, because there is lots of people with similar interests and very interesting people to speak to all the time.ListeningA. Sound Bites少T eaching SuggestionsB. Pair WorkRead the conversation again. With a partner, explain the meaning of each of the following statements or questions.1. How do you like living in the city?2. Things move too fast for me here.3. Y ou have to pay attention and be alert all the time.4. It bothers me sometimes.5. I prefer living in the country.少T eaching SuggestionsST ARTING POINTWhat are some advantages and disadvantages of living in each type of place? Write them in the chart.T eaching SuggestionsStep 1Model the activity with the class. Write the following chart on the board (without the answers) andHave students complete the chart individually in note form.Step 3Encourage students to write at least three advantages and disadvantages of living in each place. Discussion. Where would you prefer to live —in the country, the city, or the suburbs? Why?T eaching SuggestionsStep 1Group students according to where they prefer to live. If possible, put students with different preferences together.Step 2Have students discuss their favorite place to live. As students discuss, encourage them to agree or disagree with their group members’ views.Step 3Take a poll of the class to find out how many people would like to live in each place.Part 2Discuss Social Responsibilities少A, B部分T eaching suggestionsC. Listening ComprehensionRead the questions and listen to part 1 of the story about Nicholas Green and his family. T ake notes on your notepad. Then summarize the first part of the story with your partner.Where were the Greens from? They were from California in the United States.What were they doing in Italy? They were on vacation.What happened to Nicholas? He was shot and died.What decision did his parents make? They decided to donate his organs to people who were sick.How did the Italian people react? They were very moved.ScriptM: Reg and Maggie Green were on vacation with their children on the island of Sicily in southern Italy. It was a long way from their home in California in the United States. They had just spent the day sightseeing and were driving on a highway back to their hotel. It was evening, and theirseven-year-old son, Nicholas, and four-year-old daughter, Eleanor, were fast sleep in the back seat.Suddenly, another car with two men pulled up beside them. The man on the passenger side had a gun, and he was screaming at them through the window. As Reg Green stepped on the accelerator and drove away quickly, he could hear gunshots. He drove as fast as he could to the nearest town. Maggie was relieved to see that the children were still sleeping. But when they stopped, they both realized that Nicholas had been shot, and they rushed him to a hospital. Sadly, after two days in the hospital, Nicholas died.One can only imagine the grief and sadness Reg and Maggie Green must have felt at that moment. But they made a decision that touched the lives of many people and the hearts of millions around the world. They decided to donate Nicholas’s organs to Italians who were very sick and needed them. By giving them Nicholas’s organs, Reg and Maggie felt that they could help others. Nicholas’s future had been taken away, so the Greens wanted to give a future to someone else.Their gift turned a senseless tragedy into a lesson in giving. Italians were very moved. They could not believe that visitors from another country --- who had suffered such a terrible loss --- could be so giving at such a terrible moment.少T eaching SuggestionsD. Read the questions and listen to Part 2; discuss your answers with a partner.1. People started to think differently about organ donation.The number of people who were willing to become organ donors increased by three to four hundred percent.2. Seven. One woman was able to see and the rest had their lives saved.3. They work to support organ donation.Script:M: Within days the Green family’s personal experience erupted into a worldwide story. In Italy, strangers walked up to them on the street, with tears in their eyes, to say thank you. People started naming streets, schools, and hospitals for Nicholas Green.When the Greens returned home, they received letters from thousands of people around the world. The letters told how the Green’s decision changed their attitudes about donating organs. In Italy, the number of people who were willing to become organ donors increased by three to four hundred percent --- they called it “The Nicholas Effect”.The Green family returned to Italy more than a dozen times after Nicholas’s death. And they met all of the people who received Nicholas’s organs --- seven people in all.A fifteen-year-old boy got Nicholas’s heart. During his illness, he had weighed only 27 kilograms and had spent half his life in hospitals. After the surgery, he was healthy and full of energy.One girl was two days from death --- the doctors have given up on her. But with one of Nicholas’s organs, she got better. She later got married, and she gave birth to two babies --- one a boy, whom he named Nicholas.A woman who had never seen her own child’s face now can see --- thanks to the corneas from Nicholas’s eyes.An eight-year-old boy was arriving at the hospital for his surgery to get one of Nicholas’s organs. He was asked to think about something nice. He said, “I’m thinking of Nicholas.”The Greens say that the love of life these people have shown --- and the looks on their families’faces --- is a wonderful reward. They often talk about how comforting it has been to know that people who would have died by now are leading normal lives, and that another who would have been blind can now see.Maggie and Reg Green have become very busy doing work to support organ donation. While it does not take away the pain of Nicholas’s senseless death, it helps the Greens to believe that something good has come out of the tragedy.少T eaching suggestionsSpeakingPolitely Ask Someone Not to Do SomethingA. CONVERSATION SNAPSHOTT eaching SuggestionsStep 1After students read and listen, check comprehension by asking What does the man ask for permission to do? (smoke) Does the woman give or refuse permission?(refuse) Why?(because smoke bothers her)Step 2Point out that both the person who asks permission and the person who refuses it are polite to each other. Ask students to identify and underline polite language in the conversation. (Do you mind my smoking here?; I hope that is not a problem; Not at all; That is very considerate of you; Thanks for asking.)Step 3Have students read and listen to the ways to soften an objection. Point out that when you refuse permission, it is polite to soften the refusal with a sentence from the box or to offer a reason for refusing.Language note: Use the question Do you mind…?When you think what you are asking permission to do might make the other person uncomfortable. Use That is very considerate of you to thank a person for being careful not to upset you. To inconvenience someone is to cause problems or difficulty for them.Option: Y ou may want to brainstorm ways of replying to the question Do you mind…? with the class on the board. (possible response: ways to say “Y es”/ refuse permission: Y es, actually, I do mind; Actually, smoking kind of bothers me; Ways to say “no”/give permission: No, I don’t; I don’t mind; Not at all; Go right ahead.) Be sure students understand that Yes refuses permission and No gives permission.T eaching SuggestionsHave students repeat chorally. Make sure they:ouse rising intonation for Do you mind my smoking here?opause slightly after Actually …ouse emphatic stress for hope in I hope that’s not a problem.ouse the following stress pattern:Stress Pattern.--- . . --- ..A: Do you mind my smoking here?-- ..--- .. .--- . . . --- . .. ---- .B: Actually, smoking kind of bothers me. I hope that’s not a problem.---- . --- - . . . ----A: Not at all. I can step outside.. ----. . ---- . . . . ---- . --- .B: That’s very considerate of you. Thanks for asking.B. Grammar. Possessives with gerundsT eaching SuggestionsStep 1Have volunteers read the first explanation and examples out loud.On the board, write:She complained about ________ smoking in the office.Step 2Have students identify the gerund in the example (smoking). Call on students to complete the sentence on the board with their own examples. Write students’ responses on the board. (possible responses: his, bill’s)Step 3Have students read the second explanation and study the examples.Step 4Have students restate the different variations of the sentence on the board, using object pronouns. (possible responses: She complained about him/Bill smoking in the office.) Point out that the possessive adjective her has the same form as the object pronoun her.Step 5Point out that when the possessive gerund is in the object position, a noun or object pronoun can be used, but when the possessive gerund is in the subject position, this is not done. On the board, write:1.You constant arguing is getting on my nerves.2.I don’t like they smoking in here.To check comprehension, correct the sentences on the board as a class.C. Combine the two statements, using a possessive with a gerund.1. I don’t appreciate his playing his MP3 player in the library.2. My mother objects to their smoking cigars in the car.3. We don’t mind her talking on her cell phone.4. I’m really annoyed by my brother’s littering.T eaching SuggestionsStep 1Write the example answer on the board. Underline the gerundial phrases (their allowing smoking). Ask students to name its grammatical function within the sentence. (object of the preposition of) Step 2Point out the gerundial phrases will have different grammatical functions within the sentence ---- as subjects, objects, and objects of a preposition.Step 3Have students compare answers with a partner and review as a class.ReadingT ext ABackground Information 少Key Words and Expressionsabundance n. 充裕,丰富The carpets are available in abundance.The tree yields an abundance of fruit.picturesque adj. 风景如画的We heard that there was a picturesque village nearby. He described picturesque rocky shores in his novel.sterile adj.贫瘠的The sterile soil cannot be used for growing crops.The large sterile land made life hard here.Reference Translation规划城市-----堪培拉规划的城市是不是太缺少独创性了?大多数澳大利亚堪培拉的居民和游客认为不是这样的。

一、单词填空Unit 11.The enormous(庞大的) oil spill on Alaska’s North Slope region in 1989 was a disaster(灾难、灾祸) for Alaskan sea animals.2. Due to the lack of labor force, even women in this village were compelled(迫使) to work in the coal mines.3. The travel agency promised to offer foreign travelers everything from historical monuments and castles to modern leisure activities.4. According to the rules set by the company, anyone who is regularly late for work is likely to be disciplined(训导) or dismissed.5. People in that area are already threatened with environmental destruction (破坏)since 60% of the forest there has been destroyed.6. The auto company has seen a huge increase in the output of private cars this year due to the improved working efficiency.7. Under the severe attack from enemy aircraft, the troops were forced to retreated from the front.8. The tennis match was abandoned at half-time because of the harsh weather conditions.9. The policeman searched the building thoroughly but did not find any trace of the criminal.10. Survival of the Fittest is an eternal truth of nature.11. A series of new policies have been introduced in the region in the hope of attracting foreign investment.12. The military government refused to transfer power to a democratically elected civilian government.13. Many people tend to justify the breakdown of their marriage on the grounds of conflict of personalities.14. The substance on the new medicine is believed to be safe,nonetheless, the Food and Drug Administrations is going to examine it all the same.15. It has been a long tradition for businesses in this area to make contributions to the local charities.16. In order to achieve a higher GDP, the government has taken various measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth.17. Deforesting and global warming threaten to ruin the current and future state of our environment.Unit 31.After gold was first discovered at Sutter’s Mill in 1848, many people traveled all the way to California in quest of gold and fortune.2.He had finished his speech, but somehow he remained at the microphone for a few minutes, gazing at the audience.3.Medical research has proved that people who consume large amounts of animal fats are more likely to get cancer and heart disease than those who do not.4.My father’s job is to look through a microphone at viruses day and night, and his biggest wish is that I could follow suit and do likewise.5.They filled a large cooking vessel(容器) with vegetables and let it simmer over the campfire.6.She wanted to improve her English so she could qualify herself as a translator.7.I can’t play the piano like I used to-my fingers have gone stiff from lack of practice.8.He felt as if his whole world had collapsed when he learned that his child had been killed in the accident.9.Some scientists predict that the Earth’s temperature would rise by as much as 5 over the next 20 years if we didn’t take effective measures.10.The worsening economic conditions will inevitably lead to more crimes and more victims.11.He appeared to have grasped what I said in class, but I could not tell whether he had absorbed every detail.12.His proposal of decreasing production was turned down since all the board members thought it was sheer nonsense.13.The company is planing to construct a palm oil refinery with the capacity of refining 300 tons of palms to cooking oil per day.14.The public transport system in the region has been completely paralyzes since the bus drivers started a strike in the morning.15.We thought we’d do an exchange. She’ll come over here at Easter and I’ll go there in summer.Unit 61.It used to be rare to see people sleeping on the street of London, but these days it’s becoming increasingly commonplace.2.Those psychologists believe that one’s childhood experiences will have an enduring influence on his or her future work and personality.3.As the music started, the lights in the theatre began to dim.4.As a fresh graduate, Jim seems to have the ambition to command everything in the world.5.Her colleagues were afraid to work with her, because she won’t tolerate any imperfection in her own or anyone else’s work.6.The girl remains in serious bu stable condition in the intensive care unit in the hospital.7.At the last ring of the bell, all the people at the party joined in with abandon shouting joyfully and merrily, to welcome the arrival of the New Year.8.We should devote our finite life to the infinite cause of serving the people.9.I never thought he was capable of doing such a mean thing to his brother - that was totally disgusting!10.It seems to me that this novelist delights in weaving elaborate and complicated plots in his works.11.Our car broke down, so we had to rent a car, which was an additional financial burden on my family.12.Jim had high aspirations(愿望)to open a law firm even before he graduated from the law school.13.She felt a deep sense of gratitude to the teacher who had financed her through college education.14.His friends deserted him since they were fed up with his endless complaining about his family, colleagues, work, and everything.15.He has remained faithful to the President’s administration when so many others have spoken out against it.16.The president of the university promised that once he had commi t ted to this course of action, he would try his best to have it fulfilled.Unit 71.I don’t think it necessary to furnished our apartment a second time since we will sell it soon.2.He made a firm resolve to give up smoking and drinking as soon as he discovered that he had a heart trouble.3.To reduce the risks of railway accidents, we spend over ten million yuan on maintain the railway lines every year.4.My parents lived a frugal lifestyle all their lives. For one thing, they never discard anything that was still of use; for another, they never purchased things on impulse.5.The government has refused to sanction a further cut in the rate of corporate tax.6.As Linda is a career woman and her husband works abroad, they cannot raise their newborn son all by themselves and have to employ a babysitter on a fixed term of five years.7.My apartment was badly furnished because the workers did not strip the original paint off the walls before they started painting.8.When we learned that the local college had only the bare essentials in terms of equipment, we decided to donate a million yuan so that they could improve their teaching facilities.9.The Jones purchased a second-hand car for $1200;it was a real bargain,, but I wonder how long it will last.10.It is always good to read some English novels in your spare time.If you cannot understand the original,you may read the simplified versions which are also available in the local bookstore.11.Sam said to the girl,”I will trade you some of my chocolate for some of your ice cream.”12.Since you’re decided to simplify your life and have moved into a smaller house,you are going to have to make an effort to downsize your furniture and belongings.13.Representatives from the two nations had worked together on numerous occasions before the peace treaty was signed to end the border conflicts.14.When the factory closed,the machinery was sold off for only a fraction of its true value.15.At the press conference the new president made it plain that he would do his utmost to build “a government of the people,by the people for the people” as advocated by Lincoln.16.Diets that are high in saturated fat tend to block our arteries(动脉), thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.17.The children are busy rolling ,folding, and cutting paper in a handcrafting competition.Unit 81.Based on his experiences as a judge and writer during the past 30 years, his new book covers all his reflections on life and justice.2.There is no doubt that the improper medical treatment hasten his death.3.There was only one solitary hotel left standing after the earthquake.4.How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains an unsolved mystery to modern man.5.Emily Dickinson is known for her brilliant flights of fancy in her poems about love,death and natural scenery.6.I’ll not be able to attend the conference in New York unless someone covers my expenses.7.In his talk,the doctor pointed out that many women pursue a slender figure at the cost of their health,by taking pills,having operations,and so on.8.The money from the donors will be used for the purchase of computer equipment for the school.9.There’s a notice outside the building which says “No admission before 12 noon”.10.The play’s message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by the child audience.11.Although she appeared quite cold and harsh ,her smiling eyes betrayed her care and love toward the children.12.Nothing can be more exciting than the first time you receive red roses from the one you love.They have special significance to your youth.13.The boy inherited a big house from his father, but he cannot legally take possession of the property until he is 18 yeas old.14.In the mornings in Disneyland there is always a procession of cartoon figures greeting the children.15.She dropped a few hints about her birthday to make sure that no one would forget it.16.He was taking drugs and trying to conceal it from his parents.二、短语填空Unit11. Shortly after the government‟s new po licy was put into effect , the economy of our country began to show signs of recovery. 后不久,政府的新政策付诸实施,我国经济开始出现复苏迹象。

综合4unit1-6答案Unit 1Active reading (1)Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofaReading and understandingDealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed)2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition)3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached)4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming)5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump)6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert)7 to say what happened (recount)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.It is n‘t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when (4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass, they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard (6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or four years away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependent again on their parents.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive)2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop)3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial)4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched)5 You should speak to Toby; he‘s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate)6 I hurt my leg ba dly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn‘t got better completely. (healed)6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future?2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve?3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual?4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don‘t want to, or (b) help you by listening to what you have to say?5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing?7 Answer the questions about the phrases.1 Is fork out (a) a formal, or (b) an informal way of saying to pay for something?2 If you are in the same boat as another person, are you (a) making the same journey together, or (b) in the same difficult or unpleasant situation?3 If you feel you have come full circle, do you (a) feel you are back where you started, or (b) feel a sense of satisfaction because you have completed something?4 If someone takes a soft line, do they deal with a person (a) in a kind and sympathetic way, or (b) in a lazy way without making a decision?5 If you strike the right note about something, are you expressing yourself (a) well, or (b) badly?6 If you do something by all means, do you (a) try your best to do it, or (b) not care about it?7 If you nudge someone back into the saddle, are you encouraging them to (a) take responsibility again, or (b) take it easy?8 If you talk through a problem with someone, do you (a) examine it carefully and sensitively, or (b) refer to it quickly and then change the subject?Active reading (2)If you ask meDealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 funny or entertaining (amusing)2 used for emphasizing that something good has happened, especially because of good luck (fortunately)3 an amount of money that a person, business or country borrows, usually from a bank (loan)4 to take an amount or number from a total (deduct)5 the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event (highlight)6 to show that you understand someone‘s problems (sympathize)7 needing a lot of time, ability, and energy (demanding)5 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.A A fter three years at university, I‘m now quite heavily in debt.B I (1) sympathize with you, I know what it‘s like to have financial problems. But (2) fortunately I didn‘t need to take out a student (3) loan when I was at university, because I had a part-time job.A What did you do?B I worked in a restaurant at weekends.A That must have been very (4) demanding.B Yes, it was. I had to get the right balance between work and study. But the other people who worked there were good fun to be with, so it was quite (5) amusing too. The (6) highlight of the weekend was always Saturday night when we worked overtime.A But I don‘t expect you made a lot of money?B No, there wasn‘t much after they‘d (7) deducted tax and pension contributions. But it was enough to keep me going.6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 When I was at college I kept all my personal things in an old cupboard.2 A lot of people who leave university before getting a degree end up in good jobs.3 I think she‘ll get a good degree, but I wouldn‘t risk my money on the exact result.4 The money I spent at college was more than what I earned in my part-time job.5 The chances of my being offered a job after that interview must be quite remote.6 Our business has done very well since we changed our advertising.7 I think telling the truth and not cheating is always the best policy.Key:(1) belongings (2) dropouts (3) gamble (4) exceeded (5) odds(6) has thrived (7) honesty7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If something is not all it’s cracked up to be, is it (a) valid and interesting, or (b) just a little bit disappointing?2 If someone keeps banging on about something, are you likely to be (a) interested in, or (b) bored by what they say?3 If there is a lot of hassle in your life, are you likely to feel (a) stressed, or (b) relaxed?4 If something happens out of the blue, is it (a) unexpected, or (b) part of your plan?5 If you say you ended up in a particular job, do you suggest that (a) you have fulfilled your ambition, or (b) it happened almost by chance?6 Are the regulars in a pub (a) the customers who come very often, or (b) the food the pub offers most often?7 If something is dead easy, is it (a) very easy, or (b) not easy at all?8 If you treat someone to something, do you (a) buy something nice for them, or (b) behave badly to them?9 If you cheer a place up, do you (a) make the place look brighter, or (b) make the people in the place happier?Reading and interpreting8 Look at the sentences from the passage and identify the style features.1 Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?This shows the informality of an incomplete sentence in the first part, the use of an informal expression (banging on) and a rhetorical question to the reader (What do I find?)2 Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?) …This has the use of an informal word (hassle), an informal exclamation (god) and a question to the reader (When will they grow up?)3 Actually, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Economics (LSE).Here there is a discourse marker typical of speech (Actually) and an informal phrase (had my eye on).4 I kind of understand it, and not just because my degree is in economics.Here ―kind of‖ is a sort of discourse marker of informal speech (showing something is general, vague or not definite).5 I wanted something in finance and investments, because you know, maybe with a job like that, Icould use my degree.This has a discourse marker of informal speech (you know).6 ... it‘s true, he really did seem to have three hands.Again here is a discourse marker of informal speech (it‘s true).7 I talked to him about ... well, about pretty well everything …This has another discourse marker of informal speech (well) and an informal phrase (pretty well). Language in useword formation: compound nouns1 Write the compound nouns which mean:1 a degree which is awarded a first class (a first-class degree)2 work in a hospital (hospital work)3 a ticket for a plane journey (a plane ticket)4 a discount for students (a student discount)5 a pass which allows you to travel on buses (a bus pass)6 a room where an interview is held (an interview room)7 a period spent in training (a training period)word formation: noun phrases2 Write the noun phrases which mean:1 a career which is rewarding from the financial point of view (a financially rewarding career)2 legislation which has been introduced recently (recently introduced legislation)3 instructions which are more complex than usual (unusually complex instructions)4 an institution which is orientated towards academic (academically orientated work)5 work which makes physical demands on you (physically demanding work)6 information which has the potential to be important (potentially important information)7 candidates who have been selected after a careful procedure (carefully selected candidates)8 a coursebook in which everything has been planned beautifully (a beautifully planned textbook)try as … might3 Rewrite the sentences us ing try as … might .1 I‘m trying to fill this last page, but I just can‘t think of anything.Try as I might to fill this last page, I just can‘t think of anything.2 I try to be friendly with Marta, but she doesn‘t seem to respond.Try as I might to be fr iendly with Marta, she doesn‘t seem to respond.3 I try hard to get to sleep, but I can‘t help thinking about my family.Try as I might to get to sleep, I can‘t help thinking about my family.4 He just doesn‘t seem to get the promotion he deserves, even th ough he keeps trying.Try as he might, he just doesn‘t seem to get the promotion he deserves. / Try as he might to get the promotion he deserves, he just doesn‘t seem to get it.5 I keep trying to remember her name, but my mind is a blank.Try as I might to remember her name, my mind is a blank.given that …4 Rewrite the sentences using given that …1 Since I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.Given that I know several languages, I thought I would look for work abroad.2 Xiao Li has the best qualifications, so she should get the job.Given that Xiao Li has the best qualifications, she should get the job.3 Since we‘re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.Given that we‘re all here, I think it would be a good idea to get down to some work.4 Since it‘s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.Given that it‘s rather late, I think we should leave this last task until tomorrow.clauses introduced by than5 Rewrite the sentences using clauses introduced by than .1 She‘s experienced at giving advice. I‘m more experienced.She‘s less experienced at giving advice than I am. / I‘m more experienced at giving advice than she is.2 You eat too much chocolate. It isn‘t good for you.You eat too much chocolate than is good for you.3 She worked very hard. Most part-timers don‘t work so hard.She worked harder than most part-timers do.4 You have arrived late too many times. That isn‘t acceptable.You have arrived late more times than is acceptable.5 I don‘t think you should have given so much personal information. It isn‘t wise.I think you have given more personal information than is wise.collocations6 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions.1 highlight A highlight is the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event.(a) What would you like to be the highlight of your career?I would like the highlight of my student career to be to receive a national award for the best student research project.(b) How can you highlight an important sentence in a text?You can underline it in pencil or pen or you can use coloured pens or highlighters.(c) What are the edited highlights of a football match?The highlights are when someone scores a goal or prevents one from being scored.2 loan A loan is an amount of money someone borrows from someone else.(a) Have you ever taken out a loan?No, I haven‘t. But my parents have taken out several loans to buy kitchen equipment.(b) What is the best way to pay off a loan?It is best to pay a loan off quickly, although you will still have to pay some interest.(c) If you have a library book on loan, what do you have to do with it?You have to return it before the date it is due, otherwise you may have to pay a fine.3 thrive To thrive means to be very successful, happy or healthy.(a) What sort of business thrives best in your part of the country?In my part of the country, light industries and electronics companies thrive.(b) Which sort of plants thrive in a hot climate?In a hot climate you can see tropical fruit and vegetables thrive and also tropical plants and trees. (c) Why do you think some couples thrive on conflict?It is difficult to understand why some couples thrive on conflict. Maybe each one wants to compete with the other or maybe they enjoy ―kissing and making up‖ after the conflict.7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.If you ask me, real life is not all it‘s cracked up to be. Twelve years at school and three years at university, teachers banging on about opportunities in the big wide world beyond our sheltered life as students, and what do I find?Try as I might to stay cheerful, all I ever get is hassle, sometimes with people (especially boys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It‘s just so expensive out here! Everyone wants a slice off you. The Inland Revenue wants to deduct income tax, the bank manager wants repayments on my student loan, the landlord wants the rent, gas, water, electricity and my mobile bills keep coming in, and all th at‘s before I‘ve had anything to eat. And then some bright spark calls me out of the blue, asking if I‘m interested in buying a pension. At this rate, I won‘t even last till the end of the year, let alone till I‘m 60.(☞翻译时可以根据上下文增译,即增加原文暗含了但没有直接表达出来的意思。

Unit-4-A-View-of-Mountains 习题答案综合教程四Unit 4 A View of MountainsKey to the ExercisesText comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose of writing.BII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. F (Refer to Paragraph 1. Nobody made a photographic record of the immediate effect of the atomic bombing on Hiroshima.)2. F (Refer to Paragraph 1. The author is shocked because the girl reminds him of the ordinary life that would have been going on in the fields of rubble if there had not been the atomic bombing.)3. F (Refer to Paragraph 2. Theexpress his apprehension of the nuclear threat but, more importantly, to call on the people to take actions to banish forever nuclear weaponry from the Earth.IV. E xplain in your own words the following sentences.1. The responsibility was placed on Yamahata's shoulders to record the effects systematically and with a great and simple artistry.2. That vanished city rather than its remains represents the true measure of the event.3. In the photographs Nagasaki regains its own status.4. The human imagination had been exhausted and stopped at the wreckage of the first ruined city and failed to reach even the outskirts of Nagasaki.5. Apart from the pictures of Nagasaki we seem to need some other pictures to inspire in us a hope of life to counterbalance the sense of doom suggested by the ruined Nagasaki.Structural analysis of the textThe sentence at the end of Paragraph 1 makes clear the author's opinion about the meaning of Yamahata's pictures: The true measure of the event lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared.The sentence in the middle of Paragraph 4 makes clear the author's opinion on what should be done about the existing nuclear peril: Performing that act is the greatest of the responsibilities of the generations now alive.Rhetorical features of the textThe true measure of the event lies not inwhat remains but in all that has disappeared.Showing not what we would lose through our failure but what we would gain by our success.Apart from the "(not) A but B" structure, we can also find the "A yet B" type: Yamahata's pictures afford a glimpse of the end of the world. Yet in our day, ? And we can find a sentence that organizes information in a similar way without the use of but or yet:Arriving a half-century late, they are still news.By admitting something is correct first and then saying something else is even more correct, or admitting something is urgent first and then saying something else is more urgent with the help of the above sentence structures, the author succeeds in making his sentences well-balanced and his argumentationforceful and convincing.Vocabulary exercisesI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. had hardly been recorded by the camera2. smiling in a strange and unnatural way3. applicable to all other places around the world4. had stopped working5. threatensII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase from the box in its appropriate form.1. will come into his own2. i s branded with3. f or good4. l ay in5. In certain respects6. c ame into existence7. outskirts8. o nce and for allIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 1. existence 2. survival3. unearthly4. wrecked5. exhaustive6. apprehensive7. continuation 8. AccuracyIV. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in the sentence without changing its original meaning.1. C2. A3. B4. A5. D6. B7. C8. AV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: save (relieve, refrain)2. Synonym: danger (risk, jeopardy)3. Antonym: incomplete (injured, impaired)4. Synonym: supernatural (mysterious, weird)5. Synonym: omnipresent (ubiquitous)6. Synonym: slip (stagger, flounder)7. Antonym: individual (personal)8. Synonym: particular (odd, queer)VI. E xplain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.1. security2. calculated3. effective4. increased / higher5. not often found6. perspectiveGrammar exercisesI. Note the use of the present tense in the following paragraph.The present tense used to refer to pastevents, found in photograph description, is called the historic present.The historic present describes a past event as if it were happening now. It conveys something of the dramatic immediacy of an eye-witness account. It is characteristic of popular narrative style. It may also be found in photographic captions and in historical summaries.II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.1. hear2. are3. h ave / will have4. tells5. is6. gather7. earns 8. says9. s peaks 10. is writing, opens, entersIII. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs given.The annual local horse show takes / is taking / will take place next week and then you will have a chance to meet everybody because all the village will be there. Phyllis is taking / is going to take part in the under-fourteens jumping competition providing her sprained ankle is quite well by then. We will / shall take a picnic lunch if the weather is fine enough and will /shall spend / spend the whole day there. After being in Paris, it will / may amuse you to see our local fashion parade, and it will / may / should give you a chance to get to know some of the young people in the district.IV. P ut the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.Visitor: At what time does the museum open?Attendant: It opens at 9 a.m. on weekdays but it does not open until 2 p.m. on Sundays.Visitor: How much does it cost to go in? Attendant: No charge is made for admission but tickets for the guided tours are sold at the desk opposite the turnstile.Visitor: What time do the tours begin? Attendant: They start on the hour every hour. One is starting / is going to start in five minutes if you wish to join it.V. Complete the following sentences, using idiomatic expressions with comparative forms.1. had better2. M ore ?less3. f ainter and fainter4. n one the worse5. no better ?no worse6. s o much the better7. The sooner the better8. n o biggerVI. M ake sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined structures in your sentences.(Reference version)1. It took her a year to find this English novel but it took her only three days to finish reading it.2. I'll come only if you promise me that you won't invite Henry.Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 从眼前消失的情景,比起那残留的废墟,更能体现问题的实质。

Unit 11.…there has been this long lull with nothing particular up!…Britain has been in too long a period of stillness without taking any particular action against the enemy!2.…we must “… meet with Triumph and Disaster. And treat those two impostors just the same.”…we are sure to experience both Triumph and Disaster, and we must treat them as the same thing different appearances because they are essentially interchangeable.3.…never give in except to convict ions of honor and good sense.…never give in unless w e are convinced that it is honorable and sensible for us to do so.4.Britain, other nations thought, had drawn a sponge across her slate. Other nations thought that Britain was completely conquered.5.…we have only to persevere to conquer.…we will win as long as we hold on to the end.Unit 21.The phrase “personal space” has a quaint, seventies ring to it.The phrase “personal space” has an odd touch that was characteristic of the 1970s.2.T-shirt weather can make proximity more alluring (or much, or less).In hot summer days, people can be drawn to each other, especially to the opposite sex (or feel disgusted with the closeness of others.)3.The logistics of it vary according to geography.People in different regions are given different sizes of personal space. 4.…individuals routinely commandeer booths and sets of facing seats meant for foursomes.…it is quite common that one person occupies a booth and a set of facing seats designed for four people.5.Even the focus of science these days is micro, not macro.Even science focuses on the intra-personal, inner world rather than the interpersonal, outer society these days.6.In the same way that the breeze from a butterfly’s wings in Japan may eventually produce a tidal in California, I have decided to expand the contracting boundaries of personal space.Because the initial invasion of personal space can cause a chain of reactions, which may bring about a catastrophic consequence, as the breeze from a butterfly’s wings in Japan, if it initiates a chain of waves, may eventua lly produce a tidal wave in California, I have decided to enlarge the shrinking personal space.Unit 31.Given the relatively few restrictions governing access and usage, it is the communications modal equivalent of international waters.As there are relatively few restrictions for reaching and using the Internet, communications via the Internet are comparable to traveling through the international waterways.2.But much less widely reported has been the notion that the Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users.A lot of people talk about the “new information age”, but not so many people are acquainted with the idea that the Internet separates people from each other and fragments society further as a result.3.It seems to me that we are a society that values immediate gratification above all else, and what better place to achieve it than in cyberspace, where the cyber-world is your cyber-oyster.I think that in our society the top priority is given to the satisfaction of one’s immediate needs. The Internet is the best tool for this purpose, for on the Internet one can do whatever he likes to.Unit 41.It was therefore left to Yamahata to record, methodically – and, as it happens, with a great and simple artistry – the effects ...The responsibility was therefore placed on Yamahata’s shoulders to record the effects systematically and incidentally with a great and simple artistry.2.That absence, even more than wreckage, contains the heart of the matter. That vanished city rather than its remains represents the true measure of the event.3.In the photographs, Nagasaki comes into its own.In the photographs, Nagasaki regains its own status.4.… the human imagination had stumbled to exhaustion in the wreckage ofthe first ruined city without reaching even the outskirts of the second.… the human imagination had been exhausted and stopped at the wreckage of the first ruined city and failed to reach even the outskirts of Nagasaki. 5.… we seem to need, in addition, some other picture to counterpoise against ruined Nagasaki ...… apart from the pictures of Nagasaki we seen to need some other picture to inspire in us a hope of life to counterbalance the sense of doom suggested by the ruined Nagasaki…Unit 51.Slowly, it planned across the tapestry of friendship…Slowly, the movie gave a panoramic picture of friendship…2.This wasn’t just another binge of trendiness, but a kind of cinema verite. This was not simply a shift from one fashion to another, but a truthful description of friendship.3.Well, that duality must have been mortally wounded in some shoot- out at the Y ou’re OK, I’m OK Corral.The two sides must have been mortally wounded in the OK Corral gunfight.4.Buddies hang tough together; friends hang onto each other.Buddies hold on together in face of adversity; friends cling tightly to each other for emotional support.Unit 61.July 4 is one of the times when the American in me feels a twinge ofunease about the great lacunae in our children’s understanding of who they are and is prompted to try to fill the gaps.July 4 is one of the times I, as a native American, feel instinctively uneasy about the great gaps in our children’s understanding of their American identity, and thus I am motivated to do something to fill the gaps.2.And our physical separation from our native land is not much of an issue. And living away from our native country does not matter much (in our children’s acquisition of our native language).3.In my day little French kids looked like nothing other than little French kids…When I lived in France as an expatriated child, the French kids were dressed in the unique French style, thus looking quite different from their counterparts in other countries.4.That experience no longer seems possible in Western countries – a sad development, in my view.Full immersion in a truly foreign world no longer seems possible in Western countries, and I think this is a deplorable impact of globalization upon the growth of children in a foreign country.Unit 71.He was almost innocent of any sense of responsibility.→He almost had no sense of responsibility.2.He wrote begging letters by the score, sometimes groveling without shame, at others loftily offering his intended benefactor the privilege ofcontributing to his support, and being mortally offended of the recipient declined the honor.→He wrote a large number of letters to his patron without shame, begging for money. But in a manner that it seemed a great honor for the patron to be offered the chance support him. That’s why he would be greatly offended if the patron refused to tale the honor.3.He would pull endless wires in order to meet some man who admired his work and was able and anxious to be of use to him.→he would use the influences from as many people as possible to meet his admirer who was readily useful to him.4.Is it any wonder he had no time to be a man?→Wagner was such a miraculous monster, is it any wonder that he didn’t behave like a normal human being in this world?Unit81.“Yes, down,”he says.“Yes, I’m going down,” he says.(Literally, he means that he is going down with the bed ,but metaphorically he means that his physical condition is going from bad to worse.2.It is a sound you have never heard. It is something new under the sun. It could cure cancer.And then he laughs. The wild, relaxed laughter is a totally new sound in the world that you have never heard. The laughter could cure cancer.3.She looks over at me shaking her head and making her mouth go.The aide looks over at me, shaking her head to express her frustration andpursing her lips to signal her annoyance, I understand that we are to cooperate.Unit91.he couldn’t stand not being a part of our school.→He wanted very much to be a teacher of our school.2.we found a kinship→we found a strong connection between.3.I……supported myself by sweeping foot floors of off-Broadway stages →I supported myself by sweeping floors of off-broadway stages before there was any new role of me to play.4.He was still living in a world vibrant with all of the beautiful treasures he has stored→he was still living in a world that was exciting and lively because of all the beautiful poems he had memorized.Unit 101.Urban life, during the hours when they reign, is urbane.→Rats make city life orderly and courteous when they dominate the city deep at night.2.City dwellers take the city with them to the country, for they will not live without is pamperings.→City dwellers create all kinds of fashion in the country, for they will not live without these fashionable things.3.These windows are a scandal because they endanger the lives of office workers in case of fire.→These windows are disgraceful because they put the lives of officeworkers in danger if a fire should occur.4.No true sense of the rhythms of the seasons is to be had from a lawn in the backyard and a few spindly trees struggling to survive.→a lawn in the backyard and a few spindle-shaped trees struggling for life are not enough to give the dweller any true sense of the season changes.Unit 111.Nothing remains of it but memories and a fringe of dwelling houses on its outskirts.Except for some dwelling houses on its suburbs, San Francisco has almost completely disappeared from the world and only remains in people’s memories.1.There was no withstanding the onrush of the flames.Nothing could stop the advancement of the flames.2.An enumeration of the deeds of heroism would stock a library and bankrupt the Carnegie medal fund.The courageous and brave deeds in the firefighting would fill up a library if related in writing and exhaust the Carnegie medal fund if rewarded.3.Sometimes a whole family was harnessed to a carriage or delivery wagon that was weighted down with their possessions.Sometimes all members of a family fastened themselves with straps to a carriage or delivery wagon that was heavily loaded with their possessions.5.And against this wall of flames, silhouetted sharply, were two United States cavalrymen sitting their horse , calmly watching.Two United States soldiers sat astride on their horse and calmly watched theconflagration, their shapes contrasting sharply with the wall.Unit 121. It is an insidious practice, all the uglier for its blatancy.The media’s malicious use of the small segment of black America to represent the whole of it is harmful and offensive.2. The free press, indeed, as the main interpreter of American culture and American experience, holds the mirror on American reality -so much so that what the media say is, even if it’s not that way at all.The media are supposed to present American culture and American experience truthfully by reflecting American reality, and people usually accept news reports as truth without any doubt. Unfortunately, in many cases what they present is anything but the truth.The distorted, inaccurate coverage of news is worse than covering nothing at all about blacks.4. Nor is it a matter of closing one’s eyes to the very real problems of the urban underclass -which undeniably is disproportionately black.We should never ignore the existence of real problems of the urban underclass -which undeniably is disproportionately black.5. For the millions of black people like myself -ordinary, hard-working, law-abiding, tax-paying Americans -the media’s blindness to the fact that we even exist, let alone to our contributions to American society, is a bitter cup to drink.Most black people work hard, obey the law and pay all kinds of taxes. We have made our contributions to American society, as all the other Americans have.But the media never notice and cover it. This is really agonizing for the blacks.Unit1catastrophic灾难的,悲惨的amisfortune不幸,灾难n desperately极度地,绝望地adunmeasured未经测量的amenace威胁,恐吓(或存在类似危害的人或事)nlull暂停deceptive 欺骗性的误导的atriumph胜利成功n imposter 冒名顶替者n far-reaching 深远的,广泛的aaddress 致辞,演说v petty 琐碎的,不重要的aconviction 深信确信n apparently显然地ad overwhelming压倒性的amight 力量威力权力n liquidate清算结束终止v sponge海绵nslate石板nflinch畏缩畏惧v persevere坚持v compliment称赞恭维褒扬vventure敢于vstern严厉的,苛刻的a station身份地位nUnit2velvet 天鹅绒,丝绒n inch慢慢移动v minutely 详细地精密地adannoyance烦恼nsidle侧身而行悄悄地贴近vscribble潦草地写画v shuffle拖后腿,拖累v hugger-mugger混乱的无序的aslinky一个玩具品牌nquaint古试的,吸引人的agratifying悦人的令人满足的aintuitive直觉的aintuitively直觉地直观地adpenetrate穿过进入vwedge挤进塞入vpedestrian步行者nzigzag曲折行进vjostle推挤撞vfidget坐立不安vfidgety不安的烦躁的arelentless不间断的aproximity亲近接近临近nallure诱使vproliferation增殖ninfuse灌输注入沏泡vcaffeine咖啡因njangling焦虑的alogistics 后勤ntread踩踏vspread施展蔓延nwager打赌vtrespass 入侵vmutter嘀咕vlament哀悼悔恨vgrant同意vexpansionist 扩张主义者nstake 打赌vannex 吞并vroutinely例行公事的acommandeer征募霸占vfoursome四人组nshrink收缩皱缩vgenome基因组nneuroscientist 神经学家nsouped-up强有力的aneuron神经细胞ntidal潮汐的atidal wave潮汐ncontracting收缩的缩小的aUnit3alienation疏远精神错乱nforum论坛naccess进入接近nmodal形式的apotential潜力nglobalization全球化ndramatically引人注目地,戏剧性地adfragmentation碎片alienate使疏远vaddicted沉溺的,上瘾的aalcoholic酗酒者nmoderate适度的中等的aexaggeration夸张夸大其词故作姿态nbinge狂欢放纵nskew使歪斜vdepress使沮丧vdepressed沮丧的afoster培养vsimulate模仿冒充vsimulated模仿的acyberspace网络空间nsurf网上冲浪vperceive理解认识到察觉到vconverse相反反面ngratification满意喜悦noyster一个随心所欲的世界Unit4dispatch派遣vconstitute组成构成vartistry工艺npulse脉冲脉搏nledge 壁架nunearthly神秘的arubble碎石nwreckage残骸nstumble蹒跚voutskirts郊区nintact完整的aapprehend担心忧虑vperil危险冒险ncounterpoise保持平衡vcontinuation继续延长nUnit5tapestry挂毯nbudget预算nchase 追赶追逐nshoot-out枪战ncosmic无穷的aaffecting感人的aresiliency恢复力ntissue网络ndrastic激烈的adrastically激烈地adbuddy密友nflick电影ntrendy时髦的流行的atrendiness 时髦nvérité实录电影ncelluloid电影胶片nsidekick助手伙伴natavistic返祖现象ncull挑选vbounding人际关系nprimal最初的基本的aattachment依附依恋nadversity灾难逆境npalpable易察觉的明显的apalpably 明显地adaccessory配件装饰物nloathsome令人憎恶的aconfidence信任信心nconfess坦白vwretched令人苦恼的amoan呻吟vrestraint限制约束ngrievance不满不平委屈nclaustrophobic自闭症的achum密友ntrench战壕ntrench mate战友nUnit6regulation 符合规定的官方的aprompt引起v expatriate定居国外v barbecue烧烤n suppress抑制镇压v heritage遗产ntwinge阵痛nunease不安nlacuna隔阂空隙n lacunae pl.folly 愚蠢的行为想法n convey传达vreenact再现v reenactment情景再现n skirmish短暂而激烈的斗争nlaunch发动发起v bonnet遮阳帽n goggle-eyed瞪大眼睛的amake-believe虚拟的a swell充满了vpursue继续v enlightenment启发启蒙nriposte机敏的回答v resonate共鸣v sinister邪恶的a personify人格化v cliché陈词滥调n backdrop背景npeer平辈nfleecy质感的a fleeciness质感n confront面临vjarring不和谐的a immersed融入的a Unit7campaign 行动n publicize宣传公布v supplant取代v empirical基于…考虑的apublicity公众注意力n clinch赢得vspot插播广告nswing转变vdictate支配vpriority优先考虑的事n close-up特写ncoverage新闻版面nincumbency任职nplatform政策ndepart脱离违背vdeparture偏差背离ncharisma个人魅力ncondense浓缩压缩vspectacular惊人的壮观的atestament证明norientation定位nelectorate选举人nbog事陷于泥沼,使动弹不得vbe bogged down阻止发展使停顿newscaster播报员ndenounce公开指责谴责vdetrimental有害的acloud使模糊不清voverrate过高评价vhyperbole夸张nimagery意象形象化ntranscript副本nprofuse丰富的很多的aUnit8undersized小于一般尺寸的anerve神经nagony遭受痛苦ndelusion错觉ngrandeur地位显赫的nconceit狂妄自负nexhaust使筋疲力尽vexhausting十分烦人的aconversationalist健谈的人ntiresome讨人厌的amania狂躁nharangue高谈阔论nvoluble口若悬河,健谈的avolubility流利健谈nvegetarianism素食主义者npamphlet小册子nrave咆哮vsuicidal自我毁灭的agloom压抑ncallous无情的麻木的ashudder战栗发抖vgroveling卑躬屈膝aloftily 傲慢地自负地abenefactor施主,捐助者nrecipient接受者nrajah一印第安国王nunscrupulous寡廉鲜耻的aprocession列队队伍ninfidelity不忠诚无信仰nidiotic白痴的aarrogance傲慢无礼ncaricature漫画n讽刺vburlesque做戏使滑稽vlibretto剧本ntestimony证据证词nstupendous惊人的巨大的amistress情妇ncompromise妥协nconceive想出vdownright完全地adtorment煎熬ndemon恶魔nUnit9stance态度立场nassemble集合装配收集vfurtive鬼鬼祟祟的秘密的atan晒成褐色vclose-cropped剪成非常短的avile相当使人不愉快的讨人厌的arepose睡眠休息nsnowbound被雪困住的abonsai盆栽nprune修剪vfacsimile传真复写nacknowledge告知已收到vcache贮存物隐藏物nkickshaw精美的菜肴nawkwardly笨拙地不雅地adstump剩余部分nscab疤nforceps医用镊子nshard碎片ndisinfectant消毒剂ninert迟缓的呆滞的aathwart横跨prepscramble使混乱vscrambled egg炒蛋vdome圆屋顶nprobe调查探测vheft举起测试重量vaccomplice同谋共犯noatmeal燕麦粥ndeceased已故的adignified有尊严的高贵的aUnit10trilogy三部曲nstutter结巴口吃vstutterer口吃的人nsnicker偷笑窃笑ntraumatic创伤的acatfish鲶鱼nprodigious巨大的anondenominational不限于一宗教宗派的ahumiliate使丢脸羞辱vvent(感情)发泄vpound连续打击vgrit研磨vretreat休息寓所nsavor尽情享受vkinship同族者nsermon训诫启示ncritique批评批评文章nsmirk假笑nwry歪曲的adaze迷惑ndubious无把握的半信半疑的cadence节奏ntutelage教导指导noratorical演说的amaneuver军事演习nmentor指导者nvibrant战栗的响亮的aresurrect使复活复兴vabundant 丰富的a.。

Unit 5After Listening1.one of his factory workers/employees2.fire … a week’s pay3.he let the young man idle around in front of his office4. a coffee shop boy / the one who works for the coffee shop around the corner Text ALanguage Sense Enhancement1.struckd3.gentle4.raise it5.benign6.with point7.something of8.made every penny9.small and frail10.not bear to hurt a flyLanguage FocusVocabularyI.1.1) In a way2) in accordance with3) vacancy4) in good condition5) transparent6) rub7) spicy8) hitherto9) with (a) bad grace10) instinct11) pawned12) current2.1) turned up2) will stick to3) brought back4) go about5) driving at6) put, away7) turning, over8) took, aback3.1) has a very weak constitution – she may not be able to survive the operation.2) was taken aback by the insurance company’s rejection of my compensation claim.3) was something of a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.4) needs trimming /to be trimmed – it’s getting too long.5) are often deceptive.4. 1) Oddly enough, went broke, wrinkled, he had gone all to pieces2) definite, is capable of, her vanity,3) too mild, sipping, strokeII. Usage1)Except for2)Except that3)except4)except when5)except to6)except what7)except where8)except thatIII. British and American EnglishV ocabulary:AME: can, candy, faculty, mail, railroad, storeBRE: flat, lift, ground floor, trousers, tube/underground, maizeSpelling:AME: favorable, meter, defense, plow, tireBRE: paralyse, catalogue, leveling, programme, practice, characteriseComprehensive ExercisesI.1.1) insane2) current3) candid4) capable5) was taken aback6) in good condition7) constitution8) go all to pieces9) gone broke10) vacancy11) mild12) deceptive2.1) suspected2) pleading3) confirmed4) stunned5) lucrative6) jewellery7) wealthy8) urge9) spell10) arrestedII.1.1) I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of anadventurer.2) He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.3) The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.4) Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only a few turned up.5) The teacher’s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mikeperceived the society and himself.2.For my own part, I find that appearances are all too often deceptive. For instance, you mightbe wrong if you judged by appearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a man all of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes, gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel he insulted and fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insane venture. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferent to Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.Supplementary Exercise1. Dictation2. Translate the following into English1) for my own part2) a red face much wrinkled3) in accordance with his age and station4) go pale3. Translate the following sentences into English1) Unless I had heard the story from his own lips, I should never believed that he was capableof such an action.2) Here was a man who attracted you because you felt in him a real love for his fellows.3) I knew from my own experience that he could lose money at bridge with a good grace.4) The girls wouldn’t have thought so much of him if they’d seen him then.5) The currents round the beacon were more than he could manage.。

外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4,Unit5 Athletes,Quiz答案

外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4Unit5 AthletesQuiz1. Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.1. The actress became popular through the _________ she received in the newspapers, andtelevision, etc.A. advertisementB. publicityC. publicationD. information2. She even _____________ the ground he walks on.A. respectsB. ignoresC. worshipsD. blesses3. A lot of people __________ you, so don't let them down.A. look down uponB. look overC. look up toD. look on4. One woman sat down, and soon others _______________.A. followed her leadB. took the leadC. gave a leadD. were in the lead5. The scientist was rewarded by the Government for his scientific _____________.A. requirementB. progressC. achievementD. advance6. His assistant actually made the discovery, but he received all the _____________.A. gloryB. graceC. celebrationD. opinion7. The ability to use a language can be _____________ only by the act of using the language.A. approachedB. acquiredC. overcomeD. conquered8. _____________ is the basis for music and dance.A. RiddleB. RibbonC. RhythmD. Remedy9. The children went to the zoo and saw elephants, tigers, lions, and __________.A. the likeB. the kindC. the sameD. the other10. He scored the most fantastic goal I have ever ___________.A. worshipedB. investigatedC. wantedD. witnessed11. How can they remain _____________ when children are suffering?A. unrelatedB. intolerantC. isolatedD. indifferent12. It must be rewarding to be ___________ by so many people.A. measured up toB. looked up toC. gone forD. signed up13. His behavior merely ___________ my dislike of him.A. reinforcedB. enforcedC. engagedD. enclosed14. ___________ fabrics usually don't wrinkle as much as cotton.A. SympatheticB. SymbolicC. SystematicD. Synthetic15. Anne _____________ me when she told me I had done a good job.A. worshipedB. handledC. flatteredD. accomplished2. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the words in the brackets.16.How will such a small firm survive in theYour answer Correct answercompetitive competitive17.Your answer Correct answerperfection perfection18.These shoes are uncomfortable because the soles have noYour answer Correct answerflexibility flexibility19.Your answer Correct answertalented talented20.The(accelerate)Your answer Correct answeracceleration acceleration21.(annoy)Your answer Correct answerannoying annoying22.Your answer Correct answerobedient obedient23.Your answer Correct answermuddy muddy24. The whole idea behind the show is that it's meant to encourage the audience'sYour answer Correct answerparticipation participation25.Your answer Correct answercourageous courageous26.travel to work. (technology)Your answer Correct answerTechnological Technological27.TheYour answer Correct answerscary scary3. Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate form of the word in the brackets.28.Your answer Correct answermaking making29.Your answer Correct answertalking talking30.have been left with a stunted ethical sense.Your answer Correct answerGiven Given31. Professor Sharon Stoll has tested more than 10,000 student athletes from all over the country,Your answer Correct answerranging ranging32.I feel sympathy and admiration for most of the young athletesbalance the task of getting an education with the need to devote most of their energies to the excessive demands of the gym and the field.Your answer Correct answerstruggling struggling33.They can't helpYour answer Correct answerbeing impressed being impressed34.Your answer Correct answerfilled filled35.settle for much less education than they deserve.Your answer Correct answercompromise compromise36.Mary will have the laundryYour answer Correct answerwashed washed37.Your answer Correct answerdrinking drinking38.Your answer Correct answerreturning returning39.Your answer Correct answerbeing bossy being bossy40.Your answer Correct answerto fall to fall41.Your answer Correct answerputting putting。

大学体验英语综合教程第四版下册unit5passageB答案1、I didn't hear _____ because there was too much noise where I was sitting. [单选题] *A. what did he sayB. what he had said(正确答案)C. what he was sayingD. what to say2、88.Sorry. I don’t know the way? ? ? ? ? ?Dongfeng Cinema. [单选题] *A.byB.ofC.to(正确答案)D.for3、60.—Are you ready?—Yes. We can start ________ any time. [单选题] *A.at(正确答案)B.inC.toD.for4、What lovely weather,()? [单选题] *A.is itB. isnt it(正确答案)C. does itD.doesn’t it5、People cut down many trees ______ elephants are losing their homes. ()[单选题] *A. ifB. butC. so(正确答案)D. or6、You can distinguish the twins very easily, _____Tom is quite while Jack is active. [单选题] *A. soB. butC. for(正确答案)D. and7、( ). The old man enjoys ______ stamps. And now he has1300 of them [单选题] *A. collectB. collectedC. collecting(正确答案)D. to collect8、8.Turn right ________ Danba Road and walk ________ the road, then you will findMeilong Middle school. [单选题] *A.in...alongB.into...along (正确答案)C.in...onD.into...on9、There are many beautiful _______ in the wardrobe. [单选题] *A. bookB. dresses(正确答案)C. cell phoneD. grocery10、I often _______ music from the Internet. [单选题] *A. download(正确答案)B. spendC. saveD. read11、—______ pencils are these?—They are Tony’s.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhereC WhoD. Whose(正确答案)12、—Why do you call him Mr. Know?—______ he knows almost everything that we want to know.()[单选题] *A. SoB. OrC. ButD. Because(正确答案)13、He either watches TV _______ reads books in the evening. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. toD. so14、—When are you going to Hainan Island for a holiday? —______ the morning of 1st May.()[单选题] *A. InB. AtC. On(正确答案)D. For15、It’s so nice to hear from her again. ______, we last met more than thirty year ago [单选题] *A. What ‘s wordB. That’s to sayC. Go aheadD. Believe it or not(正确答案)16、This is the news _______ you want to know. [单选题] *A. that(正确答案)B. whatC. whenD. who17、Stephanie _______ going shopping to staying at home. [单选题] *A. prefers(正确答案)B. likesC. preferD. instead18、Lucy _______ at 7:00 every day. [单选题] *A. go to schoolB. goes to school(正确答案)C. to go to schoolD. went?to?school19、I’d?like _______ the English club. [单选题] *A. to join inB. joinC. to join(正确答案)D. join in20、You needn’t _______ me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. [单选题] *A. worry about(正确答案)B. write downC. put awayD. wake up21、There ______ a football match and a concert this weekend.()[单选题] *A. isB. haveC. will be(正确答案)D. will have22、______ visitors came to take photos of Hongyandong during the holiday. [单选题] *A. ThousandB. Thousand ofC. ThousandsD. Thousands of(正确答案)23、We _____ three major snowstorms so far this winter. [单选题] *A.hadB. haveC. have had(正确答案)D.had had24、I am so excited to receive a _______ from my husband on my birthday. [单选题] *A. present(正确答案)B. percentC. parentD. peace25、The traffic jams often happen in _______ hours. [单选题] *A. lunchB. workC. leisureD. rush(正确答案)26、--What’s the weather like today?--It’s _______. [单选题] *A. rainB. windy(正确答案)C. sunD. wind27、While I _____ the morning paper, a headline caught my eye.. [单选题] *A. have readB. was reading(正确答案)C. had readD. am reading28、49.________ is the price of the product? [单选题] *A.HowB.How muchC.What(正确答案)D.How many29、Which animal do you like _______, a cat, a dog or a bird? [单选题] *A. very muchB. best(正确答案)C. betterD. well30、It was _____the policeman came_____the parents knew what had happened to their son. [单选题] *A.before…asB. until…whenC. not until…that(正确答案)D.until…that。
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Unit OneLifestylesEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and Expressions1.Listed in the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the followingsentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) furnish2) resolve3) maintaining4) discarded5) sanction6) raise7) strip8) bare9) bargain10) simplified11) trade12) downsize13) numerous14) fraction15) plain16) tackle17) rolling2.Listed in the boxes below are some expressions that you have learned in this unit. Complete thesentences with each of them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1) keeps track of2) It turned out that3) strip down to4) take an interest in5) in return6) is all of a piece7) write out8) eat out9) look back10) cut out▆Increasing Your Word Power1.You will read four groups of words and phrases which are similar in meaning. Reflect on the differencesin usage between the words and phrases in each group and fill in each blank with a proper one. Changethe form if necessary.▇ Answers:1) take part in2) join3) joined in4) consist of5) is composed of6) is made up of7) live off8) live on9) live by10) occurred11) take place12) happen2.Study the following useful prefixes and then write out the words in the left column of the followingtable according to the hints given in the right. The initial letter of the target word is given.auto- = of or by oneself con-/ com- = with, togethercounter- = the opposite of inter- = between, amongex-/ e- = out of, from extra- = outside, beyondre- = again, back trans- = across▆ Answers:1) autobiography2) combine3) counterattack4) exclude5) extracurricular6) interact7) interrelate8) recycle9) refresh10) transform3.Both acronyms (首字母缩拼词) and initialisms (首字母缩略词) are formed from the first letters of aseries of words to represent names of organizations or are used as scientific terminologies (术语). An acronym is different from an initialism in that the former is pronounced as one word while the latter is pronounced letter by letter. For example, UNESCO is an acronym for “United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization”(联合国教育、科学及文化组织); NPC is an initialism for the National People’s Congress.Now work in pairs and turn the following acronyms and initialisms into their original forms and give the Chinese translations. Consult a dictionary if necessary.Grammar in Context1. Write hypothetical sentences based on the given facts.▇Answers:1) If they hadn’t broken away from the out-of-date regulation, they wouldn’t have made great advances in their work.2) If they h adn’t taken proper care of her, she wouldn’t have recovered so rapidly.3) The conference wouldn’t have been so successful if we hadn’t made adequate preparations.4) We would have had a hard time if we hadn’t followed the right instructions.5) The flood would have caused great damage to our property if we hadn’t built so many reservoirs.6) They would have succeeded in the experiment if they had followed the right procedure.2. Change the following non-hypothetical statements to hypothetical conditionals.▇ Answers:1) If English hadn’t become a language of international business after World War II, most developing countries wouldn’t have required students to study it at school.2) If William hadn’t invaded England in 1066, the English language wouldn’t ha ve had many words of French origin.3) If modern English hadn’t developed from several different languages, the grammar and spelling rules wouldn’t have been so irregular.4) If England hadn’t been conquered by the Normans in 1066, French wouldn’t have bec ome the main language of the ruling class at that time.Cloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each of the words to be filled in is given.▆ Answers:1) luxuries2) frugal3) trading4) curtail5) splendid6) hobbies7) impulse8) bare9) wasteful10) deny11) deprivation12) maintain13) resolve14) consumptionTranslation▆Translate the following sentences into English.▆ Answers for Reference:1) She is a very capable housewife but she likes to purchase things on impulse. Her kitchen cabinets arealways full of clutter that will eventually be discarded.2) University students should have the resolve to live a frugal lifestyle and should not try to keep up with theJoneses or follow trends and fads. They should know that only when you mind the pennies will the dollars take care of themselves.3) The couple are high-ranking executives of big companies. They eat out at least five days a week due to thelack of time for home cooking.4) The two signatures appear all of a piece. Even experienced experts may find it difficult to identify anydifference between them.5) The editor of the journal cut out all the pictures attached to the article because the length of the articlewas restricted to only two pages.6) As a member of the standing committee, he has been tackling unemployment and traffic problems duringthe past three years.7) The old man made a will before his death, giving away all his savings to our school as scholarships, adecision sanctioned by his children.8) The doctor assured his patient that if he took the medicine three times a day for three months withoutinterruption, he would recover from the illness for good.9) Only when I looked back on my past experiences did I realize that my four-year period at university was themost care-free time in my life.10) If we want to excel others in technological innovation, we must keep track of all the new ideas anddevelopments in the field of science and technology.2. Translate the following passage into English.▆ Answers for reference:Sara and Michael used to be a two-career couple with a home of their own, two cars and a large boat bought with a large loan. They were both busy with their respective work and sometimes they had to make business trips at weekend. The only time for their so-called home life was restricted to the few hours after work. Indeed, they had made a lot of money, but they got fed up with such a fast-paced lifestyle. So soon after their daughter was born, they decided to change their lifestyles.They traded their two full-time careers for two part-time jobs, and tried hard to curtail their consumption. They sold their splendid house and moved into a smaller but pretty and energy-efficient home designed by themselves. They downsized their possessions and discarded all the expensive clutter. They also sold their big boat and shared a smaller one with another family so that they could still enjoy sailing on the sea. They gave up the extra car and their professional wardrobes. They also gave up expensive hobbies. They seldom ate out, thereby reducing a lot of expenses. Now they no longer purchase things on impulse and only spend money on the bare necessities.One may think that they are too stingy toward themselves. But that is not the case. For them it is a voluntary act to have chosen this simple and frugal lifestyle. It is by no means deprivation. They believe that afrugal life is beneficial to both society and the individual.Theme-Related Writing▆Write a composition of no less than 150 words on the topic “Healthy Lifestyles”. Your writing should cover the following points:1) your understanding of a healthy lifestyle2) the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle3) ways to develop a healthy lifestyle▆Sample Essay:Healthy LifestylesDifferent people have different interpretations of a healthy lifestyle. To me, a healthy lifestyle means living in a way that helps us to be physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.We can benefit a lot from living a healthy lifestyle. On the one hand, a healthy lifestyle can give us a strong body, increase our life expectancy, and help us form good living habits. On the other hand, a healthy lifestyle enhances self-esteem and confidence, reduces stress and pressure, and enables us to develop a positive outlook and live in harmony with each other. In short, a healthy lifestyle improves our overall sense of well-being and happiness.There are many ways to develop a healthy lifestyle. We need to exercise regularly, keep a balanced diet, and avoid alcohol and cigarettes. It would also help if we could balance our time for work and play, and find ways to release stress and pressure. With such efforts, we will be able to live in a way that contributes to our physical, mental, and emotional health.(173 words)。