
Revision contents
Review words
02 掌握约200个基础词汇,包括颜色、数字、 动物、水果等常见词汇。
了解单词的基本词性和用法,如名词、动 词、形容词等。
Sentence pattern review
通过游戏化的方式,将学习内容与游戏结合,提高孩子的学习兴 趣和参与度。
该方法将学习内容设计成有趣的游戏任务,让孩子在游戏中学习 和掌握知识,例如单词匹配、情景模拟等。通过这种方式,孩子 可以在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语,提高学习效果。
Scenario simulation review
该方法利用节奏明快、旋律优美的歌曲和儿歌,将英语单词和常用表达方式融入其中。孩子可以通过听歌、唱歌 的方式,轻松记忆英语单词和表达方式,同时培养英语语感和语音语调。这种方式可以增加孩子学习英语的兴趣 和动力,提高学习效果。
review plan
Staged review plan
Staged review plan
This plan divides the review process into distinct stages, each focusing on a specific aspect of the textbook. For example
Stage 1

一、教案名称:朗文少儿英语Level 1教案第一单元二、教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握基本的英语单词和句型,如“Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, how are you, my name is, nice to meet you”等。
2. 学生能够进行简单的自我介绍和日常交流。
3. 学生能够听懂并能够运用所学单词和句型进行对话。
三、教学内容:1. 单词:hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, how are you, my name is, nice to meet you等。
2. 句型:介绍自己和他人的基本句型,如“My name is, I am years old, I e from, I like”等。
四、教学步骤:1. 热身活动:教师与学生简单问候,引导学生进行身体活动,如拍手、跺脚等,以吸引学生的注意力。
2. 引入新单词:教师展示单词卡片,引导学生跟读并记忆单词。
3. 句型练习:教师给出句型模板,引导学生进行自我介绍,鼓励学生用所学单词和句型进行交流。
4. 小组活动:学生分组,进行角色扮演,模拟日常交流场景,如在餐厅、学校等场合的对话。
5. 总结与复习:教师带领学生复习所学单词和句型,强调重点和难点。
五、教学评价:1. 观察学生在课堂上的参与程度和表现,评估学生对单词和句型的掌握程度。
2. 通过小组活动和角色扮演,评估学生的实际应用能力和日常交流能力。
3. 收集学生作业和练习,对学生的学习效果进行综合评估。
六、教案名称:朗文少儿英语Level 1教案第二单元七、教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握数字1-10的英语表达方式,如“one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten”。
2. 学生能够进行数字的简单计算,如加法“+”。

9.4 PK1B0105 朗文入门级A第一次课课程内容与作业安排表教学内容课次:1(9月4日)课文:Unit 1 My class1.Words(单词):①green,blue,red,yellow(黄色),orange(橘色),purple(紫色)2.Sentences(句型):①Hello!你好②Good morning!早上好③Good-bye.再见④-What's your name?-My name is .../I'm ...-你叫什么名字?我叫...⑤-What color is it?-It's yellow.-这是什么颜色?这是黄色的。
3.Song:“good morning”书P2.1<CD1.6曲>家庭作业作业内容预习内容1.听:CD1的6曲,跟读跟唱。
(红色部分为补充词汇也要抄写)为了保证您孩子的学习质量,请各位家长参照表格内容配合孩子的复习,预习以及家庭作业的完成.谢谢!----泡泡(POP)少儿英语9.9 PK1B0105 朗文入门级A第二次课infanta .cn/peggycdf 2010-09-05 22:11:54课程内容与作业安排表教学内容课次:2(9月9日)课文:Unit 1 My class1.Words:①green,blue,red,yellow,orange,purple(Review)②book,bookbag,chair,desk,marker,pencil,table,teacher2.Sentences:①-What's this?-It's a marker.-这是什么?-这是一支记号笔。
②-Is this a marker?-这是一支记号笔吗?-Yes, it is./No,it isn't.-是,它是。

_T_h_e_y are talking
He __is__ ___re_a_d_in_g____ a book. They _a_re_ __ta_l_ki_n_g____. She _i_s _ __c_ol_o_ri_n_g___ a picture. He __is_ ___w_ri_t_in_g___. They a_r_e_ __si_n_gi_n_g____ a song.
Unit One
My Class
பைடு நூலகம்
I am …
Nice to meet you.
class rules:
Raise your hand. Sit down. Stand up. Get the book. Open/close your book. Come here. Go back.
Good bye, Mary.
Class is over! Good bye.
Write Here
Good morning. My name is Jack
_H_e__ is reading
Good morning. My name is Coco
wr_i te
_S_h_e_ is writing
Good morning. My name is Leo.
Slowly clap your hands (one)time, {clap} hands (one )time {clap}, hands (one)time. {clap} Slowly clap your hands (one)time .{clap} Now let's count to three!{show fingers to count 1, 2, 3} One , two, three{show fingers},let's all sit down.{sit down} All sit down {sit down}, all sit down {sit down} One ,two , three {show fingers}, let's all sit down {sit down} Quiet {put finger to lips} as can be!

Chapter 1 Starting School!(说明:带“ ★”的词汇是四会单词,要求听、说、读、写全面掌握,并要求能听写、默写。
)PartA- PartB★ good 好的★ morning清晨★ boy 男孩★ hello 你好★ afternoon下午★ I 我★goodbye 再会★ Miss小姐、老师★name 名字★ what 什么★ is 是★ your 你的★ I ’ m= I am我是★ what’ s = what 是is什么★girl 女孩★am 是★sir 先生、老师★my 我的PartC- PartD☆ teacher老师☆ spell拼写☆please 请☆welcome 欢迎☆ thank感谢☆you 你☆Thank you. 多谢☆ Thanks. 多谢☆name’s = name is 名字是 ...☆present (adj)此刻的、列席的Chapter 2 Nice to meet you!PartA- PartB★ father父亲、爸爸★ mother母亲、妈妈★ brother兄弟★ friend朋友★ sister姐妹★me我★this这☆classmate同学PartC- PartD★ book书★ hi 喂,你好★ he他★ she她★ how 怎么,如何★ are是☆ fine好、身体好☆ in在...里☆ come 来☆ with和☆class班、全班同学☆ here这里☆ nice 好的☆ meet遇到,见面PartE☆ too也★ look看Chapter 3My toysPartA---PartB★doll玩具娃娃★car汽车★ robot机器人★ball球★ bus公共汽车、巴士★one 一★ two二★ three三★ four四★ five五★ six 六★ seven七★ eight八★ nine九★ ten十★have有★a一个(只,条)☆teddy bear玩具熊Part C---Part D★ pig 猪★ big大的★ small小的★ toy玩具☆ a lot of好多、很多☆ about对于;怎么☆ but可是☆ yes是☆ it它☆ see看☆ only独一的、独自的、只是Part E---Part F☆ has有☆ and和Chapter 4 My pencil casePart A---Part B★ pen 钢笔★ pencil铅笔★ ruler尺子★ eraser橡皮擦★ bag 书包★ play 玩★ an 一个(只,条)★ red红色(的)★ blue蓝色(的)★ yellow黄色(的)★ pink 粉红色(的)★ brown棕褐色(的)★ green绿色(的)★ black黑色(的)★ white白色(的)★ orange橙色(的)★ they他们☆pencil case笔盒☆sharpener削刀Part C---Part D★ sorry对不起、对不起★ no不★ not不是★ day天;日☆n ext 下一个Part E--- Part F☆right (corret )对的,正确的☆start起程、开始、出发☆now此刻、当前☆game 比赛、游戏、比赛☆ again又、再次☆dear哎呀;亲爱的;昂贵的☆guess 猜想、想、以为Chapter 5 We can do it!PartA- PartB★ skip 跳绳★ read念书★ swim游泳★ draw画画★ climb爬★ write写★can能★ can’t= can not不可以PartC- PartD★ run跑★jump跳★ fast 快的★ walk走路★ sad悲伤的★race赛跑★ today 今日★ help帮助,帮忙★ late迟的,晚的☆find找到,发现,查明☆know知道,认识,认出☆ high 高的☆sport运动,运动会☆sports相关运动的PartE- PartF★ sing 唱歌★ tree树★ song歌曲☆ story故事Chapter 6 Look at me!PartA- PartB★ ear 耳朵★ eye 眼睛★ nose 鼻子★ mouth嘴巴★ big eyes 大眼睛★ small eyes 小眼睛★ long hair 长头发★ short hair短头发★fat 胖的★ thin 瘦的★tall 高的★short 矮的PartC- PartD★that那,那个★cute可爱的,聪慧的☆curly hair卷发☆ rude鲁莽的☆☆glasses 眼镜at在,于,向,瞄准☆☆twinsbe双胞胎是,在,存在☆show表演PartE- PartF★head头★knee膝盖★shoulder肩膀★toe脚趾★hand手★ foot脚★ leg腿★arm手。

9.4 PK1B0105 朗文入门级A第一次课课程内容与作业安排表教学内容课次:1(9月4日)课文:Unit 1 My class1.Words(单词):①green,blue,red,yellow(黄色),orange(橘色),purple(紫色)2.Sentences(句型):①Hello!你好②Good morning!早上好③Good-bye.再见④-What's your name?-My name is .../I'm ...-你叫什么名字?我叫...⑤-What color is it?-It's yellow.-这是什么颜色?这是黄色的。
3.Song:“good morning”书P2.1<CD1.6曲>家庭作业作业内容预习内容1.听: CD1的6曲,跟读跟唱。
(红色部分为补充词汇也要抄写)为了保证您孩子的学习质量,请各位家长参照表格内容配合孩子的复习,预习以及家庭作业的完成.谢谢!----泡泡(POP)少儿英语9.9 PK1B0105 朗文入门级A第二次课infanta /peggycdf 2010-09-05 22:11:54课程内容与作业安排表教学内容课次:2(9月9日)课文:Unit 1 My class1.Words:①green,blue,red,yellow,orange,purple(Review)②book,bookbag,chair,desk,marker,pencil,table,teacher2.Sentences:①-What's this?-It's a marker.-这是什么?-这是一支记号笔。
②-Is this a marker?-这是一支记号笔吗?-Yes, it is./No,it isn't.-是,它是。

朗文新派少儿英语入门级B进度表课次教学内容作业1 单词:bug cow horse frog worm hippopotamus歌曲:old MacDonald has a farm (p52)2 单词:crawling doing flying swimming句子:W hat’s the worm doing?It’s crawling.疑问词:what 注意点:what’s=what is3 单词:sleeping eating running jumping句子:What are the dogs doing?They are sleeping。
4 单词:children happy today wear animal suits carnival句子:《Carnival》picture 1The children are happy todayThe are wearing animal suits for Carnival5 单词:after now tired 《Carnival》picture 2,3,4句子:Frogs are jumping. Dogs are running.And big worms are crawling.Little horses are eating. Birds are flying.And fish are swimming.After Carnival the children are tired.Now they are all sleeping6 单词:cake hamburger hot dog milk pizza yearsold want句子:How old is Carmen? She’s seven yearsold.What do you want? I want a hamburger/hotdog, of course.I want milk/pizza.7 单词:balloon candle party present kite have else句子:What do you have? I have a kite.What else do you have? I have a big hat.8 单词:day(天) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday句子:What day is it today? It’s Friday.9 单词:Saturday Sunday week句子:What day is your birthday? It’s Saturday.10 单词:today surprise 疑问词:where句子:Today is Saturday. It’s Ana’s birthday.The hats and balloons are ready. The ice cream and cake are ready.Ana’s family and friends are here. But where is Ana?Surprise! Happy birthday, Ana!11 单词:toy toy box bike block boat doll句子:Where is the kite? It’s in the box.What do you want? I want the orange ball.最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成word文本--------------------- 方便更改。

提供教学资料和 工具,支持教师 更好地完成教学 任务。
定期开展教师交 流活动,分享教 学经验和教学方 法。
对教师的教学进 行评估和反馈, 帮助教师不断提 升教学水平。
朗文少儿英语官网提供在线学习资源 朗文少儿英语APP提供在线学习资源 朗文少儿英语在线课程提供在线学习资源 朗文少儿英语官方网站提供在线学习资源
教师会定期检查学生的作业完成情况,并提供有针对性的反馈和建议。 除了书面作业,学生还需要完成在线听力练习和口语练习,以培养 听说的实际应用能力。
目的:评估学生的 学习进度和掌握情 况
形式:分阶段进行 测试,包括听力、 阅读、写作和口语 等方面
内容:根据教材和 教学目标,制定相 应的测试题目和评 分标准
定期与家长沟通 学生的学习进度 和表现
鼓励家长积极参 与学生的学习过 程
及时向家长反馈 学生的学习问题 和进步
组织家长和学生 共同参与课外活 动,增进彼此了 解和信任
教材:《朗文少儿英语入门级B》 教辅材料:教师用书、练习册、单词卡片等
提供专业培训, 确保教师具备教 授朗文少儿英语 入门级B的能力。
朗文少儿英语入门 级B进度表
课程概述 教学进度 教学资源
教学内容 评估与反馈
培养学生的跨文化交流意识和能 力
适合3-6岁的儿童 英语零基础或基础薄弱的儿童 需要提高英语听说能力的儿童 家长希望孩子在英语方面打下坚实基础

小学朗文英语词汇表1A词汇表1B词汇表1B chapter 1三会单词:a ball, a doll, a robot, a teddy bear , a gun , a car , a train, a plane Red, orange, yellow , green, blue, purple , pink, white, black语法句子:What colour is it? It is green.What colour are they? They are blue and orange.1B chapter 2三会单词:a T-shirt, a shirt , a blouse, a dress, a skirt, a jacket, a hat, trousers, shorts, sock(S),shoe(S)语法句子:This is Jenny. Her skirt is red.This is Bobby. His shorts are blue.We are Sandy and Amy. Our dresses are orangeThey are Tom and Betty. Their T-shirts are green.1B chapter 3三会单词:a tree, a bird , the sky, a slide, a see-saw, a swing, a bench, a pond, the grass, a bee, an ant, a flower语法句子:What can you see? I can see a bird and an ant.1B Chapter 4三会单词:elephant, giraffe, hippo, lion, zebra, tiger, panda, monkey语法句子:How many elephants are there?There is one elephant./ There are eleven elephants.1B Chapter 5三会单词:read, sing, draw, play, talk, laugh, eat, drink, sleep.语法句子:What are you doing?I am reading. / We are reading.1B Chapter 6三会单词:swim, run, skip, ride a bicycle, dance, ice-skate, hike, make a model语法句子:What is he/she/it doing? He/She/It is swimming.What are they doing? They are swimming.2A词汇表2A Chapter 1单: classroom, library,art room, computer room , toilets, music room, lift, playground, garden, ground floor, first floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor, sixth floor.语法句子:Is there a computer room? Yes, there is.It’s on the first floor.Is there an art room? No, there isn’t.2A Chapter 2三会单词: keep quiet , sit still, line up, keep off the grass, wait for your turn, climb, spit, litter, pick the flowers.语法句子:You must keep quiet.You mustn’t spit.Sit still in the hall.Wait for your turn in the computer room.2A chapter 3三会单词:tired,bored, thirsty, hungry,Take a rest, watch DVDs, read comics, drink some juice/water, eat some biscuits/ cakes.语法句子:Are you hungry?Yes, I am./No, I’m not, I’m fine.I’m hungry. I’m hungry too.Let’s eat some biscuits.2A chapter 4三会单词:banana----bananas, pear---pears,mango----mangoes, potato---potatoespeach---peaches, sandwich---sandwichescherry---cherries, strawberry---strawberries语法句子:Do you want some bananas/ sandwiches/ cherries?Yes, please. I’m hungry.No,thank you. I’m fine.2A Chapter5词汇:on foot by bus by minibus by school bus by taxi by MTR/train by Light Rail by tram by ferry语法句子:Where do you live? I live in Sha Tin.How do you come to school?I come to school by bus/train.I come to school on foot.2A Chapter6词汇:school hospital fire station police station post office restaurant homea teacher a doctor a nurse a firemana policeman/policewoman a postmana waiter/ waitress a bus/taxi driver a housewife语法句子:What’s your father’s/mother’s job?He’s a fireman. He puts out fires.She’s a teacher. She teaches English.Do you have any brothers or sisters?Yes, I have one brother.Yes, I have two brothers and one sister.No, I have no brothers or sisters.2B单词和语法知识汇总Chapter1四会单词make the bed sweep the floor water the plantshang up the washing/fold the clothes set/clear the tablewalk/feed the dog语法:Do you help at home? Y es, I do. No, I don’t.Does he/she help at home? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.I make the bed.He/She folds the clothes.Chapter2四会单词tidy untidy hard-working lazy polite rude honest helpful语法:He/She washes the dishes every day/every week.He/She does not wash the dishes.Chapter3四会单词have piano/drawing lessons go to Brownies/Cub Scoutsgo to church study with my tutorvisit my grandma/grandpa/grandparents语法:What do you do on Mondays?What does he/she do on Sundays?I study with my tutor.He/She goes to church.Chapter4四会单词get up brush my teeth wash my face go to schoolhave breakfast/lunch/dinner do my homework go to bedhave a bath/shower语法:What time do you/they have a shower?What time does he/she have a shower?I/W e/They have a shower at ten o’clock in the morning.I/W e/They have a shower at two thirty in the afternoon.He/She has a shower at nine fifteen in the evening/at night.In+时间段,at+具体时间点(特殊的at night)Chapter5四会单词1. Season ( spring summer autumn winter) ,in+季节season2.Activitygo to the park go to the beach go hiking eat hotpot 3. hot cold warm coolsunny foggy wet dry4. a coat a scarf gloves a T-shirt a sweatera cap a hat an umbrella boots a raincoat 语法:1. Which season do you like best?I like winter best.2. It is cold and dry.3. I usually eat hotpot in winter.I usually wear a coat and a scarf in winter.Chapter6四会单词1. Easter eat chocolate eggs2. Dragon Boat Festival watch dragon boat races3.Mid-Autumn Festival eat moon cakes4.Christmas get presents look at the Christmas lights5.Chinese New Y earget red packets go to the flower marketvisit relatives watch fireworks语法1.What is your favourite festival?My favourite is Easter.Why? Because I like eating chocolate eggs.like doing sth 喜欢做什么事情2.What do you like doing at Christmas?I like looking at the Christmas at Christmas.3A单词和语法知识汇总Chapter1四会单词1. food bread ham cheese butter jam milk2. sugar salt an egg(eggs) a mushroom (mushrooms)3. an onion (onions) a tomato (tomatoes)语法:1.First wash the apple.Then cut the apple into small pieces.2.W ash the apple. Cut it into small pieces.W ash the grapes. Put them into a bowl.Chapter2四会单词Countable nouns: vegetables noodlesa sandwich (sandwiches) a sausage (sausages) Uncountable nouns: rice congee soup juice语法:1.Is there any ham? Y es, there’s some ham.No, there isn’t any ham.2.Are there any eggs? Y es, there are a lot of eggs.No, there aren’t any eggs.Chapter3四会单词1.a slice of pizza a box of chicken wings2.a packet of potato chips a bottle of water3.a cup of lemon tea a can of cola4.a hamburger a hot dog an apple pie语法:1.How much is a hamburger/a slice of pizza?It’s twenty-three dollar.2.May I have three slices of pizza, a can of cola and two cups of lemon tea please? ---- Here you are.Chapter4四会单词1.cafe have afternoon tea hotel have a buffet lunch2.cinema watch a film restaurant eat dim sum3.clothes shop buy jeans gift shop buy a card4.Sportswear shop buy trainers sweet shopbuy sweets and chocolate语法:1.Where do you want to go?I want to go to the cafe/book shop.2.What do you want to do?I want to have afternoon tea/buy a comic.Chapter5四会单词1.Sports Day Open Day Parents’ Day Test W eek2.Exam W eek the school picnic English Camp语法:1.What’s the date? --It’s the third of December.2.When’s Parents’ Day? --It’s on the eleventh of November.3.When’s English Camp?It’s from the seventeenth of October to the twenty-first of October.Chapter6四会单词1.play badminton play table tennis play football2.play basketball play Chinese checkers play Chinese chess3.Play the piano play the violin play the guitar语法:1.Can you play badminton / play table tennis?Y es, I can. No, I can’t.2.I can play badminton and table tennis.I can play badminton but I can’t play football.I can’t play basketball or football.3. I’m good at sports.I’m not good at music.3B词汇表3BCH1四会单词English Chinese Maths Music Visual Arts PEright left behind between in front of next to good atCH1三会单词student doing sums speak in English write a poem get first prize timetableCH1 语法句型Barry sits between Dick and Fiona.Barry sits in fronts/behind/next to Ron.Barry sits on my left/right.He/She is good at doing sums.Ch2 四会单词listen to talk to look after play tricks on laugh at shout at fight with play with me you her him us themCH2 三会单词mouse angry afraid hide funny net get out free sometimes naughtyCh2 语法句型He listens to/plays with me/you/her.She doesn’t laugh at/fight with us/them.Ch3 四会单词good naughty weak strong careful careless shy friendly this/last year now was wereCh3 三会单词old a few years ago really sure fall down change popular nowadays electronic toyCh3 语法句子Four years ago, I/he/she was short. Now I am/he is/she is tall.Last year you/we/they were short. This year you/we/they are tall.Last year I was 126 cm/25 kg.Ch4四会单词listen to CDs/music watch TV/cartoons play computer games paint pictures chat with friends exam test yesterday last night at the weekendCh4三会单词so until get up nobody favourite without weekend after that listened looked painted played chatted clapped dried tidied studiedCH4语法句型What did you do yesterday/last night/at the weekend?I played games with my parents.I was tired so I didn’t study for the English Test.Ch5 四会单词belt tie watch key ring towel purse wallet handbag card bought drank ate gave had rode saw sang tookCh5 三会单词special money gold watch broken new lovely never mind cookies happiness buffetCh5 语法句型What did you do on your birthday? I had a birthday party. My parents took me to a restaurant and we had a buffet dinner.What did you give your dad or mum on his/her birthday?I gave him/her a wallet.CH6四会单词build a sandcastle have a picnic fly a kite take photos go hiking go shopping read magazines do puzzles make models enjoy where whatCh6三会单词boring before wood factory fishing time machine choose outdoor indoor during in the endCh6语法句型Did you enjoy the holiday/weekend? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. Where did you go? I went to Lamma Island.What did you do there? I swam in the sea.4A 词汇表Chapter 1四会单词Hobbiescollect cards collect stickerscollect stamps read the newspaperread magazines read comicsgo swimming go cyclingplay computer games play the pianoplay the violin play footballplay basketball三会单词spare time always often sometimes seldom never surf the Net at weekend go joggingchat with friends listen to musicPlay Chinese chess play table tennis句型1. -What do you like doing in your spare time?-I like watching TV.2. I always / often / sometimes/ seldom /never play football on Mondays.Chapter 2四会单词small-smaller- smallest tall-taller-tallestshort-shorter-shortest light-lighter-lightestlong-longer-longest short-shorter-shortest young-younger-youngest old -older- oldestthin-thinner -thinnestfat-fatter-fattest big-bigger-biggestheavy-heavier- heaviest funny- funnier-funniesthair eyes nose ears mouth legs taillarge-larger-largest句型Peter is taller than me.Rocky is the heaviest.Kate’s eyes are bigger than Carol’s.Dan’s legs are the longest.Chapter 3四会单词a bunch of a packet ofa carton of soya milka tin of nuts a jar ofa bar of chocolate a loaf of bread expensive popular delicious cheap句型-How much is a bar of chocolate?-It’s $ 16.90.Cola is more expensive/ popular/ delicious than soya milk. Orange juice is the most expensive /popular/ delicious drink.Chapter 4四会单词salad meat mushrooms soup noodles dumplings pork chop chicken currybeef currygood better the bestbad worse the worst三会单词Chinese / Japanese/ Indian / Italian food句型1.--What would you like? --I’d like some salad.2.--Which would you like, chicken curry or beef curry?--I’d like beef curry.3. King Restaurant is better/ worse than Queen Restaurant.Rainbow Restaurant is the best.Chapter 5四会单词a supermarket a shopping center an airporta theme parkelectronic games a mobile phone a DVD playeran MP3 player a digital cameraeverybody nobody句型1. --Was there an airport 20 years ago?--Y es , there was.--No, there wasn’t.2.---Were there any buses 60 years ago?--- Y es, there were.----No, there weren’t.3.There was/ wasn’t a theme park 20 years ago.4.There were buses 20 years ago.There weren’t any supermarkets 60 years ago.5.Everybody had a radio when Grandma was young.Nobody played electronic games when Grandma was young.Chapter 6四会单词Comb my hair get dressed do up my buttons tie my shoelaces pack carry school bag climb the stairs 句型I could comb my hair when I was six.I couldn’t tie my shoelaces when I was six.I/he/she/you/we/they could climb the stairs bymyself/himself/herself/yourself/ourselves/themselves.Chapter 7四会单词News weather report a drama a cartoon a documentary a pop music show a sports programme a cookery grogramme a game show informative exciting interesting touching boring silly句型I like documentaries. I like the news and the weather reports too.I don’t like dramas. I don’t like cookery programmes either.I don’t want to watch HK Basketball or World Football.I want to watch both Music Today and Cantopop.4B词汇表4B Chapter 1四会词:visit Hong Kong wetland park , watch the birds , eat seafood , do water sports , go hiking , take phones on the Avenue of Stars , visit Disneyland, ride on the cable car, visit the Big Buddha, look at the view of Hong Kong,visit Golden Bauhinia Square ,句型:- Where will you go on the first day?-We’ll go to the Peak.-What will you do there?-I’ll\We’ll look at the view of Hong Kong.-Will you visit the Avenue of Stars?-Yes, I /we will. No, I/ we won’t.4B Chapter 2四会词:a post office, a news-stand, an MTR station/a train station, a bakery, a clinic, a sports centre, a department store, a health and beauty store, a convenience store.句型:1.Where can I find a bank ?2.How do I get to the MTR station ?3.Go out of the MTR station.Go/Walk straight ahead.Walk across the road.The post office is next to the fire station.The post office is opposite the fire station.Turn left/right into Causeway Road.The post office is on your left/right.4B Chapter 3四会词:types of food, macaroni, spaghetti, food groups, meat, steak, beef, chicken, pork, vegetables, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, noodles, pasta, cherries, grapes, lychees, longans,句型:1. You need to eat fewer /more sweets.2. You need to eat less/more meat.3. He ate a lot of broccoli/ cherries.4. He ate a few cherries.5. He ate a little fish.4B Chapter 4四会词:junk food, sugary food, salty food, fried food, soft drinks, dairy products, grain products句子:1.. Grain products are good for us.2. Sugary food is bad for us.3. Too much salty food is bad for us.4. Too many potato chips are bad for us.4B Chapter 5四会单词:do Maths/Enlish/Chinese exercises, do revision, go to bed early, do more sports, keep a diary, tidy my bookshelf/bookshelves/room, watch less TV, read more books句型1.I’m going tokeep a diary in English. I’ll begood in English.2.I’m going to do revision everyday. I won’tfail my test.语法点:be going to do sth 打算去做某事will+ 动词原形将要做什么4B Chapter 6词组:change my facecloth, change my socks, change my uniform, wash my sports shoes, cut my fingernails, wash my hair, go to the dentist, help with the housework句型:1.How often do you go swimming?I go swimming once /twice/three times a day/week/month/year.2.How often do you go to the dentist ?I go to the dentist three times a year.3.He ought to help with the housework once a week.4.He ought to wash his sports shoes twice a month.。

入门级(有一定的英语基础,会书写26个英文字母,掌握一定量的单词)围绕My class, My family, My body, My clothes, My house 班级,家庭成员,身体器官,服装以及房间五个主题展开。
掌握数字等常用的单词,日常用语,课堂指令以及以What, How many为开头的特殊疑问句。

Chapter 1 Starting School!(说明:带“★”的词汇是四会单词,要求听、说、读、写全面掌握,并要求能听写、默写。
)PartA- PartB★ good好的 morning早上★ boy男孩★ girl女孩★ sir先生、老师hello你好afternoon下午 child 孩子(单数) children 孩子们(复数)goodbye 再见 Miss 小姐、老师 name 名字what 什么★ is 是 your 你的my 我的★ I 我 am 是I’m= I am 我是what’s = what is 是什么PartC- PartDteacher 老师spell 拼写 please 请 welcome 欢迎 Thanks.多谢thank 谢谢 you 你 Thank you.多谢name’s = name is 名字是... present (adj.) 现在的、出席的Chapter 2 Nice to meet you!PartA- PartBclassmate 同学★ father父亲、爸爸★ mother 母亲、妈妈★ brother 兄弟 friend 朋友★ sister 姐妹★me 我 this 这PartC- PartDclass 班、全班同学 book 书 hi 喂,你好★ he 他(男的) ★ she 她(女的)how 怎么,怎样 are 是 fine 好、身体好in 在...里 come 来 with 和here 这里 nice 好的 meet 遇见,会面PartEtoo 也 look 看Chapter 3 My toysPartA---PartB★doll 玩具娃娃 ★car 汽车 ★robot 机器人 ★ball 球 ★bus 公共汽车、巴士1 2 3 45 teddy bear 玩具熊 ★one 一 ★ two 二 ★ three 三 ★ four 四 ★ five 五6789 10★ six 六 ★ seven 七 ★ eight 八 ★ nine 九 ★ ten 十have 有 ★a 一个(只,条)(如: a doll 一个玩具娃娃)Part C---Part Dpig 猪 big 大的 small 小的a lot of 很多、许多 about 关于;怎么 but 但是yes 是 it 它 see 看only 唯一的、单独的、仅仅 toy 玩具Part E---Part Fhas 有 and 和Chapter 4 My pencil case Part A---Part B★ pen 钢笔★ pencil 铅笔★ ruler 尺子★ eraser 橡皮擦★ pencil case 笔盒★ bag 书包 play 玩 sharpener 铅笔刀★ red 红色(的)★ blue 蓝色(的)★yellow 黄色(的)★ pink 粉红色(的)★ brown 棕褐色(的)★green 绿色(的)★ black 黑色(的)★ white 白色(的)★ orange 橙色(的) they 他们★ an 一个(只,条)Part C---Part Dsorry 对不起、抱歉★ no 不 not 不是next 下一个 day 天;日Part E--- Part Fright(corret)对的,正确的 start 动身、开始、出发 now现在、目前game 比赛、游戏、竞赛 again 又、再次dear 哎呀;亲爱的;昂贵的 guess 猜测、想、认为Chapter 5 We can do it!PartA- PartB★ skip跳绳★ read读书★ swim游泳★ draw画画★ climb爬★ write 写★can 能★can’t = can not 不能PartC- PartD★ run 跑★jump 跳 fast 快的★ walk 走路 sad 伤心的high 高的 today 今天 sport 运动,运动会sports 有关运动的 help 帮助,帮忙 late 迟的,晚的find 找到,发现,查明 know 知道,认识,认出 race 赛跑PartE- PartF★ sing 唱歌 tree 树★ song 歌曲 story 故事Chapter 6 Look at me !PartA- PartBbig eyes 大眼睛 ★ small eyes 小眼睛 ★ long hair 长头发 ★ short hair 短头发★fat 胖的 ★thin 瘦的 ★tall 高的 ★short 矮的 PartC- PartDcurly hair 卷发 glasses 眼镜 twins 双胞胎 show 表演 rude 粗鲁的 at 在,于,向,对准 that 那,那个 cute 可爱的,聪明的 be 是,在,存在PartE- PartF ★head 头肩膀★toe ★knee 膝盖 ★★leg 腿 ★foot 脚。

朗文少儿英语入门级朗文少儿英语入门级(一级)教师:王冉 VickyA册(20课)第1单元第1次课 2011年5月29日周日一、语言技能1、听:在教师或图卡的帮助下,能听懂本课重点词汇和重点句子。
二、语言知识1、重点词汇:red blue green one two three four five six seven eight nine2、重点句型:(复习)Hello what’s your name? I’m______.What color is it? It’s blue.(新授)Good afternoon to you .What number is it? It is one.三、家庭作业常规作业:1、听:课本P2、P3页2011年6月2日周四一、语言技能1、听:在教师或图卡的帮助下,能听懂本课重点词汇和重点句子,并做出反应。
二、语言知识1、重点词汇:book, book bag, chair, desk, marker, pencil,2、理解词汇:(课堂常规)stand up sit down clap your hands stamp your feet3、重点句型:Hello what’s your name? My name is^^.Good morning. Good afternoonWhat’s this? It’s a (red) pencil.三、家庭作业常规作业:1、听:课本P52011年6月5日周日一、语言技能1、听:在教师或图卡的帮助下,能听懂本课重点词汇和重点句子,并做出反应。
二、语言知识1、重点掌握词汇:read write draw full2、理解词汇: ready ten3、重点句型:Books to read.I’m ready for school.I’m getting ready for school.三、家庭作业常规作业:1、听:本单元小故事P7 、P8(CD1里的10)每天三遍2、写:活动手册P7 第九题3、背:本单元小故事并且录音。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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第1次单词: book bag marker table/desk student
句子:Good morning, dear teacher.
Good bye, dear student.
第2次单词:circle square
句子:What color is it? It's red.
The marker is red. The circle is ...... The square is ......
第3次单词:write draw read get ready for
句子:Good morning. Mother. I'm getting ready for school.
Books to read. Pencils and markers to write and draw.
第4次单词:banana full
句子: an apple, a banana, a little red ball
My book bag is full. I’m ready for school.
句子:Get the book. Open/Close your book.
Raise your hand.
第6次单词:brother sister baby brother family
句子:Who’s this?
This is my family/brother/sister/baby brother.
第7次单词:zero have
句子:How many brothers do you have?
第8次单词: see with classmates they
句子:What do you see?
I see my classmates. They read with me.
第9次单词:face thumb 歌曲:教材P22
复习:head nose mouth ears hand eyes hand hair leg knee foot
(feet) finger shoulder toe .
句子:What color are his ears ? They’re yellow.
第10次单词:clown 复习:big/little short/long purple brown
句子:My hair is long and brown.
Look at this clown.
His mouth is big/little. It’s orange/red.
His hair is short/long. It’s blue/p urple.
第11次单词:he she it. have - has do - does.
句子:How many arms does it have ?
It has two arms.
第12次单词:move pick up put down touch
第13次单词: clothes wear
复数: dresses jackets shirts socks pants