新开心学英语四年级上册《unit 2 what day is it today》优秀教案(重点资料).doc

广东版开心英语四年级上册教案What day is it today?Lesson 3Target:1. Music, humans, unicorn, huge, cucumber, ice-cube2. The songKeys: words, music, humans, unicorn, huge, cucumber.Materials: Picture cards and tape.Teaching Procedure:Step1. Warming up1. Display a large calendar and point to various days.2 .Talk about birthdays and help Ss find out what days and help Ss find out what days their birthdays fall on this year.Step2. Presentation1. Write the alphabet letter U on the board.2 .T: What’s this letter?Today’s sound is the same sound as the sound [u:] look at my mouth and repeat.T: [ju:].1. Have Ss look at the words on the page.2. Make the sound [ju:], pointing .to the spelling combinations.3. T: let’s listen to the tape.4.5 .Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.Step 3. Drilling1. T: let’s listen again and this time, repeat.2. Have Ss repeat after the tape.3. After encourage practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.Step4. Practice1. Hand out Sentence Strips randomly to Ss.2. Teams compete to the first with all Ss standingStep5. Conclusion1. Check the Vocabulary page.2. Have Ss write the words.Step6.exercises1. Look and write.(1)We are_________. (人类) (2)This is a_________balloon.(巨大的) (3)Do you like ___________.(青瓜)(4) let’s ride a ________ .(独角兽)(5)I like ______________. ( 冰块)2. Read and write(1)What _________is it today? (2)What _______ you do _______Sunday?I ____________ on Sunday.(弹钢琴)Step7. Homework1 .write the words.2. Sing the songWriting on the blackboard:What day is it today?Sound: /ju: /Words: music, huge, humans, ice cube.。
开心学英语四年级Unit 1教案

Unit 1 Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny一、教学内容与要求1. Let’s check.听力练习检查学生对本课所学内容的掌握情况。
2. Let’s chant通过说有节奏、有韵律的歌谣学习与巩固本课所学的单词。
3. Let’s sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发学生的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。
4. Let’s think. 通过联想,培养学生运用新单词的能力。
(has, now, sit, shoulder, teeth, knee, finger, toe, wave, put, move, cage, giraffe, ginger, jeans, jump.)2.能在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。
四、教学过程Period OneTeaching important points1. Learn the new words in the vocabulary2. Use the following drills to communicate “These are…”、“What are you doing? I’m…”. Teaching difficult pointsthe new words in the vocabularyStep 1 RevisionAsk and answer (P.1.)Use Who, What, Where…Who is he?/ she?What’s he /she doing?What are they doing?W here’s the (piano)?What does he/she have?Step 2 PresentationConversationUsing the book* Put picture cards of Gogo, Tony and Jenny from level 1 on the board.* T: What’s his name? Who’s she?* Elicit responses from Ss.* Demonstrate various actions, e.g. drawing on the board, dancing, etc.* T: What am I doing?* Model answers if necessary.Using the book* Let’s look at the pictures and listen to the tape.* Play the tape and point to each picture for Ss to follow.* T: Let’s listen again and repeat.* Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat.* Divide Ss into three groups and give them the roles of Gogo, Tony and Jenny.* Read each line, pausing for each groups to repeat its part.* Encourage groups to add voice expression and actions when they repeat the dialog.* Put Ss into groups of three and have them perform the dialog.* Ask volunteers to perform the class.V ocabularyGetting ready* Bring in picture cards1-10.* Show Ss the pictures of the cards one by one.* T: ( Show the shoulders card.) Repeat after me. Shoulders.S: shoulders* Continue with the other words.Using the book* Have Ss look at the pictures.* T: Listen to tape and have Ss repeat. Point to each word as you say it.*Play the tape and have Ss repeat.* Hold up the picture cards in random order and have Ss say the words.ReviewGetting ready* Touch your shoulders.* T: Shoulders. These are my shoulders.* T: New it’s your turn.S: These are my shoulders. ( Ss: touch their shoulders.)* Point to your teeth and gesture for Ss to do the same and make a sentence. ( Ss: These are my teeth.)* Continue with knees, fingers and toes.Using the book* Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.* Listen to the tape and repeat.* Play the tape and pause after each sentence for Ss to repeat.* Point to pictures from the vocabulary section and have Ss substitute the words in the target language, e.g. Touch Gogo’s ( fingers)!Step 3 SummaryStep 4 Homework1.Read P.3-4. three time.2. Copy the new words.Unit 1 Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny!shoulders teeth knees fingerstoes wave put movePeriod TwoTeaching important points1. Review the new words taught last lesson.2. Use the following drills to communicate “These are…”、“What are you doing? I’m…”. Teaching difficult pointsUse the following drills to communicate “These are…”、“What are you doing? I’m…”.Step 1 Revision1. say and doTouch your…These are …shoulders.What are you doing,…?2. Listen and write. ( words)Step 2 PresentationPractice 1Getting ready* T: ( point to picture A ) What are they doing?S: They’re moving the sofa.* Have Ss look for the sentence They’re moving the sofa. On the board.* Have Ss look at the other three sentences on the page.* Ask individual Ss to read the sentences aloud.Using the book* T: Let’s listen to the tape. Play the tape for A, then pause. What are they doing?S: They’re moving the sofa.* T: Write A next to the sentence on the page.* Play the tape for B, then pause.* T: What’s Jenny doing?S: She’s touching her toes.* Have Ss look for the sentence She’s touching her toes. On the page.* T: Write B in the box.* For C and D, pause the tape after the questions and have Ss answer before they listen to the responses.* Have Ss write C and D in the corresponding boxes.Practice 2Getting ready* Have Ss look at the sentences on the page.* T: A. Repeat. What’s doing?Ss: What’s he doing?* Do the same for the other three sentences.Using the book* Now look at picture A. What’s he doing?* Have one student answer. (( S1: He’s touching his teeth.)* Continue with the rest.* For C and D, you may need to give some clues by asking some yes/no questions, e.g. Are those fingers? Are those toes?Song activityGetting ready* Have Ss look to the pictures around the lyrics.T: What’s Tony doing?Ss: He’s touching his head.T: What’s Gogo doing?Ss: He’s touching his shoulders.* Ask about Peter and Jenny and have individual Ss answer.Using the book* T: Let’s read the lyrics first.* Read out the words and have repeat.* T: Now it’s time to sing! Let’s listen to the tape first.* Play the tape and point to each word as it is sung.Play the tape again and have Ss practice singing together.* Demonstrate how to add actions, e.g. touching your head, shoulders, knees, and toes, with the words. Encourage Ss to do the actions while singing.Look and writeGetting ready* Have Ss look at the picture.* T: (Point to her teeth.) What are these?Ss: These are her teeth.* Continue with the other pictures.* Show picture cards for reference, if necessary.Using the book* T: Now it’s time to write. Write the sentences on the page. ( point to the blacks.)* Give Ss time to finish up writing.*On the board, draw a girl like the one on the page.T: Let’s check the answers together. ( S1’s name), com e to the board. ( Point to her shoulders.) What are these? Write the sentence. ( S1 writes the complete sentence.)* Ask other Ss to come to the board and check the answers.Step 3 SummaryStep 4 Homework1. Copy the Target.2.Recite the Target.Unit 1 Hi, Tony! Hi, Jenny!These are ----s.This is -------.What are you doing?I’m ----ing.Period Three一、Teaching important points1.Student can use the sentences to ask and answer.2.To train the student’s study habit, Let them enjoy the class.二、Teaching difficult pointsStudent command the useage of personal pronoun.三、教学难点:What are you doing? I'm……What's he/she doing? He/she's ……四、教法和学法:情景教学法、TPR教学法五、教具准备:图画卡片、两种不同颜色一粉笔/水彩笔、硬币、纸片、教学过程:(一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)教师触摸自己的肩膀。

XX四年级英语上册全册英文教案(新版开心学英语)XX学年四年级学期英语教案Unit1SchoolSubjects一、Teachingobjectives:Ssareabletoasaboutandexpressinglies\dislies,taabout schoolsubjectseyords:subject,English,chinese,usic,art,ath,P.E.,sc ienceAdditionalords:lie,andSoundsandords:rice,ice,face,dance,science,icecrea Languagestructures:Doyoulie…?yes,Ido.No,Idon’t.hatsubjectsdoyoulie?Ilie…Beabletonothepronunciationofletters“ce”.二、Teachingeypoints:Beabletolisten,spea,readandritetheneords.Beabletoreadandusethenelanguagestructures.三、Teachingdifficultpoints:canspelltheneordsfluentlyandcorrectly.Beabletousethesentencestounicate.四、Teachingaids:cAI,ass,picturecards五、Teachingperiods:ThreeperiodsPeriodone一、Teachingcontents:Vocabulary.Target.Song.Activity1.二、Teachingprocedure:Stepone:aring-up.Song“Doyoulie…?”Doyouliebaseball?Asandanser.Doyoulie…?yes,Ido.No,Idon’t.StepTo:Presentation.VocabularThisisGogo’sschoolsubjects,hatsubjectsdoesGogolie?Let’satch.atchthestorjenny:DoyoulieEnglish?Gogo:No,Idon’t.jenny:Doyouliechinese?Gogo:No,Idon’t.jenny:hatsubjectsdoyoulie?Gogo:Ilieartandusic.hatsubjectsdoyoulie?jenny:IlieathandP.E.Idon’tliescience. TeachtheordsandsentencesP.E.----IlieP.E.art----Ilieart.Doyoulieart?yes,Idousic----Ilieusic.ath------Idon’tlieath.Activity:Teaor----oneteareadbyonetea.Readloudly! English---DoyoulieEnglish?yes,Ido.science---Doyouliescience?No,Idon’t.chinese---hatsubjectsdoyoulie?Iliechinese. Song:Iliescience.StepThree:Practice. Readtheseordsandsentences,andthendotheactivit Activity:①Touchandsa②UpanddonTarget,Leadin:Today,Gogo,Tonyandjennyeeteachotherforthefir sttie.hathappened?Let’ssee.atchthevideofortice.Trytofillinsoeblansofthesentences.ReadinthreebiggroupstoreadTarget.Readingroupsofthree.ActoutTarget.Teaor:Activity1----4peopletalabouttheirlieordislieandrite onstudentsboo.Doyoulie…?yes,Ido.No,Idon’t.StepFour:Extension.AsstudentstoaeEnglishschedulebytheselves!hatsubjectsdoyoulie?Ilie…Stepfive:SuaryandHoeor.Suupthecontent.Givethehoeor:Readtheordsandcopytheords.三、Layout:Unit1SchoolsubjectsDoyoulie…Englishchinese,usic,athyes,Ido.No,Idon’t.hatsubjectsdoyoulie?Ilie…scienceartP.E.PeriodTo一、Teachingcontents:Story,Activity2二、Teachingprocedure:Stepone:aring-up.GreetingSingasong:Iliescience.Taliththepartner:Doyoulie…hatsubjectsdoyoulie?Ilie…StepTo:Presentation. atchthevideoofalittleconversationandfillintheblans.atchthevideoagaintheniitatedthevoiceofthepersons.Tgivessoetipshichincludingsoepicturesofthetest,then repeatthetest.StepThree:Practice.Roleplay.Ssactoutthestoryingroup.FinishthetasStepFour:Extension.Relaxanttie.AsSSreadthestorybytheselvesthenfinishth etrue-falsetype.Teachertellsthestudents:Agoodstudentshouldlieallthe subjects.Stepfive:SuaryandHoeor.concludethesentences:Doyoulie...?hatsubjectsdoyouli e?Ilie....EncouragesSs:Ssshouldlieallsubjects. Givethehoeor:Practicethestoryandcopythesentences三、Layout:Unit1SchoolsubjectsIt’syscienceboo.Doyoulie…?yes,Ido.No,Idon’t.hatsubjectsdoyoulie?Ilie…PeriodThree一、Teachingcontents:Soundsandords,Practice1Practice2Activity1二、Teachingprocedure:Stepone:aring-up.Singasong:Iliescience.Playagae:Upanddon.Havestudentslooattheblacboard,findtheordsthattheyno.Elicittheneords.StepTo:Presentation.Teacherritesdontheneordsontheblacboard.Listentothetapeandrepeat.Looattheords,TeacherassthestudentstofindthesaeintheseTeachingthepronunciationof“ce”binations.Teachingtheneords.StepThree:Practice.PracticePracticethesound/s/andreadtheneordsinlittlegroupoff our.Playagae:hichisquicer?Looatthepictureandaesentences.Teachingthechantatchingthevideo.Learnthechant.chantingroups.chantinroles.StepFour:Extension.challenge1:Listenandpoint.challenge2:Looandatch.challenge3:Brainstor.Dopractice1:Listenandcircleaeasurvey.Doyoulie…?yes,Ido.No,Idon’t.Stepfive:SuaryandHoeor.Suupthesounds.Givethehoeor:practicereadingtheords.三、Layout:Unit1Schoolsubjectsce/s/riceicefacedancescienceicecreaUnit2SchoolActivities一、Teachingobjectives:Ssareabletodescribinghatsbisdoingno.eyords:paint/painting,read/reading,sleep/sleeping,s ing/singing,rite/riting,study/studying,play/playing ,run/runningAdditionalords:si,fish,do,shhSoundsandords:painting,reading,sleeping,singing,fis hing,siing.Languagestructures:hatareyoudoing?I’…hataretheydoing?They’re…hat’sshe/hedoing?She/Heis…Beabletonothepronunciationofletters“ing”.二、Teachingeypoints:Beabletolisten,spea,readandritetheneords. Beabletoreadandusethenelanguagestructures.三、Teachingdifficultpoints: canspelltheneordsfluentlyandcorrectly. Beabletounderstandhotousethetense四、Teachingaids:cAI,ass,picturecards五、Teachingperiods:Threeperiods Periodone一、Teachingcontents:Vocabulary.Target.Song.Practice2.二、Teachingprocedure:Stepone:aring-upFreetal:Hello.hat’syournae?canyousi…? Doactionfollotheteacher.StepTo:Presentation.Teachthesentences:hat’sshedoing?She’s…Tpointstoapicture:loo,hat’sshedoing?Ss:She’spainting. Practicereadingthesentences.SspairorRepeatthissteptoteach:hat’shedoing?He’s…Teachtheneords:fishing,siing,ice-sating.atchGogo’sstory.Anserthequestions:hat’shedoing?hat’sshedoing?hataretheydoing?hat’sGogodoing?SsreadthestoryafterT.StepThree:Practice.AlltogetherreadthestorSsreadingroupActoutthestory.StepFour:Extension.LooatthepicturesinActivity2,haveSsasandanseringroup.TassoeSstoanserthequestions:hat’sjennydoing?hat’sGogodoing?Etc.aeupthestoty.Loo!He’s________.She’s________They’re_______.Gogo’s__________.I’_________.Stepfive:SuaryandHoeor.Suupthecontent.Givethehoeor:Practicereadingthestorythreeties.三、Layout:Unit2SchoolActivitieshat’sshedoing?She’sfishing.hat’shedoing?He’ssiing./sating.PeriodThree一、Teachingcontents:Soundsandords,Practice1,Activity1二、Teachingprocedure:Stepone:aring-up.Revision:Reviethevocabularybypointingtothedraingtha ttheSsareholding.celebration1:Playagae:Thestudentsholdingthepictures andsitinacircle.Asthestudents:She’sriting.hoisit?Thestudentsguess.StepTo:Presentation.Dothelisteningpractice.Invitesoestudentseouttodoactions.Theotherstudentsasandanser.ritethesixordsontheboard:painting,reading,sleeping, singing,fishing,siing.HaveSspayattentiontotheendlet tersoftheords.Teachthesoundofletter“ing”.StepThree:Practice.Readandreeberthesoundsandords.Learnthechant:The–ingchantPracticethechantingroup.HaveSsaeanechant.StepFour:Extension.Readsoeotherordsandplayabingogae.aeyouronstoryusingtheordshavethesound “ing”,theorethebetter.Stepfive:SuaryandHoeor.concludethelesson.Hoeor:aeanechantandriteitdon.三、Layout:Unit2SchoolActivitiesingpainting,reading,sleeping,singing,fishing,siing.Unit3yee一、Teachingobjectives:Ssareabletoasaboutandtellthedaysoftheee;Ssareableto asaboutanddescribedailyactivities.eyords:Sunday,onday,Tuesday,ednesday,Thursday,Frida y,Saturday,ee.Alphabetords:Sunday,onday,Friday,birthday,holiday,e eday.otherords:today,violin,ball,o,birthday.Languagestructures:hatdayisittoday?It’sonday.hatdoyoudoononday?Iplaytheviolinononday.Beabletonothepronunciationof“day”.二、Teachingeypoints:Beabletolisten,spea,readandritetheneords.Beabletoreadandusethenelanguagestructures.Beabletonothepronunciationof“day”.三、Teachingdifficultpoints:canuse“playtheviolin”and“playbasetball”correctly.Beabletotalabouthattodoonhatday.四、Teachingaids:VcD,ass,picturecards五、Teachingperiods:FourperiodsPeriodone一、Teachingcontents:Vocabulary.Target.二、Teachingprocedure:Stepone:aring-up.Listentoasongbeforeclass.letthestudentstoguesstheco ntentsearegoingtolearntoday.StepTo:Presentation.Acalendar:Looatthis.hat’sthis?Shoaboutyear,onth,day.Introducethedays,usingtheordcardstoteachtheordsoneb yone.Phonicsteachingtohelpthestudentstolearnandastertheo rdseasily.StepThree:Practice.Listentothetarget.Listenandatchcarefully.AnsertheQS:hatdidGogoas?Andhatdidjennyanser?Gaes:Looatthecardsandaesentences.aesentencesiththeordcardsintheenvelopes.StepFour:Extension.图片人物配音,进一步提高学生学习的兴趣和积极性,灵活运用语言的能力。

Unit One Hi , Gogo[The first period (第一课时)](Conversation、V ocabulary、Review)一、教学目标1, To review “Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc.2.The sounds and words3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler二、教学重点1、学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third preson, singular ,present tense;2、人称代词单复数的区分;3、能正确记住Do you have …de的用法三、教学难点1、能准确书写所学的单词;2、The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;四、教学过程(1)1、GreetingsSay hello to the new students2、Presentation :To find a few students to play a role3、To over look the unfamiliar words ;4、Let the students practice a few minutes, then perform it.5、Try to recite Conversation together.(2)1,To teacher the new words in V ocabulary2、to present the new words ;To do the motions to help remember the words.3,listen to the tape for Review4、A few students to repeat after the tape, then the whole class.6、To write down the sentences ,and practise white the teacher,Ask and answer questions,7、the students’ work: prac tice with their partners8、a few students demonstrate the questions(3)1、TO teach the students say the rhyme and help them to remember the new content.2、Go over all the knowledge and summarize.(4) Homework1. To copy the words2. To recite Conversation3. Make preparations for the dictation.教学后记:大部分学生能区分人称代词,掌握本课八个单词。

Unit 1Hi, Gogo!
Unit 1Hi, Gogo!
让学生掌握s es的发音
通过学习词语cooks, eats, plays, reads, washes, touches,掌握s es的发音规则。
1、在黑板上写下cooks, plays, washes.给尾音画线。
1、T: Let’s listen to the tape.
3、T: Which picture and sentence is it? Is it this one?(指着画有牛排的图片)
4、T: number 1 is “I’m hungry.”(找到答案示意图圈)
Unit 1Hi, Gogo!
hungry thirsty grandfather grandmother
Short tall ruler stapler
Unit 1Hi, Gogo!
句型:1、Are you hungry? 2、Who’s she? 3、what’s that?
1、T: Open your books. Let’s listen to the tape.
3、T: Let’s listen again and repeat.
2021 2021学年度新版开心学英语四年级上册全册教案第一学期全册

2021 2021学年度新版开心学英语四年级上册全册教案第一学期全册2021-2021学年度新版开心学英语四年级上册全册教案第一学期全册第1单元学校主题的学生指南设计学导目标:1.掌握英语、科目、汉语和音乐四个单词;你喜欢什么科目?提问和回答问题。
(选择正确的字母补全单词)(选自学材第15页第一题)()1.hist____ya.rob.orc.er()2.sc____ncea.eib.aic.ie()3.ma______a.chb.thc.sh()4. engli____a.shb.thc.ch(二)我能行。
1.(tonyandjenny,p.e.)______________________________________________________________2.(gogo,history)________________________________________________________________5、(学习指导与反思)1学习反思:whathaveyoulearnedinthislesson?____________________________________________________________________ 2. 引导性反思:(由教师课后撰写)____________________________________________________________________板书设计:单元1学校主题whatsubjectsdoyoulike…?ilikeenglish.科学历史music.第1单元学校主题的学生指南设计学导目标:1.掌握艺术、数学、体育、科学四个字;你喜欢吗?提问和回答问题。
新开心学英语四年级上册《unit 3 can i have a balloon》教学设计之一(精品).doc

广东版开心英语四年级上册教案Unit 3 Can I have a balloon?The third period教学目标:1.巩固句型:A: Can I …?B: Sure. Here you are./ No, sorry.2.学习Sounds and words 部分的字母、字母组合的发音及单词。
教学重点:Sounds and words 部分的单词及其字母组合的发音。
教学难点:字母组合oo, ui, ou和ue在单词中的发音。
教学过程:一、Revision1.出示图片或实物,让学生之间互相问答:S1: Can I have your pen?S2: Sure. Here you are.S3: Can I borrow your stapler?S4: No, sorry.……二、Activity 21.出示图片,学生快速说出单词和相应的短语,如:an ice cream cone buy an ice cream conea balloom have a balloom……2.游戏:教师把图片依照书本贴在黑板上,叫两位学生到讲台上来,由S1抛一下硬币,若为下面,则S1向前走一步;若为反面,则只走一步,把磁铁向相应的卡片移动,让S2向S1问一个关于图画卡片的问题,如:S2:Can I watch TV?S1:Yes, you can./ No, sorry./Sure. Here you are.3.让学生翻开书本,两人一组玩这个游戏,注意运用上“Can I …?”这一句型。
三、学习Sounds and words:1.Listen , point and say.1)出示图片教学单词,提醒学生注意字母组合oo, ui, ou和ue在单词中的读音,并注意教师发音时的嘴形。

四年级第一学期英语教案Unit 1 School Subjects一、Teaching objectives:1. Ss are able to ask about and expressing likes\dislikes, tak about school subjects2. Key words: subject, English, Chinese, music, art, math, P.E., scienceAdditional words: like, andSounds and words: rice, mice, face, dance, science, ice cream3. Language structures:Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.What subjects do you like? I like…4. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “ce”.二、Teaching key points:1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.三、Teaching difficult points:1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly.2. Be able to use the sentences to communicate.四、Teaching aids:CAI,masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods:Three periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents:1. V ocabulary.2. Target.3. Song.4. Activity 1.二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1. Song “Do you like…?”Do you like baseball?( Do the action with the song )2. Ask and answer.Do you like…?Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Step Two: Presentation.1. V ocabularyThis is Gogo’s school subjects, What subjects does Gogo like? Let’s watch. Watch the storyJenny: Do you like English?Gogo: No, I don’t.Jenny: Do you like Chinese?Gogo: No, I don’t.Jenny: What subjects do you like?Gogo: I like art and music. What subjects do you like?Jenny: I like math and P.E. I don’t like science.Teach the words and sentencesP.E.----I like P.E.art ----I like art. Do you like art? Yes, I domusic----I like music. (Listen to a short music)math------ I don’t like math.Activity: Team work---- one team read by one team. Read loudly!English---Do you like English? Yes, I do.science---Do you like science? No , I don’t.Chinese---what subjects do you like? I like Chinese.(one part after one part to read. And spell the word)2. Song: I like science.Step Three: Practice.1. Read these words and sentences, and then do the activityActivity : ①Touch and say②Up and down2. Target,(1) Lead in: Today, Gogo, Tony and Jenny meet each other for the first time. What happened? Le t’s see.(2) Watch the video for twice.(3) Try to fill in some blanks of the sentences.(4) Read in three big groups to read Target.(5) Read in groups of three.(6) Act out Target.3. Team work:Activity 1 (PPT) ----4 people talk about their like or dislike and write on students book.Do you like …?Yes, I do.No, I don’t.Step Four: Extension.Ask students to make English schedule by themselves!What subjects do you like?I like…Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the content.2. Give the homework: Read the words and copy the words.三、Layout:Unit1 School subjectsDo you like… English Chinese, music, mathYes, I do.No, I don’t.What subjects do you like?I like … science art P.E.Period Two一、Teaching contents:Story, Activity 2二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1、Greeting2、Sing a song :I like science.3. Talk with the partner:Do you like …What subjects do you like?I like …Step Two: Presentation.1.2.Watch the video of a little conversation and fill in the blanks.3.Watch the video again then imitated the voice of the persons.4.T gives some tips which including some pictures of the test, then repeat thetest.Step Three: Practice.1.Role play. Ss act out the story in group.2. Finish the taskStep Four: Extension.1. Relaxant time. Ask SS read the story by themselves then finish the true-false type.2. Teacher tells the students: A good student should like all the subjects.Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Conclude the sentences: Do you like...? What subjects do you like? I like....2. Encourages Ss:Ss should like all subjects.3. Give the homework: Practice the story and copy the sentences三、Layout:Unit1 School subjectsIt’s my science book.Do you like…?Yes, I do. No, I don’t.What subjects do you like?I like…Period Three一、Teaching contents:Sounds and words, Practice1 Practice 2 Activity 1二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1.Sing a song: I like science.2.Play a game: Up and down.3.Have students look at the blackboard , find the words that they know.4.Elicit the new words.Step Two: Presentation.1.Teacher writes down the new words on the blackboard.2.Listen to the tape and repeat.Look at the words, Teacher asks the students to find the same in these3. Teaching the pronunciation of “ce” combinations.4. Teaching the new words.Step Three: Practice.1. Practice(1)Practice the sound/s/ and read the new words in little group of four. (2)Play a game: Which is quicker?(3)Look at the picture and make sentences.2.Teaching the chant(1)Watching the video.(2)Learn the chant.(3)Chant in groups. Chant in roles.Step Four: Extension.1.Challenge1: Listen and point.2.Challenge2: Look and match.3.Challenge3: Brain storm.4.Do practice1 : Listen and circle5.Make a survey. Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the sounds.2. Give the homework: practice reading the words.三、Layout:Unit1 School subjectsce/ s/rice mice facedance science ice creamUnit 2 School Activities一、Teaching objectives:1. Ss are able to describing what sb is doing now.2. Key words: paint/painting, read/reading, sleep/sleeping, sing/singing, write/writing, study/studying, play/playing, run/runningAdditional words: swim, fish, do, shhSounds and words: painting, reading, sleeping, singing, fishing, swimming.3. Language structures:What are you doing? I’m…What are they doing? They’re…What’s she/he doing? She/He is …4. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “ing”.二、Teaching key points:1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.三、Teaching difficult points:1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly.2. Be able to understand how to use the tense四、Teaching aids:CAI,masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods:Three periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents:1. V ocabulary.2. Target.3. Song.4. Practice 2 .二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up1. Free talk: Hello. What’s your name? Can you swim…?2. Do action follow the teacher.(swimming/cooking/…3. Sing a song: “I can walk”.Step Two: Presentation.1. “The wolves are coming. But What are the sheep doing? They are very busy.”Let’s see. Present the story about the sheep and the wolf.2.Barrier 1: Remember the words. Show the pictures and have the Ss recall what they are doing.3. Let the Ss choose the words. Teach the words: paint/painting, read/reading, sleep/sleeping, sing/singing, write/writing, study/studying, play/playing, run/running4. Practice the words by doing actions.5. Teach the sentences: what are you doing?I’m…6. Sing a song: What are they doing?Step Three: Practice.1. Practice reading Target.Watch it once, then Ss read after T, at last, Ss practice in group.2. Do the actions and ask and answer.What are you doing? I’m …2. Barrier 2: Play the dice game. Throw the dice one by one, asking and answering according to the pictures on the dice. Play in group of four.Step Four: Extension.1.Barrier 4: Talk about the animals’ activities in the zoo. Lead in some otherwords like: jumping, walking, swimming, cooking etc.Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the words and sentences2. Give the homework: practice reading the words and sentences.三、Layout:Unit2 School ActivitiesWhat are you doing?I’m paint/painting, read/reading, sleep/sleeping, sing/singing, write/writing, study/studying, play/playing, run/runningWhat are they doing?They’re…Period Two一、Teaching contents:Story, Practice 2, Activity 2二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1.Sing a song: what are they doing?2.Review the words and sentences3.Ask and answer:What are you doing? What are they doing? (practice2)Step Two: Presentation.1.Teach the sentences: what’s she doing? She’s…T points to a picture: look, what’s she doing?Ss: She’s painting.Practice reading the sentences.Ss pair workRepeat this step to teach : what’s he doing?He’s …2.Teach the new words: fishing, swimming, ice-skating.3.Watch Gogo’s story.4.Answer the questions: what’s he doing? What’s she doing? What are theydoing? What’s Gogo doing?5.Ss read the story after T.Step Three: Practice.1.All together read the story2.Ss read in group3.Act out the story.Step Four: Extension.1.Look at the pictures in Activity 2, have Ss ask and answer in group.T ask some Ss to answer the questions: what’s Jenny doing? What’s Gogo doing? Etc.2. Make up the stoty.Look!He’s ________. She’s ________ They’re _______. Gogo’s __________. I’m _________.Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the content.2. Give the homework: Practice reading the story three times.三、Layout:Unit2 School ActivitiesWhat’s she doing?She’s fishing.What’s he doing?He’s swimming./ skating.Period Three一、Teaching contents:Sounds and words, Practice1, Activity1二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1.Revision: Review the vocabulary by pointing to the drawing that the Ss areholding.2. Celebration 1: Play a game: The students holding the pictures and sit in a circle. Ask the students: Sh e’s writing. Who is it? The students guess.Step Two: Presentation.1.Do the listening practice.2.Invite some students come out to do actions. The other students ask andanswer.3.Write the six words on the board: painting, reading, sleeping, singing,fishing, swimming. Have Ss pay attention to the end letters of the words. 4.Teach the sound of letter “ing”.Step Three: Practice.1.Read and remember the sounds and words.2.Learn the chant : The –ing chant3.Practice the chant in group.4.Have Ss make a new chant.Step Four: Extension.1.Read some other words and play a bingo game.2. Make your own story using the words have the sound “ing”, the more thebetter.Step five: Summary and Homework.1.Conclude the lesson.2. Homework: Make a new chant and write it down.三、Layout:Unit2 School Activitiesingpainting, reading, sleeping,singing, fishing, swimming.Unit 3 My Week一、Teaching objectives:1. Ss are able to ask about and tell the days of the week; Ss are able to ask about and describe daily activities.2. Key words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, week.Alphabet words: Sunday, Monday, Friday, birthday, holiday, weekday.Other words: today, violin, ball, mom, birthday.3. Language structures:What day is it today? It’s Monday. What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday.4.Be able to know the pronunciation of “day”.二、Teaching key points:1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.3. Be able to know the pronunciation of “day”.三、Teaching difficult points:1. Can use “play the violin” and “play basketball” correctly.2. Be able to talk about what to do on what day.四、Teaching aids:VCD,masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods:Four periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents:1. V ocabulary.2. Target.二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.Listen to a song before class. let the students to guess the contents we are going to learn today.(everybody cheers up and gets ready for the words about the week.)Step Two: Presentation.● A calendar: Look at this. What’s this?●Show about year, month, day.(利用年历,通过年、月、日之间的关系,层层推进,导入和呈现所学单词。

Unit One Hi, Gogo! the first periodTEACHING AIMS: to help students to comprehend a dialogue and a passage, and reviews of student’s Book 2TEACHING KEY: students to comprehend a dialogue and a passage, and reviews of student’s Book 2TEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape and some transparencies TEACHING PERIOD: the first periodPROCEDURES:ConversationGetting readyPut picture cards of Gogo, Tony and jenny on the board.T: what’s his name? Who’s she?Model responses. Then elicit responses from Ss.Put picture cards of notebook, snake, butterfly and lamp on the board.T: what’s that? Is it (bird)? Is it big or small?Model answers, . It’s a small snake. Have Ss repeat.Using the bookT: Let’s look at the pictures and listen to the tape.Point to Ss’ books and play the tape.T: Let’s listen again and repeat.Play the tape again, pausing after each sentence to let Ss repeat.Divide Ss into four groups for the roles of Tony, Jenny, Bing the bird and Gogo.Treads each line, pausing for each group to repeat its part.Encourage groups to add actions, . Tony and Jenny looking up and pointing at the sky and the bird flapping its wings.Extension activity TBV ocabularyGetting readyRub your stomach and lick your lips.T: I’m hungry. Repeat.[Ss: I’m hungry.](Show Ss Picture Card l hungry.)Rub your throat.T: I’m thirty. Repeat. [Ss: I’m thirsty.](Show Ss Picture Card 2 thirsty.)Continue with the other picture Cards. Say the word and have Ss repeat.Using the bookT: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.Point to the picture of stapler.T: Stapler. [Ss: Stapler.]Point the other pictures in random order. Say the words and have Ssrepeat.Extension activity TBReviewGetting readyPoint to the door.T: What’s that? [Ss: It’s a door.]T: Are you happy? (Point to one student.)[S1: Yes, I am.]Elicit responses from several Ss.T: Who’s he? (Point to one student then ask another student to answer.)[S2: He’s my friend. / He’s a student.]Using the bookT: Listen to the tape and repeat.Have Ss look at the pictures.Play the tape and Pause after each sentence for Ss to repeat. Extension activity TBOptional activities Tb。
新开心学英语四年级上册《unit 2 what day is it today》优秀教案1(重点资料).doc

Unit Two What day is it today?TEACHING AIMS: students can ask and answer questions about the days of the week and daily activitiesTEACHING KEY: to help students to comprehend Conversation and vocabulary TEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape and some transparenciesTEACHING PERIOD: the first periodPROCEDURES:Getting readyBring in large calendar and sports equipment, e.g. a basketball, a ping-pong paddle, etc, to class.T: What day is it today? (Point to the days of week on the calendar, then point to the current day of the week.) Oh, it’s (Tuesday).Hold up a basketball.T: I play basketball on (Tuesday). (point to the day on the calendar again.)Give the basketball to various Ss and have Ss repeat the sentence I play basketball on (Tuesday).Hold up other pieces of equipment, e.g. a ping-pong paddle and pretend to play.T: I play ping-pong on Sunday. (Point to Sunday on the calendar.)Give equipment to various Ss, model sentences and have Ss repeat.Using the bookT: open your books. Let’s listen to the tape.Play the tape and point to each picture.T: Let’s listen again and repeat.Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.Put Ss into four groups for the roles of Gogo, jenny Tony and Mrs. Green , who is Tony and jenny’s mom.Play the tape again, after each sentence for each group to repeat its part.Encourage groups to add actions, e.g. pretending to play each sport in the dialog. Extension activity TB p.24VocabularyGetting readyPut picture cards9-16 up on the board.T: (point to Sunday) It’s Sunday. Repeat. [Ss: It’s Sunday].Continue with the other days of the week.T: all the days together make one week. (Show picture card 16.) we repeat. [Ss: week.] Using the bookT: open your books to page 10. Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each day as you say it.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each day of the week.For the word week, have Ss circle a week on the calendar in the picture.T: is it Wednesday? (Point to Saturday.)[Ss: no, it isn’t. It’s Saturday.] is it Monday?(point to Monday.)[Ss: yes, it is.]Model if necessary.Point to other days of the week and ask similar questions.Extension activity TB p.24TargetGetting readyPoint to the pictures in the vocabulary section.T: what day is it today?[Ss: it’s (Thursday).]T: what do you do on (Thursday)? [S1: I(play the piano)on (Thursday).]Using the bookPlay the tape, pausing after each sentence for Ss to repeat.T: what day is it today? (Point to one strident.)[S1: It’s (Wednesday.)]T: what do you do on (Wednesday)?(point to another student.)[S2: I (play soccer ) on (Wednesday).]Repeat the activity with several Ss.Extension activity TB p.24Optional activities TB p.26。

四年级第一学期英语教案Unit 1 School Subjects一、Teaching objectives:1. Ss are able to ask about and expressing likes\dislikes, tak about school subjects2. Key words: subject, English, Chinese, music, art, math, P.E., scienceAdditional words: like, andSounds and words: rice, mice, face, dance, science, ice cream3. Language structures:Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.What subjects do you like? I like…4. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “ce”.二、Teaching key points:1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.三、Teaching difficult points:1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly.2. Be able to use the sentences to communicate.四、Teaching aids:CAI,masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods:Three periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents:1. V ocabulary.2. Target.3. Song.4. Activity 1.二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1. Song “Do you like…?”Do you like baseball?( Do the action with the song )2. Ask and answer.Do you like…?Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Step Two: Presentation.1. V ocabularyThis is Gogo’s school subjects, What subjects does Gogo like? Let’s watch. Watch the storyJenny: Do you like English?Gogo: No, I don’t.Jenny: Do you like Chinese?Gogo: No, I don’t.Jenny: What subjects do you like?Gogo: I like art and music. What subjects do you like?Jenny: I like math and P.E. I don’t like science.Teach the words and sentencesP.E.----I like P.E.art ----I like art. Do you like art? Yes, I domusic----I like music. (Listen to a short music)math------ I don’t like math.Activity: Team work---- one team read by one team. Read loudly!En g lish---Do you like English? Yes, I do.sc ien ce---Do you like science? No , I don’t.Chinese---what subjects do you like? I like Chinese.(one part after one part to read. And spell the word)2. Song: I like science.Step Three: Practice.1. Read these words and sentences, and then do the activityActivity : ①Touch and say②Up and down2. Target,(1) Lead in: Today, Gogo, Tony and Jenny meet each other for the first time. What happened? Le t’s see.(2) Watch the video for twice.(3) Try to fill in some blanks of the sentences.(4) Read in three big groups to read Target.(5) Read in groups of three.(6) Act out Target.3. Team work:Activity 1 (PPT) ----4 people talk about their like or dislike and write on students book.Do you like …?Yes, I do.No, I don’t.Step Four: Extension.Ask students to make English schedule by themselves!What subjects do you like?I like…Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the content.2. Give the homework: Read the words and copy the words.三、Layout:Unit1 School subjectsDo you like… English Chinese, music, mathYes, I do.No, I don’t.What subjects do you like?I like … science art P.E.Period Two一、Teaching contents:Story, Activity 2二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1、Greeting2、Sing a song :I like science.3. Talk with the partner:Do you like …What subjects do you like?I like …Step Two: Presentation.1.2.Watch the video of a little conversation and fill in the blanks.3.Watch the video again then imitated the voice of the persons.4.T gives some tips which including some pictures of the test, then repeat thetest.Step Three: Practice.1.Role play. Ss act out the story in group.2. Finish the taskStep Four: Extension.1. Relaxant time. Ask SS read the story by themselves then finish the true-false type.2. Teacher tells the students: A good student should like all the subjects.Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Conclude the sentences: Do you like...? What subjects do you like? I like....2. Encourages Ss:Ss should like all subjects.3. Give the homework: Practice the story and copy the sentences三、Layout:Unit1 School subjectsIt’s my science book.Do you like…?Yes, I do. No, I don’t.What subjects do you like?I like…Period Three一、Teaching contents:Sounds and words, Practice1 Practice 2 Activity 1二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1.Sing a song: I like science.2.Play a game: Up and down.3.Have students look at the blackboard , find the words that they know.4.Elicit the new words.Step Two: Presentation.1.Teacher writes down the new words on the blackboard.2.Listen to the tape and repeat.Look at the words, Teacher asks the students to find the same in these3. Teaching the pronunciation of “ce” combinations.4. Teaching the new words.新- 课-标- 第-一- 网Step Three: Practice.1. Practice(1)Practice the sound/s/ and read the new words in little group of four. (2)Play a game: Which is quicker?(3)Look at the picture and make sentences.2.Teaching the chant(1)Watching the video.(2)Learn the chant.(3)Chant in groups. Chant in roles.Step Four: Extension.1.Challenge1: Listen and point.2.Challenge2: Look and match.3.Challenge3: Brain storm.4.Do practice1 : Listen and circle5.Make a survey. Do you like…? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the sounds.2. Give the homework: practice reading the words.三、Layout:Unit1 School subjectsce/ s/rice mice facedance science ice cream新- 课-标- 第-一- 网Unit 2 School Activities 一、Teaching objectives:1. Ss are able to describing what sb is doing now.2. Key words: paint/painting, read/reading, sleep/sleeping, sing/singing, write/writing, study/studying, play/playing, run/runningAdditional words: swim, fish, do, shhSounds and words: painting, reading, sleeping, singing, fishing, swimming.3. Language structures:What are you doing? I’m…What are they doing? They’re…What’s she/he doing? She/He is …4. Be able to know the pronunciation of letters “ing”.二、Teaching key points:1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.三、Teaching difficult points:1. Can spell the new words fluently and correctly.2. Be able to understand how to use the tense四、Teaching aids:CAI,masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods:Three periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents:1. V ocabulary.2. Target.3. Song.4. Practice 2 .二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up1. Free talk: Hello. What’s your name? Can you swim…?2. Do action follow the teacher.(swimming/cooking/…3. Sing a song: “I can walk”.Step Two: Presentation.1. “The wolves are coming. But What are the sheep doing? They are very busy.”Let’s see. Present the story about the sheep and the wolf.2.Barrier 1: Remember the words. Show the pictures and have the Ss recall what they are doing.3. Let the Ss choose the words. Teach the words: paint/painting, read/reading, sleep/sleeping, sing/singing, write/writing, study/studying, play/playing, run/running4. Practice the words by doing actions.5. Teach the sentences: what are you doing?I’m…6. Sing a song: What are they doing?Step Three: Practice.1. Practice reading Target.Watch it once, then Ss read after T, at last, Ss practice in group.2. Do the actions and ask and answer.What are you doing? I’m …2. Barrier 2: Play the dice game. Throw the dice one by one, asking and answering according to the pictures on the dice. Play in group of four.Step Four: Extension.1.Barrier 4: Talk about the animals’ activities in the zoo. Lead in some otherwords like: jumping, walking, swimming, cooking etc.Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the words and sentences2. Give the homework: practice reading the words and sentences.三、Layout:Unit2 School ActivitiesWhat are you doing?I’m paint/painting, read/reading, sleep/sleeping, sing/singing, write/writing, study/studying, play/playing, run/runningWhat are they doing?They’re…Period Two一、Teaching contents:Story, Practice 2, Activity 2二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1.Sing a song: what are they doing?2.Review the words and sentences3.Ask and answer:What are you doing? What are they doing? (practice2)Step Two: Presentation.1.Teach the sentences: what’s she doing? She’s…T points to a picture: look, what’s she doing?Ss: She’s painting.Practice reading the sentences.Ss pair workRepeat this step to teach : what’s he doing?He’s …2.Teach the new words: fishing, swimming, ice-skating.3.Watch Gogo’s story.4.Answer the questions: what’s he doing? What’s she doing? What are theydoing? What’s Gogo doing?5.Ss read the story after T.Step Three: Practice.1.All together read the story2.Ss read in group3.Act out the story.Step Four: Extension.1.Look at the pictures in Activity 2, have Ss ask and answer in group.T ask some Ss to answer the questions: what’s Jenny doing? What’s Gogo doing? Etc.2. Make up the stoty.Look!He’s ________. She’s ________ They’re _______. Gogo’s __________. I’m _________.Step five: Summary and Homework.1. Sum up the content.2. Give the homework: Practice reading the story three times.三、Layout:Unit2 School ActivitiesWhat’s she doing?She’s fishing.What’s he doing?He’s swimming./ skating.新- 课-标- 第-一- 网Period Three一、Teaching contents:Sounds and words, Practice1, Activity1二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.1.Revision: Review the vocabulary by pointing to the drawing that the Ss areholding.2. Celebration 1: Play a game: The students holding the pictures and sit in a circle. Ask the students: Sh e’s writing. Who is it? The students guess.Step Two: Presentation.1.Do the listening practice.2.Invite some students come out to do actions. The other students ask andanswer.3.Write the six words on the board: painting, reading, sleeping, singing,fishing, swimming. Have Ss pay attention to the end letters of the words. 4.Teach the sound of letter “ing”.Step Three: Practice.1.Read and remember the sounds and words.2.Learn the chant : The –ing chant3.Practice the chant in group.4.Have Ss make a new chant.Step Four: Extension.1.Read some other words and play a bingo game.新- 课-标- 第-一- 网2. Make your own story using the words have the sound “ing”, the more the better.Step five: Summary and Homework.1.Conclude the lesson.2. Homework: Make a new chant and write it down.三、Layout:Unit2 School Activitiesingpainting, reading, sleeping,singing, fishing, swimming.Unit 3 My Week一、Teaching objectives:1. Ss are able to ask about and tell the days of the week; Ss are able to ask about and describe daily activities.2. Key words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, week.Alphabet words: Sunday, Monday, Friday, birthday, holiday, weekday.Other words: today, violin, ball, mom, birthday.3. Language structures:What day is it today? It’s Monday. What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday.4.Be able to know the pronunciation of “day”.二、Teaching key points:1. Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words.2. Be able to read and use the new language structures.3. Be able to know the pronunciation of “day”.三、Teaching difficult points:1. Can use “play the violin” and “play basketball” correctly.2. Be able to talk about what to do on what day.四、Teaching aids:VCD,masks, picture cards五、Teaching periods:Four periodsPeriod One一、Teaching contents:1. V ocabulary.2. Target.二、Teaching procedure:Step One: Warming-up.●Listen to a song before class. let the students to guess the contents weare going to learn today.(everybody cheers up and gets ready for the words about the week.) Step Two: Presentation.● A calendar: Look at this. What’s this?●Show about year, month, day.(利用年历,通过年、月、日之间的关系,层层推进,导入和呈现所学单词。
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Unit1 School Subjects(1)学导目标:1、掌握四会单词English、subjects、Chinese、music;会用本课重点句型What subjects do you like …? 来进行提问和回答。
2.能熟练运用What subjects do you like? 来进行提问和回答。
3.能对句型What subjects do you like ? 进行拓展延伸。
教具:各科书籍,录音带CAI课时:3The first period学导过程:一、开课导入。
1、Read a chant.2、Look at the picture cards and speak out the words..二、探索体验。
2、学习四会单词与句型What subjects do you like …?3、通过上面的学习,我们知道了:询问他人的喜好科目应用什么句型。
4、Play a game.5、学习Target.A. Read after the tape.B. Read the dialogue in pairs and groups.C. Act out the dialogue and elect the best group.三、拓展创新。
1、拓展学习句型What subjects does he\ she like ……?2.、Group work : ask and mark.3、Ask the group leader to report it .四、链接考试。
(选择正确的字母补全单词)(选自学材第15页第一题)( ) 1. hist __ __y A. ro B. or C. er( ) 2. sc __ __ nce A. ei B. ai C. ie( ) 3. ma____ __ A.ch B. th C.sh( ) 4.Engli__ __ A. sh B. th C. ch(二)我能行。
(模仿写句子)(选自学材第16页第四题)Model: What subjects do you like ? I like science.1.(Tony and Jenny ,P. E.)______________________________________________________________2.(Gogo , history)________________________________________________________________板书设计:Unit 1 School SubjectsWhat subjects do you like …? I like English .science .history .music .Unit1 School Subjects(2)学导目标:1、掌握四会单词art、math、P.E.、science;会用本课重点句型Do you like …? 来进行提问和回答。
2、能熟练运用Do you like …? 来进行提问和回答。
3、能对句型Do you like …? 进行拓展延伸。
教具:各科书籍,录音带CAIThe second period学导过程:一、开课导入。
1、Sing a song.2、Review the knowledge they have learnt in last period.二、探索体验。
2、学习四会单词与句型Do you like …?3、通过上面的学习,我们知道了:询问他人是否喜欢某样东西应用句型。
4、Play a game.5、学习Target.A. Read after the tape.B. Read the dialogue in pairs and groups.C. Act out the dialogue and elect the best group.三、拓展创新。
1、拓展学习句型Does he\ she like ……?2.、Group work : ask and mark.3、Ask the group leader to report it .四、链接考试。
(按实际情况来回答)(选自学材第16页第七题)1. Do they like science ? ___________________________________________2.Does Lily like English ? ___________________________________________(二)我能行。
(模仿写句子)(选自学材第16页第四题)Model: Do you like math ? Yes , I do.______________________________________________________(they, English)______________________________________________________(Jenny, art)板书设计:Unit 1 School Subjectsart?math ?Do you like P.E.? Yes,I do./ No, I don’t.English?music?Unit One School Subjects(3)学导目标:1、能在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词;运用所学的句型进行对话:Do you like…?Yes, I do. What subjects do you like? I like…2、能熟练掌握课文会话Conversation,并能灵活运用。
学导重点、难点:运用所学的句型进行对话教具:各科书籍,录音带CAI学导过程:The three period一、开课导入1、Greeting2、Revise how to ask for thing: What’s that? It’s a /an …(使用学过的物品)二、探索体验1、听23页的录音,掌握对话意思并按角色回答下列问题。
1) What subjects does Gogo like ?2) Does Jenny like science ?3) Does Tony like science ?2、看23页图文,模仿录音,试着大声地把课文对话读出来。
I like science , math , English and art.4、小组朗读对话。
三、拓展创新:1、P28 Sounds and words:先让学生听录音一次,再将读音分组出示。
science dance face fance dice mice2、书本P25 Practice 1,23、学生跟读。
4、Listen and chant (P28 ②).四、链接考试(一)我能行。
(模仿写句子)Model A: What subjects do you like ? I like math.1. ( he, P. E. )2. ( Jenny, English ) Model B: Do you like art ? Yes, I do.1. ( they , science )2. ( she, history )板书设计:Unit One School SubjectsWhat subjects does Gogo like ?Does Jenny like science ?Does Tony like science ?I like science , math, English and art .Unit 2 School Activities(1)学导目标1、知识与技能:掌握play/sleep/study/paint的现在分词形式及学会询问别人正在干什么的句型与作答。
2.游戏: 猜一猜What am I doing ?二、探索体验1.看图完成下列句子。
What am I doing ?I’m (play) basketball.I’m (sleep).I’m (study) .I’m (paint).2. 教学play/shop/study/paint的现在分词形式。
3. 让学生找出上述句子和以前的句子有什么不同。
a.直接加ing的有:playing/studying/paintingb.双写最后一字母,再加ing的有:shopping6.Talk about “Target”. And learn “What is/are …doing?”5.Pair work.6.Listen to the tape and read the target.三、拓展创新。
1.Finish P45 Practice2.四、链接考试。
Model: What is Tony doing ? He’s playing soccer.(1)Jenny / sleeping____________________________________________________________________________________________________________(2) they / studying____________________________________________________________________________________________________________板书设计:Unit 2. School ActivesWhat is she doing ? She’s shopping.What are they doing ? They’re painting.Unit 2 School Activities(2)学导目标1、知识与技能:掌握eat/run/sleep/write的现在分词形式及学会询问别人正在干什么的句型与作答。