



八年级语文第一学期寒假作业答案2020练习一一、谛梭宕袤m o c u sh a w ei二、C三、C四、B五1、①树桩②跑③脖子④放下⑤希望被⑥用⑦治理⑧现在2、①于是他放下农具来守着树桩,期望得到兔子。



六 1.母亲2. C3.屏(bing3)拂(fu2)麾(huil)蒙(mengl)4. “只因你是我的女儿! ”5. 写母爱的强大,不因万物毁灭而变更。

6. (1) 天上的星辰,骤雨般落在大海上,嗤嗤繁响。

(2) 海波如山一般的汹涌。

(3) 天如同一张蓝纸卷了起来。

7. C8. D练习二一、1. 徜 2. 蓦 3. 驹 4. 诩三、C四、略(①内容上对未来的期盼②形式上排比句,前后连贯)五、要求: 1.具有学科特点;2. 方法具体,有效果;3. 字数很多于80字七、成功之前要学会沉默和平凡(意思相近就算准确)。

八、 1.(1)幼小(2)秋天鸟兽身上新长的细毛,比喻极细小的东西。


2. ①夏夜蚊子的飞鸣声像雷一样,(我)私下地把它们比做群鹤在空中飞舞。



4. ①所以②特意③旧的知识 5.C 6. 鹤立鸡群鹤发童颜; 昔人已乘黄鹤去,黄鹤一去不复返十、 1. 生活处处有语文。


2. 答案举例:(其他方法也能够)比如,有代表性的人名、对联、公司名、店名、精彩的广告、匾额、说明书等,能够分别编成“集锦”; 街头不规范用语、荧屏错别字、报刊病句、低劣广告等,能够分别编成“举隅” ; 新词、新流行语、新外来语等,能够分别编成“荟萃”。


3. 请保持我的清白(意思对即可)练习三~、C二、尝(赏)接(截)符(副)明(名)三四、诗中的数字是 1 1 34 5 6 7 8。



语文2020年八年级上册寒假作业答案语文寒假学案一一.基础积累1.略2.B3.①拈轻怕重②见异思迁③纯粹4.D 5C. 6.A 7.迥鉴宛湃二、阅读理解:1.B 2.B 3.②⑦⑩ 4.①⑧⑨ 5.突出了白的精神,强调要向白求恩同志去学习的必要,有力地证明了论点 6.对工作的极端负责任,对同志对人民的极端的热忱7.白求恩同志毫不利己……的热忱从前线回来的人……无不为之感动语文寒假学案二一、1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.结出丰硕的果莲能纹丝不动,扎根大地二、阅读理解(一)1.《论语》知道它的人比不上喜爱它的人,喜爱它的人比不上对它有兴趣的人。




2.B 3.要乐业做工好苦四凡职业都是有趣味的 4.承接上文,总起下文语文寒假学案三一、思考:1.人与人相处,要多一些宽容。

2.与人相处,要多一些宽容——为什么要多一些宽容——怎么样才能做到宽容(总分结构) 3.要做到宽容,就必须做到互谅、互让、互敬、互爱。







6. 讲道理。





















(人教版)八年级上册数学寒假作业答案20201 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.a∥b 6.1.8 7.100°8.112°9.AB∥CD理由如下:因为∠ABC=120°,∠BCD=60°所以∠ABC+∠BCD=180°所以AB∥CD10.AB∥CD两直线平行,同位角相等,∠1+∠2=180°,同旁内角互补,两直线平行11.①y=-x+180°;②BD⊥EC2 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.70° 6.2 7.360°8.70 9.m∥n内错角相等,两直线平行∠3=∠4两直线平行,同位角相等、120°10.GM⊥HM理由如下:因为AB∥CD所以∠BGH+∠DHG=180°又因为GMHM分别是∠BGH与∠DHG的角平分线所以∠MGH=1112∠BGH,∠MHG=2∠DHG所以∠MGH+∠MHG=2(∠BGH+∠DHG)=90°所以∠M=180°-∠MGH-∠MHG=90°所以GM⊥HM11.(1)能,理由如下:延长AP交NB于点C,因为MA∥NB所以∠A=∠ACB又因为∠APB=∠ACB+∠B所以∠APB=∠MAP+∠NBP(2)∠MAP=∠APB+∠NBP3 1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.等腰 6.2 7.70°8.10°9.25 10.135°11.(1)△BCF≌△CAE理由如下:因为BF⊥CF,AC⊥BC所以∠CBF+∠BCF=,90°,∠ACE+∠BCF=90°所以∠CBF=∠ACE又因为AE⊥CF所以△BCF和△CAE中∠BFC=∠CEA=90°∠CBF=∠ACEBC=AC所以△BCF≌△CAE(2)△ADC是等腰三角形,理由如下:因为∠CBF+∠BCF=90°∠ABF+∠BDF=90°又因为∠ABF=∠BCF所以∠CBF=∠BDF因为∠BDF=∠ADE所以∠CBF=∠ADE又因为△ACE≌△CBF所以∠ACE=∠CBF所以∠ACE=∠ADE所以△ADC是等腰三角形4 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.13或119 6.等腰7.70°,70°,40°或70°,55°,55°8.1 9.略10.137∠A=30°11.(1)15°(2)20°(3)∠EDC=112∠BAD(4)有∠EDC=2∠BAD,理由如下:因为AD=AE所以∠ADE=∠AED又因为∠AED=∠C+∠EDC又因为∠ADC=∠BAD+∠B即∠ADE+∠EDC=∠BAD+∠B所以∠ADE=∠BAD+∠B-∠EDC所以∠C+∠EDC=∠BAD+∠B-∠EDC又因为AB=AC所以∠B=∠C所以∠EDC=∠BAD-∠EDC即∠EDC=12∠BAD5 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.正方体或球体 6.直四棱柱或长方体7.成8.4,32 9.略10.(1)8 12(2)18(3)长方形240cm211.36cm2 11.(1)直棱柱(2)侧面积为6ab,全面积为6ab+33b26 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.5 6.乙7.2 8.8.4 9.(1)63(2)8 6 6 中位数,因为中位数只表示所有者所捐书本的居中者,既不能反映总量,也不能反映其他人捐书情况。





八年级上物理寒假作业答案人教版(长江出版)l 11、B、2.452、28.2 25.13、2.54、人、河岸5、运动6、地面、地面、椅背、车7、A8、c9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D、13、B 14、Bl 21、长、短2、每秒行驶5米3、6.25 22.54、250 5/35、路程、时间、V=s/t6、0.4 便于测量时间7、100min8、路程、时间、速度9、6.25m/s 交接棒所用时间少 10、80 22.22 0.45 11、 8 6 大于12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120 km/h(3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5hl 31、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来2、不能、能3、快4、不相同、空气、耳朵5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动6、C7、C8、C9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、次数 HZ 20---20000HZ12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、Al 41、A2、C3、A4、A5、A6、C7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气8、(1)能量 (2)音色、9、(1)无法正常交流 (2)无法听音色 (3)感受不到声音带来的信息10、(1)声音可以在固体中传播 (2)更好的接收声音 (3)听诊器l 51、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流2、A:没有水平放置 B:正 C:接触了容器底 D:没有接触液体3、甲、38.5 38.54、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点5、放、低6、B7、B8、D9、C 10、C11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略l 探究性学习1、真空中不能传声2、B3、D4、50 5*100005、D6、折射、虚、火车、地面7、A 8、11.268 9、吸、熔化、力、熔点 10、惯性、力11、同意,水滴就像一个凸透镜,把阳光会聚,使树林燃烧,从而引起火灾。



初中英语新课程标准教材英语教案( 2019 — 2020学年度第二学期 )学校:年级:任课教师:教学相关 / 寒假作业编订:XX文讯教育机构2020年八年级英语上册寒假作业答案教材简介:本教材主要用途为通过学习英语的内容,提高学生的语言技能,增加一项语言能力,有利于国际化的日常交流、生活、工作等,本教学相关资料适用于初中八年级英语科目, 学习后学生能得到全面的发展和提高。


练习一一、单项选择( ) 1.Her friend is _____ honest boy.A. anB. theC. aD. /( )2. We were playing football they were dancing in the playground.A. whenB. whileC. howD. that( )3. He always makes me _____. .A. laughedB. to laughC. laughD. laughs( )4.I spend two hours _____ TV every evening.A. watchesB. to watchC. watchD. watching( ) 5. Please help ____ to some fish, Tom.A. youB. meC. yourselvesD. yourself( )6. He bought a TV. The sentence structure is ____.A. S+VB. S+V+PC. S+V+IO+DOD. S+V+DO( )7. Tom and Lily_____ in that English party.A. enjoy themselvesB. enjoyed themselvesC . enjoyed ourselves D. enjoyed yourselves( )8. Look! They _____ a day out in the classmate..A. plannedB. planC. are planningD. are planing( ) 9.The football match was put off _____the heavy rain.A. becauseB. ifC. soD. because of( )10. There are almost no trees there. Animals have ____to hide.A. anywhereB. somewhereC. enough spaceD. nowhere( )11. I don’t know if he will come tomorrow . If he _____, I will tell him about it .A. will comeB. comesC. comeD. is coming( ) 12. Everyone should do something ____wild animals.A. protectingB. to protectC. protectD. to protecting( ) 13. —Do you want to go fishing this Sunday?—Yes, if the weather ____fine.A. will beB. wasC. isD. would be( ) 14.The old man looks ____. He is looking at his dying dog _____.A .sadly; sadlyB .sadly; sad C. sad; sad D. sad; sadly( ) 15. The number of the workers in the factory ____ over 2,200.A. hasB. haveC. areD. is二、完形填空:Mrs. White had a lovely cat, and it was the cat’s first winter. One evening, it was cold outside when it began to snow _ 1__. Mrs. White looked everywhere and shouted its name, but she couldn’t __2__ it. So she ___3__ the police and said, “I lost my cat. Did anyone find one?”“No, Madam,” answered the policeman at the other end, “I’ll ring you up if _4 finds it. By the way, _5__is your cat?”“White.”“I think it _6 _ in the snow. But don’t worry. I know cats are really very strong animals. They sometimes live for a few days in the snow, and until it melts(融化) or somebody finds them, they are quite all right.” Mrs. White felt __7__ when sheheard this, “Yes, yes, I think you are right,” she said, “and our cat are very clever. She is __8__ than any other cat. She can almost talk.” The policeman was getting rather tired. “Well, then,” He said, “why don’t you __9__ your telephone? Perhaps she is trying to __10 _ you now!”( )1.A. heavily B. strong C. thick D. heavy( )2.A. find B. look for C. find out D. found( )3.A. told B. asked C. called D. spoke( )4.A.no one B. someone C. someone D. everyone( )5.A. where B. What colour C. which D. When( )6.A. may be B. maybe C. be D. may( )7.A. happy B. sad C. unhappy D. worried( )8.A. more cleverer B. much cleverer C. clever D. much more clever( )9.A. write down B. put down C. take down D. sit down( )10.A. called B. calls C. calling D. call三、阅读理解AAirline(航空公司) Flight number Destination(终点) Departure(离开) time GateAir Canada 137 Beijing 10.12a.m. 24Japan Airlines 320 Tokyo 10.30a.m. 18British Airways 405 Paris 11.00a.m. 20Pan American 226 London 11.20a.m. 12Pan American 12 Beijing 11.43a.m. 15Air Canada 178 Tokyo 12.32p.m. 21CAAC 289 Hong Kong 12.32p.m. 14( )1. If you want to fly to Paris, you should take____.A. Flight 137B. Flight 320C. Flight 226D. Flight 405( )2. Flight 289 to Hong Kong leaves at_____.A. 11.43a.m.B. 10.12a.m.C. 10.12a.m.D. 12.32p.m.( )3. A lady wants to take Flight 12 to Beijing, she should go to Gate____.A. 15B. 14C. 12D. 18( )4. Flight 226 to London is from _____.A. Pan AmericanB. Japan AirlinesC. Air CanadaD. CAAC( )5. A man is at Gate 18. He’s going to____.A. TokyoB. Hong KongC. LondonD. ParisBJack worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss(老板) said to him, “Jack, I want you to go to London to see Mr. Brown in his office.” Jack went to London by train. He left the station, and thought, “The office isn’t far from the station. I’ll find it easily. But after and hour he was still looking for it, so he stopped and asked an old lady. She said “Just go along the street, turn to the left at the end, and it’s the second building on the right.” Jack went and found it. A few days later he went to the same city to visit the same person. But again he did not find the office, so he asked someone on his way. It was the same lady! She was very surprised and said, “Are you still looking for the place?”( )6. Where did Jack work?A. In London.B. in a big factoryC. In a small townD. In the train.( ) 7. Why did Jack go to the office in London?A. To see his boosB. To see an old lady.C. To see Mr. Brown.D. To see an officer.( ) 8. Where was Mr. Brown’s office?A. In a small town.B. Far from the station.C. Far from London.D. In a building.( ) 9. How did Jack go to London?A. By plane.B. By bus.C. On footD. By train( ) 10. Why was the old lady surprised to see Jack again?A. Because Jack asked her the same way again.B. Because Jack was her old friend.C. Because Jack was her neighbour.D. Because the old lady thought Jack was still looking for the place.四、根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子:1. One of the boys____( do) his homework when I came into the classroom.2.If it____(be) sunny tomorrow, I will walk to school .3.She was singing in the room while her brother ____(watch) TV.4.We should encourage farmers____ (leave) the giant pandas more reserves.5. If you don’t study hard, you ____ (not pass) the exam.6 .Bad weather can cause ____ (nature) disasters.7. Birds can find food _____(容易地)in Zhalong .8. Many people don't understand the_____(重要性) of the wetland.五、根据句意,用所给动词词组的正确形式填空。



八年级上册物理寒假作业答案(2020)11、B、2.452、28.2 25.13、2.54、人、河岸5、运动6、地面、地面、椅背、车7、A8、c9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D、13、B 14、B21、长、短2、每秒行驶5米3、6.25 22.54、250 5/35、路程、时间、V=s/t6、0.4 便于测量时间7、100min8、路程、时间、速度9、6.25m/s 交接棒所用时间少 10、80 22.22 0.45 11、 8 6 大于12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120km/h(3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h31、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来2、不能、能3、快4、不相同、空气、耳朵5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动6、C7、C8、C9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、次数 HZ 20---20000HZ12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A41、A2、C3、A4、A5、A6、C7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气8、(1)能量 (2)音色、9、(1)无法正常交流 (2)无法听音色 (3)感受不到声音带来的信息10、(1)声音能够在固体中传播 (2)更好的接收声音 (3)听诊器51、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流2、A:没有水平放置 B:正 C:接触了容器底 D:没有接触液体3、甲、38.5 38.54、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点5、放、低6、B7、B8、D9、C 10、C11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略探究性学习1、真空中不能传声2、B3、D4、50 5*100005、D6、折射、虚、火车、地面7、A 8、11.268 9、吸、熔化、力、熔点 10、惯性、力11、同意,水滴就像一个凸透镜,把阳光会聚,使树林燃烧,从而引起火灾。


一.1.Leaves 2.activities 3.ninth 4.worried 5.beauty eful 7.amazing 8.less 9.better 10.weight
1.have less than
2.is helpful to
3.spend better results on
四.1.finish 2.to speak 3.brushes 4.is 5.is flying 6.is having 7.watching 8.will reach 9.stops 10.to chat
五.1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C
六.exciting famous the-most-popular interesting cleaner more-beautiful the-nicest more
一.1.feeding 2.feathers 3.close 4.readers 5.bored nguages 7.report 8. themselves 9.smell anizing
二.1.in 2.about 3.on 4.from 5.as 6.of 7.of 8.on 9.for 10.in
4.as interesting as
5.Luckily put out
6.took a trip famous
1.A How far
2.B Are
3.B not talk
4.B /
5.B so much
6.B doesn’t like
7.B to answer
8.B will be
9.B isn’t



2020年八年级人教版上册政治寒假作业答案1.A2.B3.B4.A5.B6.D7.C8.B9.C 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.C14.B 15.D 16. B 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.C 21.AD 22BD 23.CD 24.AD25.BC26.李红这种做法是不对的。
















30. (1)采访、问卷调查、数据统计、座谈会等(2)原因;1受传统师生关系影响把老师看做,而自己更多地扮演着遵从者的角色造成师生之间的隔阂,影响师生交往。



2020年人教版新目标英语八年级上册分单元寒假作业及答案Unit 1寒假作业Ⅰ、单项选择题。

(每小题1分,共30分)1. When did your uncle _______ in Shanghai?A. arriveB. getC. reachD. arrived2. —What did you do for vacation?—I _______ time with my grandparents.A. visitedB. stayedC. tookD. spent3 This watch is _______, but I don’t have _______.A. enough beautiful; money enoughB. beautifully enough; money enoughC. beautiful enough; enough moneyD. enough beautiful; enough money4. The cookies _______ good. Can I have some more?A. tasteB. smellsC. feelD. sound5. —Li Lei, National Day is coming .Where will you go?—I decide _______ to Mount Tai .A. goB. will goC. to goD. going6. ——_______.A.Yes, I didn’tB. No, you didn’tC. No, you did7. —What are you going to give your mother for her birthday?—I’m not sure. But I’ll buy her _______.A. something specialB. anything specialC. special somethingD.special anything8. There are _______ people in front of me in the queue. I have to wait fora long time.A.very littleB. only a fewC. quite a fewD. quite a little9. Oh, I forgot _______ my ruler with me. Can I use yours?A. bringB. broughtC. to bringD. bringing10. —Where are you going?—I’m going to Paris _______ a week.A. toB. onC. forD. at11.He had to retire(退休)early_____poor health.A,as a result B.because C.so D.because of12.What bad weather it was! We decided _______A: to go out B. not to go out C. to not go out D. not going out13.I felt _____________when I heard the __________ news.A.exciting; excitedB. excited; excitingC. exciting; excitingD.excited; excited14.—I feel tired and sleepy. —Why not stop____ for a while?A. restB. to restC. restingD. rested15. Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook __for me during my stay in Canada.A. something differentB. different somethingC. nothing differentD. different everything16. He did not write _________,though(尽管)he had _______________.A. careful enough; enough timeB. carefully enough; enough timeC. enough careful; enough timeD. enough carefully; time enough17. Everyone in my class __________the poor boy without parents.A. want to helpB. want helpingC. wants to helpD. wants helping18. At first she __________ like maths,but now she ______________.A. didn’t; didB. doesn’t; doesC. doesn’t; didD.didn’t ;does19. What did the foreigners____their vacation?A. think ofB. Think forC. Think overD. Think 0f as20.When I______ at the hotel,it was very late.A, got B. reached C. arrived D. reach for21.—She didn’t come to school yesterday,did she?—____,though(虽然)she was not feeling very well.A. No,she d idn’tB. Yes,she didn’tC. No,she didD. Yes,she did22.---Jack, is there __________ in today’s newspaper? ---No,nothing.A. anything importantB. Something importantC, important anything D. Important something23.---Why don’t you go out to play, Rose?---I’m afraid I can’t. I have much homework _______.A. doB. doesC. doingD. to do24.The problem is _________ difficult ________ students can solve them.A. so; and fewB. so; that littleC. so; that fewD. so; that a little25.I have ____________ homework to do and I’m _______ tired now.A. much too; too muchB. Too much; too muchC. much too; much tooD. Too much; much too26. She is new here,so she has _______friends at school.A, much B. Few C, little D. A little27.—Help ______to some fruits. —Thank you.A. yourselfB. yourC. you28—I am going to London for a holiday next month. —_________!A. Have a good timeB. It’s terribleC. Good jobD. What a pity29. You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is _____ in it.A.nothing specialB. anything newC. Everything importantD. Somethinginteresting30.We are going to Beijing. Can you ____________when the train will leave ?A. look forB. find for .C. find out .D. to seeⅡ、完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)The summer vacation is the best time for students. They can go outdoors and have fun. They can go to big cities to 1 , or go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of 2 .Peter is an American middle school student and he loves 3 very much. He always travels in his country.This summer vacation he wants to do 4 . He is interested in Chinese history. 5 he is flying to Beijing and Xi’an for the summer vacation. Heis leaving on July 12th and 6 New York on the last day of the month. He plans 7 a fantastic vacation. During the 8 , he is visiting places of interest and going shopping. At night, he is 9 to enjoy the night views. He is sure he will have a 10 time.1. A. watch TV B. exercise C. go sightseeing D. go fishing2. A. buildings B. city C. farm D. nature3. A. travelling B. shopping C. fishing D. hiking4. A. something difference B. different somethingC. something differentD. difference something5. A. Because B. So C. But D. Although6. A. getting back to B. get back toC. getting backD. gets back to7. A. having B. to have C. to having D. had8. A. weekend B. week C. night D. day9. A. take a walk B. taking walks C. takes a walk D. take walks10. A. great B. well C. terrible D. boring Ⅲ、阅读理解ADo you have any good ways to learn English well? Here are some students talking about ways of learning English.A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.2. How does Mark learn English?A. By reading textbooks.B. By reading class notes.C. By reading English stories.D. By reading English newspapers.3. Who learns English by watching English movies?A. Mark.B. Jenny.C. Tom.D. Amy.4. What is the best way to learn English according to Tom?A. Speaking.B. Reading.C. Listening.D. Writing.5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Jenny and Amy are of the same age.B. Listening to the radio can help Mark with his English listening.C. Amy asks us to make full use of our piecemeal time.D. We have to remember many English words before sleeping.BI we nt on vacation with my family last summer. “Wake up! It’s time to go fishing,” My mom woke me up. After having breakfast we got on a boat. Getting up at 6 a.m. was really early and I was not happy, but later, I had fun.My uncle caught (抓住) a big fish first. And my mom caught one, too. Then I caught a Black Drum. Next, my dad caught a big Sheepshead. The captain said no one caught a big fish like this one. We were all happy when we heard this. Later we tried to catch small sharks (鲨鱼). My grandpa caught one, but it snapped the line (咬断绳子). My uncle caught one, but it also snapped the line. My dad caught one at last. It didn’t look so scary but was a little funny.Then our fishing activity was over, and we went back with all the fishes. We were tired but happy!1. Who woke up the writer?A. His father.B. His mother.C. His uncle.D. His grandpa.2. The underlined word “captain” means “_______” in Chinese.A. 船长B. 律师C. 司机D. 飞行员3. Why did they feel happy when they heard the captain’s words (话)?A. Because someone caught a fish the same size as theirs.B. Because the Black Drum was expensive.C. Because the fish was the biggest (最大的).D. Because the boat went very fast.4. How did they feel when they went back with the fishes?A. Scared.B. Lucky.C. Tired and terrible.D. Tired but happy.5. What does the writer talk about?A. His summer vacation.B. His favorite fish.C. His favorite activity.D. His happy family.CThere is an old dog in Mr. Smith’s family. The dog’s name is Buddy. When Buddy was young, he could run fast and catch many animals. Mr. Smith loved him very much. Now, Buddy is old and weak.One day, Mr. Smith and Buddy walked into the forest. Buddy saw a pig and caught it, but he was too old and weak and the pig ran away at last. They didn’t get anything that day and went home.Mr. Smith was not happy. He said to Mrs. Smith, “Buddy is too old. He doesn’t catch anything today.”Mrs. Smith answered, “Buddy didn’t do anything wrong (错误的). It’s natural for him to get old. For many years, he helped us catch animals and feed our family. So we shouldn’t be angry (生气的) with him.”Then Mr. Smith knew he was wrong. He said, “I shouldn’t dislike him for being old. I will love him and be good to him just as before.”1. What is Buddy?A. A dog.B. A mouse.C. A cat.D. A hen.2. Why didn’t Buddy catch the pig?A. Because he was hungry.B. Because he was not happy.C. Because he was old and weak.D. Because he didn’t want to kill it.3. What did Mr. Smith and Buddy get that day?A. A sheep.B. A pig.C. Some fruit.D. Nothing.4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Buddy worked hard when he was young.B. Buddy didn’t like catching animals.C. Mr. Smith didn’t like Buddy when it w as young.D. Mrs. Smith was angry with Buddy.5. What does Mr. Smith want to do?A. Sell Buddy to the zoo.B. Give Buddy to his friend.C. Leave Buddy in the forest.D. Love and be good to Buddy.DMost American families like to have a vacation in summer. Summer is a good season for vacation. It is often hot in July and August.Children do not go to school in those two months. Some people like to stay at home, read books, or watch TV. Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake. Some people have enough time and money to travel to other countries like France, Japan and Australia. They usually fly to these countries. Many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries. Their favorite cities are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.Not everyone likes to go to busy cities. Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys.1._____ is a good season for vacation.A. SpringB. SummerC. AutumnD. Winter2.Some people like to stay at home during their vacation. They don’t _____.A.read booksB.visit their friendsC.watch TVD.go to work3.Many families like to have their lunch _____ during their vacation.A.in the officeB.near a cinemaC.near a big factoryD.near a nice lake4.If you have _____, you can travel to other countries.A. money and friendsB. friends and timeC. money and timeD. food5.Which of the following is “芝加哥”?A.Chicago.B. New York.C. Miami.D. Los Angeles.Ⅳ、单词拼写。



2020年八年级上册物理寒假作业答案1、B、2.452、28.2 25.13、2.54、人、河岸5、运动6、地面、地面、椅背、车7、A8、c9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D、13、B 14、B21、长、短2、每秒行驶5米3、6.25 22.54、250 5/35、路程、时间、V=s/t6、0.4 便于测量时间7、100min8、路程、时间、速度9、6.25m/s 交接棒所用时间少 10、80 22.22 0.45 11、 8 6 大于12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120km/h(3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h31、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来2、不能、能3、快4、不相同、空气、耳朵5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动6、C7、C8、C9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、次数 HZ 20---20000HZ12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A41、A2、C3、A4、A5、A6、C7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气8、(1)能量 (2)音色、9、(1)无法正常交流 (2)无法听音色 (3)感受不到声音带来的信息10、(1)声音能够在固体中传播 (2)更好的接收声音 (3)听诊器51、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流2、A:没有水平放置 B:正 C:接触了容器底 D:没有接触液体3、甲、38.5 38.54、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点5、放、低6、B7、B8、D9、C 10、C11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略探究性学习1、真空中不能传声2、B3、D4、50 5*100005、D6、折射、虚、火车、地面7、A 8、11.268 9、吸、熔化、力、熔点 10、惯性、力11、同意,水滴就像一个凸透镜,把阳光会聚,使树林燃烧,从而引起火灾。


1.the most popular
2.telling so much funny
3.saved out of ago
4.has problems
5.much pay for
6.good at telling so happy
7.protect won’t survive
8.live up to
一.1.feeding 2.feathers 3.close 4.readers 5.bored nguages 7.report 8. themselves 9.smell anizing
二.1.in 2.about 3.on 4.from 5.as 6.of 7.of 8.on 9.for 10.in
一.1.interest 2.hunters 3.keep 4.farmlands 5.hungry 6.solve 7.ourselves 8.Wednesday 9.less 10.teeth
二.1.playing 2.worries 3.is blowing 4.is trying 5.happened 6.will watch 7.Keep 8.to feed 9.is washing 10.looks
三.1.B 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12..B
四.1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.C
1.Youth Award.
2.He is very helpful.
3.Yes,he is.
4.He quickly jumped into the water and did his best to save the boy.



八年级上册物理寒假作业答案2020一1、B、2.452、28.2 25.13、2.54、人、河岸5、运动6、地面、地面、椅背、车7、A8、c9、C 10、C 11、A 12、D、13、B 14、B二1、长、短2、每秒行驶5米3、6.25 22.54、250 5/35、路程、时间、V=s/t6、0.4 便于测量时间7、100min8、路程、时间、速度9、6.25m/s 交接棒所用时间少 10、80 22.22 0.45 11、 8 6 大于12、(1)v=s/t=300m/5h = 60 km/h (2) v=s/t=300m/2.5h=120km/h(3)t =t1—t2 =5h—2.5h =2.5h三1、振动、空气、山间铃响马帮来2、不能、能3、快4、不相同、空气、耳朵5、小于、波的、泡沫塑料屑在飞舞、在振动6、C7、C8、C9、音调、音色、音调、响度 10、频率、快慢、频率、高 11、次数 HZ 20---20000HZ12、强弱、振幅、振幅、大、远近 13、分贝、90dB 14、慢、低、大、大15、音色、响度 16、信息、能量 17、C 18、B 19、C 20、A四1、A2、C3、A4、A5、A6、C7、空气柱、空气柱、频率、空气8、(1)能量 (2)音色、9、(1)无法正常交流 (2)无法听音色 (3)感受不到声音带来的信息10、(1)声音能够在固体中传播 (2)更好的接收声音 (3)听诊器五1、36.4、=、体温计有缩口,水银不会回流2、A:没有水平放置 B:正 C:接触了容器底 D:没有接触液体3、甲、38.5 38.54、(1)10 (2)是、有固定的凝固点5、放、低6、B7、B8、D9、C 10、C11、d a c b e 12、(1)温度保持不变、(2) 温度继续上升、(3) 图略探究性学习1、真空中不能传声2、B3、D4、50 5*100005、D6、折射、虚、火车、地面7、A 8、11.268 9、吸、熔化、力、熔点 10、惯性、力11、同意,水滴就像一个凸透镜,把阳光会聚,使树林燃烧,从而引起火灾。



2020年初二语文上学期寒假作业答案参考一、A 二、D 三、1. 比喻因为偶然因素而造成了差错。

2. 比喻作事多此一举,反而把事情办糟。

3. 辨理解别那些虚假的东西4. 参合多方面的道理而得到全面的透彻的领悟。



4.产生A5.⑥⑦⑧句用事例去论证第①句提出的论点第⑥句⑦⑧句打破砂锅问到底很多大学问家……锻炼出来的怀疑是建设新学说、启迪新发明的基本条件 6.怀疑文化史发明、理论、作风是这样产生的。


2. 【甲】理解【乙】和谐【丙】真诚3.答案示例:第②③④分别举出谷振丰、孙悦礼、冯圣兵三人的事例,第⑤段总结出论点,并对论点作简要分析。

一、B 二——五略六、1.……人不知其所以为”。


‖…… ①总体介绍赵州桥长、宽,说明它的雄伟,引出造桥技术不凡。














一、C 二、A 三——六略七、1.①态度认真,一丝不苟。







2020年八年级数学寒假作业(含答案) 为了保证学生能度过一个健康、快乐、安全、有意义的假期,数学网初中频道为大家提供了八年级数学寒假作业,希望对大家有所帮助。

人教版八年级数学寒假作业答案第1页第3页1.选择题1A 2D 3A 4C2.填空(1)T=20-6h20,6Thh(2)Q=6x105-pt6x105pQt06x105/p(3)S=1.5b(4)0705503.解答题(1)1(2)y=2x+1-1(3)m3(4)y=-3x+3(5)y=x+3(6)y=64x+48(7)S=2n+1(8)y=1/5x-630解答题(1)设y=kx+b-4k+b=156k+b=-5k=-2b=7y=-2x+7(2)略(3)①表示y与x的关系,x为自变量②10时离家10km13时离家30km③12时-13时,离家30km④13km⑤2时-13时⑥15km/h第9页第11页1.选择题(1)A(2)C(3)C2.填空(1)y=-2x(2)m2(3)y=5x+3(4)y2y1(5)y=-2x+10025(6)93.解答题(1)①Q=200+20t②(030)(2)①y=80(050)y=1.9x-15(50100)②y=1.6x③选择方式一(3)①在同一直线上y=25/72x②当x=72时,y=25当x=144时,y=50当x=216时,y=75y=25/72x(0345.6)③当x=158.4时,y=25/72x158.4=55(4)①y 甲=2x+180y乙=2.5x+140②当x=100时,y甲=200+180=380Y乙=140+250=390380〈390租甲车更活算第13页第15页1.选择题(1)D(2)C(3)C2.填空(1)x=2y=3(2)x=2x2(3)-3-2x=-5/8y=-1/8(4)1/20x=2y=3(5)y=5/4x2.解答题3.(1)略(2)①依题意-k+b=-52k+b=1解得k=2b=-3y=2x+3当y0时2x-33/2②当x2时,2x4则2x-31即y1(3)①y会员卡=0.35+15y租书卡=0.5x②若y会员卡〈y 租书卡则0.35x+150.5xx100租书超过100天,会员卡比租书卡更合算(4)设A(m,n)1/2x4xm=6m=3n=2A(-3,-2)y=2/3x,y=-2/3x-4(5)①y 甲=0.8x1.5X+900=1.2x+900(x500)Y乙=1.5x+900x0.6=1.5x+540(x500)②若y甲=y乙1.2x+900=1.5x+540x=1200当x1200时,选择乙厂当x=1200时,两厂收费一样当x〉1200时,选择甲厂20001200,选择甲厂y 甲=1.2x2000+900=3300第17页第19页1.选择题(1)C(2)D(3)C2.填空(1)630(2)0.170.17(3)35(4)①238.1824②12.9③2万3解答题(1)①七大洲亚洲②亚洲和非洲③100%④大洋洲⑤不能(2)①一车间第四季度②一车间二车间③①是图(1)得出的②是图(2)得出的(3)①48②0.25③哪一个分数段的学生最多?70.5~80.5的学生最多。



2020年八年级数学寒假作业(含答案)人教版八年级数学寒假作业答案第1页第3页1.选择题1A2D3A4c2.填空T=20-6h20,6ThhQ=6x105-pt6x105pQt06x105/pS=解答题y=Q/a-xQ/ay=80-2x20①-23②当x=3,y有最小值为1/2③当-20,y随x的增大而增大,当03,y随x的增大而减小①`v=800-50t②016③当t=8时,v=800-50x8=400④当v=100时,100=800-50tT=14第5页第7页选择题1B2c3c4B5B6A7B8D填空1y=2x+1-1m3y=-3x+3y=x+3y=64x+48S=2n+1y=1/5x-630解答题设y=kx+b-4k+b=156k+b=-5k=-2b=7y=-2x+7略①表示y与x的关系,x 为自变量②10时离家10km13时离家30km③12时-13时,离家30km ④13km⑤2时-13时⑥15km/h第9页第11页1.选择题Acc2.填空y=-2xm2y=5x+3y2y1y=-2x+1002593.解答题①Q=200+20t②①y=80y=②y=③选择方式一①在同一直线上y=25/72x②当x=72时,y=25当x=144时,y=50当x=216时,y=75y=25/72x③当x=时,y=25/=55①y 甲=2x+180y乙=+140②当x=100时,y甲=200+180=380y乙=140+250=390380〈390租甲车更活算第13页第15页1.选择题Dcc2.填空x=2y=3x=2x2-3-2x=-5/8y=-1/81/20x=2y=3y=5/4x2.解答题3.略①依题意-k+b=-52k+b=1解得k=2b=-3y=2x+3当y0时2x-33/2②当x2时,2x4则2x-31即y1①y会员卡=+15y租书卡=②若y会员卡〈y租书卡则+租书超过100天,会员卡比租书卡更合算设A1/2x4xm=6m=3n=2Ay=2/3x,y=-2/3x-4①y甲=+900=+900y乙=+=+540②若y甲=y乙+900=+540x=1200当x1200时,选择乙厂当x=1200时,两厂收费一样当x〉1200时,选择甲厂20001200,选择甲厂y甲=+900=3300第17页第19页1.选择题cDc2.填空①②③2万3解答题①七大洲亚洲②亚洲和非洲③100%④大洋洲⑤不能①一车间第四季度②一车间二车间③①是图得出的②是图得出的①48②③哪一个分数段的学生最多?~的学生最多。



2020年八年级数学寒假作业(含答案) 为了保证学生能度过一个健康、快乐、安全、有意义的假期,数学网初中频道为大家提供了八年级数学寒假作业,希望对大家有所帮助。

人教版八年级数学寒假作业答案第1页第3页1.选择题1A 2D 3A 4C2.填空(1)T=20-6h20,6Thh(2)Q=6x105-pt6x105pQt06x105/p(3)S=1.5b(4)0705503.解答题(1)1(2)y=2x+1-1(3)m3(4)y=-3x+3(5)y=x+3(6)y=64x+48(7)S=2n+1(8)y=1/5x-630解答题(1)设y=kx+b-4k+b=156k+b=-5k=-2b=7y=-2x+7(2)略(3)①表示y与x的关系,x为自变量②10时离家10km13时离家30km③12时-13时,离家30km④13km⑤2时-13时⑥15km/h第9页第11页1.选择题(1)A(2)C(3)C2.填空(1)y=-2x(2)m2(3)y=5x+3(4)y2y1(5)y=-2x+10025(6)93.解答题(1)①Q=200+20t②(030)(2)①y=80(050)y=1.9x-15(50100)②y=1.6x③选择方式一(3)①在同一直线上y=25/72x②当x=72时,y=25当x=144时,y=50当x=216时,y=75y=25/72x(0345.6)③当x=158.4时,y=25/72x158.4=55(4)①y 甲=2x+180y乙=2.5x+140②当x=100时,y甲=200+180=380Y乙=140+250=390380〈390租甲车更活算第13页第15页1.选择题(1)D(2)C(3)C2.填空(1)x=2y=3(2)x=2x2(3)-3-2x=-5/8y=-1/8(4)1/20x=2y=3(5)y=5/4x2.解答题3.(1)略(2)①依题意-k+b=-52k+b=1解得k=2b=-3y=2x+3当y0时2x-33/2②当x2时,2x4则2x-31即y1(3)①y会员卡=0.35+15y租书卡=0.5x②若y会员卡〈y 租书卡则0.35x+150.5xx100租书超过100天,会员卡比租书卡更合算(4)设A(m,n)1/2x4xm=6m=3n=2A(-3,-2)y=2/3x,y=-2/3x-4(5)①y 甲=0.8x1.5X+900=1.2x+900(x500)Y乙=1.5x+900x0.6=1.5x+540(x500)②若y甲=y乙1.2x+900=1.5x+540x=1200当x1200时,选择乙厂当x=1200时,两厂收费一样当x〉1200时,选择甲厂20001200,选择甲厂y 甲=1.2x2000+900=3300第17页第19页1.选择题(1)C(2)D(3)C2.填空(1)630(2)0.170.17(3)35(4)①238.1824②12.9③2万3解答题(1)①七大洲亚洲②亚洲和非洲③100%④大洋洲⑤不能(2)①一车间第四季度②一车间二车间③①是图(1)得出的②是图(2)得出的(3)①48②0.25③哪一个分数段的学生最多?70.5~80.5的学生最多。

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l 一、
1.注音dí jìng jié dū wén jiān kùi xiè 襄陵
2、选词 B E F D C A
5、jìn gāo zè yào yāo 飒飒梭蹿蹿
(1)反复 (2)反问 (3)借代 (4)反语


8、略 9、略 10、课堂声声撒酒疯
l 二
lìjiào jū fǘ 匍袭屏穆
4、(1)夸张 (2)比喻 (3)比喻
5、huǎng niáo fǎ xī qiè 骇劫缀
7、略 8 、稳步增长上升
9、“客到” “盘中”



l 三、
Cuì lóng miù yì wāng mù niáo huǎng
4、zèn xù jié màng 拙诅孀耸




10、略 11、略
l 4、
1、shì jí tuí xuè 差踌蹒丧
3、A 、B、
5、lú qiè shǎng gà áo dàng zhào chāun




玉包含王字,有钱字波包含在水边,是皮匠楼指酒楼12、游客、稀客、说客、熟客、刺客、门客l 51、yǔ yì loū zhì zuò pì huǎng
tā2、伍、晨、肝3、C、A、A、4、jì jì yàn peì zhoū zhuó jié è5、A、 6、比喻、反复、反问、比喻7、戴振公捏的那把紫砂壶。







