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matching game
• • • • • • • • • re turn tr ain plat form pl en ty b ar st a tion port er cat ch(caught, caught) miss n. 大量 n. 火车 v. 错过 n. 车站 n. 乘务员 n. 往返 n. 酒吧 v. 赶上 n. 站台
• plenty
• 1)n. 大量 plenty of…后接可数名词或不可数名词;谓语 动词的单复数形式须与其修饰的名词一致。 我杯里有许多牛奶。 There is plenty of milk in my cup. 有许多学生能说很好的英语。 There are plenty of students who can speak good English. plenty of 通常用于肯定句。否定句和疑问 句用much/many/enough
• catch
• 1) v. 捕捉,逮捕 在公共汽车上我们抓住一个小偷。 We caught a thief on the bus today. 我今天钓了五条鱼 I caught five fish today. • 2)v. 及时赶上,赶得上,追上 我跑着赶上了最后一班车。 I ran to catch the last bus. 他在终点线前追上了领头的跑者。 He caught the front runner just before the finishing line. • 3)v.染上(疾病),感染 我得了重感冒。 I caught a bad cold.
2.时间的表示方法 ①连接词: past: ...过...,表示几点过几分钟; to: 还差...到...,表示还差几分钟几点 Eg. It’s only three minutes to eight. At nineteen minutes past ten. ②直接读: 不用任何连接词,直接将时间表示出来 Eg . 6:10 six ten 11:44 eleven forty-four
Role play
下一班飞机什么时候起飞? 两小时后。 哦,我们时间还很多呢。 是啊,我们出去走走吧。 好的,我知道隔壁有家书店,里面可以喝咖 啡。 哦,那太好了,我喜欢喝咖啡。 我们最好快点去,找个靠窗的位置。 好主意。
• train
1)n. 火车 take the train to 乘火车去。。。。 我们要搭下午2点的火车去上海。 We’ll take the 2:00 p.m. train to Shanghai. 2)v. 训练,培养 他为了比赛在训练那匹马。 He is training the horse for the race. 我接受过护士的训练。 I was trained as a nurse. 你应该教导你的孩子如何尊重别人。 You should train your children how to respect others.
• miss
• 1) v. 错过 他没打中目标。 He missed the target. 我把球丢给他,但他没接着。 I threw the ball to him but he missed it. 他必须去机场接他母亲,所以没能参加会议。 He had to meet his mother at the airport, so he missed the meeting. • 2)v. 想念 如果你去国外,我们会很想念你。 We’ll miss you very much if you go abroad. • 3)miss out 漏掉,省 略,遗漏 老师点名的时候,漏掉了我。 When the teacher called the roll, he missed me out. Miss the boat = miss the bus 因慢吞吞而错失良机
• station
• 1)n. 车站,火车站 a railway station 火车站 a bus station = a bus stop 公共汽车站 你能告诉我往车站怎么走吗? Could you tell me the way to the station? 本次火车将在下一站停留20分钟。 The train will make a 20 minutes’ stop at the next station. • 2)(政府机关等的)局,所,中心 a police station 警察局 a fire station 消防队 a gas Fra Baidu bibliotektation 加油站 A power station 电站 a TV station电视台
Lesson 95
Tickets, please.
Teacher: Vivian
1.What time will the train leave? At nineteen minutes past eight. 2.What time will the next train leave? At eight nineteen. 3.What’s the time now? It’s only three minutes to eight. 4.Where will they go? Let’s go and have a drink . There ‘s a bar next door to the station.(They will go to the next -door bar) 5.What’s the time now? It’s only eight fifteen. 6.When’s the next train? In five hours’ time.
• platform
1) n. 站台,月台 an arrival platform 到站站台 a departure platform 出发站台 platform No.2 = platform 2 第二站台 我正在第5站台等你呢。 I’m waiting you at platform 5. • 2)n.讲台,讲坛 老师站在讲台上看着学生们。 The teacher is standing on the platform and looking at the students.
. had better go back to the station now , Ken. 1.We
我们现在最好回到车站去,肯。 had better:“最好...”, 后可以直接加要做 的事情。 2.In five hours’ time! 五个小时以后! in 引导一段时间用于将来时态,表示“在... 时间之后”,注意不是用after哦 ~ 3.There is a bar next door to the station.在车站 旁边有一个酒吧。 next door : “在...旁边”,和near/next to 同 义。 next-door : “隔壁的”,形容词。
• return
• 1) n. 往返 return ticket 往返票(BE) 回程票(AM) round-trip ticket 往返票(AM) • 2) in return 作为回报 你给我寄来明信片,我也回寄一张明信片。 You sent me a postcard; in return, I sent you a postcard too. 这些职员一直都在非常努力地工作。他们老板打 算给他们加薪作为回报。 The employees have worked so hard. Their boss is going to give them a raise in return. • 3)v. 回到 return from…to… 从…回到… return sth to sb = return sb sth 把…归还某人
• 4)v. 听到,听清楚,理解 对不起,我没听清你说什么。 Sorry, I didn’t catch your words. 你能听懂我的意思吗? Did you catch my idea? catch one’s attention 引起…注意 catch up with 赶上… 你先走,我马上就会赶上你。 You just go on in front. I’ll catch up with you soon. Catch up on some work 赶上一些工作进度 补充点睡眠 Catch up on some sleep
• • • • • • • • •
re turn tr ain plat form pl en ty b ar st a tion port er cat ch(caught, caught) miss
Words and expressions
n. 往返 n. 火车 n. 站台 n. 大量 n. 酒吧 n. 车站,火车站 n. 收票员 v. 赶上 v. 错过
1.一般将来时 ①基本结构:sb+be going to + do/sb+will+ do. ②变形:一般疑问句 be或will提到句首 否定句 在be动词后加not/情态 动词will后加not成won’t。 Who’s faster: Mary _____ (visit) her grandparents tomorrow. David ____ (give) a puppet show next Monday. My brother ____ (go) to Shanghai next week.