
中英文运输合同范本甲方(托运人):_____________________Party A (Consignor): ________________乙方(承运人):_____________________Party B (Carrier): ________________鉴于甲方需要运输货物至指定地点,乙方愿意提供相应的运输服务,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,订立本合同,以资共同遵守。
鉴于 Party A requires the transportation of goods to a designated location, and Party B is willing to provide the corresponding transportation services, both parties, based on the principles of equality, voluntariness, and good faith, have reached an agreement and hereby enter into this contract to be jointly adhered to.第一条货物描述Article 1: Description of Goods1.1 货物名称:_____________________Name of Goods: ________________1.2 货物数量:_____________________Quantity of Goods: ________________1.3 货物包装:_____________________Packing of Goods: ________________1.4 货物价值:_____________________Value of Goods: ________________第二条运输方式Article 2: Mode of Transportation2.1 运输方式:_____________________Mode of Transportation: ________________2.2 起运地点:_____________________Place of Origin: ________________2.3 目的地点:_____________________Destination: ________________第三条运输费用及支付方式Article 3: Transportation Costs and Payment Method3.1 运输费用:_____________________Transportation Costs: ________________3.2 支付方式:_____________________Payment Method: ________________3.3 付款期限:_____________________Payment Deadline: ________________第四条运输时间Article 4: Transportation Time4.1 预计起运时间:_____________________Estimated Departure Time: ________________4.2 预计到达时间:_____________________Estimated Arrival Time: ________________第五条货物交接Article 5: Handover of Goods5.1 甲方应在约定的时间和地点将货物交付给乙方。

样本4-1海运提单提单制单示例:L/C 规定:Huangpu feeder HKG ocean vessel LAX( W.C) LB NYC ( E ・C ・)黄埔 驳运至香港…•大船至洛杉矶(Los Ageles)…•陆桥(land bridge)至纽约(New York City) o贝U:(4) Pre-carriage by _____ 此栏填 feeder ship 名即驳船名); (5) Place of Receipt _____ (填 Huangpu);(6) _________________ Ocean Vessel (填大舟甘名) ⑺ ____________________ Port of Loading (填 HKG ); (8) Port of Discharge _____ (填 LAX );(9 ) Place of Delivery 二若大船公司负责至NYC 则填NYC ;若负责至LA 则填 LAo (7) Final Destination (if goods to be transshipped at port of discharge) (Applicableonly when document used as a through B/L 仅当该B/L 被用作全程转 运B/L 时才填此 栏! )____________________________ 眦栏填NYC)BILL OF LADING托运人Shipper中国对外贸易运输总公司CHINA NATIONALFOREIGINTRADETRANSPORTATION CC RP联运提单COMBINED TRANSPORBILL OF LADINGRECEIVED the goods in appare nt good order and con diti on as specified below uni ess otherwisestated herei n.The Carrier, i n accord a nee with the provisi on s con tained in this docume nt.1) un dertakes to perform or to procure theperformanee of the entire transport from the placeat which the goods are takes in charge to desig ndt^l fpkace delivery in this docume nt ,a nd2) assumes liability as prescribeddocume nt for such tran sport. One of the Bills of Ladi ng must be surre ndered duly in dorsed inexcha nge for the goods or delivery order.收货人或指示Con sig nee or order通知地址Notify address前段运输 收货地点Pre-carriage by Place of receipt海运船只装货港Ocea n vesselPort of loadi ngin this以上细目由托运人提供ABOVE PARTICCLARS FURNSHED BY SHIPER太平船务有限公司提单:In Witness Whereof this number of Original Bills of Lading stated Above all of the tenor and date one of which being accomplished the others to stand void.for PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LINES (PTE) LTD as CarrierJ 匚—■ ■ ■ I. ■JC JC TFWMBJC TRANS CO ・ LTD.。

GENERAL TERMS OF DELIVERY (GTD)基本运输条款1. B a s i c a g r e e m e n t基本协议1.1 Iskra Avtoelektrika d.d. (hereinafter IAE) demands from its suppliers to follow all the procedures laid down in the Suppliers Manual and these General Terms of Delivery (GTD). The valid issue of GTD is the one that is attached to the Suppliers Manual of IAE.依斯克拉汽车电器有限公司(以下简称IAE)要求其供应商遵守供应商手册及运输条款总则上面所列的所有流程及程序。
1.2 By signing the Purchasing Agreement, making out a quotation on demand or confirming a price list, the supplier: a) confirms his agreement with all provisions and requirements of the Suppliers Manual (available at ) and these GTD, b) undertakes to organize his/her production process in compliance with all provisions and requirements referred to in the Suppliers Manual of IAE and to implement all the procedures laid down in it, c) agrees that the delivery note of delivery issued to IAE for an individual delivery guarantees that the supplied standard products fully comply with the provisions of the agreed national and international standards and that the supplied non-standard products and the shipment as a whole fully comply with the agreed requirements defined by the technical, control, commercial and environmental documentation of IAE.通过签署采购协议,根据需求做出报价或确认价格、供应商。

托运单中英文版The consignment note is a crucial document in the logistics and transportation industry as it serves as a legally binding contract between the shipper and the carrier. This document records the details of the goods being transported, including the type, quantity, weight, and value of the shipment. It also specifies the terms and conditions of the transportation service, such as the pickup and delivery locations, the mode of transportation, and the agreed-upon freight charges.The consignment note is typically issued in both English and the local language of the country where the shipment originates. This dual-language format ensures that all parties involved, including the shipper, the carrier, and the customs authorities, can clearly understand the information provided on the document. The English version is particularly important for international shipments, as it allows for seamless communication and coordination among the various stakeholders, regardless of their linguistic backgrounds.One of the key benefits of having a consignment note in bothEnglish and the local language is the improved accuracy and reliability of the information. By providing the details in both languages, the risk of misunderstandings or errors is significantly reduced. This is especially crucial when dealing with complex shipments, where any discrepancies or omissions in the documentation could lead to delays, additional costs, or even legal disputes.Moreover, the dual-language format of the consignment note facilitates the efficient handling of customs procedures. Customs officials can easily review the shipment details and ensure compliance with relevant regulations, as the information is presented in a format they can readily understand. This streamlined process can help expedite the clearance of goods, reducing the overall transit time and minimizing the impact on the supply chain.In addition to the practical benefits, the use of English in the consignment note also serves to promote international trade and cooperation. As the global lingua franca, English has become the common language of business and logistics. By incorporating English into the consignment note, the transportation industry is aligning itself with this international standard, making it easier for companies around the world to engage in cross-border trade and logistics.Furthermore, the inclusion of English in the consignment note canalso enhance the transparency and accountability of the transportation process. With the information presented in a widely understood language, shippers and carriers can more effectively communicate and collaborate, addressing any issues or discrepancies that may arise during the course of the shipment. This level of transparency can help build trust and strengthen the relationships between the various parties involved in the supply chain.However, it is important to note that the consignment note in the local language is equally crucial, as it ensures that the information is accessible to all relevant stakeholders, including local authorities and the recipient of the shipment. The dual-language format, therefore, represents a balance between the need for international communication and the recognition of local customs and regulations.In conclusion, the consignment note in English and the local language is a vital document in the logistics and transportation industry. It serves as a legally binding contract, facilitates efficient customs clearance, promotes international trade, and enhances transparency and accountability in the supply chain. The dual-language format ensures that all parties involved can clearly understand the shipment details, reducing the risk of errors and misunderstandings. As the global economy continues to evolve, the importance of the consignment note in both English and the locallanguage will only continue to grow, further strengthening the efficiency and reliability of the transportation industry.。

货物清单中英文100个mercial invoice 商业发票2.Proforma invoice形式发票3.Received invoice收讫发票4.Certificate invoice证实发票5.Detailed invoice详细发票6.Neutral invoice 中性发票7.Manufacture invoice 厂家发票8.Bank’s invoice 银行发票9.Preliminary /provisional invoice 临时发票10.Customs invoice 海关发票11.Consular invoice 领事发票12.Packing list 装箱单13.Weight list 重量单14.Measurement list 尺码单15.Insurance policy 保险单16.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证bined Insurance Certificate 联合保险凭证18.Open policy 预约保险单19.Cover note暂保单20.Endorsement批单21.Certificate of origin of the Peoples’Republic ofChina中华人民共和国原产地证22.Generalized system of preferences certificate of origin from A 普惠制产地证23.Inspection certificate商检证书24.Quality certificate品质检验证书25.Quality certificate数量检验证书26.Weight certificate重量检验证书27.Phytosanilary certificate植物检疫证书28.Veterinary certificate兽医检验证书29.Sanitary/Health certificate卫生/健康检验证书30.Disinfection certificate 消毒检验证书31.Fumigation certificate熏蒸证书32.Certificate of analysis 分析证34.Export /import license进出口许可证35.Special customs invoice 美国海关发票36.Canada customs invoice 加拿大海关发票bined certificate of value and origin 澳大利亚海关发票38.From59A certificate of origin for export to New zea land新西兰海关发票39.Form C 西非海关发票40.L/C=letter of credit 信用证41.Bill of exchange / draft 汇票42.Beneficiary’s certificate/statement 受益人证明/寄单证明43.Booking note 托运单/下货纸44.B/L提单45.Direct B/L直达提单46.Transhipment B/L转运提单bined transport B/L联合提单48.Container B/L集装箱提单49. Charter Party B/L)租船提单50.Airway bill 空运单51.Shipper’s letter of instruction 货物托运书52.Railway bill 铁路运单53.Shipping advice/ Declaration of shipment 装运通知54.Captain receipt 船长收据55.Itinerary certificate航程证明56.Certificate of sample寄样证明57.Shipping order (s/o) 装货单58.Mate’s receipt大副收据59.Dock receipt 集装箱场站数据60.Delivery order 提货单61.Equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单62.Manifest载货清单/舱单63.Cargo receipt 承载货物收据64.Sea way bill海运单65.Master air way bill航空主运单66.House air way bill航空分运单67.Numerical container list集装箱装载清单68.Export freight manifest出口载货运费清单69.Entry inwards进口报关单70. Authorization letter for customs declaration/ Power of attorney(POA)报关委托书72. Telex release /Surrendered B/L 电放提单73. Instrument for the collecting/verifying and writing-off of export proceeds in foreign exchange/verifying and writing-off instrument 外汇核销单74. Export drawback出口退税单75.Bank statement/note/receipt 银行水单76.Electronic bill of lading电子提单77.Letter of indemnity保函78.Original bill of lading正本提单79.Customs clearance结关证书80.Entry outwards出口报关单81.Export manifest 出口载货清单/出口舱单82.Inward permit 进口许可证83.Outwards Export permit 出口许可证84.Shipping bill 出口货物明细单/装船通知单85.Export declaration 出口申报单86.Stores list 物料单87.Railway consignment note 铁路托运单88.Cargo declaration 货物申请表89.Railway advice铁路货运通知单90.consignment note 运单91.Bill of health 健康证书92.Straight B/L 记名提单93.Order B/L 指示提单94.On-board B/L 已装船提单95.Received-for-shipping B/L备运提单96.Clean B/L 清洁提单97.Foul B/L不清洁提单98.Black B/L 不记名提单99.Through B/L 联运提单100.Long form B/L 全式提单。

订单ORDER编号:NO.:签订日期:Date:买方:Buyer:地址:Address:传真:电话:Fax NO.: Tel NO.:卖方:Seller:地址:Address:传真:电话:Fax NO.: Tel NO.:1、本协议是第TWC/001号销售合同项下的订单,买卖双方同意,由买方购进,卖方出手下列货物,并按下列条款签订本订单:This agreement is the order of SALES CONTRACT(NO.TWC/001),this ORDER is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers: whereby the Buyer agree to buy and the Seller agree to sell the undermentioned goods on the terms2、装运口岸:Port of Loading:3、目的口岸:天津Port of Destination: Tianjin4、装运日期:SHIPEMENT DATE:5、付款方式:以销售合同的约定为准Payment terms: the same with the SALE CONTRACT6、单据:卖方提供的各项单据均须使用与本订单相一致的文字,以便买方审核查对。
Documents: To facilitate the Buyers to check up, all documents should be made in a version identical to that used in this order from the Seller.7、装运通知:卖方在货物装船后,立即将品名、件数、毛重、净重、发票金额、载货船名及装船日期以电报通知买方。
Advice of Shipmen: The Sellers shall upon competition of Loading, and advise immediately the Buyers by cable of name of commodity, number of packages, gross and net weights, invoice value, name of vessel and loading date.8、保险:Insurance:9、质量条款:Terms of the quality:10、检验和索赔:买方有权申请中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局或第三方检疫机构进行检验。

EXPORTERPACKING LISTxxxxxxx co., LTD,66X9,Wenyi Road,Hangzhou, China xxxxxxxIMPORTERxxxxxxx Co., LTDNo. 549 Avenue 3, San Francisco , California , USA . xxxxxxxP/L DATE: October 8,2016 INVOICE NO.: YSM2016B INVOICE DATE: October 1,2016 CONTRACT NO.:CT2341Letter of Credit No.:SUE2497 Date of Shipment: October 8,2012MarksDescription of goods ; Commodity No.Quantity PackageG .W N.W Meas. N/MWest Lake Color TV sets,25inches 50,000 SETS 500 CTNS to One40-foot Container25 inchesTotal amount:FIFTY THOUS AND SETSExporter stamp an signatureW · Aristoph出口商(名称、地址、电话)装箱单杭州xxxxxx有限公司中国杭州文一路66X9号进口商(名称、地址、电话)xxxxxx Co., LTDNo. 549 Avenue 3, San Francisco,California,USA . 装箱日期:2016年9月8号发票号:YSM2016B发票日期: 2016年9月1号合同号: CT2341信用证号:SUE2497 装运日期:2016年9月8号出发港:杭州国家、港口:中国目的港:加利福尼亚国家、港口:美国唛头商品描述(名称、规格)HS编码数量件数毛重净重体积N/M 25寸西湖牌彩电50,000 台25寸总计: 伍万台出口商签章W · Aristoph。

发货合同范本英文Delivery ContractThis Delivery Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [date] by and between [the name of the sender] (the "Sender") and [the name of the recipient] (the "Recipient").1. Commodity DescriptionThe Sender agrees to deliver to the Recipient the following commodities: [description of the commodities].2. Delivery TimeThe Sender shall deliver the commodities to the Recipient by [specified time].3. Delivery LocationThe delivery shall be made at [designated location].4. Packing and MarkingThe commodities shall be properly packed and marked in accordance with industry standards.5. InspectionThe Recipient has the right to inspect the commodities upon delivery.6. PaymentThe Recipient shall pay the Sender the total amount of [payment amount] within [payment time frame] after the receipt of the commodities.7. Liability and RiskThe liability and risk of the commodities shall pass to the Recipient upon delivery.8. Force MajeureIn the event of force majeure circumstances that prevent the performance of this Contract, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to find an appropriate solution.9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to [designated arbitration body or court] for settlement.10. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated by mutual consent of the parties or in accordance with the provisions herein.11. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Contract as of the date first above written.Sender: [signature of the sender]Recipient: [signature of the recipient]Please note that the above is just a basic template and can be customized and filled in according to specific needs and circumstances.。

英文外贸运输合同范本(一)合同编号:[编号](二)日期:[日期](三)托运人(Shipper):________________________(四)收货人(Consignee):________________________(五)承运人(Carrier):________________________(六)货物描述(Description of Goods):________________________(七)数量(Quantity):________________________(八)包装方式(Packing Method):________________________(九)运费(Fare):________________________(十)付款方式(Payment Method):________________________(十一)运输方式(Mode of Transportation):________________________(十二)起运地(Port of Loading):________________________(十三)目的地(Port of Discharge):________________________(十四)提单号(Bill of Lading No.):________________________(十五)装船日期(Date of Shipment):________________________(十六)到达日期(ETA):________________________(十七)违约责任(Liability for Breach):如果任何一方违反本合同的任何条款,应承担相应的违约责任,向对方支付合同金额的[X]%作为违约金,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
(十八)争议解决(Dispute Resolution):本合同的解释和执行均适用[法律名称]法律。