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1. The geography teacher told us that the earth moves (move) around the sun.

2. Water boils (boil) at 100 ℃.

3.The careless driver has just been fined $ 10 for stopping his car at a sign that reads (read) “NO PARKING”.

4. Whatever you say (say), I will not change my mind.

5. Don’t try to run before you begin (begin) to walk.

6. I’ll go with you if I finish (finish) my work.



时间状语:every day; often; usually; always; seldom; sometimes

2. 一般现在时可以表示客观事实或普通真理。

3. 在让步、时间和条件状语从句中以及主语是祈使句时常用一般现在时代替将来时。


1. --- Nancy is not coming tonight. --- But she promised (promise)!

2. My uncle didn’t marry (marry) until he was forty-five.

3. --- You haven’t said a word about my new car, Brenda. Do you like it?

--- I’m sorry I didn’t say (not say) anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you.

4. --- Come on in, Peter. I want to show you something.

--- Oh, how nice of you! I never thought (think) you were (be) going to bring me a gift.

5. --- Your phone number again! I didn’t catch (not catch) it. --- It’s 9598442.



时间状语:then; at that time; just now; three days ago; yesterday; when 或while 引导的表示过去的时间状语从句(三)一般将来时


1. 定义:将来某一时刻要发生的动作或所处的状态。

时间状语:soon; next week; tomorrow 等

2. be to + 动词原形的用法:

(1) You are to do your homework before you watch TV. = have to / must “必须“

(2) You are to report the police. = should / ought to “应该”

(3) If we are to be there before 10, we’ll have to go now. = intend / want “打算;想”

(4) What are we to do next?用于第一人称疑问句中,表示征求对方意见。

(5) You are not to smoke in the room. = mustn’t “禁止”,用于否定句中

(6) The news is to be found in the evening newspaper. = may / can “可以;可能”


1. If a man is to succeed (succeed), he must work as hard as he can.

2. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to watered if they are to survive (survive).

3. Look at these clouds. It is going to rain (rain).

4. --- You’ve left the light on. --- Oh, so I have. I will go (go) and turn it off.


1. As she was / is reading (read) the newspaper, Grammy fell / falls (fall) asleep.

2. The reporter said that the UFO was travelling (travel) east to west when he saw (see) it.

3. He is always thinking (think) of others first.

4. He is always making (make) the same mistake.

5. --- Have you moved into the new house. --- Not yet. The rooms are being painted (pain).

6. Shirley was writing (write) a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

7. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is not easy task because technology is changing (change) so rapidly.

8. I don’t really work here. I am just helping (help) out until the new secretary arrives.


1. 定义



2. 时间状语

1)现在进行时:now; right now等

2)过去进行时:at this time yesterday等

3. 一个长动作为背景,被一个短动作打断,长动作用进行体,短动作用一般体。

4. 进行体表示反复出现或习惯性动作,含有赞赏、厌恶、遗憾等情绪。常与always; continually; constantly等连用。

5. 进行体表示动作的未完成性、暂时性。


