HKU SPACE Community College 香港大学专业进修附属 …





关键词:香港教育;继续教育;研究中心;国际交流一、HKU SPACE简介香港大学(简称港大)创立于1911年,是香港历史最悠久的大学,也是国际上享有盛名的一所综合性高校。

香港大学专业进修学院(英文缩写简称HKU SPA CE)是香港大学最大的学院之一。


HKU SPACE的管理架构由三方面组成。




HKU SPACE自成立以来,学生人数持续增长,已经有150多万人次报读了学院的课程,目前已经发展成全球规模最大的继续教育机构之一。

二、HKU SPACE的国际教育合作在继续教育的跨境合作中,HKU SPACE一直走在国际的前沿。


至今,HKU SPACE已经建立了庞大的国际教育网络,目前与62所本地、我国内地、英国、美国、澳大利亚等学术教育机构合作,开拓了大量的合作课程。

HKU SPACE根据本地的需要,从英国、美国、澳大利亚、日本的高校输入的课程是多层次的,从证书一直到博士课程,仅今年开设的专业就达66个,让香港的人士可以不脱离工作岗位就能攻读外国大学的学历和非学历课程。



香港大学SPACE中国商业学院港大ICB创业俱乐部章程第一章总则第一条俱乐部名称名称:港大ICB创业俱乐部 (New Business Club, ICB, HKU SPACE) 介绍:是港大校友互助与成长平台,专注港大校友早期创业者和即将计划创业者提供资金、商业、技术、市场、人力、法律、培训等提供一揽子的公益化咨询及服务,致力于打造港大校友创业孵化的社交平台和公益化平台。











第三章职能组织及制度第五条俱乐部发起人发起人:纪劲毅、袁强联席发起人: 常昭伟、董金国、殷苗青、黄莉斐第六条执委会组织架构架构说明(具体俱乐部组织人员架构及成员介绍请参阅附件):俱乐部执委会:俱乐部最高权力机构俱乐部主席及副主席:负责俱乐部战略发展以及协调组织各方资源完成发展目标俱乐部秘书长:协助主席进行俱乐部日常管理会员组织部:会员招募、档案管理、会员管理综合管理部:行政管理、后勤管理运营管理部:发展规划、发展计划制定、各部门督导和支撑、公关关系、考核管理财务管理部、财务管理、经费筹集项目拓展与合作部:活动规划、合作拓展、项目实施、对外宣传第七条会议制度1、每年召开一次会员大会:各职能部门年度工作述职;两年一次的民主选举。



港大思培科技职业学院学生留学,找谁办理靠谱?世界名校香港大学辖下的香港大学专业进修学院(下称香港大学SPACE学院)已正式落户苏州,联同苏州科技学院与高博教育管理(苏州)有限公司,在苏州市独墅湖高等教育区合作创办苏州港大思培科技职业学院(又称苏州港大思培学院)(学院江苏代码:1856 学院国标代码:13962)。




在英国《泰晤士报》权威高等教育刊物Times Higher Education Supplement发布的2007年全球最佳大学排名榜中,香港大学位列第18位。











T ips for C hoosing your MajorTABLE OF CONTENT2 3 3 3 4 5 5 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 12 13 15IntroductionMaking a Major Decision A. Get to Know Yourself B. Identify a Similar Profile C.How About These StrategiesAre You Qualified to Take this Major or Minor?Do You Need to Do a Minor or a Second Major?Resources for Advice and Support A. Handbook for BSc Students B. BSc Courses C.Online Course Selection System D. CEDARSE Academic Advisers F. Course Selection Advisers G. Induction DayHow to Formulate Your Study Plan? A Step-by-Step ApproachFAQs on Major-Minor SelectionAcademic Advising and Contact InformationI ntroductionCongratulations! Welcome to the HKU Science Faculty.You must be fascinated by the enormous choice of majors and courses available to you. Indeed, the University is the place for you to expand your horizon, to attempt new endeavours, and to acquire new experiences.How should you get the most out of your University education?The HKU BSc programme is rich, diverse, flexible, and challenging. You may choose among the list of Science majors leading to the Bachelor of Science degree and declare it before the start of your second year of study. For those of you who have already identified a strong interest in a particular discipline and wish to specialize early, the curriculum enables you to pursue your subject of interest in a rigorous manner. Those of you wishing to explore multiple interests may take courses in different disciplines or even consider pursuing a minor or even a second major. If you are not sure which major will suit you best, you can explore different possibilities in the first year before committing to a particular major. The programme even provides bridging courses in certain majors for those of you without the proper prerequisites for those majors. In all cases, you do not need to commit to a major before the end of Year 1, and you may choose to use this year to explore and find out your real interest, ability, and career aspiration.Choosing a suitable major is important and may not be an easy decision. This booklet provides you with some guidance and describes some of the resources available. The Academic Advisers/Course Selection Advisers will also assist you to plan your study to ensure a most meaningful and enjoyable learning experience at HKU.M aking a Major DecisionA. Get to Know YourselfIn the BSc programme, you may choose to concentrate on a single primary Science major, or to do a major and minor(s) or even a second major. Before you commit to a certain plan of study, you should first do a rigorous self-assessment of your true interest, ability, and aspiration. You should ask yourself the following questions:- What do I want to achieve for my university study?- What subject(s) am I truly and most interested in?- How good am I in terms of academic, communication, and critical thinking abilities?- How much time and effort am I willing to devote to studying?- What do I want to do after graduation?No one single answer to any of the questions above alone should dictate the choice of your study plan. Instead, you should make a balanced consideration between interest, ability, and career aspiration when you decide which major to pursue.B. Identify a Similar ProfileWhile the followings are by no means all the possible scenarios, you may want to see which of the following situations is most similar to yours:Scenario 1:I am keenly interested in this one Science subject and none others. I want to learn as much about this subject as possible. I am sure this is what I would like to do for my career. If possible, I would like to pursue further studies in this subject.Scenario 2:I am interested in this Science subject. I also believe my studies should be diversified and I should learn more across different disciplines because many fields in Science are interdisciplinary in nature now.Scenario 3:I have a strong interest in this one Science subject, but have not had the opportunity to study it before for some reasons. I believe nevertheless I have the motivation and ability to handle this subject.Scenario 4:Honestly I do not have a clear idea what I should do at this moment. I have an interest in a particular subject, perhaps because I have achieved a good grade in it before, but I am not sure if this is something I should pursue as my major.C. How About These Strategies?We do not believe there is one single strategy for each scenario. Your interest and your situations may also change during the course of study. However, if you can identify with one of the scenarios closely, these are some suggested strategies.Scenario 1: In addition to following the recommended major courses of that subject, you should consider using Faculty Electives as the starting point to explore different disciplines. You may find these courses surprisingly rewarding!Scenario 2: In addition to following the recommended courses of that major, you should try to take as many elective courses in other disciplines as possible. Whether to do a minor or a second major depends on your ability, and the amount of time and effort you are willing to devote to studying.Scenario 3: By all means, give yourself a chance! You can take the bridging courses required and see whether you can handle the subject matter before you consider taking it as major or minor. We suggest you should take some courses in another Science major discipline as a fall back.Scenario 4: You can first list 2 to 3 majors that interest you the most and that you believe you can handle. After you have taken a few courses in each of these majors, if timetable allows, it should become clear to you which one suits you the most.It is perfectly alright not being able to decide on your major of study right away. There could be factors you have not fully considered when you design your study plan while you first entered into theUniversity. Academic Advisers/Course SelectionAdvisers in the Faculty and Counsellors inCEDARS are resourceful professionals who areenthusiastic to assist you individually in makingsuch decisions.A re You Qualified to Take this Major or Minor?Can you select this major or minor if you have not taken the related A-level subjects?Students can usually satisfy the minimum entry requirements, if applicable, for each major and minor either by obtaining passes in the A-level or AS-level subjects as required, or by obtaining passes in the introductory level bridging courses as prescribed. Please consult Course Selection Advisers for advices that will better suit your individual background.How is this related to the Faculty Electives?You are required to take and pass at least 6 credits in each of the 3 blocks of Faculty Electives for graduation. Faculty Electives are courses offered as required introductory courses in the major or minor curriculum, or courses specially designed to broaden the students’ interest in Science, or fundamental courses bridging students to the equivalent standard of HKALE. You may consider taking advantage of these courses as starting points to explore different areas of interest. You may also be able to use these Faculty Electives to satisfy your major or minor curriculum at the end.D o You Need to Do a Minor or a Second Major?Some myths and misconceptionsMyth: I must do a minor if I go by the minimum requirements in my major.Reality: It is perfectly alright to do the minimum requirements in a major without a minor. A single major without a minor is not a less respectable degree than any major-minor combination.Myth: I must do a minor or a second major to demonstrate a broadened background.Reality: You can achieve an equally broad academic training without doing a minor. In fact, an academic record showing a wide range of elective courses from various disciplines may provide you with the background training to understand and discuss issues intelligently in different subjects, and the ability to connect knowledge and concepts across disciplines.Why choose a minor?A minor is a structured academic programme for those students pursuing the subject as a second interest. Here are some of the reasons for doing a minor.∙You have more than a casual interest in an elective subject.∙You would like to be recognized to have achieved a certain extent of knowledge in the elective subject.∙The minor can enhance your study major and improve your opportunities for further studies or career.In most cases, you can enroll in the same courses listed in the curriculum without formally registering for minor in that subject. Deciding to do a minor in a certain subject may actually reduce your flexibility to take other elective courses because of the core requirements and possible timetable clashes.What about a second major?A double major in two different subjects bears testimony to the student’s academic ability and may enable the student to seek career in either area. Here are some of the reasons for doing a second major.∙You have a strong interest in two different subjects.∙You have confidence in your ability to study two subjects at the same time.∙You are committed to devote much time and effort on study.∙You believe the dual major can enhance your opportunities for further studies or career.Before committing to do a minor or a second major, you should ask yourself the following questions:∙Do I have the background and ability to complete the additional course requirements?∙Can I afford the time and effort?∙Would the minor or second major enhance my academic training and career prospect?∙Does the minor or second major agree with what I want to achieve for my university learning?∙Would doing a minor or a second major actually hamper my intention to broaden my horizon in even more disciplines?∙Are there other endeavours I would rather devote my time?R esources for Advice and SupportWeb-based Information System & HandbooksA. Handbook for BSc StudentsB. BSc CoursesC. Student Information SystemAdvising in PersonD. CEDARSAdvisersE. AcademicF. Course Selection Advisers (CSAs)Special EventDayG. InductionA. Handbook for BSc Students( comprehensive description of the major/minor curriculum requirements,degree regulations, graduation requirements, course selection procedures, examinations and honours classification, major events, and calendar.B. BSc courses(✓Description of Science majors and minors offered to BSc students.✓Descriptions of courses in Science majors and minors and Science Common Core courses.✓The Regulations for the Bachelor of Science Degree.C. Student Information SystemYou do not need to declare your major inthe first year. You have to declare yourprimary science major during the courseselection period (August) before the startof your second year of study.Declaration of major-minor is madethrough the Student Information System (SIS).D. CEDARS( University’s Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS) provides students with a variety of resources and services on personal and career development. You may seek professional advices on career guidance and professional preparation from their Careers Counsellors. CEDARS keeps students updated on career information, summer internship, and part-time opportunities and organizes workshops and career talks to help students prepare themselves for their career challenges. Visit the CEDARS’s homepage for tips on career planning and preparation for your interested career.E. Academic AdvisersTo assist students with the smooth transition from secondary to university education and help students set their academic and personal goals, each first year student from 2011-12 would be assigned an Academic Adviser to enrich their total learning experience.when you encounterare teachersDepartment of Biochemistry from which courses of the 15 Science majors are offered. For each major, there are a number of CSAs who can discuss with students about their choice of courses during the course selection period and the course add/drop period. You may also seek their expert advices on choosing your majors and minors. Refer to the Handbook for BSc Students for the list of CSAs.Apart from seeking advices:✓You must meet your Academic Adviser to seek signature of the courses you have selected by printing the “My Course History” from the StudentInformation System (SIS) after finishing online course selection duringthe course add/drop period in the first two weeks of the first semester(mandatory for all BSc I students);You must meet the Course Selection Adviser for the following matters: ✓Seek signature of the Course Approval Form when you do not meet the prerequisite requirement of courses or if you have timetable clashes;✓Seek suggestions of replacement courses if a particular course appears in the curriculum of both your double-major or major-minor combination;✓Seek approval for taking course load deviating from normal course load if you wish to take fewer than 24 or more than 36 credits in thefirst/second semester or more than 72 credits in an academic year (forBSc II or above students only).G. Induction DayAn Induction Day is organized by the Faculty tointroduce to you the BSc degree structure, servicesprovided by the Faculty and HKU in assisting you toformulate your study plan. The Induction Day iscompulsory for BSc I students which will be held inAugust during the time you have to select your courses. In addition to an Induction Seminar, the Induction Day includes activities such as small group discussion with science teachers, talks on Science majors and minors, course and major selection, advising system, graduation requirement and Faculty regulations. Teachers and students will also be available in the information booths for each Science major and minor to answer your questions. All firstyear students should not miss such a valuable chance for getting information on the different majors!For BSc II or above students, a Consultation Session is also held in August where CSAs are available to advise you on selection of courses.H ow to Formulate Your Study Plan? A Step-by-Step ApproachFollow the step-by-step guide below to formulate your study plan in your first year.Self-explorationTry to understand yourself more, and be honest to your interest. Match your interest with your ability and personality, and take a balance between them. Identify the expected outcome and targets you would like to achieve with your degree.Step 2students in the interested majors.Integrate InformationExecuting Your Planyear.plan after talking to the Adviser.F AQs on Major-Minor Selection1. When do I need to declare major?You do not need to declare your major in your first year. You have to declare your major during the course selection period (August) before the start of your second year of study. You can change your declared major / minor as long as the course selection system is opened in each semester, throughout your stay at the University before you graduate.2. Can I change my major later?Yes, but you should consider whether:a. you are capable of studying a major that is totally new to you;b. you have fulfilled the prerequisites of that major and you may have toextend your study;c. the courses you have successfully completed can be used towards thenew major;d. you are indeed going to commit to the major that you will switch to.3. Would all the credits that I previously took for a particular major be wastedand would I need to start from scratch again if I switch to another major?A major requires at least 72 credits of courses. If you switch major, you may haveto start with the introductory courses in the major. You should consider carefully whether you can finish your degree on time. The credits that you have already earned can generally be counted as electives. In all cases, you should consider to consult a Course Selection Adviser if you plan to change your major very late in the course of your University study.4. If I have declared a 2nd major or a minor, but I cannot go on to complete the2nd major or the minor, what should I do?If you cannot complete the 2nd major or the minor, it would not be shown on the transcript. Nonetheless, you are always encouraged to approach the Faculty Office or a Course Selection Adviser if you have any questions.5. Do I need to fulfill any requirements to declare a 2nd major or a minor?Some non-Science faculties may set a minimum requirement for their majors and minors offered. Please check details from the relevant faculties.6. Who can I ask for advice about major and course selection?There are Course Selection Advisers (CSAs) for each major who can answer questions related to the particular Science major(s) and individual courses. If you have not made up your mind, you may seek advice from multiple CSAs of your interested majors. You can also visit our Advisers in the Faculty of Science Office.7. Can I use my course to satisfy the requirement of 2 different majors (or therequirement of a major and a minor) if such a course appears in the syllabus of both?Whenever the same course appears in the curriculum of one or more majors (or minors), it can only be used for satisfying the curriculum requirement of one major or minor. Students need to approach Course Selection Advisers for suggestions of replacement courses in order to complete the curriculum requirement of the selected options.8. Is there any activity by the Faculty to introduce information about major andcourse selection?An Induction Day will be held in August for all first year BSc students. A general talk would also be held to provide students an overview of the BSc curriculum and on course selection. Teachers and existing students will also be available in the information booths for each Science major and minor to answer your questions.A cademic Advising and Contact InformationThe Faculty of Science believes that academic advising is a key component of student learning in the University, particularly in light of the increased flexibility in the curriculum structure and in the number of major options available. An academic advisory system has been set up to offer advices to students based on their individual needs.Faculty Academic Advising:The Faculty of Science Office is responsible for providing general guidance and support, in particular to students who have troubles on identifying their major of study.Prof W K Chan (Associate Dean) Faculty of Science Office, G12, G/F., Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building Tel: 2859 2683Email: waichan@hku.hkMs June Tse (Student Advisor) Faculty of Science Office, G12, G/F., Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building Tel: 2859 2683Email: junetse@hku.hkAcademic Advisers:They are responsible for assisting freshmen with the smooth transition from secondary to university education, and help them set their academic and personal goals. A list of Academic Advisers can be found in the Handbook for BSc students.Course Selection Advisers:They are responsible for providing academic advising for each individual major. A list of Course Selection Advisers can be found in the Handbook for BSc Students.School / Departmental contacts:School / Departments Location, Telephone and WebsiteSchool of Biological Sciences 6/F, The Kadoorie Biological Sciences BuildingTel: 2299 0800 Web: 3/F, Laboratory Block, LKS Faculty of Medicine Building 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam Road, Hong KongTel: 2819 9240 Web: G/F, Chong Yuet Ming Chemistry BuildingTel: 2859 7919 / 2241 5131 Web: chem.hku.hkEarth Sciences Room 309, James Lee BuildingTel: 2859 1084 / 2857 8558 Web: Room 408, Run Run Shaw BuildingTel: 2859 2250 Web: Room 518, Chong Yuet Ming Physics BuildingTel: 2859 2360 Web: www.physics.hku.hkStatistics and Actuarial Science Room 502, Meng Wah ComplexTel: 2859 2466 Web: OF SCIENCE – THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG G12 Chong Yuet Ming Physics BuildingPokfulam Road, Hong KongTel:(852) 2859 2683 Fax: (852) 2858。



開課日期 2009 年 10 月 19 日
截止報名日期 2009 年 8 月 31 日
助學計劃查詢 2774 8501 客戶服務部;2774 8542 張小姐
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副學士基礎課程 / 行政秘書實務文憑課程 NCC 國際電腦證書/文憑課程 / NCC 國際電腦高級文憑課程 / 英國 Middlesex 大學電腦及商業資訊系統理學士學位 三文四語工商管理專業文憑課程 / HKIAAT 會計學文憑課程 / ACCA 應用會計學文憑 英國威爾斯大學基礎證書課程 / 榮譽文學士課程
本人欲申請以下資助(只選一項): 口 副學士基礎課程學費 全額資助 HK$24,000 口 副學士基礎課程學費 全額資助 HK$24,000;及
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中文名:香港大学外文名:The University of Hong Kong简称:港大(HKU)校训:明德格物创办时间:1911年类别:港府资助学校类型:综合主管部门:香港特别行政区现任校长:徐立之知名校友:孙中山张爱玲朱光潜何鸿燊所属地区:中国香港主要院系:建筑学院文学院经济及工商管理学院牙医学院院士:12人香港大学,简称港大(英语:The University of Hong Kong,HKU),是一所于1910年于香港岛成立的大学,其前身为香港西医书院,是香港历史最悠久的大学。

港大中文校训为“明德格物”,而拉丁文对应的校训则为Sapientia Et Virtus。






香港大学于《英国泰晤士报》(Times Higher Education Supplement,「泰晤士报高等教育特刊」)2007年的大学排名中位列全球第十八位。


在《泰晤士报》(Times Higher Education Supplement,「泰晤士报高等教育特刊」)2009年的大学排名中,香港大学位列全球第二十四位。




在国际高等教育研究机构Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)最新公布的亚洲大学排名榜中,港校名列前茅,香港大学、科技大学、中文大学再次晋身5强,位列亚洲区第1、第2及第4位,力压日本、韩国、新加坡一众名牌大学,可见港校质素广受认同。



香港大学 SPACE‧全球 3 大专业人才教育机构
• 个案研究实例 6. 心理学角度看待 EI 在工作场所的运用 • 概念的产生和解决问题 • 创造卓越绩效的气候 • 在个人见解和突破上表现 • 彰显自我情绪控制 • 口头和非口头交流 • 情绪智力和正向心理学 7. 情绪智力与领导力 • 负责管理绩效的领导能力 • 从代表团到赋予权力 • 采用有效的领导行为和态度 • 用 EI 执行教练 • 用 EI 工具解决冲突 5. 员工契合心理学 Employee Engagement Psychology 员工契合是指员工从感情上和理智上致力于完成工作、使命和愿景的程度。具有高度 员工契合度的组织,通常的特点是具有一个高效执行的工作环境,在此环境下,员工 被充分调动,为了顾客的利益和组织的成功竭尽全力。 主要内容: 1. 员工敬业度为何重要 • 什么是员工敬业度 • 衡量员工敬业度 a) 心理状态投入 b) 工作投入 c) 情感承诺 d) 积极情感 • 员工敬业度对企业绩效的影响 a) 行为结果 b) 财务结果 c) 战略结果 2. 什么驱动员工敬业度 • 敬业度驱动力 • 敬业度的心理条件 a) 心理意义 b) 心理安全 c) 心理可用性 d) 心理授权 MP (05-2017)
香港大学 SPACE‧全球 3 大专业人才教育机构
香港大学 SPACE‧全球 3 大专业人才教育机构
管理心理学研究生文凭 Postgraduate Diploma in Managerial Psychology (完成「校内工作坊」,十门必修课及「专案」,并通过评核者,可获香港大学颁发「管理 心理学研究生文凭 」,学分国际认可,为研究生级别。) 1. 香港大学「校内工作坊」—超越自我 (16 小时) Residential Workshop @HKU —Excel Yourself 校内工作坊采用企管领袖讲座、校外考察、小组讨论、口头报告及学员相互点评等多 元教学模式,透过多方互动培养内地学员作为新一代高管的必要素质。 主要内容: • 人际沟通 Interpersonal Communication • 跨文化管理 Cross-cultural Management • 领导力:培养领袖气质 Leadership: Cultivating charisma • 企业社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility • 经济管理前沿热点议题 Current Topics in Economics and Management 2. 个人管理心理学 Psychology of Managing Individuals 这门课让学员了解管理心理学作为心理学的分支及其价值和目的,认真分析并探讨管 理心理学的企业需求。学员可以借助心理学理论解决管理问题,并有效运用心理学概 念和工具处理企业管理内/外部问题,从而将管理心理学模式和方法运用于实践。 主要内容: 1. 心理学导论 • 什么是心理学?定义和目标 • 工业/组织心理学 2. 管理心理学的描述与总体轮廓 • 定义 • 重要性 • 价值 • 目的 3. 管理心理学的社会需求 • 向企业成功的关键 • 管理不同个体特性,营造公司形象 • 组织绩效 MP (05-2017)

搭建终身学习的立交桥:HKU SPACE的实践

搭建终身学习的立交桥:HKU SPACE的实践
育局 ,2 0 )。 08
层 次

程 ,每 年 开 办 的课 程有 I 0 多 门 ;在教 育 范 围上包 i0
括 成 人 教育 、继 续 教 育 、远 程 教 育 、职 业教 育等 。 目前 ,学 院 已经形 成 的与 资 历架 构一 致 的继 续教 育 模 式 ,详 见表 2 。
学 习体 系提 供 参 考 。
关键词 : 立交桥教育体 系;资历架构;香港继续教育 ;终身学 习 中图分类号 :G 2 文献标识码 :A 76
习型社会的终 身学 习体系的建立 。 背景 2 ]年 5 0 0 月63,中 国国务 院 常务 会议 审议 并通 1 香 港政 府部 门 认识 到 ,要 真正 有效 地构 建 终身 过 了 国家 中长期 教 育改 革和 发 展规 划 纲要 (0 0 学 习体 系 ,促进 全社 会终 身 学 习氛 围的 形成 ,就 必 2 1
续教育学分积 累与转换 制度 ,实现不 同类型学 习成果 及建 构 终身 学 习体 系 ( 香港 教 育局 ,2 0 )。香港 08 的互认和衔接 。 “ 交桥”的概念 ,与国际上流行的 建立 的 资 历架构 ,通过 确立 每一 等级 的质量标 准 及 立 普通教 育 、职业教 育、继 续教 育贯通 和衔接 的资历架 质量 保证 体 系 ,把正 规教 育 、继 续教 育、以 及职 业

22年 ) 00 ( 下简称 纲要 )。 以 须 实现 正 规教 育 与继 续教 育 及职 业教 育 的衔接 和 贯 纲 要 首次 提 出搭 建 终 身学 习 “ 交桥 ”的 通 ,为 终 身 学 习者 建 立 持续 的学 习阶 梯 。2 0 年 2 立 04 理念 ,提 出将各种不 同类型的教育形式统 一到继续教 月 ,香港 行 政会 议通 过成 立 一个 跨界 别 的资 历架 构 07 育范 围之 内,其 中包括 成人教 育、社 区教育、继续教 及相 关 的 资 历保 证 机 制 。香港 特 区政府 在 2 0 年 5 育 、开放教育 、远程 教育 、 1学考试 等。并且建立继 月通 过 了法 案成 立 香港 资 历架构 ,以发 展人 力 资源 9



























3.香港大学文凭考试(HKU SPACE)
香港大学文凭考试(HKU SPACE)是一个针对成年人和非大学生的学士文凭考试,通过该考试可以获得与中国以外的大学同等的学位。

该考试分为两个部分,分别是国际通用考试(Common Examinations)和专业考试(Professional Examinations)。






三月份课程说明会已公布 席位预定可 网上报名 学院隆重推出【寻找老校友,发现好 故事】活动 学院Open talk活动广受好评第 2/5 页)[2013/2/27 9:55:35]
香港大学SPACE中国商业学院 – 专业、高管人员研究生课程│管理培训│机构定制课程
全球运营与管理(GOM) Global Operations and Management
香港大学是香港历史最悠久的高 等学府,百年来网罗众多精英学 生,培养无数国际领袖。港大也 是国际著名的高等院校,一直名 列全球最富盛名的25所大学。 2010年,在「泰晤士高等教 育」的世界大学排名中位列 21,居亚洲第一。 详细介绍 »
香港大学SPACE中国商业学院 – 专业、高管人员研究生课程│管理培训│机构定制课程
零售管理与购物者营销(RMSM) Retail Management and Shopper Marketing 企业财务与投资管理(CFIM) Corporate Finance and Investment Management
学院Open talk活动广受好评... 学院隆重推出【寻找老校友,发现好故事... Knowledge SPACE Ca... 学院将陆续推出2012【讲座日】精华... Knowledge SPACE Ca... 香港大學SPACE中國商業學院首次在... 更多...
讲座日精华摘要: 组织发展——打造百... 讲座日精华摘要: 跨越60%失败率的... 讲座日精华摘要: 商业智能 - 把企... 讲座日精华摘要: 13%的成功率,变... SMART Learner 的五种特... 【转载】从跨文化看国际人才培养 更多...


18、Doctor of Medicine
19、Doctor of Nursing
Faculty of Science 理学院
1、Master of Science in Environmental Management
2、Master of Science in the field of Applied Geosciences
4、Master of Finance
Faculty of Dentistry 牙医学院
1、Master of Dental Surgery - Endodontics
2、Master in Dental Surgery - Implant Dentistry
4、Master of Arts in Linguistics
5、Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies
6、Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
9、Master of Science in Community Dentistry
10、Master of Science in General Dentistry
11、Advanced Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery



香港中文大学专业进修学院,简称CUSCS,(英语:School of Continuing and professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUSCS)原由香港中文大学于1965年成立校外进修部,在1994年易名为香港中文大学校外进修学院,并于2006年易名为香港中文大学专业进修学院。









跨境合作办学的质量保证——HKU SPACE“成人教育与终身学习”课程的案例

跨境合作办学的质量保证——HKU SPACE“成人教育与终身学习”课程的案例

的跨 国教育 , 且 主要 是 在高 等教 育领 域 。 而
跨 境 教 育 提 供 的 办 学 形 式 多 种 多 样 , 中 跨 境 其

合 作 及 联 合 。 在 2 0 年 , 经 济 发 展 合 作 组 织 02
军 丽恧i
跨 合 办 的 量 证【 境 作 学 质 保 专家 点 】
一郑钟幼龄 【 大学 。香港】 香港 ■张伟远 【 香港大 学 ,香港】 ■ 曾德源 【 香港大 学 ,香港】
跨 畲 孙 略 量 证 境 借 学 质 保
— —
H U S A 成人教育 与终身学 习" C“ K P E 课程 的案例
教 育 的提 供 机构 有 教 师 、 生 、 程 、 院/ 供 者 、 学 课 学 提
以及 课 程 材 料 ” 因 此 , 境 教 育 提 供 是 一 种 国 际 化 。 跨
为 了加 速全 球 化 教 育 的 发展 , 济 发 展合 作 组 经
织 ( OEC 和 联 合 国 教 科 文 组 织 ( D) UNE C ) 续 主 S O 连 办 国 际 会 议 , 力 推 动 国 与 国 、 区 与 地 区 之 间 的 竭 地 教 育 交 流 , 在 促 进 跨 国 家 、 地 区 、 文 化 的 教 育 旨 跨 跨
点】境 作 学 质保 跨 合 办 的 量证
合 作 办 学 是 最 主 要 的 形 式 。 作 为 国 际 上 最 开 放 的 城 市 之 一 , 香 港 的 跨 境 合 作 办 学 一 直 处 于 前 沿 的 地 位 , 种 合 作 办 学 主 要 是 在 继 续 高 等 教 育 领 域 。 香 这
高 校 的 国 际 一 流 课 程 , 过 优 质 资 源 共 享 , 香 港 通 为 培 养 了 大 批 国 际 化 和 专 业 化 人 才 , 大 促 进 了香 港 大 的 高 等 教 育 和 社 会 经 济 的 发 展 , 时 积 累 了跨 境 合 同



明德学院(Centennial College),又称香港大学明德学院是香港一所具有独立学士学位颁授资格的认可专上学院,坐落香港华富邨。




明德学院以东方儒家的明德至善、慎思明辨思想为经,西方liberal education精神为纬;以博文为教学内容,明德至善为教学理想,明辨慎思为思考方法,培养「以人为本」的精神为目标。
















HKU SPACE的办学经验及其对开放大学建设的启示

HKU SPACE的办学经验及其对开放大学建设的启示

HKU SPACE的办学经验及其对开放大学建设的启示王永辉【期刊名称】《江苏广播电视大学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(24)3【摘要】HKU SPACE is a successful practitioner of continuing education in Hong Kong .It insisted on educating from the social demand, developing and designing curriculum according to the characteristics and requirements of adult learners .It has succee-ded in constant innovating and developing school-running concept.At the same time, it adopted efficient company operation style, set up a system of internationalized cooperative education , constructed a reliable quality assurance system , maintained the cohesion and paralleling with "Overpass "of Hong Kong's lifelong education system, and formed a continuing education mode in accord with Hong Kong qualification framework .The experience of HKU SPACE gives reference to the Open University construc-tion.To construct the Open University, not only should we be based on the national conditions and inherit the characteristics of Chinese distance education, but also we should get rid of the stale and take the fresh , and draw experiences from the development of world distance education.% 香港大学专业进修学院(HKU SPACE)是香港继续教育的成功实践者,一直以来,它坚持从社会需求出发办学,根据成人学习者的特征和需求开发和设计课程,在办学理念上不断创新和发展,取得了成功。

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自己瞭解 別人瞭解 公開領域
秘密領域 (思思縮縮 亳不大方)
自己不瞭解 盲目領域
別人 不瞭解
自己 瞭解 自己不瞭解
公開 領域
別人 不瞭解
秘密 領域
自己瞭解 自己不瞭解
別人 不瞭解
Feedback & self exposure
獨善 其身
不同情況用不同態度, 但是, 長遠利益, 雙贏更好...
短線輸、長線贏 > 短線贏、長線輸
絕對的自由理論上可以存在嗎? 何時何地可存在?
絕對的自由在理論上可能存在 但由於社會是由人與人所組成,自由不 僅是個人的議題,而是社會中各個主體 之間彼此互相界定的程度 因此有人認為個人的自由受制於他人的 同等的自由 例如在圖書館不能談話、傾電話、公眾 場合不能吸煙、行為不檢等
﹣ 擴大你的公開領域,收窄你的盲目和隱藏領域
﹣ 開放自我(一般資料、喜好、信念、感受) ﹣ 邀請及接受別人給予一些對自己的回應/看法
-- 長處潛能都唔知, 例: 話劇天份
-- 壞特質只是暫時未浮現, 遲些則…
例: 貪生怕死 -- 在潛意識搞事: 例: 同性戀傾向
自己瞭解 自己不瞭解 別人瞭解 公開領域
盲目領域 (無自知之明 一廂情願)
別人 不瞭解 秘密領域 黑暗領域
自己瞭解 自己不瞭解
別人 不瞭解
自我揭露 (Self exposure)
1. 2. 3.
5人一組,每人5張紙 紙的正面寫上各組員的名字,包括自己 紙的背面寫上屬於該同學的三個優點(愈具
撈亂 抽出宣讀 估他/她是誰
2. 3.
別人猜中,自已又同意 → 公開領域
別人猜中,自己不知道 → 盲目領域 別人猜不中,只有自己知 → 隱蔽領域
你最多的資料(長處),屬於哪一個領域? →
自我揭露程度:高 / 低
﹣ 自我形像高 → 自我揭露程度高
2. 3.
刻意收藏自己的資料會消耗大量精力 若要與家人、朋友、同事建立互信關係,可以:
活動2 「自我揭露」
如果你不能自我開放,他 人難以接近你,難以令你 變得有價值。
(Johnson, n.d.)
讓你自己受人認識 讓你自己受人認識 自我揭露程度:女性 >男性
自我揭露的範疇和程度(Glaser, 1986).
基本資料 我係xxx, 我住係xxx… 喜好 我鍾意上PR/ 我最憎上PR 信念 我相信只要堅持,便能成功 感受 我好鍾意係毅進到識到既朋友
你 我

贏 輸
利己 損人 利人 好 聚 利己 損己 利人 好散 兩敗 俱傷
獨善 其身
六種人際利益關係 10分鐘準備, 3分鐘表演
情侶分手、老闆炒人、生意競爭、政府收地 同事、同學、區議會候選人間之合作與競爭
你 我

贏 輸
利己 損人 利人 好 聚 利己 損己 利人 好散 兩敗 俱傷
自我揭露活動 你自己和別人認識你的長處嗎?
覺醒視窗 Johari Window
自己瞭解 (我知你又知) 公開領域 開放的自我 (我知你唔知) 秘密領域 隱藏的自我 自己不瞭解 (你知我唔知) 盲目領域 盲目的自我 (大家都唔知) 黑暗領域 不知道的自我
別人 不瞭解
秘密領域: 年齡? 姓名?職業? 你估吓…
Yip sir (葉錦熙)
三人合組 → 取4粒
三人用任何方式決定如何分配所取到的瓜子 (如協商、猜拳、霸道) 解散現有的3人小組,重新組合新3人小組 → 取4粒
5. 6.
重覆過程1及2... 在限時10分鐘內,誰人取得最多瓜子者勝出。