
A.故事编构B.故事复述C.故事表演游戏D. .自发游戏正确答案:C4.在帮助幼儿深入理解体验作品内涵时,最重要的是让幼儿切身地感受作品所展示的()A.情感心理和精神世界B.言语结构C.故事情节D.人物形象满分:2分正确答案:A5.文学活动培养幼儿创造性运用语言的主要途径有仿编、想象讲述和()。
A.儿歌背诵B. .歌曲表演唱C. .诗歌朗诵D.故事编构满分:2分正确答案:D6.幼儿园的语言教育()A. .很难在游戏活动中进行B.只能在日常生活中进行C. .贯串于幼儿的一日生活D.只能通过专门的语言教育活动进行满分:2分精确谜底:C7.将教育目标转化为儿童发展的中间环节是学前儿童语言教育活动的()。
A.教育手段B.教育内容C.教育形式D. .教育评价满分:2分正确答案:B8.处于句法结构发展()阶段的儿童常常用“球球”表示“这是一个球”、“我要球球”等。

福师《语言与文化》在线作业一-0005试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题(共35 道试题,共70 分)1.( )is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.A.Connotative meaningB.Social meaningC.Reflected meaningD.Collective meaning正确的答案是:Aputer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime____.A.stageB.sceneC.locationD.occasion正确的答案是:B3.We expected many club members would come to the tea party,_______turned up.A.only a fewB.very fewC.but a fewD.but few正确的答案是:D4.I’d like to go to the cinema, but I’m_______to.A.enableB.disableC.unableD.able正确的答案是:Cpanies are struggling to find the right____between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.A.equationB.formulaC.balanceD.pattern正确的答案是:C6.We finished the run in less than half the time ____.A.allowingB.to allowC.allowed正确的答案是:C7.In deciding_______a course of action, the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters.A.what to pursueB.which to pursueC.whether to pursueD.if to pursue正确的答案是:C8.( )refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.A.HonorificsB.Terms of humilityC.EuphemismsD.Verbal taboos正确的答案是:D9.When the city was_______, everyone knew that total defeat was certain.A.cut offB.cut downC.cut acrossD.cut out正确的答案是:A10.The doctors are_______about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.A.at a stretchB.at a lossC.at randomD.at length正确的答案是:A11.____is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.A.Connotative meaningB.Social meaningC.Reflected meaningD.Collective meaning正确的答案是:A12.Hardly had he arrived at the airport_______he was told that the flight had been cancelled.A.thanB.whenD.then正确的答案是:B13.____refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.A.HonorificsB.Terms of humilityC.EuphemismsD.Verbal taboos正确的答案是:D14.Then the speaker______the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.A.went afterB.went forC.went intoD.put up with正确的答案是:C15.The decision_______how much money should go to education is of vital importance.A.due toB.owing toC.as toD.so as to正确的答案是:C16.A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and____your text more easily.A.registerB.editC.proposeD.discharge正确的答案是:B17.Waving good-bye is an example of( ).A.substitutionB.accentingC.regulatingplementing正确的答案是:A18.Many a man _______sacrificed his life for the cause of revolution.A.hasB.haveC.isD.are正确的答案是:A19.Analogy is often made in English between____and people who are rude or hot-tempered or people with high intelligence or remarkable power of endurance.A.bearsB.horsesC.monkeysD.foxes正确的答案是:A20.A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election_______he has the support from the party-faithful.A.in thatB.in whichC.for whichD.for that正确的答案是:B21.It was Allen who_______with the bright idea to have a barbecue near the lake.A.went upB.came alongC.went alongD.came up正确的答案是:D22.Some research workers completely____all those facts as though they never existed .A.ignoreB.leaveC.refuseD.miss正确的答案是:A23.In English culture, privacy is regarded as part of( ).A.human natureB.human desireC.human rightsD.individualism正确的答案是:C24.I would appreciate_______it a secret.A.your keepingB.you to keepC.that you keepD.that you will keep正确的答案是:A25.When the fever eventually_______, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a while.A.dies downB.dies outC.losesD.leaves正确的答案是:A26.We didn't know his telephone number;otherwise we______him.A.would have telephonedB.must have telephonedC.would telephoneD.had telephoned正确的答案是:A27.“Red tape”means( ).A.a red cassetteB.the rigid unnecessary official rules and regulationsC.the necessary of official rules and regulationsD.a red string正确的答案是:B28._____ the Internet is of great help. I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.A.IfB.WhileC.BecauseD.As正确的答案是:B29.Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he stil found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only______to his confusion.A.extendedB.amountedC.addedD.turned正确的答案是:C30.The word “workaholic”is often used to refer to( ).A.AfricansB.AmericansC.ChineseD.Koreans正确的答案是:B31.( )relations at the sentential level refer to construction whose components are linked through the use of conjunctions.A.HypotacticB.ParatacticC.GrammaticalD.Branching正确的答案是:A32.I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans_______.A.to be put offB.be put offC.should put offD.was put off正确的答案是:B33.Americans don't like being inquired about their choice of voting, because( ).A.they don't want others to know about itB.they are afraid to being murderedC.they don't want others to support their choice of votingD.they are not sure of their own choice of voting正确的答案是:A34.The prisoners will work for up to 90 days _______the gang.A.toB.atC.onD.of正确的答案是:C35.When you want to learn about someone's family relationship with another person, you may ask____.A.Are you relatives?B.Are you family members?C.How are you called?D.How are you related?正确的答案是:D二、判断题(共15 道试题,共30 分)36.Stereotyping has its practical uses and limitations, because it helps us better understand what appears to be a mess and at the same time any generalization is very often an overgeneralization.37.North Americans prefer to sit where they are side-by-side to one another.正确的答案是:错误38.In certain situations body action contradicts what is being said.正确的答案是:正确39.()On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meet Professor Jones walking to the cinema, too. You can greet him by saying You're going to see the film, aren't you?正确的答案是:错误40.Whenever someone responds to the behavior or the behavior residue of another person, communication has taken place.正确的答案是:正确41.“Promises”like Why don't we get together one of these days? , though frequently made by Americans, are no commitment.正确的答案是:正确42.To initiate conversation with an Englishman , you can say It's raining today, isn't it ?正确的答案是:错误43.Some anthropologists refer to custom, rituals and, in a word, the total life way of a people as popular culture.正确的答案是:正确44.()In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family.正确的答案是:错误45.It is a Chinese way of showing hospitality to insist on people accepting offers of drinks and cigarettes.正确的答案是:正确46.Given name or forename has recently replace Christian name in many English form, because religious beliefs are very much a matter of privacy.正确的答案是:正确47.Americans expect an invitation to a dinner or a request for a date or for any other social event to be offered reasonably far in advance.正确的答案是:正确48.Monochronic time systems are characterized by several things happening at once.49.In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someone that he or she has put on some weight.正确的答案是:错误50.In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family.正确的答案是:错误。

福师《C++语言程序设计》在线作业一试卷总分:100 测试时间:--试卷得分:92•单选题•判断题•多选题一、单选题(共20道试题,共40分。
)得分:34 V1.如果友元函数重载一个运算符时,其参数表中没有任何参数则说明该运算符是()。
A.—元运算符B.二元运算符•C.重载错误D.都可能满分:2 分 得分:02.C++语言对C语言做了很多改进,C++语言相对于C语言的最根本的变化是()。
A.增加了一些新的运算符B.允许函数重载,并允许设置缺省参数C.规定函数说明符必须用原型D.引进了类和对象的概念满分:2 分 得分:23.若用数组名作为函数调用时的实参,则实际上传递给形参的是()•A.数组首地址B.数组的第一个元素值C.数组中全部元素的值D.数组元素的个数满分:2 分 得分:24.关于异常和C++提供的异常处理机制。
()A.若程序员预见到程序的异常,则一定可以通过修政程序代码来避免异常出现B.使用dyname cast操作符可能会发生异常C.异常可以用catch捕获处理D.异常可以是对象,也可以是普通函数满分:2 分 得分:25.在C++语言中,为了使得类中的某些数据成员及某些成员函数的返回值能取任意类型,应使用()A•类•:B.类模板C.抽象类D.虚基类满分:2 分 得分:26.在C++语言中,对函数参数默认值描述正确的是()。
A.函数参数的默认值只能设定一个B.—个函数的参数若有多个,则参数默认值的设定可以不连续C.函数参数必须设定默认值D.在设定了参数的默认值后,该参数后面定义的所有参数都必须设定默认值满分:2 分 得分:2下面程序的运行结果为.#includeclass Apublic :A〇{c o u t«T;}〜A(Xcout<<,,2,,;}}class B:public A{public:B(){c o u t«5,3w;}〜B(Xcout<<”4”;}}void main(){B b;}A.1234B.1324l f C.1342D.3142满分:2分得分:28.类B是通过public继承方式从类A派生而来的,且类A和类B都有完整的实现代码,那么下列说法正确的是A.类B中具有pubic可访问性的成员函数个数一定不少于类A中public成员函数的个数。
福师《语言学概论》在线作业一 答案

福师《语言学概论》在线作业一一、单选题(共10 道试题,共20 分。
)1. 与“看电影”相同组合类型的短语是()。
A. 看一本B. 看一回C. 看一次D. 看一遍正确答案:A2. “骄”,原指高大健壮的马,现成为表“自高自大”义的语素。
这属于:A. 词义的扩大B. 词义的缩小C. 词义的转移D. 词义的增加正确答案:C3. “闻”的音节如何拼写?()A. wen--w u e nB. wen--w e nC. wen--u e nD. wen--w u e i n.正确答案:C4. 下列选项中属于偏正式的是:A. 眼花B. 脸红C. 地震D. 雪白正确答案:D5. “嘴”,本指身体的口,后来变为指一切动物的口(甚至比喻一切事物的出入部分,如“茶壶嘴”。
),这属于:A. 词义的扩大B. 词义的缩小C. 词义的转移D. 词义的增加正确答案:A6. 语音的本质属性是:A. 生理属性B. 物理属性C. 心理属性D. 社会属性正确答案:D7. 组合规则的发展主要表现为:A. 形态的改变B. 语法范畴的消长C. 词类的发展D. 语序的变化正确答案:D8. 研究某个具体语言的语音,即研究某一种语言或某一种方言的语音情况的的语音学是:A. 普通语音学B. 专语语音学C. 历史语音学D. 实验语音学正确答案:B9. 北京话“友好”中的“友”实际读音声调是阳平,这种现象属于语流音变中的( )。
A. 同化B. 异化C. 弱化D. 脱落正确答案:B10. 语言中,()是发展速度最快的部分。
A. 一般词汇B. 语音C. 语法D. 基本词汇正确答案:A福师《语言学概论》在线作业一二、多选题(共22 道试题,共44 分。
)1. 形态学分类法根据语法结构特点把人类语言分为:A. 孤立语B. 屈折语C. 粘着语D. 复综语正确答案:ABCD2. 洋泾浜语的特点是:A. 语法较为简单B. 规则减少到最低限度C. 语音也因受当地语言系统的影响而大走样D. 词汇量也有限正确答案:ABCD3. 人类语言和所谓动物“语言”的区别:A. 人类语言具有单位明晰性特点B. 人类语言的音义结合具有任意性特点C. 人类语言是一种开放系统D. 人类语言具有结构的二层性正确答案:ABCD4. 洋泾浜是语言接触中的一种畸形的语言现象。

A一般词汇B语音C语法D基本词汇正确答案:A学生答案:A得分:.解析:3.下列选项中属于偏正式的是:A眼花B脸红C地震D雪白正确答案:D学生答案:D得分:.解析:4.借词“苏打(soda 英)”的形成通过下面途径:A音译B音译加意译C半音译半意译D意译学生答案:A得分:.解析:5.世界上的语种中使用人口最多的是:A英语B汉语C俄语D法语正确答案:B学生答案:B得分:.解析:6.“骄”,原指高大健壮的马,现成为表“自高自大”义的语素。
这属于:A词义的扩大B词义的缩小C词义的转移D词义的增加正确答案:C学生答案:C得分:.解析:7.“兵器”是“兵”的:A本义B中心意义C派生意义D唯一意义正确答案:A学生答案:A得分:.解析:8.北京话“友好”中的“友”实际读音声调是阳平,这种现象属于语流音变中的( )。
2016秋 福师《大学英语(1)》在线作业一标准答案标准答案

B. to iron
C. ironing
D. being ironed
10.He and his family had to ( ) on 50$ a week. (满分:2)
A. act
B. action
C. activity
D. doings
6.One( )( )( )if one breaks the law. (满分:2)
A. will be punished
A. has joined, in
B. has joined, since
C. joined, on
D. joined, in
8.We can go when the ground( )( )( ). (满分:2)
A. which
B. that
C. what
D. whether
19.— You should have given them some suggestions. — ( )( )( ) , but who would listen to me? (满分:2)
A. Germany;Germen
B. German;Germany
C. Germany;German
D. Germany;Germans
24.I don't mind how hot it is, but I can't the cold. (满分:2)
19秋福师《语言与文化》在线作业一 辅导答案

6. English is a hypotactic language and Chinese is a paratactic language because( ).
A. English has more connectives than Chinese
B. English people are analytic thinkers and Chinese people are holistic thinkers
B. individualism
C. socialism
D. environmentalism
3. It has been years_______I returned home.
A. after
B. that
C. since
D. when
4. Man’s greatest energy comes not from his physical strength_______his dreams.
7. If you are walking away from a clock tower, you will hear the ticking of the clock fade to a point_______it cannot be heard.
A. which
B. what
C. where
A. stage
B. scene
C. location
D. occasion
15. ____relations at the sentential level refer to construction whose components are linked through the use of conjunctions.

福师《语言学概论》在线作业一一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。
)1. 北京话“友好”中的“友”实际读音声调是阳平,这种现象属于语流音变中的( )。
. 同化. 异化. 弱化. 脱落正确答案:d2. 现代语言学建立于十九世纪初,以()的产生为标志。
. 结构主义语言学. 转换-生成语言学. 历史比较语言学. 共时语言学正确答案:b3. 下列选项中属于派生词的是:. 阿哥. 语言. 电灯. 是非正确答案:d4. 语言中,()是发展速度最快的部分。
. 一般词汇. 语音. 语法. 基本词汇正确答案:a5. 普通话中的“好”用国际音标记为()。
. [ hɑo ]. [ xɑu ]. [ hɑu ]. [ xɑo ]正确答案:b6. 关于索绪尔的语言理论核心,下列说法不正确的是(). “语言”和“言语”不同,语言学的对象是语言。
. 语言是一种符号系统,符号是由“能指”和“所指”结合而成的统一体。
. 语言符号系统中的一切要素都处在组合关系和聚合关系中。
. 语言学有共时语言学与历时语言学之分,历时比共时重要。
正确答案:b7. “骄”,原指高大健壮的马,现成为表“自高自大”义的语素。
这属于:. 词义的扩大. 词义的缩小. 词义的转移. 词义的增加正确答案:a8. 研究某个具体语言的语音,即研究某一种语言或某一种方言的语音情况的的语音学是:. 普通语音学. 专语语音学. 历史语音学. 实验语音学正确答案:b9. 世界上的语种中使用人口最多的是:. 英语. 汉语. 俄语. 法语正确答案:c10. 语言学概论这门课就属于:. 历时语言学. 普通语言学. 共时语言学. 应用语言学正确答案:a福师《语言学概论》在线作业一二、多选题(共 22 道试题,共 44 分。
)1. 符号由()两个部分构成。
. 形式. 意义. 正面. 反面正确答案:abc2. 形态学分类法根据语法结构特点把人类语言分为:. 孤立语. 屈折语. 粘着语. 复综语正确答案:abcd3. 洋泾浜是语言接触中的一种畸形的语言现象。

福师《大学英语(1)》在线作业一1:My classmate____________a lot ofgood deeds for others.A:has been doneB:didC:was doingD:had done正确答案:B2:The news reporters hurried to theairport,only____________the film stars had left.A:to tellB:to be toldC:tellingD:told正确答案:B3:My friend ____ to visit the GreatWall,too.A:does not planB:plan notC:not plansD:plans正确答案:D4:If you____________quiet,I'll tell you what happened.A:beB:are to beC:areD:will be正确答案:C5:We have come to a critical moment.You must take immediate ___. A:actB:actionC:activityD:doings正确答案:B6:One____________if one breaks thelaw.A:will be punishedB:will punishC:is being punishedD:has been punished正确答案:A7:He ____________the CommunistParty____________2002.A:has joined,inB:has joined,sinceC:joined,onD:joined,in正确答案:D8:We can go when theground____________.A:is dryingB:has driedC:driedD:dry正确答案:B9:Your shirt needs____________ .You'd better have it done today. A:ironB:to ironC:ironingD:being ironed正确答案:C10:He and his family had to ______ on50$ a week.A:payB:spendC:liveD:exist正确答案:B11:After ____________ his work,he came to help me with my English. A:finishedB:being finishedC:finishingD:having been finished正确答案:C12:—Are you getting a new flat thisyear?rn—____ I can't afford to pay my bills,let alone buy a new flat.A:Without question.B:You must be joking.C:Good idea!D:Are you sure?正确答案:B13:I've enjoyed____________ totalk with you.A:to be ableB:being ableC:to been ableD:of being able正确答案:B14:People appreciate____________ withhim because he has a good sense of humor.A:to workB:to have workedC:workingD:have working正确答案:C15:Various programs____________on TV.World news____________best received.A:will show,areB:are shown,isC:are showing,isD:have shown,are正确答案:B16:—Oh,Betty,we will be having a buffet party next Saturday,and we'd like you to join us. rn—________,Susan. What's the occasion? What time do you want to me tocome?A:I'd love toB:No wayC:By no meansD:I'm afraid not.正确答案:A17:____to the Chinese Culture Club.Youcan learn Beijing opera here. A:ComingB:WelcomeC:Well comeD:Will come正确答案:B18:It was the officer ____________informed the village of the danger. A:whichB:thatC:whatD:whether正确答案:B19:—You should have given them somesuggestions. —____________ ,but who would listen to me?A:So should IB:So I shouldC:So did ID:So I did正确答案:D20:His three children ____________ nowcollege graduates,he felt he could retire frombusiness.A:to beB:beingC:having beenD:been正确答案:B21:They will____to Paris next year.A:tripB:getC:visitD:travel正确答案:D22:—Hurry up please,or I'll be late. rn—_______A:Sorry sir,but the traffic is thick now.B:Well,it's alright,sir.C:How can you say that,sir?D:Oh,we aregoing the right way.正确答案:A23:They are from__________.Theyare_________.A:Germany;GermenB:German;GermanyC:Germany;GermanD:Germany;Germans正确答案:D24:I don't mind how hot it is,but I can't ___ the cold. A:standB:fightC:keepD:beat正确答案:A25:My wife said in her letter that shewould appreciate ____________ from you sometime.A:to have heardB:to hearC:for hearingD:hearing正确答案:D26:I didn't see the minister,____________ did I see the secretary. A:soB:norC:eitherD:none正确答案:B27:The sun is____________ ,far away from the earth.A:muchB:veryC:farD:so正确答案:C28:—Do you mind my smoking here? rn—_________.A:No,thanks.B:Yes,I do.C:Yes. I'd rather not.D:Good idea.正确答案:B29:Only when the planfailed____________ his mistakes.A:did he realizeB:does he realizeC:he realizedD:he realizes正确答案:A30:It's a fine day.Let's go fishing,____________ ?A:won't weB:will weC:don't weD:shall we正确答案:D31:Helen had to shout____________abovethe sound of the music.A:making herself hearB:to make herself hearC:making herself heardD:to make herself heard正确答案:D32:I'm afraid I can'tfinish the work ____________to help me.A:unless you will comeB:unless you comeC:until you will comeD:until you shall come正确答案:B33:We look ____ to receiving a promptreply to our letter.A:roundB:throughC:afterD:forward正确答案:D34:Silver is____________the bestconductor.A:evenB:moreC:veryD:by far正确答案:D35:The Red Army seized the land and_____ it to the poor peasants. A:attributedB:distributedC:contributedD:assigned正确答案:B36:The number of teachers in thisschool_______ unknown.A:areB:is beingC:isD:are being正确答案:C37:Please don't ___ Bobby whenhe ___ you.A:turn down,turns toB:turn away from,turns intoC:turn off,turns upD:turn out,turns over正确答案:A38:We all know knowledge begins ___practice.A:atB:fromC:inD:with正确答案:D39:There____________more than 300,000 kinds of plants on the earth. A:isB:are existingC:existsD:exist正确答案:D40:—It's cold in here. Do youmind if I close the door?rn—_______. A:With pleasureB:Yes,pleaseC:Of course notD:Thank you正确答案:C41:A number of paintings in the castleare believed____________in a fire. A:being destroyedB:having been destroyedC:to be destroyedD:to have been destroyed正确答案:D42:The red rose is her __________.A:favorB:favoriteC:likeD:best正确答案:B43:—How are you feeling? rn—Much better. _________.A:Thanks for coming to see me.B:You look great.C:You are so tired.D:Don't mention it.正确答案:A44:This new clue _______ the policemenand they were more confused by the murder.A:puzzledB:surprisedC:trappedD:discouraged正确答案:A45:The iron,_____,breathes air as we do.A:as it wasB:as it wereC:as it isD:as it will正确答案:B46:—Would you like to have dinner withus this evening? rn—________. A:OK,but Ihave to go to a meeting nowB:No,Ican'tC:Sorry,butthis evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsD:I don't know正确答案:C47:Although I had read the bookassigned by the professor several times,itdidn't make any__ to me.A:meaningB:importanceC:senseD:significance正确答案:C48:In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered ifthey____________.A:have survivedB:are to surviveC:would survivedD:will survive正确答案:B49:We cannot judge a person simply onthe ___ of his education.A:conditionB:basisC:principleD:theory正确答案:B50:Middle school boys____________not tosmoke. A:always tellB:are told alwaysC:are always toldD:is always told正确答案:C。

福师《语言学概论》在线作业一一、单选题(共10 道试题,共20 分。
)1. 下列选项中属于偏正式的是:( D )A. 眼花B. 脸红C. 地震D. 雪白满分:2 分2. 语言中,(A)是发展速度最快的部分。
A. 一般词汇B. 语音C. 语法D. 基本词汇满分:2 分3. “嘴”,本指身体的口,后来变为指一切动物的口(甚至比喻一切事物的出入部分,如“茶壶嘴”。
),这属于:( A )A. 词义的扩大B. 词义的缩小C. 词义的转移D. 词义的增加满分:2 分4. 组合规则的发展主要表现为:(D)A. 形态的改变B. 语法范畴的消长C. 词类的发展D. 语序的变化满分:2 分5. 下列短语结构分析不正确的是(D)。
A. 哥哥弟弟是联合短语B. 牛皮鞋子是偏正短语C. 管理公司是动宾短语D. 说得明白是主谓短语满分:2 分6. 与“看电影”相同组合类型的短语是(A )。
A. 看一本B. 看一回C. 看一次D. 看一遍满分:2 分7. 北京话“友好”中的“友”实际读音声调是阳平,这种现象属于语流音变中的(B )。
A. 同化B. 异化C. 弱化D. 脱落满分:2 分8. 借词“啤酒”的形成通过下面途径:BA. 音译B. 音译加意译C. 半音译半意译D. 意译满分:2 分9. 在各个语系中,(B)是研究的最充分、最深入的一个语系。
A. 汉藏语系B. 印欧语系C. 南亚语系D. 高加索语系满分:2 分10. 语言学概论这门课就属于:(B)A. 历时语言学B. 普通语言学C. 共时语言学D. 应用语言学满分:2 分二、多选题(共22 道试题,共44 分。
)1. 汉语大量吸收借词的两个历史时期:BDA. 秦汉B. 汉唐C. 明代D. 晚清到“五四”前后满分:2 分2. 词语深层义的读解的方法有:ABCDA. 依据语境考察词语深层的信息容量B. 依据语境辨析词语表层义与深层义的反差C. 依据语境欣赏寻常词语的内蕴情趣D. 依据语境揣摩人物形态心理满分:2 分3. 使用人数最多的两个语系是:ABA. 汉藏语系B. 印欧语系C. 南亚语系D. 高加索语系满分:2 分4. 语言和文化的关系:ABA. 语言作为民族文化的组成部分,表现文化的一系列民族特征B. 语言又作为文化的形式,反映民族文化的内容C. 语言和文化没有关系D. 语言不是民族文化的内容满分:2 分5. 各国人语言不通,但看球赛时欢呼、鼓掌,说明:ABA. 语言是民族性的B. 思维能力是全民性的C. 语言是全民性的D. 思维是民族性的满分:2 分6. 作为语言符号与其他符号的共同点在于:ABA. 随意约定B. 这些符号都不是孤立存在的,而是与其他符号相对地存在C. 复杂性D. 强生成性满分:2 分7. 语言的社会功能表现在(ABC)。

一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。
)1. “你在我的航程上,我在你的视线里”这一句诗出自()。
. 《中国,我的钥匙丢了》. 《麦地》. 《双桅船》. 《山民》标准答案:2. 《茶馆》中的掌柜形象是()。
. 刘麻子. 王利发. 秦仲义. 常四爷标准答案:3. 红旗谱中的反面人物是()。
. 朱老忠. 朱老巩. 冯老兰. 严志和标准答案:4. 长篇小说《浮躁》的作者是()。
. 史铁生. 贾平凹. 张贤亮. 王蒙标准答案:5. 下列哪位作者是七月诗派的成员之一()。
. 牛汉. 海子. 雷抒雁. 余光中标准答案:6. 《哦,香雪》中的“香雪”指的是()。
. 一处自然景观. 一个打工妹. 一种名茶. 一位乡村少女标准答案:7. “漏斗户主”是()。
. 吴楚. 陈奂生. 鲁鲁. 王一生标准答案:8. 《绿化树》是()。
. 长篇小说. 中篇小说. 短篇小说. 散文标准答案:9. 下列哪一首诗是对美好爱情的讴歌()。
. 《哎,大森林》. 《大雁塔》. 《苹果树下》. 《小草在歌唱》标准答案:10. 表现“人还要有点儿东西,方叫活着”的人生思想的小说是()。
. 《树王》. 《棋王》. 《孩子王》. 《春天》标准答案:11. 《草木篇》创作于20世纪()。
. 60年代. 70年代. 80年代. 50年代中期标准答案:12. 裁缝老婆是下列哪部作品中的人物()。
. 《鲁鲁》. 《丁香结》. 《班主任》. 《高女人和她的矮丈夫》标准答案:13. 《组织部新来的青年人》的青年人指的是()。
. 刘世吾. 林震. 赵慧文. 韩常新标准答案:14. 《百合花》的背景是()。
. 第一次国内战争. 抗日战争. 解放战争. 对越自卫反击战标准答案:15. 林道静这一人物出自于()。
. 《青春万岁》. 《青春之歌》. 《春天》. 《女房东》标准答案:16. “糊涂涂”和“常有理”的形象出自小说()。
. 《“锻炼锻炼”》. 《小二黑结婚》. 《三里湾》. 《登记》标准答案:17. 岳之峰这一人物出自于()。


福师《学前儿童语言教育》在线作业一一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。
)1. ()不是听说游戏中所包含的语言教育目标的特点。
. 练习性. 含蓄性. 广泛性. 具体性正确答案:2. 在谈话活动中,要求学前儿童建立主动倾听别人谈话的愿望、态度和习惯,可培养其()。
. 反馈性倾听能力. .辨析性倾听能力. 理解性倾听能力. 有意识倾听能力正确答案:3. 在谈话活动中,不属于教师的引导方式的是()。
. 用提问的方式引出话题. .用提问的方式转移话题. 用平行谈话的方式进行示范. 用直接讲授的方式进行示范正确答案:4. 幼儿园语言教育目标制定必须以社会的需要、()、语言的学科性质和幼儿语言学习特点为依据. 幼儿家长的要求. 幼儿园的语言教材. 幼儿发展的规律. 幼儿园教师的语言教学水平正确答案:5. 下列关于听说游戏的说法中正确的是(). 听说游戏是儿童自发组织的游戏. 听说游戏是教师设计来组织幼儿学习语言的规则游戏. 听说游戏是语言游戏. 听说游戏带有明显的自发言语的特点正确答案:6. 学前儿童把“用皮球打小狗”理解为“小狗打皮球”,采用了理解句子的()。
. 事件可能性策略. 词序策略. 语法策略. 非语言策略7. 儿童语言的发展包括语言形式和()等方面的发展。
. 语音和语法. 语言内容和语法. 语言运用与语言内容. 语言运用和句义正确答案:8. 在帮助幼儿深入理解体验作品内涵时,最重要的是让幼儿切身地感受作品所展示的(). 情感心理和精神世界. 语言结构. 故事情节. 人物形象正确答案:9. 诗歌和故事的仿编重点只要求在画面的基础上换词的年龄班是(). 托班. 小班. .中班. 大班正确答案:10. 标志着理解性语言出现的是前语言阶段的儿童进入对语音的()。
. 辨音阶段. 辨调阶段. 辨义阶段. 辨声阶段正确答案:11. 在幼儿园的谈话活动中教师主要起着()的作用。
. 间接引导. 转换话题. 提供示范. 直接讲授正确答案:12. 幼儿园谈话活动的特点是()。
1.() is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.[答案:A]A.Connotative meaningB.Social meaningC.Reflected meaningD.Collective meaningputer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime ____.[答案:B]A.stageB.sceneC.locationD.occasion3.We expected many club members would come to the tea party, _______ turned up.[答案:D]A.only a fewB.very fewC.but a fewD.but few4.I’d like to go to the cinema, but I’m _______ to.[答案:C]A.enableB.disableC.unableD.ablepanies are struggling to find the right ____ between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.A.equationB.formulaC.balanceD.pattern6.We finished the run in less than half the time ____.[答案:C]A.allowingB.to allowC.allowedD.allows7.In deciding _______ a course of action, the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters.[答案:C]A.what to pursueB.which to pursueC.whether to pursueD.if to pursue8.() refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.[答案:D]A.HonorificsB.Terms of humilityC.EuphemismsD.Verbal taboos9.When the city was _______, everyone knew that total defeat was certain.[答案:A]B.cut downC.cut acrossD.cut out10.The doctors are _______ about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.[答案:A]A.at a stretchB.at a lossC.at randomD.at length11.____ is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.[答案:A]A.Connotative meaningB.Social meaningC.Reflected meaningD.Collective meaning12.Hardly had he arrived at the airport _______ he was told that the flight had been cancelled.[答案:B]A.thanB.whenC.beforeD.then13.____ refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.[答案:D]A.HonorificsB.Terms of humilityC.EuphemismsD.Verbal taboos14.Then the speaker ______ the various factors leading to the present economic crisis.[答案:C]A.went afterB.went forC.went intoD.put up with15.The decision _______ how much money should go to education is of vital importance.[答案:C]A.due toB.owing toC.as toD.so as to16.A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and ____ your text more easily.[答案:B]A.registerB.editC.proposeD.discharge17.Waving good-bye is an example of ().[答案:A]A.substitutionB.accentingplementing18.Many a man _______ sacrificed his life for the cause of revolution.[答案:A]A.hasB.haveC.isD.are19.Analogy is often made in English between ____ and people who are rude or hot-tempered or people with high intelligence or remarkable power of endurance.[答案:A]A.bearsB.horsesC.monkeysD.foxes20.A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election _______ he has the support from the party-faithful.[答案:B]A.in thatB.in whichC.for whichD.for that21.It was Allen who _______ with the bright idea to have a barbecue near the lake.[答案:D]A.went upB.came alongD.came up22.Some research workers completely ____ all those facts as though they never existed.[答案:A]A.ignoreB.leaveC.refuseD.miss23.In English culture, privacy is regarded as part of ().[答案:C]A.human natureB.human desireC.human rightsD.individualism24.I would appreciate _______ it a secret.[答案:A]A.your keepingB.you to keepC.that you keepD.that you will keep25.When the fever eventually _______, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a while.[答案:A]A.dies downB.dies outC.losesD.leaves26.We didn’t know his telephone number; otherwise we ______ him.A.would have telephonedB.must have telephonedC.would telephoneD.had telephoned27.“Red tape ” means ().[答案:B]A.a red cassetteB.the rigid unnecessary official rules and regulationsC.the necessary of official rules and regulationsD.a red string28._____ the Internet is of great help. I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.[答案:B]A.IfB.WhileC.BecauseD.As29.Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only ______ to his confusion.[答案:C]A.extendedB.amountedC.addedD.turned30.The word “workaholic ” is often used to refer to ().[答案:B]B.AmericansC.ChineseD.Koreans31.() relations at the sentential level refer to construction whose components are linked through the use of conjunctions.[答案:A]A.HypotacticB.ParatacticC.GrammaticalD.Branching32.I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans_______.[答案:B]A.to be put offB.be put offC.should put offD.was put off33.Americans don’t like being inquired about their choice of voting, because ().[答案:A]A.they don’t want others to know about itB.they are afraid to being murderedC.they don’t want others to support their choice of votingD.they are not sure of their own choice of voting34.The prisoners will work for up to 90 days _______ the gang.[答案:C]A.toB.atD.of35.When you want to learn about someone’s family relationship with another person, you may ask ____.[答案:D]A.Are you relatives?B.Are you family members?C.How are you called?D.How are you related?36.Stereotyping has its practical uses and limitations, because it helps us better understand what appears to be a mess and at the same time any generalization is very often an overgeneralization. ()[答案:B]A.错误B.正确37.North Americans prefer to sit where they are side-by-side to one another. ()[答案:A]A.错误B.正确38.In certain situations body action contradicts what is being said. ()[答案:B]A.错误B.正确39.On your way to the school cinema, you happen to meet Professor Jones walking to the cinema, too. You can greet him by saying You’re going to see the film, aren’t you? ()[答案:A]B.正确40.Whenever someone responds to the behavior. or the behavior. residue of another person, communication has taken place. ()[答案:B]A.错误B.正确41.“Promises ” like Why don’t we get together one of these days?, though frequently made by Americans, are no commitment. ()[答案:B]A.错误B.正确42.To initiate conversation with an Englishman, you can say It’s raining toda y, isn’t it? ()[答案:A]A.错误B.正确43.Some anthropologists refer to custom, rituals and, in a word, the total life way of a people as popular culture. ()[答案:B]A.错误B.正确44.In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family. ()[答案:A]A.错误B.正确45.It is a Chinese way of showing hospitality to insist on people accepting offers of drinks and cigarettes. ()[答案:B]A.错误B.正确46.Given name or forename has recently replace Christian name in many English form, because religious beliefs are very much a matter of privacy. ()[答案:B]A.错误B.正确47.Americans expect an invitation to a dinner or a request for a date or for any other social event to be offered reasonably far in advance. ()[答案:B]A.错误B.正确48.Monochronic time systems are characterized by several things happening at once. ()[答案:A]A.错误B.正确49.In the U.S., it is a compliment to tell someone that he or she has put on some weight. ()[答案:A]A.错误B.正确50.In the United States, the extended family, rather than the nuclear family, is considered the family. ()[答案:A]A.错误B.正确。

福师16秋《小学语文教学论》在线作业一(附答案)福师16秋《小学语文教学论》在线作业一一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。
)1. 在语文教学中实施素质教育,()是核心。
A. 转变观念、端正教学思想B. 建立科学的教学目标体系和教学评估体系√C 深化课程教材改革D. 改进课堂教学满分:2 分2. “国语”改为“语文”是在():A. 1903B. 1923C. 1929√D. 1949年4-5月间满分:2 分3. 要使小学生掌握语文基本功,必须通过()方式。
A. 讲授√B. 训练C. 模仿D. 理解满分:2 分4. 迄今为止叙述最为详尽的语文教学大纲是()年颁布的。
A. 1952√B. 1956C. 1963D. 1992满分:2 分5. 对语文教学目的的表述最全面、合理、辩论的大纲是()。
A. 1956年《小学语文教学大纲(草案)》B. 1963年《全日制小学语文教学大纲(草案)》C. 1978年《全日制十年学校小学语文教学大纲(试行草案)》√D. 《义务教育大纲》满分:2 分6. 下列说法正确的是()。
A. 语文课程的性质决定了它在九年义务教育阶段的重要作用。
B. 语文的多重功能和奠基作用,决定了它在基础教育中的地位。
√C. 小学语文课程在小学阶段是重要课程D. 小学语文是学习各科的基础工具。
满分:2 分7. 小学生识字教学的难点是()。
A. 字音教学B. 字义教学√C. 字形教学D. 别字教学满分:2 分8. 下面对“语言文字训练和思想教育相统一的原则”理解不恰当的是()。
A. 语言文字与思想内容是紧密地联系在一起的。
B. 教师在教学中要有意识地、自觉地进行思想教育。
√C. 寓语言文字训练于思想教育之中D. 重在潜移默化,渗透式的教育。
满分:2 分9. ()年颁布的大纲则对我国普及九年义务教育推进语文与教学改革具有重要作用。
A. 1952B. 1956C. 1963√D. 1992满分:2 分10. 下面对小学语文基本功训练的理解不正确的是()。
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15. Jack is late again. It is ___ of him to keep others waiting.
A. normal
B. ordinary
C. common
D. typical
C. might have slept
D. have slept
5. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you______advertisements showing happy, balanced families.
A. are often seeing
16. In its narrow sense, culture is( ).
A. whatever distinguishes one nation from all the other nations
B. the attributes of man
C. life way of a population
A. cut off
B. cut down
C. cut across
D. cut out
4. I wish I_______longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.
A. could have slept
B. slept
A. attributed
B. accustomed
C. adjusted
D. attached
13. Language is an instrument used in the____of thought.
A. patterns
B. structure
C. function
D. communication
A. to run a business in the red
B. to paint the town red
C. to become red faced
D. to sure the label is firmly_______to the parcel before you mail it.
2. The____color is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions.
A. white
B. black
C. red
D. blue
3. When the city was_______, everyone knew that total defeat was certain.
B. Terms of humility
C. Euphemisms
D. Taboos
10. The reason_______the little boy died was lack of medical care.
A. why
B. because
C. for
D. as
11.“To do something that could cause quick anger in other people”is synonymous to“( )”.
B. sociolinguistics.
C. comparative education
D. philosophy
18. Many a man _______sacrificed his life for the cause of revolution.
1. Only after class_______to raise the question.
A. did he allowed
B. was he allowed
C. he was allowed
D. did he allow
B. often see
C. will often see
D. have often seen
6. I’m afraid_______nothing I can do about it.
A. it is
B. this is
C. there is
D. that is
7. The English equivalent for“贱内”is( ).
14. Sentence“( )”is correct.
A. He lives in 25 Robertson, Perth, Australia
B. He lives in Perth, 25 Robertson Road, Australia
C. He lives in Australia, Perth, 25 Robertson Road
A. my husband
B. my wife
C. my son
D. my daughter
8. We didn't know his telephone number;otherwise we______him.
A. would have telephoned
B. must have telephoned
C. would telephone
D. had telephoned
9. ( )are defined as“a class of grammatical forms used in speaking to or about a social superior.”
A. Honorifics
D. intellectual or academic development
17. American scholars generally trace the origin of intercultural communication to____.
A. cultural anthropology.