K10数字音频功率放大器 说明书
模拟信号 输入
2.8244MHz 超高速采样
1bit 超高速 码流放大器
Σ变化音 频滤波器
模拟信号 功率输出
光纤或同轴 2.822MHz 数字输入 过采样
图 3 1bit 数字功率放大器原理
1bit 数字功放与 D 类和 T 类数字功放相比具有很多优点,完全克服了过零失真问题,电源转换效率 可达到 90%以上,频率响应特性可达到 2Hz~50KHz,信号动态范围可达到 95db 以上,其它的优点包括 音频范围内的噪声极微和频率范围内的相移极小等等。它的最大缺点是系统复杂,成本太高,尚未达到 应用阶段。而近年来 D 类和 T 类数字功放的价格已逐步降到用户可接受的商业价格了。
表 1 是数字功放与模拟功放的主要技术 特性对比。 目前小功率数字功放已广泛用于 DVD 内置功放、组合音响、汽车音响、家庭影院等,在专业音响 工程方面,2001 意大利 POWERSOFT 公司推出的 DIGAM 系列大功率专业数字功放已被世界广泛采用, 且很快进入中国市场,在一些专业音响工程中获得了应用,并得到了一致的好评。
管功放那么逼真、细腻,尤其是在表现瞬态变化快而清脆的打击乐和浑厚回荡的钢琴曲方面感觉最 明显。上个世纪 80 年代初,欧洲有些专业公司开始研究晶体管功放与电子管功放之间的性能差异和 解决办法。电子管是一种电压控制器件,需要的控制功率极微,开关速率很快。晶体管是一种电流 控制器件,需有较大的控制电流,转换速率较慢。这是最基本的差别。80 年代中期欧洲首先推出了 采用 MOS FET 音频场效应管功放。MOS FET 场效应晶体管既具有晶体管的基本优点,又有电子管 的电压控制及转换速率较快的优点。但使用不久发现这种功放的可靠性不高(无法外电路保护),开 关速度提高的不多和最大输出功率仅为 150W/8Ω等等。90 年代初,MOS FET 的制造技术有了很大突 破,出现了一种高速 MOS FET 大功率开关场效应晶体管。西班牙艺格公司(ECLER)经多年研究,攻 克了非破坏性保护系统的 SPM 专利技术,推出了集电子管功放和晶体管功放两者优点结合的第三代 功放产品,在欧洲市场上获得了认可,并逐步在世界上得到了应用。第三代 MOS FET 功放的中频和 高频音质接近电子管功放,但低频的柔和度比晶体管功放差一些,此外 MOS FET 开关场效应管容易 被输出和输入过载损坏。
May 1, 2015
电 教
1、产品简介: XY120D是一款采用高效率开关电源,D类数字功放技术的全频带音频功 率放大器。该机设有二路话筒输入,二组线路输入,二组线路输出,一组功 率输出。本机话筒、线路的音量、音调可独立调节,话筒带+48V幻像电源, 并带有混响功能。该机具有USB播放功能,可播放U盘上的音乐;具有 RS232接口,可实现电脑联机控制。本机体积小、重量轻、效率高、电压适 应范围广,可广泛应用于学校、厂矿、厅堂、中小型会议室等语音扩声场合。
20Hz~20KHz 100Hz~16KHz 线路 话筒 (10KHz) (100Hz)
四、MD-G2460 2.4G数字有源箱
四、MD-G2460 2.4G数字有源箱 1、功能特点:
⑴2路有线话筒输入,独立音量调节,带高低音提衰,带电子教鞭及翻页功能。 ⑵2.4G一拖一无线话筒输入,两路有线话筒输入,手持无线话筒带音量调节,连 接状态指示,内置电池。 ⑶无线话筒外置接收天线,信号更稳定。 ⑷3组线路输入,1路线路输出。 ⑸数字功放2×20W/8Ω输出。
1、产品简介: 1、FM收音播放。 2、内置4G的SD卡可播放定制的MP3音乐。 3、外置U盘接口(含U盘记忆播放功能)。 4、一路辅助输入,一路线路输出,辅助电源控制。 5、一路话筒输入,48V幻象电源开关,有话筒优先功能:即打开话筒讲话,音 乐自动默音,停止讲话10秒后,音乐声音自动恢复。 6、4路功放分区输出。 7、智能化的任务管理,并且可以拔下SD卡,在电脑上编辑,让编制任务更加 便捷。 8、分档电压指示。 9、待机时,指示灯亮,显示屏变暗,节能省电。
石家庄开发区高达科技 JDS-1000WD JDS-2000WD 电声警报器 说明书
JDS-1000WD电声警报器JDS-2000WD使用说明书石家庄开发区高达科技开发有限公司目录1.JDS系列电声警报器产品简介: (2)2.功能特点 (2)3.警报器的安装与使用 (2)3.1.警报器的安装 (2)3.2.警报器的使用 (3)4.警报器前面板按键功能及操作 (4)4.1.电源开关、键盘锁、监听、警报、语音及充电按键的使用 (4)4.2.液晶各功能菜单的操作 (5)5.警报器的输入输出接口 (7)5.1.卧式机型 (7)5.2.壁挂机型 (7)6.技术指标 (8)6.1.JDS-1000WD型技术指标 (8)6.2.JDS-2000WD型技术指标 (9)1.JDS系列电声警报器产品简介:JDS-系列电声警报器分为1000W和2000W两种类型,型号分别为JDS-1000WD和JDS-2000WD。
目录目录 (i)摘要 (iii)Abstract (iv)1数字集成功率放大器设计概述 (1)2数字集成功率放大器整体电路设计 (2)2. 1输入切换部份的设计 (2)2.1.1 TC9152P组成电路图 (2)2.1.2TC9152P应用电路说明 (3)2.1.3TC9152P要紧元件参数说明 (4)数字音量操纵部份设计 (4)2.2.1TC9153组成电路图 (4)2.2.2TC9153应用电路说明 (5)2.2.3 TC9153要紧元件参数说明 (5)2.2.4 TC9153组成电路的屏蔽 (5)功率放大器部份设计 (5)2.3.1 TDA7481的特点 (6)2.3.2 TDA7481的引脚及参数说明 (7)2.3.3 TDA7481的外围电路 (8)2.3.4TDA7481的相关计算 (8)电源部份电路设计 (9)3设计总电路图 (12)4结论 (13)参考文献 (14)致谢 (15)附录 (15)摘要本设计采纳TDA7481芯片组成的数字集成功率放大器,加入了音源选择电路,该选择器能够在TUNER、TAPE、CD、AUX一、AUX2之间任意切换,大大方便了整机的适用性。
关键词:TDA7481;效率;D类功率放大器AbstractThis design used the TDA7481 chip composing the digital integration power amplifier, joined the sound source selecting circuit which contain TUNER, TAPE, CD, AUX1 and AUX2,and then it greatly improved the applicability of the equipment. Another, at the part of volume controlling, in order to simplify the operation and last its life, the traditional potentiometer controlling was changed into digital button-click controlling. Because of the Class-D amplifier assembled, and its high power of output, high efficiency, and small distortion, the whole equipment has many good performances.Key words: TDA7481;efficiency;Class-D amplifier asembled1数字集成功率放大器设计概述该集成功率放大器是集成了数字音量操纵(TC9153),音源选择(TC9152P)的D 类功率放大器,功率放大部份选用TDA7481。
LA 4 数字功放中文说明书
LA4功率放大控制器2.0版本1 安全警告适用于L-ACOUSTICS LA4功率放大控制器的所有详细的信息,在此部分都以“此产品”代替。
1.1 符号说明1.1.1 手册使用的符号本手册中潜在的危险用以下的符号表示:闪电符号表明遭受电击会有生命危险。
1.1.2 产品上的符号由于产品是电子设备,使用者会有潜在的危险。
因此用户必须十分注意标示在产品盖子的符号:靠近NL4FC Speakon ®连接头插座的闪电符号表示产品会产生很高的输出电压,用户有潜在的生命危险。
当功放正在操作时,切勿在没有拔掉本 产品的连接头的情况下触摸任何音箱的明线。
1.2 重要安全指示1. 阅读本用户手册2. 留意所有的安全警告3. 遵循所有的指示4. 用户切勿使用没有得到L-ACOUSTICS®认可的设备或者配件5. 环境只能在符合EN55103-2标准的E1,E2,E3,E4环境下使用本产品。
电压电压电压6. 无线电干扰本产品的样机已经经过测试并符合EMC指示的限制规定。
7. 电源线保护电源线损坏或发生磨损时,切勿使用本产品。
8. 交流电源在120/230V,50-60Hz的交流电下使用本产品。
9. 接地本产品只能通过使用交流电的接地插座连接,切勿损坏插座的接地脚。
专业音响中术语解释 超低音音箱(Subwoofer) 指用于重放那些深沉的
A/B试听比较(A/B comparison)指对两种不同的音乐重放方式进行的反复试听比较。
绝对极性(absolute polarity)在用绝对极性正确的音响系统播放绝对极性正确的录音制品时,音箱所产生的正向声压便会和原始声音的正向声压一致。
电源净化器(AC line-conditioner)指专门用来滤去交流供电电源中的噪声和防止音响器材受到电压峰值和浪涌损害的一种音响辅助器材。
吸声材料(acoustic absorbed)指任何一种能够吸收声波的材料,比如地毯、窗帘以及盖以厚实布套的家俱等等。
声扩散器(acoustic diffuser)指任何能够扩散声波的材料或器件。
声反馈(acoustic feedback)音箱发出的声音会使LP唱盘、话筒等拾音设备产生振动,此振动又被变换为电信号,并再次由音箱重放出来。
HIGH POWER PROFESSIONAL DIGITAL AMPLIFIERSPKNC XE2500PKNC XE4000PKNC XE6000 Name Professional power amplifierPower requirements160V – 270 VAC, (50-60Hz)Max. power consuption2600W 5500W 7900W Soft starting yesPower supply High frequency resonant includes active PFCMains connection NEUTRIK POWERCONWorking temperature range 0 - 40CStorage temperature range -25C - 60COutput power @ 8 Ohms 700W + 700W 1300W + 1300W 1900W + 1900W Output power @ 4 Ohms 1300W + 1300W 2100W + 2100W 3650W + 3650W Minimum load impedance 2 OhmFrequency ( +/- 3dB , 8Ohm ) 5Hz - 20KHzSlew rate 50V / us 60V / us Damping factor 400 500 600 End stages High frequency semi soft switched PWM in balanced configuration Output connections Four pole NEUTRIK SPEAKON (1+2+ in parallel,1-2- in parallel) Signal to Noise ratio A-Weighted 20Hz-20KHz 100 dB 102 dB 107 dB Nominal sensitivity for maximum output level (balanced) 1.4V (rms) 1.7V (rms) 1.7V (rms) Input impedance (referred to ground) 10KOhm +10KOhm (+/- 1%)Input terminals NEUTRIK XLRBuilt in limiter Programmable limiterOutput level meter Ledbar, status ledsDisplay Graphics LCDControl terminals JOGs, buttonsVolume control Set by control jog wheels or remote -95,5dB – 0dB (in 0.5dB steps) Input sensitivity -95.5dB – 0 dB (steps 0.5 dB)Limiter settings range 10 - 100 V10 - 155 V10 - 170 V User profiles 5 user profileProtections Short circuit,Overload,low impedance,thermal,DC fault Cooling Forced air cooling with regulated DC fans Direction of air flow Front to rearRemote control 10/100 Mps ETHERNETWeight 8 Kg 9 Kg 9.5 Kg External dimensions 19” rack 483mm * 440mm * 44mm (1RU)PKNC XD2500PKNC XE4000PKNC XE6000 Name Professional power amplifierPower requirements 160V – 270 VAC, (50-60Hz)Max. power consuption 2600W 5500W 7900W Soft starting yesPower supply High frequency resonant includes active PFCMains connection NEUTRIK POWERCONWorking temperature range 0 - 40CStorage temperature range -25C - 60COutput power @ 8 Ohms 700W + 700W 1300W + 1300W 1900W + 1900W Output power @ 4 Ohms 1300W + 1300W 2100W + 2100W 3650W + 3650W Minimum load impedance 2 OhmFrequency ( +/- 3dB , 8Ohm ) 5Hz - 20KHzSlew rate 50V / us 60V / us Damping factor 400 500 600 End stages High frequency semi soft switched PWM in balanced configuration Output connections Four pole NEUTRIK SPEAKON (1+2+ in parallel,1-2- in parallel) Signal to Noise ratio A-Weighted 20Hz-20KHz 100 dB 102 dB 107 dB Nominal sensitivity for maximum output level (balanced) 1.4V (rms) 1.7V (rms) 1.7V (rms) Input impedance (referred to ground) 10KOhm +10KOhm (+/- 1%)Input terminals NEUTRIK XLRBuilt in limiter yesOutput level meter Ledbar, status ledsControl terminals Two knobsInput sensitivity -95.5dB – 0 dB (steps 0.5 dB)User profiles 5 user profileProtections Short circuit,Overload,low impedance,thermal,DC fault Cooling Forced air cooling with regulated DC fans Direction of air flow Front to rearRemote control -Weight 8 Kg 9 Kg 9.5 Kg External dimensions 19” rack 483mm * 440mm * 44mm (1RU)PKNC LC2002PKNC LC4004 Name Professional power amplifierPower requirements 160V – 270 VAC, (50-60Hz)Max. power consuption 12 A 20 ASoft starting yesPower supply High frequency resonant includes active PFCMains connection NEUTRIK POWERCONWorking temperature range 0 - 40CStorage temperature range -25C - 60COutput power @ 8 Ohm 2 x 500W 4 x 500W Output power @ 4 Ohm 2 x 1000W 4 x 1000W Minimum load impedance 2 OhmFrequency ( +/- 3dB , 8Ohm ) 5Hz - 22KHzSlew rate 50V / usDamping factor 400 500End stages High frequency semi soft switched PWM in balanced configuration Output connections Four pole NEUTRIK SPEAKON (1+2+ in paralell, 1-2- in paralell) Signal to Noise ratio A-Weighted 20Hz-20KHz 104 dB 104 dB Nominal sensitivity for maximum output level (balanced) 700mV (rms) 700mV (rms)Input impedance (referred to ground) 10KOhm +10KOhm (+/- 1%)Input terminals NEUTRIK XLRBuilt in limiter yesCrossover 100 Hz Hi-pass filter, 120 Hz Lo-pass filter, 160 Hz Lo-pass filter Output level meter status LEDsProtections Short circuit, Overload, low impedance, thermal, DC fault Cooling Forced air cooling with regulated DC fans Direction of air flow Front to rearBridged configuration ability yesRemote control -Weight 6 Kg 8 Kg External dimensions 19” rack 483mm * 440mm * 44mm (1RU)PKN ControlsDISTRIBUTOR。
平衡连接(balanced connection):指音响器材间的一种连接方式,在单根电缆中有3根导线,一根用来传送音频信号,另一根用于传送极性相反的音频信号,而另一根则为地线。
香蕉插座(banana jack)指装于音箱和功率放大器上用于和音箱线的香蕉插头连接的一种小型圆状插座。
香蕉插头(banana plug):普遍装于音箱线两端的供插入香蕉插座的一种插头。
带宽(band width):指音响装置能够处理或通过的一段频率范围。
环绕声道只通过频率在100Hz (低音)和7kHz(高音的低段)之间的频率。
低频延伸(bass extension):指音响器材所能重放的最低频率。
低音管理(bass management):指A/V功放接收机或A/V前置放大器中的综合控制电路,系用于确定应该给相应的音箱送去多少低频信号。
倒相式音箱(bass reflex):也称倒相式开孔箱,系在音箱面板上开有倒相孔(槽)的一类音箱。
比较“无限障板”(infinite baffle)双路功放推动(bi-amping):指用两台功率放大器去推动同一音箱的一种特殊连接方式,系用一台功率放大器去推动低音单元;另用一台功率放大器去推动中音和高音单元。
目录一、前言 ............................................................................................................................ 一-II二、设计范围..................................................................................................................... 二-II三、设计理念..................................................................................................................... 三-II1) 系统可靠性。
............................................................................................................. 三-II2) 音质优化性。
........................................................................................................... 三-III3) 操作简便性。
........................................................................................................... 三-III四、音响系统性能要求.................................................................................................... 四-III五、扩声系统分析........................................................................................................... 五-IV4) 设计依据................................................................................................................... 五-IV5) 设计指标..................................................................................................................... 五-V六、礼堂扩声系统........................................................................................................... 六-VI6) 扬声器及功放的分析选择...................................................................................... 六-VII七、礼堂扩声系统.......................................................................................................... 七-VII7) 中央声道扬声器及台唇补声音箱......................................................................... 七-VIII8) 左右声道扬声器....................................................................................................... 七-XI9) 舞台返送监听扬声器: ........................................................................................... 七-XIV八、礼堂控制系统........................................................................................................ 八-XVI10) 24路模拟调音台SoundCraft RW5768 .................................................... 八-XVII九、音源及拾音设备.................................................................................................... 九-XIX11) 蓝光DVD机PIONEER 4110 ................................................................... 九-XIX12) 无线手持咪(单咪单接收)beyerdynamic OPUS 669(4只) .................... 九-XX13) 无线头戴话筒(单咪单接收)beyerdynamic OPUS 654(2只) .................. 九-XX14) 无线领夹咪beyerdynamic OPUS 650(2只) ............................................... 九-XXI15) 专业鹅颈式会议话筒麦杆、底座auido-technica ES917aH(8 只) .......... 九-XXII十、礼堂周边设备...................................................................................................... 十-XXIII16) 八通道自动混音器auido-technica AT-MX381 ....................................... 十-XXIII17) 数字音频处理器RCF DX4008................................................................十-XXIV18) 双通道反馈抑制器FBX2810 ......................................................................十-XXVI19) 数码音频效果器LEXICON MX200 .................................................... 十-XXVIII20) 均衡器DBX 2231 ................................................................................. 十-XXVIII 十一、配置清单.......................................................................................................... 十一-XXIX艺术楼设计方案一、前言中学礼堂,面积约为1800平方米。
低成本的13.56MHz 1000W 300V RF功率放大器
LOW COST 1000 WATT, 300 VOLT RF POWERAMPLIFIER FOR 13.56 MHzPresented at RF EXPO EAST 1995A P P L I C A T I O N N O TELow Cost 1000 Watt, 300 Volt RF Power Amplifier for13.56MHzKenneth Dierberger Lee B. MaxApplications Engineering Manager Independent ConsultantAdvanced Power Technology Inc.6284 Squiredell Dr.405 SW Columbia St.San Jose, California 95129 USABend, Oregon 97702 USABobby McDonaldUNI-WEST ENGINEERING6329 Bethel Island Rd.Bethel Island, CA 94511 USAABSTRACTThis paper details the design, development , assembly and performance of a low cost, high-efficiency, 1000Watt, 13.56MHz RF power amplifier (PA) operated from a 300VDC supply, with an efficiency of 80%. The PA is built around a “symmetric Pair” of low cost RF power MOSFETs from Advanced Power Technology (APT). The transistors are from a new generation of high quality, commercial, HF/ VHF, silicon, 900V RF power MOSFETs in TO-247 packages. The paper addresses both the theoretical design and physical construction of the amplifier. The paper also contains a technical description of the RF power transistors.INTRODUCTIONMost transistorized RF Power Amplifiers operate from a DC to DC converter. This supply is usually low voltage, about 50V, and requires a down regulator when operated from AC mains. This converter is a significant portion of the overall cost of the RF amplifier system.As a result of IEC555-2, all electronic equipment sold in Europe with a power draw of greater than 250W will require power factor correction (PFC). The addition of a PFC preregulator to the system could add 50 to 100% to the cost of the power supply portion. The requirement for PFC is soon to follow in the USA and the rest of the world.The use of a new high voltage RF MOSFETs from Advanced Power Technology (APT) makes possible a new RF amplifier design which can be operated at 300V, allowing for the direct use of regulated output, thus eliminating the DC to DC converter, reducing the cost of the RF amplifier system.The new devices, like their predecessors, utilize the high performance of APT’s Power MOS IV® technology and the “symmetric pair”package.AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTIONThe amplifier is a 1000 Watt, 13.56MHz design operating in class C with a 300VDC power supply. Efficiency of the amplifier is 80 percent. The power amplifier is built around two “symmetric pair” of ARF444/ARF445 900V RF power MOSFETs provided in TO-247 plastic packages. The devices are electrically identical, except that they are packaged in “mirror image”pairs to facilitate a symmetrical layout that helps maintain the electrical symmetry required for push-pull operation. Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of the amplifier, with the parts list given in Table 1. The amplifier is a classical push-pull configuration of a straight forward nature, using a simple L-C network for impedance matching and transformer-coupling to achieve the required complementary gate drive signals. A wideband wire wound transformer output circuit is used, with a conventional bifilar-wound RF choke for DC power supply isolation.Short, low inductance interconnections are easily made using the ARF444/ARF445 devices, because they can be mounted symmetrically in a common source configuration. In particular, the gate circuit should minimize inductance to avoid instability and losses when that inductance is combined with the high capacitance of the gates. Similarly, the frequency response of the output circuitry is improved with minimum stray inductance due to interconnections[1].The amplifier is operated directly from the PFC 300VDC power supply, eliminating the DC-DC converter, and is constructed on a heat sink sized for proper dissipation at the expected power levels. Figure 2 shows the component placement on the PC board and heat sink. The common source design of the package allows the device mounting to be accomplished without an insulator thus allowing good heat transfer to the heat sink with the use of thermal grease.INPUT NETWORKThe input network provides a 50Ω impedance to the driver source and transformation of the MOSFET gate impedance, as well as balanced drive for push-pull operation. The input network comprises capacitor C1, the input capacitance of the power MOSFETs and the series gate resistors, both transformed by T1. The proper selection of C1 tunes the input network for minimum input return loss at maximum power output [2].Transformer T1 provides a 9:1 impedance transformation of the MOSFET input impedance. It is constructed using two Fair-Rite cores #2643540002, µ=850 with 3 turns of strandedFigure 1. Circuit Diagram of the 1000 Watt Class C AmplifierPart Number DescriptionR1,R210Ω 1WR3-R18 4.7Ω 1WC1200pF Chip CapacitorsC2-C50.1µF Chip CapacitorsC6-C100.1µF Disk CeramicC11, C120.01 Disk CeramicQ1, Q3ARF444Q2, Q4ARF445L1, L2VK200-19/4BL3, L40.37µH: 6T, #18AWG, ID=0.438RFC12T, #14 PTFE coated twisted pair on a Fair-Rite #2643665702 shieldbead, µi=850T19:1(Z) conventional transformer; 3:1(T), #18 stranded PTFE coatedwire on two Fair-Rite #2643540002, µi=850T21:1(Z) conventional transformer; 2:2(T), #14 stranded PTFE coatedwire on two stacks of three Fair-Rite #2643102002 shielded bead, µi-850 BFC16T, #18 Twisted pair stranded PTFE coated wire on three stackedIndiana General Toroid #F624-19-Q1, µi=125Table 1. Parts List for the 1000 Watt Power AmplifierPTFE coated #18 wire on the primary and 1 turn of stranded PTFE coated #18 wire on the secondary. The secondary is coupled through the DC blocking capacitors C1-C2 and C3-C4 and resistors R3 through R18 to the gates of the MOSFETs. The resistor-inductor combination R1-L1 and R2-L2 stabilize the push-pull amplifier at lower frequency and provide the MOSFETs with a DC ground reference to insure the gates do not float to a DC potential thus unbalancing the amplifier bias points. The parallel resistors R3-R6, R7-R10, R11-R14 and R15-R18 in series with the gates of the MOSFET, prevent high frequency oscillation common when paralleling MOSFETs [3].OUTPUT CIRCUITThe 300VDC power input is delivered through a balanced feed choke [4]. The choke is designedto create a zero DC magnetic bias in the core when both transistors draw the same average current.With the devices operating 180 degrees out of phase, the construction of the windings presents a high impedance at 13.56MHz to the drain of each MOSFET. The choke is constructed by winding 6 turns of #18 stranded PTFE coated twisted pair around three stacked Indiana General Toroids #F624-19-Q1, µi=125.The output of the power devices is coupled to the output transformer T2 through two 0.37 µH inductors. The transformer is a wideband 1:1conventional transformer. No output filtering was used in the test amplifier, which has the third harmonic 30db down and the second harmonic 55db below the 1000 watt output power level.The transformer is constructed by winding 2turns of #14 stranded PTFE coated wire for the primary and 2 turns of #14 stranded PTFE coated wire for the secondary around two stacks of three Fair-Rite #2643102002 shield beads, µi=850.PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS The amplifier was operated under two conditions. First the amplifier was driven with a 13.56MHz RF signal, modulated by a 1kHz square wave, at a 50% duty cycle, up to a peak power out of 1200W. Second the amplifier was driven with a 13.56HMz CW RF signal up to a continuous power out of 1000W. Due to the close correlation of the modulated data and the CW data, it was concluded that there is significant thermal margin from using four 300W devices at 1000W CW. Figures 3 through 6 show the performance data for this amplifier. Figure 3 is a plot of P in versus P out and Figure 4 shows gain versus P out . The curves show the classical class C characteristics,with a low gain at low power output, improving as the output power increases. The gain peaks at 16.9db when the amplifier output is 800W, with a roll-off to 15.9db at 1200W.Efficiency versus P out is shown in Figure 5. As would be expected in class C, the efficiency is over 50% at power output above 300W. The efficiency rises to an outstanding 80.4% at 1000W,continuing upward to 84.4% at 1000W, continuing upward to 84.4% at 1200W output. Figure 6 is total amplifier power dissipation versus P out .Figure 3. Input Power versus Output PowerFigure 4. Gain versus Output PowerFigure 6. Total Amplifier Power Dissipation versus Output Power 300 VOLT POWER SUPPLYThe topology chosen for the 300 V olt PFC power supply is the commonly used continuous mode boost converter. This topology is the most popular where power requirements are greater than 750W. Figure 7 is a simplified schematic of the regulator which is implemented using an APT5012JNU2 and a Unitrode U3854 controller IC [5] [6] [7].The regulator operates by the controller sensing the rectified DC input and controlling the ON and OFF time of Q1 such that the current in L1 closely follows a sine wave which is in phase with the AC line voltage. During the OFF time of Q1, the inductor fly back transfers some of the stored energy in the inductor to the output storage capacitor. The controller senses the output voltage and adjusts the average current in the inductor such that the regulated voltage on the output capacitor is maintained at 300V.CONCLUSIONThis paper demonstrated a recent breakthrough in commercial solid state RF power device and circuit technology. The high quality, low cost, components and circuits described here, now make it possible to deliver solid state, 10,000 watt (or more), 13.56MHz power supplies costing less than an equivalent tube RF power supply.The combination of high voltage operation, high gain, and efficiency of 80 percent make this technology exciting just for performance alone. Combine that performance with component coststhat allow for multi-kilowatt, 13.56MHz amplifiers to be built at less than $0.25 per watt and you now have the first real breakthrough in commercial HF, RF power technology in over a decade.This is only the beginning. The commercial technology detailed in this paper will be evolving quickly into solid state devices and circuits for higher frequency, higher power, and even higher operating voltages.Figure 7. Simplified Circuit Diagram of the Power Factor Correction Power SupplyREFERENCES1.H.O. Granberg, "Good RF Construction Practices and Techniques," Motorola Application Note AR164, Motorola RF Device Data, V olume II, DL110 Rev 4.2.H.O. Granberg, "Broad Band Transformers and Power Combining Techniques for RF," Motorola Application Note AN749, Motorola RF Device Data, V olume II, DL110 Rev 4.3.Rudy Severns, et al, "Parallel Operation of Power MOSFETs" "Anomalous Oscillation and Turn-Off Behavior in a Vertical Power MOSFET," MOSPOWER Applications Handbook, Siliconix, Inc., 19844.William E. Sabin, Edgar O. Schoenike, et al, "Single Sideband Systems and Circuits," McGraw-Hill 19875.Phil Todd, "UC3854 Controlled Power Factor Correction Circuit Design", Unitrode Application Note U-134, Product and Applications Handbook 1993-946.Ken Dierberger, Denis Grafham, "Design ofa 3000 Watt Single MOSFET Power Factor Correction Circuit," APT Application Note APT9303.7.Ken Dierberger, Denis Grafham, "Customized ISOTOP® Module for High Power Boost Converters and Related Topologies," APT Application Note 9401.ISOTOP® is a registered trademark of SGS Thompson405 S.W. Columbia Street Bend, Oregon 97702 USA Phone: (503) 382-8028 Fax: (503) 388-0364Parc Cadera Nord - Av. Kennedy BAT B433700 Merignac, FrancePhone: 33-56 34 34 71Fax: 33-56 47 97 61Printed - August 1995。
设计电路主要由前置放大电路、音调控制电路及功率放大电路三部分构成,其中,前置放大电路采用同相比例运算器来实现电压的放大;音调控制电路采用负反馈式来实现音调控制;前置放大电路及音调控制电路均采用NE5532双运放实现,功率放大电路采用TDA2030功率放大器来实现功率放大.关键词:音频功率放大器NE5532 TDA2030AbstractWith the development of society, the power amplifier in all aspects of people's lives. At present, the audio power amplifier with analog amplifier is the mainstream products, analog amplifier has experienced decades of continuous improvement and perfection, its technology has developed to a peak。
SAEv3-1000D SAEv3-1500D SAEv3-2000D SAEv3-2500D SAEv3-400.4D SAEv3-900.2D. Digital Class-D Mono Block Amplifier . Dual MOS-FET PWM Power Supply .1 Ohm Stable Load.12 dB/Octave - Variable Low Pass Filter .12 dB/Octave - Variable Subsonic Filter.4 Way Protection Circuit (Thermal, Voltage Speaker short and DC Offset) .Wired Remote Control with Clipping Indicator.Tested@14.4Volts SAEv3-1000D SAEv3-1500D 1Ω Mono RMS 1000W 1500W 2Ω Mono RMS 650W 800W 4Ω Mono RMS 350W 450W Recommended Fuse Rating105A160ALoW Pass Filter (-12dB/8) Variable 50HZ - 15kHz 50HZ - 15kHz 50HZ - 15kHz 50HZ - 500Hz High Pass Filter (-12dB/8) Variable 50Hz - 500Hz x a M V 5x a M V 5x a M V 6x a M V 6 y t i v i t i s n e S t u p n I Signal NoiseRatio 82dB 82dB Working Voltage10V - 16V 10V - 16V 10V - 16V 10V - 16V Width mm 189mm 223mm Length mm 243mm 243mm Height mm 64mm 7.44"8.78"64mm Width inches Length inches 9.57" 2.52"2.52"9.57" SAEv3-2000D SAEv3-400.4D2000W 1400W 400W*4700W 250W*4 220A165A82dB 88dB 253mm 243mm 9.96"64mm 2.52"9.57" 50HZ - 15kHz x a M V 610V - 16V SAEv3-2500D 2500W 1750W 1200W 220A82dB 253mm 243mm 9.96"64mm 2.52"9.57" 283mm 243mm 11.14"64mm 2.52"9.57" 50HZ - 500Hz 50Hz - 500Hzx a M V 610V - 16V SAEv3-900.2D900W*2500W*2 165A88dB 283mm 243mm 11.14"64mm 2.52"9.57" Height inchesCH1-CH5 RCA’s: RCA signal from source CH1-CH5 SPEAKER OUTPUTS- This is where your speakers plug in, see the amp specific diagrams for assistance. GAIN- NOT A VOLUME KNOB, THE INTERNET IS LYING TO YOU , used to set the input signal levels, start from Min and slowly turn clockwise until you hear angels singing or the sirens from the cops looking for you. Scan this QR Code for a video on setting your gains CROSSOVER-HP- Sets the crossover to only use the High pass filterFLAT- Turns off the crossover filters (Warning, only use if you have external passive or active filters,not using filters can damage your speakers.LP/BP- Sets the crossover for Low pass filter, can also be used for BandpassHIGH - High pass filter, used to set max high-level frequency LOW- Low pass filter, used to set the minimum low-level frequency BOOST (LEVEL)- Often called BASS BOOST, increases the 50Hz signalPWR – Power LED, if it’s on, your good, if its off, you’re not good. See the troubleshooting section if it doesn’t turn on.CLIP- Clipping LED, if this is flashing or solid you could damage your speakers, turn down your gain. PRT- Protect, the amp is in protect mode, see the troubleshooting section for assistance.Note- The PWR, CLIP, and PRT leds will flash as a test when the amp is first powered on.REMOTE- Plugin for the external bass knob, used to attenuate the from lowest point to the highest that wasset on the amplifierWARNINGThe SAE Line of amplifiers do not come with external fusing.Make sure you install appropriate in line fusing from theSAEv3-1000D SAEv3-1500D SAEv3-2000D+12V BatteryYou need to connect a power wire to the vehicle’s positive battery terminal. This connection must be tight and secure to ensure proper connectivity. This wire has to be fused appropriately (see each amplifier’s fuse rating under specifications) within 12 to 16 inches for safety. You will then need to connect the power wire to the 12+ terminal of the amplifier with a Phillips screw driver. Do not install the fuses until installation is complete.Ground ConnectionIt is recommended that you connect your ground directly to your power source ground for the best possible performance. However, if you cannot, then the ground connection must be made to the vehicle’s chassis and should be kept as short as possible, while accessing a solid piece of sheet metal in the vehicle. The surface should be sanded at the contact point to clean rust, paint or grime so a metal-to-metal connection between the chassis and the termination of the ground wire is effective. You will then need to connect the ground wire to the GND terminal of the amplifier with a Phillips screw driver.RemoteThe +12V remote turn-on wire is typically controlled by the source unit’s remote turn-on output. The amplifier will turn on when +12V is present at its remote ( REM ) input and turn off when +12V is switched off. Connect the remote wire using 12 to 16-gauge wire to the REM connection of the amplifier with Phillips screw driver, then connect the other end of the remote wire to either the source unit’s turn on output or ignition switch circuit. The models that have the extra power input will have an extra REM connection noted as OUT, this is intended to allow you to connect your REM line to other devices if needed.Subwoofer planningWhen using more than one subwoofer, you have to make sure your total impedance does not go below the minimum level of the amp, see the specification charts for your amplifiers minimums. Use the chart below to help in your design.Coil ImpedanceD4 D2 D1 N u m b e r o f d u a l c o i l s u b w o o f e r s2 4.00 2.00 1.003 2.67 1.33 0.674 2.00 1.00 0.505 1.60 0.80 0.406 1.33 0.67 0.33 7 1.14 0.57 0.29 81.00 0.50 0.25Safe for use where the minimumimpedance is 2Ω and upSafe for use where the minimumimpedance is 1Ω and upDO NOT USE Impedance is too lowYour new Sundown Audio amplifier is covered by a 2-Year limited warranty if purchased from an authorized Sundown Audio dealer. This warranty does not cover improper installation, accidental damage, misuse, abuse, improper wiring, operation of unit outside of listed specifications, or any product that has been modified or repaired by anyone other than Sundown Audio. Your warranty covers defects in materials and/or workmanship ONLY and is not an insurance policy. The warranty only covers the original owner of the amplifier.All warranty returns must be accompanied by the original sales invoice or receipt. You must contact us to request an RMA number prior to sending any returns via the RMA request form on our web-site. During the RMA number process, we will generate a pre-paid FedEx label for your return. If your amplifier is covered under warranty shipping both ways will be at no cost to you – if your amplifier is replaced/repaired outside of warranty or if no defect is found and your product must be return to you shipping both ways will be billed to you.At the sole discretion of Sundown Audio your amplifier will be either repaired or replaced when it is being covered under warranty. In the event of shipping damage due to improper packaging on products being returned to Sundown Audio the customer is liable for the cost of all damages, necessary repairs, or replacement. Be sure to properly pack your return!Sundown Audio also offers a 5-Year “discounted replacement” policy on all of our amplifiers. We are so certain of the quality of our equipment that even if you are at fault for causing damage to your amplifier we will offer you a new unit at a reduced cost for a full 5-years from your purchase date. Contact us via our RMA form to take advantage of this offer. This offer applies only to the original purchaser of the unit and is not transferable. As is the case with standard warranty claims the return must be sent with a copy of the original invoice or receipt.In no event will Sundown Audio be liable for incidental, consequential, or other damages resulting from the use of this product, this includes but is not limited to, damage of hearing, property or person, damage based upon inconvenience or on loss of use of the product, and to the extent permitted by law, damages for personal injury. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights, which vary from state to state. This warranty applies only to products sold and used in the United States of America. In all other countries please contact your local distributor.All Sundown Audio amplifiers have multi-layer protection features to prevent damage from misuse or faulty conditions to ensure long lasting life of your investment. If the unit senses excessive heat, short circuited speakers, overload, or voltage fluctuation outside of the working range the protection indicator light will turn red and the unit will turn off. In order to solve this problem, you should turn all levels down, power off the unit, then carefully check the installation for wiring mistakes or shorts. If the amplifier is excessively warm the protection light will not turn on as the unit will turn off to protect itself from overheating. Let the unit cool down for 30 minutes and try again. If the unit works, try moving the amplifier or make sure nothing is covering it so it can vent heat off of the heatsink. Before you remove or uninstall the amplifier, refer to the list below for suggested solutions.Amplifier Doesn’t Turn On or No Output.Check the fuse(s), not just visually, but with a continuity meter and all 12+ volt, remote and groundconnection. Make sure you have 13+ volts. It is possible for a fuse to have poor internal connections, take the fuse out of the holder for the testing..Check the input signal from the source unit using an AC voltmeter to measure the voltage while it’sbeing played. The voltage should be from 0.2 to 6.0 volts from the RCA cables..Check the output of the amplifier, test for output at the speaker outputs of the amplifier..Check to ensure that the speaker wires are making a good connection to the amplifier and thesubwoofers.Amplifier Goes Into Protection.Check shorts on speaker wires or open coil..Check input voltage from RCA, if DC signal is over 4 volts, the amplifier will go into protect. Remove and reset the power to the unit to check if it will turn on..Check impedance to make sure it’s over the minimum load, see the specification charts in this manual for the minimums of your specific amp..Check input voltage. The amplifiers covered in this manual have a working range of 10.5 to 15.5 volts..Check chassis ground and remote using same ground.Distorted / Attenuated / Noise Sound.Check the chassis ground connections of all audio equipment..Check amplifier controls for errors, input level or crossover setting..Check the speaker wires for a possible short, either between the positive and negative leads orbetween a speaker lead and the vehicle’s chassis ground..Check the nominal load impedance to verify that the amplifier is driving a load equal to or greater than the specified minimums, see the specification charts in this manual for the minimums of your specific amp..Check the input signal and input signal cables to make sure signal is present at the amplifier inputs and the cables are not pinched or loose. It may be helpful to try a different set of cables and / or a different signal source to be sure..Check speaker wiring for reverse polarity..If you hear a pulsing sound from your speakers, it means that there is something being overdriven.This could be due to a gain being set too high or a speaker impedance being too low, see thespecification charts in this manual for the minimums of your specific amp.514 W 21st Street, Newton, NC 28658(828) 459-1980Find us on:SAEv3-400.4DSAE SERIES AMPLIFIER OWNER’S MANUAL version 01/21。
IBIS专业扩声音响系统(Professional Sound System)全景612技术特点介绍(The feature of FULL612)IBIS全景612双声道3音路2000W主动式扩声系统1,产品功能特征2,数字放大器3,特别定制喇叭单元4,带通式音箱结构5,系统组合与扩展使用方案6,产品适用范围产品功能与特征全景612 (Full612)是一个非常高品质的“即插即用”型便捷式多用途专业扩声系统,是由一只含有3通道(L/R/SUB)功放的12”主动式低音炮(Full SUB12)和2只6.5”两音路全频音箱(Full SAT6)连接组合而成。
Full SAT6的高音为英国进口高音单元,6.5”中低音单元是自主研发的高品质环形阵列钕铁硼磁路系统的高效率单元,音箱的波导造型和倒相孔是经过精心设计和调试以最大化减少声压丢失和乱流;Full SUB12的高品质100芯12”低音单元也是为之专门自主研发;2000W总功率的数字功放内置3通路数字放大通道,1000W驱动12”低音单元,2*500W(L/R)分别连接并驱动两只FULLSAT6。
功放背板设置L/R平衡信号输入& link out接口,L/R音箱连接接口,Stereo /mono切换按键,SUB & SAT分段音量控制,low pass频率调节功能。
功放电源为开关电源,由IBIS DSP 处理器(28/56bit, 50 MIPS digital audio processor)为滤波,均衡,延时,限幅和诊断等进行管理控制,这个数字信号处理器采用了非常先进的算法对功率输出和放大器内部和外部温度(内部和外部)进行实时控制。
放大器 分类
A 类功放的工作方式具有最佳的线性,每个输出晶体管均放大讯号全波,完全不存在交越失真(SwitchingDistortion),即使不施用负反馈,它的开环路失真仍十分低,因此被称为是声音最理想的放大线路设计。
迪士普各设备参数表(2014-8-18版) (3)
★100V, 70V 650W 定压输出和4Ω 定
PC3200 ★100V, 70V 1000W
(1000W) 定压输出和4Ω 定
PC3700 ★100V, 70V 1500W
(1500W) 定压输出和4Ω 定
PC4200 ★200V,100V, 70V
(2000W) 2000定压输出和4Ω
PA2189T PA2186E PA2187T PA2185A PA2188S PA2191M
PA2190S PA2192L PA3002 PA4002 PA5002
节目定时播放器 智能节目定时播放 器 校园广播主机定时 编程软件
MP3000 100伏, 70伏 1000W
(1000W) 定压输出和4欧平衡
MP3500 100伏, 70伏 1500W
(1500W) 定压输出和4欧平衡
MP4000 ★100伏(200伏),
(2000W) 70伏 2000W定压输
★4.3寸TFT彩色液 晶触摸式显示屏显
液晶屏幕显示,单 键飞梭,中文字
MP1600 100V, 70V 350W定
(350W) 压输出和4 Ohms 定
MP2100 100V, 70V 450W定
(450W) 压输出和4 Ohms 定
MP2600 100V, 70V 650W定
(650W) 压输出和4 Ohms 定
纯后级功放系列 二线带强插十分区 矩阵
于2 kW。
基于YDA138e数字功放的设计1 引⾔⼏⼗年来在⾳频范畴中,连续占据“统领”地位的是A类、B类⾳频功率放⼤器和AB 类⾳频功率放⼤器,其发展已经经历了这么⼏个过程:从设备使⽤元件上来说有真空管,晶体管,集成电路的过程;从电路形式上来说有单管电路到推挽电路的过程;从电路构成上来说经历了变压器输出到OCL ,BTL,OTL模式的过程。
2 功放的基本知识2.1 功放的分类传统的功率放⼤器可以分为甲类功放(⼜称A类)、⼄类功放(⼜称B类)、甲⼄类功放(⼜称AB类)和在开关状态的丁类功放(⼜称D类)。
2.2 线性功放的⼯作原理及特点概述A类输⼊信号的连续电流在功率放⼤器流经放⼤元件,它总是在晶体管的线性区域操作,对输⼊信号的⼯作总是星期放⼤晶体管区,其优点是输出信号⽐较⼩,输出信号的动态范畴的低效率是其主要的弊端,理想的情况下,50%的效率,考虑到晶体管的饱和电压和电流的穿透消耗,功率放⼤器的最⼤效率仅仅是45%左右。