第7章 薄材叠层快速成形技术

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译名为“分层物体制造”。其成形系统由计算机、原材料存储及其送进机构、 热粘压机构、激光切割系统、可升降工作台和数控系统、模型取出装置和机架 等组成。 激光烧结系统按照计算机提取的横截面轮廓线,逐一在工作台上方 的材料上切割出轮廓线,并将无轮廓去切割成小方网格,这是为了在成形之后 能剔除废料。可升降工作台支承正在成形的工件,并在每层成形后,降低一个 材料厚度,以便送进、粘合和切割新的一层材料。

由于该工艺只能使用纸,塑料等片材,需要粘结,其成形件的强度等性能无法 同SLA,FDM,SLS等工艺相比。


天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
工艺 原理
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology

网格的大小据被成形件的形状复杂程度选定,网格愈 小,愈容易剔除废料,但花费的时间较长。 可升降工作台支承正在成形的工件,并在每层成形之 后,降低一个材料厚度(通常为0.1~0.2mm),以 便送进、粘合和切割新的一层材料。 数控系统执行计算机发出的指令,使一段段的材料逐 步送至工作台的上方,然后粘合、切割,最终形成三 维工件。模型取出装臵用于方便地卸下已成形的模型。 机架是整个机器的支撑。 不需要单独设计支撑。

数控系统基本控制对象为材料送进(R轴)、热压辊移动(H 轴)、扫描与切割(X轴、y轴)、工作台(Z轴)、温控、激 光能量控制等。 这是一个两级控制系统,由此产生了上、下位机。 第一级的下位机负责完成运动轴闭环控制及信息反馈。 这里实时切片厚度参数由智能模板CPU完成,并且由两块 智能化控制模块负责五轴伺服控制。 第二级的上位机用于整个数控系统的集中管理,由工业 控制计算机完成动态仿真、适时切片、键盘管理、信息 处理、参数设臵与显示,并向控制计算机发送切片数据 及控制命令。
Layer fabrication starts with sheet being adhered to substrate with the heated roller. The laser then traces out the outline of the layer. Non-part areas are cross-hatched to facilitate removal of waste material. Once the laser cutting is complete, the platform moves down and out of the way so that fresh sheet material can be rolled into position. Once new material is in position, the platform moves back up to one layer below its previous position. The process can now be repeated.
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology

原理:Laminated-object manufacturing (LOM)薄形材料选择性切割,直
1) 原材料存储及送进机构设有材料撕断报警器,当某种原 因偶然造成材料撕断时,停止送料直流电动机的转动及 后续工作循环。 2)热粘压机构由步进电动机、同步齿形带、发热板、热压 板、温控器及高度检测器等组成。温度设定值根据所采 用材料的粘接温度而定。 3)高度检测器固定在热压板的支架上,它的测量分辨率为 2μm。当热压板对工作台上方的纸进行热压时,高度检 测器能精确测量正在成型的制件的实际高度,并将此数 据及时反馈至计算机,然后据此高度对产品的三维模型 进行切片处理,得到与上述高度完全对应的截面轮廓, 从而可以较好地保证成型件在高度方向的轮廓形状和尺 寸精度。
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
The excess material supports overhangs and other weak areas of the part during fabrication. The cross-hatching facilitates removal of the excess material. Once completed, the part has a wood-like texture composed of the paper layers. Moisture can be absorbed by the paper, which tends to expand and compromise the dimensional stability. Therefore, most models are sealed with a paint or lacquer to block moisture ingress. The LOM™ developer continues to improve the process with sheets of stronger materials such as plastic and metal. Now available are sheets of powder metal (bound with adhesive) that can produce a "green" part. The part is then heat treated to sinter the material to its final state.
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
The excess material supports overhangs and other weak areas of the part during fabrication. 支撑 The cross-hatching facilitates removal of the excess material. Once completed, the part has a wood-like texture composed of the paper layers. Moisture can be absorbed by the paper, which tends to expand and compromise the dimensional stability. Therefore, most models are sealed with a paint or lacquer to block moisture ingress. 后处理

第6章 来自百度文库材叠层快速成形技术
LOM (Laminated Object Manufacturing) SSM (Slicing Solid Manufacturing) SOM (Stratified Object Manufacturing) 叠层实体制造 (LOM™, registered trademark by Helisys of Torrance, California, USA)
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
PROCESSES 过程: Material is usually a paper sheet laminated with adhesive on one side, but plastic and metal laminates are appearing.
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology

系统组成:它由计算机、原材料存储及送进机构、热 粘压机构、激光切割系统、可升降工作台和数控系统、 模型取出装臵和机架等组成。 计算机:用于接受和存储工件的三维模型,沿模型的 高度方向提取一系列的横截面轮廓线,发出控制指令。 原材料存储及送进机构:将底面有热熔胶和添加剂的 纸(原材料),逐步送至工作台的上方。 热粘压机构将一层层材料粘合在一起。 激光切割系统按照计算机提取的横截面轮廓线,逐一 在工作台上方的材料上切割出轮廓线,并将无轮廓区 切割成小方网格,这是为了在成形之后能剔除废料。
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
The LOM™ developer continues to improve the process with sheets of stronger materials such as plastic and metal. Now available are sheets of powder metal (bound with adhesive) that can produce a "green" part. The part is then heat treated to sinter the material to its final state.
involved, parts can be made quite large. Accuracy in z is less than that for SLA and SLS®. No milling step. Outside of model, cross-hatching removes material Models should be sealed in order to prohibit moisture. Before sealing, models have a wood-like texture. Not as prevalent as SLA and SLS®. Prevalent adj.普遍的, 流行的 Readily adv.乐意地, 欣然, 容易地
1. LOM原型制造技术的原理、系统组成及各部分的主要 2. 3. 4.
作用? LOM原型制造技术是否需要支撑?并说明其原因 LOM原型制造技术的优缺点? LOM原型制造技术为什么必须后处理,并说明后处理 注意事项。

逆向工程与快速成形技术 Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototype Technology
天津科技大学 Tianjin University of Science & Technology
Highlights of Laminated Object Manufacturing
Layers of glue-backed paper form the model. Low cost: Raw material is readily available. Large parts: Because there is no chemical reaction