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Listening part

⼀一、Listen and choose(听录⾳音, 选出您所听到的单词)

( ) 1. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday

( ) 2. A. sweep B. sweet C. strict

( ) 3. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss

( ) 4. A. closet B. clothes C. clouds

( ) 5. A. path B. park C. pork

⼆二、Listen and number(听录⾳音, 标序号)


三、Listen and choose(听录⾳音, 选择正确的答案)

( ) 1. A. He is young and active. B. He is strict and tall.

C. He is smart and active.

( ) 2. A. It’s over the bed. B. It’s near the closet.

C. It’s over the end table.

( ) 3. A. We have cabbage and fish. B. We have potatoes and pork.

C. We have mutton and potatoes.

( ) 4. A. I can make the bed. B. I can clean the bedroom.

C. I can put away the clothes.

( ) 5. A. Fish. B. Apples. C. Cabbage.

四、Listen and number(根据录⾳音顺序⽤用1. 2. 3…, 给下列列句句⼦子标序号) ( ) 1. What can you do?

( ) 2. Great! You’re helpful.

( ) 3. Are you helpful at home, Chen Jie?

( ) 4. I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals.

( ) 5. Sure.



(⼀一)从每⼩小题A.B.C.D中选出划线部分发⾳音与其他三个发⾳音不不同的选项. ()1. A. day B. play C. Monday D. today

( ) 2. A. closet B. holiday C. robot D. clothes

( ) 3. A. cabbage B. grape C. village D. bridge

( ) 4. A. tasty B. sky C. fly D. try

( ) 5. A. cook B. room C. bedroom D. foot

( ⼆二 )选择填空从A.B.C.D中选能填⼊入各句句空⽩白处的最佳答案.

( ) 6. – who’s math teacher ? ---Mr Zhao.

A. your

B. you

C. I

D. she

( ) 7. What’s she like ? thin and short .

A. He’s B . She’s C. his D. her

( ) 8. -- that young lady ? –She’s our principal .


B. where

C. Who

D. whose

( ) 9. Today is Monday .What day is the next day ?

A. It’s Sunday

B. It’s Tuesday

C. It’s Thursday

D. It’s Saturday

( ) 10.—What do you have on Tuesdays?

--We have and .

A .math science B. eggplant fishes

C. Chinese pork

D. Chinese book mat h book

( ) 11. –What do you do on Sundays ?

-- .

. A.I have green beans B. She does her homework

C. He watches TV

D.I often read books

( )12. Zip carrot juice.


B. love

C. likes

D. is like

( ) 13. I’d like some for lunch .

A. tomato

B. tomatos C .tomato’s D .tomatoes

( )14. What the monkey do ?

A .is B. are C .can D .do

( )15. I can the clothes.

A. put B .put away C. puts away D. away

( )16.There a small closet in my bedroom .

A is B. am C. are D. be

( )17.There two bed tables and a big .

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. be

( )18.My father has air conditioner.

A. a

B. an

C. the


( )19.Helen’s mother looks young the picture.

A in B. on C .for D. of

( )20.There is a picture the wall.

A. on

B. is

C. over

D. behind

七、. 完形填空.阅读下⾯面短⽂文,从A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能填⼊入句句中相应空


Mr Liu

Mr Liu is 1 teacher 2 English .He is not young ,but he is not old ,too. He 3

a round face . He is tall . 4 are fifty students in his class .They 5 him .

Now it’s five in the afternoon . 6 ,some students 7 in the classroom .Mr Lin

is there ,too .He is helping 8 to study English .He is a good teacher 9 a good
