Mattel QSOP
礼品包装材料禁用物质管控程序1.目的该程序旨在严密管控禁用物质,以符合欧盟法规RoHS、EN71、2005/84/EC、94/62/EC、REACH等法案,美国法规ASTM F963、ASTM D3421-75等指令,孩之宝SRS规格要求、美泰QSOP规格要求及其他法规及客户要求。
3.名词定义3.1 EN71:欧洲玩具安全标准;94/62/EC:欧盟包装物及包装废弃物指令;2005/84/EC:欧盟塑料配件增塑剂管控指令;3.2 ASTM F963:美国玩具安全标准;3.3 RoHS:欧盟电子产品有害物质限制指令;3.4 SRS:孩之宝测试规格要求(包括: SRS-012,SRS-044,SRS-047,SRS-046等);3.5 QSOP:美泰测试规格要求(QSOP0006-3600,QSOP0006-3610等);3.6 Supplier Certificate of Compliance:供货商禁用材质保证书(COC );3.7 Supplier’s Declar ation of Conformity:供货商符合性声明(Sdoc);3.8 RSCM:(Restricted Substances Control Manager)禁用物质管控项目负责人,分为xxxRSCM和供货商RSCM;3.9 纸制玩具:适用于设计或预定供14岁以下儿童玩耍的,用纸、纸板为主要原材料制成的非电玩具,包括纸质玩具书、拼图玩具、折纸玩具、具有与文具类似功能的玩具(包括:水彩、油彩、蜡笔、油画棒、各种笔类、文具盒类);3.10高风险性物料:用于产品涂布表面的UV油类、油墨、胶水、丝印油等化工类物料;3.11低风险性物料:除3.10定义的高风险性物料外,其他物料均属于低风险物料;3.12禁用物质:包括两层含义﹕A. 指在生产加工过程中根据相关的国际标准和法律法规或客户要求而禁止使用的某种或某些物质; B. 根据相关的国际标准和法律法规或客户要求, 某种或某些物质被规定了含量限制, 禁止超过含量限制的物质也叫禁用物质。
一、重金属元素含量(Eeavy Elemeng Content Limit):1.1相关标准(reference standard):16CFR1303、ASTM F963、CPSIA、EN71-3、GB24613、ISO8124-3、Canada、CONEG、94/62/EEC etc.Hasbro SRS 012/044/047/060/082 H/E requirement;Mattel 0006-3600/0006-3604/0006-5000/0006-2901H/E requirement;McDonald TS31,Creata CQP7.2.111.2华盛要求(WS requirement)适用范围:1.产品的可接触部件,即:产品在装拆、使用、可预见性滥用测试前后可接触部分,以及打算与产品一起保留的包装物料,如:产品上贴纸,介绍卡等;2.所有图层/电镀层均不可作为底材的不可接触的屏障;3.产品在装拆、使用、可预见性滥用测试前后可接触的小物体内不可接触的部件;4.所有不可接触部件需对镉(Cd)成分进行测试。
1.2.1艺术类,文具类物料含量要求如下:(Art、stationery materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 10ppm钡 (Ba) / 250ppm砷(As) / 10ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm镉(Cd) 30ppm 30ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 25ppm贡 (Hg) ND ND锑 (Sb) / 25ppm1.2.2油漆/油墨/表面图层/溶剂/油漆/材料含量要求如下:(paint、paint ink、surface coating、solvent、paint materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1) 可溶含量上限(方法2)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit Soluble 2 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 20ppm /钡 (Ba) / 300ppm 750ppm砷(As) / 10ppm 30ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm 400ppm镉(Cd) 20ppm 20ppm 400ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 40ppm /贡 (Hg) ND ND /锑 (Sb) / 25ppm 400ppm1.2.3塑料、布、纸张、五金、玻璃、玉器、陶瓷制品等材料含量要求如下:(Plastic、fabric、paper、metal、glass、gemstone、ceramic etc materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 20ppm钡 (Ba) / 300ppm砷(As) / 10ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm镉(Cd) 20ppm 20ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 40ppm贡 (Hg) ND ND锑 (Sb) / 25ppm1.2.4包装材料(例如:卡通箱、彩盒、胶带、包装贴纸等)符合铅(Pb),镉(Cd),贡 (Hg)和六价铬(Cr 6+)之含量总和不超过100ppm的规定。
PVC Phthalates(邻苯二甲酸盐)要求
标准/要求 BBP(butylbenzyl pht- 1、所有奶嘴,摇铃,咬圈以 halate) 及牙膏型玩具含PVC,且按 DBP(dibutyl phthalate) D3421的方法进行测试时, 可接受的DEHP最高含量为固 DNOP(di-n-octyl pht- 体物质的3%。 -----无适用 halate) 年龄界限。 DIDP(di-iso-de-cyl phthalate) DEHP(di-z-ethy lhexyl phathalate) DINP(di-isono-nyl phthOP 3610(F) 最大匀许 标准/要求 限度 1、3岁以下产品,PVC DEHP和 / DINP 含量不允许超 0.05%(500PPM); / 2、3-6岁产品, 有机会接触口 腔的PVC材料所含DINP和DEHP / 均需低于0.1% (1000PPM); 3、其它产品, PVC DEHP含量 / 需低于0.1%(1000PPM) 0.1% 0.05%
PVC Phthalates(邻苯二甲酸盐)要求
Phthalates ASTM F963-03 Clause 4.3.8 最大匀许 限度 / / / / 3% / ST 2002 Part-3 Clause 1.9 标准/要求 1、3-6岁适龄玩具:A, 如所含 PVC材料有机会接触到口腔,要求 DEHP和DINP的含量均不可超 0.1%(1000PPM); B, 其它产品PVC DEHP不可超 0.1%(1000PPM). 2、3岁以下适龄玩具:A,奶嘴和咬 圈型玩具中不允许使用PVC料;B, 其它类型产品DEHP和DINP含量均不 可超0.1%(1000PPM). 最大匀 许限度 / / / / 0.1% 0.1% EU 1999/815/EC 标准/要求 1、3岁以下,有机会与口腔接 触之玩具,其PVC物料所含 BBP、DBP、DNOP、DIDP、 DEHP、DINP均不可超0.1% (1000PPM); (此标准每三个月将update) 最大匀许 限度 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% TOMY 标准/要求 1、所有ST2002条文中允许使用之 PVC DEHP和DINP,Tomy要求如下: a、对注塑/搪胶之PVC,DEHP和 DINP均应小于0.03%(300PPM) b、对除注塑/搪胶外其它方法使 用的PVC只对DEHP要求,应低于 0.05%(500PPM) 最大匀许 限度 / / / / 0.03%
Authorized by:For Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd.Ben N.L. LinGeneral ManagerApplicant: KOANG CHI PRINT MATERIAL (SUZHOU) Date: Jan 21, 2013CO., LTDYIN XI INDUSTRIAL ZONE, WU ZHONG DISTRICT, SUZHOU, JIANGSU, CHINAAttn: WU YUEFENSample Description:One (1) submitted sample said to be yellow ink 油墨 (黄).**************************************************************************************************************************************Tests conducted:As requested by the applicant, refer to attached page(s) for details.**************************************************************************************************************************************To be continuedAuthorized by:For Intertek Testing Services Shenzhen Ltd.Ben N.L. LinGeneral ManagerConclusion:Tested Sample Standard Result Submitted sample Mattel QSOP No. 0006-3600 Rev. Z clause 2.3.1 for heavy elements testPassMattel QSOP No. 0006-3600 Rev. Z clause 2.3 for Soluble Organic Tin content See testconductedMattel QSOP No. 0006-3600 Rev. Z clause 2.3 for Soluble Chromium (VI) content See testconductedMattel QSOP No. 0006-3610 Rev. AB on phthalate contentPassMattel QSOP No.0006-3618 Rev. F "Formaldehyde" Pass Mattel QSOP No. 0006-3615 Rev. N "Azo Dyes in Soft Goods"See Comment*********************************************************************************************************************************Comment:The testing scope of the following standards were not applicable to the submitted samples. However, the test results of the samples met the related requirements as stated in this report.*********************************************************************************************************************************Tests Conducted1 Heavy Elements Analysis As per Mattel Quality and Safety Operating Procedure No. 0006-3600 Rev. Z clause 2.3.1, acid digestion and extraction methods were used and heavy elements content were determined by Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Spectrometry.Total Elements Content Result (ppm) Limit (ppm) Tot. Soluble Method 1 SolubleMethod 2Tot. Barium (Ba) 26 -- 500 1000 Tot. Lead (Pb) <5 40 -- -- Tot. Cadmium (Cd) <5 75 17 1000 Tot. Antimony (Sb) <5 -- 60 1000 Tot. Selenium (Se) <5 -- 300 1000 Tot. Chromium (Cr) 25 -- 60 -- Tot. Mercury (Hg) <5 10 -- -- Tot. Arsenic (As) <5 -- 25 1000 Tot. Alumium (Al) 123 -- 70000 -- Tot. Boron (B) <10 -- 15000 -- Tot. Cobalt (Co) <10 -- 130 -- Tot. Copper(Cu) <10 -- 7700 -- Tot. Manganese (Mn) 31 -- 15000 -- Tot. Nickel (Ni) <10 10000 930 -- Tot. Strontium (Sr) <10 -- 56000 -- Tot. Tin (Sn) 28 -- 180000 -- Tot. Zinc (Zn) <10 -- 46000 --Result (ppm) Limit (ppm) Soluble Elements Content Soluble Method 1 Soluble Method 1 Sol. Tin (Sn)<2 180000ppm = parts per million Tot. = Total Sol. =Soluble Tested sample : Yellow ink. Date sample received : Jan 14, 2013 Testing period : Jan 14, 2013 to Jan 18, 2013*********************************************************************************************************************************Tests Conducted2 Soluble Organic Tin content(A) Test ResultA s per Mattel Quality and Safety Operating Procedure No. 0006-3600 Rev. Z clause 2.3, with reference toEN71-3: 1994 and amendment A1: 2000 and AC: 2002, and followed by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS).Organic Tin Compound Result (mg/kg as TBT #)Methyl tin (MeT) <0.1Dimethyl tin (DMT) <0.1Dibutyl tin (DBT) <0.1Tributyl tin (TBT) <0.1Tetrabutyl tin (TeBT) <0.1Monooctyl tin (MOT) <0.1Dioctyl tin (DOT) <0.1Dipropyl tin (DPrT) <0.1Diphenyl tin (DPhT) <0.1Triphenyl tin (TPhT) <0.1Sum of Organic Tins <0.1# = The result is expressed as Tributytin (TBT)(B) LimitElement For dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable (mg/kg) For liquid or sticky(mg/kg)For scraped-off(mg/kg)Organic Tin 0.9 0.2 12Tested sample : Yellow ink.Date sample received: Jan 14, 2013Testing period: Jan 14, 2013 t Jan 18, 2013*********************************************************************************************************************************Tests Conducted3 Soluble Chromium (VI) Content(A) Test ResultAs per Mattel Quality and Safety Operating Procedure No. 0006-3600 Rev. Z clause 2.3, with reference toEN71-3 : 1994 and amendment A1 : 2000 and AC : 2002 and followed by Liquid Chromatography withInductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry.Element Result(ppm)Chromium (VI) (Cr VI) <0.2ppm=parts per million(B) LimitElement For scraped-off Materials(ppm)Chromium (VI) (Cr VI) 0.2Tested sample : Yellow ink.Date sample received : Jan 14, 2013Testing period : Jan 14, 2013 to Jan 18, 2013Content4 PhthalateAs per Mattel Quality and Safety Operating Procedure No. 0006-3610 Rev. AB and with reference to CPSC-CH-C1001-09.2, by Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric (GC-MS) analysis.For accessible materialsResult(%) Mattel’s requirement (%) Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) <0.01Di-(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate (DEHP) <0.01Benzylbutyl phthalate (BBP) <0.01Di-iso-butyl phthalate (DIBP) <0.01Sum of four phthalates : <0.01 0.1(%) Mattel’s requirement (%)ResultDi-(iso-nonyl) phthalate (DINP) <0.01Di-(n-octyl) phthalate (DNOP) <0.01Di-iso-decyl phthalate (DIDP) <0.01Sum of three phthalates : <0.01 0.1(%) Mattel’s requirement (%)ResultDi-n-hexyl phthalate (DnHP)Tested sample : Yellow ink.Date sample received : Jan 14, 2013Testing period : Jan 14, 2013 to Jan 17, 2013*********************************************************************************************************************************Tests Conducted5 Free Formaldehyde Content (Fabric)As per Mattel Quality and Safety Operating Procedure No.0006-3618 Rev. F & ISO 14184-1. Result : 6 ppmRequirement : 75/300 ppmppm =milligram per kilogram=mg/kgTested sample : Yellow printed knit.Date sample received : Jan 14, 2013 Testing period : Jan 14, 2013 to Jan 16, 20136 Detection of Amines in DyestuffWith reference to MATTEL Quality and Safety Operating Procedure No. 0006-3615 REV. N. T est method : EN 14362-1 : 2012 for Textile MaterialNo. Forbidden amine CAS No. Result1 4-Aminodiphenyl 92-67-1 N2 4-Chloro-o-toluidine 95-69-2 N3 o-Aminoazotoluene 97-56-3 N4 5-nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 N5 2,4-Diaminoanisole 615-05-4 N6 4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane 101-77-9 N7 3,3'-Dimethyl-4,4'diaminodiphenylmethane 838-88-0 N8 p-Cresidine 120-71-8 N9 4,4'-Methylene-bis(2-chloroaniline) 101-14-4 N 10 4,4'-Oxydianiline 101-80-4 N 11 4,4'-Thiodianiline 139-65-1 N 12 2,4-Toluylenediamine 95-80-7 N 13 2,4,5-Trimethylaniline 137-17-7 N 14 p-Aminoazobenzene 60-09-3 N 15 2,4-Xylidine 95-68-1 N 16 2,6-Xylidine 87-62-7 N 17 Benzidine 92-87-5 N 18 2-Naphthylamine 91-59-8 N 19 p-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 N 20 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 N 21 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine 119-90-4 N 22 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 119-93-7 N 23 o-Toluidine 95-53-4 N 24 2-Methoxyaniline 90-04-0 NRemark : N = Not detected Detection limit = 5 ppm Requirement =30 ppm ppm = parts per million = mg/kg*********************************************************************************************************************************Tests ConductedTested sample : Yellow ink.Date sample received : Jan 14, 2013Testing period : Jan 14, 2013 to Jan 17, 20137 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) ContentWith reference to the document ZEK 01.4-08 issued by the Central Experience Exchange Office (ZEK), bysolvent extraction and determined by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS).(Ⅰ) Test ResultTesting Item Result (mg/kg)Naphthalene 1.1 Acenaphthylene ND(<0.2)Acenaphthene ND(<0.2)Fluorene ND(<0.2) Phenanthrene ND(<0.2)Anthracene ND(<0.2) Fluoranthene ND(<0.2) Pyrene ND(<0.2) Benzo[a]anthracene ND(<0.2)Chrysene ND(<0.2) Benzo[b]fluoranthene ND(<0.2)Benzo[k]fluoranthene ND(<0.2)Benzo[a]pyrene ND(<0.2)Indeno[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene ND(<0.2)Dibenzo[a,h]anthrancene ND(<0.2)Benzo[g,h,i]perylene ND(<0.2)Benzo[j]fluoranthene ND(<0.2)Benzo[e]pyrene ND(<0.2)Sum of PAHs 1.1mg/kg= milligram per kilogram = ppmND= Not detectedReporting limit = 0.2 mg/kgTested sample : Yellow ink.*********************************************************************************************************************************Tests Conducted() Limits for PAH in ProductsⅡParameter Product Benzo[a]pyrene Sum 18 PAH (EPA)Category 1 a. Materials intended to be put in themouthb. Materials of toys intended to skincontact for children aged < 36monthsNot detected(<0.2 mg/kg)#Not detected(<0.2 mg/kg)#Category 2 Materials not covered by category 1,with foreseeable skin contact forlonger than 30 seconds (long termskin contact)1 mg/kg 10 mg/kgCategory 3 Materials not covered by category 1or 2 with foreseeable skin contact upto 30 seconds (short term skincontact)20 mg/kg 200 mg/kgRemark:# : If the limits of category 1 are surpassed but the limits of category 2 still met, the confirmation of suitability of the oral mucosa can be verified by an additional specific migration test of the PAH components according to DIN EN 1186 and § 64 LFGB 80.30-1. The results of the migration test shall beevaluated according to law criteria for foodstuff.Date sample received: Jan 14, 2013Testing period: Jan 14, 2013 to Jan 17, 2013*********************************************************************************************************************************End of reportThis report is made solely on the basis of your instructions and/or information and materials supplied by you. It is not intended to be a recommendation for any particular course of action. Intertek does not accept a duty of care or any other responsibility to any person other than the Client in respect of this report and only accepts liability to the Client insofar as is expressly contained in the terms and conditions governing Intertek's provision of services to you. Intertek makes no warranties or representations either express or implied with respect to this report save as provided for in those terms and conditions. We have aimed to conduct the Review on a diligent and careful basis and we do not accept any liability to you for any loss arising out of or in connection with this report, in contract, tort, bystatute or otherwise, except in the event of our gross negligence or wilful misconduct.。
QSOP0006-36101 SCOPE范围1.1 Products and Components Covered产品和构件1.1.1 The following components of all products, including promotional items and packagingintended to remain with the product.所有产品的下列成份,包括增加的项目要与包装产品保持一致。 Plastic parts (see Exemptions)塑胶(参考豁免) Glues/adhesives胶水/粘合剂1.1.1.3 Cosmetics化妆品1.1.1.4 Synthetic rubber合成橡胶1.1.1.5 Sealants密封剂1.1.1.6 Lubricants润滑物1.1.1.7 Solids in aerosols胶体中的固体1.1.1.8 Foamed plastics发泡塑料1.1.1.9 Modeling clay造型黏土1.1.1.10 Fragranced/scented items香料/芳香剂1.1.1.11 Surface coatings表面的涂层1.1.1.12 Inks which are not absorbed into the substrate没有被基材吸收的平版印刷油墨1.2 Exemptions豁免1.2.1 Ordinary books intended for children ≥3 years old.普通书籍供儿童≥3岁1.2.2 Packaging materials intended to be discarded.将被丢弃的包装材料1.2.3 Batteries included for try-me purposes电池1.2.4 Inaccessible materials in products, accessories, or peripherals intended to be used exclusively by adults.成人专产品中不能触及的材料,附件或外围设备1.2.5 The following plastics, if the composition is confirmed by a bill of materials (BOM) orcomponent/material specification .下列的塑料,如果有确切的材料(BOM)的帐单确认或成份/材料说明Polyoxymethylene (POM)/Acetal 乙缩醛二乙醇Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)Nylon 尼龙Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PBT)Polycarbonate (个人计算机)Polycyclohexylenedimethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PCTG) 乙二醇(PCTG)Polyethylene (PE) including HDPE, LDPE, etc. 聚乙烯(PE包括HDPE 、LDPE,等Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) 聚乙烯苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET )Polypropylene聚丙烯(PP)Polystyrene (PS) including HIPS, SHIPS, etc.聚苯乙烯(PS )Styrene Butadiene Copolymer (SBC) 苯乙烯丁二烯共聚物External laboratories may use alternate means to determine if a plastic part qualifies for this exemption.外部实验室可能使用其他手段来确定一个塑料的一部分这项豁免资格1.2.6Inaccessible portions of Power Wheels batteries车轮电池的电力无法访问部分1.3 Definitions (Words that are defined are italicized and bolded once per section)定义(文中斜体和粗体字的概念参见下文)Accessible: Any area of the product that can be contacted by any portion forward of the collar of the accessibility probes when inserted to the depth determined in QSOP 0006-3010,Accessibility.可触性:指产品的任意部位通过使用可触探针深入开口处可以触碰得到,触碰深度在QSOP 0006-3010, Accessibility. 中有规定Novelty Books: Books that include internal and/or external play features involving interactionmore than simply reading. The book may incorporate plastic, metal or electronic componentsand may contain play features, take along toy activities or crafts.新书:包括内部和/或外部发挥互动功能,涉及的不仅仅是阅读。
孩之宝、美泰玩具安全标准测试时间:2005-3-2 为更好地满足玩具检测
8. QSOP 5000-Packaging Heavy Element
9. QSOP 5010-total Cadmium in Plastics
a) Plastic/Textile/Paper and Wood
b) Wet Paint/Coating
c) Clay/Finger Paints
d) Individual Element
6. QSOP 3610-Stabilizers and Plasticizers in PVC
1. SRS-012 Heavy Metals in Surface Coating
2. SRS-013 CPSC Flammability Test
3. SRS-014 CPSC Flammability of Textile
4. SRS-015 Children Sleepwear
2. QSOP 3300-Flammabilty of Solid
3. QSOP 3310-flammability of Stuffed Toy & Costume Pieces
4. QSOP 3320-Flammability of Fabrics
5. QSOP 3600-Heavy Metals
5. SRS-044 Heavy Metals in Plastics
6. SRS-046 DEHP
7. SRS-047 Heavy Metal in Fabric and Paperboard
பைடு நூலகம்
星光生產Hasbro產品所用織物,紙和紙板類物料 如原紙,緶織物,布料等物料。
Hasbro兒童玩具產品,塑膠類以及可接 觸的表面涂料(如油墨,水油,油,uv油, 磨光油,光pp膜,啞pp膜燙金紙,貼紙等) 中的增塑劑的管控要求.
1000ppm 1000ppm
所謂的包裝材料是指用來保護,便於拿取及運送 貨物時所使用的材料 包裝材料包括:紙箱、彩盒、玻璃、塑膠、金屬、 合金及木頭等.
回收目標〆歐盟於1994年規定,包裝回收目標為 25~50%,而各類回收(如紙、玻璃、金屬等) 需達15% 回收責任〆通常是生產者交付當地回收機構一些 費用,由他們負責回收
• 客戶對我們公司的實施要求 • 對供應商的主要實施要求 • 公司相關部門的主要實施要求
在管控上分包装类和成品玩具类进行管控 a.包装类:
1.电子包装:金宝、中山/珠海伟创力、 CONAIR、 等. 2.玩具包装:Hasbro等.
b.成品玩具类: Hasbro、MATTEL等.
• 星光生產Hasbro產品所用Surface Coating物料,如 油墨, uv油,磨光油,光pp膜,啞pp膜燙金紙,貼紙等 • 如果在成品中含有鉛筆,水筆等配件也適用于此 條款
星光生產Hasbro產品用塑料,木質,金屬類物料如 收縮袋,膠件,膠粒,膠片及拼圖用木板等物料
一、重金属元素含量(Eeavy Elemeng Content Limit):1.1相关标准(reference standard):16CFR1303、ASTM F963、CPSIA、EN71-3、GB24613、ISO8124-3、Canada、CONEG、94/62/EEC etc.Hasbro SRS 012/044/047/060/082 H/E requirement;Mattel 0006-3600/0006-3604/0006-5000/0006-2901H/E requirement;McDonald TS31,Creata CQP7.2.11华盛要求(WS requirement)适用范围:1.产品的可接触部件,即:产品在装拆、使用、可预见性滥用测试前后可接触部分,以及打算与产品一起保留的包装物料,如:产品上贴纸,介绍卡等;2.所有图层/电镀层均不可作为底材的不可接触的屏障;3.产品在装拆、使用、可预见性滥用测试前后可接触的小物体内不可接触的部件;4.所有不可接触部件需对镉(Cd)成分进行测试。
1.2.1艺术类,文具类物料含量要求如下:(Art、stationery materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 10ppm钡 (Ba) / 250ppm砷(As) / 10ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm镉(Cd) 30ppm 30ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 25ppm贡 (Hg) ND ND锑 (Sb) / 25ppm1.2.2油漆/油墨/表面图层/溶剂/油漆/材料含量要求如下:(paint、paint ink、surface coating、solvent、paint materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1) 可溶含量上限(方法2)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit Soluble 2 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 20ppm /钡 (Ba) / 300ppm 750ppm砷(As) / 10ppm 30ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm 400ppm镉(Cd) 20ppm 20ppm 400ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 40ppm /贡 (Hg) ND ND /锑 (Sb) / 25ppm 400ppm1.2.3塑料、布、纸张、五金、玻璃、玉器、陶瓷制品等材料含量要求如下:(Plastic、fabric、paper、metal、glass、gemstone、ceramic etc materials content limit requirement as below)元素总含量上限可溶含量上限(方法1)Element Total Limit Soluble 1 Limit铅(Pb) 20ppm 20ppm钡 (Ba) / 300ppm砷(As) / 10ppm硒(Se) / 200ppm镉(Cd) 20ppm 20ppm铬(Cr) 500ppm 40ppm贡 (Hg) ND ND锑 (Sb) / 25ppm1.2.4包装材料(例如:卡通箱、彩盒、胶带、包装贴纸等)符合铅(Pb),镉(Cd),贡 (Hg)和六价铬(Cr 6+)之含量总和不超过100ppm的规定。
QSOP 0006-4360CPage 1 of 8PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTITLE MASTER CARTON COMPRESSION TESTQUALITY AND SAFETY NUMBER 0006-4360 REVISION C DATE 9/7/10 OPERATING PROCEDUREFOR QUESTIONS CONTACT Brenda Brockway REVISED BY B. Brockway/ W. PortacioSCOPE1.1 Products and Components Covered All products packaged in a Master Carton (MC), Club Pallet carton or Individual Shipper.1.2 Exemptions (None)1.3 DefinitionsClub Pallet: A large pack out carton configuration destined for Club stores like Costco, Sams Club, or BJs. Typically consists of multiple layers of products in a 40” x 48” footprint that is covered by a large corrugated shroud which is placed onto a 40” x 48” pallet at the retailer. Corner Posts: Laminated paperboard constructed into rigid right-angle edge protectors used to add compression strength to club loads.Master Carton: The shipping container that holds several products of the same kind. Products are generally removed from the master carton before display on store shelves. Sometimes large bulky items are packed one to a master carton.Shipper/Individual: Package, which serves both as a master carton and an individual package for the retail environment.Laboratory Ambient Environment: 73°F ± 3°F (23°C ± 2°C) at a relative humidity of 20% to 70%.1.4 PurposeTo determine the club pallet carton , master carton or individual shipper’s capability to withstand the static loads subjected to during shipping and storage.2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSPerformance requirements must be met both before and after all applicable Use and Abuse testing.2.1 Master cartons and Shipper/Individuals [§3.3 and §3.4]2.1.1 Must not sustain severe structural, i.e. side bowing, horizontal creasing of sides, splittingof vertical edges/creases associated with high amounts of compression (reductions ofMC height approximately 8% or more).2.1.2 The retail product and packaging must not sustain severe structural or aesthetic damage2.2 Club Pallet Cartons [§3.5]2.2.1 Club Pallet must be constructed with rigid Corner posts on all four corners. Use 0.64 cm(0.25 in) minimum thickness with 7.6 cm (3.0 in) minimum leg dimensions. Figure 1shows corner posts in place.QSOP 0006-4360CPage 2 of 8PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONFigure 1Club Pallet Carton pictured on a wooden retailer pallet. (Club Pallets from Asiaare not2.2.2 Pallet must not sustain severe structural damage; see Appendix A for photo examples ofunacceptable structural damage.2.2.3 The retail product and packaging must not sustain severe structural or aesthetic damage.2.2.4 The pack out’s principal display panel of the individual retail packages should alwaysface forward on one side, or as otherwise specified on the Club Carrier Sketch andPackage Concept sheet, which are provided by Corporate Visual Merchandising.2.2.5 Tissue wrap or poly bags, (sometimes used to prevent package damage, should not beused in Club Pallet Pack out).3 PROCEDURE3.1 Test EnvironmentAmbient Laboratory Environment: 73°F ± 3°F (23°C ± 2°C) at a relative humidity of 20% to 70%.3.2 Equipment3.2.1 Carton compression tester as shown in Figures 2 and 3 or equivalent.• Blocks of lumber of different heights for different sizes of cartons.• Sheet of plywood at least 18 mm (3/4”) thick.• Pallet (wooden or plastic)• Plastic shipping straps• Scale capable of weighing a mass of up to 1137 kg (2500 lb).• Dead weights.• Forklift with roll cage or equivalent.FIGURE 2: Front ViewFIGURE 3: Side View3.2.2 Parts needed to build carton compression tester:•Pneumatic cylinder capable of applying the required force.•Pneumatic hand lever operator.•Air regulator 690 kPa (100 PSI) full scale with 1% accuracy.QSOP 0006-4360C Page 3 of 8PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONQSOP 0006-4360CPage 4 of 8PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION • Air pressure gauge, 0-413 kPa with 50 kPa graduations and 0.5% accuracy full scale(0-60 PSI with 5 PSI graduations and 0.5% accuracy).• Aluminum channel 10.2 cm x 4.13 cm (4 in x 1-5/8 in)• Steel plate 15.24 cm x 15.24 cm x 0.95 cm (6 in x 6 in x 3/8 in)• 18mm (3/4 in) plywood sheet3.3 General Test Requirements [§2.1]3.3.1 Master Carton Equipment CalibrationThe compression force generated by a certain level of input air pressure is different for each carton tester. To determine air pressure/compression force plot, perform thefollowing test: Place a load cell (or other force measurement device) in the machine and record the force generated by different input air pressures. Re-test every 6 months to verify that no change has taken place with the equipment. When testing is completed, plot a load chart for the machine and place near tester for use before each carton test. Position the “U-joint” in the tester in line with the cylinder center and thedownward force on the load cell perpendicular to the load cell surface. Place the force measurement device in the tester. Device (Figure 4) must havea 1% full scale accuracy.Capacity of equipment is the test laboratories option, but should be rated for theheaviest product tested. Adjust regulator to 69 kPa (10 PSI), actuate hand lever, and recordcompression force reading. Repeat at 103 kPa (15 PSI), 138 kPa (20 PSI) and172 kPa (25 PSI) and plot a chart using the best fit straight line that spans thereadings.FIGURE 4: Air Pressure/Compression Force Calibration SetupQSOP 0006-4360CPage 5 of 8PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3.4 Master Carton Procedure [§2.1]3.4.1 Inspect the carton before test to ensure there is no pre-existing damage.3.4.2 Allow the master carton to stand at ambienttemperature and humidity for a minimum oftwelve (12) hours.3.4.3 Place the carton on the fixture platform with the “UP arrow” pointing upwards (Figure 5) If the MC does not have an “UP arrow”, the up orientation is per the MasterCarton graphics. Completely support the bottom of the carton with the plywood base. Raisecarton with wooden blocks if needed so air cylinder is not at limit of travel.FIGURE 5: Position for Testing3.4.4 Place the plywood on top of carton. Be sure the plywood overhangs the cartoncompletely (Figure 5).3.4.5 Calculate Compression Load (lb. or Kg):L = W x [(H - h s )/h s ] x FWhere:L = the load the carton must withstand in kilograms (or pounds)W = The gross weight of one carton, in kilograms (or pounds)H = Carton pallet stack height of 6 m (20 ft.).h s = the stacking height (T/B) of one carton, in centimeters (or inches).F = 3 (compensating factor).Carton Force Calculation Example:W (carton weight) = 3.63 kg (8 lb)H (pallet stacking height) = 6.1 m (20ft)h s (carton stacking height) = 30.5 cm (12 in)L (compression load) = 8 x [(240-12)/12] x 3L = 207 kg (456 lb)3.4.6 Determine the air pressure needed to apply load from the load chart for the machine.3.4.7 Adjust air pressure regulator accordingly, engage compression load with hand lever, andallow the load to remain in place for 1 hour.3.5 Club Pallet Compression Test Procedure [§2.2]3.5.1 Inspect the Club pallet before test to ensure there is no pre-existing damage.3.5.2 Allow the club pallet to stand at ambient temperature and humidity for a minimum oftwelve (12) hours. Compression testing (§3.5.3 through §3.5.8) may be performed outside oflaboratory ambient temperature and humidity, as necessary, if the testing isperformed within 30 minutes of the environmental change.3.5.3 Weigh the club pallet.3.5.4 Close off the test area with a proximity of at least 1.2 m (4.0 feet) in addition to the totalheight of the club pallet with the load on top.For Example:If a club pallet with a load on top of it measures 3.4 m (11 feet), then distance of 4.6 m(15 feet) must be established at each side. (In an event of a load falling, this wouldprovide a safe distance for protection).Caution: When using weights, use extreme care to prevent injury.3.5.5 Place the plywood on top of club pallet. Be sure the plywood overhangs the club palleton 4 sides completely with a 2.5 cm (1.0 in) maximum.3.5.6 For club pallets weighing equal or less than 340 kg (750 pounds) Evenly distribute a minimum of 680 kg (1500 pounds) of dead weights, i.e. bagsof resin, zinc ingots, on top of a separate wooden pallet. (Include the weight ofthe wooden pallet). Once the desired load has been reached, secure the load, using cargo net,ratchet straps, or similar fasteners. Then use a forklift with a roll cage andcarefully place the load on top of the plywood.3.5.7 For club pallets weighing over 340 kg (750 pounds) Evenly distribute a minimum of 1140 kg (2500 pounds) of dead weights or bagsof weights on top of a separate wooden pallet. Once the desired load has been reached, secure the load, i.e. cargo net,ratchet straps. Then use a forklift with a roll cage and carefully place the loadon top of the plywood. (Include the weight of the wooden pallet).3.5.8 Allow the load to remain in place for 1 hour.3.5.9 Then carefully remove the load off the club pallet, after the test has been performed.3.5.10 Remove the corrugate cover from the club pallet and evaluate the pack out.QSOP 0006-4360C Page 6 of 8PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONQSOP 0006-4360CPage 7 of 8PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 4 HISTORY4.1 Reason for Revision Section Revision CImplementation All Converts measurement values to SI (metric)1.3 Adds definitions for Club Pallet, Corner Posts,Master Carton, Shipper individual and LaboratoryAmbient temperature§1.4 & § 4.1 Moves reason for the test from §4.1 Significance tothe new §1.4 “Purpose” statement§ 4.2Updated Reference documents. editorial 2.1 and2.2Adds performance requirements for Master Cartons, Shipper Individuals and Club Pallets, including figure with dimensions, corner supports and straps. 3.4.2 and3.5.2Adds 12 hr preconditioning at laboratory ambient per ASTM requirements. § 3.5 Adds test procedure for on club pallet to comply withInternational Safe Transit Association (ISTA)standards customer requirementsImmediate – Testing protocol for ISTA 1A & 3E already in effect. Section Revision BImplementation Revised to allow plant to determine equipmentcapacity. Immediate (upon release) Specifies orientation of M/C. Eliminates type 1 andtype II master carton requirements. Type factorswere used because of the shape of a master cartondesign that is no longer produced.3.4.4 Eliminated type factor.4.2 Referenced Documents• ASTM D 4169-05, Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers andSystems• ASTM D 4332-01, Standard Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, or PackingComponents for Testing• ASTM D 642-94, Determining Compressive Resistance of Shipping Containers • TAPPI T804 om-89, Compression Test for Fiberboard Shipping Containers• Fibre Box Association Fibre Box Handbook 1999.• ISTA 1A and 3EQSOP 0006-4360CPage 8 of 8PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONAppendix APhoto Examples of Club Pallet Damage。
YS600连线水性哑光油广泛应用于不同类型的纸张上光,已通过SGS、ITS检测,符合美国ASTM F963、欧盟EN71-3、RoHS、MATTEL QSOP 3600、HASBRO SRS 012等标准。
1. 主要成分:丙烯酸乳液
2. 外观:乳白色液体
3. 粘度: 40±10秒(涂-4杯,25℃)
4. 固含量: 40±2%
5. PH 值:
6. 光泽:≤15(60°)
7. 耐磨:≥400次(4磅)( 本资料仅供参表,若需详细产品检验规格请参照实际出货的COA )
1. 本产品适用于印刷机连线上光。
2. 本产品可直接使用,或加入5%水使用。
3. 本产品涂布后须注意其涂膜之干燥完全,建议使用热风或红外线加热促进涂膜干燥。
(过油机烘箱温度80℃,速度55 m/min.)
4. 可用清水清洗上光设备
1. 保质期:半年
2. 本产品须储放于阴凉处,应避免暴露于高热或光线直接照射之地方。
3. 以上数据来源于实验室,使用时仅供参考。
与欧美的可迁移双酚a的测试方法相比,本方法操作快速,简便,准确度高,可以满足美泰玩具公司的质量安全操作程序qsop 0006-3627(a版)[1]禁用双酚a型的聚碳酸酯的要求。
由于制造聚碳酸酯中需要添加双酚a(bisphenol a,酚甲烷),而双酚a是一种内分泌干扰物质,可扰乱人体激素分泌,包括性激素。
目前,国外都是测试可迁移的双酚a,如en 14372:2004[2],en71-9:2005[3],en 13130:2004[4]都是使用蒸馏水或者模拟食品的迁移液进行迁移样品中的双酚a。
而美泰玩具公司的质量安全操作程序qsop 0006-3627(a版)就根据pc的特性,采用傅立叶变换红外光谱法测试玩具塑料材料中的双酚a型聚碳酸酯,但是没有具体列出操作步骤。
1 实验部分1.1 主要仪器傅立叶红外光谱仪:美国thermofisher nicolet 6700,配衰减全反射。
1.2 主要试剂标准品:双酚a型的聚碳酸酯(cas no.25037-45-0,无色透明固体)注:cas no.24936-68-3是淡黄色透明液体的双酚a型的聚碳酸酯1.3 实验部分光谱条件b) 晶体类型:金刚石;c) 光源:中红外光源;d) 分束器:kbr;e) 光谱范围:400 cm-1~4000 cm-1;f) 光谱分辨率:4 cm-1;g) 扫描次数:32;h) 检测器:dtgs kbr(甘氨酸硫酸氘);2 结果讨论在1.3给出的工作条件参数下,目标物的特征波数见表1,红外光谱图见图1。
QSOP0006-3604F 3604 F标准
QSOP 0006-3604 FPage 1 of 5 PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1TITLE HEAVY ELEMENTS – CHILDREN’S JEWELRYQUALITY AND SAFETY NUMBER 0006-3604REVISION F DATE 3/9/2010OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR QUESTIONS CONTACT Y. Gao REVISION AUTHOR Y. Gao1 SCOPE1.1 Products and Components CoveredJewelry Components intended for children ≤14 years1.2 Exemptions1.2.1 Soluble method 1 if sample material is <10 mg1.2.2 Inaccessible electronic component in non-small part item of children’s jewelry1.3 Definitions (Words that are defined are italicized and bolded once per section)Composite Sample: A sample made from combining more than one material or color e.g. paints (red, yellow and blue), vacuum metalized coating (silver and gold). It is not considered compositing when colors or materials that can not be separated (e.g. thin strips, doll eyes, etc) are tested together.Jewelry Component: Parts of a jewelry item (necklace, bracelet, etc.) such as beads, clasp, chain, charm, etc.Jewelry Item: Ornamental item that is intended to be worn in the hair or on the body.Examples would include rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. This definition also includes jewelry kits that are intended to create jewelry items.Paints: Solid or liquid intended for use by the consumerSmall Part: A part that fits within the truncated cylinder when evaluated per QSOP 0006-3040, Small Parts, Balls and Marbles.Substrate: The base material beneath a surface coating .Surface Coating: All layers of materials such as paint or similar materials, that dry to a solid film when applied to a substrate and that can be scraped off with a sharp blade or washed off with a solvent such as acetone or ethanol, without removing the substrate (base) material. These are factory applied coatings on products.1.4 PurposeEvaluate children’s jewelry for compliance to worldwide safety standards for heavy metals content.2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS2.1 Surface CoatingMust be ≤ the limits specified below. Electroplating is not considered a coating.ELEMENT TOTAL (ppm) SOLUBLE METHOD 1 (ppm) SOLUBLE METHOD 2(ppm)Antimony (Sb) - 60 1000Arsenic (As) - 25 1000Barium (Ba) - 500 1000QSOP 0006-3604 FPage 2 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Cadmium (Cd)75 75 1000 Chromium (Cr)- 60 - Lead (Pb)40 - - Mercury (Hg)10 - - Selenium (Se)- 300 1000 2.2 Substrates including small part or non-small part Metal, Plastic, Natural or syntheticTextile Material, Glass, Ceramic, Gemstone, Bone, and WoodThe term glass includes objects such as rhinestones, cubic zirconia (also known as cubic zirconium or CZ); cat’s eye and lead crystal.2.2.1 A jewelry item shall not contain more than 1.0 gram total of glass or crystal (cumulativeweight).2.2.2 Must be ≤ the limits specified belowE L E M E N TT O T A L (p p m ) S O L U B L E M E T H O D 1 (p p m ) Antimony (Sb)- 60 Arsenic (As)- 25 Barium (Ba)- 500 Cadmium (Cd)75 - Chromium (Cr)- 60 Lead (Pb)40 - Mercury (Hg)- 60 Selenium (Se) - 3003 TEST METHODS3.1 Test Environment (not applicable)3.2 EquipmentUse equipment specified in procedures referenced in §3.43.3 General Test Requirements3.3.1 Analyze materials separately whenever possible.Colors or materials can be combined if they cannot be physically separated (e.g.overlapping colors of paint). This is not considered composite testing. Performcomposite testing following the requirements in Mattel QSOP 0006-3600, HeavyElements, § 3.3.5 and § Samples are to be tested in the same form they appear on the finished product, e.g.paint is tested in its dry state.3.3.3 Coated surfaces require testing of both the surface coating and the base material withthe coating removed.3.4 Procedure [§2.0]QSOP 0006-3604 FPage 3 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3.4.1 Total Test Method3.4.1.1 Thoroughly digest the sample utilizing any suitable method for the samplematerial, such as using a concentrated nitric acid per AOAC 974.02.Conventional ashing, microwave or hot plate digestions can also be used. Analyze the digestion utilizing any suitable method based on the equipmentused (AA or ICP) and the element content to be determined.3.4.2 Soluble Method Test and evaluate surface coating material per the latest revision ASTM F963. Test and evaluate non-surface coating material per the latest revision EN 71- Analyze the solution for heavy elements content using either atomic absorptionspectroscopy (AA) or inductively coupled plasma spectrophotometry (ICP).3.4.3 Soluble Method 2Test and evaluate for soluble cadmium, barium, antimony, selenium and arsenic per the latest revision of Health Canada Book 5 Laboratory Policies and Procedures, Part B,test method “C03-1, Determination of Leachable Cadmium, Barium, Antimony, Selenium and Arsenic in Applied Coatings”.4 HISTORY4.1 SignificanceCompliance can be assured by using a testing and compliance system that will reduce the risk of finished products having an excessive amount of heavy elements (e.g. Mil-Std 105).Total lead testing is required per CFR 1303, the Consumer Product Safety Committee-Interim enforcement Policy for Children’s Metal Jewelry Containing Lead (2005), and Illinois Public Act 095-1019.Total cadmium testing is based on requirements from European Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Restriction, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), and Danish Ordinance prohibiting the importation, sale and manufacture of cadmium containing products (BEK nr 858 of 05 Sept 2009)Soluble test method 1 is required per ASTM F963, EN 71-3, ISO 8124, Mexico’s NOM’s, and India’s IS 9873-3.Soluble test method 2 is required per Canada’s Hazardous Products Act.The Canadian HPA does not allow mercury to be intentionally added to the surface coating materials (SCM). A test result of ≤10 mg/kg (ppm) total mercury is considered the most reliable way to determine that no mercury has been introduced.4.2 Reason for Revision Section Revision F Implementation1.2 Adds the exemption of inaccessible electronic component in non-small part item of children’s jewelryImmediate2.1Adds 75 ppm total cadmium limit for surface coating ImmediateQSOP 0006-3604 FPage 4 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 4.1 & 4.3Revises the significance and the reference of total cadmium testing EditorialSection Revision E Implementation date:1.3 Revises the definitions of Composite Sample and Surface Coating to be aligned with QSOP 3600;Deletes the definitions of 14 Karat Gold, Accessible,Stainless Steel, Sterling Silver, and Surgical Steel.Editorial2.2 through2.4 Adds 75 ppm total Cadmium requirement and adds soluble 1 requirement for § 2.2; Changes cadmiumrequirement from 75 ppm soluble to 75 ppm total for§2.3 and §2.4. Combines requirements from former§2.2, with former §2.3, §2.4, and §2.5.Immediate 3.3.1 Revises the general requirement for composite testingto be aligned with QSOP 3600.Editorial 4.1 Adds the significance for total lead testing and totalcadmium testingEditorial 4.3 Adds source of total cadmium requirements to thissection Editorial5 Adds a FAQEditorial4.3 The following documents contain requirements related to this procedure• 16 CFR 1303• EN71-3 1994 with amendment A1:2000• ASTM F963-03• California Proposition 65• Canadian Hazardous Products Act and Health Canada’s Guideline for Lead in Children’sProducts• ISO 8124-3, 1997• Mexico NOM’s• U.S. CPSC Standard Operating Procedure for Determining Lead (Pb) and Its Availability inChildren’s Metal Jewelry, 2/3/2005• Q & A publication from the Consumer Product Safety Commission entitled Lead Testing forChildren’s Metal Jewelry, dated Nov. 2005• Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC, 17th Ed, Section 8.1.04 (2000).• Health Canada Book 5, Laboratory Policies and Procedures, Part B, Test Method C-07,Determination of Total Mercury in Paints and Applied Coatings.QSOP 0006-3604 FPage 5 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION • Health Canada Product Safety Laboratory Reference Manual Book 5 – Laboratory Policiesand Procedures, Part B: Test Methods Section, Method C-08, “Determination of Leachable Lead in Metallic Consumer Products which pose a Hazard from Ingestion”• Health Canada Book 5, Laboratory Policies and Procedures, Part B, C03-1, Determinationof Leachable Cadmium, Barium, Antimony, Selenium and Arsenic in Applied Coatings• W.R. Hatch and W. L. Ott, Determination of Sub-Microgram Quantities of Mercury by AtomicAbsorption Spectrophotometry, Anal. Chem., Vol. 40, No 14, p.2085 (1968).• California Assembly Bill 1681, Feb.22, 05.• Illinois Public Act 095-1019• European Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Restriction, Evaluation, Authorization, andRestriction of Chemicals (REACH)• Swedish Chemical Agency Regulation KIFS 1998:944 and KIFS 1998:8• Netherlands Chemical Substances Act Cadmium Decree 1999 (Dutch Cadmium Decree) • Danish Ordinance prohibiting the importation, sale and manufacture of cadmium containingproducts (BEK nr 858 of 05 Sept 2009)5 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ: Is doll’s jewelry covered under this QSOP?A: This QSOP only applies to the doll’s jewelry if the item is intended as wear-and-share (able tobe worn by both child and the doll). If the doll’s jewelry is intended for the doll only, it would fall under QSOP 3600.。
TITLEREACH - SUBSTANCES OF VERY HIGH CONCERNQUALITY AND SAFETY NUMBER0006-3621REVISIONADATE11/24/08OPERATING PROCEDURE AUTHORJ. KroskrityREVISED BY1 SCOPE1.1 Products and Components CoveredAll products1.2 ExemptionsItems purchased on the open market which do not fall within the scope of QSOP 0006-3610,Plasticizers1.3 Definitions(Words that are defined are italicized and bolded once per section)Article (REACH): an object which during production is given a special shape, surface or designwhich unambiguously determines its function to a greater degree than does its chemicalcomposition. Fluids or particles, regardless of their shape or design, are NOT consideredarticles. For example, paint in a can, or ink in a pen, is not considered part of the article whichcontains it. See Significance for additional information on articles.Non-packaging Article: Comprises all individual non-packaging articles (doll, fashions,accessories, cosmetic containers, etc). The sum of the weights of these non-packaging articlesequals the total weight of the Non-packaging Article.Packaging Article: Comprises all individual packaging articles (primary package, twist ties,elastic bands, etc). The sum of the weights of these packaging articles equals the total weightof the Packaging Article.Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC): Substances identified by the EuropeanChemicals Agency (ECHA) as a concern based on toxicity, persistence in the environment, orpropensity to bioaccumulate.1.4 PurposeProduct requirements for European Union (EU) chemical legislation known as REACH(R egistration, E valuation, A uthorisation, and Restriction of Ch emicals). Under the auspices ofREACH, the European Chemicals Agency has indentified 15 Substances of Very HighConcern (SVHC) which have been included in the Candidate List. The Candidate List will beexpanded in the future and has implications related to notification and authorization.2 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSThe chemicals in the following table shall not be present in an article at a percentage of greater than0.1% w/w. For the purposes of REACH, the percent weight-by-weight refers to the weight of the SVHCby weight of the Packaging Article, or Non-packaging Article, whichever applies. See Significancefor additional information regarding articles. In lieu of testing, it is acceptable to verify that adeclaration of conformity is on file for each first level supplier. See Addendum 1 for additionalinformation related to this requirement.Substance name CAS number(s)Anthracene 120-12-7 4,4'- Diaminodiphenylmethane 101-77-9Dibutyl phthalate 84-74-2Cobalt dichloride 7646-79-9Diarsenic pentaoxide 1303-28-2Diarsenic trioxide 1327-53-3Sodium dichromate 7789-12-0 and 10588-01-9 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene (musk xylene) 81-15-2Bis (2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate) (DEHP) 117-81-7Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) and all major diastereoisomers identified (α-HBCDD, β-HBCDD, γ-HBCDD) 25637-99-4; 3194-55-6 (composed of 134237-51-7, 134237-50-6, and 134237-52-8)Alkanes, C10-13, chloro (Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins) 85535-84-8Bis(tributyltin)oxide 56-35-9 Lead hydrogen arsenate 7784-40-9Triethyl arsenate 15606-95-8Benzyl butyl phthalate 85-68-73 HISTORY3.1 SignificanceREACH places requirements on articles that contain more than 0.1% by weight of any chemicallisted as a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC). It is Mattel’s policy that no articleproduced by Mattel will surpass the 0.1% level. For the purposes of REACH, each productcontains two articles—a Packaging Article and a Non-packaging Article.The Packaging Article is comprised of all individual packaging articles (primary package, twistties, elastic bands, etc). The sum of the weights of these packaging articles equals the totalweight of the Packaging Article. This total weight should be used in the calculation of the SVHCcontent (percent by weight) for the packaging article.If all individual packaging articles do not contain any SVHC’s at levels greater than 0.1%, thenno calculation for the total Packaging Article is needed.The Non-packaging article is comprised of all individual Non-packaging articles (doll, fashions,accessories, etc). The sum of the weights of these Non-packaging articles equals the totalweight of the Non-packaging article. This total weight should be used in the calculation of theSVHC content (percent by weight) for the Non-packaging article.If all individual non-packaging articles do not contain any SVHC’s at levels greater than 0.1%,then no calculation for the total Non-packaging Article is needed.3.2 Reason for RevisionSection Revision A ImplementationAll Initial Release January 21, 20093.3 ReferencedDocumentsThe following documents contain requirements related to this procedure:•REACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006•European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern - ECHA Press Release ECHA/PR/08/38-REV4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSAddendum 1: Examples of Satisfactory Ways to Demonstrate Compliance The following example will focus on the Total Packaging Article. The same principles would apply to the Total Non-Packaging Article.Example Product: Packaging consists of Chip board (12.5g), a blister (4.0g), 2 twist-ties (0.65g each), and adhesive (0.02g). Total Packaging weight = 17.82gScenario 1: All first-level suppliers provide declarations of compliance indicating that the articles they supply contain less than 0.1% w/w of the specified SVHC’s.Action: No further action is needed. Compliance is demonstratedScenario 2: The supplier of the blister can only certify that their blister materials contains <0.2% w/w of DEHP. All other suppliers provide declarations of compliance indicating thatthe articles they supply contain less than 0.1% w/w of the specified SVHC’s.There are two possible actions to ensure the Total Packaging Article is still compliantwith the <0.1% w/w requirementAction 1: Request a modified declaration from one or more of the other suppliers.In this example, the blister represents a large proportion of the total packagingweight, and is therefore a good candidate for a modified DOC. If the Chip boardsupplier can certify that his material contains less than 0.059% DEHP, thencompliance can still be demonstrated through declarations of conformity.Calculation: The general calculation isW C(X)+W A(Y)+W1(C1)….<W T(0.00094)Where W C = weight of the article for which a new DOC is requiredX = concentration which the new DOC must certify the article is less than.This will be solved for to determine the concentration.W A = weight of the article for which the concentration of the SVHC is above0.1%Y = the concentration specified in the DOC which is above 0.1%. InScenario 2, this concentration is 0.2%W1, W2, etc. = weights of articles for which a new DOC is not requiredC1, C2, etc = relative concentration specified in the DOC for articles notabove 0.1%. In Scenario 2, all articles other than the blister had DOC’scertifying that less than 0.1% of the SVHC was presentW T = Weight of Total Packaging article. In the scenario, this is 17.82g0.00094=maximum concentration of the SVHC in the total PackagingArticle. 0.094% is chosen instead of 0.1% to prevent rounding errors fromimpacting complianceThe specific calculation for Scenario 2 is then,12.5X + 4.0(0.002) + 1.3(0.001) +0.02(0.001) < 17.82(0.00094)12.5X + 0.008 + 0.0013 + 0.00002 < 0.0167512.5X < 0.0074X < 0.00059 or 0.059%Based on the calculation, if the chip board supplier can provide a new DOC certifyinghis product contains < 0.059%, then compliance will be demonstrated.Action 2: Test one or more of the other materials to establish actual values.While supply chain verification is preferred, testing can be performed to determineactual values. If the declarations of compliance cannot be changed, testing can beperformed. In this scenario, the blister is tested and determined to be 0.16% w/wDEHP.The specific calculation for Action 2 is then,12.5X + 4.0(0.0016) + 1.3(0.001) + 0.02(0.001) < 17.82(0.00094)12.5X + 0.0064 + 0.0013 + 0.00002 < 0.0167512.5X < 0.009X < 0.00072 or 0.072%So, if the chip board is tested and determine to be ≤ 0.072%, then compliance hasbeen demonstrated.。
以下样品需要测试: *样品描述/Sample Description:
型号/款号 Style/item No.: 制造商/供应商 Manufacturer/Supplier: *适用年龄组: 三岁以上 三岁以下 测试需求:在方括号内
美国联邦法规 US CPSC Regulations Physical & Mechanical Tests Flammability Test Lead Content in Paint* Art Material (LHAMA-ASTM D4236) 美国玩具标准 US ASTM F963 Physical & Mechanical Tests Flammability Test Paint / Surface Coating Material Toxicity* Stuffed Materials’ Pennsylvania Regulation Battery Operated Toys Microbiological Test for Liquid in Toys (USP 51/61) Cosmetic Item LHAMA – ASTM D4236 加拿大玩具法规 Canadian Hazardous Products (Toys) Regulations Physical & Mechanical Tests Flammability Test Paint Toxicity 欧洲玩具标准 EN-71 Part 1 – Physical & Mechanical Tests Part 2 – Flammability Test Part 3 – Toxic Element Test EN62115 ROHS
测试时间要求: 正常 加急பைடு நூலகம்(加收 30% ) 是否需要退板: 是(邮费自付) 否 证书服务: 传真 Email 自取 快递
咬 力
0--</=18 19--</=36 37--</=96
0至36 23+/-0.5kgX10s
彎 曲
0--</=18 19--</=36 37--</=96
0至36 離主體50mm處加70+/-2N 0至18(16lbs) 吊15+/-0.5lbs(66.8N), 吊15.7lbs(70N),2秒1周期拗 力,2個120°為一個周期,2s為1周期拗 18以上(20lbs) 2秒1個周期拗30次,120°為一個周 30次,120°為一個周期,每 30周期, 2秒1個周期拗45次,120°為一個周 期,每10個周期停60s 10個周期停60s 每10個周期休息60s 期,每10個周期停20秒
沖 擊
0--</=18 19--</=36 37--</=96 0--</=18 19--</=36 37--</=96
0至36 1kg X 1次,100mm
燃 燒
<30mm/s, 10~30mm/s要有警告標識
<30mm/s, 10~30mm/s要有警告標識
突 出 部 件
一、折疊機構:1.能插入5mm,即也要能 一、驅動機構:能插入5mm, 插入12mm;2.鉸鏈間隙,活動部分質量 即也能插入12mm;鉸鏈間隙, >0.25kg時,能插入5mm,即也要能插入 不得在5-12mm之間(任何一 12mm; 部分<250g除外), 二、機械裝置:1.</=60,剛性圓孔,厚 二、彈簧,如果螺距>3mm則 <1.58mm,能插入6mm,深度>/=10mm,即也 為不觸及;如果40N力作用 要能插入12mm;2.<96,活動部件,能插 下,螺距>3mm則為不觸及。 入5mm,即也要能插入12mm;(還有發條 鈅匙、其它驅動機
QSOP 0006-4140C - Plush, Hair Mane and Tail Loss
QSOP 0006-4140 C Page 1 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONTITLEPLUSH, HAIR, MANE AND TAIL LOSSNUMBER0006-4140REVISIONCDATE01/10/06QUALITY AND SAFETY AUTHOREd IssacsREVISED BYR. PrimiciasOPERATING PROCEDUREAPPROVEDF. Gibbs AUTHORIZEDJ. Walter1.SCOPE1.1.Products And Components Covered1.1.1. All products made in whole or part of plush fabric.1.1.2. All products with simulated hair , mane or tail that will be brushed, combed or“picked” by the consumer.1.2.ExemptionsPlush components of products having an area of 1 in 2 (6.45 cm 2) or less.1.3.Definitions (Words defined are italicized and bolded once per section)Pile Height: Pile length as measured from the ground fabric surface to the top of the pile.Plush: Any woven, knitted, or otherwise produced material, made from any natural or manmade fiber, with additional yarns or fibers that form a dense cover over the ground fabric. Other raised-fiber fabrics, with pile not created by extra yarns or fibers such as brushed tricot, flannel and fleece, are not plush.Raised-Fiber: Any material that is woven, knitted, felted, or otherwise produced from any natural or manmade fiber, with an intentionally raised fiber or yarn surface such as pile, nap, tuft, or flock.Simulated Hair: Monofilament fiber used to simulate hair, usually Kanekalon,modacrylic, saran, or nylon, and typically rooted or stitched to a pliable substrate.2. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS2.1.Plush [§3.4.1]2.1.1. Suitable for Children 36 Months and Under2.1.1.1. Plush loss for raised fiber lengths of 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) or less must notexceed 0.2 mg per cm 2. Plush loss for pile heights greater than 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) must notexceed 0.3 mg per cm 2.QSOP 0006-4140 CPage 2 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION2.1.2. Suitable for Children Over 36 Months2.1.2.1. Plush loss for pile heights of 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) or less must not exceed0.8 mg per cm 2. Plush loss for pile heights greater than 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) must notexceed 1.6 mg per cm 2.2.2.Simulated Hair [§3.4.2]2.2.1. There must be no scalp tears.2.2.2. There must be no bald spots exceeding 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) in diameter. 2.2.3. Included brush/comb must lose no teeth. 2.2.4. Hair loss must not exceed 0.5 g per product.2.3.Mane and Tail [§3.4.3]2.3.1. There must not be any bald spots exceeding 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) in length.2.3.2. There must not be any broken or loose teeth on the included brush/comb. 2.3.3. Mane/tail loss must not exceed 0.5 gram per product.2.3.4. Mane must continue to butt up against top of slot, closest to the ears.3. TEST METHODS3.1. Test Environment (not applicable) 3.2.Equipment• Masking tape, 1 in. (25.4 mm) wide.•Standard brush meeting Mattel drawing #0001-0014. The following brushes meet those specifications:All-American Brush Mfg. Corp., Part #01134. Diane Products Inc., Part #8125 Pro Brush Mfg. Co., Part #312•Laboratory balance capable of weighing to the nearest 0.1 mg.3.3.General Test Requirements (none)QSOP 0006-4140 C Page 3 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION3.4. Procedure3.4.1. Plush [§2.1] For bulk plush, cut specimens from the bulk material at least 4 in. x 6 in.(76.2 mm x 127 mm) with the major axis parallel to the lay of the surface fibers. (The size of the specimen may be larger to facilitate handling). Place the specimens on a smooth, clean surface with the raised-fibersurface facing upward. Secure the specimens to the flat surface with masking tape, coveringany portion of the specimen lying within 0.5 in. (12.7 mm) from its edge (measured from the edge of the base fabric). For finished products, use tape to mask off different plush types onfinished product. This will ensure that each plush type is tested separately. With the test brush, start at one end of the specimen and brush one timeagainst the lay of the surface fibers (see Figure 1), applying moderate downward force (approximately 2 lbs.), for the entire length of the specimen. Repeat this procedure six times, making sure to brush the same areaeach time.FIGURE Repeat the procedure in § and § but brush the specimenwith the lay of the surface fibers. Collect all the loose fibers from the brush and the specimen surface andweigh. Measure brushed area length and width to the nearest 0.125 in. (3 mm),to determine the specimen test area and calculate the plush loss using the following relationship:QSOP 0006-4140 CPage 4 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATIONPlush Loss = WAwhere :W = weight (in mg) of fibers removed from specimen. A= Test area (in cm 2)3.4.2. Simulated Hair [§2.2] Separate hair into equal sections. Use four sections for Barbie/fashiondoll type heads, and increase or decrease the number of sections as required for other products based on the size of the rooted area. Use the comb, brush, or pick included with the toy. If a comb or brush isnot included with the toy, use Mattel part #0001-0014. Starting from the crown, brush/comb/pick the full length of a section ofhair, gently coaxing and teasing out (using persistent short strokes) any tangles or knots encountered. Once all tangles have been removed, comb hair an additional 12 strokesto ensure that all loose hair has been removed. Repeat procedures § and § above for each section of hair. Collect all the loose strands of hair from the comb or brush and testspecimen and weigh.3.4.3. Mane and Tail [§2.3] Separate the mane/tail into four equal sections. Use the comb, brush, or pick included with the toy being tested. Ifcomb, brush or pick is not included, use Mattel part #0001-0014, Style and Tease Brush. Brush each section as follows:1. Starting from the neck/rear, brush/comb the full length of a sectionof hair for one continuous stroke. 2. Repeat step 1 for a total of 20 strokes.3. Repeat step 1 and step 2 for each of the four sections of hair.4. Weigh all hair that has been removed by brushing, combing, orpicking to the nearest 0.01 gram4. HISTORY4.1. SignificanceTo maintain high-quality standards on soft toys, dolls, horses, etc., by limiting plush andhair loss. To identify areas of incomplete and/or inadequate grooming (resulting insignificant amounts of loose hair) that consumer would consider a major defect/failure.4.2. Reason for RevisionRevision BChanges title and scope to cover horses.§2.3; §3.4.3 adds requirement for mane and tail.Section Revision C Implementationdate:Editorially revised to include icons/links to onlinetraining. ImmediateQSOP 0006-4140 C Page 5 of 5PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION。
3600 O版中文
QSOP 0006-3600 OPage 1 of 24PI CONFIDENTIAL - MATTEL, INC. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION1 SCOPE1.1 Products and Components Covered产品和构件包括• Accessible portions of all products, including packaging intended to remain with the product.所有产品上可触及的部位,包括和产品一起保留下来的包装• Inaccessible components that are contained within accessible small parts. 包含可触及细小部件的不可触摸的部件 1.2 Exemptions豁免1.2.1 Children’s Jewelry Items – test per QSOP 0006-3604, Heavy Elements - Children’sJewelry 儿童珠宝-按照QSOP 0006-3604, Heavy Elements - Children’s Jewelry 测试1.2.2 Children’s Wearing Apparel – test per QSOP 0006-3606, Heavy Elements – Children’sWearing Apparel儿童服装-按照QSOP 0006-3606, Heavy Elements – Children’s Wearing Apparel 测试 1.2.3 Children’s Cosmetics – test per QSOP 0006-3607, Heavy Elements – Children’sCosmetics 儿童化妆品-按照QSOP 0006-3607, Heavy Elements – Children’s Cosmetics 测试1.2.4 All inaccessible parts of products that derive their power from AC or DC fall under thescope of QSOP 0006-3602, RoHSQSOP 0006-3602, RoHS 范围内由AC 或DC 驱动的产品的所有不可触即的部位1.2.5 Soluble method 1 if sample material is <10 mg.样品少于10mg 时,豁免可溶性方法11.2.6 Components that are not accessible at any point during assembly, use, and foreseeableabuse. Inaccessible components that are contained within accessible small parts are not covered by this exemption. Products intended to be assembled by an adult should be evaluated after assembly.构件的任何一点在装配,使用和可预知的滥用下是不可触的。
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TABLE OF CONTENTSNUMERICAL(Revised July 2006)SAFETY OPERATING PROCEDURESNewRevision Procedure # Title0006-3010 Accessibility APoints F 0006-3020 SharpEdges E 0006-3030 Sharp0006-3035 Projections BParts M 0006-3040 SmallMaterial PR 0006-3042 Expandable0006-3046 Product Intended to be Placed in a Freezer/Refrigerator PRCombinations PR 0006-3047 Toy/FoodImitations B 0006-3048 FoodTest F 0006-3049 EntanglementShapes R 0006-3050 Choking/Suffocation/Hazardous0006-3051 Caps for Writing and Marking Instruments B0006-3052 SoakingTest PR 0006-3053 Cup Shaped Objects D0006-3055 Preschool Play-Figure Standard A0006-3060 Torque/Tension D 0006-3063 Switches Used in Battery Powered Ride-On Toys PR0006-3065 Buckle Webbing Adjuster Test A0006-3066 Buckle False Latch Test BSeats C 0006-3068 BouncerSwings PR 0006-3069 Infant0006-3070 Seam And Attachment Strength DTest B 0006-3080 BiteProducts B 0006-3090 Mouth-Actuated0006-3092 Pacifiers A 0006-3100 Wires/Rods & Stiffening Materials D0006-3110 Compression G 0006-3115 Polyethylene Stress Cracking B0006-3116 Rotomolded PVC Curing Test A0006-3120 Drop, Impact and Tip-Over Test DTest B 0006-3130 BarImpactFilledToys PR 0006-3132 LiquidTest A 0006-3140 Tumble0006-3145 Handles D 0006-3151 Static and Dynamic Strength B0006-3152 Stability A 0006-3153 Static Strength –Product Likely but Not Intended to Support a Child’s Weight PR 0006-3160 Cords Strings & Elastics J0006-3163 Infant Bedding and Related Accessories ATABLE OF CONTENTSNUMERICAL(Revised July 2006)NewRevision Procedure # TitleSupport PR 0006-3164 Mattress0006-3170 Projectiles and Flying Toys LTest AImpact0006-3171 ProjectilesAssembly A 0006-3180 Wheel/Axle0006-3183 Entrapment – Intended to Bear the Weight of a Child PR 0006-3184 Entrapment – Crib & Playpen Attached Toys C 0006-3185 Entrapment – Pop-up Feature PRChutes A 0006-3186 Entrapment–0006-3187 Entrapment – Rods and Axles PR 0006-3188 Entrapment – Bucket Shaped Objects PR 0006-3189 Entrapment – Openings in Rigid Materials PR 0006-3191 Hair Entrapment – Products with Wheels C 0006-3192 Entrapment – Products Likely to be Batted with the Feet A 0006-3193 Entrapment - Products with Complete or Partial Openings D 0006-3194 Entrapment – Play Yard PR 0006-3195 Entrapment – Toys Under 18 Months with Undercuts PR 0006-3196 Entrapment – Toy Chests A 0006-3197 Entrapment – Strollers with Grab Bars or Trays PR 0006-3200 Moveable Parts & Hinge Line Clearance J 0006-3201 Springs PR 0006-3210 Plastic Bags and Films JTest EDischarge0006-3220 Electrostatic0006-3225 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Assessment A 0006-3251 Crib/Play Yard Rattling Test A 0006-3265 Abnormal Operation of Battery & Transformer Toys G 0006-3266 Electrical Strength of Battery & Transformer Toys D 0006-3267 Moisture Resistance of Battery & Transformer Toys B 0006-3268 Mechanical Strength of Battery & Transformer Toys C 0006-3269 Plugs/Sockets/Exposed Wires of Battery & Transformer Toys B 0006-3270 Components of Battery & Transformer Toys C 0006-3271 Screws & Fastners of Battery & Transformer Toys C 0006-3272 Creepage Distances & Clearances of Electronic Assemblies CProtection GLeakage0006-3273 Battery0006-3300 Flammability of Solids and Stuffed Toys H 0006-3301 Flammability of Vinyl Plastic Film Used As Wearing Apparel PR 0006-3302 Flammability of Stuffed & Soft Toys D 0006-3303 Flammability of Liquids, Gels & Pressurized Containers B 0006-3310 Flammability of Stuffed Toys & Costume Pieces FFabrics Iof0006-3320 Flammability0006-3321 Flammability of Products With Fabrics For DI Into Canada A 0006-3322 Flammability of Hair And Mane BTABLE OF CONTENTSNUMERICAL(Revised July 2006)NewRevision Procedure # Title0006-3330 Flammability of Enclosures & Costumes F 0006-3400 Sound Pressure Levels G 0006-3450 Promotional Media Depictions of Crib Scenes A 0006-3451 Promotional Media Depictions of Water Scenes PR 0006-3452 Promotional Media Depictions of Wheel & Street Scenes PRFill PR 0006-3456 SlackLabelingFormat K 0006-3500 Safety0006-3501 Labeling Marking Permanency Test PR 0006-3505 Labeling of Activity Gyms PRCopy AE 0006-3510 Package0006-3517 Labeling of Products Sold in India D 0006-3520 Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials (LHAMA) C 0006-3522 Labeling of Products With PVC Softeners B 0006-3524 Labeling of Products With Long Cords for Sale in Brazil PR 0006-3525 Labeling of Products With Monofilament Hair A 0006-3526 Labeling of Hair Entrapment – Product with Wheels A 0006-3530 Labeling for Small Parts, Balls & Marbles Y 0006-3531 Labeling of Balloons A 0006-3534 Labeling & Marking of Electrical Products J 0006-3535 Labeling & Marking of Battery Operated Products W 0006-3540 Markings of Toy Guns C 0006-3541 Labeling of Water Function Products A 0006-3542 Labeling of Caps PR 0006-3543 Labeling of Cosmetics F 0006-3544 Labeling of Products with Circuit Boards F 0006-3545 Labeling of Mobiles A 0006-3547 Labeling of Food Contact Surfaces PR 0006-3548 Labeling of Pacifiers, Nipples & Teethers B 0006-3549 Labeling of Products With Functional Sharp Points/Edges A 0006-3550 Labeling of Chemical Products for Sale in Brazil PR 0006-3551 Labeling of Mineral Oil Filled Toys A 0006-3552 Labeling of Pressurized Containers A 0006-3553 Labeling of Simulated Protective Devices A 0006-3554 Labeling of Nonprescription Sunglasses & Fashion Wear Glasses. B 0006-3555 Labeling of Ride-On/In Products F 0006-3556 Labeling of Products Intended to be Assembled by An Adult D 0006-3557 Labeling of Projectiles and Flying Toys B 0006-3558 Labeling of Infant Bedding and Related Accessories PR 0006-3559 Labeling of Product Material PR 0006-3560 Labeling of Products Requiring The “C” Tick Mark B 0006-3561 Labeling of Toy Highchairs and Strollers PRTABLE OF CONTENTSNUMERICAL(Revised July 2006)NewRevision Procedure # Title0006-3567 Labeling of Videocassettes PR 0006-3568 Labeling of DVD-Rom & VCD B 0006-3569 Labeling of Toy Chests PR 0006-3570 Labeling of Food Products for Sale in European Union PR 0006-3571 Labeling of Food Products for Sale in LAAM PR 0006-3572 Labeling of Food Products for Sale in USA PR 0006-3573 Labeling of Food Products for Sale in Australia & New Zealand PR 0006-3574 Labeling of Food Products for Sale in Canada PR 0006-3576 Labeling Costumes and Toys a Child can Enter PR 0006-3577 Labeling – Warning Statements For Stationary Activity Centers PR 0006-3578 Labeling – Warning Statements For Stand “N” Ride Duo Stroller PR 0006-3579 Labeling – Warning Statements For Infant T0 Toddler Rockers PR 0006-3580 Labeling – Warning Statements For Infant Seats PR 0006-3581 Labeling – Warning Statements For Infant Tubs PR 0006-3582 Labeling – Warning Statements For Bouncer Seats B 0006-3583 Labeling – Warning Statements For Full Size Swing-Rockers A 0006-3584 Labeling – Warning Statements For Gliders With Toy Bars PR 0006-3585 Labeling – Warning Statements For Collapsible Wagon with Seats PR 0006-3586 Labeling – Warning Statements For High Chairs PR 0006-3587 Labeling – Warning Statements For Swings A 0006-3589 Labeling – Warning Statements For Booster Seats PR 0006-3590 Labeling – Warning Statements For Potty Seats PR 0006-3593 Labeling – Warning Statements For Air Mattresses PRElements H 0006-3600 Heavy0006-3601 Nickel Release Rate B 0006-3602 R.o.H.S. PR 0006-3603 Ventilation for Plastic Blisters & Plastic Packing PR 0006-3608 Nitrosamines & Nitrosatable Substances In Pacifiers, Nipples & Teethers PR 0006-3610 Stabilizers & Plasticizers in Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) MRetardants B 0006-3614 Flame0006-3615 Azo Dyes in Soft Goods GBase C 0006-3616 AcidTest B 0006-3617 ColorMigration0006-3625 Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Level in Polypropylene Webbing A 0006-3630 Cleanliness of Materials F 0006-3635 Cleanliness of Stuffing Materials AChallenge E 0006-3640 MicrobialSusceptibilityCapability ADesign0006-3801 Critical-To-Safety0006-3802 Critical-To-Safety Test Plan BQualification E 0006-3803 ProductSelf-Certification B 0006-3804 EuropeanCommunityTABLE OF CONTENTSNUMERICAL(Revised July 2006)NewRevision Procedure # TitleFit B 0006-4006 Restraint0006-5000 Packaging Heavy Elements (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr) B 0006-5010 Total Cadmium in Plastics B 0006-5015 Environmental -Toxic Substance Control Act (TOSCA) E 0006-5020 Environmental – Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer B 0006-5030 Environmental – Rigid Plastic Container Material Code System B 0006-5031 Environmental – Rigid Plastic Packaing Container A 0006-5040 Environmental – Guide for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims B 0006-5050 Environmental – Battery Operated Product I** 0006-37XX Mattel Internal use, not distribute to vendor. **RELIABILITY OPERATING PROCEDURESRevision NewProcedure # Title0006-4000 StepTest D On0006-4005 Defect Classification Catalog A 0006-4010 Sand Abrasion to Surface Coatings BAdhesion C 0006-4020 Label0006-4030 Surface Coatings Adhesion (Tape Pull) CTest A 0006-4040 ScratchAbrasion A 0006-4050 Eraser0006-4065 Labeling of Textiles Content A 0006-4066 CareLabels ATest B 0006-4070 DishwashingWashability F 0006-4080 FabricWashability A 0006-4085 SurfaceMigration A 0006-4090 DyeTest B 0006-4100 Crocking0006-4110 Stain Test on Fabric B 0006-4120 Carpet/Upholstery Stain Test BMigration C 0006-4130 Plasticizer0006-4140 Plush and Hair Loss CComprehension A 0006-4150 PhrasePolicy D 0006-4200 DateCodeTABLE OF CONTENTSNUMERICAL(Revised July 2006)NewRevision Procedure # TitlePolicy C 0006-4201 WarrantyIntegrity G 0006-4300 PackageColor C 0006-4320 Packaging0006-4340 Bar Code for Master Carton (SCC-14 12/5) C 0006-4341 Bar Code For Individual Product Package (UPC) D 0006-4342 Bar Code (Voluntary) For Master Carton Dash Codes B0006-4350 Transportation B 0006-4360 Master Carton Compression Test B 0006-4361 MasterStability BCarton0006-4362 Master Carton Flap Alignment PR 0006-4370 Labeling of Chemical Products A 0006-4371 Labeling of Color Change/Glow in the Dark Products A 0006-4372 Labeling of CD-Roms and Peripherals A 0006-4373 Labeling of Products that Use Warm or Hot Water A 0006-4400 Simulated Aging & Storage C 0006-4405 Cold Storage & Drop A 0006-4410 Humidity A 0006-4415 RainTest PRStability B 0006-4420 Freeze-ThawLoss C 0006-4421 Vapor0006-4425 High-Temperature Chemical Stability Test BProducts B 0006-4430 Preconditioning-WaterExposure B(UV)0006-4450 UltravioletDEFINITIONSRevision NewProcedure # Title0006-8000 Definitions Obsolete。