新视野大学英语第三版第三册第一单元 课后翻译答案和听力文稿

Unit 1Scripts:Is it really possible to achieve anything you want in your life? The answer is a “yes”. As long as you are committed to your goals and you are passionate about your dreams, you will eventually accomplish them. To accomplish amazing results in your life, you have to be 100 percent committed and you must be willing to sacrifice your time and effort. Here are three steps that you may follow to make your dreams come true.Step 1 - Map your goals outWrite down your goals and develop a detailed blueprint of how you are going to achieve them. Without goals, you are not going to stay focused on the direction you are heading; you will be distracted by your surroundings.Step 2 - Believe in yourselfYou must believe that you can attain your goals and that your dreams will come true. If you don’t believe in what you do, you will never achieve what you seek. This is common sense. Belief is what drives you. You need to have a firm belief before you can achieve something.Step 3 - Take actionTake massive and consistent action. Success is all about taking consistent action each day. Without taking action, nothing will come true. It is not that one day you wake up and you have a million dollars in your bank. Success will not come automatically. You have to work for it; you have to bring about the results.世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一份子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。

新视野大学英语第三版3课后翻译答案新视野大学英语第三版3 是很多同学在英语学习道路上的重要教材,课后的翻译练习对于提升语言运用能力有着关键作用。
Unit 1Section A1、无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。
No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and no matter how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception2、就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。
Just as all his sister's friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them3、汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。
Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles4、老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。
If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won't say a word to you any more5、有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。
Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their childrenSection B1、我们认为他是本场比赛表现最精彩的球员之一。

NNCE Book3课后翻译参考答案Unit1英译中原文:Global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community's values and practices. Global citizenship believes that humankind is essentially on and each individual has the power to change things. In our interdependent world, global citizenship encourages us to recognize our responsibilities toward each other and learn from each other. Global citizens care about education, disease, poverty, and environmental issues around the world. Today, the forces of global engagement are helping some people identify themselves as global citizens who have a sense of belonging to a world community. This growing global identity in large part is made possible by the forces of modern information, communications and transportation technologies. Global citizenship aims to empower people to lead their own action. Along with the knowledge and values that they have gained from learning about global issues, people need to be equipped with the necessary skills to give themselves the ability and confidence to be pro-active in making a positive difference in the world.Keys:世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动是一个整体,任何个人都有改变事物的能力。
新视野大学英语第三版读写 教程book3 课后翻译英汉互译

expectation since modem times. It basically means achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the people, thus ensuring that every enterprising Chinese carries, generation after generation, the firm conviction that a better life is accomplished through persistent effort. People should achieve their prosperity through diligence, courage, creativity and determination instead of aid from society or other people. Each individual is a participant and a designer in the cause of realizing the Chinese Dream, for it is a dream not only for the entire nation but also for every Chinese.
青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来 源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家 的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正是让 中国经济升级换代的力量。尤其是在当前,国家鼓励大众创 业、万众创新,在政策上给予中小企业支持,这更加激发了年 轻人的创业热情。 Keys:Nowadays, many young people no longer choose "stable" jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts. Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people's life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China's economy. Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people's enthusiasm to start their own businesses.

Unit11 Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety (从感觉轻微的不适高度的焦虑) that impact us in almost everything we do.2 Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions(避免引起任何怀疑).3 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.(成批评,无论你说什么).4 Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles (让我们不要为小事情烦心) (which) we should ignore and forget.5 Too much time spent dwelling on the past (花太多的时间老是想着过去) can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems (相信自己能够完成目标解决问题的人) are more likely to do well in school.1.人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。
It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2.于此相反,乐观主义能使你幸福、健康和成功。
Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.当你做某件事失败时,把失败当做一种学习的经历并从中汲取益处。

Unit11 Most cities in the country have introduced "Clean Air Zones" whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.1全国大多数城市都设立了“清洁空气区”,工厂和家庭只允许燃烧无烟燃料。
2 He knows that the pursuit of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort. 他知道追求社会地位会消耗他大量的时间和精力。
3 The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to inhibit the spread of the disease.医生们束手无策,因为迄今为止还没有发现抑制疾病传播的药物。
4 We see many special education directors trying to maintain the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.我们看到许多特殊教育主管试图用少得多的资金和少得多的员工来维持他们的课程质量。
5 People there are told it is their patriotic duty to support the national economy by buying their own products.那里的人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国家经济是他们的爱国义务。
6 Darwin's thinking both drew upon and transcended the conventional ideas of his time.6达尔文的思想既借鉴又超越了他那个时代的传统思想。

大学英语精读第三版第三册Book3Unit1~Unit10课后翻译答案Unit1 翻译1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。
The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2) 杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。
Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3) 随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的。
(confirm)The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again.4) 我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。
I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5) 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)。
To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official.6) 少数工人得到提升(be promoted),与此同时却有数百名工人被解雇。
A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7) 如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了。

目录Reading Passage Translation (1)Understanding The Text (8)BankedCloze (12)视听说 (13)Skimming and Scanning (Multiple Choice) (14)Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice) (24)U1A文翻译P3、U1BankedCloze P12U2A文翻译P33、U2UnderstandingTheText P39、U3A文翻译P63、U3UnderstandingTheText P70、U3BankedCloze P73U4A文翻译P93、U4UnderstandingTheText P99、U5A文翻译P123、U5UnderstandingTheTextP129、U5BankedClozeP132U6A 文翻译 P151、U6UnderstandingTheTextP157、U6BankedClozeP160 Reading Passage TranslationUnit1TextA P3永不言弃1.英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,小时候在哈罗公学上学。
温斯顿爵士站了起来——他只有5英尺5英寸高,体重却有107 公斤。

TranslationUnit 1:1.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂的招待会上发表演讲。
(no matter how)No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。
(just as)Just as all his sister's friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.3.汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。
(track down)Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了。
(tell on)If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won't say a word to you any more.5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。
(on one’s own)Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金。
新视野大学英语A3(第三版)Words in used答案+翻译

页眉Unit 11.Most cities in the country have introduced Clean Air 潚敮屳whereby(通过) factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.中国大多数城市都设立了“洁净空气区”,工厂和家庭只能燃烧无烟燃料。
2.He knows that the pursuit (追求) of social status can consume vastamounts of his time and effort.他知道追求社会地位会耗费他大量的时间和精力。
3.The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to inhibit (抑制)the spread of the disease.医生们不知所措,因为到目前为止还没有发现任何药物可以抑制这种疾病的传播。
4.We see many special education directors trying to maintain(维持)thequality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff. 我们看到许多特殊教育主任试图用更少的钱和更少的员工来维持他们项目的质量。
5.People there are told it is their patriotic (爱国)duty to support thenational economy by buying their own products.那里的人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国家经济是他们的爱国义务。
6.Darwin's thinking both drew upon and transcended (超越)theconventional ideas of his time.达尔文的思想既借鉴了他那个时代的传统思想,又超越了它。

Unit 3
水墨画(ink and wash pain n)g 是中国独具特色的传统艺术形式之一,是中国国画的 代表。它大约始于唐代,兴盛于宋代和元代,距今已有一千多年的历史,其间经历了 不断的发展、提高和完善。水墨画的创作工具和材料是具有浓厚中国特色的毛笔、宣 纸和墨,其作品特点也与此紧密相关。例如,水和墨相互调和,使作品具有干湿浓淡 的层次。水墨和宣纸的交融渗透也使画作善于表现丰富的意象,从而达到独特的审美 效果。水墨画在中国绘画史上具有很高的地位,甚至被认为是衡量东方绘画艺术水平 的标准。
Ink and wash pain ng, one of the unique tradi onal art forms of China, is representa ve of Chinese pain ng. It began around the me of the Tang Dynasty, and then prospered in the Song and Yuan dynas es. With a history of over one thousandyears, it has experienced constant development,improvement and perfec on. The tools and materials used to create ink and wash pain ng, i.e. brushes, rice paper, and ink, are characteris c of Chinese culture and closely related to the features of the pain ngs. For example, the mixing of

Unit 4 Career Planning职业生涯规划1 职业生涯规划不一定例行或合乎逻辑的步骤。
5第三个漏洞是hypervigilance 。

新视野大学英语A3(第三版)W o r d s i n u s e d答案+翻译本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.MarchUnit 11.Most cities in the country have introduced "Clean Air Zones"whereby(通过)factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.中国大多数城市都设立了“洁净空气区”,工厂和家庭只能燃烧无烟燃料。
2.He knows that the pursuit (追求) of social status can consume vast amounts ofhis time and effort.他知道追求社会地位会耗费他大量的时间和精力。
3.The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to inhibit(抑制)the spread of the disease.医生们不知所措,因为到目前为止还没有发现任何药物可以抑制这种疾病的传播。
4.We see many special education directors trying to maintain(维持)the quality oftheir programs with much less money and much smaller staff.我们看到许多特殊教育主任试图用更少的钱和更少的员工来维持他们项目的质量。
5.People there are told it is their patriotic(爱国)duty to support the nationaleconomy by buying their own products.那里的人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国家经济是他们的爱国义务。

8.My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career(生涯;职业)in medicine, as this is a field(领域)which requires(需要)a lot of dedication(奉献)and long working hours.我给Stewart先生的建议是在进入医学领域之前仔细考虑一下,因为这是一个需要大量奉献和长时间工作的领域。
9.Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions(职业)that are stable(稳定)and could bring prestige(声望)and economic benefits.大多数中国父母更愿意选择一些稳定、能带来声望和经济效益的职业。
10.It is legally(adv. 合法地;法律上)possible for an elderly (adj. 上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的)person to nominate(vt. 推荐;提名;任命;指定)someone to act for them, should they become incapable(没有能力的)of looking after themselves。
1.removed from;2. Failed in;3. in the pursuit of;4. deviated from;5. precludes,from; 6. triumph over; 7. work their way into; 8. 8.written off !-1. When Francis got back after Easter, he was far behind(被抛在后面)his classmates and he was removed from(被移除)the second into the third class at this own desire(要求).当弗朗西斯在复活节后回来的时候,他远远落后于他的同学,他被按照自己的意愿从二等升到了三等。

Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient "sage".他的言论和生平活动记录在《论语》(The Analects)一书中。
His words and life story were recorded in The Analects.《论语》是中国古代文化的经典著作,对后来历代的思想家、文学家、政治家产生了很大影响。
An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius.不研究《论语》,就不能真正把握中国几千年的传统文化。
Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years' traditional Chinese culture.孔子的很多思想,尤其是其教育思想,对中国社会产生了深远的影响。
Much of Confucius' thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society.在21世纪的今天,孔子的学说不仅受到中国人的重视,而且也越来越受到整个国际社会的重视。

大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社 董亚芬主编)第三册Book3 Unit1答案1) accent2) turn against3) a couple of4) takes his time5) fate6) confirmed7) witness8) subsequent9) stands a chance10) trial1) belief2) brilliant3) employment4) has saved up5) stood a chance6) were awarded7) Presumably8) conducted9) casual10) around (which student life) revolves1) Joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness.2) Despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening.3) Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.4) Called (up) on to speak at the meeting, I couldn't very well refuse.5) Mrs. Stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left.6) It was the rumor that turned Joe against his twin brother.7) We wondered how Sara was getting on in her new job.8) Although Anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in.9) Visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.10) Whether we make an excursion or stay home will depend on tomorrow's weather.1) uncertain,unafraid,unacceptable,unfamiliar,unequal;2) unanswered,unattached,unknown,undecided,unexpected;3) unhappily,unskillfully,unconsciously,unnecessarily,uncomfortably;4) unsay,undress,untie,unlock,unload。

Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high level of anxiety that impact us in almost everything we do.2.尽管固执,但他清楚自己应该避免引起怀疑。
Despite his stubbornness, he knew that he should avoid arousing any suspicions.3.无论你说什么都会被理解成批评。
It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.4.让我们不要为该被忽略和忘记的小事翻烦心。
Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles which we should ignore and forget.5.花太多的时间老是想着过去会阻碍你享受生活。
Too much time spent dwelling on the past can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6.相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人更有可能在学校里表现得好。
People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well in school.1.她穿了一条有玫瑰团的裙子。
She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it.2.Helen为我们准备了一顿丰盛的晚饭。
Helen had prepared a wonderful meal for us.3.Ann信誓旦旦的保证她不会说出去。
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Unit11 Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety (从感觉轻微的不适高度的焦虑) that impact us in almost everything we do.2 Despite his stubbornness, he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions(避免引起任何怀疑).3 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say.(成批评,无论你说什么).4 Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles (让我们不要为小事情烦心) (which) we should ignore and forget.5 Too much time spent dwelling on the past (花太多的时间老是想着过去) can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens.6 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems (相信自己能够完成目标解决问题的人) are more likely to do well in school.1.人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。
It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2.于此相反,乐观主义能使你幸福、健康和成功。
Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.当你做某件事失败时,把失败当做一种学习的经历并从中汲取益处。
When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4.在问题或困难面前,要多想想自己的长处并树立自信心。
Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5.不要让消极的思想阻碍你。
Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6.每个人都经历过失败和失望,因此不要过多的责怪自己。
Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit21.She wore a dress with pattern of roses (有玫瑰图案)on it.2.Helen had prepared a wonderful meal for us.(为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜)3.Ann promised faithfully (信誓旦旦地保证)that she would never tell.4.Could you deliver this letter(把这封信送到)to the accounts department?5.We well offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate.(精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力)6.Tell the children to keep out of behave/mischief themselves.(别胡闹)7.We could hear the sound of distant thunder.(远处打雷的声音)8.The project has now received approval form the government .(得到政府的批准)9.Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.(虽然他喝酒太多)10.Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not .(就这个药是否安全取得一致意见)Unit 31.由于紧急情况,个医生几小时内都没有空Because of an emergency, the doctor will not be available for several hours.2.税收将会如何影响低收入的人?How will taxes affect people with low incomes?3.我母亲总是告诉我,从长远来看我会很高兴我没有放弃练钢琴My mother always told me that in the long run I would be glad I didn’t give up practicing the piano. 4.这些书的价格从10美元到20美元不等These book range in price from $10 to $20.5.在我看来你没有什么选择6.It seems to me that you don’t have much choice.6.考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已做的相当不错了Given their inexperience, they have done quite a good job.7. 对这么一幢大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑维修费用For such a big house the price is fairly/quite low/cheap, but you’ve got to take into c onsideration the money you will spend on repairs.8.我们能否从讨论上会议产生的问题开始?Can we begin with discussing questions arising from the last meeting?Unit 41. I used to enjoy/like photography,(我过去喜欢摄影)but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.2. There is no sure way to predict (没有一种可确信的方式来预测)who will develop asthma and who won’t.3. Today neurobiologists no longer argue about whether or not the brain can grow new cells.(大脑是否能生成新细胞)4. I don’t l ove acting as much as I once did(像以前那样), said Angelina Jolie.5.If you don’t define your goal ,you don’t know in which direction you should be heading.(你应该向哪个方向前进)6.While you should not dwell on your past ,spending some timereviewing and thinking about the path you have taken.(花些时间回顾和思考你走过的路)7.You may love someone but not necessarily have to marry him.(不一定得和他结婚)8.These examples demonstrate how poorly some students write their resumes.(有些学生的简历写得多么差)1.I am deeply touched by the warm and friendly words that the President has just addressed to me.我被总统说的那些温暖而又友好的话深深的感动.2.I want to speak to the person who deals with my account.我想对负责我账户的人谈话3.There was a law in the city of Athens which gave to its citizens the power of compelling their daughters to marry whomever they pleased.4.There are those who insist that the era of a computer terminal on every desk is just around the corner,while others insist that traditional teaching methods will never give way to computerized instruction.5.There was another man who seemed to have answers.另一个人似乎胸有成竹Unit 51.seeing all the people walking to and fro outside the office ,(看到所有人在办公室外面走来走去)I became more worried.2.In time he well see who is his true friends to be relied on in difficulty。
(谁是他真正的朋友,在困难时可依靠)3.That scientist’s experi ment gave birth to a new drug,(那位科学家的实验使一种新药问世)a better cure for high blood pressure.4.He got used to being in this room during the winter, shut in by the four walls and a sloping ceiling.5.I realized I would need to convince them at the first opportunity(我一有机会就要让他们相信) that I was a policeman not a politician.6.When you sweep away an old society, (当你清除一个旧的社会时)you can’t overnight change the institutions of thought that have been built up over centuries.7.By the close of the century,(在本世纪临近结束时)another two billion people will be born, the great majority in developing countries.8.If you long for a better future for yourself , your family and your country, (如果你渴望自己,自己的家,自己的国家有更好的未来)stay and continue your studies here.1.He admires Mrs.Brown,which surprises me.他钦佩布朗太太,这使我感到很惊奇。