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Soccer Balls Cleats (钉鞋) Shin guards (护腿) Corner Flags Goals Uniforms
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Soccer Skills
• • • • • Dribbling(控球) Passing (传球) Shooting (射门) Moves (跑位 ) Throw ins (掷球)
Do you know about soccer?
Introduction To Soccer
Page 2
• Key Terms
• Positions
• Rules • Soccer Equipment
• Soccer Skills • Real Madrid
Page 3
Key Terms
Page 5
• Goalkeeper is only player permitted to use hands. • Throw-ins restart game on sideline • Corner kicks/goal kicks restart game on end line.
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what team are you cheering for?
• There are a lot of soccer team around the world. • You choose one team,and support them!
Page 11
• • • • Dribbling – Moving the ball up field with feet. Shooting – Kicking the ball in to the opposing goal. Throw in – A way to put the ball back in play. Pass- Advancing the ball by kicking to another teammate. • Corner Kick- Restarts game for offensive team when ball goes out on end line. • Goal kick- Restarts game for defensive team when ball goes out on end line.
足球规则 Football Rules
When the ball is not within the scope of the relevant players control for purposes other than the shoulder to do a socalled fair charge for the scrimmage.(当球并 不在有关队员控制范围之 内时,目的不是为了争球 而用肩部去做所谓的合理 冲撞。)
Violently or with the risk of collision the other team.(猛烈地 或带有危险性地冲撞 对方队员。)
Hale Waihona Puke Stumbling fell an opponent in each other behind or in front of the legs or pike tripped fell or attempt to stumble wrestling each other. (绊摔对方队员,即 在对方身后或身前, 伸腿或屈体绊摔或企 图绊摔对方。)
Pull the other team or push the other team.(拉扯对方队员, 推对方队员。 )
Ball with his hands. (用手触球 ) Commit acts of violence.(犯有暴力行 为。 )
用言语或行动对裁判员的判决表示不满者。 向工作人员或其他人员吐唾沫或有其它类似的无 礼行为,应视为暴力行为 。 队员连续违反规则。 有不正当行为者。 如犯规队员另有更严重的犯规情节时,则应按规 则的有关规定判罚。 经黄牌警告后,因犯规又被给予第二次黄牌警告。
队员故意伸展双臂上 下摆动,并移动位置 阻挡对方队员前进, 而迫使对方队员改变 方向时,虽未发生身 体接触也应算作不正 当行为,裁判员应对 该队员给予警告,并 判由对方踢间接任意 球。
1. 足球比赛的基本规则足球比赛由两队进行,每队11名球员。
2. 球场与装备足球比赛通常在草地球场进行,国际比赛的标准场地为长105米,宽68米。
3. 角标、球门和球网角标是球场四个边角上的标记,用于判断球是否越过边线。
4. 比赛方式和判罚足球比赛一般采用意大利的小组对抗赛制,每个小组由四支球队组成。
5. 足球比赛的战术在足球比赛中,战术起着至关重要的作用。
6. 犯规和红黄牌足球比赛中存在一些犯规行为,如拉人、犯规、手球等。
7. 进球和比分足球比赛的目标是射入对方球门。
8. 足球比赛中的术语在足球比赛中,有一些常见的术语需要学生了解,如“射门”(shoot),“传球”(pass),“越位”(offside)等。
下面基本上应该都有了,你在里面找找~~~足球词汇全攻略1.足球运动:football(在美国指橄榄球运动); soccer; association football;socker; footy2.世界杯足球锦标赛:World Cup (Soccer Tournament);FIFA World Cup Competition3.世界女子足球锦标赛:Women’s World Cup4.世界杯决赛:World Cup Finals5.朱尔斯•雷米特杯:Jules Rimet Cup6.五人足球:five-a-side;futsal7.七人足球:seven-a-side8.足球暴力:soccer violence;riot;hooliganism人员9.足球运动员:football[soccer]player; footballer; booter10.足球队:football〔soccer] team; eleven11.队员(除守门员外):field player12.后卫线:back line13.后卫:(full)back;rear defender14.左后卫:left back15.右后卫:right back16.前卫线:link line17.前卫:half(back)18.边前卫:wing [outside] half19.左前卫:left half20.右前卫:right half21.中前卫:center half22.双中前卫:twin center halves23.自由中卫:free back [man]; spare man; libero24.清道夫(自由中卫):sweeper25.盯人中卫:stopper26.拖后前卫:deep-lying halfback; policeman27.锋线:forward line28.前锋:forward; spearhead; lineman29.双前锋:twin forwards30.靠前的前锋:spearhead forward31.边锋:winger; wing (forward);outside (forward)32.左边锋;左翼:left wing[winger; flank];outside left33.右边锋;右翼:right wing [winger; flank]; outside right34.内锋:inside(forward); inner35.左内锋:inside left36.右内锋:inside right37.拖后内锋:withdrawn striker38.中锋:center forward39.双中锋:double center forwards; double spearheads40.拖后中锋:withdrawn [deep-lying] center forward41.攻击手:striker42.中场队员:midfielder; midfield player; link(man)43.前腰:attacking midfielder44.双前腰:double attacking midfielders45.后腰:defending midfielder46.双后腰:double defending midfielders47.核心队员:key player; point man48.最佳球员(一场比赛后选出):Man of Match49.惯用左脚的:left-footed50.惯用右脚的:right-footed51.左右开弓的:double-footed52.积极拼抢的防守队员:ball hawk53.观望队员(不积极主动):ball watcher54.裁判员:referee; ref; man in the middle55.巡边员:linesman规则与裁判56.上半时〔场〕:first half57.下半时〔场〕:second half58.开球;比赛开始:kick off59.实际比赛时间(由裁判员掌握):official time60.伤停补时:stoppage [injury] time61.加时赛;决胜期:extra period; overtime62.突然死亡(加时赛中首先进球为胜方,比赛终止):sudden death63.金球(突然死亡制中首先进球):golden goal64.银球(加时赛中进球后该半场仍赛完):silver goal65.点球决胜:penalty shootout66.出界:outside; out of bounds67.掷界外球:throw-in68.球门球:goal [defense] kick69.角球:corner(kick)70.获得罚角球权:win a corner71.任意球:free kick72.判给任意球:award a free kick73.直接任意球:direct free kick74.间接任意球:indirect free kick75.定位球:placekick; stationary ball76.踢定位球的队员:placekicker77.严重犯规(判罚直接任意球或点球):penal offense78.侵人犯规:personal foul79.技术犯规:technical foul80.故意犯规:intentional foul81.越位:offside82.非越位:onside83.巡边员用旗表示越位:flag84.冲撞犯规:charging85.从后面冲撞:charging from behind86.合理冲撞:legal [fair] charge87.进行阻挡的队员:blocker88.身体阻挡:body check89.拉人犯规:holding90.推人犯规:pushing91.打人:striking92.小动作:little trick [maneuver]; concealed foul93.危险动作:dangerous play94.抬脚过高:foot over95.手球犯规:handball; hands; handling96.蹬踏犯规;踢人:hacking; stamping97.经常踢人的队员:hacker98.绊人犯规:tripping99.背后铲球:tackle from behind100.铲球过迟(球已离开对方脚下):late tackle101.假摔:fake a fall [an injury]; simulation102.粗暴行动:violent conduct103.延误比赛:delay [hold up] the game104.持球时间过长(指守门员):excessive possession of the ball105.警告:warning;caution;book106.黄牌:yellow card107.红牌:red card108.罚出场:evict; eject; banish; send [order] off the field; show the red card 109.停赛一场:suspend for a game110.以少打多:play shorthanded111.以少打多的局面:man down[short]112.以多打少的局面:power play; man [numerical] advantage 113.罚点球:penalty [spot] kick114.踢罚球;主罚:take the kick115.罚中:convert a penalty kick116.罚球未中:miss a penalty kick踢球117.踢球:kick; boot118.踢球者:kicker119.得球:gain possession of the ball120.失球:lose possession of the ball121.漏球:miskick122.踢出界:kick out123.踢球太高:sky124.控球能力:ball-control[-handling]125.控球时间比:ball possession percentage126.停球:trap; stop127.大腿停球:thigh trap128.胸部挡球:chest129.停空中球:stop volley130.停住空中球:kill a ball131.凌空踢出:volley132.凌空反弹踢出:half volley133.抛球凌空踢出:punt; drop volley134.拨球:flick the ball135.扫踢:sweeping kick136.颠球:juggle137.迈过球(以迷惑对方):step over the ball 138.弧线球:curved [swerving] ball;bend; curl 139.内弧球:inswinger140.外弧球:outswinger141.跑动踢球:running kick142.踢后前冲:kick and rush143.无球跑动:off-the-ball running144.转身踢:turnaround kick145.脚背踢球:instep kick146.脚外侧敲击:flick [jab] kick147.脚尖踢球:toe kick148.脚弓踢球:kick with the inside of foot149.脚跟踢球:heel kick传、接、运150.传球:pass151.一次〔直接〕传球:first-time[one-touch] pass 152.到位的传球:spot [well-placed; pinpoint] pass 153.长传:long pass154.短〔近〕传:short [close] pass; one-two155.三角传球:triangular [delta] pass156.短传配合:short game157.短传三角配合:short triangular passing158.深传:deep pass159.沿边线传球:flank pass160.传中:center161.横传:cross [lateral;line] pass;cross162.横向转移传球:square pass163.斜〔对角〕线传球:diagonal pass164.传高球:high [lob] pass; loft; chip; pass in the air 165.地滚传球:ground [rolling] pass166.直传向前传球:forward pass167.大脚直传:steep forward pass168.回传;向后传:pass back169.脚后跟回传:back-heel170.穿越:through pass171.踢墙式二过一:wall pass172.推传:push pass173.敲传(使用脚外侧):flick pass174.隐蔽传球:trick pass175.快速传球:brisk pass176.领前传球:lead pass177.助攻传球:setup pass178.接传球:receive [pick up] a pass179.接球失误:fumble; mishandle180.运〔带;盘〕球:dribble; run with the ball 181.运球队员:dribbler182.带球过人:beat; break through; dribble past 183.盘带过多:excessive dribbling头球184.头球:head;nod; header(指一次动作)185.跳起顶球:flying header; head with a jump 186.侧顶:head sideward187.善于顶球:good in the air抢截188.堵截:block; clog189.断球:intercept190.铲球;抢截:tackle191.侧面铲球:side(block)tackle192.倒地铲球:sliding [hook] tackle193.抡脚铲球:scything tackle194.铲倒对方:tackle through the ball195.对方铲球时仍控制住球:ride a tackle 196.双方机会各半的待争夺球:fifty-fifty ball 197.混战:scramble; melee;skirmish射门198.射门:shoot; attempt at [try for] goal 199.射手:shooter; marksman200.进球:find the net; hit[drive the ball] home201.破门得分:make [score; net] a goal202.破门机会:scoring opportunity203.射门得分者:goalgetter204.助攻射中:assisted goal205.连中三元;帽子戏法:hat-trick206.扳成平局的进球:equalizer207.射中次数:shots on goal208.轻易射门得分:sitter209.射门命中率:shooting average [percentage]210.未射中:mishit211.射门过高:high shot; sky212.从门柱弹回:deflect〔bounce back] from the goalpost 213.射中无效:goal disallowed214.近射:close-range[-up] shot215.远射:long shot [drive]216.冲门:gate-crashing217.突然射门:snap shot218.劲射:hard [heavy; crashing; cannon] shot; drive; thump 219.补射:tip-in220.转身射门:pivot shot221.贴地射门;低射:grazing shot222.一次射门:first-time[one-touch]shot223.调整后〔停球〕射门:second-touch shot224.小角度射门:sharp-angled shot225.狭缝射门(指穿过防守线):slot226.倒地射门:sliding shot227.凌空射门:volley shot228.倒钩射门:scissors shot229.头球入门:head [nod] in a goal230.高吊球射门:lob [hanging] shot231.射空门:free shot232.香蕉球:banana shot233.乌龙球(踢进本方球门):own [self] goal234.射门的强烈愿望:goal hunger235.庆祝进球:goal celebration236.球门网右上角:top right-hand corner of the net 237.球门网右下角:bottom right-hand corner of the net 238.球门网左上角:top left-hand corner of the net239.球门网左下角:bottom left-hand corner of the net守门240.守门:goalkeeping;goaltending241.救球:save;retrieve;stop242.托救球:finger-tip save243.鱼跃救球;扑救:diving save244.挡开:parry245.拳击球:fist [punch] the ball246.护球;抱死:smother247.封住角度:shut off〔cut down; narrow] the angle248.跑出来(抢球):come out249.视线受阻:unsighted进攻250.快攻;快速突破:fast break [counterattack]251.防守反击:switch from defense to attack; counterattack; push up 252.快速反击:fast-switching attack; runback253.突破:break; thrust254.中路突破:thrust down the middle255.单刀直入:solo drive256.突破对方防守:split the defense257.破坏对方防守:disorganize the defense 258.拉开对方的防守面:spread the defense259.正面进攻:frontal attack260.边线进攻:flank attack261.左路进攻:attack on the left wing262.右路进攻:attack on the right wing263.全面压上:sweeping attack264.助攻:assist265.穿过:weave through266.插入:cut in; penetrate267.沉底:drive down the sideline268.靠近对方球门线:deep269.钳形攻势:pincers movement270.摆脱动作:evasive movement271.绕过防守队员(通过假动作):turn a defender 272.侧步躲闪:sidestep273.补位:cover a position; fill a gap; plug a hole 274.跑位:run off the ball275.跑位意识:positional sense276.跑动量(一场比赛中):work-rate防守277.密集防守:tight [close] defense [marking] 278.地毯式防守:blanket defense279.钉住:mark up; get tight280.撤退:retreat; withdraw281.后撤防守(引对方进入中场口袋):funnel back 282.解围(踢开球门区):clear283.封死:close off284.人墙:(defensive)wall285.筑人墙:set [line] up a wall286.二夹一:double-team。
足球相关英语词汇后卫: Back前卫: Midfielder前锋: Forward中锋: Striker自由人: libero中后卫: Center Back全能选手: utility player守门员: Goalkeeper, Goalie左(右)后卫: Left (Right) Back清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper左(右)前卫: Left (Right) Midfielder攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder 防守型前卫, 后腰: Defending Midfielder 足球: football, soccer足球场: field, pitch中场: midfield中圈: kickoff circle,center circle中线: halfway line边线: touchline底线: goal line(点球)发球点: penalty mark禁区: penalty area小禁区: goal area开球: Kick-off倒钩球: bicycle kick, overhead kick 半高球: chest-high ball角球: corner ball, corner球门球: goal kick地面球: ground ball, grounder手触球: hand ball头球: header点球: penalty kick乌龙球:Own Goal罚点球: spot kick罚任意球: free kick胸部停球: chesting连续传球: consecutive passes鱼跃顶球: diving header盘球,带球: dribbling(守门员)接高球: clean catching 边线传球: flank pass高吊传球: high lobbing pass凌空传球: volley pass铲球: tackle地滚球: rolling pass, ground pass 射门: shoot贴地射门: grazing shot近射: close-range shot远射: long drive未射中: mishit越位: offside传球: pass the ball接球: take a pass球传到位: spot pass拦截球: intercept掷界外球: throw-in红牌: red card黄牌: yellow card正面抢截: block tackle阻挡: body check球门前混战: bullt合理冲撞: fair charge盯人防守: close-marking defence 短传: close pass, short pass假动作: deceptive movement跃起争顶: flying headar解围: clearance kick摆脱防守: break loose搅乱防守: disorgani筑人墙: set a wall全攻全守足球战术: total football 拉开的足球战术: open football越位战术: off-side trap边锋战术: wing play积极的抢射战术: shoot-on-sight tactics拖延战术: time wasting tactics433阵型: 4-3-3 formation442阵型: 4-4-2 formation进球荒: goal drought反越位成功: beat the offside trap判罚出场: send a player off中场休息: half time interval加时赛: extra-time伤停补时: injury time掌握比赛节奏: set the pace控救技术: ball playing skill替补:benchwarmer, bench player, backup 首发队员:starters各国杯赛COPPA ITALIA 意大利杯DFB-Pokal 德国杯Copa del Rey 西班牙国王杯English Fa Cup Semi-Final 英格兰足总杯(FA: Football Association)欧洲联赛:Italian Seria A 意大利甲级联赛Germany Bundes liga 德国甲级联赛France Le Chanpionnat 法国甲级联赛Spain La Liga ;Primera división de Liga,简称La Liga西班牙甲级联赛England Premiership英格兰超级联赛Eredivisie 荷兰甲级联赛Scottish Premier League 苏格兰超级联赛欧洲足球赛事:European Championship; European Cup 欧洲杯(欧洲锦标赛)UEFA Champion League 欧洲冠军联赛The UEFA Cup 联盟杯Toto Cup托托杯UEF Aunion of European Football Associations 欧洲足球联合会。
运动英语知识点总结一、常见运动活动的英语表达1. 游泳:swimming2. 跑步:running3. 足球:soccer4. 篮球:basketball5. 乒乓球:table tennis6. 网球:tennis7. 排球:volleyball8. 滑冰:skating9. 跳绳: jumping rope10. 体操:gymnastics11. 骑自行车:cycling12. 瑜伽:yoga13. 登山:mountaineering14. 滑雪:skiing15. 跳高:high jump二、运动与健康1. 运动对心血管系统的影响Regular exercise can improve the function of the heart and lungs, reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, and help to control and prevent a variety of chronic diseases.2. 运动对骨骼健康的影响Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, running, and dancing can help to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis in later life.3. 运动对体重管理的影响Physical activity helps to control body weight by burning calories and increasing metabolism. Regular exercise, combined with a healthy diet, is the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off.4. 运动对心理健康的影响Exercise can improve mood, reduce anxiety, stress and depression, and enhance cognitive function. Endorphins released during exercise can also create feelings of happiness and euphoria.三、运动时的安全知识1. 穿戴合适的运动装备Wearing the correct clothing and footwear for the specific type of exercise is essential to prevent injury. For example, a good pair of running shoes can provide support and cushioning for the feet and ankles.2. 适度加强体能训练Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of exercise can help to prevent overuse injuries and muscle strain. It is important to warm up before engaging in vigorous physical activity to prepare the body for the exercise.3. 饮食与补充Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated are essential for high performance and muscle recovery. Consuming enough carbohydrates, protein, and electrolytes can help to fuel the body and support muscle repair.4. 避免过度疲劳Overtraining can lead to burnout, fatigue, and an increased risk of injury. It is important to take rest days and listen to the body's signals to prevent overuse injuries.四、运动的英语口语表达1. I go for a run every morning to keep fit.每天早上我去跑步保持健康。
Soer is the most popular sport in the world.For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game I would like to give a brief introduction. 2 teams of 11 players pete on a soer field at once. They can only touch the ball with their feet, head and chest. If they use their hands, the ball is given to the other team. Only the goalie can use hands. The objective is for each team to score on the opposing team's goal.In 20xx, the president of the International Confederation of Association Football, or FIFA for short, confirmed that soer originated from China during the Warring States Period in 476-221 B.C. However, even though they followed the no-hands rule it was still very different from the soer we know and love today.Soer changed and developed over the next centuries as it traveled through different countries around the world.Modern day soer started in England about 200 years ago. In May 21 1904, FIFA was established in Paris. From 1930, a World Cup would be held every 4 years.Soer is already a sport that we need in our life. There are about 800 thousand teams that usually play in matches. There are about 40 million players that signed up. There are a 100 thousand professional players.As I mentioned before, traditionally, soer matches have consisted of 11 players; however, now other petitive options are available including, five on five, seven on seven, and even beach soer.Soer is really a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and ability. I have loved playing for more than half of my life and I know that if you start today you will too.Football is the world’s most popylar sport. We play football at the playground. We also have fun when we play football. We also call it soer.Our students must do exercises everyday to stay healthy, and I’ve found that play football is a very good way to stay healthy. Football players must be rugged. It’s one of the most popular sports all over the world. We can run on the ground for a long time and we also can prove our friendship with the members of our team.More and more people like watching football matches. They can’t sleep or eat when their teams are playing. They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football players have done better match after match. But we will have a long way to go toAsiaand to the world. We should learn from foreign teams. Foreign players and coaches must be invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangdong Apollo are among the best teams.I love playing football, because I can play football to stay healthy, football is a good sport.Football is a famous entertainment project, we play with feet. Many people love a football match. Football is their favorite topic of conversation. They usually go to the football matchesand cheer for their favorite teams. We know when someone kicks in the goal that there is a score. Two teams are in the same place to kick. Both team has 11 people. We have 90 minutes in a match. We can pass the ball with our feet. You must run and run because maybe the others will kick the football.In America we call it soer, in England we call it football. That’s why we sometimes call it “soer” or “football”.If we have a football match, we must wear special clothes.I think football is a good game to play, don’t you?American people are crazy about sports, basketball, baseball and football are very popular there. Most of them take exercise everyday, there is no doubt that sports have been part of their lives. But soer as the most popular sport around the world, meets the awkward situation in the United States.When people talking about basketball, everybody will think about NBA in America, which is the biggest basketball match in the world. It attracts fans from all around the world. Butpeople barely connect soer with America, because American people show little interest in it. For the old generation, they even don’t know how the game is played.American football is different from soer, it needs the unique sets to protect the football players, because the rule allows the player to grab the ball and then hit other player to win the match. American football is not favored by the coutries that outside the United States. But more young people in America like to play soer and they make some breakthroughs in the World Cup matches.Soer will be favored by more people, because the world is talking about it.模板,内容仅供参考。
a) Judge;net b) Coach;football c) Referee;whistle
7.A ... Is an attacking player. A ... Is someone who users his(her)hands to stop the other team from scoring.A...
• A goal keeper is someone that uses his
hands to stop the other team for scoring.
• A whistle is something which is used by the
referee to start and stop a game.
Who areAtrheeyopueaofpooletbianlltfhane?photos?
Do you prefer playing or watching it?Why? Is footbaBiblioteka l a sport for men?
So you think you know football... Let’s check!
1. Football was invented by the....
a) Brazilians b) English c) Germans
2.Football is the ... Popular sport in the world. a) Most b) Second most c) Third most
a) Square b) Round c) Rectangular
5. What’s the official FIFA football made of? a) Rubber b) Leather c) Plastic
足球在英语中被称为football,而足球比赛则被称为football match。
除了这些基本词汇外,还有一些与足球相关的短语,比如“score a goal”(进球),“win the match”(赢得比赛)等等。
比如“the game is heating up”(比赛进入白热化阶段),“it's a nail-biting finish”(比赛进入紧张的尾声)等等。
此外,球迷们也会用一些特定的口头禅来为自己支持的球队加油助威,比如“come on, youcan do it!”(加油,你们能行!),“we are the champions!”(我们是冠军!)等等。
而在比赛中,一些常见的术语如“offside”(越位),“penalty kick”(点球),“extra time”(加时赛)等等,也是我们需要了解的重要内容。
而在比赛中,如果球员犯规或者出现违规行为,裁判会出示黄牌(yellow card)或者红牌(red card)进行警告或者罚下场。
足球英语专业术语first half 上半场internal中场休息second half 下半场allowance 补时extra time 加时choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin掷币挑边和开球kick off 开球kick-off-time开赛时间close game with long forward passes长传急攻short pass短传combination passed短传配合double pass二过一drive down the side-lines before centering the ball沉底传中pass-and receive combinations传接配合center传中cross pass横传one-touch pass一脚球ground pass地面传球scissors kick倒钩球lofted ball高吊球head ball顶球ferocious tackle拼抢block堵截support策应side tackle侧面抢截dash forward插上excessive dribbling盘带过多pincers movement两翼包抄playmaker进攻组织者outflank边路进攻fast break快攻volley shot凌空射门man-for-man marking盯人防守fill gap 补位balancing defense防守补位“blanket” defense 密集防守off side越位trip opponent绊人charge opponent 冲撞charge opponent from behind背后铲人fair charge合理冲撞send off the field of play将球员驱逐出场tackle铲球penalty-mark罚点球点take kick主罚点球sudden death突然死亡法determine the winner by penalty kicks以点球决胜负make space 制造空档off-side trap造越位战术total play全攻全过打法Football, soccer, Association football 足球杯赛Cup 杯FIFA 国际足联arch-rival 主要对手defending champion 卫冕冠军qualify for the next round 出线eliminate 淘汰final eight 前八强favourists 夺标热门dark horse 黑马、爆冷门Underdog - 黑马group round robin 小组循环赛group preliminaries 小组预赛联赛league 联赛ranking 排名次,名次aggregate score 总积分league table 联赛积分表away ground 客场场地away match 客场比赛on a home and away basis 主客场制home team 主队visiters team 客队promotion 升级relegation 降级first division team 甲级队second division 乙级队golden ball 金球golden boots 金靴奖top scorer 得分最高的队员transfer 转会其它比赛warming up competition 热身赛charity soccer match 慈善足球赛return leg 回访赛exhibition match 表演赛friendly match 友谊比赛invitational tournament 邀请赛场地stadium 体育场stands 看台field, pitch 足球场midfied 中场 center fieldhalf-way line 中线halfway flag 中线旗byline 边线 by-line 边线end line 底线back line卫线、端线kick-off circle 中圈,开球区corner area 角球区corner flag 角球旗penalty area 禁区 penalty box 禁区penalty mark (点球)发球点goal 球门,进球数goal area 球门区goal line 球门线goal net 球门网crossbar 球门横杆、门楣goal post 球门柱base of post 柱脚locker room (运动员)休息室、更衣室Boardroom 会议室Changing-room 更衣室Corporate boxes 团体席Dugout 教练席Bench 替补席Clubshop 俱乐部店Running-track 跑道Scoreboard 记分牌Hoardings 广告牌Tannoy 广播Ticket-office 售票厅Treatment room 治疗室Trophy room 纪念品展室Tunnel 球员通道Turnstiles 球场旋转门赛程Fixture list 赛程表half,halftime 半场first half 上半场half-time break 中场休息second half 下半场injury time伤停补时extra time 加时赛first leg 第一回合full time 全场比赛时间time out 暂停Warm-down 赛后休息Teamtalk 教练训话时间Press conference 记者招待会裁判referee 主裁判assistant助理裁判lineman 巡边员,边裁final whistle 终场哨声球员1professional soccer player 职业球员uniform number 球衣号码in red strip 身穿红色条衫fitness 身体素质stamina 体力、耐力in great form 竞技状态极佳football, eleven 足球队captain, leader 队长football player 足球运动员key player 主力队员player in 上场队员substitute,reserve players替补队员goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员back 后卫 defender 后卫 full back 后卫left 左后卫right back 右后卫centre half back 中卫midfield 中场half back 前卫 downfield 前卫left half back 左前卫right half back 右前卫forward 前锋 strikercentre forward, centre 中锋inside left forward, inside left 左内锋inside right forward, inside right 右内锋outside left forward, outside left 左边锋outside right forward, outside right 右边锋球员2后卫: Back前卫: Midfielder前锋: 中锋: Striker自由人: libero中后卫: Center Back全能选手: utility player守门员: Goalkeeper, Goalie左(右)后卫: Left (Right) Back清道夫, 拖后中卫: Sweeper左(右)前卫: Left (Right) Midfielder攻击型前卫, 前腰: Attacking Midfielder防守型前卫, 后腰: Defending Midfielder球员3freeman 自由人sweeper 自由中卫march in 列队入场encounter 交锋winger 锋线队员offensive player 进攻队员striker 攻击手playmaker 组织进攻者supporting player 接应队员goal-buster 杰出射手up-rising star 后起之秀budding star 初露锋芒的明星star-studded 明星荟萃的观众fan 球迷aficionado (球)迷、狂热爱好者spectator 观众Crowd - 观众cheering squad拉拉队 cheering team 啦啦队football hooligan 足球流氓rioter 骚乱者capacity crowd 观众满座VIP box 重要人物席Supporters 支持者教练head coach 主教练coach 教练 instructorskipper 领队 guidetrainer 助理教练其他人员soccer commentator 足球评论员Groundsman 修理草皮人员Ballboys - 捡球者Mascots - 滑嵇小丑判罚kick-off 开球goal kick 球门球corner ball, corner 角球corner kick 发角球goal kick 球门球header 头球hand ball 手球penalty kick 点球 spot kickpenalty for a foul 犯规罚点球free kick 任意球direct freekick 直接任意球indirect free kick 间接任意球defensive wall 防守人墙line up a wall 筑人墙to set a wall 筑人墙place kick 定位球kick-out 踢出界throw-in 掷界外球offside 越位 off-side 越位red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)penalise 处罚banish罚出场sending-off 罚下场 send-off 罚下场send a player off判罚出场match ban 禁赛命令suspend 停赛、禁赛to cheat作弊violent conduct 粗鲁行为foul 犯规foul marker 犯规指示旗to breaks the rules犯规foul play严重犯规The goal is disallowed进球无效deny a goal 判射无效delay the game 拖延比赛refuse obedience to the referee 不服裁判score 得分goals 射中次数Substitute 换人技术long pass 长传close pass, short pass 短传flank pass 边线传球high lobbing pass 高吊传球scissor pass 交叉传球volley pass 凌空传球hook pass 弧形传球triangular pass 三角传球rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球back pass转身传球steep forward pass 大脚直传cross传中send in a cross from the left 左路传中send in a cross from the right 右路传中line pass 横传back-heel pass 脚后跟传球flick-on header 头球摆渡back pass 转身传球ball playing skill 控救技术deceptive movement 假动作bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球chest-high ball 平胸球ground ball, grounder 地面球,地滚球ball handling 控制球block tackle 正面抢截interception 拦截body check 身体阻挡fair charge 合理冲撞chesting 胸部挡球close-marking defence 钉人防守consecutive passes 连续传球diving header 鱼跃顶球flying headar 跳起顶球dribbling 盘球,带球beat an opponent过人、越过对手slide tackle 铲球steal a ball 断球bullt 球门前混战clearance kick 解除危险的球make a powerful clearance kick 大脚解围goalkeeping守门finger-tip save (守门员)托救球clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好,接高球beat out a shot将球击出(守门员)to shoot 射门course of action 球路rebound 反弹球banana shot弧线射门、香蕉球volley shot 凌空射门grazing shot 贴地射门close-range shot 近射long drive 远射mishit 未射中own goal 踢入本方球门(对方得分),乌龙球equalizer 造成平分的射门free shot 射空门tap in the ball 轻拨入网open net 空门solo drive 单刀直入wall pass 二过一to pass the ball 传球runing off the ball 跑位support 接应to take a pass 接球trapping 停球spot pass 球传到位make a spot pass 传球到位to trap 脚底停球to intercept 截球to break through, to beat 带球过人to break loose 摆脱 shake off 摆脱break through 突破down-the-middle thrust 中路突破empty space 空档make space 制造空档blanket defence 密集防守man to man defence 人盯人防守mark space 区域联防offensive on the wings 从两翼进攻aerial duel向前场推进fast break 快攻fast counterattack 快速反攻be level with与……站在一条线上beat the offside trap反越位成功drop-ball(足球中的)争球to control the midfield 控制中场to disorganize the defence 破坏防守to fall back 退回to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏tempo of the game 比赛节奏to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势one-sided game 一边倒的比赛close game 比分接近的比赛an incident-packed game 一场事故叠出的比赛tie-breaker 平分决胜的比赛rough play 粗野的比赛level the score 将比分扳平solid defence 防守坚固break the deadlock 打破僵局goal drought进球荒战术all-out attacking 全攻型打法total football 全攻全守足球战术open football 拉开的足球战术off-side trap 越位战术wing play 边锋战术shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术time wasting tactics 拖延战术阵法formation 阵型line-up 阵容back line 卫线、端线forward line 锋线Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式four backs system 四后卫制four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式赛制competition regulations 比赛条例disqualification 取消比赛资格extra time 加时赛golden goal, sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法penalty shoot-out 罚点球决胜负the away goals rule 客场进球规则draw, sortition 抽签 drawing lots 抽签grouping 分组eighth-finals 八分之一决赛quarterfinal 四分之一决赛semi-final 半决赛round-robin 循环赛five-a-side-football 五人制室内足球结果goalless draw 未得分,不分胜负a hat trick帽子戏法,连中三元Draw - 平局装备Ball 球Gloves 手套knee pads 护膝Socks 袜子Shinguards 护具Tracksuit 运动套装Studs 鞋钉Adaptor 转拉器Boots 足球鞋Cycling-shorts 自行车短型紧身裤First-aid kit 急救包Nets 网兜Notebook 小笔记本Pump 气筒Shinguards/Shinpads 护胫Shirts 足球上衣Shorts 短裤Socks 短袜Stopwatch 秒表Strips 服装举报分享足球英语墨香深处2012-02-22 19:45red card 红牌yellow card 黄牌The goal is disallowed. 进球无效。
[足球英语胜利之门]足球英语(1) [足球英语]足球的知识英语作文篇一:足球的知识英语作文Soccer is the most popular sport in the world.For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game I would like to give a brief introduction. 2 teams of 11 players pete on a soccer field at once. They can only touch the ball with their feet, head and chest. If they use their hands, the ball is given to the other team. Only the goalie can use hands. The objective is for each team to score on the opposing team"s goal.In 2004, the president of the International Confederation of Association Football, or FIFA for short, confirmed that soccer originated from China during the Warring States Period in 476-221 B.C. However, even though they followed the no-hands rule it was still very different from the soccer we know and love today.Soccer changed and developed over the next centuries as it traveled through different countries around the world.Modern day soccer started in England about 200 years ago. In May 21 1904, FIFA was established in Paris. From 1930, a World Cup would be held every 4 years.Soccer is already a sport that we need in our life. There are about 800 thousand teams that usually play in matches. There are about 40 million players that signed up. There are a 100 thousand professional players.As I mentioned before, traditionally, soccer matches have consisted of 11 players; however, now other petitive options are available including, five on five, seven on seven, and even beach soccer.Soccer is really a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and ability. I have loved playing for more than half of my life and I know that if you start today you will too.篇二:足球的知识英语作文Football is the world’s most popylar sport. We play football at the playground. We also have fun when we play football. We also call it soccer.Our students must do exercises everyday to stay healthy, and I’ve found that play football is a very good way to stay healthy. Football players must be rugged. It’s one of the most popular sports all over the world. We can run on the ground for a long time and we also can prove our friendship with the members of our team.More and more people like watching football matches. They can’t sleep or eat when their teams are playing. They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football players have done better match after match. But we will have a long way to go toAsiaand to the world. We should learn from foreign teams. Foreign players and coaches must be invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangdong Apollo are among the best teams.I love playing football, because I can play football to stay healthy, football is a good sport.篇三:足球的知识英语作文Football is a famous entertainment project, we play with feet. Many people love a football match. Football is their favorite topic of conversation. They usually go to the football matches and cheer for their favorite teams. We know when someone kicks in the goal that there is a score. Two teams are in the same place to kick. Both team has 11 people. We have 90 minutes in a match. We can pass the ball with our feet. You must run and run because maybe the others will kick the football.In America we call it soccer, in England we call it football. That’s why we sometimes call it “soccer” or “football”.If we have a football match, we must wear special clothes.I think football is a good game to play, don’t you?篇四:足球的知识英语作文American people are crazy about sports, basketball, baseball and football are very popular there. Most of them take exercise everyday, there is no doubt that sports have been part of their lives. But soccer as the most popular sport around the world, meets the awkward situation in the United States.When people talking about basketball, everybody will think about NBA in America, which is the biggest basketball match in the world. It attracts fans from all around the world. But people barely connect soccer with America, because American people show little interest in it. For the old generation, they even don’t know how the game is played.American football is different from soccer, it needs the unique sets to protect the football players, because the rule allows the player to grab the ball and then hit other player to win the match. American football is not favored by the coutries that outside the United States. But more young people in America like to play soccer and they make some breakthroughs in the World Cup matches.Soccer will be favored by more people, because the world is talking about it.(2) [足球英语]有关喜欢足球的英语作文关于喜欢足球的英语作文范文一:My favorite sport is football. football is a worldwide game, everyone knows it and lots of people like it.I like it because of following reasons. fist, it can fit my body. when i was youny, i usually got sick. but after I play it, I became strong and seldom be ill.Second, I like the feeling of high speed. while playing, sometimes i have to rob the ball, then i need to run faster. I can hear the sound of wind and feel like i am runnning in the wind. i feel so great. last and the most important is football is my dream.I want to be a football player in the future. i have to train hard to level up my skill. and i believe one day my dream will e true.Above all is my reasons for my favorite sports- football. so I like football.【参考译文】我最喜欢的运动是足球,足球是一个全球性的运动,几乎每个人都知道这项运动,并且有许多人喜欢它.我喜欢足球是因为以下原因.第一,足球可以锻炼我的身体,我晓得时候总是生病, 但是我踢上足球以后,我变得强壮了,很少生病.第二, 我喜欢那种高速奔跑的感觉,在踢球的过程中,需要抢球的时候,我就要跑快点,这时我能感觉风在耳边呼呼作响.感觉棒极了.第三,也是最重要的,是因为当一名足球运动员是我的梦想.如果要成为职业球员,我需要刻苦努力的训练来提升自己的水平.我相信,终有一天我的梦想回成真的.关于喜欢足球的英语作文范文二:For each person campaign is very important. As the saying goes: Life is movement. For example on me, and I like movement from childhood and I often run, but I love playing soccer very much, untill today I played football for more than 10 years. I join the school team, although I"m very confident individual skills, but after a lot of market failure, I began to realize that football is a collective movement, we need to meet to obtain the final victory. Although some people think that playing soccer is to play football, but I understand it from a lot of life philosophy, really, I love football.【参考译文】运动对于每个人来说很重要。
下面开始聊足球了:(英式)football=(美式)soccer=足球(圆形球,只能用脚踢球)(英式)American football=(美式)football=橄榄球、美式足球(椭圆形球,可以用脚踢球、也可以用手抱球和扔球)play football=踢足球watch a football match=watch a football game=看足球赛football club=FC=足球俱乐部football fan=football supporter=球迷football hooligan=足球流氓football boots=足球鞋football shirt=球衣football kit=一套足球服(英式)football pitch=(美式)football field=足球场football stadium=(有看台的)足球场goal=球门midfield=中场2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil=2014巴西世界杯host country=主办国defending champion=卫冕冠军group stage=小组赛knockout stage=淘汰赛round of 16=1/8决赛quarter-final=1/4决赛semi-final=半决赛third place match=三四名决赛final=总决赛first half=上半场second half=下半场extra time=加时赛(英式)footballer=(美式)soccer player=足球员striker=前锋center=中锋defender=后卫full-back=防守后卫goalkeeper=守门员coach=教练referee=裁判员whistle=哨子foul=犯规handball=手球犯规red card=红牌yellow card=黄牌booking=记名警告throw-in=掷边线球header=头球corner=角球free kick=任意球penalty kick=点球penalty shoot-out=点球大战score x goal=进x球hat trick=帽子戏法(连进3球)竞猜——>乌龙球=?A.oolong ball~B.own goal~。
spot kick 罚点球
free kick 罚任意球
throw-in 掷界外球
ball handling 控制球
block tackle 正面抢截
body check 身体阻挡
bullt 球门前混战
fair charge 合理冲撞
chesting 胸部挡球
close-marking defence 钉人防守
close pass, short pass 短传
consecutive passes 连续传球
deceptive movement 假动作
diving header 鱼跃顶球
flying headar 跳起顶球
dribbling 盘球
goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员
back 后卫
left 左后卫
right back 右后卫
centre half back 中卫
half back 前卫
left half back 左前卫
right half back 右前卫
forward 前锋
football, soccer, Association football 足球
field, pitch 中圈
half-way line 中线
football, eleven 足球队
football player 足球运动员
yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)
ball playing skill 控救技术
total football 全攻全守足球战术
• Then, take a quick look up so as to direct the ball to the desired target; be it the goal or another player. When you swing at the ball, come at it from a slight angle, this will give it a bit of back spin and elevation. Strike the ball with the inside of your foot, angling it downwards in order to catch the bottom of the ball. In the moment you strike the ball, lean back slightly; this will naturally produce the required elevation of the ball.
Bending a Ball
• Football fans the world over were stunned by Roberto Carlos in the Summer of 1997. With a wall of defenders between the goal and him, he curled the ball around them and watched it drop into the corner of the net. • The technique Carlos and players like David Beckham use is ‘bending’ the ball, which uses natural air resistance to make a shot change direction in mid-flight.
1.场地名称篇Football / soccer 足球field / pitch 足球场midfield 中场backfield 后场kick-off circle 中圈half-way line 中线touchline / sideline 边线goal line 球门线end line 底线penalty mark 点球罚球点penalty area 大禁区(罚球区)goal area 小禁区(球门区)2.球队称谓篇coach 教练head coach 主教练football player 足球运动员referee 裁判lineman 巡边员captain / leader 队长goalkeeper守门员forward / striker 前锋centre forward / centre 中锋Left Wing Forward 左边锋Right Wing Forward 右边锋midfielder 前卫(中场)left midfielder 左前卫right midfielder 右前卫attacking midfielder 前腰defending midfielder后腰full back 后卫center back 中后卫left side back 左后卫right side back 右后卫sweeper 清道夫(拖后中卫)Liberal 自由人cheer team 拉拉队3.足球技术篇kick-off 开球bicycle kick/overhead kick倒钩chest-high ball 半高球corner ball / corner 角球goal kick 球门球handball 手球header 头球penalty kick 点球place kick 定位球ball handling 控制球own goal 乌龙球hat-trick 帽子戏法free kick 任意球direct free kick 直接任意球indirect free kick 间接任意球stopping 停球chesting 胸部停球pass 传球take a pass 接球short pass 短传long pass 长传cross pass 横传spot pass 球传到位consecutive passes 连续传球triangular pass 三角传球flank pass 边线传球lobbing pass 高吊传球volley pass 凌空传球rolling pass/ground pass地滚传球slide tackle 铲球intercept 截球clearance kick 解围shoot 射门close-range shot 近射long shot 远射grazing shot 贴地射门mishit 未射中bullt 球门前混战offside 越位throw-in 掷界外球block tackle 正面抢截body check 阻挡fair charge 合理冲撞diving header 鱼跃冲顶flying header 跳起顶球dribbling 盘球,带球close-marking defenc盯人防守clean catching门将跳接高球finger-tip save 门将托救球offside 越位deceptive movement 假动作break through 突破kick-out 踢出界4.足球战术篇set the pace 掌握进攻节奏ward off an assault击退一次攻势break up an attack 破坏一次攻势disorganize the defence搅乱防守total football 全攻全守的战术open football 拉开的战术off-side trap 越位战术wing play 边锋战术shoot-on-sight tactics抢射战术time wasting tactics 拖延战术4-3-3 formation 433阵型4-4-2 formation 442阵型beat the offside trap 反越位foul 犯规technical foul 技术犯规to break through带球过人to break loose 摆脱control the midfield 控制中场to fall back 退回防守set a wall 筑人墙close-marking defence盯人防守5.比赛方式篇half-time interval 中场休息round robin 循环赛group round robin小组循环赛extra time 加时赛elimination match 淘汰赛injury time 伤停补时golden goal / sudden death金球制,突然死亡法preliminary match 预赛eighth-final 八分之一决赛quarterfinal 四分之一决赛semi-final 半决赛final match 决赛one-sided game一边倒的比赛competition regulation比赛条例disqualification 取消比赛资格match ban 禁赛命令doping test 药检draw / sortition 抽签send a player off 判罚出场red card 红牌yellow card 黄牌goal 球门,进球数draw 平局goal drought 进球荒ranking 排名(名次)。
I’m Messi.
What?! It’s easy? Eh~~~~~~ ok, If you can guess which team they are in, I will admire you.
AC 米兰
国际米兰 皇家马德里
Thanks for listening.
Are you ready? You can smile like this…
Let’s go!
Do you know them?
Are you interested in it?
Ok don’t worry, First of all, there are some new words about football , so just guess what’s the meaning about the words.
New, Let’s play a game .there are some Football stars. Let’s guess who are they. A , ha!
Who is it?HFra bibliotek’s well-known.
He comes from Brazil.
He is a little fat now.
I’m from Brazil.
I’m Kaka.
I’m playing football with C· Ronaldo.
Who am I?
I’m from Argentina.
I’m a little short but famous.
Soer is the most popular sport in the world.For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game I would like to give a brief introduction. 2 teams of 11 players pete on a soer field at once. They can only touch the ball with their feet, head and chest. If they use their hands, the ball is given to the other team. Only the goalie can use hands. The objective is for each team to score on the opposing team's goal.In xx, the president of the International Confederation of Association Football, or FIFA for short, confirmed that soer originated from China during the Warring States Period in 476-221 B.C. However, even though they followed the no-hands rule it was still very different from the soer we know and love today.Soer changed and developed over the next centuries asit traveled through different countries around the world.Modern day soer started in England about 200 years ago. In May 21 1904, FIFA was established in Paris. From 1930, a World Cup would be held every 4 years.Soer is already a sport that we need in our life. There are about 800 thousand teams that usually play in matches.There are about 40 million players that signed up. Thereare a 100 thousand professional players.As I mentioned before, traditionally, soer matches have consisted of 11 players; however, now other petitiveoptions are available including, five on five, seven on seven, and even beach soer.Soer is really a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and ability. I have loved playing for more thanhalf of my life and I know that if you start today you will too.Football is the world’s most popylar sport. We play football at the playground. We also have fun when we play football. We also call it soer.Our students must do exercises everyday to stay healthy, and I’ve found that play football is a very good way tostay healthy. Football players must be rugged. It’s one of the most popular sports all over the world. We can run on the ground for a long time and we also can prove our friendship with the members of our team.More and more people like watching football matches. They can’t sleep or eat when their teams are playing. They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football players have done better match after match. But we willhave a long way to go toAsiaand to the world. We shouldlearn from foreign teams. Foreign players and coaches mustbe invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangdong Apollo are among the best teams.I love playing football, because I can play football to stay healthy, football is a good sport.Football is a famous entertainment project, we play with feet. Many people love a football match. Football is their favorite topic of conversation. They usually go to the football matches and cheer for their favorite teams. We know when someone kicks in the goal that there is a score. Two teams are in the same place to kick. Both team has 11 people. We have 90 minutes in a match. We can pass the ball with our feet. You must run and run because maybe the others will kick the football.In America we call it soer, in England we call it football. That’s why we sometimes call it “soer” or “football”.If we have a football match, we must wear special clothes.I think football is a good game to play, don’t you?American people are crazy about sports, basketball, baseball and football are very popular there. Most of them take exercise everyday, there is no doubt that sports have been part of their lives. But soer as the most popular sport around the world, meets the awkward situation in the United States.When people talking about basketball, everybody will think about NBA in America, which is the biggest basketball match in the world. It attracts fans from all around the world. But people barely connect soer with America, because American people show little interest in it. For the old generation, they even don’t know how the game is played.American football is different from soer, it needs the unique sets to protect the football players, because the rule allows the player to grab the ball and then hit other player to win the match. American football is not favored by the coutries that outside the United States. But more young people in America like to play soer and they make some breakthroughs in the World Cup matches.Soer will be favored by more people, because the world is talking about it.。
介绍足球知识的英语作文 How Do You Know About Football?
介绍足球知识的英语作文How Do YouKnow About Football?介绍足球知识的英语作文How Do You Know About Football?Teams Each soccer team has eleven players and three substitute, or reserve players. The team consists of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfield players, and forwards (or strikers). The object of the game is to get the ball into your opponents goal.球队每支球队有11名场上队员和3名替补队员。
The match A game of soccer is called a match and is split into two halves of 45 minutes each, with a 15-minute break at halftime. A referee and two assistants make sure that nobody cheats or breaks the rules.比赛足球比赛分为两个半场,每半场各45分钟,上下半场中间有15分钟的休息时间。
Goalkeeping is a special skill. While the rest of the team can afford to make mistakes, if the goalkeeper makes one, it usually results in a goal for the opposition. Above Your Head The best way to catch a ball above your head is by joining the thumbs and forefingers of your hands together so there is a small arch between your hands. Chest or Head Jump off one leg and cradle the ball comfortably to your chest. The ball should rest on your forearms, with your hands holding it from above. Left or Right Always try to get both hands behind the ball and hold on tight. As soon as youve caught it, bring the ball quickly into the safety of your body.守门守门是一项特殊的技能。
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TEAMS Each soccer team has eleven players and three substitute, or reserve players. The team consists of a goalkeeper, defenders, midfield players, and forwards (or strikers). The object of the game is to get the ball into your opponent's goal.球队每支球队有11名场上队员和3名替补队员。
THE MATCH A game of soccer is called a match and is split into two halves of 45 minutes each, with a 15-minute break at halftime. A referee and two assistants make sure that nobody cheats or breaks the rules.比赛足球比赛分为两个半场,每半场各45分钟,上下半场中间有15分钟的休息时间。
GOALKEEPNG Goalkeeping is a special skill. While the rest of the team can afford to make mistakes, if the goalkeeper makes one, itusually results in a goal for the opposition. Above Your Head The best way to catch a ball above your head is by joining the thumbs and forefingers of your hands together so there is a small arch between your hands. Chest or Head Jump off one leg and cradle the ball comfortably to your chest. The ball should rest on your forearms, with your hands holding it from above. Left or Right Always try to get both hands behind the ball and hold on tight. As soon as you've caught it, bring the ball quickly into the safety of your body.守门守门是一项特殊的技能。
field / pitch 足球场midfield 中场backfield 后场kickoff circle / center circle 中圈halfway line 中线touchline / sideline 边线goal line 球门线end line 底线penalty mark (点球)罚球点penalty area 禁区(罚球区)goal area 小禁区(球门区)球队称谓篇coach 教练head coach 主教练football player 足球运动员referee 裁判lineman 巡边员captain / leader 队长forward / striker 前锋midfielder 前卫left midfielder 左前卫right midfielder 右前卫attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)center forward 中锋full back 后卫center back 中后卫left back 左后卫right back 右后卫sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫goalkeeper / goalie 守门员cheer team 拉拉队足球技术篇kick-off 开球bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球chest-high ball 半高球corner ball / corner 角球goal kick 球门球handball 手球header 头球penalty kick 点球place kick 定位球own goal 乌龙球hat-trick 帽子戏法free kick 任意球direct free kick 直接任意球indirect free kick 间接任意球stopping 停球chesting 胸部停球pass 传球short pass 短传long pass 长传cross pass 横传spot pass 球传到位consecutive passes 连续传球take a pass 接球triangular pass 三角传球flank pass 边线传球lobbing pass 高吊传球volley pass 凌空传球slide tackle 铲球rolling pass / ground pass 地滚球flying header 跳起顶球clearance kick 解围shoot 射门close-range shot 近射long shot 远射offside 越位throw-in 掷界外球block tackle 正面抢截body check 阻挡fair charge 合理冲撞diving header 鱼跃顶球dribbling 盘球,带球clean catching (守门员)接高球finger-tip save (守门员)托救球deceptive movement 假动作break through 突破kick-out 踢出界足球战术篇set the pace 掌握进攻节奏ward off an assault 击退一次攻势break up an attack 破坏一次攻势disorganize the defence 搅乱防守total football 全攻全守足球战术open football 拉开的足球战术off-side trap 越位战术wing play 边锋战术time wasting tactics 拖延战术4-3-3 formation 433阵型4-4-2 formation 442阵型beat the offside trap 反越位成功foul 犯规technical foul 技术犯规break loose 摆脱control the midfield 控制中场set a wall 筑人墙close-marking defence 盯人防守比赛方式篇half-time interval 中场休息round robin 循环赛group round robin 小组循环赛extra time 加时赛elimination match 淘汰赛injury time 伤停补时golden goal / sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法eighth-final 八分之一决赛quarterfinal 四分之一决赛semi-final 半决赛final match 决赛preliminary match 预赛one-sided game 一边倒的比赛competition regulations 比赛条例disqualification 取消比赛资格match ban 禁赛命令doping test 药检draw / sortition 抽签send a player off 判罚出场red card 红牌yellow card 黄牌goal 球门,进球数draw 平局goal drought 进球荒ranking 排名(名次)“Hat-trick”意为:帽子戏法。
在板球比赛中,如果一名投球手连续投出3个好球而将对方3名球员淘汰出局,他通常会得到一顶新帽子作为奖品,这就是“hat trick”的来历。
现在“hat trick”的应用范围已不限于体育领域,人们还用它来形容任何连续3次的成功。
从语言的角度说,其来历大约是这样的:英语“own goal”(自进本方球门的球)与粤语的“乌龙”一词发音发音相近,而粤语“乌龙”有“搞错、乌里巴涂”等意思,大约在上个世纪六、七十年代,香港记者便在报道中以“乌龙”来翻译“own goal”。