企业法人营业执照Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal PersonRegistration No.:xxxLicense NO.:xxxEnterprise mark: xxx Enterprise Name: xxxResidence: xxxLegal Representative:xxxRegistered Capital:xxxPaid-in Captital: RMB Ten Hundred Thousand YuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: Selling of stationery sports goods, articles of daily use.Date of Establishment: March 24, 2004Term of Business:From March 24, 2004 to March 18, 2014Registration Office: SHANGHAI ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (SEAL)March 24, 2004Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal Person(Duplicate copy)(1-1)Registration No.:110113011896876Enterprise Name: BEIJING SINO-GERMANY ZHENGHE SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO.,LTD.Residence: Beijing city Shunyi District Ma Po Town poly source of 8West Road Legal Representative:MAO QIRegistered Capital:RMB One million YuanPaid-in Captital: RMB One million YuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: License to operate the project:no General operatingitems:Technology development、technical service、technologyconsulting、technology transfer;lmport and export of goods;technology import and export;import and export agents;sales of machinery and electrical equipment、chemicalproducts(excluding dangerous chemicals)、buildingmaterials(not including sandstone and its products)、computersoftware and hardware peripherals (not including securityproducts for computer information systems)Date of Establishment: 05/06/2009Term of Business: From 05/06/2009 to 05/05/2059Notes1.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate for enterprise toobtain legal person qualification and legal operation.2.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an original copy and a duplicatecopy. Both of the two copies have the same legal forces. The original copy of business license shall place in an eye-catching position in the address of enterprise’s legal person. The enterprise’s legal person could apply many duplicate copies to the registration office according to need.3.The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, leased, lent or transferred. Anybodies other than the registration office shall not detain, take over or cancel the license.4.The enterprise’s legal person shall conduct its business operation within the approvedbusiness scope.5.The enterprise’s legal person shall apply an alternation registration to the originalregistration office for a change of the registered items.6.The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the enterprise’s legal personbetween January 1 and April 30 every year.7.If Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has been revoked, no businessactivity will be allowed except reckoning.8.Return the original and duplicate copies of business license when canceling theregistration. The business license shall become invalid automatically if withdrew by the registration office.9.If Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has been lost or destroyed, pleasedeclare that on the appointed newspapers and periodicals by the unit of issuing, and apply to reissue.10.Annual Inspection1.Yearly check for 2011(03-14-2012) - inspection by Beijing City Industrial andcommercial bureau Shunyi Branch BureauRegistration authority: Beijing City Administration of industry and Commerce Management Bureau Shunyi Branch Bureau06/20/2012。
英文简历模板表格式个人信息•姓名:[Your Name]•地址:[Your Address]•电话:[Your Phone Number]•电子邮件:[Your Email Address]教育背景学历•学位:[Your Degree]•毕业院校:[Name of Your University]•主修专业:[Your Major]•毕业时间:[Graduation Date]学术成绩•GPA:[Your GPA]•荣誉奖项:[Any Academic Achievements] 工作经历公司名称•职位:[Your Position]•起止时间:[Start Date - End Date]•工作描述:–描述工作内容和职责–突出自己的成就和贡献公司名称•职位:[Your Position]•起止时间:[Start Date - End Date]•工作描述:–描述工作内容和职责–突出自己的成就和贡献实习经历公司名称•职位:[Your Position]•起止时间:[Start Date - End Date]•工作描述:–描述实习内容和职责–学到了什么技能•技能1:[Your Skill 1]•技能2:[Your Skill 2]•技能3:[Your Skill 3]•技能4:[Your Skill 4]语言能力•英语:[Your English Level]•其他语言:[Other Languages and Levels]兴趣爱好•爱好1:[Your Hobby 1]•爱好2:[Your Hobby 2]•爱好3:[Your Hobby 3]自我评价[自我评价内容,展示自己的优势和特点]以上是针对英文简历的模板表格式,本文所提供的内容仅供参考,可根据个人情况进行适当调整和修改。
Name ofEnterprise:Fengfeng Mining Area FenglingeHale Waihona Puke Catering Co., Ltd.
Address:Taihang Donglu,XinshiDistrict
Legal Representative:ZHU Haibo
Duration of Business:FromApr. 16, 2002 to Dec. 20, 2016
HandanCityAdministration for Industry and Commerce Fengfeng MiningAreaBranch(sealed)
Dateofestablishment:Jan. 1, 1994
Duration of operation: FromJul. 31, 2000 to Jul. 30, 2020
1. The “Enterprise Legal Person Business License” of an enterprise is the proof of its legal person status & authority of legal operation of business.
8. The original and copies of a business license must be returned to the registration authority for cancellation on de-registration of the enterprise.
4. An enterprise shall operate within the scope of registered business.
英文履历表(业务经理)英文履历表范例(业务经理)Resume(Business Manager)Building No.3, Apt.60288888888 North Jiefang RoadGuangzhou 510400ResumeHai ZhangObjectiveTo work as a general manager in an joint venture enterprise in GuangzhouExperience7/1988-8/1991 Supervisor of Administrative Department of Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical General Factory.Responsibilities Included supervision of twenty staff members,planning and directing all phases of departmental operations,Preparing work schedules,coordination of all the departments in the factory.8/1991-present Vice Director of Guangzhou Administration and Service Center for Enterprises with Foreign Investment. Responsible for Providing guidance for Investment and trading activities,Introducing Investment Projects and potential partners,arranging study and inspection tours,organizing business talks.Education9/1984-7/1988 Bachelor of Business Administration at People's University of China (Beijing).9/1978-7/1984 Guangzhou NO.34 Middle SchoolForeign LanguageEnglish: Intermediate In reading and fluent In speakingPersonal DataBirth date: May 16,1966Sex: MaleHealth: ExcellentFamily Status: Married,one childID Card No: 44888888888888888履历表范例(业务经理)广州解放北路188888888号3栋602室510400个人简历张海目标在广州合资企业担任总经理职务。
Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal Person(Duplicate copy)Registration No. 100000400010266Company Name: Air China Cargo Co., LtdAddress: A zone,Airport Industrial Zone,ShunYi District,BeijingLegal Representative: Fang ChengRegistration Capital: 1255294118yuanType of Enterprise: Limited Corporation(joint ventures)Business Scope: Domestic,Hongkong,Macao,International Regular and irregular Air Cargo, mail transportation, ransport of goods and baggage,Aircarft Maintenance, Air Courier, The ground equipment manufacturing and maintenanceS hareholders(The originator):Air China; Cathay Pacific;Fine,StarEnterprises CorpBusiness Period: From Nov 14, 2003 to Nov 13.2033To November XX, 20XXDate of Establishment: Nov 14,2003Please on March 1st of each year to 30 June to registration authority to apply for inspectionExplanation1.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate for enterpriseto obtain legal person qualification and legal operation.2.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an original copy and aduplicate copy. Both of the two copies have the same legal forces. The original copy of business license shall place in an eye-catching position in the address of enterprise’s legal person. The enterprise’s legal person could apply many duplicate copies to the registration office according to need.3.The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, leased, lent or transferred.Any bodies other than the registration office shall not detain, take over or cancel the license.4.The enterprise’s legal person shall conduct its business operation within theapproved business scope.5.The enterprise’s legal person shall apply an alternation registration to theoriginal registration office for a change of the registered items.6.The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the enterprise’s legalperson between January 1 and April 30 every year.7.If Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has been revoked, nobusiness activity will be allowed except reckoning.8.Return the original and duplicate copies of business license when cancelingthe registration. The business license shall become invalid automatically if withdrew by the registration office.9.If Business License for Ente rprise’s Legal Person has been lost or destroyed,please declare that on the appointed newspapers and periodicals by the unit of issuing, and apply to reissue.Yearly check conditions of the enterprise’s legal person Registration Office: BEIJING ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE。
法人代表资格证明书英语怎么翻译事业单位法人证英文翻译模版事业单位法人证People’s Republic of China Certificate of Public Institution inistration for Public Institutions Registration of ChinaV alid period:xxxxxxxName of Institutions:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAim and business scope:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAddress:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLegal representative:xxxxxxxxFunding source:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxInitial fund:¥xxxxxxxxxManaged by:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRegistration authorities:Administration for Public Institutions Registration of China(seal)Mark of annual report篇二:资格证书英文翻译模版资格证书英文翻译伊莱特提供零二八-六六二三七五三零篇三:法人代表资格证明一、法定代表人资格证明文件政府采购中心:兹证明:(身份证号码:)系我单位法定代表人,特此证明。
Certificate of Incorporation Registration企业法人营业执照副本Copy(2-2)Registration No: xxxxxxxxxCompany Name:名称Address:住所1F,xxx Building, xxx Road, xxx District, BeijingLegal Representative:法定代表人Registration Capital:注册资本10 Million USDPaid-up Capital:实收资本10 Million USDCharacter of Business:有限责任公司(台港澳法人独资)Limited company wholly invested by xxx ltd.Scope of Operation: Licensed business items: None许可经营项目:无General busines s item s: Laws, administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and national industrial policies of foreign investment, shall not be prohibited by operation; laws and administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and national industrial policies of foreign investment restrictions on the operation of the project, approved by the approving authority and the administrative department for Industry and commerce registration before operation; laws and administrative regulations, the decision of the State Council and the foreign countries investment industrial policy did not limit the operation, choose to operate the project to carry out business activities.一般经营项目:法律、行政法规、国务院决定和国家外商投资产业政策禁止的,不得经营;法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定应经许可和国家外商投资产业政策限制经营的项目,经审批机关批准并经工商行政管理机关登记注册后方可经营;法律、行政法规、国务院决定和国家外商投资产业政策未限制经营的,自主选择经营项目开展经营活动。
产生方式 及程序
工 作 简 历
性别 任命单位 联系电话
一寸免冠 照片粘贴
人事管理 部门证明
经审查,法定代表人符合有关法律、法规规定的任职资格,不存在 以下情况:
1、无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的; 2、正在被执行刑罚或者正在被执行刑事强制措施的; 3、正在被公安机关或者国家安全机关通辑的; 4、因犯有贪污贿赂罚、侵犯财产罪或者破坏社会主义市场经济秩 序罪,被判处刑罚,执行期满未逾五年的;因犯有其他罪,被判处刑 罚,执行期满未逾三年的;或者因犯罪被判处剥夺政治权利,执行期满 未逾五年的; 5、担任因经营不善破产清算的企业的法定代表人或者董事、经 理、并对该企业的破产负个人责任,自该企业破产清算完结之日起未逾 三年的; 6、担任因违法被吊销营业执照的企业的法定代表人,并对该企业 违法行为负有个人责任,自该企业被吊销营业执照之日起未逾三年的; 7、个人负债数额较大,到期未清偿的; 8、法律、法规规定的其它不能担任企业法定代表人、董事、监 事、经理的。 审查人盖章(签字):
企业法人营业执照英文版Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person(Duplicate copy)Registration No.: 330300000000000(1/2)Enterprise Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx co.ltdAddress :Legal Representative:Registered Capital: RMB 999,999,666Actual handed in capital: RMB 999,999,666Type of Enterprise: Limited liability CompanyBusiness Scope: Goods and technology imports and exports, agent service in goods and technology imports and exports; scopes which should not violate the administrative regulations and others which are forbidden by State Department; Handling processing with imported materials and "three processing industries and one compensation"(processing raw materials on client's demands, assembling parts for the client, processing according to client's samples and compensation trade in foreign trade business); Handling counter trading and transit trade; Scope includes:clothes, metal products, fabrics and textiles, daily necessities, metal materials, chemical materials(except dangerous goods), paper, building material, pottery and porcelain products, furniture(only for retail), general merchandise, artistic handicrafts, machinery, rubber products, native and livestock products, light industry goods, glasses, smokers’ articles, shaver, leather and artificial leather material and products.Term of Business: From Oct.1, 2007 to Oct.1, 2107Date of Establishment: Sep.18, 2000Valid form: Sep.18, 2000 to Sep. 17, 2055NOTICE:1. The Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate for enterprise that obtains legal person qualification and legal operation.2. The Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is made out in an original copy and a duplicate copy. Both copies have the same legal forces.3. The original copy of business license shall be placed in an obvious position in the address of enterprise’s legal person.4. The enterprise’s legal person could apply certain duplicate copies from the registration office in accordance with business requirements. Any fabrication, alteration, lease, lending or transfer of the Business License is prohibited. Any organizations and individual shall not detain, take over and invalidate the license,other than the Registration authorities,5. The enterprise’s legal person shall apply an alternation registration to the original registration office for any changes of the registered items.6. The registration authority shall proceeds an annual inspection on the enterprise’s legal person from January 1 to June 30.7. When the Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is revoked, the enterprise is forbid to do anything but relate to liquidation.8. The enterprise should return the original and duplicate copies of the business license when canceling the registration.9. The enterprise should make a statement in the publisher pointed by registered office that it is invalid, and apply a new one.Yearly Inspection status of the enterprise’s legal person(Special Seal for Annual Inspection of Wenzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce of the year 2009)Registration authority:Wenzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce (Seal)Apr.27, 2009。
企业法人营业执照Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal PersonRegistration No.:xxxLicense NO.:xxxEnterprise mark: xxx Enterprise Name: xxxResidence: xxxLegal Representative:xxxRegistered Capital:xxxPaid-in Captital: RMB Ten Hundred Thousand YuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: Selling of stationery sports goods, articles of daily use.Date of Establishment: March 24, 2004Term of Business:From March 24, 2004 to March 18, 2014Registration Office: SHANGHAI ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (SEAL)March 24, 2004Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal Person(Duplicate copy)(1-1)Registration No.:110113011896876Enterprise Name: BEIJING SINO-GERMANY ZHENGHE SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO.,LTD.Residence: Beijing city Shunyi District Ma Po Town poly source of 8West Road Legal Representative:MAO QIRegistered Capital:RMB One million YuanPaid-in Captital: RMB One million YuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: License to operate the project:no General operatingitems:Technology development、technical service、technologyconsulting、technology transfer;lmport and export of goods;technology import and export;import and export agents;sales of machinery and electrical equipment、chemicalproducts(excluding dangerous chemicals)、buildingmaterials(not including sandstone and its products)、computersoftware and hardware peripherals (not including securityproducts for computer information systems)Date of Establishment: 05/06/2009Term of Business: From 05/06/2009 to 05/05/2059Notes1.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certificate for enterprise toobtain legal person qualification and legal operation.2.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an original copy and a duplicatecopy. Both of the two copies have the same legal forces. The original copy of business license shall place in an eye-catching position in the address of enterprise’s legal person. The enterprise’s legal person could apply many duplicate copies to the registration office according to need.3.The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, leased, lent or transferred. Anybodies other than the registration office shall not detain, take over or cancel the license.4.The enterprise’s legal person shall conduct its business operation within the approvedbusiness scope.5.The enterprise’s legal person shall apply an alternation registration to the originalregistration office for a change of the registered items.6.The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the enterprise’s legal personbetween January 1 and April 30 every year.7.If Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has been revoked, no businessactivity will be allowed except reckoning.8.Return the original and duplicate copies of business license when canceling theregistration. The business license shall become invalid automatically if withdrew by the registration office.9.If Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has been lost or destroyed, pleasedeclare that on the appointed newspapers and periodicals by the unit of issuing, and apply to reissue.10.Annual Inspection1.Yearly check for 2011(03-14-2012) - inspection by Beijing City Industrial andcommercial bureau Shunyi Branch BureauRegistration authority: Beijing City Administration of industry and Commerce Management Bureau Shunyi Branch Bureau06/20/2012。