
此致敬礼同意对方担任独家代理Thankyouforyourletterof12Aprilproposingasoleagencyforourofficemachines.Wehaveexaminedou rlongand,Imustsay,mutuallybeneficialcollaboration.Wewouldbeverypleasedtoentrustyouwiththes oleagencyforBahrain.Fromourrecords,wearepleasedtonotethatyouhavetwoserviceengineerswhot ooktrainingcoursesatourMilanfactory.thesoleagencywillnaturallybecontingentonyoumaintainingq ualifiedaftersalesstaff.Wehavedrawnupadraftagreementthatisenclosed.Pleaseexaminethedetaile dtermsandconditionsandletusknowwhethertheymeetwithyourapproval.Onapersonalnote,Imustsa ythatIamdelightedthatweareprobablygoingtostrengthenourrelationship.Ihaveverypleasantmemori据法,外,与过去有贸易往来的公司联系WeunderstandfromourtradecontactsthatyourcompanyhasreestablisheditselfinBeirutandisonceag aintradingsuccessfullyinyourregion.Wewouldliketoextendourcongratulationsandofferourverybest wishesforyourcontinuedsuccess.BeforethewarinLebanon,ourcompanieswereinvolvedinalargevol umeoftradeinourtextiles.Weseefromourrecordsthatyouwereamongourbesttemcustomers.Wevery muchhopethatwecanresumeourmutuallybeneficialrelationshipnowthatpeacehasreturnedtoLeban on.Sincewelasttraded,ourlineshavechangedbeyondrecognition.WhiletheyreflectcurrentEuropean tasteinfabrics,someofourdesignsarespecificallytargetedattheMiddleEasternmarket.Asaninitialste p,Iencloseourillustratedcatalogueforyourperusal.Shouldyouwishtoreceivesamplesforcloserinspection,wewillbeveryhappytoforwardthem.Welookforwardtohearingfromyou.从同行中获悉贵公司贝鲁特复业,生意发展迅速。

五大洲开发信模板1、北美国家的客户(美国、加拿大、墨西哥等)Hi,Mr. XXX,Have a nice day!Quality is life,customer first!XXX Co., Ltd have 16 years experience in some product (你的产品名称),Our market is AMERICA. Our core competencies are * and *,Our sales pitch is WITH US YOUR MONEY IN SAFE YOUR BUSINESS IN SAFE.WISH TO BE your honest dealer and trustworthy supplier in China.We can accept payment by PAYPAL.(The easy way to pay money for American customers)Just contact me. I am always waiting for you.Thanks & Best regardsKim2、欧洲国家的客户(英国、法国、意大利等)Hi XXX,ABC Co,LTD is Product Business Model in China. We had the honor to service the 2nd big distributor / XXXX Company in UK;XXXX Company in USA;XXXX Company in Dubai;All our items are coming with certification and we have special team work for after sales service.We are ready for signing contact with you in case you need it,as honest dealer we never crook our customers (安全感).(TIME IS MONEY) for you and for us. So we have professional production line and staff who are making nice quality in short time. (质量、时间)Attachment is new items and some information about our best seller,our factory and certificate, I hope we can have long term business with you in near future.Thanks & Best regards!Kim3、中东客户(沙特、伊朗、科威特、伊拉克、阿联酋等)Dear XXX,BEFORE READING MY EMAIL, PLEASE BE SURE THAT I AM REALLY HOPE WE CAN BE FRIENDS EVEN WE DONOT HAVE ANY BUSINESS. (首先用一种舒缓的感觉拉近与客户间的距离)Our ABC COMPANY have 10 years Professional experience in Middle EAST Market, We have served many biggest company around the world such as A公司,B公司,C公司etc. (客户鉴证显示公司实力和产品质量) and we are top in condensation and addition cured PRODUCT filed.We trust you will like our quality and our service. We can offer you very perfect price and very nice quality. And also we sign contact with you be more safe. And we can full refund moneyback to you if there is any quality problem. We trust that with us your money will be in safe and your business will be in safe. As quality is our culture,so we hope you give us a chance to serve you and we believe that you will be happy with us. I send you some of our best seller data sheet. Please check it follows.Contact me if you need any help in China,and please remember I really hope we can be good friends even you don’t do business with us,please remember this is Kim.Thanks & Best regards,Kim4、南美国家的客户(巴西、阿根廷、哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉等)Hi Dear XXX,Are you interested in saving some money?Are you interested in good quality and nice price?And are you interested in small order with fast delivery?(提问的方式投其所好)So please let you know we can offer all this for you,ABC product is the TOP product factory in China more than 10 years. Below is our best seller,please check it. Any interested,more information & FREE SAMPLE(免费样品投其所好) will be provided for you reference.Hope to hear from you soon. Good Business Start Here!Thanks & Best regardsKim5、澳洲国家的客户(澳大利亚、新西兰)Dear Mr XXX,It’s really my pleasure to write this email and I hope even we don’t do business we can be good friend,as we really like Australian people so much,as you are very nice, friendly and honest in your life and business,so I hope we can be friend,my name is Kim form ABC PRODUCT professional manufacture in China. And we got your information from Alibaba.We trust that our quality and price will give you an edge over your competitors. So hope we can have a long term business with you. Below is our best seller PRODUCET. Please check it. I hope you like any of them,and feel free to contact me if there is any help I can do for you here in China as really hope we can be friend even without business.Hope to hear from you soon.Thanks & Best regardsKim以上模板一定要根据自己公司的实际情况来做调整!切记!不可照搬!不同国家沟通交流注意事项1、跟北美客户沟通交流的注意事项:A、要开门见山;B、简单说明,不要复杂的表达;C、态度认真,要有很强的时间观念;D、用企业邮箱,尽量不用免费的QQ邮箱和个人邮箱;E、交流用语用we代替I;F、他们喜欢用PayPal作为支付工具。

英语开发信函篇一:英文客户开发信范文大全以下是一封开发信的例子: De ar M r. S teve n Ha ns,We g et y ourname and ema il a ddre ss f romyour tra de l eadon t hatyouarein t he m arke t fo r ba ll p en.W e wo uldlike tointr oduc e ou rpa ny a nd p rodu cts, hop e th at w e ma y bu ildbusi ness coo pera tion inthefutu re.We a re f acto ry s peci aliz ingin t he m anuf actu re a nd e xpor t of bal l pe n fo r mo re t hansixyear s. W e ha ve p rofu se d esig ns w ithseri es q uali ty g rade, an d ex pres sly, our pri ce i sve ry p etit ivebeca usewe a re m anuf acto ry,we a re t he s ourc e. Y ou a re w eleto v isit ourweb site whi ch i nclu desourpany pro file s, h isto ry a nd s omet hing lat estdesi gns. Sho uldanyof t hese ite ms b e of int eres t to you, pl ease let usknow, We wil l be hap py t ogi ve y ou d etai ls.As a ver y ac tive man ufac ture s, w e de velo p ne w de sign s ne arlyeve ry m onth, If you hav e in tere st i n it, it`s m y pl easu re t o of fernews toyouregu lar. Bes t re gard s, D afuWong请注意这封开发信的写法。

开发信英文模板Dear [Receiver's Name],I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am the [Your Position] at [Your Company], a leading [Your Industry]. We specialize in [Your Products or Services], and I am writing today to explore the possibility of a business partnership.Our company has been in operation for [Your Company's Establishment Year] years, during which time we have built a strong reputation for providing top-quality [Your Products or Services] to our clients. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, and we are always looking for opportunities to expand our reach and enhance our product offerings.I believe that a partnership with your company could be mutually beneficial. Not only would we be able to offer our clients access to your exceptional [Receiver's Products or Services], but we also feel that our products and services could complement yours, allowing us to provide a more comprehensive solution to our collective customers.To this end, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss the potential partnership with you further. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting to explore the various possibilities and determine how we might best proceed.Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Contact Information]。

英文开发客户邮件模板Dear {收件人},Thanks a lot for your information.Do you mean you already have a good supplier, or actually you are open to a good alternative supplier, however you do not have a purchasing plan shortly?When we have new competitive development, do you want to be updated? Best regards,XXXDear {收件人},Good morning!May I introduce myself to you? I am Lanty from ABC Company, who will take care of you from now on, as Lisa has left us for a maternity. Very nice to have this chance to serve you, and I will make my best to get you always satisfied.When you have new enquiries, please just send me. I will work out the best price for you.Best regards,XXXHi {收件人},Good morning!We are a candidate vendor for XXX company, currently we are serving XXXX,XXXX customers (先给2个大客户的名字,最好是同目标客户时同类的。
). We have passed ISO9001, and our products has passed UPC certificate. We are very confident that you can rely on us as a capable vendor.I am writing to introduce a new product to you. This product is targeting 20-29 years’ lady. The sales in XXX market have proven to be very successful. Within only 2 months, the saleshave reached 100000 units. I noticed from your web site, that 20-29 years’ lady is one of your major clientele, so introduction of product XXX should be a big sales hit for you.BTW, we have the samples ready. Do you want to evaluate this new product XXXX?Best regards,XXXXXHi,Fantastic day!Behind every profitable wholesaler there exists a dependable supplier.Dongguan Dingfeng Silicone products Co.,ltdis the ideal supplier that you can rely on.To name a few of our features:Passed CE, GMC certification for productsMost reasonable price thanks to our large capabilityOEM capabilityDo you mind to email me your new enquiries?Sincerely yoursdiffulwatchHi {收件人},Good morning!We are a candidate vendor for XXX company, currently we are serving XXXX,XXXX customers (先给2个大客户的名字,最好是同目标客户时同类的。

开发客户邮件英文作文英文回答:Developing a clientele base is essential for any business to succeed. There are many different ways to approach this task, and the best method will vary depending on the industry, target audience, and available resources.One of the most important steps in developing a clientele base is to identify your target audience. Who are the people most likely to be interested in your products or services? Once you know who you're targeting, you cantailor your marketing efforts to reach them.There are a number of different marketing channels that can be used to reach your target audience. These include:Online marketing: This includes using social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to reach your audience online.Offline marketing: This includes using print advertising, direct mail, and trade shows to reach your audience offline.Public relations: This involves getting your business featured in the media, which can help to raise awareness of your products or services.Networking: This involves attending industry events and meeting with potential customers in person.It's important to use a mix of marketing channels to reach your target audience. The best approach will vary depending on the industry and the specific target audience.Once you've reached your target audience, the next step is to build relationships with them. This involves providing excellent customer service, responding to inquiries promptly, and offering personalized recommendations. The goal is to create a positive experience for your customers so that they'll be morelikely to do business with you again.It takes time and effort to develop a clientele base. However, by following the steps outlined above, you can increase your chances of success.中文回答:开发客户基础对于任何企业的成功至关重要。

外贸开发信模板1:Hi Sir/Madam,Glad to hear that you’re on the market for furniture,we specialize inthis field for 14 years,with the strength of ERU&USA ANTIQUE FURNITURE,with good quality and pretty competitive price.Also we have our own professional designers to meet any of your requirements.Should you have any questions,call me,let’s talk details.Best regards!Leon外贸开发信模板二:Dear purchasing manager,Hello,this Lily Lee from xxx company,our company is a professional xxmanufacturer with years‘s experience.so we want to avail ourselves ofopportunity establishing business relation with you.Please link our company web site:………….if you want to know more about our product.By the way,free sample are available.Thank you in advance!Best regards!XxxCompany name:Tel:…….Fax:…….MSN:……….Skype:………..外贸开发信模板三:Subject:XX(products name)you need/XX factory/xx good quotationDear Sirs:We glad to get your information posted on xxxxxx.that you are in themarket for XXXX.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourcompany and products,with the hope that we may work together in future.This is(Name)from(Company Name)which is specializing in(ProductsName)for many years.According to your information posted on xxxx,we’dlike to introduce this item for you,and its future have XXXXXXXXXXX(products information)…..If you want to see more items,pls visit our website Should anyof theseitems be of interest to you,please let us know.We will be happy to giveyou a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Best Regards,Your name(position)company date….(NAME,ADDRESS,WEBSITE,MAIL,TEL AND FAX ETC.)外贸开发信模板四:Hey guy,XYZ trading here,exporting LANTERNS with good quality and low price in US.Call me,let’s talk details.Rgds,RickCell phone:***外贸开发信模板五:Dear Mr.Mound Klamath,Glad to get your contact info from India mart!We supply homogenizers and ice cream freezing machine with good qualityand very competitive price.Hope to be a partner of your company! E-catalog will be provided if needed.Email me or just call me directly.Thank you!Best regards,Mandy******Co.,Ltd.Add:***Tel:***Fax:***Mail:***Web:***外贸开发信模板六:To:Purchase ManagerRe:Supplier of Deep Groove ball bearingApril 29,2010Dear Sirs,It is glad to write to you with keen hope to open a businessrelationship with you.I obtained your company name and email addressfrom the Internet.Ningbo Fenghai Bearing Co.,Ltd.is a factory specialized in Deep Grooveball bearing.Our products had adopted ISO9001:2000 Quality SystemAuthorities.For more information,we would like to let you know our company web site as below.Hope to hear good news from you.Sincerely Yours,SkyExport ManagerNingbo Co.,Ltd.TEL:FAX:Email:Website外贸开发信模板七:Hi,purchasing manager.Good day!We are XXXX supplier,and we have researched&designed some new product.If you are interested in,I’ll send you our catalogue.Thanks for your valuable time.Regards.Yours,–XXX(Ms)company nameWebsite:wwwADD:XXXXXXTEL:+86 XXXXXFAX:+86 XXXXX外贸开发信模板八:Hi Kelvin,Glad to hear that you’re on the market for flashlight and other promotional items.This is C from***Ltd in China.We specialized in flashlights and premiumsfor 10 years,with the customers of Coca-Cola,Craft,Pepsi,etc.,and hopeto find a way to cooperate with you!Please find the pictures with models and different packaging inattachment.An American guy purchased this model in BIG quantity lastyear.I would like to try now,if it’s suitable for Europe. FREE SAMPLES can be sent on request.Call me,let’s talk more! Thanks and best regards,C***LtdTel:***Fax:***Mail:***外贸开发信模板九:Hi Chris,Glad to hear that you are on the market for stainless steel spinning parts.We,xxx Co.Ltd,is professional in precision machining for nearly 10years,covering high precision machining parts,casting parts,metalparts,etc.Hope to establish business relationship with you!Should you want know more about our company,pls visit Any comments,that’ll be appreciated!Thanks.Best regards,Xxxxxxx Co.,Ltd.TEL:FAX:Email:外贸开发信模板十:Dear Sir or Madam,Are you interested in saving some money on importing any of the following?-High quality thickness planer-Bench planer-Combined planer&thicknesser-Woodworking machinesAll of our products are very affordable as a result of being produced inspecial economic development regions of China and we are more thanhappy to help you with the import/export process too!My contact details are below,and I would be glad to hear from you.Kind regards,Kevin ZhuSales Executive。

史上最全的外贸基本英文邮件模版外贸邮件的模版, 包括“开发信”、“请求建立商业关系”、“主动跟新买家建立联系”、“对新买家要求建立业务联系的回复”、“向老客户介绍公司新的产品信息”、“回复对某个产品的查询”、“无法提供对方查询中所要求的产品时”、“查询对方公司的产品”、“几种报盘”、“信用证相关”、“报价相关”,“放假通知”、“圣诞节祝福邮件”等模版.开发信模板(一)Company Name:Mailing Add:Tel.:Fax.:Email:Web.:Kind Attn.: Mr. Jack Wey-- General Manager (hope I would be the GM one day)Subject: XXXXX Cooperation/Dear Mr. Jack Wey[Your company] is the main [your product] manufacturer in China since 1968, our major clients are[those have very good reputation and renown companies in the field that have direct or indirect biz with your company, i.e. IBM, SONY .. ].We believe that you can rely on us as we provide you quite satisfactory service and products with best quality at most competitive price in the world. We are very happy if you do not hesitate to send us any of your inquiries and we will always give satisfactory services.Products: (product range)Standards: (product design standard, if any)Service: (product applicable field, function)Size: (don’t fuckingly tell your client you don’t know)Etc.Certificates: (certificates that your company got)Annual Sales Turnover: ( just list some number here,)Staff No.staff no of your company, if your company is big, if not, omit this point)Cover of Land list some number here)Looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience.Thanks & best regards,P.S. I am attaching our product catalogue/scope of service for your future reference in my following email to you, please kindly check.( please don’t send your product catalogue in the email, you are telling him here is showing your respect to him that you are sending good info to him,but not spam, therefore, you better send another email to your client with your product catalogue. Your client will check it if your products are of him/her interest)YOUR NAMEPOSITIONDEPARTMENTCOMPANY NAMEADDTELMOBILEFAXEMAILWEBDear all, I am jack wey, this above mentioned email for marketing is only one sample to your general potential clients, it would be revised accordingly to different clients.Kindly be informed that email marketing is mainly depending on your SET title, therefore pls try to improve TO SET THE TITLE OF YOUR EMAIL.(开发信的成功与否,跟开发信内容的大少无关,关键是你怎么把涉及到客户每一个利益、兴趣都说到,能连起来,他都会像继续看下去,要不我们还看电视连续剧干嘛?)邮件开发成功与否与以下几个方面有关(个人认为):(按主次顺序)1. 邮件标题(要是我,邮件标题一看就知道是推销的,I am sorry, please fuck off and stay in my trash box)2. 邮件内容是否吸引/对客户是否有效,有利可图;客户是否感兴趣.3. 所联系的人的职位和权利(Pls send to the RIGHT PERSON)4. 发信人日后沟通技巧,plus5. others以上的开发信只是针对任意一家公司,如果要想开发信更成功,你就得研究或者了解一下这个公司的情况再发。

英语外贸开发信范文模板推荐15篇英语外贸开发信范文模板第一篇Subject: 某某 (products name) you need/ 某某 factory / 某某 good quotationDear Sirs:We glad to get your information posted on . that you are in the market for . We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work together in future .This is (Name ) from (Company Name ) which is specializing in (Products Name ) for many years. According to your information posted on , we'd like to introduce this item for you, and its future have ( products information).....If you want to see more items, pls visit our website Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Best Regards,Your name ( position)company date ....(NAME, , , MAIL, TEL AND FAX ETC.) 英语外贸开发信范文模板第二篇We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’sOffice of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.We are a state-operated corporation, handling both the import andexport of Textiles. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose a copy of our Export List covering the main items sup pliable at present.Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let me know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements.In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, Encl.Wish you enjoy a great day!英语外贸开发信范文模板第三篇Hi sir,Glad to inform that we already developed a unique model, Minicell phone charger, which good for promotion!We'd like to highly recommend this model to you, pls have a tryin your local market if possible.Enclosed the picture with technical info for your review.Free samples can be sent on request!Thanks and best regards,英语外贸开发信范文模板第四篇Dear,How are you today?ABC Co., Ltd manufacture LED Lights for 8 years in China, and supplier of walmart, hope to be one of your supplier.FREE & Catalogues will be sent if needed.Write me back or Call me please, let me talk details.Looking forward to working with you in the near future.Best Regards and thanks.AliceSales Manager英语外贸开发信范文模板第五篇Dear Sir,This is 某某 from a manufacturer specializing in producing in China.We have been in this industry for over 10 years,please have a look at our website:,you will find there are many products same as the ones you displayed.Anyway,you could find some other items which you can also put on your market.Any inquiries on the please do not hesitate to contact us.We are looking forward to establish win-win business relations with you.Many Thanks & Best Regards英语外贸开发信范文模板第六篇ONIModel:Item No.:Size: 39mm(dia of head)某102mm(length)某37mm(dia of end)Weight: 95gPhoto: pls find the details in attachmentPackaging: 1pc/polybag/cartonPcs/ctn: 1000pcs/little bagCtn size: 38某30某12cmGW/NW: 11kg/10kgQ'ty/20'FCL: 14,000pcs; Q'ty/40'FCL: 28,000pcsPayment terms: T/T(with 30% deposit)Loading port: Shanghai/NingboSample charge: FREESample lead time: 1-3 daysOrder lead time: 15-20 daysFOB price:Tips:切勿内容空洞:邮件里至少要用最精炼的语言提到自己公司或产品的优势,价格优势、技术先进、设计新颖、生产周期短等等。

最简洁管用的客户开发信Dear Sirs/Madam,We got your infomation from internet.(告诉客户你从哪里搞到他们的联系方式)I am Michael who is a sales service of USA Company. (告诉客户你是谁,什么公司)Thank you for spending 1 munites reading our mail. (要客户继续读信必须说的客套话)XXXXXX are very POP in Europe,Canada,U.S.A,Japan,China,Hongkong...etc.XXXXXX will be your Business key.(Pls check attach picture) (简要说明产品,邮件里可附产品图片)what is the advantageof ABS website system? (说明你产品的优势和对客户的好处,激发购买欲望)1.Help you save marketing cost,you will have 7*24*365 show roow online.2.Low cost business mail system you customer will not Spam you maill again.3.Easy control your website infomation and just a office girl can do it.4.Your customer will visit your website in hight speed in anywhere in global.If you are interested in them,we will send our quotation and specifications to you.(这句点题,若客户感兴趣会让你报价的)Any questions,do not hesitate to contact us.(结尾,说明服务周到)Best regards,(标准格式结尾)OBAMAUSA CompanyTel: +86-756-123456789Fax: +86-756-123456789E-mail: ************QQ: 574012399Web: (你公司的网址)大家也可以用下面一种一句话的形式:Hello,We supply XXXXXX 你的产品with good quality and low price,Please contact us to talk.Best regards这样的一句话的,看起来很短,也有点不礼貌,但是客户时间宝贵,2秒钟就看一看看完,若是客户感兴趣你的产品也会和你联系。

Dd E-mail to you, I’m Annie. I have learned your name from the website which shows you are interest in ball chair.
First I’d like to introduce our company,which is one of the largest ball chair manufacturers in China, mainly produce ball chair,egg chair,bubble chair and other chairs. We would like to supply high-class products and satisfy every customer's needs.
客户开发邮件英语范文 客户开发邮件英语范文dear sir, very glad sende-mail havelearned your name from websitewhich shows you ballchair. first introduceour company,which largestball chair manufacturers china,mainly produce ball chair,egg chair,bubble chair otherchairs. we would like supplyhigh-class products satisfyevery customer?s needs. we approach you today establishinglong business relations ourjoint effects, enlargeour business scope. greatpleasure receiveyour inquiries itemsagainst which we sendyou our competitive price highquality. your prompt reply highlyappreciated. thanks& best regards yours faithfully, steven xxx co.,ltd website: add: xxx tel: 0086-769-26048888 fax: 0086-xxx cell phone: 0086-13717413999 e-mail:xxxxx@ liyunhan46 分享于 2017-07-09 23:42:10.0 客户开发邮件英语范文 文档格式: .doc 文档页数: 2页 文档大小: 21.0k 文档热度: 文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育 -- 教育管理 文档标签: 客户开发邮件英语范文 系统标签: 范文 邮件 客户 开发 英语 chair


史上最全的外贸基本英文邮件模版外贸邮件的模版, 包括“开发信”、“请求建立商业关系”、“主动跟新买家建立联系”、“对新买家要求建立业务联系的回复”、“向老客户介绍公司新的产品信息”、“回复对某个产品的查询”、“无法提供对方查询中所要求的产品时”、“查询对方公司的产品”、“几种报盘”、“信用证相关”、“报价相关”,“放假通知”、“圣诞节祝福邮件”等模版.开发信模板(一)Company Name:Mailing Add:Tel.:Fax.:Email:Web.:Kind Attn.: Mr. Jack Wey-- General Manager (hope I would be the GM oneday)Subject: XXXXX Cooperation/Dear Mr. Jack Wey[Your company] is the main [your product] manufacturer in China since 1968,our major clients are[those have very good reputation and renown companiesin the field that have direct or indirect biz with your company, i.e. IBM,SONY .. ].We believe that you can rely on us as we provide you quite satisfactory serviceand products with best quality at most competitive price in the world. We arevery happy if you do not hesitate to send us any of your inquiries and we willalways give satisfactory services.Products: (product range)Standards: (product design standard, if any)Service: (product applicable field, function)Size: (don ’t fuckingly tell your client you don ’t know)Etc.Certificates: (certificates that your company got)Annual Sales Turnover: ( just list some number here,)Staff No.staff no of your company, if your company is big, if not, omit this point)Cover of Land list some number here)Looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience.Thanks & best regards,P.S. I am attaching our product catalogue/scope of service for your futurereference in my following email to you, please kindly check.( please don ’t send your product catalogue in the email, you aretelling him here is showing your respect to him that you are sendinggood info to him,but not spam, therefore, you better send anotheremail to your client with yourproduct catalogue. Your client will check it if your products are of him/herinterest)YOUR NAMEPOSITIONDEPARTMENTCOMPANY NAMEADDTELMOBILEFAXEMAILWEBDear all, I am jack wey, this above mentioned email for marketing is only onesample to your general potential clients, it would be revised accordingly todifferent clients.Kindly be informed that email marketing is mainly depending on your SET title,therefore pls try to improve TO SET THE TITLE OF YOUR EMAIL.(开发信的成功与否,跟开发信内容的大少无关,关键是你怎么把涉及到客户每一个利益、兴趣都说到,能连起来,他都会像继续看下去,要不我们还看电视连续剧干嘛?)邮件开发成功与否与以下几个方面有关(个人认为):(按主次顺序)1. 邮件标题(要是我,邮件标题一看就知道是推销的,I am sorry, please fuck offand stay in my trash box )2. 邮件内容是否吸引/对客户是否有效,有利可图;客户是否感兴趣.3. 所联系的人的职位和权利(Pls send to the RIGHT PERSON )4. 发信人日后沟通技巧,plus5. others以上的开信只是对任意一家公司,如果要想开信更成功,你就得研究或者了解一下个公司的情况再。
开发信模板 英文简洁

开发信模板英文简洁English Template:Subject: Introduction to [Your Company Name] and Our [Product/Service]Dear [Recipient's Name],I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am the [Your Position] at [Your Company Name], where we specialize in [brief description of your product or service].Having reviewed your company's impressive work in [mention relevant industry or project], I believe our [product/service] could be a valuable addition to your operations. Our [product/service] is designed to [mention key benefits or features], which can [state how it can help the recipient, e.g., increase efficiency, reduce costs, etc.].Some of the key advantages of our [product/service] include:[List 1][List 2][List 3]I would love the opportunity to further discuss how our [product/service] can support your goals and address any questions you may have. Please let me know if you would be open to a brief call or meeting at your convenience.Thank you for considering our introduction, and I look forward to the possibility of working together.Best regards,[Your Full Name][Your Position][Your Company Name][Your Contact Information]Chinese Translation:主题:[公司名称]介绍及我们的产品/服务尊敬的[收件人姓名],希望这封邮件能在您安好时送达。

商务英语开发信,邮件范文Dear [Potential Customer],I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a sales representative at [Your Company], a clothing brand that prides itself on providing high-quality, trendy and fashionable clothing. We are dedicated to offering our customers the best, and we believe that our collections would be a great addition to your product offerings.I came across your company, and I was impressed by the commitment you have to provide your customers with the best products and services. This is something that we share in common, and we would love to be your partner in providing your customers with even more options for their wardrobe.We would like to discuss the possibility of a partnership between our companies. We can provide you with our latest collection, which features a wide variety of clothes for men, women, and children. Our collections are designed to cater to different styles and preferences, and we are confident that your customers will find something they love.We can also offer exclusive discounts and promotions for your customers, which will help you attract new customers and retain the existing ones. We understand the importance of customer satisfaction, and we are committed to ensuring that your customers are happy with their purchases.Our goal is to help you grow your business while providing your customers with high-quality clothing at reasonable prices. We would like to schedule a call with you to discuss this opportunity further. Please let us know if you are interested in learning more about our company and how we can help you.Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.Best regards,[Your Name]。

客户开发邮件英语第一篇:客户开发邮件英语客户开发邮件英语范文Dear Sir,Very glad to send E-mail to you, I’m Annie.I have learned your name from the website which shows you are interest in ball chair.First I’d like to introduce our company,which is one of the largest ball chair manufacturers in China, mainly produce ball chair,egg chair,bubble chair and other chairs.We would like to supply high-class products and satisfy every customer's needs.We approach you today in the hope of establishing long business relations with you and expect, by our joint effects, to enlarge our business scope.It will be a great pleasure to receive your inquiries for any of the items against which we will send you our competitive price with high quality.Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.Thanks& best regardsYours faithfully, StevenXXX CO.,LTDTel: 0086-769-26048888Fax: 0086-XXXCellphone:0086-***E-Mail:*****************第二篇:圣诞节客户祝福英语邮件未成交客户:Dear ??,The Christmas and New Year holiday is coming near once again.We would like to extend our warm wishes for the upcoming holiday season and would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.It’s my honor to contact with you before, and my duty is to give you our best products and excellent service.Hope the next year is a prosperous and harvest year for both of us!Last but not least, once you have any inquiry about our products in the followingdays, hope you could feel free to contact with me, which is much appreciated.已成交客户:Dear ??, Many thanks for your contiguous supports in the past years, we wish both business snowballing in the coming years.May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of st but not least, once you have any inquiry about our products in the following days, hope you could feel free to contact with me, which is much appreciated.邮件加点音乐效果会好点,背景装扮选点节日的气氛第三篇:英语邮件Dear Sarah,gday to you!how are you today? regarding your PO2414102224, please find attached PI-14-04466 to you for your reference.The lead time of 1 & 2 items are on your schedule but the 3 items’s lead time need much longer.It is because the JST parts longer lead time.We are planning to send this item to you around middle of August.However, if we can ship them to you earlier, will advise you later!Thanks & any thing, please write to us asap!Thanks & wish we can help you more & more in coming future!Best Wishes第四篇:如何写英语邮件主题(Subject): About how to monitor the testing process of our product(关于如何监督产品测试环节)正文:Dear colleagues,(亲爱的同事们)Our factory has recently made several rules on monitoring the procuct testing process.(我们工厂最近制定了几项监督产品测试环节的条款)1.Enhance the awareness of product quality among quality control inspectors.(在质检人员之中加强产品质量的意识)2.Increase the quantity oftesting samples during security testing process.(在安全测试环节增加测试样品的数量)These rules are crucial to the quality of our procut.Please strickly follow these rules.(这些条款对于我们产品的质量至关重要,请严格遵守)Thank you!(谢谢)Best regards!(致敬)XXX(your name or department)(你的名字或者部门名字)如何写英文e-mail?毋庸置疑传统的信函往来越来越被电子邮件交流所取代,虽然不同的电子邮件系统提供的用户界面千差万别,但是标准的电子邮件都是由以下几个主要要素组成的:To(收件人栏)——输入收件人的电子邮箱地址Cc(抄送栏)——输入接受抄送文件的人的电子邮箱地址,并且收件人知道此抄送信息。

此外,开发信不同于Trade Lead,为表示诚意,不宜千篇一律,应该根据客户的规模、国籍不同略作调整,在信件中适合的地方自然地点一下客户的公司名字,暗示这封开发信是专门诚意写给贵公司的,而不是草率地广告。
第二篇:国外客户开发信Dear sir:How are you? Hope everything goes well with you.This is Jim from ABC company located in China.We are a worldwide leading manufacture of chest freezer, refrigerator, commercial freezingmachine, washing machine and air condition.We are famous for the top quality, competitive price and excellent service in China’s househol d appliance industry.Pls kindly check the quotation sheet enclosed.If you have any question, pls feel free to contact me.Your friendly reply is highly appreciated.Thank and regardsJim第三篇:英文开发信写作要点开发信要点:说明三点即可:你来自哪里,做什么的,有什么优势1..简短;2.正文中最好不要带网址,否则很容易被外国服务器拦截;3.少用主动语态,多用被动语态写email时常范的错误:1)邮件写得过长。

英文客户开发信大全 Document number【980KGB-6898YT-769T8CB-246UT-18GG08】以下是一封开发信的例子:Dear Mr. Steven Hans,We get your name and email address from your trade lead on that you are in the market for ball would like to introduce our company and products, hope that we may build business cooperation in the future.We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source.You are welcome to visit our website which includes our company profiles, history and something latest designs.Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.Best regards,Dafu Wong请注意这封开发信的写法。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Dear Mr. Steven Hans,
We are factory specializing in the manufacture and export of ball pen for more than six years. We have profuse designs with series quality grade, and expressly, our price is very competitive because we are manufactory, we are the source.
Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know, We will be happy to give you details.
As a very active manufactures, we develop new designs nearly every month, If you have interest in it, it`s my pleasure to offer news to you regular.
Best regards,
Dafu Wong
此外,开发信不同于Trade Lead,为表示诚意,不宜千篇一律,应该根据客户的规模、国籍不同略作调整,在信件中适合的地方自然地点一下客户的公司名字,暗示这封开发信是专门诚意写给贵公司的,而不是草率地广告。