



毕业论文(设计)外文翻译一、外文原文题目:Past,present and future of mobile payments research: A literature review 原文:The mobile payment services markets are currently under transition with a history of numerous tried and failed solutions, and a futu of promising but yet uncertain possibilities with potential new technology innovations. At this point of the development, we take a look at the current state of the mobile payment services market from a literature review perspective. We review prior literature on mob payments, analyze the various factors that impact mobile payment services markets, and suggest directions for future research in the still emerging field. To facilitate the analysis of literature, we propose a framework of four contingency and five competitive force factor and organize the mobile payment research under the proposed framework. Consumer perspective of mobile payments as well as technic security and trust are best covered by contemporary research. The impacts of social and cultural factors on mobile payments, as well comparisons between mobile and traditional payment services are entirely uninvestigated issues. Most of the factors outlined by framework have been addressed by exploratory and early phase studies.Mobile phones have transformed telephony profoundly. They are equipped with functionalities which surpass telephony needs, and which inspire the development of value-added mobile services, the use of mobile phones as access devices, and mobile commerce in general. The number of mobile phones in use far exceeds any other technical devices that could be used to market, sell, produce, or deliver products and services to consumers. These developments open lucrative opportunities to merchants and service providers.Purchased products and services have to be paid for. Initially, fixed-line telephony billing systems were modified to charge mobile telephony. Later, mobile telephony billing systems were introduced, and used also to charge various mobile services when such services emerged. Yet, payments based on billing systems have several limitations. These include comparatively high payment transaction fees, merchant and service provider complaints about unfair revenue sharing, and the necessity to provision services to billing systems [66,80]. In some areas, such as the European Union, credited payment services to thirdparties require a (limited) credit institution license. The lack of suitable pay-ment instruments has for a long time been regarded as a factor that hampers the development of mobile commerce.Mobile payments are payments for goods, services, and bills with a mobile device (such as a mobile phone, smart-phone, or personal digital assistant (PDA)) by taking advantage of wireless and other communication technologies. Mobile devices can be used in a variety of payment scenarios, such as payment for digital content (e.g., ring tones, logos, news, music, or games), tickets, parking fees and transport fares, or to access electronic payment services to pay bills and invoices. Payments for physical goods are also possible, both at vending and ticketing machines, and at manned point-of-sale (POS) terminals.A mobile payment is carried out with a mobile payment instrument such a mobile credit card or a mobile wallet. In addition to pure mobile payment instruments, most electronic and many physical payment instruments have been mobilized. Furthermore, mobile payments, as all other payments, fall broadly into two categories: payments for daily purchases, and payments of bills (credited payments). For purchases, mobile payments complement or compete with cash, cheques, credit cards, and debit cards. For bills, mobile payments typically provide access to account-based payment instruments such as money transfers, Internet banking payments, direct debit assignments, or electronic invoice acceptance.In the early 2000s, mobile payment services became a hot topic and remained so even after the burst of the Internet hype. Hundreds of mobile payment services, including access to electronic payments and Internet banking, were introduced all over the world. Strikingly many of these orts failed. For example, most, if not all, of the dozens of mobile payment services available in EU countries and listed in the ePSO database in 2002 [5] have been discontinued. To facilitate the development of better mobile payment services, it is important to understand the lessons of his history by learning what previous studies have discovered about mobile payments and about the mobile payment services markets, as well as what issues have remained unanswered.The aim of this paper is to summarize findings from past mobile payments research, and to suggest promising directions for future research. There are a number of factors that highlight the significance and usefulness of such a literature review. Firstly, the field has seen a growing number of publications, yet a thorough review of existing work is missing. The lack of published literature reviews impedes the progress in the field; review articles are critical to strengthening an area as a field of study [88]. Secondly, research so far seems fragmented, and lacks a roadmap or an agenda. Reviewing existing literature not onlyleads to a better understanding of the state of the research in the field, but it also discerns patterns in the development of the field itself. Finally, a synthesis of existing findings allows researchers not to repeat similar work, and discover important gaps. In other words, it closes areas where a plethora of researchalready exists, and at the same time uncovers those areas where research is lacking [88].Another contribution of this literature review is the proposed theoretical framework, around which the review is organized. Webster and Watson [88] recommend that the best reviews need to be conceptually structured, and based on a guiding theory. Our framework provides a guiding structure that allows us to effectively accumulate knowl edge, and to interpret previous findings. Because the frame work itself aims to explain relevant factors in the mobile payment services market, basing the literature review on the framework ensures that the review is comprehensive and holistic, and reveals research gaps that could otherwise be overlooked. The framework not only helps to explain the existing body of knowledge on each factor of the frame work, but, more importantly, it also provides an overview of the mobile payment services market, illustrating how the various perspectives and research findings fit together as part of the big picture.The framework used for the review of literature applies two guiding theories. They are the five forces model developed by Porter [68], and the generic contingency theory which emerged from the work of Lawrence and Lorch Perrow and Thompson [81]. The framework is used to classify past research, to analyze research findings of classified studies, and to propose meaningful research questions for future research for each factor.The prime actors in the mobile payment services market are mobile payment service providers and their customers. Various parties assuming these roles in the market include consumers, merchants, financial institutions and telecom operators. Additional parties, typically vendors of hand sets, software, networks and other technologies may also be involved. The power and the interests of these parties impact how technologies and other resources are orches trated into mobile payment services, and how these services are ored to and used by the market. Moreover, mobile payment services compete for the attention of customers and other parties against physical and electronic payment services. Mobile payment services are a natural choice to pay for mobile services. Yet, to succeed, mobile payment services may have to offer added value and be available for other relevant payment environments as well.Porter’s [68] competitive factors strategy model, or the five forces model, describes both the key role of a mobile payment service provider, and other market factors. The modelapplies insights from industrial organization theory to analyze the competitive environment on the level of business units [3], and relates the average profitability of the participants in an industry to competitive forces [30]. The basic proposition is that organizational performance mainly depends on the industry structure. According to Pearce and Robinson [65] and Johnson [29], the strengths of Porter’s model are that it provides onesimple approach to analyze industry structure, identify and determine the attractiveness of an industry, reveal insights on profitability, inform important decisions about whether to leave or enter industries or sectors, and develop strategic optionsto improve relative performance in the industry or influence relative position in the industry. As one of the most influential management tools for strategic industry analysis [3], the model has been applied by numerous practitioners and academics [30]. The above arguments suggest that the model is well suited to guide the classification of literature on the mobile payments services markets.In addition to the competitive forces within the mobile payments services markets, other factors are believed to impact these markets as well, for example, technology and standards, regulatory activities and legislation, estab lished purchase and payment habits, or national economy infrastructures. If we regard a mobile payment services market as the unit of analysis (organization), these other factors become contingency factors, which influence the performance of the unit but are beyond the influence and control of that unit, as defined in the contingency theory. Contingency theory therefore is also well suited to classify mobile payments research and to capture the environmental factors which are characteristic to the mobile payment services markets .The roots of contingency theory are typically seen in open systems theory and in Cyert–Simon–March stream of theory (e.g., [23,89]). Contingency theory emphasizes the importance of environmental influences, especially technology, on the management of organizations, and suggests that there is no single best way to manage or organize. The identification of contingency factors is one typical research theme. In addition to technology, other typical contingency factors include cultural, social and economic factors. In the context of mobile payment services markets, it is natural to include regulation, jurisdiction and standardization factors too because financial services and telecommunication are among the most regulated industries, and the use of standards is characteristic to telecommunication.Two features of contingency theory make it useful for our purposes. Contingency theory is described as a mid range theory which falls between two extreme views [21,89]. According to one extreme view, it is possible to find universally true theories, whereas the other one claims that each unit of analysis is unique and has to be analyzed based on situationalfactors. Contingency theory postulates that environmental factors are important but also that the impacts of environmental factors are systematic, rather than entirely situational. The contingency approach is useful for the classification of mobile payment research, since, for example, mobile payment services dier between markets, such as Japan, various European countries, or the USA, but they do so in systematic ways, for instance due to dierencesin payment technology infrastructure, regulation, laws, or habits.The other useful feature of contingency theory is the ‘‘environment –strategy –performance’’ link [21]. The the ory claims that the environment, such as the amount and type of regulation, impacts the structure of the organization, by, for example, influencing which entities have incentives to become mobile payment service providers. This, in turn, impacts performance, such as adoption interests of merchants and consumers. Another example is that enhanced technology makes it possible to provide enhanced services, which in turn increases interest toward the services. The resulting framework is presented in Fig. 1. The framework is multi-faceted since it includes both market factors and contingency factors. The inner facet of the framework, that is competitive factors, describes the five main competitive forces of the mobile payment services markets. The outer facet of the framework includes contin gency factors, that is, technological, social/cultural, commercial, and legal/regulatory/standardization.In addition to the theoretical basis described above, the framework has also been influenced by research models proposed in earlier studies [10,28,27]. Jayewardene and Foley [28] proposed that changes in technological, cultural, commercial and legal factors, together with the competitive forces of financial services market, drive financial services development. Javalgi and Ramsey [27] suggested that information technology and telecommunication, social/cultural commercial, and government/legal factors impact the diusion of global eCommerce. Dahlberg and Mallat [10] combined these two models to describe factors which characterize mobile payment services markets and impact the diusion of these services.We stress that the framework can be used as a metamodel to classify the existing literature, and as a research model to examine the die rent factors that influence the mobile payments services market. The framework is useful for these purposes because: (1) it is based on guiding theories, is conceptually sound, and draws from previous research; (2) it helps to bring clarity to the multiple topics and to the vague, conflicting terminology present in professional and academic mobile payment literature; and (3) it shows clearly what factors impact the mobile payments services market and services development, another issue in need of clarity.出处:Tomi Dahlberg .Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 7 (2020) 165–181二、翻译文章题目:关于移动支付过去,现状,以后的文献综述译文:电话已经深刻地改变了史,他们具有的了一般所不具有的很多功能,比如说鼓励增值移动效劳进展,作为接入设备利用的移动,和通用移动商务的利用。



社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻译(3)flow of funds analysis 资金流转分析Fluctuation 波动,涨落economic fluctuation 经济波动fluctuation in exchange 汇率涨落Focus 专一化Forecast 预测Forecasting 预测Foreign 外国的foreign currency account 外汇帐户foreign currency balance 外汇平衡foreign exchange loss 外汇对换损失foreign exchange rate 汇率foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备foreign funded enterprise 外资企业foreign government loans 外国政府贷款Fortune 500 美国幸运杂志每年评出的全球500家最大企业Forward 未来的,期货forward buying 期货收购forward contract 期货合同forward dealing 期货交易forward market 期货市场forward exchange rate 远期汇率forward transaction 期货交易Fractional share 不足一股的零碎股票Free 自由的,免除的free competition 自由竟争free exchange rate 自由汇率free from debt 免除债务free from encumbrances 放弃债权free from taxes 免税free market economics 自由市场经济free port 自由港,免税港free on board 离岸价格free territory 免税区free trade zone 自由贸易区Friedman 佛里德曼Frozen 冻结的frozen account 冻结帐户frozen assets 冻结资产frozen capita 冻结资金frozen loan 冻结贷款frozen price 冻结价格frozen wage 冻结工资Full 全面的,完全的full costing 完全成本计算full employment 充分就业fullfaith and credit bond 市政信用债款Function 功能,职能,函数function of supervision 监督职能Functional 功能的,职能的functional authority 职权,职能functional department 职能部门functional organization 职能机构Fund 基金,专款benevolent fund 慈善基金fund accounting 基金会计fund assets 基金资产fund flow analysis 资金流量分析fund management 基金管理fund raising cost 筹资成本leverage fund 平衡基金,杠杆基金mutual fund 共同基金pension fund 养老基金trust fund 信贷基金Fundamental accounting equation 基本会计恒等式Futures 期货交易,远期交易dealings in futures 期货交易futures exchange 期货交易所futures market 期货市场futures price 期货价格GGain 获得,得到,收益gain or loss 损益Galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀Gamble 投机,赌博gamble in stock 股票投机Gambler 投机商,赌徒Gap 间隙,间隔gap of wealth 贫富差距narrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩小贫富差距General 总的,普通的General accepted accounting principles (GAAP)General Agreement on T ariffs and Trade(GATT) 关税贸易总协定general contractor 总承包商general expense 日常开支,一般费用general fund 普通基金general index 总指数general journal 普通日记帐general ledger 总帐,普通分类帐general obligation bond 一般义务债款Generalized preferential system (贸易)普遍优惠制Generation 一代人generation gap 代沟generation-skipping transfer 隔代资产转移Geographical 区域的,地理的geographical specialization 地区专业化Gift 礼品,赠与gift coupons 礼品卷gift tax 赠与税Gilt-edged bond 金边债券Glamor stock 热门股票Global 全球的,全面的,总的global economy 全球经济global society 国际社会Globalization 全球化economic globalization 经济全球化GNP 国民生产总值GNP at constant prices 按固定价格计算的国民生产总值GNP at market prices 按市场价格计算的国民生产总值Go public 股票上市Gold 黄金gold and foreign exchange reserves 黄金外汇储备gold bonds 黄金债券gold bullion market 黄金市场gold crisis 黄金危机Good title 有效所有权Goodwill 信誉Government 政府government agency 政府机构government bond 公债,政府债券government control 政府控制government directed 国家指导的government employee 政府雇员government enterprise 政府企业government intervention 政府干预government loan 政府贷款government official 政府官员government operated business 国营企业government property 政府财产government supervision 国家监督government transfer payment 政府转移支付Grace period 债务宽限期Graft 受贿,贪污Grant 专用拨款,赠款grant-in-aid for agriculture 农业财政拨款grant-in-aid fund 财政补贴基金Gross 毛重,总重,总额gross assets 总资产Gross Domestic Product(GDP) 国内生产总值Gross National Product(GNP) 国民生产总值Norminal GNP 名义GNPReal GNP 实际GNPgross margin 毛利gross profit 毛利润gross profit margin 毛利润率gross retail sales 零售总额Group 集团,团体,组group company 集团公司group of enterprises 企业集团Group of Seven (G-7) 七国集团Grouped by 按...划分grouped by ownership 按所有制划分grouped by sector 按行业划分Growth 增长growth funds 增长基金growth potential 增长潜力growth rate of earnings 收益增长率Guarantee 担保,保证Guaranteed 有保证的,有担保的guarenteed bond 有信用担保的债券guaranteed investment contract 担保投资合同guaranteed mortgage 担保抵押guaranteed security 担保证券Guaranty 保证金,保证Guide price 指导价Guidline 指导原则HHard 硬的hard currency area 硬通货地区hard money 硬通货,硬币Hardware 硬件hardware store 五金商店Head office 总行,总公司Headquarters 总部Health 健康health care 医疗health insurance 医疗保险Heavy 沉重的heavy debts 沉重的债务heavy industry 重工业heavy social burdens 沉重的社会负担Hidden 隐蔽的,隐藏的hidden assets 帐外资产,隐匿资产hidden inflation 隐性的通货膨胀hidden tax 隐蔽税High 高high added-value 高附加值high technology 高技术High yield bond funds 高收益债券基金high-efficiency 高效的high-quality 高质量的high-tech stock 高技术股票high-yield 高产的Higher bid 竟卖较高价格Highlight 重点Hire 雇,租Holder of stock 股票持有人Holding 持有,占有的holding bank 控股银行holding company 控股公司,母公司holding corporation 控股公司Horizontal 水平的,横向的horizontal acquisition 横向收购horizontal combination 横向合并,同行业合并horizontal integration 横向联合horizontal merger 横向兼并Hospital benefits 医疗福利费Housing 住房,住房建设housing add 住房补贴housing allowance 住房津贴housing distribution 住房分配housing reform 住房改革public housing funding system 住房公基金制度Human 人human capital 人力资本human relation 人际关系human resource 人力资源human rights 人权Hypothecary 抵押的hypothecary credit 抵押信贷hypothecary debt 抵押债务Hypothecated assets 抵押财产IIdle 闲置的idle capacity 闲置生产能力idle facility 闲置设备idle fixed assets 闲置固定资产idle fund 闲置资金idle production equipments 闲置生产设备Illegal 不合法的illegal dealings 非法交易illegal dividend 非法分红illegal income 不合法收入Illicit 非法的,禁止的illicit bankruptcy 违法的破产Image advertising 形象广告Impairment 亏损Imperfect 不完全的imperfect competition 不完全竟争imperfect market 不完全市场Import 进口,输入import of capital 资本输入import tax 进口税In line with 与...相一致in line with international practices 与国际贯例接轨Income 收入,收益gross income 收入总额income account 收益帐户income approach to fair market value 求得市场公平价格的收益法income before tax 税前收入income from investments 投资收益income gap 收入差距income property 收益财产income statement 收益表income tax law 所得税法income tax return 所得税申报表income to net worth ratio 净值收益率Inconvertible 不可转换的Incorporation 公司articles of incorporation 公司章程Increment tax 增值税Incumbrance 财产抵押权Index 指数,索引cost-of living index 生活费用指数index number of consumer price 消费品价格指数index number of stock price 股票价格指数index of social peogress 社会进步指数physical quality of life index 物质生活质量指数Indicator 指标Indirect 间接的indirect charge 间接费用indirect cost 间接成本Individual 单个的,个体的,单独的individual economy 个体经济individual enterprise 私人企业individual labour 个体劳动者individual operation 个体经营individual ownership 个体所有individual retirement account 个人退休金帐户Industrial policy 产业政策Industrial 工业的industrial revolution 产业革命Industrialization 工业化Industry 产业,行业aircraft industry 航空业automobile industry 汽车业banking industry 银行业basic industry 基础工业coal and mining industry 煤炭开采业construction industry 建筑业information industry 信息产业high-technology industry 高技术产业materials industry 材料业primary industry 第一产业secondary industry 第二产业service industry 服务业steel industry 钢铁业tertiary industry 第三产业transportation industry 交通运输业Inefficient operation 低效运营Inflation 通货膨胀inflation factor 通货膨胀因素inflation indexed security 通货膨胀指数债券inflation of credit 信用膨胀inflation rate 通货膨胀率Inflationary pressure 通货膨胀压力Information 信息information highway 信息高速公路information disclosure 信息披露information sources 信息资源infotmation system 信息系统Initial 初始的,最初的initial credit balance 初期贷方余额initial inventory 期初存货initial investment 期初投资initial public offering 股票首次公开上市initial stage 初级阶段Inland 内陆,国内,内地inland country 内陆国家inland industry 内陆工业inland provice 内陆省Innovation 革新Input 输入,投入input-output analysis 投入产出分析input-output model 投入产出模型input-output ratio 投入产出比率Inspection 检查,检验Installation expenses 安装费Instalment 分期付款Institute 研究所,学院,协会Institution 学会,协会,机构Institutional reform 体制改革,制度改革Insurance 保险credit insurance 信用保险insurance company 保险公司insurance coverage 保险范围insurance fund 保险基金insurance industry 保险业Intangible 无形的intangible assets 无形资产intangible capital 无形资本intangible property 无形财产Integration 企业合并,一体化integration of world economy 世界经济一体化Intellectual property rights 知识产权Intensive 集约的,精细的labour intensive industry 劳动密集型产业knowledge intensive industry 知识密集型产业Interest 利息,股利interest free deposit 无息存款interest free loan 无息贷款interest income 利息收益interest on principal 本息interest rate on deposits 存款利率interest rate risk 利率风险interest-rate cuts 利率下调interest-rate reductions 利率下调Intermediary 中间的intermediary agency 中介机构,中间机构intermediary bank 中介银行intermediary commerce 中介贸易intermediary market 中介市场Intermediate 中间的,半成品intermediate body 中介机构intermediate debt 中期负债intermediate term credit 中期信贷Internal 内部的internal audit 内部审计internal transfer price 内部转让价格internal-oriented economy 内向型经济internal rate of return(IRR) 内部收益率International 国际的international accounting standard 国际会计标准international balance of payment 国际收支差额international bidding 国际招标international bond market 国际债券市场international capital market 国际资本市场international competitive ability 国际竟争能力international corporation 跨国公司international credit 国际信贷international economic integration 国际经济一体化international economic order 国际经济秩序international finance center 国际金融中心international financial market 国际金融市场international loans 国际贷款International Monetary Fund(IMF) 国际货币基金组织international monotary crisis 国际货币外危机international multilateral loans 国际多边贷款Internationalization 国际化internationalization of capital 资本国际化production internationalization 生产国际化Intervention 干预intervention by government 政府干预market intervention 市场干预state intervention 国家干预Introduction 介绍,引进introduction of foreign capital 引进外资introduction of foreign technology 引进外国技术Inventory 库存inventory account 库存帐inventory cost 库存成本inventory loss 盘亏,库存损失inventory shortage and overage 盘亏与盘盈inventory ahortage and apoilage 盘亏与毁损inventory turnover 存货周转just in time inventory 即时库存Investment 投资investment abroad 国外投资investment and trust company 投资信托公司investment enviroment 投资环境investment fund 投资基金investment in capital construction 基本建设投资investment in enterprise 对企业投资investment in outside unit 对外单位投资investment in stock 投资股票investment intention 投资意向investment pool 联合投资组织investment portfolio 投资证券组合investment strategy 投资战略investment target selection criteria 投资目标选择标准Invisible 无形的,帐外的,未列帐的invisible assets 帐外资产invisible capital 无形资本invisible loss 无形损失Invitation 招标,招待,邀请invitation for bid 招标Invoice 发票Issue 发行,签发issue a loan 发放贷款issue at par 按票面发行issue at the market price 按市价发行issue of government bonds 发行公债JJob 职业工作job opportunity 就业机会job security 工作保障job shop 加工车间Jobless 失业jobless rate 失业率Joint 共同的,联合的joint administration 联合管理joint creditor 连带债权人joint debtor 连带债务人joint enterprise 合办企业joint liability 共同债务,连带责任joint property 共同财产joint stock 合资,合股joint stock company 股份公司joint stock system 股份制joint tanancy 合伙租赁l joint venture 合资企业l Journal 日记帐,杂志l cash receipts journal 现金收入帐l journal entries 分类帐l ledger type journal 分类日记帐l The Wll Street Journal 华尔街日报l Judgment 审判,判决Junk bond 拉圾债券Justified price 合理价格KKeeping expenses 保管费Key 钥匙,重点的,关键的basic industries and key industries 基础产业和关键产业key project 重点项目Keynes 凯恩斯Keynesian economics 凯恩斯经济学Knowledge intensive industry 知识密集产业LLabour 劳动力,人工labour cost 劳务成本,人工成本labour contract 劳动合同labour efficiency 劳动效率labour force 劳动力labour intensive products 劳动密集型产品labour intensive project 劳动密集型项目labour market 劳动力市场labour representative 工人代表labour trouble 劳资纠纷labour union 劳动工会Lack 缺乏lack of capital 缺乏资金lack of labor 劳动力缺乏Land 土地land contract 土地合同land development 土地开发land expropriation 土地征用land law 土地法land owner 土地所有者land registration 土地登记land rent 地租land tax 土地税Large-scale 大型的large-scale enterprise 大型企业large-scale industrial group 大型工业集团Last in first out 后进先出Latent 潜在的latent assts 潜在资产latent capital 潜在资本latent demand 潜在需求latent productive capacity 潜在生产能力Law 法律,法规administrative law 行政法articles of law 法律条款bankruptcy law 破产法company law 公司法law agent 法定代理人law of increasing costs 成本递增规律law of supply and demand 供需法则Lawful 合法的lawful money 法定货币lawful share 合法股份Lawsuit 法律诉讼Lawyer 律师Layoff 解雇Lay-offs 下岗人员Leader price 大户价,领导价Leading 领先的leading indicators 领先指标leading industr 领先行业leading share 主要股份Lease 租赁capital lease 资本租赁lease financing 租赁融资operating lease 经营融资Leased 租借的,租赁的leased assets 租赁资产leased equipment 租赁设备Leasehold 租赁营业leasehold mortgage 租借抵押leasehold property 租赁财产Leasing 租赁leasing assets 出租资产leasing company 租赁公司leasing industry 租赁业leasing trade 租赁贸易Least 最少,最小least developed counrty 最不发达国家least developed developing counrty 最不发达的发展中国家least square regression method 最小平方回归法Ledger 分类帐,总帐ledger account 分类帐户general ledger 总分类帐Legal 合法的,法定的legal act 法律行为legal assets 法定资产legal capital 法定资本legal document 法律文件legal entity 法人,法律实体legal force 法律效力legal form 法律形式legal holiday 法定假日legal investment 会法投资legal list 会法证券legal name 依法登记的名称legal obligation 法律责任legal owner 法定所有人legal person responsibility system 法人责任制legal possession 法定所有权legal property 法人财产legal representative 法定代理人legal right 法律权力legal rule 法律规定legal title 合法所有权Legislation 法规,立法Legislative 法制的,立法的legislative authority 立法权legialative body 立法机构legislative control 法律监督legislative series 法律汇编Lend 放款,贷款Lender 放款人,贷方,出租人Lending 贷款,借贷lending bank 贷款银行lending country 贷款国lending market 信贷市场lending rate 放款利率Less developed country 欠发达国家Letter 证书,信件letter of credit 信用证letter of intent 意向书letter of license 许可证letter of stock 未注册股票Leverage 杠杆作用,借贷机会Leveraged buy-out (LBO’s) 杠杆收购Leveraged lease 杠杆租赁Liability 负债,债务current liability 短期负债direct liability 直接债务fixed liability 长期负债liability account 负债帐户liability dividend 债务股利liability out of book 帐外负债License 许可证,执照license fee 许可证费Licensing system 许可证制度Life-cycle 寿命周期Limited 有限的limited competition 有限竟争limited liability company 有限责任公司limited partnership 有限合伙企业Line 直线,作业线production line 生产线Linear 线性的linear depreciation 线性折旧linear programming(LP) 线性规划linear regression 线性回归Liquid 流动的,流体的liquid assets 流动资产liquid ratio 流动比率Liquidate 清算liquidated account 清算帐户liquidated obligation 已偿清的债务Liquidation 清算,偿还liquidation of debts 清偿债务liquidation value 清算价值Liquidity 流动性,流动资金liquidity ratio 流动比率,偿债能力比Listed 上市的,登录的listed bond 上市债券listed company 上市公司listed security 上市证券listed stock 上市股票Litigation 诉讼Living 生活的living cost 生活费living standard 生活标准Loan 贷款,借贷,借款loan bank 贷款银行loan capital 借贷资本loan financing 贷款筹措loan fund 贷款基金loan guarantee 贷款担保loan interest 贷款利息loan receivable 应收贷款loan-deposit ratio 贷款存款比率Local 地方的,本地的local authority 地方当局local court 地方法院local government 地方政府local government at various levels 各级地方政府local tax 地方税Long-lived assets 长期资产Long-term 长期的long-term assets 长期资产long-term contract 长期合同long-term debts 长期债务long-term investment 长期投资long-term liability 长期负债long-term stability 长期稳定Loosening tight monetary policy 放松紧缩的货币政策Loss 损失,亏损consolidated loss 合并亏损loss and gain 损益loss money 亏本loss of assets 资产损失loss-making 亏损Lowest bid 最低报价MMachine 机械,机器Machinery 机械,机器Macro 宏观,巨大的macro approach 宏观方法macro analysis 宏观分析macro forecast 宏观预测Macroeconomic 宏观经济的macroeconomic analysis 宏观经济分析macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策macroeconomic model 宏观经济模型macroecnomic phenomenon 宏观经济现象macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策Maintain 保持maintain a balance between receipts and payments 保持收支平衡maintain monetary stability 保持货币稳定Maintenance 维修,保养maintenance and repair 维护和修理maintenance cost 维修成本maintenance funds 维修基金maintenance of value 保值Major 重点的,主要的major industries 主要行业major project 重点工程major repair depreciation expenses 大修折旧费major repair fund 大修基金Majority 大多数majority required 规定多数majority shareholding 占有多数股权majority statutory 法定多数majority of votes 表决多数,投票过半数Make 制造,定价,使成为make a deal 成交make money 赚钱make profit 获利Man 人man day 人天man hour 人时man month 人月man year 人年Manage 管理,经营Managrd 管理的,经营的Management 管理central management 集中管理enterprise’s management 企业管理management accounting 管理会计management by objectives (MBO) 目标管理management decision 管理决策management function 管理职能management qualitymanagement information system 管理信息系统personnel management 人事管理Manager 经理,管理人员,经营者accounting manager 会计主管assistant general manager 助理,副总经理general manager 总经理Managerial 管理的managerial decision-making process 管理决策程序managerial economics 管理经济学managerial know-how 管理专门知识Manpower 劳动力manpower market 劳动力市场manpower resource 人力资源Manufacture 制造,制品Manufactured 已加工好的,已制成的manufactured inventory 产成品库存Manufacturing 生产的,制造的manufacturing cost 生产成本manufacturing expenses 制造费用manufacturing industry 制造业manufacturing right 生产权Margin 毛利,边际,定金margin account 保证金帐户margin of profit 边际利润margins desired 期望的毛利Marginal 边际的marginal revenue 边际收益marginal utility 边际效用Market 市场bear market 股票市场的熊市bond market 证券市场bull market 股票市场的牛市capital market 资本市场emerging market economic 新兴市场经济majority market economic 成熟市场经济market abroad 海外市场market analysis 市场分析market approach to fair market value 求得公平市场价值的市场法market competition 市场竟争market demand price 市场需求价格market development 市场开发market economy country 市场经济国家market factor 市场因素market forecast 市场预测market index 市场指数market information 市场信息market investigation 市场调查market potential 市场潜力market quotation 市场行情market replacement cost 市场重置成本market research 市场调查,市场研究market risk 市场风险market share 市场份额,市场占有率market value method 市价法market-oriented 面向市场的market-to-cost method 市价成本法property right market 产权市场seller’s market 卖方市场social market economy 社会主义市场经济stock market 股票市场Marketing 营销,市场销售marketing channel 销售渠道,市场渠道marketing cost 销售成本marketing manager 市场销售经理markrting strategy 市场经营战略marketing system 市场体系relationship marketing 关系营销Mass production 大规模生产Matching 配比Material 原材料material account 材料帐户material cost 材料成本material stock 材料库存Matrix 矩阵matrix analysis 矩阵分析matrix equation 矩阵方程matrix organization 矩阵组织结构Mature 到期的,成熟的mature market economy 成熟的市场经济Matured 到期的,成熟的matured bill 到期票据matured bonds 到期债券matured liability unpaid 到期未付债务Maturity 到期maturity structure of debt 债务到期期限结构maturity value 到期值Mean 平均数,方法,手段mean price 平均价mean-square value 均方值Measure 测量,计量,措施administrative measure 行政措施economy measure 经济手段Mediation 调解Mediator 中间人,调解人,经济人Medium 中等的,媒介medium term funds 中期债券medium term capital 中期资本medium term debt 中期债务medium term loan 中期贷款medium-sized enterprise 中型企业Memo 备忘录,便笺Memorandum 备忘录,记要Merchandise 商品,货物merchandise export 商品出口merchandise inventory 商品库存Merger 兼并,合并merger and acquisition 兼并与收购Message 信息massage exchange 信息交换Method 方法method of calculating depreciation 折旧计算法method of comparative analysis 对比分析法method of first-in, first-out 先进先出法method of last-in, first-out 后进先出法method of least square 最小平方法method of weighting 加权方法Microeconomic 微观经济的microeconomic analysis 微观经济分析microeconomic model 微观经济模型microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象Mill 工厂Mine 矿山,矿Mining 采矿Ministry 政府的部Minority 少数minority equity 少数股东权益minority share 少数股份Moderately 适度的moderately tight monetary policy 适度从紧的货币政策moderately tight credit policy 适度从紧的信贷政策Modern 现代的modern economic management 现代经济管理modern enterprise system 现代企业制度Modernization 现代化Monetary 货币,金融monetary capital 金融资本monetary crisis 金融危机monetary institution 金融机构monetary market 金融市场monetary policy tools 货币政策工具monetary reform 币制改革monetary system 货币制度Money 货币money supply 货币供应Monopolistic competition 垄断性竟争Monopoly 垄断,专利monopoly capital 垄断资本monopoly capitalism 垄断资本主义monopoly enterprise 垄断企业monopoly position 垄断地位monopoly price 垄断价格monopoly right 专利权,专卖权natural monopoly 自然垄断international monopoly 国际垄断pure monopoly 纯垄断Monthly 月monthly plan 月计划monthly pay 月工资monthly report 月报monthly salary 月薪monthly statement 月结Moody’s Industrial ManualMortgage 抵押mortgage bank 抵押银行mortgage bond 抵押债券mortgage credit 抵押信贷mortgage debt 抵押负债mortgage debtor 抵押债务人mortgage interest 抵押利息mortgage liability 抵押负债mortgage loan 抵押贷款Most-favored nation treatment 最惠国待遇Mrrrill Lynch 美林公司(美国)Multicurrency loan 多种货币贷款Multi-polarization of world economy 世界经济多极化Multilateral 多边的multilateral aid 多边援助multilateral agreement 多边协议multilateral loans 多边贷款multilateral tariff negotiation 多边关税谈判multilateral trade 多边贸易Multinational 跨国的,多国的multinational corporation 跨国公司multinational market group 跨国市场集团Multiple 多样的,多种的multiple budget 复式预算multiple of book value per share 每股帐面资产比multiple of cash flow per share 每股现金流比multiple of sales per share 每股销售比(asset value per share) 每股资产值multiple operation 多种经营multiple regression analysis 多重回归分析multiple tariff 多重关税Municipal 市的municipal bonds 市政债券municipal budget 市政预算municipal enterprises 市属企业municipal government 市政府municipal loan 市政公债municipal monopoly 地方垄断municipal tax 市政税,地方税Mutual 相互的mutual advantage 互利,互惠mutual fund 共同基金,互助基金mutual investment company 共同投资公司mutual obligation 相互债务责任mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行mutual stock holding 相互控股社会政治与经济类英语热点词块翻译(3) 相关内容:。



中央文献重要术语英文翻译中央文献重要术语译文发布区域协同发展coordinated development between regions城乡发展一体化urban-rural integration物质文明和精神文明协调发展ensure that cultural-ethical and materialdevelopment progress together军民融合发展战略military-civilian integration strategy经济建设和国防建设融合发展integrated development of the economy andnational defense京津冀协同发展coordinated development of the Beijing, Tianjin,and Hebei region综合立体交通走廊multimodal transport corridor居住证制度residence card system财政转移支付同农业转移人口市民化挂钩机制mechanism linking the transfer payments a localgovernment receives to the number of former ruralresidents granted urban residency in itsjurisdiction城镇建设用地增加规模同吸纳农业转移人口落户数量挂钩机制mechanism linking increases in the amount of land designated for urban development in a locality to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency there中国特色新型智库new type of Chinese think tanks马克思主义理论研究和建设工程Marxist Theory Research and DevelopmentProject哲学社会科学创新工程initiative to promote innovation in philosophy andthe social sciences网络内容建设工程initiative to enrich online content农村人居环境整治行动rural living environment improvement initiative历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical and culturalheritage美丽宜居乡村a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in中文英文引领型发展 leading-edge development创新驱动发展战略 innovation-driven development strategy 优进优出战略 strategy for optimizing imports and exports 网络强国战略 national cyber development strategy 国家大数据战略national big data strategy藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略 food crop production strategy based on farmland management and technological application 智能制造工程smart manufacturing initiative 大科学工程Big Science project能源安全储备制度 energy security reserve system金融宏观审慎管理制度macroprudential regulation of the financial sector 普惠性创新支持政策体系 inclusive policies for the support of innovation企业研发费用加计扣除政策 policy of additional tax deductions for enterprise research and development协同创新collaborative innovation众创、众包、众扶、众筹crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding宏观政策要稳、产业政策要准、微观政策要活、改革政策要实、社会政策要托底的总体思路The idea is to ensure macro-level policy maintains economic stability,industrial policy is targeted, micro-level policy injects dynamism intothe economy, reform policy delivers results, and social policy seesbasic living needs are met. 稳中求进工作总基调seeking progress while working to keep performance stable 供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform区间调控、定向调控、相机调控range-based, targeted, and well-timed regulation去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板address overcapacity, reduce inventory, deleverage, lower costs, and bolster areas of weakness 发展新动能new driver of growth与地方事权和支出责任划分 define the respective powers and spending responsibilities of the central and local governments 国际产能合作international cooperation on production capacity准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list system 质量强国 a country strong on quality 知识产权强国IPR powerhouse工匠精神spirit of craftsmanship政府法律顾问制度system of government legal advisors中国特色大国外交理念the philosophy underpinning China’s diplomacy as a major co untry为政之道,民生为本That government is best which gives prime place to the wellbeing of the people.简除烦苛,禁察非法cut red tape and root out illegalities上下同欲者胜Success comes to those who share in one purpose.国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划(“十三五”规划)the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (the 13th Five-Year Plan ) 全面建成小康社会决胜阶段the decisive stage in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects 坚持人民主体地位uphold the principal position of the people 引领经济发展新常态guide the new normal in China’s economic development 中高速增长medium-high rate of economic growth创新发展innovative development创新是引领发展的第一动力Innovation is the primary engine of development.协调发展coordinated development协调是持续健康发展的内在要求Coordination is an integral aspect of sustained and healthy development.绿色发展green development; eco-friendly development绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现Green, which represents an eco-friendly outlook, is a necessary condition for ensuring lasting development as well as an important way in which people pursue a better life.开放发展open development开放是国家繁荣发展的必由之路Opening up is the path Chinamust take to achieve prosperity and development.共享发展shared development共享是中国特色社会主义的本质要求Sharing is the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics人与自然和谐发展humankind develops in harmony with nature; harmonious development between man and nature 生命共同体 a community of life生态文明ecological progress; ecological conservation; eco-civilization 生态文化eco-culture国家生态安全national ecological security全球生态安全global ecological security生态文明制度体系【例】到2020年,构建起由自然资源资产产权制度、国土空institutional framework for promoting ecological progress By 2020, an institutional framework composed of eight systems will have been established for promoting ecological progress, including a。



关于社会政治与经济类的英语热点翻译(大全)第一篇:关于社会政治与经济类的英语热点翻译(大全)关于社会政治与经济类的英语热点翻译在我们的课本中涉及了许多关于社会政治与经济类的英语热点翻译,现总结如下:Deepening reform and opening up 深化改革扩大开放The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 建设有中国特色的社会主义理论 The theory on the initial stage of socialism 社会主义初级阶段的理论 One focus, two basic points 一个中心,两个基本点 Focus on economic construction 以经济建设为中心Adhere to the four cardinal principles 坚持四项基本原则Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world 坚持改革开放Seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform, opening 抓住机遇,深化改革,wider to the rest of the world, promoting development, maintaining stability扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定Whether it would be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces是否有利于发展社会主义生产力Whether it would be beneficial to enhancing the overall strength of the country是否有利于增强综合国力Whether it would be beneficial to raising people’s living standard是否有利于提高人民生活水平Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体Common development of multi-economic sectors 多种经济成分共同发展Establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建立Deepening economic reform 深化经济改革Relationships among reform, development and stability 改革发展和稳定的关系Deepening of reform and promotion ofdevelopment 深化改革与促进发展Economic growth and social progress 经济增长与社会进步Strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位Science and technology are the primary productive forces 科学技术是第一生产力 Strengthen the socialist legal system 加强社会主义法制 A series of policies and measures 一系列政策措施 Reform and opening up policy 改革开放政策 Reform measures 改革措施Speed up reform 加快改革Reform of economic system 经济体制改革Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革Strengthen the management of state-owned property 加强国有资产管理 Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革 Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革 Reform of commodity circulation 商品流通体制改革 Reform of foreign trade system 外贸体制改革 Reform of personnel system 人事制度改革Reform of social security system 社会保险制度改革Reform of housing system 住房制度改革 Planning system 计划管理体制Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能 Open door policy 开放政策 Open economy 开放经济Open-door to the outside world 对外开放 Opening up 扩大开放Open domestic market 开放国内市场Introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and 引进外国的资金,先进技术和 managerial experiences 管理经验Economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区One country, two systems 一国两制 Special administrative region 特别行政区Contract responsibility system with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制 to the household Narrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩小贫富差距 Eliminate poverty 消除贫困 Common prosperity 共同富裕ECONOMY AND MARKET ECONOMY 经济和市场经济Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分 State-owned economy 国有经济 Non-state economy 非国有经济Collective economy 集体经济Individual economy 个体经济Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存Sustained, rapid and sound economic development 持续,快速和健康的经济发展National economic budget 国民经济预算Comprehensive development of economy 经济综合发展Strategy for economic development 经济发展战略 Theory of macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策理论Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策 Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济 Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展Commodity economy 商品经济Market economy 市场经济Free market economy 自由市场经济Developed market economy 发达的市场经济 Developing market economy 发展中的市场经济 Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济Mature market economy 成熟市场经济Market economy country 市场经济国家Extensive economy 粗放型经济Intensive economy 集约型经济Transform the extensive economic 粗放型经济转变为mode into intensive one 集约型经济 Mixed economy 混合经济 Regional economy 地区经济Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济 Closed economy 闭关自守经济Economic growth point 经济增长点Economic growthmode 经济增长方式Economic growth rate 经济增长率Economy measure 经济手段Diversified economy 多种经济,多样化经济Economic situation 经济形势 Economic cycle 经济周期 Economic fluctuation 经济波动 Economic miracle 经济奇迹 Economic take-off 经济起飞Economic recovery 经济复苏Economic potential 经济潜力Economic sanction 经济制裁 Global economy 全球经济 Economic globalization 经济全球化Integration of world economy 世界经济一体化International economic integration 国际经济一体化New international economic order 国际新经济秩序Multi-polarization of world economy 世界经济多极化Economic community 经济共同体MACRO-CONTROL 宏观调控 Strengthen macro-control 加强宏观调控 Soft landing 软着路Macro-economic situation 宏观经济形势Macro control and micro invigoration 宏观控制与微观搞活Control of overall volume and economic restructuring 总量控制与经济结构调整 Tight control on investment in fixed assets 紧缩固定资产投资控制 Tight financial and monetary policy 从紧的金融货币政策Moderately tight monetary policy 适度从紧的货币政策Moderately tight credit policy 适度从紧的信贷政策Loosening tight monetary policy 放松紧缩的货币政策Adequate amount of the money supply 适度货币供应量 Excessive amount of currency issue 过度货币发行量Maintain monetary stability 保持货币稳定Cheap money policy 低息货币政策 Adjustment of interest rate 利率调整 Cut interest rate 降低利率 Control of interest rate 利率控制Deflation policy 紧缩政策Market intervention 市场干预State intervention 国家干预Administrative interference 行政干预Administrative intervention 行政干预 Administrative measure 行政措施 Economy measure 经济手段Risk-control mechanism 风险控制机制 Overheated economy 过热的经济Consumer price index 消费品价格指数 Commodity price index 商品物价指数 Retail price index 零售物价指数 Average price index 平均物价指数Cost-of-living index 生活费用指数Control of inflation 通货膨胀控制Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动的通货膨胀Double digit inflation 两位数字通货膨胀Excessive inflation 过度的通货膨胀Galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀Hyperinflation 极度通货膨胀Hidden inflation 隐性通货膨胀 Structural inflation 结构性通货膨胀Stagflation 经济停滞型的通货膨胀Inflation factor 通货膨胀因素 Inflation of credit 信用膨胀 Inflation rate 通货膨胀率Inflationary pressure 通货膨胀压力Curb inflation 抑制通货膨胀Curb the real estate craze 抑制房地产热Development zone craze 开发区热Overall demand and supply 总需求和总供给 Balance between supply and demand 供需平衡 Supply and demand relation 供求关系 Supply over demand 供过于求 Supply exceeds demand 供过于求 Economic crisis 经济危机 Economic depression 经济萧条MANAGEMENT OF STATE-OWNED PROPERTY 国有资产管理Establish a system for the management, supervision 建立国有资产管理,监督和营运体系 and operation of State assets Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革Clearly defining property rights, specifying rights and 产权清晰,责权明确,政企分开,responsibilities, separating ownership from daily 管理科学management and adopting scientific managementRegulation on the supervision and management 国有企业监督管理条例 of the state-owned enterprisesLaws and regulations on the administration of 国有资产管理法律法规 state-owned propertyOperate independently, assume sole responsibility 自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展,for its profits and losses, seek self-development 自我约束 and self-relianceUphold the principle of separating the functions of 坚持政企分开的原则,转变政府government from those of enterprises and alter the 经济管理职能government’s role in economic management Safeguard state property 保卫国有资产Preserve and increase value and prevent losses 保值增值防止流失 Prevent the drain of State-owned property 防止国有资产流失Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革Definition of property rights 产权界定 Clarification of property rights 明晰产权Registration of property rights 产权登记Annual checks of the registration of property rights 产权登记年检 Certificate of title 产权证书 Change of registration 变更登记Change of title 产权变更Transfer of property rights 产权转让 Transaction of property rights 产权交易Property rights transfer agency 产权交易机构Inspection of assets 资产清查Re-evaluation of fixed assets 固定资产重估 Asset appraisal 资产评估 Productive assets 经营性资产 Non-productive assets 非经营性资产 Return on assets 资产收益 Balance sheet 资产负债表Consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表 Reform of State-Owned Enterprises国有企业改革第二篇:社会政治和经济类热点词汇翻译总结深化改革扩大开放The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 建设有中国特色的社会主义理论The theory on the initial stage of socialism 社会主义初级阶段的理论One focus, two basic points 一个中心,两个基本点Focus on economic construction 以经济建设为中心Adhere to the four cardinal principles 坚持四项基本原则Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world 坚持改革开放Seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform, opening 抓住机遇,深化改革,wider to the rest of the world, promoting development, maintaining stability扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定Whether it would be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces是否有利于发展社会主义生产力Whether it would be beneficial to enhancing the overall strength of the country是否有利于增强综合国力Whether it would be beneficial to raising people’s living standard是否有利于提高人民生活水平Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体Common development of multi-economic sectors 多种经济成分共同发展Establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建立Deepening economic reform 深化经济改革Relationships among reform, development and stability 改革发展和稳定的关系Deepening of reform and promotion of development 深化改革与促进发展Economic growth and social progress 经济增长与社会进步Strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位Science and technology are the primary productive forces 科学技术是第一生产力 Strengthen the socialist legal system 加强社会主义法制A series of policies and measures 一系列政策措施Reform and opening up policy 改革开放政策Reform measures 改革措施 Speed up reform 加快改革Reform of economic system 经济体制改革Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革Strengthen the management of state-owned property 加强国有资产管理Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革Reform of commodity circulation 商品流通体制改革Reform of foreign trade system 外贸体制改革Reform of personnel system 人事制度改革Reform of social security system 社会保险制度改革Reform of housing system 住房制度改革 Planning system 计划管理体制Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能Open door policy 开放政策Open economy 开放经济Open-door to the outside world 对外开放 Opening up 扩大开放Open domestic market 开放国内市场Introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and 引进外国的资金,先进技术和managerial experiences 管理经验Economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区One country, two systems 一国两制Special administrative region 特别行政区ract responsibilitysystem with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制to the household Narrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩小贫富差距Eliminate poverty 消除贫困 Common prosperity 共同富裕ECONOMY AND MARKET ECONOMY 经济和市场经济Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分State-owned economy 国有经济 Non-state economy 非国有经济 Collective economy 集体经济 Individual economy 个体经济Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存Sustained, rapid and sound economic development 持续,快速和健康的经济发展National economic budget 国民经济预算Comprehensive development of economy 经济综合发展Strategy for economic development 经济发展战略Theory of macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策理论Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象 Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展Commodity economy 商品经济Market economy 市场经济Free market economy 自由市场经济 Developed market economy 发达的市场经济Developing market economy 发展中的市场经济Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济Mature market economy 成熟市场经济 Market economy country 市场经济国家Extensive economy 粗放型经济Intensive economy 集约型经济Transform the extensive economic 粗放型经济转变为mode into intensive one 集约型经济 Mixed economy 混合经济 Regional economy 地区经济Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济 Closed economy 闭关自守经济Economic growth point 经济增长点Economic growth mode 经济增长方式 Economic growth rate 经济增长率Economy measure 经济手段Diversified economy 多种经济,多样化经济Economic situation 经济形势 Economic cycle 经济周期 Economic fluctuation 经济波动 Economic miracle 经济奇迹 Economic take-off 经济起飞Economic recovery 经济复苏 Economic potential 经济潜力Economic sanction 经济制裁 Global economy 全球经济Economic globalization 经济全球化Integration of world economy 世界经济一体化International economic integration 国际经济一体化New international economic order 国际新经济秩序Multi-polarization of world economy 世界经济多极化Economic community 经济共同体 MACRO-CONTROL 宏观调控 Strengthen macro-control 加强宏观调控 Soft landing 软着路Macro-economic situation 宏观经济形势Macro control and micro invigoration 宏观控制与微观搞活Control of overall volume and economic restructuring 总量控制与经济结构调整 Tight control on investment in fixed assets 紧缩固定资产投资控制Tight financial and monetary policy 从紧的Moderately tight monetary policy 适度从紧的货币政策Moderately tight credit policy 适度从紧的信贷政策Loosening tight monetary policy 放松紧缩的货币政策Adequate amount of the money supply 适度货币供应量Excessive amount of currency issue 过度货币发行量Maintain monetary stability 保持货币稳定Cheap moneypolicy 低息货币政策Adjustment of interest rate 利率调整Cut interest rate 降低利率Control of interest rate 利率控制Deflation policy 紧缩政策Market intervention 市场干预 State intervention 国家干预Administrative interference 行政干预Administrative intervention 行政干预 Administrative measure 行政措施 Economy measure 经济手段Risk-control mechanism 风险控制机制 Overheated economy 过热的经济Consumer price index 消费品价格指数Commodity price index 商品物价指数 Retail price index 零售物价指数 Average price index平均物价指数 Cost-of-living index 生活费用指数 Control of inflation 通货膨胀控制Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动的通货膨胀Double digit inflation 两位数字通货膨胀Excessive inflation 过度的通货膨胀Galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀Hyperinflation 极度通货膨胀Hidden inflation 隐性通货膨胀Structural inflation 结构性通货膨胀Stagflation 经济停滞型的通货膨胀Inflation factor 通货膨胀因素 Inflation of credit 信用膨胀 Inflation rate 通货膨胀率Inflationary pressure 通货膨胀压力Curb inflation 抑制通货膨胀Curb the real estate craze 抑制房地产热Development zone craze 开发区热Overall demand and supply 总需求和总供给 Balance between supply and demand 供需平衡Supply and demand relation 供求关系 Supply over demand 供过于求 Supply exceeds demand 供过于求 Economic crisis 经济危机 Economic depression 经济萧条MANAGEMENT OF STATE-OWNED PROPERTY 国有资产管理Establish a system for the management, supervision 建立国有资产管理,监督和营运体系and operation of State assetsReform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革Clearly defining property rights, specifying rights and 产权清晰,责权明确,政企分开,responsibilities, separating ownership from daily 管理科学 management and managementadoptingscientificandRegulation on the supervision management 国有企业监督管理条例of the state-owned enterprisesLaws and regulations on the administration of 国有资产管理法律法规state-owned property Operate independently, assume sole responsibility 自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展,for its profits and self-development 自我约束 and self-relianceUphold the principle of separating the functions of 坚持政企分开的原则,转变政府government from those of enterprises and alter the 经济管理职能government’s role in economic management Safeguard state property 保卫国有资产losses,seek改组和改造保值增值防止流失Prevent the drain of State-owned property 防止国有资产流失Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革Definition of property rights 产权界定Clarification of property rights 明晰产权 Registration of property rights 产权登记Annual checks of the registration of property rights 产权登记年检Certificate of title 产权证书 Change of registration 变更登记Change of title 产权变更Transfer of property rights 产权转让 Transaction of property rights 产权交易 Property rights transfer agency 产权交易机构Inspection of assets 资产清查Re-evaluation of fixed assets 固定资产重估 Asset appraisal 资产评估Productive assets 经营性资产Non-productive assets 非经营性资产 Return on assets 资产收益 Balance sheet 资产负债表Consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表 Reform of State-Owned Enterprises国有企业改革Step up efforts to reform State-owned enterprises 加大国有企业改革力度 Readjust and reorganize State-owned enterprises to 调整改组国有企业促进资产重组promote re-arrangement of assets and raise the 提高国有经济的总体素质overall quality of the State sector of the economy Concentrate on rejuvenating State-owned large 集中力量抓好国有大型企业和enterprises and enterprises groups 企业集团 Develop trans-regional and inter-trade enterprise 发展跨地区跨行业的企业集团groupsReform, reorganization and upgrading 改革,Re-organization, association, merger, joint 改组,联合,兼并,股份合作制partnership, leasing, contract operation 租赁,承包经营和出售 and sell-offManage well large enterprises and adopt a flexible 抓好大的,放活小的 policy towards small onesGive small State-owned enterprises greater freedom 放活国有小企业Standardize bankruptcy procedures, encourage 规范破产程序,鼓励企业兼并,merging of enterprises and promote re-employment 促进再就业Allow money-losing enterprise to merger 允许亏损企业兼并或破产or go bankruptDispersion of redundant employees 分流富余人员Re-employment funds 再就业基金Conscientiously strengthen the operation and 切实加强企业经营管理management of enterprisesStrengthen financial management of enterprises 强化企业财务管理Tighten control over extrabudgetary funds 加强预算外资金管理Increase capital and reduce debts through various 多渠道增资减债channelsStrive to help enterprises eliminate losses and 抓好企业扭亏增盈 increase profitsDevelop various modes of operation and marketing 发展多种营销方式Allev iate enterprises’ social burdens 减轻企业的社会负担By tapping the potential and upgrading the 通过挖潜改造technologyMechanism for selecting the superior and eliminating 优胜劣汰机制 the inferior-making power 享有更多的决策权Allow employees to hold some shares 允许职工持股Give more productive enterprises the power to engage 给更多的生产企业自营出口权in export independently Protect the interests of the working class 保护工人阶级利益Technological upgrading 技术改造Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革Deepening of the reform of State-owned enterprises 深化国有企业改革Modern enterprise system 现代企业制度Reorganization of state-owned enterprises 国有企业重组Transform the enterprises’ management mechanisms of State-owned enterprises 转换国有企业经营机制Adjustment of industrial structure 行业结构调整Industrial policy 产业政策Support and develop large enterprises and release small enterprises 支持发展大企业放开小企业Large and medium-sized State-owned enterprises can beturned into corporate enterprises 大中型企业可转变为股份公司Smaller enterprises can become shareholding co-operatives 小企业可转变为股份合作制Readjust the asset-liability ratio of state-owned enterprises 调整国有企业资产负债比State-owned independent accounting industrial enterprises 国有独立核算企业 Pioneer enterprise 试点企业Enlarge the right of self-management 扩大自主权Optimize capital structure 优化资本结构Optimize resource allocation 优化资源配置 Optimize investment structure 优化投资结构Recapitalization 调整资本结构Capital reorganization 资本重组Promote rational flow of property right 促进产权合理流动Reduce staff to improve efficiency 减员增效 Investment risk mechanism 投资风险机制Project capital system 项目资本金制度Legal person responsibility system 法人责任制Responsibility for one’s own profit and loss 自负盈亏Enterprise contract management responsibility system 企业承包责任制Unreasonable economic structure 不合理的经济结构Unreasonable product structure 不合理的产品结构Repeated construction 重复建设Repeated introduction of foreign equipment and technology 外国设备和技术的重复引进Regional and departmental protectionism 地区和部门保持主义Government supervision 政府监督 Operating strategy 经营战略Out-dated management styles 落后的管理方式Backward in management 管理落后 Relying on government subsidy 依赖政府补贴Heavy social subsidy 沉重的社会补贴 Heavy social burdens 沉重的社会负担Excessive production capacity 过剩的生产能力Merger and acquisition 兼并与收购 Encourage merger 鼓励兼并Preferential policy for bankruptcy and merger 对破产和兼并企业的优惠政策Standardize bankruptcy procedure 规范破产程序Prevent false bankruptcy 防止假破产 Construction of a multi-layer social security system 建立多层次的社会保障制度Re-employment projects 再就业工程Re-employment of redundant workers 富余职Laid-off workers 下岗职工ENTERPRISE AND COMPANY 企业和公司Central enterprise 中央企业Local enterprise 地方企业Backbone enterprise 骨干企业Large and medium enterprise 大中型企业State-owned enterprise 国有企业Enterprise solely funded by the State 国有独资企业State-owned firm 国有公司,国有企业Corporate enterprise 股份制企业 Collective enterprise 集体企业 Collective firm 集体企业,合作企业 Township enterprise 乡镇企业 Partnership enterprise 合伙企业 Individual enterprise 个体企业Foreign-funded enterprise 外资企业 Top 500 enterprises 最大500家企业Small business 小企业Primary industry 第一产业Secondary industry 第二产业 Tertiary industry 第三产业 Corporate Law 公司法Township Enterprise Law 乡镇企业法Independent legal entities 独立法人 Board of directors 董事会 Board of supervisors 监事会Shareholders conference 股东大会 Entrepreneur 企业家 Firm 公司,企业 Company 公司 Incorporation 公司Corporation 股份公司Group of enterprises 企业集团Conglomerate 企业集团,综合性大企业Company limited by shares 股份有限责任公司Controlling company 控股公司 Holding company 控股公司Bank holding company 银行控股公司Company with limited liability 有限责任公司State-owned holding company 国家控股公司 Public company上市公司 Private company 非上市公司 Listed company 上市公司Overseas-listed company 境外上市公司 Parent company 母公司 Subsidiary company 子公司Group company 集团公司Large-scale industrial group 大型工业集团International conglomerate 跨国企业集团International corporation 跨国公司Multinational corporation 跨国公司Multinational market group 跨国市场集团 Banking institution 金融机构Banking sector 银行部门Intermediary bank 中介银行Development bank 开发银行Commercial bank 商业银行Investment bank 投资银行 Credit bank 信贷银行Cooperative bank 合作银行Mortgage bank 抵押银行 Clearing bank 清算银行 Credit union 信用社Non-bank financial institution 非银行金融机构Financing corporation 金融公司 Securities company 证券公司Underwriting company 担保公司 Loan and trust company 信托公司 Insurance company 保险公司Life insurance company 人寿保险公司 Utility company 公共事业公司MERGER AND ACQUISITION 兼并与收购 Reorganization 重组Association 联合 Merger 兼并Acquisition 收购Joint stock partnership 股份合作 Leasing 出租Contract operation 承包经营 Auction 拍卖Develop trans-regional and trans-industry enterprise groups 发展跨地区跨行业的企业Strategic acquisition 战略性收购 Combination of enterprise 企业合并 Concentric acquisition 集中收购 Conglomerate merger 集团企业合并Consolidation by lease 租赁式合并Consolidation bymerger 兼并式合并Leveraged buy-out(LBO’s)杠杆收购Stock merger 股票兼并 Vertical acquisition 纵向收购 Vertical merger 纵向兼并 Vertical consolidation 纵向合并 Vertical integration 纵向合并 Horizontal merger 横向兼并Horizontal acquisition 横向收购 Horizontal combination 横向合并,同行业合并Horizontal integration 横向联合Acquisition cost 收购成本Acquiring enterprise 收购方企业 Corporate reorganization 公司重组Bankruptcy Law 破产法Bankruptcy code chapter 7---liquidation 破产法第七章清算Bankruptcy code 11---reorganization 破产法第十一章重组Act of bankruptcy 破产法案Antitrust Law 反托拉斯法Bankruptcy court 破产法庭Bankruptcy debtor 破产债务人Bankruptcy notice 破产公告Bankruptcy petition 要求宣布破产Declaration of bankruptcy 宣告破产Arrangement in bankruptcy court 破产法庭内的协调Arrangement out of bankruptcy court 不经破产法庭的协调Creditor’s equity 债权人权益 Bankruptcy trustee 破产受托人Creditor’s meeting 债权人会议Creditor of bankruptcy 破产债权人MARKET AND COMPETITION 市场和竟争Commodity market 商品市场 Securities market 证券市场 Bond market 债券市场 Stock market 股票市场 Futures market 期货市场Options market 期权市场Property rights market 产权市场 Capital market 资本市场 Free market 自由市场 Labour market 劳动力市场 Flea market 跳蚤市场Bear market 股票市场的熊市Bull market 股票市场的牛市Market competition 市场竟争Market development 市场开发Marketforecast 市场预测 Market potential 市场潜力 Market risk 市场风险Market share 市场份额Seller’s market 卖方市场Buyer’s market 买方市场Market abroad 海外市场Marketability 市场能力Marketable 销路好的Marketing channel 销售渠道 Marketing strategy 销售战略Competition market 竟争市场 Perfect competition 完全竟争Imperfect competition 不完全竟争 Low-level competition 低水平竟争 Monopolistic competition 垄断竟争 Competitor 竟争对手Natural monopoly 自然垄断International monopoly 国际垄断 Market 市场bear market 股票市场的熊市bond market 证券市场bull market 股票市场的牛市 capital market 资本市场emerging market economic 新兴市场经济majority market economic 成熟市场经济 market abroad 海外市场 market analysis 市场分析market approach to fair market value 求得公market competition 市场竟争market demand price 市场需求价格 market development 市场开发market economy country 市场经济国家 market factor 市场因素 market forecast 市场预测 market index 市场指数market information 市场信息market investigation 市场调查market potential 市场潜力 market quotation 市场行情market replacement cost 市场重置成本 market research 市场调查,市场研究 market risk 市场风险market share 市场份额,市场占有率 market value method 市价法 market-oriented 面向市场的market-to-cost method 市价成本法 property right market 产权市场seller’s market 卖方市场social market economy 社会主义市场经济 stock market 股票市场Marketing 营销,市场销售marketing channel 销售渠道,市场渠道 marketing cost 销售成本marketing manager 市场销售经理 markrting strategy 市场经营战略 marketing system 市场体系 relationship marketing 关系营销Asset, Liability And Equity 资产,负债和权益Asset management 资产管理 Tangible assets 有形资产Intangible assets 无形资产Physical assets 实物资产Fixed assets 固定资产 Current assets 流动资产Current asset losses in suspense 待处理流动资产损失Deferred assets 递延资产 Other assets 其它资产Total assets 总资产 Net assets 净资产Book value of the assets 资产的账面值Non-ledger assets 帐外资产Asset account 资产账户Asset disposal 资产处置Asset depreciation 资产折旧Asset inventory shorts 资产盘亏Asset inventory surplus 资产盘盈Asset retirement 资产报废Asset revaluation 资产重估Capital assets 资本资产Monetary assets 金融资产 Mortgage assets 抵押资产 Long-term assets 长期资产Liability 负债Liability account 负债账户 Direct liability 直接负债Current liability 流动负债 Liability out of book 账外负债 Long-term liability 长期负债 Book debt 账面负债Asset liability ratio 资产负债比Owner’s equity 所有者权益Equity account 权益账户Stockholders’ equity 股东权益 Preferred stock equity 优先股权益Cumulative preferred stock 积累优先股Non-cumulative preferred stock 非积累优先股Convertible preferred stock 可转换优先股Participating preferred stock 参加优先股 Non-Participating preferred stock 非参加优先股Callable preferred stock 可赎回优先股 Common stock equity 普通股权益 T otal equity 权益总额企业评价指标Assets Liabilities Ratio 资产负债率Quick Ratio 速动比率Current Ratio 流动比率 P/E ratio 市盈率Current Liabilities to Net Worth 流动负债比净资产Total Liabilities to Net Worth 总负债比净资产Fixed Assets to Net Worth 固定资产比净资Inventory Turnover Ratio 存货Assets to Sales Sales to Net Working Capital 销售收入比流动资金净值Accounts Payable to Sales 应付帐款比销售收入Return on Sales(profit Margin)Return on Assets 资产收益率Return on Total Assets 总资产收益率Return on Shareholder’s Equity 股东权益收益率Return on Investment 投资收益Return on Net Worth(Return on Equity)净资产收益率收益表 INCOME STATEMENT 销售收入 Sales Revenue减:销售折扣与折让 Deduct: Sales Discount & Allowance销售收入净值 Net Sales Revenue 减:销售税金 Deduct: T ax on Sales 销售成本 Coat of Sales销售毛利Gross Profit from Sales 减:管理费用Deduct: Administration Expenses 财务费用Financial Expenses 销售利润Profit from Sales 加:其它业务利润Plus: Profit from Other Operations 营业利润Operating Profits 加:投资收益Plus: Investment Income 营业外净收入 Non-Operating Revenue 以前利润调整Adjustment of Earning of Prior Years 利润总额Total Profits(Before Tax)减:所得税Deduct: Income Tax 净利润Net Profits合并资产负债表 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 资产 Assets 流动资产 Current Assets 长期应收帐款 Long-term Receivable 长期投资 Long-term Investment 固定资产 Fixed Assets原值 Original Coat减:累计折旧Deduct: Accumulated Depreciation 净值Net Worth在建工程 Construction in-progress 其它资产 Other Assets 资产总额 T otal Assets负债和权益 Liabilities & Equity 负债 Liabilities流动负债 Current Liabilities 长期负债 Long-term Liabilities 负债合计 T otal Liabilities 少数股东权益 Minority Interests 权益 Equity 实收资本 Paid-in Capital 资本公积 Capital surplus保留盈利 Retained Earnings 权益合计 Total Equity负债和权益总额 T otal Liabilities & Equity BALANCE SHEET 资产负债表 ASSETS 资产Cash and Equivalents 现金和视同现金 Accounts Receivable 应收帐款 Inventories 存货Other Current Assets 其它流动资产 T otal Current Assets 流动资产总计Gross Prop.,Plant & Equip.财产,场房和设备原值Accumulated Depreciation 累计折旧Net property, Plant & Equip.财产,场房和设备净值Other Assets 其它资产Total Assets 总资产LIABILITIES & EQUITY 负债和权益 Debt in Current Liabilities 流动负债 Accounts Payable 应付帐款 Income Taxes Payable 应付所得税 Other Current Liabilities 其它流动负债 long-term Debt 长期负债Deferred Taxes 递延税金Other Liabilities 其它负债Minority Interest 少数股东权益 Total Liabilities 总负债Preferred Stock Equity 优先股权益普通股权益Total Stockh olders’ Equity 股东权益总计 Total Liabilities and Equity 负债权益总计 Economic经济的economic analysis 经济分析economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区economic base 经济基础economic community 经济共同体economic cooperation zone 经济协作区 economic crisis 经济危机 economic cycle 经济周期economic depression 经济萧条economic efficiency 经济效益economic entity 经济实体 economic forecast 经济预测 economic foundation 经济基础 economic growth rate 经济增长率 economic integration 经济一体化economic miracle 经济奇迹economic order 经济秩序 economic policy 经济政策 economic potential 经济潜力 economic prospect 经济展望 economic recovery 经济复苏economic sanctions 经济制裁 economic situation 经济形势economic system 经济体制,经济制度 economic value 经济价值East Asia Economic Rim 东亚经济圈 Economics 经济学economics of industry 工业经济学economics of management 管理经济学 economics of scale 规模经济学 Economy 经济closed economy 闭关自守经济 commodity economy 商品经济economy measure 经济手段 economies of scale 规模经济 market economy 市场经济 mixed economy 混合经济 planned economy 计划经济 Enterprise企业。



中央文献重要术语译文发布区域协同发展coordinated development between regions城乡发展一体化urban-rural integration物质文明和精神文明协调发展ensure that cultural-ethical and materialdevelopment progress together军民融合发展战略military-civilian integration strategy经济建设和国防建设融合发展integrated development of the economy andnational defense京津冀协同发展coordinated development of the Beijing,Tianjin, and Hebei region综合立体交通走廊multimodal transport corridor居住证制度residence card system财政转移支付同农业转移人口市民化挂钩机制mechanism linking the transfer payments a local government receives to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency in its jurisdiction城镇建设用地增加规模同吸纳农业转移人口落户数量挂钩机制mechanism linking increases in the amount of land designated for urban development in a locality to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency there中国特色新型智库new type of Chinese think tanks马克思主义理论研究和建设工程Marxist Theory Research and DevelopmentProject哲学社会科学创新工程initiative to promote innovation inphilosophy and the social sciences网络内容建设工程initiative to enrich online content农村人居环境整治行动rural living environment improvementinitiative历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical andcultural heritage美丽宜居乡村 a countryside that is beautiful and pleasantto live in中文英文the全面建成小康社会决胜阶段society in all respects。



第一部分 PART 1 MICROECONOMICS第一篇The Concept of Utility 效用的概念经济学家最开始研究消费者行为学是在一个多世纪前当心理学界流行一种说法:人们的很多行为可以解释为人们为了尽可能获得更多的幸福、规避更多的痛苦而做的努力。















社会保险外文翻译文献社会保险外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文:Reintroducing Intergenerational Equilibrium: Key Concepts behind the New Polish Pension SystemAbstractPoland adopted a new pension system in 1999. This new pension system allows Poland to reduce pension expenditure (as a percent of GDP), instead of increasing it as is projected for the majority of other OECD countries. This paper presents the conceptual background of the new system design. The new system’s long-term bjective is to ensure intergenerational equilibrium irrespective of the demographic situation. This requires stabilisation of the share of GDP allocated to the entire retiredgeneration. Traditional pension systems aim, instead, at stabilisation of the share of GDP per retiree. The change in demographic structure observed over the past for a couple of decades and this historic attempt to stabilise the share of GDP per retiree led to severe fiscal problems and negative externalities for growth, as observed in numerous countries. Many countries have tried to reform their pension systems in different ways to try to resolve the issue of these ever-increasing costs. Although the Polish reform uses a number of techniques applied elsewhere, its design differs from the typical approaches –and the lessons and results are promising for all OECD countries. This paper presents the theoretical and practical application of this alternative approach and as such, the key features of the new Polish pension system design.IntroductionDemographic transition together with myopic policies has caused severe problems in the area of pensions in many countries around the world. Elements of traditional pension systems’ design include a weak link of ben efits to contributions and the lack of control over costs of the system. Inclusion of these elements in the pension system design led to the explosion of costs, caused negative externalities for growth and contributed to persistently high unemployment. As such, the quest for pension reform is now on the top of policy agendas around the world, and especially in Europe. However, very few countries have been able to introduce fundamental reforms in the area of pensions to this time. In this case, the definition of reform is crucial. For the purposes of this paper, “reform” means changing t he system in order to remove tructural inefficiencies – and not just playing at the margins with contribution rates a nd retirement ages to adjust the system’s parameters for short-term fiscal and political reasons.Traditional pension systems have proven to be inefficient in providing societies with social security. Atthe same time attempts to cure these systems are hampered by a lack of consensus on what could replace the traditional system. Discussions on this issue involve confusion stemming from the ideological context of the discussion participants, as well as from overuse of such concepts as “pay-as-you-go” versus“funding”, or “public” versus “private”, while at the same time ignoring a number of important economic issues.Furthermore, economists have traditionally ignored pensions. Designing and running pension systems was left to non-economists, who were not extensively concerned with howto finance pensions in the long-term or with how to counteract these pension systems’ negative externalities. The new Polish pension system belongs to very small number of successful attempts to apply modern thinking in the area of pensions. This does not mean – as some may assume – giving up social security goals. Rather, the key idea was to give up the inefficient methods of delivering social security in order to save its goals and principles.This paper consists of two parts. The first focuses on a discussion of general issues that need to be addressed when designing a pension system. These issues are presented in a way that goes beyond the traditional way of thinking on pensions. In regards to this second part of the paper, it is important to point out that most countries in the current EU member states and candidate countries have pension systems that are essentially the same at the basic policy level. As such, the solutions in one member state or candidate country can be expected to be the same. Like European states such as France, Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary and other European states, Poland and Sweden over the past decades and until the late 1990’s developed inefficient, costly pension systems. As such, in part two of the paper we shall examine how Poland has now successfully implemented the approach presented in the first part of the paper, and created a fundamentally strong and neutral pension system.Selected general issuesPension system design has to take into account a number of issues. Their full presentation and discussion goes beyond the scope of this paper This paper presents only a list of the issues for consideration and the most important observations. Thepension system: externalities versus neutrality The description of a pension system depends strongly on both the aggregated and individual viewpoint.From the aggregated perspective, the pension system is a way of dividing current GDP between a part kept by the working generation and a part allocated to the retired generation. From the individual perspective, the pension system is a way of income allocation over a person’s life cycle. The above holds irrespective to the technical method applied or the ideological viewpoint. The pension system –as defined above –is not necessarily pay-as-you-go or funded. Such features stem from technical elements additionally applied on the top of the pension system, rather than from the system itself. If the pension system design assumes anonymous participation and a substantial scale of redistribution then we usually call this system pay-as-you-go. If the pension system design uses financial markets, then we usually call it funded. However, these two typically used concepts do not exhaust all possible combinations of anonymous versus individualised participation and financial versus non-financial pension system design techniques used. The dualistic pay-as-you-go versus funded approach leaves aside the combination of individual participation in a system that does not use financial markets. This approach also neglects the fact that using financial markets means investment (pension portfolio consists of private equities) or deferring taxes (pension portfolio consists of government bonds), which is obviously not the same. Adding redistribution or financial markets to the pension system generates externalities. These externalities can be positive and negative. Redistribution within the pension system can generate positive externalities if the system isinexpensive, namely the part of GDP allocated to the retiredgeneration is not large. If the redistribution is large, then it generates negative externalities, such as contributing to persistently high unemployment and weak growth. Using financial markets causes positive externalities for growth if the pension system spends contribution money on investment. If the contributions are spent on government debt they may lead to negative externalities similar to those of large redistributive system, namely more tax distortions. This can happen if the rate of return on government debt is persistently above the rate of GDP growth. There exists yet another option, namely to bring the pension system as close toeconomic neutrality as possible. This option requires, among other things, combining individual participation in the system with dividing GDP between generations based on real economy developments, such as has been done in Poland and Sweden.Demographic structure: consequences of the change .Irrespective of the pension system design technique used, the pension system exchanges a right of the retired generation for a part of the product of the working generation. The exchange can be organised in various ways and also the rights can be expressed in various ways. In particular, the rights can be either traded in the financial markets, or defined in relation to some economic variables, or just based on political promise. In all of these cases there is a kind of market for pension rights. The working generation finances contributions in order to purchase the rights; the retired generation sells the rights in order to get a part of the product of the working generation. The various types of pension systems create an institutional framework for this market.Key features of the new Polish pension systemThe new Polish pension system design is a good example of applying the above described way of thinking in practice. The system named“Security through Diversity” started on 1 January 1999. It entirely replaced previous regulations on oldage pensions for majority of working population. Designing the new system from scratch provided the unique opportunity to avoid complicating the system. Instead, the new system design is simple and transparent. The main goal was to design a system that can be neutral or at least close to neutrality for economic growth irrespective of population ageing. The design of the new system does not copy any other pension system existing elsewhere. Strong similarity can be found only to the new Swedish pension system based on similar principles and started on the same day.16 At the same time, within this general framework the new Polish system uses a number of technical concepts developed in other countries. This brief presentation of the new Polish pension system focuses on the general economic design of the system, while leaving aside most technical details.The following bullets help in grasping the essence of the concept of the new Polish system design.Focusing on the universal part of the pension system;Separation of the old-age part of social security from the non-old-age parts of social security ; and segmenting the flows of revenue; Termination of the part of the previous system;Creation of a new pension system, entirely based on individual accounts; Accrual accounting within the system;Splitting each person’s OA contributi ons between two accounts (first account –NDC, second account – FDC);Annuitisation of account values at the moment of retirement; Minimum pension supplement on the top of both annuities if their sum is belowcertain level (financed out of the state budget).It should be strongly stressed that both accounts are annuitised at the same moment and play exactly the same role within social security. In particular there is no such element of the system as a “basic state pension”. Social redistribution exists but it has been moved out from the pension system. The sole role of the pension system is providing working generation with an efficient method of income allocation over their life cycle. The contribution rate for the entire social security system has not chan ged. However workers’ salaries were “grossed up” in order to introduce to them the idea that they pay part of the contribution and to build their awareness of the overall cost of the pension system. As such, since 1 January 1999 both workers and employers share the cost of contributions without any real change in the size of the total contributions. The whole operation affected percentages but not real flows of money. Thus the new system is based on the same contribution inflow as the previous system.Final remarksProviding people with social security –including financing consumption of the retired generation out of the product of the working generation - is very high on the list of social priorities in most countries. It is especially important in European societies. However, the inefficiency of traditional pension systems put achieving this goal at risk. Social and populist rhetoric suggests to the public that changes within the pension system are dangerous for social goals. In reality, for most countries in theworld, it is just the opposite. The longer the traditional pension systems are held up, the more socially damaging effects will be created. Poland belongs to a non-numerous group of countries that are prepared for one of the most difficult challenges of our time, namely the ageing of the population. The new pension system will not only stop the increase of costs of the pension system but will alsoallow for their reduction. This will leave more resources available for development, which, in turn, will contribute to stronger growth and the increase of living standards of both the working and the retired generation. The example of the new Polish pension system, as well as the Swedish one, is interesting for yet another reason. This type of system contributes to labour mobility, which is particularly needed in Europe. Free movement of labour cannot be achieved if moving from one country to another affects expected retirement income. As such, aiming at pension system neutrality will be more and more important for European integration.译文:重新引入代际均衡:波兰养老保险制度摘要波兰于1999年通过了新的养老金制度。

公共管理英语第八章翻译-The Economic Perspective for the People’s Republic of China

公共管理英语第八章翻译-The Economic Perspective for the People’s Republic of China

公共管理英语第八章翻译The Economic Perspective for the People’s Republic of China中国经济前景With a strong performance in the trade sector after World Trade Organization accession, record inflow of foreign direct investment, and large fixed investment, th e country continued its rapid economic expansion in 2002, recording one of its fast est rates in 5 years. Strong economic performance is expected to continue, though g rowth will slow slightly in 2003-2004. however, many challenges remain, including slow growth in rural incomes, the need to create jobs and an enabling environment for the private sector, growing disparities between the coastal and interior provinces, and financial sector weaknesses.随着加入WTO后贸易部门的强劲表现,创纪录的外国直接投资的流入,以及大量的固定资产投资,2002年,我国经济继续高速扩张,创下5年来最快的速度。





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经济学专业术语(中英文对照)目录1.经济学原理22.像经济学家一样思考23.相互依存性与贸易的好处34.供给与需求的市场力量35.弹性及其应用46.供给需求与政策47.消费者、生产者与市场效率48.赋税的应用49.国际贸易510.外部性511.公共物品和公共资源512.税制设计513.生产成本614.竞争市场上的企业715.垄断716.垄断竞争717.寡头718.生产要素市场819.收入与歧视820.收入不平等与贫困821.消费者选择理论922.微观经济学前沿923.一国收入的衡量1024.生活费用的衡量1025.生产与增长1026.储蓄、投资和金融体系1127.金融学的基本工具1128.失业1229.货币制度1230.货币增长与通货膨胀1331.开放经济的宏观经济学1432.开放经济的宏观经济理论1433.总需求与总供给1434.货币政策和财政政策对总需求影响1535.通胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍151.经济学原理经济:(economy)稀缺性:(scarcity)经济学:(economics)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)机会成本:(opporyunitycost)理性人:(rationalpeople)边际变动:(marginalchange)边际收益:(marginalbenefit)边际成本:(marginalcost)激励:(incentive)市场经济:(marketeconomy)产权:(propertyrights)市场失灵:(marketfailure)外部性:(externality)市场势力:(marketpower)生产率:(productivity)通货膨胀:(inflation)经济周期:(businesscycle)2.像经济学家一样思考循环流量图:(circular-flowdiagram)生产可能性边界:(productionpossibilities)微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)实证表述:(positivestatements)规范表述:(normativestatements) 有序数对:(orderedpair)3.相互依存性与贸易的好处绝对优势:(absoluteadvantage)机会成本:(apportunitycost)比较优势:(comparativeadvantage)进口品:(imports)出口品:(exports)4.供给与需求的市场力量市场:(market)竞争市场:(competitivemarket)需求量:(quantitydemand)需求定理:(lawofdemand)需求表:(demandschedule)需求曲线:(demandcurve)正常物品:(normalgood)低档物品:(inferiorgood)替代品:(substitutes)互补品:(complements)供给量:(quantitysupplied)供给定理:(lawofsupply)供给表:(supplyschedule)供给曲线:(supplycurve)均衡:(equilibrium)均衡价格:(equilibriumprice)均衡数量:(equilibriumquantity)过剩:(surplus)短缺:(shortage)供求定理:(lawofsupplyanddemand)5,弹性及其应用弹性:(elasticity)需求价格弹性:(priceelasticityofdemand)总收益:(totalrevenue)需求收入弹性:(incomeelasticity)需求的交叉价格弹性:(crosspriceelasticity)供给价格弹性:(priceelasticityofsupply)6.供给需求与政策价格上限:(priceceiling)价格下限:(pricefloor)税收归宿:(taxincidence)7.消费者、生产者与市场效率福利经济学:(welfareeconomics)支付意愿:(willingnesstopay)消费者乘U余:(consumersurplus)成本:(cost)生产者乘U余:(producersurplus)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)8,赋税的应用无谓损失:(deadweightloss)9.国际贸易世界价格:(worldprice)关税:(tariff)10.外部性外部性:(externality)外部性内在化;(internalizingtheexternality)矫正税:(correctivetaxes)科斯定理:(coasetheorem)交易成本:(transactioncost)11.公共物品和公共资源排他性:(excludability)消费中的竞争性:(rivalryinconsumption)私人物品:(privategoods)公共物品:(publicgoods)公共资源:(commonresources)俱乐部物品:(clubgoods)搭便车者:(freerider)成本-收益分析:(cost-benefitanalysis)公地悲居1J:(tragedyofcommons)12.税制设计纳税义务:(taxlianility)预算赤字:(budgetdefict)预算盈余:(budgetsurplus)平均税率:(averagetaxrate)边际税率:(marginaltaxrate)定额税:(lump-sumtax)受益原:(benefitsprinciple)支付能力原贝U:(ability-to-payprinciple)纵向平等:(verticalequity)横向平等:(horizontalequity)比例税:(proportionaltax)累退税:(regressivetax)累进税:(progressivetax)13.生产成本总收益:(totalrevenue)总成本:(totalcost)禾ij润:(profit)显性成本:(explicitcosts)隐性成本:(implicitcosts)经济利润:(economicprofit)会计禾1J润:(countingprofit)生产函数:(productionfunction)边际产量:(marginalproduct)边际产量递减:(diminishingmarginalproduct) 固定成本:(fixedcosts)可变成本:(variablecosts)平均总成本:(averagetotalcost)平均固定成本:(averagefixedcosts)平均可变成本:(averagevariablecosts)边际成本:(marginalcost)有效规模:(efficientscale)规模经济:(economiesofscale)规模不经济:(diseconomiesofscale)规模收益不变:(constantreturnstoscale)14.竞争市场上的企业竞争市场:(competitivemarket)平均收益:(averagerevenue)边际收益:(marginalrevenue)沉没成本:(sunkrevenue)15.垄断垄断企业:(monopoly)自然垄断:(naturalmonopoly)价格歧视:(pricediscrimination)16.垄断竞争寡头:(oligopoly)垄断竞争:(monopolisticcompetition)17.寡头博弈论:(gametheory)勾结:(collusion)卡特尔:(cartel)纳什均衡:(Nashequilibrium)囚徒困境:(prisoners'dilemma)占优策略:(dominantstrategy)18.生产要素市场生产要素:(factorsofproduction)生产函数:(productionfunction)劳动的边际产量:(marginalproductoflabor)边际产量递减:(diminishingmarginalproduct)边际产量值:(valueofthemarginalproduct)资本:(capital)19.收入与歧视补偿性工资差另^:(compensatingdifferential)人力资本:(humancapital) 工会:(union)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(efficiency)歧视:(discrimination)20.收入不平等与贫困贫困率:(povertyrate)贫困率:(povertyline)实物转移支付:(in-kindtransfers)生命周期:(lifecycle)持久收入:(permanentincome)功利主义:(utilitariansm)效用:(utilitariansm)自由主义:(liberalism)最大最小准则:(maximincriterion)负所得税:(negativeincometax)福禾ij:(welfare)社会保险:(socialinsurance)自由至上主义:(libertarianism)21.消费者选择理论预算约束线:(budgetconstraint)无差异曲线:(indiffernncecurve)边际替代率:(marginalrateofsubtitution)完全替代品:(perfectsubstitudes)完全互补品:(perfectcomplements)正常物品:(normalgood)低档物品:(inferiorgood)收入效应:(incomeeffect)替代效应:(substitutioneffect)吉芬物品:(Giffengood)22.微观经济学前沿道德风险:(moralhazard)代理人:(agent)委托人:(principal)逆向选择:(adverseselection)发信号:(signaling)筛选:(screening)政治经济学:(politicaleconomy)康多塞悖论:(condorcetparadox)阿罗不可能性定理:(Arrow'simpossibility)中值选民定理:(medianvatertheorem)行为经济学:(behavioraleconomics)23.一国收入的衡量微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)国内生产总值:(grossdomesticproduct,GDP)消费:(consumption)投资:(investment)政府购买:(governmentpurchase)净出口:(netexport)名义GDP:(nominalGDP)真实GDP:(realGDP)GDP平减指数:(GDPdeflator)24.生活费用的衡量消费物价指数:(consumerpriceindex,CPI)通货膨胀率:(inflationrate)生产物价指数:(produerpriceindex,PPI)指数化:(indexation)生活费用津贴:(cost-of-livingallowance,COLA)名义利率:(nominalinterestrate) 25.生产与增长生产率:(productivity)物质资本:(physicalcapital)人力资本:(humancapital)自然资源:(naturalresources)技术知识:(technologicalknoeledge)收益递减:(diminishingreturns)追赶效应:(catch-upeffect)26.储蓄、投资和金融体系金融体系:(financialsystem)金融市场:(financialmarkets)债券:(bond)股票:(stock)金融中介机构:(financialintermediaries)共同基金:(mutualfund)国民储蓄:(nationalsaving)私人储蓄:(privatesaving)公共储蓄:(publicsaving)预算盈余:(budgetsurplus)预算赤字:(budgetdeficit)可贷资金市场:(marketforloanablefunds)挤出:(crowdingout)27.金融学的基本工具金融学:(finance)现值:(presentvalue)终值:(futurevalue)复利J[(compounding)风险厌恶:(riskaversion)多元化:(diversification)企业特有风险:(firm-specificrisk)市场风险:(marketrisk)基本面风险:(fundamentalanalysis)有效市场假说:(efficientmarketsbypothesis)信息有效:(informationalefficiency)随机游走:(randomwalk) 28.失业劳动力:(laborforce)失业率:(unemploymentrate)劳动力参与率:(labor-forceparticipationrate)自然失业率:(naturalrateofunemployment)周期性失业:(cyclicalunemployment)失去信心的工人:(discouragedworkers)摩擦性失业:(frictionalunemployment)结构性失业:(structuralunemployment)寻找工作:(jobsearch)失业保险:(unemploymentinsurance)工会:(union)集体谈判:(collectivebargaining)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(essiciencywages)29.货币制度货币:(money)交换媒介:(mediumofexchange)计价单位:(unitofaccount)价值储藏手段:(storeofvalue)流动性:(liquidity)商品货币:(commoditymoney)法定货币:(fiatmoney)通货:(currency)活期存款:(demanddeposits)联邦储备局:(FederalReserve)中央银行:(centralbank)货币供给:(moneysupply)货币政策:(monetarypolicy)准备金:(reserves)部分准备金车艮行:(fractional-reservebanking)准备金率:(reserveratio)货币乘数:(moneymultiplier)银行资本:(bankcapital)杠杆:(leverage)杠杆率:(leverageratio)资本需要量:(capitalrequirement)公开市场操作:(open-marketoperations)贴现率:(discountrate)法定准备金:(reserverequirements)补充金融计戈U:(supplementaryfinancingprogram)联邦基金利率:(federalfundsrate) 30.货币增长与通货膨胀铲除通胀:(whipInflationNow)货币数量论:(quantitytheoryofmoney)名义变量:(nominalvariables)真实变量:(realvariables)古典二分法:(classiacldichotomy)货币中性:(monetaryneutrality)货币流通速度:(velocityofmoney)数量方程式:(quantityequation)通货膨胀税:(inflationtax)费雪效应:(Fishereffect)皮鞋成本:(shoeleathercost)菜单成本:(menucosts)31.开放经济的宏观经济学封闭经济:(closedeconomy)开放经济:(openeconomy)出口:(exports)净出口:(netexports)贸易余额:(tradebalance)贸易盈余:(tradesurplus)贸易平衡:(balancedtrade)贸易赤字:(tradedeficit)资本净流出:(netcapitaloutflow)名义汇率:(nominalexchangerate)升值:(appreciation)贬值:(depreciation)真实汇率:(realexchangerate)购买力平价:(purchasing-powerparity)32.开放经济的宏观经济理论贸易政策:(tradepolicy)资本外逃:(capitalflight)33.总需求与总供给衰退:(recession)萧条:(depression)总需求与总供给模型:(modelofaggregatedemandandaggregatesupply)总需求曲线:(aggregate-demandcurve)总供给曲线:(aggregate-supplycurve)自然产出水平:(naturallevelofoutput)滞胀:(stagflation)34.货币政策和财政政策对总需求影响流动性偏好理论:(theoryofliquidity)财政政策:(fisicalpolicy)乘数效应:(multipliereffect)挤出效应:(crowding-outeffect)自动稳定器:(automaticstabilizers)35.通胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍菲利普斯曲线:(phillipscurve)自然率假说:(natural-ratehypothesis)供给冲击:(supplyshock)牺牲率:(sacrificeratio)理性预期:(rationalexpectations)。



常用金融英语词汇的翻译acquiring company 收购公司bad loan 呆帐chart of cash flow 现金流量表clearly-established ownership 产权清晰debt to equity 债转股diversity of equities 股权多元化economy of scale 规模经济emerging economies 新兴经济exchange-rate regime 汇率机制fund and financing 筹资融资global financial architecture 全球金融体系global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化go public 上市growth spurt? (经济的)急剧增长have one's "two commas" 百万富翁hedge against? 套期保值housing mortgage 住房按揭holdings 控股,所持股份holding company 控股公司initial offerings 原始股initial public offerings 首次公募innovative business 创新企业intellectual capital 智力资本inter-bank lending 拆借internet customer 网上客户investment payoff period? 投资回收期joint-stock 参股mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人means of production 生产要素(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹mergers and acquisitions 并购mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业moods 人气net potato 网虫non-store seling 直销offering 新股online-banking 网上银行业online-finance 在线金融online client (银行的)网上客户paper profit? 帐面收益physical assets 有形资产project fund system 项目资本金制度pyramid sale 传销recapitalize 资产重组regional corrency blocks 地区货币集团regulate 调控sell off? 变现share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权smart card 智能卡slash prices 杀价spare capacity 闲置的生产能力strong growth 强劲的增长势头switch trade 转手贸易take…public 上市tap the idle assets 盘活存量资产transaction (银行的)交易transfer payment from the exchequer 财政转移支付venture-capital 风险资本virtual bank 虚拟银行wire transfer 电子转帐?经济金融术语汉英对照表A-BA安全网safety net按可比口径on comparable basis按轻重缓急to prioritize暗补implicit subsidy暗亏hidden lossB颁发营业执照to license;to grant a licence to办理存款业务to take deposits保护农民的生产积极性to protect farmers'incentive to produce备付金(超额准备金)excess reserves本外币并账consolidation of domestic and foreign currencyaccounts本外币对冲操作sterilization operation本位利益localized interest;departmentalism奔小康to strive to prosper;to strive to become well-to-do避税(请见“逃税”)tax avoidance币种搭配不当currency mismatch币种构成currency composition变相社会集资disguised irregular(or illegal)fund raising表外科目(业务)off-balance-sheet items(operation)薄弱环节weaknesses;loopholes不变成本fixed cost不变价at constant price;in real terms不动产real estate不良贷款problem loans;non-performing loansC财务公司finance companies财政赤字fiscal deficit财政挤银行fiscal pressure on the central bank(over monetary policy)财政政策与货币政策的配合coordination of fiscal and monetary policies采取循序渐进的方法in a phased and sequenced manner操作弹性operational flexibility操纵汇率to manipulate exchange rate产品构成product composition;product mix产品积压stock pile;excessive inventory产销率current period inventory;(即期库存,不含前期库存)sales/output ratio产销衔接marketability产业政策industrial policy长期国债treasury bonds敞口头寸open position炒股to speculate in the stock market承购包销underwrite(securities)成套机电产品complete sets of equipment;complete plant(s)城市信用社urban credit cooperatives(UCCs)城市合作银行urban cooperative banks;municipal united banks城市商业银行municipal commercial banks城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅real growth in household income持续升温persistent overheating重复布点duplicate projects重置成本replacement cost重组计划restructuring plan筹资渠道funding sources;financing channels初见成效initial success出口统一管理、归口经营canalization of exports出口退税export tax rebate储蓄存款household deposits(不完全等同于西方的savingsdeposits,前者包括活期存款,后者不包括。



中央文献重要术语译文发布区域协同发展coordinated development between regions城乡发展一体化urban-rural integration物质文明和精神文明协调发展ensure that cultural-ethical and materialdevelopment progress together军民融合发展战略military-civilian integration strategy经济建设和国防建设融合发展integrated development of the economy andnational defense京津冀协同发展coordinated development of the Beijing, Tianjin,and Hebei region综合立体交通走廊multimodal transport corridor居住证制度residence card system财政转移支付同农业转移人口市民化挂钩机制mechanism linking the transfer payments a localgovernment receives to the number of former ruralresidents granted urban residency in itsjurisdiction城镇建设用地增加规模同吸纳农业转移人口落户数量挂钩机制mechanism linking increases in the amount of land designated for urban development in a locality to the number of former rural residents granted urban residency there中国特色新型智库new type of Chinese think tanks马克思主义理论研究和建设工程Marxist Theory Research and DevelopmentProject哲学社会科学创新工程initiative to promote innovation in philosophy andthe social sciences网络内容建设工程initiative to enrich online content农村人居环境整治行动rural living environment improvement initiative历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical and culturalheritage美丽宜居乡村a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in中文 英文引领型发展 leading-edge development创新驱动发展战略 innovation-driven development strategy 优进优出战略 strategy for optimizing imports and exports 网络强国战略 national cyber development strategy 国家大数据战略national big data strategy藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略 food crop production strategy based on farmland management and technological application 智能制造工程 smart manufacturing initiative 大科学工程 Big Science project能源安全储备制度 energy security reserve system金融宏观审慎管理制度 macroprudential regulation of the financial sector 普惠性创新支持政策体系 inclusive policies for the support of innovation企业研发费用加计扣除政策 policy of additional tax deductions for enterprise research and development协同创新collaborative innovation众创、众包、众扶、众筹crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding宏观政策要稳、产业政策要准、微观政策要活、改革政策要实、社会政策要托底的总体思路The idea is to ensure macro-level policy maintains economic stability,industrial policy is targeted, micro-level policy injects dynamism intothe economy, reform policy delivers results, and social policy seesbasic living needs are met. 稳中求进工作总基调 seeking progress while working to keep performance stable 供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform区间调控、定向调控、相机调控range-based, targeted, and well-timed regulation去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板 address overcapacity, reduce inventory, deleverage, lower costs, andbolster areas of weakness 发展新动能new driver of growth与地方事权和支出责任划分 define the respective powers and spending responsibilities of the central and local governments国际产能合作international cooperation on production capacity准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度 the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list system 质量强国 a country strong on quality 知识产权强国IPR powerhouse工匠精神spirit of craftsmanship政府法律顾问制度system of government legal advisors中国特色大国外交理念the philosophy underpinning China’s diplomacy as a major co untry为政之道,民生为本That government is best which gives prime place to the wellbeing of the people.简除烦苛,禁察非法cut red tape and root out illegalities上下同欲者胜Success comes to those who share in one purpose.国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划(“十三五”规划)the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (the 13th Five-Year Plan )全面建成小康社会决胜阶段the decisive stage in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects坚持人民主体地位uphold the principal position of the people引领经济发展新常态guide the new normal in China’s economic development 中高速增长medium-high rate of economic growth创新发展innovative development创新是引领发展的第一动力Innovation is the primary engine of development.协调发展coordinated development协调是持续健康发展的内在要求Coordination is an integral aspect of sustained and healthy development.绿色发展green development; eco-friendly development绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现Green, which represents an eco-friendly outlook, is a necessary condition for ensuring lasting development as well as an important way in which people pursue a better life.开放发展open development开放是国家繁荣发展的必由之路Opening up is the path China must take to achieve prosperity and development.共享发展shared development共享是中国特色社会主义的本质要求Sharing is the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics人与自然和谐发展humankind develops in harmony with nature; harmonious development between man and nature生命共同体 a community of life生态文明ecological progress; ecological conservation; eco-civilization 生态文化eco-culture国家生态安全national ecological security全球生态安全global ecological security生态文明制度体系【例】到2020年,构建起由自然资源资产产权制度、国土空institutional framework for promoting ecological progressBy 2020, an institutional framework composed of eight systems will have been established for promoting ecological progress, including a。

中国的社会保障 外文原文及译文

中国的社会保障 外文原文及译文

SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM IN CHINA: ISSUES AND OPTIONSSummaryAs part of its far-reaching reform of the overall economy, China has successfully initiated fundamental reforms of the social security system over the past decade, establishing a structure consistent with the needs of a market economy. The combination of a social pool and individual accounts in the mandatory system provides a structure which addresses the basic objectives of a pension system –poverty relief, income redistribution, insurance and consumption smoothing. Outside the mandatory system, enterprise annuity schemes, individual retirement plans, and other pension schemes organised by industries or localities are further essential components. These voluntary pensions can accommodate different needs, tastes and jobs, particularly necessary in a country as large and diverse as China. Thus the three elements of the present reformed system, if properly designed and administered, complement and strengthen one another, and together can serve as the basic structure of China’s pension system for the coming decades.In the course of implementation, however, problems have emerged. Fragmented organisation and limited coverage contribute to financing difficulties and to incompleteness of social insurance. The deficits contribute to the ‘empty individual accounts’ –empty because local governments often use the contributions made by workers to their individual accounts to finance deficits in the social pool. Moreover, a system has not been developed for organising investments in capital markets by individual accounts. Nor are the capital markets in a satisfactory condition for such investments. Over time these problems will be a vicious circle, as the deficits are likely to persist, requiring continuing l arge fiscal subsidies, while ‘empty accounts’ and other systemic problems continue to undermine the credibility of the system, making further implementation enforcing compliance and extension of coverage –increasingly difficult. The emergingproblems are therefore serious and should be addressed urgently.This report by an international team of economists and social security experts is an attempt to address the key challenges faced by the Chinese pension system today. The full report contains 23 recommendations for further reforms, as well as a brief summary of the economic principles and international experience that form the basis for these recommendations. The next section briefly discusses the principles of pension design. The last section presents the team’s keyrecommendations.I. Principles of Pension DesignObjectives of a Pension SystemRetirement pensions allow a person to transfer consumption from his productive middle years tohis older years in retirement. They also provide insurance, mainly in the form of annuities, weekly or monthly payments to the individual for the rest of his life. Since the length of life isuncertain, such annuities are a form of pooling against the risk of individuals outliving theirpension savings.For a government, pension systems have additional objectives. They canredistribute incomes on a lifetime basis, complementing the role of progressive taxes on annual income. This can be achieved, for instance, by paying low earners pensions which are a higher percentage of their previous earnings. Pension systems can also redistribute across generations, for instance by imposing a higher contribution rate on the present generation, thereby allowing future generations to have higher pensions or to pay lower contributions. Finally, poverty relief targeted at the elderly, through minimum or citizen’s pensions, can be particularly efficient compared to a general system of poverty relief for the entire population. The latter creates some disincentives to work and a country may not be able to afford it.Issues of Pension DesignMany different structures can combine to address the objectives of pensions, but design must avoid large distortions which contribute little, if anything, to the achievement of core objectives. For instance, labour mobility is essential for an efficient labour market. To avoid unduly discouraging mobility, pensions should be portable for workers moving from job to job and place to place. Portability is achieved most readily when the system has a uniform structure across the covered population, both across localities and across sectors.An important feature of pension design is the degree of funding, i.e. whether contributions are used for current pension payments (‘pay as you go’ – PAYG), or to accumulate assets from which pensions in the future are paid (Funding). Funding may or may not be desirable, depending on the circumstances of each country. The degree to which contributions are used to accumulate assets for the pension system can affect the level of national savings and thus the rate of growth. Funding may also improve the efficiency with which savings are channelled into investment. This is more likely in countries with developing financial institutions, if increased investment encourages reform of regulatory and supervisory capacity to improve the functioning of capital markets. However, greater recourse to capital markets with poor regulation and insufficient improvement can increase the risk and lower the return to investment. Finally, funding means increased contributions by the current generation of workers so that future generations may enjoy lower contributions or higher benefits, and thus it involves income redistribution from this generation to future generations.A desirable characteristic of a pension system is that it has the capacity to evolve in a straightforward way as incomes rise, overall economic reforms proceed and administrative capacity grows.International ExperienceThere is a wide range of pension designs across countries and many ways to design good systems. Most countries have a combination of different pension schemes. The simplest scheme is a tax-financed citizen’s pension, available to everyone beyond a given age, as in the Netherlands and New Zealand. Alternatively, there can be a guaranteed minimum income, available to all poor elderly people on the basis of an income test, as in many countries. A most common element internationally is a national defined-benefit (DB) scheme, in which a worker receives a pension based on his wage history and his age on first receipt of benefits. With funded defined-contribution (DC) schemes, also known as funded individual accounts,pensions are paid from a fund built over the years from members’ contributions. Countries with DC systems can use publicly organised investment (as in Singapore) or private, regulated financial intermediaries (as in Chile). A recent innovation internationally is the notional definedcontribution (NDC) schemes of Sweden and Italy, which have many properties of the DC element in individual accounts but with no funding. These various elements are assembled in different ways and with different relative sizes across countries. Thus, internationally, there is no single, dominant system.II. Options for Further ReformsOn the basis of economic principles and lessons from international experience, our full report makes a number of recommendations for further reform of the pension system in China, of which the most important are discussed in the section below. National Pensions Administration Pooling lies at the core of the redistributive and risk-sharing elements of pensions. Given the size and diversity of China, national pooling of the mandatory pension schemes is particularly important. The following measures will help achieve this. There should be a single set of regulations on mandatory pensions, preferably in the form of legislation that is enforceable. The rules on contributions and benefits should be set centrally by formula, though they should include room for regional variation in basic benefit levels, to reflect disparities both in price evels and living standards. Variation must be compatible with a national system for portability of pension rights and hence labour mobility.There should be a single national pensions administration.A single administration which receives all pension revenues and delivers pensions is essential to achieve national pooling. A necessary element is a national database with information on each worker’s account, both to foster a national labour market and to control the pension spending of localities (which could otherwise pay pensions at whatever level they wanted out of the national pool). The national pensions administration should be part of central government and funded from the central government budget. The pensions administration should administer both the basic pension and individual accounts. Contributions should be collected by the tax authority. The contributions base should be changed to match a definition of earnings to be used also in determining income-tax liability, with the contribution rate adjusted so that total contributions are broadly unaffected by the change.Reforms of the Individual AccountsIndividual accounts should be organised on a notional defined contribution (NDC) basis. NDC pensions are a recent innovation internationally, used by countries seeking to retain the usefulness of defined contributions without the necessity of funding. Each worker accumulates a notional individual account, comprising his contributions over the years, which is each year credited by the pensions administration with a notional interest rate defined by law. At retirement, each worker receives a pension based actuarially on his accumulation. Basing individual accounts on the NDC approach has sign ificant advantages in China’s current circumstances. It offers consumption smoothing to today’s contributors in a similar way to funded DC schemes, and hence maintains the purpose of individual accounts. But, because nofund is built up, it does not requir e today’s (poorer) workers to make larger contributions so that future (richer) generations of workers can make smaller contributions, thus avoiding unsatisfactory intergenerational redistribution. It does not require the considerable private-sector financial and administrative capacity of funded schemes, since it is run by the public authorities. It is less risky for workers, since the rate of return avoids the short-run volatility of assets in the capital market; this is particularly important at a time when banking and financial-market institutions are still developing. Finally, the NDC approach will not require an increase in the contribution rate, or an increase in subsidies from the central Budget, as will be necessary if the ‘empty’ individual account s are to be funded under the present scheme. By regularising the encouragement and regulation of voluntary supplementary pensions, there can be adequate capital-market 。



关于中国经济的英文词汇翻译For four years in a row(连续四年)a year-on-year increase(比上年增加)reform and opening up policy(改革开放政策)social programs(社会事业)per capita(每人的,人均的)after adjusting for inflation(扣除价格因素)moderately prosperous society(小康社会)macroeconomic regulatory(宏观调控)new socialist countryside(社会主义新农村)pursuant to the law(依法)rural migrant workers in cities(农民工)surplus production capacity(生产力过剩)opened to traffic(通车)energy conservation(节能)state-owned enterprises(国有企业)civil servant(公务员)made breakthroughs(取得突破)compulsory education(义务教育)miscellaneous fees(杂费)boarding schools(寄宿制学校)distance education(远程教育)secondary vocational schools(中等职业学校) incorporated villages(行政村)unincorporated villages(自然村)After years of effort(经过多年努力)basic cost of living allowances(最低生活保障) autonomous regions(自治区)free our minds(解放思想)keep pace with the times(与时俱进)Chinese socialism(中国特色社会主义)social harmony(社会和谐)special administrative regions(特别行政区) prudent fiscal policy。



本科毕业论文外文翻译原文外文题目:Theme: Macro Economic Policy and Reality——Deepening Rural Financial Markets: Macroeconomic, Policy and Political Dimensions 出处:Rural Finance Program作者:Claudio Gonzalez-Vega原文:Policies for rural financial deepeningA contemporary perspective acknowledges the urgency to adopt new policies, develop the necessary physical and institutional infrastructure, improve and disseminate new financial technologies, and design and build new organizations, which would allow a more efficient, sustainable, and broadly-based provision of rural financial services in the developing world and economies in transition.Policies refer to public actions –government and donor interventions– needed to create an environment conducive to rural financial market development. Key policy interventions may require revisions of legal systems (e.g., property rights, borrower and lender rights, contract design, judicial enforcement), new financial policies (e.g., interest rates, exchange rates, reserve requirements), and new regulatory frameworks (e.g., entry and exit of financial organizations, degrees of market competition, prudential regulation and supervision).These policies, legal systems, and regulatory frameworks are part of the institutional infrastructure needed for the efficient and stable operation of rural financial markets . At best, the development of this infrastructure has been neglected; frequently in the past, interventionist policies actually repressed financial market development.Reforms of non-financial policies that constrain the profitability of client businesses and public investments and that reduce transaction costs for all market participants also contribute to an expansion of both the demand and the supply of rural financial services.The development of supporting institutional mechanisms (e.g., property registries, credit bureaus and rating agencies) is also critical for rural financial marketexpansion. Because many of these supporting tools may be public goods, state intervention may be needed in order to accelerate their provision.Getting prices, policies and institutions right is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for rural financial deepening in developing countries and economies in transition. This goal will not be reached unless new, cost-effective lending and deposit-taking technologies are developed and implemented, in ways that allow an expansion of the supply of a broad range of financial services, delivered to wide segments of the rural population, at appropriate costs and risks for both the clients and the organizations that offer these services. That is, these costs would allow the clients to undertake projects that generate marginal rates of return at least as high as those being generated elsewhere in the economy and would allow the organizations to deliver those services in a sustainable and profitable manner.Because of externalities in the market for information and, in particular, in the market for innovations, private initiatives may not be sufficient to bring about the desired level of experimentation and adoption. Although state intervention may be needed to promote technological change, the choice of how to accomplish this matters. Resources are scarce and successful loci of innovation are unknown before hand. Moreover, knowledge of appropriate financial technologies will not be sufficient, either, for the sustainable expansion of rural financial markets. The organizations that supply these services must possess the required resources (human capital, leadership, networking, information capital, and access to funds), and they must implement business plans that successfully pursue a mission to serve this market segment in combination with a vocation for sustainability.Such organizations are in short supply in the rural areas of developing countries and economies in transition. They are key to the effort, however. Robust and creative organizations will undertake a major part of the innovation required and will be in better position to adopt and adapt knowledge and practices developed elsewhere. In contrast, the right policies and new technologies will be irrelevant, if the organizations that offer rural financial services are inefficient and not sustainable.Finally, assembling all of these ingredients in a coherent system requires that the structure of incentives engendered by the ownership structure and governance designof the organization be compatible with its outreach and sustainability objectives. An inconsistent mission and incompatible incentives will be a recipe for failure. Moreover, the legal and regulatory framework within which these organizations operate influences their ownership and governance structures. These structures must also be well-matched with the characteristics of the financial technologies adopted. The construction of this system and the acquisition of the resources needed will require deliberate institution building efforts, which may be facilitated by government and donor assistance.Promoting the Expansion of the Demand for Rural Financial ServicesOptimum intervention in the promotion of rural financial deepening calls for a precise diagnosis, namely the identification of actually binding constraints to rural financial transactions (what are the nature and extent of the problem?). Optimum intervention also requires the choice of policy tools that effectively overcome those constraints (what are the best instruments for the intervention?). Usually, the best instrument is an intervention that directly addresses the specific nature of the problem. The failure of many past interventions may be attributed to violations of this matching rule.First, failure reflected a misunderstanding of the true nature of finance, which resulted in attempts to use financial services when finance was not the appropriate instrument to address the problem or achieve the objectives of the authorities. Despite the best intentions, these interventions turned out to be unexpectedly harmful for the particular segments of the rural population they had ostensibly set out to help.Second, the failure of earlier interventions resulted from an incorrect diagnosis of the difficulties encountered in rural financial deepening. Rural financial market shortcomings were attributed to evil exploitation by informal moneylenders or to the indifference of private bankers. The state was then asked to take responsibility for expanding the supply of rural financial services, but the difficulties to be overcome could not be eliminated by decree. The mistake was to attempt a political solution to what is essentially the technical problem of producing financial services in this market segment at sufficiently low costs and risks.The challenge of promoting rural financial deepening is therefore complex, asthe obstacles that must be overcome permeate all dimensions of the market. This section classifies constraints as binding on either the demand side or the supply side of the market. Both dimensions matter for rural financial deepening.Promoting the Expansion of the Supply of Rural Financial ServicesGovernment and donor interventions are also needed to increase the supply of rural financial services. The supply of rural financial services is constrained by:(a) high transaction (operating) costs for lenders, which increase the costs of lendingwell above the opportunity cost of the funds and which can only be recovered with high intermediation margins;(b) high transaction (operating) costs incurred in mobilizing deposits, which increase the cost of funds for the financial intermediary well above the returns that must be offered to the depositors to attract their funds;(c) additional costs of mobilizing deposits that emerge from the need to meet the regulatory requirements for deposit mobilization (e.g., reserve requirements, minimum safety requirements, internal control);(d) high credit risks for lenders, which threaten with losses of income in case of arrears and losses of equity capital in case of default;(e) high liquidity risks in deposit mobilization, which make it necessary to keep liquid, less attractively remunerated reserves and which require additional financial costs in case of unexpected deposit withdrawals;(f) imperfections of information about the ability and willingness to repay loans ofapplicants, which increase both the operating costs and the losses from default of lenders;(g) inability to raise interest rates as a rationing device, due to adverse selection problems, which leads to non-price credit rationing;(h) absence of compatibility of the incentives that guide the behavior of potential borrowers and lenders, creating spaces for moral hazard (opportunistic borrower behavior), and thereby raising the operating costs and risks of lenders;(i) absence of compatibility of the incentives that guide the behavior of deposittakers and potential depositors, creating spaces for moral hazard (opportunistic behavior of deposit-takers), and thereby raising the risks for depositors;(j) absence, deficiencies, and high costs of formal contract enforcement mechanisms, which increase the credit risks and operating costs of lenders and the risks of depositors;(k) the attenuated property rights and inefficient governance structures of many rural financial intermediaries, which do not generate sufficient internal control or the adoption of business plans focused on outreach and sustainability;(l) the destruction of social capital (e.g., a culture of repayment) that accompanies the politicized pardoning and rescheduling of loans, weakening the credibility of contract threats and obligations;(m) market distortions introduced by non-private intermediaries that refuse to operate on market terms, thereby undermining the operations of serious competitors ;(n) the high covariance of cash flows of potential rural depositors and borrowers, which creates significant seasonal challenges for the management of liquidity;(o) the high covariance of incomes and of the outcomes of the productive efforts of borrowers, which reduces opportunities for portfolio diversification as a tool to manage risk by lenders;(p) the small size and low density of the clientele in local markets, which reduces the opportunities to dilute the fixed costs of any financial infrastructure;(q) the public good nature of the information generated by an expansion of the supply of rural financial services, which keeps the rate of private investment in experiments to develop innovations in lending technology and the expansion of these services below the socially optimum rate of expansion.Most of these difficulties are typical of all financial markets; the problem is that they are more acutely present in rural areas, thereby frequently raising the associated costs and risks to prohibitive levels. As a result, rural financial markets do not emerge.Clearly, the provision of the same basic public goods (roads, communications, literacy, safety) that would reduce transaction costs and would facilitate theemergence of a demand for financial services will also contribute to an expansion of supply. The extent to which the development of this physical and institutional infrastructure can contribute to rural financial deepening cannot be overemphasized. Financial policies have a powerful influence on the supply of rural financial services.Two types of actions are needed. On the one hand, it is indispensable to further reform policies, in order to reduce or eliminate the financial repression introduced by earlier interventions or to prevent the reintroduction of protectionist repressive approaches. On the other hand, it is necessary to develop a policy and regulatory framework that reduces the costs and risks for suppliers of rural financial services.Promoting Financial InnovationRural financial deepening fundamentally depends on innovations in financial technologies that make it possible to reach broader clienteles. Existing lending and deposit mobilization technologies do not allow cost-effective responses to the information, incentive, and contract enforcement barriers that curb financial transactions in rural areas. Innovation, however, requires investments in experimentation, development, transfer, adoption, adaptation, and learning of the new technologies. These investments are risky, costly, and usually require long gestation periods before any returns are observed.Typically, the incentives for private investment to undertake these efforts are insufficient, given the significant externalities that emerge. Once the new technologies are developed, competitors may find it attractive to imitate their features and can thereby undermine the profitability of the initial investment, by charging less, because they have not paid for all the costs of research and development. Moreover, competitors who have not incurred the costs of training and learning by doing can also acquire the new technologies embodied in the loan officers and other staff of the organization, by offering more attractive wages. Because of the nature of knowledge as a public good, these externalities discourage private innovation.State intervention in financial innovation, however, is problematic. Both the development and adoption of new financial technologies encounter significant difficulties. In effect, adaptation of a given practice to the features of a specific market segment is not a trivial task.First, this effort requires a flexible framework for experimentation. Indeed, it has been their vast flexibility in exploring alternative solutions to the problems of financial transactions that has allowed microfinance organizations and credit unions to develop their notable innovations. Continuity of efforts is also needed. Specific donor assistance, frequently delivered through internationally based organizations that possess comparative advantages in institution building, have supported these innovations. Most likely, a multiplicity of experiments is needed, as the appropriate solutions to specific problems are not known ahead of time. If would be inappropriate, for example, to support only organizations that work with group credit or only those that offer individual loans.Second, financial development is intensive in local information and requires long learning processes. Donors can assist in several ways. One is to offer access to the international pool of knowledge about new financial technologies. A clear understanding of general principles, lessons, and best practices is a critical starting point, but it is not sufficient. Finance is essentially about the evaluation of risks, the management of information, and the creation of lender borrower relationships that carry incentives for the protection of the relationship. The exact nature of these risks and the precise structures of incentives that sustain these relationships vary from market segment to market segment. The accumulation of information needed to reduce costs occurs locally and gradually, as the organization learns about its clients, about the market where it operates, and about the sources of threats of default. The success of microfinance organizations has ensued only after long processes of learning by doing, usually accompanied by close interaction with an international provider of technical assistance. This usually requires a long-term donor commitment to the institution-building exercise.Innovation is also required, moreover, with respect to the institutional design of rural financial organizations. In the end, policies will not be enacted, procedures will not be revised, technologies will not be adopted, if those who have to make the decisions do not find it in their interest to do so. The institutional design of organizations (ownership, control, governance) constrains individual behavior and creates the structures of incentives that guide the decisions that determineperformance. The financial organizations that currently have a presence in the rural areas of developing countries have institutional designs that frequently do not promote outreach and sustainability.Unfortunately, the role of donors in influencing the institutional design of these organizations is not clearly and sufficiently understood.Donor choices about investing in, lending to, and making grants for technical assistance and other purposes to particular types of organizations will influence the course of institutional development. These issues will pose the greatest dilemmas and challenges to donors and governments in the development of rural financial markets.译文:主题:宏观经济政策与现实——深化农村金融市场: 宏观经济、政策和政治维度一、深化农村金融政策用发展的角度看待问题,必须采用新政策,发展必要的物质和制度基础设施,改善和传播新的金融技术,设计和建造新组织, 这将允许在发展中国家和转型期经济中提供一个更有效率的、可持续的、广泛的农村金融服务业。



The Chinese DisconnectBy PAUL KRUGMANPublished: October 22, 2009Senior monetary officials usually talk in code. So when Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, spoke recently about Asia, international imbalances and the financial crisis, he didn’t specifically criticize China’s outrageous currency policy.But he didn’t have to: everyone got the subtext. China’s bad behavior is posing a growing threat to the rest of the world economy. The only question now is what the world — and, in particular, the United States — will do about it.Some background: The value of China’s currency, unlike, say, the value of the British pound, isn’t determined by supply and demand. Instead, Chinese authorities enforced that target by buying or selling their currency in the foreign exchange market — a policy made possible by restrictions on the ability of private investors to move their money either into or out of the country.There’s nothing necessarily wrong with such a policy, especially in a still poor country whose financial system might all too easily be destabilized by volatile flows of hot money. In fact, the system served China well during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s.The crucial question, however, is whether the target value of the yuan is reasonable.Until around 2001, you could argue that it was: China’s overall trade position wasn’t to o far out of balance. From then onward, however, the policy of keeping the yuan-dollar rate fixed came to look increasingly bizarre. First of all, the dollar slid in value, especially against the euro, so that by keeping the yuan/dollar rate fixed, Chinese officials were, in effect, devaluing their currency against everyone else’s. Meanwhile, productivity in China’s export industries soared; combined with the de facto devaluation, this made Chinese goods extremely cheap on world markets.The result was a huge Chinese trade surplus. If supply and demand had been allowed to prevail, the value of China’s currency would have risen sharply. But Chinese authorities didn’t let it rise. They kept it down by selling vast quantities of the currency, acquiring in return an enormous hoard of foreign assets, mostly in dollars, currently worth about $2.1 trillion.Many economists, myself included, believe that China’sasset-buying spree helped inflate the housing bubble, setting the stage for the global financial crisis. B ut China’s insistence onkeeping the yuan/dollar rate fixed, even when the dollar declines, may be doing even more harm now.Although there has been a lot of doomsaying about the falling dollar, that decline is actually both natural and desirable. America needs a weaker dollar to help reduce its trade deficit, and it’s getting that weaker dollar as nervous investors, who flocked into the presumed safety of U.S. debt at the peak of the crisis, have started putting their money to work elsewhere.But China has been keeping its currency pegged to the dollar —which means that a country with a huge trade surplus and a rapidly recovering economy, a country whose currency should be rising in value, is in effect engineering a large devaluation instead.And that’s a particularly bad thing to do at a time when the world economy remains deeply depressed due to inadequate overall demand. By pursuing a weak-currency policy, China is siphoning some of that inadequate demand away from other nations, which is hurting growth almost everywhere. The biggest victims, by the way, are probably workers in other poor countries. In normal times, I’d be among the first to reject claims that China is stealing other peoples’ jobs, but right now it’s the simple truth.So what are we going to do?U.S. officials have been extremely cautious about confronting the China problem, to such an extent that last week the Treasury Department, while expressing “concerns,” certified in a required report to Congress that China is not — repeat not — manipulating its currency. They’re kidding, right?The thing is, right now this caution makes little sense. Suppose the Chinese were to do what Wall Street and Washington seem to fear and start selling some of their dollar hoard. Under current conditions, this would actually help the U.S. economy by making our exports more competitive.In fact, some countries, most notably Switzerland, have been trying to support their economies by selling their own currencies on the foreign exchange market. The United States, mainly for diplomatic reasons, can’t do this; but if the Chinese decide to do it on our behalf, we should send them a thank-you note.The point is that with the world economy still in a precarious state, beggar-thy-neighbor policies by major players can’t be tolerated. Something must be done about China’s currency.人民币价值:由汇率决定还是由供求关系决定?货币政策制定者往往讳莫如深。

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转移支付、社会保障和宏观经济中英文2016英文Transfer Payments and the Macroeconomy: The Effects of Social Security BenefitIncreases, 1952–1991Christina Romer, David RomerThis paper uses Social Security benefit increases from 1952 to 1991 to investigate the macroeconomic effects of changes in transfers. It finds a large, immediate, and significant positive response of consumption to permanent benefit increases. The response declines after about five months, and does not appear to spread to industrial production or employment. The effects of transfers are faster, but much less persistent and much smaller overall, than those of tax changes. Finally, monetary policy responds strongly to benefit increases but not to tax changes. This may account for the failure of the effects of transfers to persist or spread.Government transfer payments are the relative unknowns of fiscal policy. There have been many studies of the short-run macroeconomic effects of changes in government purchases and taxes, but much less research has been done on the aggregate impacts of transfer payments. Yet such payments are substantial. In the United States today, for example, federal transfer payments account for about 15 percent of GDP and more than 40 percent of federal spending. This paper takes a step toward filling this gap in our knowledge by examining the macroeconomic impact of increases in Social Security benefits in the United States from 1952 to 1991. For much of the postwar period, increases in Social Security benefits occurred somewhat randomly. The generosity of the program was expanded in several steps during the 1950s and 1960s. Until 1974, cost-of-living increases were not automatic, but were legislated at irregular intervals. And from 1975 until the early 1990s, substantial variation in inflation and occasional bursts of retroactive payments resulting from idiosyncratic factors, as well as a legislated change in the timing of cost-of--living adjustments, led to irregular and variable benefit changes. This variation makes Social Security benefit increases a potentially fruitful window into the macroeconomic effects of transfers.We use documents from the Social Security Administration, Congress, and the executive branch to identify the nature, motivation, timing, and size of benefit increases over these decades. This narrative analysis allows us to focus on increases that raised payments to existing beneficiaries, to exclude the few increases that were explicitly made for countercyclical purposes, and to separate permanent and temporary changes.We then estimate how aggregate consumer spending responds to these relatively exogenous increases in Social Security benefits. We find that permanent benefit increases have a roughly one-for-one impact on consumer spending in the month the larger checks arrive, and that this effect is highly statistically significant. The effect persists for roughly half a year and then appears to wane sharply—though the standard errors become large at longer horizons. Interestingly, we find that temporary benefit increases (which mainly took the form of one-time retroactive payments in the period we consider) have a much smaller impact on consumption. Neither permanent nor temporary increases in benefits appear to affect broader measures of economic activity, such as industrial production or employment.In some models of macroeconomic behavior, taxes and transfers have equal and opposite effects on household consumption and overall economic activity. To com-pare the effects of taxes and transfers, we expand our analysis to also include the relatively exogenous federal tax changes identified in Romer and Romer (2010). Like the permanent Social Security benefit increases, these tax changes were almost all legislated to be very long-lasting. We find large differences in the response of consumption to a permanent benefit increase and a tax cut. The effects of a benefit increase are faster, but much less persistent and substantially smaller overall. In both cases, the main component of consumption that responds is purchases of durable goods.One possible explanation for the seemingly short-lived response of consumption to a permanent benefit increase, and the contrast with the impact of a tax cut, involves the response of monetary policy. We therefore examine both statistical and narrative evidence on the monetary policy reaction. We find that the federal funds rate rises inresponse to a benefit increase, and the effect is very fast, economically large, and highly statistically significant. Following an exogenous tax cut, in con-trast, the federal funds rate falls slightly over the first year. The records of Federal Reserve policy discussions reveal that policymakers were very aware of the benefit increases and often viewed them as a reason to tighten monetary policy. In contrast, monetary policymakers were much less consistent in advocating for counteracting the likely impacts of tax changes on aggregate demand.The most important limitation of our study is simply that the amount of identifying variation that we are able to exploit is only moderate. Increases in Social Security benefits are small relative to the large changes in government purchases associated with major wars, and they are noticeably smaller than the tax changes that are the focus of Romer and Romer (2010). Our detailed information about the monthly timing of benefit increases allows us to pin down their effects in the very near term relatively precisely. But once we consider horizons beyond a few months, the limited amount of variation often yields confidence intervals that are wide enough to encompass a range of economically interesting hypotheses. Thus, this paper is only a first step in trying to understand the macroeconomic effects of government transfer payments.Our paper builds on and speaks to a range of literatures. Many papers examine the response of individuals to particular changes in income. Most find that as long as the changes are not large, individuals respond to them when they occur, even if they could have known about them in advance or their impact on lifetime resources is small. Importantly, although this individual-level evidence is suggestive of a macroeconomic impact of changes in transfers, there could be offsetting forces at the aggregate level. For example, there could be Ricardian-equivalence effects: the adverse implications for lifetime wealth of the higher future taxes needed to finance an increase in transfers could exert a downward influence on all individuals’ consumption. Likewise, there could be offsetting effects on aggregate consumption through higher interest rates, reduced confidence about government policy, or increased uncertainty about policy. Thus, a finding that individuals who receive apayment raise their consumption relative to individuals who do not is insufficient to establish that changes in transfers have important macroeconomic effects. It is therefore important to look directly at aggregate evidence.Like us, Wilcox (1989) looks at the response of aggregate consumption to Social Security benefit increases. Like much of the individual-level literature, however, his focus is on the permanent income hypothesis: since the benefit increases are announced in advance, the hypothesis implies that consumption should not respond to their implementation. He shows that over the period 1965–1985, the immediate impact of permanent benefit increases on real retail sales and personal consumption expenditures is positive and statistically significant. Because our interest is in the macroeconomic effects of changes in transfers more broadly, we use narrative sources to construct a longer sample of benefit increases, and to identify and omit the few that were made in response to short-run macroeconomic developments. In our empirical analysis, we focus on the magnitude of the effects of benefit increases rather than just whether they are nonzero, examine whether the impact persists and whether it spreads to broader indicators of economic activity, and compare the effects of permanent and temporary benefit changes. We go on to compare the effects of transfers and tax changes, and to investigate the response of monetary policy. While we replicate Wilcox’s finding of a strong immediate impact of permanent benefit increases on consumption, we find that the effects disappear relatively quickly and do not spread, and we provide evidence that counteracting monetary developments likely explain much of this behavior.Our paper is clearly related to recent work on the macroeconomic effects of changes in fiscal policy. These papers use both time-series evidence and cross-state variation. While this literature has generally found a significant positive impact of fiscal expansion, the implied fiscal multipliers differ substantially in both size and timing. Our paper provides another estimate of the effect of fiscal policy, using a type of fiscal change whose timing is relatively exogenous and can be identified quite accurately.Finally, much recent research has focused on the importance of monetary pol-icyfor the effects of fiscal policy (for example, Leigh et al. 2010; Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Rebelo 2011; Woodford 2011; and Nakamura and Steinsson 2014). Our study provides both statistical and narrative evidence of a link between Social Security benefit increases and contractionary monetary policy, and of different monetary policy responses to changes in transfers and taxes.Identifying Social Security Benefit IncreasesA central goal of the paper is to use Social Security benefit increases to examine how consumption and other macroeconomic variables respond to changes in trans-fer payments. Thus, a critical step is to identify a set of benefit increases that are useful for this purpose.A. General ConsiderationsThere exist monthly data on aggregate Social Security payments in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) starting in 1959, and administrative data on payments from the Social Security Administration going back further. However, not all increases in aggregate Social Security benefit payments are appropriate for estimating the near-term effects of changes in transfers. First, changes in benefit payments reflect changes in both the number of beneficiaries and the size of benefits. But changes in payments resulting from changes in the number of beneficiaries are likely to be correlated with other factors affecting the economy, such as demographic changes raising the number of individuals over the retirement age or endogenous retirement decisions in response to the health of the economy. Likewise, changes in payments coming from legislated expansions in eligibility for Social Security may affect consumption and activity through very different channels than changes in payments to existing recipients. For this reason, we want to limit the analysis to benefit increases stemming from increased payments to existing beneficiaries.A second consideration is that, like changes in coverage, legislated changes in the path of future benefits or in the retirement age are likely to affect behavior through very different mechanisms than those for immediate benefit changes. We therefore also exclude such longer run changes from the analysis.A third issue is that Social Security benefits were occasionally increased forexplicitly countercyclical reasons. In such cases, one might not expect consumption to rise following the increases in benefits because other factors (that is, whatever was causing the economy to be weak) were operating in the opposite direction. For this reason, we need to identify the motivation for legislated benefit increases, and exclude any that were explicitly motivated by the state of the economy.Finally, while most Social Security benefit changes have been intended as permanent, some were explicitly temporary. For example, some permanent benefit increases were retroactive for several months. In these cases, in the month of the increase, beneficiaries received not only their higher regular monthly benefit, but also a one-time payment for the higher benefits in the preceding months. Many models of consumer behavior predict that permanent and temporary changes in income have very different impacts. For this reason, it is important to classify benefit increases into whether they were permanent or temporary, and to consider the two types of changes separately.B. Methods Used for 1952–1974As just described, isolating Social Security benefit increases that are useful for estimating the macroeconomic effects of changes in transfers requires evidence about the nature and motivation for benefit changes. Thus, we need to bring in information beyond the standard data sources.We begin our analysis of Social Security benefit increases in the early 1950s. This is late enough that the Social Security program was well established and operating at a substantial scale; at the same time, it is early enough that it captures the substantial changes in benefits in the 1950s and early 1960s. To identify useful observations on benefit increases for the first part of the sample, we focus on legislated changes. This focus automatically excludes any change in payments occurring through demo-graphic developments and endogenous retirement decisions.We identify the universe of possible legislated changes using a Congressional Research Service survey (Kollmann and Solomon-Fears 2001). The descriptions in the survey allow us to identify the acts that may have affected the benefits of existing beneficiaries, and to exclude the acts that only affected coverage. We also use thedescriptions to exclude several other types of actions: ones that only affected payments to future beneficiaries, ones involving only small administrative changes, and ones that did not ultimately lead to the enactment of legislation.We look at a range of narrative sources to identify important characteristics of each relevant legislated increase. The Social Security Bulletin typically has an article describing the specifics of the legislation and providing a detailed account of the Congressional debate. This article often provides the most comprehensive information about the nature, size, timing, and permanence of the increase (Social Security Bulletin, various issues). The reports of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee on the bill typically contain information about the motivation for the action as well as its size, though the final legislation often differs at least slightly from the versions analyzed in these reports (US Congress, various years). The Economic Report of the President often discusses both the motivations for the actions and their sizes (US Office of the President, various years). Finally, presidential speeches, particularly those made proposing the legislation or upon the signing of the final bill, are also useful sources (Woolley and Peters 1999).We date the changes according to the month when Social Security checks reflected the benefit increase. Our sources do not provide enough information to generate a reliable series on the timing of the news surrounding the increases. But, as a step in that direction, we collect information on the date of passage for each benefit change. The narrative record also makes clear which benefit increases were one-time payments and which were permanent.We try to identify the aggregate increase in payments to current recipients (at an annual rate) in the first month the higher payments were received. As a practical matter, this is typically derived from the cost estimates of the legislation in the first period mentioned (which is usually the first full year). We include increases in -old-age, survivors, and disability benefits, since they are often combined in the discussions in our sources. We also include increases in Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, which provide additional support for low-income seniors and dis-abled individuals.Finally, we gather information on the motivations for the increases. The vast majority were undertaken either to allow benefits to make up for inflation that had occurred over the previous several years, or for equity reasons. For example, the increase legislated in the Social Security Act Amendments of 1952 was intended to make up for the inflation that had occurred after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950. The increase in the Tax Reform Act of 1969 was motivated by a desire both to counter the inflation of the previous few years and to ensure that the standard of living of the elderly rose along with that of the general population. A few benefit increases, however, were explicitly undertaken for countercyclical purposes. For example, the timing of the benefit increase contained in the Social Security Amendments of 1961 was explicitly tied to the need to raise demand to counteract economic weakness. As described above, because these changes are likely correlated with other factors affecting the economy in the short run, we exclude these anti-recessionary increases from our analysis of the macroeconomic effects of the benefit changes.Online Appendix A provides a brief description of each legislated increase in benefits and the key information about it.C. Methods Used for 1975–1991Starting in 1975, Social Security benefits were indexed to inflation. Because these cost-of-living increases raised existing benefits, rather than expanded coverage, they are potentially useful observations. Similarly, because these benefit increases were automatic, there is no issue of them being deliberately countercyclical. At the same time, because inflation responds to the state of the economy, benefit increases due to indexation could potentially be correlated with other developments affecting consumption and economic activity. We address this issue in detail in Section II.Two features of these automatic adjustments through the early 1990s allow them to provide useful variation. One is that the timing of the cost-of-living increases switched at one point: they occurred in July until 1982 and in January starting in 1984 (with no adjustment in 1983). The other is that there was substantial heterogeneity in the size of the adjustments: they ranged from 1.3 percent in January 1987 to 14.3 percent in July 1980. After 1991, however, inflation was very low and the adjustmentsso regular that it seems unlikely that they greatly affected behavior. Moreover, their regularity means that any impact on macroeconomic outcomes would probably have been obscured by the seasonal adjustment of the data. For this reason, we only construct a series on these automatic benefit increases through December 1991.Legislation played a very small role in benefit changes in the 1975–1991 period. The Congressional Research Service survey described above shows that the vast majority of legislated changes in this period affected coverage or future payments, not the benefits of existing recipients. The one notable exception was the Social Security Amendments of 1983, which was the source of the change in the timing of the automatic cost-of-living adjustments and also raised Supplemental Security Income payments.There were also some one-time payments in this period whose timing was effectively random. In particular, there were one-time retroactive payments at various dates based on legal decisions, revisions to case review procedures, and, in one case, the purchase of new computers that sped the processing of appeals. We identify these one-time payments by conducting Google news searches using the terms “Social Security” and “personal income,” and “Social Security” and “retroactive.”Because the benefit increases in this period were not legislated, for the most part their sizes are not reported in our sources. Thus, our methods for estimating sizes differ from those we use for the earlier period. For the cost-of-living adjustments, we multiply total Social Security payments (as reported in the NIPA data) in the month before the increase by the official percentage adjustment.5 This procedure holds enrollment fixed, and so shows just the increase in payments coming from the increase in average payments per beneficiary.In the case of the one-time payments, occasionally the news stories discuss their size, but often they do not. To estimate the size of a payment, we therefore take the increase in the NIPA Social Security series in the month for which our news stories identify a payment. Since the usual month-to-month changes in this series are small, most of the changes in the months of substantial one-time payments are likely the result of the payments. Consistent with this interpretation, the estimates based on thisapproach correlate closely with the figures in the news articles in the few cases where the articles report the sizes of the one-time payments.We classify the automatic cost-of-living increases as permanent and the various one-time payments as temporary. Online Appendix A provides additional details about the cost-of-living increases and lists the sources of the articles about the one-time payments.D. New Series of Social Security Benefit IncreasesTable presents the data for the full 1952–1991 period. They are expressed as the dollar increase as a percent of aggregate personal income. Permanent and temporary increases are reported separately. Figure shows the two series.The figure shows several characteristics of the new series. One is that the timing of benefit increases was highly uneven, particularly before 1975. This adds credence to the notion that there is substantial usable variation to exploit. At the same time, the size of the permanent benefit increases varied within a somewhat narrow range. The largest permanent increase was less than 1 percent of aggregate personal income. In contrast, some temporary benefit increases were quite large. The three largest one-time payments (in 1965, 1970, and 1971) were each about 1 to 2 percent of annual personal income. And most of the later one-time payments, though not as large relative to aggregate personal income, were large for those receiving them. Our news stories provide figures for the average payment per recipient for three of these one-time payments: those in November–December 1983, December 1984, and July 1986. In 2014 dollars, these payments averaged $2,335 per recipient in 1983, $1,075 in 1984, and $572 in 1986.E DiscussionThe different monetary policy behavior may help explain the very different -medium-run responses of consumption and economic activity to a permanent ben-efit increase and a tax cut. The swift and strong contractionary monetary policy response to a benefit increase is consistent with our findings that the short-run effects of benefit increases fade over time and do not spread to other variables. The fact that the monetary policy response to a tax cut is modestly expansionary for the first year andonly very gradually contractionary over the second is consistent with the finding that the macroeconomic effects of tax cuts are broad, persistent, and rise over time.A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that the different monetary policy responses may explain a large part of the different medium-run effects of benefit increases and tax cuts. In our baseline specification including taxes, the difference in the funds rate responses to a permanent benefit increase and a tax cut of 1 percent of personal income after 3 to 6 months is about 2.7 percentage points, and the differ-ence in the consumption responses after 9 to 12 months (that is, 6 months later) is about 2.8 percentage points. Thus, a response of consumption to a 1 percentage point increase in the funds rate of about 1 percent after roughly six months would fully account for the different medium-run effects of the policies. While there is no con-sensus estimate of the real effects of monetary policy, recent work by Coibion (2012, Figure 7) integrating the evidence from different ap proaches finds that a 1 percent-age point rise in the funds rate lowers industrial production by about 1 percent after six months. Since consumption is somewhat less cyclically sensitive than indus-trial production, the consumption effects are probably moderately smaller. Thus, the evidence points to the differential monetary policy response as explaining much, but not all, of the different medium-run effects of benefit increases and tax cuts.At the same time, the very different monetary policy responses cannot explain why the consumption effects of benefit increases occur so much faster than those for tax changes. Monetary policy affects the economy with a lag, and we find no evidence of preemptive changes. Moreover, the differences we find in the near-term monetary policy responses would tend to make the short-run effects of tax cuts larger than those for benefit increases, not smaller. Thus, the short-run mystery remains.中文转移支付和宏观经济:社会保障福利增加的影响,1952-1991年Christina Romer,David Romer本文使用从1952年到1991年的社会保障福利增加来研究转移支付变化的宏观经济影响。
