



应聘英语翻译个人简历应聘英语翻译个人简历模板姓名:性别:女年龄: 24岁学历:本科工作年限: 2年户口:广州市居住地:广东省广州市现任职位:英语翻译待遇要求: 3500--5000/月到岗时间: -- 希望地区:广州市深圳市东莞市希望岗位:英语翻译商务代表跟单员自我评论英语八级,专业知识扎实,有良好的听说读写译能力,尤擅英语笔译。



工作经验某公司 xx-02 - 至今公司性质:房地产、建筑、安装、装潢担任职位:英语翻译工作职责和业绩:翻译施工图纸、施工方案、施工规范、报批书、工期计划等文献资料;多次陪领带出差越南,担任陪同翻译。

入职一个月后,便负责公司越南一大型国际集装箱码头项目的总翻译工作,深得领导好评(公司共三名翻译,其他两名均为老员工)建兴光电科技(广州)有限公司 xx-02 - xx-12 公司性质:计算机业担任职位:英语客服兼翻译工作职责和业绩:翻译上司交代的文件资料解决客户投诉问题客户来访时的接待工作浙江省浦江县白马锁业有限公司 xx-07 - xx-08 公司性质:五金矿产、金属制品担任职位:实习生工作职责和业绩:xx年7月,我在浙江省浦江县白马锁业有限公司进行了为期一个月的实习。




教育经历兰州理工大学 xx-09 - xx-06 最高学历:本科专业名称:英语专业描述:主修课程:英语翻译理论、口译理论与实践、科技英语翻译、高级英语、高级口语、高级视听、高级英语写作、商务英语、旅游英语、英国文学、美国文学、英美概况等毕业设计:《一个女人的爱情---解析简.爱的个性特点与梦想》毕业论文答辩获一等奖培训经历兰州市千圣小肥牛餐饮连锁有限公司 xx-05 - xx-05 培训课程:餐饮文化专业描述:了解肥牛文化以及餐饮服务礼仪建兴光电科技(广州)有限公司 xx-02 - xx-03 培训课程:在职培训专业描述:了解公司的规章纪律、文化理念、产品类型及生产原理等等技能专长技能专长:英语专业八级,有良好的听说读写译能力;普通话良好,有良好的文字驾驭能力;能利用日语进行基本的会话交流。



英语翻译的简历范文个人根本简历简历编号:更新日期:姓名:国籍:中国目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:广州身材: 180 cm/75 kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄: 22 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:应聘职位:外语类:德、、经营/管理类:业务、外贸/贸易专员/助理:文员工作年限: 0 职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时月薪要求:2000--3500 希望工作地区:广州珠海深圳个人工作经历:公司名称:大型记录片“德中同行”摄制组起止年月:xx-11 ~ xx-12公司性质:所属行业:粮油,食品担任职务:德语翻译工作描述:与摄制组到广州的主要景点、选中的公司、家庭、人物等进展采访,负责口语翻译,顺利完成任务,受到好评。

离职原因:公司名称:某专业资格考试中心起止年月:xx-07 ~ xx-08公司性质:其它所属行业:其他担任职务:证书部工作描述:xx年7月在某资格考试中心证书部打暑期工,学会相关资格证书的制证,发证工作环节,懂得做好工作的每一个细节的重要性,不能有任何的过失.离职原因:暑期工教育背景毕业院校:广东外语外贸大学最高学历:本科获得学位: 文学学士/经济学学士毕业日期: xx-07-01 所学专业一:德语所学专业二:国际经济与贸易受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号xx-09xx-07广东外语外贸大学德语/国际经济与贸易本科xx-07xx-08德国海德堡大学德语取得优良成绩及相关证书,语言更熟练,视野更开阔语言能力外语:西班牙语良好其它外语能力:英语六级国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通工作能力及其他专长1、工作热情,积极肯干,受老师和同学们爱戴。







英语专业英语翻译简历基本信息姓名:XX性别:女出生年月:19XX年X月民族:汉婚姻状况:未婚联系电话:XXX-XXXX-XXXX电子邮件:***************教育背景学历•XX大学英语专业本科 20XX年毕业•XX大学翻译专业硕士研究生(在读)证书•英语专业四级证书•英语专业八级证书•中级翻译证书•高级翻译证书工作经验XX公司翻译(至今)•负责公司各种合同、协议、商务文件的英语翻译工作•阅读英文财务报表、会计报表等相关财务文件,进行翻译•参与公司海外业务拓展时的英语口译和笔译•协助公司进行英文文案的编辑和审校XX矿业公司翻译(201X年-201X年)•负责对外的翻译工作,如企业介绍、产品说明等的英语翻译工作•参与公司国外矿山考察,进行英文口译和笔译•协助公司进行英文文案的编辑和审校XX教育机构英语教师(201X年-201X年)•负责对学生进行英语教学,包括口语、阅读、写作等方面•配合学校进行英文教材的编写和改版工作•参与学校中外交流项目并担任英语翻译工作专业技能•英语熟练,能够流利地进行英语口语、听力、阅读和写作•熟练使用翻译工具,如Trados、MemoQ等•了解财务和会计等相关领域知识,能够独立阅读和翻译相关文件•熟练掌握Microsoft Word、Excel等办公软件自我评价•本人英语基础扎实,具有较高的英语口语、听力、阅读和写作能力•对翻译工作有热情,具有较高的工作责任心和职业道德•具有良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力,能够与不同文化背景的人进行有效沟通•具有较强的学习能力和适应能力,能够快速适应新环境和新任务实习经历•XX社区学习中心英语辅导志愿者 (20XX年-20XX年)•XX儿童英语教育机构英语助教 (20XX年-20XX年)个人作品•《XXXX》杂志英文翻译•《XXXX》财务报表英文翻译•《XXXX》企业宣传材料英文翻译期望职位英语翻译。






教育背景[最高学历] 翻译学[学校名称] · [就读时间]主修课程:同声传译、应用语言学、跨文化交流、专业翻译相关证书:CET6英语六级、[其他相关证书]工作经验[最近工作职位][公司名称] · [就职时间]负责公司各类文件、合同、报告的中英文翻译及校对工作。



[之前工作职位][公司名称] · [就职时间]参与翻译并审校技术手册、用户指南等专业技术文档。
















英语翻译个人优秀简历一RESUMEName,Gender: Female Born: Sept.03, 1977English: ProficientComputer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet skills, basic PhotoshopSouthwest University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu Major: Business English and TradeMob:Graduated: July, 1999Email:Excellent HealthEDUCATION1995.9----1999.7 English Major in Southwest University of Finance and EconomicsLANGUAGE LEVELGood command of English, effective written and oral communicationAWARDTEM 4----Band 4 certificate,TOFEL----630IELTS----7.5 (Speaking 7, Reading 7.5, Listening 7.5, Writing 7)COMPUTER LEVELProficient in the operation of Excel, Word, PowerPoint,IE and such kind of office software effectivelyWORK Capability (Photos please see below)Well organized, implementing order with efficiency under orientationSpecific goal to tackle difficulties by flexible method, high persistencyCan master knowledge necessary for the position in the shortest timeMore than 10 years’ experience to communicate with foreign colleagues, children and clients of different ethnical backgroundsFluent spoken and written EnglishNo fear of difficulties and painstakingGlad to commit myself to a full-time team playerEnthusiasm, good communication skillSkilled in executing ordersAccuracy in handling details, organized work-habitsEnergetic in studying and working, and strong sense of responsibilityHighly motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.Salary Expectantion:14,000-16,000RMBWORK EXPERIENCEApril 20__ till now, Baijia Infant and Women’s Hospital Management GroupJob title: Translator/Interpretor/Assistant to VPResponsible for aiding day-to-day work and communication between VP(Canadian) and Native team, arranging all activities and events related with VP’s workConference translation for marketing events and opening ceremonies, as well as foreign experts training,Travel to Local hospitals in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Hefei and Changsha to join marketing events and provide internal training.Example of Routine Work-Work Report for April 20__.April 8-12: Guangzhou ESLB: Branding meeting, stress management marketing lecture, Visit Dr Ghadiran in Shenzhen.April 13-14: Hefei: judge in Anhui singing contest marketing event for LR Hospital.April 15- 23 : Guangzhou ESLB: five marketing events on maternity fitness and stress management. Training classes on AIDET (service system for medical staff),April 27-29: Changhsha for marketing event.April 30- Guanghzou.July 20__ – January 20__. IDFGlobalJob title: Translator /Project ManagerResponsible for aiding communication in all production phases of animation in IDFGlobal,Working with nationals and internationals (New Zealanders, Australians, Frenchman, Britons etc. ) to ensure that daily communication is smooth,Responsible for executing workload of each project and managing schedule.Other Administrative workNovember, 20__ till July 20__. Digital Opportunity TrustJob title: Administrative AssistantResponsible for aiding the Program Manager in running daily matters smoothly.Responsible for daily communication.Working with bookkeeper to manage everyday finance and cash.Seeking highlights of everyday work and Providing newsletters on DOT Global website, newspaper and other medias.Keeping minutes and providing translation and interpretation when necessary.May, 20__—Aug, 20__ Earthquake ReliefJob title: Translator and part-time office assistantResponsible for training relief volunteers how to use Water-purification system,Providing office assistance for American directors.Oral and written translation of administrative and technical documents.Dec, 20__—Apr, 20__ Sichuan Xilian Advertising & Media Co., LtdJob title: Account ManagerResponsible for costumer contacts such as those with Five Grain Liquor, Kingway Beer, Gildeer Lady Shoes Co., Ltd, Aiminer Leather Goods Co., LtdSigned two contracts with clients, securing RMB¥200,000 revenue for the company.Sept, 20__—Jan, 20__ Sino-Australian Program, Sichuan Electricity Vocational CollegeJob title: teacherResponsible for teaching management and economics courses bilingually; IELTS course.Achievements: translation of a Psychology booktook part in editing of English Textbook for college students.July, 20__/07—July, 20__ Chengdu Meishi International SchoolJob title: teacherResponsible for teaching students from UK, USA, Pakistan and Korea Mathematics, Science and Chinese,July, 20__—July, 20__ Free-lanceIndustry: TutoringResponsible for providing tutoring in Chinese to American clientsSept, 1999—July, 20__ Chengdu Pacific Investment Counseling Ltd,. Co.Job title: TranslatorResponsible for providing translation and interpretation as necessary,occasional traveling and interpretation on field trips,Mar, 1999-June, 1999 (Intern) Chengdu Ever-bright (Guangda) Tourist AgencyJob title: office assistantResponsible for collecting information and dealing with papers for Sales Manager.PS:TO WHOM IS CONCERNED:If you are interested in my cv, can send photos at the following events.Interprating for CEO& President of DOT-GlobalAt Dujiangyan Municipal OfficeFeb, 20__Interpreting for CEO& President of DOT-GlobalAt DOT-China Dujiangyan Middle School TeachUp! Program Feb, 20__Interpreting for New Zealand Embassador at event for Oscar Exhibition in Chengdu, Dec. 20__Interpreting for Vice President Steve Gergely at Press Conference for Beauty contest, Dongguan, & interpreting for critics at beauty contest: left Hungarian Physiotherapist Norbert Csulik & VP Steve Gergely, August, 20__Interpreting for QHA (Qualification for Health careAccreditation) Trainer Elizabeth Brownhills from Trent, England, September 20__Accompanying Elizabeth to QHA Launching Ceremony & Press ConferenceSeptember 20__Translating for Board Member, OB/GYN & IVF Expert TC. Li at Press Conference September, 20__Thank you for your time.Best Regards英语翻译个人优秀简历二Name: sex:Date of birth: nation:Household: height:Political affiliation: School calendar:Time of graduation: University one is graduated from: Professional: second professional:Job intentionJob type: job types:Salary requirement: specific positions:In other work areas: hope:Relevant working experience and expertiseTalent type: working time:Education / training experienceWork experience / work skills and expertiseOccupation target Self introduction英语翻译个人优秀简历三Room 212 Building 343Tsinghua University, Tianjin 300350Email:______ObjectiveTo obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.Education1997.9-20__.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.Academic Main CoursesMathematicsAdvanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear ProgrammingElectronics and ComputerCircuit Principal Data Structures Digital ElectronicsArtificial Intelligence Computer Local Area NetworkComputer AbiliteesSkilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, javabeans, HTML, CGI, , Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL softwareEnglish SkillsHave a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213Scholarships and Awards1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award1997.4 Academic Progress AwardQualificationsGeneral business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense英语翻译个人优秀简历四ZhangxiaoxiaoMore than two years working experience | female | 25 years old (March 27, _ _ _)Residence: ShanghaiTelephone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (mobile phone)Recent work [2 years]Company: _ headhunting co., ltdBusiness: professional services (consulting, human resources, accounting)Position: English translation degreeAcademic calendar: undergraduateMajor: EnglishSchool: China University of Geosciencesself-assessmentHe has rich translation experience, is good at using translation AIDS such as Trados, SDLX, Logo port, Locstudio, etc., and has certain computer knowledge. I have excellent learning ability and strong desire to learn, and I still keep the habit of memorizing new words every day. Understand the translation requirements of different industries, work rigorously and carefully, be earnest and down-to-earth, and be able to complete the work with high standards.job intensionArrival time: within one weekNature of work: Full-timeHope industry: professional services (consulting, human resources, accounting)Target location: ShanghaiExpected monthly salary: negotiable/monthTarget function: English translationwork experience20 _ _/8-to date: _ headhunting co., ltd. [2 years]Industry: Professional services (consulting, human resources, accounting)English translation of translation department1. Be responsible for the business operation, project arrangement and manpower deployment of the translation department;2. Responsible for providing translation for different industries, such as finance, internet, law, etc.;3. Responsible for professional translation of prospectus and investment analysis;4. Responsible for the recruitment, training and assessment of department personnel;5. Be responsible for maintaining and expanding customers and striving for more projects.20 _ _/7-20 _ _/7: _ Textile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. [2 years]Industry: Clothing/Textile/LeatherTranslation of purchasing department1. Be responsible for finding overseas suppliers in different regions;2. Be responsible for maintaining good relations withsuppliers and ensuring the smooth development of follow-up cooperation;3. Responsible for assisting foreign colleagues to apply for passports and visas;4. Organize regular meetings, and translate and organize meeting materials;5. Be responsible for translating the product manuals sent by customers, which is convenient for our staff to choose.Education experience20 _ _/9-20 _ _/7 Undergraduate English in China University of Geoscienceslinguistic competenceEnglish (proficient) listening and speaking (proficient), reading and writing (proficient)英语翻译个人优秀简历五Resume is a written communication material for application, which shows future employers that they have the skills, attitude, qualification and confidence to meet specific job requirements.personal dataFirst name:Sex: femaleDate of birth: _ _-October 22Ethnic group: Han nationalityEducation: Bachelor degreeCurrent residence: Shijiazhuang City, Hebei ProvinceWorking years: less than one yearContact number:job intensionApplication type: full-time/part-timePosition: English translator, teacher, tutorEmployment industry: education/training/academic/scientific researchExpected working areas: Beijing, Shijiazhuang, other areas of ShijiazhuangExpected monthly salary: negotiableself-assessmentStrong self-study ability, high sense of responsibility, strong plasticity, love work, love life, be honest and trustworthy, be kind to others, be filial to parents and care for others. Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself. When encountering setbacks, I firmly believe that I am born to be useful. As long as there is 1% hope, it is necessary to pay 100% effort. I sincerely hope that my participation will bring considerable benefits to your company.Work experience_ _ _ _ Translation Co., Ltd. 20__-10 to 20__-11: English translationDepartment: TranslationJob description: English translation: mainly responsible for the translation and proofreading of manuscripts. Hard-working, positive and enterprising, strong learning ability._ _ homework counseling center 20__-6 to 20__-8: English teacherDepartment: Primary SchoolJob description: Primary school English teacher and counselor: teach the second grade primary school English of PEP, help students finish their summer homework and check carefully. Make the underachievers achieve excellent results, and the results have been significantly improved. Be recognized by leaders and parents. Enthusiastic work and strong sense ofresponsibility.Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone Middle School 20__-9 to 20__-10: Substitute teacher acting as class teacherDepartment: Grade 3Job description: From September to October, 20__, I worked as an intern in Shijiazhuang Economic and Technological Development Zone Middle School, taking the English class for Grade Three, acting as the class teacher. During the internship, I worked hard, worked hard, got on well with my colleagues, patiently solved the difficult problems of students in study, and was praised by the instructors and school leaders. Successfully completed the internship task.educational background20__-9 to 20__-7 School Name: Huihua College of Hebei Normal UniversityProfessional name: EnglishObtained education: bachelor degreeJob description of school activitiesActively participated in the activities organized by the school, and participated in the selection activities of the Olympic Ambassadors organized by Xinfei Group. Although it failed to get through the last level, it focused on participation and grasped the Olympic spirit, and experience is wealth.During my school years, I worked as a postman on campus, earnestly performed my duties, and immediately sent and received letters, which won unanimous praise from teachers and classmates.As a dormitory chief, he is strict with himself, treats others with leniency, unites his classmates, enthusiastically solves theproblems of his roommates, and strives to do his own job well. Live up to the trust of the big guy.IT skillsSkill description: Computer first-level operation ability: Proficient in operating ms office, using multimedia teaching and making ppt courseware.Language skillsForeign language: FrenchForeign Language Proficiency: GoodForeign language: EnglishForeign language proficiency: CET-8CertificateIn April, 20__, she took the CET-4 exam and obtained CET-4 certificate.In March, 20__, he took the Putonghua Proficiency Test and obtained Grade A and Grade B certificate.In March, 20__, she took the TEM-8 exam and obtained the TEM-8 certificate.He obtained the teacher qualification certificate in June 20.。



Without expectations, you will not be disappointed, and you don’t have to worry about things beyond yourcontrol.简单易用轻享办公(页眉可删)英语(语言与翻译)专业简历英语(语言与翻译)专业的毕业生要怎样写好一份个人求职简历,以这份英语翻译个人简历范文写作参考模板,以下是文书帮为大家推荐下面这编文字翻译求职简历模板阅读参考。

姓名:文书帮年龄: 21户口所在:东莞国籍:中国婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族身高: 163 cm 体重: 45 kg求职意向人才类型:应聘职位:英语翻译,外贸跟单/跟单助理求职类型:实习可到职日期:随时月薪要求: 2500~2999元希望工作地区:东莞,广州,工作经历志愿者经历第十四届省运会湛江市筹委会起止年月:20__-07 ~20__-08担任职位:赛会志愿者工作描述:负责省运会帆船项目和开幕式的.志愿工作广东海洋大学寸金学院起止年月:20__-07 ~ 20__-08 担任职位:三下乡志愿者工作描述:是三下乡队宣传组的组员,主要宣传防火防水等安全知识。

教育背景毕业院校:广东海洋大学寸金学院最高学历:本科获得学位: 毕业日期: 20__-06专业一:英语(语言与翻译)起始年月终止年月学校(机构) 所学专业获得证书证书编号20__-09 20__-06 广东海洋大学寸金学院英语(语言与翻译) 高等学校英语专业四级 EIV862语言能力外语:英语优秀粤语水平:优秀其它外语能力:国语水平:优秀工作能力及其他专长英语综合能力优秀:通过了TEM - 4 和CET – 4。







【英语翻译简历】英语翻译求职简历英语翻译简历英语翻译简历英语翻译简历范文一:English Level: 1: a certain degree of listening, writing and translation capabilities. 2: to obtain a certificate in English 3. Computer Level 1: can skillfully apply Office2000, ***** office automation software. Education and experience: 1998-2003 in Tonggang primary school in Shanghai. 2003-2007 subsidiary in Shanghai Normal University, Takahashi experimental secondary schools. 2007-2010 secondary schools in Shanghai Yumin. Main courses:Marketing, English Internship and social practice: 1: Military Training 2: Agricultural University 3: Community social practice Self-description: A very serious, detailed and concise. Cheerful, optimistic. Easy-going man, good affinity, good at communication. Have an excellent understanding of things, to actively follow the command. Punctual, trustworthy, honest, good-natured. Good at analysis and dialectical thinking, and a strong organization and coordination. 英语翻译简历范文二:English Resume: Name: Grace Sex: female Native Place: HuNan Date of Birth: Jan.21,1979 Marital Status: Single ***** *****NCE: 3/2007 To Lidar Enterprise Ltd Guangzhou Office _____ Sourcing Logistics Specialist Seach the competitive price high quality products and reliant suppliers for our overseas company through the Google,Alibaba, Globalsources,Made-in-China webisite etc. Responsible for the coordination of order execution on the whole process of supply chain: verification and transfer,quality process,inspection and on time shipment. Making commercialinvoice and packing list according to L/C or shippin g’s requirement,then contacting the forwarder for booking space,checking the B/L C/O etc. Can arrange shipment by express/sea/air independently. Take care of the secretarial and administration issues in the office. 5/2003 To 1/2007 Guangzhou T.D Co., Ltd. -----manager assistant sales a)Responsible for developing the new domestic overseas copartners by internet,fairs etc.while keeping good communication with old customers. b)Place orders to the related department and Internal supplier,then follow up the procedure until delivery.c)Communicate with the suppliers,enquire product availability before placing orders,confirm the shipment schedule to ensure the delivery will be strictly on time. d)Issue shipping confirmation to clients and import agent,forwardthe full set of shipping documents to customers by fax. e)Follow up the payment to avoid any overdue and ensure money collecting safely for us.f)Help to settle client““s complaints,assist to solve the problems smoothly. g)Handle paroxysmal cases to minimize losses.h)Porvide administrative assistance to the manager. i)Make some reports conclusion, then share them with other related departments by holding a weekly meeting based on the latest data on hand, as a result of it, all of the related departments update their documents schedule on hand accordingly. 7/2001 To 4/2003 Alpha DongGuan Co., Ltd. -----Senior Secretary a)Assisting and handling the daily work of department,I also responsible for the customer""s receiption and following up with all the issue concerned. b)Make efforts to get any key information of the customer and suppliers in internet,and try to find out exactly. c)Give assistance to handle business meeting with foreigncustomers;Draft commercial letter,contract etc. d)Standardize all kinds of d ocument of the company and customer’s information.e)Responsible for the following-up, oversee, evaluation of the actual status of those sales plan, collecting all sales data from sales rep. Then check the sales achievements .SKILL: Ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks. Ability to work independently with good organizational and communication skills. Self-motivated, able to set effective priorities and implement decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines. Skillful use of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Internet and othersoftware. 英语翻译简历范文三:Sandy Bin 15/F,TOWARD ,BRIGHT CHINA,*****G,*****. *****HS AND ********** High levels of enthusiasm and commitment to a successful sales,marketing or enthusiasm and commitment to a successful sales,marketing or communications career. Strong leadership qualities;able to schedule priorities and perform/delegate accordingly to effectively accomplish tasks to hand. Working knowledge of both written and verbal Japanese and French. Broad perspective of Japanese people,culture,and customs,as well as Japanese-American diplomatic relations. Computer literate in most popular software,including WordPerfect 5.0 and 5.1(including Japanese WordPerfect),Lotus 1-2-3,DrawPerfect and Computer Aided Design(CAD). *****E-*****N *****NS Served as liaison between Japanese diplomats and the Japanese-American Relations Group and with the Japanese press during the Prime Minister‘s Stay. Translated correspondence and filed inquiries from the Japanese populationin the Boston business community. Organized travel itineraries for Japanese officials visiting the NewEngland area. SALES/*****NG/**********L SKILLS Founded international resumes,a company designed for the creation of English and Japanese resumes,and ran it from 1989-1991. Designed and circulated posters,banners and invitations in order to introduce the Japanese community to New England. *****ON Yale University,New Haven,CT M.A. East Asian Studies,expected to be received June 1995. Harvard University,Cambridge,MA M.A. Psychology and Japanese Studies,May 1989 *****ENT ***** 1991- Present Technical Writer/Junior Programmer 1989-1990 Assistant to the Japanese Ambassador 1989-1990 Sales Representative 1987-1988 Marketing Representative Functional portion of the resume focuses on candidate‘s unique qualifications,skills,and accomplishments. Chronological portion of the resume briefly summarizes candidate‘s employment history.。













英语翻译人员求职简历2个人概况姓名:性别:女民族:汉学历学位:本科专业:英语联系电话:手机:联系地址:邮编:EmailAddress:教育背景毕业院校:湖南大学1993—9—1997—7另:其他培训情况辅修日语和导游现正进行注册会计师考试工作经历1999—4—至今中美合资狄姆阿姆斯壮技术有限公司翻译/总经理秘书处理总经理所有日常事务/现场翻译美方执行总监的技术培训和业务拓展/陪同美方技术支持进行现场工作指导/安排组织公司管理层会议并作会务翻译 1997—10—1999—4中瑞合资北京中安消防电子有限公司外籍生产经理助理负责瑞士、德国和香港地区的国际采购业务/翻译各种生产技术、商务合同文件/协助实施电子元器件国产化工作/组织、协调生产各部门会议,并承担翻译工作个人简介我本人适应性强,责任心强,勤勉不懈,并具有良好的团队精神。






教育背景=======[您毕业的院校名称]([毕业时间])[专业名称]([学位],如:翻译硕士)[在校期间的荣誉、奖项、实习经历等,如有请列出]专业证书=======英语专业八级证书([获得时间])[其他相关证书,如有请列出]工作经历=======[上一家公司或组织名称]([工作时间])职位:英语翻译工作职责:1. 负责公司各类文件、资料的翻译工作,确保翻译质量满足客户需求;2. 参与公司项目谈判、会议等场合的同声传译工作;3. 协助部门领导进行翻译团队的管理和培训;4. 定期向部门领导汇报工作进度,及时解决翻译过程中遇到的问题。

[如有其他工作经历,请按照以上格式列出]翻译项目经验=======1. [项目名称]([项目时间])项目描述:[简要介绍项目背景、内容]负责内容:[说明在项目中负责的翻译工作]成果:[项目取得的成果,如客户满意度、翻译质量等]2. [其他项目经验,如有请按照以上格式列出]技能专长=======1. 熟练掌握英语、[其他语言,如有请列出],具备专业的翻译技能;2. 熟悉各种办公软件,如Microsoft Office、Adobe Acrobat等;3. 具备较强的学习能力,能够快速掌握新的翻译技巧和专业知识;4. 具有良好的沟通协调能力,能够与团队成员保持良好的合作关系;5. 工作细心、责任心强,能够承担一定的工作压力。



英语翻译个人履历表模板文档English translation resume template document英语翻译个人履历表模板文档前言:个人简历是求职者给招聘单位发的一份简要介绍,包括个人的基本信息、过往实习工作经验以及求职目标对应聘工作的简要理解,在编写简历时,要强调工作目标和重点,语言精简,避免可能会使你被淘汰的不相关信息。



英语翻译个人履历表模板个人信息姓名:张小姐性别:女年龄: 23民族:汉族婚姻状况:未婚身高: 160 cm最高学历:大专毕业院校: xx贸易职业学院所学专业:应用英语教育背景XX年9月-XX年7月 xx贸易职业学院应用英语工作经验xx刺绣公司(XX年2月-XX年7月)公司性质:私营企业行业类别:生产、制造、加工担任职位:企业文职类-高级文员工作描述:员工入职手续登记,考勤核查,仓库管理,物料订购,现金流水帐记录,公司生产的各类报表等等。

技能/专长语言能力:英语(良好);法语(一般);普通话(标准)计算机能力:初级技能专长:考取计算机一级证书,掌握计算机基础知识,熟悉操作软件如:excel,photoshop, word。


求职意向求职类型:全职待遇要求: 1500元/月(可面议)希望岗位:翻译类-英语翻译物流/贸易类-外销员计算机业(it)类-电脑美工最快到职:半个月以后提供住房:提供其他资料发展方向:希望用自己的知识技巧帮助别人,渴望超越自我,发展和提高自己的人际沟通和解决问题的能力,并能得到职位的提升。




英语个人简历翻译(必备11篇)英语个人简历翻译第1篇First of all,thank you for taking the time to look at my resume. No pain no gain. I will be 101% enthusiasm and energy into the work, and strive to do our best !! Expect to be able to join your company,and hope that you can work in your company to your company and your company And submit a satisfactory answer to the questionnaire. The accounting, tax declaration and banking business can be skillfully handled, and the handling of social insurance, provident fund and trade union funds is also involved. We hope to be able to handle your accounting work post.The University of four years of professional knowledge and two years of work experience so that I have good social skills and excellent organization and coordination. In the study, I pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, has a considerable practical ability to operate, can be an independent cashier, accounting, cost accounting. Proficiency in computer office software and UF, U8 and other accounting software. Strong sense of professionalism and responsibility to enable me to faceany difficulties and challenges. Also expect to be able to work in the accounting class to get their professional ability to show and in the enterprise long-term stable development of enterprises to bring their own value.I have a good professional ethics and quality, teamwork ability, have strong organizational skills and adaptability; familiar with the banking business and copy the tax process, skilled in the application of financial software and office software; have good oral and written expression Ability,can be hard-working,cautious,strong sense of responsibility, able to actively complete the task of leadership assignment.英语个人简历翻译第2篇Name: Ms.gender: FemaleMarital status: Nationality: HanAge: 25 height: 155cmJob search intentionCurrent location: Guangdong - DongguanHope: Guangdong - DongguanHope position: health care classFind jobs: Plant MedicineEducation experience20xx-09 ~ 20xx-07 Guangxi Medical University Nursing College company (20xx-02 ~)Company: foreign capital enterprise category: other production, manufacturing, processingPosition: the medical post category: the doctor / physician Job description: 1 independent diagnosis, common disease treatment and medicine, and accurate accounting staff of hospital medical expenses;2 timely processing of accident and emergency patients, referral heavy patient and timely follow-up of the disease;3 deal with the case, social security staff injury claims; Make4 complete clinic drug stocktaking, requisitions and drug report;5 responsible for the clinic 6S and environmental management, active prevention in various infectious diseases;6 responsible for new employee check-up workTechnical expertiseProfessional Title: nurse qualificationComputer level: National Computer Rank Examination Grade Computer skills: computer, skilled use of Excel, Word, Powerpoint, office office softwareSkills: 1 system master pathology, etiology and diagnosis of a variety of common diseases, can correctly handle the diagnosis, treatment and nursing care of common diseases;2 skilled in dealing with medicine, injection, infusion, dressing and emergency;Correctly handle the process of 3 familiar with industrial injury;4 computer, skilled use of Excel, Word, Powerpoint, office office software;Language abilityMandarin: General Cantonese: General英语个人简历翻译第3篇姓名:xxx目前所在:肇庆年龄: 27户口所在:肇庆国籍:中国婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族诚信徽章:未申请身高: 169 cm人才测评:未测评体重: 53 kg人才类型:不限应聘职位:英语翻译,外贸/进出口专员/助理,外贸跟单/跟单助理工作年限: 3职称:无职称求职类型:兼职可到职日期:一个星期月薪要求: 20xx--3500 希望工作地区:广东省,广州,肇庆工作经历广东鸿特精密技术股份有限公司起止年月:20xx-07 ~ 20xx-08公司性质:股份制企业所属行业:贸易/消费/制造/营运担任职位:市场开拓业务员工作描述:担任公司新客户的开发,维护工作;离职原因:身体不适肇庆市海帝织造有限公司起止年月:20xx-04 ~至今公司性质:民营企业所属行业:服装/纺织/皮革/鞋业担任职位:外贸业务及跟单工作描述:通过阿里巴巴以及B2B商业平台开发新客户,跟踪并落实客户的订单的生产,出货,以及中间有关的协商事宜; 跟踪公司旧客户的订单,生产,出货,以及货款的回收等事宜。





个人简历英语翻译一: Name: Mr.Gender: MaleNationality: HanAge: 25Current location: Jiangxi - GanzhouHeight: 165cmJob search intentionHope: JiangxiHope position: mechanical (Electrical) \ / Instrument - Mechanical DraftsmanDirection: through the practice operation and exercise to improve their professional ability, practical ability of design drawing ability and deal with all kinds of problems for further improvement, and strive to become not only have solid professional ability and comprehensive design talents with rich experience in actual combat, is able to support the leadership of the company and colleagues help create practical for the company economic benefits, at the same time in the occupation road continues to grow and progress.Self assessment:Fervent, sincere; serious and responsible for work, initiative, can bear hardships and stand hard work, has a strong ability to adapt; strong sense of discipline, work actively; the will is strong, strong dedication spirit.Education experienceBachelor of mechanical Jiangxi University 20xx-09 --20xx.6* * company (20xx-02 ~ 20xx.4)Company nature: private enterprise category: other production, manufacturing, processingPosition: process technician job categories: Process EngineerJob description: compilation process and process according to the design, drawing drawings, including raw materials required for the calculation and purchase, processing cost calculation, various types of processing time distribution, the customer quotation and solve production problems encountered in the process.By engaging in milling machine operator and technical staff, to the entire product processing technology, materials, heat treatment, process, cost to have a better understanding. To participate in the CAD skills training and obtained CAD certificate, also spare time to learn SolidWorks and CAXA drawing software.个人简历英语翻译二: Basic information of personal photosName:gender: FemaleThe people of Han Nationality: date of birth: April 4, 1990ID number: ****************** marital status: singleHeight: 163cm weight: 48kgHousehold registration: Jiangxi Ganzhou current location: Jiangxi GanzhouGraduate School: Ganzhou technician college degree: CollegeTitle of the major: computer graphic design graduation year: 20xx Work experience: one year post: otherJob search intentionPosition type: Full-timeJob category: computer hardwareJob title: computer hardwareArea: Jiangxi Ganzhou;Salary: 2800 yuan / month negotiable; do not need to provide housing Availability: can at any time to postTechnical expertiseLanguage ability: English - Mandarin general;Education and trainingEducation experience: time school educationTraining experience: time training certificateWork experienceOther informationSelf assessment: college three years, my various aspects ability have been developed, can say, after three years of study, I have the ability to adapt to social work.Study: I work hard, diligently, strive for a school the good time to learn. School days, not only that I learned a lot of knowledge, I also understand the learning method. Is the use of this method, in addition to school courses, so far, I have mastered the basic knowledge of the professional knowledge and the basis of design. In addition, the computer love let me have some understanding of the computer, the CAD, Photoshop, CorelDRAW etc. can skilled application software.At work: I participated in the student union and served as the chairman of student union, is mainly responsible for the student work and practice experience make me to consolidate existing knowledge at the same time, the more aroused my strong learning desire, let me continue to forge ahead, constantly improve.In the thought: I progress requirements, has been ready to help people any, organization and implementation work has since entered the school responsible for the celebration of twenty anniversary, new year s day new year school s.. Participated in the youth volunteer activities. Respect teachers, unite classmates, to create a good environment for their ownlearning and life.In daily life: I m a frugal life, has a wide range of interests and hobbies. Future work is to my knowledge examination, but also to my life challenge. I will work constantly improve themselves, improve themselves, to adapt to the needs of work.Direction: to better play to their strengths, to do more for the company, a force for social个人简历英语翻译三: Name: Ms.gender: FemaleMarital status: Nationality: HanAge: 25 height: 155cmJob search intentionCurrent location: Guangdong - DongguanHope: Guangdong - DongguanHope position: health care classFind jobs: Plant MedicineEducation experience20xx-09 ~ 20xx-07 Guangxi Medical University Nursing College* * company (20xx-02 ~)Company: foreign capital enterprise category: other production, manufacturing, processingPosition: the medical post category: the doctor / physicianJob description: 1 independent diagnosis, common disease treatment and medicine, and accurate accounting staff of hospital medical expenses;2 timely processing of accident and emergency patients, referral heavy patient and timely follow-up of the disease;3 deal with the case, social security staff injury claims;Make 4 complete clinic drug stocktaking, requisitions and drug report;5 responsible for the clinic 6S and environmental management, activeprevention in various infectious diseases;6 responsible for new employee check-up workTechnical expertiseProfessional Title: nurse qualificationComputer level: National Computer Rank Examination GradeComputer skills: computer, skilled use of Excel, Word, Powerpoint, office office softwareSkills: 1 system master pathology, etiology and diagnosis of a variety of common diseases, can correctly handle the diagnosis, treatment and nursing care of common diseases;2 skilled in dealing with medicine, injection, infusion, dressing and emergency;Correctly handle the process of 3 familiar with industrial injury;4 computer, skilled use of Excel, Word, Powerpoint, office office software;Language abilityMandarin: General Cantonese: General。



翻译员的个人简历个人信息:姓名:XXX性别:XX出生日期:XXXX年XX月XX日联系电话:XXXXXXXXXXX电子邮件:*************教育背景:XXXX年至今 XXXX大学研究生院翻译专业硕士XXXX年-XXXX年 XXXX大学外语学院英语专业学士专业技能:语言能力:- 母语:中文- 流利掌握:英语、法语、西班牙语- 熟练使用语言的听说读写能力,具备较高的口译和笔译能力翻译技能:- 准确理解源语言的含义,并通过准确、自然的方式将其转化为目标语言- 注重细节,准确表达原文中的专业术语和文化内涵- 熟练使用翻译工具(如CAT软件)提高翻译效率- 具备优秀的团队合作和沟通能力,能够与编辑、校对人员密切配合项目经验:XXXX年-XXXX年国际会议翻译- 负责会议期间的口译工作,准确传递演讲者的观点和信息- 协助组织翻译团队,确保会议翻译的顺利进行XXXX年-XXXX年文学作品翻译- 翻译多本文学作品,包括小说、诗歌和散文- 保持原作的风格和情感,同时确保目标语言读者理解文学作品的内涵XXXX年-XXXX年法律文件翻译- 负责翻译各类法律文件,如合同、法规和判决书- 确保翻译的准确性和法律术语的正确使用实习经历:XXXX年-XXXX年 XXXX媒体有限公司外语翻译实习生- 协助翻译公司新闻稿件,确保准确传达信息- 收集翻译资源,提供术语和背景材料支持自我评价:作为一名翻译员,我具备良好的语言基础和翻译技巧,能够准确把握源语言的含义并转化为目标语言。





参考资格证书:- XXXX翻译资格证书(XXXX级)- 英语专业八级证书以上资料仅为简历示范,请根据实际情况进行合理修改。




技能与能力具备扎实的英语听、说、读、写能力,通过[英语水平证书,如:专业八级、雅思、托福等];熟练掌握翻译技巧,具备快速、准确翻译的能力;熟悉办公软件,如Microsoft Office、Adobe PDF等;良好的沟通和团队协作能力;具备较强的学习能力和适应力。







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年龄: 25岁
工作年限: 1年
联系电话: ***********
期望薪资: 3000-5000元
2013-08 - 2014-04 深圳****出国留学文案

2008-09 - 2013-06 深圳大学英语本科


