不要让生活等待和请允许我成为你的夏季 中英文版

这就是生活:8条箴言让你做出好的改变(英汉对照)1. Longing is another form of Divine instruction.欲望是另一种神祇。
Too often we deem our desires to be frivolous. Those of the ego we can live without. However, there is a knowing that resides much deeper. Needs of the soul requir e attention if you’re to ever know peace.我们往往认为自己的欲望是负面的东西,这些来自本我的情绪是我们可以克服的。
2. Situations are neutral. People are not.处境无好坏,人面对处境的方式却有好坏。
While we may or may not be directly responsible for what life hands to us, we are absolutely in control of how we respond to it. Two people can have polar opposite reactions to the same situation. Interpretations of experience are internally driven.对于生活给我们的馈赠,我们或许不能负直接责任。
3. Mistakes are tools for calibration.犯错是自我纠正的必经之道。
j'ai pas vingt ans歌词

J'ai pas vingt ansAlizeeJ'ai pas vingt ans 我还不到二十岁C'est pas l'histoire d'un jour 这不是一天的事情Qui rime avec amour, 和爱这个单词押韵的那个,(指的是天:jour 这个单词)Plut?t un long séjour 宁可要长时间的逗留Mais pas : un "pour toujours" 但不是: "永远"J'veux pas d'un "pour la vie" 我不要"一生都。
"这个承诺qui mène au paradis, 尽管它能把我带到天堂Moi j'ai le temps ! 我有时间C'est juste un compromis, 这只是种妥协,un peu comme l'eau de pluie 就像少许雨水Qui devient l'océan ... 也可以汇成海洋。
C'est pas l'enfer non plus 这也不是地狱Question d'habitude ... 总是有问题。
Si c'est pas pour la vie,如果不是为了生活,tant pis, 更坏Alors dis oui ... 于是说:是的。
{Refrain:}J'aime pas l'habitude ! 我不喜欢习俗!J'aime pas quand ?a dure ! 我不喜欢它持续下去!J'ai pas vingt ans ... 我还不到二十岁。
J'ai pas d'attitude ... 我没有脾气。

英⽂情诗:请允许我成为你的夏季赏析,附翻译 今天⼩编为⼤家整理的是关于英⽂情诗:请允许我成为你的夏季,希望⼤家可以好好看⼀下,下⾯就让我们⼀起来学习⼀下吧。
Summer for Thee, Grant I May Be 请允许我成为你的夏季 Summer for thee, grant I may be When summer days are flown! Thy music still, when Whippoorwill And Oriole—are done! For thee to bloom, I’ll skip the tomb And row my blossoms over! Pray gather me—Anemone— Thy flower—forevermore! 请允许我成为你的夏季, 当夏季的光阴已然流逝! 请允许我成为你的⾳乐, 当夜鹰与⾦莺收敛了歌喉! 请允许我为你绽放,我将穿越墓地, 四处播撒我的花朵! 请把我采撷吧——银莲花—— 你的花朵——将为你盛开,直⾄永远! If You Were Coming in the Fall 如果你在秋天到来 If you were coming in the Fall, I’d brush the summer by With half a smile, and half a spurn, As Housewives do, a Fly。
If I could see you in a year, I’d wind the months in balls— And put them each in separate Drawers, For fear the numbers fuse— If only Centuries, delayed, I’d count them on my hand, Subtracting, till my fingers dropped Into Van Dieman’s Land。

-=THE LAST FANTASY=- 荣誉出品本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业途径-=TLF字幕组=- 翻译:kelvinlang 校对:maylcunaFLYNN: This is the story of how I died. 这是一个关于我如何老去的故事But don't worry, this is a fun story, and the truth is, it isn't even mine.但是别担心,这个故事很好玩事实上,也算不上是我的故事This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel.这是关于一个叫长发公主的女孩的故事And it starts with the sun.我们先从太阳说起Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens.很久以前,一抹阳光从天空坠落And from this small drop of sun grew a magic golden flower.在它落下的地方,长出了一朵金色的魔花It had the ability to heal the sick and injured.它能治愈疾病和伤痛Oh, you see that old woman over there? You might want to remember her.看到那边的老婆婆了吗?一定要记住她She's kind of important.她是这里的关键人物Centuries passed几个世纪之后and a hop, skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom.周围逐渐形成了一个王国The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen.这个国家的国王和王后深受人民爱戴And the queen was about to have a baby.王后怀孕了But she got sick.但是却得了重病Really sick.非常严重She was running out of time,她时日无多and that's when people start to look for a miracle.这时候人们开始寻找奇迹Or in this case, a magic golden flower. 在这个故事里,就是魔花Ah! I told you she'd be important.对吧!我跟你提过她很重要的Instead of sharing the sun's gift,并不是所有人都乐意分享上天的礼物this woman, Mother Gothel, hoarded its healing power这个女巫葛朵更喜欢独享它的魔力and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years.她要让自己永葆青春And all she had to do was sing a special song.她要做的只是唱一首特别的歌(SINGING) Flower, gleam and glow魔花闪烁Let your power shine借汝之力Make the clock reverse闪回时间Bring back what once was mine还我容颜What once was mine再次无瑕FLYNN: You get the gist. She sings to it, she turns young. Creepy, right?你看到了,她对着花唱歌然后就变年轻了,很诡异,对吧?(VOICES APPROACHING)We found it!找到了!FLYNN: The magic of the golden flower healed the queen.金色魔花治愈了王后A healthy baby girl, a princess was born, with beautiful golden hair.公主平安落地,她有着完美的金发(BAB Y COOING HAPPILY) (CHUCKLING)(COOING)(LAUGHING SOFTLY)FLYNN: I'll give you a hint, that's Rapunzel.给各位看官一个小提示这就是之后的长发公主(GIGGLES) To celebrate her birth,为给公主庆生the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky.国王和王后向天空放了一盏孔明灯(PEOPLE CHEERING)And for that one moment, everything was perfect.至现在为止,一切都还安然无事And then that moment ended.好时光总是很短(SINGING) Flower, gleam and glow魔花闪烁Let your power shine借汝之力Make the clock...闪回时…(GASPS)(RAPUNZEL CRYING)FLYNN: Gothel broke into the castle, stole the child,葛朵闯入城堡,抢走了孩子and just like that, gone!就像这样,逃走了!The kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the princess. 整个王国上下都在寻找公主,却一直无果For deep within the forest, in a hidden tower,因为在隐藏森林深处的一座高塔中Gothel raised the child as her own.葛朵独自将孩子抚养长大了RAPUNZEL: (SINGING) Save what has been lost闪回时间Bring back what once was mine还我容颜What once was mine再次无瑕FLYNN: Gothel had found her new magic flower,葛朵找到了一朵新的魔“花”but this time, she was determined to keep it hidden.这次,她决心要将她藏好Why can't I go outside?为什么我不能出去呢?The outside world is a dangerous place, 外面的世界很危险filled with horrible, selfish people.到处都是可怕自私的人们You must stay here, where you're safe. 你得留在这里,只有这里是安全的Do you understand, flower?明白了吗,小花儿?Yes, Mommy.知道了,妈妈FLYNN: But the walls of that tower could not hide everything.但高塔之墙无法阻挡住一切Each year, on her birthday,每年在她生日的时候the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky 国王和王后都会放飞数千盏孔明灯in hope that one day their lost princess would return.希望有一天能够明珠复还(WHIMPERS)Ha!哈!Hmm.嗯Well, I guess Pascal's not hiding out here.看来帕斯卡没躲这里(SNIGGERING)- Gotcha! - (SCREAMS)抓到你了!(PANTS)That's 22 for me. How about 23 out of 45?我已经22胜了哦,要不咱们改成45战23胜吧?Okay. Well, what do you want to do?好吧,那你准备怎么办?(SQUEAKS)Yeah. I don't think so. I like it in here, and so do you.不,我觉得不行,我喜欢在这儿,你也是Oh, come on, Pascal. It's not so bad in there.拜托,帕斯卡,这里也没那么差了(SINGING) Seven a.m., the usual morning lineup清晨七点,惯例整装行动Start on the chores And sweep till the floor's all clean做家务,先扫地Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up拖地,打蜡,洗衣服,统统擦干净Sweep again and by then it's, like, 7: 15 再来一次,等到7:15And so I'll read a book Or maybe two or three我会去看本书或者两三本I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery 画幅新作品,放在我的画廊I'll play guitar and knit and cook and basically我会弹吉他,做女红,烧饭,还有最重要的Just wonder when will my life begin?幻想我的新生活新生活Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking午饭过后是拼图时间,我还射飞镖,烤东西Papier-màché, a bit of ballet and chess 做做手工,跳跳芭蕾,来盘象棋Pottery and ventriloquy, candle-making 制陶器,玩腹语,做蜡烛Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch Take a climb, sew a dress来个伸展运动,再来个素描爬个高,缝个裙子And I'll reread the books If I have time to spare再温习读过的书,如果还有时间I'll paint the walls some more I'm sure there's room somewhere我就再画些壁画一定还有空地方可以放得下And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair然后我梳梳梳头发Stuck in the same place I've always been 每天在同一个地方And I'll keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering开始想啊想啊想When will my life begin?我的未来何时才能开始?Tomorrow night明晚the lights will appear孔明灯又将照亮夜空Just like they do就像以前的on my birthday each year每个生日一样What is it like当它们齐聚夜空out there where they glow外面会是什么样子Now that I'm older现在的我已经长大Mother might just let me go妈妈也许会让我出去Wow! I could get used to a view like this. 哇!这里太美了Rider, come on!瑞德,快点儿!Hold on. Yep. I'm used to it. Guys, I want a castle.等等,没错,我爱死这里了哥们儿,我想要座城堡We do this job, you can buy your own castle.做完这票,你可以自己买一座(SNEEZES)- Hay fever? - Yeah.- 花粉过敏?- 嗯Huh?啥?Wait! Hey, wait!等等!嘿,站住!Can't you picture me in a castle of my own? Because I certainly can.你能想象我未来的城堡吗?我可以All the things we've seen, and it's only 8:00 in the morning!这么美的景色,一切才刚开始呢!Gentlemen, this is a very big day!先生们,今天是个大日子!(SIGHS) This is it! This is a very big day, Pascal.是啊!今天是个大日子,帕斯卡(CHUCKLES) I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to ask her.我今天一定要求她让我出去- GOTHEL: Rapunzel! - (GASPS)长发公主Let down your hair!把你的头发放下来吧!It's time!就是现在!I know, I know. Come on. Don't let her see you.来了,来了,快躲起来,别让她瞧见Rapunzel! I'm not getting any younger down here!宝贝!我都要等老了!Coming, Mother!来了,妈妈!(GRUNTING)(PANTING) Hi. Welcome home, Mother. 欢迎回来,妈妈(EX CLAIMS) Rapunzel, how you manage to do that姑娘,你是怎样日复一日地every single day without fail.都坚持下来的呢?It looks absolutely exhausting, darling. 你看上去太累了,宝贝Oh, (CHUCKLES) it's nothing.哈,这没什么的Then I don't know why it takes so long. 那我不明白了,怎么让我等那么久(LAUGHS) Oh, darling, I'm just teasing. 喔,亲爱的,我开玩笑的(CHUCKLES)All right.好吧So, Mother, as you know tomorrow is a very big day...妈妈,你知道明天很重要…Rapunzel, look in that mirror.宝贝,快看看镜子You know what I see?看到什么了吗?I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady.我看见一个强大自信,又漂亮的年轻姑娘Oh, look, you're here, too. (LAUGHS) 哎,看,原来你也在镜子里面I'm just teasing. Stop taking everything so seriously.开玩笑而已,别这么严肃嘛Okay. So, Mother, as I was saying, tomorrow is...妈妈,我刚才说到哪儿了,明天是…Rapunzel, Mother's feeling a littlerun-down.乖女儿,妈妈今天有点累Would you sing for me, dear? Then we'll talk.给我唱唱歌吧,亲爱的?我们之后再聊Oh! Of course, Mother.好嘞,妈妈(QUICKLY) Flower, gleam and glow Let your power shine魔花闪烁,借汝之力Make the clock reverse Bring back what once was mine闪回时间,还我容颜Heal what has been hurt Change the Fates' design抚平伤口,改变命运Save what has been lost Bring back what once was mine寻回逝去,换回新生- Rapunzel! - So, Mother,- 怎么唱这么快!- 唱完了,妈earlier I was saying tomorrow is a big day, and you didn't respond.刚才我说明天很重要,但你没反应So, I'm just going to tell you, it's my birthday! (LAUGHS)明天是我生日啊!- Ta-da! - No, no, no. Can't be.- 噹噹!- 不对,不对,不可能I distinctly remember. Your birthday was last year.我很清楚记得,去年你过过生日了That's the funny thing about birthdays. They're kind of an annual thing.这才是生日啊,每年都有一次哦(SIGHS)Mother, I'm turning 18, and I wanted to ask...妈妈,我就要成年了,这次我想要…(SIGHS) What I really want for this birthday...我真正想要的生日礼物…Actually what I wanted for quite a few birthdays now...我都想了好多年了…Rapunzel, please, stop with the mumbling.宝贝儿,拜托,别老是嘟嘟囔囔的You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah-blah-blah-blah.你知道我最烦这个的了,叽叽咕咕的It's very annoying! I'm just teasing. You're adorable.烦死了!我就是说着玩儿的,真是傻丫头I love you so much, darling.我非常爱你,亲爱的(PASCAL SQUEAKS)(EX CLAIMS) I want to see the floating lights.我想去看孔明灯(CHUCKLES) What?啥?I was hoping you would take me to see the floating lights.我想你带我去看孔明灯Oh! You mean the stars.哦!你说那些星星吗?That's the thing.就是那个I've charted stars, and they're always constant.我画了星象图,星星是一成不变的But these, they appear every year on my birthday, Mother.但这些,它们每年在我生日的时候出现,妈妈Only on my birthday.只在我生日那晚And I can't help but feel like they're meant for me.我老是觉得它们是为我特意准备的I need to see them, Mother.我要去看它们,妈妈And not just from my window, in person. 不是从窗户里,而是亲身去感受I have to know what they are.我想知道它们是什么You want to go outside? (SCOFFS) Why, Rapunzel...你想要出去?为什么,女儿…(SINGING) Look at you, as fragile as a flower看看你,就是温室里的一朵小花Still a little sapling, just a sprout才刚刚发芽呢You know why we stay up in this tower 你知道我们为何隐居高塔- I know, but... - That's right.- 我知道,但是…- 没错To keep you safe and sound, dear为了保护你,亲爱的Guess I always knew this day was coming我早就知道,这一天早晚会来Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest迟早你会想一个人出去闯荡Soon but not yet就快了,但现在还不行Shh! Trust me, pet我们不谈了!相信我,亲爱的Mother knows best妈妈是最好的老师(HATCH THUDDING CLOSED)Mother knows best Listen to your mother妈妈是最好的老师,听妈妈的话(SCREAMS)It's a scary world out there外面的世界太可怕Mother knows best妈妈是最好的老师(GRUNTING)One way or another Something will go wrong一步走错,后悔莫及I swear我保证Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand 恶棍,流氓,毒草,流沙Cannibals and snakes, the plague食人族,毒蛇,瘟疫- No! - Yes.- 不!- 没错Also large bugs Men with pointy teeth 大虫子,尖牙的吸血鬼And stop! No more, you'll just upset me 算了!不说了,你会让我难过Mother's right here Mother will protect you妈妈在这里,妈妈保护你Darling, here's what I suggest亲爱的,听妈妈的话Skip the drama Stay with Mama停止幻想,陪着妈妈Mother knows best妈妈是最好的老师(LAUGHS)Mother knows best Take it from your mumsy妈妈是最好的老师,妈妈保护你On your own, you won't survive靠自己,你将无法生存Sloppy, underdressed Immature, clumsy 拖沓的裙子,幼稚,笨拙Please, they'll eat you up alive那些人会生吞活剥了你Gullible, naive Positively grubby轻信,天真,娇小可人Ditsy and a bit... Well, hmm, vague笨拙…还有迷迷糊糊的Plus, I believe, getting kind of chubby 另外,我觉得还有点婴儿肥I'm just saying 'cause I wuv you这么说是因为我爱你Mother understands Mother's here to help you妈妈最懂你,妈妈在帮你All I have is one request我只有一个要求- Rapunzel? - Yes?- 宝贝在听吗?- 啊?Don't ever ask to leave this tower again. 不要再说离开这座塔了Yes, Mother.好的,妈妈Oh.I love you very much, dear.我太爱你了,亲爱的I love you more.我更爱你I love you most.我最爱你(SINGING) Don't forget it不要忘记我说的话You'll regret it否则你会抱憾终身Mother knows best妈妈是最好的老师Ta-ta! I'll see you in a bit, my flower!噹噹,我过一会儿再来看你,亲爱的I'll be here.我在这儿等你回来(PANTING)(GASPS)Oh, no.哦,天哪No, no, no, no, no. This is bad. This is very, very bad.天哪,天哪,天哪,麻烦了,这下麻烦大了This is really bad.这下捅大篓子了They just can't get my nose right.他们老是把我的鼻子画得这么难看Who cares?你现在还管这个?It's easy for you to say. You guys look amazing.站着说话不腰疼,你俩画得那么帅(HORSES NEIGHING) (PANTING)All right. Okay. Give me a boost and I'll pull you up.快,这样,托我上去,然后我拉你们Give us the satchel first.先把包给我们(EX CLAIMS)I just...什么?我就是…I can't believe that after all we've been through together, you don't trust me? 不敢相信我们一起患难,你们却还不相信我?Ouch.好吧(GRUNTING)Now help us up, pretty boy!现在拉我们上去,帅哥!Sorry, my hands are full.不好意思,我没手了What?什么?Rider!瑞德!(EX CLAIMS)Retrieve that satchel at any cost!我们一定要把那个包抢回来的!SOLDIERS: Yes, sir!是,长官!(NEIGHING)(GRUNTS)(GASPS)We got him now, Maximus.我们要抓住他了,马克西姆(GRUNTS)(URGES HORSE)(LAUGHS)(SNORTS)(GRUNTS) Come on, fleabag! Forward! 快,畜生!冲啊!No. No!不,不行!Stop it! Stop it! Give it to me! Give me that!不准动!停下!给我!还给我!Ha!哈!(CRACKING) (NEIGHING IN ALARM)- (SCREAMS) - (NEIGHS) (SPITS)(SNIFFING)(EX CLAIMS) (MAXIMUS NEIGHING) (SNORTS)(NICKERS) (GRUNTING) (PANTING)Alone at last.总算躲过一劫(CLANGING) (SQUEALS)Huh.(GASPS SOFTLY)- Huh? - (GASPS) (CLANGING) (GRUNTING) (PANTING) (GRUNTING)(EX CLAIMS)Hmm.(CHUCKLING CONTENTEDLY) (SQUEALS) (GRUNTING)Huh?Okay, okay, okay. I've got a person in my closet.好吧,好吧,好吧,我衣柜里藏了个人I've got a person in my closet.衣柜里面有个人(ENUNCIATING) I've got a person in my closet!我衣柜里面有个人!(CHUCKLES)Too weak to handle myself out there, huh, Mother?谁说我没法独立啊,妈妈?Well, tell that to my frying pan.跟我的平底锅念叨去吧(GROANS)Huh?呃?Hmm.Hmm.- GOTHEL: Rapunzel! - (GASPS) Oh!- 我回来啦!- 来啦!Let down your hair!把你头发放下来!One moment, Mother!马上,妈妈!I have a big surprise!我要给你个惊喜!Uh... I do, too!这么巧…我也有!Ooh, I bet my surprise is bigger!但是我的惊喜肯定更大哦!(SOFTLY) I seriously doubt it.真的吗?我可不信I brought back parsnips. I'm going to make hazelnut soup for dinner.我带了防风草,做你最喜欢的榛子汤Your favourite. Surprise!你最喜欢的,高兴吧!Well, Mother, there's something I want to tell you.好吧,妈妈,我要跟你说件事Oh, Rapunzel, you know I hate leaving you after a fight.又来了,乖女儿,我不想跟你吵架Especially when I've done absolutely nothing wrong.尤其在我没做错任何事的时候I've been thinking a lot about what you said earlier.我很仔细地考虑了你之前说的话I hope you're not still talking about the stars.你不会又想重提看星星的事吧"Floating lights," and, yes, I'm leading up to that.是“孔明灯”,没错,就是这个Because I really thought we dropped the issue, sweetheart.我以为这个问题已经不存在了,宝贝No, Mother, I'm just saying,不是,妈妈,我想说的是you think I'm not strong enough to handle myself out there.你觉得我太柔弱,不能独立Oh, I know you're not strong enough to handle yourself out there.呵呵,亲爱的,你确实是这样- But if you just... - We're done talking about this.- 但如果你…- 这事我们已经讨论过了- Trust me! I know what I'm... - Rapunzel. - 相信我!我知道自己…- 好了,乖女儿- Oh, come on! - Enough with the lights! - 噢,拜托!- 说够多了!You are not leaving this tower! Ever!你不准出塔!永远都不许!(GROANS) Great. Now I'm the bad guy. 你满意了,我现在是彻彻底底的大坏人了All I was going to say, Mother, is that... 其实我想说的是,妈妈…I know what I want for my birthday now. 我想好要什么生日礼物了And what is that?你想要什么?New paint.新颜料The paint made from the white shells you once brought me.你给我买的那种带白贝壳的That is a very long trip, Rapunzel. Almost three days' time.那太远了,将近要三天的路程啊I just thought it was a better idea than the stars.我只是觉得这个礼物比星星好点儿(SIGHS)You'll be all right on your own?你自己一个人没问题吧?I know I'm safe as long as I'm here.我在这里再安全不过了GOTHEL: I'll be back in three days' time. 那我三天之后回来I love you very much, dear.我非常爱你,亲爱的RAPUNZEL: I love you more.我更爱你GOTHEL: I love you most.我最爱你(BREATHES DEEPLY)Okay.好吧Huh.(SQUEAKING)(EX CLAIMS)Huh? What...啊?什么…(GRUNTING)FLYNN: Is this hair?难道这些是头发?Struggling... Struggling is pointless.挣扎…挣扎也是没有意义的Huh?啊?(RAPUNZEL CLAMBERING DOWN)I know why you're here, and I'm not afraid of you.我知道你什么来头,我不怕你What?啥?Who are you? And how did you find me? 你是谁?你怎么找到我的?(STAMMERING SOFTLY) (ENUNCIATING) Who are you, and how did you find me?你是谁,怎么找到我的?(CLEARS THROAT)I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you.我不知道你是谁,到这里也不是为了找你But may I just say...我只能说…Hi.嗨How you doing? The name's Flynn Rider. 你好吗?我叫福林·瑞德How's your day going? Huh?你最近怎么样?(GRUNTS IN CONFUSION)Who else knows my location, Flynn Rider?还有谁知道我在这儿,福林·瑞德?- All right, blondie. - Rapunzel.- 好了,金发美女- 我叫长发公主Gesundheit. Here's the deal.祝您身体健康,事情是这样的I was in a situation, gallivanting through the forest.我当时在林子里瞎逛I came across your tower and...无意间发现这个塔…Oh! Oh, no.然后,天哪,不会吧Where is my satchel?我的背包呢?I've hidden it. Somewhere you'll never find it.我藏起来了,你找不到的It's in that pot, isn't it?就在那个罐子里,对吧?(CLANGING)(GROANING)Huh?啊?(EX CLAIMS) Would you stop that?你能不能别这样?Now it's hidden where you'll never find it.这次我把背包藏在你绝对找不到的地方So, what do you want with my hair? To cut it?你想把我的头发怎么样?剪下来吗?- What? - Sell it?- 啥?- 卖钱吗?No! Listen, the only thing I want to do with your hair不是!听着,我唯一可能需要你头发的地方is to get out of it, literally.是想离开这里,就是字面上的意思You...你…Wait. You don't want my hair?等下,你不是想要我的头发?Why on earth would I want your hair? 我为什么要你的头发?Look, I was being chased, I saw a tower, I climbed it.听着,我被人追,看见这塔就爬上来了End of story.就这些(STAMMERING) You're telling the truth? 你说的是真的?Yes!没错!Hmm.(GROWLING)(GROWLING)(SQUEAKING)(WHISPERING) I know. I need someone to take me.我知道,也许正好可以跟他出塔- (SQUEAKING) - I think he's telling the truth, too.我也觉得他说的是实话He doesn't have fangs. But what choice do I have?他不是吸血鬼啊,我又能怎么办呢?(SIGHS)Okay, Flynn Rider, I'm prepared to offer you a deal.好吧,福林·瑞德,咱们做个交易吧- Deal? - Look this way.- 交易?- 看这里(EX CLAIMING)Do you know what these are?你知道这些是什么吗?You mean the lantern thing they do for the princess?你说的是他们为公主放的孔明灯?Lanterns? I knew they weren't stars.孔明灯?我就知道不是星星Well, tomorrow evening,好吧,明晚they will light the night sky with these lanterns.他们又会用灯笼点亮夜空You will act as my guide, take me to these lanterns,你给我当向导,带我去看灯and return me home safely.然后再把我安全送回家Then, and only then, will I return your satchel to you.然后我就把包还给你That is my deal.你觉得怎么样?Yeah.这个啊(GRUNTING)No can do.没门儿Unfortunately the kingdom and I aren't exactly simpatico at the moment,非常不幸,那个国王和我的关系很不…“和谐”so I won't be taking you anywhere.所以我哪里都不能带你去Something brought you here, Flynn Rider.是上天带你来这儿的,福林·瑞德Call it what you will,你怎么说都行- fate, destiny... - A horse.- 天数,命运…- 是一匹马So I have made the decision to trust you. 所以我选择相信你A horrible decision, really.这可不是什么好主意,真心这么觉得But trust me when I tell you this.但是相信我的话You can tear this tower apart brick by brick,哪怕你把这个塔给拆了but without my help, you will never find your precious satchel.没我的帮助,你绝对找不到你那宝贝包的(CLEARS THROAT)Let me get this straight.直说吧I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home,我带你去看孔明灯,再送你回家and you'll give me back my satchel?然后你把包还给我?I promise.我保证And when I promise something, I never, ever break that promise.决不食言- Ever. - (SQUEAKS IN AGREEMENT)绝对All right, listen. I didn't want to have to do this,好吧,听着,这事并不是非做不可but you leave me no choice.但我别无选择Here comes the smoulder.我很生气This is kind of an off day for me. This doesn't normally happen.我本来今天休息的,平时我绝对不是这样的Fine! I'll take you to see the lanterns.好吧!我带你去看孔明灯Really?真的?Oops.不好意思(GASPING) You broke my smoulder.你真扫兴(GRUNTING)Are you coming, blondie?下来吧,金发美眉?(SINGING) Look at the world so close And I'm halfway to it世界如此之近,我就要触碰它Look at it all so big Do I even dare看它如此之大,我真的有勇气吗?Look at me, there at last I just have to do it看看自己,我终于美梦成真Should I? No Here I go我该做吗?不!我来了(GRUNTS)(CHUCKLES)(LAUGHING)(LAUGHING)Just smell the grass, the dirt Just like I dreamed they'd be青草和泥土的芬芳,一如梦中一样Just feel that summer breeze The way it's calling me感受夏天的清风,它在召唤我(GASPS)For, like, the first time ever I'm completely free第一次,我自由了I could go running and racing我可以奔跑,疾走And dancing and chasing 舞蹈,追逐And leaping and bounding Hair flying, heart pounding跳跃,猛冲,发丝飞舞,心跳动And splashing and reeling and finally feeling水滴飞溅,天旋地转,终于感觉到That's when my life begins生命从此真正开始I can't believe I did this!真不敢相信我做到了!(GASPS) I can't believe I did this.真不敢相信(LAUGHING) I can't believe I did this!真不敢相信!Mother would be so furious.妈妈一定会大发雷霆的But that's okay. What she doesn't know won't kill her, right?没事儿,她什么都不知道,对吧?(CRYING) Oh, my gosh! This would kill her.天啊!她一定会伤心欲绝的This is so fun!太好玩儿了!I am a horrible daughter. I'm going back. 我是个坏女孩,我应该回去(LAUGHING) I am never going back!我再也不回去了!I am a despicable human being!我真是一个坏人!(WHOOPING)Best day ever!最赞的一天!(CRYING)(CLEARS THROAT)You know, I can't help but notice you seem话说,我觉得你似乎a little at war with yourself here.有一点儿纠结- What? - I'm only picking up bits and pieces.- 什么?- 我是觉得这些都是小事儿Overprotective mother, forbidden road trip. This is serious stuff.保护欲过强的妈妈,不让你出门,是很严重But let me ease your conscience. This is part of growing up.但别焦虑,这是成长的一部分A little rebellion, a little adventure, that's good. Healthy, even.有点叛逆,喜欢冒险,其实挺好甚至很健康(CHUCKLES) You think?你真这样觉得?I know. You're way over-thinking this, trust me.是啊,你想的太多了,相信我Does your mother deserve it? No.你妈活该受这个罪么?当然不Would this break her heart and crush her soul? Of course. 这会让她悲痛欲绝吗?当然会But you've got to do it.但你还是得这么做"Break her heart"?“伤她的心”?- In half. - "Crush her soul"?- 心会碎成两半- “还得欲绝”?Like a grape.像捏葡萄一样She would be heartbroken. You're right. 她会心碎的,你说的没错I am, aren't I? Oh, bother.没错,是吧?对啊,你何苦呢All right. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm letting you out of the deal.我也不想这么说但是我们还是把交易取消吧- What? - That's right, but don't thank me.- 什么?- 没错,不过不用谢我Let's turn around and get you home. Here's your pan, here's your frog.我带你回家,给你锅,还有你的青蛙I get back my satchel,我拿回我的背包you get back a mother-daughter relationship based on mutual trust,你继续做你的乖女儿,相互信任and voilà, we part ways as unlikely friends.然后,就这样,咱们永世再不相见No. I am seeing those lanterns.不行,我要去看那些孔明灯Oh, come on! What is it going to take for me to get my satchel back?得了吧!你究竟想怎么样才能把背包还我?I will use this.我会用这个哦- (TWIG SNAPPING) - (PASCAL SQUEALS)(GASPS) Is it ruffians? Thugs? Have they come for me?流氓?坏蛋?他们来抓我的?Stay calm. It can probably smell fear.淡定,它可能感受到了你的恐惧Oh! (CHUCKLES)噢!Sorry. Guess I'm just a little bit jumpy. 不好意思,我可能有点儿神经兮兮的Probably be best if we avoid ruffians and thugs, though.我们最好能躲开流氓和坏蛋(CHUCKLES SELF-CONSCIOUSLY) Yeah, that would probably be best.是啊,这样最好Are you hungry? I know a great place for lunch.饿了吗?我知道一个吃午饭的好地方(CHUCKLES) Where?在哪里?Oh, don't you worry. You'll know it when you smell it.别担心,到了你就知道了(SNIFFING) (GRUNTS) (GROWLING) (NEIGHS)(TWIG SNAPS) (GRUNTS) (CHUCKLING SOFTLY) (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) (NEIGHING MENACINGLY) (GASPS)(EXHALES)A palace horse.宫里的马Where's your rider?你主人呢?Rapunzel.是来找长发公主的Rapunzel!长发公主!(NEIGHS IN CONFUSION) Rapunzel! Let down your hair! 心肝!把你的头发放下来!Rapunzel?你在吗?(PANTING) (GRUNTING) (POUNDING)Rapunzel?宝贝,你在吗?Rapunzel!宝贝!(GASPS)(GASPS)I know it's around here somewhere.就在这附近啊Ah, there it is! The Snuggly Duckling. 看,就这里!小鸭子餐厅Don't worry. Very quaint place. Perfect for you.别担心,古色古香的地方,很适合你Don't want you scaring and giving up on this whole endeavour now, do we?现在放弃不是前功尽弃了吗,你说呢?- Well, I do like ducklings. - Yay!好吧,我挺喜欢小鸭子的(MEN CHATTERING)Gar? On, your finest table, please!服务生?最好的桌子,谢谢!(GASPS)You smell that? Take a deep breath through the nose. (INHALES DEEPLY)闻到了吗?深呼吸Really let that seep in. What are you getting?好好闻闻,闻到了什么?To me, it's part man-smell and the other part is really bad man-smell.要我说,这一半是男人的味道另一半是坏人的味道I don't know why, but overall it smells like the colour brown.不知道怎么,总之闻起来像棕色的- Your thoughts? - (GASPS) 你觉得呢?That's a lot of hair.好长的头发She's growing it out. Is that blood in your moustache?这都是长出来的,你胡子上的是血吗?Goldie, look at all the blood in his moustache!美女,快看,胡子上全是血唉!Good sir, that's a lot of blood!先生,血还真不少唉!(GROWLS)You don't look so good, blondie. Maybe we should get you home, call it a day. 你看上去不太好,美眉也许我该送你回家,收工了Probably better off. This is a five-star joint.还是走吧,这里可是五星级连锁店啊If you can't handle this place, maybe you should be back in your tower.如果你连这里都不适应也许你真该回你的塔楼上去了- (RAPUNZEL GASPS) - Is this you?这是你吗?FLYNN: (GRUNTS) Now they're just being mean.这可不好玩儿(CHUCKLES) It's him, all right.就是他,没错Greno, go find some guards.格雷诺,去找王宫侍卫That reward is going to buy me a new hook.赏钱可以让我换个新钩子了- I could use the money. - What about me? I'm broke!- 我要用这笔钱- 那我呢?我破产了!Get back!给我!- Mine! - Ruffians, stop!- 我的!- 嘿,停下!- We can work this out! - Hey! Leave him alone!- 我们可以解决这个问题!- 嘿!把她放下!Gentlemen, please!先生们,拜托!Give me back my guide! Ruffians!把我的向导给我!你们这些流氓!(EX CLAIMING)(GRUNTS)(EX CLAIMING)Not the nose! Not the nose!别打鼻子!别打鼻子!Put him down!把他放下!I don't know where I am, and I need him to take me to see the lanterns我不知道这里是什么地方但我要他带我去看孔明灯because I've been dreaming about them my entire life!因为我一生都在梦想着看到灯笼!Find your humanity! Haven't any of you ever had a dream?有点儿人性吧!难道你们就没有过梦想?I had a dream once.我有过梦想,曾经(PLAYING NERVOUSLY) (SINGING) I'm malicious, mean and scary 我长相狰狞,可怕,面露凶相My sneer could curdle dairy冷笑让牛奶凝固And violence-wise my hands are not the cleanest脾气暴躁,手也不干净But despite my evil look And my temper and my hook但除了长相,脾气和钩子I've always yearned to be a concert pianist我总是希望成为钢琴家(PLAYING PIANO)Can't you see me on the stage performing Mozart在舞台上演奏莫扎特Tickling the ivories till they gleam轻抚象牙琴键直到他们发出光芒Yep, I'd rather be called deadly For my killer show tune medley没错,我弹奏杀手的音乐,渴望大声喝彩Thank you!谢谢!'Cause way down deep inside I've got a dream因为我的内心深处,我有一个梦想ALL: He's got a dream He's got a dream 他有个梦想,他有个梦想。

英语经典例句Don't make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion. 别因一时冲动去做影响一生的决定。
There is no point in living if you can't feel alive. 活着没有生气,那活着也没有意义。
Turn the page on yesterday. Only ever think about today and tomorrow. 把昨天翻过去,只去考虑今天和明天。
Chance favors only the prepared mind. 机会总眷顾有准备的人。
Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller and smaller after every mistake. 信任就像橡皮擦,每犯一次错,就会变小一点。
Life is tough, but I'm tougher. 生活很艰苦,但我更坚强。
标签:励志正能量I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.我可以穿越云雨,也可以东山再起。
(玛丽亚?凯莉)Nobody is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
University freshmen are taking part in the military training.大一新生正在接受军训。
学...[更多]Tomorrow is never clear. Our time is here.明天是未知的,我们还是享受此刻吧~《摇滚夏令营》Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.生活要么大胆尝试,要么什么都不是。

The more the more the more I alone, no friends, no support, I will respect myself.If you can't avoid, you have to go to bear. Can't stand destined to endure things in life, is weak and foolish.You think I'm going to insignificant here? Do you think I am a robot without feelings? Do you think I am poor, obscure, plain, small mu mesons, I have no soul and no heart? You think wrong, you and I have as much soul and full as much heart. If god give me a little beauty, a lot of money, I will you to leave me, just like I have to leave you. I'm not in the rules of social life and customs to talk with you, but my heart with your heart.Even if the world hate you, and believe that you are very bad, as long as you keep conscience clear, then know that you are innocent, you won't be without friends.You think I'm poor and plain, there is no feelings? I swear to you: if god gifted me beauty and wealth, I will let you to leave me, as I have to leave you. God no such arrangements. But our spirit is equal. As I walked through the grave, you equal standing in front of god.I can't control my eyes, could not help but want to go to see him, like a thirsty man knowing that toxic but also drink water. I originally had no intention of going out to love him, I also tried to put out the bud of love, but when I saw him again, again love the bottom of my heart.I eager to have their own beyond the limit of vision, so that Iarrived in the heart of the world, I had some smell, arrived in those never witnessed the vibrant towns and regions.Life is too short, should not be used to bear grudges. Living life, who will have mistakes, but we will die soon. Our SINS will be disappeared with our bodies, leaving only the spark of spirit. This is what I never wanted to revenge, and never consider life unfair. Quiet life, I am just waiting for the end of the coming.Violence is not the best way to eliminate the hatred, also, revenge is also absolutely can't heal damage.If someone doesn't love me, I would rather die than live - I can't stand loneliness and loathing.Do you think I'm poor. Not beautiful, no feelings? If god give me beauty and wealth, I will make you to leave me! As I difficult to leave you now!Solemnly strode towards the sky, the moon left the original hiding behind the top of the mountain, the mountains far below, as if still turned upward, hoping to reach the zenith of black as midnight, far-reaching and unpredictable. The twinkling stars limped, I looked at them unconsciously heart tremble, blood boiling. Little things often drove us back to the earth. The Zhong Ji via sound, in the hall that's enough. I turned from the moon and the stars, opened the door and went inside.Human nature is not perfect! Even the most bright planets also have this kind of dark spots, and miss, Chad's eyes see only slight defects, but turn a blind eye to radiant light of the planet.If you can't avoid, that your job is to endure, if you need to bear was predestined, then says he can't stand is weak is silly.I like today like this, like iron gray the sky, like the solemn in the cold world, like seinfeld, like the antique, its quiet KuangYuan, it crows perched old trees and thorns, it grey positive, it reflectedthe grey sky rows of black color window. But in the long years, I feel disgust, the thought of it like the plague struck as avoid breeding ground: now how much I still hate.If blowing wind or dropping a few drops of rain will stop me from doing these things easily, so lazy for me to give the future of his plan for what to prepare?When I'm alone again, I wanted to hear the case, into my mind, sits on my thoughts and feelings, trying to use a strict hand, put those in endless, there is no way to follow the imagination of the wilderness in the face of all, reliable standard in common sense.Desolate so within the boundary of the rocky coastlines, asing if is imprisoned, the limit of exile.Being abandoned by fate, always forgotten by the his friends!Poverty in adult heart, it is terrible; In the minds of children, it is more frightening. For hard work, a respected poverty, they were not able to understand; They have poor this words only with tattered clothes, not enough food to eat, don't light the fire stove, rough attitude and despicable behavior relates in together.Not blindly indulged in resentment, narrative doped by caustic and against the far less than in the past, and the attitude of convergence, content is concise, sounded more credible.I am poor, humble, not beautiful, but when our souls through the grave came to god, we are all equal.I gave up a prayer, a more humble prayer, pray for change, for stimulation.Revenge for the first time, I tasted the taste, like drinking. After just one drink, aromatic glycol, but with bitter.Sometimes between the moments I thought I caught a look, heard a voice, and saw a shape, the dream that I must achieve,but I woke up at once.我越是孤独,越是没有朋友,越是没有支持,我就得越尊重我自己。

宫崎骏动漫唯美中英文句子1. "生命可以随心所欲,但不能随波逐流。
" - 《猫的报恩》Life can be whatever you want it to be, but it can't just follow the flow.2. "不管你曾经被伤害得有多深,总会有一个人的出现,让你原谅之前生活对你所有的刁难。
" - 《幽灵公主》No matter how much you've been hurt, there's always someone who'll come along and make you forgive everything life has thrown at you.3. "世界这么大,人生这么长,总会有这么一个人,让你想要温柔地对待。
" - 《哈尔的移动城堡》The world is so big and life is so long, there's bound to be someone who makes you want to treat them gently.4. "我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。
" - 《千与千寻》I didn't know that parting could be so sad, I didn't know that saying goodbye could be so hard.5. "一举一动,都是承诺,会被另一个人看在眼里,记在心上的。
" - 《悬崖上的金鱼姬》Every move is a promise, and will be seen and remembered by another person.6. "人永远不知道,谁哪次不经意的跟你说了再见之后,就真的不会再见了。

以下是英文原版:Summer,Summer, how kind you are,With your warm sunshine,Your refreshing rain,Your ripe vegetables and fruit. You give us fragrant flowers, The songs of birds,Fresh air,And green trees and forests.You give us warm evening breezes,And comfortable sunshine.You make us forget the cold of winter,And the wet of spring.You give us the joy of living,And the beauty of nature.Summer, you are the best season of our lives. We swim in summer,We picnic by the lake,We sunbathe on the grass.We go for walks in the woods,We hike to the top of the mountain,We camp in nature,We experience the great outdoors,We sing around the campfire.We go on vacation by the sea,We relax by the beach,We play in the countryside.Summer, how much fun you bring us,How much vitality you give us.We will always remember you,And treasure every good moment you give us.。

寂静田园In the silence of the garden微风化作青苔Moss arizing on the wind恶魔正在思考爱情And the beast is pondering love love love直到铁钉锈去'Till the rusty nail grow dim看起来我不能得到你I can't seem to make you mine在这漫漫孤夜Through the long and lonely night爱人我已竭尽全力And I try so hard, darling可人群拥你而去But the crowd pulled you away细雨如歌♥Through the rhythm and the rain青藤已缚住我的双手And the ivy coiled around my hand你来不来You coming or not?触不到的恋人看起来我不能得到你I can't seem to make you mine在这漫漫孤夜Through the long and lonely night爱人我已竭尽全力And I try so hard, darling可人群拥你而去But the crowd pulled you away细雨如歌♥Through the rhythm and the rain青藤已缚住我的双手And the ivy coiled around my hand改编自韩国电影触不到的恋人-好马上送她过去 -谢谢- All right, I'll get her to you right away. - Appreciate it. -嗨 -嗨- Hi. - Hi.克里辛斯基医生请到急诊室Dr. Klyczynski to ER, stat. Dr. Klyczynski to ER, stat.-请问一下 -等一下- Hi, excuse me. - Yeah, just a minute, okay?-填好资料在那里等我 -不是我是福斯特医生- Fill this out for me and wait over there. - No, I'm... I'm Dr. Forster.我来报到的I was told to report here.你今天要巡视22个病房♥ 这层楼和下层楼You'll be covering 22 patients on rounds today, this floor and the next. -22个 -今天算不忙了- Twenty-two? - Quiet morning.有问题就找我但别养成习惯If you get into trouble, beep me, but don't make it a habit.细节部分就请实习护士帮忙The med students will help you out with scutwork.他怎么在这儿我不是说要送去做核磁共振吗What's he doing here? I ordered an MRI, stat.-医务士说要等四个小时 -四个小时内他可能会死- Transport said about four hours. - He could be dead in four hours.算了福斯特医生核磁共振Never mind. Dr. Forster, MRI.-转一次右两个左转搭电梯到二楼 -好- A right, two lefts, elevator to two. - Okay.跟着指标走快回来巡房♥Follow the signs. Hustle back here for rounds.克里辛医生Dr. Kly...-你要带我去哪里吗 -希望到得了- Are you taking me somewhere? - I certainly hope so, sir.-你今天好吗 -我活得下去吗- How are you feeling today? - Am...? Am I gonna make it?当然没问题的Yes. Absolutely.艾利斯Alex!我做了拿手的菠菜派办公室里很暖和喔I made my famous spinach pie. The trailer's nice and toasty.不行啦I can't.外面好冷别把自己冻出病了Look, it's really cold out here. Don't get sick on me or anything.我从来不生病I never get sick.听说你买♥♥了房♥子我居然最后一个才知道So I heard you bought a house, and apparently I'm the last one to know. 我以为跟你提过了I thought I mentioned that.等一下Wait.在哪里Where?郊区靠近湖畔Outside of town. Up the shore a little bit.靠近湖畔那里没房♥子Up the shore? There's no houses...天哪你该不会是指那栋架高的Oh, God. You don't mean that thing with the stilts and the...?丹恩-没事吧 -没事你疯了吗- You all right? - Yeah. Are you crazy?干嘛买♥♥那栋房♥子Why would you take that house, Alex?全部都是玻璃毫无隐私It's made of glass. There's no privacy.蒙娜Mona?买♥♥双靴子吧Get yourself some boots.喂刚萨拉斯Hey, Gonzalez!-430 -迷路了- Four-thirty. - You lost?-对 -要花点时间才搞得清楚- Yeah. - Takes a while to get your bearings.-我是梅薇 -凯特·福斯特你好- I'm Madhvi. - Kate Forster. Hi.楼层错了你本来在哪实习Oh, wrong floor. Where'd you do your residency?密歇根湖北岸的一家社区医院Just a little community hospital up on the North Shore.亲爱的屋主欢迎光临你的新家Dear new tenant, welcome to your new home.我以前任房♥客的身分As the previous tenant, let me say...希望你和我一样住得开心... I hope you'll like living here as much as I did.我去邮局申请了地址变更但I filed the change of address with the post office but ...你知道邮局是靠不住的...you know what a crapshoot that can be.要是有漏转的信件请你帮忙转给我好吗So if anything slips through, would you do me a favor and forward my mail?感激不尽以下是我的新地址I'd appreciate it. My new address is below.先谢谢你了附注Thanks in advance. P. S:对于前门上的狗脚印我很抱歉我搬来时就有了"Sorry about the paw prints by the front door. They were there when I moved in. 阁楼的箱子上也有Same with the box in the attic."狗脚印她在胡说什么Paw prints? What the hell is she talking about?嗨宝贝你好Hey, baby girl. Hi. Hi. Hey.修理电灯Fix the light.要买♥♥狗食Get dog food, huh?还有人的食物Get human food.喂Hey. Hey.过来Hey, come here.情人节竟然有华氏60度不像芝加哥的天气Sixty degrees on Valentine's Day. Can't be Chicago.电视上说是全球变暖现象The TV says it's global warming.冰山开始融化地表水位升高The icebergs start melting, water covers the Earth.幸好我们活不了那么久Thank God we won't live to see it.《罪与罚》这是什么What's this?没什么是你♥爸♥的书That's nothing. It's one of your father's.-陀思妥耶夫斯基 -对啊- Dostoyevsky? - Oh, yeah.是讲一个男人拿斧头砍了一个可怜女人的脖子It's about a guy who breaks the neck of a poor woman with an axe... 后来一直活在懊悔中...and, so far, keeps wandering around regretting it.好吃喔This is good.-是吗 -对真的很好吃- Oh, yeah? - Yeah. It's really good.我会在那儿跟你碰面的I'll meet you there.你在想什么What are you thinking?我父母要来了My folks are coming into town.没有啊Nothing.你♥爸♥刚过世时我很难受到现在还是很难受When your father passed away, it was hard. It still is hard.带着他的书就觉得他与我同在Holding his books, I feel like he's with me somehow.知道他曾经翻过这些书页Knowing that he was once on the same pages...看过同样的字句...reading the same words.我的天啊快叫救护车Oh, my God! Somebody call an ambulance!派救护车来戴利广场We need an ambulance at Daley Plaza.有人被车撞了找紧急救护人员来A man has been struck by a bus. Get an EMT crew here. Sir...别挡在路上到人行道上Get out the street. Get on the sidewalk.-到人行道上别挡在路上 -先生- On the sidewalk. Off the street. - Sir?到人行道上Get on the sidewalk! Get on the sidewalk!今天要挖好17号♥地基I'd like to get the foundation on number 17 dug today.小伙子我知道你是新来的Look, I know you're kind of new around here, kid.什么What?17号♥至少要等下礼拜才能开挖I can't get to 17 until at least next week.少来了莫亨你是睁眼说瞎话Come on, Mulhern. That's bullshit and you know it.叫小克和小罗先别弄屋顶Take Clemens and Rodriguez off of roofing.乔治操作那台目前闲置的挖土机Jorge can run the backhoe they're not using on 14...再去7号♥和10号♥...and grab four or five of those other guys...找几个闲着没事干的人...who are doing nothing on seven and 10.保利卡洛法兰克丹尼还有那个高个儿的叫什么Paulie, Carlos, Frank, Danny, and what's-his-name, the tall guy? -拉斐尔 -拉斐尔- Rafael. - Rafael.-走吧 -好- Let's go. - Okay.-好了吗 -好了- Ready? - Yeah.-把这拿到10跟11号♥ -喂- Well, I need it to 10 and 11. - Hey!-嘿 -嗨- Hey. - Hi.戴利广场的事我听说了I heard about Daley Plaza.急救人员说你拼命想救他EMT said you fought hard for the guy.是呀我拼了老命Yeah. Really knocked myself out.凯特我对新来的医生都这么说Kate, I'm going to tell you what I tell every young doctor.希望你是第一个听进去的Hopefully, you'll be the first to listen.休假的时候尽量离这个地方越远越好On your day off, get as far away from this place as you can.找个让自己觉得最轻松自在的地方Go someplace where you feel most like yourself.亲爱的福斯特小姐Dear Ms. Forster:我收到你的字条了I got your note...恐怕这中间有些误解... and I'm afraid there must be some kind of misunderstanding.据我所知湖畔小屋空了好几年As far as I know, the lake house has been empty for several years.你的字条应该是要留给住在辛博格那边的人Maybe your note was intended for the Sandburg house down the shore...因为房♥子好多年没人住了"...since no one has lived in this house for years.所以狗脚印的事我很好奇But I'm curious about the paw prints."亲爱的维勒先生辛博格小屋的人我很熟Dear Mr. Wyler, I'm very familiar with the Sandburg cottage...而且我绝对没住过那里... and I can guarantee I never lived there.我虽然很土但也知道小屋该有的大小I'm old-fashioned, but I don't think a cottage should be over 6000 square feet. 所以我重说一遍So let me try again.我住过湖畔小屋后来搬走了I used to live at the lake house, then I moved.现在我住芝加哥北雷辛街1620号♥Now I live at 1620 North Racine in Chicago.有我的信烦请转寄给我I'd appreciate it if you would forward my mail if you get any.对了现在是2006年Oh, by the way, it's 2006.整年都是不信你问别人Has been all year, ask anyone.2006年2006?什么意思 2006年What does she mean, 2006?天哪God.天啊Oh, God.-早安维勒先生 -早安维勒先生- Good morning, Mr. Wyler. - Morning, Mr. Wyler.-早安 -早安- Morning, sir. - Morning, morning.早安维勒先生Hello, Mr. Wyler.维勒先生Mr. Wyler.老板Sir.好吧针对复古风格的隐喻Well, obviously, I derived my inspiration...我的灵感来源自...for the metaphor of the fugue, the loop...就这样Yeah.-讲了两小时的废话太离谱了 -你在胡说什么- Two hours of that shit. You kidding me? - What are you talking about?-他又没开口 -有虐待狂又尖酸刻薄的老头子- He didn't say a word. - Sadistic, bitter, bitter old man.你好像有点反应过度了I think you're being a little overdramatic.你要去哪儿Where are you going?我好喜欢那个地方Man, I love that place.那辆破车居然还能跑I can't believe that thing's still running.对啊Yep.你好落魄You look like shit.我也很想你I missed you too.别理他Hey, forget about him.绿磨坊酒吧-集♥合♥公♥寓♥ -里维耶拉房♥地♥产♥开♥发♥- Condos. - Riviera Estates.-别开玩笑了 -我真不敢相信- You're joking. - I don't believe this.四年后再回来I come back after four years...-你还是这种态度 -怎样...and I get this in front of me. - What?我老弟自以为是知名建筑师My brother thinking he's Frank Lloyd Whatever.-少挖苦我了 -爸把你留在- Oh, come on. - Dad keeps you hostage...他的建筑公♥司♥当中...in that little mythmaking factory of his...你却连电♥话♥亭或老鼠笼都没盖过...while you haven't built so much as a phone booth or a hamster cage. 你这句话有意思That's funny you say that, actually.不是有人正在盖鼠笼般的公♥寓♥I have a hamster cage in mind. A development of them, actually.组合式房♥屋不打地基你意下如何Prefab, no foundations. What do you think about that?我就是这个意思你有远见See, that's what I'm talking about. You have vision.说到这个Speaking of which...我想告诉你我买♥♥了房♥子...l'd like you to know I bought a house.-在哪里 -湖畔- Where? - On the lake.你买♥♥了湖畔豪♥宅♥ 赚了不少嘛A lake house. So you are making some money.破房♥子啦废弃了好几年Well, it's a dump. Been abandoned for years, but...你买♥♥了废弃的湖畔鬼屋So you got an abandoned, haunted lake hou...难怪你要舍弃自己的原则That's as good a reason as any...替没格调的发展商卖♥♥命...for selling out and joining the flabby-developers' guild.-怎样我还养了狗呢 -你养狗- How about this? I even got a dog. - You got a dog?它自己跑来不知道从哪儿冒出来的He just showed up at the house from out of nowhere.-来这里干嘛 -我要送个信- What are we doing here? - I have to deliver a letter.应该在这儿北雷辛街1620号♥It should be here. 1620 North Racine.可是But...这里没房♥子啊...there's nothing here.北雷辛街1620小豪♥宅♥你约了谁吗这里有人住是怎样Are we meeting someone? Does somebody live here? What?对啦Yeah.大概是吧I thought so.要不要按门铃Should we ring the bell?亲爱的福斯特小姐Dear Ms. Forster:我去了北雷辛街1620号♥ 那里没房♥子I went to 1620 North Racine, and it's not there.根本就是个工地It's just a construction site.看板上看起来很漂亮但18个月后才会盖好From the pictures it looks nice, but not for another 18 months.我漏了什么吗What am I missing here?或许你写错地址日期也不对Maybe you got the address wrong, because you got the date wrong too. 我不想玩这种游戏You really wanna play this game.若你真的是在2004年If you are truly in the year 2004...那么...then...我要先警告你...be forewarned.2004年4月3日记得那一天吗你不开心记得吗Remember that day? You were not happy. Remember that?我知道I know.好吧我的神秘笔友我懂了Okay, my mystery correspondent, I get it.要是你说的时间地点都没错Just in case you really are where and when you think you are... 你会需要这个讯息... you'll need this.那年反常下了场春雪大家都生病了There was a freak late snow that spring and everyone got sick. 所以要多休息多喝水这是医生的吩咐So plenty of rest, lots of fluids. Doctor's orders.下雪是喔Snow. Right.太好了倒啊倒Yeah, come to papa.美国邮政真有这种事吗有何不可杰克Jackie.杰克Jack.杰克快过来快过来啊快点杰克Jack, come on. Come on, girl. Come on, come on. Jack.我知道不可能绝对不可能"Impossible, I know. Not possible...但真的发生了...but it's happening."好吧Okay.我在哪里Where am I?很妙嘛Very clever.湖畔小屋"The lake house."湖畔小屋好巧啊我也在湖畔小屋The lake house. As you can see, I, too, am at the lake house...但我不想再玩这种游戏所以我要走了再见...but I'm getting tired of these games so I'm leaving, okay? Bye.谢谢你再见Thank you. Bye.或许我们应该正式自我介绍Maybe we should introduce ourselves properly.我是医生以悬壶济世为己任I'm a doctor, dedicated to curing the sick.至少在努力了At least, trying to.我是建筑师我喜欢盖房♥子I'm an architect. I like to build.目前手边的案子虽然不尽理想And while I wouldn't say my current project is ideal...但至少让我来到此地目前这样就够了... it allows me to be here, in this place, and that's enough for now.请问一件事目前你在芝加哥的医院上班But tell me something. If you're working in a hospital in Chicago now... 那我这年代你在哪里... where were you before, in my time?两年前在你的年代Two years ago, in your time...我在麦迪逊当实习医生... I was working in internal medicine in Madison.告诉我未来的事Tell me about the future.2006年是怎样What's it like in the year 2006?世界应该没什么改变I'm afraid the world's pretty much the same.当然我们都穿太空衣开着会飞的车Of course, we all dress in shiny metal jump suits and drive flying cars... 人与人都不说话因为我们会读心术... and no one talks anymore because we can read each other's minds. 但事实上来自过去的人But the truth is, man from the past...2006年没太大的改变... not much has really changed in 2006.提到过去我一直在想脚印的事Speaking of the past, though, I've been thinking about the paw prints. -怎么可能 -我们好像养了同一只狗- How is that possible? - Well, I think we have the same dog. 是吗你的狗长怎样Oh, yeah? What's yours like?兽医说我的狗八岁大在我的年代According to the vet, mine is eight years old in my time...在你的年代是六岁...six in yours.他瘦瘦的眼神很悲伤会打呼像人一样仰着睡She's skinny, has sad eyes, snores, and sleeps like a person.不知为何反正我叫他杰克I don't know why, but I call her Jack.嗨杰克Hello, Jack.这里不错It's nice out here.我们不用出去吃晚饭我们留下来吧Let's not go out for dinner. Let's stay here.-嗨 -但我们要吃点东西- Hey. - We have to eat.你在干嘛该睡觉了What are you doing? You're supposed to be asleep.我来煮I'll cook.你不是不喜欢下厨I thought you didn't like to cook.对我不喜欢下厨No, I don't like to cook.她会嫁给他吗Is she gonna marry him?-你说呢 -我不知道他好老- What do you think? - I don't know. He's kind of old.-你去哪儿 -没那么老啦- Where are you going? - Okay, he's not that old.我妈的前男友是秃头My mom's last boyfriend was bald.他人很好He was nice...-但我妈没嫁给他 -是吗...but my mom didn't marry him. - No?下一个男人会更好"There's always something better coming around the corner."她常这样说That's what she says.或许那位小姐也该这样Maybe that's what that lady should do. Wait for something better... -等下一个更好的男人 -或许吧...to come around the corner. - Maybe.但一不小心可能就得等一辈子But if she's not careful, she could spend her whole life waiting.要我带什么给你吗Do you want me to bring anything back with me?好带一瓶上等葡萄酒Yes. What about a nice bottle of wine...庆祝一下... to celebrate?-要我几点回来 -七点- What time shall I come back? - Seven o'clock.很抱歉最近没写信给你Sorry I haven't made it to the mailbox lately.这礼拜忙昏头了都是值夜班It's been a long week. All night shifts.很高兴收到你的信我以为你不要我了Good to hear from you. I thought you left me.你应该知道你是我和未来唯一的联♥系♥You should know that you're my only connection to the future.怎么没聊过我们喜欢什么How come we never talk about the things we like?我想想看念名著小说给杰克听Well, let's see. Reading the classics to Jack.-他最爱听谁的 -陀思妥耶夫斯基- Who's his favorite? - Dostoyevsky.对我而言是这座城市在明亮的日子里For me, this city, on a day when the light is so clear...我伸手就可触及... that I can touch every detail...我钟爱建筑物的每一砖每一瓦... every brick and window in the buildings I love.走吧礼拜六陪我出去走走让我带你去欣赏Come on, take a walk with me this Saturday. Let me show you.你疯了何必为了我这么麻烦You're crazy. Why are you going through all this trouble for me? 不麻烦夏天到了No trouble. Summer's here.走在街头我想Walk down the streets, I'm thinking:大家都往前走Everybody move along我有伤心地需要I've got a sad-hearted needing属于To belong好换你了最喜欢的东西Okay, your turn. Favorite things.从何开始呢好吧Where to start? Okay.还没看到花就闻到花香When I smell the flowers before I see them.野餐要结束了才开始下雨When it starts to rain just as the picnic is ending.我喜欢杰克脚掌的味道And I love the smell of Jack's paws.没忘记提到你老公吧You didn't forget to mention your husband, did you? 我当然爱我老公他也是医生Well, of course I love my husband, who is also a doctor. 替小动物整形的整形医生Plastic surgeon for small farm animals.很好我也已婚Good. I'm married too.我有八个小孩没一个长得像我I've got eight children, and none of them look like me. -我很担心 -换成我也会担心- I'm worried, Kate. - I would be too.我单身啦I'm single.我也是Me too.27号♥Number 27.很美吧我父亲以前常说She's a beauty. My father used to tell me...她是这个城市里最古老的房♥子... she was the grandma for all the houses in the city.他常像这样带我到这散步He used to take me on walks like I'm taking you now. -艾利斯 -凯特- Alex? - Kate?真希望我们能一起散步I wish we could have done this walk together.凯特我和你同游谢谢你陪我共度周末共度你觉得怎样So, what do you think?听起来他人不错He sounds like a nice boy.听起来人不错还有呢Sounds like a nice boy. Anything else?-他字迹工整 -妈- He has wonderful penmanship. - Mother...你看信上的日期...look at the date on the letter. The date.-你指的是时间 -对- You mean the time thing? - Yes.-那不重要 -不重要- That's just a detail. - Just a detail?关于前几天About the... The other day...时机不对我在赶时间...it was not a good moment. I was in a hell of a hurry. 我想也是Of course.你收藏了不少好音乐You've got some nice pieces here.对啊音乐很好对人生益Oh, yeah. Music's fine, music helps.诚如尼采说的It's like Nietzsche says:-"没有音乐人生"-"就毫无意义"- "Life would be senseless..." - "Without music."看来你听过了I guess I told you that, huh?自己倒杯酒吧Pour yourself a drink.现在喝杯好酒不是很好吗Can you appreciate a good wine by now?没错You bet.原谅你父亲的好奇You know, you'll have to forgive your father for being curious...这些年你去哪里了...but where have you been all these years?我以为你的流浪少年路都走完了I thought your Kerouac days were behind you.-抱歉你说什么 -什么- I'm sorry, what? - What?你可以上来Oh, you can come up, if you like.你在忙什么What are you working on?我只是我在回忆过去Oh, I'm just... I'm just remembering things.我要承认这不太容易It's not such an easy job, let me tell you.也不能随便写写就算了Nor is it particularly innocent, in my case.你父亲在写回忆录Your father is writing his memoirs.-有我们吗 -你说呢- Are we in it? - What do you think?你希望有你吗Do you wanna be?你想写我吗Do you?当然了你们都是你父亲人生的一部分Of course. You were all a part of your father's life.干嘛都用第三人称讲自己Why are you talking to me in the third person?你知道的我不Well, l... I don't...因为我是在写我自己吧怎样不行吗Because I'm writing about myself, I suppose. Why, doesn't it suit you? 我觉得这你可能会喜欢I thought you might like these.这是什么你的设计What are these? Something you've been working on?不是你的No, they're... They're yours.这是我刚买♥♥的房♥子在湖畔From a house I just bought on the lake.我听说了听说是盖公♥寓♥的黑心小开♥发♥商Oh, yes, I heard. They said some sleazy little condo developer...急着买♥♥下来...had snapped it up.别这样开心一下Oh, come on. Indulge your father.就不能让老爸开小个玩笑吗Can't you take a little joke, for God's sake?拜托Come on.告诉我Tell me.你去哪里了我真的想知道Where have you been? I really want to know.我想忘记你I was trying to forget you.或是原谅你Or forgive you.成功了吗Did you succeed?没有No.需要帮忙回忆过去就找我Let me know if you need any help remembering.好我会的Oh, yeah, I will.充电360伏特肾上腺素1毫克预备脏得乐三百毫克Charging 360. Get 1 milligram of epi. Have 300 amio ready in case we need it. -准备电击 -电击- All clear? - Clear.压紧准备插管Hold compression, start bagging.他有心跳了很慢He's got a rhythm. Slow.-有脉搏吗 -有脉搏微弱- Do we have a pulse with that? - We got a pulse, thready.-慢慢增强了 -最近工作时间很长- It's getting stronger. - Long days, these days.刚值完30小时的班I just worked 30 hours straight.每次停下来喘口气Every time I stop to take a breath...才发现自己变得好孤独... I realize how isolated I've let myself become.相信我人是是会绝望的Believe me, you can get a bit desperate.那颗棋子好来吧That one? Okay. There you go.这步漂亮下得好很好Nice move. Very nice. Nice.我不是在抱怨我热爱我的工作It's not that I'm complaining, I love my work.上次的市区导览让我发现芝加哥的美And our tour through Chicago opened my eyes to its beauty. 但我心底还是留恋湖畔小屋But my heart still misses the lake house...还有那里的树... and its trees.我好想念那些树I miss those trees so much.放心吧我们终究会相遇Don't worry, Kate. We'll be together in time.即使相距遥远我会想办法靠近你Even if we're far apart, I'll find a way to be close to you...照顾你... and take care of you.凯特丽娜Katerina.拿着Take this.-多吃点太瘦了 -我没那么瘦- You should eat more. You too skinny. - I'm not too skinny. 还记得你小时候胃口多好吗Remember how you used to eat when you were little?-用手扒着吃 -对我记得- With your hands. - Yes, I remember.你们到底有没有通信Now, did you or did you not write to each other?-跟你♥爸♥ -不是跟克拉克·加伯- To your father? - No, to Clark Gable.对啦跟爸爸Yes, to Dad.我I...怎么了What, Mom?在你♥爸♥之前Before your father...怎样Yeah?有个有个男孩There was this boy.你爱他吗Did you love him?我爱他Yeah.怎么没嫁给他Well, why didn't you marry him?等你长大才有问题可以聊啊So that you could ask me this question someday.看起来比较小Looks smaller.他什么时候建好的When did he complete it?你还没出生我八岁You weren't born yet, and I was 8.柯布西耶建筑大♥师♥柯布西耶遇上了法兰克·洛伊·莱特Corbusier meets Frank Lloyd Wright.爸和他们两个都打过牌You know, Dad played cards with both of them.-同吸一根大♥麻♥ -是喔- Sharing a joint. - Yeah, well...不会游泳Can't swim.应该有楼梯通往水面还有阳台甲板There should be a stairway down to the water, a porch, a deck. 这房♥子像个箱子Here, you're in a... In a box.可以环顾周遭景致的玻璃箱子A glass box with a view to everything that's around you...只能看却摸不到...but you can't touch it.和景物之间毫无联♥系♥No interconnection between you and what you're looking at.我不知道他在房♥子中♥央♥I don't know, you know. He's got this big maple growing...-种了一棵枫树 -限制...right in the middle of the house. - Containment.限制还有控制Containment and control.这栋房♥子要表达的是主♥权♥ 不是联♥系♥ This house is about ownership, not connection.是很漂亮甚至引人入胜I mean, it's beautiful. Seductive, even.可惜不完整But it's incomplete.都是以他为中心It was all about him.爸很会盖房♥子却不会经营家庭Dad knew how to build a house, not a home.不过But you know...我想他要我们做他做不到的事...I think he wants us to do what he couldn't.但承认这一点But admitting that...就等于承认他自己有缺点...would mean admitting that he came up short in some way...可以做更好...that he could do more.于是这让他很不好过And that tortures him.你还记得和妈一起住这里吗Do you remember being here with Mom?印象中她想以此为家I remember she tried to make it work here...和我们一起...with us...和他一起...with him.梦想先锋呢Hey, what about Visionary Vanguard?-怎样 -少装蒜了- What about it? - Come on.我才不相信你会安于在这里盖度假小屋You can't convince me you're gonna be happy building saltboxes for tourists. 没人会崇拜那样的你Nobody's gonna admire you for that.-崇拜那样的我 -对梦想先锋- Admire me for that? - Yeah, Visionary Vanguard.那是你的主意That's your idea.我办不到但名字可以给你用I can't. But you can keep the name.别闹了一定要我们俩联手No, come on. It's gotta be you and me.亨利抱歉我办不到Henry, I'm sorry, I can't.我只是I just...-怎样 -我有别的计划- What? - I've got other plans.你有女朋友You have a girlfriend?没有啊No...没有No.-怎样你结巴了 -我才没有结巴- What is that? You hesitated. - No, I didn't hesitate.拜托我没那种闲时间Come on, man. I don't have any time for that.没时间又怎样What does time have to do with it?你会当我是疯子Oh, you're gonna think I'm crazy.亲爱的维勒先生My dearest Mr. Wyler:你要不要陪我玩个游戏Are you willing to play a game with me?两年前的今天我从河畔车站Two years ago today, I was taking the 145 train to Madison...搭145班次列车去麦迪逊我把东西忘在那儿了... from the Riverside station and I forgot something there.是我爸送我的礼物It was a gift from my father.要是你找到了请你放进信箱里If you find it, can you please put it in the mailbox?这对我意义非凡It would mean a lot.凯特亲笔Yours, Kate.-5点46分往麦迪逊列车要开了 -你真想知道少来了- Final call for the 5:46 to Madison. - Do you really wanna know? Come on. -请上车 -好- All aboard. - Okay.我再打电♥话♥给你I'll call you.《劝导》简·奥斯汀著凯特我找到了在我这里Kate, I found it. I have it with me.总有一天会交给你相信我One day I'll get it to you. Trust me.我知道这对你很重要I know how important it is to you.你或许不记得了但我们有见过You might not remember, but we saw each other.至少我看见你了At least, I saw you.你没告诉我你长得这么美You never told me how beautiful you are.你可能是看到别人Well, maybe you saw somebody else.我那时的发型很丑That was a bad hair year for me.褐色的长发温柔无邪的眼神Long brown hair. Gentle, unguarded eyes.好啦Okay, okay, okay.你看见我了You saw me.。
Lana Del Rey英语歌词翻译收集

Born to die 向死而生F eet don't fail me now步履不再蹒跚Take me to the finish line我徐徐走向终点All my heart, it breaks every step that I take每走一步都让我心碎But I'm hoping that the gates但仍希望你的心为我而开They'll tell me that you're mine告诉我你唯我所爱Walking through the city streets穿越在这座城市的大街小巷Is it by mistake or design不知为何身在此处I feel so alone on a Friday night周五的夜晚让我感觉如此孤独Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you're mine 如果我说深爱着你你会给我归属感吗?It's like I told you honey亲爱的,我已经表达了我的爱意Don't make me sad, don't make me cry别让我伤心别让我哭泣Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough 有时情爱难全有时漠路惊险I don't know why如果我不懂人生的起落轮回Keep making me laugh请让我笑颜常在Let's all get high我们能够取悦彼此The road is long, we carry on长路漫漫我们同舟共济Try to have fun in the meantime尝试着苦中作乐Come and take a walk on the wild side来吧,让我们在荒野中漫步Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain让我们在雨中热吻You like your girls insane让我为你疯狂Choose your last words选你最后的承诺This is the last time这是最后的机会Cause you and I, we were born to die因为你我都终将死去Lost but now I am found曾为你迷失但终于发现I can see but once I was blind我已看清你离开的真相I was so confused as a little child那时我懵懂无知Tried to take what I could get尽力争取一切Scared that I couldn't find害怕失去你的爱Choose answers honey你的离开是所有的答案Don't make me sad, don't make me crySometime love is not enough when the road gets tough I don't know whyKeep making me laugh,Lets all get highThe road is long, we carry onUntil have fun in the meantimeCome and take a walk on the wild sideLet me kiss you hard in the pouring rainYou like your girls insaneChose your last wordsThis is the last timeCause you and IWe were born to dieWe were born to dieWe were born to dieCome and take a walk on the wild sideLet me kiss you hard in the pouring rainYou like your girls insaneSo, don't make me sad, don't make me crySometime love is not enough when the road gets tough I don't know whyKeep making me laughLets all get highThe road is long, we carry onUntil have fun in the meantimeCome and take a walk on the wild sideLet me kiss you hard in the pouring rainYou Like your girls insaneChose your last wordsThis is the last timeCause you and IWe were born to dieSummertime Sadness 夏日忧伤Kiss me hard before you go在你临走之前请努力亲吻我Summertime sadness纪念这夏末的忧伤I just wanted you to know只想让你知道That baby you're the best亲爱的,你对我来说是最优秀的I got my red dress on tonight今晚我穿上了火红的舞裙Dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight在黑暗中与那惨白的月光共舞Got my hair up real big beauty queen style我像女王那般盘起自己的头发High heels off, I'm feeling alive脱下高跟鞋,活力依然十足Oh, my God, I feel it in the air哦,上帝,爱的感觉弥漫在空气中Telephone wires above, all sizzling like a snare电话那头嘶嘶作响,如同你凝视我一般Honey I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere亲爱的,我感到每个角落的热情都在燃烧着我Nothing scares me anymore我无所畏惧Kiss me hard before you go在你临走之前请努力亲吻我Summertime sadness纪念这夏末的忧伤I just wanted you to know只想让你知道That baby you're the best亲爱的,你对我来说是最优秀的I've got that summertime, summertime sadness 这夏日的忧郁啊S-s-summertime, summertime sadness这夏日的忧郁不停在蔓延Got that summertime, summertime sadness啊,夏日的忧郁Oh, oh oh哦I'm feelin' electric tonight今晚我的感觉像触电一样Cruising down the coast goin' 'bout 99乘着99号的游轮Got my bad baby by my heavenly side有你的地方便是天堂I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight就算我离开了,这也是最快乐的夜晚Oh, my God, I feel it in the air哦,上帝,爱的感觉弥漫在空气中Telephone wires above, all sizzling like a snare 电话那头嘶嘶作响,如同你凝视我一般Honey I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere亲爱的,我感到每个角落的热情都在燃烧着我Nothing scares me anymore我无所畏惧Kiss me hard before you go在你临走之前请努力亲吻我Summertime sadness纪念这夏末的忧伤I just wanted you to know只想让你知道That baby you're the best亲爱的,你对我来说是最优秀的I've got that summertime, summertime sadness 这夏日的忧郁啊S-s-summertime, summertime sadness这夏日的忧郁不停在蔓延Got that summertime, summertime sadness 啊,夏日的忧郁Oh, oh oh哦I think I'll miss you forever我想我会永远想念你Like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies 如同繁星想念着早晨初升的太阳Late is better than never想念总比遗忘好Even if you're gone I'm gonna drive, drive即使你离开了我也会永不停歇地追随你I've got that summertime, summertime sadness 这夏日的忧郁啊S-s-summertime, summertime sadness这夏日的忧郁不停在蔓延Got that summertime, summertime sadness 啊,夏日的忧郁Oh, oh oh哦Kiss me hard before you go在你临走之前请努力亲吻我Summer time sadness纪念这夏末的忧伤I just wanted you to know只想让你知道That baby you're the best亲爱的,你对我来说是最优秀的I've got that summertime, summertime sadness 这夏日的忧郁啊S-s-summertime, summertime sadness这夏日的忧郁不停在蔓延Got that summertime, summertime sadness 啊,夏日的忧郁Oh, oh oh哦《Video Games》 Lana Del ReySwinging in the backyard在后院荡秋千Pull up in your fast car坐在你的跑车上Whistling my name像小狗一样你呼唤我的名字Open up a beer打开一罐啤酒And you say get over here你来到我身边And play a video game开始玩电子游戏I'm in his favorite sun dress我穿着他最喜欢的太阳裙Watching me get undressed他看着我宽衣解带Take that body downtown在闹市的旅馆中I say you the bestest我说你是最棒的男人Lean in for a big kiss靠在你身上我们热吻Put his favorite perfume on擦上他最喜欢的香水Go play a video game好似在玩电子游戏It's you, it's you, it's all for you everything I do就是你,就是你,我所做的一切都是为了你I tell you all the time我一直都这么说Heaven is a place on earth with you天堂就是能和你在一起Tell me all the things you want to do告诉我你所有的需求I heard that you like the bad girls听说你喜欢坏女孩Honey, is that true?亲爱的,是真的吗?It's better than I ever even knew这比我预料中的还要好They say that the world was built for two人们说这世界只为两个人而存在Only worth living if somebody is loving you 有人爱你你才能生存下去Baby now you do宝贝你现在就是Singing in the old bars在老酒吧里唱歌Swinging with the old stars随着老歌而摇摆Living for the fame为名誉而活Kissing in the blue dark在黑暗中接吻Playing pool and wild darts玩桌球与飞碟Video games好似电子游戏He holds me in his big arms他用粗大的手臂抱着我Drunk and I am seeing stars我沉醉于爱河满眼星光This is all I think of心中再无其他Watching all our friends fall .看着我们的朋友们In and out of Old Paul's不断的分分合合This is my idea of fun这就是我的乐趣Playing video games好似在玩电子游戏It's you, it's you, it's all for you everything I do 就是你,就是你,我所做的一切都是为了你I tell you all the time我一直都这么说Heaven is a place on earth with you天堂就是能和你在一起Tell me all the things you want to do告诉我你所有的需求I heard that you like the bad girls听说你喜欢坏女孩Honey, is that true?亲爱的,是真的吗?It's better than I ever even knew这比我预料中的还要好They say that the world was built for two人们说这世界只为两个人而存在Only worth living if somebody is loving you 有人爱你你才能生存下去Baby now you do宝贝你现在就是(Now you do)你正在爱着我It's you, it's you, it's all for you everything I do 就是你,就是你,我所做的一切都是为了你I tell you all the time我一直都这么说Heaven is a place on earth with you天堂就是能和你在一起Tell me all the things you want to do告诉我你所有的需求I heard that you like the bad girls听说你喜欢坏女孩Honey, is that true?亲爱的,是真的吗?It's better than I ever even knew这比我预料中的还要好They say that the world was built for two人们说世界上只为两个人而存在Only worth living if somebody is loving you有人爱你你才能生存下去Baby now you do《Without you》 Lana Del ReyEverything I want I have一切我想要的都会拥有Money, notoriety and rivieras.金钱,名誉和里维埃拉I even think I found God直至我想若是上帝与我交集In the flash bulbs of the pretty cameras,摄像机对着我,在闪光灯下Pretty cameras, pretty cameras.浮华的照相机Am I glamorous? Tell me am I glamorous?我迷人极致,对吧?Hello? Hello?嘿!嘿!C-can you hear me?你在听吗I can be your china doll我能成为你的消遣If you want to see me fall如果你想要看我堕落Boy you're so dope宝贝你已被麻痹Your love is deadly你的爱是对我的致命一击Tell me life is beautiful告诉我生活很美They all think I have it all他们都觉得我早已拥有I've nothing without you没有什么与你无关All my dreams and all the lights mean我的梦与那些众所周知的Nothing without you你我息息相关Summertime is nice and hot,夏日炙热并美丽着And my life is sweet like vanilla is我的生活甜如香草Gold and silver line my heart金钱束缚着我的心But burned into to my brain are these stolen images 盗梦般的想象灼伤着我的思想Stolen images, baby, stolen images盗梦般的,亲爱的Can you picture it你能想象吗Babe the life we could've lived?我们真正活过吗We were two kids, just tryin’ to get out,我们曾是孩子,迫切地希望长大Live on the dark side of the American dream.生活在晦涩的美国梦中We would dance all night, play our music loud夜夜歌舞升平When we grew up nothing was what it seemed.当我们长大时,一切不会含沙射影All my dreams and all the lights mean我的梦与那些众所周知的Nothing if I can't have you.如果失去你我将一无所有。

1、《Tim McGraw》You said the way my blue eyes shined,你说我的蓝眼睛的闪烁Put those Georgia stars to shame that night让当晚所有格鲁吉亚的星星黯然失色I said: "That's a lie"我说:“这是一个谎言。
”Just a boy in a Chevy truck,就像晚上在公路上That had a tendency of gettin' stuck,一个男孩待在一辆雪弗兰卡车里面On backroads at night他似乎快要上当受骗An' I was right there beside him all summer long而我整个夏天都陪在他身边An' then the time we woke up to find that summer'd gone 醒来时却发现夏天已经走远But when you think: Tim McGraw,当你想起《蒂姆麦格劳》I hope you think my favorite song我希望你想起这首我最喜欢的歌The one we danced to all night long:我们一整夜伴它起舞The moon like a spotlight on the lake月光像湖泊上的聚光灯When you think happiness,当你想起你的幸福I hope you think: "That little black dress" 我希望你想起“小巧的黑色衣服”Think of my head on your chest,想起我的头靠在你的胸怀An' my old faded blue jeans想起我那陈旧的褪色的牛仔裤When you think Tim McGraw,当你想起《蒂姆麦格劳》I hope you think of me我希望你想起我September saw a month of tears,9月是眼泪之月An' thankin' God that you weren't here,我感谢上帝你不在这儿To see me like that看着我流泪But in a box beneath my bed,但是在我床下的一个盒子里Is a letter that you never read,有一封你从未看过的信From three summers back三年前的那个夏季It's hard not to find it all a little bitter sweet,觉得它是个甜蜜苦涩的回忆An' lookin' back on all of that, it's nice to believe: 回首这一切我欣然相信:When you think: Tim McGraw,当你想起《蒂姆麦格劳》I hope you think my favorite song我希望你想起这首我最喜欢的歌The one we danced to all night long:我们一整夜伴它起舞The moon like a spotlight on the lake月光像湖泊上的聚光灯When you think happiness,当你想起你的幸福I hope you think: "That little black dress"我希望你想起“小巧的黑色衣服”Think of my head on your chest,想起我的头靠在你的胸怀An' my old faded blue jeans想起我那陈旧的褪色的牛仔裤When you think Tim McGraw,当你想起《蒂姆麦格劳》I hope you think of me我希望你想起我And I'm back for the first time since then: 从那时起我回到了最初I'm standin' on your street,我站在街道上An' there's a letter left on your doorstep, 你家的门外有一封信An' the first thing that you'll read:而这是你第一次读到的东西:Is: "When you think: Tim McGraw,当你想起《蒂姆麦格劳》"I hope you think my favorite song"我希望你想起这首我最喜欢的歌Some day you'll turn your radio on,我们一整夜伴它起舞I hope it takes you back to that place月光像湖泊上的聚光灯When you think happiness,当你想起你的幸福I hope you think: "That little black dress" 我希望你想起“小巧的黑色衣服”Think of my head on your chest,想起我的头靠在你的胸怀An' my old faded blue jeans想起我那陈旧的褪色的牛仔裤When you think Tim McGraw,当你想起《蒂姆麦格劳》I hope you think of me我希望你Oh, think of me, Mmmm想起我You said the way my blue eyes shined,你说我的蓝眼睛的闪烁Put those Georgia stars to shame that night 让当晚所有格鲁吉亚的星星黯然失色I said: "That's a lie"我说:“这是一个谎言。

Guy de Maupassant《项链》莫泊桑
• When she sat down to dinner, before the round table covered with a tablecloth in use three days, opposite her husband, who uncovered the soup tureen and declared with a delighted air, "Ah, the good soup! I don't know anything better than that," she thought of dainty dinners, of shining silverware, of tapestry that peopled the walls with ancient personages and with strange birds flying in the midst of a fairy forest; and she thought of delicious dishes served on marvellous plates and of the whispered gallantries to which you listen with a sphinxlike smile while you are eating the pink meat of a trout or the wings of a quail.
• 她也是一个美丽动人的姑娘,好象由于命运的差错,生 在一个小职员的家里。她没有陪嫁的资产,也没有什么 法子让一个有钱的体面人认识她,了解她,爱她,娶她; 最后只得跟教育部的一个小书记结了婚。

一些直接封神的英语文案“You must always have faith in who you are!”♡1silence is as deep as eternity,And speech is shallow as time.要自律不做感情用事的小垃圾2To search for life's hidden tenderness in unhappy days要在不愉快的日子里搜刮生活藏起来的温柔3When I fall in love,it will be forever,or I'll never fall in love.当我坠入爱河,这份爱将天长地久,否则,宁缺毋滥。
——《When I Fall In Love》4This night is sparkling , don’t you let it go今夜星光璀璨,你会让它就这样逝去吗?——《Enchanted》5Be dazzling ,you are qualified耀眼一点,你有资格。
6Eat to live, but do not live to eat.吃饭是为了生活,但生活并不仅仅为了吃饭。
7Joy shared with others are more enjoyed.与人同乐,其乐无穷。
8No one can disappoint you, except yourself没有人能令你失望,除了你自己9Though life is hard, I want it to be boiling.虽然辛苦,我还是会选择那种滚烫的人生。
——北野武《北野武的小酒馆》10You are blacklit with all the good things in this world 你逆光而来,配的上这世间所有的好11There are always people with intentions and romance 总有人用心,总有人浪漫12You must always have faith in who you are!相信自己坚持自己13You are the only fish in my ocean.你是我海洋中唯一的鱼。

It's hot enough to melt hell! 这天热得足以把地狱熔化!Attempt doesn't necessarily bring success, but giving up definitely leads to failure. 努力不一定成功,但放弃一定失败!I would rather he remember me the way I was. 我只愿他记得我当初的样子。
Although she doesn't know much about football, she understands his sadness.她不懂足球,但她懂得他的悲伤。
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天最好的准备就是今天做到最好。
Dear Daddy, I may find a prince someday, but you will always be my king.亲爱的老爸,也许有一天我会找到我的王子,但你永远是我的国王。
English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。
You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.你已经一无所有,没有什么道理不顺心而为。
(乔布斯)The best colour in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。
Everyone has his own way of finding happiness.每个人都有各自找到幸福的方式。
Remember Our Summer-中英文歌词

Remember Our Summer歌手:FrogMonsterLately I wanna stay awake最近我想保持清醒I don’t want the days to end我舍不得这些美好的日子就这样结束I know you’ll fly away我明白你终究会离我远去Need to hold you for myself我多想紧紧抱住你留住你的一丝气息I feel the time run through my hands我能感受得到时光如沙,在我掌心里慢慢流逝Try to grab it but it fades我疯狂地想紧紧抓住,但它只是流逝得更快Say "goodbye" in all the possible ways用任何可能的方式说再见I don’t want you to get lost我不想把你弄丢Will we ever meet again?我们还会再见面吗?I’ll anesthetize the pain我会麻醉疼痛自己疗伤Please remember our summers请你记住我们一起度过的那些夏天My heart is closed by duel我的心门被紧紧关闭了Will I learn to love again?我还能再次拥有爱一个人的能力吗?Who will walk with me in the rain?谁还会再陪我在雨中漫步?Please remember our summers请你,一定要记得我们一起度过的那些夏天Come the sun,在阳光下come the rain在雨中and the leaves falling在落叶纷飞里I will wait even if the seasons change四季交替,我会一直在这里等你Anxiety runs through my veins悲伤与焦虑顺着血管在我身体里蔓延I’ll escape from all these chains我终有一天能挣脱这些痛苦的枷锁Say “come back”, in all the possible ways说“回来吧”,用所有可能的方式I don’t want you to get lost我不想把你弄丢Will we ever meet again?我们还会再见面吗?I’ll anesthetize the pain我会麻醉疼痛自己疗伤Please remember our summers请你记住我们一起度过的那些夏天My heart is closed by duel我的心门被紧紧关闭了Will I learn to love again?我还能再次拥有爱一个人的能力吗?Who will walk with me in the rain?谁还会再陪我在雨中漫步?Please remember our summers请你一定要记得我们一起度过的那些夏天。

Death is terrible. Life is especially despiteful of shame.
只要你明白 珍惜爱与被爱 我愿意等待 你给我的未来
Sweet love you, precious, I disdained the situation with regard emperors swap
No matter how long night, the arrival of daylight Association
Abandoning time person, time also give up him.
There are a lot of friend, is better than have a lot of wealth.
Love all, trust a few, do not hurt anyone.
On their own injuries, the most not easy to cure.
Wise men dont have eyes, crazy people why have ears?
Friends must be in trouble, that can be hardly the true friendship.

海明威经典语录——中英双语1、life always makes us black and blue,but later,those places become more strong injured。
2、there is no friend as loyal as a book。
3、the word breaks every one and afterward many are strong at the broken places. 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最坚强的地方。
4、what humans really need is very meager。
5、in a calm sea every man is a pilot。
6、smart people happy,i know most rare things。
7、but having said that,there is no one thing is easy。
8、the true nobility should be better than the past itself。
9、it does not kill us will make us stronger difficulties。
10、kill everything else,but in different ways bale。
11、if he lies for a living,he should try to lie and die。

一个朋友曾发给我一首小诗,题目叫“Don’t Wait”(《不要等待》),我觉得诗的内容很有道理。
我们一起来看:Don’t wait for a smile to be nice.不要等到别人微笑了,你才对人好。
Don’t wait to be loved to love.不要等到别人爱你了,你才付出爱。
Don’t wait for the best job to start to work.不要等到有了最好的工作,你才开始努力。
Don’t wait to be lonely to recognize the value of a friend.不要等到孤单了才意识到朋友的价值。
Don’t wait to have a lot to share a bit.不要等到拥有了很多才去和别人分享一点儿。
Don’t wait for the fall to remember the advice.不要等到摔倒了才记得别人的忠告。
Don’t wait because you don’t know how long it will take.不要等,因为你不知道等待要花多少时间。
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Don't wait
Don't wait for a smile to be nice.
Don't wait to be loved, to love.
Don't wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend. 不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值
Don't wait for the best job, to begin to work.
Don't wait to have a lot, to share a bit.
Don't wait for the fall, to remember the advice.
Don't wait for pain, to believe in prayer.
Don't wait to have time, to be able to serve.
Don't wait for anybody else pain, to ask for apologies...
... neither separation to make it up.
Don't wait... Because you don't know how long it will take. 不要等待,因为你不知道需要等待多长时间。
Summer for thee, grant I may be Summer for thee, grant I may be
When summer days are flown!
Thy music still, when Whippoorwill
And Oriole—are done!
For thee to bloom, I’ll skip the tomb
And row my blossoms over!
Pray gather me—Anemone—
Thy flower—forevermore!