
(一)特殊疑问词what的用法汇总1.What + is/are +名词/代词?询问是什么关于什么What is this/ that/it?What are these /those/they?What is your name?( phone number,job,plan,dream,favorite sport/color/subject....)What is your father?(mother,brother....) 询问职业?What’s the book about?What’s in your schoolbag?2.询问时间What’s the time now? It’s 8:00a.m.What’s the date today? It’s December 26th.What’s today ? It’s Monday the 12th.What day is it today? It’s Saturday today.What time do you go to work every day?3.询问干什么What do you do every day?What are you doing now?What did you do yesterday?What will you do this weekend?4.What + 名词What color do you like(better/best) ?What class are you in?What size do you want?What kind of movies do you like?5.询问.....怎么样/什么样?what’s.....like?What’s the weather like? It’s rainy.What’s your teacher(Bob, your father...) like? He ‘s kind and hard-working. What ‘s your life like? It’s great.What will the weather be like next week?What will the life be like in the future?6.询问外貌what do /does...look like?What do you look like?What does your brother look like?7.询问观点,意见What do you think of the TV show?以下要承接上文What about you?What about yours?What about this one?What about next Tuesday?What about playing soccer?8.询问状况(发生了什么事?)What happened to you?9.what else的用法What else did you do ?What else are you going to do?What else will you do?10.what 强调名词构成感叹句!What fine weather?What an interesting movie?(二)特殊疑问词how的用法汇总1.询问某人的近况How is it going? It’s pretty good. It’s not bad.2.询问某人身体状况How are you? I’m fine.How is your father? He is well.How are your parents? They are fine.3.询问方式,方法How do you get to school?How do you make fruit salad?How do you learn English?How do you spell it?4.询问看法How do you like your school? It’s big and great.How was the food there? It was delicious.How were the people there ? They were friendly.5.How old 问年龄How old is you father?6.how many 问数量How many people are there in your family?There are four people in my family?How many brothers do you have?7.how much 问价格,多少How much is this T-shirt?How much money do you need?8.How long 问长度,时间的长短How long is the Long River?How long did you stay in Beijing?How long will you stay there?How long did it take you to do you homework?It took me half an hour to do my homework.9.how often 问做事的频率How often do you exercise?I exercise every day /twice a week?10.H ow far 问两地的距离How far is it from your home to your school?11.How soon 问多久之后How soon will you leave for Shanghai?I will leave for Shanghai in two days.12.How 强调形容词,副词构成感叹句!How lovely the baby is!How fast he runs?(三)特殊疑问词who的用法汇总询问哪个人/ 谁?Who are they?Who is your Chinese teacher?Who did you go with?Who will you go with?Who is your mother talking with?Who is your favorite star?Who went there with you?(四)特殊疑问词where的用法汇总问方位,地点Where did you go last Saturday?Where are you going this weekend?Where will you go this weekend?Where is the nearest supermarket?Where is your homework?Where will/can we meet?(五)特殊疑问词why的用法汇总问原因Why?Why do you think so?Why do you want to be an engineer?Can you tell me why?(六)特殊疑问词when的用法汇总问时间When is Mary’s bithday?When is it?When will / can we meet?When did you go there?When are you going to start?(七)特殊疑问词whose的用法汇总问是谁的?Whose book is this?Whose songs do you like?(八)特殊疑问词which的用法汇总问哪一个Which one do you like better, this one or that one?Which subject do you like best?Which cinema is the best in your city?。

常用的疑问词/词组有(特殊疑问词/词组):what 、what colour、what time 、what day、who 、whose 、which 、when 、where 、how 、how many 、how much 、how tall 、how old 、how heavy 、how long 、how often 、how soon 、why 等。
其主要句型结构为:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句+ ?回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes 或no,要问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。
二、特殊疑问词1 、what “什么” ,提问是什么,做什么例如:–What is your name ? 你叫什么名字?–My name is Amy. 我的名字叫艾米。
–What are you doing? 你现在做什么?–I am reading books. 我正在读书。
–What does your father do?你的爸爸是做什么的?–He is a policeman.他是一名警察。
2 、What time “几点”,提问时间几点了例如:–What time is it now?( =What't the time now ?)现在几点了?–It’s nine o’clock. It’s time for English class. 九点。
3 、what colour “什么颜色” ,提问颜色例如:–What color is your new skirt?你的新裙子是什么颜色的?–Red.红色的。
4 、What day “何日”,提问星期例如:– What day is today? 今天星期几?– lt's Wednesday.星期三5 、What date “几号”,提问具体的几号例如:–What date is it today?天是几号?–The 9th. 9号。

精心整理特殊疑问词的用法who whom意思 谁谁what什么which哪一 个whose谁的whatcolor 什么 颜色Whattime 几点when where why how什么 时候 什么 地方 为什 么 怎样howold howmany多大 几岁 多少howmuch 多少howfar 多远 howsoon 多久用法 问人的身 份,姓名等 问人的身 份,姓名等(问宾语)问人的职 业或事物 是什么 问一定范 围内特指 的人或物 问所属关 系 问颜色(表 语) 问点时间问时间问地点(状 语) 问原因问健康状 况、 做事的方 式等 问年龄例句 HeisLiLieWhoishe? Heismybrother.Whoishe? Icanaskhimthequestion. Whomcanyouaskthequestion?Heisaworker.Whatishe? Hehasabook.Whatdoeshehave?Thebigboxismine.Whichboxisyours?ThegirlatthedoorisAnn.WhichgirlisAnn?Thisisherbook.Whosebookisthis? Thisbookishers.Whoseisthisbook? Myskirtisred.Whatcolorisyourskirt?Weplaygamesatfiveintheafternoon? Whattimedoyouplaygames? Weplaygamesintheafternoon? Whendoyouplaygames? WeplaygamesathomeonSunday? WheredoyouplaygamesonSunday? Heisn'tatschooltodaybecauseheisill. Whyisn'theatschooltoday? Heisfine/strong.Howishe? Igohomebybike.Howdoyougohome?Heisten.Howoldishe?跟复数名 词, 问数量 跟不可数 名词 问数量或 价钱 问路程问 in+一段 时间Therearethirtyboysinmyclass. Howmanyboysarethereinyourclass?Thereissomemilkinthebottle. Howmuchmilkisthereinthebottle?It'sfivekilometersawayfromhere? Howfarisitfromhere? Hecanfinishitinhalfanhour. Howsooncanhefinishit?页脚内容精心整理howlong 多久 问一段时 Hehaslivedhereforayear.间,Howlonghashelivedhere?问物体的 Thedeskisonemeterslong.长短Howlongisthedesk?howoften 多久 问频率Igotoseemyparentsonceamonth.(一Howoftendoyougotoseeyourparents?次)对画线部分提问,除了要注意选择正确的疑问词外,还要注意语序的运用。

英语特殊疑问词用法总结1. What(什么):用于询问事物的性质或者定义。
- What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)2. Who(谁):用于询问人的身份或者特征。
- Who is your best friend?(谁是你最好的朋友?)- Who is that girl over there?(那边那个女孩是谁?)3. Whose(谁的):用于询问所属关系。
- Whose car is this?(这是谁的车?)- Whose book is on the desk?(桌子上的那本书是谁的?)4. Where(哪里):用于询问地点或者位置。
- Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)- Where is the nearest library?(最近的图书馆在哪里?)5. When(什么时候):用于询问时间或者事件发生的时间。
- When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?)- When did you arrive at the airport?(你什么时候到达机场的?)6. Why(为什么):用于询问原因或者目的。
- Why did you quit your job?(你为什么辞掉工作?)- Why are you studying English?(你为什么学英语?)7. How(如何):用于询问方式或者程度。
- How do you cook this dish?(你如何烹饪这道菜?)- How well can you speak English?(你的英语说得如何?)8. Which(哪一个):用于做出选择。
- Which color do you prefer, red or blue?(你更喜欢红色还是蓝色?)- Which book should I read first?(我应该先读哪本书?)9. Whom(谁):用于正式的书面语中,作为who的宾格形式。

问路程,距离 问时间长度
How far is it from your home to the school? How long did he stay here? How long is the river?
问某人某事多快时间完成 How soon will he be back?
About 2 miles. About 2 hours. About 50 km.
In an hour.
how often
多长时间一次 或每隔多久
How ofter do you play table tennis?
Once a month.
what day what date what for
how old how many how much
星期几 什么日期 为何目的
问星期 问具体日期 问目的
怎么样/怎样 问情况/问方式
多大 多少 多少
问年龄 问数量 问价钱
What day is it today? What date is it today? What for do you come here?
How do you go home?
How old is he? How many books are there in the bookcase? How much is the book?
It is Monday. It is May 1st. I come here for a cup of tea.
疑问词 when who whose where which why what what time what colour

精心整理特殊疑问词意思用法who谁问人的身份,姓名等whom what which whose谁 什么 哪一个 谁的问人的身份,姓名等(问宾 语)问人的职业 或事物是什么 问一定范围内特指的人或物 问所属关系whatcolor 什么颜色 Whattime 几点问颜色(表语) 问点时间when 什么时候问时间where 什么地方问地点(状语)why为什么问原因how怎样howold 多大几岁 howmany 多少问健康状况、 做事的方式等问年龄 问数量,跟复数名词,howmuch多少问数量,跟不可数名词 问价钱,跟可数或不可数名词howfar多远问路程howsoon多久问 in+一段时间例句 Whoishe?HeisLiLie Whoishe?Heismybrother. Whomcanyouaskthequestion? Icanaskhimthequestion. Whatishe?Heisaworker. Whatdoeshehave?Hehasabook. Whichboxisyours?Thebigboxismine. WhichgirlisAnn?ThegirlatthedoorisAnn. Whosebookisthis?Thisisherbook. Whoseisthisbook?Thisbookishers. Whatcolorisyourskirt?Myskirtisred. Whattimedoyouplaygames? Weplaygamesatfiveintheafternoon? Whendoyouplaygames? Weplaygamesintheafternoon? WheredoyouplaygamesonSunday? WeplaygamesathomeonSunday? Whyisn'theatschooltoday? Heisn'tatschooltodaybecauseheisill. Howishe?Heisfine/strong. Howdoyougohome?Igohomebybike. Howoldishe?Heisten. Howmanyboysarethereinyourclass? Therearethirtyboysinmyclass. Howmuchmilkisthereinthebottle? Thereissomemilkinthebottle. How?much?is?this?dress??It’s50yuan Howfarisitfromhere? It'sfivekilometersawayfromhere? Howsooncanhefinishit? Hecanfinishitinhalfanhour.精心整理howlong多久问一段时间, 问物体的长短Howlonghashelivedhere? Hehaslivedhereforayear.Howlongisthedesk?Thedeskisonemeterslong.howoften多久(一次)问频率Howoftendoyougotoseeyourparents? Igotoseemyparentsonceamonth.【巩固练习】Ⅰ.单项选择。

Tom ismetrestall.
Whatis Tom’sheight
The mountain is2,000 metres above the sea.
Whatis theheight ofthemountain
what length
TheLong Riveris6,280kmlong.
What’s that
He isaworker.
Whatis he/Whatis his job
He hasa book.
Whatdoes hehave
Iwatch TVin the evening.
Whatdo you do intheevening
He is inClass 8 Grade 3.
Whatis the weatherlikein Beijingin summer
what time
It\ssix thirtynow.
What timeis it now
We play gamesat fivein the afternoon,
What timedo you play games
Tim helpsmea lot.
Who(m)does Tim help a lot
I can askhimthe question.
Who(m)can you ask the question
He received a letter fromCarl.
From whomdid he receive the letter
He has goneto Shanghai.

常见的疑问词包括:what (什么)、who(谁)、where(哪里)、when(何时)、why(为什么)、how(如何)等。
二、特殊疑问句的用法1. 询问事物的特征或属性疑问词what用来询问事物的特征或属性。
例如:- What is your favorite color?(你最喜欢的颜色是什么?)2. 询问人的身份、职业或姓名疑问词who用来询问人的身份、职业或姓名。
例如:- Who is the new teacher in our school?(我们学校的新老师是谁?)3. 询问地点或位置疑问词where用来询问地点或位置。
例如:- Where is the nearest supermarket?(最近的超市在哪里?)4. 询问时间疑问词when用来询问时间。
例如:- When did you arrive at the airport?(你什么时候到达机场?)5. 询问原因或目的疑问词why用来询问原因或目的。
例如:- Why did he quit his job?(他为什么辞职了?)6. 询问方式或方法疑问词how用来询问方式或方法。
例如:- How do you study for exams?(你如何备考考试?)三、特殊疑问句的回答特殊疑问句有不同的回答方式,具体回答取决于问句的具体内容和语境。
以下是一些常见的回答形式:1. 对于特征或属性的询问,可以直接回答具体的内容。
例如:- What is your favorite color?- My favorite color is blue.2. 对于人的身份或姓名的询问,可以直接回答具体的身份或姓名。

____ _____ is his friend the book
18. The girl in a red coat is 27. It's eight kilometers from
her sister.
Jiaji to Tayang
19. The red coat is mine.
I t's eight kilometers from
where 什么地 问地点〔状 We play games at home on
Where do you play games on
why 为什么 问原因
He isn't at school today
because he is ill.
Why isn't he at school today
How many boys are there in
your class
how 多少 跟不可数名 There is some milk in the
问数量或价 How much milk is there in
the bottle
how 多远 问路程
away from. here
36. I can't go with you
29 Our English teacher has because I have to look after
taught at this school for my brother.


英语特殊疑问词总结1. What : 用于询问事物或物体的名称、性质、状态或动作。
例句:What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)What is the weather like today?(今天天气怎么样?)2. Where : 用于询问地点或位置。
例句:Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)Where is the nearest post office?(最近的邮局在哪里?)3. When : 用于询问时间或时间段。
例句:When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时间?)When did you arrive in London?(你什么时候到达伦敦的?)4. Why : 用于询问原因或目的。
例句:Why did you choose this university?(你为什么选择了这所大学?)Why are you late?(你为什么迟到了?)5. Who : 用于询问人或人们。
例句:Who is your best friend?(你最好的朋友是谁?)Who is going to the party tonight?(谁今晚要去参加派对?)6. Whose : 用于询问所有权。
例句:Whose book is this?(这本书是谁的?)Whose car is parked outside?(外面停的是谁的车?)7. Which : 用于询问选择或区分。
例句:Which color do you prefer, blue or red?(你更喜欢哪种颜色,蓝色还是红色?)Which way is the nearest supermarket?(最近的超市在哪个方向?)8. How : 用于询问方式、状况、程度等。
例句:How do you get to work every day?(你每天上班怎么去?)How was your weekend?(你的周末过得怎么样?)9. How many : 用于询问数量(可数名词复数)。

Who(m)does Tim help a lot
I can askhimthe question.
Who(m)can you ask the question
He received a letter fromCarl.
From whomdid he receive the letter
Howdo you go home
I studiedhardwhenIwas at school.
Howdid you study when youwereatschool
how old
He isten.
How oldis he
how many
There arபைடு நூலகம்thirtyboysin my class.
I want to paint the wallsgrey.
What colourdoyouwantto paint the walls
My maths teacher isfriendly.
Whatisyour maths teacherlike
how soon
He can finish itin half an hour.
How sooncan he finish it
how long
He has been a doctorfor ten years.
How longhas he been a doctor

常见的特殊疑问词包括:1. What:询问事物或事态的特征、性质或状态。
例:What is your favorite color?2. Which:询问从几个人或事物中做出选择。
例:Which book do you want to read?3. Who:询问人物的身份、职业或特征等。
例:Who is the president of the United States?4. Whose:询问某物属于谁。
例:Whose book is this?5. Whom:询问某人是受事者还是施事者。
例:Whom did you invite to the party?6. Whose:询问某物属于谁。
例:Whose book is this?7. When:询问时间或时间点。
例:When is your birthday?8. Where:询问地点或位置。
例:Where is the nearest post office?9. Why:询问原因或目的。
例:Why did you choose to study abroad?10. How:询问方式、方式或情况。
例:How do you get to school?二、特殊疑问词的用法和句型1. 用于句首:特殊疑问词通常用于句子的开头,并用疑问句语序。
例:What is your name?2. 用于句中:特殊疑问词也可以用于句子中,通常用于修饰名词或名词短语。
例:Can you tell me which book is yours?3. 特殊疑问词+一般疑问句:特殊疑问词也可以与一般疑问句结合使用,以加强疑问的语气。

特殊疑问词的用法who whom what which whose what color What time when where why how how old how many how muchhow far how soon意思 谁 谁什么 哪一个 谁的 什么颜色 几点 什么时候 什么地方 为什么 怎样 多大几岁 多少 多少多远 多久用法 问人的身份,姓 名等 问人的身份,姓 名等(问宾语) 问人的职业或 事物是什么 问一定范围内 特指的人或物 问所属关系问颜色(表语) 问点时间问时间问地点(状语)问原因问健康状况、 做事的方式等 问年龄 跟复数名词, 问数量 跟不可数名词 问数量或价钱问路程问 in+一段时间例句He is LiuTao.Who is he ?He is my brother. Who is he ?I can ask him the question.Whom can you ask the question?He is a doctor. What is he?He has a book. What does he have ?The big box is mine. Which box is yours?The girl beside the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann?This is her book. Whose book is this ?This book is hers. Whose is this book?My skirt is red. What color is your skirt?We play games at five in the afternoon ?What time do you play games?We play games in the afternoon ?When do you play games?We play games at home on Sunday ?Where do you play games on Sunday?He isn't at school today because he is ill.Why isn't he at school today ?He is fine/strong. How is he ?I go home by bike. How do you go home?He is ten. How old is he ?There are thirty boys in my class.How many boys are there in your class?There is some milk in the bottle.How much milk is there in the bottle?The socks are fifteen yuan.How much are the socks?It's five kilometers away from here?How far is it from here?He can finish it in half an hour.How soon can he finish it ?1how long 多久问一段时间, 问物体的长短how often 多久问频率(一次)He has lived here for a year. How long has he lived here? The desk is one meters long. How long is the desk ? I go to see my parents once a month. How often do you go to see your parents?对画线部分提问,除了要注意选择正确的疑问词外,还要注意语序的运用。

(6=1+2+3)1类不加词1)对作主宾表的⼈提问:Who can help me? 谁能帮我?Who/Whom did he help yesterday? 他昨天帮了谁?Who is he? 他是谁?2)对作主宾表的物提问:What caused his death? 什么造成他的死亡?What did he do before death? 他死前做了什么?What is he? 他是什么(职业)?3)对时间、地点和原因状语提问:When, where, and why did you kill him?你于何时何地,因何杀了他?2个加名词1) 陈述句:This is his book. 这是他的书。
(his是形容词性物主代词,作定语)→⼀般疑问:Is this his book?这是他的书吗?→特殊疑问:Whose book is this?这是谁的书?2) I order two cups of coffee. One has milk. The other has sugar. Which (cup) do you want? 我点了两杯咖啡。

精心整理特殊疑问词的用法who whom what意思 谁谁什么which 哪一个whose 谁的whatcolor 什么颜 色Whattime 几点when where why什么时 候 什么地 方 为什么how怎样howold 多大几 岁howmany 多少howmuch 多少howfar 多远 howsoon 多久 howlong 多久用法例句问人的身份, HeisLiLieWhoishe?姓名等Heismybrother.Whoishe?问人的身份, Icanaskhimthequestion.姓名等(问宾语) Whomcanyouaskthequestion?问人的职业 Heisaworker.Whatishe?或事物是什 Hehasabook.Whatdoeshehave?么问一定范围 Thebigboxismine.Whichboxisyours?内特指的人 ThegirlatthedoorisAnn.WhichgirlisAnn?或物问所属关系 Thisisherbook.Whosebookisthis?Thisbookishers.Whoseisthisbook?问颜色(表 Myskirtisred.Whatcolorisyourskirt?语)问点时间Weplaygamesatfiveintheafternoon?Whattimedoyouplaygames?问时间Weplaygamesintheafternoon?Whendoyouplaygames?问地点(状 WeplaygamesathomeonSunday?语)WheredoyouplaygamesonSunday?问原因Heisn'tatschooltodaybecauseheisill.Whyisn'theatschooltoday?问健康状况、 Heisfine/strong.Howishe?做事的方式 Igohomebybike.Howdoyougohome?等问年龄Heisten.Howoldishe?跟复数名词, Therearethirtyboysinmyclass.问数量Howmanyboysarethereinyourclass?跟不可数名 Thereissomemilkinthebottle.词Howmuchmilkisthereinthebottle?问数量或价钱问路程It'sfivekilometersawayfromhere?Howfarisitfromhere?问 in+一段时 Hecanfinishitinhalfanhour.间Howsooncanhefinishit?问一段时间, Hehaslivedhereforayear.问物体的长 Howlonghashelivedhere?短Thedeskisonemeterslong.Howlongisthedesk?页脚内容精心整理howoften 多久 问频率Igotoseemyparentsonceamonth.(一次)Howoftendoyougotoseeyourparents?对画线部分提问,除了要注意选择正确的疑问词外,还要注意语序的运用。

英语中的特殊疑问句(Special interrogative sentences)是用来询问特定信息或问题的句子。
以下是几个常见的特殊疑问词和特殊疑问句的例子:1. What(什么):用于询问事物或事情的特征、名称、描述等。
- What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)- What time is it?(现在几点了?)- What is your favorite color?(你最喜欢什么颜色?)2. Who(谁):用于询问人的身份、职业等。
- Who is that girl?(那个女孩是谁?)- Who is the president of the United States?(美国总统是谁?)3. Where(哪里):用于询问地点或位置。
- Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)- Where is the nearest post office?(最近的邮局在哪里?)4. When(何时):用于询问时间或日期。
- When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?)- When did you arrive?(你什么时候到达的?)5. Why(为什么):用于询问原因或理由。
- Why are you crying?(你为什么在哭?)- Why did you choose that university?(你为什么选择那所大学?)6. How(如何):用于询问方式、程度、方式等。
- How did you do on the test?(你这次考试怎么样?)- How can I help you?(我可以帮你什么?)这些特殊疑问句可以帮助我们获取特定的信息,以便更好地了解和沟通。

What is this?(这是什么?)What are you doing?(你在做什么?)2、Who(谁)用于询问人物身份或身份。
Who is she?(她是谁?)Who are your friends?(你的朋友是谁?)3、Where(哪里)用于询问地点。
Where is the park?(公园在哪里?)Where do you live?(你住在哪里?)4、When(什么时候)用于询问时间。
When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?)When does school start?(学校什么时候开始?)5、Why(为什么)用于询问原因。
Why are you crying?(你为什么哭?)Why is the sky blue?(为什么天空是蓝色的?)6、Which(哪一个)用于在一组事物中做选择。
Which book do you want?(你想要哪本书?)Which color do you like?(你喜欢哪种颜色?)7、How(如何,多少)用于询问方式、程度、数量等。
How do you go to school?(你怎么去学校?)How many apples do you have?(你有多少个苹果?)8、Whose(谁的)用于询问所有权。
Whose bag is this?(这是谁的包?)Whose dog is barking?(那只狗是谁的在叫?)9、What colour (什么颜色)用于询问物体的颜色。
What colour is your car?(你的车是什么颜色的?)What colour is your shirt?(你的衬衫是什么颜色的?)10、What language(什么语言)用于询问某人说或写的是哪种语言。
What language is this book written in?(这本书是用什么语言写的?)What language do they use in that movie?(那部电影用什么语言?)11、What subject (什么科目)用于询问学生在学校学习的学科。

以下是一些常见的疑问词及其用法: 1. What(什么):用于询问事物或活动。
- What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)- What are you doing?(你在做什么?)2. Who(谁):用于询问人。
- Who is that man?(那个男人是谁?)- Who are your friends?(你的朋友是谁?)3. Where(哪里):用于询问地点。
- Where is the library?(图书馆在哪里?)- Where do you live?(你住在哪里?) 4. When(何时):用于询问时间。
- When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?)- When did you arrive?(你什么时候到达的?)5. Why(为什么):用于询问原因。
- Why are you late?(你为什么迟到?)- Why do you like cats?(你为什么喜欢猫?)6. How(如何):用于询问方式、程度或状态。
- How do you get to school?(你怎么去学校?)- How are you feeling today?(你今天感觉怎么样?)7. Which(哪一个):用于在有限的范围内选择。
- Which book do you want to read?(你想看哪本书?)- Which city do you like best?(你最喜欢哪个城市?)在特殊疑问句中,疑问词通常位于句首,后面跟着一般疑问句的语序(即be 动词、助动词或情态动词+ 主语+ 其他)。
例如:- What is your name?(你叫什么名字?)- How are you feeling today?(你今天感觉怎么样?)需要注意的是,特殊疑问句的回答应该针对疑问词进行,提供相关的具体信息。
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1.What’s your name?你叫什么名字?
2.What is in your box? 你的盒子里是什么?
3.What’s your father?=What does your father do?
一)What time什么时间用来问时间
What time is it?几点了?
二)What colour什么颜色用来问颜色
What colour is your bag?你的书包是什么颜色?
三)What about 怎么样用来征求意见或询问感受等,大多用于承接上面的同样问题。
1.What about this pair of shoes? 这双鞋子怎么样?
2.What about you? 你呢?
3.What about your dad? 你爸爸呢?
四)What day星期几用来问星期几
What day is it today/tomorrow?今天/明天星期几?
五)What date什么日期问具体的日期
1.What’s the date today?今天是几号?
2.What date is tomorrow? 明天是几号?
What did you buy that for?=Why did you buy that? 你为什么要买那个?
When do you get up?你什么时候起床?
1. Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪里?
2. Where are you going to?你打算去哪里?
3.Where are you from? =Where do you come from? 你是哪里人?
1.Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?
2.Which class are you in? 你在哪一个班?
3.Which one is my pen?哪一支是我的钢笔?
五、Who 谁用来问人物是谁
1.Who is that boy?那个男孩是谁?
2.Who are you going to with?你打算和谁一起去?
3.Who is that pretty lady?那个漂亮的女士是谁?
1.Whose bag is this?这是谁的包?
2.Whose bike is yellow?谁的自行车是黄色的?
1.Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?
2.Why did you go there?你为什么去那里?
1.How are you?你好吗?
2.How is your mother?你妈妈好吗?
一)How old几岁用来问年龄How old are you?你几岁了?
二)How long多长用来问长度How long are your legs?你的腿多长?
三)How big多大用来问物体的大小
How big is your bedroom?你的卧室多大?
四)How tall多高用来问高度
How tall is your brother?你弟弟有多高?
五)How heavy多重用来问重量
How heavy are you?你有多重?
六)How far多远用来问路程
How far is it from here?从这儿去有多远?
七)How many多少用来问数量
How many apples do you have?你有多少苹果?
八)How much多少钱用来问价格
How much is this dress?这个连衣裙多少钱?
九)How about怎么样
用来征求意见或询问感受等,大多用于承接上面的同样问题,用法与what about相同
1.How about you?你呢?
2.How about that shirt?那件衬衣怎么样?。