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1. Yesterday was even __________ (cold).

2. Tom is heavy, Jack is as __________(heavy) as Tom.

3. If you work harder, your English will be __________(good).

4. My sister speaks English as __________(good) as me.

5. Which do you like __________(well), this one or that one?

6. Mike is __________ (thin) of the two brothers.

7. Nobody is __________ (clever) than Jane in our class.

8. The elephant is __________ (big) than the horse.

9. Your sweater is much __________ (expensive) than mine.

10. Our village is getting more and __________ (beautiful).



The weather is getting __________ __________ __________.


__________ __________you exercise, __________ __________ you will be.


He is __________ __________ his two brothers.


English is __________ __________ __________of the two subjects.


The girl is __________, her sister is __________ __________.


1. John is tall. Tom is taller. (合并为一句)

John is __________ __________ Tom.

2. Mike is 12 years old. Jack is 11 years old. (合并为一句)

Jack is __________ __________Mike.

3. Your home is nearer than my home. (同义句)

My home is __________ __________ your home.

4. This book is less interesting than that book? (同义句)

That book is __________ __________ __________ this book.

5. Mary is the oldest of the three girls. (同义句)

Mary is __________ __________ the other two girls.

四. 单项选择。

1. Lucy is very short, but she is __________ than her sister.

A. shorter

B. longer

C. taller

D. older

2. Frank is __________ friendly than his brother.

A. a little more

B. a few more

C. much

D. a little

3. Sam is __________ at Chinese than Jim.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. gooder

4. This one is too large. Can you show me a __________one?

A. larger

B. large

C. small

D. smaller

5. —Do you think March is __________ than January?

—Yes, it’s __________ warmer.

A. better, a little

B. well, much

C. worse, very

D. nicer, quite

6. I can do the work better with __________ money.

A. more

B. less

C. fewer

D. much

7. I’m __________ quieter than Susan.

A. little

B. few

C. a little

D. a few

8. The watch is not __________ beautiful as that one.

A. very

B. too

C. so

D. more

9. His French isn’t so good as __________.

A. her

B. she

C. his

D. hers

10. It’s much better than __________ classes.

A. have

B. has

C. to have

D. having

11. Her bag is newer than __________.

A. mine

B. my

C. me

D. I

12. Lin Tao is younger than __________ boy in his class.

A. any others

B. any other

C. the other

D. the others

13. Which one is __________, this one or that one?

A. good

B. bad

C. best

D. worse

14. He is __________ than me.

A. older

B. elder

C. young

D. more younger

15. I don’t like the movie. It’s much too __________.

A. more boring

B. scarier

C. sad

D. sadder

16. The __________, the better.

A. much

B. many

C. more

D. most

17. Do you know who is __________ of the twins?

A. shorter

B. heavier

C. the older

D. the funny

18. The weather in North China is colder than __________ in South China.

A. \

B. this

C. the one

D. that
