
Pocahontas II script[Cawing][Bell Tolling][Squeaking]He's inside.- Get him! - He's gone!- Search the room. - Hey, a party. Am I invited? "John Smith, in the name of the king,you are under arrest for treason in Jamestown." Treason? You must be looking for Ratcliffe.- [Grunts] - [Soldiers Yelling]Don't let him get away!After him![Blows Landing]- [Yells] - Thanks for droppin' in.Anyone else care to join him?Cut him off!I've got him now!Oh, he's jumped![Grunts]The king believed my story.Pity. I so would have preferred to see you hanged.[Groans, Gasps][Water Splashing][Chuckling, Sobbing]I did everything I could to save him.And that is the death of John Smith.- I wanted him alive! - As did I.But, your majesty, you don't need him to confirm what I've already told you.We must wait until John Rolfe returns with the chief of these Indians. The chief will only tell you more heathen lies. War is the only way. Very well, Ratcliffe. Prepare your armada, then.But we will await the return of John Rolfe... and the Indian chief. [Calling][Laughter][Indians Chattering In Native Language][Trilling, Barking][Howls, Growls]- [Giggling] - [Meeko Munching]- [Grunts] - [Laughs][Squeaking][Grumbles][Grunts][Gasps, Squeals][Screaming, Laughing][Snowy Thud]- [Sighs] - [Giggling]Oh, much time has passed since the news of John Smith's death. Perhaps it's time to put this behind you.I know you are right. It's just hard to say goodbye. [Munching, Snarling][Barking, Growling][Barking Continues][Groans][Whimpers, Gasps][Growls, Barks][Squeaking][Trills][Whimpers, Growls]The earth is cold The fields are bareThe branches fold against the wind that's everywhereThe birds move on so they surviveWhen snow's so deep the bears all sleep- To keep themselves alive - [Growling]They do what they must for nowAnd trust in their planIf I trust in mine somehow I might findWho I amBut where do I go from hereSo many voicesRinging in my earWhich is the voiceThat I was meant to hearHow will I knowWhere do I goFrom here[Panting, Trilling]My world has changed and so have II've learned to choose and even learned to say goodbye The path ahead so hard to seeIt winds and bends but where it endsDepends on only meIn my heart I don't feel partOf so much I've knownNow it seems it's time to startA new life on my ownBut where do I go from hereSo many voices ringing in my earWhich is the voiceThat I was meant to hearHow will I knowWhere do I go- From here - [Trilling][Squeaks][Boom][Man] Ship ahoy! Ship's coming!Ship's coming![Excited Chattering]Open the gate![Indistinct Shouting]Cast a line!Put your backs into it! Together, men!Easy left!- [Man Speaking In Native Language] - [Crowd Chattering] [Squeaks][Man] Stations!Attention![Whinnies][Speaking Native Language]- [Squeaks] - [Gasps]Filthy barbarian.[Squeaking Angrily][Slurps, Trills][Barks]Huh?- [Barking] - [Whinnies]Whoa, boy! Steady! Whoa!- [Squeaking] - Down, boy![Crowd Gasps]- [Groans] - [Whinnies]- [Screaming] - [Man] Runaway horse![Grunts]Filthy savage![Shouting][Whooping]No, wait!- Wait! - Stand down![Speaking Native Language]It's all right now. I've taken care of it.The settlers need to know they can trust us to do the right thing. - You should not have interfered. - I beg your pardon?All right. You have it.- I was trying to help. - I did not ask for your help. Well, you didn't say "thank you" either.- Whatever happened to manners and etiquette? - Well,since you are new here I don't expect you to have them yet. Women![Squeaks][Gasping][Woman] I fear the Indians may wage war.[Woman #2] Oh, my dear, Pocahontas would never allow that. - [Horse Whinnies] - Pocahontas?- Hmm. - John Rolfe, your horse, sir.Oh, there you are. Thank you.It's time I met this Chief Pocahontas.[Playing Music, Chanting][Trilling][Munching]- [Whooping] - [Laughing][Gasping][Hushed Chatter]Great chief, I am John Rolfe.According to the customs--- How do you do? - [Man] Let him pass.According to the customs of Greater Britain, I would like to present...this horse as a gift of peace to the mighty Pocahontas.- Daughter, - You?this beast is for you.No, I'm sorry. It's my fault.This horse, it's meant for--- Pocahontas, your king said. Or did he speak falsely? - No!Never. [Chuckles] It's just that-- This is--No, th-this is perfectly fine.- Hmm. Good job, Rolfe. - [Nickers]- [Trills] - [Snorts]I believe we can prosper together in this great land under King James' gracious rule.To build trust, I would like you...to sail back with me... to meet my king.I do not want the pale chief's land. He wants mine.Why doesn't he cross the salt water to see me?I'm afraid that simply isn't done,Your Grand "Chiefliness."Your kind are barbarians. They only want our land!- They mean to destroy our sacred-- - Is that what they want?You don't know.Father, someone must go.You speak with the tongue of a pale one. You belong with them.- Perhaps you should go. - [Rolfe] No!This is a matter of diplomacy. You can't handle a job like this. - I will go. - Daughter--Father, please. I can do this.You have your mother's spirit.- Very well. It is decided. - But--[Sighs] Grand.[Growls, Whimpers][Nickers][Trills, Squawks]Grandmother Willow, I need to speak with you.[Blows]Is that my Pocahontas?[Sniffs, Yelps]My, what is it, child?You are concerned about crossing the salt water.What if I can't bring peace? What if I'm destined to fail?- What if I make things worse? - What-What if?- What if the sky turns to fire and your nose falls off? - [Gasps] Long ago I told you to listen with your heart.It is time to listen to your heart.- But the spirits around me-- - Can help,but only the spirit within can guide you.Listen to the spirit within.Listen to the spirit within.[Flit Fluttering, Squeaking]- [Continues Squeaking] - [Meeko Munching][Percy Snarls, Growls][Animal Noises Continue]- [Whinnies] - [Growls]- [Noises Continue] - [Gasping]Grandmother Willow, it doesn't work.Grandmother Willow?- [Bell Rings] - [Man] Easy up, men![Sailor's Voices] Here we go. Righto. Over here. Easy.- To the starboard. - Hoist away![Powhatan] I will honour my vow not to break the peace with the pale ones... but we must know their strength.Cut a notch in this staff for every pale face you see.[Powhatan] Watch over my daughter.- [Sailors Shouting] - [Trilling][Whining]- [Laughs] I can't take you this time. - [Slurps] [Squeaking]- Stay out of mischief and look after one another. - [Chirping] [Whimpering][Sobbing]Do not forget this land.You will always be with me.Wait. What's this?This is Uttamatomakkin.- [Grunts] - Well, is Uttama-- Uttamakk--Is he coming with us? Are you coming with us?I say, are you-- Hello? Can you hear me?- Can he-- Can he hear me? - [Unsheathing]Oh yes, of course. This was a good idea, wasn't it?This will be fine! Fantastic.- [Bell Rings] - [Man] All hands on deck![Man #2] Anchor ahoy!- [Officer] Undo the sails! - [Sailor] Aye, sir![Nickers]Ah-nah, Father.[Creaking, Rustling][Sneezes, Hiccups][Growling, Hiccuping]- [Squeaking] - [Whimpering]- [Trilling] - [Squeaking]All right, of course, yes. Swab the deck. Swab the deck.I mean that's all we do around here.It's always clean anyway. I mean, what are we swabbing the deck for? It looks clean to me down here. I don't see any dirt.[Gurgling]Swabbing the deck-- I'm swabbing!- [Chattering] - Did anybody notice I'm swabbing?- [Screaming] - [Screaming][Sailors] Hey! Hey! What is that? What's goin'--- [Squeaking] -Get him! That's it!- Uh! - Doh![Gagging][Vomiting][Sighing][Chuckling] Oh, Meeko! What are you doing here?[Hiccuping][Captain] What's all this then?Look, missy, I don't cotton to stowaways,and I'll not have you disruptin' my crew.You can take this voyage below...or in the brig.- You're-- - A guest of the king, and is to be treated as such. Am I clear, Captain?Wh-Why would you do that?Because, like it or not, you are the envoy...and I am honour-bound to protect you.And honour, Pocahontas, is the backbone of our civilization. Thank you.[Sailor] Land ho![Cannon Booming][Booming Continues][Man Shouting] Full sails![Groaning][Sailor] Heave ho! Keep 'em taut. Here we go.[Grunting, Sighing][Gasping]Welcome to London.[Barking, Snuffling]- [Barking] - [Trilling]Shall we?Suit yourself.[Yawns] The sun comes up, the lamps go down The day begins in London town- There's tea to brew - And buns to bake [Together] And some who just refuse to wake While shops are stocked and flocks are fed The midnight men drift home to bedSchool bells chime and church bells ring Children whine Peddlers singWhat a day in London Come and see who's here Everyone knows someoneThey've come from far and nearThey bring their geese Their finest fleece To please the keenest eyeAnd hope and pray someone will sayThere's something they might buy- [Peddlers Shouting] - Pocahontas, wait! With pigs to slop and fish to gutIt ain't exactly heaven butWe thank the Lord and kiss the groundFor bed and board in London townThe upper crust lie fast asleepBut some of us got floors to sweep[Together] One day's like the day before- Can't complain [Hiccups] - If there's no warWhat a day in London Everything's for saleCabbages and onions- [Gasps] Look up! - Who's that That girl up in the treeIt's not a tree It's moving, see- Good grief what can it be - Look there, I swear- [Gasps] - She's flying through the airShe must be wild- She's just a child - Pocahontas--I wish I had her hairWouldn't you care to join me, here? On the ground? This instant? My heart is pounding like a drum I can't believe my eyes- [Gasping] - In London people seem to come in every shape and size - So many paths, I wonder how they find their way - [Squeaking]So many signs, I wonder what they really sayLondon is everything I've heard and moreLondon is nothing like I've seen beforeMusic and feathered hats and roofs that shineWith flags flying higher than a pineShe seems so sweet she means us well- Size 20 feet - How can you tellWe'll rue this day You wait and seeWhat is to be or not to beHow do they build their huts so tallCan this be all one tribe The things they sellThe things I smell I never could describeThese cakes taste just like berries picked this very dayThe sound a river makes still takes my breathAwayLondon's as busy as a hive of beesGrandmother Willow would just love these treesCrowded and loud but so exciting tooWith colours I never even knewWhat a day in London Nothing strange at all'Cept a girl with someone maybe ten feet tallThis day's become a day no one is likely to forgetA day we'll all remember as the day two worlds have met- London is everything I've heard and more - Such beauty's rare.- London is nothing - The strength of ten, I've heard.- Like I've seen before - She's won the men, my word!- A brave young thing, to venture here. - Music and feathered hats - And roofs that shine - It will be an adventure.- And flags flying higher - Perhaps some brew to quench your thirst?- Than a pine - But not with you-- I saw her first!What a day in London History was madeTake away the mystery then you're not afraid- We've seen a girl - I've seen a world- I never dreamed I'd see -[Crowd] We never dreamed we'd see- And what an extra special day Unique in truly every way - Unique in truly every way[With Crowd] How wonderful this London day[All] Turned out to be[Crowd Shouting][Yelping, Whimpering][Gasps] You!Well done, Rolfe, bringing back a heathen as an example.Look at her. [Chuckles] She sticks out like a sore thumb.Pocahontas is here as an emissary of her people.- A personal guest of the king. - The king has appointed me...to lead an armada against the savages.Don't tell me you didn't know? The king wants his gold.- There is no gold. - Another barbarian lie.As soon as the ships are armed, I set sail...to destroy the heathens and reclaim Jamestown for James.[Whip Cracks, Horse Whinnies]We must stop him! Warn your king of his lies!But he wasn't lying. The parchment bore the king's seal.What? Then your king's promise to meet me was the lie.- A king doesn't lie! - They cannot both be true.No. It-It's just a misunderstanding. It has to be.I can straighten this out. Come on.Are you riding or running?- Mrs Jenkins! - [Glass Shatters]Oh! Oh! Oh! Gads-me-gracious, is that my Johnny?- [Trilling] - [Laughing][Loud Smooching][Sniffing] Eww!Eww, Johnny, you need a bath.- [Laughing] Oh, oh, Johnny! - Look at you.[Laughing Continues]- Oh, you. - Mrs Jenkins, I would like to introduce Pocahontas. Pocahontas, Mrs Jenkins.The Jenkinses have been with the Rolfes for generations.- Careful. She's about to put on some tea. - I'll put on some tea. Oh! Ooh.[Rolfe] Oh, and Uttamatomakkin.Ooh, I'll put on lots and lots of tea.- I'm off to see the king. - I want to go with you.Uh, Pocahontas, the conventions in England are very complex.- I must go alone. - But-- But--Now, I promise I will arrange for you to see the king.- My word as a gentleman. Trust me. - [Door Closes][Humming][Sniffing]Mm![Trilling]Uh-oh.[Continues Humming]Mm.Mm! [Giggles]I must find a way to warn my people, to stop this.Leave it to Johnny.He gave you his word as a gentleman, my dear.You can stake your life on that.[Rolfe] I didn't exactly bring the Indian chief--No, no, no, no. I told you, I would meet with the chief and no one less. Knight to bishop three.- Sire, I gave these people your word you would meet. - [Ripping]- Are we not honour-bound-- - [Ratcliffe] The king is bound to nothing, when you cannot fulfil your mission.You were sent for the savage leader and yet you bring back a woman.- A woman! - Your Highness, she is royalty-- a princess.She is the daughter of a great chief who has travelled...far from her homeland in the interests of peace.Meet with her, Your Majesty.May I suggest she attend the hunt ball?Let her go back to Virginia having witnessed...the royal might and majesty of English society.Sire, she doesn't know our customs.- To subject her to this kind of scrutiny would be-- - I don't understand, Rolfe.If she's not a savage, then why shouldn't she fit in?Excellent idea, Ratcliffe. Rolfe, you will bring her to the hunt ball.Prove to me she is as civilized as you claim, and...I will stop my armada; if not, the armada sails.- But sire-- - It is decided!Pawn to king!Check.- [Gasps] - [Shattering] -Of all the--- How did it go? - A disaster!- She's invited to the hunt ball! - Flabberdy-jacks.You were successful? When do I see the king?Our meeting with the king has been corrupted.- You're now invited to the hunt ball. - I don't understand.Oh, it's a trap! Ratcliffe manipulated the king!He's saying that if you're civilized you can fit right in.But it's the elite of British society-- etiquette and manners.There's a million ways you can insult someone. Believe me, I know. And if you slip up, just once, Ratcliffe can convince the king that-- Then I must not "slip up."I can't learn your ways alone, but you can help me.What must I do?[Humming]- [Pocahontas] John Rolfe! - [Gasps][Giggling] How do I look?Hm? Oh, lovely... in your... underwear.Didn't Mrs Jenkins exp-- Uh, Mrs Jenkins![China Smashes]Oh, my dear!Oh, come along, now. Let's go finish your dressing.- [Giggles] - [Chuckles]Have no fear We're all right- You've got me, dear to see you're a lady tonight - [Gasps]- What seems strange is just new - [Trilling]People change every day till they find their own waySo can youAnd wait till he sees you after you're dressedI think the king will be very impressedWait till he sees you walking with easeHe'll be so pleased you came down from the treesYou'll be fine I can tell- It's a very good sign that you're doing so well - [Gasps, Giggles] - One more tuck, one more bow - [Sniffs, Squawks]Don't get stuck on that clasp Johnny's lucky they asked- You to go - [Sneezes]'Cause wait till he sees you He'll be so proudMaybe he'll smile if he thinks he's allowedWait till he sees you there in your curlsJohn's always had such a fondness for girlsWith curlsAnd waitWait till you're out on the floorShow them what dancing is forMusic is all you need See where a dance can leadYou two might come to see You were meant to beSo much moreWait till he sees you Wait till tonightFate has a way of arranging what's rightAfter he sees you in your new clothesA lady of grace from your head to your toesPretty and pink as the roses he growsWho knows Who knowsI can't wait!Oh, I've got something for you.[Squawks]- [Fussing] - Flit, stop it!- [Squeaking] - It doesn't belong here any more.[Sighs]It's beautiful![Sighs][Growling]- [Nickers] - [Bell Tolls]I have personally taken charge of the entertainment for the hunt ball.I want to make sure nothing... goes... right.Well, how do I look? Pretty good, eh?Say, I thought you were getting dressed.You're right. You look great.Just don't talk so much tonight and we'll be fine.[Footsteps]It's called powder.You look beautiful.[Panting, Squeaking, Trilling][Gasping, Grunting]I'll put on some tea![Squeaking Rhythmically][Grumbling]Ohh.- [Whinnies] - [Bell Tolls][Man] The Duke of Edinburgh.Lady Grey. Sir Thomas Ellery.Lord Raymond and Lady Theresa.The Earl of Essex.The Duke of Buckingham and Lady Buckingham.- John Rolfe and Princess Pocahontas... - [All Gasp] and Utam-- Uttata--- Ultimatum-- Old tomato-- - Try "Uti."Oh, thank you, sir.And Uti.Jacket required, sir.- [Cloth Ripping] - [Herald Gasps] Oh, dear.[Crowd Chattering]- [Man, Gasping] Goodness! - Oh, my.[Whispering] Hello, Your Excellent-ness.Your Great, Good-Good Highness.Greetings, Your Magnificence-cy.Uh--Hmm.Welcome to England, Pocahontas.Thank you, Your Grace.What do you think of my kingdom, hmm?I think you must be a great king to have so many subjects, Your Majesty, and the loyalty of so many good men.Did you hear that? She thinks I am a great king![Laughing] Oh, what a delightful child!Charming! Absolutely charming!Your Excellency, please stop this armada.Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. But right now I can't be rude and ignore my guests, can I?No! So we shall discuss it later.For now, my dear, enjoy the ball. [Chuckles]Go on! Enjoy!-[Sighs] Thank goodness. -[Slurring] Rolfie! Rolfie, old boy!Listen, we're having some friends out to the estate.Do come. Oh, yes, bring your delightful...[Jabbering] guest.Oh, Miss-- [Stammers] Hontas.How drippingly marvellous to see you![Ladies Gasp, Giggle]Enchanting! Charming!Fabulous jewellery![Giggling, Fussing Continue][Man] May the dance begin!- [Orchestra Plays] - [Clears Throat] May I?[Giggling]In one night you will have done more for the cause of peace than a hundred diplomats.[Giggling]My, you look lovely.I can't even see the real you under there.I do hope no one else does.I was going to say the same about you.It's a very good thing Smith is dead.Seeing how disloyal your heart is would certainly kill him.[Sighs][Rings Bell] Dinner is served!Oh, no, madam.The guest of honour is always on the king's right hand.- Your Grace, perhaps now we might discuss-- - [Fanfare]Your Royal Highnesses, Lords and Ladies of the Court...and our distinguished guest from the forests of the New World. Things are not what they appearAs tonight will make quite clearBut what is real will be revealed I can feel the moment's near Things are never what they seemThat will be this evening's themeAmusing sights for your delightPerhaps a few to make you screamYou'll be surprised to see whose disguiseIs the cleverest one of the lotAfter our show the whole world will knowWho's pretending to be what they're notIf a jester's grin or a dancer's spin should be pleasing- Please say Yea - [All] Yea!If a juggler's feat should be incomplete- He's the one to greet with Nay - Nay!If the fools we see look like you and meThen before the night goes by- Ask why, why, why, why - [Giggling Maniacally]- Why Why? - [All Gasp]Things are not what they appearAnd the finest proof's right hereHow I regret when first we met I believed my own worst fear Things are never what they seemSo in keeping with our themeA change of hair a dress to wearAnd our nightmare's now a dreamShoeless and wild I saw this sweet childAs a danger to one and to allSavage, I thought What could Rolfe have broughtNow I see she's the belle of the ball- Things are never what they seem - He's right! He's right!- Many don't say what they mean - He's right! He's right!- A powdered face is just the place - To conceal an ugly scheme Only one thing's really clearThings are not what they appear[Crowd Gasps][Growling][Laughs Dementedly]- [Gasps] - Sire, please stop this! She doesn't understand!Oh, nonsense! Everybody loves a good bear-baiting.- [Crowd Chatters] - [Laughing Evilly]- [Roars] - [Crowd Laughs][Laughing]- No! - [Crowd Gasps]Stop this!- This is torture! - [Chuckles] This is an animal-- nothing more. - A helpless animal. - Sit down at once...and we will overlook this savage behaviour.Your behaviour is savage.You and your people are the barbarians!- What? - Sire,don't let the savage get away with this.- Seize her! - [Soldiers Shouting]Savages![Crowd Screaming]- Keep her away! - Get her!Take them to the tower!No! Your Majesty, please! It was a misunderstanding!Push me no farther... or face treason.Where exactly do your loyalties lie?Let go! Let go of me!- John Rolfe! John Rolfe! - [Door Slams][Patrons Chattering]- Oi, you're cheatin'! - No, I'm not.I'll play that card there.The least you could do is put a head on it.- How much do I have to pay to get good beer here? - You say it's not true? But I just heard meself from a guard what was there.The king's gonna have her head.That savage. [Laughs]Aye, I bet you old John Rolfe wishes he never laid eyes...on the likes of Pocahontas.Aye! [Laughs]- [Door Slams] - Oh!- [Whinnies] - What's got into him?[Bird Trills][Sighs][Animals Sigh]Ah, I think I'll put on some tea.What am I to do?Who are you? What do you want?[Water Splashing]Halt! Who goes there?John Rolfe. I have a prisoner.[Chuckling Evilly] Open the gate. [Chuckling]Hmm. [Gasps][Groans]He's escaping! Catch him!Now find her, Flit.- [Trills] - [Growls, Barks][Whimpers][Soldiers Shouting][Growling, Whimpering][Squeaking]- [Squeaking] - Flit!- [Door Opens] - John!I knew you'd come!There's no time. We must go.[Gasps] John Smith?I-I thought you were dead.- Greatly exaggerated. - [Soldiers Shouting] Let's go!There![Trills]Enjoy the accommodations.I'll take care of it.- Pardon me. - [Soldiers Shouting]Oh, very stylish.[Grunting]- Riding or running? - After them! They're getting away!Close the gate![Yelping]- [Yelps] - Blast it! They got away![Yelping Rhythmically][Pocahontas] What happened to you?[Smith] Ratcliffe convinced the king I was the traitor.I had to stay hidden-- let them continue to believe that I was dead. - I missed you so much. - I've thought of you every day.All this time. Why didn't you ever write to me?I wanted to. I must have started a thousand letters.Pocahontas, all that matters is that we're together again. [Rattling]What about my people?Once the armada sails, they won't stand a chance.How will her getting killed save them?Well, are you suggesting she turn her back on them?Are you suggesting she die for them?- She can't just sit back and watch. - She has no choice! Of course she has a choice!Pocahontas!- Let her go. - You may not care about her safety--Don't you dare tell me I don't care about her!You love her.[Nakoma's Voice] Do not forget this land.[Pocahontas] In some new place on some new faceI've never seenI might find where I belong somedayAnd there may even be another dream for meWaiting there somewhere along the wayListen to the spirit within.Who knows where I go from hereSo many voicesOnly one thing's clearThere's nothing to loseNothing to fearThe past is goneI must move onFrom here[Trilling, Murmuring]- I'm going back. - They'll hang you.Then I will be but the first to fall.They're not going to listen to you. Look at you.How can they respect my culture if they haven't seen it? This is insane! Nuts! Tell her she's crazy.You're crazy.I thought you may need whatever power...this holds for you.I think it's time you taught society a lesson.I have decided.[Man] Hear ye! Hear ye!The High Court of King James will herewith commence.- Presenting the first order of business-- - [Door Opens] [All Gasp]Pocahontas! Guards! Guards![Crowd Gasping]Surely His Majesty would not refuse an audience...with a visiting princess.[Queen Anne] James.[Tense Groaning]Your Grace, if you insist on war...my people will fight to the last warrior.There is nothing to be gained but much to be lost, for all of us. There is no gold, is there?- No. Ratcliffe assured me-- - [Smith] That I was dead?- [Crowd Murmuring] - Was it true?[Murmuring Continues]Ratcliffe has lied to you about everything.There are many voices around you...but you must listen to your own voice.Why do you speak out when so many doubt you,even when it could mean your life?Because I speak the truth.[Crowd Murmuring][King James] Silence!-Ratcliffe has left! We must stop him! -But it's too late.We must try.[Ratcliffe] You are the best soldiers in the civilized world. [Men] Hear, hear!We sail to scour the world of the savage vermin. Are you with me? [Shouting Approval]- [Man] Riders Approaching! - [Groans]Smith! [Gasps]。


1.《狮子王》- "Hakuna Matata" (无忧无虑)这句名言出自经典动画《狮子王》,它教导了我们要积极面对困难,不要过于担心和焦虑,要保持乐观的心态。
2.《海底总动员》- "Just keep swimming" (继续游泳)这句励志名言来自小短片《海底总动员》中的Dory,教导观众在面对困难和逆境时要坚持不懈,永不放弃。
3.《功夫熊猫》- "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present" (昨日已成过去,明日是未知,而今日乃是馈赠。
4.《美女与野兽》- "Be our guest" (成为我们的客人)这句名言来自经典动画《美女与野兽》,它代表了友善和宽容的态度,鼓励我们多给予他人帮助和关爱。
5.《超能陆战队》- "I'm satisfied with my care" (我对我的照料感到满意)这句名言来自大白XXBaymax,他以积极向上的态度面对生活中的挑战,教导我们要对自己的努力感到满意。
6.《风中奇缘》- "The cold never bothered me anyway" (寒冷无所畏惧)这句名言来自《风中奇缘》中的Elsa,她用自信和勇气克服困难,向我们展示了面对生活困境时的坚定和勇敢。

1. Let your heart guide you. It whisperss, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time跟随你心的指引吧。
《大脚板走天涯》2. "HAKUNA MATATA"...it means no worries - The Lion King“哈库那马塔塔”……就是没有烦恼的意思。
《狮子王》3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King陈年往事固然伤人,但你可以选择从中吸取教训,或者远远地逃离。
《狮子王》4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。
《小熊维尼》5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio记住:要凭着你的良心做事。
《木偶奇遇记》6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas你自以为只有你那样的才算是人类,必须长得像你同你一样思维。

Pocahontas II script[Cawing][Bell Tolling][Squeaking]He's inside.- Get him! - He's gone!- Search the room. - Hey, a party. Am I invited? "John Smith, in the name of the king,you are under arrest for treason in Jamestown." Treason? You must be looking for Ratcliffe.- [Grunts] - [Soldiers Yelling]Don't let him get away!After him![Blows Landing]- [Yells] - Thanks for droppin' in.Anyone else care to join him?Cut him off!I've got him now!Oh, he's jumped![Grunts]The king believed my story.Pity. I so would have preferred to see you hanged.[Groans, Gasps][Water Splashing][Chuckling, Sobbing]I did everything I could to save him.And that is the death of John Smith.- I wanted him alive! - As did I.But, your majesty, you don't need him to confirm what I've already told you.We must wait until John Rolfe returns with the chief of these Indians. The chief will only tell you more heathen lies. War is the only way. Very well, Ratcliffe. Prepare your armada, then.But we will await the return of John Rolfe... and the Indian chief. [Calling][Laughter][Indians Chattering In Native Language][Trilling, Barking][Howls, Growls]- [Giggling] - [Meeko Munching]- [Grunts] - [Laughs][Squeaking][Grumbles][Grunts][Gasps, Squeals][Screaming, Laughing][Snowy Thud]- [Sighs] - [Giggling]Oh, much time has passed since the news of John Smith's death. Perhaps it's time to put this behind you.I know you are right. It's just hard to say goodbye. [Munching, Snarling][Barking, Growling][Barking Continues][Groans][Whimpers, Gasps][Growls, Barks][Squeaking][Trills][Whimpers, Growls]The earth is cold The fields are bareThe branches fold against the wind that's everywhereThe birds move on so they surviveWhen snow's so deep the bears all sleep- To keep themselves alive - [Growling]They do what they must for nowAnd trust in their planIf I trust in mine somehow I might findWho I amBut where do I go from hereSo many voicesRinging in my earWhich is the voiceThat I was meant to hearHow will I knowWhere do I goFrom here[Panting, Trilling]My world has changed and so have II've learned to choose and even learned to say goodbye The path ahead so hard to seeIt winds and bends but where it endsDepends on only meIn my heart I don't feel partOf so much I've knownNow it seems it's time to startA new life on my ownBut where do I go from hereSo many voices ringing in my earWhich is the voiceThat I was meant to hearHow will I knowWhere do I go- From here - [Trilling][Squeaks][Boom][Man] Ship ahoy! Ship's coming!Ship's coming![Excited Chattering]Open the gate![Indistinct Shouting]Cast a line!Put your backs into it! Together, men!Easy left!- [Man Speaking In Native Language] - [Crowd Chattering] [Squeaks][Man] Stations!Attention![Whinnies][Speaking Native Language]- [Squeaks] - [Gasps]Filthy barbarian.[Squeaking Angrily][Slurps, Trills][Barks]Huh?- [Barking] - [Whinnies]Whoa, boy! Steady! Whoa!- [Squeaking] - Down, boy![Crowd Gasps]- [Groans] - [Whinnies]- [Screaming] - [Man] Runaway horse![Grunts]Filthy savage![Shouting][Whooping]No, wait!- Wait! - Stand down![Speaking Native Language]It's all right now. I've taken care of it.The settlers need to know they can trust us to do the right thing. - You should not have interfered. - I beg your pardon?All right. You have it.- I was trying to help. - I did not ask for your help. Well, you didn't say "thank you" either.- Whatever happened to manners and etiquette? - Well,since you are new here I don't expect you to have them yet. Women![Squeaks][Gasping][Woman] I fear the Indians may wage war.[Woman #2] Oh, my dear, Pocahontas would never allow that. - [Horse Whinnies] - Pocahontas?- Hmm. - John Rolfe, your horse, sir.Oh, there you are. Thank you.It's time I met this Chief Pocahontas.[Playing Music, Chanting][Trilling][Munching]- [Whooping] - [Laughing][Gasping][Hushed Chatter]Great chief, I am John Rolfe.According to the customs--- How do you do? - [Man] Let him pass.According to the customs of Greater Britain, I would like to present...this horse as a gift of peace to the mighty Pocahontas.- Daughter, - You?this beast is for you.No, I'm sorry. It's my fault.This horse, it's meant for--- Pocahontas, your king said. Or did he speak falsely? - No!Never. [Chuckles] It's just that-- This is--No, th-this is perfectly fine.- Hmm. Good job, Rolfe. - [Nickers]- [Trills] - [Snorts]I believe we can prosper together in this great land under King James' gracious rule.To build trust, I would like you...to sail back with me... to meet my king.I do not want the pale chief's land. He wants mine.Why doesn't he cross the salt water to see me?I'm afraid that simply isn't done,Your Grand "Chiefliness."Your kind are barbarians. They only want our land!- They mean to destroy our sacred-- - Is that what they want?You don't know.Father, someone must go.You speak with the tongue of a pale one. You belong with them.- Perhaps you should go. - [Rolfe] No!This is a matter of diplomacy. You can't handle a job like this. - I will go. - Daughter--Father, please. I can do this.You have your mother's spirit.- Very well. It is decided. - But--[Sighs] Grand.[Growls, Whimpers][Nickers][Trills, Squawks]Grandmother Willow, I need to speak with you.[Blows]Is that my Pocahontas?[Sniffs, Yelps]My, what is it, child?You are concerned about crossing the salt water.What if I can't bring peace? What if I'm destined to fail?- What if I make things worse? - What-What if?- What if the sky turns to fire and your nose falls off? - [Gasps] Long ago I told you to listen with your heart.It is time to listen to your heart.- But the spirits around me-- - Can help,but only the spirit within can guide you.Listen to the spirit within.Listen to the spirit within.[Flit Fluttering, Squeaking]- [Continues Squeaking] - [Meeko Munching][Percy Snarls, Growls][Animal Noises Continue]- [Whinnies] - [Growls]- [Noises Continue] - [Gasping]Grandmother Willow, it doesn't work.Grandmother Willow?- [Bell Rings] - [Man] Easy up, men![Sailor's Voices] Here we go. Righto. Over here. Easy.- To the starboard. - Hoist away![Powhatan] I will honour my vow not to break the peace with the pale ones... but we must know their strength.Cut a notch in this staff for every pale face you see.[Powhatan] Watch over my daughter.- [Sailors Shouting] - [Trilling][Whining]- [Laughs] I can't take you this time. - [Slurps] [Squeaking]- Stay out of mischief and look after one another. - [Chirping] [Whimpering][Sobbing]Do not forget this land.You will always be with me.Wait. What's this?This is Uttamatomakkin.- [Grunts] - Well, is Uttama-- Uttamakk--Is he coming with us? Are you coming with us?I say, are you-- Hello? Can you hear me?- Can he-- Can he hear me? - [Unsheathing]Oh yes, of course. This was a good idea, wasn't it?This will be fine! Fantastic.- [Bell Rings] - [Man] All hands on deck![Man #2] Anchor ahoy!- [Officer] Undo the sails! - [Sailor] Aye, sir![Nickers]Ah-nah, Father.[Creaking, Rustling][Sneezes, Hiccups][Growling, Hiccuping]- [Squeaking] - [Whimpering]- [Trilling] - [Squeaking]All right, of course, yes. Swab the deck. Swab the deck.I mean that's all we do around here.It's always clean anyway. I mean, what are we swabbing the deck for? It looks clean to me down here. I don't see any dirt.[Gurgling]Swabbing the deck-- I'm swabbing!- [Chattering] - Did anybody notice I'm swabbing?- [Screaming] - [Screaming][Sailors] Hey! Hey! What is that? What's goin'--- [Squeaking] -Get him! That's it!- Uh! - Doh![Gagging][Vomiting][Sighing][Chuckling] Oh, Meeko! What are you doing here?[Hiccuping][Captain] What's all this then?Look, missy, I don't cotton to stowaways,and I'll not have you disruptin' my crew.You can take this voyage below...or in the brig.- You're-- - A guest of the king, and is to be treated as such. Am I clear, Captain?Wh-Why would you do that?Because, like it or not, you are the envoy...and I am honour-bound to protect you.And honour, Pocahontas, is the backbone of our civilization. Thank you.[Sailor] Land ho![Cannon Booming][Booming Continues][Man Shouting] Full sails![Groaning][Sailor] Heave ho! Keep 'em taut. Here we go.[Grunting, Sighing][Gasping]Welcome to London.[Barking, Snuffling]- [Barking] - [Trilling]Shall we?Suit yourself.[Yawns] The sun comes up, the lamps go down The day begins in London town- There's tea to brew - And buns to bake [Together] And some who just refuse to wake While shops are stocked and flocks are fed The midnight men drift home to bedSchool bells chime and church bells ring Children whine Peddlers singWhat a day in London Come and see who's here Everyone knows someoneThey've come from far and nearThey bring their geese Their finest fleece To please the keenest eyeAnd hope and pray someone will sayThere's something they might buy- [Peddlers Shouting] - Pocahontas, wait! With pigs to slop and fish to gutIt ain't exactly heaven butWe thank the Lord and kiss the groundFor bed and board in London townThe upper crust lie fast asleepBut some of us got floors to sweep[Together] One day's like the day before- Can't complain [Hiccups] - If there's no warWhat a day in London Everything's for saleCabbages and onions- [Gasps] Look up! - Who's that That girl up in the treeIt's not a tree It's moving, see- Good grief what can it be - Look there, I swear- [Gasps] - She's flying through the airShe must be wild- She's just a child - Pocahontas--I wish I had her hairWouldn't you care to join me, here? On the ground? This instant? My heart is pounding like a drum I can't believe my eyes- [Gasping] - In London people seem to come in every shape and size - So many paths, I wonder how they find their way - [Squeaking]So many signs, I wonder what they really sayLondon is everything I've heard and moreLondon is nothing like I've seen beforeMusic and feathered hats and roofs that shineWith flags flying higher than a pineShe seems so sweet she means us well- Size 20 feet - How can you tellWe'll rue this day You wait and seeWhat is to be or not to beHow do they build their huts so tallCan this be all one tribe The things they sellThe things I smell I never could describeThese cakes taste just like berries picked this very dayThe sound a river makes still takes my breathAwayLondon's as busy as a hive of beesGrandmother Willow would just love these treesCrowded and loud but so exciting tooWith colours I never even knewWhat a day in London Nothing strange at all'Cept a girl with someone maybe ten feet tallThis day's become a day no one is likely to forgetA day we'll all remember as the day two worlds have met- London is everything I've heard and more - Such beauty's rare.- London is nothing - The strength of ten, I've heard.- Like I've seen before - She's won the men, my word!- A brave young thing, to venture here. - Music and feathered hats - And roofs that shine - It will be an adventure.- And flags flying higher - Perhaps some brew to quench your thirst?- Than a pine - But not with you-- I saw her first!What a day in London History was madeTake away the mystery then you're not afraid- We've seen a girl - I've seen a world- I never dreamed I'd see -[Crowd] We never dreamed we'd see- And what an extra special day Unique in truly every way - Unique in truly every way[With Crowd] How wonderful this London day[All] Turned out to be[Crowd Shouting][Yelping, Whimpering][Gasps] You!Well done, Rolfe, bringing back a heathen as an example.Look at her. [Chuckles] She sticks out like a sore thumb.Pocahontas is here as an emissary of her people.- A personal guest of the king. - The king has appointed me...to lead an armada against the savages.Don't tell me you didn't know? The king wants his gold.- There is no gold. - Another barbarian lie.As soon as the ships are armed, I set sail...to destroy the heathens and reclaim Jamestown for James.[Whip Cracks, Horse Whinnies]We must stop him! Warn your king of his lies!But he wasn't lying. The parchment bore the king's seal.What? Then your king's promise to meet me was the lie.- A king doesn't lie! - They cannot both be true.No. It-It's just a misunderstanding. It has to be.I can straighten this out. Come on.Are you riding or running?- Mrs Jenkins! - [Glass Shatters]Oh! Oh! Oh! Gads-me-gracious, is that my Johnny?- [Trilling] - [Laughing][Loud Smooching][Sniffing] Eww!Eww, Johnny, you need a bath.- [Laughing] Oh, oh, Johnny! - Look at you.[Laughing Continues]- Oh, you. - Mrs Jenkins, I would like to introduce Pocahontas. Pocahontas, Mrs Jenkins.The Jenkinses have been with the Rolfes for generations.- Careful. She's about to put on some tea. - I'll put on some tea. Oh! Ooh.[Rolfe] Oh, and Uttamatomakkin.Ooh, I'll put on lots and lots of tea.- I'm off to see the king. - I want to go with you.Uh, Pocahontas, the conventions in England are very complex.- I must go alone. - But-- But--Now, I promise I will arrange for you to see the king.- My word as a gentleman. Trust me. - [Door Closes][Humming][Sniffing]Mm![Trilling]Uh-oh.[Continues Humming]Mm.Mm! [Giggles]I must find a way to warn my people, to stop this.Leave it to Johnny.He gave you his word as a gentleman, my dear.You can stake your life on that.[Rolfe] I didn't exactly bring the Indian chief--No, no, no, no. I told you, I would meet with the chief and no one less. Knight to bishop three.- Sire, I gave these people your word you would meet. - [Ripping]- Are we not honour-bound-- - [Ratcliffe] The king is bound to nothing, when you cannot fulfil your mission.You were sent for the savage leader and yet you bring back a woman.- A woman! - Your Highness, she is royalty-- a princess.She is the daughter of a great chief who has travelled...far from her homeland in the interests of peace.Meet with her, Your Majesty.May I suggest she attend the hunt ball?Let her go back to Virginia having witnessed...the royal might and majesty of English society.Sire, she doesn't know our customs.- To subject her to this kind of scrutiny would be-- - I don't understand, Rolfe.If she's not a savage, then why shouldn't she fit in?Excellent idea, Ratcliffe. Rolfe, you will bring her to the hunt ball.Prove to me she is as civilized as you claim, and...I will stop my armada; if not, the armada sails.- But sire-- - It is decided!Pawn to king!Check.- [Gasps] - [Shattering] -Of all the--- How did it go? - A disaster!- She's invited to the hunt ball! - Flabberdy-jacks.You were successful? When do I see the king?Our meeting with the king has been corrupted.- You're now invited to the hunt ball. - I don't understand.Oh, it's a trap! Ratcliffe manipulated the king!He's saying that if you're civilized you can fit right in.But it's the elite of British society-- etiquette and manners.There's a million ways you can insult someone. Believe me, I know. And if you slip up, just once, Ratcliffe can convince the king that-- Then I must not "slip up."I can't learn your ways alone, but you can help me.What must I do?[Humming]- [Pocahontas] John Rolfe! - [Gasps][Giggling] How do I look?Hm? Oh, lovely... in your... underwear.Didn't Mrs Jenkins exp-- Uh, Mrs Jenkins![China Smashes]Oh, my dear!Oh, come along, now. Let's go finish your dressing.- [Giggles] - [Chuckles]Have no fear We're all right- You've got me, dear to see you're a lady tonight - [Gasps]- What seems strange is just new - [Trilling]People change every day till they find their own waySo can youAnd wait till he sees you after you're dressedI think the king will be very impressedWait till he sees you walking with easeHe'll be so pleased you came down from the treesYou'll be fine I can tell- It's a very good sign that you're doing so well - [Gasps, Giggles] - One more tuck, one more bow - [Sniffs, Squawks]Don't get stuck on that clasp Johnny's lucky they asked- You to go - [Sneezes]'Cause wait till he sees you He'll be so proudMaybe he'll smile if he thinks he's allowedWait till he sees you there in your curlsJohn's always had such a fondness for girlsWith curlsAnd waitWait till you're out on the floorShow them what dancing is forMusic is all you need See where a dance can leadYou two might come to see You were meant to beSo much moreWait till he sees you Wait till tonightFate has a way of arranging what's rightAfter he sees you in your new clothesA lady of grace from your head to your toesPretty and pink as the roses he growsWho knows Who knowsI can't wait!Oh, I've got something for you.[Squawks]- [Fussing] - Flit, stop it!- [Squeaking] - It doesn't belong here any more.[Sighs]It's beautiful![Sighs][Growling]- [Nickers] - [Bell Tolls]I have personally taken charge of the entertainment for the hunt ball.I want to make sure nothing... goes... right.Well, how do I look? Pretty good, eh?Say, I thought you were getting dressed.You're right. You look great.Just don't talk so much tonight and we'll be fine.[Footsteps]It's called powder.You look beautiful.[Panting, Squeaking, Trilling][Gasping, Grunting]I'll put on some tea![Squeaking Rhythmically][Grumbling]Ohh.- [Whinnies] - [Bell Tolls][Man] The Duke of Edinburgh.Lady Grey. Sir Thomas Ellery.Lord Raymond and Lady Theresa.The Earl of Essex.The Duke of Buckingham and Lady Buckingham.- John Rolfe and Princess Pocahontas... - [All Gasp] and Utam-- Uttata--- Ultimatum-- Old tomato-- - Try "Uti."Oh, thank you, sir.And Uti.Jacket required, sir.- [Cloth Ripping] - [Herald Gasps] Oh, dear.[Crowd Chattering]- [Man, Gasping] Goodness! - Oh, my.[Whispering] Hello, Your Excellent-ness.Your Great, Good-Good Highness.Greetings, Your Magnificence-cy.Uh--Hmm.Welcome to England, Pocahontas.Thank you, Your Grace.What do you think of my kingdom, hmm?I think you must be a great king to have so many subjects, Your Majesty, and the loyalty of so many good men.Did you hear that? She thinks I am a great king![Laughing] Oh, what a delightful child!Charming! Absolutely charming!Your Excellency, please stop this armada.Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. But right now I can't be rude and ignore my guests, can I?No! So we shall discuss it later.For now, my dear, enjoy the ball. [Chuckles]Go on! Enjoy!-[Sighs] Thank goodness. -[Slurring] Rolfie! Rolfie, old boy!Listen, we're having some friends out to the estate.Do come. Oh, yes, bring your delightful...[Jabbering] guest.Oh, Miss-- [Stammers] Hontas.How drippingly marvellous to see you![Ladies Gasp, Giggle]Enchanting! Charming!Fabulous jewellery![Giggling, Fussing Continue][Man] May the dance begin!- [Orchestra Plays] - [Clears Throat] May I?[Giggling]In one night you will have done more for the cause of peace than a hundred diplomats.[Giggling]My, you look lovely.I can't even see the real you under there.I do hope no one else does.I was going to say the same about you.It's a very good thing Smith is dead.Seeing how disloyal your heart is would certainly kill him.[Sighs][Rings Bell] Dinner is served!Oh, no, madam.The guest of honour is always on the king's right hand.- Your Grace, perhaps now we might discuss-- - [Fanfare]Your Royal Highnesses, Lords and Ladies of the Court...and our distinguished guest from the forests of the New World. Things are not what they appearAs tonight will make quite clearBut what is real will be revealed I can feel the moment's near Things are never what they seemThat will be this evening's themeAmusing sights for your delightPerhaps a few to make you screamYou'll be surprised to see whose disguiseIs the cleverest one of the lotAfter our show the whole world will knowWho's pretending to be what they're notIf a jester's grin or a dancer's spin should be pleasing- Please say Yea - [All] Yea!If a juggler's feat should be incomplete- He's the one to greet with Nay - Nay!If the fools we see look like you and meThen before the night goes by- Ask why, why, why, why - [Giggling Maniacally]- Why Why? - [All Gasp]Things are not what they appearAnd the finest proof's right hereHow I regret when first we met I believed my own worst fear Things are never what they seemSo in keeping with our themeA change of hair a dress to wearAnd our nightmare's now a dreamShoeless and wild I saw this sweet childAs a danger to one and to allSavage, I thought What could Rolfe have broughtNow I see she's the belle of the ball- Things are never what they seem - He's right! He's right!- Many don't say what they mean - He's right! He's right!- A powdered face is just the place - To conceal an ugly scheme Only one thing's really clearThings are not what they appear[Crowd Gasps][Growling][Laughs Dementedly]- [Gasps] - Sire, please stop this! She doesn't understand!Oh, nonsense! Everybody loves a good bear-baiting.- [Crowd Chatters] - [Laughing Evilly]- [Roars] - [Crowd Laughs][Laughing]- No! - [Crowd Gasps]Stop this!- This is torture! - [Chuckles] This is an animal-- nothing more. - A helpless animal. - Sit down at once...and we will overlook this savage behaviour.Your behaviour is savage.You and your people are the barbarians!- What? - Sire,don't let the savage get away with this.- Seize her! - [Soldiers Shouting]Savages![Crowd Screaming]- Keep her away! - Get her!Take them to the tower!No! Your Majesty, please! It was a misunderstanding!Push me no farther... or face treason.Where exactly do your loyalties lie?Let go! Let go of me!- John Rolfe! John Rolfe! - [Door Slams][Patrons Chattering]- Oi, you're cheatin'! - No, I'm not.I'll play that card there.The least you could do is put a head on it.- How much do I have to pay to get good beer here? - You say it's not true? But I just heard meself from a guard what was there.The king's gonna have her head.That savage. [Laughs]Aye, I bet you old John Rolfe wishes he never laid eyes...on the likes of Pocahontas.Aye! [Laughs]- [Door Slams] - Oh!- [Whinnies] - What's got into him?[Bird Trills][Sighs][Animals Sigh]Ah, I think I'll put on some tea.What am I to do?Who are you? What do you want?[Water Splashing]Halt! Who goes there?John Rolfe. I have a prisoner.[Chuckling Evilly] Open the gate. [Chuckling]Hmm. [Gasps][Groans]He's escaping! Catch him!Now find her, Flit.- [Trills] - [Growls, Barks][Whimpers][Soldiers Shouting][Growling, Whimpering][Squeaking]- [Squeaking] - Flit!- [Door Opens] - John!I knew you'd come!There's no time. We must go.[Gasps] John Smith?I-I thought you were dead.- Greatly exaggerated. - [Soldiers Shouting] Let's go!There![Trills]Enjoy the accommodations.I'll take care of it.- Pardon me. - [Soldiers Shouting]Oh, very stylish.[Grunting]- Riding or running? - After them! They're getting away!Close the gate![Yelping]- [Yelps] - Blast it! They got away![Yelping Rhythmically][Pocahontas] What happened to you?[Smith] Ratcliffe convinced the king I was the traitor.I had to stay hidden-- let them continue to believe that I was dead. - I missed you so much. - I've thought of you every day.All this time. Why didn't you ever write to me?I wanted to. I must have started a thousand letters.Pocahontas, all that matters is that we're together again. [Rattling]What about my people?Once the armada sails, they won't stand a chance.How will her getting killed save them?Well, are you suggesting she turn her back on them?Are you suggesting she die for them?- She can't just sit back and watch. - She has no choice! Of course she has a choice!Pocahontas!- Let her go. - You may not care about her safety--Don't you dare tell me I don't care about her!You love her.[Nakoma's Voice] Do not forget this land.[Pocahontas] In some new place on some new faceI've never seenI might find where I belong somedayAnd there may even be another dream for meWaiting there somewhere along the wayListen to the spirit within.Who knows where I go from hereSo many voicesOnly one thing's clearThere's nothing to loseNothing to fearThe past is goneI must move onFrom here[Trilling, Murmuring]- I'm going back. - They'll hang you.Then I will be but the first to fall.They're not going to listen to you. Look at you.How can they respect my culture if they haven't seen it? This is insane! Nuts! Tell her she's crazy.You're crazy.I thought you may need whatever power...this holds for you.I think it's time you taught society a lesson.I have decided.[Man] Hear ye! Hear ye!The High Court of King James will herewith commence.- Presenting the first order of business-- - [Door Opens] [All Gasp]Pocahontas! Guards! Guards![Crowd Gasping]Surely His Majesty would not refuse an audience...with a visiting princess.[Queen Anne] James.[Tense Groaning]Your Grace, if you insist on war...my people will fight to the last warrior.There is nothing to be gained but much to be lost, for all of us. There is no gold, is there?- No. Ratcliffe assured me-- - [Smith] That I was dead?- [Crowd Murmuring] - Was it true?[Murmuring Continues]Ratcliffe has lied to you about everything.There are many voices around you...but you must listen to your own voice.Why do you speak out when so many doubt you,even when it could mean your life?Because I speak the truth.[Crowd Murmuring][King James] Silence!-Ratcliffe has left! We must stop him! -But it's too late.We must try.[Ratcliffe] You are the best soldiers in the civilized world. [Men] Hear, hear!We sail to scour the world of the savage vermin. Are you with me? [Shouting Approval]- [Man] Riders Approaching! - [Groans]Smith! [Gasps]。

1、Belle: It isn't about beauty; it is about what's within.
2、Jasmine: Money isn't everything.
3、Pocahontas: Stand up for what's right.
4、Mulan: one person has the power to save a nation.
5、Tiana: Dreams come true through hard work and determination.
6、Snow White: Don't accept food from strangers.
8、Cinderella: Don't stay out past curfew.
9、Aurora: Refrain from touching sharp objects.
10、Ariel: Be yourself.

# And the Virginia Company #
# Steady as the beating drum #
# Singing to the cedar flute #
# Seasons go and seasons come #
Hang on!
There, my lucky lads!
Well, that was refreshing.
Well done, Smith.
Of course,
you'd all do the same for me.
You just worry about that fortune of yours, Thomas.
Leave the savages to me.
You think they'll give us much trouble?
# And the Virginia Company #
Haul on the brace!
Come on, come on!
Do your best!
Watch out!
Faster! She's taking on more water!

迪斯尼动画之经典台词1.Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. - The Land Before Time跟随你心的指引吧。
《大脚板走天涯》【listen to your heart是很多电影的主题。
】2. "HAKUNA MATATA"...it means no worries - The Lion King“哈库那马塔塔”……就是没有烦恼的意思。
《狮子王》【啥也不说了,经典中的经典!下面这首歌,人人都会唱上两句的吧?】3. The past can hurt. You can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King陈年往事固然伤人,但你可以选择从中吸取教训,或者远远地逃离。
】4. If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. - Winnie the Pooh考试大如果你要活到一百岁,那么我只要活到一百岁差一天,这样我就不用度过没有你陪伴的分分秒秒。
《小熊维尼》【很奇怪为什么是《小熊维尼》里面的台词,明明是一句超甜蜜的情话啊!】5. Remember: Always let your conscience be your guide. - Pinocchio记住:要凭着你的良心做事。
《木偶奇遇记》6. You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you’ll learn things you never knew you never knew. - Pocahontas你自以为只有你那样的才算是人类,必须长得像你同你一样思维。



《风中奇缘》经典台词1 莫循:我的世界一片沉静。
2 莘月:一个人这辈子能走多远,并不是由他的腿决定,而是由他的心决定。
3 莫循:我已经习惯一个人看花了,你总会找到一个陪你看花的人。
4 莘月:说这些话的人只因为他们可以站在高处,舒适惬意地遥看着他人的痛苦,所以自以为眼光宏大,其实草木只一秋,只一世,谁都没有权利判定他人的牺牲。
5 莫循:我有一句话想对你说,但一直说不出口,我喜欢你!6 莘月:有些事明白是一回事情,看着它发生在眼前又是一回事情!7 莫循:你问过我,那一地纠缠不休的藤蔓可象人生?我在想,人生也许真的象金银花藤,但不是纠缠不休。
8 莘月:仇恨这种东西在毁灭对方前,往往先毁灭的是自己。
9 莫循:人对真正在乎和看重的事,只有患得患失,勇气似乎离得很远。
10 卫无忌:一回长安立即成婚,否则迟早忍出病来。
11 卫无忌:这世上只有你,我从没有打算提防过,甚至一开始就盼着你能走进我心中。
说来也奇怪,从小出入宫廷,我其实是一个戒心很重的人,可却就是知道你值得我用心去换,而我的直觉没有错!12 莘月:我不想做丝萝,丝萝攀援着乔木而生,乔木为丝萝遮风挡雨,让丝萝免受风雨之苦,可乔木应该也有累的时候,我不想靠乔木而生,我也要做乔木,为身旁的乔木同抵风雨。
13 莘月:我从小就觉得狼心狗肺该是夸赞人的词语,狼和狗都是很忠诚的动物,又都很机智,不明白汉人怎么会用这个词语来骂人。
14 卫无忌:你绝望放弃时选择离开,我心死时也许也会选择放手,可也许是绝不放手。
15 莘月:悲伤不管有没有尽头,可这一生还得继续。
16 卫无忌:如果有什么事,记得来找我,长安城里你不是孤身一人!17 卫无忌:我现在才知道,不管你和谁在一起,只要你活着,的活着就好!18 卫无忌:食、色,性也,不想才不正常。
The True Story of Pocahontas 风中奇缘

Pocahontas ran to her village to tell her father and brother the news.
"Father, father!" she said. "There's a big sailing ship in the bay! It has
They all looked at the small canoe and at the two Indians.
Pocahontas smiled at the white man. "Let's go to the ship," she said.
"No," said Nantaquas. "It's dangerous. We don't know who these white
Indians. Then the Indians captured⑥ John Smith and took him away.
After a long walk, John Smith stood in front of Chief Powhatan and his
tribe. Everyone was silent. Pocahontas stood next to her father. She looked
English gentlemen. They came to the New World to find gold and riches.
They did not want to be farmers. John Smith was angry with them. He said,

正文:1.《狮子王》- “一切都在你眼前,死亡,情感,微风柔砾。
”2.《美女与野兽》- “真正的美,在内心深处。
”3.《冰雪奇缘》- “有些人是注定要彼此相守的。
”4.《玩具总动员》- “我们不能因为孩子长大而抱怨。
”5.《功夫熊猫》- “过去已经过去,你能掌握的只有现在。
”6.《飞屋环游记》- “笑声是胜利的声音。
”7.《怪兽电力公司》- “你不能让恐惧控制你的生活。
”8.《疯狂动物城》- “想要改变世界,从改变自己开始。
”9.《海底总动员》- “当生活让你撞墙时,你是否继续前进?”10.《蛮荒时代》- “所有事情都会好起来的。
”11.《风中奇缘》- “珍惜每一个细节,因为细节组成了美好。
”12.《超能陆战队》- “我们才是自己的英雄。
”13.《疯狂原始人》- “前路并不固定,我们需要创造属于自己的道路。
”14.《大英雄天团》- “不是谁赋予了你力量,而是你的选择。
”15.《功夫熊猫3》- “各自有各自的道路。
”16.《无敌破坏王》- “你并不是只能扮演反派,你可以是自己。
”17.《疯狂外星人》- “世界上最厉害的力量就是善良。
”18.《疯狂动物城2》- “帮助别人是一种特权。
”19.《极地特工队》- “你不需要变成其他人,只需要成为你自己。
”20.《心灵奇旅》- “有时候,要迈出第一步,才能找到我们内心的火花。
”21.《海底总动员2》- “无论在哪里,保护家人是最重要的。
”22.《驯龙高手》- “我们可以选择怎样定义自己。
”23.《懒得勇者大冒险》- “不要等待机会,而是创造机会。
”24.《缝纫机乐队》- “梦想需要团结的力量。
”25.《饥饿游戏》- “面对恐惧,要保持坚强。

Captain John Smith?
我听说过很多关于他的惊险故事 I've heard some amazing stories about him.
你也参加这次航行吗? Are you coming on this voyage too?
显然 你个笨蛋! Of course he is, you half-wit!
- 把帆收起来! - 是的 先生! - Reef the topsails! - Yes, sir!
稳住 Steady on your course.
没事 Thomas! 我们来将它绑好 It's all right, Thomas. We'll get her tied off.
祈祷吧 伙计们! Say your prayers, men!
Hang on!
好啦 幸运的伙计们! There, my lucky lads!
嗯 刚才真是爽啊 Well, that was refreshing.
干得好 Smith Well done, Smith.
当然 Of course,
要是我落水了 你们也会来救我的 you'd all do the same for me.
不要灰心 大家 Don't lose heart, men.
离我们的新世界已经不远了... It won't be long before we reach the New World...

风中奇缘书虫二级英文版好词好句好词:1. “Glistening”(闪耀的)- 小片段:You know, when I first read the word “glistening” in “Pocahontas: Level 2 English Edition”, I was like, wow. Just imagine the morning dew on the leaves, glistening like tiny diamonds. It was as if the whole forest was wearing a precious jeweled cloak. And I thought to myself, how could such a simple word create such a vivid picture? So,“glistening” is really a great word that can bring a scene to life.2. “Whispering”(低语的)- 小片段: I remember reading about the w ind “whispering” through the trees in the book. It's like the wind has a secret to tell. I was sittingin my little corner, and I could almost hear it. My friend came over and asked what I was so into. I said, “The wind here is whispering, just like an old friend sharing a long - forgotten story. Don't you feel that it's so mysterious? It makes the whole forest seem alive with secrets.” And that's why “whispering” is so cool.3. “Majestic”(雄伟的)- 小片段: When they described the mountains as “majestic” in the b ook, I was blown away. Picture this, I was on a bus trip with my family. We passed by some big hills, and I said, “These are nothing compared to the majestic mountains in 'Pocahontas'. Those mountains are like the kings of the land, standing tall and proud. They don't just exist; they dominate the landscape. It's a word that gives you a sense of awe and respect for nature.”4. “Enchanting”(迷人的)- 小片段: Oh my god, the word “enchanting” is just perfect for the story. I was reading it with my sister, and we both agreed. The forest in the book was described as enchanting. It's like a magical world where every flower, every little animal has a story to tell. It's not just a forest;it's a place full of dreams. I told my sister, “If I could go there, I bet it would be like stepping into a fairytale. Don't you think so?” And she nodded eagerly. So, it's an enchanting word for an enchanting place.5. “Vibrant”(充满活力的)- 小片段: The description of the tribe as “vibrant” was really interesting. I was at a school event, and I was telling my classmates about it. I said, “In the book, the tribe is so vibrant. It's like a big, happy family, always full of energy. There are people dancing, singing, and sharing stories. It's not dull at all. It's like a living, breathing organism. Can you imagine a place like that? It's so much more exciting than our normal days.” And they all looked at me with envy, wishing they could read it too.好句:- 小片段: I was reading this sentence on my balcony one evening. I called out to my mom, “Mom, liste n to this! 'The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple.' It's so beautiful. It makes me think of that time we went to the beach and watched the sunset. The sky was just like that, a huge canvas being colored by the sun. It's like the sun is an artist, and the sky is its masterpiece. Isn't it amazing how words can capture such a moment?”2. “Her eyes sparkled like the stars on a clear night.”(她的眼睛像晴朗夜晚的星星一样闪闪发光。


风中奇缘中的优美句子关于风中奇缘优美句子1 莘月:说这些话的人只因为他们可以站在高处,舒适惬意地遥看着他人的痛苦,所以自以为眼光宏大,其实草木只一秋,人生只一世,谁都没有权利判定他人的牺牲。
2 莘月:如果没有合适的人,我不一定要嫁人,可如果有合适的人,我却一定要抓住。
3 莘月:我从小就觉得狼心狗肺该是夸赞人的词语,狼和狗都是很忠诚的动物,又都很机智,不明白汉人怎么会用这个词语来骂人。
4 莘月:只要彼此相守和乐安宁的在一起过日子,就好了。
5 莘月:也许如花朵般娇艳纯洁才是女人最动人的样子,可我宁愿做一株既不娇艳也不芬芳的树,至少可以分担些许他肩头的重担。
6 莘月:原以为抛开过往,以后的日子就只会有偶尔的悲伤。
7 莘月:悲伤不管有没有尽头,可这一生还得继续。
8 莘月:有些事明白是一回事情,看着它发生在眼前又是一回事情!9 莘月:狼在很小时,就要学会受伤后自己添舐伤口,可被另一个人照顾是这样温暖的感觉,如果做人有这样的温馨,我愿意做人。
10 莘月:也许明日我就该离开长安了,在这个天潢贵胄云集之处,在这个最大、最繁华的城池内,容纳了来自五湖四海的人,却容不下我的幸福…11 莘月:一时的错过,就是一生的错过,人生中很多事情都没有回头的机会。
12 莘月:我不懂得你眉眼间若有若无的黯然,但我希望能化解它!13 莘月:仇恨这种东西在毁灭对方前,往往先毁灭的是自己。
14 莘月:一个人这辈子能走多远,并不是由他的腿决定,而是由他的心决定。
15 莘月:我不想做丝萝,丝萝攀援着乔木而生,乔木为丝萝遮风挡雨,让丝萝免受风雨之苦,可乔木应该也有累的时候,我不想靠乔木而生,我也要做乔木,为身旁的乔木同抵风雨。
精选风中奇缘优美句子1. 纵是情深,奈何缘浅,但……不悔……相思!2. 一时的错过,就是一生的错过,人生中很多事情没有回头的机会。
风中奇缘 Pocahontas(1995) 全部台词 4

That's what guns are for.Now arm yourselvesand get moving! Pocahontas.You should beinside the village.- We'll be all right.- We're gathering food forwhen the warriors arrive.- Don't go far. Now is notthe time to be running off.- Yes, Father.When I see you wearthat necklace...you look just like your mother.- I miss her.- But she is still with us.Whenever the wind moves through the trees,I feel her presence.Our people looked to herfor wisdom and strength.Someday, they will lookto you as well.I would be honoured by that.You shouldn't be out here alone. I'll send for Kocoum.- All right. What is it?- What?- You're hiding something.- I'm not hiding anything.Pocahontas, you can tell me.I promise I won't tell anyone. Pocahontas, look!- It's one of them!I'm going to get...- What are you doing here?- I had to see you again.- Huh?Pocahontas. Pocahontas?- Please, don't say anything. Quick, this way.- But...- Nakoma.- Huh?- Where is Pocahontas? I... I haven't seen her.Pocahontas can'tkeep running off.It's dangerous out there.Tell her that.She listens to you.Huh. Sure she does.This place is incredible.And to think we came all this way just to dig it up for gold.- Gold?- Hey, Meeko.- What's gold?- You know, it's, uh...it's, it's yellow.It comes out of the ground.It's really valuable.Oh! Here, we have lots of it. Gold.No. Gold is this.Hmm. There's nothinglike that around here.- No gold.- Not that I've seen.All this way for nothing. Well, those boys are infor a big surprise.- Will they leave?- Some of them might.- Will you go home?- Well, it's not like I have much of a home to go back to.I've never reallybelonged anywhere.You could belong here.- What was that?- Did you see something?No. No. I just, uh... I...I didn't see anything,did I?Look again.Let it break upon youLike a wave upon the sand Hello, John Smith.Pocahontas, that treeis talking to me.Then you should talk back.Don't be frightened, young man. My bark is worse than my bite.- Say something.- What do you say to a tree? Anything you want.- So, uh...- Come closer, John Smith.He has a good soul.And he's handsome too.- Oh, I like her.- I knew you would.Smith! Smith!Where are you, mate?- We can't let them see us.- Quick! Over here.This place gives me the creeps. Savages could behiding anywhere.Aye. Well, if you spot one,don't ask questions.Just shoot.- Watch your feet, you big oaf!- It wasn't me. It was the tree.Oh, of course! The treejust felt like liftingits roots and...Let's get out of here.- Ow!- Ow! Run!- But what about Smith?- He's a big lad.He can take care of himself.- I'm glad you're on our side.- There's still some snapin these old vines.I'd better get back beforethey send the whole campout after me.- When will I see you again?- Meet me tonight. Right here.Well, I haven't had this much excitement in 200 years.What am I doing?I shouldn't be seeing him again.I mean, I want to see him again.Who wouldn't?I want to see him again.But still, somethinginside is telling meit's the right thing.- Perhaps it's your dream.- My dream?Do you think he's the one thespinning arrow was pointing to?Hmm.The warriors are here!Pocahontas, are you crazy? What were you doingwith one of them?- There you are.- Kocoum.- Look at them.Now we have enough warriors to destroy those white demons.Now that we are joinedby our brothers...we will defeat this enemy.- Father, I need tospeak with you.- Not now, my daughter.- The council is gathering.- We don't have to fight them! There must be a better way.Sometimes our pathsare chosen for us.- But maybe we shouldtry talking to them.- They do not want to talk.But if one of them didwant to talk, you wouldlisten to him, wouldn't you?- Pocahontas.- Wouldn't you?Of course I would.But it is not that simple.Nothing is simple any more. Easy, Thomas. It's me.Oh, John. I could've killed you.Not aiming like that,you couldn't. Keep both eyes open when you shoot.You'll see twice as well.- Smith, there you are!- We were looking all overfor you.Smith! Where have you been?I was out scoutingthe terrain, sir.Excellent. Then you must know the Indians' whereabouts.- We'll need that informationfor the battle.- What battle?We will eliminate these savages once and for all.No! You can't do that.Oh, can't I?Look, we don'thave to fight them.- John, what's gotten into you? - I met one of them.- You what?- A savage?They're not savages.They can help us.They know the land.They know how to navigate the rivers.- And look. It's food.- What is it?- It's better than hardtack and gruel, that's for sure.- I like gruel.They don't want to feed us, you ninnies!They want to kill us,all of us!They've got our gold,and they'll do anythingto keep it!- But there is no gold.- No gold?And I suppose your little Indian friend told you this?- Yes.- Lies! Lies! All of it!Murderous thieves!There's no room for their kind in civilized society.- But this is their land!- This is my land!I make the laws here.And I say anyone who so much as looks at an Indian...without killing him on sightwill be tried for treason...and hanged!- Pocahontas!- Nakoma!Don't go out there.I lied for you once.- Don't ask me to do it again. - I have to do this.- He's one of them.- You don't know him.If you go out there,you'll be turning your backon your own people.I'm trying to help my people.Pocahontas, please.You're my best friend.- I don't want you to get hurt.- I won't.- I know what I'm doing.- Pocahontas, no!Ratcliffe wouldn't take us halfway around the worldfor nothin'.But what if Smith is right? What if there is no gold?If you ask me,Ratcliffe's been lying to ussince we left London.Listen to you,ya bunch of idiots.Those savages didn'tattack us for nothin'.They're hidin' somethin'.If they do have the gold,I reckon we'll have to fight 'em.- Not me.- Either too hot or too cool.I haven't been comfortable since we got here.Oh, I know.I've been itching a lot.- Follow him.- Yes, Governor.- I want to know wherehe's sneaking off to.- Yes, sir.And if you happen to seeany Indians, shoot them.Oh, and Thomas, you've been a slipshod sailor anda poor excuse for a soldier. Don't disappoint me again.- Kocoum.- What is it?- It's Pocahontas.- What's wrong?Is she all right?I think she's in trouble.The Earth is trembling, child. What's happened?- The warriors are here!- Pocahontas!John.Listen to me. My men are planning to attack your people.- You've got to warn them.- Maybe it's not too lateto stop this.You have to come with meand talk to my father.Pocahontas, talking isn'tgoing to do any good.I already tried talking tomy men, but everything about this land has them spooked.That's the strangest creatureI've ever seen.Percy.- Easy, Percy. Come here!- Meeko, come back!You see what I mean?Once two sides want to fight, nothing can stop them.- Come... Come here, both of you! - It's all right!It's all right! He's a friend!Bad! Bad dog! Sit!- What are you doing? Meeko! - Percy, get back here!- What are you doing? Stop that! - All right, that's enough!It's enoughto make your sap boil.Now then, there's somethingI want to show you. Look.- The ripples.- What about them?So small at first,then look how they grow.But someone has to start them.They're not goingto listen to us.Young man, sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.Don't you see?Only when the fighting stops can you be together.All right. Let's gotalk to your father.No!Kocoum! No!Kocoum!Leave him alone!Kocoum! Stop!Both eyes open. Thomas!- Is he...- You killed him.。

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