人教版八年级下册英语第 八单元重点短语与句型汉译英专项练习

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1、A:Have you read Little Women yet?

B:No,I haven’t. Have you?

A: I have already read it .

B: What’s it like ?

A:It is fantastic.

2、A:Has Tina read Treasure Island ?

B:Yes,she has. She thinks it is fantastic.

A:What’s it about?

B:It’s about…….

3、Have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?

4、I have already finished reading it.

5、It‘s about four sisters growing up.

6、It was really good,so I couldn’t put it down.

7、Have you at least read the back of the book to see what it’s about?

8、It looks interesting.

9、You should hurry up ,the book report is two weeks.



短语:be due to do 或者be due for something

10、I know ,I’ll read quicly.

11、When I first arrived on this island,I 。当我一开始登上岛的时候,我一无所有。


Alice in Wonderland 艾莉丝漫游奇景

Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记

Little Women 小妇人

Tom Sawyer 汤姆. 索娅历险记

go out to sea 出海

be full of …=be filled with…充满了…,装满了…

the back of the book 书的尾声

arrive on this island enough food and drink 带着足够的水和食物登上岛屿

arrive in/ at…到达…

the marks of another man’s feet 另一个人的足迹run towards my house 向我的房子的方向跑来signs left behind 被留在身后的印记

on the beach 在海滩上

science and technology 科学和技术

science fiction 科学幻想

can’t wait to do something 迫不及待地做…number of people 许多人

the number of people 人的数量

country music 乡村音乐

a traditional kind of music 传统的音乐种类

the southern states of America 美国南部的州

the home of country music 乡村音乐的发源地

the importance of money and success 金钱和成功的重要性belong to…属于…

the beauty of nature and the countryside 自然和乡村的美丽become famous 变得著名

find out 找到,发现

introduce this singer to others 把这个歌手介绍给其他人

grow up 成长,长大

at the end of…在…的末尾

at the beginning of …在…的开始

the book club 读书俱乐部

an island full of treasures 一个充满金银财宝的岛屿

a fantastic book 一本奇异的书

a boy who lives in the United Kingdom 一个生活在英国的男孩

hurry up 赶快

be due for something 预计做…预定做…

be due to do something 预计做…预定做…

bring something back 把…带回来

in American history 在美国历史上

one of the most successful musicians 最成功的音乐家之一one another=each other 相互


Have you read Treasure Island yet? 你读过《金银岛》吗?(注意yet)

Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. 是的,我读过。/ 不,我没读过。

Has Tina read Treasure Island yet? Tina 读过金银岛吗?Yes, she has. /No, she hasn’t. 是的,她读过。/不,她没读过。

I haven’t finished reading it yet. 我还没读完它。(注意yet)

I’ve already finished reading it. 我已经读完它了。(注意already)

I have read five books already. 我已经读了5本书了。(注意already)


1、It was really good, so I couldn’t it .


2、The book report is in two weeks.


3、When I first this island, I had nothing.

