proposal 的写法
proposal 的写法每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。
How to write a research proposal? 能否写出漂亮的propos al,本质上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。
英文的Research Pr oposal自有一套“八股”。
对于非英语native speaker的我们,如何理解英文学术世界的规范或曰思维定势,也是写作proposal之前必备的背景知识。
下面这篇流传甚广的Re search Proposal写作指南,言简意赅,颇具启发,对我自己的写作有所帮助,也希望能给更多的学界同仁带来便利文章作者Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada).题为:How to Write a Research Proposal.全文转载如下:Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research p roposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s rese arch is only as a good as one’s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the proje ct even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high qualit y proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also i mpresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.大多数学生并开始研究不充分了解研究的建议意味着什么,也不理解其重要性。
还不了解Proposal怎么写?解析优秀Research Proposal模板与标准研究计划书格式学者们经常要写研究计划来为他们的项目筹集资金。
Research proposal即是研究计划书是通常在科学或学术界提出对资助研究、指导或扩展项目的文件,达到为此项目提供赞助与支持的请求。
一份有效的研究计划书要可以轻松快速地回答以下问题:•你想做什么,你打算怎么做?•要花多少钱? 用多少时间?•建议的项目如何与发起人的利益相关?•这个项目对你的大学、学生、学科、国家、民族或任何其他相关组织有什么影响?•你为什么要做这个项目,而不是别人?•如何评估结果?研究计划书的主要目的是让读者相信你的项目的价值和你的能力,你必须证明你针对此项目有明确可行的计划,确保你的项目将会成功。
在撰写研究计划书之前,你要分清楚计划书的主要类型有哪些,以便更好的着手你的Research proposal。
2.Proposal的框架不同学校专业对于proposal的架构会有一些不同,但一般都会包括下面这几个:2.1 TitleProposal里定的标题只是个初步的想法,正式写论文的时候可以稍加修改,但无论如何定的题目和文章内容要紧密相关的,不能有太大的偏差。
2.2 IntroductionIntroduction指的是给导师或者阅读这篇论文的读者一个简短但清晰的介绍,让他们能够很快了解这篇论文的研究方向是什么,你为什么想研究这个题目(研究它的意义),以及你预计的研究结果和结论是什么。
1. Introduction
2. Background 3. Proposal / Remendations 4. Conclusion
1. Introduction
In this part, you should state briefly and clearly the purpose of this proposal.
By the end of July 2003, 510 sets of imported Sunflower elevators had been sold in China.
3. Proposal / Remendations
In this part, you should suggest a practical solution in detail and tell the benefit it can bring.
It is essential to energize every employee to make the most of their talents, and training is the vital step.
Please consider the following aspects when deciding:
4. Conclusion
In this part, you should reconfirm that the proposal will solve the problem and restate the benefit it will bring.
To sum up, it seems obvious that the introduction of new technology into the Marketing Department will enable the pany to gain huge profits. Our position in the market will be strengthened.
剑桥商务英语中级写作Proposal Writing
We would have the following requirements: - warehouse of 100m2
offer 10% discount for two-year booking
- 24-houdequate parking for twenty and easy access
1. What are Mr. Burr’s needs and requirements?
email, etc.
A Typical Structure for Proposals
Lead-in: Reading exercise on p.72
❖Introducing the Proposal
In response to your enquiry about…/ Further to… At present the company seems to be performing (well\badly)…
Reading: A Proposal
A salesperson who works for a company renting office space has faxed the proposal below to a client. Read it and answer question 1-3. 1. What are the needs of the client? 2. Is the salesperson able to meet those needs? 3. What are the benefits of the second location?
Dear Mr. Rice Thank you for your order by fax. Further to your request for office space for twelve months. I’d like to mention that I can also offer you a 10% discount for bookings of an eighteen-month period. You enquired about availability at the Virginia Walk Centre and offices are still vacant. However, please note that there is limited parking and some offices are on different floors. As an interesting alternative, you might wish to consider a new premises called Dockside (about one mile down the riverside from Virginia Walk). It has the following features: • a first-floor open-plan office space (75m2) with wonderful views of the old harbour. • a convenient three-minute walk from the station and ideal for cyclists with a path along the riverside • suitable parking facilities for over twenty staff.
英国时尚营销本科study proposal
英国时尚营销本科study proposal全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:英国作为世界时尚之都之一,其时尚产业一直备受瞩目。
本文将探讨英国时尚营销本科学习的必要性和重要性,并提出一份相关的study proposal。
1. 课程设置:建议学习课程主要涵盖市场营销理论、时尚产业分析、品牌营销策略、数字营销、广告与公关等内容,并结合实践项目和实习机会,提供学生更多机会将所学知识应用到实践中。
2. 实践活动:建议设置实践项目和实习机会,让学生有机会参与时尚企业的运营管理、市场推广等工作,提高他们的实践能力和专业素养。
3. 导师指导:建议每位学生都提供一名导师指导,帮助他们解决学习和职业问题,引导他们更好地规划未来发展。
4. 行业合作:建议学校与时尚行业企业建立合作关系,为学生提供更多实践机会和职业发展平台,促进学校和行业之间的交流与合作。
以上是关于英国时尚营销本科学习的study proposal,希望能够为有志于从事时尚营销行业的学生提供更多机会和平台,让他们在未来的职业发展道路上更加成功和光明。
【2000字】第二篇示例:英国时尚营销本科study proposal一、背景介绍随着全球化和数字化的发展,时尚营销行业越来越受到关注。
studyproposal范文(合集12篇) StandardAlvarez FernandezPrincipalArdent Technical InstituteBidhannagar, central London9th SeptemberSub: Program proposal LetterDear Mr. AlvarezI am writing this proposal to invite the applicants of your institute for a website development program which will be used for our company’s official purpose. This website will contain all the information regarding the details of our company.The website has to be developed in thus the applicant should have a good knowledge of languages like , C, C++, and html. The candidate should have a good communication skill with fluency in English language.For developing the website the applicant will be paid an amount of $12500 along with some other consolation prizes. The candidates will have to have to work as per the terms and conditions of our company.In case any of the students are interested; they can to apply to ouroffice directly. The selection will be made by a written test followed by an interview. The applicants need to bring all the previous educational certificates along with two latest passport size photos. I think this will be a good platform for students to show their talent. Hope to get a good response from your institute.Complete details of the program are enclosed with this letter.Yours sincerelyJohn Millsstudyproposal范文第2篇学习计划书,是要跟自己将要入读的专业以及个人阅历有关系的呢,配合审核您的其它材料决定是否给您发放留学签证,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。
proposal英语作文精美模板An Elegant Template":Proposal: An Elegant TemplateIn the ever-evolving world of business and academia, the art of crafting a compelling proposal has become an essential skill. A well-structured and meticulously written proposal can be the key to securing funding, gaining approval for a project, or persuading decision-makers to embrace a new idea. As such, it is crucial to master the art of proposal writing, ensuring that your ideas are presented in a clear, concise, and visually appealing manner.The foundation of a successful proposal lies in its structure. A proposal should follow a logical flow, guiding the reader through the various components that make up the overall plan. The first and perhaps most crucial element is the introduction, where you set the stage for your proposal. This section should provide a clear and concise overview of the project, outlining the problem or opportunity you aim to address, as well as the proposed solution.Following the introduction, the next section should delve into thebackground and context of the project. Here, you can provide relevant information about the industry, market trends, or any existing challenges that have led to the need for the proposed solution. By establishing a solid foundation, you demonstrate your understanding of the problem and your ability to develop a well-informed and targeted approach.The heart of the proposal, however, lies in the detailed description of the proposed solution. This section should outline the key components of your plan, including the specific steps, resources, and timeline required for successful implementation. It is essential to provide a clear and comprehensive explanation of how your solution will address the identified problem or opportunity, highlighting the unique features and benefits that set it apart from existing alternatives.Closely tied to the proposed solution is the section on project management and implementation. Here, you should outline the team members, their roles and responsibilities, and the overall project management strategy. This demonstrates your ability to effectively coordinate and execute the plan, instilling confidence in the reader that the project will be delivered on time and within budget.No proposal is complete without a thorough analysis of the potentialrisks and mitigation strategies. This section should identify any potential challenges or obstacles that may arise during the course of the project, and outline the specific measures you will take to address them. By anticipating and addressing these risks, you showcase your foresight and commitment to ensuring the success of the proposed initiative.The financial considerations of the project are another critical component of a comprehensive proposal. This section should provide a detailed budget, outlining the various expenses associated with the project, such as labor, materials, and any necessary equipment or infrastructure. Additionally, it is important to include a well-researched financial analysis, demonstrating the potential return on investment or the long-term sustainability of the proposed solution.Finally, the proposal should conclude with a strong call to action, urging the reader to support the proposed project. This section should reiterate the key benefits and highlights of the plan, reinforcing the value it will bring to the organization or community. By crafting a compelling and persuasive conclusion, you increase the likelihood of securing the necessary approval or funding to bring your vision to life.Throughout the proposal, it is essential to maintain a professionaland polished tone, using clear and concise language that resonates with the target audience. Additionally, the use of visual aids, such as charts, graphs, and diagrams, can greatly enhance the overall presentation and make the proposal more engaging and impactful.In conclusion, the art of proposal writing is a crucial skill for anyone seeking to make their mark in the professional or academic realm. By following a well-structured and comprehensive template, you can craft a proposal that not only showcases your expertise and creativity but also inspires confidence in the reader. Whether you are seeking funding for a new business venture, proposing a research project, or advocating for a community initiative, a well-written proposal can be the key to unlocking new opportunities and realizing your aspirations.。
中文proposal 范文
中文proposal 范文哪位高手能给一篇英语 Proposal范文?内容不限!两篇英文proposal。
网址 Proposal to Research the Storage Facilityfor Spent Nuclear Fuel at Yucca MountainRoger BloomOctober oduction Nuclear power plants produce more than 20 percent of the electricity used in the United States [Murray, 1989]. Unfortunately, nuclear fission, the process used to create this large amount energy, creates significant amounts of high level radioactive waste. More than 30,000 metric tons of nuclear waste have arisen from U.S. mercial reactors as well as high level nuclear weapons waste, such as uranium and plutonium [Roush, 1995]. Because of the build-up of this waste, some power plants will be forced to shut down. To avoid losing an important source of energy, a safe and economical place to keep this waste is necessary. This document proposes a literature review of whether Yucca Mountain is a suitable site for a nuclear waste repository. The proposed review will discuss the economical and environmental aspects of a national storage facility. This proposal includes my methods for gathering information, a schedule for pleting the review, and my qualifications.Statement of Problem On January 1, 1998, the Department of Energy (DOE) must accept spent nuclear fuel from mercial plants for permanent storage [Clark, 1997]. However,the DOE is undecided on where to put this high level radioactive waste. Yucca Mountain, located in Nevada, is a proposed site. There are many questions regarding the safety of the Yucca Mountain waste repository. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory disagree over the long-term safety of the proposed high level nuclear waste site located in Nevada. In 1994, Charles Bowman, a researcher at Los Alamos, developed a theory claiming that years of storing waste in the mountain may actually start a nuclear chain reaction and explode, similar to an atomic bomb [Taubes, 1995]. The stir caused by theory suggests that researchers have not explored all sides of the safety issue concerning potentially hazardous situations at Yucca Mountain. Bowman's theory that Yucca Mountain could explode is based upon the idea that enough waste will eventually disperse through the rock to create a critical mass. A critical mass is an amount of fissile material, suchas plutonium, containing enough mass to start aneutron chain reaction [Murray, 1989]. Bowman argues that if this chain reaction were started underground, the rocks in the ground would help keep the system pressed and speed up the chain reaction [Taubes, 1995].A chain reaction formed underground could thengenerate huge amounts of energy in a fraction of a second, resulting in a nuclear blast. A nuclear explosion of this magnitude would emit large amountsof radioactivity into the air and ground water.Another safety concern is the possibility of avolcanic eruption in Yucca Mountain. The long-term nuclear waste storage facility needs to remain stablefor at least 10,000 years to allow the radioactive isotopes to decay to natural levels [Clark, 1997]. There are at least a dozen young volcanoes within 40 kilometers of the proposed Yucca Mountain waste site [Weiss, 1996]. The proximity of Yucca Mountain to these volcanoes makes it possible to have a volcanic eruption pass through the spent fuel waste repository. Such a volcanic eruption could release damaging amounts of radioactivity to the environment.Objectives I propose to review the available literature about using Yucca Mountain as a possible repository for spent nuclear fuel. In this review I will achieve the following two goals: (1) explain the criteria for a suitable repository of high-level radioactive waste; and (2) determine whether Yucca Mountain meets these criteria. According to the Department of Energy (DOE), a repository for high-level radioactive waste must meet several criteria including safety, location, and economics [Roush, 1995]. Safety includes not only the effect of the repository on people near the site, but also people along the transportation routes to the site. In my research I will consider both groups of people. As far as location, a waste site cannot be in an area with a large population or near a ground water supply. Also, because one of the most significant factors in determining the life span of a possible repository is how long the waste storage canisterswill remain in tact, the waste site must be located in a dry climate to eliminate the moisture that can cause the waste canisters to corrode. The economics involvedin selecting a site is another criterion. At present, the Department of Energy (D...中文proposal 应该怎样写?[Street Address][City,ST ZIP Code]July29,2009[Recipient Name][Title][Company Name][Street Address][City,ST ZIP Code]Dear [Recipient Name]:As a long-time admirer of the outstanding work that your organization has done in the munity,I particularly enjoyed having the opportunity to see how you function from the inside.As you indicated during ourmeeting,our neighborhood group has grown to a point where it needs to dramatically enhance its accounting function so that it can continue to serveeffectively.This correspondence outlines the plete scope of work you requested,includingobjectives,procedures,identification of responsibilities,and estimated fees.OBJECTIVEImplement the Model 60 accounting system on the network.Install the Model 60 software,including implementation and setup,training,conversion assistance,and post-conversion support of the library master,general ledger,accounts payable,and import mastermodules.Provide professional assistance related tothis new system and coordinate the bridge to and from the Trey Research and Contoso,Ltd.software.Success of this project is dependent not only on the software,but also on your personnel's skill,effort,and willingness to work as a team.SCOPE OFSERVICES1.Proceduresa.Assist in planningimplementation of the Model 60 accountingsystem.b.Remend steps required to successfully install the new system and assist in assembling setup information and accounting data used in the implementation process.c.Establish specifications for the bridge from the Trey Research software to capture cash receipt information.(Note:Trey Research software has a "general ledger distribution" contains information that can be bridged in detail or summary format.The interface (export file) will be written by Trey Research staff.)d.Establish specifications for the bridge from the Contoso,Ltd.software to bridge payment schedules for grantsissued.(Note:Contoso,Ltd.has a standard bridge but requires minor modification.The interface will be modified by Contoso,Ltd.staff.)e.Write the bridge to receive (import) the information into the Model 60 software.2.Training and Testinga.Work with you and your staff during installation and implementation to help you gain a general understanding of thesystem.b.Train in the areas of transaction entry and posting,monthly and year-end reportingprocedures,monthly and year-end closing procedures,and periodic back-up procedures.c.Upon pletion,system test Model 60 to assure that it is functioning as intended and producing accurate financial reports based on your input.3.Conversion and Post-Conversion Supporta.Assist in planning and assembling data for the conversion to Model 60,as required.(Note:Data entry assistance is $30 per hour.This cost is not included in our estimate.)b.Provide free telephone support for 30 daysafter conversion.Subsequent charges for support calls are billed in 10-minute units at $12.50 perunit.Support calls are invoiced weekly.Fees are subject to change annually,effective January 1 of each year,based upon 30-day notice.YOUR RESPONSIBILITIESThis project demands significant involvement by your accounting personnel.Ultimate success is highly dependent on their effort.To help achieve a smooth and successful implementation,it will be your responsibility to perform thefollowing:1.Assemble an up-to-date trial balance for all accounts as of the conversion pile a plete list of all vendors/grants payable,including amounts outstanding (by invoice),addresses,phone numbers,vendor terms,vendor classes (if any),and other necessary vendor/grant information.Total amounts outstanding on the vendor listing should agree with total accounts payable from trial balance.3.Create a plete list of existing endowments with balances as of the conversion date.4.Include a copy of the financial statements formats desired by the organization for the balance sheet,ine statement,and other financial reports.BENEFITSWhen the project is plete,our neighborhood group will have successfully converted to the Model 60 integrated accounting system.Benefits include timely,accurate accounting data,ease of data entry,and flexible reporting with a bridge to yourgift and donor software.SOFTWARE COSTS AND PROFESSIONAL FEESSoftware costs and fee estimates are summarized on the attached schedule.These fees are effective provided (a) your accounting records are ingood order,and (b) a staff member can devote full time to the implementation process.Fees will be adjusted to actual accordingly.We will not ...怎样写一篇好的RESEARCH PROPOSAL每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是Research Proposal的写作。
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I think it would be a great idea to organize a charity event to raise money for the local animal shelter. We could have a fun run or a bake sale, and all the proceeds could go towards helping the animals in need. It would be a great way for the community to come together and support a good cause.I also believe that it's important for our company to implement a recycling program. We could provide bins for paper, plastic, and glass, and encourage employees to be more mindful of their waste. This would not only help the environment, but also improve our company's image as a responsible and sustainable business.I propose that we have a monthly team-building activity to boost morale and foster better communication among employees. It could be anything from a group hike to a gamenight, just as long as it's something that brings everyone together outside of the office. I think it would really help improve the overall atmosphere in the workplace.Another idea I have is to start a mentorship programfor new employees. It can be daunting to start a new job, and having a more experienced colleague to guide them through the ropes could really help them settle in and feel more confident in their role. I believe this would ultimately benefit the company by improving retention rates and overall job satisfaction.In addition, I think it would be beneficial for our company to offer flexible work hours. This would allow employees to better balance their work and personal lives, and could potentially attract a wider pool of talent to our company. It's a small change that could make a big difference in the overall happiness and productivity of our team.。
提建议proposal英文作文英文:As someone who is always looking for ways to improve, I would like to propose some suggestions for consideration. First and foremost, I believe that communication is key. In order to have a successful team or organization, there needs to be open and effective communication channels in place. This can be achieved through regular meetings, feedback sessions, and even informal conversations.Another suggestion I have is to encourage collaboration and teamwork. When individuals work together towards a common goal, they are able to achieve more than if they were working alone. This can be fostered through team-building activities, brainstorming sessions, and even just providing opportunities for employees to work together on projects.Finally, I believe that it is important to recognizeand reward hard work and achievements. This can be done through bonuses, promotions, or even just a simple thank you. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be motivated and productive.Overall, I believe that these suggestions can help to create a positive and productive work environment. By prioritizing communication, collaboration, and recognition, we can work towards achieving our goals and making a difference.中文:作为一个总是在寻找改进方法的人,我想提出一些建议供考虑。
商务英语proposal范文(实用proposal模板篇一班级姓名学号时间评价Learning aims:1. Help students use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together2. Write a proposal for saving a building.Important points amp; difficult points:1. Read the article and learn something about the Imperial tombs of China.of some ways to protect the ancient buildings.Learning procedures:第一部分:自主学习I. Remember the following important phrases.equal to 与…相等located in 坐落于home to 是…的家园4. historic sites 历史遗址terms of 就…而言高质量good condition 处于良好的状态recent decades近几十年来well preserved 保存完好destruction故意的破坏money in doing投入资金… 12. meet the deadline for如期完成…up 从事…;占用;拿起the protection of 在…的保护之下15. centuries of exposure 几个世纪风吹日晒given serious attention 受到很大的关注needed attention to... 引起必要的的关注。
18. over a length of 247 years 历时247年19. mark the entrance to 标志着…的入口II. Fast readingis the main idea of the passage?Introduction to the imperial tombs.tomb’s style greatly influenced the other emperors’ ones?The first Ming emperor’s tomb.does the fund used for preserving and restoring the historic sites e from?It es from the government, international help and tourismIII. Enjoy the following sentences, fill in each blank with a proper word, and then translate them into Chinese orally.most popular sites of the Imperial Tombs of China are the Ming Tombs, most of which can be found 50 kilometers north-west of Beijing (北京市西北50公里)in a place called Shisanling.2.Adding to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling(添加了长陵的宏伟和壮丽) is the Ling’en Palace, which is located in(坐落于)the second courtyard.3. Unlike (不像)other Ming and Qing Tombs, Xiling has three broad stone gates in front of the Great Red Gate that marks the entrance to(标志着…的入口)the tombs, instead of only one.4.Xiling was built after Dongling was inspected and some geological problems were found there that were believed to be causing() the Manchu rulers’ troubles.5. Although a number of tombs have survived relatively undamaged(尽管不少陵寝遭受的破坏相对较小), all have suffered at least some damage from centuries of exposure, war, fire and deliberate destruction(蓄意破坏).6.Not surprisingly(不足为奇), international recognition is part and parcel(主要部分)of preserving and restoring such historic sites as it sends the message to everyone that these sites are extremely important and precious.IV. Fill in the blanks according to the texttitle The imperial tombsThe Ming Imperial tombs The Ming tombs, most of which can be found in shisanling, are the most popular sites of the Imperial tombs.The sacred way leads to the thirteen tombs and in good condition, at the end of which is changling which is considered as the best preserved of the thirteen tombs.Ling’en palace adds to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling.The Qing Imperial tombs The Qing Tombs are similar to the Ming Tombs in terms of architecture and their choice of site.Dongling, located_in Hebei Province, contains the first imperial tombs of the Manchu rulers, which was built as long as 247 years ,covering/ occupying 78 square kilometers .West of Beijing sits Xiling ,which has three broad stone gates in front of the Great Red Gate marking the entrance to the tombs.Preservation and recognition of the tombs The Nanjing Municipal government, which is responsible for the regulation of Xiaoling, has already invested a lot of money in restoring it.International recognition is part and parcel of preserving and restoring such historic sites.V. Self-study of important and difficult language points.1.[原句回放]The tombs, which were built over a length of 247 years, take up 78 square kilometers. 句中take up的意思是占地,其还有“拿起;从事…(活动/工作);占用(时间/空间;继续讲等意思。
英文proposal作文范文Proposal for Improving Employee Morale。
We need to do something about the low morale in the office. People seem unmotivated and disengaged, and it's affecting productivity. 。
I propose organizing regular team-building activities to boost morale and foster a sense of camaraderie among the staff. This could include things like group outings, team sports, or even just a monthly happy hour.Another idea is to offer more professional development opportunities for employees. This could be in the form of workshops, seminars, or even tuition reimbursement for further education.We should also consider implementing a more flexible work schedule to accommodate the diverse needs of our employees. This could involve options like telecommuting,flexible hours, or compressed workweeks.Furthermore, I suggest creating a recognition program to acknowledge and reward employees for their hard work and dedication. This could be as simple as a "employee of the month" award or a more elaborate incentive program.Lastly, I recommend conducting regular surveys to gather feedback from employees about their job satisfaction and any suggestions they may have for improving morale in the workplace.In conclusion, it's clear that we need to take action to improve the morale of our employees. By implementing these proposals, I believe we can create a more positive and productive work environment for everyone.。
bec作文proposal格式英文回答:Title: Proposal for a Business Economics (BEC) Capstone Project。
Project Objective:To analyze the economic feasibility and marketpotential of a new product or service offering.Project Scope:The project will involve the following phases:Market Research: Conducting thorough market research to identify target customers, assess competition, and determine market size and demand.Product/Service Development: Developing a detaileddescription of the proposed product or service, its features, benefits, and target market.Cost Analysis: Estimating the costs associated with developing, producing, and marketing the product or service.Revenue Projections: Projecting potential revenue streams based on market demand and pricing strategy.Financial Analysis: Conducting a comprehensivefinancial analysis, including profitability projections, return on investment (ROI), and break-even analysis.Proposal Development: Creating a comprehensiveproposal that outlines the project findings, recommendations, and implementation plan.Project Deliverables:The project will deliver the following deliverables:Market Research Report。
Example of a research proposal 英国硕士论文开题报告范文样本
Research Proposal:A Study of the Relationship between Organisational Citizenship Behaviours,Psychology Contract and Organisational Justice: Focusing on the ChineseWorkers[Note: This proposal has been reproduced in anonymised from with full permission from the student. It is reproduced using single line spacing to save paper].Name: ????Student Number: ????Date of submission: dd mmm yyyyWord account: 2122 excluding referencesContents1 Research Background 12 Research aim and objectives 13 Literature review 23.1 Organisational citizenship behaviours 23.2 Psychological contract 33.3 Organisational justice 44 Methodology 54.1 Questionnaire survey 54.2 Sample selection and data collection 54.3 Research ethics 64.4 Data analysis 65 Timetable 66 Conclusions 77 References 71 Research BackgroundFuelled by increasing globalization and international competition, many enterprises have realised the importance of recruiting, retaining, and managing human resources, which contribute to increasing competitiveness of organisations and gaining sustainable competitive advantages (Nadiri & Tanova, 2010). Recently, many scholars and practitioners devote multiple efforts to organisational citizenship behaviours. The reason is that organisational citizenship behaviours contribute to improving organisational performance by maximizing their job efficiency and productivity (Organ, 1988; Wagner & Rush, 2000). Jahangir et al. (2004) assert that “successful organisations have employees who go beyond their formal job responsibilities and freely give their time and energy to succeed at the assigned job” (p.75). From these perspectives, organisational citizenship behaviours act as an essential role in strengthening organisational effectiveness. Given its importance, this study aims to examine organisational citizenship behaviours of Chinese workers in order to improve research generalizability.Either in academic study or in practice, organisational citizenship behaviours have gained much attention. Hence, many scholars examine and explore the definition, structure, antecedents and consequences of organisational citizenship behaviours. Among all antecedents, organisational justice and psychological contract have received much attention in the field of organisational psychology and organisational behaviours. The existing studies have illustrated that organisational justice and psychological contract are positively related to organisational citizenship behaviours (Cohen-Charash & Spector, 2001; Turnley et al., 2003). Through surveying samples from United Kingdom, mainland China, France and the United States, Fok et al. (1996) also found that employees with different cultural background had different perception of fairness and organisational citizenship behaviours. Concerning for the difference of culture, it is necessary to examine organisational citizenship behaviours and its antecedents in the Chinese cultural background. At the same time, Hui et al. (2004) point out that employment relationship is different due to different psychological, social, and interpersonal mechanism. Furthermore, the existing studies associated with organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours are rooted in western cultural background. Whether they work or not in the Chinese cultural background has not been known. Therefore, in order to improve research generalisability, this study attempts to identify the effect of organisational justice and psychological contract on organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers.This proposal is arranged as follows: section two provides research aim and objectives. As such, section three reviews literatures associated with organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours. Section four presents data collection methods. Section five provides timetable. This proposal ends with conclusions.2 Research aim and objectivesThe aim of this research is to examine and understand the relationship between organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours.To address research aim, the specific research objectives are presented as follows:(1)To examine the relationship between organisational justice and psychological contract focusing on the Chinese workers;(2)To examine how organisational justice affects organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers;(3)To examine how psychological contract affects organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers.3 Literature review3.1 Organisational citizenship behavioursThe term organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) was introduced by Organ (1977). In 1988, Organ defined it as ‘‘discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organisation’’ (Organ, 1988). Subsequently, Organ (1995) redefined OCB as ‘‘performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which task performance takes place” (p. 95). In terms of this definition, OCB is a part of job performance. The definition of Organ (1995) has gained considerable attention from scholars. According to Bolino et al. (2002), OCB is defined as “the willingness of employees to exceed their formal job requirements in order to help each other, to subordinate their individual interests for the good of the organisation, and to take a genuine interest in the organisation’s activities and overall mission”. This definition has gained the support of Appelbaum et al. (2004), who defined it as “a discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirement, but - is that which promotes the effective functioning of the organisation”. Based on their definitions, it can be known that OCB is an extra-role bahviour of promoting performance. In this study, the definition of Appelbaum et al. (2004) is used to understand organisational citizenship behaviours of Chinese workers.Concerning for the structure of OCB, there are different perspectives due to different research background and cultural background. In general, the structure of OCB is generalized into two dimensions, three dimensions, four dimensions, five dimensions, and seven dimensions, which I have summarised and presented in table 1.Table 1 structure of organisational citizenship behavioursReference ContentsTwo dimensionsSmith et al. (1983) altruism and generalised complianceThree dimensionsColeman and Borman (2000) interpersonal citizenship, organisational citizenship, and job/taskcitizenshipFour dimensionsGraham et al. (1989) organisational obedience, interpersonal helping, organisationalloyalty, and organisational participationFive dimensionsOrgan (1988) altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, civic virtue, andsportsmanshipFarh, Early and Lin (1997) identification with the company, altruism toward colleagues,conscientiousness, interpersonal harmony, protecting companyresourcesSeven dimensionsPodsakoff and Mackenzie (2000) Helping behaviour, sportsmanship, organisational loyalty, organisational compliance, individual initiative, civic virtue, and self developmentAccording to Table 1, different scholars present different perspectives. Among these dimensions, the perspective of Organ (1988) has gained considerable attention from scholars. Because of this, different scholars with different cultural background construct different structures of OCB. At the same time, the Chinese scholars Farh et al. (1997) also build five-dimensional structure of OCB. In order to reduce the effect of cultural difference, this study employs the structure of Farh et al. (1997) to measure organisational citizenship behaviours.3.2 Psychological contractThe study of psychological contract was originated from Argyris (1960). Psychological contract is used to understand employment relationship between employees and employers. Employment relationship is reciprocity in terms of social exchange theory (Rousseau, 1990). Given its importance, many scholars define and study what is meant by psychological contract. For example, psychological contract is defined by Rousseau (1989) as “individual’s belief in the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement between the focal person and another group” (p.123). In 1995, Rousseau redefined it as “individual beliefs, shaped by the organisation, regarding terms of an exchange agreement between individuals and their organisation” (p. 9). This definition of psychological contract has been widely accepted by many scholars. In this study, the definition of Rousseau (1995) is used to understand Chinese workers’ psychological contract.As for the structure of psychological contract, there are different perspectives. The earliest structure of psychological contract includes transactional and relational dimension (Rousseau, 1990), which has gained wide application in academic study. In here, transaction contract refers to “a set of short-term economically focused attitudes involving limited involvement between the parties” (Raja et al., 2004). And relational contract refers to sustain relationship with organisations depending on emotional involvement or financial benefits (Robinson et al., 1994). Subsequently, in 1995, Rousseau (1995) reconstructed four dimensions of psychological contract, namely transactional, relationship, balanced, and transitional contract. Furthermore, the Chinese scholars Hui et al. (2004) develop dimensions of psychological contract of Chinese workers, namely balanced, relational, and transactional contracts. Therefore, in order to reduce cultural difference, this study employs the dimension of Hui et al. (2004) to measure psychological contract of Chinese workers.3.3 Organisational justiceJustice in organisations has gained considerable attention from scholars and practitioners. The reason is that organisational justice significantly affects attitudes and behaviours of employees (Cropanzano et al., 2001). Because of this, many scholars explore and study organisational justice in different contexts. The organisational justice is defined by Folger and Cropanzano (1998) as ‘‘the conditions of employment that lead individuals to believe they are being treated fairly or unfairly by their organisation’’. According to this definition, organisational justice refers to employees’ perception towards organisation, especially for pay and promotion. In this study, the above definition is used to understand organisational justice of Chinese workers.In terms of understanding organisational justice, different scholars provide different types. The earliest study on organisational justice shows that it has two primary dimensions, namely distributive and procedure justice (Greenberg, 1990). In here, distributive justice refers to “feelings of fairness surrounding the allocation of organisational resources, including pay, bonuses, terminations, or any other resources that an organisation can provide to employees” (Deutsch, 1975). Procedural justice refers to “feelings of fairness regarding the procedures associated with determining promotions, terminations, performance ratings, bonuses, or anything else of value that the organisation provides” (Thibaut & Walker, 1975, cited in Roch & Shanock, 2006). In addition, some scholars provide three-dimensional structure of organisational justice, namely distributive justice, interactional justice, and procedural justice (e.g. Bies & Moag, 1986). They define interactional justice as “feelings of fairness concerning for how employees are treated within the organisation”. This three-dimensional structure has gained considerable application in the academic study. Furthermore, Colquitt (2001) provides four-dimensional structure, namely distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice. From these perspectives, there has not consistent findings about the structure of organisationaljustice. In order to better identify the structure of organisational justice, the scale of Colquitt (2001) is used in this study.4 MethodologyIn terms of research objectives, among research strategies presented by Yin (1994), survey is applied in this study, aiming to understand respondents’ actual attitudes, perspectives, and behaviours. In this study, primary data collection methods are employed in order to gain actual information of Chinese workers.4.1 Questionnaire surveyIn this study, questionnaire survey aims to identify Chinese workers’ actual perspectives and attitudes towards organisational justice, psychological contract and organisational citizenship behaviours. The process of conducting questionnaire survey is presented as follows:The first step is to design questionnaires of this study. The questionnaire includes four sections. More specifically, section one is used to establish the samples’ characteristics, which includes a series of indicators, such as gender, age, marriage, and tenure. Correspondingly, section two is used to measure organisational citizenship behaviours. In this section, the scale of Hui et al. (1999) is used, which includes 15 items. Section three is used to measure psychological contract which also employs the scale of Hui et al. (2004). Furthermore, section four is used to measure organisational justice which uses the scale of Colquitt (2001). A five point Likert type scale used to assess Chinese workers’ identification degree with each indicator (1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree).The questionnaire will be pilot tested with 10 employees from the company and amendments made as necessary.4.2 Sample selection and data collectionThe second step is used to send collection questionnaires. In this study a systematic random sample of employees will be selected from the human resource records of the ????? Company in China which employs 750 people. These records are stored in salary order by department. In order to ensure 95% confidence and a margin of error of 5% I require 254 responses (Saunders et al., 2009). Assuming a response rate of 52.7% (Baruch and Holtom, 2008), this means I will have to administer my questionnaire to 482 employees using SurveyMonkey using work emails. The questionnaire will be administered in Chinese. I have gained the company’s agreement by contacting with human resource department manager. Assurances have been given that all respondents’ information is confidential and anonymous.4.3 Research EthicsPermission has been given in writing by the company to undertake this research. I have agreed that the data will be anonymised and it will not be possible to identify individuals. In addition, the company name will not appear anywhere within the dissertation, thereby preserving anonymity.Individual respondents will be told in the questionnaire covering letter that their participation is optional.4.4 Data analysisThe final step is to do data analysis. In terms of the received data, some statistic analysis techniques are used to analyse the received data, such as descriptive statistic analysis, confirmation factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. All of these operations will be achieved by using SPSS software.5 TimetableThe timetable of this dissertation is presented below:Table 2 Timetable of this DissertationTask MarchWeek3,4AprilWeek1,2AprilWeek3,4MayWeek1,2MayWeek3,4JuneWeek1,2JuneWeek3,4JulyWeek1.2JulyWeek3,4Aug.Week1,2Select topic Confirm research questions Research proposalQuestionnaire surveyData entry and analysis Introduction and literature review Methodology Findings and discussions Conclusions and Recommendations Final format and indexingPrint, bind submitKey dates within this are:Submission of dissertation: dd mmm yyyyI confirm I have the resources to pay for the SurveyMonkey software subscription. There are no associated travel costs.6 ConclusionsThis proposal provides a framework for the writing of this dissertation. In general, research background, literature review, research objectives, methodology and timetable have been provided in this proposal, aiming to better conduct the writing of this dissertation.7 ReferencesAppelbaum, S., Bartolomucci, N., Beaumier, E., Boulanger, J., Corrigan, R., Dore, I., Girard, C., Serroni, C. (2004). Organizational citizenship behavior: A case study of culture, leadership and trust. Management Decision, 42(1), 13-40.Argyris, C. (1960). Understanding organisational behaviour. London: Tavistock Publications.Baruch , Y. and Holtom, B.C. (2008). Survey response rates and trends in organizational research. Human Relations. 61(8), 1139-60.Bolino, M. C., Turnley, W. H., Bloodgood, J. M. (2002). Citizenship behavior and the creation of social capital in organizations. Academy of Management Review, 27(4), 505-522.Bies, R. J., Moag, J. S. (1986). Interactional justice: Communication criteria for fairness. In B. Sheppard (Ed.), Research on negotiation in organizations, Vol. 1: 43-55. Greenwich, CT: JAI.Cohen-Charash, Y., Spector, P. E. (2001). The role of justice in organizations: A meta-analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86, 278-321.Colquitt, J. A. (2001). On the dimensionality of organizational justice: A construct validation of a measure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1), 356-400.Coleman VI, Borman WC. (2000).Investigating the underlying structure of the citizenship performance domain. Human Resource Management Review, 10, 25–44.Cropanzano, R., Byrne, Z. S., Bobocel, D. R., Rupp, D. E. (2001). Moral virtues, fairness heuristics, social entities, and other denizens of organizational justice. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 58, 164–209.Deutsch, M. 1975. Equity, equality, and need: What determines which value will be used as the basis of distributive justice? Journal of Social Issues, 31(1), 138-150.Farh, J. L., Earley, P. C., Lin, S. C. (1997). Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42, 421–444.Folger, R., Cropanzano, R. (1998). Organisational justice and human resource management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.Graham, J.W. (1989). Organizational citizenship behavior: Construct redefinition operationalization, and validation. Unpublished Working Paper, Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.Greenberg, J. (1990). Organizational Justice: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. J ournal of Management, 16(1), 399-432.Hui C., Lee, C., Rousseau, D. M.(2004). Psychological Contract and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in China: Investigating Generalizability and Instrumentality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(2), 311–321.Jahangir, N., Mohammad, M. Akbar, M.H. (2004). Organisational citizenship behaviours: its nature and antecedents. BRAC University Journal, I (2), 75-85.Nadiri, H., Tanova, C. (2010).An investigation of the role of justice in turnover intentions, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior in hospitality industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29 (2), 33–41.Organ, D.W.1977). A reappraisal and reinterpretation of the satisfaction– causes– performance hypothesis. Academy of Management Review, 2, 46–53.Organ, D.W. (1988).Organizational citizenship behavior: the good soldier syndrome. Lexington (MA): Lexington Books.Organ, D. W., Ryan K. (1995). A meta-analytic review of attitudinal and dispositional predictors of organizational citizenship behavior. Personnel Psychology, 48, 775-802.Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., Bachrach, D. G. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26,513–563.Raja, U., Johns, G., Ntalianis, F. (2004). The impact of personality on psychological Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 4(4), 249–270.Robinson, S.L., Kraatz, M.S., Rousseau, D.M. (1994).Changing obligations and the psychological contract: a longitudinal study. Academy of Management Journal, 37(1), 137-52.Rousseau, D.M. (1989). Psychological and implied contracts in organisations. Employee responsibilities and rights journal, 2, 121-139.Rousseau, D.M.(1990). New hire perspectives of their own and their employer’s obligations: a study of psychological contracts. Journal of organisational behaviour, 11, 389-400.Rousseau, D.M. (1995). Psychological contracts in organisations. CA :Thousand Oaks.Roch, Sylvia G., Shanock, Linda R. (2006).Organizational Justice in an Exchange Framework: Clarifying Organizational Justice Distinctions. Journal of Management, 32(2), 299-322.Saunders M, Lewis, P. and Thornhill A (2009) Research Methods for Business Students (5th edition) Harlow: FT-Prentice Hall.Smith C. A., Organ D. W., Near J. P. 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英语学术论文写作(第三版)--第2章--Research Proposal
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Chapter Two Part One: Research Proposal Writing
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1. Definition of Research Proposal
Research proposal is a brief (up to two pages or more) overview of your research paper, giving the reader sufficient information about the work you have done, about the way you did it and the value of this work.
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3. Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing
The following are the common mistakes in proposal writing.
●Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question. ● Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research. ● Failure to cite landmark studies. ● Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers. ● Failure to stay focused on the research question.
proposal范文 (3)
Proposal 范文1. Introduction本文档旨在提供一个proposal范文的参考,以帮助读者了解如何撰写一份规范的proposal。
2. 问题陈述在撰写proposal之前,首先要明确问题陈述。
以下是一个问题陈述的示例:问题陈述:如何提高公司员工的工作满意度和绩效?3. 目标和目的接下来,要明确项目的目标和目的。
4. 方法和步骤在proposal中,需要清晰地描述实施项目的方法和步骤。
5. 预期结果和效益一个好的proposal应该能够清晰地说明预期结果和效益。
6. 预算和资源在proposal中,需要明确项目所需的预算和资源。
第一页上端要用文字“编辑方法”(Editorial method)或者研究方法(Research method)做标题。
An essay proposal is a crucial document that outlines the scope, purpose, and methodology of your research paper or essay. It provides a roadmap for your writing process and helps you stay organized and focused throughout the project. By following a structured outline and including key elements, you can create a compelling essay proposal that will impress your readers and set you up for success.Sections of an Essay Proposal。
An essay proposal typically consists of the following sections:Title: The title of your essay should be clear, concise, and accurately reflect the main topic of yourresearch.Introduction: The introduction introduces your topic and provides background information. It also states your thesis statement, which is the central argument or claim that you will argue in the essay.Literature Review: The literature review discusses the existing scholarly literature on your topic. It summarizes the main findings and theories of previous studies and identifies areas where your research will contribute to the body of knowledge.Methodology: The methodology section describes the methods you will use to conduct your research. This includes your research questions, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.Expected Outcomes: The expected outcomes section outlines the results you anticipate from your research. It explains how your study will contribute to the field and how it will benefit the broader community.Timeline: The timeline section provides a schedule for your research project. It lists the major milestones and deadlines for completing the various stages of your work.Tips for Writing an Effective Essay Proposal。
We should organize a charity concert to raise funds for the local homeless shelter. The concert will feature local musicians and bands, and all proceeds will go directly to the shelter to support their programs and services for the homeless population in our community.I propose that we implement a recycling program in our office to reduce our environmental impact. We can set up designated bins for paper, plastic, and glass, and educate our colleagues about the importance of recycling and reducing waste in the workplace.I suggest that we arrange a monthly volunteer day for our team to give back to the community. We can partner with local organizations and charities to participate in activities such as beach clean-ups, serving meals at homeless shelters, or organizing donation drives for thosein need.We need to establish a mentorship program within our company to support professional development and growth for our employees. Pairing experienced staff with newer colleagues will provide valuable guidance, support, and knowledge sharing to help everyone succeed in their roles.I recommend that we introduce a flexible work schedule for our employees to improve work-life balance and boost morale. Allowing staff to have more control over their work hours and remote work options can increase productivity and job satisfaction.Let's create a wellness program for our office to promote physical and mental health among our employees. This can include fitness classes, meditation sessions, and workshops on stress management and self-care.In order to foster a more inclusive and diverse workplace, we should implement unconscious bias trainingfor all employees. This will help raise awareness andunderstanding of unconscious biases and promote a more equitable and respectful work environment for everyone.。
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