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21. —How did you find the long talk given by the headmaster on Teachers’ Day?

—________ .I’d rather he ________ it short.

A.Very well;made B.Boring;had made

C.Dull;made D.Exciting;had made

【解析】选B。句意为:——你觉得校长在教师节作的长篇报告怎么样?——没意思。我宁愿他作简短些。boring令人厌烦的,符合语意。I’d rather后接句子时,应用虚拟语气,因为事情发生在过去,因此与过去事实相反,故应用过去完成时。

22. —Mr. Wang, I got zero on Answer Sheet One. Could you help me correct it?

—No, it ________ be marked by the machine. Mark your test number with a pencil 2B next time.


A. need

B. can

C. shall

D. may


23. ________ the previous celebrations, the National Day celebration was more attractive and breathtaking.


A. Comparing

B. Comparing with

C. Compared

D. Compared with

【解析】选D。句子的主语the National Day celebration与compare之间是被动关系。另外, compared with指“与……相比”。

24. When he ________ at the railway station, he met an old friend, who ________ for a night.

A. got off; put him up

B. got on; put up him

C. got away; saw him off

D. got out; saw off him

【解析】选A。第一空考查get动词短语。get off“下车”;get on“上车;进行”;get away “离开”;get out “出去”,第一空选择以上四个短语的任意一个都正确,但第二空有时间状语for a night, see sb. off(为……送行)不能与延续的时间段相连,排除C、D。又put sb. up (为某人提供住宿)符合句意,在put up短语中,宾语代词只能放在其中间,故又排除B 项。

25. Used to TV shows, many people do not have the ________ to read a book that requires thinking.

A. courage

B. wisdom

C. patience

D. freedom

【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。courage“勇气”; wisdom“智慧”; patience“耐心”; freedom “自由”。句意:许多人由于习惯了看电视节目,就没有耐心读需要思考的书籍了。

26. He made ________ that all his friends thought he would be ________ success sooner or later.

A. such a great progress; /

B. such great progress; a

C. so great progress; /

D. so great a progress; a

【解析】选B。progress是不可数名词,故“如此大的进步”用英语表示为“such great progress”,排除A、D;又success可作为可数名词指成功的人或事,故选B。

27. Though the man admitted ________ into the bank, he insisted that he ________ nothing to do with the bank explosion.

A. breaking; should have

B. breaking; had

C. to break; should have

D. to break; had

【解析】选B。admit doing sth. “承认做某事”,故第一个空要填breaking,又题干中的insist 在此意为“坚持认为”,后面宾语从句中的谓语动词应与insisted一致。若insist表示“坚决主张”时,宾语从句中谓语动词要用(should)do。

28. There is an obvious ________ between the cultures of the West and East.

A. contract

B. contrast

C. content

D. contact


29. The mooncake ________ sugar, sesame and so on tastes ________ .

A. contains; good

B. containing; well

C. that contains; well

D. containing; good

【解析】选D。句意:含有糖、芝麻等的月饼尝起来很好。第一空应填containing或that contains, 它们作定语修饰mooncake。第二空应填good这一形容词,因为taste在此是连系动词,表示“尝起来”。而well是形容词时,表示“健康”。

30. Before the Hope Project was carried out in this poor area, children here had no ________ to education.

A. access

B. approach

C. way

D. chance

【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。way和chance不与介词to搭配,故先排除C、D。approach 可与介词to连用,但其意是“方法”,放在此处不恰当。have(no)access to表示“(没)有接近……的机会/权利”。句意:在这一贫穷地区开展希望工程之前,这儿的孩子们没有接受教育的机会。

31. The ________ time the Chinese people spend on line is 18 hours a week.

A. ordinary

B. common

C. most

D. average

【解析】选D。句意为:中国人每周花在网上的时间平均是18小时。由此可知应选average “平均的”。

32. —I always lose ________ when studying.

—Maybe you should quit staring at all the cute boys.

A. concentration

B. construction

C. conversation

D. communication

【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。concentration“注意”;construction“建设”;conversation“谈话”;communication“交流”。lose concentration在此意为“走神”。

33. We feel ________ reasonable to follow his advice.

A. that

B. this

C. it

D. one

