
KeysUnit 11. In the Frozen Waters of Qomolangma, I Learned the Value of Humility Comprehension Exercises1.Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.1. B2. D3. A4. B2.Put the following into Chinese1.我在想,如果出现意外,那么我那冻僵的身体需要多长时间才能沉到4.2公里深的海底呢?我紧接着意识到,对于一个仅着一条泳裤、试图游完这象征性的1公里人来说,下水前还能有什么比这更糟的念头吗?我的内心深处在颤抖,感到非常恐惧。
2. 我在珠穆朗玛峰上学到了两个基本的经验教训,第一,过去有用的东西并不意味着今天一定有用。
3. 我们已经以某种方式生存了如此之久,我们已经以某种方式消费了如此之久,我们已经以某种方式在地球上居住了如此之久,但这并不意味着,我们过去所做的决定今天依然正确。
4. 我在世界屋脊上的游泳改变了我,在一定程度上,我希望它证明一切皆有可能。
2. Taking Lessons from What Went WrongComprehension Exercises1.Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.1. B2. A3. C4. C2.Put the following into Chinese1.他们说,灾难会带来惨痛的教训,因为在技术上取得成功的原因往往是随机的、不可见的,而造成某个失败的原因通常是可以被找到、被证明和被修复的,从而达到改进的目的。
现代新理念英语初中版 ④ Lesson4第二课时教案

语言天地(Language corner)
Keys: C C C
2.Listen again and fill in the blanks.
A: What can a _________ help us with in our ________ lives?
Step 2. Presentation & Drill
1.逐段听音(Listen to the three pieces of materialsin sequence)
Keys: 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C
1.Listen again and follow the tape.
1. Girl:What are you doing, Jim?
Boy: I’m playing games on the computer.
2. Boy: Do you have your own computer, Susan?

典范英语7第4册概括摘要:一、引言二、典范英语7 第4 册的内容概述1.主题背景2.主要角色3.故事情节三、本书的学习价值1.提高英语阅读能力2.丰富英语词汇量3.培养英语听力技巧4.增进对英美文化的了解四、适合的读者群体五、总结与建议正文:【引言】典范英语7 第4 册作为一套广受好评的英语学习教材,旨在帮助学生通过阅读有趣的故事,提高英语综合能力。
【典范英语7 第4 册的内容概述】【主题背景】典范英语7 第4 册的主题背景多种多样,涉及日常生活、科普知识、人物传记等方面,旨在让学生在阅读过程中,既能学习英语知识,又能拓宽知识面。
【故事情节】典范英语7 第4 册的故事情节引人入胜,让学生在享受阅读的过程中,自然而然地掌握英语语法、词汇和表达方式。
【本书的学习价值】【提高英语阅读能力】通过阅读典范英语7 第4 册中的故事,学生可以逐步提高英语阅读能力,为以后更深入的英语学习打下基础。
【培养英语听力技巧】典范英语7 第4 册配有标准英式发音的音频,学生可以通过听音频,提高英语听力技巧。
【适合的读者群体】典范英语7 第4 册适合具备一定英语基础的中学生、高中生以及成人学习者。
【总结与建议】典范英语7 第4 册是一本寓教于乐的英语学习教材,既可以作为学生的课外阅读材料,也可以作为课堂教学的辅助教材。

新理念英语阅读初二第1~2册译文初二英语阅读《新理念》第一册译文第一本第一篇:制造头条新闻Chapter 1 【报纸】在教室里,辛苦且漫长的一天结束了,克兰博老师看上去很累。
Chapter 2【好的新闻头条】”这儿有一个故事,“我对缇莉说道。
仁爱版2024新版七年级英语上册Unit 4 “探索”板块 Theme Reading 主题阅读课件

Applying &Practicing
Be able to summarize important information about football games and complete a summary.
Transfering &Creating
Evaluate the players' sportsmanship and describe your favorite sport.
class on Friday. Now it’s sunny out there. All the boys are having fun on the
playground.来自Wang Junfeng’s team is not playing very well at the start. But Wang Junfeng doesn’t give up. He keeps running and passing the ball. In the end, they win the game two to one. His PE teacher, Mr. Li, is watching the game. He hopes Wang Junfeng can play for the school football team, and that is Wang Junfeng’s wish, too. Now he is feeling like a big football star!
Activity 1 Pair work. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

“我知道了,”他兴奋地说,“我要发明一个冰淇淋机!”词组:hold meeting召开会议take turns轮流,更替think of考虑;想起;有··想法sit at坐,在··坐a bowl of一碗have no idea不知道,不了解Chapter2本抓起几张纸和支钢笔,然后他就画出了他的冰淇淋机设计草图。
”词组:look much like看起来很像say to oneself暗想,自言自语turn up开大;翻起;出现upside down颠倒,倒转;混乱地fall out争吵;结果;解散;掉队 a pile of一堆wait and see等着看;拭目以待;观望;走着瞧Chapter3本捡起的第一个东西又大又圆,是用钢做的。

Unit One Scientific Research (I) Part A The Rise of Science LOGO
About A History of Western Philosophy
Hailed as “lucid and magisterial” by The Observer
Unit One Scientific Research (I)
Introduction LOGO
Getting to Know Getting into Library
Part B References
Part A The Rise of Science
Part C Timed Reading Further Reading
4. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
Key: 1. parallelism
2. parenthesis
4. rhetorical question
3. emphatic sentence
Unit One Scientific Research (I)
Reading and Thinking LOGO
Author’s Purpose First, then, what is science? Surely there
can be no difficulty in answering this, and yet I fear that, if I should pass through this or any other audience with the question, I should get many different answers. (P 20)

典范英语7第4册概括(原创版)目录一、典范英语 7 第 4 册概述二、本书的主要内容三、本书的特点与亮点四、适用对象与学习建议正文一、典范英语 7 第 4 册概述《典范英语》是一套享誉国内外的英语学习教材,其第七册第四册主要针对英语学习者的初中阶段,以丰富的内容和实用性为特点,帮助学生全面提升英语能力。
2.学习建议:1) 建议学生按照教材的编排顺序,循序渐进地学习,不要急于求成。
2) 在学习过程中,要注重词汇和语法的积累,多读多写,提高英语表达能力。
3) 结合实际生活场景进行学习,将所学知识运用到生活实践中,提高英语实际运用能力。

Listen and tick
2. √
3. √
A puzzle
a d n f p b
q h o l o d
w w i y t t
f z h p a j
t o m a t o
y b w p o p
k a r p z x
u n q l c i
c a p e a r
Let’s learn
—Could I have some oranges? —Yes.Here you are.Do you want some bananas ,too? —Oh,yes.
1.每天听读20分钟。 2.抄写本课单词3+1遍,课文1+1遍。 3.背诵本课单词、句子。 4.活动手册做完。
m n a g k t
r a n g e b
Hale Waihona Puke Let’s play a game
1.Liaion(连读) an apple an egg an old man in English
an orange
2.Word stress(单词重音) 'mother 'brother 'colour 'open 'orange 'morning 'under 'woman 'sister 'teacher 'seven 'apple

综合单元测试——Level 4 Unit 2Listening ComprehensionTrue Or FalseDirections: In this part, you will hear ten statements. Each statement is based on the texts you have just learned in this unit. Statements one to six are about Text A, and statements seven to ten are about Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. After you hear each statement, decide whether it is True or False.1.True False参考答案:False答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 8 / 31正确率 : 20%2.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 26 / 13正确率 : 66%3.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 22 / 17正确率 : 56%4.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 25 / 14正确率 : 64%5.True False参考答案:False答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 6 / 33正确率 : 15%6.True False参考答案:False答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 9 / 30正确率 : 23%7.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 25 / 14正确率 : 64%8.True False参考答案:False答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 17 / 22正确率 : 43%9.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 27 / 12正确率 : 69%10.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 19 / 20正确率 : 48%True Or FalseDirections: In this part, you will hear ten statements. Each statement is based on the texts you have just learned in this unit. Statements one to six are about Text A, and statements seven to ten are about Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. After you hear each statement, decide whether it is True or False.11.True False参考答案:False答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 10 / 34正确率 : 22%12.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 29 / 15正确率 : 65%13.True False参考答案:False答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 25 / 19正确率 : 56%14.True False参考答案:False答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 12 / 32正确率 : 27%15.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 30 / 14正确率 : 68%16.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 30 / 14正确率 : 68%17.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 20 / 24正确率 : 45%18.True False参考答案:False答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 8 / 36正确率 : 18%19.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 19 / 25正确率 : 43%20.True False参考答案:True答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 24 / 20正确率 : 54%Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it will not be written out in full for you. You will hear the passage TWICE. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear.In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the earth's postwar era, there was quite a wide-spread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today, less than forty years later, as computes are 21 us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are faced with a less 22 but also less foreseen problem. People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are 23 to challenge their authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be 24 , or that a computer may simply malfunction.25 , there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own 26 computers and check the machine when they have the 27 that something has gone wrong.Questioning and routine double-checksmust 28 to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come with the 29 : for all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen asa 30 for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.21.参考答案:relieving答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 6 / 40正确率 : 13%22.参考答案:dramatic答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 3 / 43正确率 : 6%23.参考答案:reluctant答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 6 / 40正确率 : 13%24.参考答案:pressed答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 25 / 21正确率 : 54%25.参考答案:Obviously答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 14 / 32正确率 : 30%26.参考答案:internal答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 20 / 26正确率 : 43%27.参考答案:feeling答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 20 / 26正确率 : 43%28.参考答案:continue答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 25 / 21正确率 : 54%29.参考答案:warning答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 23 / 23正确率 : 50%30.参考答案:substitute答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 9 / 37正确率 : 19%Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it will not be written out in full for you. You will hear the passage TWICE. While listening, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear.Inland waters may be grouped into two general classes: standing waters and flowing waters. As is often the case,the 31 between these two classes is not sharp and clear. A pond is an example of standing water. But most ponds are fed by 32 or brooks and most have an outlet. Thus some 33 of changing water flows through them. On the other hand, a river is an exampleof 34 water. In some places, however, a river may have such a slow current that it is very difficult to detect.Standing inland waters differ in size, in age, and in many abiotic 35 characteristics. They range in size from roadside puddles to the Caspian Sea. Puddles may last for only a few days or weeks; ponds, for a few hundred to a thousand years. In 36 , lakes are older, though the waters of some 37 "lakes" disappear completely during each dry season. Standing waters vary fromvery 38 to very deep, from clear to muddy, from fresh to salty.In flowing waters we roughly 39 between brooks, creeks, and rivers. The size and age of flowing waters are unimportant. Speed of flow, clearness, oxygen content, andother 40 characteristics are used by scientists in studying flowing-water ecosystems.31.参考答案:boundary答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 15 / 22正确率 : 40%32.参考答案:springs答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 14 / 23正确率 : 37%33.参考答案:current答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 13 / 24正确率 : 35%34.参考答案:flowing答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 24 / 13正确率 : 64%35.参考答案:environmental答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 14 / 23正确率 : 37%36.参考答案:general答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 25 / 12正确率 : 67%37.参考答案:tropical答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 6 / 31正确率 : 16%38.参考答案:shallow答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 18 / 19正确率 : 48%39.参考答案:distinguish答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 17 / 20正确率 : 45%40.参考答案:chemical答题人数 :37正确 / 错误 : 17 / 20正确率 : 45%Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice.Insurance is the sharing of risks. Nearly everyone is exposed to risk of some sort. The house-owner, for example, knows that his property can be damaged by fire; the ship-owner knows that his vessel may be lost at sea; the breadwinner knows that he may die at an early age and leave his family the poorer. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire nor every vessel lost at sea. If these persons each put a small sum into a pool, there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer losses. In other words, the losses of the few are met from the contribution of the many. This is the basis of insurance. Those who pay the contribution are known as "insured" and those whoadminister the pool of contributions as "insurers."Not all risks lend themselves to being covered by insurance. Broadly speaking, the ordinary risks of business andspeculation cannot be covered. The risk that buyers will not buy goods at the prices offered is not of a kind that can be statistically estimated -- and risks can only be insured against if they can be so estimated. The legal basis of all insurance is the "policy." This is the printed form of contract on paper of the best quality. It states that in return for the regular payment by the insured of a named sum of money, called the "premium," which is usually paid every year, the insurer will pay a sum of money or compensation for loss, if the risk or event insured against actually happens. The wording of policies, particularly in marine insurance, often seems very old-fashioned, but there is a sound reason for this. Over a large number of years many law cases have been brought to clear up the meaning of doubtful phrases in policies. The law courts, in their judgments, have given these phrases a definite and indisputable meaning, and to avoid future disputes the phrases have continued to be used in policies even when they have passed out of normal use in speech.41.The best title for this passage is __________.A. Premium (1)B. The Insured (2)C. Insurance (26)D. Policy (1)参考答案:Insurance 答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 26 / 12 正确率 : 68%42. According to the passage, insurance is necessary because___________.A. nearly everybody suffers loss and needs compensation (10)B. the insured who suffer loss may get compensation (15)C. the contribution of the insured is a huge sum (3)D. those who administer insurance are ready to offer help (1) 参考答案:the insured who suffer loss may get compensation答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 15 / 23正确率 : 39%43. The insurance of ordinary business risks is not possible because___________.A. business risks cannot be covered (0)B. business risks cannot be estimated (29)C. the premiums for business risks are high (0)D. the cost of controlling business risks is high (0)参考答案:business risks cannot be estimated答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 29 / 9正确率 : 76%44.Which of the following statements is true?A. The old-fashioned wording of policies is still applied inthe insurance contract. (14)B. A small number of law cases have been brought to explain themeaning of doubtful phrases in policies. (4)C. Some new phrases are used in policies to avoid futuredisputes. (11)D. All risks can be covered if premiums are paid. (0)参考答案:The old-fashioned wording of policies is still applied in the insurance contract.答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 14 / 24正确率 : 36%45. The term "the pool of contributions" in the first paragraph mostprobably means ___________.A. the total sum of money paid by the insured (21)B. the total cost of administering insurance (3)C. the total amount of estimated payment (1)D. the total number of the insured (4)参考答案:the total sum of money paid by the insured答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 21 / 17正确率 : 55%A rapid means of long-distance transportation became a necessity for the United States as settlement spread ever farther westward. The early trains were impractical curiosities, and for a long time the railroad companies met with troublesome mechanical problems. The most serious ones were the construction of rails able to bear the load, and the development of a safe, effective stopping system. Once these were solved, the railroad was established as the best means of land transportation. By 1860 there were thousands of miles of railroads crossing the eastern mountain ranges and reaching westward to the Mississippi. There were also regional southern and western lines. The high point in railroad building came with theconstruction of the first transcontinental system. In 1862 Congress authorized two western railroad companies to build lines from Nebraska westward and from California eastward to a meeting point, so as to complete a transcontinental crossing linking the Atlantic seaboard with the Pacific. The Government helped the railroads generously with money and land. Actual work on this project began four years later. The Central Pacific Company, starting from California, used Chinese labor, while the Union Pacific employed crews of Irish laborers. The two groups worked at remarkable speed, each trying to cover a greater distance than the other. In 1869 they met at a place called Promontory in what is now the state of Utah. Many visitors came there for the great occasion. There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.The railroad was very important in encouraging westward movement. It also helped build up industry and farming by moving raw materials and by distributing products rapidly to distant markets. Inlinking towns and people to one another it helped unify the United States.46. The major problems with America's railroad system in the mid-19thcentury lay in ___________.A. poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systems (22)B. lack of financial support for development (0)C. limited railroad lines (2)D. lack of a transcontinental railroad (3)参考答案:poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systems答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 22 / 16正确率 : 57%47. What most likely made people think about a transcontinentalrailroad?A. The possibility of government support for such a task. (4)B. The need to explore Utah. (0)C. The need to connect the east coast with the west. (21)D. The need to develop the railroad industry in the west. (2) 参考答案:The need to connect the east coast with the west.答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 21 / 17正确率 : 55%48. The construction of the transcontinental railroad took___________.A. 9 years (0)B. 7 years (9)C. 4 years (5)D. 3 years (13)参考答案:3 years答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 13 / 25正确率 : 34%49.The building of the first transcontinental system ___________.A. brought about a rapid growth of industry and farming in thewest (17)B. attracted many visitors to the construction sites (8)C. attracted laborers from Europe (1)D. encouraged people to travel all over the country (1)参考答案:brought about a rapid growth of industry and farming in the west答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 17 / 21正确率 : 44%50.The best title for this passage would be ___________.A. Settlements Spread Westward (1)B. The Coast-to-Coast Railroad: A Vital Link (18)C. American Railroad History (6)D. The Importance of Trains in the American Economy (2)参考答案:The Coast-to-Coast Railroad: A Vital Link答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 18 / 20正确率 : 47%Agriculture is the number one industry in the United States and agricultural products are the country's leading export. American farmers manage to feed not only the total population of the UnitedStates, but also millions of other people throughout the rest of the world. Corn and soybean exports alone account for approximately 75 percent of the amount sold in world markets.This productivity, however, has its price. Intensive cultivation exposes the earth to the damaging forces of nature. Every year wind and water remove tons of rich soil from the nation's croplands. Each field is covered by a limited amount of topsoil, the upper layer of earth which is richest in the nutrients and minerals necessary for growing crops. Ever since the first farmers arrived in the Midwest almost 200 years ago, cultivation and, consequently, erosion have been decreasing the supply of topsoil. In the 1830s, nearly two feet of rich, black topsoil covered the Midwest. Today the average depth is only eight inches, and every decade another inch is blown or washed away. This erosion is steadily decreasing the productivity of valuable cropland. A United States Agricultural Department survey states that if erosion continues at its present rate, corn and soybean yields in the Midwest may drop as much as 30 percent over the next 50 years. So far, farmers have been able to compensate for the loss of fertile topsoil by applying more chemical fertilizers to their fields; however, while this practice has increased crop yields, it has been devastating for ecology. Agriculture has become one of the biggest polluters of the nation's precious water supply. Rivers, lakes, and underground reserves of water are being filled in and poisoned by soil and chemicals carried by drainage from eroding fields. Furthermore, fertilizers only replenish the soil; they do not prevent its loss.51. Which of the following information supports the idea of the firstparagraph?A. American farmers manage to feed 75 percent of the totalpopulation of the U.S. (3)B. The U.S. farming holds its leading position in the world'sagriculture. (29)C. 75 percent of the agricultural population of the world relyon the agricultural products of the U.S. (3)D. The U.S. agriculture is considered minor compared with itsindustry. (1)参考答案:The U.S. farming holds its leading position in the world's agriculture.答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 29 / 15正确率 : 65%52. In order to compensate for the loss of fertile land, farmers havebeen ___________.A. planting less corn and soybean (0)B. preventing soil erosion (2)C. increasing crop yields (1)D. using chemical fertilizers (33)参考答案:using chemical fertilizers答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 33 / 11正确率 : 75%53."This practice" in paragraph 4 refers to __________.A. the expansion of the land (0)B. the protection of the environment (1)C. the application of fertilizers (34)D. the decrease of erosion (1)参考答案:the application of fertilizers答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 34 / 10正确率 : 77%54.Because of the intensive cultivation of the land ___________.A. a large amount of topsoil has been ruined (17)B. natural environment has been changed (9)C. nutrients and minerals have decreased (4)D. earth for growing crops have been washed away (6)参考答案:a large amount of topsoil has been ruined答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 17 / 27正确率 : 38%55.Based on the passage, we could conclude that __________.A. rivers and lakes are poisoned by chemicals (13)B. intensive cultivation destroys the ecology (20)C. the loss of soil can be replenished (2)D. crop yields decrease at the rate of 30 percent (1)参考答案:intensive cultivation destroys the ecology答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 20 / 24正确率 : 45%You must have heard about General Motors. But do you know that in 1973, the annual sales of GM were actually greater than the combined GNP (=Gross National Product) of Switzerland, Pakistan and South Africa? Yes, corporations such as GM, IBM, and ITT (国际电话电报公司) are extremely powerful. In fact the combined physical assets of all global corporations were estimated at more than $200 billion. And that was more than twenty years ago. Today their power has greatly increased, and is still growing. So much so that some observers believe that by the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the 300 largest corporations will account for more than half of the world's industrial production.The most commonly used term for this type of transnational organization is "multinational corporation." It does not mean that they are all transnational in personnel. The top level of management usually comes mainly from one country. In most cases, the country is clearly identifiable as the home country. GM for example, is based in the United States. So are the others mentioned above. What makes them multinational is the scope of their operations. They manufacture and sell their products where it is most profitable, by passing the formal boundaries of states as much as they can and dealing with the governments of statesas little as they can.Being "multinational," they have little loyalty toward any one country. When their interests conflict with the political interests of a country, they will always put their business interests first. To them, political boundaries are irrelevant to the business of selling automobiles or Coca Cola. The chair of Dow Chemical Company once expressed the wish that he could buy an island owned by no nation, on which to establish his World Headquarters so that the corporation could be truly on neutral ground.56. From the first paragraph of this passage, we learn that____________.A. the annual sales of GM were more than $200 billion (1)B. the combined physical assets of all global corporations wereactually equal to the combined GNP of three countries (5)C. the 300 largest corporations is sure to take up more thanhalf of the world's industrial production by the endof 2010 (13)D. the combined GNP of Switzerland, Pakistan and South Africawere less than $200 billion in 1973 (16)参考答案:the combined GNP of Switzerland, Pakistan and South Africa were less than $200 billion in 1973答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 16 / 30正确率 : 34%57. The chair of Dow Chemical Company wished that he could buy an islandowned by no nation in order to __________.A. escape from political conflict (9)B. establish a state of his own on it (0)C. keep the corporation truly neutral (25)D. set up a new World Headquarters (1)参考答案:keep the corporation truly neutral答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 25 / 21正确率 : 54%58. Which of the following is NOT true about multinationalcorporations?A. They are transnational organizations. (0)B. None of them are transnational in personnel. (21)C. Most of their top managers are from one country. (5)D. They are barely loyal to any one country. (9)参考答案:None of them are transnational in personnel.答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 21 / 25正确率 : 45%59. From the passage we can infer that multinational corporations________.A. make great profits by dealing with the governments of statesas much as possible (0)B. would like to pass as few formal boundaries as possible(4)C. believe that political boundaries are essential to theirbusiness (0)D. attach more importance to their business interests than tothe political interests of a country (31)参考答案:attach more importance to their business interests than to the political interests of a country答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 31 / 15正确率 : 67%60.The passage is mainly about __________.A. the influence of multinational corporations (4)B. what multinational corporations are like (23)C. the products of multinational corporations (0)D. the operation of multinational corporations (8)参考答案:what multinational corporations are like答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 23 / 23正确率 : 50%Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.61. The employees wanted to __________ the number of working hours andincrease pay.A. decrease (19)B. delete (1)C. diminish (3)D. shorten (5)参考答案:decrease答题人数 :40正确 / 错误 : 19 / 21正确率 : 47%62. Suggestions from the survey have been __________ in the final designof the Olympic stadium in Beijing.A. stipulated (5)B. dedicated (3)C. incorporated (20)D. eliminated (5)参考答案:incorporated答题人数 :42正确 / 错误 : 20 / 22正确率 : 47%63. People's idea __________ as they read more and more books andexperience more themselves.A. matures (27)B. grows (1)C. ripens (6)D. increases (1)参考答案:matures 答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 27 / 17 正确率 : 61%64. There are __________ that fuel consumption and pollution might bereduced by smoothing traffic flow.A. implications (18)B. dedications (6)C. applications (7)D. obligations (1) 参考答案:implications 答题人数 :41正确 / 错误 : 18 / 23 正确率 : 43%65. The use of solar energy will probably __________ the lives of cominggenerations.A. modernize (0)B. innovate (5)C. renew (2)D. revolutionize (23)参考答案:revolutionize 答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 23 / 15 正确率 : 60%66.The __________ of the company has resulted in a lack of cash flow.A. expansion (29)B. invasion (2)C. expedition (1)D. application (2)参考答案:expansion 答题人数 :46正确 / 错误 : 29 / 17 正确率 : 63%67. We made a(n) __________ deal with the American company on the importedproducts at the price contracted.A. dominant (1)B. applicable (5)C. drastic (4)D. lucrative (28) 参考答案:lucrative 答题人数 :45正确 / 错误 : 28 / 17 正确率 : 62%68. He had studied Spanish before he left Mexico and had grown up in NewYork City -- the most culturally __________ place in America.A. adverse (0)B. reverse (1)C. diverse (27)D. converse (4)参考答案:diverse答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 27 / 17正确率 : 61%69. This project is __________ only if we implement it in cooperationwith a big company.A. realistic (2)B. feasible (19)C. appropriate (9)D. reasonable (0)参考答案:feasible答题人数 :42正确 / 错误 : 19 / 23正确率 : 45%70. The accident is a grim reminder of __________ dangers in South Seaoil production and we must keep alert.A. intentional (4)B. additional (1)C. proportional (3)D. potential (24)参考答案:potential答题人数 :43正确 / 错误 : 24 / 19正确率 : 55%71. Mary felt betrayed, but with less __________ consequence when Mr.Jones transferred his topic to the baseball tournament.A. original (1)B. drastic (23)C. intensive (3)D. swift (1)参考答案:drastic 答题人数 :38正确 / 错误 : 23 / 15 正确率 : 60%72. Fortunately, they managed to __________ an SOS signal and was rescuedby a passing ship.A. send off (1)B. send in (1)C. send out (31)D. send up (1)参考答案:send out 答题人数 :44正确 / 错误 : 31 / 13 正确率 : 70%73. The scientist __________ the project manager to the seriousconsequences the explosion might cause.A. alerted (38)B. alarmed (7)C. awaked (1)D. amazed (0) 参考答案:alerted 答题人数 :51正确 / 错误 : 38 / 13正确率 : 74%74. Stress level and heart disease are closely __________, according toa recent medical survey.A. manipulated (0)B. correlated (28)C. stipulated (1)D. stimulated (3)参考答案:correlated 答题人数 :43正确 / 错误 : 28 / 15 正确率 : 65%75. Relics from the First World War were __________ by farmers in northernFrance and were displayed in the National Museum.A. turned off (2)B. turned in (7)C. turned out (7)D. turned up (10) 参考答案:turned up 答题人数 :39正确 / 错误 : 10 / 29 正确率 : 25%76. Mainly made of logs, the house __________ violently whenever a trainpasses by.A. shivers (3)B. vibrates (22)C. quivers (9)D. moves (0)参考答案:vibrates 答题人数 :48正确 / 错误 : 22 / 26 正确率 : 45%77. She missed the train because she had been __________ the trafficjam.A. stuck to (1)B. stricken in (2)C. stuck in (19)D. struck to (0)参考答案:stuck in 答题人数 :34正确 / 错误 : 19 / 15 正确率 : 55%78. If you keep the water boiling, it will be converted into__________.A. vapor (29)B. gas (0)C. air (1)D. breath (0) 参考答案:vapor 答题人数 :40正确 / 错误 : 29 / 11 正确率 : 72%79. It is fun to let students take turns proposing questions and thennote them all down in __________ columns on Student Post.A. positive (5)B. ignorant (0)C. appropriate (21)D. prudent (6) 参考答案:appropriate 答题人数 :41正确 / 错误 : 21 / 20 正确率 : 51%80. What I failed to __________ was that most young people concentratedon world-famous brands instead of quality when they purchasedcosmetics.A. receive (3)B. deceive (1)C. perceive (28)D. conceive (3)参考答案:perceive 答题人数 :40正确 / 错误 : 28 / 12 正确率 : 70%81. Generous public funding of basic science would __________considerable benefits for the public health, wealth and security.A. result from (1)B. settle down (4)C. lie in (3)D. lead to (20) 参考答案:lead to 答题人数 :40正确 / 错误 : 20 / 20 正确率 : 50%82. The politician finds it imperative to __________ the government'ssocial and educational reforms throughout the country.。

Finn McCool was an Irish giant.Hwas big and strong,and he had won many battles.But,Finn was tired of fighting.One day,Finn met Oonagh,a clever ginatess.Finn and Oonagh liked each other,so they decided to live togetherin a quiet cave by the sea.Finn liked to sit and look out over the water.He could just make out Scotland,far away in the distance.There’s no place like home,said Finn,contentedly.Smack!A heavy rock landed near Finn.”Who threw that?”roared Finn,jumping up.”I did!”came a loud voice.”The mighty Benandonner of Scotland.””I’ve heard that the Irish giant Finn McCool is now old and feeble.You call yourself a fighter?I could whip you with one hand behind my back!”yelled Benandonner.”Come over here and say that!”yelled Finn,angrily.”I’m the strongest giant in this land.”“It’s only the water that’s stopping me from coming to fight you,Finn McCool!”Benandonner shouted back.”Afraid of water,are you?”yelled Finn.”Afraid?No!”shouted Benandonner.”I just don’t know how to swim.””I’ll make a causeway,”yelled Finn.”Then you’ll have to come over and fight,giant to giant.”Finn began to pull great slabs of rock off the cliff.He threw them into the water to make a path.The slabs were heavy,and it was a long way from Ireland to Scotland.It took Finn a week to finish the causeway.He threw down the last slabs late one night,and then walked back over the causeway to his cave.”I’m tired.I’m going to bed now.I need to get some strength before I face Benandonner,”Finn told Oonagh.In the morning,Oonagh woke early.She went outside because someone was making a lot of noise. Benandonner was walking over the causeway,shouting,”I’m coming to get you,Finn.”Oonagh could see that Benandonner was much bigger than Finn.She rushed in to warn Finn, but he was still asleep.Oonagh knew that Finn was so tired he might lose the fight.Suddenly, Oonagh had a plan. She woke Finn and made him put on her biggest dress.Rippng open a pillowcase, she tied it around Finn’head.She made Finn lie down and pretend he was asleep,and then she put their biggest blanket over him.Finally,she sat down and waited.Soon, Benandonner came storming into their cave,shouting,”Where’s that feeble Finn?I’m ready to fight him!”Jumping to her feet,Oonagh whispered angrily to Benandonner,”Be quiet!Finn’s not here,and I don’t want the baby woken.Take your noise outside!” Benandonner looked over at the blanket in the corner.He walked towards it.Benandonner looked down at the baby.He couldn’t believe it.The baby was huge.If the baby is this size,what size is its father?he thought.He reached down to pat the baby’s head.Finn bit Benandonner’s head as hard as he could.”Argh!”cried Benandonner.”Now you’re woken the baby!”shouted Oonagh,rushing over.”Wait until I tell his father that you’re over here making trouble!He’ll be after you!”Suddenly, Benandonner was nervos.”If Finn’s baby is this big and strong,how big and strong is Finn?”he said to himself.He turned and ran back over the causeway,pulling up the rocks to stop Finn from coming after him.Finn and Oonagh started laughing as they watched Benandonner running back across the causeway.Picking up some mud,Finn threw it with all his might.The mud missed Benandonner,but it landed with a splash close by.After that, Benandonner never gave Finn any more trouble.He lived quietly in his cave in Scotland,while Finn lived in his cave in Ireland.The mud that Finn threw at Benandonner was named the Isle of Man.Finn McCool是一个爱尔兰巨人。

“你在干什么,Kemzie ?”她问。
” 她开玩笑道。

Joseph D'Arrigo是另外一个例子。
非正式调查的结果为我证实了Theodore Roosevelt曾经说过的话:“成功的普通人不是天才,他仅仅拥有平凡品质,但他将他的那些平凡品质发展到超出常人的水平。
“你不需要成功的天赋,”科罗拉多州丹佛市Porter纪念医院的首席执行官,因扭转经营不善的医院而获得名望的Irwin C. Hansen 强调“你的全部所需是一大罐胶水。


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新理念英语阅读初一第4册原文及译文Finn McCool was an Irish giant.Hwas big and strong,and he had won many battles.But,Finn was tired of fighting.One day,Finn met Oonagh,a clever ginatess.Finn and Oonagh liked each other,so they decided to live togetherin a quiet cave by the sea.Finn liked to sit and look out over the water.He could just make out Scotland,far away in the distance.There’s no place like home,said Finn,contentedly.Smack!A heavy rock landed near Finn.”Who threw that?”roared Finn,jumping up.”I did!”came a loud voice.”The mighty Benandonner of Scotland.””I’ve heard that the Irish giant Finn McCool is now old and feeble.You call yourself a fighter?I could whip you with one hand behind my back!”yelled Benandonner.”Come over here and say that!”yelled Finn,angrily.”I’m the strongest giant in this land.”“It’s only the water that’s stopping me from coming to fight you,Finn McCool!”Benandonner shouted back.”Afraid of water,are you?”yelled Finn.”Afraid?No!”shouted Benandonner.”I just don’t know how to swim.””I’ll make a causeway,”yelled Finn.”Then you’ll have to come over and fight,giant to giant.”Finn began to pull great slabs of rock off the cliff.He threw them into the water to make a path.The slabs were heavy,and it was a long way from Ireland to Scotland.It took Finn a week to finish the causeway.He threw down the last slabs late one night,and then walked back over the causeway to his cave.”I’m tired.I’m going to bed now.I need to get some strength before I face Benandonner,”Finn told Oonagh.In the morning,Oonagh woke early.She went outside because someone was making a lot of noise. Benandonner was walking over thecauseway,shouting,”I’m coming to get you,Finn.”Oonagh could see that Benandonner was much bigger than Finn.She rushed in to warn Finn, but he was still asleep.Oonagh knew that Finn was so tired he might lose the fight.Suddenly, Oonagh had a plan. She woke Finn and made him put on her biggest dress.Rippng open a pillowcase, she tied it around Finn’head.She made Finn lie down and pretend he was asleep,and then she put their biggest blanket over him.Finally,she sat down and waited.Soon, Benandonner came storming into their cave,shouting,”Where’s that feeble Finn?I’m ready to fight him!”Jumping to her feet,Oonagh whispered angrily to Benandonner,”Be quiet!Finn’s not here,and I don’t want the baby woken.Take your noise outside!”Benandonner looked over at the blanket in the corner.He walked towards it.Benandonner looked down at the baby.He couldn’t believe it.The baby was huge.If the baby is this size,what size is its father?he thought.He reached down to pat the baby’s head.Finn bit Benandonner’s head as hard as he could.”Argh!”cried Benandonner.”Now you’re woken the baby!”shouted Oonagh,rushing over.”Wait until I tell his father that you’re over here making trouble!He’ll be after you!”Suddenly, Benandonner was nervos.”If Finn’s baby is this big and strong,how big and strong is Finn?”he said to himself.He turned and ran back over the causeway,pulling up the rocks to stop Finn from coming after him.Finn and Oonagh started laughing as they watched Benandonner running back across the causeway.Picking up some mud,Finn threw it with all his might.The mud missed Benandonner,but it landed with a splash closeby.After that, Benandonner never gave Finn any more trouble.He lived quietly in his cave in Scotland,while Finn lived in his cave in Ireland.The mud that Finn threw at Benandonner was named the Isle of Man.Finn McCool是一个爱尔兰巨人。
“”我听说爱尔兰巨人Finn McCool现在又老又弱。
”“只有水阻止我来和你战斗,Finn McCool!Benandonner喊道:“怕水,是吗?”“芬恩喊道,”害怕?不!“Benandonner喊道,”我只是不知道怎么游泳。