凯利一家攻略 the spirits of kelley family




ib恐怖美术馆简单游戏攻略,此篇攻略并非游戏流程攻略,而是各个谜题的提示(如有颜色的几间房间,玩具盒,素描本等)虽然没有整篇的图文攻略有用但是不会有游戏剧透,可以让你重头到尾都沉浸在游戏的乐趣当中ep1 (蓝色房间~黄色房间)○蓝色房间○→在右边的房间捡起一把蓝色的钥匙吧。


















ep2 (红色房间~灰色房间②)○红色房间○①钥匙所在处→红色衣服的女人出来之后,在那幅画的地板周围会出现钥匙。







吸血家族Ⅰ-Lucy 华丽加强版攻略

吸血家族Ⅰ-Lucy 华丽加强版攻略

路线2:拒绝(玫瑰花)→ 劝他放弃 → 去佛瑞德的房间 → 留下来陪他 → 继续留下来 → 继续留下来
【结局3 最重要的人】
路线1:拒绝(玫瑰花)→ 对他冷淡 → 去佛瑞德的房间 → 陪他出门 → 去找佛瑞德 → 招呼他回去 → 让他去表白
※【对他温柔】是隐藏选项,在【结局3 最重要的人】达成后方可开启
路线4:拒绝(玫瑰花)→ 对他温柔 → 去佛瑞德的房间 → 催他出门 → 外出散步 → 查看 → 背起他
【结局11 欢喜冤家】
路线2:拒绝(玫瑰花)→ 对他温柔 → 去佛瑞德的房间 → 陪他出门 → 去外面散心 → 答应他 → 闲聊 → 多特 → 答应他
※【对他温柔】是隐藏选项,在【结局3 最重要的人】达成后方可开启
路线2:拒绝(玫瑰花)→ 对他冷淡 → 去佛瑞德的房间 → 陪他出门 → 去外面散心 → 拒绝他 → 招呼他回去 → 提议去旅行 → 走左边那条路 → 返回地下
【结局16 千年之约】
路线1:拒绝(玫瑰花)→ 对他冷淡 → 去佛瑞德的房间 → 陪他出门 → 去找佛瑞德 → 招呼他回去 → 提议去旅行 → 走左边那条路 → 返回地下 ※这条路线包含佛瑞德3号事件【回忆小草】



创世秩序攻略– v67033最后更新于15 三月,2023在序幕中前进,直到农场和健身房被标记,这就是我们的演练开始的地方第一步1.塔莎:她的商店(XXX)>仓库>她的商店2.买一个锻炼狗屎(商店),花钱去乔恩(仓库)3.与希瑟一起锻炼(健身房)4.移动干草捆(谷仓)> 将其余的推出谷仓5.从乔恩(仓库)赚钱,买铲子(商店)和农场小雕像赚钱6.自由漫游和NPC:a.以200 美元的价格将x1 小雕像送给脱衣舞中心NPCb.拿钱包(公寓>右巷)>给第4频道NPC> 拿到汽车遥控钥匙(右>店),交给第4频道NPC换取宝箱钥匙c.打开农场主屋外(左上角)的箱子,获得第一把钥匙d.去商店买足够的装饰品让你的房子打电话给汉娜,但你需要页面,到目前为止还没有页面v070127.前往公寓>活动和场景8.商店>购买跳跃鞋9.健身房> 购买会员资格> 检查储物柜区(楼上右>)> 获取跳跃鞋(右下角)> 拿手机(在储物柜顶部)10.前往Strip中心>烧烤>与Ella(粉红色头发)交谈> 出去进入塔莎的商店11.森林12.自由漫游和NPC:a.胸键:维克斯大厦>花园>右侧b.页面:左巷>公寓c.威克斯大厦> 进入>楼左> 在左边的树下找到雕像(花园)d.抓住愤怒的猫(塔莎的商店外)> 把它交给NPC(公寓)e.战利品呼叫:为埃里卡购买服装>一些装饰品>呼叫埃里卡f.在塔莎的商店购买新场景创世秩序攻略– v0901313.教堂:与朱迪交谈>将盒子(左下角)移到克洛伊附近> 获取碎电缆(朱迪所在的楼层)> 获取制作配方(朱迪和克洛伊的右侧)14.雷的农场:进入房子15.商店:购买金属探测器(140美元)> 去码头拿钓鱼顶针> 去仓库拿电缆压接> 在雷的农场中找到另一个电缆压接和锁撬16.制作索具电缆,并在教堂与布莱恩神父交谈17.警察:进入大楼> 右转>左上门> 完成小游戏(全部向上)并获得门禁卡>离开房间>感叹号> 输入代码:102(是她的地址,如果需要,请检查公寓(18.自由漫游和NPC:a.胸钥匙:教堂花园(右下角)b.页面:打开宝箱(教堂>阁楼)c.战利品呼叫:呼叫埃里卡(新页面)d.在塔莎的商店购买新场景e.莉莲(维克斯豪宅)需要帮助,但似乎你还帮不了她创世秩序攻略– v12021•埃拉>>健身房公寓> 拉里(红衬衫)> 大道中心> 礼物(感叹号)> >埃拉公寓•希瑟的房子> 帮助Header & Carol(房子后面)> Ray的农场>谷仓>获得肥料(右上)> 给植物浇水(红色软管按钮)•谷仓> 获取制作配方(左上)>公寓>右门>艾拉的卧室>获得>希瑟后院的皮革带子> 获取木柄(右上)> 希瑟的厨房> 获得钝刃(桌子)> 使用天使制作并制作弯刀•森林>帮助汉娜和克洛伊>使用砍刀(右灌木丛)>获得神器碎片>交给乔纳森(仓库):•自由漫游和NPC:o胸键:农场(右下角)o警察局>与警察交谈>测试o迪克烧烤> 与女孩交谈> unkonwn 储物柜钥匙> 打开健身房储物柜250 美元o页面:打开宝箱(森林>瀑布)o战利品呼叫:呼叫艾拉(新页面)o购买新照片和服装(商店)创世秩序攻略– v14022•前往公寓(与艾丽卡见面)> 找到开锁器(豪宅外,右侧)> 在上锁的箱子上使用它(>前门>右楼梯进入豪宅)并获取豪宅房间钥匙> 回到办公室> 右楼梯>第一扇门>获得燃烧器翻转> 回到办公室> 左楼梯> 检查纸张(摩根142)> 解锁燃烧器翻转(142)•(激活宅邸内的x2石像鬼)•前往夏娃大教堂(遇见克洛伊)> 再次前往夏娃大教堂(拿起外面的锁撬并激活石像鬼)> 输入>向左走(激活石像鬼)>外面> 获取神秘钥匙•农场>遇见卡罗尔•>前门进入豪宅>左楼梯>打开上锁的箱子(银像)•自由漫游和NPC:o获取奶酪:豪宅>前门>右楼梯o把国际象棋交给老鼠(商店外面>左侧)并得到钥匙o商店:购买图片创世秩序攻略– v16031•农场:驱动轴食谱> 找到制作它的成分>(天使工艺)>把它交给汉娜o轴承:仓库(右上角)o橡胶靴:仓库(在汽车的右侧)o润滑脂:购买(商店)o传动轴损坏:找到配方后解锁•农舍> 拿灯笼> 和女孩们一起回去(洞穴)•回家•警察局>仓库>警察局>向右走>说服大卫>与他的电脑互动(!)>向左>向左>向上(篮球场)> 下> 进门(右侧)•自由漫游和NPC:o警察局:转动阀门(>左外(需要从商店获得更多油脂))>从篮球场附近的女厕所拿到球>试试运气,拿到胸钥匙o农场>洞穴>打开宝箱,翻开新页面o与XX店门前的女孩对话:找到她的十字架o大教堂:砍倒灌木丛(右侧)>得到十字架>送给女孩o新页面:豪宅> 前门> 右楼梯> 右>第一扇门o收藏品:x2 战利品电话+ x2 照片(商店和XX 商店)创世秩序攻略– v19032•警察局>>威克斯大厦右边进入>>与莉莲交谈>激活第5 个石像鬼(地板上的号码)•XX 商店> 进入并与内莉交谈>去威克斯豪宅并使用带两把锁的钥匙(梅丽莎附近)•将蓝色块推到两个开关之一(在地板上),然后站在另一个开关上•希瑟之家>楼>浴室>晒黑油•楼上>把衣服弄>,打破罐子拿钥匙•自由漫游和NPC:o激活第5 个石像鬼:农场>>洞穴>向上>上楼获取页面(打开宝箱)o拿铲子:楼左>的威克斯大厦o商店:购买图片和服装并打电话给卡罗尔v21041•希瑟的家:楼上>浴室>换衣服>游泳池>厨房(右边)>长辉衣服•农场:打破罐子(右>外)>获得芦荟化妆水食谱:o手化妆水:希瑟洗衣房(厨房右侧)o基本容器:商店(100 美元)o芦荟植物:农场>两次北上o医学本质:大教堂>打破罐子,将旧书>另一个罐子里> 左楼梯为另一本旧书> 右楼梯> 供养(青铜偶像)•制作芦荟化妆水并送给克洛伊> 离开家•健身房>大教堂> 进入并得到朱迪的衣服,回去,向右走,打破罐子,知识种子食谱o x3 旧书:你有x2o智力的本质:你拥有它•到外面去>移走植物(右侧),然后向右走>右边,再次向右走>上去。

Salon Kitty《凯蒂夫人(1976)》完整中英文对照剧本

Salon Kitty《凯蒂夫人(1976)》完整中英文对照剧本

Heil Hitler!嘿希♥特♥勒♥Heil Hitler.嘿希♥特♥勒♥It's on, Wallenberg.我们准备好了吗沃伦伯格At last. When?最后什么时候A question of days.大概几天A blitzkrieg! And we're going to win!闪电战我们会赢得The Führer was definite as to how long it will last.元首已经精确预测了持续时间Guess.猜A year? Six months?一年六个月Two months at most.最多两个月We'll scarcely have time to enjoy it.我们甚至没有足够时间享受We'll enjoy the postwar periods, Herr Obergruppenführer. 我们战后就可以了长官Gentlemen, to the war.先生们为战争欢呼吧To Germany and the Führer.德国元首胜利Wallenberg.沃伦伯格I'll need about 20 girls.我至少需要20个女孩I know that for you this is an easy task,对你来说很容易but this time, they must not only be beautiful but intelligent... 但这次她们还必须聪明伶俐and, above all, good National Socialists.尤其必须是国家社会党的坚定支持者Go through Germany with a fine-tooth comb.你们必须搜遍整个德国Every region, every city, every village.每个城市和地区Inspect farms,factories and universities alike.筛查乡下工厂学校机关Do not omit any social background,要把她们查个遍Be they virgins or married,未婚的还是已婚的from housewives to office employees.家庭主妇还是职业女性from the bourgeois to the working class,inspect them thoroughly,资本家还是工人but do not forget to base your selection principally upon their political faith! 但是最主要的我重复一句要根据她们的政♥治♥倾向来选择And have fun, Wallenberg.玩的开心沃伦伯格Heil Hitler!嘿希♥特♥勒♥These three cadavers will give ample proof...这三个结构展示是种族学说的最好证明that our racial theories,纳粹意识的本质which are a very important part of our German ideology,也是我们德国思想的重要部分are based on indisputable scientific facts.是建立在经过严谨论证的数据基础上的Uh, the vices and, uh, corruption...劣♥等♥民♥族♥的of, um, the inferior race...堕落和腐化are transmitted from generation to generation by the chromosomes.通过染色体一代代传承下去Uh, the pigmentation of this black man...打个比方说黑鬼的色素bears a direct relationship to the bestiality of his race...与他的种族的兽♥性♥有着直接关系and the impossibility of its members being educated.不可能成为文明人He died, uh, in a drunken stupor...他在一场与政♥府♥的枪战中死于昏迷after a gunfight with the police.把他翻过来相反Now, this prostitute, on the contrary--正如我们要看到的this prostitute, who died sitting up while attempting an abortion,这个妓♥女♥死于流产is of pure Aryan stock,是一个纯种的雅利安人and in spite of the vices of her profession a尽管职业的堕落nd the corruption of her life...生活的腐化this cadaver preserves, even now,这具尸体即使僵化了uh, all the intrinsic characteristics of her superior race.也保留了所有优等民族的典型特征Any questions?还有问题吗Professor, is it true...教授Jesus Christ was the son...耶稣真的是of a Roman prostitute...罗马妓♥女♥and a German mercenary?和德国士兵的儿子吗Oh, without a doubt.毫无疑问There is not the slightest trace of Jewish characteristics in Jesus Christ. 在耶稣的身上看不到一点犹太人的特征He was blonde, he had blue eyes--他金发碧眼typical signs of his Germanic origin.有着德国血统的典型特征Can you tell me who was the first man in history...你们能告诉我谁是世界上第一个to recognize this and make it known to the world?发现这一事实并告知世人的人吗That's easy, sir.Our great Führer, Adolf Hitler.知道我们的元首阿道夫希♥特♥勒♥He promised he'd free us...from communists and labor unions in six months...在六个月之内把我们从共♥产♥主义和工会手中解放出来and, by God, he's done it.他遵守了诺言Today, German law is the most advanced of all socially,现在纳粹法律是世上最先进的far more than the Fascist code in Italy.比意大利的先进的多It's so Italian!意大利也是如此I admire the Italians, Mother.我欣赏意大利妈妈And so do I, darling, for Mediterraneans.我也是亲爱的他们更地中海化I'm sorry.对不起Yes, for Mediterraneans they're most handsome.是的更地中海化但很可爱A little too exotic for my taste.Too colorful.他们对于我来说有点过于异国情调肤色过深Perhaps, but our dear Führer suffers from a certain lack of chic.但我们的党群也缺乏一种时尚All those brown shirts-- such a dull color!所有的这些纳粹党人颜色这么平庸And his manners, my dear.他的举止亲爱的The way he holds a teacup with his little finger raised.你注意到他怎么喝茶了吗小指微翘You forget, Mrs. Henckel, just as my mother and father sometimes do, Enkel小姐你忘了就像我父母时常忘记的that the National Socialists can't afford to lose time studying etiquette. 国家社会党人不能在学习礼仪上浪费时间They're too busy trying to rebuild that order他们在忙于重建秩序which you fail to defend...这点你不能理解by drinking tea without raising your little finger...因为你过于关注你的手指and your very chic taste in colors.的指甲油的颜色了Don't you realize?你没意识到You're a dead generation.你是死人的后代吗What?什么?Good night.晚安Yes, well, um, National Socialism has a great hold over the young.国家社♥会♥主♥义♥还是如此有魅力Well, after all, that's what we were hoping when we backed Hitler in '33, isn't it? 那就是我们在1933年支持希♥特♥勒♥时所期望的对吧The most important thing is to be on the winning side.最重要的是站在胜利一方对吧That's the side of history,my dear.对站在胜利的一方亲爱的Prosit!干杯Prosit!干杯From each of you,the Führer asks this--元首问候你们每个人that you wage war to the best of your ability...以自己的方式为军队服务for the triumph of National Socialism...and of Germany.为了德国国家社♥会♥主♥义♥的胜利It would have been easy enough to have chosen professionals,选择妓♥女♥的话会容易些but the Führer has greater confidence in political faith than in technique.但是元首把他所有的热情都投入到了政♥治♥信仰中了Where there is goodwill,technique can be quickly learnt.如果意志坚决就容易学得快It is rather like killing.就像杀人The first time one can feel remorse,vomiting, even insomnia.第一次人们就会觉得同情怜悯But then the third time one sleeps easily...但到了第三次就可以安稳地睡觉了and from the fifth time on one goes to dinner with a healthy appetite.到了第五次吃三明治It becomes exciting, a thrill!实际上感到兴奋是一种刺♥激♥For you too it will be like that.他们对你也是一样Heil Hitler.嘿希♥特♥勒♥Heil Hitler!嘿希♥特♥勒♥Kameraden,remove your uniforms.同志们脱掉制♥服♥You are about to undergo group testing with S.S. men of the Third Reich. 你们现在将由第三帝国的党卫军进行一组测试It will help you to get rid of your inhibitions...这是为了你从自我抑制中解脱出and will give naturalness to your performance.更加灵活的服务于党♥国♥The most qualified will be given a second examination,最好的会受试于另一组测试more detailed, more specific.一组更详细的更明确的测试The test has been tailor-made for you by our psychosomatic center.这组测试是由我们的精神心理中心特意为你们而制定的Your duty is to refuse nothing--你们的责任在于来者不拒coitus, anal coitus,性♥交♥ 肛♥交♥masturbation and fellatio.手♥淫♥ 口♥交♥Ready,Herr Obergruppenführer.立正Enjoy yourselves, kameraden.玩得开心同志们Use your imagination.元首和祖国This is also a way to serve the Führer and the Fatherland.需要如此Heil Hitler.嘿希♥特♥勒♥Heil Hitler.嘿希♥特♥勒♥Right face!向右转March!向前left, right, left! Two, three, four!左右左 2 3 4Keep your distance!保持间距Left, right, left! Two, three, four!左右左 2 3 4Left!向左!Ready!立正!Halt!停Right face!向右转Stand straight!挺胸抬头Group 1 , men.第一队男的Group 2, women.第二队女的Group 3, men.继续这里Group 4, women.继续这里Group 5, men.继续这里Group 6, women.继续这里Group 7, men.继续这里Group 8, women.继续这里Group 9, men.继续这里Group 1 0, women.继续这里Ulrika from Luebeck.她很优秀Perfect. Splendid capacity for adaptation.我得说适应性很强Olga from Hamburg.Olna是从汉堡来的No.不Martha from Danzig.Martha是从但泽来的Rejected.不行Margherita from Leipzig.丽塔是从莱比锡来的Approved.批准Lela from Düsseldorf.Lena是从杜塞尔多夫来的What is he? A gypsy.他是干什么的一个吉普赛人Weak. Mediocre.No sense of race.不牢靠太普通了看不出种族Are you sure she's Aryan? Yes.她是纯种的雅利安人是的How embarrassing.真是耻辱Susan from Berlin.苏珊是从柏林来的Courageous, determined,勇敢果断fearless in combat,steadfast faith in National Socialism.作战勇敢坚定不移的支持国家社♥会♥主♥义♥ Approved.批准I wanted to ask,what about the rejects?Is that the lot? Jawohl,Herr Obergruppenführer. 还有吗全部了长官I wanted to ask,what about the rejects?我想知道我从头怎么处置被拒绝的The girls will be sent to the disciplinary and educational sections.可以把女孩们送到再教育培训中心The men--男人Well, my dear Rauss,we can't have bodies around that can talk.克劳斯我们不能留下任何活口I thought they still might be of some use in the labor camps,除非他们在劳♥改♥营还有用or for Dr. Schwab's experiments.或者给Savaye医生做实验You have one failing, Rauss.是你的问题克劳斯You always want to show that you have thought things out better than the others. 你总想证明自己的主意高明I repeat, get rid of them!我重复一遍按照我告诉你的做Heil! Heil Hitler! Heil Hitler!嘿嘿希♥特♥勒♥Hey! Who are you looking for?你要去哪你在找谁What frightens you more--what you see, or what you don't?什么最让你害怕是吃的和喝的吗Nothing ever frightens me.没什么能吓倒我们The paintings were removed from sight.这挂的画They were degenerate art.是堕落的艺术Expressionists.French stuff.表现主义法国素材Jewish culture.犹太文化No, thank you.I'd rather have tea.谢谢我还要一杯茶Tea?茶?The decadent habits of the upper class.那些上层中产阶级的颓废习性No, on the contrary.不正相反The bourgeois drink--那些上层社会的人喝得多Oh, I don't drink, like the Führer.我像我们的元首一样生气Your damned snobbish pride.你们该死的中产阶级的骄傲You haven't changed.你们没有变You're the same as when you were born.你们跟出生时一样I believe in National Socialism.我相信国家社♥会♥主♥义♥ Believing is not enough.光信仰是不够的To be a real National Socialist,为了成为真正的国家社会党人you have to deny yourself, your origins.你们要知道怎样高放弃自己你们的血统You must accept total compromise.你们必须考虑方方面面You must destroy yourself to be...你们要使自己顺从reborn.来获得重生You may go.解散Good-bye. It was nice meeting you.再见很高兴见到你们How can I destroy myself?我要做什么来献出自己By humiliation.你们要顺从How?如何?Take off your panties!脱掉你们的内衣Quickly!快点儿Pull up your skirt now.掀起裙子Higher.再高点Higher!再高些Higher. Higher!高点On your knees.跪下On your knees!跪下On all fours and then... crawl.像四脚母猪那样现在过来Faster.爬Fast! Fast!快点快点爬快点Come here!到这儿来Do you see?你们看You're nothing.你们什么也不是A dog...只是个婊♥子♥trained to obey my commands.我控制的婊♥子♥I like the way you fight back.我喜欢你们抵抗的方式I like your dignity.你们的尊严I like your pride.你们的骄傲Share that with me...和我一起分享你们自己and I'll share my power with you.我会跟你们分享我的权利Do I repulse you?我讨厌你Kiss me. Kiss me!吻我吻我Do something, for God's sake!上帝啊行行好吧I'm not part of your world, am I?我不是你们的一员吧告诉我You're in a far more splendid world.你们是更可贵世界的一份子Free round for the war! Heil Hitler!佐罗万岁嘿希♥特♥勒♥ Heil Hitler!嘿希♥特♥勒♥Max! Franz! Rudolf!马♥克♥思♥ 克劳斯亲爱的Champagne for everybody! It's from Kitty!每人一份香槟老板请客I'd love to kiss everyone,all of Germany!香槟凯蒂的吻来自凯蒂本人Let everybody drink!让大家喝吧!That is the price of the mutilated soldiers too, Kitty?对于即将出发的战士打折扣Oh, shut up-- Ohh.Please.噢请住嘴But they already exist,the charming victims of an equally charming war.但他们已经存在了,那些战争和遇难者Beautiful and mutilated.金发碧眼的More than mutilated--doomed to suffer agonizing death within their charging tanks... 浪漫的年轻人要忍♥受身边马匹的尸体instead of on white stallions along the river banks.或者靠近他们坦克的残骸Nice heroic poetry, right?英雄的形象是吧克里夫Dino,if there weren't any dead, it wouldn't be a war.Dino 如果没有人死的话就不会有战争Then Germany couldn't win it and rule the world,德国就不会也不会统治整个世界and we wouldn't be here tonight drinking champagne and the fun我们也不会在这喝香槟of this party wouldn't exist!消遣娱乐Right you are!你是对的Cliff is much more amusing than you, my dear Dino.说得好克里夫比你有趣多了亲爱的DinoAnd more logical too,他说的更有道理as America is farther from Berlin than my Italia!他的美国要比我的城市那不勒斯离柏林远Gentlemen! Girls!姑娘们先生们Friends!朋友们Uh... play something hot,演奏点热烈的马上Wolfie, immediately, or you are out of a job!否则你就被解雇奏国歌♥Madame Kitty.Madame.你这个无聊的人Come and join us.There's free champagne.过来今天我香槟配给I know the girls don't interest you, but surely the champagne does. 如果你不满意我的姑娘们我想你会满意香槟Sorry, Kitty, I can't.I've got a thousand things to do.请原谅凯蒂但我不行我有成堆的事要做I'll send you a car.我会送你一辆车What shall I put in the car--girls or champagne?里面放什么姑娘还是香槟Just you.只有你I appreciate the compliment, darling,谢谢过奖了亲爱的but I gave up house calls a long time ago.但是我有一阵子没提供服务了我可能被杀掉Come if you like, and if you don't,如我所言如果你过来的话我会很高兴的stay in your office with your pretty ass glued to your headquarters. 否则你就贴在凳子上吧Good-bye!再见Rauss!克劳斯克劳斯It's the Gestapo.Gestapo.盖世太保Have you gone mad?你疯了To have me brought here by Gestapo agents to tell me this?你让盖世太保像押罪犯似的把我带到这想告诉我什么You've got to deport my girls because they are foreigners?你必须负责我的姑娘们因为她们是外国人I have to close down?我不得不关门了?Your party needs my house?纳粹党人需要我的地方I'm not responsible.这不归我管Who is responsible?Himmler? Von Ribbentrop?希姆莱[1900-1945 德国纳粹党秘密警♥察♥头子] 冯.里宾特洛甫They are all my clients,except for G?ring.Have they gone mad too?除了你他们都是我和客户他们也疯了I'll call them all right now!我要马上给他们打电♥话♥One after the other.我要让你知道凯蒂是谁On a day like this?你觉得今天合适吗Kitty, war has just been declared.凯蒂战争刚开始What the hell does war have to do with my work?该死的战争跟我有何关系Are we going to put on chastity belts because war has been declared?仅仅因为战争刚开始你就想让我们都戴上贞操带Are we all going to join the Red Cross?你想让我的姑娘们都变成红色的希♥特♥勒♥Haven't you learnt anything from the Roman Empire?沃伦伯格你有一件事还没从罗马帝国学到You must laugh and sing if you want to conquer the world.要征服全世界必须会笑会唱歌♥Do you want my girls to give singing lessons?除非你想关掉妓院只想开个音乐学校Thank you very much, Kitty,非常感谢凯蒂but for the greatness of Germany our brave soldiers are musical enough.但是我们宝贵的士兵们已经为了德国的伟大在歌♥唱了Don't you think our brave soldiers...你不认为我们宝贵的士兵们would like to have half an hour in bed to come before they go?在出发前宁愿在床上呆半小时Naturally.当然But remember,most of them are married.但别忘了他们多数都已婚了Wives are for breeding, not for fun.已婚了妻子们在喂孩子时A soldier has to shoot off his own gun,not only government issue.士兵也想射子弹不仅仅是配给给他们的那种Oh, Wallenberg,sometimes I have the feeling沃伦伯格you don't know what it's all about.有时我认为你并不明白这些Just because I'm not interested in your whores?仅仅是因为我对你的妓♥女♥不感兴趣But that's not the point.问题不在这There's nothing to be done about it.我什么也干不了Sorry, Kitty.You have to close down.对不起凯蒂你必须得关了你的夜♥总♥会♥You meddling bastard.You can't ruin me like this.屁♥股♥疼死了你可以就这么毁了我Give me half a year.Three months!至少再给我的时间六个月Mm-mmm. Not even one day.我告诉你一天也不行I told you-- the party needs a building right away.纳粹党需要那个地方But I can help you.但我能帮你I'll see to it that your girls are replaced of good Aryan stock.我会照料那些姑娘的by beautiful German females我可以提供给你一些德国姑娘And I know of a spacious villa in the Grunewald that could be made available to you. 你会在Green Forest得到个小别♥墅♥Thank you, but Kitty has always been in the center of Berlin.谢谢你但是凯蒂一直在柏林中心Fresh air makes me dizzy.I prefer champagne.她用的姑娘们是国际性的Kitty, you're making a mistake.你犯了个大错误凯蒂The villa is bigger,independent, isolated.我给你的姑娘们机灵漂亮优雅The whole neighborhood would be yours.整个街区都是你的It's quiet, discreet...地方隐密安静不易被发觉and, uh... very high class.一个真正的高级会馆I could even get you a good price on it.我甚至会给你个好价钱And if I refuse?如果我拒绝呢I wouldn't if I were you.我认为那不是好主意It wouldn't be very wise,and you wouldn't only lose your license. 我真的认为那不是个好主意不仅仅是丢掉营业执照的问题You obviously don't know me well enough,显然你还不了解我Herr Untergruppenführer.长官If I have to,I'll go to Hitler himself!如果必要的话我会自己去见希♥特♥勒♥ Still. Everybody still.别动谁也不许动I'll miss this.她们会丧失I'll miss this view.她们会丧失一切Charlesey, I don't give a damn about changing the address.亲爱的我并不介意变更地址Love smells the same everywhere,thank God.爱在哪都一样感谢主I'm not changing my profession.I'm not changing you.不用改行也不用找别人After all, this isn't a home.事成之后他会送我一栋别♥墅♥It's just a whorehouse.我真糊涂Are you crying?怎么了你在哭吗I don't know why!是的我也不知道为什么I swear I don't know why.I'm so stupid!我都不知道我这么愚蠢For heaven's sake, relax, girls!姑娘们放松You're not in the army,you know.我们不是在军队Pretty, bring some drinks.Something strong.Frankie 来点儿喝的够劲的It's freezing cold in this place.这冻死了Oh, mm-hmm-hmm,好姑娘们很好they certainly stand at attention in a charming way.她们当然很听话I won't deny that, Wallenberg, but here it's not enough.沃伦伯格但还不够They look like amateurs.Take her, for example.她们出场就像业余的看这个She'd be great for a Sunday picnic,but not for a customer来到乡下旅途愉快who wants a decent screw.但别象个蠢猪似的And her--Put a baby in her arms...看这个怀里抱着孩子and give her a pair of knitting needles and see.手上带着锁铐你会拥有一个优秀的家庭主妇You've got the ideal hausfrau. No fire!她们没有感情She looks constipated.She even makes me feel uncomfortable. 这个太做作让我很不舒服Imagine a poor, nervous client.She'd be more at home想象一下操她的可怜家伙in Sunday School than here.她是干接待员的料不适合夜♥总♥会♥ We need warm, soft girls,always ready...我们这需要的是温柔热情的姑娘and able to laugh and to live it up,no matter what happens.任何场合都要微笑Technically,they are perfect.技巧上无可挑剔I hope they don't salute the clients when they come in.我希望她们在客人进来时不要刻意问候You know, with my own girls,at least,我与我其他的姑娘们相安无事I was sure I knew they could give a dying man a hard-on.好吧给她们松绑All right,loosen them up.毕竟那是你的工作After all, it's your business,not mine.不是我的I'm told you used to be phenomenal.Teach them to be the same. 她们说你非常棒把她们调♥教♥得跟你一样No! No! No!They are all perfect!不不不她们都很漂亮Too damned perfect.They are boring.熟练太熟了令人讨厌They look like color postcards to send home to mama.她们就像士兵们邮回家给妈妈的风景明信片I need specialists, girls able to--我需要的是专门人员能满足任何要求的姑娘们to satisfy any request,the most complex perversions.满足最稀奇古怪的要求最复杂的性♥交♥方式The men who come to Salon Kitty have fantasies.Salon 凯蒂的客人都富于想象力If one of the girls doesn't work out,just let me know.如果她们有谁不能达到你的期望告诉我After all, they're here for your--我负责That it should come to this.谁会知道Us teaching kindergarten.我们得着手调♥教♥她们了Bravo.好Perfect.太好了So, Wallenberg,this is your battle station.现在沃伦伯格这是你的关键时刻Work carefully, hmm?你不要忙忙活活的And patiently.干活仔细些To trust is good.Not to trust is better.我想调节姑娘们的关系I want to compare the recordings with the girls' reports personally.收集她们的任何信息Is that clear?知道吗?Carry out my orders meticulously,as you're quite capable of doing.尽你们最大的努力执行我的命令And have fun, Wallenberg!玩得开心点沃伦伯格And what's your name? Susan, Herr General.你叫什么苏珊将军What's wrong? Why are you staring like that?你为什么这么看我You look at me as if we'd already met.你看我的样子就像我们认识了好多年All Germany knows you, Herr General.全德国都认识你将军You're the conqueror and subduer of Poland.你是波兰的征服者和占领者my body as well, Herr General!Conquer and subdue你也能用此毁了我的身体将军Let's leave Poland out of this.别谈波兰了The war is too sacred and far too immense to speak about in a whorehouse. 战争是神圣的此外也太大了不适合这个屋子Put on my boots.穿上我的鞋Jawohl, Herr General.当然将军Can you sing? Jawohl, Herr General.你知道怎么唱歌♥吗知道将军Then sing to me and march!好那么前进唱歌♥Like my song, Herr General?行吗将军Help me out of my trousers! Jawohl, Herr General!脱掉裤子当然将军Don't call me Herr General!别叫我将军Call me... Clarita.叫我格里塔Tell me you like.对我说你们喜欢如此Oh, yes!是的对Tell me how it burns!对我说它激起了你们的欲望You're splitting open.劈开腿Take it!拿着Yes, take it! Become a comrade of the Axis.是一个同志的An official of the Duce.领袖的一个高级将领以Cavelucci的名义Tell me you like it.对我说你们喜欢如此对我说它激起了你们的欲望Tell me how it burns.You're dying.对我说它会杀了你们You're splitting open.Say it.把你们劈成两半Tell me you're dying. Tell me.对我说对我说Tell me you're dying.它会把你们劈成两半You're splitting open.You're hurting yourself.对我说它会杀了你们把它给我Give it to me! Give it to me!把它给我把它给我You're killing me!- Say it!对我说你们要杀了我You're dying.I'm dying. Give it to me!对我说它会杀了你们把它给我Say it! Say it!对我说对我说对我说对我说Yes! I like it!对我喜欢极了More! I'm the woman from Masada.我是个声名狼藉的女人yes噢是的Later on!等会I like it!我喜欢or telling the truth, my little jockey.英国人会在奥斯陆和哥本哈根In Oslo and Copenhagen,告诉我们的we'll be speaking English, my lovely asshole.语言会是英语我最喜欢的A lovely tongue, English--英语是门优美的语言a tongue worthy of your cunt.为你们的大阴♥户♥和漂亮的屁♥股♥而讲的语言Rauss, type up the report.克劳斯用同样的措辞Use the exact words.再打一份报告Send the first copy and the recording to the chancellery...第一份是给大臣的top secret and urgent.and a second copy to Reich Führer Himmler--另一份给元首希姆莱急件绝对优先Without having it checked first by--不先查一遍Rauss! How many times do I have to tell you not to be so zealous?克劳斯我说了多少遍不要着急I take full responsibility for this operation...我为此负全责personally.以个人名义Raw material coming from God knows where.Well, frankly, I was skeptical.坦白说我怀疑材料来自知道地点的人Girls who knew nothing.没准备好的姑娘们让我吐♥血♥For days I sweated blood over them. I was sure they were going to be a disaster.我发誓几天来我以为会大祸临头But now business is booming, sold out every night!但现在每晚都卖♥♥光了I can tell from the champagne. It's impossible to find it anywhere else but here.从香槟就能看出来现在只能在你那见到And there is plenty more where that came from. Von Ribbentrop is a friend of mine. 里宾特洛甫是我朋友噢那么Ribbentrop also gives you-- Huh?给你这个的是他吧Have you been at the front?你从前线来的吗You made love as if you hated me.你跟我做♥爱♥ 就像恨我似的No, it's not true.不不是那么回事Do you still want it?你还想干么Always.一直如此So do I.我也是Why? Oh, yeah, sure. Sure.It's your job.当然当然是你的职业Too bad.虽然是个遗憾Too bad you don't know what it means.但是你不知道这意味着什么Why are you in Berlin?你为什么在这On leave?你在休假吗Don't you want to talk?你不想说I want to fuck.我喜欢性事But if you don't want to--但如果你不进去I want to.我也进去了That's not true.不是真的Why do you say that?你为什么说这些It's not true.不是真的But why should I care? Why should I give a damn? 但最后我不在乎了你在这的目的就在于此Just spread your legs.所以张开你的腿I feel like it too.心情愉快地Not like that.不是那样Without anger.不别带怒气With tenderness.温柔地Relax.随心所欲地Margherita, report number 48.丽塔的报告Name: Hans Reiter.Rank: Hauptmann. 汉斯Reiter 德国空军中尉On leave from the front.从前线回来休假Unwilling to talk.不愿意说话He only wanted to make love,他只想做♥爱♥an act which he completed several times. 他做♥爱♥不止一次You are lovely.你很漂亮Making love with you is just beautiful,即便你是个妓♥女♥even if you are a whore.跟你做♥爱♥也不错我喜欢Life has taught me to hate,我讨厌生活But with you. I remember when I didn't. 但我对你不反感Are you in Berlin to get a medal?你是得了勋章休假的吗Mm-hmm. Yeah.是I, uh, wear it on my back.因此我肩上别着勋章Will you fight again?你还要去打仗吗I don't think I'm a good soldier.我可能不是个好战士When do you leave?你什么时候出发Soon. In 1 0 days.很快了十天内An eternity for making love.做♥爱♥不止Yeah, an eternity which ends right away.是的“不止”结束的太快了I wish I could take you with me...如果我能带上你to make love to you whenever I want.那么我想什么时候干♥你♥都行了It's so good with you.跟你干真爽You're exaggerating.你太夸张了Do you mind?你后悔没出现吗No.不But you mustn't exaggerate. It's not right.不过是当你夸张时不公平Would you mind if I fell in love with you? Hmm?如果我爱上你你会后悔吗Just a little.只有一点Would it seem ridiculous?你觉得可笑吗Love is a word you can always say when two people are in bed together. 爱是个男人和女人在床上一起用的词Yeah.当然当然的确Air raid! It's an air raid! An air raid!掩体在哪Come on! Get to the shelter!快快过来进掩体里Hurry! Hurry! Look alive!进掩体里快快快Turn the lights down!过来。




一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个行为最能体现你的无耻?A. 在别人面前说谎,却面不改色B. 偷别人的东西,还理直气壮C. 故意挑拨离间,破坏朋友关系D. 为了达到目的,不择手段地利用别人2. 你在以下哪种情况下会毫无顾忌地做坏事?A. 没有人知道B. 不会受到惩罚C. 可以让他人为你的错误买单D. 以上都是3. 你认为以下哪种说法最能体现你的无耻观点?A. “人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥。

”B. “天下没有免费的午餐。

”C. “无毒不丈夫,无奸不商。

”D. “人要脸,树要皮。

”4. 你在以下哪种情况下会主动承担责任?A. 事情暴露后B. 别人要求你承担C. 自己主动意识到错误D. 以上都是5. 你认为以下哪种行为是无耻的?A. 在公共场合大声喧哗B. 在别人背后说坏话C. 故意打扰别人休息D. 以上都是6. 你在以下哪种情况下会毫无顾虑地炫耀自己的成就?A. 别人向你请教B. 为了引起别人的注意C. 想让别人知道自己的能力D. 以上都是7. 你认为以下哪种说法最能体现你的无耻心理?A. “人生如戏,全靠演技。

”B. “无耻者无畏,无畏者无敌。

”C. “人活着就是为了出人头地。

”D. “厚黑学才是生存之道。

”8. 你在以下哪种情况下会故意隐瞒真相?A. 为了达到某种目的B. 想保护自己的利益C. 怕承担责任D. 以上都是9. 你认为以下哪种行为是无耻的表现?A. 在别人困难时落井下石B. 故意泄露别人的隐私C. 在别人成功时嫉妒不已D. 以上都是10. 你在以下哪种情况下会故意挑衅别人?A. 为了显示自己的勇敢B. 想引起别人的注意C. 想测试自己的实力D. 以上都是二、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 无耻之人总是能轻易地得到别人的信任。



抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket别让它的光芒消散Never let it fade away抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day爱随时悄然而至For love may come and tap you on the shoulder月朗星稀的夜晚Some starless night当你想要拥有她时Just in case you feel you wanna hold her有着满满口袋的星光You'll have a pocketful of starlight抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket别让它的光芒消散Never let it fade away抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day爱随时悄然而至For love may come and tap you on the shoulder月朗星稀的夜晚Some starless night当你想要拥有她时And just in case you feel you wanna hold her有着满满口袋的星光满满口袋的星光you'll have a pocketful of starlight, pocketful of starlight 抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket别让它的光芒消散Never let it fade away抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day当麻烦接踵而至时For when your troubles start multiplying他们可能And they just might很轻松的忘掉烦恼It's easy to forget them without trying只要有满满口袋的星光With just a pocketful of starlight抓住流星放进口袋Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day好好珍惜它Save it for a rainy day还在忙吗You keeping busy?是啊一直在忙Yeah, I've been busy. You know.-忙什么呢 -照看花♥园♥- Busy doing what? - Busy in the garden.花♥园♥ 就是因为你还念着工作In the garden. You know what? You're missing work. That's what. -我看得出来 -不我才没有- I can see that. - No, I'm not missing work.你还想着嗡嗡作响的机器那些玩笑Yeah, you're missing the buzz and the还有伙计们我知道jokes and the guys. I know that.-你别不承认 -或许有点吧- Don't tell me that's not true. Yeah. - Maybe a little.要买♥♥肉什么的吗Are you gonna buy some meat or what?对是要买♥♥些Yeah, I'm gonna buy some meat.我还在挑着呢I'm looking at some meat right now.我想买♥♥些上等的牛排I want to get some real good steak.牛臀肉有特♥价♥I got a special here on the rump.还是不要特♥价♥的了Oh, forget the speciais.这个周末我的孩子们要I got the children visiting me this从全国各地回来看我weekend from all over the country.到时他们围着一张桌子坐着 4个都是Got them all around the same table, all four of them. 清理5号♥走廊Clean up aisle five.请清理5号♥走廊Clean up aisle five, please.请问你了解这些酒吗Excuse me. Do you know about these wines?酒? 这些酒?The wine? These wines?这区的货是我进的怎么有什么问题吗I stock this section. Why? Is there a probiem?没有我只是想给我孩子买♥♥点No, I just wanna get some expensive比较高档的酒bottles of wine for my children.-这个可不是给孩子喝的 -我知道我知道- This isn't for children. - I know it's not for children. 是给我已经不再是"孩子"的孩子买♥♥的It's for my children that aren't children anymore.这些酒哪款最好呢What would be the best one...ones of this?我们这里有世界各地的酒Well, we got wines from all over the world.有从法国进口的英伦酒We got English wines, you know, from France.有欧洲进口的意大利酒We got Italian wines from all over Europe.我想给孩子们留个好印象I wanna make a good impression on my kids.会的一定You will. Definitely.这款机器具有内置7档软化力度It's got a built-in tenderizing gauge可以软化牛排以及禽肉类for steaks and poultry with seven different grades.要是油料着火的话And there's an automatic spritz to还有个自动喷撒灭火装置calm flames if the oil catches.保证5年内有优质的密封保护性能It is guaranteed for five years with a premium protective seal.还有个自动电转烤肉架It has an automatic rotisserie,盖子盖上后里面的氧气就会减少and when the lid is closed, the oxygen's reduced to a level这样油脂就不会着火that does not support or encourage the fats to ignite.-所以那么贵吗 -6♥4♥8块是销♥售♥价- Is that what it's going for? - 6♥4♥8. That's the sale price. 买♥♥这种型号♥非常不错的That's a heck of a deal for this model.最低价了That's as low as I can go.-600块怎么样 -好的成交- How about 6? - Done. Sure. Absolutely.-放哪儿... -放那儿就好了- Where do I... - You can just put it right in there.看起来要办聚会的样子Looks like somebody's having a party.是啊家庭聚会Yeah, it's just the family.-喂? -爸爸是我罗伯特- Hello? - Dad, it's Robert.罗伯特啊Robert.爸爸我这边情况不太好...Dad, listen, things aren't looking very good...-对不起 -太遗憾了- Sorry. - Oh, well, that's a shame.真不幸That's a real shame.是啊你倒是要错过不少美酒Yeah, you're gonna miss out on having some fancy wine-还有菲力牛排和... -其他人有消息吗- and Fliet Mignon steak and... - Have you heard from the others?有啊目前他们都会来的Yeah, so far all of them are coming.有的周五晚上有的周六早上Some Friday night, some Saturday morning.-真的很抱歉爸爸 -我也是小罗- I'm sorry again, Dad. - Yeah, I'm sorry, too. Rob,不过你得回乐队里孩子But you gotta get back to that orchestra, son.-我会的多保重 -好的你也保重好的- I will. You take care. Okay. - Okay. You take care, too. Okay. 爸爸我现在不能跟你说Dad, hi. I can't stop right now.还有几分钟就要回舞台了I'm back on stage in a few minutes.制片人从巴黎飞过来The producers are flying in from Paris想看看原班演员and wanna see the original cast,我这个周末就脱不开身了So I just can't get away this weekend.很抱歉在妈妈的葬礼后就一直没回来过I'm sorry. I know I haven't been home since the funeral,但我一直想回来我爱你一直想着你But I'm trying, I promise. I love you. I'm thinking of you.吻你Big kiss.爸爸是我艾米Hey, Dad. It's Amy.我真的很抱歉I'm really sorry to have to do this,事务所里的事真是太忙了but things have just gotten really crazy at the agency杰克还感冒了今天课都没去上and Jack's sick with a fever. He missed school today.无论如何So between one thing and another,这个周末我们是来不了了we're not gonna be able to make it this weekend.真的很抱歉爸爸I'm really sorry, Dad.更糟的是And to make things worse,我今天跟大卫说了他也来不了了I spoke to David today, and he can't make it, either.他还要忙着完成一幅画什么的不过...He's got a lot going on, a painting or something, but...我保证我们会尽快过来的好吗Anyway, I promise we'll make it to you soon. Okay?我爱你Love you.不行Well, you can't.你不能飞遍整个国家You can't just go flying all across the country,-以你的身体状况是不行的 -谁说飞啦- Not in your condition. - Who said anything about flying? 可以坐汽车坐火车啊What about buses? What about trains?我担心的是你的肺弗兰克I'm worried about your lungs, Frank.别担心我的肺担心你自己的吧Don't worry about my lungs. Worry about your lungs.我的肺好得很My lungs are fine.肺部纤维症你做事得慢慢来Fibrosis of the lungs requires you to take things easy.现在你也知道Now, you know that.我就坐汽车还有火车...I'm just going on the buses, on the trains...我是说你工作没选好You picked the wrong job, Frank. I mean,这么多年在潮湿的聚氯乙烯环境下呼吸...Breathing in humidified PVC all those years...只是看看家人而已我...You know, it's just about seeing the famliy. You know, I... 琴以前一直跟他们保持联♥系♥ 现在... Jean always kept in touch with everybody, and now it's... 你知道情况该我来了You know how it is. Now it's down to me.-你自己的事处理地如何 -我还好- How are you managing on your own? - I'm fine.-还好? 好吗 -好还好- You're fine? Yeah, fine? - Fine, yeah. I'm fine.我妻子去世之后You know, when I lost my wife,我还是像她在世时一样跟她说话I found myself taiking to her like she was still there.持续了好几个月It went on for months."我的短裤在哪儿""Where the hell are my shorts?"不那边没人我自言自语呢No, no. There's nobody there. No. Talking to myself.有点疯狂是吧Crazy, huh?-你也那样吗 -不- You do that, Frank? - No.-没有吗 -还不至于- No? No? - Not yet.你说的我也确实听了但这次旅行Look, I hear what you're saying, I do, but this trip,并不是你现在亟需的你得慢慢来it's not what you need right now. You gotta take things easy.真的待在家里吧You do. Stay home.知道该怎么办吗多花点时间在花♥园♥You know what you should do? Spend more time in the garden. 艾德说没问题Ed said it was fine.他说多带点药就可以了He said just take enough medication坚持坐火车和汽车and stick to trains and buses.我要拍很多照片把新鲜事都带回家And I'll take plenty of pictures, and I'll bring home the news.先去纽约看大卫I'll start with David in New York.要是出什么问题的话就立即回来And if anything goes wrong, I'll be right home.钥匙钱包Got my keys, got my wallet.钥匙药My keys, got my medication.照相机Camera.钥匙Got my keys.下一位Next.纽约单程票New York city. One way, please.-87块 -87块给你100块- $87. - $87. There's 100.-我去看我儿子 -真不错- I'm going to see my son. - Very good.-知道他干什么的吗 -不知道- You know what he does? - Absolutely no idea.-他是个画家 -7号♥站台谢谢- He's an artist. - Gate 7. Thank you.-下一位 -谢谢- Next. - Thank you.你认为我的作品怎么样Uh, what do you think of my work?离站后你就一直看着You've been looking at it ever since we left the station.不好意思我没听明白I'm sorry, I don't understand.别看着我看窗外No, don't look at me. Look back out the window.告诉我你看见什么了Tell me what you see.-汽车吗 -不是- Cars? - No.-树吗 -是有树不过不是- Trees? - Well, yes, but no.房♥子吗Houses?想想你一直都看到的那个Just remember that you've been looking at it-车一离站就一直看的 -窗子玻璃吗- Ever since we left the station. - Oh, the window. The glass? 不是不错了一开始...No. Not bad, but it's a start...but...-鸟吗 -不不是鸟- Birds? - Uh, no. Not birds.-石头? -不是石头开玩笑了- Rocks? - Not rocks. No, that's ridiculous.石头你猜的吧Rocks! You're just guessing.我跟这位女士一直在说估计她会知道I'm gonna stick with this lady here. I think she has an idea. 说实话我真不知道你说的是什么No, honestly, I realiy have no idea what you mean.找找节奏You know, just look for the rhythm.电♥话♥线杆吗The telephone post?差不多了Close. Close.-电线吗 -对继续继续- The wire? - Yeah. Keep going. Keep going.-我猜不出来了 -别好吧就是电线- Really, I give up. - No, no. Okay. That's it. That's it.电线挺不错的The wire, that's good.我既没制♥造♥电线也没架电线I mean, I didn't make the wire, I didn't hang the wire,我是包电线的给电线包上聚氯乙烯but I coated the wire. I protected it with PVC coating能够防止雨淋湿气过热之类的against the rain, the moisture, heat, stuff like that.所以说你看到的其实不是电线So, what you actually see is not the wire.是我的保护层It's my PVC coating.我一周要包上1000里的电线没有休息I ran 1,000 miles of wire a week, non-stop.不休息的Non-stop.如果你稍微想一想If you just think for a minute,那条电线要传达所有的对话all the conversations that have taken place over that wire. 喜怒哀乐Breaking good news and bad news.-我给你看点东西 -好的- I'll show you something. - Sure.他们是我的孩子们These are my children.罗伯特是乐队指挥Robert, the conductor.大卫是画家萝西跳舞的David, the artist. Rosie, the dancer.艾米做广♥告♥很出色Amy, very high up in advertising.到他们那儿还要有100万英尺的电线A million feet of wire to get them where they are today. -照片很不错 -谢谢- It's a nice picture. - Thank you.还要有百万英尺的电线Million feet of wire to get them where they are today. -石头吗 -没错对了就是石头- Rocks? - Yeah, right. That's right. Rocks.他们本来是要来看我的They were all...they were all supposed to visit me,本会有个家庭团圆and we were gonna have a family reunion,不过他们都在最后一刻取消行程了and instead they all canceled on me at the last minute. 把自己锁门外了吗亲爱的You lock yourself out, honey?没有没锁外面No, I didn't lock myself out.我儿子住这儿我等他回来My son lives here. I'm just waiting for him.你可以过来跟我一起等我有个好去处You can come wait with me if you want. I know a place. 不谢了很感谢你Oh, thank you. That's nice of you, though.-你确定吗 -谢谢- You sure? - Thank you.想看看我的腿吗You wanna see my ieg?想看我的吗You wanna see mine?-来 -到了吗- Come on. - Are we here?哥们儿Oh, man.-哥们儿你真难以置信 -什么- Dude, I can't believe you, man. - What?真不敢相信你一晚上...I can't believe you, all night...大卫David.你长大想干什么What are you gonna do when you grow up? Huh? 我想当个画匠自己画画I wanna be a painter and do my pictures.别当画匠克里斯特他们是在墙上画画的No, not a painter. Christ, painters paint walls,小狗也在墙上尿尿要当画家and dogs pee on walls. You're gonna be an artist. 画家的画能改变人们的生活Artists paint pictures that change people's lives. 你想当什么呢What are you gonna be?画家An artist.对啦画家那么你是不是要好好学习呢That's right, an artist. So, you gonna work hard? 是的爸爸Yes, Dad.你要成为我的骄傲You gonna make me proud.我会努力的爸爸I'm trying, Dad.不幸的是飓风将Unfortunately, it's going to be在明日某时登陆海滩on top of the coast sometime tomorrow.现在飓风爱丽丝的速度已经Right now, hurricane Alice is packing达到每小时165里winds of 165 miles per hour.我们遇到了5级飓风风压...We've got a category 5 hurricane. The pressure...看起来风暴很严重Looks like a bad storm.严重的风暴A bad storm.我94岁了I'm 94.-我一直不需要看医生 -哥们- I keep away from the doctors. - Boy.我儿子辈有3个孙子辈有6个I have three children, six grandchildren.他们都很忙They're busy.都没时间跟我闲聊我还得跟他们预约They're too busy to talk to me. I gotta make an appointment. 他们都去别的地方了也不需要别人了They got lost someplace. They don't need anybody.人变了生活也变了People changed, life is changed.今天你跟某个人握手Today, you shake hands with somebody,还得数数有几根手指you gotta count your fingers to make免得伸回来时少一根sure you got five fingers back.有什么要帮忙的吗May I help you?门铃没坏吧Do the bells work?没啊Yeah.我儿子住9号♥房♥ 不知道他在不在家My son lives in apartment 9. I'm not sure if he's home.好了All right谢谢Thank you.大卫?David?大卫本想给你一个惊喜可惜你不在家我待会儿再打电♥话♥给你爱你的爸爸不眠的日子里我发现Through my sleepless days I found无梦的睡眠中That in my dreamless sleep I'm bound我将在那夜听见To one night hear the sound你的呼唤Of you calling今夜不要困惑Do not stumble through tonight不要害怕跌倒Have no fear of falling今夜不会困惑We won't stumble through tonight沉醉于欢笑声中Drowning in their laughter艾米是我萝西Amy, it's Rosie.爸爸怎么都不接电♥话♥呢Dad's not answer the phone.别打电♥话♥给他Well, don't call him.等我们搞清楚大卫的情况再说Not till we know what's going on with David.有什么消息吗Is there any more news?没有No.墨西哥那边刚来了个电♥话♥ 说他被捕了I just had that one call from Mexico saying he'd been arrested. 我不停留言但没人打回来I keep leaving messages, but no one's calling back.我觉得还是告诉爸爸吧I think we should tell Dad.搞清楚再说Not until we know what's going on.这几天别跟他说太多Just avoid talking to him for a couple of days till we know facts. 好吗Okay?好吧Okay.-天哪 -惊喜吧- Oh, my God! - Surprise.当然进来吧爷爷Yeah, definitely. Come on in, grandpa.-妈妈知道吗 -但愿不知道- Man, does Mom know? - No, I hope not.瞧瞧你Well, hey, look at you.我还以为你得了感冒躺床上呢I thought you were supposed to be in bed with a fever. -我感冒? -你妈跟我这么说的- I don't know, am I? - That's what she told me.估计得过吧...Yeah, I think I was...-有个提手啊 -当然有啦- It's got a handie. - Of course it's got a handie.-我还不知道呢 -还有轮子呢- I didn't know that. - It's got wheels.-你都长这么大了 -我知道- Yeah. Look how big you got. - I know, right?爷爷我还上着网Hey, listen. I'm online.-我一会儿就过来 -好的忙你的吧- I'll be back in a minute. - All right. You do your thing. -妈妈在外面 -好的- Mom's out back. - Okay, good.不我得过去是的No, I need to get down there. Yeah.能看看有什么航♥班♥吗Can you check out some flights and see what's available? 艾米Amy!爸爸?Dad?你怎么在这儿啊What are you doing here?什么叫我怎么在这儿啊What do you mean, what am I doing here?没人到我那儿去Everybody didn't show up for the visit.于是我跟自己说 "你们不来那就我过去吧"So I said, "if you don't come to me, I'm gonna go to you."真疯狂You crazy man.看看你身体也不好不该这么旅行的Look at you. You haven't been well. You shouidn't be travellng. -你跟医生谈过了吗 -我跟医生谈过了- Did you check with the doctor? - I checked with the doctor. -你跟他谈过了? -我当然跟医生谈过- You checked with him? - Of course I checked with the doctor. -杰夫在家吗 -不还没回来- Jeff home? - No, not yet.我问问他什么时候回来Let me find out when he's coming back.那么大家都没去看你吗So everybody dropped out of the visit?我没意识到我都不知道I didn't realize. I had no idea.你是怎么来的How did you get here?你没坐飞机吧You didn't fly, did you?没有我当然不会坐飞机No, of course I didn't fly.我乘火车去了纽约看望大卫I took a train to New York to see David,他不在家所以我就乘公车来这儿了and he wasn't there so I took a bus here.你坐公车来的? 来芝加哥?You took a bus? To Chicago?是的自己一个人Yeah. All by myseif.我的天啊真不敢相信Oh, my God. I can't believe it!是啊杰克康复得挺快Yeah. Jack got better fast.是啊是很快感冒一天就能好Yeah, I know, he did. Definitely, it was a 24-hour thing.我喜欢这房♥子I like the house.是啊但你见过照片的Yeah. But you've seen pictures.我是见过照片I've seen pictures.但我没亲眼见过这房♥子不是实物I haven't seen the house, not the real thing.-大家好各位 -你好杰克- Hey, everyone. - Hey, Jack.-怎么样 -很好- How's it going? - Good.杰克你为什么不带你爷爷出去Jack, why don't you take grandpa outside让他看看你的高尔夫球技呢and show him your golf?-你会玩高尔夫? -当然我可是天生的- You play golf? - Sure, I'm a natural.-是吗我想看看 -你想看吗- Yeah, I'd like to see that. - You wanna see that? -你要往哪儿打 -那边的旗子那里- Where do you heading it? - That flag over there. 打那么远吗孩子好吧All the way out there? Oh, boy. Okay.-我的记录是打三杆 -三杆?- My record's three. - Three?我见过后才能相信你来吧开始吧I'll believe that when I see it. Come on, let's go. -你看好了 -好的- You watch. - Okay.还不错嘛Not bad.-你也来一杆 -打一杆很容易但是...- Beat that. - I'll beat that, easily, but...好的All right.现在我得给你露两手Now I'll just have to show you a few things.是啊打得是很好Yeah, that was good,但是还不够好我可是职业的那种but not good enough. Frank, the pro.-来吧老虎伍兹 -你准备好了吗- Come on, Tiger Woods. - You ready?-抓紧时间 -好的准备好了是的- Take your time. - Okay, ready? Yeah.-妈的对不起 -怎么回事儿- Oh, shit! Sorry. - What was that?打成那样...Shot that...这只是个练习球再给我一个球That was just a practice shot. Give me another one of those. 这竿打完我就走了I'm going after this.来吧Here we go.妈的上帝啊对不起Ah! Shit! Christ! Sorry.-你打到了香料园 -再来一球来吧- You hit the spice garden. - One more. Come on.这是最后一球得了吧这...This is the last one. Come on. This is...我是你的客人再来一球来吧I'm your guest. One more. Let's go.再来一球再来一球来吧Come on. One more. One more. Let's go.-这可是我最后一个球了 -再来一球- This is my last one. - One more.-别把这球也打丢了 -再给我一球- Don't lose this one, too. - Give me another ball.把它放下像正式比赛一样Put it down. Be a sport.-我得看好它朝哪儿飞了 -准备好了吗- I wanna watch this baby fly. - Ready?-准备好了吗 -让我长点见识吧- Ready? - Impress me.妈的该死去他妈的对不起Oh, shit. Damn. Fucking christ. Sorry. Sorry.你能不能...好的中国菜不错Can you just...yes, Chinese food would be fine.没有当然没有不他什么也不知道No, of course not. No, he doesn't know anything.我听说你在学校成绩不错So, I hear you're doing very well at school.-不不太好 -什么叫"不太好"- Nah, not really. - What do you mean "Not really"?你妈妈说你是班上的第一名Your mother says you're at the top of your class.-她这样说了? -是的- Does she? - Yeah.-你得在学校努力学习 -是的我知道- You have to work hard at school. - Yeah, I know.我对你说的话跟你妈妈I'll tell you what I used to tell像你这么大时对她说的一样your mother when she was your age.成为最好的和班里第一名吗About being the best and getting to the top?-没错 -是的她提醒过我- That's right. - Yeah, she warned me about that.-杰夫回来了 -好的- Jeff's home. - Okay.-你好弗兰克 -你好杰夫- Hey, Frank. - Hi, Jeff.这是怎么了过来吧过来What's all this? Come here, come here.-惊喜吧 -太惊喜了太惊喜了- Surprise. - Big surprise. Big surprise.-看看你啊你看起来很不错 -你也是- Look at you. You're looking so well. - You, too.见到你真好It's good to see you.我的天啊这一天真够呛Oh, my God! What a day!你不会想知道的我很抱歉回来晚了You don't wanna know. I'm sorry I'm so late.-你能相信吗 -我能相信吗- Can you believe this? - Can I believe it?他做出任何事我都不惊讶Well, nothing surprises me about this guy.公♥司♥今天人太多了Well, the place was really crowded today.我都不敢相信还能活着出来I can't believe I was able to get out of there alive.别光吃米饭多吃点鸡肉啊Don't just eat your rice. Make sure you eat your chicken.好吗Okay?我还是给你拿个叉子吧Let me get you a fork.你不知道怎么用筷子吗You don't know how to use chopsticks?不我会用Yeah, I can use them.我能用筷子在高尔夫球场打败你I can use them to beat you at golf,这就是我的多会用筷子that's how well I can use them.你喜欢笑我是吗You like making fun of me, don't you?是的你很有趣Yeah, you're funny.-是啊我很有趣 -用这个吧- Yeah, I'm funny, huh? - Try this.谢谢一个叉子一个平常的叉子Thanks. A fork. A regular fork.现在我吃的时候就不会把饭撒在身上了Now I can eat without dropping this all down my shirt. 杰克给你♥爸♥爸把辣酱递过去好吗Jack, can you pass Dad the chill sauce, please?杰克?Jack?不No.杰克把辣酱给他Jack, pass him the sauce.我什么也不会给的I'm not passing anything.别闹了Don't be silly.我其实不用吃辣酱这样很好我不需要I don't really want it. It's fine. I don't need it.-你确定吗 -别再问他了- You sure? - Stop asking him.他又不傻如果他不想要他就是不想要He's not stupid. If he says no, he means no.如果他改变主意了他知道辣酱在哪儿If he changes his mind, he knows where it is.-他可以自己拿 -杰克- He can get it himself. - Jack.-对不起爸爸 -没关系- I'm sorry, Dad. - That's okay.那么你有什么打算So, what are your plans?我想我要在这儿待上一两天Well, I thought that I would stay a day or two or so,然后动身去见罗伯特and then head on out to see Robert.在他巡演时给他个惊喜Surprise him on his tour.那是很好只是...That would have been so great. It's just...这个星期时间很紧This week's really difficult.我感觉太糟了I feel awful.我公♥司♥有一个广♥告♥方案要查看I got this huge pitch to oversee at the agency,而且明天杰夫就乘飞机出差and Jeff's flying out on business tomorrow.我们应该安排另一个时间的We should arrange it properly, another time.好吧也许我可以跟杰克在一起Well, maybe I can just spend time with Jack?是啊那也很好Yeah, that would have been great, too,但是他明天要上学but he starts school again tomorrow,接着他得参加3天的野外教学and then he's off on a field trip for three days.-野外教学? 你要去哪儿 -我也不知道- A field trip? Where are you going? - I don't know.谁也不告诉我Nobody tells me anything anymore.好吧你知道瞧Well, you know, look,我出现得太突然了事情才会这样that's what happens when you show up unexpectedly.我明白你们很忙没关系你看...I understand. You're busy. That's fine. Look...天啊我感觉太糟糕了Oh, God, I feel awful.除了这周什么时间都可以Any other time but this week.听着我过得很愉快我看过了房♥子Listen, I've had a good time. I've seen the house.我见到了杰夫和你I've seen Jeff and you,然后我又被这个小东西在高尔夫球场上打败了and I let this guy beat me at golf, so总的说来这是趟愉快的旅行all in all it's been a pretty good trip.-我真的很抱歉爸爸真的 -不- I'm really sorry, Dad. Really. - No.我今晚给罗伯特打电♥话♥I'm gonna call Robert tonight and问问他在哪里find out where he's gonna be at.我只是...他真的很忙I just...he's really busy.他正在巡演我不知道He's on tour, and I just don't know他是否有时间什么if it's gonna be possible. What?不别给他打电♥话♥ 因为我要给他个惊喜No, don't call him, because I wanna surprise him.-好的 -你保证?- Okay. - Promise?是的我保证当然Yeah, promise. Absolutely. Yeah.我明天送爸爸上火车I'm putting Dad on the train tomorrow.他明早就能到丹佛与你见面了He'll be with you in Denver the next morning.什么不我在排练我没时间见他What? No, I'm rehearsing. I haven't got time to meet him. 他不能待在这里Well, he can't stay here!我要坐飞机去墨西哥I need to get on a flight to Mexico看看大卫到底怎么了to see what's going on with David.他还好吗你跟他谈过了吗Is he okay? Have you spoken to him?没有但是今天我给警♥察♥局打了电♥话♥ No, but I got through to the police today.毫无疑问他们说罪名是涉毒犯罪No surprise. They said the arrest was drug related,但是他们不肯在电♥话♥里跟我详细说but they won't give me any more details over the phone.所以我明天得飞过去So I'm gonna try and get on a flight tomorrow.艾米听着爸爸到这儿后我不知道Amy, listen, I don't know if I can lie to Dad会不会在大卫的事上撒谎about David when he gets here.就编个理由然后把他送到萝西那里Well, just make up an excuse to get him to Rosie's.就说你要飞往欧洲去演出Say you're flying off to Europe for a concert or something.这太明显了我不能这么做That's too obvious. I'm not gonna do that.-那你就自己想办法啊 -你还好吧- While think of something yourself. - Are you okay?杰夫快点Jeff, come on!杰夫快点爸爸等着照相呢Jeff, come on. Dad's waiting to take a photo!刚出门我到了再看Just get it out, and I'll look at it when I get there.我先给你们俩照一张I'll take one of you two first.-好的 -好了看这儿- Okay. - All right. Here?往这边来点Little over this way.好的往...Okay. Little...一起大家一起一起Together. Everybody together. Together.那个在哪儿...Where's the...最上面那个银色的按钮It's the silver button on top.-天啊像拍电影非常棒 -笑一笑- Oh, my God. This is film. This is great. - Smile.注意你的手指你的手指挡住镜头了Watch your finger. Your finger's on the edge.知道了好的Yep. Okay!给我个甜蜜的笑容好了Give me a beautiful...all right.你说过杰克是班里第一名You said Jack was at the top of his class,但是他说他学习不咋地but he says he's not doing that well.他是班里第一名He was at the top of his class.他现在很努力就这样He's struggling at the moment, that's all.我告诉你好消息与你分担不快I tell you the good news and spare you the bad.这不正是妈妈在我们还是孩子时候做的吗Isn't that what Mom used to do for you when we were kids? 这跟你妈妈怎么做没关系It doesn't matter what your mother did.从现在起除了报喜也要报忧Tell me the bad news as well as the good news from now on. -你明白了吗 -好吧- Do you understand? - Fine.你在家时还好吧You doing okay at home?-你在家时还好吧 -很好- You doing okay at home? - Fine.-真的? -是的- You sure? - Yeah.真的吗Are you sure?我从没意识到房♥子周围有这么多活要干I didn't realize there was so much to do around the house. 妈妈要是听到你这么说一定很高兴。






















先去右边的小房间,里面有一个Sewage Golem,告诉他你是主人(master),并要求他去干活,这个Golem就会告诉你需要一块活化之石(activation stone)才能打开通道。



介绍一下Michael Jackson全名:Michael Joseph Jackson中译名:迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊台湾译名:麦可·杰克森香港译名:米高·积逊出生日期:1958年8月29日12:13 a.m.星座:处女座体重:130磅(60公斤左右)视力:远视眼珠色:深棕发色:黑色鞋码:美国10号(欧洲:42)身高:1.78 米(5英尺10英寸)学历:毕业于美国的黑人联合大学出生地点:美国印地安那州加里市Jackson街21号(Gary, Indiana, USA)现今居所:美国加利福尼亚州圣芭芭拉市郊Los Olivos镇,Neverland 河谷牧场(Nederland V alley Ranch, Los Olivos, California,USA)职业:歌手、歌曲作者、音乐制作人、舞蹈家、编舞、演员、导演、企业家主要音乐风格:New Jack Swing(新杰克摇摆舞曲),Club/Dance(俱乐部舞曲),Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚),Motown(摩顿黑人音乐),Urban(都市流行),Funk(放克),R&B(节奏布鲁斯)主要歌唱特色:假声,痉挛,活力,热情,伤感,警醒,快乐,自信,丰富,时髦,真诚,盛典,神秘,口技主要舞蹈风格:现代舞、太空步、机械舞、霹雳舞、踢踏舞兴趣爱好:阅读、油画、素描、武术(功夫、柔道、空手道)、舞蹈、游乐园、旅行、购物、看电影、看卡通、打电子游戏收集爱好:油画、雕塑、电影大事记、古董服饰热爱关心的事物:儿童(尤其是身患绝症以及贫穷的儿童),动物亲属-----------------------------------------------------------父亲:Joseph Jackson(出生日期:1929年7月26日)母亲:Katherine Jackson(出生日期:1930年5月4日)大姐:Rebbie(又名Maureen Reilette,出生日期:1950年5月29日)大哥:Jackie(又名Sigmund Esco,出生日期:1951年5月4日)二哥:Tito(又名Toriano Adaryll,出生日期:1953年10月15日)三哥:Jermaine(又名Lajaun,出生日期:1954年12月11日)二姐:LaToya Yvonne(出生日期:1956年5月29日)四哥:Marlon David(出生日期:1957年3月12日)小弟:Randy(又名Steven Randall,出生日期:1961年10月31日)小妹:Janet Damita Jo(出生日期:1966年5月16日)婚姻----------------------------------------------------------第一任妻子:Lisa Marie Presley (1994年5月26日——1996年1月)[附注:Lisa Marie Presley出生于1968年,职业为歌手,是“猫王”Elvis Presley的独生女。



SG-1全剧情攻略星际之门SG1第⼀季[返回]1.01 "Children Of The Gods" 众神的⼉⼥SGC被⼀群眼睛发亮的外星⼈袭击后,Jack O’Neill被招回来领导到Abydos的第⼆次出征,他的任务是找到Daniel Jackson博⼠。




1.03 "The Enemy Within" 内敌正当SGC被Apophis轰击时,Kawalsky少校在⼀场战役中被⼀只Goa’uld幼⾍寄⽣。



1.04 "Emancipation" 解放在Simarka星球SG1遇到⼀个类似于蒙古族的Shavadai族,这⾥⼥性是没有地位的。


1.05 "The Broca Divide" 光明与⿊暗从⼀个分为⽂明和原始两边的星球回来后,SG3和两个SG1队员感染了⼀种病毒并且迅速蔓延到整个SGC,被感染的⼈都会变得粗鲁、野蛮。


1.06 "The First Commandment" 第⼀戒律SG1被派往调查SG9的失踪事件。

他们发现SG9领队Jonas Hansen,Sam Carter的前任未婚夫把⾃⼰当成了神,残酷奴役着当地居民建造庙宇。


























什么意思? 哦! 谁在捏我? 抱歉 你太迷人了 是啊 你嘴巴太甜了 隐形人 你好 "见"到你很高兴 (从未变老)还跟从前一样 哈哈 没打到哦 打不到 打不到 打不到哦 好吧 你赢了 拿着这条培根 我为什么要拿着培根... 啊! 不! 快下来! 派对达人来啦! 你好啊 默里! 德库拉 你还好吗? 沙子 默里 到处都是沙子! 又是风尘仆仆而来 哟!
Excuse me, sir. What? What? Ow. I'm okay. It's ready. Looks good. Only monsters can get in? Oh, absolutely. It's hidden real nicely. You got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you. You got the Land of the Undead on the perimeters. Any humans daring to even look over there will run away real quick. But, of course, be smart. No bonfires, no firework shows. Yeah, yeah, no, no. No fire, I get it, I get it. It's time, my darling Martha. The place we always talked about for Mavis. No one will ever harm her here. N 年后 Yeah, it's a mess back there.
# My beautiful May-vay # #Let me wipe all your poop away # #Those humans are nasty # #So with Daddy you will stay #





- Hello, Meeber. - Morning, Tom.我想买♥♥去芝加哥的票。

I wanna buy a ticket to Chicago.-你要去芝加哥吗? - 不是我。


- You going to Chicago? - Not me. Another one of my girls.- 往返? -不行- Round trip? - No. One-way.妈妈再见Goodbye, Mama.-再见,爸爸。


- Goodbye, Papa. - Goodbye, Carrie.-跟姐姐嘉莉说再见。


- Say goodbye to sister Carrie. - Bye, Carrie.再见,Maudie。


Goodbye, Maudie. Remember the things we said.都上了。

All aboard.让我帮你。

Let me help you with that.- 谢谢。

- 欢迎。

- Thank you. - Welcome.您是在哥伦比亚市参观吗?Were you visiting in Columbia City?-我住在那里。

- 不。

- I live there. - No.为什么,您看起来像刚走出密歇根大道就行了。

Why, you look like you just stepped right off Michigan Boulevard. 他们有没有告诉你不要和陌生人说话?Did they tell you not to talk to strangers?在遇到他们之前,每个人都是一个陌生人。

Everybody's a stranger till you meet them.快要跑过去了,不是吗?Almost got run over, didn't you?请允许我介绍一下自己。


















英语电影MP3与LRC清单怪物史莱克:霍尔一家Shrek The Halls街角的商店The Shop Around the Corner汉娜姐妹Hannah And Her Sisters搏击俱乐部Fight Club功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five 事不过三Three and Out劲歌飞扬Raise Your Voice先婚后友Wedding Daze魔术师The Illusionist返家十万里Fly Away Home荒岛余生Cast Away爱情达阵Leatherheads哈维最后的机会Last Chance Harvey闪电狗Bolt我是传奇I Am Legend黄昏之恋Love in the Afternoon本杰明·巴顿奇事The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button成名之路Almost Famous紫罗兰Purple Violets字典情人The Sleeping Dictionary新娘大战Bride Wars电话情缘The Other End of the Line一日钟情One Fine Day芭比和12个跳舞的公主Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses美国风情画American Graffiti奇异的恩典Amazing Grace终情之吻The Last Kiss不速之客The Visitor超越边界Beyond Borders低俗小说Pulp Fiction萨维奇一家The Savages生死朗读The Reader好好先生Yes Man机智问答Quiz Show问尘情缘Ask The Dust美国鼠谭西部历险记An American T ail Fievel Goes West良家妇女A Good Woman不朽的园丁The Constant Gardener睡前故事Bedtime Stories纨绔子弟Man About Town回家的路不止一条All Roads Lead Home浪漫鼠德佩罗The Tale Of Despereaux贫民窟的百万富翁Slumdog Millionaire梦想奔驰Dreamer校园风云Election暮光之城Twilight八月钱潮August芭比之森林公主Barbie As The Island Princess新乌龙女校St Trinian's发射失败Failure to Launch卢旺达饭店Hotel Rwanda意外之夫The Accidental Husband银行大劫案The Bank Job耶稣诞生The Nativ ity Story芭比娃娃之真假公主Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper 铁拳男人Cinderella Man神经病人Sicko伯爵夫人The White Countess骗局The Hoax恋爱刺客John Tucker Must Die好运之人The Lucky Ones四角关系Imagine Me and You狮入羊口Lions for Lambs家有仙妻Bewitched相思成灾Love and Other Disasters澳洲乱世情Australia普通人Ordinary People芭比之钻石城堡Barbie and the Diamond Castle阿帕鲁萨镇Appaloosa一条名叫旺达的鱼A Fish Called Wanda七磅Seven Pounds老友有钱Friends with Money美国梦American Dreamz柳暗花明Away From Her亚瑟王King Arthur亿万未婚夫The Bachelor道菲尔太太Mrs. Doubtfire业余小偷Small Time Crooks蕾切尔的婚礼Rachel Getting Married幸运查克Good Luck Chuck女人领地In the Land of Women幸福已逝Grace Is Gone最美好的事The Sweetest Thing歌舞青春3:毕业季High School Musical 3: Senior Year未竟一生An Unfinished Life新郎上错床A Guy Thing神偷大话王Where The Money Is神奇四侠Fantastic Four鸠占鹊巢The Other Boleyn Girl马达加斯加2:逃往非洲Madagascar:Escape 2 Africa恋爱编织梦How to Make an American Quilt丛林大反攻2 Open Season 2身为人母Little Children飞行者The Aviator10件或更少 10 Items or Less防火墙Firewall寻找梦幻岛Finding Neverland市政大厅City Hall庸人哈尔Shallow Hal物归原主Closing the Ring自由作家Freedom Writers女男变错身It's a Boy Girl Thing利欲两心Two For The Money天堂的彼端The Other Side of Heaven师奶杀手The Ladykillers修女也疯狂2 Sister Act 2 Back In The Habit不老泉Tuck Everlasting她找我Then She Found Me糊涂侦探Get Smart情不自禁爱上你I Could Never Be Your Woman赛末点Match Point四月碎片Pieces of April魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring 宝贝猪进城记Babe Pig in the City关键投票Swing Vote野孩子Wild Child乔丹传人Like Mike今年圣诞节This Christmas真爱之吻Penelope第一夫人的保镖Guarding Tess完美圣诞节The Perfect Holiday极地特快The Polar Express妈妈咪呀Mamma Mia新抢钱夫妻Fun with Dick and Jane圣诞节时娶我吧A Christmas Wedding灯火阑珊处Around the Bend狙击电话亭Phone Booth康州圣诞Christmas in Connecticut圣诞故事A Christmas Story我去世的吃醋女友Over Her Dead Body亲亲老爸Dan In Real Life舞梦成真Make It Happen北极的圣诞老人兄弟Fred Claus冰风暴The Ice Storm心灵点滴Patch Adams女生向前翻Stick It墨西哥人The Mexican复制贝多芬Copying Beethoven两杆老烟枪Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels十二月男孩December Boys钢铁巨人The Iron Giant风中奇缘2:伦敦之旅Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World妈妈的新男友My Mom's New Boyfriend大话王Liar Liar美国版我的野蛮女友My Sassy Girl无忧无虑Happy-Go-Lucky简·奥斯丁的遗憾Miss Austen Regrets义海雄风A Few Good Men血色黑金There Will Be Blood勇敢的人The Brave One美丽坏宝贝Pretty Persuasion上海之吻Shanghai Kiss独领风潮T ake the Lead日历女孩Calendar Girls火星的孩子Martian Child我的朋友是明星Popstar水果硬糖Hard Candy和平战士Peaceful Warrior纽约时刻New York Minute无间道风云The Departed猜火车Trainspotting完美的世界A Perfect World芝加哥Chicago魔戒III The Lord of the Rings III The Return of the King遗愿清单The Bucket List成为朱莉娅Being Julia末代皇帝The Last Emperor小猪巴比Babe宛如天堂Just Like Heaven哈利·波特与凤凰社Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix 欲望都市Sex And The City最后的假期Last Holiday初恋50次50 First Dates大力士Hercules不可儿嬉The Importance of Being Earnest征婚广告Must Love Dogs新郎不是我Made Of Honor铁血教练Coach Carter奇怪博士Doctor Strange侦察Sleuth托斯卡尼艳阳下Under The Tuscan Sun时光倒流七十年Somewhere in Time机器管家Bicentennial Man感谢你抽烟Thank You for Smoking加勒比海盗3 Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End 呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights确定地可能Definitely, Maybe威尼斯商人The Merchant of Venice律政俏佳人2 Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde 霍顿与无名氏Horton Hears a Who马语者The Horse Whisperer角斗士Gladiator戴珍珠耳环的少女Girl With A Pearl Earring南方与北方North and South难耐的残酷Intolerable Cruelty小公主A Little Princess (95年版)加菲猫的狂欢节Garfield's Fun Fest功夫熊猫Kung Fu Panda大学之旅College Road Trip阿尔菲Alfie奔腾年代Seabiscuit一吻定江山Never Been Kissed迷失东京Lost in Translation谈谈情跳跳舞Shall We Dance一夜风流It Happened One Night天才雷普利The Talented Mr. Ripley冲锋陷阵Remember the Titans冒牌老爸Big Daddy面纱The Painted Veil大喜之日The Wedding Date第一女儿First Daughter钢琴课The Piano双层公寓Duplex魔鬼代言人The Devils Advocate苔丝Tess男人百分百What Women Want小飞侠Peter Pan(真人版)变形金刚Transformers比赛计划The Game Plan伟大辩手The Great Debaters附注:我爱你P S I Love You遇见比尔Meet Bill冷山Cold Mountain地狱神探Constantine飞越疯人院One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest钟楼怪人2 The Hunchback of Notre Dame II高校天后Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen阿基拉和拼字比赛Akeelah and the Bee蜘蛛侠Spider Man爱在日落余晖时Before Sunset遇见波莉Along Came Polly随爱沉伦Down with Love拜见岳父大人2 Meet The Fockers局内人The Insider小鹿斑比2 Bambi II我为蜜月狂The Heartbreak Kid呷醋外父2 Father Of The Bride II美丽心灵的永恒阳光Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind日落之后After The Sunset温布尔登Wimbledon杯酒人生Sideways黄金罗盘The Golden Compass半梦半醒的人生Waking Life霍华德庄园Howards End偷天陷阱Entrapment美少女拉拉队2 Bring It On Again剪刀手爱德华Edward Scissorhands新岳父大人Father Of The Bride魔力玩具盒The Last Mimzy猜猜谁来吃晚餐Guess Who's Coming To Dinner蜜蜂总动员Bee Movie六天七夜Six Days Seven Nights机器人历险记Robots国家宝藏2:夺宝秘笈National Treasure: Book of Secrets甘地传Gandhi香草天空Vanilla Sky美女拉拉队4:一鼓作气Bring It On: In It to Win It饮料杯历险记Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters 小熊维尼故事书The Book Of Pooh结婚证书License to Wed丑小鸭和我The Ugly Duckling And Me复制娇妻The Stepford Wives美好的一年A Good Year街舞少年Stomp The Yard小熊维尼历险记The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh加菲猫:现实世界历险记Garfield Gets Real独立日Independence Day朱诺Juno小熊维尼新年新希望Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year 泰山2 T arzan II钟楼怪人The Hunchback Of Notre Dame亡命感应Premonition第九号爱情香水Love Potion No 9小公主The Little Princess星银岛Treasure Planet27宜嫁 27 Dresses人工智能A.I. Artificial Intelligence蓝莓之夜My Blueberry Nights拜见岳父母大人Meet the Parents星尘Stardust洛丽塔Lolita小记者大侦探Get A Clue美少女啦啦队Bring It On新婚告急Just Married查林十字街84号84 Charing Cross Road艾尔文和花栗鼠Alvin And The Chipmunks完美陌生人Perfect Stranger后天The Day After Tomorrow忍者神龟TMNT贴身情人Two Weeks Notice亚瑟和他的迷你王国Arthur And The Invisibles名利场Vanity Fair少数派报告Minority Report爱情有什么道理The Thing Called Love撞车Crash一生的唯一Once二见钟情While You Were Sleeping这个男人来自地球The Man From Earth马格瑞姆的玩具店Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium费城Philadelphia八月迷情August Rush霍兰先生的乐章Mr Holland's Opus阿尔法狗Alpha Dog偶像有约Win A Date With Tad Hamilton贝隆夫人Evita罗宾汉Robin Hood楚门的世界The Truman Show国王班底All the King's Men瓶中信Message in a Bottle安妮Annie平民天后The Lizzie McGuire Movie魔法保姆Nanny McPhee小姐与流氓2:狗儿逃家记Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure 牛仔裤的夏天The Sisterhood Of The Traveling PantsMaid In manhattan 曼哈顿女佣高校男生The History Boys小姐与流氓Lady and the Tramp穿越苍穹Across the Universe逍遥法外Catch Me If You Can魔法奇缘Enchanted伊莉莎白:辉煌年代Elizabeth: The Golden Age美国派6:兄弟会American Pie Presents: Beta House熊的传说2 Brother Bear 2超市夜未眠Cashback灰姑娘2 Cinderella II: Dreams Come True莎翁情史Shakespeare in Love一个头,两个大Me, Myself and Irene我的心The Heart of Me美国派4:集体露营American Pie: Band Camp美国派5 American Pie 5 The Naked Mile总统千金欧游记Chasing Liberty尽善尽美As Good as It Gets神探南茜Nancy Drew安妮·霍尔Annie Hall秘密花园The Secret Garden天国王朝Kingdom Of Heaven神犬也疯狂6 Air Buddies超人高校Sky High爱得过火Because I Said So窗外有蓝天A Room with a View奥斯汀书会The Jane Austen Book Club冲浪企鹅Surf's Up爱是妥协Something's Gotta Give纽约深秋Autumn in New York大学新生Sydney White美味情缘No Reservations一夜大肚Knocked Up赎罪Atonement邪恶新世界Happily Never After惊声尖笑2 Scary Movie II101斑点狗续集101 Dalmatians II发胶Hairspray高校风云School Ties足球尤物She Is the Man喜剧之王The King Of Comedy葬礼上的死亡Death at a Funeral不可饶恕Unforgiven爱再来一次If Only灵异第六感The Sixth Sense时时刻刻The Hours爱在黎明破晓时Before Sunrise美人鱼Aquamarine碧海蓝天The Big Blue单亲插班生About a Boy小熊维尼:嘟嘟的万圣节历险Poohs Heffalump Halloween Movie 爱玛Emma回到未来3 Back to the Future Part III辛普森一家The Simpsons Movie女孩要什么What a Girl Wants兵临城下Enemy at the Gates小熊维尼:春天的百亩森林Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo 爱情盛宴Feast of Love麻雀变王妃The Prince and Me战争之王Lord Of War保姆日记The Nanny Diaries不一样的天空What's Eating Gilbert Grape甜心辣舞Honey风雨哈佛路Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story快餐帝国Fast Food Nation劝导Persuasion百万美元宝贝Million Dollar Baby曼斯菲尔德庄园Mansfield Park梦幻女郎Dreamgirls闪亮之屋Deck the Halls雪季过客Snow Cake足球老爹Kicking And Screaming诺桑觉寺Northanger Abbey天气预报员The Weather Man石破天惊The Rock英国病人The English Patient蝴蝶效应The Butterfly Effect全民情敌Hitch成为简·奥斯汀Becoming Jane回到未来2 Back to the Future 2超完美夺分The Perfect Score歌舞青春2 High School Musical 2傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice BBC哈里波特与魔法石Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone绝配男女Perfect Opposites波特小姐Miss Potter牧场之家好作伴A Prairie Home Companion花木兰Mulan年度人物Man of the Year战鸽快飞Valiant仙履奇缘3:时间魔法Cinderella III: A Twist in Time料理鼠王Ratatouille圣诞夜惊魂The Nightmare Before Christmas美少女啦啦队3 Bring It On: All or Nothing怪物史莱克3 Shrek The Third出租汽车司机T axi Driver为你疯狂Addicted to Love拜金女郎Material Girls纯真年代The Age of Innocence超完美男人The Perfect Man别惹蚂蚁The Ant Bully这个杀手不太冷Leon the Professinal杜玛Duma超级礼物The Ultimate Gift小飞侠Peter Pan欲望号街车A Streetcar Named Desire继母StepMom贱女孩Mean Girls浓情巧克力Chocolat白雪公主Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs雾水总统Dave小美人鱼2:重返大海The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea 缘分天注定Serendipity明星雇员Employee of the Month居家男人The Family Man隔世情缘Kate and Leopold女兵报到Cadet Kelly高校音乐剧High School Musical舞出我人生Step Up埃及王子The Prince of Egypt幸运数字斯莱文Lucky Number Slev in小美人鱼The Little Mermaid博物馆惊魂夜Night At The Museum分手男女The Break-Up神奇遥控器Click熊的传说Brother Bear终极细胞战Osmosis Jones死亡诗社Dead Poets Society风中奇缘Pocahontas相信男人Trust the Man好奇的乔治Curious George天生一对The Parent Trap哈利波特2:消失的密室Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest BJ单身日记2:理性边缘Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason修女也疯狂Sister Act狂野大自然The Wild廊桥遗梦Bridges of Madison County恐怖地带Outbreak查理和巧克力工厂Charlie and the Chocolate Factory勇闯黄金城The Road to El Dorado星际宝贝Lilo And Stitch鼠国流浪记Flushed Away机械公敌I, Robot儿女一箩筐Cheaper by the Dozen倒霉爱神Just My Luck我爱哈克比I Heart Huckabees初恋的回忆A Walk to Remember超人归来Superman ReturnsK歌情人Music and Lyrics恋爱假期The Holiday当男人爱上女人When A Man Loves A Woman国家财宝National Treasure爱国者The Patriot女王The Queen汽车总动员Cars天使之城City of Angels鲨鱼故事Shark T ale一球成名/进球Goal南方公园South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut钢琴家The Pianist真爱至上Love Actually夏洛特的网Charlotte's Web四眼天鸡Chicken Little心灵捕手Good Will Hunting简爱Jane Eyre现代罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo + Juliet加勒比海盗Pirates of the Caribbean当哈利遇上莎莉When Harry Met Sally白宫奇缘The American President小鬼当家3 Home Alone 3穿PRADA的恶魔The Devil Wears Prada辛德勒的名单Schindlers List快乐大脚Happy Feet当幸福来敲门The Pursuit of Happyness史努比的故事Snoopy's Story10-12恋恋笔记本The Notebook往日情怀The Way We Were斯通家族The Family Stone新婚奥客You Me and Dupree史努比的故事Snoopy's Story 7-9哈利·波特3:阿兹卡班的囚徒Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 疯狂农庄Barnyard史努比的故事Snoopy's Story 4-6绿里奇迹The Green Mile黑客帝国The Matrix阳光小美女Little Miss Sunshine流言蜚语Rumor Has It史努比的故事Snoopy's Story 1-3丛林大反攻Open Season录取通知Accepted世贸中心World Trade Center黄昏Half Light伊丽莎白镇Elizabethtown蝴蝶梦Rebecca公主日记2:皇室婚约The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement哈利波特与火焰杯Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire爱丽丝梦游仙境Alice in Wonderland辣妈辣妹Freaky Friday优势合作In Good Company春心荡漾Prime特洛伊Troy圣诞精灵Elf小鬼当家2 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York逃离圣诞Christmas With The Kranks难以忽视的真相An Inconvenient Truth小妇人Little Women莫扎特传Amadeus僵尸新娘Corpse Bride偷钱上哈佛Stealing Harvard小鬼当家Home AloneBJ单身日记Bridget Jones's Diary玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2王牌播音员Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy 回到未来Back To The Future达·芬奇密码The Da Vinci Code窈窕淑女My Fair Lady虫虫特攻队A Bug's Life奶牛美女Cow Belles母女情深Terms of Endearment怪兽屋Monster House海底两万里20,000 Leagues Under the Sea大鱼Big Fish晚安,好运Good Night, And Good Luck史密斯夫妇Mr. & Mrs. Smith触不到的恋人The Lake House玩具总动员Toy Story雾都孤儿Oliver Twist篱笆墙外Over The Hedge七个毕业生St. Elmo's Fire小鹿斑比Bambi为戴茜小姐开车Driving Miss Daisy冰河世纪2:消融Ice Age:The Meltdown绿卡Green Card小红帽Hoodwinked歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera精灵鼠小弟2 Stuart Little II精灵鼠小弟Stuart Little加菲猫2双猫记Garfield: A T ail Of Two Kitties海蒂Heidi走出非洲Out of Africa保镖The Bodyguard美丽心灵A Beautiful Mind101只斑点狗101 Dalmatians珍珠港Pearl Harbor冰上公主Ice Princess风云人物It's a Wonderful Life女孩梦三十13 Going On 30超人总动员The Incredibles魂断蓝桥Waterloo Bridge第凡内早餐Breakfast at Tiffany's美国派American Pie傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice美国往事Once Upon a Time in America幸福终点站The Terminal爱情故事Love Story加菲猫Garfield小鸡快跑Chicken Run四个婚礼一个葬礼Four Weddings and a Funeral 阿拉丁Aladdin蒙娜丽莎的微笑Mona Lisa Smile理智与情感Sense and Sensibility偷心Closer教父The Godfather甜心先生Jerry Maguire雨人Rain Man特工插班生The Man Who Knew Too Little克莱默夫妇Kramer vs. Kramer毕业生The Graduate我为玛丽狂There's Something About Mary缘份没法挡The Wedding Planner燃情岁月Legends of the Fall美国丽人American Beauty小马精灵Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron卡萨布兰卡Casablanca十日拍拖手册How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Sweet November 甜蜜的十一月海底总动员Finding Nemo森林王子/森林泰山George of the Jungle永不妥协Erin Brockovich狮子王2 Lion King II: Simba's Pride弦动我心Music of the Heart落跑新娘Runaway Bride海上钢琴师Legend Of 1900云中漫步A Walk In The Clouds诺丁山Notting Hill人鬼情未了Ghost勇敢的心Braveheart小熊维尼寻找罗宾Poohs Grand Adventure风月俏佳人Pretty WomanA Cinderella Story 无线两心知泰山T arzan情归巴黎SabrinaLion King 狮子王第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black狮子王1 1/2 狮子王3 Lion King 1 1/2牧场是我家Home on the Range乱世佳人/飘Gone with the Wind美女与野兽Beauty and the Beast大河恋A River Runs Through It女人香Scent of a Woman怪物史莱克2 Shrek 2音乐之声The Sound of Music怪物史瑞克Shrek肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption 怪物公司Monster Inc.Brokeback Mountain 断背山泰坦尼克号Titanic冰河世纪Ice Age马达加斯加Madagascar西雅图夜未眠Sleepless in Seattle我最好朋友的婚礼My Best Friend's Wedding Legally Blonde 律政俏佳人Roman Holiday 罗马假日Sweet Home Alabama情归阿拉巴马The Princess Diaries公主日记Forrest Gump 阿甘正传You've Got Mail电子情书。




















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【更多精彩内容尽在爱乐活】篇二:jessicaThe Weapon of the Woman Warrior: WordsMaxine Hong Kingston, the hybrid of Chinese and American culture, struggles in her whole life to fight with gender discrimination, racism and digs out how to be a woman warrior and her own identity to lead woman having the similar problem. From this section in the textbook, it is clear that Maxine Hong Kingston experienced several stages in which she felt confused, facing the reality which istotally different from the fantasy she had, and finally realized that the weapon for herself as a woman warrior is not excellent grades, rejection to gender roles or her own voice but words. It will discuss these stages in the following paragraphs.First of all, using excellent grades as the weapon demonstrates that girls are valuable and excellent as much as boys. In the fantasy she had, woman can be the liberator of the whole nation, guided by a bird, trained by old people and respected by the people. Therefore,Kingston wanted to do the same as the woman warrior in the fantasy to resist gender discrimination and racist in reality. When Kingston was a little girl and was confused about what was her village, she choseto get straight A’s to show girls are valuable and to get herparents appro val. However, in her parent’s eyes and in the contemporary society, girls are worthless and straight A’s she gotis the good of her future husband family. At that moment, sherealized that straight A’s are considered useless and even deridedby her parents, let alone demonstrating girl’s worth and changingpeople’s prejudice about girls, so she decided to shop getting straight A’s. In the fantasy, the woman warrior can lead the whole country and be respected by people, but in reality a daughter is a disappointment and feeding girls is feeding cowbirds. The stark contrast shows the incredible hardship in reality for Maine Hong Kingston and made her confused. Secondly, rejecting gender roleswhich her parents and the whole society think girls are capable in.In the fantasy, the woman warrior is not simply taking the role of man warrior; she is also a female avenger. She has the both abilityto give birth and the ability to take life. These dual powers enable her to maintain both her sense of womanhood and her duties as a wife。

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凯利一家攻略 the spirits of kelley family图文攻略
the spirits of kelley family攻略由搞趣小编带来,包含凯利一家通关图文攻略,希望这篇凯利一家攻略能给大家游戏带来帮助。

游戏简介:《凯利一家 The Spirits of Kelley Family》是一款冒险解谜游戏。





