3.1 网线直 连 ..................................................................................................................................................... .3TΒιβλιοθήκη urus 系列多媒体 播放器
文档版本: 文档编号:
V1.3.2 NS120000368
快速使用 指南
版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司 2018。保留一切权利。
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ViPlex E显xp示re屏ss管理软 indows 系
主要用于管理显示 屏,编辑和发布节目。
访问 ,下 载所需软件并安装。
显示屏配置软件,只有 Windows 版,主要用于 将显示屏调整到最佳显 示状态。
登录 ,下 载所需软件并安装。
3.3 WiFi 连 接 ..................................................................................................................................................... .4 3.3.1 WiFi AP 模 式........................................................................................................................................ ...... 4 3.3.2 WiFi Sta 模 式 ....................................................................................................................................... ...... 5 3.3.3 WiFi AP+Sta 模 式 ...................................................................................................................................... 6
多媒体播放器TB6规格书文档版本:V1.3.2文档编号:NS120000360版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。
i 目录目录目录 .....................................................................................................................................................ii1 概述 (1)1.1产品简介 (1)1.2应用场景 (1)2产品特点 (3)2.1支持多屏播放同步机制 (3)2.2处理性能强大 (3)2.3全方位控制方案 (3)2.4支持同步异步双模式 (4)2.5支持双WiFi 模式 (4)2.5.1WiFi AP 模式....................................................................................................................................... (5)2.5.2WiFi Sta 模式 ...................................................................................................................................... (5)2.5.3WiFi AP+Sta 模式 ......................................................................................................................................52.6支持冗余备份 (6)3硬件结构 (7)3.1外观图 ..................................................................................................................................................... (7)3.1.1前面板 ...................................................................................................................................... (7)3.1.2后面板 ...................................................................................................................................... (8)3.2尺寸图 ..................................................................................................................................................... (9)4软件结构 (10)4.1系统软件 ....................................................................................................................................................104.2相关配置软件 (10)5产品规格 ........................................................................................................................................ 116 音视频解码规格 (13)6.1图片 (13)6.1.1解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 136.1.2编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 136.2音频 (14)6.2.1解码器 (14) ii 目录 (3)6.2.2编码器 (21)6.3视频 (21)6.3.1解码器 (21)6.3.2编码器 (16)iii1概述TB6 规格书 2 产品特点TB6 规格书●更高效:采用云服务模式,通过统一的平台处理业务,例如VNNOX 用来统一编辑和发布节目,NovaiCare 用来统一监控屏体状态。
Taurus 系列多媒体播放器TB3规格书文档版本:V1.3.2文档编号:NS120000356版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司 2018。
i 目录目录目录 .....................................................................................................................................................ii 1 概述 (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.2 应用场景 (1)2 产品特点 (3)2.1 支持多屏播放同步机制 (3)2.2 处理性能强大 .............................................................................................................................................. 3 商标声明是诺瓦科技的注册商标。
我们在编写文档时力求精确可靠,随时可能对内容进行修改或变更,恕不 另行通知。
2.3 全方位控制方案 (3)2.4 支持双WiFi 模式 (4)2.4.1 WiFi AP 模式 (4)2.4.2 WiFi Sta 模式 (5)2.4.3 WiFi AP+Sta 模式 (5)2.5 支持冗余备份 (6)3 硬件结构 (7)3.1 外观图 (7)3.1.1 前面板 (7)3.1.2 后面板 (8)3.2 尺寸图 (9)4 软件结构 (10)4.1 系统软件 (10)4.2 相关配置软件 (10)5 产品规格 (11)6 音视频解码规格 (13)6.1 图片 (13)6.1.1 解码器 (13)6.1.2 编码器 (13)6.2 音频 (14)6.2.1 解码器 (14)6.2.2 编码器 (14) ii 目录6.3 视频 (15)6.3.1 解码器 (15)6.3.2 编码器 ....................................................................................................................................................16iiiTB3 规格书1 概述1概述1.1产品简介Taurus系列产品为诺瓦科技针对中小型LED全彩显示屏推出的第二代多媒体播放器。
is a trademark of Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.
Statement You are welcome to use the product of Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.
Taurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB8Specifications Doc u ment V ersion:V1.3.2Doc u ment Number:NS120100363Copyright © 2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Statementi TB8 SpecificationsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to asNovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.Table of Contents (ii)1 Overview (1)1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................11.2 Application (1)2 Features (3)2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing (3)2.2 Powerful Processing Capability (3)2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan (3)2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-Mode (4)2.5 Dual-Wi-Fi Mode ..........................................................................................................................................42.5.1 Wi-Fi AP Mode (5)2.5.2 Wi-Fi Sta Mode (5)2.5.3 Wi-Fi AP+Sta Mode (5)3 Hardware Structure (7)3.1 Appearance (7)3.1.1 Front Panel (7)3.1.2 Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................................83.2 Dimensions (9)4 Software Structure (10)4.1 System Software (10)4.2 Related Configuration Software (10)5 Product Specifications ................................................................................................................ 116 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications (13)6.1 Image (13)6.1.1 Decoder (13)6.1.2 Encoder (13)6.2 Audio (14)6.2.1 Decoder (14)6.2.2 Encoder (14)6.3 Video (15)ii Table of Contents6.3.1 Decoder (15)6.3.2 Encoder ..................................................................................................................................................16iiiTB8 Specifications 1 Overview1 Overview 1.1 IntroductionTaurus series products are NovaStar's second generation of multimedia playersdedicated to small and medium-sized full-color LED displays.TB8 of the Taurus series products (hereinafter referred to as “TB8”) feature followingadvantages, better satisfying users’ requirements:●Loading capacity up to 2,300,000 pixels●Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing●Powerful processing capability●Omnidirectional control plan●Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode●Dual-Wi-Fi mode Note:If the user has a high demand on synchronization, the time synchronization module isrecommended. For details, please consult our technical staff.In addition to solution publishing and screen control via PC, mobile phones and LAN,the omnidirectional control plan also supports remote centralized publishing andmonitoring.1.2 ApplicationTaurus series products can be widely used in LED commercial display field, such asbar screen, chain store screen, advertising machine, mirror screen, retail storescreen, door head screen, on board screen and the screen requiring no PC.Classification of Taurus’ application cases is shown in Table 1-1. Table1 Overviewaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB8 Specifications2 Features 2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playingThe TB8 support switching on/off function of synchronous display.When synchronous display is enabled, the same content can be played on differentdisplays synchronously if the time of different TB8 units are synchronous with oneanother and the same solution is being played.2.2 Powerful Processing CapabilityThe TB8 features powerful hardware processing capability:● 1.5 GHz eight-core processor●Support for H.265 4K high-definition video hardware decoding playback●Support for 1080P video hardware decoding● 2 GB operating memory●8 GB on-board internal storage space with 4 GB available for users2.3 Omnidirectional Control PlanControl Plan Connecting Mode User Terminal Related SoftwareSolution publishing and screen control through mobile phone Wi-Fi Mobile phone andPadViPlex HandyCluster remote solution publishing and screen control Wi-Fi AP+StaWiredMobile phone, Padand PCVNNOXViPlex HandyViPlex ExpressCluster remote monitoring Wi-Fi AP+StaWiredMobile phone, Padand PCNovaiCareViPlex HandyViPlex ExpressCluster control plan is a new internet control plan featuring following advantages:●More efficient: Use the cloud service mode to process services through a uniformplatform. For example, VNNOX is used to edit and publish solutions, andNovaiCare is used to centrally monitor display status.●More reliable: Ensure the reliability based on active and standby disasterrecovery mechanism and data backup mechanism of the server.●More safe: Ensure the system safety through channel encryption, data fingerprintand permission management.●Easier to use: VNNOX and NovaiCare can be accessed through Web. As long asthere is internet, operation can be performed anytime and anywhere.●More effective: This mode is more suitable for the commercial mode ofadvertising industry and digital signage industry, and makes informationspreading more effective.2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-ModeThe TB8 supports synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode, allowing moreapplication cases and being user-friendly.When internal video source is applied, the TB8 is in asynchronous mode; whenHDMI-input video source is used, the TB8 is in synchronous mode. Content can bescaled and displayed to fit the screen size automatically in synchronous mode.Users can manually and timely switch between synchronous and asynchronousmodes, as well as set HDMI priority.2.5 Dual-Wi-Fi ModeThe TB8 have permanent Wi-Fi AP and support the Wi-Fi Sta mode, carryingadvantages as shown below:●Completely cover Wi-Fi connection scene. The TB8 can be connected to throughself-carried Wi-Fi AP or the external router.●Completely cover client terminals. Mobile phone, Pad and PC can be used to login TB8 through wireless network.●Require no wiring. Display management can be managed at any time, havingimprovements in efficiency.TB8’s Wi-Fi AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment.Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.2.5.1 Wi-Fi AP ModeUsers connect the Wi-Fi AP of a TB8 to directly access the TB8. The SSID is “AP +the last 8 digits of the SN”, for example, “AP10000033”, and the default passwordis“12345678”.Configure an external router for a TB8 and users can access the TB8 by connectingthe external router. If an external router is configured for multiple TB8 units, a LAN canbe created. Users can access any of the TB8 via the LAN.2.5.2 Wi-Fi Sta Mode2.5.3 Wi-Fi AP+Sta ModeIn Wi-Fi AP+ Sta connection mode, users can either directly access the TB8 or accessinternet through bridging connection. Upon the cluster solution, VNNOX andNovaiCare can realize remote solution publishing and remote monitoring respectivelythrough the Internet.3Hardware Structure3.1 Appearance3.1.1 Front PanelName DescriptionPWR Power status indicatorAlways on: Power input is normal.System status indicator● Flashing once every other 2 seconds: The system is operating normally.● Flashing once every other second: The system is installing the upgrade package.● Flashing once every other 0.5 second: The system isdownloading data from the Internet or copying the upgrade package.● Always on/off: The system is operating abnormally. CLOUDInternet connection status indicator● Always on: The unit is connected to the Internet and the connection status is normal.● Flashing once every other 2 seconds: The unit is connected to VNNOX and the connection status is normal.SYSFigure 3-1 Front panel of the TB8 Note: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-1 Description of TB8 front panelW i Fi-S TA COM1AUDIO OUT Audio output3.1.2 RearPanelFigure 3-2 Rear panel of the TB8Note: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only.Actual product may vary.Table 3-2 Description of TB8 rear panelName DescriptionRESET Factory reset buttonPress and hold the button for 5 seconds to reset the unit tofactory settings.LED OUT Output Ethernet portON/OFF Power switch100-240V~,50/60Hz Power inputUnit: mmaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB8 Specifications 4 Software Structure4 Software Structure4.1 System Software●Android operating system software●Android terminal application software●FPGA programNote: The third-party applications are not supported.4.2 Related Configuration SoftwareTable 4-1 Related configuration softwareNovaLCTaurus Series Multimedia Players TB8 Specifications5 Product Specifications5Product Specifications8 GB on-board with 4 GBavailable 0°C–50°CListDimensions for usersPacking informationmensions ( H ×W×D )5 Product SpecificationsAntennaaurus Series Multimedia Players TB8 SpecificationsAudio and Video Decoder6.1.2 EncoderType Codec Supported Image SizeMaximum Data RateRemarks JPEGJPEG Baseline96×32 pixels~8176×8176 pixels90Mpixels/Second JFIF 1.02 N/A6Type Codec Supported Image Size Container RemarksJPEGJFIF1.02JPG, JPEGNot SupportNon-interleaved Scan Software support SRGB JPEGSoftware support Adobe RGB JPEGBMP BMP No Restriction BMP N/A GIF GIF No Restriction GIF N/A PNG PNG No Restriction PNG N/A WEBPWEBPNo RestrictionWEBPN/A48 × 48 p ixels~8176 × 8176 pixel sSpecifications6.1 Image6.1.1 Decoder6.2 AudioOGG, OGA8KHZ~48AMR-NB 2HZ~ 48 1H. EncoderMOV, 3GPM bps。
Multimedia PlayersTB2-4G Specifications Doc u ment V ersion:V1.3.2Doc u ment Number:NS120100351Copyright © 2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark o f Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Statementwww.novastar.techi Table of ContentsTable of ContentsYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.Taurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB2-4G SpecificationsTable of Contents (ii)1 Overview (1)1.1 Introduction (1)1.2 Application (2)2 Features (3)2.1 Powerful Processing Capability (3)2.2 Omnidirectional Control Plan (3)2.3 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-Mode (4)2.4 Wi-Fi AP Connection (4)2.5 4G Module (5)2.6 Connecting to PC Through USB (5)3 Hardware Structure (6)3.1 Appearance (6)3.1.1 Front Panel (6)3.1.2 Rear Panel (8)3.2 Dimensions (9)4 Software Structure (10)4.1 System Software (10)4.2 Related Configuration Software (10)5 Product Specifications ................................................................................................................ 116 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications (12)6.1 Image (12)6.1.1 Decoder (12)6.1.2 Encoder (12)6.2 Audio (13)6.2.1 Decoder (13)6.2.2 Encoder (13)6.3 Video (14)6.3.1 Decoder (14)6.3.2 Encoder (15)www.novastar.tech ii1 Overview1 Overview 1.1 IntroductionTaurus series products are NovaStar's second generation of multimedia playersdedicated to small and medium-sized full-color LED displays.FeaturesThe TB2-4G of the Taurus series products (hereinafter referred to as “TB2-4G”) hasthe following features:●Powerful processing capability●Omnidirectional control plan●Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode●Wi-Fi AP connection●4G module●Capable of connecting to PC through USBIn addition to solution publishing and screen control via PC, mobile phones and LAN,the omnidirectional control plan also supports remote centralized publishing andmonitoring.Other Hardware FeaturesThe hardware of the TB2-4G also has the following features:●Loading capacity up to 650,000 pixels, with the maximum width of 1920 pixelsand maximum height of 1080 pixels●Wired Gigabit Ethernet●Stereo audio output●HDMI input and auto full-screen display●USB drive importing display●Onboard light sensor connector allowing for automatic and scheduled brightnessadjustment1 Overview 1.2 ApplicationTaurus series products can be widely used in LED commercial display field, such asbar screen, chain store screen, advertising machine, mirror screen, retail store screen,door head screen, on board screen and the screen requiring no PC.Classification of Taurus’ application cases is shown in Table 1-1. Table1-1 Application2 Features 2.1 Powerful Processing Capabilitysor●Support for 1080P video hardware decoding● 1 GB operating memory●8 GB on-board internal storage space with 4 GB available for users2.2 Omnidirectional Control PlanTable 2-1 Control PlanCluster control plan is a new internet control plan featuring following advantages:2 Features TB2-4G Specifications●More efficient: Use the cloud service mode to process services through a uniformplatform. For example, VNNOX is used to edit and publish solutions, andNovaiCare is used to centrally monitor display status.●More reliable: Ensure the reliability based on active and standby disasterrecovery mechanism and data backup mechanism of the server.●More safe: Ensure the system safety through channel encryption, data fingerprintand permission management.●Easier to use: VNNOX and NovaiCare can be accessed through Web. As long asthere is internet, operation can be performed anytime and anywhere.●More effective: This mode is more suitable for the commercial mode ofadvertising industry and digital signage industry, and makes informationspreading more effective.2.3 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-ModeThe TB2-4G supports synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode, allowing moreapplication cases and being user-friendly.When internal video source is applied, the TB2-4G is in asynchronous mode; whenHDMI-input video source is used, the TB2-4G is in synchronous mode. Content canbe scaled and displayed to fit the screen size automatically in synchronous mode.Users can manually and timely switch between synchronous and asynchronousmodes, as well as set HDMI priority.2.4 Wi-Fi AP ConnectionThe TB2-4G has permanent Wi-Fi AP. The SSID is "AP + the last 8 digits of the SN",for example, "AP10000033", and the default password is "12345678". The TB2-4Grequires no wiring and users can manage the displays at any time by connecting tothe TB2-4G via mobile phone, Pad or PC.TB2-4G’s Wi-Fi AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment.TB2-4G Specifications 3 Hardware Structure Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.2.5 4G ModuleThe TB2-4G is designed with 4G module. You can connect to the Internet via 4Gnetwork after turning on mobile data network in the client software ViPlex.Wired network is prior to 4G network. When both of the networks are available, theTB2-4G will choose signals automatically according to the priority.2.6 Connecting to PC Through USBThe TB2-4G offers one USB Type B port allowing PC to be directly connected withoutrequiring other operations and you can configure screens, publish solutions , etc. byusing NovaLCT and ViPlex Express on Windows.TB2-4G Specifications2 Features3Hardware Structure3.1 Appearance3.1.1 Front PanelNote: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Figure 3-1 Front panel of the TB2-4GXI'AN3.1.2 Rear PanelFigure 3-2 Rear panel of the TB2-4GNote: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-2 Description of TB2-4G rear panel3.2 DimensionsUnit: mm4 Software Structure4 Software Structure 4.1 System Softwareoid operating system software●Android terminal application software ●FPGA programNote: The third-party applications are not supported.4.2 Related Configuration SoftwareTable 4-1 Related configuration software5 Product Specifications5 Product SpecificationsTB2-4G Specifications6Audio and Video Decoder Specifications6TB2-4G SpecificationsSpecifications6.1Image6.1.1Decoder6TB2-4G SpecificationsAudio and Video Decoder Specifications 6.2 AudioAudio and Video Decoder Specifications6.3 Video 6.3.1 DecoderH.264.。
Taurus系列多媒体播放器TB4规格书文档版本:V1.3.2文档编号:NS120000358版权所有© 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。
i 目录目录目录 ........................................................................................................................................ ............. ii1 概述 ........................................................................................................................................ . (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.2 应用场景 (2)2 产品特点 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 32.1 支持多屏播放同步机制 (3)2.2 处理性能强大 (3)2.3 全方位控制方案 (3)2.4 支持同步异步双模式 (4)2.5 支持 WiFi AP 连接 (4)3 硬件结构 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 63.1 外观图 (6)3.1.1 前面板 (6)3.1.2 后面板 (7)3.2 尺寸图 (8)4 软件结构 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 94.1 系统软件 (9)4.2 相关配置软件 (9)5 产品规格 ........................................................................................................................................ 106 音视频解码规格. (11)6.1 图片 (11)6.1.1 解码器 (11)6.1.2 编码器 (11)6.2 音频 (12)6.2.1 解码器 (12)6.2.2 编码器 (12)6.3 视频 (13)6.3.1 解码器 (13)6.3.2 编码器 (14) ii1 概述板载亮度传感器接口,支持自动和定时的智能亮度调节。
产品规格书多画面拼接处理器 VS2Rev1.0.2 NS160110159概述VS2是一款由诺瓦科技研发的高性能多画面拼接处理器,其基于一个强大的FPGA处理平台,支持包括2路CVBS,2路VGA,1路HDMI和3路DVI等多样化的信号输入,并且支持任意输入源的快速无缝切换或淡入淡出切换特效,可以为您带来更加灵活的画面构造体验。
另外,V S2配套全新的智能管理软件,用户可以通过该管理软件完成更加丰富的画面拼接效果,更充分的满足您的需求。
功能特性1)VS2 具有完备的视频输入接口,包括2路CVBS,2路VGA,1路HDMI,3路DVI, 支持一路DVI Loop;2)支持2路DVI输出,其中一路为预览输出,另外两路拼接输出,最大输出分辨率可达3840x1200@60H z;1200@60,且向下兼容;3)输入分辨率最大支持1920×Hz4)支持最多同时开三个窗口,每个窗口最大分辨率可达3840x1200,并且支持一路OSD,可以选择以图片或文字方式叠加;5)窗口的位置、大小等均可调节,可以随心所欲的控制;6)预监接口支持四宫格预监四路视频;7)支持16个用户场景,可直接调用,方便使用;8)VS2是Nova新一代拼接处理器产品,具备强大的图像处理功能,配合专业的图像控制软件,具备友好的人机界面;9)提供多种输入源切换效果,以增强并呈现专业品质的演示画面;10)一个直观的LCD显示界面,清晰的按键灯提示,简化了系统的控制。
尺寸图 1 VS2 尺寸图(单位 mm : )外观说明前面板A:信号源的输入情况:蓝色表示该信号输入但当前未被使用;灰色表示该信号源B:当前开窗情况,蓝色表示开窗有信号源C:输出接口情况和输出分辨率;后面板规格参数。
Taurus 系列多媒体播放器TB1规格书文档版本:V1.3.2文档编号:NS120000352Taurus 系列多媒体播放器TB1 规格书版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。
i目录目录目录 .....................................................................................................................................................ii1 概述 (1)1.1产品简介 (1)1.2应用场景 (1)2产品特点 (3)2.1处理性能强大 (3)2.2全方位控制方案 (3)2.3支持WiFi AP 连接 (4)3硬件结构 (5)3.1外观图 ..................................................................................................................................................... (5)3.1.1前面板 ...................................................................................................................................... (5)3.1.2后面板 ...................................................................................................................................... (6)3.2尺寸图 .....................................................................................................................................................Taurus 系列多媒体播放器TB1 规格书 (6)4软件结构 (7)4.1系统软件 ......................................................................................................................................................74.2相关配置软件 (7)5产品规格 ..........................................................................................................................................86 音视频解码规格 (10)6.1图片 (10)6.1.1解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 106.1.2编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 106.2音频 (11)6.2.1解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 116.2.2编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 116.3视频 (12)6.3.1解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 126.3.2编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 13ii1 概述1概述1.1产品简介Taurus系列产品为诺瓦科技针对中小型LED全彩显示屏推出的第二代多媒体播放器。
Taurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB4Specifications Doc u ment V ersion:V1.3.2Doc u ment Number:NS120100359Copyright © 2018 Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Statementwww.novastar.techi Table of ContentsTable of ContentsYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.Taurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsTable of Contents (ii)1 Overview (1)1.1 Introduction (1)1.2 Application (2)2 Features (3)2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing (3)2.2 Powerful Processing Capability (3)2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan (3)2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-Mode (4)2.5 Wi-Fi AP Connection (4)3 Hardware Structure (6)3.1 Appearance (6)3.1.1 Front Panel (6)3.1.2 Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................................73.2 Dimensions (8)4 Software Structure (9)4.1 System Software (9)4.2 Related Configuration Software (9)5 Product Specifications ................................................................................................................ 106 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications (11)6.1 Image (11)6.1.1 Decoder (11)6.1.2 Encoder (11)6.2 Audio (12)6.2.1 Decoder (12)6.2.2 Encoder (12)6.3 Video (13)6.3.1 Decoder (13)6.3.2 Encoder (14)www.novastar.tech iiTaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications 1 Overview1 Overview 1.1 IntroductionTaurus series products are NovaStar's second generation of multimedia playersdedicated to small and medium-sized full-color LED displays.FeaturesThe TB4 of the Taurus series products (he reinafter referred to as “TB4”) has thefollowing features:●Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing●Powerful processing capability●Omnidirectional control plan●Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode●Wi-Fi AP connection Note:If the user has a high demand on synchronization, the time synchronization module isrecommended. For details, please consult our technical staff.In addition to solution publishing and screen control via PC, mobile phones and LAN,the omnidirectional control plan also supports remote centralized publishing andmonitoring.Other Hardware FeaturesThe hardware of the TB4 also has the following features:●Loading capacity up to 1300,000 pixels, with the maximum width of 4096 pixelsand maximum height of 1920 pixels●Wired Gigabit Ethernet●Stereo audio output●HDMI Loop●HDMI input and auto full-screen display●Manual and scheduled switching between synchronous and asynchronousmodes.●USB drive importing display●Onboard light sensor connector allowing for automatic and scheduled brightnessTaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specificationsadjustment1 Overview 1.2 ApplicationTaurus series products can be widely used in LED commercial display field, such asbar screen, chain store screen, advertising machine, mirror screen, retail store screen,door head screen, on board screen and the screen requiring no PC.Classification of Taurus’ application cases is shown in Table 1-1. Table1-1 Application2 Features 2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playingThe TB4 support switching on/off function of synchronous display.When synchronous display is enabled, the same content can be played on differentdisplays synchronously if the time of different TB4 units are synchronous with oneanother and the same solution is being played.Taurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications2.2 Powerful Processing CapabilityThe TB4 features powerful hardware processing capability:● 1.5 GHz eight-core processor●Support for H.265 4K high-definition video hardware decoding playback●Support for 1080P video hardware decoding● 2 GB operating memory●8 GB on-board internal storage space with 4 GB available for users2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan●More efficient: Use the cloud service mode to process services through a uniformplatform. For example, VNNOX is used to edit and publish solutions, andNovaiCare is used to centrally monitor display status.●More reliable: Ensure the reliability based on active and standby disasterrecovery mechanism and data backup mechanism of the server.●More safe: Ensure the system safety through channel encryption, data fingerprintand permission management.●Easier to use: VNNOX and NovaiCare can be accessed through Web. As long asthere is internet, operation can be performed anytime and anywhere.●More effective: This mode is more suitable for the commercial mode ofadvertising industry and digital signage industry, and makes informationspreading more effective.2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-ModeThe TB4 supports synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode, allowing moreapplication cases and being user-friendly.When internal video source is applied, the TB4 is in asynchronous mode; when HDMI-input video source is used, the TB4 is in synchronous mode. Content can be scaledand displayed to fit the screen size automatically in synchronous mode.Users can manually and timely switch between synchronous and asynchronousmodes, as well as set HDMI priority.2.5 Wi-Fi AP ConnectionThe TB4 has permanent Wi-Fi AP. The SSID is "AP + the last 8 digits of the SN",for example, "AP10000033", and the default password is "12345678". The TB4requires no wiring and users can manage the displays at any time by connecting tothe TB4 via mobile phone, Pador PC.aurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications aurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsTB4 ’s Wi - F i AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment. Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.Taurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications3 Hardware Structure 3.1 Appearancewww.novastar.tech 7TPa ne lT urus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsNote: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-1 Description of TB4 front panelTaurus Series Multimedia Players TB4 Specificationswww.novastar.tech9Figure 3-2 Rear panel of the TB4aurus SeriesNote: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-2 Description of TB4 rear panelT3 Hardware StructureMultimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsUnit: mm4 Software Structure4.1 System Software●Android operating system software●Android terminal application software●FPGA programNote: The third-party applications are not supported.4.2 Related Configuration SoftwareTwww.novastar.tech 115 Product Specifications 5 Product SpecificationsAntenna66Specifications6.1Image6.1.1DecoderAudio and Video Decoder 6.1.2 Encoder6.2 Audio66.3 Video6.3.1 DecoderTaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications Audio and Video Decoder SpecificationsH.264. 17。
Taurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB4Specifications Doc u ment V ersion:V1.3.2Doc u ment Number:NS120100359Copyright © 2018 Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Statementi Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents ............................................................................................................................ ii 1 Overview .. (1)1.1 Introduction (1)1.2 Application (2)You are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.2 Features (3)2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing (3)2.2 Powerful Processing Capability (3)2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan (3)2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-Mode (4)2.5 Wi-Fi AP Connection (4)3 Hardware Structure (6)3.1 Appearance (6)3.1.1 Front Panel (6)3.1.2 Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................................73.2 Dimensions (8)4 Software Structure (9)4.1 System Software (9)4.2 Related Configuration Software (9)5 Product Specifications ................................................................................................................ 106 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications (11)6.1 Image (11)6.1.1 Decoder (11)6.1.2 Encoder (11)6.2 Audio (12)6.2.1 Decoder (12)6.2.2 Encoder (12)6.3 Video (13)6.3.1 Decoder (13)6.3.2 Encoder (14)iiaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications 1 Overview1 Overview 1.1 IntroductionTaurus series products are NovaStar's second generation of multimedia playersdedicated to small and medium-sized full-color LED displays.FeaturesThe TB4 of the Taurus series products (hereinafter referred to as “TB4”) has thefollowing features:●Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing●Powerful processing capability●Omnidirectional control plan●Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode●Wi-Fi AP connection Note:If the user has a high demand on synchronization, the time synchronization module isrecommended. For details, please consult our technical staff.In addition to solution publishing and screen control via PC, mobile phones and LAN,the omnidirectional control plan also supports remote centralized publishing andmonitoring.Other Hardware FeaturesThe hardware of the TB4 also has the following features:●Loading capacity up to 1300,000 pixels, with the maximum width of 4096 pixelsand maximum height of 1920 pixels●Wired Gigabit Ethernet●Stereo audio output●HDMI Loop●HDMI input and auto full-screen display●Manual and scheduled switching between synchronous and asynchronousmodes.●USB drive importing display●Onboard light sensor connector allowing for automatic and scheduled brightnessadjustment1 Overview 1.2 ApplicationTaurus series products can be widely used in LED commercial display field, such asbar screen, chain store screen, advertising machine, mirror screen, retail storescreen, door head screen, on board screen and the screen requiring no PC.Classification of Taurus’ application cases is shown in Table 1-1. Table1-1 Application●●multiple screens.Independent screen: U s e a PC or the client software of amobile phone to enable single-p oint connection andmanagement of a screen.Cluster screen: Use the cluster solution developed byNovaStar to realize centralized management and monitor ofWired connection: A PC connects to Taurus through theWi-Fi connection: PC, Pad and mobile phone can connect to Taunusthrough Wi-Fi, which can be enabled in the case without PC in conjunctionwith ViPlex software.●Ethernet cable o r LAN.●aurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications2 Features 2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playingThe TB4 support switching on/off function of synchronous display.When synchronous display is enabled, the same content can be played on differentdisplays synchronously if the time of different TB4 units are synchronous with oneanother and the same solution is being played.2.2 Powerful Processing CapabilityThe TB4 features powerful hardware processing capability:● 1.5 GHz eight-core processor●Support for H.265 4K high-definition video hardware decoding playback●Support for 1080P video hardware decoding● 2 GB operating memory●8 GB on-board internal storage space with 4 GB available for users2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan●More efficient: Use the cloud service mode to process services through a uniformplatform. For example, VNNOX is used to edit and publish solutions, andNovaiCare is used to centrally monitor display status.●More reliable: Ensure the reliability based on active and standby disasterrecovery mechanism and data backup mechanism of the server.●More safe: Ensure the system safety through channel encryption, data fingerprintand permission management.●Easier to use: VNNOX and NovaiCare can be accessed through Web. As long asthere is internet, operation can be performed anytime and anywhere.●More effective: This mode is more suitable for the commercial mode ofadvertising industry and digital signage industry, and makes informationspreading more effective.2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-ModeThe TB4 supports synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode, allowing moreapplication cases and being user-friendly.When internal video source is applied, the TB4 is in asynchronous mode; when HDMI-input video source is used, the TB4 is in synchronous mode. Content can be scaledand displayed to fit the screen size automatically in synchronous mode.Users can manually and timely switch between synchronous and asynchronousmodes, as well as set HDMI priority.2.5 Wi-Fi AP ConnectionThe TB4 has permanent Wi-Fi AP. The SSID is "AP + the last 8 digits of the SN", forexample, "AP10000033", and the default password is "". The TB4 requires no wiringand users can manage the displays at any time by connecting to the TB4 via mobilephone, Pad or PC.aurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications aurus Series Multimedia Players TB4 SpecificationsTB4 ’s Wi -F i AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment. Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.3Hardware Structure3.1 Appearance3.1.1 Front PanelNameDescriptionPWR Power status indicatorAlways on: Power input is normal.System status indicator● Flashing once every other 2 seconds: The system is operating normally.● Flashing once every other second: The system is installing the upgrade package.● Flashing once every other 0.5 second: The system isdownloading data from the Internet or copying the upgrade package.● Always on/off: The system is operating abnormally. CLOUDInternet connection status indicator● Always on: The unit is connected to the Internet and the connection status is normal.● Flashing once every other 2 seconds: The unit isconnected to VNNOX and the connection status is normal. RUNFPGA status indicatorSame as the signal indicator status of the sending card: FPGA is operating normally.SYSFigure 3-1 Front panel of the TB4Note: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-1 Description of TB4 front panelT urus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsNameDescriptionSWITCHButton for switching between synchronous and asynchronous modes● Always on: Synchronous mode●Off: Asynchronous modeFigure 3-2 Rear panel of the TB4aurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsName DescriptionTEMP Temperature sensor port LIGHT Light sensor port WiFi-AP Wi-Fi AP antenna port COM1 Reserved COM2 ReservedGigabit Ethernet port Indicator status:●Yellow indicator always on: The unit is connected to 100M Ethernet cable and the status is normal. ●Green and yellow indicators always on at the same time: The unit is connected to Gigabit Ethernet cable and the status is normal.USB USB 2.0 portHDMI ● IN: HDMI 1.4 input ●OUT: HDMI 1.4 outputAUDIO OUT Audio outputRESET Factory reset buttonPress and hold the button for 5 seconds to reset the unit to factory settings. LED OUTOutput Ethernet portETHERNETNote: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-2 Description of TB4 rear panelName DescriptionON/OFF Power switch100-240V~,50/60Hz Power inputUnit: mm4 Software Structure4 Software Structure4.1 System Software●Android operating system software●Android terminal application software●FPGA programNote: The third-party applications are not supported.4.2 Related Configuration SoftwareTable 4-1 Related configuration softwareNovaLCT5 Product Specifications 5 Product Specifications8 GB on-board with 4 GBavailable0°C–50°CListDimensionsAntennafor usersPackinginformationmensions (H×W×D)6Audio and Video Decoder6.1.2 EncoderTypeCodecSupported Image SizeMaximum Data RateRemarks6Type Codec Supported Image SizeContainer RemarksJPEGJFIF1.02JPG, JPEGNot SupportNon-interleaved Scan Software support SRGB JPEGSoftware support Adobe RGB JPEGBMP BMP No Restriction BMP N/A GIF GIF No Restriction GIF N/A PNG PNG No Restriction PNG N/A WEBPWEBPNo RestrictionWEBPN/A4 8 × 48 p ixels~8176 × 8176 pixel sSpecifications6.1 Image6.1.1 Decoder6.2 AudioOGG, OGA8KHZ~48AMR-NB 2HZ~ 48 16 6.3 VideoH. EncoderMOV, 3GPM bps。
Taurus 系列多媒体播放器TB1规格书文档版本:V1.3.2文档编号:NS120000352Taurus 系列多媒体播放器TB1 规格书版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。
i目录目录目录 .....................................................................................................................................................ii1 概述 (1)1.1产品简介 (1)1.2应用场景 (1)2产品特点 (3)2.1处理性能强大 (3)2.2全方位控制方案 (3)2.3支持WiFi AP 连接 (4)3硬件结构 (5)3.1外观图 ..................................................................................................................................................... (5)3.1.1前面板 ...................................................................................................................................... (5)3.1.2后面板 ...................................................................................................................................... (6)3.2尺寸图 .....................................................................................................................................................Taurus 系列多媒体播放器TB1 规格书 (6)4软件结构 (7)4.1系统软件 ......................................................................................................................................................74.2相关配置软件 (7)5产品规格 ..........................................................................................................................................86 音视频解码规格 (10)6.1图片 (10)6.1.1解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 106.1.2编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 106.2音频 (11)6.2.1解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 116.2.2编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 116.3视频 (12)6.3.1解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 126.3.2编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 13ii1 概述1概述1.1产品简介Taurus系列产品为诺瓦科技针对中小型LED全彩显示屏推出的第二代多媒体播放器。
诺瓦科技WIFI-LED控制卡TB4规格书Taurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB4Specifications Doc u ment Version:V1.3.2Doc u ment Number:NS120100359Copyright © 2018 Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied,reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar TechCo., Ltd.Statementwww.novastar.tech i Table of ContentsYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement anysuggestions.Table of Contents Table of Contents (ii)1 Overview (1)1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................1 1.2Application (2)2 Features (3)2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screenplaying (3)2.2 Powerful Processing Capability (3)2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan (3)2.4 Synchronous and AsynchronousDual-Mode (4)2.5 Wi-Fi AP Connection (4)3 Hardware Structure (6)3.1 Appearance (6)3.1.1 Front Panel (6)3.1.2 Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................................7 3.2Dimensions (8)4 Software Structure (9)4.1 System Software (9)4.2 Related Configuration Software (9)5 Product Specifications (10)6 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications (11)6.1 Image (11)6.1.1 Decoder (11)6.1.2 Encoder (11)6.2 Audio ..........................................................................................................................................................126.2.1 Decoder ..................................................................................................................................................126.2.2 Encoder ..................................................................................................................................................126.3 Video (13)6.3.1 Decoder (13)6.3.2 Encoder ..................................................................................................................................................14www.novastar.techiiTaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications 1 Overview1 Overview 1.1 IntroductionTaurus series products are NovaStar'ssecond generation of multimedia playersdedicated to small and medium-sizedfull-color LED displays.FeaturesThe TB4 of the Taurus series products(he reinafter referred to as “TB4”) has thefollowing features:●Synchronization mechanism formulti-screen playing●Powerful processing capability●Omnidirectional control plan●Synchronous and asynchronousdual-mode●Wi-Fi AP connection Note:If the user has a high demand onsynchronization, the time synchronization module isrecommended. For details, please consultour technical staff.In addition to solution publishing andscreen control via PC, mobile phones andLAN, the omnidirectional control plan alsosupports remote centralized publishingand monitoring.Other Hardware FeaturesThe hardware of the TB4 also has thefollowing features:●Loading capacity up to 1300,000 pixels,with the maximum width of 4096 pixelsand maximum height of 1920 pixels●Wired Gigabit Ethernet●Stereo audio output●HDMI Loop●HDMI input and auto full-screen display●Manual and scheduled switchingbetween synchronous andasynchronous modes.●USB drive importing display●Onboard light sensor connectorallowing for automatic and scheduledbrightnessadjustment1 Overview 1.2 ApplicationTaurus series products can be widelyused in LED commercial display field,such as bar screen, chain store screen,advertising machine, mirror screen, retailstore screen, door head screen, on boardscreen and the screen requiring no PC.Classification of Taurus’application cases is shown inTable 1-1. Table 1-1 ApplicationTaurus SeriesMultimediaPlayers TB4Specifications2 Features 2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playingThe TB4 support switching on/off functionof synchronous display.When synchronous display is enabled, thesame content can be played on differentdisplays synchronously if the time ofdifferent TB4 units are synchronous withone anotherand the same solution is being played.2.2 Powerful Processing CapabilityThe TB4 features powerful hardwareprocessing capability:● 1.5 GHz eight-core processor●Support for H.265 4K high-definitionvideo hardware decoding playback●Support for 1080P video hardwaredecoding● 2 GB operating memory●8 GB on-board internal storage spacewith 4 GB available for users2.3 Omnidirectional Control PlanTaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications 2 Featurescontrol plan featuring followingadvantages:More efficient: Use the cloud servicemode to process services through auniform platform. For example, VNNOXis used to edit and publish solutions,and NovaiCare is used to centrallymonitor display status.●More reliable:Ensure the reliability based on activeand standby disaster recoverymechanism and data backupmechanism of the server.●More safe: Ensure the system safetythrough channel encryption, datafingerprint and permissionmanagement.●Easier to use: VNNOX and NovaiCarecan be accessed through Web. As longas there is internet, operation can beperformed anytime and anywhere.●More effective: This mode is moresuitable for the commercial mode ofadvertising industry and digital signageindustry, and makes informationspreading more effective.2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-ModeThe TB4 supports synchronous andasynchronous dual-mode, allowing moreapplication cases and being user-friendly.When internal video source is applied, theTB4 is in asynchronous mode; whenHDMI-input video source is used, the TB4is in synchronous mode. Content can bescaled anddisplayed to fit the screen sizeautomatically in synchronous mode.Users can manually and timely switchbetween synchronous and asynchronousmodes, as well as set HDMI priority.2.5 Wi-Fi AP ConnectionThe TB4 has permanent Wi-Fi AP. TheSSID is "AP + the last 8 digits of the SN",for example, "AP10000033", and thedefault password is "12345678". The TB4requires no wiring and users can managethe displays at any time by connecting tothe TB4 via mobile phone, Pad or PC.aurus SeriesMultimediaPlayers TB4Specificationsaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsTB4 ’s Wi - F i AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment.Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.3 Hardware Structure 3.1 Appearance3.1.1Front Panel Note: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary. Table 3-1 Description of TB4 front panelT2 FeaturesT3 Hardware Structure aurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsFigure 3-2 Rear panel of the TB4aurusMultimedia Players TB4 Specifications status:●Yellow indicator always on: The unit iswww.novastar.tech 18www.novastar.tech19Unit: mm4 Software Structure4 Software Structure 4.1 System Softwarewww.novastar.tech 20www.novastar.tech 21rating system software●Android terminal application software ●FPGA programNote: The third-party applications are not supported.4.2 Related Configuration SoftwareTable 4-1 Related configuration software5 Product Specifications5 Product Specificationswww.novastar.tech 22Antenna6 236 24Specifications6.1Image6.1.1DecoderAudio and Video Decoder6.2 Audio 25 26 27 28 296 6.3 Videoand YUV400(monochrome) is also supported for H.264.。
51 52
技53 54 科 55 56
B20 57 58 R21 G21 59 60 B21 R22 61 62 G22
57 58 C 59 60 E 61 62 R1
B22 GND G23
63 65 67
64 66 68
接收卡 TBR200 规格书
更新记录 ............................................................................................................................................... i 1 安全说明..........................................................................................................................................1
兼容性,帮助用户产品轻松通过 EMC 认证。
有 技 科 子 电 瓦 诺 安 西
接收卡 TBR200 规格书
3 功能特性
3 功能特性
单卡最大输出 RGB 数据 32 组。 单卡带载像素为 512×384。
支持 1~1/32 扫之间的任意扫描类型,支持 595 等串行译码扫描。 支持常规芯片、PWM 芯片等所有主流 LED 驱动芯片。
B32 99 100 RFU5
Taurus系列多媒体播放器TB4规格书文档版本:V1.3.2文档编号:NS120000358版权所有© 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。
i 目录目录目录 ........................................................................................................................................ ............. ii1 概述 ........................................................................................................................................ . (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.2 应用场景 (2)2 产品特点 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 32.1 支持多屏播放同步机制 (3)2.2 处理性能强大 (3)2.3 全方位控制方案 (3)2.4 支持同步异步双模式 (4)2.5 支持 WiFi AP 连接 (4)3 硬件结构 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 63.1 外观图 (6)3.1.1 前面板 (6)3.1.2 后面板 (7)3.2 尺寸图 (8)4 软件结构 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 94.1 系统软件 (9)4.2 相关配置软件 (9)5 产品规格 ........................................................................................................................................ 106 音视频解码规格. (11)6.1 图片 (11)6.1.1 解码器 (11)6.1.2 编码器 (11)6.2 音频 (12)6.2.1 解码器 (12)6.2.2 编码器 (12)6.3 视频 (13)6.3.1 解码器 (13)6.3.2 编码器 (14) ii1 概述板载亮度传感器接口,支持自动和定时的智能亮度调节。
Taurus系列多媒体播放器西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司TB8规格书产品版本:V1.3.0文档编号:NS120000255版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。
西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司 i 目录目录目录 ..................................................................................................................................................... ii 1 安全说明 (1)1.1 存储和运输安全 ........................................................................................................................................... 1.2 安装和使用安全 ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2 概述 .. (3)2.1 产品简介 ......................................................................................................................................................32.2 应用场景 ......................................................................................................................................................33 产品特点 (5)3.1 支持多屏播放同步机制 (5)3.2 处理性能强大 (5)3.3 全方位控制方案 (5)3.4 支持同步异步双模式 (6)3.5 支持双WiFi 模式 (6)3.5.1 WiFi AP 模式 ..................................................................................................................................... (7)3.5.2 WiFi Sta 模式 ..................................................................................................................................... (7)3.5.3 WiFi AP+Sta 模式 .....................................................................................................................................74硬件结构 (8)4.1 外观图 ..................................................................................................................................................... (8)4.1.1 前面板 ..................................................................................................................................... (8)4.1.2 后面板 ..................................................................................................................................... (9)4.2 尺寸图 ....................................................................................................................................................... 105软件结构 (11)5.1 系统软件 ....................................................................................................................................................115.2 相关配置软件 (11)6产品规格 ........................................................................................................................................ 127 音视频解码规格 (14)7.1 图片 (14)7.1.1 解码器 .................................................................................................................................................... 147.1.2 编码器 .................................................................................................................................................... 14www.novastar-ii 目录 (3)7.2 音频 (21)7.2.1 解码器 (21)7.2.2 编码器 (23)7.3 视频 (23)7.3.1 解码器 (23)7.3.2 编西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司码器 ....................................................................................................................................................17iii 1 安全说明Taurus 系列多媒体播放器TB8 规格书●请勿将产品安装在震动多或强的环境中。
i 目录
目录 ..................................................................................................................................................... ii 1 操作总 览 .......................................................................................................................................... 1
欢迎您选用西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司(以下简称诺瓦科技)的产品,如果本文档为您了解和使用产品带 来帮助和便利,我们深感欣慰。我们在编写文档时力求精确可靠,随时可能对内容进行修改或变更,恕不 另行通知。如果您在使用中遇到任何问题,或者有好的建议,请按照文档提供的联系方式联系我们。对您 在使用中遇到的问题,我们会尽力给予支持,对您提出的建议,我们衷心感谢并会尽快评估采纳。
ViPlex E显xp示re屏ss管理软 indows 系
主要用于管理显示 屏,编辑和发布节目。
访问 ,下 载所需软件并安装。
显示屏配置软件,只有 Windows 版,主要用于 将显示屏调整到最佳显 示状态。
登录 ,下 载所需软件并安装。
4.2 通过 ViPlex Handy 加载配置文 件 ................................................................................................................ 8
西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司TB3规格书产品版本:V1.3.0文档编号:NS120000251Taurus 系列多媒体播放器版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。
西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司 i 目录目录目录 ..................................................................................................................................................... ii 1 安全说明 (1)1.1 存储和运输安全 (1)1.2 安装和使用安全 (1)2 概述 (3)2.1 产品简介 (3)2.2 应用场景 (3)3 产品特点 (5)3.1 支持多屏播放同步机制 (5)3.2 处理性能强大 (5)3.3 全方位控制方案 (5)3.4 支持双 WiFi 模式 (6)3.4.1 WiFi AP 模式 (6)3.4.2 WiFi Sta 模式 (7)3.4.3 WiFi AP+Sta 模式 (7)3.5 支持冗余备份 (8)4 硬件结构 (9)4.1 外观图 (9)4.1.1 前面板 (9)4.1.2 后面板 (10)4.2 尺寸图 (11)5 软件结构 (12)5.1 系统软件 (12)5.2 相关配置软件 (12)6 产品规格 (13)7 音视频解码规格 (15)7.1 图片 (15)7.1.1 解码器 (15)7.1.2 编码器 (15) ii 目录7.2 音频 (23)7.2.1 解码器 (23)7.2.2 编码器 (25)7.3 视频 (25)7.3.1 解码器 (25)7.3.2 编码器 ....................................................西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司................................................................................................18iii 1 安全说明Taurus 系列多媒体播放器 TB3 规格书● 请勿将产品安装在震动多或强的环境中。
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5 软件结构..........................................................................................................................................9
5.1 系统软件 ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 相关配置软件 .....................................................................................................................................。
欢迎您选用西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司(以下简称诺瓦科技)的产品,如果本文档为您了解和使用产品带 来帮助和便利,我们深感欣慰。我们在编写文档时力求精确可靠,随时可能对内容进行修改或变更,恕不 另行通知。如果您在使用中遇到任何问题,或者有好的建议,请按照文档提供的联系方式联系我们。对您 在使用中遇到的问题,我们会尽力给予支持,对您提出的建议,我们衷心感谢并会尽快评估采纳。
1 安全说明..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 存储和运输安全 ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 安装和使用安全 ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Taurus 系列多媒体播放器 TB2 规格书
目录..................................................................................................................................................... ii
Taurus 系列
产品版本: V1.3.0 文档编号: NS120000249
TB2 规格书
版权所有 © 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司 2018。保留一切权利。
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4.2 尺寸图.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.1 图片 ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.1.1 解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.1.2 编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.2 音频 ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 7.2.1 解码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 7.2.2 编码器 ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 7.3 视频 ........................................................................................................................................................... 14