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农业经营 | Agricultural Business
农业经营和技术 | Agricultural Business and Technology
农业经济学 | Agricultural Economics
农场和牧场管理 | Farm and Ranch Management
农业服务体系 | Agricultural Extension Services
农业运营 | Agriculture Operations
农业机械 | Agricultural Mechanics and Machinery
农业生产经营 | Agricultural Production Operations
动物科学和畜牧业 | Animal Sciences and Husbandry
畜牧 | Animal Husbandry
动物科学 | Animal Sciences
马学 | Equine Studies
植物和植物科学 | Botany and Plant Sciences
水产养殖 | Aquaculture
植物学和植物生理学 | Botany and Plant Physiology
植物科学 | Plant Science
作物和土壤的研究 | Crop and Soil Studies
农业,牧场和作物科学 | Agronomy, Range, and Crop Science
种植业 | Crop Production
土壤科学 | Soil Sciences
食品科学与技术 | Food Science and Technology
农产品和食品加工 | Agricultural and Food Products Processing
食品科学 | Food Science
园艺 | Horticultural
温室,苗圃,和花艺 | Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floristry Operations
园艺科学 | Horticultural Sciences
园艺商业服务 | Horticulture Business Services
景观美化 | Landscaping and Groundskeeping
草坪和草坪管理 | Turf and Turfgrass Management
建筑研究 | Architecture Studies
建筑科学与技术 | Architectural Sciences and Technology
建筑学 | Architecture
建筑与环境设计 | Environmental Architecture and Design
室内建筑 | Interior Architecture
景观设计 | Landscape Architecture
古迹保存与养护 | Historic Preservation and Conservation
土地规划及发展 | Planning and Development
土地利用规划和发展 | Land Use Planning and Development
城市,社区和区域规划 | Urban, Community and Regional Planning
艺术史 | Art History
艺术概论 | Art Studies
艺术,娱乐和媒体管理 | Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management
美术及艺术管理 | Fine and Studio Arts Management
音乐管理 | Music Management
剧院,艺术,媒体管理 | Theatre, Arts, and Media Management
设计与应用艺术 | Design and Applied Arts
商业和广告艺术 | Commercial and Advertising Art
商业摄影 | Commercial Photography
可视化通信设计 | Design and Visual Communications
平面设计 | Graphic Design
插图设计 | Illustration
工业及产品设计 | Industrial and Product Design
室内设计 | Interior Design
电影,视频和摄影 | Film, Video, and Photography
摄影及录像制作 | Cinematography and Video Production
电影及录像 | Film and Video Studies
摄影 | Photography
美术 | Fine Arts
陶瓷 | Ceramics
工艺和手工艺 | Crafts and Artisanry
绘图 | Drawing
纤维,纺织和编织 | Fiber, Textile and Weaving
金属及珠宝艺术 | Metal and Jewelry Arts
多媒体 | Multimedia

画 | Painting
版画 | Printmaking
雕塑 | Sculpture
艺术工作室 | Studio Arts
音乐 | Music
音乐指挥 | Conducting
音乐历史与文学 | Music History and Literature
音乐表演 | Music Performance
音乐作曲理论 | Music Theory and Composition
乐器 | Musical Instruments
音乐与歌剧 | Voice and Opera
演艺 | Performing Arts
剧务 | Acting
舞蹈 | Dance
戏剧制作 | Drama and Theatre Production
舞台设计 | Theatre Design
视觉艺术 | Visual Arts
解剖学 | Anatomy
动物生物学 | Animal Biology
动物生理学和行为 | Animal Physiology and Behavior
动物学和昆虫学 | Zoology and Entomology
生物化学与分子生物学 | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
生物信息学 | Bioinformatics
生物学 | Biology
生物和物理科学 | Biological and Physical Sciences
生物学和生物科学 | Biology and Biological Sciences
生物实验技术 | Biology Laboratory Technician
生物医学和分子医学 | Biomedical Sciences and Molecular Medicine
生物技术 | Biotechnology
细胞生物学 | Cellular Biology
生态,进化,和种群生物学 | Ecology, Evolution, and Population Biology
生态学和进化生物学 | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
流行病学 | Epidemiology
海洋生物学和海洋学 | Marine Biology and Oceanography
种群生物学 | Population Biology
分子生物学 | Molecular Biology
神经科学和神经生物学 | Neuroscience and Neurobiology
神经解剖学 | Neuroanatomy
神经科学 | Neuroscience
药理学与毒理学 | Pharmacology and Toxicology
药理学 | Pharmacology
毒理学 | Toxicology
生理和病理学 | Physiology and Pathology
运动生理学 | Exercise Physiology
病理学 | Pathology
生理学 | Physiology
商业管理 | Business Management
工商管理 | Business Administration and Management
施工管理 | Construction Management
企业信息通讯 | Corporate Communications
电子商务 | E-Commerce
国际商务 | International Business
物流与供应链管理 | Logistics and Supply Chain Management
管理经济学 | Managerial Economics
非营利和公共管理 | Non-Profit and Public Management
办公室管理 | Office Management
运营管理 | Operations Management
采购与合同管理 | Procurement and Contracts Management
商业支持服务 | Business Support Services
行政助理和秘书 | Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science
文书服??务 | Clerical Services
客户服务支持和呼叫中心运营 | Customer Service Support and Call Center Operation
数据录入 | Data Entry
行政助理 | Executive Assistant
企业家精神和小企业经营 | Entrepreneurship and Small Business Operations
创业家精神 | Entrepreneurship
小企业管理 | Small Business Management
财务与会计 | Finance and Accounting
会计 | Accounting
会计技师 | Accounting Technicia

n and Bookkeeping
精算学 | Actuarial Science
银行与金融 | Banking and Finance
金融 | Finance
财务规划 | Financial Planning
保险 | Insurance
投资及证券 | Investments and Securities
税务学 | Taxation
旅游与酒店管理 | Hospitality and Tourism Management
酒店及旅游业管理 | Hospitality Management
酒店和度假酒店管理 | Hotel and Resort Management
餐厅和食品服务管理 | Restaurant and Food Services Management
旅游和与旅游服务管理 | Tourism and Travel Services Management
人力资源 | Human Resources
人力资源开发 | Human Resources Development
人力资源管理 | Human Resources Management
劳动和工业关系 | Labor and Industrial Relations
组织行为学研究 | Organizational Behavior Studies
管理科学与信息系统 | Management Sciences and Information Systems
管理信息系统 | Management Information Systems
管理科学与统计数据 | Management Sciences and Statistics
市场营销 | Sales and Marketing
时装营销 | Fashion and Apparel Merchandising
市场学 | Marketing
物流与采购业务 | Merchandising and Buying Operations
房地产 | Real Estate
零售 | Retailing
销售 | Selling and Sales
广告 | Advertising
通信和媒体研究 | Communication and Media Studies
通信技术 | Communications Technicians
数码印刷传媒学 | Digital and Print Journalism
新闻广播 | Broadcast Journalism
新闻学 | Journalism
新闻摄影 | Photojournalism
数字和印刷出版 | Digital and Print Publishing
桌面出版和数码影像设计 | Desktop Publishing and Digital Imaging Design
图文传播 | Graphic Communications
动画,视频图形和特殊效果 | Animation, Video Graphics and Special Effects
图形和印刷设备操作 | Graphic and Printing Equipment Operation
图文通信和印刷 | Graphic Communication and Printing
大众传播和媒体 | Mass Communications and Media
大众传播 | Mass Communication
公共关系 | Public Relations
电台和电视台广播技术 | Radio and Television Broadcasting Technician
广播,电视,和数字通信 | Radio, Television, and Digital Communication
录音艺术技术员 | Recording Arts Technician
组织沟通及传播 | Organizational Communication
语言交流与修饰 | Speech Communication and Rhetoric
计算机和IT管理 | Computer and IT Administration
计算机和信息系统安全 | Computer and Information Systems Security
IT服务管理 | IT Services Administration
多媒体管理和网络管理 | Multimedia Management and Webmaster
网络,数据库和系统管理 | Network, Database, and System Administration
系统,网络和LAN / WAN管理 | System, Networking, and LAN/WAN Management
计算机编程 | Computer Programming
计算机科学 | Computer Science
计算机系统 | Computer Systems
电脑系统分析 | Computer Systems An

计算机系统的网络与通讯 | Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
数据处理 | Data Processing
数据输入 | Data Entry1
数据处理技术 | Data Processing Technician
数字化设计 | Digital Design
计算机图形学 | Computer Graphics
网页及数码设计 | Web Page and Digital Design
信息研究 | Information Studies
计算机与信息研究 | Computer and Information Studies
信息技术 | Information Technology
教育研究 | Education Studies and Research
双语教育和多元文化 | Bilingual and Multicultural Education
课程 | Curriculum
教育媒体设计 | Educational Media Design
教育研究 | Educational Research
教育基础 | Foundations of Education
教育管理和监督 | Educational Administration and Supervision
教育管理 | Educational Administration
教育教学和课程监督 | Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision
小学和中学教育管理 | Elementary and Middle School Administration
高中管理 | High School Administration
高等教育管理 | Higher Education Administration
监管和教育系统管理 | Superintendence and Educational System Administration
图书馆学 | Library Science
图书馆和档案馆协助 | Library and Archives Assisting
图书馆学和管理 | Library Science and Administration
学校图书馆 | School Librarian
学校辅导 | School Counseling
大学生心理咨询和人事服务 | College Student Counseling and Personnel Services
学校辅导服务 | School Counseling and Guidance Services
特殊教育 | Special Education
残障人士教育 | Education of Individuals with Impairments and Disabilities
资优教育 | Education of the Gifted and Talented
特别的教育和教学 | Special Education and Teaching
教学 | Teaching
成人及持续教育 | Adult and Continuing Education
农业师范教育 | Agricultural Teacher Education
艺术师范教育 | Art Teacher Education
商业师范教育 | Business Teacher Education
计算机教师教育 | Computer Teacher Education
小学教育 | Elementary Education
英语和语音教师教育 | English and Speech Teacher Education
外语教师教育 | Foreign Language Teacher Education
师范生教育 | Health Teacher Education
高中阶段教育 | High School Education
历史教师教育 | History Teacher Education
幼儿园和学前教育 | Kindergarten and Preschool Education
数学师范教育 | Mathematics Teacher Education
中学教育 | Middle School Education
音乐教师教育 | Music Teacher Education
体育教学及训练 | Physical Education Teaching and Coaching
阅读教师教育 | Reading Teacher Education
科学教师教育 | Science Teacher Education
多层次的教师教育 | Teacher Education for Multiple Levels
英语作为第二语言教学 | Teaching English as a Second Language
技术师范教育 | Technical Teacher Education

育 | Technology Teacher Education
贸易和工业的教师教育 | Trade and Industrial Teacher Education
教学助理 | Teaching Assistant
航空航天工程 | Aerospace Engineering
航天和航空工程 | Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering
航天工程技术 | Aerospace Engineering Technician
农业与环境工程 | Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
农业工程 | Agricultural Engineering
环境工程 | Environmental Engineering
环境工程技术 | Environmental Engineering Technician
水,废水,水循环技术 | Water, Wastewater, and Recycling Technician
建筑工程与技术 | Architectural Engineering and Technology
建筑工程 | Architectural Engineering
建筑工程技术 | Architectural Engineering Technician
生物工程 | Biological Engineering
生物工程与生物医学工程 | Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
生物医学技术 | Biomedical Technician
化学工程 | Chemical Engineering
土木和测绘工程 | Civil and Surveying Engineering
土木工程 | Civil Engineering
土木工程技术 | Civil Engineering Technician
测量技术 | Surveying Technician
计算机工程 | Computer Engineering
计算机工程技术 | Computer Engineering Technician
计算机硬件工程 | Computer Hardware Engineering
计算机软件工程 | Computer Software Engineering
电脑系统技术 | Computer Systems Technician
建设工程和技术 | Construction Engineering and Technology
建设工程 | Construction Engineering
施工工程技术 | Construction Engineering Technician
电子与通信工程 | Electrical and Communications Engineering
电气与电子工程 | Electrical and Electronics Engineering
电机工程技术 | Electrical Engineering Technician
电信技术 | Telecommunications Technician
工程制图和设计 | Engineering Drafting and Design
建筑制图(CAD / CADD) | Architectural Drafting (CAD/CADD)
制图和设计工程技术(CAD / CADD) | Drafting and Design Engineering Technician (CAD/CADD)
机械制图(CAD / CADD) | Mechanical Drafting (CAD/CADD)
工程科学与力学 | Engineering Sciences and Mechanics
工程力学 | Engineering Mechanics
工程物理 | Engineering Physics
工程科学 | Engineering Science
工程研究 | Engineering Studies
工业工程与技术 | Industrial Engineering and Technology
工业和工程管理 | Industrial and Engineering Management
工业工程 | Industrial Engineering
工业生产技术 | Industrial Production Technician
工业技术 | Industrial Technician
制造工程与技术 | Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
有害物质和工业安全技术 | Hazardous Materials and Industrial Safety Technician
制造工程 | Manufacturing Engineering
制造工程技术 | Manufacturing Engineering Technician
职业安全和卫生技术 | Occupational Safety and Health Technician
质量控制技术 | Quality Control Technician

程与技术 | Mechanical Engineering and Technology
汽车工程技术 | Automotive Engineering Technician
暖通空调和制冷工程技术 | HVAC and Refrigeration Engineering Technician
仪表技术 | Instrumentation Technician
机械工程 | Mechanical Engineering
机械工程技术 | Mechanical Engineering Technician
机器人与自动化工程技术 | Robotics and Automation Engineering Technician
矿产和石油工程 | Mineral and Petroleum Engineering
采矿和矿物工程 | Mining and Mineral Engineering
矿业和石油技术 | Mining and Petroleum Technician
石油工程 | Petroleum Engineering
核工程与技术 | Nuclear Engineering and Technology
核工程 | Nuclear Engineering
核工程技术 | Nuclear Engineering Technician
运筹学 | Operations Research
塑料与材料工程 | Plastics and Materials Engineering
材料工程 | Materials Engineering
纺织及塑料工程 | Textile and Plastics Engineering
系统工程 | Systems Engineering
保护和环境研究 | Conservation and Environmental Studies
环境和海洋科学 | Environmental and Marine Sciences
环境研究 | Environmental Studies
自然资源保护 | Natural Resources Conservation
林业科学 | Forest Sciences
森林和木材科学 | Forest and Wood Sciences
林业 | Forestry
自然资源管理 | Natural Resource Management
森林资源管理 | Forest Resources Management
自然资源管理与政策 | Natural Resources Management and Policy
野生动物和渔业管理 | Wildlife and Fisheries Management
非传统医学 | Alternative Medicine
针灸和东方医学 | Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
另类医疗系统和整体健康 | Alternative Medical Systems and Holistic Health
捏脊的研究 | Chiropractic Studies
沟通障碍 | Communication Disorders
听觉学 | Audiology
交流科学和语言紊乱 | Communication Sciences and Disorders
言语语言病理学 | Speech Language Pathology
牙科研究 | Dental Studies
高级牙科和口腔科学 | Advanced Dentistry and Oral Sciences
牙医助理 | Dental Assisting
口腔卫生 | Dental Hygiene
牙科 | Dentistry
诊断 | Diagnostics
心血管技术 | Cardiovascular Technician
临床实验室技术 | Clinical Laboratory Technician
医务检验技术 | Medical Laboratory Technician
静脉切割技术 | Phlebotomy Technician
放射学技术 | Radiologic Technician
超声医师和超声技术 | Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician
营养学和临床营养学 | Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition
紧急医疗技术(EMT护理) | Emergency Medical Technician (EMT Paramedic)
健康与医疗行政服务 | Health and Medical Administrative Services
保健管理 | Health Care Management
卫生单位协调和管理 | Health Unit Coordinator and Manager
医院管理 | Hospital Management
医疗保险 | Medical Insurance Coding
医疗管理和临床助理 | Medical Management

and Clinical Assistant
医疗办公室助理 | Medical Office Assistant
医疗办公室管理 | Medical Office Management
医疗接待 | Medical Reception
病案管理 | Medical Records Administration
医疗记录技术 | Medical Records Technician
医务秘书 | Medical Secretary
医疗记录转录 | Medical Transcription
干预治疗 | Intervention and Treatment
田径训练 | Athletic Training
干预和治疗专业 | Intervention and Treatment Professions
核医学技师 | Nuclear Medical Technician
放射治疗 | Radiation Therapy
呼吸道护理治疗 | Respiratory Care Therapy
外科手术学 | Surgical Technologist
医疗协助 | Medical Assisting
临床实验室助理 | Clinical Laboratory Assistant
医疗助理 | Medical Assistant
医药和医疗研究 | Medicine and Medical Studies
卫生服务的预备性研究 | Health Service Preparatory Studies
医药 | Medicine
骨病 | Osteopathy
医学预科 | Pre-Medicine Studies
心理和社会的健康服务 | Mental and Social Health Services
社区卫生服务和咨询 | Community Health Services and Counseling
婚姻与家庭治疗和咨询 | Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling
社会卫生保健工作 | Medical Social Work
心理和社会健康研究 | Mental and Social Health Studies
心理健康辅导 | Mental Health Counseling
精神病学和精神卫生服务 | Psychiatric and Mental Health Services
药物滥用和成瘾辅导 | Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling
护理 | Nursing
成人健康护理 | Adult Health Nursing
家庭和儿科护理 | Family Practice and Pediatric Nursing
有执照的护士训练(LPN) | Licensed Practical Nurse Training (LPN)
麻醉师 | Nurse Anesthetist
护理管理 | Nursing Administration
护士助理 | Nursing Assistant
护理学,教育和实践 | Nursing Science, Education, and Practice
注册护士(RN) | Registered Nursing (RN)
验光 | Optometry
药学和制药科学 | Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
药学 | Pharmaceutical Sciences
药剂学 | Pharmacy Studies
药剂技术员 | Pharmacy Technician
助理医师 | Physician Assistant
公共健康 | Public Health
社区卫生和预防医学 | Community Health and Preventive Medicine
环境与健康 | Environmental Health
健康服务管理 | Health Services Administration
职业健康与工业卫生研究 | Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene
公众健康教育 | Public Health Education
公共健康研究 | Public Health Studies
康复和治疗 | Rehabilitation and Therapy
替代治疗专业 | Alternative Therapeutic Professions
按摩疗法和车身 | Massage Therapy and Bodywork
职业治疗师助理 | Occupational Therapist Assistant
职业治疗 | Occupational Therapy
物理治疗 | Physical Therapy
物理治疗技术 | Physical Therapy Technician
休闲治疗 | Therapeutic Recreation
职业康复咨询 | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling

瑜伽和运动疗法 | Yoga and Movement Therapy
兽医学 | Veterinary Studies
兽医 | Veterinary Medicine
兽医学 | Veterinary Sciences
兽医技术员和助理 | Veterinary Technician and Assistant
英语 | English
创意写作 | Creative Writing
英语学习 | English Language Studies
文学 | Literature
专业,技术,商业,科学及创作 | Professional, Technical, Business, and Scientific Writing
修辞和组成 | Rhetoric and Composition
语言研究和语言学 | Language Studies and Linguistics
比较文学 | Comparative Literature
外国语言与文学 | Foreign Languages and Literatures
语言学,解释和翻译 | Linguistics, Interpretation, and Translation
区域语言和文学研究 | Regional Language and Literature Studies
阿拉伯语言和文学 | Arabic Language and Literature
中国语言文学 | Chinese Language and Literature
东亚语言与文学 | East Asian Languages and Literatures
德国语言与文学 | German Language and Literature
希伯来语语言与文学 | Hebrew Language and Literature
日语语言文学 | Japanese Language and Literature
拉丁文和古希腊研究 | Latin and Ancient Greek Studies
俄罗斯和东欧语言和文学 | Russian and Eastern European Languages and Literature
罗曼语 | Romance Languages
法国语言与文学 | French Language and Literature
意大利语言和文学 | Italian Language and Literature
罗曼语言和文学 | Romance Languages and Literatures
西班牙语言文学 | Spanish Language and Literature
手语 | Sign Language
美国手语(ASL) | American Sign Language (ASL)
手语口译和笔译 | Sign Language Interpretation and Translation
高级法律研究 | Advanced Legal Studies
高级法律研究 | Advanced Legal Research
银行,企业和税法 | Banking, Corporate, and Tax Law
国际法律研究 | International Legal Studies
外国律师程式 | Programs for Foreign Lawyers
美国法律 | US Law
法庭报告 | Court Reporting
法律和法律研究 | Law and Legal Studies
法学 | Law1
法律研究 | Legal Studies
法学预科 | Pre-Law Studies
法律行政助理 | Legal Administrative Assistant
律师助理 | Paralegal
计算机数学与应用数学 | Computational and Applied Mathematics
数学 | Mathematics
统计 | Statistics
电子维修和保养 | Electronics Maintenance and Repair
通讯系统的安装和维修 | Communications Systems Installation and Repair
电脑安装和维修 | Computer Installation and Repair
电子设备的安装和维修 | Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair
工业电子技术 | Industrial Electronics Technician
设备维修 | Equipment Maintenance
重型设备维修技术 | Heavy Equipment Maintenance Technician
一般力学与修复 | General Mechanics and Repair
暖通技术 | HVAC Technician

护和维修 | Precision Systems Maintenance and Repair
车辆维修和保养技术 | Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies
飞机维修 | Aircraft Maintenance
飞机动力装置技术 | Aircraft Powerplant Technician
车身和碰撞维修 | Autobody and Collision Repair
汽车机械 | Automotive Mechanics
航空电子维修技术 | Avionics Maintenance Technician
柴油机械 | Diesel Mechanics
小型发动机的机械和维修 | Small Engine Mechanics and Repair
车辆维护与修理 | Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
情报和资料 | Intelligence and Information
哲学研究 | Philosophy Studies
道德 | Ethics
哲学 | Philosophy
宗教 | Religion
基督教 | Christianity
伊斯兰 | Islam
犹太教 | Judaism
宗教研究 | Religious Studies
神学和宗教 | Theology and Religious Vocations
圣经研究 | Biblical Studies
神学与神学预科 | Divinity, Ministry, and Pre-Theology
传教研究 | Missionary Studies
宗教教育 | Religious Education
神学和传教研究 | Theological and Ministerial Studies
天文和天体物理学 | Astronomy and Astrophysics
天文学 | Astronomy
天体物理 | Astrophysics
化学化工技术 | Chemistry and Chemical Technology
化工技术 | Chemical Technician
化学 | Chemistry
地球科学 | Earth Sciences
地质与地球科学 | Geology and Earth Science
自然科学 | Natural Sciences
材料科学 | Materials Science
光学 | Optics
自然科学研究 | Physical Science Studies
物理 | Physics
系统科学与理论 | Systems Science and Theory
刑事司法与感化 | Criminal Justice and Corrections
感化及感化管理 | Corrections and Corrections Administration
刑事司法和行政执法 | Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Administration
刑事司法和安全性研究 | Criminal Justice and Safety Studies
防火 | Fire Protection
防火和安全技术 | Fire Prevention and Safety Technology
火灾科学与消防 | Fire Science and Fire Fighting
消防管理 | Fire Services Administration
法医科学和技术 | Forensic Science and Technology
警察和刑事科学 | Police and Criminal Science
安全和防灾防损服务 | Security and Loss Prevention Services
临床心理学和辅导 | Clinical Psychology and Counseling
临床心理学 | Clinical Psychology
社区心理学 | Community Psychology
咨询心理学 | Counseling Psychology
法医心理学 | Forensic Psychology
工业与组织心理学 | Industrial and Organizational Psychology
学校心理学 | School Psychology
心理学 | Psychology
心理学研究 | Psychology Studies
发育和儿童心理学 | Developmental and Child Psychology
生理心理学 | Physiological Psychology
研究与实验心理学 | Research and Experimental Psychology
社会心理学 | Social Psychology

康与体育健身教育 | Health and Physical Fitness Education
运动学和运动科学 | Kinesiology and Exercise Science
公园及康乐设施 | Parks and Recreation
公园,娱乐和休闲设施管理 | Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management
公园,娱乐和休闲研究 | Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies
体育和健身管理 | Sport and Fitness Management
幼儿服务 | Child Care Services
托儿 | Child Care Provider
美容及个人美容服务 | Cosmetology and Personal Grooming Services
面部护理与美发 | Barbering
美容 | Cosmetology
美学家和护肤 | Esthetician and Skin Care
烹饪艺术和饮食服务 | Culinary Arts and Food Service
西点学 | Baking and Pastry Arts
烹饪和烹饪科学 | Cooking and Culinary Science
烹饪艺术 | Culinary Arts
食物准备及服务 | Food Preparation and Service
餐厅,烹饪,餐饮管理 | Restaurant, Culinary, and Catering Management
殡葬服务和太平间科学 | Funeral Service and Mortuary Science
殡葬服务和方向 | Funeral Service and Direction
木工和建筑 | Carpentry and Construction
木器 | Carpentry
一般建筑行业 | General Construction Trades
木工 | Woodworking
建筑整理和检查 | Construction Finishing and Inspection
建筑施工验收 | Building Construction Inspection
建筑涂装 | Painting1
物业维修和现场管理 | Property Maintenance and Site Management
电器贸易 | Electrical Trades
电子与电力传动装置 | Electrical and Power Transmission Installation
电工 | Electrician
机床和金属加工 | Machine and Metal Working
机械师 | Machinist
钣金技术 | Sheet Metal Technology
工具和模具技师 | Tool and Die Technician
水暖行业 | Plumbing Trades
管件 | Pipefitting
水暖 | Plumbing
焊接 | Welding
地区和民族问题研究 | Area and Ethnic Studies
美国黑人研究 | African American Studies
非洲研究 | African Studies
亚洲研究 | Asian Studies
欧洲和俄罗斯的研究 | European and Russian Studies
西班牙裔美国人研究 | Hispanic American Studies
拉丁美洲研究 | Latin American Studies
少数民族和集团研究 | Minority and Group Studies
北美研究 | North American Studies
区域研究 | Regional and Area Studies
消费和商品零售 | Consumer and Retail Merchandising
服装和纺织科学 | Apparel and Textile Science
经济学 | Economics
经济发展 | Economic Development
经济学和计量经济学 | Economics and Econometrics
家庭及消费经济学 | Family and Consumer Economics
家庭研究和消费者科学 | Family Studies and Consumer Sciences
食品和营养学研究 | Food and Nutrition Studies
餐饮服务系统管理 | Food Service Systems Management
食品,营养和健康研究 | Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies
营养学 | Nutrition Sciences

史 | History
人类发展 | Human Development
成人发展与老龄化 | Adult Development and Aging
行为科学 | Behavioral Sciences
儿童发展 | Child Development
认知科学 | Cognitive Science
家庭及社区服务 | Family and Community Services
国际问题研究和政府 | International Studies and Government
国际关系和国家安全的研究 | International Relations and National Security Studies
国际研究 | International Studies
和平研究和解决冲突 | Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
政治学与政府 | Political Science and Government
文科和人文学 | Liberal Arts and Humanities
社会科学 | Social Sciences
人类学和考古学 | Anthropology and Archaeology
犯罪学 | Criminology
地理学 | Geography
老年学 | Gerontology
社会科学研究方法 | Social Science Research Methods
社会学 | Sociology
城市研究和事务 | Urban Studies and Affairs
