《新编汽车专业英语(第3版)》Unit 2-Passage A
一.1.the internal combustion engine 内燃机2. a reciprocating engine 往复发动机3.exhaust emissions 废气排放4.fuel consumption燃料燃烧5.fuel economy 燃油经济性bustion chamber燃烧室7.hybrid-electric vehicle 混动汽车8.mass production大规模生产9.dual-fuel vehicle 双燃料汽车10.air-cooled engine 风冷式发动机二.1. A diesel engine compresses its cylinder air on its compresstion stroke before anyfuel enters the cylinder2.The internal combustion engine is the one most commonly used in theautomotive field.3.According to the fuel energy used,the internal combustion engines are alsodivided into gasoline engines,and diesel engine.4.The piston converts the potential energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy.5.The power production cycle consists of four strokes of the position in areciprocating engine.6.The engine is generally considered the “heart” of an automobile7.This four strokes cycle of piston within the cylinder is repeated time and again topush the vehicle foreard.8.There are actually various types of engines such an electric engines,steamengines,and internal combustion engines.1. compression ratio : the total volume divided bv the compression volume2. internal combustion engine : burning their fuel inside their cylinders3. engine : a heart of an automobile4. stroke : the movement of the piston within the cylinder and the distance of piston travel5. reciprocating : the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder6. gasoline : a mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived chiefly from crude petroleum.四.1.If you know something about ordinary gasoline engines, you will have notice thatdiesel engines, in many respects, work in the same way as gasoline engines.(柴油机的工作方式在很多方面和汽油机是一样的)2.The engine is the source of power that makes the car and the truck move.(使得汽车行驶)3.As it would not be reasonable to have to stop the engine every time it wasrequired to stop the car.(每次都到停车)4.Some of parts make the car move comfortable or better looking, but most ofthem are to make it run.(有些部件使得汽车更舒适或更美观)5.Not all of this heat can be used, and if allowed to remain in the engine, it wouldsoon destroy it.(如果让其热量保留在发动机中)一、1.gasoline engine 汽油机2.in low-speed driving condition在低速行车条件下3.achieve a variety of different objectives 达到各种不同的目的4.higher energy density高能量密度5.electric motor 电动机6.air conditioning空调装置7.regenerative braking 反馈制动8.power source动力源9.resource consumption 资源消耗10.dashboard display汽车仪表板显示二、1.The engine converts the expanding force of combustion into rotary force used topropel the vehicle.2.The gasoline engine and electric motor shut off automatically so that energy isnot wasted in idling.3.Clean cities uses hybrid electric vehicles as a way for coalitions to reducepetroleum consumption.4.Any vehicle without a transmission could be made to move but not smoothly.5.The electric motor applies resistance to the drive-train causing the wheels toslow down.6.The engine turns a high-speed generator, producing electricity.7.An intelligent power-control system determines the most efficient operation ofthe engine and energy storage system.8.If 10000 hybrid-electric vehicles were on the road rather than current standardvehicles, substantial reductions in emissions and fuel use would occur annually.1. transmission: an automotive assembly of gears by which power is transmitted from the engine to a driving axle.2. parking : to put or leave (a vehicle) for a time in a certain location.3. start : to set into motion , operation, or activity.4. battery : a single cell, such as a dry cell, that prouduces an electric current.5. braking : to reduce the speed of with or as if with a brake.四、1.We want hybrid-electric vehicle that reflect the spirit of the time and vehicleconcepts that express their individuality.(要能反映出时代精神)2.There are various types of engines such as electric motors, steam engines andinternal combustion engines.(电动机、蒸汽机和内燃机)3.The transmission is a speed and power changing device.(一个使速比变化的装置)4.Scientists have still been making efforts to concentrate the future developmentof engines on the three targets: reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhausted emissions, and reducing engine noise.(减少耗油量、降低废气排量以及降低发动机噪声)5.Hybrid system are increasingly becoming more prevalent in light-duty vehicles,but also in transit buses and other heavy-duty vehicles.(正日益变得更加流畅)6.We want hybrid-electric vehicle that reflect the spirit of the time and vehicleconcepts that express their individuality.(要能反映出时代精神)7.There are various types of engines such as electric motors, steam engines andinternal combustion engines.(电动机、蒸汽机和内燃机)8.The transmission is a speed and power changing device.(一个使速比变化的装置)9.Scientists have still been making efforts to concentrate the future developmentof engines on the three targets: reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhaustedemissions, and reducing engine noise.(减少耗油量、降低废气排量以及降低发动机噪声)10.Hybrid system are increasingly becoming more prevalent in light-duty vehicles,but also in transit buses and other heavy-duty vehicles.(正日益变得更加流畅)U5E11. The power train has two maan functions :it conveys powerfrom the engine to the wheels , and it changes the amount of torque2. The power train consists of an engine , a transmission ,a clutch , a drive shaft and differential3. The feature of a manual transmission is to deliver enginepower to the front wheels and rear wheels4. manual transmissions usually have five speeds , which means that the output shaft can rotate faster than the input5. There are several basic components in the clutch , suchas the flywheel , clutch disk , pressure plate , release bearing and linkage.6 Automatic transmissions are used not only in many rear-wheel-dnve and four-whe el-dnve ve- lcles, but In most front-wheel-dnve ones1.T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. FE21. manual transmission 手动变速器2. automatic transmission自动变速器3.planetary gear set 行星齿轮组4. Transaxle assembly驱动桥总成5. differential gear 差速器6. clutch pedal离合器踏板7.gearshift lever 变速杆8. release bearing分离轴承9. engine braking 发动机制动10.torque converter液力变矩器E31.If you’ve read about manual transmissions you know hat an engine is connectedto a transmission by way of a clutch.2.Cars with an automatic transmission have no clutch that disconnects thetransmission from the engine. Instead, they use an amazing device called a torque converter.3.One important function of the power train is to transmit the power of the engineto the wheels.4.The type of transmission ( manual or automatic) determines how the slip joint isconnected to the drive shaft.5.The clutch is located between the back of the engine and the front of thetransmission6.The face of the flywheel that touches the clutch disc is made of iron Even if theflywheel were aluminum , the face is iron.7.When the operator presses the clutch pedal ,the clutch release lever or fork .8.The clutch release bearing in most cases, is a ball bearing assembly with amachined face on one side.E41.clutch : any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working engagingand disengaging two working parts of a shaft2.shaft: a long, generally cylindrical bar, especially one that rotates and transmits power3.transmission : a speed and power changing device4.gearshift : a mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a5.transaxle : an automotive part that combines the transmission and the differential and is used on vehicles with front-wheel drive6.flywheel: a heavy-rimmed rotating wheel used to minimize variations in angular velocityE51.The power is then carried from the engine through the power train to the car (通过传动系扒发动机传递到车轮) so that the wheels turn and the car moves.2.( 如果汽车变速器需要修理和更换)If your car transmission needs repairs orreplacement,you’ve come to the right phone.3.If you wanted a top speed of 80 km/h,then the gear ratio would be similar tothird gear ( 速比相近于3 挡) ,in most manual transmission cars .4.The torque converter does not require any regular maintenance or adjustments( 不要求定期维护或调整) ,but it may be possible to change the transmission fluid .5.The drive shaft can be. either open or enclosed , depending on the type of driveused (取决于所使用的驱动类型)U6E11 If your brakes can work properly , good brakes are essential for safety during dn、ruvtg.2. The disk brake is the best brake which is generally due to its simpler design , lighteri .elju Ind better braking performance.3 Brake linings used to be made maxnly of metals., because of ats heat absorbing propertlcb4Caliper is an important part, and it must be replaced if it indicates a sign of leak!ng lbfa_e Eutd. .lc5 The reason why we still have cars wlth drum brakes ls cheap.6.Drum brakes consist of some parts , such as a backing plate, brake shoes , brake dm. .1, wheel cylnder, return springs and an automatic or self-adjusting system.. brake shoes a brake1.T2. T3. F4. T5. T6. FE21.brake system制动系统2. the parking brake驻车制动器3.the service brake system行车制动系统4. the disk brake盘式制动器5.the hand brake 手制动6.the brake shoe制动蹄片7.drum brake 鼓式制动器8. brake pads制动块9brake performance 制动性能10. brake fluid制动液E31.The most vital factor in the running and control of the modem vehicles is thebreaking system.2.Brake fluid is a special liquid for use in a hydraulic brake system.3.The small forces applied to the brake pedal usually produce relatively largeforces.4.The rate of slowing down or retardation is governed by the speed of conversionof energy.5.Brake is a friction device for converting the power into heat by means of friction6.To decelerate and stop the moving automobile, the service brake are usuallyused.7.The brake lining of a friction maternal are secured to the shoes by brass8.The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub.E41 brake : the means of bringing to rest a moving vehicle in a shortest possible distance.2 service brake : stop or slow a car by depressing and releasing the brake pedal.3 hand brake : keep the car from rolling on unleveled ground.4 drum brake : a backing plate , brake shoes , wheel cylinder , return springs etc.5 parking brake : hold the automobile at rest.E51.An automobile brake system is actually a friction device to change power intoheat(实际上就是一种把动力转变成热量的摩擦装置).2.Basically , automobile brakes are of two types: the mechanical brakes and thehydraulic brakes (机械制动器和液压制动)3.The most vital factor in the running and control of the modem vehicles is theautomobile brake system (汽车制动系统).4.There are two brake shoes at each wheel. The bottoms of the shoes are heldapart by an adjuster. The tops of shoes are held apart by a wheel cylinder(蹄片顶部由轮缸分别固定)5.Brake lines are steel tubing with copper and lead coating to prevent rust andcorrosion ( 以防锈蚀)U7EXERCISE 11. T2. F3. F4. F5. T6. F1 . The most important function of the suspension system ls to supply comfortable , safe nde cot- trol2. According to the article , we know that there are five basic types of spnngs used ln sus,eT"-sions :coil spring , leaf spring , torsion bar spring , traction,barand air spnngn3. The disadvantage of a coil spring ls its compactness , lack of moving parts , and excellentweight supporting characteristics.4. According to e passage , leaf springs are often used on the front suspension of front drive vehtcles5. When the coil springs , leaf springs , torsion bar spring ,L air springs ls defected , thls couldd cause the car to bounce up and down without any control6. Shock absorber movement ls limited by forcing fluid , d which causes the shock absorber to causes the shock absorbercompress or extend at a slow rate.EXERCISE 21.suspension system 悬架系统2.front suspension system前悬架系3.air compressor 空气压缩机4.torque tube传递转矩管5.axle housing alignment 桥壳定位6.coil spring 螺旋弹簧7.lower control arm 下控制臂8.rebound clip缓冲夹9.traction bar 牵引杆10.control arm控制臂EXERCISE 31.The leaf springs or leaves. most commonly used tn automobiles is' made up ofseveral long plates ,2.Suspension refers to the use of the front and rear springs to suspend a vehicle ' srear springs to suspend a vehicle sprung weight3.Shock absorber are hydraulic restricting devices used to hmt the speed of springaction.4.The car frame is connected to the axles by springs which absorb road shock5.The coil springs is made from a length of steel rod wound Into a coil.6.The front-suspension system must allow the wheels to move up and down.7.In operations, the lower control arms pivot up and down , twisting the torsionbars spring.8.Rebound clips are place along the spnng to prevent separahon of the leaveswhen the spring rebounds.EXERCISE 41.coil spring : a round bar of spring steel wound into the shape of a coil2.leaf spring : several layers of spring steel stacked one upon the other3.torsion ba r : spring a long solid steel shaft held at one end to the suspension s control arm4.air spring : a rubber bag or bladder full of air5.shock absorber : a hydraulic device by forcing fluid through passages or orifices6 suspension : use of the front and rear spring to suspend a vehicleEXERCISE 51.We all Know that springs are the major component(弹簧是主要部件) .nautomobile suspension.2.The automobile suspension is one of the major automobile system (汽车的主要系统之一。
汽车专业英语大纲修订版IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】《汽车专业英语》课程标准学时/学分: 32/2课程类型:理论课程(A类)适用专业:汽车电子技术专业课程所属系部:汽车工程系批准日期:2014年5月一、制定依据与课程定位(一)制定依据本课程标准是依据汽车检测与维修技术、汽车制造与装配技术、需要制定。
汽车维修英语第三版Unit 2 Lesson7 The ignition System
![汽车维修英语第三版Unit 2 Lesson7 The ignition System](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afb5e92baa00b52acec7ca62.png)
distributor mechanical
Lesson 74
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More Words and Phrases
Unit 23
Lesson 74
A. Look at the pictures and choose the correct technical terms.
a. distributor rotor 分火头
f. resistance wire 电阻线
b. battery 蓄电池
g. ECU 电脑
c. ignition key d. spark plug e. ignition coil
火花塞 点火线圈
h. control module 控制模块
i. sensor 传感器
f. resistance wire 电阻线
b. battery c. ignition key d. spark plug e. ignition coil
点火开关Biblioteka 火花塞 点火线圈g. ECU h. control module
i. sensor 传感器
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More Words and Phrases
ignition distributor ignition coil spark plugs
connecting wires
electronic control module
spark plugs ignition coil connecting wires
罗永革版(原文与翻译) today's average car contains more than 15000 separate,individual parts that must work together.these parts can be grouped into four major categories:body,engine,chassis and electrical system. 现在的汽车一般都由 15000 多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。这些零部件只要分为 四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气设备。 an automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows,a hood and a trunk deck built into it.it provides a protective covering for the engine,passengers and cargo.the body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable.the body styling provides an attractive,colorful modern appearance for the vehicle. 轿车车身是一个钣金件壳体,它上面有车窗、车门、发动机罩和行李舱门等部件,它给发动 机、乘客和行李提供防护。车身设计是为了确保乘客乘坐的安全和舒适。车身造型设计使得 汽车有一个华美、现代、吸引人的外观。
汽车专业英语第三版答案黄汽驰1、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的2、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about3、If you get _______, you can have some bread on the table. [单选题] *A. happyB. hungry(正确答案)C. worriedD. sad4、-Do you have tickets for Friday? -Sorry, we've got _____ left. [单选题] *A. eitherB. none(正确答案)C. no oneD. neither5、So many people will _______ to their work after the Spring Festival. [单选题] *A. get inB. get onC. get offD. get back(正确答案)6、You can distinguish the twins very easily, _____Tom is quite while Jack is active. [单选题] *A. soB. butC. for(正确答案)D. and7、_______ songs is my favorite. [单选题] *A. To Singing EnglishB. Singing English(正确答案)C. Singings EnglishD. Sing English8、A little learning is a dangerous thing, _____ the saying goes. [单选题] *A. likeB. as(正确答案)C. withD. if9、While studying abroad, he financially depended()his wife. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. ofC. toD. from10、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When11、Fresh _______ is good for our health. [单选题] *A. climateB. skyC. weatherD. air(正确答案)12、The man lost his camera and he ______ it now.()[单选题] *A. foundB. is findingC. is looking forD. looks for(正确答案)13、—What can I do for you? —I ______ a pair of new shoes.()[单选题] *A. likeB. would lookC. would like(正确答案)D. take14、_______ your help, I can’t finish my job. [单选题] *A. withB. without(正确答案)C. inD. into15、Miss Smith is a friend of _____. [单选题] *A. Jack’s sister’s(正确答案)B. Jack’s sisterC. Jack sister’sD. Jack sister16、-----How can I apply for an online course?------Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. [单选题] *A. seeB. are seeingC. have seenD. will see(正确答案)17、—What’s the matter with that boy?—______.()[单选题] *A. He is watching TV in his roomB. He takes his temperatureC. He was playing a toy carD. He hurt his right leg(正确答案)18、It was()of you to get up early to catch the first bus so that you could avoid the traffic jam. [单选题] *A. senselessB. sensible(正确答案)C. sentimentalD. sensitive19、His understanding made a deep impression_____the young girl. [单选题] *A.on(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with20、My camera is lost. I am ______ it everywhere.()[单选题] *A. looking atB. looking for(正确答案)C. looking overD. looking after21、—______ is it from your home to the bookstore?—About 15 kilometers.()[单选题] *A. How far(正确答案)B. How muchC. How longD. How many22、12.That is a good way ________ him ________ English. [单选题] *A.to help;forB.helps;withC.to help;with(正确答案)D.helping;in23、96.Let's cross the street from school. There is a park ______ the school. [单选题] * A.far fromB.next toC.atD.opposite(正确答案)24、65.There is a big sale on in the shop! Every-thing is ________ price. [单选题] *A.bigB.fullC.zeroD.half(正确答案)25、_______ after dinner is good for our health. [单选题] *A. WalksB. Walking(正确答案)C. WalkedD. Walk26、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] * A.come outB.get awayC.come true(正确答案)D.get out27、We’re proud that China _______ stronger and stronger these years. [单选题] *A. will becomeB. becameC. is becoming(正确答案)D. was becoming28、Chinese is one of ____ most widely used languages in ____ world. [单选题] *A. a, theB. /, theC. the, the(正确答案)D. a, /29、—______? —Half a kilo.()[单选题] *A. How much are theyB. How much is itC. How much would you like(正确答案)D. How many would you like30、My sister gave me a _______ at my birthday party. [单选题] *A. parentB. peaceC. patientD. present(正确答案)。
1.Listen and learn the words.
2.Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with proper words.
1.Know some tools,instruments and facilities of automobile painting.
2.Talk about the main steps of automobile painting.
3.Match the expressions with their Chinese meanings.
三、Culture Corner
见《汽车专业英语》第18页Warming up
课题五Automobile Chassis汽车底盘
1.Know the different parts of a chassis.
3.Read the text again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
三、Culture Corner
见《汽车专业英语》第34页Warming up
汽车专业英语课件Unit 2 Automobile Basics
![汽车专业英语课件Unit 2 Automobile Basics](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a8657ed30740be1e640e9a33.png)
➢ Words Building
Task III. Match the following English terms with the equivalent Chinese
A Байду номын сангаас--front and rear suspensions 1. ( )左右后侧围板,简称车身板
B --- rear axles
D. Yes, you can.
2. A. Don’t worry about it.
B. Why not.
C. Here you are.
D. Of course, please.
3. A. No, you needn’t.
B. No, you can’t.
C. I can’t believe it.
➢ Words Building Task I. Choose the best answer from the four choices A, B, C and D. ( ) 1. These streams of functionality can ________into vertical slices of the application. A. be divided B. divide C. to divided D. divided ( ) 2. The American young are well-meaning but misguided, and must not themselves be taken _______guides A. for B. with C. as D. to ( ) 3. Regardless of the type of business you own, your work will be composed ____ ___those three items. A. as B. of C. with D. for ( ) 4. The scientists are still working on ___ ____ new methods of reaching outer space. A. invention B. inventor C. invent D. inventing ( ) 5. To my ________, no researchers have come close to doing this. A. know B. knowing C. known D. knowledge
汽车专业英语第二章02-air induction systmtem
![汽车专业英语第二章02-air induction systmtem](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/01f13054f12d2af90242e66f.png)
further reduce noise, some systems have a tuning venturi
inside the housing.
See fig.2-2. The shape and size of the tuning venture
SECTION 2 Air Induction Operation and Diagnosis
2.1 Air Induction System Components The air induction system is the system that supplies clean air
to the engine and controls the flow of air through the engine. See fie.2-1.
空气滤纸,也称为空气滤芯或过滤介质,必须足够坚 固以防撕裂。
如果发动机通过进气系统回火,过滤器必须是阻燃的。 为防止灰尘在过滤器周围传播,过滤器必须紧紧密封 在空气过滤器外壳上。
The air passing from the filter housing, around the
throttle plate, and into the engine creates noise.
Airflow n. 气流;空气的流动 Density n. 密度
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)Sensor 歧管绝对压力(MAP)传感器 intake air temperature (IAT) sensor 进气温度传感器
engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor 发动机冷却剂温度(ECT)传感器 mass airflow (MAF) sensor 空气流量(MAF)传感器 vacuum n. 真空;空间;真空吸尘器adj. 真空的;利用真空的 barometric pressure气压 fuel economy 燃油经济性
所以说,发动机是动力源, 并被认为是汽车的心脏。
汽车专业英语Unit 3 PPT
![汽车专业英语Unit 3 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b8a5f3a2dd36a32d73758198.png)
1.The chassis of the automobile is the basic foundation of the vehicle.It includes the transmission system,driving system, steering system,and braking systems.
system. ➢ Learn about the key components of the chassis and can
translate them into English. ➢ Grasp the special term and useful expressions about the
transmission system
driving system
steering system
braking system
The Structure of the Chassis The chassis is a very important part of the automobile.All
Learning Objectives(学习目标)
➢ Learn about the main systems of the chassis. ➢ Learn about the name and the function of the four main
34640课件 汽车专业英语(第3版)
![34640课件 汽车专业英语(第3版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/83f65e0e964bcf84b9d57bd7.png)
高等职业技术教育研究会 审 定
黄 星 黄汽驰 主 编
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars Unit 2 Introduction to Automobile Engine Unit 3 Lubrication and Cooling Se Train Unit 5 Automotive Ignition System
Automobile English
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars
Passage A Kinds of Cars
Figure 1-5 Ford: Focus
Figure 1-6 Toyota: Corolla
Figure 1-7 Volkswagen: Sagitar
Automobile English
Figure1-8 Volkswagen: Golf7
Unit 1 Introduction to Cars
Passage A Kinds of Cars
Also called mid-sized cars, intermediates provide what many consider to be the best trade-off between economy and comfort. Parking maneuverability and fuel economy are superior to the full-size models, while maintenance access, roominess and long-trip comfort are better than those of the compacts and subcompacts. Intermediates have room for five adults and a large trunk (boot). Engines are more powerful than compact cars and 6-cylinder engines are more common than in smaller cars. Car sizes vary from region to region; in Europe, large family cars are rarely over 4700 mm long, while in North America they may be well over 4800 mm.
汽车专业英语Unit 2
![汽车专业英语Unit 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2f3f19d4240c844769eaee67.png)
现代汽车中所使用的电子控制系统 和通讯系统越来越多,如发动机电 控系统、 自动变速器控制系统、 防抱死制动系统(ABS)、自动巡航 系统(ACC)和车载多媒体系统等, 这些系统之间。系统和汽车的显示 仪表之间,系统和汽车故障诊断系 统之间均需要进行数据交换,如此 巨大的数据交换量,如仍然采用传 统数据交换的方法,即用导线进行 点对点的连接的传输方式将是难以 想象的,据统计,如采用普通线索, 一个中级轿车就需要线索插头300 个左右,插针总数将达到2000个 左右,线索总长超过1. 6Km,不但 装配复杂而且故障率会很高。因此, 用串行数据传输系统取而代之就成 为必然的选择
TCS 牵引力控制系统
TCS是英文Traction Control System 三个字的简写,中文为「循迹控制系 统」就是防止轮胎打滑空转控制系统。 即牵引力控制系统。汽车在光滑路面 制动时,车轮会打滑,甚至使方向失 控。同样,汽车在起步或急加速时, 驱动轮也有可能打滑,在冰雪等光滑 路面上还会使方向失控而出危险。 TCS就是针对此问题而设计的。TCS 依靠传感器探测到从动轮速度低于驱 动轮时(这是打滑的特征),就会发 出一个信号,调节点火时间、减小气 门开度、减小油门、降挡或制动车轮, 从而使车轮不再打滑。防止车辆失控 甩尾。 TCS可以提高汽车行驶稳定 性,提高加速性,提高爬坡能力。原 来只是豪华轿车上才安装TCS,现在 许多普通轿车上也有。TCS如果和 ABS相互配合使用,将进一步增强汽 车的安全性能。
car [kɑ:] n.车辆,(小)汽车, 电车
auto ['ɔ:təu] n.汽车
automobile [ɔ:təmə‘bi:l] n.汽车;机动车
汽车专业英语 车身电气系统 第2讲 Air Conditioning System(空调系统)
![汽车专业英语 车身电气系统 第2讲 Air Conditioning System(空调系统)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3d5a937376c66137ef061920.png)
In recent years R-134a (CH2F-CF3) is widely used as
refrigerant instead of R-12 in air conditioning
system. It has more advantages than R-12.It does not deplete the ozone layer which helps to protect us from the ultraviolet from the sun, and its evaporative temperature is higher than that of R-12.
interior 内部的
dehumidify 除湿
compressor 压缩机
condenser 冷凝器
receiver 贮液干燥器
evaporator 蒸发器
expansion valve
膨胀阀 amplifier
Fig. 3-2-1 Air Conditioning System Electrical Control Parts Location (空调系统电控部件位置图)
cooling unit, its temperature and pressure come down.
Fig. 3-2-2 The Cooling Process of the Air Condition (空调系统制冷过程)
1- compressor (压缩机)2- low-pressure side (低压侧)3- high-pressure side (高压侧) 4- expansion valve(膨胀阀)5- cooled fresh air (冷却后 的新鲜空气)6- evaporator (蒸发器)7- warm fresh air (冷却前的热新鲜
Unit 1EXERCISE 21.内燃机2. a reciprocating engine3. 废气排放4. fuel consumption5. 燃油经济性6. combustion chamber7. 混合动力汽车8. mass production9. 双燃料汽车 10. air-cooled engineEXERCISE 31. A diesel engine2. internal combustion engine3. diesel engines4. converts … into5. in a reciprocating engine6. engine7. four strokes cycle8. electric motorEXERCISE 51. diesel engines, in many aspects/respects/ways, work in the same way as gasoline engines2. makes the car and the truck move3. every time it was required to stop the car4. Some of parts make the car more comfortable or better looking5. if allowed to remain in the engineEXERCISE 61. years2. solve3. basically4. exhaust pipe5. without6. benefited7. based on8. in the 80’s9. runs out 10. the right side EXERCISE 81. 代用燃料汽车2. 高科技汽车3. 混合动力电动汽车4. 在节气门上方5. 发动机控制系统6. 发动机控制模块EXERCISE 91. 1)that is stopping oil from circulating 2)The engine’s valve lifters are collapsed2. 1)The engine may have mechanical problems2)The engine’s piston rings may be wornUnit 2EXERCISE 21.汽油(发动)机2. in low-speed driving conditions3. 达到各种不同的目的4. higher energy density5. 电动机6. air conditioning7. 反馈制动8. power source9.资源消耗 10. dashboard displayEXERCISE 31.co nverts…into2. shut off3. hybrid electric vehicles4. transmission5. slow down6. generator7. the most efficient operation8. current standard vehiclesEXERCISE 51. reflect the spirit of the time2. electric motors, steam engines and internal combustion engines3. a speed and power changing device4. reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhausted emissions, and reducing engine noise5. are increasingly becoming more prevalentEXERCISE 6rear wheel drive 4. at an average speed 5. currently 6. based on 7. camshafts 8. Due to1. W12 engines2. three cylinders3. 3. rear wheel driveEXERCISE 81.可变气门相位和升程电子控制装置2.上止点3.每分钟转数4.单顶置凸轮5. 双顶置凸轮6. 下止点7.前置发动机前轮驱动8. 混合动力汽车 EXERCISE 91.1) the same air pressure 2)linkage2.1)out of alignment 2)out of adjustmentUnit 3EXERCISE 21. 气门机构2. pushrod engine3. 气门弹簧4. timing chain5. 气门锥面6. steel alloy7. 气门座8. timing belt9. 挺柱 10. at high engine speed EXERCISE 31. valve2. valve train3.intake and exhaust ports4. valve face5. push rods6. rocker arm7. camshaft8. valve springEXERCISE 51. transmit the force from the camshaft to the pushrods2. the intake valves heat less during engine operation3. the valve spring provides the force necessary to close the valve4. the valve train should undergo regular maintenance5. the more power strokes produced for each revolutionEXERCISE 61. engine operation2. valve rotator3. grooves4. freely5. which6. is compressed7. causes8. against9. roll down 10. the valveEXERCISE 81. 顶置双凸轮轴2. 顶置单凸轮轴3. 顶置气门4. 电子控制装置5. 三菱新气门相位和升程电子控制装置6. 智能可变气门相位7. 智能可变气门相位和升程电子控制装置8. 可变气门升程EXERCISE 91. 1)out of alignment 2)tires2. 1)low 2) the transmissionUnit 4EXERCISE 21. 一次电路2. ignition system3. 磁力场4. spark plug wire5. 曲轴正时传感器6. distributor cap7. 点火线圈一次绕组8. control module9. 分电器触点 10. breaker pointEXERCISE 31. spark plug2. ignition system3. ignition coil4. ignition switch5. An electronic ignition system6. the secondary windings7. battery8. primary windingsEXERCISE 51. changes electron flow into light and the horn into sound2. every vehicle has its own ignition system and is started by it3. consists of these parts like spark plugs, wiring, distributor, ignition coil, andsource of electrical current4. it would soon become discharged5. The mixture comes to exploding burningEXERCISE 61. an automotive starter2. connects3. ignition switch4. simultaneously5. magnetic fields6. Immediately7. connecting plate8. So9. meanwhile 10. keep onEXERCISE 81. 传统点火系统2. 电子点火系统3. 点火4. 点火上止点5. 直接点火6. 无分电器点火EXERCISE 91. 1)wheel lug nuts 2)worn or damaged2.1)the correct pressure 2)needs to be replacedUnit 5EXERCISE 21.手动变速器2. automatic transmission3. 行星齿轮组4. transaxle assembly5. 差速器6. clutch pedal7. 变速杆8. release bearing9. 发动机制动 10. torque converterEXERCISE 3manual transmissions 2. a torque converter 3. the power train 4. the drive shaft 5. The clutch 6. the flywheel 7.the clutch pedal 8. clutch release bearing1.1.manual transmissionsEXERCISE 51. from the engine through the power train to the car2. If your car transmission needs repairs or replacement3. the gear ratio would be similar to third gear4. does not require any regular maintenance or adjustments5. depending on the type of drive usedEXERCISE 61. automatically2. depressing3. An automatic transmission4. other operating conditions5. down-shifts6. manually7. Depending on8. during9. consists of 10. reaction membersEXERCISE 81. 前轮驱动2. 后轮驱动3. 四轮驱动4. 动力输5. 传动系控制模块6. 动力分配装置EXERCISE 91. 1)an internal problem in transmission 2)out of adjustment or damaged2.1)internal transmission problems 2)the vacuum line is disconnected Unit 6EXERCISE 21. 制动系统2. the parking brake3.行车制动系统4. the disk brake5. 手制动6.the brake shoe7. 鼓式制动器8. brake pads9. 制动性能 10. brake fluid EXERCISE 31. breaking system2. Brake fluid3. the brake pedal4. slowing down5. friction6. the service brake7. The brake lining8. The brake drumEXERCISE 51. is actually a friction device to change power into heat2. the mechanical brakes and the hydraulic brakes3. the automobile brake system4. The tops of shoes are held apart by a wheel cylinder5. to prevent rust and corrosionEXERCISE 61. a valve2. chambers3. the brake pedal4. the power assist5. reliable6. however7. In order to8. shuts off9. after that 10. much pressureEXERCISE 81.制动力2. 制动调节阀3. 制动块4. 制动功率5. 平均有效制动压力6. 制动主缸EXERCISE 91. 1)in the hydraulic circuit 2)dangerously worn 3)the wrong type of fluid2. 1)lubrication badly 2)inside your rear brakesEXERCISE 21. 悬架系统2. front suspension system3. 空气压缩机4. torque tube5. 桥壳定位6. coil spring7. 下控制臂8. rebound clip9. 牵引杆 10. control armEXERCISE 31. leaf springs2. suspension3. Shock absorber4. springs5. coil springs6. pivot from side to side7. torsion bars8. rebound clips EXERCISE 51. springs are the major component2. one of the major automobile system3. the use of suspension system has increased strength and durability of components4. transmits the weight of the body and other components to the axles and wheels5. having a piston force fluid through a small openingEXERCISE 61. the rear axle2. front3. independently4. the latter5. Dependent front suspensions6. Basically7. a solid bar8. mainstream cars 9. move 10. especiallyEXERCISE 81. 悬架2. 车架高度3. 前桥4. 后桥5. 钢板弹簧6. 扭杆弹簧EXERCISE 91. 1)should be replaced with the correct type 2)the wrong type of fluid was put in your car2. 1)pump is bad 2)be lubricated or repairedUnit 8EXERCISE 21. 齿轮齿条转向2. steering shaft3. 循环球转向4. steering wheel5. 横拉杆内接头6. steering arm7. 横拉杆外接头8. steering gear9. 机械效益 10. steering systemEXERCISE 31.influence upon2. steering gear3.steering wheel4.consists of5. ball nut6. move up and down7. rack-and-pinion steering8. steering arms EXERCISE 51. steering wheel, steering gears, linkages, and other components2. causes the pitman shaft and arm to rotate3. prevent side-slip of all automobile wheels in cornering4. steering gear plays a important role5. manual steering system and power steering systemEXERCISE 61. fluid2. manual steering gear3. larger4. a high pressure5. special oil6. same7. steering arms8. includes9. the other end 10. the intermediate rodEXERCISE 81. 汽车稳定性控制2. 全球公认的杰作3. 防抱死制动系统4. 防抱死制动系统控制模块5.(防抱死制动系统)转速脉冲传感器6. 动力转向控制装置7. 动力转向8. 多用途赛车,运动型多用途车EXERCISE 91. 1)be lubricated 2)be adjusted 3)the power steering unit2. 1)bad 2)leak 3)incorrectUnit 9EXERCISE 21. 润滑系统2. moving component3. 循环机油4. compression pressure5. 集滤器6. pressure-regulator valve7. 旁通阀8. oil filter9. 循环流体10. operating temperatureEXERCISE 31. moving parts2. oil pump3. oil pan4. lubricate5. oil filter6. friction7. drain8. passagesEXERCISE 51. The engine can work effectively2. an automobile could not run itself3. contains mechanical parts such as the oil pump, the oil filter, the oil pressurerelief valve, etc.4. it absorbs and carries the heat away from the engine parts5. forms a good seal between piston rings and cylinder wallsEXERCISE 61. build up2. pumps3. camshaft4. suffer from5. replacement6. oil pressure7. filters8. However9. possibility 10. greatly EXERCISE 81. 冷却液温度控制2. 润滑油3. 润滑油泵4. 长效冷却液5. 机油润滑轴承6. 换油期限EXERCISE 91)the radiator coolant reservoir is a plastic tank near radiator2)if the level is low, remove the top of the reservoir and add coolant3)don't try to remove the radiator cap when the engine is hotUnit 10EXERCISE 21. 安全气囊模块2. gas generator3. 散热器支架4. peak load5. 固态化学气体6. trim cover7. 保护板8. airbag sensor9. 中央气囊传感器总成 10. deployment of airbagsEXERCISE 31. the air bag system2. the sensor3. The inflator4. Seatbelts5. pretensioner6. collision7. a high strength fiber8. injury EXERCISE 5automotive designs that reflect the feature of the timea center airbag sensor, safe sensors, ignition control and drive circuit, diagnosis circuit, etc.All connectors in the airbag system are colored yellowto ensure high reliabilityto be met the new SRS airbag system of the vehicleEXERCISE 61. one place2. specific model3. figuring out4. familiar with5. in the system6. the heat7. expansion valve8. adds heatEXERCISE 81. (乘员保护装置) 辅助约束系统2. 空气流量传感器3. (乘员) 安全气囊式约束装置4. 防抱死制动系统5. 电动空气调节阀6. 辅助空气调节 EXERCISE 91) bad 2)leak 3)incorrect三、段落翻译复习范围:Unit 1 Passage A: 第一段,第三段; Unit 2 Passage A: 第一段,第二段;Unit 3 Passage A: 第二段,第五段; Unit 4 Passage A: 第一段(包括后面的1,2,3),最后一段;Unit 5 Passage A: 第一段,第六段;Unit 6 Passage A: 第一、二段,最后一段; Unit 7 Passage A: 第一段,第四段;Unit 8 Passage A: 第一段,第七段(包括后面的1, 2,On most cars,……);Unit 9 Passage A: 第一段,第五段; Unit 10 Passage A: 第一段,第二段。
Smart CarsMichio Kaku1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution.智能汽车米其奥·卡库即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。
2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry.汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。
3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future.汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。
Unit 3
A cup is used to close the filler opening of the tank.The fuel line is attached at or near the bottom of the tank with a filtering element placed at the connection.The other components of the fuel ɡeɪdʒ vent paip tank are the fuel gauge sending unit,vent pipe,receiving unit.
Automobile Specialty English
Unit 3
The fuel tank is a fuel container used for storing fuel.It is made of træ p sheet metal.It is attached to the vehicle frame with metal traps and is 圈套、卡子 located at the rear of the vehicle.It is mounted in a boot or boot-floor pan in case of the front-engined car or the small commercial vehicle.In order to strengthen the tank as well as to prevent surging of fuel when the 转弯 ˈbæfl pleit vehicle rounds a curve or suddenly stops,baffle plates are attached to the 隔板,挡板 inside of the tank.
《新编汽车专业英语(第3版)》Unit 3-Passage C
![《新编汽车专业英语(第3版)》Unit 3-Passage C](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3fa3711f5acfa1c7ab00cc48.png)
• The combination gives the logo a pretty sight.
• In addition to Ford and Lincoln brands, Ford Motor Company owns other brands such as Mercury, Aston Martin and Jaguar and so on.
• At the beginning of the 21th century, Ford had cooperation with China Changan Automobile Group (CCAG) and founded a joint venture in Chongqing, China, called Changan Ford Automobile Co.Ltd.
Unit Three Engine Systems
Passage C Automobile Culture
• Ford History • Ford Motor Company is one of the largestauto
manufacturers in the world. • Henry Ford was the founder who established the Ford
• In 2003, Ford Fiesta was produced to celebrate Ford’s 100tgo is known as Centennial Blue Oval.
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• Its reciprocating movements in the cylinder transform the energy of the expanding gases into mechanical energy.
• Crankshaft and flywheel group includes the • following components (see Fig. 2-5):
• Crankshaftis one of the most important parts in the engine.
• It is held in the crankcase in the cylinder block and converts the reciprocating motion of the pistons into a rotary motion for the drive wheels.
Unit Two Engine Construction
Passage A Crank Mechanism and Its Main
• Crank mechanism is one of the major motion mechanisms of the engine.
• Its function is to transform the reciprocating movement of pistons into rotary movement of the crankshaft, offering torque to make the drive wheels turn (see Fig.2-1).
• In a 4-cylinder engine, the crankshaft usually has three main journals and four crank pins attached to the big ends of the connecting rods.
• Every crankshaft has counter weights whose purpose is to balance the weight of the connecting rods.
• Its front end is used to drive the valve train, water pump and cooling fan, and its rear end is used to install the flywheel.
• Flywheel is a rotating disk located on one end of the crankshaft.
• Cylinder head is bolted to the top of the cylinder block with a gasket in between sealing the block and forming the combustion chambers with the cylinders.
• Piston and connecting-rod group has some main components as follows (indrical shaped hollow part made of aluminum alloy.
• It has a small end and a big end.
• The small end attaches to the piston with the piston pin and the big end connects to the crank pin of the crankshaft.
• Piston rings are inserted in the ring grooves on the top of the piston.
• Most pistons have three rings: the top two are compression rings and the lower ring is an oil ring.
• Cylinder head holds camshafts, valves, spark plugs and injectors.
• Oil panis at the bottom of the cylinder block.
• It is a container for storage of engine oil.
• They function as sealing between the piston and cylinder wall, lubricating, heat transferring and piston supporting in the cylinder.
• Connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft.
• Crank mechanism is divided into 3 groups: block group; piston and connecting-rod group; and crankshaft and flywheel group.
• The block group contains the following main components (see Fig. 2-2):
• It has a ring gear around the disk.
• Its purposes are to reduce vibration caused by the power stroke through its inertia, and to start the engine when the starter meshes with it.