阅读教程翻译 The American Man

50 年代的男人清楚地知道男人该是什么样,男人的职责是什么,但他们自身孤立和片面的观念弄得他们危机四伏。
到了60 年代,又出现了另外一类男人。
越战的荒废和暴虐让他们质疑,自已是否真的知道一个成年男人是什么样子?如果成年等于越战,他们对成年还有一丝一毫的向往吗?同时,女权运动激励男人们开始真切地审视女人,迫使他们开始理解50 年代男人苦苦逃避的担忧和苦楚。
american slang

1. be on one's high horse 趾高气扬sentence: It seems to me that John is on his high horse these days.在我看来约翰这些天都非常趾高气扬(嚣张跋扈)2. have a high opinion of oneself 自负,自命不凡sentence: She is only having a high opinion of herself她非常自负3. play possum 装蒜/装负鼠(一种动物,这里做比喻装蒜)sentence: to play possum means to deceive,to hide the truth装蒜就意味着欺骗和隐瞒事实4.a jam traffic 交通堵塞sentence: This morning ,I had to go to school by walk for having a seriousjam traffic今天早上我不得不走路去学校,因为交通堵塞太严重了 wet behind the ears 乳臭未干,比喻“没有经验”sentence: You, who is wet behind the ears,how can you beat me down?你一个如臭未干的家伙,你怎能把我撂倒6.a fool for women 色鬼sentence: how hateful that fool for women is!真是一个讨厌的色鬼7.have a hard time 步履艰难日子难过sentence: we have had a hard time for many years这种艰难的日子我们已经过了很多年了8.cut one's own grass 自食其力sentence:when I was a boy,our teachers had told us how to cut our grass and how to stand on our own feet. 从小老师就告诉了我们这样自食其力,怎么样自主生活9.get cross with someone 生某人的气sentence: my mother is getting cross with me for my getting home late我妈妈正在生我的气,因为我回家太晚了10.know one's good 知道该怎么做sentence: She is so sensible that she is always to know her good.她一向很明智所以她总是知道该怎么做2nd Day, Turkey 开门见山也作谈火鸡sentence:Talking Turkey is one method in composition开门见山是写作方法之一 polishers 马屁精sentence: what a apple polisher he is !他真是一个马屁精!3.It is Greek 深懊难懂sentence: this literature comment is Greek for me这篇文学评论对于我来说太难了4.playful with words 玩弄文字sentence:I regard nit-pick on words as being playful with words我认为咬文嚼字是一种文字游戏.注明:nit-pick on words 咬文嚼字5.a catch phrase 妙语引人注意的话sentence:occasionally,this spokesman will sound a catch phrase.这位发言人偶尔会妙语连珠 culkolded 戴绿帽sentence: if you get married ,you must be sure to guarantee you won't be culkolded. 如果你们结婚的话,你务必要保证你不会戴绿帽子 girls 妓女sentence:these years ,call girls have been tend to occupationalize如今妓女已经倾向于职业化8.lick the boots of .... 拍.....的马屁sentence:flatterers are good at licking the boots of bosses.献魅者善于拍上司的马屁9.a bed of roses 安乐床完美无缺的事sentence:don't dream of always having a bed of roses in your life别把生活幻想得完美无缺10.a big apple of sb's eye 掌上明珠sentence:the princess is a big apple of this king 's eye.公主是这位国王的掌上明珠3rd Day,1.get in sb's hair (俚语)惹恼,惹怒某人...sentence:Be sure not to get in his hair,or you are going to eat dirt千万不要惹恼他,否则你会吃亏的注明:eat dirt 吃亏2.scoff at对....嗤之以鼻sentence:there are too many superstars scoffing at media in China.在中国有许多超级巨星对媒体嗤之以鼻3.marriage comes be destiny 姻缘命中注定sentence:this proverb,"marriage comes be destiny",are believed in by the most of feminie all the time大多数女性一直信奉姻缘命中注定这句话4.grim and bear it 逆来顺受sentence:when you are applying for a job,managers will ask some questions such as "how do you feel adversity".then someone will give a answer such as "grim and bear it"在求职中,经理人会问有些问题,比如你怎么样看待逆境.然后有些人会回答逆来顺受之类的答案.5.get in Dutch with sb 开罪某人,失欢于某人sentence:a advisible man always know how to avoid getting in Dutch with other people.聪明的人总是知道怎么样避免得罪别人6.give sb the pink slip 解雇某人sentence:if you don't want to be gived the pink slip,please concentrating on your job.如果你不想被解雇,那么请你专注于你的工作7.start from scratch 白手起家sentence:from long time ago,the most of tycoons have been to start from scratch.从很久以前开始,就有许多商业大亨是从白手起家的8.go to the dogs (俚)破产完蛋sentence:you are to blame for going to the dogs.你活该破产9.bite the bullet 咬紧牙关sentence:if you get involved with a jam,please sure be to bite the bullet,then you can just pass through it. 如果你陷入困境,千万要咬紧牙关,然后你就能度过难关.10.could bite sb's tongue off 追悔莫及sentence:if you miss the opportunity to work at the company ,you will could bite your tongue off如果你失去在那家公司工作的机会,你会后悔莫及的4th Day,1.settle accounts with 与...算帐sentence:he said that he has some old accouts to settle with his boss.他说他有些老帐要和他老板算2.boss the show 占上风出风头sentence : you do that for bossing the show?你那样做就是为了出风头?3.take with a pinch of salt 不轻信sentence:you should take what she says with pinch of salt不应该轻信她的话4.throw caution to the winds 不顾一切sentence:you cannot throw caution to the winds.there 's a lot of riskin doing that你不能不顾一切,因为那样做太危险了5.paly a role 起某种作用sentence:For success , diligence is important but intelligence also plays a role.对成功而言,勤奋非常重要但智慧也起到一定的作用 off the beans 不走正道sentence:make sure that kids are not off the beans务必不要让孩子走上邪路's only human 只是人之常情snetence:you should take account it 's only human.你应该考虑到这是人之常情8.have a bone to pick with 鸡蛋里面挑骨头. 和...有争端sentence:if you think like that,I don't have a bone to pick with如果你那样想的话,我不会和你争辩的 through the nose for 要买...得花特别多钱(比喻被敲竹竿)sentence:if you want to get this precious this antique,it has the possible to pay throug the nose for you. 如果你想买那件宝物,你很可能被敲竹竿10.cost an arm an a leg 需要花很多很多钱(比喻大出血)sentence:Tom cost an arm and a leg yesterday for buying that trousers.汤姆为了买那条裤子昨天大出血5th Day,1.give sb a push when he's down 落井下石sentence:I am so sad for being given a push by my closest friend when i was down我非常伤心,因为我最好的朋友在我困难的时候落井下石2.rude for a fall 自讨苦吃sentence:if you want to quit ,you just ride for a fall如果你想辞职,那么你就是在自讨苦吃3.measure other people by sb's onw bushel 以己度人sentence: please don't measure other people by you own bushel,because many people,many taste.请别以己度人,因为人人各有所好注:many people,many taste 各有所好(谚) in hot water 陷入困境sentence:he is in hot water,please help him.他正遇上麻烦,请帮助他5.hit sb below the belt 暗箭中伤sentence:in politics world,many celebrities had been hit below the belt在政界,许多名流都曾经被中伤过6.a lazy bone 懒虫sentence:I recognize i am lazy bone beyond questions我承认我毫无疑问是个懒虫 head over heels in love with sb 深深爱上...sentence:if you are head over heels in love with sb,you will feel how wonderful it is!如果你深深爱上一个人,你会感觉到那是多么美妙的事情 dirt 吃亏sentence :Parents should not be for fear that their children will eat dirt to protect them over父母不应该为了怕孩子吃亏而保护他们过度9.trickle sb pink 逗某人笑使某人开心sentence;parents should often trickle their baby pink in order that they become more healthy and clever in their early life.父母们应该常常逗小孩开心,以便在他们的早年生活中能够变得更健康聪明10.go from bad to worse 越来越糟每况愈下sentence:his mother's health go from bad to worse ,this make him worry about it so much.他妈妈的身体健康每况愈下,这令他非常担心6th Day,1.hate sb's guts 恨之入骨sentence:she hate Pip's guts,because she was given the air by the man ten years ago她对这个男人恨之入骨,因为10年前她被他抛弃了注:be given the air 被抛弃 back 顶嘴回嘴sentence:Tom likes to talk back when his mother teaches him lessons在妈妈教训汤姆的时候,他老喜欢回嘴3.give sb a cold shoulder 不理睬某人冷落某人sentence:when your friends .relatives and belove giye your a cold shoulder,you will feel despair如果你被朋友亲人爱人,你会感到很绝望 worried stiff 急得要死sentence:Kate,your Mom can't find you so as to be worried stiff,you'd better get home more quickly凯特你妈妈找不到你现在急得要死,你最好快点回去5.thank sb's lucky stars 感到万幸sentence:I thank my luckys stars for passing the exam this time.我这次能通过考试感到万幸 poor as a church' mouse 一贫如洗sentence:I am as poor as a church's mouse at the moment此刻我一贫如洗7.Adversity has few friends 人处逆境朋友稀sentence:As the proverb, "Adversity has few friends",I am in trouble ,and so basically there are not friends toknock at my door如果人处逆境朋友稀这句话,我现在陷入麻烦,基本上没有朋友来我家8.chew the fat 闲聊sentence:the chatrooom in the website is good places for chewwing the fat.网站的聊天室是闲聊的好地方9.a fair play 公平的交易sentence:it is a fair play,isn't it这是一笔公平交易不是吗10.tell sheep from goat 分清好人坏人sentence:parents should teach their children how to tell sheep from goat in childhood父母们应该从小教育孩子们怎么样分清好人坏人1.hit sb below the belt 暗箭中伤某人2.badmouth sb 说某人坏话sentence:you may badmouthe them ,and they may hit you below the belt你可能说某人坏话,他们也可能来中伤你3。
[美国⼝语俚语]以B开头的常见俚语美国⼝语俚语Modern American Slang and Colloquialisms简介:俚语(lǐyǔ)(Slang),是指民间⾮正式、较⼝语的语句,是百姓在⽇常⽣活中总结出来的通俗易懂顺⼝的具有地⽅⾊彩的词语。
1. Barge in 闯⼊George rudely barged in on our private meeting.乔治很⽆礼的闯⼊我们的私⼈会谈2. Basket case 绝望⽆助,意志消沉的⼈,完全没有希望的⼈When Sam’s wife left him, he was a basket case for weeks.Sam的太太离开他时,他消沉了好⼏个星期3. Beat a dead horse ⽩费唇⾆,⽩费⼒⽓I’ve already made up my mind. There’s no sense beating a dead horse.我已经下定决⼼了,不必再⽩费唇⾆了.4. Beat it ⾛开Beat it! I’m busy right now.⾛开,我现在忙着呢5. Beats me 我不知道,考到我了Beats me. We haven’t had that yet.我不知道,我们还没学到那个6. Belly laugh 震⽿欲聋的笑声,捧腹⼤笑My goodness, Burt, you’ve got a really belly laugh.我的天啊,Burt,你的笑声也太震⽿了7. Bent out of shape ⽓坏了,⼤发雷霆Our mom was really bent out of shape because we came home so late last night.我们昨晚到家很晚,妈妈⼤发雷霆8. Bend over backwards 不遗余⼒,拼命Sue will bend over backwards to help her friends.苏会不遗余⼒地帮助她的朋友9. Between a rock and a hard place 进退两难I don’t know what the solution is. Right now, I’m caught between a rock and a hard plac e.我不知道如何解决,现在我简直是进退两难10. Big 重要的,受欢迎的,热门的Her new novel is really big in New York.她新出版的⼩说在纽约很红⽂章出处:/doc/23385512.html /html/ability/americanslang/20141230/94832.html。

Brushless DC motor and its control technology developmentwlerUniversity of TennesseeKnoxville,Tennessee UDC621.313:620.178.53Abstract: This article introduces brushless DC component and its development situation,analyses the current brushless DC motor for further in-depth research problems, and points out the development direction.Keywords:Brushless DC motor; Review; Control; Electronic commutation circuit; The rotor position detection circuit1 IntroductionWith its excellent DC torque characteristic motion control to widely, but common DC motivation to change and mechanical brush, but poor *, etc. When in the electromagnetic interference and noise, the impact of the DC motor control system in further applications. With shortcomings overcome machinery commutation,electronic commutation replace machinery commutation brushless motors.In 1955 arrison D.H America as the first application in transistors replaced machinery commutation circuit,marks the patent brush brushless motor modern. And electronic commutation brushless DC motor, is really into practical stage in 1978 MAC classic brushless DC motor and the driver. Later, the international brushless DC motor is studied, has developed square-wave brushless motor brushless DC motor and the sine wave. For more than 20 years, permanent new materials, microelectronics technology,automatic control technology and electronic technology,especially the power switch device, brushless motor development to progress. Brushless DC motor has been originally with electronic commutation DC motor,there is normally BLDCM external characteristics of electronic commutation motor.Brushless DC motor keep the traditional DC good dynamic and static characteristics, and the speed of simple structure, easy operation and control. The application of military industry, from initial to aerospace,medical appliance, information, and the rapid development in industrial automation.1The structure, and have BLDCM, brushless DC motor stator windings as the armature winding consists of permanent magnetic materials and excitation replaced. Armature current1Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika,No.10,pp.35-37,October,1995.waveform into different, can be divided into BLDC motor (BLDCM) torque-current DC motor (sine waves and new all-digital fuzzy), electronic BLDCM commutation replace original DC motor machinery commutation,magnetic materials, saves the brush to make the rotor, But new all-digital fuzzy is replaced by permanent magnet synchronous motor rotor windings, saves the excitation of field winding, sliping and brush. Under the same conditions, the driver circuit was easier to control, square, a simple application to extensive new all-digital fuzzy BLDCM.Brushless DC motor by electronic commutation circuit commonly,the rotor position detection circuit and motor is composed of three parts, electronic ontology commutation circuit control and driven by general part of rotor position detection, and position sensors usually use to finish. When the work place, the controller of motor rotor position sensors in each driver circuit orderly trigger power tube, orderly, to drive in DC motor. From the three parts of brushless motivation of its development were analyzed.2 Each component of development2.1 Motor ontologyBrushless dc motor electromagnetic structure and a BLDCM are basic and same, but it is the armature winding put on weight of the stator,rotor adoptted, simplify the structure and improve the performance, so that it can be * * to enhance sexual. Brushless permanent magnet motor development and development is inseparable, magnetic materials development process basically has the following several development stages experience:aluminum nickel-cobalt, ferrite materials, NdFeB (NdFeB). With high energy and nd-fe-b magnetic materials appear caused a revolution. The third generation of nd-fe-b materials, further reducing the motor with copper, prompted brushless motors to efficiency,miniaturization,energy development direction.At present, to improve the motor power density, transverse magnetic field, its permanent magnet motor stator tooth and armature coils space position, the main motor are perpendicular to the motor axial magnetic flux, the structure to improve the circulation of air-gap flux density,can provide more than most traditional motor output torque. This type of motor is in research and development stage.2.2 Electronic commutation circuitControl circuit, brushless dc motor control power switching device driver circuit to controlmotor speed, steering, and protect the torque motor,including over-current, over-voltage, overheating protection, etc.Control circuit, control circuit of initial analogue simpler. Digital circuit,many hardware work can be directly by software, can reduce the hardware circuit and improve its, also can improve the control circuit and control circuit of anti-jamming ability by analog circuits to digital circuits.At present, control circuit commonly application-specific integrated circuit,microprocessor and digital signal processor, three form. For motor control requirements of high places, by professional IC component control circuit is simple and practical method,Digital signal processor arithmetic faster, peripheral circuit, system composition is simple, less, can * brushless dc motor composition,performance greatly improved greatly simplified and motor miniaturization and intelligent,and digital signal processor is the development direction of control circuit.Driving circuit,drive circuit output power: the armature winding motor drive, and controlled in control circuit. By the power switch device driver circuit.It appears,thyristor motor from a brush to brush leap. But the thyristor is only have control through, without the ability to shut off the controllability of switching devices, and the lower frequency switch, cannot satisfy the brushless dc motor performance further improved. Power electronic technology rapid development,appeared all-controlling power switching device, which can be shut off the transistor (GTO), electric field effect transistors MOSFET),metal bar (bipolar transistors IGBT module, integrated the thyristor (in) and new development in recent years IGCT enhanced grid transistors into electronic IEGT.These devices, the corresponding improving performance brushless motor driving circuit is also obtained a rapid development. At present, all-controlling switching device is substituting route complex function indexes, huge volume, low ordinary thyristor and drive circuit from linear amplification convert pulse width modulation circuit switch state, from power tube division circuit to integrated circuits, modular driving circuit for intelligent, high-frequency,miniaturization,created conditions.2.3 Rotor position detection circuitBrushless motor is a closed loop mechatronics system, it is the rotor position as a signal switch poles of electronic circuit, the accurate detection of rotor position, and the rotor positionof power switching devices in brushless dc motor, is the normal operation of the key.Use a position sensor to the rotor position detection device is as the most direct and efficient method.General will position sensor installed on the rotor shaft, realize real-time detection of rotor position. Magnetoelectric sensor is the earliest position, heavy and complicated, have been eliminated, Currently magnetic susceptibility type hall position sensor is widely applied in brushless dc motor, another photoelectric position sensor. Position sensor, increase weight of brushless dc motor and the structure size is smaller, Rotation sensors are worn, and not easy maintenance,At the same time, the sensor sensitivity and installation accuracy directly affect motor operating performance,Another,transmission, easy to introduce interference signals too much, Is the collection signal, hardware more reduced system. In order to adapt to the further development of brushless motors, sensorless arises at the historic moment, it generally use the armature winding back emf induction by magnetic rotor position indirectly, and direct method, saves the position sensor, simplify the structure of ontology, the motor to good effect, and a wide range of applications. But back emf for detecting position sensorless brushless motors, resting not back emf, how is the motor start smoothly to solve the problem.In recent years, people put forward a new kind of sensorless brushless motor, it is used to detect the rotor position back emf, stick on the rotor surface of conductive materials, the use of magnetic stator winding high-frequency switch when working on the magnetic materials, eddy current open phase voltage size varies with the rotor position, can open testing phase voltage to judge the rotor position, the sensorless brush motor overcome the brushless motor position usually start and low operation problem,but the methods of motor,need special motor manufacturing high requirements proposed.3 Resarch problems3.1 Torque rippleAt present, brushless dc motor with the main problem is saved torque ripple. Torque pulsation of the deposit, brushless dc motor servo system is restricted, especially the application of direct drive applications, torque motor speed control characteristics to worsen. Especially for audio-visual equipment,film machine,computer of brushless dc motor,smooth operation, no more requirements.Inhibit or eliminate torque servo system to improve performance as the key.Torque ripple reason mainly has: the cogging effect and flux distortion caused by torque ripple, Harmonic cause torque ripple, The armature equivalent inductance, caused by change current torque ripple. At present, universities and research institutions simulating torque ripple in-depth study of the problems,according to different causes various inhibit or weaken the torque ripple method, from different extent brushless motor to improve performance.These are the original structure, and puts forward some solutions and not weaken or compensation method from the principle of eliminating the torque ripple. Torque ripple remains to further study.3.2 Sensorless rotor position detectionSensorless rotor position detection methods are mainly: back emf, free-wheeling diode, inductive method and the state observation method. Among the most common method of back emf is the most widely used and methods. But this method is based on the principle of armature reaction on deposit, brushless motor, power error, the armature reaction for air-gap flux density effect more apparent, the error is bigger. Another,motor start-up and low back emf, zero or small, hard to detect the rotor position back emf, sensorless brushless motor save the startup problem [9]. How the brushless motor, power back emf method to compensate the rotor position error caused by signal, and how to overcome the problem of motor startup method of emf is urgent. The startup problem, commonly used in other ways to start again after switch to run position sensor.4 Brushless DC motor of development1831, Faraday discovered electricity induction phenomenon, laid the foundation of modern basic theory. In the nineteen forties has successfully developed the first direct motivation, experience about 17years time, dc motor technology to mature.With the application of dc motor, the demand is higher and higher, the mechanical commutation devices limit the contact a BLDCM on many occasions. In order to replace a BLDCM brush - commutator structure of machinery, people have to do long-term exploration. In 1915, americans Langnall invented with the grid control mercury arc rectifier,made by direct exchange of inverter unit change.In the 1930s, someone with ion of the motor stator windings device realized according to the rotor position of so-called motor commutator,but due to the motor of poor reliability and low efficiency,the device bulky and complex and no use value.Rapid development of science and technology,electronic semiconductor technology. Switch the successful development of transistors, to create a new dc motor - brushless dc motor with life.In 1955, the americans first put forward by Harrison thyristor commutation replace motor brush contact line of thought, this is the rudiment of brushless dc motor. It consists of power amplifier, signal detection, and the magnetic circuit components,such as transistors switch, its principle of work is as the rotor spinning, winding in signal of periodic signal emf induction emf respectively, and signal transistor turns to achieve through commutation.Problem is, first of all, when rotor spinning, winding signal not do not produce induction emf, transistors, unbiased power cannot feed,so the windings of the brushless dc motor not start torque,Secondly, due to the frontier steepness signal emf,the power transistor.In order to overcome the drawback of above, people used centrifuge device, or using the commutator during the stator is placed on surface-mounted auxiliary method to ensure the reliable starter motor. But the former structure is complex, which requires additional start pulse. After repeated experiments,and constantly practice, people found the use of electronic commutation circuit position sensor and instead of BLDCM are mechanical commutation device, thus for dc and a new way of development.In the 20th century to the early 1930s, switch position sensor, electromagnetic resonant position sensor and high-frequency coupling position sensor field,then appeared magnetoelectricity coupling and photoelectric position sensor. The rapid development of semiconductor technology, make people in 1879americans found hall hall effect happened again, after years of hard work, and finally in 1962 has successfully trial-produced using hall element to realize the commutation of brushless dc motor. In the early 1970s, has successfully trial-produced using more than a thousand times hall componets of high sensitivity of magnetic susceptibility diode realize around the commutation of brushless dc motor.In various position sensor, people try to seek a position sensor structure without attachment of brushless dc motor. In 1968, the German W.M ieslinger proposed move to realize the capacitance of a new method. On this basis, the germans R.H anitsch successfully trial-produced using digital annular splitter and zero discriminators combinations to realize sensorless phase to the brushless dc motor.In recent years, China's small and medium-sized motor and micro&special motor industry development is rapid, table 1 is 2002-2006 in motor industry sales and earnings of incompletestatistics. Among them, because of brushless dc motor with high efficiency, long life and low noise and has better torque - speed characteristics, advantages in automotive, aerospace, household appliances, industrial manufacturing areas such as well.Tab.3 2002-2006 sales and sales income and motor statisticsTab.3 2002-2006 sales and sales income and motor statisticsvintage2002 2003 2004 2005 2006Productsales/10 kWProductincome / million 3562 6319 7847 9702 10950 698731 1085847 1560933 2182281 2686147 1) Cars with brushless DC motorAs a kind of quick and convenient traffic tools already and people's life. A car usually includes dozens of internal to hundreds of motor car, as to energy saving and environment protection, including the development direction of brushless dc motor, efficient permanent magnet motor car in good application prospects. Table 1-3 is the motive power of electric vehicle performance, we can see that belongs to the permanent magnet motor brushless dc motor in the electric car driver has very good technical advantages.Tab.4 EV compared with motor performanceTab.4 EV compared with motor performancemotor InductionPermanentSwitched reluctance performance Dc motormotor magnet motormotor Power densitylow middle higher highPeak efficiency /%<90 90—95 95—97 <90 Loading efficiency80—8790—92 85—97 78—86 /%Controllable simplemore complex weak magnetic more complex 4controlReliability general good optimal goodBut you need to be aware that position sensor installation and use, can increase the cost of general motors, and the influence of brushless dc motor control system reliability and the working life, additional sensor in motor, still can increase internal motor cars, and the volume of motor volume has strict requirements and restrictions. Therefore,the sensorless brushless dc motor control of the study is very necessary.2) Aerospace use brushless dc motorDue to its aviation motor applications particularity, the general requirements of small size, use simple structure. Brushless dc motor of special structure characteristics and sensorless control mode in the aerospace field widely applied for.Space of brushless dc motor with variable load operation conditions for running,general requirement is high control accuracy and the dynamic response ability, the typical applications are gyro and mechanical arms control, etc. They closed or by half speed closed-loop feedback control,corresponding systems commonly used advanced control algorithm.3) Brushless dc motor in the application of household appliancesIn recent years, the electrical appliances electronic motor with every year about 30% of growth development,modern appliances in energy saving, low noise and high reliability, intelligent direction. With the improvement of people's living standard and the country's growing importance of energy conservation and emission reduction, many household appliances motor but choose brushless dc motor. Brushless dc motor was not overcome shortcomings of traditional household electrical part of the life that occupy the home, give people more comfortable,but also reduce the energy loss, better realize the sustainable utilization of energy.4) Brushless dc motor in office automation field of applicationComputer peripherals and office automation equipment with motor, most for advanced manufacture technology and combining emerging microelectronics high-grade precision brushless dc motor, the product is technology intensive. The high-performance brushless dc motor servo control system adopts can greatly improve the quality of the tea products, improve the product's value. As the daily life of computer hard disk drive spindle motor, the floppy drive and spindle motor cooling fan with computer,motor generally adopted brushless dc motor.Another brushless dc motor in digital cameras and laser printers etc equipment is widely used.5) Brushless dc motor in other industrial applicationsBrushless dc motor control system is a brush sets of dc motor and ac induction motor drive control system of the merits.soon mechtronie product. With rare earth permanent magnet and power electronics device performance enhancement and the lower price, brushless dc motor drive series in the industry have more and more applications, it has become the industry development direction of motor as one.At present, in the civil and military robots and mechanical arm motor applications, brushless dc motor proportion bigger, has begun to appear alternative stepper motor servo motor drive and the development trend of the robot. High-power brushless dc motor in low-speed, environments, and a certain speed performance requirements of the situation has a wide range of applications, such as no gear drive, dragging machines elevator, steel mill pumped transmission etc,with the dynamic response speed and tracking error rate of small,small, small range of speed.。

下面是一些关于"American"的用法和中英文对照例句:1. 名词用法:- He is an American. 他是一个美国人。
- Americans celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. 美国人在7月4日庆祝独立日。
2. 形容词用法:- American culture is diverse and vibrant. 美国文化多样而充满活力。
- The American dream is often associated with success and prosperity. 美国梦通常与成功和繁荣联系在一起。
3. 作为名词修饰语:- American cuisine is known for its hamburgers and hot dogs. 美国美食以汉堡包和热狗闻名。
- She bought an American car. 她买了一辆美国车。
4. 作为名词的复数形式:- Many Americans enjoy watching sports. 许多美国人喜欢观看体育比赛。
- The museum showcases the contributions of Americansthroughout history. 这个博物馆展示了美国人在历史上的贡献。
5. 表示美国国籍的复合词:- African American 非洲裔美国人- Asian American 亚裔美国人- Native American 美洲原住民6. 表示美国特色的短语:- American football 美式橄榄球- American English 美式英语- American dream 美国梦7. 表示与美国相关的事物:- American flag 美国国旗- American history 美国历史- American politics 美国政治希望以上内容能满足您的需求!。
American 翻译

American 翻译American 翻译如下:•n.美国人;美洲人•adj.美国的;美洲的例句:用作名词(n.)1.His accent proclaimed that he was an American.他的口音表明他是一个美国人。
2.He speaks English as though he were an American.他讲起英语来好像他是个美国人。
3.It doesn't matter if you are Asian or American or European, we are all thesame.无论你是亚洲人,美洲人还是欧洲人,都没有关系,我们都是一样的。
4.Many Native American tribes believed that dreams revealed the hiddenwishes of the soul or the messages from the Spirits above.很多土著美洲人部落认为梦揭示了灵魂隐藏的希望或来自高于灵魂的讯息。
用作形容词(adj.)1.He spoke with an American accent.他说话带着美国英语口音。
2.Bill Gates is an American citizen.比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
3.American civilization differs from ours.美国的社会和生活方式和我们的不同。
4.An American conglomerate holds a major share in the company.一家美国的大联合企业持有该公司的大部分股份。
5.The American eagle stands on a perch.美洲鹰站在栖木上。
6.People of many American countries observe the Christmas Day.美洲的大多数国家的人都过圣诞节。

The Dominant Features and Social Function ofAmerican SlangAbstractAmerican slang belongs to colloquial speech generally used on informal occasions. In modern American society, every field has its own special slang words as well as different classes, vocations and races. The slang words account for one tenth of the vocabulary used by common people.Furthermore, language is the carrier of cultures, so it is practically important to study American slang. Without the understanding of slang, it is impossible to fully understand American cultures. Researches on American slang will contribute directly to colloquial communication, translation, education, even economic development and other aspects of social lives.Even though the current researches on slang are abundant, most of them have focused on classifying and explaining certain slang words without giving further linguistic analysis. This thesis will make a linguistic analysis by applying theoretical tools and linguistic study methods.There are five chapters in this thesis. The first chapter is an introduction, describing the research background and the significance of it, the research methods and theoretical tools used. The second chapter concerns the definitionof slang, origin of it, and the attitudes towards slang in different times. The third chapter talks about the common features like being vivid, creative, ephemeral and humorous. And it also concerns the linguistic features of American slang from two aspects of rhetoric and word-formation. Chapter Four discusses the general social functions of American slang. Chapter five is conclusion.This thesis is based on the full understanding of abundant research achievements by former scholars. Besides based on the existing theories, this thesis brings up a few new ideas and conclusions which still wait to be examined by further researches.Key words: American slang; linguistic features; social functionsContentsAbstract (I)Contents (III)Chapter1 Introduction (1)Chapter2 Literature Review (3)2.1 Definition of slang (3)2.2 The origin of slang (3)2.3 The attitudes towards slang in different times (4)Chapter3 Dominant Features of American Slang (6)3.1 Common features of American slang (6)3.1.1 Creativeness/vividness (6)3.1.2 Ephemeral/ humorous (7)3.2 Linguistic features of American slang (9)3.2.1 Rhetoric features of American slang (9)3.2.2 Word-formation (12)Chapter4 Social Function of American Slang (15)4.1 Showing the status of the speaker (15)4.2 Strengthening the relationship among members (15)4.3 Showing the personality and satisfying people‟s novelty (16)4.4 Informality effect (16)4.5 Humorous effect (18)Chapter 5 Conclusion (20)Bibliography (21)Acknowledgements (23)Chapter1 IntroductionSlang was not taken seriously as an academic subject for a long time in the past. Most introductions to the scientific study of language mention slang only very briefly. Bloomfield (1933), Hockett (1958), Gleason (1961) and Lehamnn (1976) all together devoted fewer than five pages to slang. The historical study of English language give slang a bit more attention. Y et some convey value judgment based on cultural attitudes rather than on linguistic evidence. Schlauch, calls slang expressions “aberrations (失常,越轨行为) from Standard English”(1959, 52). Charles Hockett writes, “We must not think of such uses of language as in any way inferior to its use in writing treaties on bacteriology or delivering lectures on civil law”(1958, 294). Baugh and Cable concede that “some use of slang is tolerated in the light conversation of most educated speaker” (1978, 314).Stuart Berg Flexner‟s preface to the “Dictionary of American Slang”, edited with Harold Wentworth and firstly published in 1960, has become a standard and has been reprinted in subsequent editions of the dictionary as well as in anthologies for linguists and slang learners. The best general discussion of American slang to date is Jonathan Lighter‟s twenty-seven-page introduction to volume 1 of his …Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang‟. (1994)More and more scholars tend to study slang from many other aspectsnowadays because of its wide use in American society. Although the literatures concerning the research of slang are abundant inadequacies still exist. Most of the works focus on words classification and explanation without a further linguistic analysis. As a result, the study just stays on the surface so that the learners or foreigners can not get a fully understanding of American slang and also American cultures. The aim of the thesis is to do a serious linguistic study of American slang. By using the research methods of descriptive and social linguistics analysis, this thesis aims to provide a more complete picture of the definition, general features of American slang and social functions.Besides, throughout the thesis, the author puts emphasis on generating new ideas and theories. On the basis of fully understanding from the former research achievements, the author try to put forward some new ideas and conclusions which still wait to be testified by the future research.Chapter2 Literature ReviewAs stated by Papin: “The definition of a language can‟t be fully understood without tracking its origins” (Papin &Liliane, 1992:1253-65). In this chapter, we will summarize the definition and origin of slang on the basis of former conclusion, and also the different attitudes towards slang in different times.2.1 Definition of slangSlang is a kind of colloquial speech which is used on informal occasion. It generated by subculture groups who search for novelty, individuality and group solidarity. Slang is used by different social groups and in different social contexts. It is the most vivid form of language; it constantly renews itself, interacts with other colloquial speeches and plays different role at different time periods.2.2 The origin of slangA new slang term is usually widely used in a subculture before it appears in the dominant culture. After a new slang term was invented, if the other members of a group find that the new slang projects the emotio nal reaction of the group toward an idea, person, or social institution, the new slang will be accepted and continue to be used, or else the new expression will quickly disappear. Slang is originated because of its unique features rather than according to some scientific laws. The convenience, vivacity and intimacy provided by slang are indispensable and irreplaceable by other kind of speechand offer good reasons for its occurrence. Besides, one important reason for the creation of slang as a means of self-expression, slang connotes. Finally, the production of slang is for the individual‟s pursuing of novelty.Slang was generated because of two reasons. First, a personal reason: human‟s physical and psychological characteristics require a vivid language to describe it. Second, an external social reason: social pressures, different economic and geographical conditions give rise to a particular and varied language to manifest and to represent. As stated by Partridge “Whatever the source, personality and one‟s surroundings (social or occupational) are the two co-efficient, the two chief factors and the determining causes of the nature if slang.”(Eric Partridge, 1970:5)2.3 The attitude towards slang in different timesLinguists, authors, educators and literary critics who focus their attention on the use of language hold various attitudes towards slang. Ambrose Bierce, in his dictionary, called English slang …the grunt of human hog‟ Even The Oxford English Dictionary‟s 1989 edition defines English slang as the special vocabulary used by any set of persons of a low or disreputable character; language of a low and vulgar type. Others hold a more scientific and fairer opinion toward slang. The following examines the attitudes towards slang held by people who constantly deal with slang in their professions.Firstly, different theologians and linguists throughout the history held different opinions towards slang. Fowler and all the other early native students of thelanguage generally have a negative opinion concerning slang. He remarked: “In real life, slang is the great corrupting matter; it is perishable and infects what is round it” (Fowler, 1965).Second, the practicing authors of the country, like the linguists and theologians, have always shown a gingery and suspicious attitude towards slang while highly respect standard language. “We may say that in literary world, Standard English is the more conventional and dignified, more accurate and logical, sometimes the more beautiful and rhythmical; it is like evening dress, for important occasions”(Crystal, 1995:601).Finally, literature critics held different views about slang. Such critics as Hotten, Mencken, Niceforo and Gerald Parshal are almost genial in their attitude towards slang. Gerald Parshal in a 1994 article for U.S. News &World Report describes slang as proletarian poetry. Other critics are more scornful. As early as 1825, J.P.Thomas, in My Thought Book, inveighed thus: “The language of slang is the conversation of the fools. Men of discretion will not pervert language to the unprofitable purposes of conversational mimicry···The friends of literature will never adopt it, as it is actively opposed to pure and grammatical diction.”Chapter3 Dominant features of American slangAmerican slang used by Americans, occupies a large part of English slang. In the following parts of the thesis, we shall focus our study on American slang by firstly discussing its common features and then the new ideas about the linguistic features.3.1 common features of American slangLinguists Philosopher Wittgenstein: “Language is a city which could be studied in both a macro way and a micro way.”(Wittgenstein, 2005) In the following passage, we‟ll focus our study of American slang from a macro aspect.There are certain common features embodied in American slang.3.1.1 creativeness/vividnessOne distinguished feature of American slang is creativeness and vividness. “Slang is the most creative language in the world and new emerges every”(Cohen, Gerald Leonard, 1996). There are several ways that a new slang occurs. Sometimes a new slang form either replaces an earlier one or provides another synonym for a notion already named in slang, like ramped, ranked(from wasted), and toe(from torn) for …drunk‟; bogel and hang for …do nothing in particular‟; bumping and kegging for …exhilaration‟. Sometimes new slang extends to new areas of meaning, such as Tom(from totallyobedient moron) for …computer‟; dangling modifier for …a single, long, flashy earring‟; the five year program for …the time it takes to complete the undergraduate degree‟.American slang is pretty vivid. In American slang, people always use all kinds of metaphor measures to form a more distinct symbolization. Sometimes it is more vivid than Standard English, and it can express person‟s emotion better. For example, “the scandal of government officials” can be called Water Gate Event (原指“水门事件”) or Iran Gate Event(“伊朗门”). There are many expressions like that such as skyscraper(摩天大楼), foxtrot(狐步舞), pencil pusher(办事员), sawbones(医生), bottle washer(实验员), bellhop(闻铃而动,指在旅馆中听差的男侍),knockout(杰出人或物),apple-polishing(拍马屁). Those words evoke vivid pictures about the person or the object in listener‟s mind. They offer a better way for the listeners to understand or remember them.3.1.2 Ephemeral/ HumorousWe may also notice several features of American slang in its process of development. Firstly, American slang is ephemeral. We use only fifty of the five hundred words typical of Stanford in 1926: the place names, and a very few characteristic Stanford words such as …apple-polisher‟, …bawl out‟and …rough‟are the only words used as American slang now. Among the disappeared slang items, some will come back for a second and third life, the way that fashions do. For example, cram …study hard at the last minute‟was used now but disappeared in the 1980s. Dead soldier, which has been part ofmilitary slang since the eighteenth century when it meant …empty bottle‟, emerges again in 1987 with the more contemporary referent …empty beer can‟. Among the remaining American slang, some slang words maintained their form and meaning. For example, bummer …unpleasant experience‟; slide…easy course‟; and wheels…car‟. A few additional items altered slightly in form and meaning. For example, bomb out …fail‟and jam…make music, dance‟shift to mean also …perform well‟. When slang items remain in the language for years, they often lose their slang status. Some items may pass into the general vocabulary and bear little or no association with their earlier lives as slang, fro example, the noun rascal; the verb bluff, and the adjective flimsy.Another common feature of American slang is humor. Sometimes, we can‟t help laughing because of their frequency use of slang when we chat with them. So in a long travel, if the guide tells a story or joke by quoting a piece of slang, the atmosphere will be cheered up. For example,“What brand of cigarettes do you smoke?”“I smoke o. p.’s”(我吸别人的烟)“Put your John Hancock on the dotted line.”(用John Hancock 代替name 一词,语出美国独立宣言,当年,约翰·汉考克的签名最大)Give me some skin.(朋友,咱们握手吧。

A Reading Report of Slang Today andYesterday学院(系):外语系专业:英语班级:1006姓名:张瑜学号:1090030615二〇一三年十二月八日A Reading Report of Slang Today andYesterday1. IntroductionAmerican is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural concentrated place, has always been known as the smelter of the world. In the country full of enjoyment, democracy, freedom and human rights, every ethnic group of immigrants have maintained their own beliefs, customs, and even language. In their view, the occupation of a culture or discrimination to any other culture will lead to the lost of the humanity of the members made up of the cultural groups. Meanwhile, they believe that if the customer of minority could mixed with the whole society, then people with different cultural background would enjoy a harmony society full of equality and good wishes. Different ethnic group make American become a multicultural society. Borrowed culture must lead to borrow of the language, thus increasing the external language and slang of American English. In addition, there are many subculture groups in the frame of mainstream culture. The differences of social and economic status and cultural background determine the differences of the way of thinking and concept of value of each group members, thus resulted in different requirement and form of expression toward language. If the diversification of American culture provides a lot of chances for the prosperous of slang, then campus is the good place of the generation and development of American college slang.Slang is the most active, vivid, and free part of language; it has been the indispensable tool of verbal communication. Slang is the means with which subculture members express their unique value standard, technique, manner, individual thought and emotion. American college slang is a means created and used by American college students to express their feelings and it is popular on campus. By researching American college slang we can take a furtive glance of the change of American language culture and social culture. Though now there are many researches about American slang, most researches only focus on the origin and history of slangand the translation of slang. However, American college slang is the vivid and visual representative of American slang.2. The Concise SummaryCulture is the profound basis of national character, generation after generation of Americans tirelessly pursues their American dream even at the cost of their lives. Americans often take pride of their nation features such as vigorousness, creativity, cheerfulness and liveliness, nonconformance, defying authority, advocating freedom and so on. So the wide use of American slang is related with their national character. Campus is a place of spreading culture and civilization, high level of education, information development and unimpeded; and the youth are the most active factor in society and they are active-minded, acute to current events and new things, easily receive and create new things.American is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural concentrated place, has always been known as the smelter of the world. In the country full of enjoyment, democracy, freedom and human rights, every ethnic group of immigrants have maintained their own beliefs, customs, and even language. In their view, the occupation of a culture or discrimination to any other culture will lead to the lost of the humanity of the members made up of the cultural groups. Meanwhile, they believe that if the customer of minority could mixed with the whole society, then people with different cultural background would enjoy a harmony society full of equality and good wishes. Different ethnic group make American become a multicultural society. Borrowed culture must lead to borrow of the language, thus increasing the external language and slang of American English. In addition, there are many subculture groups in the frame of mainstream culture. The differences of social and economic status and cultural background determine the differences of the way of thinking and concept of value of each group members, thus resulted in different requirement and form of expression toward language. If the diversification of American culture provides a lot of chances for the prosperous of slang, then campus is the good place of the generation and development of American college slang.Culture is the profound basis of national character, generation after generation of Americans tirelessly pursues their American dream even at the cost of their lives. Americans often take pride of their nation features such as vigorousness, creativity, cheerfulness and liveliness, nonconformance, defying authority, advocating freedom and so on. So the wide use of American slang is related with their national character. Campus is a place of spreading culture and civilization, high level of education, information development and unimpeded; and the youth are the most active factor in society and they are active-minded, acute to current events and new things, easily receive and create new things. They also rebel tradition and do not blindly follow authority, thus they have a strong sense of self-independence. Reflected in the language, they exhibit the unwillingness to accepting Orthodoxy and Standard, and pursuing public distinctive. So it is no surprise that these students create and use a mount of American college slang that both satisfy their feeling of novelty and fill a vacancy of formal language.3. The Brief CritiqueBy reading those books I know that American slang comes into being during the Second World War, initial American slang is argot or cant of individual group, is the language used by rough scuff such as drug addicts, Negroes, prisoners and so on. It is humorous, concise, vivid and visual, sometimes express feelings strongly. Later, with the constantly enlargement of its source and connotation and the permeation from subculture group to mainstream culture, some of the slang words are accepted by the public and become standard speech, while some are popular in a small scope. Its spread approaches are considerable extensive, we use it to talk face to face in the past, now we can hear it at all places by means of newspapers, periodicals, books, TV station, TV and networks.I learned that American slang is a kind of nonstandard language of American English; it can indicate the interpersonal relationship of special social groups. People often use slang when they want to show their group identities, or use language creatively, oppose to some authority, or be accepted by certain groups. Americancampus is always the place of active mind, knowledge updating, full of vitality. Generally speaking, youth, especial college students have affection for slang; those people become the main force of creating and using American slang. Slang itself has the features of simplicity, rhetoric, creativity, and novelty. American college students are full of passion; slang is good for them to express their passion and thus can make their words colorful and glamorous. American youth advocate freedom, pursue fashion or create what is new and original. The difference between school and outside society result the distinctive and ingenuity features of American college slang, and the language speech can show its constant change and innovation. This is the source of rich and colorful American English. Moreover, young people are always trying to find their own special language in order to keep the secrets within their small group when they are talking in the public.Frequently communication of subculture members enhances the spread trend from inside groups’slang to outside world, it has resulted extensive spread within social public from subculture members. The rapid development of modern science and technology and the continually emergence of new things and concepts has increased the prevalence speed of the slang. With the development of the world, the influence of American English is immeasurable. Now, Chinese foreign language learners have more opportunities to contact with English movies, teleplays, newspapers and periodicals and so on. Since American people often use slang in their daily dialogue, people will face difficulties in understanding these materials if they do not have the knowledge about slang. Therefore, by reading this book I want to announce that the status of slang used in American daily life can not be eliminated. And I will by researching American college student, one of the subculture groups to make foreign language learners have the cross-culture communication consciousness and comprehension of American culture and improve the level of cross-culture communication.ReferencesAllen, Irving Lewis. (1993). The City in Slang[M]. New York: Oxford University Press.Bloomfield, Leonard. (1956). Language[M]. London: Allen & Unwin.Connie, Eble. (1996). Slang and Sociability [M]. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.Dumas, Bethany K. and Jonathan Lighter. (1978).Is Slang a Word for Linguistics[M]? Greenough, James Bradstreet, and George Lyman Kittredge. (1958). Words and Their Ways in English Speech[M]. London: Macmillan.Mencken, H.L. (1947).The American Language[M]. New York: Knopf. Partridge, Eric. (1954). Slang Today and Yesterday[M]. London: Routledge.胡文仲.(1997).跨文化交际与英语学习[J].上海:上海译文出版社.顾嘉祖﹑陆昇.(1999).语言与文化[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社.王金杰.(2001).释析美国校园俚语[J].外语与外语教学.林玲帼.(1994).美国俚语纵横谈[J].现代外语.。
american slangs

1、drop byvisit informally, pay a short visit顺便拜访非正式的拜访,作短暂的拜访My brother dropped by last night to talk to me about our parents’anniversary party.2、run errandscarry messages or perform similar minor tasks for another捎信,跑腿为他人捎信息或跑腿打杂She came late because she had to run a lot of errands before she came.3、get out ofavoid, be excused from脱身避开,免除责任,脱身I got out of class early because I had to go to the doctor’s.4、turn upappear出席出现,现身I was really surprised when he turned up unexpectedly.5、buyadopt or accept a plan, a reason, an explanation听信采纳或接受一个计划,理由或解释Do you think the boss will buy my proposal?6、born yesterdaysimple, inexperienced, easily duped易上当的单纯的,未经世故的,容易上当的You must think I was born yesterday if you think I’d believe that phony excuse! 7、have one’s hands fullbe very busy or occupied忙碌非常忙碌I’m sorry I can’t help you right now because I have my hands full.8、know the ropesexperienced in the routine of懂得运用的秘诀对例行公事很老练It will be very difficult for him to do the job, if he doesn’t know the ropes.9、have to do withconcern, be related to, have connection with与……有关与某事有关联Dad, this broken vase has nothing to do with me.10、hang onpersevere, hold fast坚持下去,忍耐坚忍,支持,紧紧握住I’ve been waiting for 2 weeks, but I can’t hang on much longer.11、give another person a breakgive one a chance, excuse one for a mistake给某人一个机会给某人一个机会,原谅某人的过错The employer decided to give the poor girl a break.12、step on ithurry, make haste加快速度,抓紧匆忙,急着去He won’t get there in time to see her if he doesn’t step on it.13、At the end of one’s ropeunable to endure, tolerate a condition or situation无计可施,山穷水尽无法忍受某种状况或情形Frank was at the end of his rope over the matter.14、simmer downto calm down, quiet down冷静冷静,安静Children, recess is over, so simmer down and take your seats, please.15、clear outto leave, go away离开离开We can’t ask him to clear out, just like that.16、put up withto tolerate to endure忍受容忍,忍受She refused to put up with his incessant gambling.17、sloba sloppy person, someone with an unattractive, untidy appearance邋遢的人穿着不整,外貌不扬的邋遢人物Look at the way that fat slob eats, a pig has better manners.18、showdowna decisive action that brings matters to a climax摊牌某种决定性的行动,使事物达到顶峰Jones has a showdown with his boss regarding --- his salary.19、deadbeatone who lives, off the welfare of others, a worthless person懒人,游手好闲的人依靠他人财富为生,无用的家伙Everyone agreed that Mary’s new boyfriend was nothing but a deadbeat.20、through the grapevinean indirect, circuitous source of information, news, rumors passed on by word of mouth 间接地间接地消息来源,口口相传的消息或谣言I learned through the grapevine about your engagement to John21、landto get or secure a job or position得到得到一份工作或职位Nowadays, it’s very difficult to land a good job.22、fill someone into provide someone with necessary information告诉某人供给某人必要的信息Please fill me in on this new job of yours .23、tipnews or helpful information that is not widely known内幕消息不是众人皆知或有用的消息An old Indian gave us a tip about a good place to go fishing.24、make a beelineto take the most direct and quickest route to a place直接去采取最快和最直接的途径到达某地When the police arrived at the jewelry store, the thief made a beeline to the backdoor and escaped with the loot.25、buck forseek to obtain求得想得到It was obvious that he was bucking for the position of manager.26、step on someone’s toesto offend someone( usually occurs in the negative)冒犯某人触犯某人(通常以否定形式出现)A good politician knows how to always say the right thing at the right time and never step on anyone’s toes.27、mugto assault or to rob and assault someone, (an urban crime phenomenon, a weapon is almost always used)抢劫攻击或抢劫某人(都市的犯罪现象,通常都是用武器)My grandmother, who lives in New York city, has been mugged several times.28、hoof itto travel on foot; to walk走路徒步旅行;走路Let’s hoof it downtown. It’s not very far.29、punka young hoodlum, an inexperienced youth匪徒,无赖年轻的匪徒,没经验的年轻人Smith’s store was vandalized by a local gang of punks.30、slowpokea person who moves or acts slowly慢吞吞的人动作迟缓的人Hey, slowpoke, you’re finally back! What took you so long?31、cata man, a fellow, a guy家伙一个人,汉子,家伙The cat standing over there can really-- play guitar.32、copa policeman条子警察Ben’s party quieted down after the neighbor had threatened to call the cops.33、down on one’s luckunlucky, a period of misfortune, bad luck倒霉不幸的,不幸的,倒霉的时候Tom told me that you’ve been down on your luck recently.34、pala friend or close compani伙伴朋友或亲密的同伙You and I have been pals for a long time.35、bucka dollar, $1.00美元一美元He is always wanting to borrow a few bucks from me.36、palsy-walsyacting as a pal or pals, friendly intimate亲密的要好的行为像是朋友或伙伴友善亲密的Verna, have you noticed how palsy-walsy the boss and that new secretary are with each other? It’s really disgusting!37、flat brokeentirely without any money完全破产完全没有钱When he first arrived in this country, --he was flat broke.38、not a penny to one’s namepenniless, without even a penny一文不名贫穷的一毛钱也没有If (即使)I didn’t have a penny to my name, I still wouldn’t--accept charity.--take hand-outs(施舍).39、bite off more than one can chewundertake something which is beyond one’s capacity or power承担超乎个人能力的事从事某人能力所不及的事When she said she would do the job I think she bit off more than she could chew.40、hold one’s ownbe a match for, be equal to, not to surrender or retreat可与……匹敌可与……竞争,能力相当,不输于I feel very proud of myself when, in a debate, I can hold one’s own.She may not win the race but she should be able to hold her own against most of the others.41、get something over withterminate, finish in order to be free from结束终结,为摆脱某事物而结束……He really ought to stop worrying about it and get something over with.42、feather in one’s capa triumph某人引以为傲之物胜利After all his hard work, he certainly deserves a feather in his cap.43、keep one’s fi ngers crossedhope (through crossing the fingers superstitiously) that things will turn out well祈求平安,祈祷希望事情进行顺利She should have no problem driving in this rain, but let’s keep our fingers crossed.44、have it in onebe capable of能够有做……的能力T he old woman just didn’t have it in her to climb all those stairs anymore, so she had to move.45、look high and low forlook everywhere for四处寻找到处寻找The woman looked high and low for her lost daughter and finally found her at the police station.46、come up withpresent, announce, offer提供,赶上提供,发表,提出My assistants have come up with a very good plan.47、have in mindintend, plan, select欲,计划意图,计划,选择If you don’t have anything else in mind for this afternoon, would you like to com e shopping with me?He asked me to find out exactly what you have in mind.48、give noticeannounce, inform通知,预告告知,通知The company gave me notice that I’ve been fired.49、put one upallow someone to stay at one’s house留宿允许某人逗留在某人家中If we can’t find a place to stay, my friend said he would put us up for a few nights.50、take one’s timeproceed slowly, leisurely慢慢来,不慌不忙缓慢进行,从容的They didn’t realize that there was any hurry, so they took their time.51、the munchesan incessant craving to eat, usually snack food吃个没完不停地想吃,通常是点心I always get the munches whenever I’m studying.My roommate constantly has the munches.52、go forappealing, desirous to someone想要对某人有吸引力,是某人渴望On a hot day like this one, I could really go for an ice-cold beer.53、wolf downto eat quickly and greedily狼吞虎咽贪婪快速的吃How could you still be hungry after wolfing down all that pizza and beer.54、jointany business establishment, most often one which provides a service of some kind.店某种商店,通常提供某种服务Let’s get out of this joint. The food is so bad that I can’t eat it.55、greasy spoona small café or lunch counter that serves inferior food劣等餐馆小型的小吃店或快餐店,供应劣等食物On our first date, --he took me to a greasy spoon.56、fuss-budgeta fussy person挑剔鬼爱挑剔的人My mother-in-law has to be the world’s biggest fuss-budget.57、doggie-baga bag provided by a restaurant for the purpose of saving leftover portions of the customer’s meal食物袋参观供应的袋子,用来装顾客吃剩下的食物Waiter, please put the rest of my steak(牛排 )in a doggie-bag and bring me the check.58、thumbto solicit a ride from passing motorists, to hitch-hike搭便车向过往的车辆要求搭载一程,搭便车Peter thumbs a ride to school every day.59、jeezan exclamation of surprise or wonder (euphemism for the profane Jesus)老天(感叹语)表惊奇或惊讶的叫喊(对耶稣委婉的俗称)Jeez, Bob, what happened? Looks like you wrecked(弄坏) your motorcycle.60、hitchto hitch-hike免费乘车搭便车I hitched a ride all the way to school with one of my teachers.61、a breezean easy work易事一件容易的工作Learning how to water-ski (滑水)is really a breeze.62、crashto stay or dwell at a place as a temporary lodger, to go to sleep住暂时呆在或住在某地,睡Thanks a lot for letting me crash at your house last night, Ed.63、gasanything exceptionally good, enjoyable, fun好棒的事任何特别好,特别愉快,特别好玩的事Tony’s party was really a gas, don’t you think so?64、sleep on itto consider carefully before making a final decision, to delay making a decision about something 考虑在做决定前小心考虑,延迟做决定Jackson was very impressed with the offer, but still wanted to sleep on it before making a final decision.。

DVD区码划分(⼀区⼆区三区四区五区六区全码区)美国电影协会为制定区域码划分了六个地区,这六区的域码分别是第⼀区 Region1 美国、加拿⼤、东太平洋岛屿第⼆区 Region2 ⽇本、西欧、北欧、埃及、南⾮、中东第三区 Region3 台湾、⾹港及韩国、泰国、印尼等东南亚地区和国家第四区 Region4 澳洲,新西兰,中南美洲,南太平洋岛屿第五区 Region5 俄罗斯、蒙古、印度半岛、中亚、东欧、朝鲜、北⾮、西北亚⼀带等第六区 Region6 中国内地全区码 Region7 可於第1區⾄第6區域的DVD機中播放基本上,当某DVD影⽚决定不推出第六区的版本时,我们需要另外购买⼀套能够播放⾮六地区DVD⽚的设备,因⽽有买得起DVD播放机买不起DVD光盘的说法,所以才会有破解版的DVD播放设备,⽽DVD光盘套件也有提供数次的区域码更改机会。
美国⼋⼤电影公司: 1、华纳 Warner Bros. 2、哥伦⽐亚 Colombia 3、20世纪福斯 20th Century Fox 4、派拉蒙 Paramount 5、环球 Universal 6、UA United Artist 007 7、MGM Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 8、华德迪斯尼 Walt Disney区域码辨识则是将全球分为6⼤地区,每个地区所发⾏的DVD-Video只能以当地制造的光盘机来播放。
为避免电影未上演,DVD-Vid eo却先⾏上市的利益损失,遂以区域码加以控制,让⼀地区的电影上映后,已加码的DVD再推出。

英语语言研究方向选题1. Sexism as Reflected in the Chinese and English Languages (英语和汉语中的性别歧视)2. Lexical Items as Means of Cohesion in English Texts (英语语篇中的词汇衔接手段)3. Lexical Cohesion in English (英语词语的接应关系)4. On English Oration as a Variety of Language (论英语演说词)5. The Polite Language in the English Language (英语中的礼貌用语)6. Reflection on the English Taboo Words (谈英语的禁忌语)7. Remarks on Modern American Slang (略论现代美国俚语)8. The Different Usage of American Folk Language and Modern American Language (美国谷语与美国现代语言的区别)9. A Comparative Analysis of British and American English (英式英语与美式英语比较)10. An Account of Advertising Language (广告用语一瞥)11. Stylistic Comparison Between Broadcast News and Newspaper News (英语广播新闻与报纸新闻文体比较)12. News Headlines: Their Features and Style (英语新闻标题的特色与文体风格)13. Stylistic Features of News Reporting (英语新闻报道的文体风格)14. A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Body Languages (中英手势语比较)15. A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Intonation(英汉语调比较分析)16. 浅析英美语调的结构和功能17. 英美标调符号系统分析和对比18. 谈英语语调的特点及其用途19. 英语读音的弱式与速度和节奏的关系20. 母语/方言对英语语音学习的影响21. Note on Ambiguity of English Language(论英语中的歧义)22. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs(英语谚语与汉语谚语比较)23. Cursory Examination on English Onomatopoeia (英语拟声词浅论)24. Noun-Verb Conversion in Contemporary English (现代英语中名词转化成动词的现象)25. Syntactic Functions of Prepositional Phrases (前置词短语的句法功能)26. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions (英汉介词比较)27. On the English Verbal Fillers (谈英语填空词)28. On the English Negative Sentences (谈英语否定句)29.On Simplification of English Sentences (谈英语句子的简化)30.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Existential Sentences (英汉存在句比较)31. Positions of Attributes and Adverbials in English and Chinese: A Comparative Study (英汉定语和状语的位置比较)32.Studies in English Sentences of Implied Condition (英语的含蓄条件句)33.The Way of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English (英语中表达强调意义的语言手段)34.On the Revival of Dead Metaphor (死喻的复活)35.Tendency of the Modern Linguistics (现代语言学的发展趋势)36.The Stylistic Features of Advertisement English37. An comparative study of the gender difference in English learning 男女生英语学习差异比较研究38. The Inferences of Conversational Implications会话含义的推断39. On Lexical Cohesion in Expository Writing 说明文中的词汇衔接手段40. 英语语言研究语料库在语法教学中的作用。

对马克吐温的评价英文篇一In the heart of majority of Americans, Mark Twaining is a great writer that has to investigate spirit, patriotic passionate and romantic qualities and humorous style of writing, but in the my eyes, he is a person who becomes misanthropic of society, sarcastic asperity because of deeply being subjected to stroke of the life tragedy.Mark Twain from cradle to the grave in have more than 1/3 time the wave vestige whole the United States, then visit a world by the identity week of the writer and the speech house thereafter.Mark Twain Wen Yuan Ming to fill Mou Er?The boon of Lang He?Gram Si in the Lai door, his pen name draws from he does on board in the steam the man-hour hears of signal language.In the Mark Twain youth's ages, river valley in Mississippi is the geography center of the United States, also the transportation aorta that is American central part, a great deal of goods at here gather to spread.In 1857, youth's Mark Twaining was a steam a small navigator on board to step to go into river valley in Mississippi, this world.On this work post, he came in contact with various persons and saw a versatile world.All all theses, to the his later work creation deep influence.After civil war breaks out, Mark Twain and then left river valley in Mississippi, joined a southern nation allied visit shot of brigade.But that troops thinks that the square tries to avoid engaging with enemy's soldier.Mark Twained angry's ground toleave that troops.He arrives at the west again, is panned for gold hot temptation in the Nevada, join to arrive row or columns in it, but finally encountered failure but feel dispirited and discouraged.In bankrupt and disappointed remaining, he accepted for the Fu Ji Ni second city 《the territory development reports 》 is the reporter's work and from now on and then stepped on literary road.Mark?The knife that vomits to start to be small trying a cow, but Be forced to leave this city because of writing some sharp commentary articles, escape the Sa carat gold mine area that give valley in the door to temporary take shelter from the wind a head.He makes him be accepted in the west coast region to the pioneers there copying.In 1864 with 1865 it hand over of winter, Mark Twaining is at Anne the Ji Er Si mineral the area spend.Is boring medium, he recorded a description to hear on that day of a record of story-this record come to a decision him whole life the development direction of the business:"The section Er Man is used his to jump a frog-and stranger's wager USD 50-stranger didn't jump a frog, the section Er Man was given him the lane a -the stranger make use of to play the jumping of section frog belly cramming lead for this period of time, so, the jumping of section leapfrog doesn't get up, the frog of jumping of stranger has to to win."After mark?After vomiting rewriting of, this story ascends on the newspaper of the whole the United States and became widely known"the card pulls Wei to pull a Si county to well-knownly jump a frog".Go to this, Mark Twaining was the reputation of"Pacific Ocean unrestrained humorous master in the coast" to establish in the whole country.Two years after, he is from New York City and took steam ship in"Philadelphia" to Europe and holy land to carry on a sightseeing voyage.Mark Twaining is a reporter of newspaper in California be appointed to together with make sight-seeing trip a regiment interview.He takes into Bi to some artists who are admired by person and the art delicacies thin, even also presume to take into by besmirching sexual language of expression to insult to the religious holy land.After returning to country, more and more newspaper start publishing his article, is subjected to whole Americanses' fancy.At the age of 36, Mark Twain to start settling in the Kang Nie Di space the state admire blessing virtuous town especially, all of his second to none works publish within that period of time.1876 his 《Tom?The Suo is second 》publication, soon become American stories for children of classic of make, almost like 《declaration of independence 》 became the United States school today inside of necessarily study originally.After, admire the gram become a be thought by many people to is host's Mr. in the book of the work of depiction American that succeeds most .Mark?The whole life that vomits all covers with in the shadow of tragedy, own close relatives one after another die.The person who laughs heartily the whole world by himself[herself] but satisfied tasted human life of sad.He the morals preachment in the earlier period work once wrapped humorous jacket of 1 F, the humor changed now mordacity of irony.He points out that the mankind should abandon religion imagination, depend on to depend on oneself but isn't god's strength to create a more fine world.But his last fantasized to arrive to seem to be also to fall through afterwards.Dictate autobiography in the old age in,express he extremely despairing mood, hope from the distress of material life of be set free.对马克吐温的评价英文篇二Mark Twain, the mirror of American, born in the small village of Florida, Missouri in 1835, and died in Hartford in 1910. His 75 years of suffering life has experienced the mostly part of history of American like industrial economic development, Civil War, gold rush and western expansion and so on.There is no doubt that Twain witnessed the rise and decline of country of America. The most important period of Twain’s life may begin at 1857. He became a cub pilot on a steamboat, that four and a half years in the steamboat marked the real beginning of his education. After decline of steamboat commerce, he left the river country to join the Civil War for two weeks. Then, he went west and succumbed to the epidemic of gold rush in Nevada. Eight months later, broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reported with the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. In the year of 1864, he boarded the stagecoach for San Francisco. One years later, his first famous work Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was published. Then in 1876, the opportunity came for him to take a distinctly American to look at the world. Upon his return to states, the version of travels, The Innocents Abroad, became an instant best-seller. At the age of 36 Twain settled in Hartford. His best books, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, were published while he lived there.Although bitterness fed on the man, he was always struggling against difficulty in his whole life. And most important, he brought us lots of spiritual enlightenment in revelation.对马克吐温的评价英文篇三Like many excellent writers, the descendants of Mark Twain's evaluation is mixed. Can be divided into two categories of people to his evaluation. One is the reader, the other is the critic. As a reader, I would like to talk about my evaluation of him.First of all, I would like to say that I like his work very much. Mainly because his novels have witty humorous language. Every time I read his novel always makes me feel very relaxed and happy. At the same time, carefully taste his novel, I can understand a lot of truth. For example, after reading "Adventures of Tom Sawyer", I understand the work of the relationship between entertainment. And found a way to make work as fun as fun. Not only that, I also deeply experience the greed and hatred of the terrible and the importance of responsibility.Secondly, I am sometimes afraid to read his work. Because in his several short stories of the problems revealed too realistic, too cruel, and read will make people feel terror. For example, the story of a bad boy tells the story of a child who is recognized as a bad child eventually get a good quality of life, and a child is recognized as a good boy has experienced a tragic life story. This story is very real, because it is the real social ugly phenomenon of concentration and concentration. After reading this novel, I "good people have a good report," this sentence had questioned. Can be gradually discovered later, in fact, this novel is an ugly enrichment. In real life, these ugly phenomena will not appear at the same time, this makes me feel better. In Mark Twain's short stories, there are many such novels, thought-provoking.In 1885, when Mark Twain's work "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" published in the "Century Magazine", once caused the reader's abuse. At that time people think that their works have too many vulgar things. But I do not think so. This novel is ashrunken version of reality, it reflects the real life. And the existence of these phenomena in American life. Mark Twain is just a real show. I think this just can explain his honesty and cute.There are many critics point out that Mark Twain's humor is exaggerated vulgar humor, his works have corrupted the English style. But I think humor is to play the role of laughter, if not exaggerated, can be called humor?Moreover, I think the work of Mark Twain's performance is not vulgar vulgar content. But the reality of things. In every successful novel, it will reveal the reality of things. Such as the "La Traviata" in prostitutes revealed in the life and the "resurrection" revealed in the bureaucracy, numbness, money is a map and other phenomena. The critics of the time would mark Mark Twain's work at the vulgar level, I think only because they do not want to acknowledge these realities.Howells pointed out that Mark Twain differs from ordinary humorists in the sense that "jokes contain serious meanings, which is the way he takes the expression of politics and social comedy." I very much agree with this view.Throughout the short stories of Mark Twain, their humor is hidden behind the deep thinking.However, historically a critic named Van Wyck Brooks gave a complete rejection of Mark Twain's monograph, Mark Twain's Serious Test. In this book, Van Weeke Brooks pointed out that Mark Twain's writing after marriage was designed to cater to the aristocratic appetites and to make money for the purpose of writing. At the same time, Van Wyck Brooks also made the following diagnosis of Mark Twain:Mark Twain was a victim of a devastated soul, frustrated. Just like the countless cases provided by psychoanalysts, this alone is enough to explain his later years of frustration. He was hindered,split, and even violatedHis poet, the artist's nature shrinks into a cynic, the whole child into a spirit of the weak.This evaluation is obviously too radical, because from Mark Twain after the creation of the marriage, "Prince and the poor children" and other works can be seen, he is not as Van Weeke Brooks completely aristocratic appetites and creation.However, I have to admit, Mark Twain because of the impact of Western culture and the US money worship subtle influence, his works still have this tendency. From the "million pounds" in the hero's experience can be seen.He is still in the heart to retain the opportunity to rely on an opportunity to flourish the idea.At the same time, Mark Twain later creation of "What is human? "And" mysterious stranger "can also be seen in his frustration. As to why he was depressed, although I can not clear. But I believe that Mark Twain's frustration is not because, as Van Weeke Brooks said Mark Twain because of some of the events of the young and stifle the art of self, from curse of life. I think he will come to this conclusion, on the one hand by the United States early "gentle literature" effect; the other hand, because he did not really integrate into Mark Twain created novels to feel Mark Twainworld! He was not able to try to accept this emerging literature at the time.All in all, I think Mark Twain is a humorous, wise, sincere, lovely writer. And his unique humor plus reflection of the writing method is that ordinary people can not learn. As Bogil's na?ve reads: "Wisdom may be imitated, but innocence can not be imitated." Mark Twain's humor is a naive expression of his innocence that no one can imitate!。

Unit4MarriagePartAPre-listening TaskQuestionsforDiscussion1.Whatdoyouthinkofmarriage?Doyouthinkahappymarriageisthemostimportantthinginyourlife?2.Whatkindofpersondoyouwanttomarry?Whatareyourstandardsinchoosingalifecompanion?3.Whatdoyouthinkiscrucialforahappymarriage?4.Whatusuallycausestroublesinamarriage?5.Doyouthinkdifferencesbetweenhusbandandwifeareunavoidable?Ifyoudo,couldyousuggestsomewaysforthemtodealwiththeproblem?6.Haveyouheardofmarriageagreements?Doyouthinkacoupleshouldsignamarriageagreementbeforegettingmarried?AdditionalQuestionforDiscussion Doyoungmenandyoungwomenhavethesamestandardsinchoosingaspouse?Ifnot,whynot? LanguageFocus Herearesomesentencesandstructuresthatyoumayfindusefulindiscussingtheabovequestions.●Bothmenandwomenconsidermarriageaveryimportantpartoftheirlives.●Mostmenwouldliketheirspousestobeyoungandbeautiful.Othersconsiderinnerbeautymoreimportant.●Whenawomanchoosesherspouse,sheoftenputsemphasisonhischaracter/temperament/education/profession/income/appearance/familybackground.●Someyoungwomentodayconsider…ofgreatimportanceinchoosingaboyfriend/lifecompanion.●Happinessinmarriagedoesnotdependonmaterialwealth.●Marriagesbasedonmutuallovecreateahappyandharmoniousatmosphereinthefamily.●Mutualrespectandunderstandingbetweenhusbandandwifecontributemuchtoahappymarriage.●Educationisanimportantconditionforagoodmarriagebecauseacouplewhoseeducationallevelsdonotmatchmaynothavemuchtosaytoeachother/haveconstantargumentsoverfamilyissues,bigors mall.●Amarriagebasedonromanticlovealonewillnotnecessarilylastlong,forasenseofresponsibilityisalsoessentialtoasuccessfulmarriage.●Iwouldmarrysomeonewholovesmeandcaresformemost.●Iwouldmarrysomeonewhoisgenerous/intelligent/ambitious/broad-minded/considerate/good-looking/kind-hearted/humorous.●Iwouldn’tliketomarrysomeonewhoistoomoney-conscious/stingy/selfish/hot-tempered/narrow-minded/rude/impolite/possessive.●Eachindividualisuniqueanddifferencesbetweenhusbandandwifearethereforeunavoidable/aruleratherthananeGception.●It’sveryimportantforhusbandandwifetoshowappreciationofeachother/talkandgettoknowwhathisorherpartnereGpects.●Amarriageagreementsoundstoopractical/lacksromanticflavor/reducesmarriagetomerebusiness.●Ithinkawrittenmarriageagreementshowshowmuchyouandyourpartneraregoingtorespecteachother’sneedsandeGpectations/promisesaharmoniousrelationshipinmarriedlife.●Troublestartsinamarriagewhenonepartnerkeepscomplainingaboutsmallthings,makingtheotherfeelresentful.●Constantlycriticizingyourpartnerandhisorherfamilygivesrisetotroublesin/maydestroyamarriage.●Lackofunderstanding/toleranceoverdifferencesmaybringtroublestoamarriage/causeamarriagetofail.PartBListening TasksConversation1AMarriageAgreement(PartOne)WordBankoutline v.todescribebrieflywithfewdetails概述spouse n.ahusbandorwife配偶pet a.denotingathingthatonefeelsparticularlystronglyabout格外的,极其的peeve n.sth.thatannoysyou惹人生气的事物bug v.(Americanslang)toannoy,toirritate激怒article n.asectionofalegalagreementthatdealswithaparticularpoint协议的条款petpeevesth.thatyoustronglydislikebecauseitalwaysannoysyou格外惹人生气的事Script:(TomandLindahavesignedamarriageagreement.Bothagreenottobreaktherulesoutlinedintheagreeme nt.John,areporter,istalkingtothemabouttheagreement.)John:Tom,Linda,firstI’dliketoaskyouwhyyoudecidedtowritethisunusualagreement.Tom:WefoundthatmanyproblemsarecausedwhenapersonhasdifferenteGpectationsfromhisorherspo use.Wewantedtotalkabouteverythingopenlyandhonestlybeforewestartedlivingtogether. Linda:Alsowebothknowhowimportantitistorespecteachother’spetpeeves.Like,Icangetveryannoyedi fothersleavestuff—clothing,papers,everything!—lyingaroundonthefloor.Itreallybuggedme, soweputthatintheagreement.John:ThisismentionedinArticle1:CleaningUp,isn’tit?Itsays,“Nothingwillbeleftonthefloorovernight.Everythingmustbecleanedupandputawaybeforegoingtobed.”Tom:ThenI’llknowclearlywhatLinda’seGpectationsare.John:Isee.WhataboutArticle2:Sleeping?Itsays,“Wewillgotobedat11p.m.andgetupat6:30a.m.eGcept onweekends.”I’msuresomepeoplehearingthiswillthinkthatthisagreementisn’tveryromantic. Tom:Well,wedisagree.Wethinkit’sveryromantic.Thisagreementshowsthatwesatdownandtalked,and reallytriedtounderstandtheotherperson.Alotofproblemsoccurinamarriagewhenpeopledon’ttal kaboutwhattheywant.Linda:That’sright.Whenwedisagreedaboutsomething,weworkedoutasolutionthatwasgoodforbothof us.IwouldmuchratherhaveTomreallylistentomeandunderstandmyneedsthangivemeabunchof flowersoraboGofcandy.EGercise1 Listentotheconversationandchoosetherightanswerstothequestionsyouhear.1.WhichstatementbestsummarizesthemarriageagreementbetweenTomandLinda?a.ItisasetofrulesthatwillrestricttheirpersonalfreedomtoacertaineGtent.b.It is a set of rules that will enable them to live up to each other’s eGpectations.c.Itisasetofrulesthatwillpreventthemfromgettingadivorce.d.Itisasetofrulesthatwillsavetheirmarriage.2.AccordingtoTom,whatwillgiverisetoproblemsinamarriage?a.Differentinterests.b.Differentpetpeeves.c.Different eGpectations.d.Differentsleepinghabits.3.WhatcanbeinferredaboutLindafromtheconversation?a.She is sensible and well-organized.b.Shedoesn’tlikeflowersorcandyverymuch.c.Sheistoopracticaltobeagoodwife.d.Sheisquick-temperedanddomineering.EGercise2 Listentotheconversationagainandcompletetheanswerstothefollowingquestions.1.WhydidTomandLindadecidetosigntheagreement?Becausetheywantedtounderstand each other’s eGpectationssothatpotentialproblemscould be avoidedandtheycouldlive happily together.2.WhatisArticle1about?Cleaning up.Everythingmustbecleaned up and put away before going to bed.3.WhatisArticle2about?Sleeping.Timeforbed:11 p.m.;timetogetup:6:30 a.m.eGcepton weekends.Conversation2AMarriageAgreement(PartTwo)WordBankupdate v.tomakesth.up-to-date更新makeituptobecomefriendsagainafteraquarrel争吵后和解figureouttoworkoutthesolutiontoaproblem想出Script:John:Linda,doyouspendalotoftimecheckingtoseeiftheotherpersonisfollowingtherules?Arguing? Linda:No,notatall.Tom:Alotofcouplesarguebecausetheydon’tunderstandeachother’seGpectations.Ithinkwespendlessti mearguingthanmostcouplesbecausewebothknowwhattheotherpersoneGpects.John:Whathappensifoneofyoubreaksarule?Tom:Well,that’sinArticle13ofouragreement.John:Isit?Ohyes,Article13:BreakingRules.“Ifyoubreakarule,youmustapologizeanddosomethingnic efortheotherpersontomakeitup.”Linda:Yeah,likelasttimeTombroketheruleofdriving.John:What’stherule?Linda:Theruleiswemustaskfordirectionsifwearedrivingandgetlostformorethanfiveminutes. John:Whathappened?Tom:Weweredrivingtoafriend’swedding,andwegotlost.Lindawantedtostopatagasstationtoaskfordir ections,butIthoughtIcouldfigureitout.Linda:Thenwedrovefortymilesinthewrongdirectionandendedupbeinglateforthewedding.Tom:SoItookherouttodinner.IknewwhatIshoulddotoapologize.John:That’sveryimportant,Ithink,knowinghowtoapologize.Bytheway,doyouplantoupdateyouragree mentatall?Whatifthingschangeinyourlifeandaruledoesn’tworkanymore?Linda:We’vethoughtaboutthattoo.Article14statesthatwemustreviewthisagreementonceayearandma kenecessarychanges.John:Well,itwasreallynicetalkingtoyouboth.Thankyouverymuchforyourtime.Tom&Linda:Thankyou.EGercise1 Listentotheconversationandchoosetherightanswerstothequestionsyouhear.1.HowmanyarticlesareprobablyinTomandLinda’smarriageagreement?a.12.b.13.c.14.d.15.2.HowdoTomandLindafeelabouttheirmarriageagreement?a.Lindaisnotveryhappywithsomeofthearticlesintheagreement.b.Tomthinkssomeofthearticlesintheagreementaretoostrict.c.Both Tom and Linda are satisfied with it.d.BothTomandLindaarenotsatisfiedwithitandtheywanttomakealotofchangestoit.3.Whatwillhappentotheirmarriageagreementinayear’stime?a.They will review the articles and make changes to update them.b.Theywillsitdownandwriteoutanewagreement.c.Theywillnotmakeanychangestotheagreement.d.Theywillnotneeditanymore,astheyarebothfamiliarwithitscontents.EGercise2 Listentotheconversationagainandcompletetheanswerstothefollowingquestions.1.Whatisstatedintheruleofdriving?Itisstatedthatiftheyget lostformorethanfiveminuteswhentheyaredriving,theymuststopandaskfordirections.2.WhatisArticle13about?Whatdoesitsay?Article13isaboutbreaking rules.Thearticlesays,“If youbreak a rule,youmustapologize and do something nice for the other person to make it up.”3.WhatisArticle14about?Whatisstatedintheagreement?Itisaboutreviewing the contents of the agreement.Itstatesthattheymustreview this agreement once a yearandmake necessary changes.Speaking TasksPairWork Debating—ArgumentsfororagainstgivingfirstprioritytoeconomicstatusinchoosingaspouseASampleNowadays,someyoungpeoplegivefirstprioritytoeconomicstatusinchoosingaspouse.Areyouforo ragainstthisstandardinchoosingaspouse?EGpressanddefendyourviewsfromtheperspectivesgivenint hecardbelow.PossibleArguments(forreference)Fromtheperspectiveofastudent(positive)Ithinkitisverynaturalforpeopletogivefirstprioritytoeconomicstatusinchoosingaspouse.Weallkn owhowimportantmoneyis.Withoutmoney,ckofmoneyinamarriagewillca useproblemstothecouple.Eventhoughthecouplemayhavemarriedforlove,beingalwayshard-pressedfo rmoney,lovewillsoonbereplacedbyquarrelsandendlessworriesovermoneymatters.Ifthishappens,cant heylivehappilytogether?SoIthinkitisveryimportanttofirstconsiderifyourfuturespouseisabletoshareth eresponsibilityofsupportingafamily.Ifnot,justwait.Fromtheperspectiveofasocialworker(negative)Nowadays,someyoungpeopleconsidereconomicstatusthemostimportantfactorwhentheychoose aspouse.Theythinkmoneycanbringeverythingtheywant,likeabigapartment,acar,oratripabroad.Howe ver,canthesematerialthingsreallyensurehappiness?Idon’tthinkso.Amarriagebasedsolelyonmaterialw ealthwillnotnecessarilybeahappyone.CountlesseGampleshaveshownthatrichpeopleoftenhaveunsuc cessfulmarriages.Ahappymarriageisbuiltonadeeploveandaffectionbetweenhusbandandwife,whichc annotbeboughtbymoney. Nowusetheabovesampleasyourmodelandcarryonsimilaractivitieswithyourpartner.SomeIdeasforReferenceTheArgument(positive)1.AuniversitydegreeisthefirstthingI’dconsiderwhenIchoosemylifecompanion.Ithinktwopeoplewithverydifferenteducationalbackgroundswouldhaveproblemsincommunication.2.ApersonwithauniversitydegreehasbeeneGposedtoawiderangeofknowledge/iswell-educated.3.Whatgreatpleasureitistospendyourlifewithsomeonewhocanshareyourenjoymentofmusic,artandliterature,ordiscusswithyouallsortsofsubjectsfromthebeautyofnaturetoaliensinouterspace/newa dvancesinscienceandtechnology.4.Awell-educatedpersontendstobemorecultured,andmoreunderstanding,whichwillensurehappinessinamarriage.5.Awell-educatedpersonismorelikelytohaveagoodcareer.6.Auniversitydegreeisalmostamustinthecompetitivejobmarketnowadays.Thereforeagoodeducationalbackgroundiskeytoasuccessfulcareer,whichwillbringharmonyandsecuritytofamilylife. TheCounter-argument(negative)1.Idon’tthinkauniversitydegreeissoimportantinchoosingone’slifecompanion.PersonalityisthefirstthingIwouldtakeintoconsiderationwhenIchooseaspouse.2.Tomymind,affection,honesty,generosity,kindness,sympathy,andcouragearethequalitiesIvaluemore.3.Ithinkaperson’smoralvirtueisveryimportantanditisnotdecidedbytheamountofschooleducationheorshehasreceived.4.Auniversitydegreedoesnotnecessarilybringhappinesstoamarriage.Mutualaffectionandunderstandingarekeytoahappymarriage.5.Apersonwithauniversitydegreeisnotnecessarilywell-educated.Itdependsonhowmucheffortsheorhemadewhileatcollege.6.Ibelieveinlove/loveatfirstsight.I’dliketomarrythepersonIlove,andtogetherwecanpursuethedreamsofourlife.7.Idon’tthinkauniversitydegreecanensuresuccessinacareer.EGperienceissometimesmoreimportantthanformaleducation.Asamatteroffact,manyentrepreneursinChinahaven’tevenreceivedsecon daryeducation.Theirsuccessactuallyreliesontheirunusualpersonalityandopportunitiesavailable. PartCTest Your ListeningAConversation Listentotheconversationandchoosetherightanswerstothequestionsyouhear.1.Whichofthefollowingistrueofthewoman’shusband?a.He doesn’t share housework at home.b.Hedoesn’tknowhowtoputthingsinorder.c.Hedoesn’tcareforhiswifeandchildren.d.He’slazyandrude.2.Whatdoyouknowaboutthewoman?a.She’sjustgotajob.b.Sheearnsalotofmoney.c.Shedoesmostofthehouseworkathome.d.She has bad relations with her husband.3.Whatdoesthemanthinkofthewoman’scomplaints?a.Hethinksthewoman’shusbandislazyandmessy.b.He doesn’t want to pass judgment on the woman’s husband.c.Hethinksthewomancomplainstoomuch.d.Hethinksthewomanshouldaskherhusbandtosharethehousework.Script:M:Ah,comein,Barbara.Takeaseat.Howhavethingsbeen?W:Oh,muchthesame.Istillseemtohavequarrelswithmyhusbandallthetime.M:Whatdoyouquarrelabout?W:Oh,everything.Yousee,heneverthinksofmyfeelings.M:Goon.W:Well,I’llgiveyouaneGample.Youknow,whenthechildrenstartedschool,Iwantedtogobacktowork again,too.SoIgotajob.Wellanyway,bythetimeI’vecollectedGaryandLucyfromschool,Ionlyget homeabouthalfanhourbeforehecomesback…M:Yes?W:Well,whenhegetshome,heeGpectsmetorunaroundandgethistea.Heneverdoesanythinginthehou se.M:Mm.W:AndlastFridayheinvitedthreeofhisfriendstocomearoundforadrink.Hedidn’ttellmetoeGpectthe m,andI’dhadalonganddifficultday.Idon’tthinkthat’sright,doyou?M:Well,I’mnotheretopassjudgment.I’mheretolisten.W:Sorry.Andhe’ssountidy.He’sworsethanthekids.Ialwayshavetoremindhimtopickup hisclothes.Hejustthrowshisclothesonthefloor.Afterall,I’mnothisservant.I’vegotm yowncareer.Actually,Ithinkthat’spartofthetrouble.YouseeIearnasmuchmoneyash edoes.。

我最珍贵的奥林匹克奖(My Greatest Olympic Prize)

我最珍贵的奥林匹克奖(My Greatest Olympic Prize) mygreatestolympicprize我最珍贵的奥林匹克奖[1]itwasthesummerof1936.theolympicgameswerebeingheldinberlin.becau seadolfhitlerchildishlyinsistedthathisperformersweremembersofa"masterr ace,"nationalisticfeelingswereatanall-timehigh.[2]iwasn'ttooworriedaboutallthis.i'dtrained,sweatedanddiscipline dmyselfforsixyears,withthegamesinmind.whileiwasgoingoverontheboat,alli couldthinkaboutwastakinghomeoneortwoofthosegoldmedals.ihadmyeyese speciallyontherunningbroadjump.ayearbefore,asasophomoreattheohiostat e,i'dsettheworld'srecordof26feet81/4inches.nearlyeveryoneexpectedmeto winthisevent.[3]iwasinforasurprise.whenthetimecameforthebroad-jumptrials,iwasstartledtoseeatallboyhittingthepitatalmost26feetonhispract iceleaps!heturnedouttobeagermannamedluzlong.iwastoldthathitlerhopedt owinthejumpwithhim.[4]iguessedthatiflongwon,itwouldaddsomenewsupp orttothenazis'"masterrace"(aryansuperiority)theory.afterall,iamanegro.ang ryabouthitler'sways,ideterminedtogooutthereandreallyshowderfuhrerand hismasterracewhowassuperiorandwhowasn't.[5]anangryathleteisanathlete whowillmakemistakes,asanycoachwilltellyou.iwasnoexception.onthefirstof mythreequalifyingjumps,ileapedfromseveralinchesbeyondthetakeoffboard forafoul.onthesecondjump,ifouledevenworse."didicome3,000milesforthis? "ithoughtbitterly."tofouloutofthetrialsandmakeafoolofmyself?"[6]walkingafewyardsfromthepit,ikickeddisgustedlyatthedirt.suddenlyifeltahandonmys houlder.iturnedtolookintothefriendlyblueeyesofthetallgermanbroadjumper .hehadeasilyqualifiedforthefinalsonhisfirstattempt.heofferedmeafirmhand shake.[7]"jesseowens,i'mluzlong.idon'tthinkwe'vemet."hespokeenglishwell ,thoughwithagermantwisttoit."gladtomeetyou,"isaid.then,tryingtohidemyn ervousness,iadded,"howareyou?""i'mfine.thequestionis:howareyou?""wha tdoyoumean?"iasked."somethingmustbeeatingyou,"hesaid--proudthewayforeignersarewhenthey'vemasteredabitofamericanslang."you shouldbeabletoqualifywithyoureyesclosed.""believeme,iknowit,"itoldhim--anditfeltgoodtosaythattosomeone.1936年夏天。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。 the swim a:involved in things that are happening in society or in
aparticular situtation(积极参加社会活动) eg:Mrs.Smith is always in the swim if there is anything
2.slip into high gear
gear---here:used to talk about the speed or effort involved in doing sth速度,努力
eg:My brain,that precision instrument,slip into higer gear.
social on,her husband seems always out of the swim in politics. b:here:coforming to the current fashion(赶时髦) eg:Don't you want to be in a swim ?
Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language or dialect but are considered more acceptable when used socially .Slang is often used as a euphemism and may use informal lexicon to identify with one's peers. Slang is different from jargon(行话,术语), which is the technicial vocabulary of a particular profession,and which meets only the second of the criteria given above.
In the "Westward Movement "of 19 century ,many Americas moved to the west which caused large-scale mirgration.The America govement pays less attention to the "standard English" and standardizes the English.The history of America is not as long as other countries.So it has not traditional restriction to the people's language from.Therefore, the dialect and the jargon of each level are mixed together ,and which spread quickly among the majority such dialect and jargon envolved the slang litter by litter for their wide usage.
she is expecting she is "well-along"
lovely killer帅小伙
1.委婉语 2.粗俗语 Don't talk crap.不要胡说八道 -Can I have a word with you? -Sod off(滚开) 3.赌咒语 Damn you!该死的 To hell with you.见鬼去吧
4.go steady to date meone of the opposite sex regular and
exclusively;to be steady with sb eg:Lily will go steady with Tom 5.old man a person's huaband or father(老公,老爸) 6.Holy Toledo excellent(好极了)
7.kick a:usually as a verb ,it means to hit sb/sth with your foot(踢,
The vocabulary of an oridinary America generally is estimated at 10 000-20 000,acording to my conservative estimation about 2000 words are slong.
Rhetoric in the slang
sweetie pie 心上人,讨人 she is about to be in a
family way.
killing 笑死人的或迷魂荡 魄的
a picture of an attractive person,especially one who is not wearing many clothes ,that ito look at.美人海报
eg:she was only yet of pin-up proportion but I felt sure that time would supply the lack.