stata13.0 安装前必读




4Getting helpSystem helpStata’s help system provides a wealth of information to help you learn and use Stata.Tofind out which Stata command will perform the statistical or data management task you would like to do,you should generally follow these steps:1.Select Help>Search...,choose Search all,and enter the topic or keywords.This searchwill open a new Viewer window containing information about Stata commands,references to articles in the Stata Journal,links to Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ s)on Stata’s website, links to videos on Stata’s YouTube channel,links to selected external websites,and links to community-contributed features.2.Read through the results.If youfind a useful command,click on the link to the appropriatecommand name to open its helpfile.3.Read the helpfile for the command you chose.4.If you want more in-depth help,click on the link from the name of the command to the PDFdocumentation,read it,then come back to Stata.5.If thefirst helpfile you went to is not what you wanted,either click on the Also see menuand choose a link to related helpfiles or click on the Back button to go back to the previous document and go from there to other helpfiles.6.With the helpfile open,click on the Command window and enter the command,or click onthe Dialog button and choose a link to open a dialog for the command.7.If,at any time,you want to begin again with a new search,enter the new search terms in thesearch box of the Viewer window.8.If you select Search documentation and FAQs,Stata searches its keyword database for officialStata commands,Stata Journal articles and software,FAQ s,and videos.If you select Search net resources,Stata searches for community-contributed commands,whether they are from the Stata Journal or elsewhere;see[GSM]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for more information.Let’s illustrate the help system with an example.You will get the most benefit from the example if you work along at your computer.Suppose that we have been given a dataset about antique cars and that we need to know what it contains.Though we still have a vague notion of having seen something like this while working through the example session in[GSM]1Introducing Stata—sample session,we do not remember the proper command.Start by typing sysuse auto,clear in the Command window to bring the dataset into memory.(See[GSM]5Opening and saving Stata datasets for information on the clear option.) Follow the above approach:1.Select Help>Search....2.Check that the Search all radio button is selected.3.Type dataset contents into the search box and click on OK or press Return.Before wepress Return,the window should look like12[GSM]4Getting help4.Stata will now search for“dataset contents”among the Stata commands,the reference manuals,the Stata Journal,the FAQ s on Stata’s website,and community-contributed features.Here is the result:[GSM]4Getting help3 5.Upon seeing the results of the search,we see two commands that look promising:codebookand describe.Because we are interested in the contents of the dataset,we decide to check out the codebook command.The[D]means that we could look up the codebook command in the Data Management Reference Manual.The codebook link in(help codebook)means that there is a system helpfile for the codebook command.This is what we are interested in right now.6.Click on the codebook link.Links can take you to a variety of resources,such as help for Statacommands,dialogs,and even webpages.Here the link goes to the helpfile for the codebook command.7.What is displayed is typical for help for a Stata command.Helpfiles for Stata commandscontain,from top to bottom,these features:a.The quick access toolbar with three buttons:i.The Dialog button shows links to any dialogs associated with the command.ii.The Also see button shows links to related PDF documentation and helpfiles.iii.The Jump to button shows links to other sections within the current helpfile.b.The second line of a helpfile shows a View complete PDF manual entry link.Clicking on the link will open the complete documentation for the command—in this case,codebook—in your PDF viewer.c.The command’s syntax,that is,rules for constructing a command that Stata will correctlyinterpret.The square brackets here indicate that all the arguments to codebook are optional but that if we wanted to specify them,we could use a varlist,an if qualifier,or an in qualifier,along with some options.(Options vary greatly from command to command.) The options are listed directly under the command and are explained in some detail later in the helpfile.You will learn more about command syntax in[GSM]10Listing data and basic command syntax.4[GSM]4Getting helpd.A description of the command.Because“codebook”is the name for big binders containinga hard copy describing each of the elements of a dataset,the description for the codebookcommand is justifiably terse.e.The options that can be used with this command.These are explained in much greaterdetail than in the listing of the possible options after the syntax.Here,for example,we cansee that the mv option can look to see if there is a pattern in the missing values—somethingimportant for data cleaning and imputation.f.Examples of command usage.The codebook examples are real examples that step throughusing the command on a dataset either shipped with Stata or loadable within Stata fromthe Internet.g.The information the command stores in the returned results.These results are usedprimarily by programmers.For now,either click on Jump to and choose Examples from the drop-down menu or scroll down to the examples.It is worth going through the examples as given in the helpfile.Here is a screenshot of the top of the examples:[GSM]4Getting help5 Searching helpSearch is designed to help youfind information about statistics,graphics,data management,and programming features in Stata,either as part of the official release or as community-contributed features.When entering topics for the search,use appropriate terms from statistics,etc.For example,you could enter Mann-Whitney.Multiple topic words are allowed,for example,regression residuals.When you are using Search,use proper English and proper statistical terminology.If you already know the name of the Stata command and want to go directly to its helpfile,select Help>Stata command...and type the command name.You can also type the command name in the Searchfield at the top of the Viewer and press Return.Help distinguishes between topics and Stata commands because some names of Stata commands are also general topic names.For example,logistic is a Stata command.If you choose Stata command...and type logistic,you will go right to the helpfile for the command.But if you choose Search...and type logistic,you will get search results listing the many Stata commands that relate to logistic regression.Remember that you can search for help from within a Viewer window by typing a command in the command box of the Viewer or by clicking the magnifying glass button to the left of the search box,selecting the scope of your search,typing the search criteria in the search box,and pressing Return.Help and search commandsAs you might expect,the help system is accessible from the Command window.This feature is especially convenient when you need help on a particular Stata command.Here is a short listing of the various commands you can use:•Typing help commandname is equivalent to selecting Help>Stata command...and typing commandname.The helpfile for the command appears in a new Viewer tab.•Typing search topic in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help> Search...,choosing Search all,and typing topic.The output appears in a new Viewer tab.•Typing search topic,local in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help>Search...,choosing Search documentation and FAQs,and typing topic.The output appears in the Results window instead of a Viewer.•Typing search topic,net in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help>Search...,choosing Search net resources,and typing topic.The output appears in the Results window instead of a Viewer.See[U]4Stata’s help and search facilities and[U]4.8search:All the details in the User’s Guide for more information about these command-language versions of the help system.The search command,in particular,has a few capabilities(such as author searches)that we have not demonstrated here.The Stata reference manuals and User’s GuideAll the Stata reference manuals come as PDFfiles and are included with the software.The manuals themselves have many cross-references in the form of clickable links,so you can easily read the documentation in a nonlinear way.Many of the links in the helpfiles point to the PDF manuals that came with Stata.It is worth clicking on these links to read the extensive information found in the manuals.The Stata help system, though extensive,contains only a fraction of the information found in the manuals.6[GSM]4Getting helpMost Stata reference manuals are each arranged alphabetically.Each Getting Started with Stata has its own index.A combined index for all other manuals can be found in the Stata Index.This combined index is a good place to start when you are looking for information about a command.Entries have names like collapse,egen,and summarize,which are generally themselves Stata commands.Notations such as[R]ci,[R]regress,and[R]ttest in the Search results and helpfiles are references to the Base Reference Manual.You may also see things like[P]PyStata integration,which is a reference to the Programming Reference Manual,and[U]12Data,which is a reference to the User’s Guide.For a complete list of manuals and their shorthand notations,see Cross-referencing the documentation,which immediately follows the table of contents in this manual.For advice on how to use the reference manuals,see[GSM]18Learning more about Stata,or see[U]1.2The User’s Guide and the Reference manuals.Stata videosThe Stata YouTube channel is an excellent resource for learning about Stata.The brief videos demonstrate many topics using Stata’s graphical user interface.They cover basic topics,such as data management,graphics,summary statistics,and hypothesis testing,and advanced topics,such as multilevel models and structural equation models.There are also several playlists that provide a series of videos about a topic in sequence.For example,the“Power and sample size calculations”playlist includes videos about how to calculate power,sample size,and effect size for two independent proportions and for paired samples.The “Survival analysis”playlist takes you through the process of setting your data up for survival analysis, conducting basic descriptive analysis of survival data,graphing survival data,and calculating survivor functions and life tables.The“Time series”playlist takes you through the process of setting your data up for time-series analysis,creating time-series graphs,using time-series operators in estimation, andfitting ARMA and ARIMA models.There is even a“Back-to-school video”playlist for students who are using Stata for thefirst time or want a refresher after summer break.See https:///links/video-tutorials/for an up-to-date list of videos organized by topic.The playlists can be accessed directly at https:///user/statacorp/.The Stata JournalWhen searching in Stata,you will often see links to the Stata Journal.The Stata Journal is a printed and electronic journal,published quarterly,containing articles about statistics,data analysis,teaching methods,and effective use of Stata’s language.The Journal publishes peer-reviewed papers together with shorter notes and comments,regular columns,tips,book reviews, and other material of interest to researchers applying statistics in a variety of disciplines.The Journal is a publication for all Stata users,both novice and experienced,with different levels of expertise in statistics,research design,data management,graphics,reporting of results,and Stata,in particular.See https:// for more information.Associated with each issue of the Stata Journal are the programs and datasets described therein.These programs and datasets are made available for download and installation over the Internet,not only to subscribers but also to all Stata users.See[R]net and[R]sj for more information.Because the Stata Journal has had several articles about measures of inequality,if you select Help >Search...,choose Search documentation and FAQs,type inequality,and scroll down a bit,you will see some of these references:[GSM]4Getting help7SJ-18-3refers to volume18,number3of the Stata Journal.st0539refers to the package name; st indicates that this package is in the“statistics”category of the Stata Journal.Listed next is the title of the software package and the authors.The community-contributed commands found within this package are listed next in parentheses,followed by the reference details of the article.Clicking on an SJ link,such as SJ18(3):692--715,will open a browser and take you to the Stata Journal website,where you can view the abstract of the article and purchase the article.The search listing concludes with a brief description of the community-contributed package.The Stata Journal website allows all articles older than three years to be downloaded for free. See Downloading community-contributed commands in[GSM]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for more details on how to install community-contributed software.Also see [R]ssc for information on a convenient interface to resources available from the Statistical Software Components(SSC)Archive.We recommend that all users subscribe to the Stata Journal.See[U]3.4The Stata Journal for more information.Links to other sites where you can freely download programs and datasets for Stata can be found on the Stata website;see https:///links/.8[GSM]4Getting helpStata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。



1.STATA入门1 STATA入门Stata统计软件包是目前世界上最著名的统计软件之一,与SAS、SPSS一起被并称为三大权威软件。









STATA由美国计算机资源中心(Computer Resource Center)研制,现为STATA 公司的产品。



1安装(1)/doc/fcfe31e79b89680203d82562.html/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=67&ID=97705&page=2 上有stata9.rar下载,但是做正式的论文或工作还是应该尽量用正版软件。



高效可靠、易于使用和学习、 自动化、开放性和灵活性、 强大的图形功能。
Stata被广泛应用于社会科学、 医学和卫生、教育、经济学、 金融、政治科学等领域。
如何按照条件分割数据集,如何 将多个数据集堆叠成一个数据集。
本课程详细介绍Stata的基本操作、数据处理和分析、绘图功能和高级应用等 方面。从此你可以掌握Stata的全面操作,数据处理和分析,提高Stata的应用 水平。
Stata是一款强大的数据分析 软件,被广泛应用于多个领 域,如社会科学、健康科学、 教育、经济学、金融、政治 科学等。
如何下载和安装Stata的扩展程序, 如何使用额外的命令。
如何利用Stata高效地运行大数据 集,如何使用Stata的并行计算。
1 Stata的优缺点
Stata的优点有:强大的数据管理和较高的统计分析能力;缺点有:虽然易学但不便宜, 还需要花时间去了解命令。







在Data的Combine datasets的merge two datasets中,分为1:1、m:1、1:m各种形式,基本用两次就差不多能搞懂。

help:一定第一个学的是这个!啥不会就help一下,不知道函数了就help function,不知道回归细节就help regress,多读help文件!gen/egen:最常用的建立函数的命令,这两个不同之处在于gen一般是初等函数,egen的函数会复杂一些。

常用的函数包括数学函数和其他函数,比如count/tag之类,建议直接到菜单里Data下Create data的create new variable或create new variable(extended)直接生成函数,会方便的多。


keep if/drop if:这两个也是最常用的,在数据需要进行筛选的时候,两个命令的区别也很明显,keep是留下哪些,drop是去掉哪些。



命 令 回 顾 窗 口

Байду номын сангаас

②使用use命令 use c:\data1 即扩展名可以省略,如果Stata中已经修改或者建 立了数据集,则需要使用clear选项清除原有数据, 命令为: use c:\data1 , clear

还有数据编辑窗口、程序文件编辑窗口、帮助窗口、绘图 窗口等

Stata命令的基本语法格式如下: [ 特殊选项 ] 关键词 命令参数 [ , 命令选项 ]

list sort clear l so
保留某个变量:keep 变量名
显示数据 将记录按照指定顺序排序 清除数据库
LOGO 2013-822wwwthemegallerycom

用命令describe可描述数据库,查看数据库的基本 情况。假定数据库data2.dta已调入内存,键入



1、加强农业基础设施建设,提高土壤肥力,为粮食生产创造良好的物质基 础。
2、优化农作物种植结构,实现粮食品种多元化和优质化,提高土地利用效 率和产出效益。
3、加大对农业科技的研发与推广力度,提高农业机械化水平和生产效率, 降低农业生产成本。
4、建立健全农业保险和救助机制,增强农民抵御自然灾害和市场风险的能 力。
我国人口自然增长率的影响因素分 析基于计量经济学软件STATA130
01 一、引言
03 三、研究方法
02 二、文献综述 04 四、结果与讨论
05 五、结论
07 参考内容
06 六、
中国是世界上人口最多的国家之一,人口问题始终是国家战略的重点。人口 自然增长率是衡量一个国家或地区人口发展的重要指标,其影响因素复杂多样, 包括政策、经济、社会、文化等多方面因素。因此,研究我国人口自然增长率的 影响因素,对于制定科学的人口政策和经济发展战略具有重要意义。本次演示将 通过计量经济学软件STATA13.0的相关数据分析,深入探讨我国人口自然增长会导致生育率的下降和死亡率的降低, 从而影响人口自然增长。
5、经济发展水平:一般来说,经济发展水平较高的国家或地区,生育率较 低,而死亡率也相对较低,从而使得人口自然增长放缓。
6、社会福利制度:社会福利制度的完善可以影响生育率和死亡率,从而影 响人口自然增长。例如,完善的社会福利制度可以降低生育成本,从而鼓励人们 生育。
5、加强政策引导:政府应该通过政策引导来鼓励或限制某些影响人口自然 增长的因素。例如,对于那些鼓励生育的政策,政府可以通过提供更多的育儿假、 育儿补贴等方式来鼓励人们生育。对于那些限制生育的政策,政府可以通过提供 更多的避孕用品、鼓励人们进行绝育等方式来限制生育。





在stata的command窗口键入db update命令,回车 出现“update– Check for official updates”对话框 选择“From alternative location” 点击“browse”找到自己下载和解压的升级文件的文件夹 如:c:\stata12update_win32 点击“确定”、“OK”。 按提示:点击“install available update”,
outreg coefastr:给系数加星号
:系数下面标P值 Se : 系数下面标标准误差 3aster : 加3个星号,1%,5%,10%。
P outreg或者outreg2
1. 2. 3.
在google上面搜索命令, 然后下载到硬盘上, 拷贝到stata的安装目录内对于的目录中
outreg 生成像杂志那样的表格
using 文件名, coefastr p 3aster replace outreg using 文件名, coefastr se 3aster append
*predict的预测命令 predict yhat predict new, stdp (standard errors of predicted mean y) *回归残差 predict ehat0, resid /*一般的残差*/ predict ehat1, rstandard /*标准化残差*/ predict ehat2, rstudent /*学生化的残差*/ predict ehat3, stdr /*回归残差的标准差*/ *如果画残差与某一解释变量的图像 rvfplot var




一、Stata13.0MP 32位/64位破解版安装安装步骤:1.解压缩,压缩包内有三个文件,分别是“Stata13_setup.msi”——安装程序,“Crack”——破解补丁目录,“破解说明”。







二、界面优化1.改变stata13界面排版Edit --- Preferences --- Load Preference Set --- Presentation(1024*768)2.设置结果窗口界面颜色Edit --- Preferences --- General preferences --- Result colors --- classic3.改变结果窗口界面字体大小在结果窗口右键--- Font --- 大小4.保存设置,使得再次打开stata13时显示为该设置,保存名自行设置Edit --- Preferences --- Save Preferences --- New Preferences Set--- 自行命名5.文件关联,关联“.dta”,“.do”,“.gph”,“.smcl”。

Edit --- Preferences --- Reset File Associations --- 是6.编辑do文件时,改变其窗口字体大小在命令窗口输入doedit,打开do文件编辑器Edit --- Preferences --- Editor Font ---Size三、基本文件及工作日志设置1.在Stata13文件夹下的ado文件夹内,创建名为personal、plus 的文件夹方法一:手动右键新建文件夹方法二:在stata13 command 命令窗口内输入如下命令:mkdir d:\stata13\ado\plusmkdir d:\stata13\ado\personal2.在personal文件下创建command.log和stata.log两个日志文件,使得运行的命令及结果都存在这两个text文件内。












为了保存这个窗口画面,我们必须点选工具列上的”Prefs”下的”Save Windowing Preferences”。



因此,若欲使用重复的指令时,只要在该指令上点选两下即可执行相同的指令;若欲使用类似的指令时,在该指令上点一下,该指令即会出现在窗口”Stata Command”上,再进行修改即可。





它的优点是(1)确认数据输入无误;(2)只要在某变量上点选两下,该变量即会出现在窗口”Stata Command”上。



4Getting helpSystem helpStata’s help system provides a wealth of information to help you learn and use Stata.Tofind out which Stata command will perform the statistical or data management task you would like to do,you should generally follow these steps:1.Select Help>Search...,choose Search all,and enter the topic or keywords.This searchwill open a new Viewer window containing information about Stata commands,references to articles in the Stata Journal,links to Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ s)on Stata’s website, links to videos on Stata’s YouTube channel,links to selected external websites,and links to community-contributed features.2.Read through the results.If youfind a useful command,click on the link to the appropriatecommand name to open its helpfile.3.Read the helpfile for the command you chose.4.If you want more in-depth help,click on the link from the name of the command to the PDFdocumentation,read it,then come back to Stata.5.If thefirst helpfile you went to is not what you wanted,either click on the Also see menuand choose a link to related helpfiles or click on the Back button to go back to the previous document and go from there to other helpfiles.6.With the helpfile open,click on the Command window and enter the command,or click onthe Dialog button and choose a link to open a dialog for the command.7.If,at any time,you want to begin again with a new search,enter the new search terms in thesearch box of the Viewer window.8.If you select Search documentation and FAQs,Stata searches its keyword database for officialStata commands,Stata Journal articles and software,FAQ s,and videos.If you select Search net resources,Stata searches for community-contributed commands,whether they are from the Stata Journal or elsewhere;see[GSW]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for more information.Let’s illustrate the help system with an example.You will get the most benefit from the example if you work along at your computer.Suppose that we have been given a dataset about antique cars and that we need to know what it contains.Though we still have a vague notion of having seen something like this while working through the example session in[GSW]1Introducing Stata—sample session,we do not remember the proper command.Start by typing sysuse auto,clear in the Command window to bring the dataset into memory.(See[GSW]5Opening and saving Stata datasets for information on the clear option.) Follow the above approach:1.Select Help>Search....2.Check that the Search all radio button is selected.3.Type dataset contents into the search box and click on OK or press Enter.Before we pressEnter,the window should look like12[GSW]4Getting help4.Stata will now search for“dataset contents”among the Stata commands,the reference manuals,the Stata Journal,the FAQ s on Stata’s website,and community-contributed features.Here is the result:[GSW]4Getting help3 5.Upon seeing the results of the search,we see two commands that look promising:codebookand describe.Because we are interested in the contents of the dataset,we decide to check out the codebook command.The[D]means that we could look up the codebook command in the Data Management Reference Manual.The codebook link in(help codebook)means that there is a system helpfile for the codebook command.This is what we are interested in right now.6.Click on the codebook link.Links can take you to a variety of resources,such as help for Statacommands,dialogs,and even webpages.Here the link goes to the helpfile for the codebook command.7.What is displayed is typical for help for a Stata command.Helpfiles for Stata commandscontain,from top to bottom,these features:a.The quick access toolbar with three buttons:i.The Dialog button shows links to any dialogs associated with the command.ii.The Also see button shows links to related PDF documentation and helpfiles.iii.The Jump to button shows links to other sections within the current helpfile.b.The second line of a helpfile shows a View complete PDF manual entry link.Clicking on the link will open the complete documentation for the command—in this case,codebook—in your PDF viewer.c.The command’s syntax,that is,rules for constructing a command that Stata will correctlyinterpret.The square brackets here indicate that all the arguments to codebook are optional but that if we wanted to specify them,we could use a varlist,an if qualifier,or an in qualifier,along with some options.(Options vary greatly from command to command.) The options are listed directly under the command and are explained in some detail later in the helpfile.You will learn more about command syntax in[GSW]10Listing data and basic command syntax.4[GSW]4Getting helpd.A description of the command.Because“codebook”is the name for big binders containinga hard copy describing each of the elements of a dataset,the description for the codebookcommand is justifiably terse.e.The options that can be used with this command.These are explained in much greaterdetail than in the listing of the possible options after the syntax.Here,for example,we cansee that the mv option can look to see if there is a pattern in the missing values—somethingimportant for data cleaning and imputation.f.Examples of command usage.The codebook examples are real examples that step throughusing the command on a dataset either shipped with Stata or loadable within Stata fromthe Internet.g.The information the command stores in the returned results.These results are usedprimarily by programmers.For now,either click on Jump to and choose Examples from the drop-down menu or scroll down to the examples.It is worth going through the examples as given in the helpfile.Here is a screenshot of the top of the examples:Searching helpSearch is designed to help youfind information about statistics,graphics,data management,and programming features in Stata,either as part of the official release or as community-contributed features.When entering topics for the search,use appropriate terms from statistics,etc.For example,you could enter Mann-Whitney.Multiple topic words are allowed,for example,regression residuals.[GSW]4Getting help5 When you are using Search,use proper English and proper statistical terminology.If you already know the name of the Stata command and want to go directly to its helpfile,select Help>Stata command...and type the command name.You can also type the command name in the Searchfield at the top of the Viewer and press Enter.Help distinguishes between topics and Stata commands because some names of Stata commands are also general topic names.For example,logistic is a Stata command.If you choose Stata command...and type logistic,you will go right to the helpfile for the command.But if you choose Search...and type logistic,you will get search results listing the many Stata commands that relate to logistic regression.Remember that you can search for help from within a Viewer window by typing a command in the command box of the Viewer or by clicking the magnifying glass button to the left of the search box,selecting the scope of your search,typing the search criteria in the search box,and pressing Enter.Help and search commandsAs you might expect,the help system is accessible from the Command window.This feature is especially convenient when you need help on a particular Stata command.Here is a short listing of the various commands you can use:•Typing help commandname is equivalent to selecting Help>Stata command...and typing commandname.The helpfile for the command appears in a new Viewer window.•Typing search topic in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help> Search...,choosing Search all,and typing topic.The output appears in a new Viewer window.•Typing search topic,local in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help>Search...,choosing Search documentation and FAQs,and typing topic.The output appears in the Results window instead of a Viewer.•Typing search topic,net in the Command window produces the same output as selecting Help>Search...,choosing Search net resources,and typing topic.The output appears in the Results window instead of a Viewer.See[U]4Stata’s help and search facilities and[U]4.8search:All the details in the User’s Guide for more information about these command-language versions of the help system.The search command,in particular,has a few capabilities(such as author searches)that we have not demonstrated here.The Stata reference manuals and User’s GuideAll the Stata reference manuals come as PDFfiles and are included with the software.The manuals themselves have many cross-references in the form of clickable links,so you can easily read the documentation in a nonlinear way.Many of the links in the helpfiles point to the PDF manuals that came with Stata.It is worth clicking on these links to read the extensive information found in the manuals.The Stata help system, though extensive,contains only a fraction of the information found in the manuals.Most Stata reference manuals are each arranged alphabetically.Each Getting Started with Stata has its own index.A combined index for all other manuals can be found in the Stata Index.This combined index is a good place to start when you are looking for information about a command.Entries have names like collapse,egen,and summarize,which are generally themselves Stata commands.6[GSW]4Getting helpNotations such as[R]ci,[R]regress,and[R]ttest in the Search results and helpfiles are references to the Base Reference Manual.You may also see things like[P]PyStata integration,which is a reference to the Programming Reference Manual,and[U]12Data,which is a reference to the User’s Guide.For a complete list of manuals and their shorthand notations,see Cross-referencing the documentation,which immediately follows the table of contents in this manual.For advice on how to use the reference manuals,see[GSW]18Learning more about Stata,or see[U]1.2The User’s Guide and the Reference manuals.Stata videosThe Stata YouTube channel is an excellent resource for learning about Stata.The brief videos demonstrate many topics using Stata’s graphical user interface.They cover basic topics,such as data management,graphics,summary statistics,and hypothesis testing,and advanced topics,such as multilevel models and structural equation models.There are also several playlists that provide a series of videos about a topic in sequence.For example,the“Power and sample size calculations”playlist includes videos about how to calculate power,sample size,and effect size for two independent proportions and for paired samples.The “Survival analysis”playlist takes you through the process of setting your data up for survival analysis, conducting basic descriptive analysis of survival data,graphing survival data,and calculating survivor functions and life tables.The“Time series”playlist takes you through the process of setting your data up for time-series analysis,creating time-series graphs,using time-series operators in estimation, andfitting ARMA and ARIMA models.There is even a“Back-to-school video”playlist for students who are using Stata for thefirst time or want a refresher after summer break.See https:///links/video-tutorials/for an up-to-date list of videos organized by topic.The playlists can be accessed directly at https:///user/statacorp/.The Stata JournalWhen searching in Stata,you will often see links to the Stata Journal.The Stata Journal is a printed and electronic journal,published quarterly,containing articles about statistics,data analysis,teaching methods,and effective use of Stata’s language.The Journal publishes peer-reviewed papers together with shorter notes and comments,regular columns,tips,book reviews, and other material of interest to researchers applying statistics in a variety of disciplines.The Journal is a publication for all Stata users,both novice and experienced,with different levels of expertise in statistics,research design,data management,graphics,reporting of results,and Stata,in particular.See https:// for more information.Associated with each issue of the Stata Journal are the programs and datasets described therein.These programs and datasets are made available for download and installation over the Internet,not only to subscribers but also to all Stata users.See[R]net and[R]sj for more information.Because the Stata Journal has had several articles about measures of inequality,if you select Help >Search...,choose Search documentation and FAQs,type inequality,and scroll down a bit,you will see some of these references:[GSW]4Getting help7SJ-18-3refers to volume18,number3of the Stata Journal.st0539refers to the package name; st indicates that this package is in the“statistics”category of the Stata Journal.Listed next is the title of the software package and the authors.The community-contributed commands found within this package are listed next in parentheses,followed by the reference details of the article.Clicking on an SJ link,such as SJ18(3):692--715,will open a browser and take you to the Stata Journal website,where you can view the abstract of the article and purchase the article.The search listing concludes with a brief description of the community-contributed package.The Stata Journal website allows all articles older than three years to be downloaded for free. See Downloading community-contributed commands in[GSW]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for more details on how to install community-contributed software.Also see [R]ssc for information on a convenient interface to resources available from the Statistical Software Components(SSC)Archive.8[GSW]4Getting helpWe recommend that all users subscribe to the Stata Journal.See[U]3.4The Stata Journal for more information.Links to other sites where you can freely download programs and datasets for Stata can be found on the Stata website;see https:///links/.[GSW]4Getting help9 Stata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。









常用的导入命令包括:1. use命令:用于导入STATA格式的数据文件。

例如:use data.dta2. import命令:用于导入其他格式的数据文件。

例如:import excel data.xlsx, firstrow导入数据后,接下来需要进行数据清洗和变量定义。


常用的数据清洗命令包括:1. generate命令:用于生成新变量。

例如:generate log_y = log(y)2. drop命令:用于删除变量。

例如:drop x3. replace命令:用于替换变量值。

例如:replace y = 0 if y < 0数据清洗完成后,就可以开始估计面板数据模型。

常用的估计命令包括固定效应模型(Fixed Effects Model)和随机效应模型(Random Effects Model)。


1.固定效应模型的估计命令:xtreg y x1 x2, fe其中,xtreg表示面板数据的回归命令,y为因变量,x1和x2为自变量,fe为固定效应模型的选项。

2.随机效应模型的估计命令:xtreg y x1 x2, re其中,re表示随机效应模型的选项。

除了固定效应模型和随机效应模型,STATA还支持其他面板数据模型的估计方法,如差分估计(Difference-in-Differences)、合成控制法(Synthetic Control Method)等。






图的基本界面关于的使用,可以参考手册,特别是[] ,尤其是第1章和第2章。

有关使用的资料非常多,其中官方的有手册,比如对于初学者,[]是有用的起点,最有用的手册可能是[] ’ 。

除此之外,还有很多的其他相关手册,相关介绍参见用户手册[] —。

() 和 () 是的官方期刊,里面介绍一些没有包括在当前安装里的例子和程序。









1.1命令格式所有命令基本具有下列模式[:] [] [ ][][][][ ][, ]方括号表示可选项,打字机体是直接输入,斜体需要用户替代,其中表示前缀,是相应的命令,是变量列表,是表达式,是文件名,表示适用于该命令的一个或多个可选项。

比如,简单统计命令的命令格式为[] [] [] [] [, ]下划线表示该命令也可缩写为。


. sysuse auto(1978 Automobile Data). summarizeVariable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Maxmake 0price 74 6165.257 2949.496 3291 15906mpg 74 21.2973 5.785503 12 41rep78 69 3.405797 .9899323 1 5headroom 74 2.993243 .8459948 1.5 5trunk 74 13.75676 4.277404 5 23weight 74 3019.459 777.1936 1760 4840length 74 187.9324 22.26634 142 233turn 74 39.64865 4.399354 31 51displacement 74 197.2973 91.83722 79 425gear_ratio 74 3.014865 .4562871 2.19 3.89foreign 74 .2972973 .4601885 0 1可以利用查看它的可选项,比如用可选项,还可以把变量的偏度和峰度显示出来。



. generate wtsq = weight^2

[ GSW ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session 19
Now that we have all the variables we need, we can run a linear regression. We will use the
Syntax note: To make the graphs for the combined subgroups, we ended up using a by() option, not a by prefix. If we had used a by prefix, separate graphs would have been generated instead of the combined graph created by the by() option.
Start by loading the automobile dataset, which is included with Stata. Use the menus to do this: 1. Select File > Example datasets.... 2. Click on Example datasets installed with Stata. 3. Click on use for auto.dta. The result of this command is fourfold: • The following output appears in the large Results window:
menus and see that the command is also simple. To use the menus, select Statistics > Linear models



Title intro—Introduction to base reference manualDescription Remarks and examples Also seeDescriptionThis entry describes the organization of the reference manuals.Remarks and examples The complete list of reference manuals is as follows:[R]Stata Base Reference Manual[D]Stata Data Management Reference Manual[G]Stata Graphics Reference Manual[XT]Stata Longitudinal-Data/Panel-Data Reference Manual[ME]Stata Multilevel Mixed-Effects Reference Manual[MI]Stata Multiple-Imputation Reference Manual[MV]Stata Multivariate Statistics Reference Manual[PSS]Stata Power and Sample-Size Reference Manual[P]Stata Programming Reference Manual[SEM]Stata Structural Equation Modeling Reference Manual[SVY]Stata Survey Data Reference Manual[ST]Stata Survival Analysis and Epidemiological Tables Reference Manual[TS]Stata Time-Series Reference Manual[TE]Stata Treatment-Effects Reference Manual:Potential Outcomes/Counterfactual Outcomes[I]Stata Glossary and Index[M]Mata Reference ManualWhen we refer to“reference manuals”,we mean all manuals listed above.When we refer to the specialty manuals,we mean all the manuals listed above except[R]and[I].12intro—Introduction to base reference manualArrangement of the reference manualsEach manual contains the following sections:•Contents.A table of contents can be found at the beginning of each manual.•Cross-referencing the documentation.This entry lists all the manuals and explains how they are cross-referenced.•Introduction.This entry—usually called intro—provides an overview of the manual.In the specialty manuals, this introduction suggests entries that you might want to readfirst and provides information about new features.Each specialty manual contains an overview of the commands described in it.•Entries.Entries are arranged in alphabetical order.Most entries describe Stata commands,but some entries discuss concepts,and others provide overviews.Entries that describe estimation commands are followed by an entry discussing postestimation commands that are available for use after the estimation command.For example,the xtlogit entry in the[XT]manual is followed by the xtlogit postestimation entry.•Index.An index can be found at the end of each manual.The Glossary and Index,[I],contains a subject table of contents for all the reference manuals and the User’s Guide,a combined acronym glossary,a combined glossary,a vignette index,a combined author index,and a combined subject index for all the manuals.Tofind information and commands quickly,use Stata’s search command;see[R]search(see the entry search in the[R]manual).Arrangement of each entryEntries in the Stata reference manuals,except the[M]and[SEM]manuals,generally contain the following sections,which are explained below:SyntaxMenuDescriptionOptionsRemarks and examplesStored resultsMethods and formulasReferencesAlso seeSyntaxA command’s syntax diagram shows how to type the command,indicates all possible options,andgives the minimal allowed abbreviations for all the items in the command.For instance,the syntax diagram for the summarize command isintro—Introduction to base reference manual3summarizevarlistifinweight,optionsoptions DescriptionMaindetail display additional statisticsmeanonly suppress the display;calculate only the mean;programmer’s option format use variable’s display formatseparator(#)draw separator line after every#variables;default is separator(5) display options control spacing and base and empty cellsvarlist may contain factor variables;see[U]11.4.3Factor variables.varlist may contain time-series operators;see[U]11.4.4Time-series is allowed;see[D]by.aweight s,fweight s,and iweight s are allowed.However,iweight s may not be used with the detail option;see [U]11.1.6weight.Items in the typewriter-style font should be typed exactly as they appear in the diagram, although they may be abbreviated.Underlining indicates the shortest abbreviations where abbre-viations are allowed.For instance,summarize may be abbreviated su,sum,summ,etc.,or it may be spelled out completely.Items in the typewriter font that are not underlined may not be abbreviated.Square brackets denote optional items.In the syntax diagram above,varlist,if,in,weight,and the options are optional.The options are listed in a table immediately following the diagram,along with a brief description of each.Items typed in italics represent arguments for which you are to substitute variable names,observation numbers,and the like.The diagrams use the following symbols:#Indicates a literal number,for example,5;see[U]12.2Numbers.Anything enclosed in brackets is optional.At least one of the items enclosed in braces must appear.|The vertical bar separates alternatives.%fmt Any Stata format,for example,%8.2f;see[U]12.5Formats:Controlling how data are displayed.depvar The dependent variable in an estimation command;see[U]20Estimation and postesti-mation commands.exp Any algebraic expression,for example,(5+myvar)/2;see[U]13Functions and ex-pressions.filename Anyfilename;see[U]11.6Filenaming conventions.indepvars The independent variables in an estimation command;see[U]20Estimation and postestimation commands.newvar A variable that will be created by the current command;see[U]11.4.2Lists of new variables.numlist A list of numbers;see[U]11.1.8numlist.oldvar A previously created variable;see[U]11.4.1Lists of existing variables.options A list of options;see[U]11.1.7options.4intro—Introduction to base reference manualrange An observation range,for example,5/20;see[U]11.1.4in range."string"Any string of characters enclosed in double quotes;see[U]12.4Strings.varlist A list of variable names;see[U]11.4varlists.If varlist allows factor variables,a note to that effect will be shown below the syntax diagram;see[U]11.4.3Factor variables.Ifvarlist allows time-series operators,a note to that effect will be shown below the syntaxdiagram;see[U]11.4.4Time-series varlists.varname A variable name;see[U]11.3Naming conventions.weight A[wgttype=exp]modifier;see[U]11.1.6weight and[U]20.23Weighted estimation.xvar The variable to be displayed on the horizontal axis.yvar The variable to be displayed on the vertical axis.The Syntax section will indicate whether factor variables or time-series operators may be used with a command.summarize allows factor variables and time-series operators.If a command allows prefix commands,this will be indicated immediately following the table of options.summarize allows by.If a command allows weights,the types of weights allowed will be specified,with the default weight listedfirst.summarize allows aweight s,fweight s,and iweight s,and if the type of weight is not specified,the default is aweight s.MenuA menu indicates how the dialog box for the command may be accessed using the menu system.DescriptionFollowing the syntax diagram is a brief description of the purpose of the command.OptionsIf the command allows any options,they are explained here,and for dialog users the location of the options in the dialog is indicated.For instance,in the logistic entry in this manual,the Options section looks like this:££Model ...££SE/Robust ...££Reporting ...££Maximization ...intro—Introduction to base reference manual5 Remarks and examplesThe explanations under Description and Options are exceedingly brief and technical;they are designed to provide a quick summary.The remarks explain in English what the preceding technical jargon means.Examples are used to illustrate the command.Stored resultsCommands are classified as e-class,r-class,s-class,or n-class,according to whether they store calculated results in e(),r(),s(),or not at all.These results can then be used in subroutines by other programs(ado-files).Such stored results are documented here;see[U]18.8Accessing results calculated by other programs and[U]18.9Accessing results calculated by estimation commands. Methods and formulasThe techniques and formulas used in obtaining the results are described here as tersely and technically as possible.ReferencesPublished sources are listed that either were directly referenced in the preceding text or might be of interest.Also seeOther manual entries relating to this entry are listed that might also interest you.£ Elizabeth L.(“Betty”)Scott(1917–1988)was an astronomer and mathematician trained at the University of California at Berkeley.She published herfirst paper when she was just22years old,and her work was focused on comets for much of her early academic career.During World War II,Scott began working at the statistical laboratory at Berkeley,which had recently been established by Jerzy Neyman,sparking what would be a long and fruitful collaboration with him.After the war,she shifted her focus toward mathematics and statistics, partly because of limited career opportunities as an astronomer,though she still applied her research to astronomical topics.For example,in1949she published a paper using statistical techniques to analyze the distribution of binary star systems.She also published papers examining the distribution of galaxies,and she is the name behind the“Scott effect”,which helps determine the distances to ter in her career,Scott applied her statistical knowledge to problems associated with ozone depletion and its effects on the incidence of skin cancer as well as weather modification.She was also a champion of equality for women graduate students and faculty.Among Scott’s many awards and accomplishments,she was elected an honorary fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.In1992,the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies established the Elizabeth L.Scott Award,a biannual award to recognize those who have strived to enhance the status of women within the statistics profession.¢¡6intro—Introduction to base reference manualAlso see[U]1.1Getting Started with Stata。



Title update —Check for official updatesSyntaxMenu Description Options Remarks and examples Stored results Also see SyntaxReport on update level of currently installed StataupdateSet update sourceupdate from locationCompare update level of currently installed Stata with that of source update query ,from(location )Perform update if necessary update all ,from(location )detail force exitSet automatic updates (Mac and Windows only)set update query on |offset update interval #set update prompt on |offMenuHelp >Check for UpdatesDescriptionThe update command reports on the current update level and installs official updates to Stata.Official updates are updates to Stata as it was originally shipped from StataCorp,not the additions to Stata published in,for instance,the Stata Journal (SJ ).Those additions are installed using the net command and updated using the adoupdate command;see [R ]net and [R ]adoupdate .update without arguments reports on the update level of the currently installed Stata.update from sets an update source,where location is a directory name or URL .If you are on the Internet,type update from .update query compares the update level of the currently installed Stata with that available from the update source and displays a report.12update—Check for official updatesupdate all updates all necessaryfiles.This is what you should type to check for and install updates.set update query determines if update query is to be automatically performed when Stata is launched.Only Mac and Windows platforms can be set for automatic updating.set update interval#sets the number of days to elapse before performing the next automatic update query.The default#is7.The interval starts from the last time an update query was performed(automatically or manually).Only Mac and Windows platforms can be set for automatic updating.set update prompt determines whether a dialog is to be displayed before performing an automatic update query.The dialog allows you to perform an update query now,perform one the next time Stata is launched,perform one after the next interval has passed,or disable automatic update query.Only Mac and Windows platforms can be set for automatic updating.Optionsfrom(location)specifies the location of the update source.You can specify the from()option on the individual update commands or use the update from command.Which you do makes no difference.You typically do not need to use this option.detail specifies to display verbose output during the update process.force specifies to force downloading of allfiles even if,based on the date comparison,Stata does not think it is necessary.There is seldom a reason to specify this option.exit instructs Stata to exit when the update has successfully completed.There is seldom a reason to specify this option.Remarks and examples update updates the official components of Stata from the official source:.If you are connected to the Internet,the easy thing to do is to type.update alland follow the instructions.If Stata is up to date,update all will do nothing.Otherwise,it will download whatever is necessary and install thefiles.If you just want to know what updates are available,type.update queryupdate query will check if any updates are available and report that information.If updates are available,it will recommend that you type update all.If you want to report the current update level,type.updateupdate will report the update level of the Stata installation.update will also show you the date that updates were last checked and if any updates were available at that time.update—Check for official updates3Stored resultsupdate without a subcommand,update from,and update query store the following in r(): Scalarsr(inst exe)date of executable installed(*)r(avbl exe)date of executable available over web(*)(**)r(inst ado)date of ado-files installed(*)r(avbl ado)date of ado-files available over web(*)(**)r(inst utilities)date of utilities installed(*)r(avbl utilities)date of utilities available over web(*)(**)r(inst docs)date of documentation installed(*)r(avbl docs)date of documentation available over web(*)(**)Macrosr(name exe)name of the Stata executabler(dir exe)directory in which executable is storedr(dir ado)directory in which ado-files are storedr(dir utilities)directory in which utilities are storedr(dir docs)directory in which PDF documentation is storedNotes:*Dates are stored as integers counting the number of days since January1,1960;see[D]datetime.**These dates are not stored by update without a subcommand because update by itself reports information solely about the local computer and does not check what is available on the web.Also see[R]adoupdate—Update user-written ado-files[R]net—Install and manage user-written additions from the Internet[R]ssc—Install and uninstall packages from SSC[P]sysdir—Query and set system directories[U]28Using the Internet to keep up to date[GSM]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality[GSU]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality[GSW]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality。




(1) Stata要在使用中熟练的,大家应该多加练习。

(2) Stata的很多细节,这里不会涉及,只是选取相对重要的部分加以解释,大家在使用Stata过程中留心积累。


对于更高深的内容,请大家参看STATA manual.”界面当我们把stata装好以后,首先需要了解的是它的界面。

打开Stata后我们便可以看到它常用的四个窗口:Stata Results; Review; Variables; Stata Command。

我们所有的运行结果都会在Stata Results界面中显示;而命令的输入则在Stata Command窗口;Review窗口记录我们使用过的命令;最后Variables窗口显示存在于当前数据库中的所有变量的名称。

可以直接点击 Review窗口来重新输入已使用过的命令,我们所需变量可以通过点击Varaibles窗口来得到,这些都可以简便我们的操作。

Stata 命令Stata软件功能强大,体现在它提供了丰富的命令,可以实现许多功能。




例如了解命令:“reg” ,就可以在Stata Command窗口输入“help reg” ,也可以在Help选项下content中查找我们需要的相关命令。







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2.打开解压缩后的文件,点击stata13_setup.msi进行安装,安装到最后一步时出现如下选择:64-bit MP 64-bit SE 等等
3.由于解压缩文件中应用程序的图标有两个,其中一个显示为stataMP-64,所以我选择64-bit-MP , (就是这一步,折腾了我半天,一开始不明白这几个选项是什么意思,百度了一下说64-bit SE就可以满足一般研究了,就选择了64-bit SE,结果安装后之后,怎么也运行不了。



