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1. Yingtian is not as ___________ (tall) asYongxian.

2. Which is _________ (heavy), a hen or a chicken?

3. He is ______ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _______ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _________ (bad) at English.

4. Annie says Sally is the ________ (kind) person in the world.

5.He is one of the_________(friendly) people in the class, I think.

6. A dictionary is much _________ (expensive) than a story-book.


1. China is ________ country in the world.

A. the third largest

B. the largest third

C. the third large

D. a third largest

2. Bob never does his homework_____ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.

A. so careful as

B. as carefully as

C. carefully as

D. as careful as

3.Now air in our town is ____ than it used to be. Something must be done to it.

A. very good

B. much better

C. rather than

D. even worse

4. China has a large population than __ in the world.

A. all the countries

B. every country

C. any country

D. any other country

5.the population of Shangdong is__ than that Sichuan.

A. smaller

B. larger

C. less

D. large

ually Xiao Li spends __ time doing homework than XiaoChen does.

A.little B less C. few D. fewer

7. The garden is becoming ______.

A. more beautiful and more

B. more beautiful and beautiful

C. more and more beautiful

D. more beautiful and beautifuler


long_____ ______ wide ______ _______ fat ____ _____

heavy____ ______ slow ______ _______ few____ _____

brightly______ -_____ bably _____ _______ far____ _____

quickly _____ ______ happy_____ -______ unhappy________

fast ______ ________ wide ______ _________ easy _______ ________

small______ ________ large________ _________ dirty________ ________

long ______ ________ rude _______ __________ busy_______ __________

hot________ ________ thin________ _________ fat _______ ___________

few _______ ________ good________ _______ little________ _________

badly________ _______ far________ ________ difficult_________ ___________


1. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _______ (clever).

2. My sister is two years _______ (old ) than I.

3. John’s parents have four daughters, and she is the _____ (young) child.

4. The boy is not so ______ (interesting) as his brother.

5. Dick sings _____ (well), she sings ______(well) than John, but Mary sings______(well) in her class.

6. This dress is ______ that.(twice, as…as…, expensive)

7.Alice writes _____________(careful ) than I.


1.本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book is _____ _____ _____ that one.

2.你游泳没有你弟弟好。You can’t swim _____ _____ _____ your brother. 3.今天比昨天冷的多。It is _____ ______ today______ it was yesterday. 4.对这个故事我比另一个喜欢的多。This story is _____ ______ ______ than that one.

5.他比我大两岁。He is _____ ______ ______ than I.

6.这个故事不如那个有趣。This story is _____ _____ _____ than that one. 7.她的身体状况一天天好起来。He is getting _____ ______ ______ every day.

8.他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is becoming ______ _____ _______ _____ ______ English.

9.他吃的越多,人越胖。The more he eats, the _______ he gets.

10.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。Your question is _______ ______ ______ of two.

四.在下列句子中填入than,as ,of 或in.

1.This table is as big _____ that one.

2.The red book is bigger _______ the blue one.

3.John is the best student _______ the class.

4.The lesson is more interesting ________ that one.

5.The apple is the largest _________ all the apples.
