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who whom what which whose what color What time when where why how how old how many how much
how far how soon how long
how often
意思 谁 谁
什么 哪一个 谁的 什么颜色 几点 什么时候 什么地方 为什么 怎样 多大几岁 多少 多少
多远 多久 多久
多久 (一次)
Who is he ?
He is LiLie
Who is he ?
He is my brother.
问人的身份,姓名等(问宾 Whom can you ask the question?
I can ask him the question.
What is he?
He is a worker.
What does he have ? He has a book.
问一定范围内特指的人或 Which box is yours? The big box is mine.

Which girl is Ann? The girl at the door is Ann.
Whose book is this ? This is her book.
Whose is this book? This book is hers.
What color is your skirt? My skirt is red.
What time do you play games?
We play games at five in the afternoon ?
When do you play games?
We play games in the afternoon ?
Where do you play games on Sunday?
We play games at home on Sunday ?
Why isn't he at school today ?
He isn't at school today because he is ill.
How is he ?
He is fine/strong.
How do you go home? I go homeby bike.
How old is he ?
He is ten.
How many boys are there in your class?
There are thirty boys in my class.
How much milk is there in the bottle?
There is some milk in the bottle.
问价钱,跟可数或不可数名 How much is this dress?

It’s 50 yuan
How far is it from here?
It's five kilometers away from here?
问 in+一段时间
How soon can he finish it ?
He can finish it in half an hour.
How long has he lived here?
He has lived here for a year.
How long is the desk ?
The desk is one meters long.
How often do you go to see your parents?
I go to see my parents once a month.

1.-_____ is your dictionary?
- 10 Yuan.
A. How much
B. How many
C. What
2.-_______ subjects do you have ? - Seven.
D. Whose
A. How long
B. How many
C. How much
D. How far
3.-_______ do you like best? - I like math best.
A. Which subject
B. What food
C. What color
D.Which sport
4. - ________ do you like science?
-________it’s interesting.
A. Why; So
B. What; Because
C. Why; Because
D. How; Because
5. When _______the girl ________ her homework?
A. does; does
B. does; do
C. do; does
D. do; do
6. —Does he want to go to a movie? — _______.
A. Yes, he does
B. No, he does
7. -_______ kind of movies do you like?
- I like comedies very much.
C. Yes, he doesn’t
D. Yes, she is
A. What’s
B. How
C. What
8. - ______ are these bananas? - Five dollars.
D. Why
A. What color
B. How about
C. How much
D. How many
9. -Can we play football in the street?
-No, you _____. It’s dangerous.
A. can
B. mustn’t
C. may
D. may not
10. -_____ does he play football?
- In the afternoon.
A. When
B. Where
C. How
D. What
who,which,where,what,whose,how old,why,how,
when,how much,how far,how many,what time
1. A: ___________________________ is it?
B: It’s half past six.
2. A: ___________________________ is Mary from?
B: America.
3. A: ___________________________ is your school from here? 4. A: ___________________________ is that girl?
B: 5 kilometers. B: She’s my classmate, Linda.
5. A: ___________________________ are you? 6. A: ___________________________ pencils do you have? 7. A: ___________________________ ball is this?
B: Fine, thanks. B: I have three. B: It’s Peter’s.
8. A: ___________________________ boy is Billy? 9. A: ___________________________ don’t you like mice? 10. A: ___________________________ is your brother?
B: That fat boy. B: They are too dirty. B: He’s ten.
11. A: ___________________________ do you go home?
B: By bus.
12. A: ___________________________ is nine and two?
B: Eleven.
13. A: ___________________________ water is there in the bottle? B: A little.
