



关于漫威的英文演讲漫威简介1.1 什么是漫威?漫威(Marvel)是全球知名的美国漫画公司,成立于1939年,总部位于美国纽约。


1.2 漫威的起源和历史漫威成立于二战前夕的美国,创始人包括编剧兼编辑斯坦·李和画家杰克·科比。


1.3 漫威影业的兴起漫威并非只存在于漫画领域。



漫威超级英雄角色2.1 钢铁侠(Iron Man)钢铁侠是由具有天才级智力的工业家托尼·斯塔克(Tony Stark)扮演的角色。


2.2 蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)蜘蛛侠是一个家喻户晓的漫威超级英雄,由年轻学生彼得·帕克(Peter Parker)扮演。


2.3 绿巨人浩克(The Incredible Hulk)浩克是一个由科学家布鲁斯·班纳(Bruce Banner)变身而来的超级英雄。


2.4 美国队长(Captain America)美国队长是由二战时期的士兵史蒂夫·罗杰斯(Steve Rogers)扮演的角色。


漫威电影宇宙的成功3.1 跨界续集漫威影业以其独特的方式将超级英雄们联系在一起,创造了一个庞大的电影宇宙。


Marvel (漫威)的超终极世界观介绍

Marvel (漫威)的超终极世界观介绍

[史诗级]Marvel (漫威)的超终极世界观介绍Prehistory(史前的历史)在西元前一万多年,亚特兰提斯跟Lumuria 是两个在古代地球最强大的先进文明,但两边也开始互相作战,使得两大帝国都毁灭,只剩下残余的幸存者,如Namor(奈摩)。

而这时也有个叫Inhumans 的种族,但他们住在自己位於喜马拉雅山里的Atillan 首都,隐藏於人类社会之下直到现今时代。


而洛基跟他另外两个同父异母的哥哥-索尔和Balder ,日后变成Warriors Three(三战士),奠定许多战功,可Balder 总认为洛基会背叛。

果然,洛基母亲是冰霜巨人的间谍,她要儿子洛基夺走北欧神的力量来源Norn Stones,结果被Balder 发现,洛基拿起弓箭射死他,奥汀知道后,把洛基放逐到人界World War II(第二次世界大战)在一七七七年首次拜访地球后,外星物种Chitauri(详见复仇者电影分析文章),在二十世纪初又再度出现,这次他们变形成人类的模样,以在幕后煽动的方式企图征服世界,真实历史上许多著名的流血事件,在终极世界观都是他们造成的。

一九零四年,由一个高度外星文明所开发的高知觉机器人The Vision(幻视)也坠落到地球,企图告知行星吞噬者Gah Lak Tus 的到来,但由於太空船失控,於是坠毁到俄罗斯境内的通古斯,造成了通古斯大爆炸的事件,随后就被俄罗斯军方带到隐藏基地,进行反向研究的实验。

一九二零年,Chitauri 终於渗透了德国的政治,而他们的干部吞噬了一个名为Herr Kleiser 的高阶纳粹军官并取而代之,当作中间人让纳粹接受自己种族的外星科技武器,并促使第二次世界大战爆发一九三九年,一个叫做Baron Zemo 的纳粹干部来找希特勒,因为他找到北欧神的圣石Norn Stones,所以要求十万大军来攻打北欧神故乡Asgard。

Marvel (漫威)的超终极世界观介绍

Marvel (漫威)的超终极世界观介绍

[史诗级]Marvel (漫威)的超终极世界观介绍漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国与DC漫画公司(DC Comics)齐名的漫画巨头,它创建于1939年,于1961年正式定名为Marvel,旗下拥有蜘蛛侠、钢铁侠、美国队长、雷神托尔、绿巨人、金刚狼、神奇四侠、恶灵骑士、蚁人等8000多名漫画角色和复仇者联盟、X战警、银河守卫者等超级英雄团队。

2009年12月,华特迪士尼公司以42.4亿美元收购Marvel Entertainment Inc.,获得了绝大部分漫画角色的所有权。


Prehistory(史前的历史)在西元前一万多年,亚特兰提斯跟Lumuria 是两个在古代地球最强大的先进文明,但两边也开始互相作战,使得两大帝国都毁灭,只剩下残余的幸存者,如Namor(奈摩)。

而这时也有个叫Inhumans 的种族,但他们住在自己位於喜马拉雅山里的Atillan 首都,隐藏於人类社会之下直到现今时代。


而洛基跟他另外两个同父异母的哥哥-索尔和Balder ,日后变成Warriors Three(三战士),奠定许多战功,可Balder 总认为洛基会背叛。

果然,洛基母亲是冰霜巨人的间谍,她要儿子洛基夺走北欧神的力量来源Norn Stones,结果被Balder 发现,洛基拿起弓箭射死他,奥汀知道后,把洛基放逐到人界World War II(第二次世界大战)在一七七七年首次拜访地球后,外星物种Chitauri(详见复仇者电影分析文章),在二十世纪初又再度出现,这次他们变形成人类的模样,以在幕后煽动的方式企图征服世界,真实历史上许多著名的流血事件,在终极世界观都是他们造成的。

一九零四年,由一个高度外星文明所开发的高知觉机器人The Vision(幻视)也坠落到地球,企图告知行星吞噬者Gah Lak Tus 的到来,但由於太空船失控,於是坠毁到俄罗斯境内的通古斯,造成了通古斯大爆炸的事件,随后就被俄罗斯军方带到隐藏基地,进行反向研究的实验。



我的漫画老师英语作文【中英文实用版】My Comic Book Teacher我的漫画书老师Mr.Wang, my comic book teacher, is an extraordinary individual with a passion for both art and language.With his unique teaching style, he has managed to blend these two passions into an engaging and effective English learning experience.王老师,我的漫画书老师,是一位非凡的人。



Always clad in a vibrant hoodie and a pair of jeans, Mr.Wang"s energy is contagious.His classroom is adorned with posters of famous comic book characters, which serve as a constant source of inspiration for our creative writing assignments.总是穿着一件鲜艳的连帽衫和牛仔裤,王老师的活力感染着我们每一个人。


During our lessons, Mr.Wang incorporates elements of storytelling and illustration to help us better understand English grammar and vocabulary.Through creating our own comic strips, we learn to express ourselves in a fun and imaginative way, while also honing our languageskills.在课堂上,王老师结合了故事讲述和插图元素,帮助我们更好地理解英语语法和词汇。



Captain American
Infinite Stones
Guardians of the Galaxy Avengers
Connections of Avengers& Guardians of the Galaxy
Ultimate Enemies of S.H.I.E.L.D & Avengers
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
Members & Movies
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy: II
Coming in Theaters in 2017
He is able to manipulate the metal, and he is the leader and founder of the Brotherhood of the mutants. Besides, he is one of the most infamous mutants.
Hydra & Thanos
II: Marvel superheroes
3. X-Men
Members & Movies
What is X-Men?
What is X-Men?
The X-Men are mutants(变种人), a subspecies of humans who are born with all sorts of superhuman abilities. They fight for peace and equality between normal humans and mutants in a world where anti-mutant atmosphere is fierce and widespread.






今天,就让我们来深入了解一些超级英雄吧!She is from Paradise Island (天堂岛).It is a faraway (遥远的)place in the middle of the sea.TheAmazons (亚马逊人)live there.Wonder Woman is the princess (公主)of Paradise Island.She also worksfor the human government (人类政府).Her job is towatch over (照管)all the superheroes.He was not born (出生)on Earth.He is from a planet (星球)called Krypton (氪星).He is brave ,strongand full (充满)of sense of justice (正义感).He maintains (维护)worldpeace.远超人类的力量及各项体能超音速飞行、长生不老摘下手镯后释放战神神力超级力量、超级耐力、超级速度光速飞行、热能射线、冰冻呼吸X 光透视眼、雷达顺风耳超强愈合能力、全身刀枪不入He is a millionaire(百万富翁)and lives a rich life in thedaytime.At night,he puts on hisspecial suit and fights against(对抗)the evil forces(恶势力).Heis a dark knight(黑暗中的骑士).精通世界各地所有流派的格斗术制造各种高科技装备A common(普通的)high school student Peter Parker is bitten(咬)by a radio active(放射性感染的)spider.After that his life has changed.“With great power comes great responsibility(强大的力量带来巨大的责任)”is his motto(座右铭).蜘蛛体能、蜘蛛感应Thor comes from Asgard(阿斯加德).It is a magical kingdom(魔法王国).Thor is the prince(王子)there.His famous weapon (武器)is Thor’s Hammer(雷神之锤).远超人类的力量、耐力和反应远超人类的各项感官、飞行刀枪不入的身体、锤子可操纵雷电1.漫威漫画(Marvel Comics),创建于1939年,是美国与DC漫画齐名的漫画巨头公司,除了蜘蛛侠和雷神托尔,该公司还拥有钢铁侠(Iron Man)、美国队长(Captain America)、绿巨人(Hulk)、黑寡妇(Black Widow)、金刚狼(Wolverine)、蚁人(Ant-man)、X战警(X-Men)等超级英雄。




Company (ies) they created
When Simon and his creative partner Jack Kirby left late in 1941, following a dispute with Goodman, the 30-yearold publisher installed Lee, just under 19 years old, as interim editor.The youngster showed a knack 录 for the business that led him to remain as the comic-book division's editor-in-chief, as well as art director for much of that time, until 1972, when he would succeed Goodman as publisher,in New York. In the late 1950s, DC Comics editor Julius Schwartz revived the superhero archetype and experienced a significant success with its updated version of the Flash, and later with super-team the Justice League of America. In response, publisher Martin Goodman assigned Lee to create a new superhero team. Lee's wife urged him to experiment with stories he preferred, since he was planning on changing careers and had nothing to lose.



《钢铁侠》2008.5.2 《无敌浩克》2008.6.3 《钢铁侠2》2010.5.7
《钢铁侠3》2013.5.3 《雷神2:黑暗世界》2013.11.8

起源:漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国与DC漫画
公司(Detective Comics)齐名的漫画巨头,它创建于1939年, 于1961年正式定名为Marvel,旧译为“惊奇漫画”,曾用名 “时代漫画”(Timely Comics)、亚特拉斯漫画(Atlas Comics)。旗下拥有蜘蛛侠、金刚狼、美国队长、钢铁侠、雷 神托尔、绿巨人、惊奇队长、死侍、蚁人、黑豹、奇异博士等 8000多名漫画角色和复仇者联盟、神奇四侠、光照会、X战警、 银河护卫队等超级英雄团等。2009年底,MARVEL被华特迪士 尼公司以42.4亿美元收购,成为其子公司。2010年9月, MARVEL宣布其正式中文名称为“漫威”。
《美国队长3:内战》2016.5.5 《奇异博士》2016.11.4 《银河护卫队2》2017.5.5
漫威电影宇宙:是以超级英雄电影为中心的共同的架空世界,由漫威影业(Marvel Studios)
基于漫威漫画出版物中的角色独立制作的系列电影。它像漫画中的漫威主宇宙一样,是由共同的 元素、设定、表演和角色通过跨界作品所建立的。 随着21世纪的到来,依靠飞速发展的计算机技术,在电影中真实的表现超级英雄终于成为可 能——漫画改编的时机总算成熟了。福克斯和索尼先后凭借《X战警》系列、《蜘蛛侠》系列横扫 美国票房。但这两个大获成功的系列电影数十亿美元的全球票房,仅给作为品牌授权方的漫威带 来不足1亿的票房分成。




下面是店铺给大家整理的蝙蝠侠英语简介,供大家参阅!蝙蝠侠简介Bruce Wayne (Bruce Wayne), that Batman (Batman) is the United States DC comic book super hero, debut in the "Detective Comics" (Detective Comics) No. 27 (May 1939), is the first comic history No super powers super hero. Bruce Wayne (Bruce Wayne) was born in the most wealthy family of Gotham - Wayne family. One night, parents with young Bruce watching the movie "Zorro" home, passing through a path when the robbery robbery. The gangster killed his parents in front of Bruce's face shot. Since then, Bruce has produced a strong desire to personally eradicate the evil, in order to prevent others from the same tragedy with him, by virtue of their extraordinary talent, Bruce used decades to travel around the world, visit the East or the top or The legendary fighting master, learning the factions fighting art, and the use of powerful financial resources to create a variety of high-tech equipment. After the day, he was the eyes of others in the eyes of the second generation, the playboy; night, he is the criminals frightened dark knight - Batman (Batman).蝙蝠侠创作背景In 1938, National Allied Publications (DC comics predecessor) in the "action comics" (Action Comics) launched the first issue of the world's first super hero - Superman, and great success. Then, DC intended to create a hero for another publication, Detective Comics, to match the superman. At that time the publication has been published more than two years, published a variety ofdetection and adventure story, but not a soul in the role. Bob Kane, a 26-year-old painter, took over the task and finally created an early Batman in his cooperation with Bill Finger.In May 1939, Batman was born in the "Detective Comics" on the 27th. Once launched on the very popular, the following year has its own comic series of the same name. With the emergence of the leading characters, "Detective Comics" has become the longest history of DC comics series.In 1940, Batman more than a young assistant Robin (Robin). He is known as the Boy Wonder, not only by the young readers, but also for the ruthless Batman added the elders of love side, so that the role of more three-dimensional. In the next few decades, Batman's story and the introduction of the father-like old housekeeper Alfred, clever bat female, mother-like doctor Leslie, Batman's origin is further complement. These are greatly enriched the character of Batman.With the evolution of time, the role of Batman various interpretations have also appeared. Not only the image and equipment has changed, the style is also very different. In the 1930s he was a detective in the night, he was a gentle parent in the 1940s. In the 1950s he was in science fiction adventure. In the late 1960s, the Batman TV series used exaggerated funny aesthetics, resulting in decades after the end of the drama Years Batman still can not escape the image of the play. In the 1980s, Frank Miller wrote the short comic book Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One, and Tim The success of the live film directed by Tim Burton gave Batman his return to his dull tone. After that comic, Batman's reality and limitations are enhanced, the enemy is more powerful than ever, cunning and crazy. His trauma has been repeatedly emphasized, becomingincreasingly anxious and lonely, increasingly toward paranoia and darkness.蝙蝠侠人物形象Personal imageAt the beginning of the birth, Batman in addition to wearing a bat clothing, in essence, with the detection of the theme of the popular novel difference is not large. It is better to say that he is a hero than a detective. The initial Batman, regardless of their character or shape aspects are very different with the late. Joe Kubert's previous Batman comic, in the plot has not come out of the shadow of Zorro story, from time to time filled with American humor gag, and the wicked had also tried to shoot and kill, and then never kill the bat Xia image is very different.Joe Kubert took over the bold transformation of Batman. In the continuation of the classic characters at the same time, in the content to add more black, suspense and thriller elements. In the same period a lot of comics, the protagonists have mostly supernatural power, and Batman comic is in the super powers above, but also joined many modern detective elements, be super hero comics and detective comics. This makes the Batman comic book both the traditional hero comic book, but also into a new modern spirit.Union imageIn the Justice League, in order to meet the other superhero "super", Batman's ability to be deliberately improved. In the Union of Justice, there is a saying that: Superman is the soul of the Justice League, Batman is the brains of the Justice League, Mars Hunter is the heart of the Justice League, Blitz is the conscience of the Union, and this sentence also indirectly shows the bat The importance of man in the league.DC comics seems to have an unwritten rule: Batman is the strongest. This mortal than the vast majority of superhuman can play: he will always be the enemy, always have any situation of equipment, will always be able to win any enemy, martial arts high strength, countless, one day only sleep 1 hour, by the Seriously injured a few days and jump, return force comparable to the Wolverine ... ...The bat of the gods of the "culprit", then wrote "Justice League" screenwriter Grant Morrison to bear half of the responsibility, but open the atmosphere of the first, in fact, Miller that "dark knight return" - he first let Batman defeated Superman.。



DC漫画和漫威漫画的介绍中英文对照1、This is an era of advocating the hero. So ,today my topic is super hero.2、Super hero, who is the hero of the fantasy role, usually shaped by American comics. They have special abilities that beyond the ordinary people; make some unusual feat and heroic, protecting the people, to fight with the evil forces. Generally they will have a gorgeous costume which can represent their personality and abilities, and a the same character name.Talk about super hero, who do you remind of? Superman、Batman、Spider-Man、Iron-Man、Ant-man or anther?3、Firstly, let’s learn about the two largest comic company of the United States——DC Comics and Marvel Comics, most of super heroes we like, all come from these comic companies.4、Detective Comics(侦探漫画)is an American comic book series published monthly by DC Comics since 1937, best known for introducing the iconic(标志性的)superhero Batman in Detective Comics #27 . It is, along with Action Comics, the book that launched(推出)with the debut(登场)of Superman, one of the medium‘s signature series(推出一系列签名的介质), and the source(起源)of its company’s name. With 881 monthly issues(期)published as of August 2011 , it is the longest continuously published comic book in the United States.It will be on a new movie in 2016, called Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.Now, let’s see the prevue.5、Ok, now, let’s review some classical role.Superman, it’s our childhood precious memories.Rocketed to Earth from the dying planet Krypton(氪星), baby Kal-El was found by a farming couple who named the boy Clark Kent andraised him as their own. Discovering his enormous powers, they instilled(灌输)in him strong moral values—and inspired him to become a hero.6、Batman.Having witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge(报复)on criminals(罪犯), an oath (誓言)tempered(调和)with the greater ideal of justice(正义). Wayne trains himself both physically and intellectually and dons(穿上)a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime.7、These are some other DC’s comic heroes. Captain marvel神奇队长Robin罗宾Green Arrow 绿箭侠Captain atom 原子队长Dr Fate 命运博士The Flash 闪电侠Huntress 女猎手Green Lantern 绿灯侠8、And, this is Justice League, also called the Justice League of America or JLA, is a fictional(虚构)superhero team that appears in comic books published by DC Comics.9、That’s all about DC Comics. Next, let’s look at Marvel Comics. In my own perspective I like Marvel more.10、Marvel Worldwide, Inc, commonly referred to as Marvel Comics and formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, is an American company that publishes comic books and related media. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Worldwide 's parent company, for $4.24 billion.Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Publications, and by the early 1950s had generally become known as Atlas Comics.It also will be on a new movie in 2016, called Captain America: Civil War. let’s see the prevue. 11、Ok, now, let’s review some classical role.The first, is your friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.While attending a lab demonstration(实验室演示)on the safehandling(安全处理)of nuclear waste(核废料), Peter Parker was bitten by a common house spider that had been inflicted (已遭受)with radioactive rays(放射线). Thisfreak(反常)occurrence gave Parker, who was a teenager at the time, the proportionate speed and strength of a spider. (和蜘蛛一样的速度和力量)12、Captain America is a superhero of Marvel Comics, his real name is Steven Rogers (史提芬罗杰斯)During the second World War, Stephen Rogers would like to join the army for the United States to overthrow(打倒)the Nazi(纳粹)German army. But he failed to pass the physical fitness examination(身体健康检查). He participated in a military secret experimental project (秘密实验计划)- Rebirth(重生计划). He was transformed into a super soldier.13、Iron-man.A genius billionaire playboy philanthropist (慈善家)--T ony Stark suffers a severe chest injury during a kidnapping in which his captors(俘虏者)attempt to force him to build a weapon of mass destruction. He instead creates a powered suit of armor(盔甲)to save his life and escape captivity(囚禁). He later uses the suit to protect the world as Iron Man.14、The basic concept(基本理念)of the X-Men is that under a cloud of increasing anti-mutant sentiment(人们反对变种人的情绪的背景下), Professor Xavier created a haven(避难所)at his Westchester mansion(韦斯切斯特大厦)to train young mutants(变种人)to use their powers for the benefit of humanity, and to prove mutants can be heroes.15、Ant-Man is the name of several fictional superheroes appearing in books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby, Ant-Man's first appearance wasin Tales to Astonish #27 (January 1962). The persona was originally the superhero alias of the brilliant scientist Hank Pym after inventing a substance that allowed him to change size, however, Scott Lang and Eric O'Grady have also taken on the Ant-Man mantle.16、These are some other Marvel’s comic heroes. Thor 雷神托尔Daredevil夜魔侠Blade 刀锋战士Punisher惩罚者Ghost Rider 恶灵骑士Ghost Rider 恶灵骑士Fantastic Four 神奇四侠And Stan Lee斯坦·李Most of the characters in the Marvel Comics created by Stan Lee17、The Avengers is a team of superheroes, appearing in magazines published by Marvel Comics. The team made its debut in The Avengers #1 , and was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby, following the trend of super-hero teams after the success of DC Comics' Justice League of America.18、The Avengers is a 2012 American superhero film produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures, based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name.19.That’s all. Thank you!。



• DC公司五大支柱之一:超人

超人【Superman】是Justice League正义联盟的代表人物和精神领袖。

的时候,被他的父亲“乔-艾尔”{Jor-El}和母亲“拉若”{Lara} 单独放
• DC公司五大支柱之二:蝙蝠侠

蝙蝠侠【Batman】 首次出现于1939年5月杂志
• 蝙蝠侠的创造灵感来自于佐罗和蝙蝠,一个是家喻户晓的 大英雄,一个充满神秘感的生物,二者的完美结合便诞生 了蝙蝠侠这个角色,在1939年一本叫"Detective Comics“的书里面,蝙蝠侠首度亮相,起初他与恶人交手
美国队长(Captain America)
• 美国上尉是创作于二战时代的老牌英雄,最著名的反法西斯斗士之一。 • 他本是瘦弱的青年史蒂夫·罗杰斯,接受了超级士兵改造手术,成为
唯一成功的实验品,身体各项素质达到人类极限。他没有真正的超能 力,虽然使用着坚不可摧的特制盾牌,但他最大的武器当属勇气、毅 力和爱国精神。二战结束前夕他掉在冰海中休眠,几十年后才被现代 英雄找到。苏醒的罗杰斯继续为了正义而战,但当代世界已经不像昔 日一样善恶分明,他也不时被人们视为落后于时代的活化石。但罗杰 斯依然坚持自己的信念,无论现实如何残酷,永远都不放弃理想,虽 然经历了战友的反目,爱人的背叛,宿敌的腐蚀,后继者的牺牲,他 还是坚定地沿着自己选择的道路走下去。作为Marvel少数近乎道德完 人的英雄之一,美国上尉以自己与现实竞争的特点赢得了读者的关注。

第三代的闪电侠是威利·韦斯特{Wally West},是第二代闪电侠巴里·艾伦的外甥,他和巴


Marvel Introduction PPT (Simplified Version)
目 录
• Introduction to Marvel Company • Marvel Classic Works • Marvel Universe • Marvel's influence • Marvel's Future Outlook
01 Introduction to Marvel Compቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱny
Background and History of Establishment
Changed name to Marvel Comics in 1961 Acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 2009
• Legacy and Impact: Marvel comics has had a prospective impact on popular culture, inspiring countless movies, TV shows, toys, games, and more The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), which Began in 2008 with Iron Man, has become the highest grossing movie franchise of all time, grossing over $23 billion worldwide
Company size and business scope
Large publisher with a global reach
Publishes comic books, graphic novels, and digital content
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1、This is an era of advocating the hero. So ,today my topic is super hero.2、Super hero, who is the hero of the fantasy role, usually shaped by American comics. They have special abilities that beyond the ordinary people; make some unusual feat and heroic, protecting the people, to fight with the evil forces. Generally they will have a gorgeous costume which can represent their personality and abilities, and a the same character name.Talk about super hero, who do you remind of Superman、Batman、Spider-Man、Iron-Man、Ant-man or anther3、Firstly, let’s learn about the two largest comic company of the United States ——DC Comics and Marvel Comics, most of super heroes we like, all come from these comic companies.4、Detective Comics(侦探漫画)is an American comic book series published monthly by DC Comics since 1937, best known for introducing the iconic(标志性的)superhero Batman in Detective Comics #27 . It is, along with Action Comics, the book that launched(推出)with the debut(登场)of Superman, one of the medium‘s signature series(推出一系列签名的介质) , and the source(起源)of its company’s name. With 881 monthly issues(期) published as of August 2011 , it is the longest continuously published comic book in the United States.It will be on a new movie in 2016, called Batman vs Superman: Dawn of , let’s see the prevue.5、Ok, now, let’s review some classical role.Superman, it’s our childhood precious to Earth from the dying planet Krypton (氪星), baby Kal-El was found by a farming couple who named the boy Clark Kent and raised him as their own. Discovering his enormous powers, they instilled(灌输) in him strong moral values—and inspired him to become a hero.6、 witnessed the murder of his parents as a child, he swore revenge(报复)on criminals (罪犯), an oath(誓言)tempered(调和)with the greater ideal of justice(正义).Wayne trains himself both physically and intellectually and dons(穿上)a bat-themed costume in order to fight crime.7、These are some other DC’s comic heroes. Captain marvel神奇队长 Robin罗宾Green Arrow绿箭侠 Captain atom 原子队长Dr Fate 命运博士 The Flash 闪电侠 Huntress 女猎手 Green Lantern 绿灯侠8、And, this is Justice League, also called the Justice League of America or JLA, is a fictional(虚构)superhero team that appears in comic books published by DC Comics.9、 That’s all about DC Comics. Next, let’s look at Marvel Comics. In my own perspective I like Marvel more.10、Marvel Worldwide, Inc, commonly referred to as Marvel Comics and formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, is an American company that publishes comic books and related media. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Worldwide 's parent company, for $ billion.Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Publications, and by the early 1950s had generally become known as Atlas Comics.It also will be on a new movie in 2016, called Captain America: Civil War. let’s see the prevue.11、Ok, now, let’s review some classical role.The first, is your friendly Neighborhood attending a lab demonstration(实验室演示)on the safe handling(安全处理) of nuclear waste(核废料), Peter Parker was bitten by a common house spider that had been inflicted (已遭受)with radioactive rays(放射线). This freak(反常) occurrence gave Parker, who was a teenager at the time, the proportionate speed and strength of a spider. (和蜘蛛一样的速度和力量)12、Captain America is a superhero of Marvel Comics, his real name is Steven Rogers (史提芬罗杰斯)During the second WorldWar, Stephen Rogers would like to join the army for the United States to overthrow(打倒)the Nazi(纳粹)German army. But he failed to pass the physical fitness examination(身体健康检查). He participated in a military secret experimental project (秘密实验计划)- Rebirth(重生计划). He was transformed into a super soldier.13、 genius billionaire playboy philanthropist(慈善家)--Tony Stark suffers a severe chest injury during a kidnapping in which his captors(俘虏者) attempt to force him to build a weapon of mass destruction. He instead creates a powered suit of armor(盔甲) to save his life and escape captivity(囚禁). He later uses the suit to protect the world as Iron Man.14、 The basic concept(基本理念)of the X-Men is that under a cloud of increasing anti-mutant sentiment(人们反对变种人的情绪的背景下), Professor Xavier created a haven(避难所)at his Westchester mansion(韦斯切斯特大厦)to train young mutants (变种人)to use their powers for the benefit of humanity, and to prove mutants can be heroes.15、Ant-Man is the name of several fictional superheroes appearing in books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby, Ant-Man's first appearance was in Tales to Astonish #27 (January 1962). The persona was originally the superhero alias of the brilliant scientist Hank Pym after inventing a substance that allowed him to change size, however, Scott Lang and Eric O'Grady have also taken on the Ant-Man mantle.16、These are some other Marvel’s comic heroes. Thor 雷神托尔Daredevil夜魔侠Blade 刀锋战士Punisher惩罚者Ghost Rider 恶灵骑士Ghost Rider 恶灵骑士Fantastic Four 神奇四侠And Stan Lee斯坦·李Most of the characters in the Marvel Comics created by Stan Lee17、The Avengers is a team of superheroes, appearing in magazines published by MarvelComics. The team made its debut in The Avengers #1 , and was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby, following the trend of super-hero teams after the success of DC Comics' Justice League of America.18、The Avengers is a 2012 American superhero film produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures, based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name.’s all. Thank you!。
