issue 模板




Introductory paragraph1.Partially agreeThough I fundamentally agree that , it is unwarranted to expand this broad assertion to . Therefore, my contention toward this opinion is that .Do ? The author claims so, for the reason that . I concede that . However, in my view .I agree with the speaker that it is sometimes necessary, and even desirable, for . A contrary view would reveal a naivety. Nevertheless, we must not , otherwise we risk .I agree with the speaker’s broad assertion that . However, the speaker unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to embrace , while ignoring . My points of contention with the speaker involve .Do ? To some extent the speaker overstates comparative significance. On balance, however, I tend to agree with the speaker.Can ? If by the speaker means , then I concede that . The reason for this is that . Otherwise, I strongly agree with the speaker that . When it comes to certain aspects of our personal lives, .2.AgreeI strongly agree with the assertion that . Two examples that aptly illustrate this point involve the fields of .I strongly agree with the contention that , primarily because this contention accords with common sense and our everyday experience as human beings. Besides, the reverse claim-that .3.DisagreeAccording to this statement, . In my view this statement is too extreme, in two respects. First, ; and secondly, .The speaker asserts that . In my view, however, which should should be determined on and should account not only for .Can ? In my view the speaker unfairly generalizes. In some areas, especially . However, in other areas, particularly . In still other areas, such as .The speaker alleges that . I find this allegation to be specious. It wrongly suggests that . To the contrary, .The speaker asserts that . It might be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that and that . However, the speaker overlooks certain that .ConclusionIn sum, unless , I concede that . Otherwise, . Accordingly, on balance the speaker is fundamentally correct.To sum up, . And since . As long as , and as long as .In sum, whether . Moreover, because . In the final analysis, .In sum, the speaker’s assertion that . As for the speaker’s broader assertion, I agree that . Nevertheless, when , we risk . In the final analysis, .In sum, . Thus, the statement is correct in this respect. However, if we define“” more narrowly-in terms of, .In sum, the issue of is a complex one. Thus, there are no easy or certain answers. Yet it is for this very reason I agree that . In the final analysis, at a point when it becomes , then .In sum, I agree that . After all, . Moreover, the statement . Nevertheless, on a less abstract level the speaker is correct that .In sum, despite the fact that , the statement is fundamentally correct. I would concede that . However, until that time I’ll my strong intuition that , accordingly, that .。



一开头段:第一句话(两厢比较型中则是第一组话):A.单一观点型(看场合不同选择一个)1.As is well-known and has often been described, ...2.It is traditionally a common practice for...B.两厢比较型There is much debate over the issue that... Some people believe that... Others, however, maintain that...第二句话:A.单一观点(简称单)1.支持:In my point of view, I agree with the speaker and there are many instances supporting my view.2.反对:In my point of view, I do not agree with the opinion stated above for some obvious reasons.B.两厢比较(简称两)In my point of view, whether one has advantages over the other depends on the specific circumstances.第二段:In the first place, the reason why I have such a view is that...A particular example for this is ...Under this circumstance, it is obvious that...第三段:In the second place, much evidence has shown that ...Just imagine what would be like if...Hence, another equally important aspect is that...第四段:Finally, to understand the truth of ..., it is also necessary to see...For example, ...总结段:Consequently, due to the above-mentioned reasons, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that...The issue concerning whether… is quite controversial.Frankly, I share the author’s point that…(外加部分限定条件)But, as I see, without weighing all factors affecting…, the author practically narrows the opinion to an extreme, thereby giving rise to a distortion of the original intention underlying this issue. Accordingly, a fundamental analysis representing my points of agreement and remedy with the opinion is discussed as below.On the one hand, the assertion that… is largely tenable.One important supporting reason is that…Furthermore…Therefore, the author’s assertion, although suffering from a few drawbacks, has its salient merit, that is, the implicit rationale behind the assertion accords not only with the common sense but also with our life experience and an foreseeable trend.On the other hand, this assertion, to some extent, amounts to an overstatement because it fails to take into consideration other essential factors whereas an appropriate choice must incorporate different aspects of the issue.For example…In conclusion, the issue of whether… is a meaningful but complex one. Only by both considering the factors discussed above and dissecting other circumstances that are not detailed or not even mentioned here, can we safely arrive at the conclusion that…ISSUE:Recently there is a debate over whether …..Some people assert that.., while other people believe that…As a matter of fact, the issue of whether ….. is a complex and controversial one. Different people hold different views due to their distinct backgrounds. Therefore, there is not a universal answer to this question, and whether one choice takes precedence over the other may quite depend on the specific situation. The decision, nevertheless, is not an easy one to make. Actually, the final judgment should rely on a case-by-case analysis. As far as I am concerned, however, I agree that …. , and do not agree that….. My view can be greatly substant iated by the following discussions.The first argument that can be presented to develop my position is that… A good example may be found in the case that… Under this circumstance, it is obvious that….In addition, there is another reason for me to choose this statement. The reason is not far to seek…. To illustrate, let us consider that … Hence, another equally important aspect is that….Admittedly, it may be true that …. in some conditions. However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to cl aim that ….,Actually, these cases are rare and therefore are too specific and too weak to strengthen the view that…When the advantages and disadvantages of x and y are carefully examined, the most striking conclusion is obvious that…To sum up, due to the above mentioned reasons, which sometimes correlate with each other to generate an integrate whole and thus become more convincing than any single one of them, we may be comfortable to say that …., because….Issue 一(重复题目)?To some extent, I agree with t he author’s general assertion that if(作者的观点,赞同形式). (即在作者的观点上,加上一些条件,有保留地赞同). However, the author unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme while overlooks other compelling factors that may affect this issue. On balance, my points of agreement and contentionwith the author involve the fundamental and deep analysis as discussed below.On the one hand, I would like to admit that this statement, although suffers from some obvious drawbacks, has some merit primarily in some special cases in which the implicit rationale behind it accords with common sense and our experience in daily life. Hence, it is partiality indisputable. After all, (举个例子从一方面说明作者观点的正确性). Further more, (举个例子从另一方面说明作者观点的正确性). All these evidence demonstrates beyond and doubt that(作者的结论). (以上两段要找两个理由,来说明作者观点如何对)On the other hand, recognizing that a more applicable choice must incorporate different aspects of the issue as sufficient as possible, I have to point out that the author overstates the (作者结论的原因)’s comparative significance, and fail to take into account other essential factors. In short, this assertion is problematic in two aspects. The first argument----the one that I think the most compelling----is that the arguer overlooked(作者有可能错误的第一个原因), that is to say(总结一下,换个说法). The second argument---it might have noticed by others---is that in some occasion, it is quite difficult to (作者有可能错误的第二个原因). Accordingly, I tend to concede that when it comes to some certain circumstances it is partiality appropriate. (这里找两个理由说明在一些场合下,作者观点还是不成立的,因为不管什么论点,成立还是会有条件的。

gre issue写作模板

gre issue写作模板

gre issue写作模板GRE Issue写作模板可以帮助考生快速构建文章结构,以下是一个常用的模板:一、开头段(Introduction)重述题目:用简洁的语言重述题目,并指出自己的立场。

例如:The issue of _____(主题)has been widely debated. In this essay, I will argue that ____(自己的立场).提出背景:介绍与主题相关的背景信息,为下文的论述打下基础。

例如:Recently, there has been increasing concern about ____(主题)due to ____(相关背景).二、主体段1(Body Paragraph 1)提出分论点1:说明支持自己立场的第一个原因或论据。

例如:Firstly, ____(分论点1).举例或解释:用具体的例子或解释来支持分论点。

例如:For instance, ____(具体例子或解释).三、主体段2(Body Paragraph 2)提出分论点2:说明支持自己立场的第二个原因或论据。

例如:Secondly, ____(分论点2).举例或解释:用具体的例子或解释来支持分论点。

例如:To illustrate this point, ____(具体例子或解释).四、主体段3(Body Paragraph 3)承认对方观点:承认与自己立场相反的观点,并简要说明其合理性。

例如:It is true that some people argue that ____(对方观点). However, this view is not entirely convincing.反驳对方观点:用具体的例子或解释来反驳对方观点,并强调自己立场的正确性。

例如:For example, ____(反驳的例子或解释). Therefore,my argument stands.五、结尾段(Conclusion)重申立场:重申自己的立场,并总结上文论述。



文章第一段写法:T he speaker contends/claims/advocates that…不同意写法:In all likelihood, people (tend to) think that…Under this circumstance,…. Nevertheless, I don’t agree with the statement that “…”.From my own perspective, TS.同意写法:As far as I am concerned, I strongly agree that… 平衡写法:To some extent, I agree with the author’s general assertion that….同意以上的一句话原因。

However, as far as I am concerned,…should also be paid much attention, that is, ….Should try their best to search for a balance on such issues. My agreement and contention will be greatly strengthened by the following discussion.Is it possible to …? This is a high controversial issue which is hard to answer. In my opinion, I strongly agree that…. 陈述题写法可用句子:To some extent, I agree with the author on the basis that in some cases,…However, in my view the statement goes too far, by….Does a nation's greatness lie in the general welfare of its people rather than in the achievements of its artists, rulers, and scientists, as the speaker claims?In the meantime, ….has sparked much debate.From my own perspective, I hold the position that any unilateral view on this controversial issue should give way to a sensible amalgamation of every relevant factors thereby leading to a comprehensive position for a better solution.第二段开头:Admittedly, the author’s assertion is partially reasonable in that…可用句子:例子后,Accordingly, I concede that the author’s claim is partially app ropriate. Viewed in this fashion,照这样来看As is known to all,Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of ______________.______________ is necessary and important to our country’s development and construction. First, ______________. What’s more, ______________. Most important of all, ______________.______________ is superior in several ways, of which perhaps the most fundamental is that ______________.第三段开头:Beyond this concession, however, I disagree with the author because it seems to recommend that ... /since the alleged result might not hold true in some situations in that…/I cannot entirely agree with the author since it seems to assert that…Besides, even if the reason is true, it is not sufficient enough for the author to claim thatSimultaneously, my opinion came from the fact that…….do ….. however,可用句子:It is entirely possible, for instance, that…Both common sense and our experiences in our daily life inform us thatAnother fact we should also acknowledge is that the author’s claim thatAs for the author’s second contention, I admit that in some cases, …, but it’s too far away to say largely determined. As a matter of fact, when facing with problems, even those acute ones, there are often considerable a mount of feasible solutions.However, it does not mean that …can be ignored for the reason that if it does act in this way, it will cause disaster to not only its country but also its people in the long run.The advantages of ______________ are much greater that those of ______________. For instance, ______________.On the contrary, there are some people in favor of ______________. They believe ______________. Moreover, they think ______________.However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______________ also has its own disadvantages, such as, ______________. besides, ______________.第四段开头:用于写题目忽略的因素///In addition, instead of…What’s more, 针对可以写平衡的文章:1.过多的偏向于一方会如何///2.两部分的关系讨论,相互联系或者其中的因果///3.哪一面的言语有过激,写哪一面,求平衡可用句子:Confronted with AAA, we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the situation.To make a moral point, I feel that ______________ is important for ______________ is that ______________.结尾:To sum up, …. This is also the approach to gain a bright future that can provide us optimism of题意。

Issue 模板

Issue 模板

宗教,文化:1.To a great extent, past arts and literature shape that we are as people at least as much as, ifnot more than, contemporary culture does.2.These writings directly relate to, and in some cases to a great extent control, the behavior ofhuman beings today even though most were written hundreds if not thousands of years ago.3.Shakespeare’s classic writings are continuously being adapted into current movies that areoften big hits with students and the general population as a whole.4.People are born so different from each other that even two persons raised in the sameenvironment are not likely to have exactly the same talents, dispositions and the interests. 5.Our life has called for the vigor(活力) and effort without which the manlier and hardiervirtues wither(使调零)away.6.We see the bad with the good, the debased and decadent(颓废) with the sound and vital(活力的).7. A regrets for the mistakes of yesterday must not blind us to the tasks of today.8.Effort and endeavor will be followed by success and prosperity.9.When there is no vision the people perish(麻木).经济,管理1.The conditions which have told for our marvelous(奇异的) material well-being, which havedeveloped to a very high degree our energy, self-reliance(自力更生), and individual initiative (主动权), have also brought the care and anxiety(焦虑)inseparable from the accumulation of great wealth in industrial centers.2.Ties of trade bind nations in closest intimacy, and none may receive except as he gives.3.Wealth is not inimical(敌意的) to welfare; It touches to be its friendliest agency.4.The larger purpose of our economic thought should be to establish more firmly stability andsecurity of business and employment and thereby remove.5.资源,环境1.The very stability of our society rests upon production and conservation.教育,政府1.The full opportunity for every boy and girl to rise through the selective processes ofeducation can alone secure to us this leadership.ernment is established for the benefit of the individual, and is charged with theresponsibility of protecting the rights of the individual and his freedom in the exercise of his abilities.3.If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.句子1.It ignores the plain truth that_2.In fact, numerous studies have shown that_3.My main/second reason for rejecting this method is that_4.However, as note above,_。

























issue作文万能模板Issue Essay Universal Template。


The issue of [topic] has been a contentious one in recent years, sparking debates and discussions across various platforms. It is important to carefully analyze the different perspectives and arguments surrounding this issue in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of its complexities.Background。

To begin with, it is crucial to provide a brief overview of the background of the issue. This includes the historical context, relevant statistics, and any significant events or developments that have shaped the current state of the issue. By understanding the background, we can better appreciate the magnitude and significance of the issue at hand.Argument 1。

One perspective on this issue is that [argument 1]. Proponents of this viewpoint argue that [reasons supporting argument 1]. They believe that [further elaboration on argument 1]. This perspective is important to consider because [importance of argument 1].Counter-argument 1。



(开头)The discussion of this issue has being a vogue(流行)these years, the author asserts that 题目,however,the assertion is convincing while some qualification(资格,限定条件)should be considered. In some areas, ______, And in other areas,_____. The situation is various and complex, so the conclusion should depend on a case-by-case analysis. (49)(正)First and foremost, the author’s statement can be summarized as a saying that”???_____”(或者直接用that从句)然后阐明作者观点的正确性,或者是站在作者的角度,他认为………………….There is a concrete(确实的) example to prove this pointappealingly(有吸引力的,可怜的)………………………Consequently(因此) , _____.(从某些方面来看,或者是从某种程度上来说????,,,,正确性) (36)(反)Secondly, in my opinion,按照”反”的第一个切入点来写(总结).Let’s bring our discussion to a more practical and essential context(背景,环境). No one can ignore the fact that _____. History is full of examples this view, 例子???_________. As a notable(显著的) case in point, 例子???____. (例子后面家评论和解释) (43) (反)To further support the opinion,继续”反”……. We can note a recent survey to show this point more convincing, _____.(例子后面家评论和解释) (19)(合):From what I have discussed above, we may successfully arrive at the point that ____.Without _____, _____; without____,_____. Therefore, some useful and effective methods should be taken to solve the problem. On one hand, the government should work out relevant(相关的) regulation(规章制度) to improve_____. On the other hand, we should enhance(提高) people’s awareness(知道,意识) that ____. 再加一句总收的话!???? (62)Finally, perhaps most importantly, the speaker unfairly suggests that 题目的整个观点。



高频段落(现场写不出来,需要提前准备的段落)1. 教育的本质The essential of education is improving individuals’ self-cultivation instead of creating parts of the society. The difference is like which between exercise at a gym and in a professional soccer team. The aim of former is improving our body to live a better life while the latter is using our body much better within the rules to win the game, to make ones living and serve the society. In a professional soccer training camp, a recruit may spend hours to practice sliding trickle not because it is good for health —it more likely has the opposite effect and rurally could be dangerous —but because sliding trickle is effective in defending especially in some one-to-one breaking through situation with in the rules on the courts. Thus this practice must be stopped if the rules were changed and the action were forbidden. On the other hand, we often see members at a gym practicing push-ups, five or fingers touching the floor and sitting on the ground with legs outstretched. The only vocation in which these particular actions could be use should be galley slaver, but I do not think they can access to such a job in the modern society however skillful they are. In general, course in a specific field aim to serve the society and help us to survive, while variety courses outside a field cultivate ourselves for a better life.2. 人的本质As a species on the Earth, just like ants or zebras, our nature order us to deliver our genes generation after generation as much as possible and thus we must be on a dominate position in struggle of life. In human society, being on an advantageous position rurally means having a green thumb, because it warrants not only our basic need such us food and clothes but also a better condition for our descendent. From this point of view, I agree…However, our human beings would never only be a living creature. We are distinctive from animals by given humanity which means an ethic of kindness, sympathy and benevolence extended universally and impartially to all human beings. And that is why we are willing to raise the step-children up in most situations instead of killing them as a male lion. In my opinion, the ... is just like …3. Political systemDemocracy where the historical trend has been, gives power to people as a whole. Most developed countries, including constitutional monarchy states, such as the USA and UK claim to operate as this political system. In this country, despite some problems such as power and wealth inequality, most of the citizens are well educated and given many rights and freedom politically and economically. Thus they can…At the same time, totalitarianism, a highly centralized political form which tend to regulate people’s daily life and seek to bend people to the will of the government, also extent in some other countries. Two typical examples of totalitarian governments are Nazi Germany and North Korea. The former is notorious for the intrude in the World War Two, while in the latter, ordinary citizens had no access to the computer or internet at all and government control the mass media, keep the people in poverty and even guard the citizens by powerful surveillance equipment. In totalitarianism countries…4. The function of ARTArt, the production of creative activities, conveys an idea, emotion or sense of feeling by shapingor selecting simple elements. Usually, art, as a vision or thinking of the world, is used to criticize the world it might be, to wake up sleepwalking people fight for their life, to heal a broken heart and energize a tired soul and it truly has an effect in any society life mentally and worldly. Socially, individuals can express their own need to call for help through arts just like the black singer J-Zay singing the wish of racial equality in his songs. Economically, pictures, music albums and sculptures exchange a lot of GTP and support thousands of family in any corner of the world. Either Justin Timberlake showing on the Grammy Awards or a nameless painter drawing pictures for the tourists on some street corner in Rio is benefit from art. Didactically, a lot of heroes and moral models are described and eulogized in pomes, hymns and movies. Through this forms of art, the moral principles inject into each new generation. Politically, arts could be a conservative force to elicit loyalty and thus to stabilize the society because particular arts in many ways symbolize a culture. Besides, we often heard songs comes from a temple or a church to express their loyalty and rumination, we often add the beauty to our surrounding by hang on a picture or playing a movement, and we often repose ourselves by listening a piece of symphony. Arts perform an indispensable role in all aspects of our life.5. Culture definition and functionCulture is a compound of rituals, religion, economical systems, language, a style of dress, a way of cooking and a political system. It is not an inborn thing but inherited by learning and sharing. Thus, each culture holds a group of people and their descendants together to help them adapt to the ever-changing world on several levels. On the material level, a culture provides a way for people to generate and change the goods for survive. On the social level, a culture organizes people through family, wok and political structure. The last level is metaphysical, it gives a group of people a unique way to ruminate themselves, cognize the world, think about the university and form our beliefs and ideas. These different aspects all above creative a interact mechanism between human and their environment.6. Critical thinkingCritical thinking is the ability to draw a reasonable conclusion after gathering and assessing relevant information independently. Although critical thinking can be used to exposing others’fallacies, it is different from being critical or argumentative of other people. Good critical thinking helps us acquire knowledge, improve our theories and enhance work processes. Thus it is definitely a foundation of science and a liberal democratic society.7. The function of the low。

gre issue 模板

gre issue 模板

gre issue 模板Introduction:The statement claims that in order to truly understand a society, one must examine the individuals who compose it. While I agree that individuals play a significant role in shaping a society, I believe that other factors such as culture, history, and institutions are equally important.Body Paragraph 1:To begin with, culture has a profound influence on a society. While individuals may contribute to the formation and evolution of culture, it is the collective beliefs, values, customs, and traditionsof a society that shape the behavior and mindset of its members. For example, in cultures that prioritize collectivism, individuals are likely to place great importance on group harmony and cooperation. On the other hand, in individualistic cultures, personal achievement and autonomy are emphasized. Therefore, to comprehend a society, one must consider the cultural norms and practices that influence individuals' thoughts and actions.Body Paragraph 2:Additionally, history plays a pivotal role in understanding a society. Historical events, such as wars, revolutions, and social movements, have long-lasting impacts on people's attitudes, social structures, and power dynamics within a society. These historical legacies shape the collective memories and identities of individuals, influencing their behavior and shaping the society as a whole. For instance, the American Revolutionary War not only resulted in political independence but also ingrained principles of freedom and democracy in its citizens, which continue to influence Americansociety today. Thus, examining historical context provides crucial insights into the understanding of a society.Body Paragraph 3:Furthermore, institutions have a significant impact on shaping a society. Institutions are formalized structures and organizations that establish rules, roles, and expectations for individuals within a society. They include educational systems, legal frameworks, political systems, and economic structures, among others. Institutions set the boundaries and provide the necessary frameworks for individuals to interact and function within society. For instance, a society with a strong educational institution may emphasize the importance of learning, knowledge, and intellectual development. Therefore, analyzing institutions is crucial in comprehending the overall functioning and dynamics of a society. Conclusion:While individuals do play a crucial role in shaping a society, culture, history, and institutions are equally important factors to consider. By examining the collective beliefs, historical events, and institutional structures, a deeper understanding of a society can be achieved. Therefore, to truly comprehend a society, a holistic approach that considers various aspects is necessary.。




1.强调句:赞同,……do ……2.理由解释:…can/could …3. 转折:反面Since…( 理由), however, I cannot completely agree with the claim.第二段:一方面,这个论断有一定的好处,它能……。










There is no question that ….(赞同部分)Contributing to the well being of a society is actually beneficial to a corporation in many cases.第一:This blanket statement would obviously pay dividend s in situations in which….举例:For example, if …. In such cases, …In fact, ….Consider, for example, two disparate ….Imagine a scenario where one is asked to present one’s argument, but the ….第二:Furthermore, the approach could go a long way to make the summit's goals a reality.// For Donald, the money title could go a long way in collecting votes. // Acknowledging one major policy error will go a long way toward mitigating the impact of another. //Furthermore, both sides would likely admit they would go a long way toward improving our health care system.第三段:另一方面,该论断也会不可避免地带来一些弊端。



一开头段:第一句话(两厢比较型中则是第一组话):A.单一观点型(看场合不同选择一个)1.As is well-known and has often been described, ...2.It is traditionally a common practice for...B.两厢比较型There is much debate over the issue that... Some people believe that... Others, however, maintain that...第二句话:A.单一观点(简称单)1.支持:In my point of view, I agree with the speaker and there are many instances supporting my view.2.反对:In my point of view, I do not agree with the opinion stated above for some obvious reasons.B.两厢比较(简称两)In my point of view, whether one has advantages over the other depends on the specific circumstances.第二段:In the first place, the reason why I have such a view is that...A particular example for this is ...Under this circumstance, it is obvious that...第三段:In the second place, much evidence has shown that ...Just imagine what would be like if...Hence, another equally important aspect is that...第四段:Finally, to understand the truth of ..., it is also necessary to see...For example, ...总结段:Consequently, due to the above-mentioned reasons, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that...The issue concerning whether… is quite controversial.Frankly, I share the author’s point that…(外加部分限定条件)But, as I see, without weighing all factors affecting…, the author practically narrows the opinion to an extreme, thereby giving rise to a distortion of the original intention underlying this issue. Accordingly, a fundamental analysis representing my points of agreement and remedy with the opinion is discussed as below.On the one hand, the assertion that… is largely tenable.One important supporting reason is that…Furthermore…Therefore, the author’s assertion, although suffering from a few drawbacks, has its salient merit, that is, the implicit rationale behind the assertion accords not only with the common sense but also with our life experience and an foreseeable trend.On the other hand, this assertion, to some extent, amounts to an overstatement because it fails to take into consideration other essential factors whereas an appropriate choice must incorporate different aspects of the issue.For example…In conclusion, the issue of whether… is a meaningful but complex one. Only by both considering the factors discussed above and dissecting other circumstances that are not detailed or not even mentioned here, can we safely arrive at the conclusion that…ISSUE:Recently there is a debate over whether …..Some people assert that.., while other people believe that…As a matter of fact, the issue of whether ….. is a complex and controversial one. Different people hold different views due to their distinct backgrounds. Therefore, there is not a universal answer to this question, and whether one choice takes precedence over the other may quite depend on the specific situation. The decision, nevertheless, is not an easy one to make. Actually, the final judgment should rely on a case-by-case analysis. As far as I am concerned, however, I agree that …. , and do not agree that….. My view can be greatly substant iated by the following discussions.The first argument that can be presented to develop my position is that… A good example may be found in the case that… Under this circumstance, it is obvious that….In addition, there is another reason for me to choose this statement. The reason is not far to seek…. To illustrate, let us consider that … Hence, another equally important aspect is that….Admittedly, it may be true that …. in some conditions. However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to cl aim that ….,Actually, these cases are rare and therefore are too specific and too weak to strengthen the view that…When the advantages and disadvantages of x and y are carefully examined, the most striking conclusion is obvious that…To sum up, due to the above mentioned reasons, which sometimes correlate with each other to generate an integrate whole and thus become more convincing than any single one of them, we may be comfortable to say that …., because….Issue 一(重复题目)?To some extent, I agree with t he author’s general assertion that if(作者的观点,赞同形式). (即在作者的观点上,加上一些条件,有保留地赞同). However, the author unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme while overlooks other compelling factors that may affect this issue. On balance, my points of agreement and contentionwith the author involve the fundamental and deep analysis as discussed below.On the one hand, I would like to admit that this statement, although suffers from some obvious drawbacks, has some merit primarily in some special cases in which the implicit rationale behind it accords with common sense and our experience in daily life. Hence, it is partiality indisputable. After all, (举个例子从一方面说明作者观点的正确性). Further more, (举个例子从另一方面说明作者观点的正确性). All these evidence demonstrates beyond and doubt that(作者的结论). (以上两段要找两个理由,来说明作者观点如何对)On the other hand, recognizing that a more applicable choice must incorporate different aspects of the issue as sufficient as possible, I have to point out that the author overstates the (作者结论的原因)’s comparative significance, and fail to take into account other essential factors. In short, this assertion is problematic in two aspects. The first argument----the one that I think the most compelling----is that the arguer overlooked(作者有可能错误的第一个原因), that is to say(总结一下,换个说法). The second argument---it might have noticed by others---is that in some occasion, it is quite difficult to (作者有可能错误的第二个原因). Accordingly, I tend to concede that when it comes to some certain circumstances it is partiality appropriate. (这里找两个理由说明在一些场合下,作者观点还是不成立的,因为不管什么论点,成立还是会有条件的。



GRE-issue模板gre issue 模板同意观点Nowadays, there is a controversial issue about _____. Depending on personal experiences and beliefs, we may find that some people hold the opinion that____, while others have an opposite attitude that____. As far as I am concerned, I agree that______. My view will be substantiated by following discussion.First of all, the most important reason for my view is that_____. To illustrate this, there is an appropriate example that is very persuasive: _____. Under this situation, it is obvious that____.In addition, there is another reason for me to express statement.______.Finally, as a proverb says, “Everything has two sides”. Although I admit/concede that there are a couple of advantages of _____, I still think that the disadvantages of it are obvious.In the final analysis, given the reasons mentioned above, we may safely come to the conclusion that_____.不同意观点There is a universally accepted opinion that ________________, which is accordance with what the author asserted. As far as I am concerned, while I agreethat____, I insist that_______ for these following reasons. / At the first glance, this opinion seems to be somewhat appealing, but further reflection tells me that I cannot agree with it for the following reasons.The first reason why I have such a view is that __________________. To illustrate this point clearly, we can see that _________________. For instance________________.The further reason is that _________________.There is an old saying that god helps those who help themselves, which is true in most cases.Last but not least, ________________.Admittedly, determining whether something should or should not be done could be weighed in many aspects. Different people have different answers due to their respective points of view.In conclusion, it must be explained that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole, thus becoming more persuasive than each of them. So, any thinking person must believe reach.开头段:::Does...?/Is...?The speaker contends that......(I fundamentally agree with his claim.../I strongly disagree with his claims.)In my observation,......This paredoxical result is apthy explained and illlustrated by a number of advances in...正文段:::The chief reason why I generally agree with the contention is that,for better or worse, ......, Several examples from ... serve to illustrate this point...Another compelling argument for the speaker's assertion is that...On the another hand...The chief problem with the statement is that...A second compelling argument against the sperker's position has to do with the...结尾段:::In sum, the proposed contention of... Nevertheless...Nevertheless, we can not ignore that …. is playing an increasingly indispensable and significant role in …. In addition… For example... it follows, therefore, that…Furthermore …..moreover …..specifically….consequently, under this circumstance, it is obvious that…To sum up, basing my on the illustrations and expositions mentioned above, accordingly, I hold that…I partly agree with the author’s assertion that …. In some respects,…. Concerning this,… however, the speaker overstated the important of ….after all, ….To begin with, we need to know what the word “” means, in dictionary, it means…. To some degree, “” amount to ….. that ….Accordingly to this definition, we can safely conclude that …. (积极方面). Admittedly, …. Consider, for instance,… analogously,…. In short,…….Nevertheless, everything has it own flap side, including “”.extremely “” which crossed the buttom line of…..,resulting in negative, or destructive outcome. In short, the author arbitrarily content that…..In sum, from all the discursion above, it is reasonable to …. However, the author ignore that…。

Issue 经典模板

Issue 经典模板

In recent years, the issue of X is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. Some people maintain that (你认为的错误观点) and that(如果有多个错误观点加上). In weighing up the prospective benefits and the potential risks, to large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim.1. To begin with, I have to concede that… This proposal,at concern degree, is accepted as beneficial. … For one thing … on particular occasions… For the other …under certain circumstances …(让步段尊重对方观点)2. Nevertheless, the inherited nature of X determines amultitude of defects which runs the risk of messing up…According to a survey by 自编杂志名称, Y% of thepeople between A and B in European Countriesadmitted that …3. In addition, the feasibility of making the study of X as achannel through which … is vulnerable to any question or challenge…On the ground that a host ofimpediments such as A, B, C and D are acknowledged as significant factors that play decisive roles inminimizing the viability. In this sense, it is almost amission impossible to guarantee a smooth operation. 4. To carry the author’s idea further, it is awkward inserving as a reference that could offer an objectivetrustworthy guidance. Its influence would be, to largeextent, destructive. For the reason that the negativeconsequence would turn out to be infections, which can jeopardize both the well-beings of X and the healthydevelopment of Y. (小大/个人集体两方面) Other than that, the potential risks and uncertainties this proposal incurs far outweigh the expected benefits and solutionsit can offer. Even worse, the solution is accepted as an illogical and irrational assumption which indicates a set of misplaced values that run the risk of driving thesustainable development of X to a dead end.In conclusion, ….。



ISSUE模板中立和反对观点:In our contemporary society, it is generally remarked that 题目.Traditionally, A is viewed as pioneers/mainstream/paradise/valuable/ advisable while B is considered as nobodies/non-mainstream/inferno/invaluable/stupid (we usually tend to play high value on A while marginalize B)and it has taken a long period to convince the public that the functions/contributions/existence/influence of B that we nearly neglect should be taken seriously. Weighing the pros and cons of this point, I am inclined to say it out that although……. To justify this viewpoint, I would like to present several reasons as follow.First of all/Admittedly, consider the fundamental place A places in the development and improvement of our society, I would like to point out that without A, we cannot expect the appearance/accomplishment/ existence/improvement of B(expect B to preserve/maintain). Here is a case in point.例子.The same is true that 例子. Truly/Therefore/Thus……Secondly/Nevertheless, as soon as a thing reaches its extremity, it reverses its course. Although it is necessary for us to acknowledge the significance of B because A organizes B/ A is the precondition of B, it is not beneficial to overstress/overrate A vastly. Otherwise, an exclusive/undue reliance on the devotion of A would undoubtedly handicap our efforts and lead us to an unproductive ultimate result. It is exemplified by 例子. Therefore/Thus/Thereby, it is irrational in ignoring the harmful aspects in extreme concern to A and overlooking B.In additionIn the final conclusion, to avert the series of extreme human behaviors/symptoms/phenomena to be prevailing, there must be immediate actions. It is true that A is the impetus of innovation and should be thought highly of for its/their prominence/contribution. Of course, we ought to give weight to B. In my point of view, it is high time that we jointed A and B together and leave them exist in harmony. Following this method may not guarantee the success in eradicating social problem and clearing away the rebuke and stumbling block to the progress of our society, but the rewards will be worth the effort.赞成观点:In our contemporary society, it is generally remarked that 题目相反的观点. Traditionally 继续重复土模相反观点(深入说明,结论性的说明)and it has taken a long period to convince the public that 题目的观点. Weighing the pros and cons of this point, I am inclined to say it out that although……. To justify this viewpoint, I would like to present several reasons as follow.First of all, appropriate manners and behaviors, when we are confronted with sth. are access to the accomplishment. Here is a case in point 例子. Therefore/Thus/Thereby……Secondly, when it comes to sth. / when concerned, ……. It is exemplified by 例子. Therefore/Thus/Thereby……Furthermore/Moreover/In addition ……In the final conclusion, it is high time that we spared no effort to do as what has been discussed above. Following this method may not guarantee the success in eradicating society’s problem and clearing away the rebuke and stumbling block to the progress of our society, but the rewards will be worth the effort.A or B将原题复述___________________________________________When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence on them, and I would like to explore some here.The main reason for my propensity is that___________________________.就理由进行解释_____________________.For instance,____________________Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________.In a word, ________________________________________________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A.Currently, there is a hot debate about whether A or B. Well, in my opinion, we should weight the pros and cons of each side before any hasty conclusion.Well, balancing the advantage and disadvantage of each choice, I would prefer to the statement that A.。



1+3模型,立论的时候分情况、多角度讨论模板Type 1_statement是否同意命题,该命题什么情况下不正确Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.Under conditions A or B, the statement is true becaus e …. When conditions C or D are met, the statement does not hold true because …E.g.题目:In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field.回答:I agree that for scientists and researchers, it is essential to review the past studies on specific problems before making any breakthroughs as the accomplishments of the earlier scholars provide the theoretical and methodological foundations for further studies. On the other hand, in the fields of politics and education, government officials and school teachers have to rely on their own experiences and wisdom to deal with new problems and challenges on a daily basis.Type 2_challenge你的观点(是否同意论断以及考虑反对意见)Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.I agree with this claim because A and B. While some people may disagree because C, I think the claim is still true because C’.Eg.题目:The best way to teach—whether as an educator, employer, or parent—is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.回答There is no doubt that praising positive actions or behaviors is the best way to teach students, children and employees as the positive reinforcement will lead to repetition of more desirable behaviors. While some people may emphasize the importance of correcting mistakes, I believe that incorrect actions will be gradually replaced by correct actions which receive positive feedback.Type 3_recommendation评估具体情况下某建议是否可取Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.The recommendation is advantageous when condition A is met because …The recommendation is not desirable when conditions B or C are met because …Eg.题目:Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development. 回答:I believe that governments should never restrict research activities of any scientists in any fields in order to respect the academic freedom and encourage creative activities of mankind. Nevertheless, the scientific communities should establish a set of ethical codes to restrict research activities that would clearly harm the well-beings of mankind.Type 4_Claim-Reason是否同意论断及该论断提出的依据Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.这种题目比较复杂,需要讨论是否同意某个论断及提出的原因。



1.保证:assurance/guarantee一.作文重点题目➢社会与自然:Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.社会应该努力拯救濒危物种,只要这些物种的灭绝是人类活动的结果。

The speaker claims that society should make efforts to save endangered species only caused by human activities. I agree with the speaker insofar as saving endangered species is the responsibility of human beings. After all, human beings are the ruler of nature. But, in my perspective, merely focusing on saving those endangered species only caused by human activities is unilateral.1.The variety of plant and animal is important to practical utilization.1)Discovering the order of evolution;2)Valuable gene pool and raw material drug: traditional Chinese medicine.3)Technological imitation from the specious: sonar as a result of imitating dolphin.2.Human should do so even from a moral position.1)Plant and animal is the most important components of nature. When all ...die out, the daywill come soon.2)Human beings as the ruler of nature should take the responsibility to help other species.Let alone those endangered species because of human activities.3)Men have the responsibility to rescue: pollution, environments destroy, catching andkilling excessively causing the plant and animal to die out much faster. For example: tiger and whale;3.However, some kinds of1)"Survival of fittest": some animals do have their lethal shortages and would decline evenwithout humans, saving those species which are biological elimination is against the nature and of no help.2)When we save a kind of animal, we may do harm to another kind. Thus the proper way isthat human should try their best to keep the balance of nature as it is rather than change the nature as humans' purpose. Human and Nature should perform their own functions respectively.3)Instead of saving, the restrictions on human ourselves are more important: pollution,environmental destroy, catching and killing excessively.4)The extinction of species is the warning of the deterioration of the environment whichwould early or late threaten human beings.Conclusion:No matter from the position of practical utilization or morality, human both should ... However, it should be noticed that... Therefore, we should find out the real reason of dying out. Furthermore, we should pay more➢教育目的:Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.教育机构应该积极鼓励学生选择那些为将来高收入工作铺路的研究领域。

GMAT Issue 模板doc

GMAT Issue 模板doc

模板一(选A或B,哪个更合适)Determining a seemingly irreconcilable issue whether......requires essentially that the advantages weighed fundamentally against the pitfalls.The speaker advocates that ....While this allegation does have some merit in a way, from my perspective, nevertheless, after pondering on this knotty concerns, viewing this controversial issue in several diverse lights and taking some compelling factors into account, I do concur with the speaker and am inclined to hold the position that....., my conclusion which is based on the subsequent grounds and considerations.(From my perspective, nevertheless, after pondering on this knotty concerns, viewing this controversial issue in several diverse lights and taking some compelling factors into account, I concur with the speaker and am inclined to hole the position that ......, my conclusion which is based on the subsequent grounds and considerations.)(From my perspective, nevertheless, after pondering on this knotty concerns, viewing this controversial issue in several diverse lights and taking some compelling factors into account, I am inclined to choose A/B as my preference over B/A, my inclination which is based on the subsequent grounds and considerations.)The paramount reason for my standpoint is that ....., thus undermining (buttressing) the author's assertion..... In addition, ........ Specifically,...... Itfollows, therefore, that......Another equivalently crucial ground that have to be presented to develop my viewpoint is that ......, therefore casting doubt (lights) on the speaker's claim...... Moreover, ..... For example,...... Consequently, under this circumstance, it is obvious that......aAdmittedly, it may sound somewhat persuasive for some people to argue that..... This contention, however, is so groundless and flimsy that it neither buttresses the speaker's assertion nor undermines my opinion that..... On balance, therefore, the advantages of ..... far outweigh those of....In sum, basing my conclusion on the illustrations and expositions mentioned above, accordingly, I hold the position that.....模板二(A与B结合更好或者A和B都是必不可少的)Determining a seemingly irreconcilable issue whether ....requires essentially that the advantages of...... be weighed fundamentally against the pitfalls. The speaker advocates that... From my perspective, nevertheless, after pondering on this knotty concerns, viewing this controversial issue in several diverse lights and taking some compelling factors into accounts, I hold the position that ignorance of several two-sided factors and any extreme view on this contentious issue should give way to a sensible amalgamation of A and B, thereby leading to amiddle ground for a better resolution.The paramount reason for my point of view is that.... In addition,..... For example, .... It follows, therefore, that....Another equivalently crucial ground that would have to be presented to develop my standpoint is that...Moreover...Specifically...Consequently, under the circumstance, it is obvious that...Admittedly, it sounds somewhat persuasive for some people to argue that...and that... This contention, however is so groundless and flimsy that it neither buttresses the speaker's assertion nor undermines my claim that... On balance, therefore, the integrate advantages incurred in such a combination far outweigh those yielded in respective ones.In conclusion,...模板三(就题目提出问题)To some extent, I agree with the speaker's general assertion- on the basis of.........--that........if.........(give the condition under which we can support the author's idea.). However, the speaker unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme while he overlooks certain compelling factors impacting this issue. On balance, my points of agreement and contention with the speaker involve the fundamental and deep analysis, as discussed below.On the one hand, it is sagacious to admit that this statement, although suffers from some obvious drawbacks, possesses some merits primarily in some special cases in which the implicit rationale behind it accords with common sense and our everyday experience as human beings, hence, is partially indisputable. After all, in this era of social and technological chances leading to increasing progress, (you may point that the condition is possible to occur here)................... . One could effortlessly imagine the scenario, in which ............... . Accordingly, I tend to concede that when it comes to some certain circumstances it is partially appropriate.On the other hand, recognizing that a more applicable choice must incorporate aspects of the issue as sufficient as possible, I have to point out my contention with the speaker who, while overstating XXX's comparative significance, does not take into account some paramount essential factors, at which thoughtless people casually take a fresh look. Surging out nowadays, the phenomena, in which............, firmly construe the fact that ................... . Moreover, .......................... . For instance, ....................... . I remembered the words the head of my university once said (and I paraphrase) that.... AAA is one of the key words of our times, and a man without AAA, may one of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of advance circumstance, deprived of one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities. All the compelling evidenceabove demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt that............. Coincidentally, a general investigation has been conducted by ......... institute in my university recently, discovering that..........., So, it is, at least ostensibly to bolster the view that............... . Thus, my claim is not a mere appeal but a fact verified by statistics.In conclusion, issue of a complex one, requiring subjective judgment, consequently, there are no easy or certain answers. So different are the personal experience, and emotional concern among people with diverse culture that thousand individuals might possess thousand opinions towards this issue. In the final analysis, .....。





所以,为大家收集整理了一些经典的GRE ISSUE作文开头写作模板,希望考生们可以从中找到灵感,总结出适合自己的GRE写作模板。

接下来一起来看看今天店铺带来的新gre作文issue模板: 一些经典的 ISSUE作文开头。

新gre作文issue模板: 一些经典的 ISSUE作文开头新gre作文issue模板最让广大同学头疼的难题之一就是时间不够用。


所以,小编为大家收集整理了一些经典的GRE ISSUE作文开头写作模板,希望考生们可以从中找到灵感,总结出适合自己的GRE写作模板。

GRE作文备考如何3天速成?选择好模板方法不重要GRE写作ISSUE作文开头段经典模板分享GRE ISSUE作文的开头方式比较常见的有这四种:直接陈述观点+概述理由;比较双方观点,阐明自己观点;背景开头+立场;提问+立场。


第一种:直接陈述观点+概述理由I agree with the speaker's broad assertion that money spent on research is generally well invested. However, the speaker unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to embrace research whose results are "controversial," while ignoring certain compelling reasons why some types of research might be unjustifiable. My points of contention with the speaker involve the fundamental objectives and nature of research, as discussed below.例文中先支持原文观点:把钱话在研究上是很好的投资;然后转折:结果有争议的研究可以不包含在投资范围的;最后,引出下文要论述的理由。



issue模板(个人心血,请勿转载)一下!& W. m- r& P" L* W* H- ~" [ANALYSIS OF ISSUE MODEL( _0 V7 x* Z, M1 E命题形式一:单一陈述型) k: E3 m2 D! K" y' R0 i$ }" u+ O7 |(1)给出一句概括性的陈述,要求考生表明自己的态度,即在多大程度上赞同或反对这种说法,并要求考生给出论据进行说明。

1 j9 a5 J0 ?7 i3 Z) {题目表述如下:- X: w3 M9 q3 f) i( f8 v k1 l1 Ytopic:"AAA"+ s3 s( h5 ]8 ] Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above.Support your point of view with reasons and/or examples from your own expericence.observations,or reading.0 ~' G9 X1 H, |+ u8 omodel1- w: p! ~- D: }6 g! WI do agree with the viewpiont above that(1)所同意观点的内容________________________________________。

There are several reasons why I agree.One of them is that(2)支持AAA的第一个理由____________________________.7 M: v3 y2 C: e( ~8 M* D4 ETo illustrate this point clearly,here's an example that is very persuasive:(3)举例说明___________________________。

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native: #02 pc 001aa567 /system/lib/ (art::JNI::SetIntField(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jfieldID*, int)+514)
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native: #02 pc 0027c5a9 /system/lib/ (art::GoToRunnable(art::Thread*)+752)
"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
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----- pid 7859 at 2015-05-12 06:02:14 -----
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at android.os.Looper.loop(
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native: #04 pc 00fd7755 /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat (Java_android_os_BinderProxy_transactNative__ILandroid_os_Parcel_2Landroid_os_Parcel_2I+156)
at ng.reflect.Method.invoke!(Native method)
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at ng.reflect.Method.invoke(
"main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
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05-12 16:10:25.247 540 609 E ActivityManager: PID: 13436
05-12 16:10:25.247 540 609 E ActivityManager: Reason: Input dispatching timed out (Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.)