平狄克微观经济学笔记 (5)

平狄克《微观经济学》第9版笔记和课后习题详解 第5章~第6章【圣才出品】

例如,可能结果为X1,X2(概率分别为Pr1,Pr2)的事件X的期望效用为E[u(X)]=Pr1u (X1)+Pr2u(X2)。
例如,可能结果为X1,X2(概率分别为Pr1,Pr2)的事件X的期望值效用为u[E(X)]=u (Pr1X1+Pr2X2)。


⽬目录第1篇 导论:市场与价格 第1章 绪 论 1.1 复习笔记 1.2 课后复习题详解 1.3 课后练习题详解 第2章 供给与需求的基本原理 2.1 复习笔记 2.2 课后复习题详解 2.3 课后练习题详解第2篇 ⽣产者、消费者与竞争性市场 第3章 消费者⾏为 3.1 复习笔记 3.2 课后复习题详解 3.3 课后练习题详解 第4章 个⼈需求与市场需求 4.1 复习笔记 4.2 课后复习题详解 4.3 课后练习题详解 第4章附录 需求理论:⼀种数学的处理⽅法 第5章 不确定性与消费者⾏为 5.1 复习笔记 5.2 课后复习题详解 5.3 课后练习题详解 第6章 ⽣ 产 6.1 复习笔记 6.2 课后复习题详解 6.3 课后练习题详解 第7章 ⽣产成本 7.1 复习笔记 7.2 课后复习题详解 7.3 课后练习题详解 第7章附录 ⽣产与成本理论:⼀种数学的处理⽅法 第8章 利润最⼤化与竞争性供给 8.1 复习笔记 8.2 课后复习题详解 第9章 竞争性市场分析 9.1 复习笔记 9.2 课后复习题详解 9.3 课后练习题详解第3篇 市场结构与竞争策略 第10章 市场势⼒:垄断与买⽅垄断 10.1 复习笔记 10.2 课后复习题详解 10.3 课后练习题详解 第11章 有市场势⼒的定价 11.1 复习笔记 11.2 课后复习题详解 11.3 课后练习题详解 第11章附录 纵向联合⼚商 第12章 垄断竞争与寡头垄断 12.1 复习笔记 12.2 课后复习题详解 12.3 课后练习题详解 第13章 博弈论与竞争策略 13.1 复习笔记 13.2 课后复习题详解 13.3 课后练习题详解 第14章 投⼊要素市场 14.1 复习笔记 14.2 课后复习题详解 14.3 课后练习题详解 第15章 投资、时间与资本市场 15.1 复习笔记 15.2 课后复习题详解第4篇 信息、市场失灵与政府的⾓⾊ 第16章 ⼀般均衡与经济效率 16.1 复习笔记 16.2 课后复习题详解 16.3 课后练习题详解 第17章 信息不对称的市场 17.1 复习笔记 17.2 课后复习题详解 17.3 课后练习题详解 第18章 外部性与公共物品 18.1 复习笔记 18.2 课后复习题详解 18.3 课后练习题详解 第19章 ⾏为经济学 19.1 复习笔记 19.2 课后复习题详解 19.3 课后练习题详解附录 指定平狄克《微观经济学》教材为考研参考书⽬目的院校列列表1.2. 课后习题详解1 ⼈人们常说,⼀一个好的理理论是可以⽤用实证的、数据导向的研究来加以证伪的。

Chapter 5
Slide 19
与工作2相比,工作1的收入 分布较离散,标准差也更大。
Chapter 5
Slide 20
5.1 风险描述
决策(Decision making)
Chapter 5
Slide 9
5.1 风险描述
假设Pr1,Pr2…… ,Pr n分别表示每一种可能性
结果的概率,而X1,X2……,X n分别代表每一 种可能性结果的值,那么,期望值的公式为:
E(X) Pr1X1 Pr2 X 2 ... Prn X n
Chapter 5
Slide 10
Chapter 5
Slide 28
5.2 风险的偏好
如果消费者在期望收入相同的确定性工作与 不确定性工作中选择了后者,那么,该消费 者就是风险爱好者(risk loving)。
Chapter 5
Slide 29
5.2 风险的偏好
2 9,900 2 99.50
Slide 15
5.1 风险描述
结果1 结果 2 方差 标准差
工作1 工作2
2,000 1,510
1,000 510
250,000 9,900
500.00 99.50

经济理论具有局限性实证分析(positive analysis):规范分析(normative analysis):微观经济学的核心:价格分析(prize analysis)有三个逐步深入的层次,1,分析单个消费者或生产者的经济行为;2,分析单个市场的价格决定问题;3,分析所有单个市场的价格的同时决定。


第一章绪论经济学的两个主要分支:微观经济学和宏观经济学微观经济学:经济学的分支,主要研究个体经济单位——消费者、厂商、工人和投资者的行为——以及由这些个体组成的市场本身的行为微观经济学还特别关注经济个体之间怎样通过互动形成更大的经济单位——市场和行业宏观经济学:经济学的分支,主要研究总量经济指标,诸如国民产出的水平和增长率、利率、失业以及通货膨胀微观经济学是关于如何配置稀缺资源的学科微观经济学的主题有权衡取舍、价格的作用和决定机制、市场的核心作用、理论和模型实证分析:描述因果关系的分析(客观)规范分析:解析“应该如何”一类问题的分析(主观)市场:买方和卖方的集合,通过他们实际或潜在的相互作用来决定一种或多种商品的价格市场界定:确定一个具体的市场应包括哪些买者、卖者以及产品范围套利:在一个地方低价买进,然后在另一个地方高价卖出的行为完全竞争市场:有许多买者和卖者的市场,没有任何买者或卖者能够影响价格市场价格:竞争性市场中通行的价格市场范围:市场的边界,既包括地理的边界,又包括就产品范围而言的边界名义价格:未经通货膨胀调整的绝对价格实际价格:一种按照总体价格指标衡量的价格,就是通过膨胀调整后的价格实际分析中,我们应该利用消费者价格指数或生产者价格指数把名义价格转换成实际价格消费者价格指数(Consumer Price Index, CPI):衡量总体价格水平的指标生产者价格指数(Producer Price Index, PPI):衡量半成品和批发品的总体价格水平的指标实际价格=CCC膨胀前膨胀后×名义价格章节练习:1、人们常说,一个好的理论是可以用实证的、数据导向的研究来加以证伪的。

平狄克:微观经济学5 elasticity

2. . . . leads to a 67% decrease in quantity demanded.
Figure 1 The Price Elasticity of Demand
(e) Perfectly Elastic Demand: Elasticity Equals Infinity
Percentage change in quantity demanded Percentage change in price
Price elasticity of demand =
Copyright © 2004 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Computing the Price Elasticity of Demand
(Q2 Q1 ) / [(Q2 Q1 ) / 2] Price elasticity of demand = (P2 P1 ) / [(P2 P1 ) / 2]
Copyright © 2004 South-Western/Thomson Learning
The Midpoint Method: A Better Way to Calculate Percentage Changes and Elasticities • Example: If the price of an ice cream cone increases from $2.00 to $2.20 and the amount you buy falls from 10 to 8 cones, then your elasticity of demand, using the midpoint formula, would be calculated as: (10 8) 22% (10 8) / 2 2.32 (2.20 2.00) 9.5% (2.00 2.20) / 2

平狄克微观经济学知识点(原创)2012—7-23 20:22阅读(365)赞(6)转载(26)分享(15)评论(13)复制地址举报更多已经是第一篇下一篇:高鸿业宏观经济学。

平狄克微观经济学笔记(5)CHAPTER 6PRODUCTIONTEACHING NOTESChapter 6 is the first of the three chapters that present the basic theory of supply. It may be beneficial to first review, or summarize, the derivation of demand and present an overview of the theory of competitive supply. The review can be beneficial given the similarities between the theory of demand and the theory of supply. Students often find that the theory of supply is easier to understand because it is less abstract, and the concepts are more familiar. This in turn can improve the students’ understanding of the theory of demand when they go back and review it again.In this chapter it is important to take the time to carefully go through the definitions, as this will be the foundation for what is done in the next two chapters. While the concept of a production function is not difficult, the mathematical and graphical representation can sometimes be confusing. It helps to take the time to do as many examples as you have time for. When describing and graphing the production function with output on the vertical axis and one input on the horizontal axis, point out that the production function is the equation for the boundary of the production set, and hence defines the highest level of output for any given level of inputs. Technical efficiency is assumed throughout the discussion of the theory of supply. At any time you can introduce a discussion of the importance of improving productivity and the concept of learning by doing. Examples 1 and 2 in the text are also good for discussion.Graphing the production function leads naturally to a discussion of marginal product and diminishing returns. Emphasize that diminishing returns exist because some factors are fixed by definition, and that diminishing returns does not mean negative returns. If you have not discussed marginal utility, now is the time to make sure that the student knows the difference between average and marginal. An example that captures students’ attention is the relationship between average a nd marginal test scores. If their latest mid-term grade is greater than their average grade to date, this will increase their average.Isoquants are defined and discussed in section 6.3 of the chapter. Rely on the students’ understanding of indifference curves when discussing isoquants, and point out that as with indifference curves, isoquants are a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional production function. Key concepts in this section of the chapter are the marginal rate of technical substitution and returns to scale. Do as many concrete examples as you have time for to help explain these two important concepts. Examples 6.3 and 6.4 help to give concrete meaning to MRTS and returns to scale. Section 6.4 discusses returns to scale.QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW1. What is a production function? How does a long-run production function differ from a short-run production function?A production function represents how inputs are transformed into outputs by a firm.We focus on the firm with one output and aggregate all inputs or factors of productioninto one of several categories, such as labor, capital, and materials. In the short run,one or more factors of production cannot be changed. As time goes by, the firm has theopportunity to change the levels of all inputs. In the long-run production function, allinputs are variable.2. Why is the marginal product of labor likely to increase initially in the short run as more of the variable input is hired?The marginal product of labor is likely to increase initially because when there aremore workers, each is able to specialize on an aspect of the production process inwhich he or she is particularly skilled. For example, think of the typical fast foodrestaurant. If there is only one worker, he will need to prepare the burgers, fries,and sodas, as well as take the orders. Only so many customers can be served in anhour. With two or three workers, each is able to specialize and the marginal product(number of customers served per hour) is likely to increase as we move from one totwo to three workers. Eventually, there will be enough workers and there will be nomore gains from specialization. At this point, the marginal product will diminish.3. Why does production eventually experience diminishing marginal returns to labor in the short run?The marginal product of labor will eventually diminish because there will be at leastone fixed factor of production, such as capital. With capital fixed, the workplace willeventually become so congested, that the productivity of additional workers willdecline. Also, with capital fixed, as more workers are added, they will need to sharethe fixed capital, which will eventually cause the marginal product of labor todiminish as the capital is spread across too many workers. Think for example of anoffice where there are only three computers. As more and more employees mustshare the computers, the marginal product of each additional employee will diminish.4. You are an employer seeking to fill a vacant position on an assembly line. Are you more concerned with the average product of labor or the marginal product of labor for the last person hired? If you observe that your average product is just beginning to decline, should you hire any more workers? What does this situation imply about the marginal product of your last worker hired?In filling a vacant position, you should be concerned with the marginal product of thelast worker hired because the marginal product measures the effect on output, or totalproduct, of hiring another worker. This in turn will help to determine the revenuegenerated by hiring another worker, which can then be compared to the cost of hiringanother worker.The point at which the average product begins to decline is the point where averageproduct is equal to marginal product. When average product declines, the marginalproduct of the last worker hired is lower than the average product of previously hiredworkers.Although adding more workers results in a further decline in average product, totalproduct continues to increase, so it may still be advantageous to hire another worker.5. What is the difference between a production function and an isoquant?A production function describes the maximum output that can be achieved with anygiven combination of inputs. An isoquant identifies all of the different combinationsof the inputs that can be used to produce one particular level of output.6. Faced with constantly changing conditions, why would a firm ever keep any factors fixed? What criteria determine whethera factor is fixed or variable?Whether a factor is fixed or variable depends on the time horizon in consideration: allfactors are fixed in the very short run; all factors are variable in the long run. Asstated in the text: “All fixed inputs in the short run represent outcomes of previouslong-run decisions based on firms’ estimates of what they could profitably produce andsell.” Some factors are fixed in the short run, whether the firm likes it or not, simplybecause it takes time to adjust the level of the variables. For example, the firm may belegally bound by a lease on a building, some employees may have contracts that mustbe upheld, or construction of a new facility may take some number of months. Recallthat the short run is not defined as a specific number of months or years, but as thatperiod of time where some inputs cannot be changed for reasons such as those givenabove.7. Isoquants can be convex, linear, or L-shaped. What does each of these shapes tell you about the nature of the production function? What does each of these shapes tell you about the MRTS?Convex isoquants imply that within some range, some number of units of one inputcan be substituted for a unit of the other input, and output can be maintained at thesame level. In this case, the MRTS is diminishing as we move down along theisoquant. Linear isoquants imply that the slope, or the MRTS, is constant. Thismeans that the same number of units of one input can always be exchanged for a unitof the other input and output can be maintained. The inputs are perfect substitutes.L-shaped isoquants imply that the inputs are perfect complements, or that the firm isproducing under a fixed proportions type of technology. In this case the firm cannotgive up one input in exchange for the other and still maintain the same level ofoutput. For example, the firm may require exactly 4 units of capital for each unit oflabor, in which case one input cannot be substituted for the other.8. Can an isoquant ever slope upwards? Explain.No. This would mean that if you increased both inputs then output would stay thesame. As a general rule, if the firm has more of all the inputs they can produce moreoutput.9. Explain the term “marginal rate of technical substitution”? What does a MRTS=4 mean?MRTS is the amount by which the quantity of one input can be reduced when theother input is increased by one unit, while maintaining the same level of output. Ifthe MRTS is 4 then the one input can be reduced by 4 units as the other is increasedby one unit and output will be the same.10. Explain why the marginal rate of technical substitution is likely to diminish as more and more labor is substituted for capital.As the quantities of the inputs are changed the marginal product of each input willchange. As more and more labor is added, the marginal product of labor is likely todiminish. Because capital has been reduced, each unit of capital remaining is likelyto be more productive. Therefore, more units of labor will be required to replace eachunit of capital. Alternatively, as we move down and to the right along an isoquantalong which the MRTS is diminishing, we have to give up less capital for each unit oflabor added to keep output constant.11. Diminishing returns to a single factor of production and constant returns to scale are not inconsistent. Discuss. Diminishing returns to a single factor are observable in all production processes atsome level of inputs. This fact is so pervasive that economists have named it the “lawof diminishing marginal productivity.” By definition, the marginal product of an inputis the additional output generated by employing one more unit of the input, all otherinputs held fixed. The extra output, or returns, to the single input diminish because allother inputs are held fixed. For example, when holding the level of capital constant,each additional unit of labor has less capital to work with.Unlike the returns to a single factor, returns to scale are proportional increases in allinputs. While each factor by itself exhibits diminishing returns, output may more thandouble, less than double, or exactly double when all the inputs are doubled. Thedistinction again is that with returns to scale, all inputs are increased in the sameproportion and no input is held fixed.12. Can a firm have a production function that exhibits increasing returns to scale, constant returns to scale, and decreasing returns to scale as output increases? Discuss.Most firms have production functions that exhibit first increasing, then constant, andultimately decreasing returns to scale. At low levels of output, a proportional increasein all inputs may lead to a larger-than-proportional increase in output, based on anincrease in the opportunity for each factor to specialize. For example, if there are nowtwo people and two computers, each person can specialize by completing those tasksthat they are best at, which allows output to more than double. As the firm grows, theopportunities for specialization may diminish and a doubling of all inputs will lead toonly a doubling of output. When there are constant returns to scale, the firm isreplicating what it is already doing. At some level of production, the firm will be solarge that when inputs are doubled, output will less than double, a situation that canarise from management diseconomies.13. Give an example of a production process in which the short run involves a day or a week and the long run any period longer than a week.Any small business where one input requires more than a week to change would be anexample. The process of hiring more labor, which requires announcing the positi on,interviewing applicants, and negotiating terms of employment, can take a day, if donethrough a temporary employment agency. Usually, however, the process takes a weekor more. Expansion, requiring a larger location, will also take longer than a week.EXERCISES1. The menu at Joe’s coffee shop consists of a variety of coffee drinks, pastries, and sandwiches. The marginal product of an additional worker can be defined as the number of customers that can be served by that worker in a given time period. Joe has been employing one worker, but is considering hiring a second and a third. Explain why the marginal product of the second and third workers might be higher than the first. Why might you expect the marginal product of additional workers to eventually diminish?The marginal product could well increase for the second and third workers, sinceeach of the first 2 or 3 workers would be able to specialize in a different task. If thereis only 1 worker, then that worker will have to take orders and prepare all the food.Eventually, however, the marginal product would diminish because there would betoo many people behind the counter trying to accomplish a limited number of tasks.2. Suppose a chair manufacturer is producing in the short run (with its existing plant and equipment). The manufacturer has observed the following levels of production corresponding to different numbers of workers:Number of chairs Number of workers1 102 183 244 285 306 28725a. Calculate the marginal and average product of labor for this production function.The average product of labor, AP L, is equal to QL. The marginal product of labor, MP L,is equal to ?QL, the change in output divided by the change in labor input. For thisproduction process we have:L Q AP L MP L0 0 __ __1 10 10 102 18 9 83 24 8 64 28 7 45 306 26 28 4.7 -27 25 3.6 -3b. Does this production function exhibit diminishing returns to labor? Explain.This production process exhibits diminishing returns to labor. The marginal product of labor, the extra output produced by each additional worker, diminishes as workers are added, and is actually negative for the sixth and seventh workers.c. Explain intuitively what might cause the marginal product of labor to become negative.Labor’s negative marginal product for L> 5 may arise from congestion in the chair manufacturer’s facto ry. Since more laborers are using the same, fixed amount of capital, it is possible that they could get in each other’s way, decreasing efficiency and the amount of output. Many firms also have to control the quality of output and the high congestion of labor may produce output that is not of a high enough quality to be offered for sale, which can contribute to a negative marginal product.3. Fill in the gaps in the table below.Quantity of Variable InputTotalOutputMarginal Productof Variable InputAverage Productof Variable Input0 0 ___ ___1 2252 3003 3004 11405 2256 225Quantity of Variable InputTotalOutputMarginal Productof Variable InputAverage Productof Variable Input0 0 ___ ___1 225 225 2252 600 375 3003 900 300 3004 1140 240 2855 1365 225 2736 1350 -15 2254. A political campaign manager has to decide whether to emphasize television advertisements or letters to potential voters in a reelection campaign. Describe the production function for campaign votes. How might information about this function (such as the shape of the isoquants) help the campaign manager to plan strategy?The output of concern to the campaign manager is the number of votes. Theproduction function uses two inputs, television advertising and direct mail. The use ofthese inputs requires knowledge of the substitution possibilities between them. If theinputs are perfect substitutes, the resultant isoquants are line segments, and thecampaign manager will use only one input based on the relative prices. If the inputsare not perfect substitutes, the isoquants will have a convex shape. The campaignmanager will then use a combination of the two inputs.5. For each of the following examples, draw a representative isoquant. What can you say about the marginal rate of technical substitution in each case?a. A firm can hire only full-time employees to produce its output, or it can hire somecombination of full-time and part-time employees. For each full-time worker let go, the firm must hire an increasing number of temporary employees to maintain the same level of output.Place part time workers on the vertical axis$ and full time workers on the$horizontal axis. The slope of the isoquant measures the number of part timeworkers that can be exchanged for a full time worker, while still maintaining output.When we are at the bottom end of the isoquant we have a lot of full time workers andfew part time workers. As we move up the isoquant and give up full time workers,we must hire more and more part time workers to replace each full time worker. Theslope increases (in absolute value terms) as we move up the isoquant. The isoquantis therefore convex and we have diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution.b. A firm finds they it can always trade two units of labor for one unit of capital andstill keep output constant.The marginal rate of technical substitution measures the number of units of laborthat can be exchanged for a unit of capital while still maintaining output. If the firmcan always trade two labor for one capital then the MRTS is constant and theisoquant is linear.c. A firm requires exactly two full-time workers to operate each piece of machineryin the factory.This firm operates under a fixed proportions technology, and the isoquants are L-shaped. The firm cannot exchange any labor for capital and still maintain outputbecause it must maintain a fixed 2:1 ratio of labor:capital.6. A firm has a production process in which the inputs to production are perfectly substitutable in the long run. Can you tell whether the marginal rate of technical substitution is high or low, or is further information necessary? Discuss.The marginal rate of technical substitution, MRTS, is the absolute value of the slope ofan isoquant. If the inputs are perfect substitutes, the isoquants will be linear. Tocalculate the slope of the isoquant, and hence the MRTS , we need to know the rate atwhich one input may be substituted for the other. In this case, we do not knowwhether the MRTS is high or low. All we know is that it is a constant number. Weneed to know the marginal product of each input to determine the MRTS.7. The marginal product of labor in the production of computer chips is 50 chips per hour. The marginal rate of technical substitution of hours of labor for hours of machine-capital is 1/4. What is the marginal product of capital?The marginal rate of technical substitution is defined at the ratio of the two marginalproducts. Here, we are given the marginal product of labor and the marginal rate oftechnical substitution. To determine the marginal product of capital, substitute thegiven values for the marginal product of labor and the marginal rate of technical substitution into the following formula:M P M P M R T S ,M P L K K== o r 5014, or MP K = 200 computer chips per hour.8. Do the following functions exhibit increasing, constant, or decreasing returns to scale? What happens to the marginal product of each individual factor as that factor is increased, and the other factor is held constant?a. q =3L +2KThis function exhibits constant returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2then q is 10. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 20. When the inputs are doubled, outputwill double. Each marginal product is constant for this production function. When Lincreases by 1 q will increase by 3. When K increases by 1 q will increase by 2.b. q =(2L +2K )12This function exhibits decreasing returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2then q is 2.8. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 4. When the inputs are doubled, outputwill less than double. The marginal product of each input is decreasing. This can bedetermined using calculus by differentiating the production function with respect toeither input, while holding the other input constant. For examplegf the marginal product of labor isqL =22(2L +2K )12.Since L is in the denominator, as L gets bigger, the marginal product gets smaller. Ifyou do not know calculus, then you can choose several values for L, find q (for somefixed value of K), and then find the marginal product. For example, if L=4 and K=4then q=4. If L=5 and K=4 then q=4.24. If L=6 and K=4 then q= 4.47. Marginalproduct of labor falls from 0.24 to 0.23.c. q =3LK 2This function exhibits increasing returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2then q is 24. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 192. When the inputs are doubled, outputwill more than double. Notice also that if we increase each input by the same factor λ then we get the following:q'=3(λL)(λK)2=λ33LK2=λ3q.Since λ is raised to a power greater than 1, we have increasing returns to scale.The marginal product of labor is constant and the marginal product of capital is increasing. For any given value of K, when L is increased by 1 unit, q will go up by 3K2 units, which is a constant number. Using calculus, the marginal product of capital is MPK=2*3*L*K. As K increases, MPK will increase. If you do not know calculus then you can fix the value of L, choose a starting value for K, and find q. Now increase K by 1 unit and find the new q. Do this a few more times and you can calculate marginal product. This was done in part b above, and is done in part d below.d.q=L 12K12This function exhibits constant returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2 then q is 2. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 4. When the inputs are doubled, output will exactly double. Notice also that if we increase each input by the same factor λ then we get the following:q'=(λL)12(λK)12=λL12K12=λq.Since λ is raised to the power 1, we have constant returns to scale.The marginal product of labor is decreasing and the marginal product of capital is decreasing. Using calculus, the marginal product of capital isMPK=L122K12.For any given value of L, as K increases, MPK will increase. If you do not know calculus then you can fix the value of L, choose a starting value for K, and find q. Let L=4 for example. If K is 4 then q is 4, if K is 5 then q is 4.47, and if K is 6 then q is 4.89. The marginal product of the 5th unit of K is 4.47-4=0.47, and the marginal product of the 6th unit of K is 4.89-4.47=0.42. Hence we have diminishing marginal product of capital. You can do the same thing for the marginal product of labor.e.q=4L 12+4KThis function exhibits decreasing returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2 then q is 13.66. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 24. When the inputs are doubled, output will less than double.The marginal product of labor is decreasing and the marginal product of capital is constant. For any given value of L, when K is increased by 1 unit, q will go up by 4 units, which is a constant number. To see that the marginal product of labor is decreasing, fix K=1 and choose values for L. If L=1 then q=8, if L=2 then q=9.65, and if L=3 then q=10.93. The marginal product of the second unit of labor is 9.65-8=1.65 and the marginal product of the third unit of labor is 10.93-9.65=1.28. Marginal product of labor is diminishing.9. The production function for the personal computers of DISK, Inc., is given byq = 10K0.5L0.5, where q is the number of computers produced per day, K is hours of machine time, and L is hours of labor input. DISK’s competitor, FLOPPY, Inc., is using the production function q = 10K0.6L0.4.a. If both companies use the same amounts of capital and labor, which will generatemore output?Let Q be the output of DISK, Inc., q2, be the output of FLOPPY, Inc., and X be thesame equal amounts of capital and labor for the two firms. Then, according to theirproduction functions,q = 10X0.5X0.5 = 10X(0.5 + 0.5) = 10Xandq2 = 10X0.6X0.4 = 10X(0.6 + 0.4) = 10X.Because q = q2, both firms generate the same output with the same inputs. Note that ifthe two firms both used the same amount of capital and the same amount of labor, butthe amount of capital was not equal to the amount of labor, then the two firms wouldnot produce the same level of output. In fact, if K>L then q2>q.b. Assume that capital is limited to 9 machine hours but labor is unlimited in supply. Inwhich company is the marginal product of labor greater? Explain.With capital limited to 9 machine units, the production functions become q = 30L0.5 andq2= 37.372L0.4. To determine the production function with the highest marginal productivity of labor, consider the following table:L qFirm 1MP LFirm 1qFirm 2MP LFirm 20 0.0 ___ 0.00 ___1 30.00 30.00 37.37 37.372 42.43 12.43 49.31 11.943 51.96 9.53 58.00 8.694 60.00 8.04 65.07 7.07For each unit of labor above 1, the marginal productivity of labor is greater for the first firm, DISK, Inc.10. In Example 6.3, wheat is produced according to the production functionq = 100K0.8L0.2.a. Beginning with a capital input of 4 and a labor input of 49, show that the marginal product of labor and the marginal product of capital are both decreasing.For fixed labor and variable capital:K = 4 ?q = (100)(40.8 )(490.2 ) = 660.22K = 5 ?q = (100)(50.8 )(490.2 ) = 789.25 ?MP K = 129.03K = 6 ?q = (100)(60.8 )(490.2 ) = 913.19 ?MP K = 123.94K = 7 ?q = (100)(70.8 )(490.2 ) = 1,033.04 ?MP K = 119.85.For fixed capital and variable labor:L = 49 ?q = (100)(40.8 )(490.2 ) = 660.22L = 50 ?q = (100)(40.8 )(500.2 ) = 662.89 ?MP L = 2.67L = 51 ?q = (100)(40.8 )(510.2 ) = 665.52 ?MP L = 2.63L = 52 ?q = (100)(40.8 )(520.2 ) = 668.11 ?MP L = 2.59.Notice that the marginal products of both capital and labor are decreasing as the variable input increases.b. Does this production function exhibit increasing, decreasing, or constant returns toscale?Constant (increasing, decreasing) returns to scale imply that proportionate increases in inputs lead to the same (more than, less than) proportionate increases in output. If we were to increase labor and capital by the same proportionate amount (λ) in this production function, output would change by the same proportionate amount:λq = 100(λK)0.8 (λL)0.2, orλq = 100K0.8 L0.2 λ(0.8 + 0.2) = qλTherefore, this production function exhibits constant returns to scale.。
平狄克《微观经济学》(第7版)笔记(第5章 不确定性与消费者行为)

《微观经济学》平狄克 第5章

5.1 风险描述
方差=Pr1 ・[X1-E(x)]2 + Pr2 ・[X2-E(x)]2
r E X Ex
2 2
P x1 r P2 x2 r ... Pn xn r 1
Slide 32
5.2 风险的偏好
20 18
由于与期 望值为20 的不确定 收入所产 生的效用 为14的确 定性收入 为16,因 此,风险 溢价就是 4000美元 。
Slide 33
Chapter 5
5.2 风险的偏好
Chapter 5 Slide 6
5.1 风险描述
期望值(Expected Value) 期望值是对不确定事件的所有可能性结果的一 个加权平均。 权数是每一种可能性结果发生的概率。 期望值衡量的是总体趋势,即平均结果。
Chapter 5
Slide 7
5.1 风险描述
如果天气较冷,空调的销售收入为6000,加热器的销售收入 为15000,预期收入为21000。
因此,通过多样化经营,天气无论炎热或较冷,厂商均可获 得21000的预期收入(固定收入),没有风险。
Chapter 5 Slide 40
5.3 降低风险
在上例中,加热器与空调是完全负相关的,厂商通 过多样化经营可以消除风险。 在通常的情况下,通过将投资分散在一些相关性较 小的事件上,可以较大程度地消除一部分风险。

第9章竞争性市场分析9.1 复习笔记1.政府政策的损益评价——消费者剩余和生产者剩余消费者剩余和生产者剩余被用来评价消费者和生产者的损益。

经济理论具有局限性实证分析(positive analysis):规范分析(normative analysis):微观经济学的核心:价格分析(prize analysis)有三个逐步深入的层次,1,分析单个消费者或生产者的经济行为;2,分析单个市场的价格决定问题;3,分析所有单个市场的价格的同时决定。

( )2.对于风险中立者而言,一笔确定性收入与一笔等值的风险收入的期望收入效用是相同的。
( )3.对于一笔风险收入和一笔确定性收入,风险规避者一定喜欢确定性的收入。
( )4.多样化一定可以消除风险。
( )5.一笔风险收入的方差越大,风险越大。
( )6.如果一个消费者的货币收入的边际效用不变,则他是一个风险中立者。
( )7. 如果一个消费者的货币收入的边际效用递减,则他是一个风险中偏好者。
( )8.在现实社会中,一般而言,买彩票的人都是理论上的风险偏好者。
( )二、选择题1.在下列期望效用函数中,代表风险偏好的是( )A.U=100+3CB.U=1ncC.U=C2D.U=aC-bC2(其中:C 代表消费)2.下列图形中表示风险爱好者的效用曲线的是( )3.下列条件中符合风险规避者条件的是W代表收入,P表示发生的概率( )A. U{PW1+(1-P)W2}=P·U(W1)+(1-P)·U(W2)B. U{PW1+(1-P)W2}<P·U(W1)+(1-P)·U(W2)C. U{PW1+(1-P)W2}>P·U(W1)+(1-P)·U(W2)D.都不符合4、下列陈述中错误的是( )A 风险溢价指的是风险规避者为规避风险而愿付出的代价B 多样化可以降低风险C 保险可以降低风险D 获取更多的信息不能降低风险5.甲拥有一个可以获取一笔期望收入为100元的彩票,他最低愿意以80元价格卖出这个彩票。
下列说法错误的是( )A.风险溢价为20元 B.100元和80元给甲带来的效用相同C.乙最多愿意出100元卖这个彩票,则乙是个风险中性者D.没有人出100元以上的价格购买这个彩票三、计算题1. 一个消费者的财富为100万,效用函数为U=W1/2。


如果运输成本为零,则可以在Oklahoma购买汽油,到New Jersey出售,赚取差价;如果这个差价无法弥补运输成本则不存在套利机会。
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CHAPTER 6PRODUCTIONTEACHING NOTESChapter 6 is the first of the three chapters that present the basic theory of supply. It may be beneficial to first review, or summarize, the derivation of demand and present an overview of the theory of competitive supply. The review can be beneficial given the similarities between the theory of demand and the theory of supply. Students often find that the theory of supply is easier to understand because it is less abstract, and the concepts are more familiar. This in turn can improve the students’ understanding of the theory of demand when they go back and review it again.In this chapter it is important to take the time to carefully go through the definitions, as this will be the foundation for what is done in the next two chapters. While the concept of a production function is not difficult, the mathematical and graphical representation can sometimes be confusing. It helps to take the time to do as many examples as you have time for. When describing and graphing the production function with output on the vertical axis and one input on the horizontal axis, point out that the production function is the equation for the boundary of the production set, and hence defines the highest level of output for any given level of inputs. Technical efficiency is assumed throughout the discussion of the theory of supply. At any time you can introduce a discussion of the importance of improving productivity and the concept of learning by doing. Examples 1 and 2 in the text are also good for discussion.Graphing the production function leads naturally to a discussion of marginal product and diminishing returns. Emphasize that diminishing returns exist because some factors are fixed by definition, and that diminishing returns does not mean negative returns. If you have not discussed marginal utility, now is the time to make sure that the student knows the difference between average and marginal. An example that captures students’ attention is the relationship between average a nd marginal test scores. If their latest mid-term grade is greater than their average grade to date, this will increase their average.Isoquants are defined and discussed in section 6.3 of the chapter. Rely on the students’ understanding of indifference curves when discussing isoquants, and point out that as with indifference curves, isoquants are a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional production function. Key concepts in this section of the chapter are the marginal rate of technical substitution and returns to scale. Do as many concrete examples as you have time for to help explain these two important concepts. Examples 6.3 and 6.4 help to give concrete meaning to MRTS and returns to scale. Section 6.4 discusses returns to scale.QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW1. What is a production function? How does a long-run production function differ from a short-run production function?A production function represents how inputs are transformed into outputs by a firm.We focus on the firm with one output and aggregate all inputs or factors of productioninto one of several categories, such as labor, capital, and materials. In the short run,one or more factors of production cannot be changed. As time goes by, the firm has theopportunity to change the levels of all inputs. In the long-run production function, allinputs are variable.2. Why is the marginal product of labor likely to increase initially in the short run as more of the variable input is hired?The marginal product of labor is likely to increase initially because when there aremore workers, each is able to specialize on an aspect of the production process inwhich he or she is particularly skilled. For example, think of the typical fast foodrestaurant. If there is only one worker, he will need to prepare the burgers, fries,and sodas, as well as take the orders. Only so many customers can be served in anhour. With two or three workers, each is able to specialize and the marginal product(number of customers served per hour) is likely to increase as we move from one totwo to three workers. Eventually, there will be enough workers and there will be nomore gains from specialization. At this point, the marginal product will diminish.3. Why does production eventually experience diminishing marginal returns to labor in the short run?The marginal product of labor will eventually diminish because there will be at leastone fixed factor of production, such as capital. With capital fixed, the workplace willeventually become so congested, that the productivity of additional workers willdecline. Also, with capital fixed, as more workers are added, they will need to sharethe fixed capital, which will eventually cause the marginal product of labor todiminish as the capital is spread across too many workers. Think for example of anoffice where there are only three computers. As more and more employees mustshare the computers, the marginal product of each additional employee will diminish.4. You are an employer seeking to fill a vacant position on an assembly line. Are you more concerned with the average product of labor or the marginal product of labor for the last person hired? If you observe that your average product is just beginning to decline, should you hire any more workers? What does this situation imply about the marginal product of your last worker hired?In filling a vacant position, you should be concerned with the marginal product of thelast worker hired because the marginal product measures the effect on output, or totalproduct, of hiring another worker. This in turn will help to determine the revenuegenerated by hiring another worker, which can then be compared to the cost of hiringanother worker.The point at which the average product begins to decline is the point where averageproduct is equal to marginal product. When average product declines, the marginalproduct of the last worker hired is lower than the average product of previously hiredworkers.Although adding more workers results in a further decline in average product, totalproduct continues to increase, so it may still be advantageous to hire another worker.5. What is the difference between a production function and an isoquant?A production function describes the maximum output that can be achieved with anygiven combination of inputs. An isoquant identifies all of the different combinationsof the inputs that can be used to produce one particular level of output.6. Faced with constantly changing conditions, why would a firm ever keep any factors fixed? What criteria determine whether a factor is fixed or variable?Whether a factor is fixed or variable depends on the time horizon in consideration: allfactors are fixed in the very short run; all factors are variable in the long run. Asstated in the text: “All fixed inputs in the short run represent outcomes of previouslong-run decisions based on firms’ estimates of what they could profitably produce andsell.” Some factors are fixed in the short run, whether the firm likes it or not, simplybecause it takes time to adjust the level of the variables. For example, the firm may belegally bound by a lease on a building, some employees may have contracts that mustbe upheld, or construction of a new facility may take some number of months. Recallthat the short run is not defined as a specific number of months or years, but as thatperiod of time where some inputs cannot be changed for reasons such as those givenabove.7. Isoquants can be convex, linear, or L-shaped. What does each of these shapes tell you about the nature of the production function? What does each of these shapes tell you about the MRTS?Convex isoquants imply that within some range, some number of units of one inputcan be substituted for a unit of the other input, and output can be maintained at thesame level. In this case, the MRTS is diminishing as we move down along theisoquant. Linear isoquants imply that the slope, or the MRTS, is constant. Thismeans that the same number of units of one input can always be exchanged for a unitof the other input and output can be maintained. The inputs are perfect substitutes.L-shaped isoquants imply that the inputs are perfect complements, or that the firm isproducing under a fixed proportions type of technology. In this case the firm cannotgive up one input in exchange for the other and still maintain the same level ofoutput. For example, the firm may require exactly 4 units of capital for each unit oflabor, in which case one input cannot be substituted for the other.8. Can an isoquant ever slope upwards? Explain.No. This would mean that if you increased both inputs then output would stay thesame. As a general rule, if the firm has more of all the inputs they can produce moreoutput.9. Explain the term “marginal rate of technical substitution”? What does a MRTS=4 mean?MRTS is the amount by which the quantity of one input can be reduced when theother input is increased by one unit, while maintaining the same level of output. Ifthe MRTS is 4 then the one input can be reduced by 4 units as the other is increasedby one unit and output will be the same.10. Explain why the marginal rate of technical substitution is likely to diminish as more and more labor is substituted for capital.As the quantities of the inputs are changed the marginal product of each input willchange. As more and more labor is added, the marginal product of labor is likely todiminish. Because capital has been reduced, each unit of capital remaining is likelyto be more productive. Therefore, more units of labor will be required to replace eachunit of capital. Alternatively, as we move down and to the right along an isoquantalong which the MRTS is diminishing, we have to give up less capital for each unit oflabor added to keep output constant.11. Diminishing returns to a single factor of production and constant returns to scale are not inconsistent. Discuss.Diminishing returns to a single factor are observable in all production processes atsome level of inputs. This fact is so pervasive that economists have named it the “lawof diminishing marginal productivity.” By definition, the marginal product of an inputis the additional output generated by employing one more unit of the input, all otherinputs held fixed. The extra output, or returns, to the single input diminish because allother inputs are held fixed. For example, when holding the level of capital constant,each additional unit of labor has less capital to work with.Unlike the returns to a single factor, returns to scale are proportional increases in allinputs. While each factor by itself exhibits diminishing returns, output may more thandouble, less than double, or exactly double when all the inputs are doubled. Thedistinction again is that with returns to scale, all inputs are increased in the sameproportion and no input is held fixed.12. Can a firm have a production function that exhibits increasing returns to scale, constant returns to scale, and decreasing returns to scale as output increases? Discuss.Most firms have production functions that exhibit first increasing, then constant, andultimately decreasing returns to scale. At low levels of output, a proportional increasein all inputs may lead to a larger-than-proportional increase in output, based on anincrease in the opportunity for each factor to specialize. For example, if there are nowtwo people and two computers, each person can specialize by completing those tasksthat they are best at, which allows output to more than double. As the firm grows, theopportunities for specialization may diminish and a doubling of all inputs will lead toonly a doubling of output. When there are constant returns to scale, the firm isreplicating what it is already doing. At some level of production, the firm will be solarge that when inputs are doubled, output will less than double, a situation that canarise from management diseconomies.13. Give an example of a production process in which the short run involves a day or a week and the long run any period longer than a week.Any small business where one input requires more than a week to change would be anexample. The process of hiring more labor, which requires announcing the positi on,interviewing applicants, and negotiating terms of employment, can take a day, if donethrough a temporary employment agency. Usually, however, the process takes a weekor more. Expansion, requiring a larger location, will also take longer than a week.EXERCISES1. The menu at Joe’s coffee shop consists of a variety of coffee drinks, pastries, and sandwiches. The marginal product of an additional worker can be defined as the number of customers that can be served by that worker in a given time period. Joe has been employing one worker, but is considering hiring a second and a third. Explain why the marginal product of the second and third workers might be higher than the first. Why might you expect the marginal product of additional workers to eventually diminish?The marginal product could well increase for the second and third workers, sinceeach of the first 2 or 3 workers would be able to specialize in a different task. If thereis only 1 worker, then that worker will have to take orders and prepare all the food.Eventually, however, the marginal product would diminish because there would betoo many people behind the counter trying to accomplish a limited number of tasks.2. Suppose a chair manufacturer is producing in the short run (with its existing plant and equipment). The manufacturer has observed the following levels of production corresponding to different numbers of workers:Number of chairs Number of workers1 102 183 244 285 306 28725a. Calculate the marginal and average product of labor for this production function.The average product of labor, AP L, is equal to QL. The marginal product of labor, MP L,is equal to ∆∆QL, the change in output divided by the change in labor input. For thisproduction process we have:L Q AP L MP L0 0 __ __1 10 10 102 18 9 83 24 8 64 28 7 45 306 26 28 4.7 -27 25 3.6 -3b. Does this production function exhibit diminishing returns to labor? Explain.This production process exhibits diminishing returns to labor. The marginal product oflabor, the extra output produced by each additional worker, diminishes as workers areadded, and is actually negative for the sixth and seventh workers.c. Explain intuitively what might cause the marginal product of labor to becomenegative.Labor’s negative marginal product for L> 5 may arise from congestion in the chairmanufacturer’s facto ry. Since more laborers are using the same, fixed amount ofcapital, it is possible that they could get in each other’s way, decreasing efficiency andthe amount of output. Many firms also have to control the quality of output and thehigh congestion of labor may produce output that is not of a high enough quality to beoffered for sale, which can contribute to a negative marginal product.3. Fill in the gaps in the table below.Quantity of Variable InputTotalOutputMarginal Productof Variable InputAverage Productof Variable Input0 0 ___ ___1 2252 3003 3004 11405 2256 225Quantity of Variable InputTotalOutputMarginal Productof Variable InputAverage Productof Variable Input0 0 ___ ___1 225 225 2252 600 375 3003 900 300 3004 1140 240 2855 1365 225 2736 1350 -15 2254. A political campaign manager has to decide whether to emphasize television advertisements or letters to potential voters in a reelection campaign. Describe the production function for campaign votes. How might information about this function (such as the shape of the isoquants) help the campaign manager to plan strategy?The output of concern to the campaign manager is the number of votes. Theproduction function uses two inputs, television advertising and direct mail. The use ofthese inputs requires knowledge of the substitution possibilities between them. If theinputs are perfect substitutes, the resultant isoquants are line segments, and thecampaign manager will use only one input based on the relative prices. If the inputsare not perfect substitutes, the isoquants will have a convex shape. The campaignmanager will then use a combination of the two inputs.5. For each of the following examples, draw a representative isoquant. What can you say about the marginal rate of technical substitution in each case?a. A firm can hire only full-time employees to produce its output, or it can hire somecombination of full-time and part-time employees. For each full-time worker let go, the firm must hire an increasing number of temporary employees to maintain the same level of output.Place part time workers on the vertical axis$ and full time workers on the$horizontal axis. The slope of the isoquant measures the number of part timeworkers that can be exchanged for a full time worker, while still maintaining output.When we are at the bottom end of the isoquant we have a lot of full time workers andfew part time workers. As we move up the isoquant and give up full time workers,we must hire more and more part time workers to replace each full time worker. Theslope increases (in absolute value terms) as we move up the isoquant. The isoquantis therefore convex and we have diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution.b. A firm finds they it can always trade two units of labor for one unit of capital andstill keep output constant.The marginal rate of technical substitution measures the number of units of laborthat can be exchanged for a unit of capital while still maintaining output. If the firmcan always trade two labor for one capital then the MRTS is constant and theisoquant is linear.c. A firm requires exactly two full-time workers to operate each piece of machineryin the factory.This firm operates under a fixed proportions technology, and the isoquants are L-shaped. The firm cannot exchange any labor for capital and still maintain outputbecause it must maintain a fixed 2:1 ratio of labor:capital.6. A firm has a production process in which the inputs to production are perfectly substitutable in the long run. Can you tell whether the marginal rate of technical substitution is high or low, or is further information necessary? Discuss.The marginal rate of technical substitution, MRTS, is the absolute value of the slope ofan isoquant. If the inputs are perfect substitutes, the isoquants will be linear. Tocalculate the slope of the isoquant, and hence the MRTS , we need to know the rate atwhich one input may be substituted for the other. In this case, we do not knowwhether the MRTS is high or low. All we know is that it is a constant number. Weneed to know the marginal product of each input to determine the MRTS.7. The marginal product of labor in the production of computer chips is 50 chips per hour. The marginal rate of technical substitution of hours of labor for hours of machine-capital is 1/4. What is the marginal product of capital?The marginal rate of technical substitution is defined at the ratio of the two marginalproducts. Here, we are given the marginal product of labor and the marginal rate oftechnical substitution. To determine the marginal product of capital, substitute thegiven values for the marginal product of labor and the marginal rate of technical substitution into the following formula:M P M P M R T S ,M P L K K== o r 5014, or MP K = 200 computer chips per hour.8. Do the following functions exhibit increasing, constant, or decreasing returns to scale? What happens to the marginal product of each individual factor as that factor is increased, and the other factor is held constant?a. q =3L +2KThis function exhibits constant returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2then q is 10. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 20. When the inputs are doubled, outputwill double. Each marginal product is constant for this production function. When Lincreases by 1 q will increase by 3. When K increases by 1 q will increase by 2.b. q =(2L +2K )12This function exhibits decreasing returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2then q is 2.8. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 4. When the inputs are doubled, outputwill less than double. The marginal product of each input is decreasing. This can bedetermined using calculus by differentiating the production function with respect toeither input, while holding the other input constant. For examplegf the marginal product of labor is∂q∂L =22(2L +2K )12.Since L is in the denominator, as L gets bigger, the marginal product gets smaller. Ifyou do not know calculus, then you can choose several values for L, find q (for somefixed value of K), and then find the marginal product. For example, if L=4 and K=4then q=4. If L=5 and K=4 then q=4.24. If L=6 and K=4 then q= 4.47. Marginalproduct of labor falls from 0.24 to 0.23.c. q =3LK 2This function exhibits increasing returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2then q is 24. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 192. When the inputs are doubled, outputwill more than double. Notice also that if we increase each input by the same factor λ then we get the following:q'=3(λL)(λK)2=λ33LK2=λ3q.Since λ is raised to a power greater than 1, we have increasing returns to scale.The marginal product of labor is constant and the marginal product of capital is increasing. For any given value of K, when L is increased by 1 unit, q will go up by 3K2 units, which is a constant number. Using calculus, the marginal product of capital is MPK=2*3*L*K. As K increases, MPK will increase. If you do not know calculus then you can fix the value of L, choose a starting value for K, and find q. Now increase K by 1 unit and find the new q. Do this a few more times and you can calculate marginal product. This was done in part b above, and is done in part d below.d.q=L 12K12This function exhibits constant returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2 then q is 2. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 4. When the inputs are doubled, output will exactly double. Notice also that if we increase each input by the same factor λ then we get the following:q'=(λL)12(λK)12=λL12K12=λq.Since λ is raised to the power 1, we have constant returns to scale.The marginal product of labor is decreasing and the marginal product of capital is decreasing. Using calculus, the marginal product of capital isMPK=L122K12.For any given value of L, as K increases, MPK will increase. If you do not know calculus then you can fix the value of L, choose a starting value for K, and find q. Let L=4 for example. If K is 4 then q is 4, if K is 5 then q is 4.47, and if K is 6 then q is 4.89. The marginal product of the 5th unit of K is 4.47-4=0.47, and the marginal product of the 6th unit of K is 4.89-4.47=0.42. Hence we have diminishing marginal product of capital. You can do the same thing for the marginal product of labor.e.q=4L 12+4KThis function exhibits decreasing returns to scale. For example, if L is 2 and K is 2 then q is 13.66. If L is 4 and K is 4 then q is 24. When the inputs are doubled, output will less than double.The marginal product of labor is decreasing and the marginal product of capital is constant. For any given value of L, when K is increased by 1 unit, q will go up by 4 units, which is a constant number. To see that the marginal product of labor is decreasing, fix K=1 and choose values for L. If L=1 then q=8, if L=2 then q=9.65, and if L=3 then q=10.93. The marginal product of the second unit of labor is 9.65-8=1.65 and the marginal product of the third unit of labor is 10.93-9.65=1.28. Marginal product of labor is diminishing.9. The production function for the personal computers of DISK, Inc., is given byq = 10K0.5L0.5, where q is the number of computers produced per day, K is hours of machine time, and L is hours of labor input. DISK’s competitor, FLOPPY, Inc., is using the production function q = 10K0.6L0.4.a. If both companies use the same amounts of capital and labor, which will generatemore output?Let Q be the output of DISK, Inc., q2, be the output of FLOPPY, Inc., and X be thesame equal amounts of capital and labor for the two firms. Then, according to theirproduction functions,q = 10X0.5X0.5 = 10X(0.5 + 0.5) = 10Xandq2 = 10X0.6X0.4 = 10X(0.6 + 0.4) = 10X.Because q = q2, both firms generate the same output with the same inputs. Note that ifthe two firms both used the same amount of capital and the same amount of labor, butthe amount of capital was not equal to the amount of labor, then the two firms wouldnot produce the same level of output. In fact, if K>L then q2>q.b. Assume that capital is limited to 9 machine hours but labor is unlimited in supply. Inwhich company is the marginal product of labor greater? Explain.With capital limited to 9 machine units, the production functions become q = 30L0.5 andq2= 37.372L0.4. To determine the production function with the highest marginalproductivity of labor, consider the following table:L qFirm 1MP LFirm 1qFirm 2MP LFirm 20 0.0 ___ 0.00 ___1 30.00 30.00 37.37 37.372 42.43 12.43 49.31 11.943 51.96 9.53 58.00 8.694 60.00 8.04 65.07 7.07For each unit of labor above 1, the marginal productivity of labor is greater for the firstfirm, DISK, Inc.10. In Example 6.3, wheat is produced according to the production functionq = 100K0.8L0.2.a. Beginning with a capital input of 4 and a labor input of 49, show that the marginalproduct of labor and the marginal product of capital are both decreasing.For fixed labor and variable capital:K = 4 ⇒q = (100)(40.8 )(490.2 ) = 660.22K = 5 ⇒q = (100)(50.8 )(490.2 ) = 789.25 ⇒MP K = 129.03K = 6 ⇒q = (100)(60.8 )(490.2 ) = 913.19 ⇒MP K = 123.94K = 7 ⇒q = (100)(70.8 )(490.2 ) = 1,033.04 ⇒MP K = 119.85.For fixed capital and variable labor:L = 49 ⇒q = (100)(40.8 )(490.2 ) = 660.22L = 50 ⇒q = (100)(40.8 )(500.2 ) = 662.89 ⇒MP L = 2.67L = 51 ⇒q = (100)(40.8 )(510.2 ) = 665.52 ⇒MP L = 2.63L = 52 ⇒q = (100)(40.8 )(520.2 ) = 668.11 ⇒MP L = 2.59.Notice that the marginal products of both capital and labor are decreasing as thevariable input increases.b. Does this production function exhibit increasing, decreasing, or constant returns toscale?Constant (increasing, decreasing) returns to scale imply that proportionate increases ininputs lead to the same (more than, less than) proportionate increases in output. If wewere to increase labor and capital by the same proportionate amount (λ) in thisproduction function, output would change by the same proportionate amount:λq = 100(λK)0.8 (λL)0.2, orλq = 100K0.8 L0.2 λ(0.8 + 0.2) = qλTherefore, this production function exhibits constant returns to scale.。