



















This guide provides simple advice for both installers and residents looking to purchase a heat pump, air conditioning unit, or other exterior mechanical system.It will help you to:• determine an optimum outdoor location • select a quiet heat pump system • properly maintain your heat pump • control and prevent noise travelCITY OF VANCOUVER NOISE BYLAWThe City of Vancouver Noise Control By-Law #6555 has been protecting residents from excessive noise since its inception in 1989. This bylaw has residential noise limits depending on the time of day.WHAT ARE THE LIMITS INTHE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOURHOODS?HOW TO SELECT A HEAT PUMP1. SELECT A QUIET UNITMost manufacturers will specify a ‘sound power rating,’ a lab-tested decibel dB(A) measurement of the sound generated by a heat pump at full capacity. Most quality models are around 60 dB(A) while newer ‘ultra-quiet’ models are achieving lower ratings.These mechanical ratings are different than the Noise Bylaw which specifies a ‘sound pressure rating’ measured with a noise meter at the property line.That’s why properly locating the unit is critical to achieving a no-complaint system.WHAT HEAT PUMPS ARE THE QUIETEST?Look for models that have the lowest decibel rating, as well as the following features:• Variable speed fans and compressors • Soft start and stop functions• Nighttime/low sound modes • Insulated compressors55dB45dB7 am7 am10pmHEAT PUMPS & NOISEA NEIGHBOURLY INSTALLATION GUIDEWhat you need to know in order to have a smooth, nuisance-free heat pump installationpage 1 of 22. SELECT PROPERLY SIZED EQUIPMENTThe contractor should select the appropriately sized system based on the space that is to be heated/cooled. An oversized unit may ‘short cycle’ i.e. turn on and off more than necessary. This can result in excess noise and can reduce the life of the system.Consider other energy efficient improvements with your heat pump installation. A less leaky house with more insulation requires less energy to heat and cool, and could help further reduce the size of the unit needed.LOCATING THE HEAT PUMPMost noise complaints are a result of locating the outdoor unit facing, or too close to neighbouring windows, bedrooms or living areas. Consider the following unit placement to reduce noise travel:1. Locate as far away from the property line as possible.your heat pump. You may need to install a barrier if your unit can only be installed in a sensitive location.4. Mount the unit on the ground.Install the unit on a solid base such as a concrete pad or block, with rubber pads or dampeners to further minimize vibration. Wall-mounted units are generally higher which could allow for easier unimpeded noise travel. 5. Ensure sufficient air flow clearance.While locating the unit underneath a deck, patio, or in a dedicated outdoor mechanical space can be a good option, heat pumps require access to clear outdoor air flow to maintain high efficiencies. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for best practices. 6. Consider acoustic barriers if a noise issue persists.Heat pumps generate both high and low frequency noise.June 2020 20-104• “whirring”• your unit).COMPRESSOR• High frequency sounds are readily reduced by structures, but lower frequencies may penetrate structures unless they are reduced at the source. Acoustic barriers or acoustic treatment may be necessary to further reduce noise issues.selection criteria with them, and ensure the details are in writing before signing a contract.By considering these recommendations, a new heat pump owner can experience many years of comfort and good neighbourly relations.FOR MORE INFORMATIONIf you have questions, please contact staff at 3-1-1 or visit vancouver.ca/heat-pumpspage 2 of 2。


6 荣事达(中国驰名商标,曾获中国名牌,中国知名家电企业集团,中国最具价值品牌之一,合肥荣事达小家电有限公司)
6 远大(始创于1988年,中国驰名商标,中国最有价值品牌之一,国内具有国际竞争力企业之一,远大空调有限公司)



• 三菱重工于2008年向全球同步推出KX6mini 家用中央空调,凝聚了三菱重工在各领域 内的先进技术,为中国用户提供世界最先 进空调产品,以供社会各界有识之士选择 。
• 三菱重工结合最先进的冷媒回油技术,使 产品的拖带率高于同类产品20%。
例:6HP 155*20%=31
三菱重工和其他品牌相比,在其达到最大拖带率后(202) ,还可以多配一台28的室内机(230<232),而不用额外 增加室外机。
为客户节约了再购室外机的成本。 节省了再增加室外机的安装空间。
1~8台 11.2~21.0 80%~150%
5HP 2~7台 5.0~18.5 36%~132%
5HP 2~7台 7.0~18.2 50%~130%
1~8台 12.4~23.3 80%~150%
6HP 2~8台 5.0~20.2 32%~132%
6HP 2~8台 7.7~20.1 50%~130%
三菱重工KX6 大金家用VRV 三菱电机PM
三菱重工KX6 大金家用VRV 三菱电机PM
845× 970×370 845× 970×370
845× 970×370
1345×900×350 1345×900×350 1345×900×350
6HP 15.5
4.71 5.17 4.82
3.29 3.00 3.21
输入功率小, 耗电小,为 用户省钱。

东芝 大金 三菱性能比较

东芝 大金 三菱性能比较

TOSHIBA SMMS产品与三菱电机CITYMULTI、大金VRV3产品的对比与分析随着国民生活水平的日益提高,住房面积普遍增加。




东芝空调:υ自1935年开始生产空调产品,距今已有70多年的历史;1981年研制出世界首台变频空调机,是变频空调的发明者;连续十年获日本节能大奖;υ东芝SMMS为全变频空调(即每台压缩机均为变频压缩机);COP目前处于较高的水平,部分负荷COP所有机型均达到5.0以上,部分机型能达到6.0以上,室内机的耗电量也远远低于其他同类产品,在节能上处于优势;产品为日本进口;υ室外机占地面积较大;三菱电机:υ1968年推出日本首台挂壁式分体空调;1984年变冷媒流量系统CITIMULTI 开始销售;2008年推出新一代CITIMULTI;υ三菱电机新一代CITIMULTI的最大特点是单个机组的最大容量达到了18匹且仅有1台压缩机;18匹的外机占地面积减少了45%,重量减轻了52%;υCOP方面较上代产品也有减少,以18匹为例,COP值减少了近20%(见下图);大金:υ1982年开始生产变冷媒流量的空调系统;2003年在中国推出了VRV II;2006年在中国推出了VRV III;大金VRVυIII压缩机采用钕磁铁替代铁氧体磁铁,COP值较VRV II有一定提高,幅度约为4%;制热衰减少,有较完整的新风以及智能化控制系统;VRV III仍采用部分变频系统(即每个模块内最多有一台变频压缩机),部分负荷COP较低,室外机噪音大,在运转寿命、后备运行等方面存在不足;TOSHIBA SMMS产品与三菱电机CITYMULTI、大金VRV3产品的对比与分析本帖最后由东芝中央空调于2010-9-2 17:05 编辑。



















菱尚和菱耀Power Multi家用变频多联空调电子书)

菱尚和菱耀Power Multi家用变频多联空调电子书)
IPLV; Integrated Part Load Value,综合胜能系数,是描述空调部分负荷制冷或制热效率 值。
因为中央空调在 99%的时间里是处干部分负荷运行,也就是说所有室内机并非同时处 于额定能力下运行因此采用 IPLV 更能准确地表现空调机组的实际能耗
菱尚系列 p21
系列结构: 制冷容量范围:11.2- 45kW 室内机通过分支管(或分支集管)连接至室外机卜配管简单方便
阵容规格: 4HP PUMV.p100VHMC-C 连接室内视 1 一 8 台 5HP PUMV-P125VHMC-C 连接室内机,1 一 10 台 6HP PUMY-P140YHMC-C 连接室内机 1 一 12 台 12HP PUHV-P300VRJC-A 连接室内机 1 一 18 台 14 HP PUHV-P350VRJC 幽 连接室内机 1 一 18 台
三菱电机中央空调采用多种静音技术,以保证设备的低噪音运行,在您享受空调的舒适 的时候又不会感到噪声的污染。
所有室外机均能够设定进入静音模式,在静音模式下比普通模式的噪声小一半。 改良风叶和格栅 经过改良的风叶和格栅能大大降低室外机运行噪声。可提供机组所需的风量,同时确保 静音下运行。
双风扇结构的菱耀菱睿系列室外机采用统一的新型出风格栅设计.减少了约 20%的阻力. 提高了换热效率并降低了噪声
5、舒适省点的睡眠模式 设定睡眠模式,设定温度会根据睡眠时体感需求自动升高或者降低,以保持最适合您的室温, 防止过冷,让您安然入睡。 6、太热时按一下“过暖”,太冷时按一下“过冷”
7、凉感控制 凉感控制技术将以往空调的室温控制改为体感控制。空调先对人们的活动区域送出凉爽冷 风,在对整个房间进行冷却,并间隔性地吹出凉风,防止由于长时间吹冷风而引起空调病。








二、价格表1. 货币单位:人民币(RMB)2. 标准配置:- 制冷方式:冷水机组+风机盘管- 制热方式:热泵- 供冷/供热水温度:水冷机组 7-12℃/40-45℃,风冷机组 12-18℃/45-55℃- 风机盘管送风方式:顶送、底送- 控制方式:中央控制系统- 电源:380V/50Hz/3Ph- 监控功能:温度、湿度、负压监测报警3. 价格表型号适用面积(㎡)制冷能力(KW)制热能力(KW)价格(RMB)A001 100-150 36-45 40-50 50,000-60,000A002 150-200 45-54 50-60 60,000-70,000A003 200-250 54-63 60-70 70,000-80,000A004 250-300 63-72 70-80 80,000-90,000A005 300-350 72-81 80-90 90,000-100,000A006 350-400 81-90 90-100 100,000-110,000A007 400-450 90-99 100-110 110,000-120,000A008 450-500 99-108 110-120 120,000-130,000备注:以上价格仅供参考,实际价格可能因市场波动而有所调整。

三、选购建议1. 根据实际需求选择合适的面积和制冷/制热能力。


2. 注意系统的可靠性和能效比。






CITY MULTI带给大楼业主的利益●适应大楼各种不同用途●为大楼创造附加价值●以合理价格提供优质空间与效率CITY MULTI带给承包商/设计顾问的利益●为室内设计提供最大自由度●以各种方式增加价值CITY MULTI带给施工业者的利益●安装简便●维护容易CITY MULTI带给使用者的利益●符合你的需求●舒适的空调空间增进活力系列规格S冷暖型Y 单冷型冷暖型R2热回收豪宅用及小型商务楼宇的空调精品。




●可连接室内机总容量50%至130% 。

室外机型号能力最多连接室内机PUMY-125YMHP58台kcal冷气12500暖气14000kw冷气14.0暖气16.0HP581013162024262830 S冷暖型◎Y 单冷型◎◎冷暖型◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎R2热回收◎◎采暖/制冷的切换● 丰富的空调外机系列(8/10/13/16/20/24/26/28/30马力)●采用独自研发世界最大的变频涡漩压缩机,线性变频高效率控制运转。


● 采用自由配管的概念,通过分头/分支管自由设计配管。

● 可连接室内机总容量50%至130% 。

室外机型号能力最多连接室内机PUY-200YMF-C-BFHP813台kcal冷气20000kw冷气22.4PUY-250YMF-C-BFHP1013台kcal冷气25000kw冷气28.0PUHY-200YMF-C-BFHP816台kcal冷气20000暖气22400kw冷气22.4暖气25.0PUHY-250YMF-C-BFHP1016台kcal冷气25000暖气28000kw冷气28.0暖气31.5PUHK-315YMF-C-BFHP1316台kcal冷气31500暖气35500kw 冷气36.6暖气41.3PUHY-400YMF-C-BFHP1620台kcal冷气40000暖气45000kw冷气46.5暖气52.3PUHY-500YMF-C-BFHP2020台kcal冷气50000暖气56000kw冷气58.2暖气65.1PUHY-600YSMF-C-BFHP2432台kcal冷气/FONT>60000暖气67400kw冷气69.8暖气78.3PUHY-650YSMF-C-BFHP2632台kcal冷气65000暖气73000kw 冷气75.6暖气84.9PUHY-700YSMF-C-BFHP2832台kcal冷气70000暖气78400kw冷气81.5暖气91.1PUHY-750YSMF-C-BFHP3032台kcal冷气75000暖气84000kw冷气87.3暖气97.7HP581013162024262830 S冷暖型◎Y 单冷型◎◎冷暖型◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎R2热回收◎◎全球首创,唯一同步冷暖的双管空调系统--为您提供最佳成本效益。



DP601E6A 72 155,000 180.3 50.5 90 1,956*2,656*1,383 77.01*104.57*54.45 1,465 3,220 CB150*4 10.8*4
1,893*1,910*1,085 74.53*75.20*42.72 800 1,764 CB150+CB125 10.8+9.8 830 1,830 CB150*2 10.8*2
DP258E6A 大30*(34) 72,500 84.3 22.2/22.2 42.1/40.8
DP308E6A 40 85,500 99.3 25.4/25.4 47.7/43.8
DP401E6A 45 96,300 112.6 30.5 58.0
DP501E6A 56 120,000 139.5 39.5 70
1,816*2,136*1,383 71.50*84.09*54.45 1,015 2,230 CB125*3 9.8*3 1,015 2,430 CB150*3 10.8*3
305.3 80.7
357.8 94.5
407 107.5
513 135.7
660 174.6













部份空调室外机尺寸(一)型号宽×深×高适应面积(平米) 1、海尔KF-50LW/G(ZF) 780×245×540 (正2匹) 23.5-37 KF-48LW/G(K2) 780×245×540 (2匹) 23-35 KFRd-48LW/G(K2) 780×245×540 (2匹) 23-35 KFRd-50LW/Z2 780×245×540 (正2匹) 23.5-372、美的KF-43LW/Y-S2 780×250×540 (2匹) 20-31 KFR-43LW -S2 780×250×540 (2匹) 20-313、海信KFR-45LW/28D 780×250×540 (2匹) 23-33KF-50LW/28 780×250×540 (正2匹) 26-374、奥克斯KFR-46LW/ZVY 760×260×540 (2匹) 22-30KF-46LW/ZVY 760×260×540 (2匹) 22-30KFR-51LW/ZVY 760×260×540 (正2匹) 25-34KF-51LW/ZVY 760×260×540 (正2匹) 25-345、科龙KFR-43LW/NYF 760×255×540 (2匹) 19-29KF-43LW/NY 760×255×540 (2匹) 19-29KFR-50LW/NYF 760×255×540 (正2匹) 23-34KF-50LW/NY 760×255×540 (正2匹) 23-346、长虹KF-45LW/H1 800×260×555 (2匹) 20-31KFR-45LW/DH1 800×260×555 (2匹) 20-31(二)海尔柜式2P冷暖空调KFRD-48LW/Z 室外机尺寸(mm):780*245*540海尔智慧眼1.5P变频冷暖空调KFR-36GW/M(BPF) (宽*深*高)外:710*255*840海尔空调KFR-52LW/BPJF 外机尺寸:810*288*680mm海尔空调KFRD-75LW/F 外机尺寸:948*340*830mm海尔空调KFR-68LW/BPF 外机尺寸:948*340*830mm海尔空调KFR-58LW/K(BPQF) 外机尺寸:860*308*730mm长虹壁挂式1P冷暖空调KFR-25GW/DC3 室外机外形尺寸(mm):550*780*270长虹壁挂式1.5P冷暖空调KFR-25GW/DL 室外机:537×597×282>长虹3P冷暖柜机KFR-71LW/DFS (高×宽×深单位:mm) 室外机:885×870×354长虹2P单冷柜机KF-51LW/FS (高×宽×深单位:mm) 室外机:558×867×316美的立柜式KFR-50LW/F1Y换气世纪星空调宽x高x深室外机(mm) 850X600X305美的立柜式KFR-50LW/IY空调高x宽x厚(mm) 室外机701X843X313春兰强劲系列柜式空调器KFR-50LW/BD 外形尺寸(mm)深×宽×高:312×800×646春兰柜式空调器KFR-60LW/d 外形尺寸(mm)深×宽×高:312×800×646格力空调KFR-70LW/E1(7053L1)A 高长深(MM) 700/950/412格力空调KFR-50LW/K(5057L)Y 高长深(MM) 540/760/255海信KFR-5001LW/BP 室外机尺寸:995*300*630LG空调LP-S2052DA柜机2P 680*555*265mm(长*高*深)LG空调LP-S2552DA柜机2.5P 870*655*320mmLG空调LP-Q3052DA柜机3P 870*655*320mmLG空调LP-P2051HA柜机2P 870*655*320mmLG柜机室外机尺寸基本相同奥克斯空调KFR-25GW/ED壁挂1P 260*760*540mm(深*长*高)奥克斯空调KFR-32GW/ED壁挂小1.5P 260*760*540mm奥克斯空调KFR-50LW/TA柜机2P 260*760*540mm富士通FAS25RSCW壁挂1P 535*695*250mm(高*长*深)富士通FAS34RSCW壁挂1.5P 535*695*250mm富士通1P和1.5P室外机尺寸相同日立空调KFR-25GW/H壁挂1P 775*500*300mm(长*高*深)日立空调KFR-35GW/AH壁挂1.5P 820*520*280mm日立KFR-28GW/BPA壁挂1.25P 750*570*250mm日立KFR-36GW/BP壁挂1.5P 750*570*250mm日立空调KFR-50GW/AH壁挂2P 800*590*350mm日立空调KFR-50LW柜机2P 800*590*350mm日立空调KFR-61LW/C柜机2P 820*870*350mm日立KFR-50LW/BPM柜机2P 800*600*350mm美的空调KFR-23GW/I1Y壁挂小1P 770*530*200mm(长*高*深)美的空调KFR-32GW/I1Y壁挂1.5P 780*540*240mm美的空调KFR-32GW/Y-Q壁挂1.5P 780*540*240mm美的空调KFR-26GW/BPY-R壁挂1P 760*590*275mm美的空调KFR-35GW/BPY-R壁挂1.5P 760*590*275mm美的空调KFR-43LW/H1DY柜机1.75P 780*540*240mm松下空调HA912KW壁挂1P 505*780*245mm(高*长*深)松下G90KW壁挂1P 505*780*245mm松下空调HA1212KW壁挂1.5P 505*780*245mm松下G125KW壁挂1.5P 505*780*245mm松下空调A181FW柜机2p 562*801*262mm松下空调HA2302FW柜机2.5p 685*800*300mm夏普空调AY-092YL壁挂1p 730*540*250mm(长*高*深)夏普空调AY-113YL壁挂1.5p 730*540*250mm其他型号1p和1.5p室外机尺寸相同夏普空调GS-173YL柜机2p 800*637*297mm夏普空调GS-60LJ柜机2p 980*750*330mm三菱电机空调MSH-J09UV壁挂1p 780*540*255MM(长*高*深)三菱电机空调MSH-J11UV壁挂1.2p 780*540*255mm三菱电机空调MSH-J18UV壁挂2p 860*655*330MM空调功率与房间面积1:国产空调器的命名方法KFR(d)50LW/T(D BP J X F) K—空调、F—分体式、R—热泵制热型、d—辅助电加热、50—制冷/制热量、L—结构类型、W—室外机、T—开发型号、D—直流、BP—变频、J—离子除尘、X —双向换风、F负离子L—结构类型中,L为落地柜式、G—壁挂式、C—窗式、N—藏式、F—风管式、Q—嵌入式、D—吊顶式。



中央空调十大品牌-优点缺点中央空调十大品牌排名及介绍从近几年我国中央空调市场按销售额排列的情况来看,前 10 位的品牌为大金、特灵、约克、开利、格力、海尔、美的、三菱、日立、麦克维尔。



第一位:大金中央空调第二位:特灵中央空调第三位:约克中央空调第四位:开利中央空调第五位:格力中央空调第六位:海尔中央空调第七位:美的中央空调第八位:三菱电机中央空调第九位:日立中央空调第十位:麦克维尔中央空调和分析:家用中央空调的优:冷/热水机组: 冷/热水机组的输送介质通常为水或者乙二醇溶液。



: 1.能耗比高;2.温差小,非常舒适;3.各个居室温度可自由调节,较为节能;4.水管占用空间少,便于装修;: 1.系统复杂,成本较高,且施工质量不高存在漏水隐患,维修麻烦;2.无法直接引入新风;3.受气候影响,低于-5℃时无法正常工作,需安装辅助加热装置,也须另耗一些电能。





















PART NO. 9373385066-02E n g l i s hINSTALLATION MANUALVRF SYSTEM INDOOR UNIT Duct TypeFor authorized service personnel only.Contents1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .............................................22. ABOUT THE UNIT2.1. Precautions for using the R410A refrigerant ..........22.2. Special tool for R410A ............................................22.3. Accessories ............................................................22.4. Optional parts .........................................................33. INSTALLATION WORK3.1. Selecting an installation location ............................33.2. Installation dimensions ...........................................43.3. Installing the unit ....................................................44. PIPE INSTALLATION4.1. Selecting the pipe material .....................................74.2. Pipe requirement ....................................................74.3. Flare connection (pipe connection) ........................74.4. Installing heat insulation .........................................85. INSTALLING DRAIN PIPES (8)6. ELECTRICAL WIRING6.1. Electrical requirement ..........................................106.2. Wiring method ......................................................116.3. Unit wiring ............................................................116.4. Connection of wiring .............................................136.5. Air fl ow changing ..................................................137. FIELD SETTING7.1. Setting the address ..............................................147.2. Custom code setting ............................................157.3. Function setting ....................................................168. TEST OPERATION8.1. Test operation using PCB (Outdoor unit) .............178.2. Test operation using Remote Controller ...............179. CHECK LIST ...............................................................1710. ERROR CODES (17)1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS• Be sure to read this Manual thoroughly before installation.• The warnings and precautions indicated in this Manual contain important information pertaining to your safety. Be sure to observe them.• Hand this Manual, together with the Operating Manual to the customer.Request the customer to keep them on hand for future use, such as for relocating or repairing the unit.WARNING!This mark indicates procedures which, if improperly performed, might lead to the death or serious injury of the user.• Request your dealer or a professional installer to install the unit in accordance with this Manual.An improperly installed unit can cause serious accidents such as water leakage, electric shock, or fi re.If the unit is installed in disregard of the instructions in the Installation Manual, it will void the manufacturer’s warranty.• Do not turn ON the power until all work has been completed.Turning ON the power before the work is completed can cause serious accidents such as electric shock or fi re.• If refrigerant leaks while work is being carried out, ventilate the area.If the refrigerant comes in contact with a flame, it produces a toxic gas.• Installation work must be performed in accordance with national wiring standards by authorized personnel only.CAUTION!This mark indicates procedures which, if improperly performed, might possibly result in personal harm to the user, or damage to property.2. ABOUT THE UNIT2.1. Precautions for using the R410ArefrigerantWARNING• Do not introduce any substance other than the prescribed refrigerant into the refrigeration cycle.If air enters the refrigeration cycle, the pressure in the refrigeration cycle will become abnormally high and cause the piping to rupture.• If there is a refrigerant leakage, make sure that it does not exceed the concentration limit.If a refrigerant leakage exceeds the concentration limit, it can lead to accidents such as oxygen starvation.• Do not touch refrigerant that has leaked from the refrigerant pipe connections or other area. Touching the refrigerant directly can cause frostbite.• If a refrigerant leakage occurs during operation, immediately vacate the premises and thoroughly ventilate the area.If the refrigerant comes in contact with a flame, it produces a toxic gas.2.2. Special tool for R410AWARNING• To install a unit that uses the R410A refrigerant, use dedicated tools and piping materials that have been manufactured specifi cally for R410A use.Because the pressure of the R410A refrigerant is approximately 1.6 times higher than the R22, failure to use dedicated piping material or improper installation can cause rupture or injury.Furthermore, it can cause serious accidents such as water leakage, electric shock, or fi re.Tool name Contents of changeGauge manifold• Pressure is huge and cannot bemeasured with a conventional gauge.To prevent erroneous mixing of otherrefrigerants, the diameter of each porthas been changed.It is recommended to use a gaugemanifold with a high pressure displayrange –0.1 to 5.3 MPa and a lowpressure display range –0.1 to 3.8 MPa. Charging hose• To increase pressure resistance, thehose material and base size werechanged.Vacuum pump• A conventional vacuum pump can beused by installing a vacuum pumpadapter.Gas leakagedetector• Special gas leakage detector for HFCrefrigerant R410A.2.3. AccessoriesWARNING• For installation purposes, be sure to use the parts supplied by the manufacturer or other prescribed parts.The use of non-prescribed parts can cause serious accidents such as the unit to fall, water leakage, electric shock, or fi re.• The following installation parts are furnished. Use them as required.• Keep the Installation Manual in a safe place and do not discard any other accessories until the installation work has been completed.En-2Binder (Medium)Coupler heat insulation (Small)Coupler heat insulation (Large)Special nut A(Large flange)Special nut B(Small flange)HangerHose bandDrain hose insulationEn-4CAUTION• Do not use the unit for special purposes, such as storing food, raising animals, growing plants, or preserving precision devices or art objects.It can degrade the quality of the preserved or stored objects.• Do not install where there is the danger of combustible gas leakage.• Do not install the unit near a source of heat, steam, or fl ammable gas.• Install the unit where drainage does not cause any trouble.• Install the indoor unit, outdoor unit, power supply cable, transmission cable, and remote control cable at least 1 m away from a television or radio receivers. The purpose of this is to prevent TV reception interference or radio noise.(Even if they are installed more than 1 m apart, you could still receive noise under some signal conditions.)• If children under 10 years old may approach the unit, take preventive measures so that they cannot reach the unit.• Decide the mounting position with the customer as follows:(1) Install the indoor unit on a place having a suf fi cient strength so that it withstands against the weight of the indoor unit.(2) The inlet and outlet ports should not be obstructed; the air should be able to blow all over the room.(3) Leave the space required to service the air conditioner.(4) A place from where the air can be distributed evenly throughout the room by the unit.(5) Install the unit where connection to the outdoor unit is easy.(6) Install the unit where the connection pipe can be easily installed.(7) Install the unit where the drain pipe can be easily installed.(8) Install the unit where noise and vibrations are not ampli fi ed.(9) Take servicing, etc., into consideration and leave the spaces. Also install the unit where the fi lter can be removed.(10) Providing as much space as possible between the indoorunit and the ceiling will make work much easier.(11) If installing in a place where its humidity exceeds 80%, useheat insulation to prevent condensation.3.2. Installation dimensions• Provide the space around the unit as shown in the following fi gure.400 mm or more 150 mm or more ❈1❈1 400mm or more when drain from drain pipe.• Provide a service hole for inspection purposes.• Do not place any wiring or illumination in the service space, as they will impede service.• When an air fi lter is installed on the air inlet, provide enough service space to replace the fi lter.AirAirService holeControl box300 mmor more 500 mm or more500 m m o r m o r e100 m mAir AirService spaceControl box300 mm or more1,550 mm or more500 m m o r m o r e100 m mIntake panel3.3. Installing the unitWARNING• Install the air conditioner in a location which can withstand a load do at least fi ve times the weight of the main unit and which will not amplify sound or vibration. If the installation location is not strong enough, the indoor unit may fall and cause injuries.• If the job is done with the panel frame only, there is a risk that the unit will come loose. Please take care.3.3.1. Installing the hangersHanging bolt installation diagram.(Top side)(Right side)270 m mA i rA i rWARNING• When fastening the hangers, make the bolt positionsuniform.740 mm477 mmA i rA i r1,135 m m1,177 m mDuct installation pattern ( CUT PART)Cut Cut Cut Cut(2) Turn up the insulation around the points to be cut ac-cording to the outlet port shape working points so thatthe insulation does not stick out at the(3) Cut with nippers and remove the sheet metal.• The screw holes to install the flange are located behind the round cutouts in the insulation.Duct4.PIPE INSTALLATIONCAUTION• Be more careful that foreign matter (oil, water, etc.) does not enter the piping than with refrigerant R410A models. Also, when storing the piping, securely seal the openings by pinching, taping, etc.• While welding the pipes, be sure to blow dry nitrogen gas through them.4.1. Selecting the pipe materialCAUTION• Do not use existing pipes.• Use pipes that have clean external and internal sides without any contamination which may cause trouble during use, such as sulfur, oxide, dust, cutting waste, oil, or water.• It is necessary to use seamless copper pipes.Material : Phosphor deoxidized seamless copper pipesIt is desirable that the amount of residual oil is less than 40 mg/10 m.• Do not use copper pipes that have a collapsed, deformed, or discolored portion (especially on the interior surface). Otherwise, the expansion valve or capillary tube may become blocked with contaminants.• Improper pipe selection will degrade performance. As an air conditioner using R410A incurs pressure higher than when using conventional refrigerant, it is necessary to choose adequate materials.• Thicknesses of copper pipes used with R410A are as shown in the table.• Never use copper pipes thinner than those indicated in the table even if they are available on the market. Thicknesses of Annealed Copper Pipes (R410A)Pipe outside diameter [mm (in.)]Thickness [mm]6.35 (1/4)0.809.52 (3/8)0.8012.70 (1/2)0.8015.88 (5/8) 1.0019.05 (3/4) 1.204.2. Pipe requirementCAUTION• Refer to the Installation Manual of the outdoor unit for description of the length of connecting pipe or for difference of its elevation.• Use pipe with water-resistant heat insulation.CAUTION• Install heat insulation around both the gas and liquid pipes.Failure to do so may cause water leaks.Use heat insulation with heat resistance above 120 °C.(Reverse cycle model only)In addition, if the humidity level at the installation location of the refrigerant piping is expected to exceed 70 %, install heat insulation around the refrigerant piping. If the expected humidity level is 70-80 %, use heat insulation that is 15 mm or thicker and if the expected humidity exceeds 80 %, use heat insulation that is 20 mm or thicker. If heat insulation is used that is not as thick as specified, condensation may form on the surface of the insulation. In addition, use heat insulation with heat conductivity of 0.045 W/(m·K) or less (at20 °C).4.3. Flare connection (pipe connection)WARNING• Tighten the flare nuts with a torque wrench using the specified tightening method. Otherwise, the flare nuts could break after a prolonged period, causing refrigerant to leak and generate a hazardous gas if the refrigerant comes into contact with a fl ame.4.3.1. Flaring• Use special pipe cutter and fl are tool exclusive for R410A. (1) Cut the connection pipe to the necessary length with apipe cutter.(2) Hold the pipe downward so that cuttings will not enter thepipe and remove any burrs.(3) Insert the fl are nut (always use the fl are nut attached tothe indoor and outdoor units respectively) onto the pipeand perform the flare processing with a flare tool. Usethe special R410A flare tool, or the conventional flaretool. Leakage of refrigerant may result if other fl are nutsare used.(4) Protect the pipes by pinching them or with tape toprevent dust, dirt, or water from entering the pipes.BDieAPipeCheck if [L] is flared uniformlyand is not cracked or scratched.LEn-7Width across4.3.2. Bending pipesIf pipes are shaped by hand, be careful not to collapsethem.Do not bend the pipes in an angle more than 90°.When pipes are repeatedly bend or stretched, the material will harden, making it dif more.Do not bend or stretch the pipes more than three times.Connection pipeTorque wrenchIndoor unit pipe Flare nutHolding wrenchTighten with two wrenches.(Accessories)Binder (Large)(Accessories)Heat insulationheat insulation.CAUTION• After checking for gas leaks (refer to the Installation Manual of the outdoor unit), perform this section.• Install heat insulation around both the large (gas) and small (liquid) pipes. Failure to do so may cause water leaks.INSTALLING DRAIN PIPESUse general hard polyvinyl chloride pipe and connect it withadhesive (polyvinyl chloride) so that there is no leakage.Always heat insulate the indoor side of the drain e a drain hose that matches the size of the drain pipe.Do not perform a rise, trap and air bleeding.Provide a downward gradient (1/100 or more).Provide supporters when long pipes are installed.Use an insulation material as needed, to prevent the pipes from freezing.Install the pipes in a way that allows for the removal of the control box.Drain port Drain cap(Accessories)• Cover the drain cap with the drain hose insulation.Drain hose insulation (Accessories)Unit Unit Drain hose insulation (Accessories)Drain cap0 mmINSTALL THE DRAIN HOSEWorking procedure1) Install the attached drain hose to the drain port of the body.Install the hose band from the top of the hose within the graphic display area. Secure fi rmly with the hose brnd.2) Use vinyl adhesive agent to glue the drain piping (PVC pipe VP25) which is prepared on site or socket. (Apply color ad-hesive agent evenly until the gauge line and seal)3) Check the drainage.4) Install the heat insulation.5) Use the attached heat insulation to insulate the drain port and band parts of the body.DrainhoseArrange the drain hoselower than this portionTrapNO GOODOKRiseNO GOOD1.5 to2.0 mAir bleedingNO GOODCAUTION• Always check that the drain cap is installed to the unused drain port and is fastened with the binder.If the drain cap is not installed, or is not suffi ciently fastened by the binder, water may drip during the cooling operation.6.ELECTRICAL WIRING6. E L E C T R I C A L WWARNING• Electrical work must be performed in accordance with this Manual by a person certified under the national or regional regulations. Be sure to use a dedicated circuit for the unit.An insufficient power supply circuit or improperly performed electrical work can cause serious accidents such as electric shock or fi re.• Before starting work, check that power is not being supplied to the indoor unit and outdoor unit.• For wiring, use the prescribed type of wires, connect themEn-116.2. Wiring method(EXAMPLE)PR SUPPLY OUTDOOR UNIT TRANSMISSIONTRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION POWER SUPPLYPOWER SUPPLY POWER SUPPLYPOWER SUPPLYPOWER SUPPLYREMOTE CONTROL UNIT (MASTER)REMOTE CONTROL UNIT (SLAVE)REMOTE CONTROL UNITREMOTE CONTROLINDOOR UNITINDOOR UNIT INDOOR UNITBREAKERBREAKER POWER SUPPLY REMOTE CONTROLPOWER SUPPLY REMOTE CONTROLBREAKER BREAKERTRANSMISSION 6.3. Unit wiring• Before attaching the cable to terminal block.6.3.1. Power supply cablePower supply cable25 mm Earth cable30m m A. For solid core wiring(1) To connect the electrical terminal, follow the below diagram and connect after looping it around the end of the cable. (2) Use the speci fi ed cables, connect them securely, and fasten them so that there is no stress placed on the terminals.(3) Use an appropriate screwdriver to tighten the terminal screws. Do not use a screwdriver that is too small, otherwise, the screw heads may be damaged and prevent the screws from being properly tightened.(4) Do not tighten the terminal screws too much, otherwise, the screws may break.(5) See the table for the terminal screw tightening torques.(6) Please do not fi x two power supply cables with one screw.St ri p 25 mmLoop Screw with spe-cial washerScrew with special washer Cable end(Loop)Cable end (Loop)CableCableTerminal blockWARNING• When using solid core cables, do not use the ring terminal. If you use the solid core cables with the ring terminal, the ring terminal's pressure bonding may malfunction and cause the cables to abnormally heat up.B. For strand wiring(1) Use ring terminals with insulating sleeves as shown in the fi gure below to connect to the terminal block.(2) Securely clamp the ring terminals to the cables using an appropriate tool so that the cables do not come loose.(3) Use the speci fi ed cables, connect them securely, and fasten them so that there is no stress placed on the terminals.(4) Use an appropriate screwdriver to tighten the terminal screws. Do not use a screwdriver that is too small, otherwise, the screw heads may be damaged and prevent the screws from being properly tightened.(5) Do not tighten the terminal screws too much, otherwise, the screws may break.(6) See the table for the terminal screw tightening torques.(7) Please do not fi x two power supply cables with one screw.St r i p10 mmSleeveScrew with special washerScrew with special washerRing terminalCableCableTerminal blockRing terminalRing terminalWARNING• Use ring terminals and tighten the terminal screws to thespeci fi ed torques, otherwise, abnormal overheating may be produced and possibly cause heavy damage inside the unit.Tightening torqueM4 screw(Power supply /L, N, GND) 1.2 to 1.8 N·m (12 to 18 kgf·cm)En-126.3.2. Transmission and Remote control cableTransmission cableShielded cable (No fi lm)20 mm 45m mRemote control cable20 m m• Connect remote control and transmission cables as shown in Fig. A.Fig. AScrew Terminal blockCableCable of the same caliber: OKCable of the different caliber: NO GOODWARNING• Tighten the terminal screws to the specified torques, otherwise, abnormal overheating may be produced and possibly cause heavy damage inside the unit.Tightening torqueM3.5 screw(Transmission /X1, X2)(Remote control /Y1, Y2, Y3)0.8 to 1.0 N·m (8 to 10 kgf·cm)CAUTION• To peel the fi lm from the lead cable, use a dedicated tool that will not damage the conductor cable.• When installing a screw on the terminal block, do not cut the cable by overtightening the screw. On the other hand, an undertightened screw can cause faulty contact, which will lead to a communication failure.En-136.4. Connection of wiring(1) Remove the control box cover and install each connection cable.ScrewControl box cover(2) After wiring is complete, secure the remote control cable, connection cable, and power cable with the cable clamps.Power supply cable (Field supply)Binder (Medium) (Accessories)Binder (Medium) (Accessories)Remote control cable Transmission cable (Field supply)Binder (Medium) (Accessories)L, N:Power supply cableX1, X2:Transmission cableRemote control cable Y1:Red Y2:White Y3:Black6.5. Air fl ow changingWhen using the ARXB24/30/36/45L model with external Static Pressure under 40 Pa, the Wire (FAN MOTOR) must be replaced as explained below.Replacement method (1) Remove the cover.(2) Remove the Wire (TYPE A) connector from Wire (FAN MOTOR).(3) Remove the Wire (TYPE A) connector from CN4 of the PCB.(4) Insert the Wire (TYPE B) connector into CN4 of the PCB.(5) Insert the Wire (TYPE B) connector into Wire (FAN MOTOR).(6) Insert the cover.En-147.1. Setting the addressCAUTION• Use an insulated screwdriver to set the dip switches.Rotary switch Example: “0”Dip switch “SET 3”Rotary switch Example: “0”SW 1SW 2SW 3SW 4SettingSetting rangeType of switchIndoor unit address0–63Setting example2IU AD X 10 IU AD X 1Refrigerant circuit address0–99Setting example 63REF AD X 10 REF AD X 1(1) Indoor unit addressRotary switch (IU AD x 1)...Factory setting “0” Rotary switch (IU AD x 10)...Factory setting “0”When connecting multiple indoor units to one refrigerant system, set the address at IU AD SW as shown in the T able A.(2) Refrigerant circuit addressRotary switch (REF AD x 1)...Factory setting “0” Rotary switch (REF AD x 10)...Factory setting “0”In the case of multiple refrigerant systems, set REF AD SW as shown in the Table A for each refrigerant system.Set to the same refrigerant circuit address as the outdoor unit.• If working in an environment where the wireless remote controller can be used, the addresses can also be set using the remote controller.• If setting the addresses using the wireless remotecontroller, set the indoor unit address and refrigerant circuit address to “00”.(For information on setting using the wireless remote controller.)CoverWire (Fan motor)External Static Pressure and Required Connector TypeType ABExternal Static Pressure40 – 80 Pa0 – 40 PaWire123456123451 BLACK2 WHITE3 PINK4 PURPLE5 BLUEARXB24 ARXB30 ARXB361 BLACK 2 WHITE 3 RED 4 BLUE 5 PINK 6 PURPLEARXB451 BLACK2 WHITE3 RED4 PINK5 PURPLE6 BLUERemarkFactory setting (Standard static pressure)Accessories (Low static pres-sure)7. FIELD SETTING• Refer to the following three items for setting the FIELD SETTING address. The respective settings are included below.(1) IU AD, REF AD SW settings ............ T his section (2) Remote control settings ................... R efer to the wired orwireless remote control manual for detailed set-ting information. (Set IU AD, REF AD SW to 0)(3) Automatic address settings .............. R efer to the indoor unitmanual for detailed set-ting information. (Set IU AD, REF AD SW to 0)CAUTION• Be sure to turn OFF the power before performing the fi eld setting.Table AAddressRotarySwitch SettingAddressRotarySwitch SettingRefrigerant circuit REF AD SWIndoor unitIU AD SW x 10x 1x 10x 1000000 101101 202202 303303 404404 505505 606606 707707 808808 909909 10101010 11111111 12121212.. ................99996363 Do not set the indoor unit address (IU AD SW) at 64 to 99. It may result failure.RC AD SWRC AD SW1RC AD SW2RC AD SW3Indoor unitRemotecontrollerIndoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unitA B C DA B C D IndoorunitRemotecontrollerConfusionCode change(3) Remote controller addressRotary switch (RC AD SW)...Factory setting “0”When connecting multiple indoor units to one standard wired remote controller, set the address at RC AD SW in sequence from 0.SettingSettingrangeType of switchRemotecontrolleraddress0–15SettingexampleRC ADExample If 4 indoor units are connected.RC AD SW01234567 Address01234567RC AD SW89A B C D E F Address891011121314157.2. Custom code settingSelecting the custom code prevents the indoor unit mix-up.(Up to 4 codes can be set.)Perform the setting for both the indoor unit and the remote controller.En-15En-16Function detailsFunctionFunction numberSetting number DefaultDetailsFilter indicator interval1100Default ○Adjust the fi lter cleaning interval noti fi cation. If the noti fi cation is too early, change to setting 01. If the noti fi cation is too late, change to setting 02.01Longer 02Shorter Filter indicator action1300Enable ○Enable or disable the fi lter indicator. Setting 02 is for use with a central remote control.01Disable 02Display only on central remote control Horizontal swing air fl ow direction2400Default ○Adjust the horizontal swing air fl ow direction.(For horizontal swing equipped models)01Left half 02Right half Cool air temperature trigger3000Default ○Adjust the cool air trigger temperature. To lower the trigger temperature, use setting 01. To raise the trigger temperature, use setting 02.01Adjust (1)02Adjust (2)Hot air temperature trigger3100Default ○Adjust the hot air trigger temperature. To lower the trigger temperature by 6 degrees C, use setting 01. To lower the trigger temperature by 4 degrees C, use setting 02. To raise the trigger temperature, use setting 03.01Adjust (1)02Adjust (2)03Adjust (3)Auto restart4000Enable Enable or disable auto-matic system restart after a power outage.01Disable○External control4600Start/Stop○Allow an external control-ler to start or stop the system, or to perform an emergency shutdown.* I f an emergency shut-down is performed from an external controller, all refrigerant systems will be disabled.01Emergen-cy stopError report target4700All ○Change the target for reporting errors. Errors can either be reported in all locations, or only on the wired remote.01Display only on central remote control• Custom code setting for indoor unitSet the DIP SW SET 3 SW1, SW2, referring to the Table B.Dip switch “SET 3”SW 1SW 2SW 3SW 4OFFON Table BCustom codeA (Factory setting)BC D DIP SWSET 3 SW1OFF ON OFF ON DIP SW SET 3 SW2OFFOFFONON7.3. Function setting• FUNCTION SETTING can be performed with the wired or wireless remote control.(The remote control is optional equipment)• Refer to the wired or wireless remote control manual for detailed setting information. (Set IU AD, REF AD SW to 0)• Refer to “7.1. Setting the address” for indoor unit ad-dress and refrigerant circuit address settings.• T urn the power of the indoor unit ON before starting the setting.* Turning on the power indoor units initializes EEV , so make sure the piping air tight test and vacuuming have been conducted before turning on the power.* Also check again to make sure no wiring mis-takes were made before turning on the power.。













综述1 上半年宏观经济2012年7月13日,国家统计局公布了上半年总体经济运营情况。

上半年国内生产总值227 098亿元,按可比价格计算,同比增长7.8%。


分产业看,第一产业增加值17 471亿元,同比增长4.3%;第二产业增加值110 950亿元,增长8.3%;第三产业增加值98 677亿元,增长7.7%。


1.1 工业生产运行在适度增长区间,企业利润同比下降2012年上半年,全国规模以上工业增加值按可比价格计算同比增长10.5%,增速比一季度回落1.1%,比2011年同期回落3.8%。





美国特灵自1913年在美国威斯康辛州成立以来,始终致力于研发更高效、 节能、环保的空调产品及系统应用技术。特灵中央空调于80年代进入中 国市场,如今在国内主要城市有30几个办事处,销售额也位居国内中央 空调市场前列。特灵中央空调主要提供小型家用空调和大型冷水机组, 特灵中央空调水系统在业内被誉为最好的品牌,被广泛应用于电子、工 业、商业建筑、超市连锁、金融机构、政府工程、高档住宅、文教等众 多领域。
美的集团于1968年成立,是一家以家电为主的综合性现代化企 业,美的在中国应该说是无人不知无人不晓,无论走在任何城 市的任何角落我们都会发现美的身影,美的产品在大多数中国 家庭已经稀松平常。近年来,以美的和格力为代表的国产中央 空调率先抢占国内中央空调市场,一举打破了中央空调外来品 牌垄断的局面。
1924 年,为办公大楼提供第一个空调系统; 1979年,约克首次在离心式制冷机上配置专利的自动变速装置,可 节省能耗30%; 1988年,约克推出R134a螺杆式冷水机组,率先响应环保要求;
1912年威利斯· 开利博士发明了世界上第一套科学空调系统, 1915年开利公司正式在纽约成立。开利公司在业界享有“全球 空调专家”的美名,已拥有几千项空调专利技术,目前开利公 司是全球最大的暖通空调和冷冻设备供应商,也是提供能源管 理和可持续楼宇服务的全球引领者

























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